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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 19/03/2015 17:13
'G', the letter of 'God', the 'Great Architect', the 'Geometer', for G is the 7th letter -


The Square and Compass is aligned horizontally to revere the direction in which the Sun as well as the 'Sun behind the Sun'  - the Star of Set, or Sirius which is also included in the layout as the White House is not only at the left side of the Compass, but it  is at the bottom of the averse pentagram aligned with the North.

The Star Sirius is a binary star, and the lesser star - Sirius B - is depicted as the smaller star to the bottom left; 'The Pentagon'. Even the hieroglyph of Sirius contains the predominant elements of the architecture; 
 the Obelisk (Washington Monument), the 5  pointed star, and the Dome (The Capital Building).
11. Proverbios 25:11: MANZANA de oro con figuras de plata
Es la palabra dicha como conviene.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 41 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/07/2015 01:18
The Holy Grail? 

Orion (Osiris/Arthur) as an overflowing grail chalice cup...the tarot has colum/dove near, like the sky map (see below)!  The tarot 'ace of cups' also evokes the OTO insignia badge!
Ace of Cups (W) W=23...Psalm (Palm/hand, see ace pic) 23...'Lord is my shepherd' & 'my cup runneth over' etc. 

 Ace of Cups...Palm 23

The Lord (Orion/Osiris) is my Shepherd (Anu/Orion/Osiris)...one and the same!
Reply  Message 40 of 40 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/07/2015 22:14
Orion with Betelgeuse
Figure 7
Constellation Orion with Super Red Giant Betelgeuse
Source of Lighter elements through Copper18
Note the hazy Orion Nebula in the Sword.

Respuesta  Mensaje 42 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/07/2015 00:21
the pine cone is at the Vatican
Temple of the Pine Cone

and RLC symbolism within the chapel


This was in ancient Rome near the Temple of Isis
....it is a symbol for Osiris

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55.... and so on. Not surprisingly, the sequence became known as the “Fibonacci Sequence” or “Fibonacci Ratios.

The great thing about this series is that if you divide any number in it by the next one, you get a product that has become known as the “Golden Ratio.” This number is 1:1.618, or 0.618 to one.

and the pineal gland

the symbolism goes back to Sumerians

Everything is Connected and there are no
Reply  Message 31 of 35 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 27/07/2015 21:18

Respuesta  Mensaje 43 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/07/2015 01:03
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/07/2015 21:24

I'll add something significant to the Acadians is the pentagram, pentagon or pentacle

it produces Vesica Pisces

The Star
the Apple

If you don't think the Acadians considered this a powerful image
I would look at their Military prowess held within the Pentagon


I will point out Roscoe the Obelisk in line with the Pentagon

The monument, made of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss
Now Bluestone where have I heard that before....Stonehenge??anybody
Washington's monument
which has a Knight's Templar saying on it

Its a coincidence

Everything is Connected and there are no

Respuesta  Mensaje 44 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/08/2015 22:21
 It also coincided with the exit period of Pope Benedict XVI (Feb 11-28, 2013)...

Feb 11, 2013 Pope Benedict XVI announces resignation
Feb 15, 2013 Major meteor impact in Russia
Feb 28 Benedict XVI steps down as pope
Mar 13, 2013 Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) elected pope
...celestially marked very precisely by a (pentagonal) "Orange/Golden Apple Alignment" or a Venus-Sun-Mercury alignment. (What is a Golden Apple Alignment?)

Another similarly pentagonal Orange/Golden Apple Alignment pinpointed this years' Oscars (Feb 22, 2015) where Birdman was a big winner. (See here for more on this Golden Apple Alignment.)

Respuesta  Mensaje 45 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/08/2015 22:32
Another similarly pentagonal Orange/Golden Apple Alignment pinpointed this years' Oscars (Feb 22, 2015) where Birdman was a big winner. (See here for more on this Golden Apple Alignment.)

Respuesta  Mensaje 46 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/08/2015 03:13

Respuesta  Mensaje 47 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/08/2015 23:21

Respuesta  Mensaje 48 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/08/2015 16:07

Respuesta  Mensaje 49 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/09/2015 05:28

“Five pointed Stars and Octagons”

Here are a few more clues. I came across this poster in a cafe in Glastonbury. It shows geometric patterns created by the planet Venus.

Here’s a close up of a couple of the smaller diagrams

Feng Shui and the Movements of Venus and Earth

“The Dance of Venus” poster is available from Wooden Books, 8A Market Place, Glastonbury BA6 8LT, UK info@woodenbooks.com

Feng Shui and the Movements of Venus abd Earth

The diagram on the left (showing the conjunctions of Venus with the Sun over an 8 year cycle) has some interesting parallels with feng shui

  • 5 points = Yang Stems ?
  • 5 inverted points = Yin stems ?
  • 1 paired with 6 (Early Heaven Water Yang & Yin)
  • 7 paired with 2 (Early Heaven Fire Yang & Yin)
  • 3 paired with 8 (Early Heaven Wood Yang & Yin)
  • 9 paired with 4 (Early Heaven Metal Yang & Yin)
  • 5 paired with 10 (Earth Yang & Yin)

Although not identical, the diagram is also not a million miles removed from the diagrams which show the interactions between the five elements

The diagram to the right has parallels with the BaGua and Pakua, and you will find abstractions of it in the architecture of churches and cathedrals, particularly in the floor plans and the larger windows.

It isn’t quite that straightforward though, as Venus doesn’t quite return to the same point at the start of each 8 year cycle. The cycles “walk” round the circle, almost re-synchronising after 30 cycles, but needing another 3 repeats of those 30 cycles to get back to where they started - so approximately 720 years. That equals 4 of the 180 year cycles which we use in feng shui, and a third of that gives us the 60 year cycle. There are also 60 “earth dragons” in Yin feng shui, which may be connected.

The Almost Earth Venus Pentagtram

This is a screen print of “The (Almost) Earth-Venus Pentagram” animation of the Venus conjunctions at https://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/AstronNotes/Earth-Venus.htm

Saturn Jupiter Conjunction Cycle

Conjunctions and oppositions of Jupiter and Saturn. Please see http://davidpratt.info/pattern2.htm for further details

While we’re on the subject of planetary movements, there is a conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter every 20 years, taking 3 cycles to complete the circle. The San Yuan Fei Xing (Three Periods Flying Star) uses 20 year long fate periods, which it groups into three’s (the Upper, Middle and Lower Fate Periods). Though interestingly the changes of Fate Period occur about 3 years after the dates on the right.

Again these don’t repeat exactly, but move round the circle approximately 8 degrees each time taking 2640 years (44 cycles) to get back to where they started.

There’s a whole bunch of feng shui interactions built around triangles and hexagons.

For example

  • 6 Points = Yang Branches ?
  • 6 Inverted Points = Yin Branches ?

The diagram on the right maps these points to the 12 signs of the Western Zodiac (please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac for further details), which have very close parallels with some aspects of feng shui relating to the 12 Branches. Rat branch for instance occurs when the Earth is physically passing the Northern Winter Solstice point in its orbit around the Sun (for about 15 days before and 15 days after the Solstice point).

So from the orbital patterns of Venus, Saturn and Jupiter it looks like parts of feng shui may work by tapping into resonance patterns set up by the relative movements of the celestial bodies in our Solar system.

Reply  Message 131 of 131 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/09/2015 02:00

Respuesta  Mensaje 50 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/09/2015 00:09

El culto a Venus persistió hasta el tiempo de los Aztecas, quienes la denominaban Huey Citlalín, la gran estrella, que en su carácter de estrella de la mañana se relacionaba con Quetzacoatl. Todo indica que los mayas tenían unos grandes conocimientos. No solamente nos legaron un calendario fabuloso sino también cálculos increíbles. Conocían el calendario venusino de 584 días y, sin tener aparentemente los medios tecnológicos actuales, estimaron la duración del año terrestre en 365,2420 días, muy próximo al cálculo actual de 365,2422.  Los mayas dejaron cálculos para increíbles períodos de  64 millones de años. Y en las últimas inscripciones se han encontrado cálculos que llegan a la fantástica  de 400 millones de años. La fórmula venusina de los mayas parece imposible que se haya podido formular sin la utilización de algún tipo de ordenador: El Tzolkin tiene 260 días, el año terrestre 365 días y el venusino 584 días. Estas cifras esconden la posibilidad de una sorprendente división y suma. 365 es divisible cinco veces por 73 y 584 es divisible 8 veces. Así que la increíble fórmula nos ofrece los siguientes resultados: Para la Luna:  20 x 13 = 260 x 2 x 73 = 37960; para el Sol:    8 x 13 = 104 x 5 x 73 = 37960; y para Venus:  5 x 13 =   65 x 8 x 73 = 37960.  Vemos que todos los ciclos coinciden sorprendentemente después de 37.960 años. La mitología maya dice que los “dioses” vendrían al gran lugar de descanso.


460 × 460 - 26k - jpg

460 × 460 - 17k - jpg

Pastel Geometric Star of David
236 × 236 - 7k - jpg

Hanukkah Star of David
512 × 512 - 61k - jpg

Hanukkah Star of David
324 × 324 - 26k - jpg

480 × 480 - 46k

355 × 355 - 34k - jpg

Hanukkah Star of David
152 × 152 - 11k - jpg
1776= 48*37= 4*12*37

Respuesta  Mensaje 51 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/09/2015 00:59
More evidence of the 8-pointed Star of Venus and its incredible significance to a TRUTH.
The following text was taken from a book written by a Freemason ... one of the best sources I have found to date.
It is called The Royal Secret.
And it confirms .... everything I have intuitively felt and tried to express.
But the wankers in DENIAL keep showing up and marginalizing the TRUTH.
It also with great clarity shows why many of the indigenous revere the Turtle.
It also helps illustrate with great clarity why the Hopi who were descendants of the Anasazi, who were called the 'ancient ones', had also incorporated into their 'creation mythology', BOTH versions of the svastika.


Did you read the above...what is the Greek name for Babylon?
The wankers want to discount me and my research eh?
TRUTH will rise and the sheeple people will fall.
Give me all your karma...ewe Christian chameleons.



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Respuesta  Mensaje 52 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/09/2015 14:45

This thread provides an outline for one of the chapters of my book...a best seller...available now...for free...TRUTH should not be bartered or sold to a fellow human...when will the ewe learn you cannot sell something to yourself and still profit...duh...bad karma.
8) 8)

Singin’ in the KEY of Life called 528

528 Hz is known as the Mi frequency…
One of Six Secret Sacred Solfeggio frequencies that the Vatican kept secret and then embedded in prayer, choir, and the Gregorian chants…only to manipulate the ewe...as the faithful flock entered the conversion chamber (gothic cathedrals) of Christian horrors...the Nazis in stark contrast used ovens in an attempt to transform or cleanse the Jews. The Christian sheeple people enter the chambers willingly...the anti-Christ or Jew does not, they must be dragged kicking and screaming..."I am on zee wrong train...I vanna go to MIaMI, and join my tribe, sing with my choir."

Let me explain in earnest what I believe to be true after 3-4 years of delving into archetype...
I believe behind the scenes there is a little alchemy goin' on that THEY, the master alchemists are not sharing with us.
In alchemy there are 4 stages or steps in finding the Philosopher's Stone.
Please note: The process of alchemy is about turning spirit into gold...this takes precedence over turning base matter into gold.
Any reliable alchemist worth his salt would tell a ewe that.
Here is where the recipe the German Alchemists were using...everybody knows and has heard about the gas ovens, right?


Here is the recipe that the NAZIs used...but using only pictures or pictograms...they seemed to get a particular message to the masses.
How was this possible in such a short period of time?
Please note the 4 pairs of SS scrolls and the 4 eight-pointed stars.
Also note the acacia / laurel leaf in both the Monastery and United Nations' image. The monastery image the leaf is both gold and green.
Note also that the 2 pillars are GREEN...green was the color of attributed to the Holy Spirit during the middle ages...and the color Green is in the middle...between infrared and ultraviolet blue.

Fact:The mind FIRST sees pictograms and then converts the image into letters or numbers...for communication purposes.
But the information above needs clarification...we need to convert those letters and numbers back into the image or pictogram that the mind receives....
Who better to ask about archetypes and the buttons they push, than Carl Jung or one of his assistants.

Remember what Carl Jung said ... in searching for a language capable of connecting the past the present, he found it, and to his amazement it is alchemy.


Two wheels that mean the same thing.
The colorful one is the Indian Medicine (heal DNA?) Wheel...representing among MANY things...the 4 Races of Humanity.
So the 4 colors / stages are according to the scholars and such (NOT golem) ... are ...

1/ Blackening
2/ Whitening
3/ Yellowing
4/ Reddening

How do those colors match up with the Nazi flag and the symbol I found in a Peruvian Catholic Monastery that was closed for nearly 400 years, eh?
Ewe tell me.
Please note that the mandala I photographed shows all of the colors in their proper sequence IF we start from the center...
i.e. BLACK cross, WHITE circle, GOLD ring that I wanna call precious...the Ring that we eventually toss into Mount Doom...the RED cauldron, or maybe the Holy Grail...and please note, the Christian fairy tale called The Lord of the Rings...is a representation of ewe know who...the Vatican...and the story suggests that once we dispose of the ring, the illusion magically disappears.

But wait the ewe bleat out...the German adopted swastika does not show the same sequence of colors...and other than the Third Reich sharing the same colors with the Roman Empire, which were Black, White and Red, including also the use of a Regal Gold Eagle...what you are suggesting, is only coincidental.

Is it?
What ingredient would a the 3rd Reich substitute for the missing alchemy ingredient called Stage 3?
How would they yellow the mixture?
Heh Heh?


How about tossing in the 6 pointed Star called David, Solomon or Jesus? Apparently that is what happened.

So the above two images comprise the 4 stages of alchemy.

And then the Nazi swastika was condemned by a western consciousness...and what symbol was resurrected and assigned a new territory and future according to a Biblical promise...?


The Jews have a passage in the Torah on how to extract a dye called 'Biblical Blue'.
Which is Purple before being exposed to the UV rays, the light, the luX.
Blue and White...another coincidence?

But please realize they have also tossed into the occult heap, the 7 pointed mystical star called the heptagram, and the 5 pointed star called the pentagram.
Maybe a few of the PO ewe would prefer to toss golem into Mt. Doom and gloom?
For waking them up.
Here is more archetype on a personal level …my daughter’s name is Rachel…and Rachel means wee lamb.
She hates being woken up.

So why did I open the thread with the logo of the CIA?
Can I link Noam Chomsky's manufactured consent to the frequency called MI using the CIA.
Ewe betcha I can cha cha cha...

I went to bed last night hoping to find another tunnel in the labryinth.
I woke up this morning and found 3 GATES leading to God...
There is more than 1 gate?
Apparently there are 3.
A trinity of choices.


Did the ewe read that part about the Gate of God being equated with the swastika and Jehovah?

Gate of God = Cross of ILU = Swastika = WINTER SOLSTICE = 2012 = Mayan 2012 Prophecy?

Notice above in the Cross of the ILU the 8-pointed star forms a square, but if THEY were to rotate the square or give it a twist, now its a diamond...movement implies...what exactly?


Here we have a 4-pointed Star that can be placed into the center of the Peruvian Mandala.

Take a look ... what do you see now, when the image freezes?
Just a trick eh?
Bab-ILU = Gate of God.
And if ILU means God ... could Gate = Bab?
Read on...

Do people know that Venus, the morning and evening star was both a 5-pointed and 8-pointed Star...and because it has dual aspects, other authors have referred to it as 5 2 8 or 528?
No eh?
Read on...


What is KEY 528 and what is the connection to the Secret Services? What connection would the letters SS have with 6 secret divine sacred frequencies called Solfeggio?

Here is one of the most profound, and we find in fact 4 pairs of SS on the Peruvian Mandala.

This true...
SS = Sanctus Spiritus = Holy Spirit
read on....

We have all heard of MI5 and MI6…I had read recently (or was it a dream), that the CIA was a branch of MI5, or was it MI6. I could not remember, so I asked wicked Wikipedia if it had any insights…
I then had another thought ... how many MIs / secret departments were there?
8O …the archetypes are consistent…read on.

There are 19 departments that were prefixed with the sacred MI sound by British Intelligence.
Ever notice how intelligents never share any worthwhile information?
Ever notice how they spread and trade in WMDs?

W ords of
M ass
D eception

And I can show you how those original six frequencies have been expanded to 18.
But MI had 19 departments and the Solfeggio frequencies are only 18.
What happened to the missing frequency?
Read on...

Yes it is a sacred utterance MI…as the Solfeggio free frequencies suggest...and the alchemists know they must respect these divine frequencies...but it does not mean they cannot try to manipulate them for their own nefarious self-serving reasons.

It is known as the KEY that is best sung in the frequency of 528 Hz.
And it has been proved by the experts and non-experts to heal our DNA.
But in an upside down world, where the divine archetypes have been turned into ARKetypes, they now use these sacred frequencies measured in Hertz, to hurt us.

Here follows proof of who we should really fear.
Sadly it is those we have entrusted with this responsibility of making us feel safe and secure...

It is not aliens from outer space...it is not manufactured terrorist cells, it IS the overseas aliens...maybe Ick is right, it is the serpents who speak with fork tongues.
The Christian Kings and Queens of the House of Windsor ... connected to whom though?
...all roads lead back to pagan Rome...

All of the info that follows was taken from Wikipedia.
What does British SS have to do with MI?
Read on...

MI1 or British Military Intelligence, Section 1 was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. It was set up during World War I. It contained "C&C", which was responsible for Code Breaking. In 1919 MI1 and the Royal Navy's Room 40 were closed down and merged into the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS).
Oliver Strachey was in MI1 during WWI. He transferred to GC&CS and served there during WWII. John Tiltman was seconded to MI1 shortly before it merged with Room 40.
World renowned code-breakers such as Glyn Davis (of the United States Fort Meade) and Arthur B. Campbell (of Dublin Intelligence & Information Repository) were drafted in to assist in the 1914-1919 era.

MI2, the British Military Intelligence Section 2 (now defunct), was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. It was set up to handle Russian and Scandinavian intelligence.

MI3, the British Military Intelligence Section 3 (now defunct), was a division of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. It was responsible for intelligence in Eastern Europe (excluding Scandinavia and Russia).

MI4 was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence Section 4, part of the War Office. It was the British Aerial Reconnaissance unit in World War II.
Its designation officially ceased 8 September 1947, and some of the data collected was subsumed into the IMN (Intelligence Mainframe Network) over at Cheltenham...

MI5, the Security Service, commonly known as MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5),[1] is the United Kingdom's counter-intelligence and security agency and is part of the intelligence machinery alongside the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6), Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS). All come under the direction of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC).


MI5 Logo ... Notice the 3 GATES in the symbol and the 3 Gates in MI5 Headquarters...?

The Double Cross System or XX System, was a World War II anti-espionage and deception operation of the British military intelligence arm, MI5. Nazi agents in Britain were captured and used by the British to broadcast mainly disinformation to their Nazi controllers. Its operations were overseen by the Twenty Committee, under the chairmanship of John Cecil Masterman; the name of the system comes from the number 20 in Roman numerals: "XX".

MI6,Secret Intelligence Service (iSIS?), commonly known as MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6)[1] is the United Kingdom's external intelligence agency. Under the direction of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), it works alongside the Security Service (MI5), Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS). Within the civil service community the service is colloquially referred to as 'Box 850' which comes from its old post office box number.


Guess what, another coincidence.
The Lion = Gold SUN and the Unicorn = White MOON
In the Vatican they are replaced with the two keys, one Gold and one Silver, representing guess what?
Now would be a good time to remind everyone who helped secure Israel for the Jews, fulfilling a biblical script.
The Balfour Act...
The ZIONISTS who also form the nucleus of PNAC in America...are at it again.
America is the new fascist bully ... Britain and the Vatican are pulling the strings again...
From behind the scenes.
WTF is going on, eh?

MI7, the British Military Intelligence Section 7 (now defunct), was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence. Part of the War Office, MI7 was set up to work in the fields of propaganda and censorship.

In the Bond film Dr No (1962) there are two explicit references to James Bond working for MI6; strangely one of these (where the words are spoken by 'M') has been dubbed to "MI7", although the speaker's lips clearly say "MI6".

MI8, or Military Intelligence, Department 8, was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. It was a British signals intelligence group in World War II.
On the outbreak of World War II it was assumed that the Germans would infiltrate agents into the UK (if they were not in place already), who would
MI9, the British Military Intelligence Section 9 (now defunct), was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office, during World War II. It was charged with aiding resistance fighters in enemy occupied territory and recovering Allied troops who found themselves behind enemy lines (e.g., pilots who had been shot down). It also communicated with British prisoners of war and sent them advice and equipment.
MI9 was set up in December 1940. At first it was placed in the Room 424 of the Metropole Hotel, Northumberland Avenue in London but later it was moved to Wilton Park, Beaconsfield.
MI10, or Military Intelligence, section 10, was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. It was responsible for weapons and technical analysis during World War II.
The group was merged into Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).
MI11, or Military Intelligence, section 11, was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office and acted as Field Intelligence Police. It was responsible for protecting British troops against the enemy agents amongst civilian population during and in the theatre of war. MI11 replaced the role formerly assigned to the Field Security, which itself replaced the British Army's Intelligence unit before World War I. Section 11 was disbanded after World War II.
MI12, the British Military Intelligence Section 12 (now defunct), was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. It was set up to handle military censorship and to liaise with censorship organizations within the Ministry of Information.

was an apparently unused designation by the British Directorate of Military Intelligence.[1]
Some speculate that it was used, but that its area of competence remains classified.

MI14, or British Military Intelligence, Section 14 was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence. It was an intelligence agency of the War Office, which specialised in intelligence about Germany. Originally part of MI3, during the Second World War the German sub-department's expertise and analysis became so important to the war effort that it was spun off into its own Military Intelligence section.
One of MI14's most valuable sources, codenamed COLUMBA, consisted of reports returned by pigeons dropped over Nazi-occupied countries in packs containing a miniature spying kit.
Now defunct, the foreign intelligence remit is handled by the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).

MI15, the British Military Intelligence Section 15 (now defunct), was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. It was set up to handle aerial photography.

MI16, the British Military Intelligence Section 16 (now defunct), was a department of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. It was set up to handle scientific intelligence.

MI17, or Military Intelligence, section 17, was the secretariat to the other departments of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence. The section has been disbanded.

MI18 was an apparently unused designation by the British Directorate of Military Intelligence.[1][2]
Some speculate that it was a Radio Security Service of the British Secret Service in World War II, or possibly used to collect intelligence on North American countries. More extreme members of the public have suggested that MI18 was in fact tasked with the examination of extra-terrestrial activity.

MI19 was a division of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. In World War II it was responsible for obtaining information from enemy prisoners of war.
It was originally created in December 1940 as MI9a, a sub-section of MI9. A year later, in December 1941, it became an independent organisation, though still closely associated with its parent.[1]
MI19 had Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centres (CSDIC) at Beaconsfield, Wilton Park and Latimer as well as a number overseas. [2]
At an MI19 interrogation centre in Kensington Palace Gardens, London, known as the "London Cage", German civilians and POWs were allegedly tortured. At least one German war criminal was convicted and executed based on a confession made under MI19 torture. Several others were convicted and executed based on MI19 evidence extracted from others under torture.

So it always seems to end with torture.
Nothing has changed.
The anti-Christ is still using the same %$#@ methods behind closed doors, Abu Gharib, Guantanamo and countless other holding facilities....

Momma MIa, WTF is going on, what are they doing to me using MI frequencies ... which are FREE.
You can hum a tune and heal your DNA.
Understand sheeple people.
Ewe are so see-gullible.


(altar ego to Raphael)

re: photo of MI5 Logo above taken from Wikipedia.

Thus, this is a non-free license for the purpose of Wikipedia, as modification is not permitted. However, it is believed that the use of this work:
· To illustrate the object in question
· Where no free equivalent is available or could be created that would adequately give the same information...

I believe golem has fulfilled these criteria.
Don't ewe?
I needed to show those gates leading to a scripted HELL.

golem just saved the day...
what now...?
should I walk on water?

2Bee continued...time to get out into the green outdoors and do some gardening in my own little eden...
KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”


Respuesta  Mensaje 53 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/09/2015 16:47
Resultado de imagen para Raphael KEY 528 2012 2012forum.com

Respuesta  Mensaje 54 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2015 14:08

Respuesta  Mensaje 55 de 145 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/10/2015 15:31
the worship or the reality?

Ken McClellan wrote:

I believe you're correct about a pole reversal interpretation implied by the Tarot cards.

the Book of Enoch ...

Book of Enoch
In the Book of Enoch there are 3 Bulls, each a color, Black White Red
very important to know...
Same colors as the 3 Norns...and and and ?

Ken McClellan wrote:
Why do you view Scorpion as the hinge opposite Taurus (Alpha)? Why not Aquila (Omega)?

But the Scorpion/Scorpio is Aquila...that is the tarot archetype...this is ages old.
Eagle more regal?
Many bird headed gods?

Ken McClellan wrote:
... sounds exactly like the symbol for Pisces (like the end of this Age is the big moment).


In CARD X we see in the cardinal directions, W (salt), N (mercury), E (sulphur), three alchemy symbols.
In the SOUTH we see the symbol for Aquarius and the alchemy symbol for dissolution = two wavy lines...
I do like how archetype connects the psychology to the alchemy.
Carl Jung would be proud of me.

Psychologically, Dissolution is the further breaking down of the artificial structures of the psyche by the immersion in the unconscious or irrational and rejected parts of our minds. It is an unconscious process in which our conscious mind allows the surfacing of previously buried emotions that conceal or distort our true nature. It results in a flowing presence that is free of inhibitions, prejudgments, and restrictive mental structures.

We are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius, which is an AIR sign...not WATER.
Folks get confused because the urn is associated with Aquarius..."the water-bearer".

BUT AIR can flow too, like water, as an archetype AIR can flow and be many things...luminiferous aether, maybe plasma, maybe electro-magnetism?
Energy can flow out of the container?

The Fenris Wolf bit the RIGHT hand of Tyr, and the Fenris Wolf will return during the Ragnarok too?
And WOLF read right to left is FLOW.

The FISH sign IS associated with Aquarius and is called Fomalhaut, and it is ONE of the FOUR ROYAL STARS, mapped by Persian astronomers/astrologers...missed by the Christians during the dark ages...

Here is your fish Jonah.
Fomalhaut (α PsA / α Piscis Austrini / Alpha Piscis Austrini) is the brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus and one of the brightest stars in the sky. Fomalhaut can be seen low in the southern sky in the northern hemisphere in fall and early winter evenings. Near latitude 50˚N, it sets around the time Sirius rises, and does not reappear until Antares sets. Its name means "mouth of the whale"

What else do you want to know about Fomalhaut?

Did you know Fomalhaut is associated with CARD X and Aquarius?
Well it is.
4 Royal Stars help reveal the Royal Secret.

This might help explain how 69 = Cancer = Tammuz = Moon = welcome to my nightmare:


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

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