Bigfoot, giant foot, giants... Genesis 6, the Nephilim, heaven-earth interbreeding, i.e. human genetic manipulation ('guided evolution'):
Book of Genesis chapter 6: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. [...] There were giants [Nephilim] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
A monstrous Sin deemed irreversible, Earth had to be cleansed by a Great Flood.
Sin is the name of a Sumerian (and Minaean) god of the Moon... Still standing after the Flood as 'Noah'.
A forbidden 'lunar strain' of mankind... A 'Diana bloodline'.
* * *
Diana = Bigfoot = Nephilim = Noah
Argentina is both a moon...
'Argentina' means 'silver' traditionally represented by symbol for Moon
...and a Bigfoot:
Argentina is geographically Patagonia meaning 'land of the big feet'
...making headlines the day before Michael Jackson's death:
For all intents and purposes a missing person from June 18 until 24 (i.e. around Prince William's birthday), Governor Sanford spent five days 'crying in Argentina' with 'Maria'... 'Evita' (1996), playing Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, First Lady of Argentina from 1946 to 1952, a Diana-like beloved female figure who died young at the age of 33 (Diana was 36 when she died).
She is essentially Lady Liberty standing gracefully with her torch in New York andParis very near where Princess Diana was killed marked by a torch.
She is interchangeable with Columbia - the feminine personification of the United States. It was in the South Carolina state capital Columbia that Gov. Sanford revealed his Argentine affair... echoed by a train collision in the District of Columbia (Washington DC) on June 22:
Timeline: June 18-24: Gov. Sanford missing/crying in Argentina June 21: 'Impact' Part 1 on ABC; Prince William birthday June 22: DC Metro Red Line trains in collision June 23: US Moon probes (LRO/LCROSS) reach Moon June 24: Gov. Sanford reveals Argentine affair June 25: Death of Michael Jackson & Farahh Fawcett
'Metro' means 'meter' in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The meter is historically defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator through Paris, or in other words the Paris Meridian between the North Pole and the equator. The Paris Meridian is also the 'Rose Line' (an esoteric concept popularized by The Da Vinci Code) i.e. a 'Red Line'...
DC Metro Red Line = French/Columbian Rose Line
...traditionally implying the Blood Royal/Sangraal or the Marian/Columbian Bloodline of the Holy Grail.
In Bloodline of the Holy GrailLaurence Gardner writes of the House of Stuart, the royal bloodline to which Princess Diana and her children belong (pp. 344-5):
The senior Stewart descent goes all the way back to King Arthur's father, King Aedan of Scots, on the one hand and to Prince Nascien of the Septimanian Midi on the other. The Scots descent traces further back through King Lucius of Siluria to Bran the Blessed and Joseph of Arimathea (St James the Just), while the Midi succession stems from the Merovingians' male ancestral line through the Fisher Kings to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Conjoining the lines from their 1st-century points of departure, the descent is in the succession of the Royal House of Judah. This is a truly unique line of sovereign lineage from King David in one of the key descents which comprise the Bloodline of the Holy Grail.
Nephilim/Bigfoot bloodline = Moon/Diana bloodline = Rose Line = Bloodline of the Holy Grail = Stuart Bloodline (?) = Princess Diana bloodline...
Was Princess Diana a product of a particularly special strain of the Grail bloodline and the Stuart bloodline? Perhaps (argued for instance in Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence). But that's speculative and should be treated as a storyline rather than fact. It may well be that the name 'Diana' was all it took to make her 'special' in the esoteric context of Grail symbolism.
Nevertheless there is an interesting dichotomy in the current British Royal Family configuration more or less pitting the House of Windsor (Queen, Charles, etc.) against the House of Spencer/Stuart (Diana, William & Harry). The House of Windsor stems from the House of Hanover which back in the 18th century supersede the House of Stuart with a transitional period of King William III of the House of Orange (joint rule with his Stuart wife Mary II) sandwiched in between who acceded to the throne following the questionable removal of Stuart monarch King James II - an event of great significance for the 'Grail bloodline'. Following two years of challenging the 'userpers', James and his supports the 'Jacobites' were resoundingly crushed at the Battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690, annually celebrated to this day as Orangemen's Day (which at the time using the old-style calendar was July 1st, Princess Diana's birthday).
That paved the way for the Parliament-centered rule of the incoming Germanic House of Hanover which would morph into today's House of Windsor. In that sense, the British Royal Family as it exists today stands in opposition to the supposed 'Grail bloodline' (the Stuarts), reflected in the Windsors' not-so-friendly relationship with Princess Diana. The Diana family in this context would at least symbolically (possibly literally) represent the special strain of the House of Stuart crawling its way back to the throne, with Prince William now just one or two steps away from destination. Reenacting, in a sense, the 'Return of King Arthur' - 'Once and Future King'.
Top 15 fun facts about Chile would provide you a totally different viewpoint about Chile - the world's largest producer and exporter of copper!
Are you currently planning a trip to Chile and would like to know really interesting information about that country you won’t find in any travel guide?
We collected the 15 most amazing and interesting facts about Chile you could think of so make sure to check them out. Do you know why NASA really likes the Atacama Desert in Chile for testing its Mars rovers or where the largest earthquake ever recorded took place? We tell you all the facts!
1. Due to its extreme dryness, the Atacama Desert in Chile is one of the best environments on Earth for testing the conditions of Mars. Even NASA Mars rovers are tested there as the Atacama Desert mimics the conditions of Mars as best as possible.
2. Chile is home to the Easter Island. It is most famous for its nearly 1,000 monolithic human figures called „moai“. They have been carved by the Rapa Nui people between the years 1250 and 1500.
3. Chile is the world’s longest country from north to south measuring at 2,653 miles (4,270 kilometers).
4. The origin of the word Chile is still unclear. Some people think it derives from the Native American word “chilli” which may mean “where the land ends” but others think it may come from a valley in Peru close to Chile named “Chili”.
5. The Atacama Giant in Chile is the largest prehistoric anthropomorphic figure in the world. The anthropomorphic geoglyph is located in the Atacama Desert, Chile and has a length of 390 feet (119 meters).
6. Chile has the largest permanent civilian settlement on the continent of Antarctica. It is called Villa Las Estrellas and it has a summer population of 150 and a winter population of 80.
7. The city of Ushuaia in Argentina claims to be the southernmost inhabited city in the world. Only Puerto Williams and Puerto Toro in Chile are more southern but do not have enough inhabitants to be considered as city.
8. In Chile wives and husbands do not share the same last name. Instead wives keep their maiden names.
9. At 3,324 feet (1,013 meters) in length the swimming pool at the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Algarrobo, Chile was the largest swimming pool by area in the world at the time of completion in 2006.
10. Pudús are the world’s smallest deer and can only be found in Chile and Argentina. They range in size only from 13 to 17 inches (32 to 44 centimeter).
11. The world’s largest earthquake ever recorded took place in Chile on May 22nd, 1960. It was assigned a magnitude of 9.5 and is known as the “Great Chilean Earthquake”.
12. The Atacama Desert in Chile is receiving less precipitation than any other desert in the world including the polar deserts. The average rainfall in some locations there is only about 0.04 inches (1 millimeter) in a year.
13. Of Chiles 5,100 species of flora and fauna more than 2,500 can be found nowhere else on Earth.
14. Found in Chile the “Chinchorro mummies” are the oldest artificially mummified human remains ever discovered. The oldest Chinchorro mummy found dates from around 5050 BC.
15. The Gran Torre Santiago tower in Santiago de Chile is the tallest building in South America. It measures 984 feet (300 meters) in height making it also the fourth-tallest building in the southern hemisphere.
Meridian Room (or Cassini Room) at the Paris Observatory, 61 avenue de l'Observatoire (14th arrondissement). The Paris meridian is traced on the floor.
The Paris meridian is a meridian line running through the Paris Observatory in Paris, France – now longitude 2°20′14.02500″ East. It was a long-standing rival to the Greenwich meridian as the prime meridian of the world. The "Paris meridian arc" or "French meridian arc" (French: la Méridienne de France) is the name of the meridian arc measured along the Paris meridian.[1]
The French meridian arc was important for French cartography, since the triangulations of France began with the measurement of the French meridian arc. Moreover, the French meridian arc was important for geodesy as it was one of the meridian arcs which were measured to determine the figure of the Earth via the arc measurement method.[1] The determination of the figure of the Earth was a problem of the highest importance in astronomy, as the diameter of the Earth was the unit to which all celestial distances had to be referred.[2]
In the year 1634, France ruled by Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu, decided that the Ferro Meridian through the westernmost of the Canary Islands should be used as the reference on maps, since El Hierro (Ferro) was the most western position of the Ptolemy's world map.[3] It was also thought to be exactly 20 degrees west of Paris.[3] The astronomers of the French Academy of Sciences, founded in 1666, managed to clarify the position of El Hierro relative to the meridian of Paris, which gradually supplanted the Ferro meridian.[3] In 1666, Louis XIV of France had authorized the building of the Paris Observatory. On Midsummer's Day 1667, members of the Academy of Sciences traced the future building's outline on a plot outside town near the Port Royal abbey, with Paris meridian exactly bisecting the site north–south.[4] French cartographers would use it as their prime meridian for more than 200 years.[3] Old maps from continental Europe often have a common grid with Paris degrees at the top and Ferro degrees offset by 20 at the bottom.[3]
A French astronomer, Abbé Jean Picard, measured the length of a degree of latitude along the Paris meridian (arc measurement) and computed from it the size of the Earth during 1668–1670.[1] The application of the telescope to angular instruments was an important step. He was the first who in 1669, with the telescope, using such precautions as the nature of the operation requires, measured a precise arc of meridian (Picard's arc measurement). He measured with wooden rods a baseline of 5,663 toises, and a second or base of verification of 3,902 toises; his triangulation network extended from Malvoisine, near Paris, to Sourdon, near Amiens. The angles of the triangles were measured with a quadrant furnished with a telescope having cross-wires. The difference of latitude of the terminal stations was determined by observations made with a sector on a star in Cassiopeia, giving 1° 22′ 55″ for the amplitude. The terrestrial degree measurement gave the length of 57,060 toises, whence he inferred 6,538,594 toises for the Earth's diameter.[2][5]
Four generations of the Cassini family headed the Paris Observatory.[6] They directed the surveys of France for over 100 years.[6] Hitherto geodetic observations had been confined to the determination of the magnitude of the Earth considered as a sphere, but a discovery made by Jean Richer turned the attention of mathematicians to its deviation from a spherical form. This astronomer, having been sent by the Academy of Sciences of Paris to the island of Cayenne (now in French Guiana) in South America, for the purpose of investigating the amount of astronomical refraction and other astronomical objects, observed that his clock, which had been regulated at Paris to beat seconds, lost about two minutes and a half daily at Cayenne, and that to bring it to measure mean solar time it was necessary to shorten the pendulum by more than a line (about 1⁄12th of an in.). This fact, which was scarcely credited till it had been confirmed by the subsequent observations of Varin and Deshayes on the coasts of Africa and America, was first explained in the third book of Newton’s Principia, who showed that it could only be referred to a diminution of gravity arising either from a protuberance of the equatorial parts of the Earth and consequent increase of the distance from the centre, or from the counteracting effect of the centrifugal force. About the same time (1673) appeared Christiaan Huygens’ De Horologio Oscillatorio, in which for the first time were found correct notions on the subject of centrifugal force. It does not, however, appear that they were applied to the theoretical investigation of the figure of the Earth before the publication of Newton's Principia. In 1690 Huygens published his De Causa Gravitatis, which contains an investigation of the figure of the Earth on the supposition that the attraction of every particle is towards the centre.
Between 1684 and 1718 Giovanni Domenico Cassini and Jacques Cassini, along with Philippe de La Hire, carried a triangulation, starting from Picard's base in Paris and extending it northwards to Dunkirk and southwards to Collioure. They measured a base of 7,246 toises near Perpignan, and a somewhat shorter base near Dunkirk; and from the northern portion of the arc, which had an amplitude of 2° 12′ 9″, obtained 56,960 toises for the length of a degree; while from the southern portion, of which the amplitude was 6° 18′ 57″, they obtained 57,097 toises. The immediate inference from this was that, with the degree diminishing with increasing latitude, the Earth must be a prolate spheroid. This conclusion was totally opposed to the theoretical investigations of Newton and Huygens, and accordingly the Academy of Sciences of Paris determined to apply a decisive test by the measurement of arcs at a great distance from each other – one in the neighbourhood of the equator, the other in a high latitude. Thus arose the celebrated French Geodesic Missions [fr], to the Equator and to Lapland, the latter directed by Pierre Louis Maupertuis.[2]
Map of France in 1720
In 1740 an account was published in the Paris Mémoires, by Cassini de Thury, of a remeasurement by himself and Nicolas Louis de Lacaille of the meridian of Paris. With a view to determine more accurately the variation of the degree along the meridian, they divided the distance from Dunkirk to Collioure into four partial arcs of about two degrees each, by observing the latitude at five stations. The results previously obtained by Giovanni Domenico and Jacques Cassini were not confirmed, but, on the contrary, the length of the degree derived from these partial arcs showed on the whole an increase with increasing latitude.[2]
Beaumont-en-Auge, Normandía, 23 de marzo de 1749 -París, 5 de marzo de 1827
Astrónomo, físico y matemático. Desarrolló la transformada de Laplace y la teoría nebular, ecuación de Laplace. Compartió la doctrina filosófica del determinismo científico.
Su obra más importante, “Traité de mécanique céleste”, es un compendio de toda la astronomía de su época, enfocada de modo totalmente analítico, y donde perfeccionaba el modelo de Newton, que tenía algunos fenómenos pendientes de explicar, como la aceleración de Saturno y la Luna, o el frenado de Saturno, que inducían a pensar que Saturno sería captado por el Sol, y Júpiter saldría del sistema solar y la Luna caería sobre la Tierra.
Laplace demostró que la aceleración de Júpiter y la Luna y el frenado de Saturno no eran contínuos, sino que eran movimientos oscilatorios de períodos milenarios, explicando de esta manera y con muy complejos cálculos, estos fenómenos que constituían anomalías en el modelo newtoniano de Universo.
Durante la Revolución Francesa, ayudó a establecer el Sistema Métrico.
Enseñó Cálculo en la Escuela Normal y llegó a ser miembro del Instituto Francés en 1795. Bajo el mandato de Napoleón fué miembro del Senado, y después Canciller y recibió la Legión de Honor en 1805.
El nombre de la estación proviene de un pueblo que se estableció en el siglo vi al oeste de la capital en torno a una capilla de la diócesis de París que fue dedicada en el siglo xiii a Santa María Magdalena. Siglos después se incorporó a París al crecer la ciudad y se edificó el actual templo de estilo neoclásico.
Fue inaugurada el 5 de noviembre de 1910 con la apertura de la línea A, hoy línea 12, de la Compañía Nord-Sud. El 13 de julio de 1913, llegaría la línea 8, con la puesta en marcha de su tramo inicial entre en Beaugrenelle y Opéra. Mucho más recientemente, el 15 de octubre de 1998, se abrió la estación de la línea 14, una estación que marcó el final de línea hasta el año 2003, siendo posteriormente prolongada hasta Saint-Lazare.
Se compone de dos andenes laterales 75 metros de longitud y de dos vías.
Está diseñada en bóveda elíptica revestida completamente de los clásicos azulejos blancos biselados del metro parisino.
La iluminación es de estilo Motte y se realiza con lámparas resguardadas en estructuras rectangulares de color naranja que sobrevuelan la totalidad de los andenes no muy lejos de las vías.
La señalización por su parte usa la moderna tipografía Parisine donde el nombre de la estación aparece en letras blancas sobre un panel metálico de color azul. Por último los asientos, que también son de estilo Motte, combinan una larga y estrecha hilera de cemento revestida de azulejos naranja que sirve de banco improvisado con algunos asientos individualizados de color amarillo que se sitúan sobre dicha estructura.
A diferencias de las anteriores, la estación de la línea 14 si ofrece mayores elementos decorativos.
En sus accesos, dentro de una urna de cristal, se conserva una réplica de una obra del escultor rumano Constantin Brancusi llamada La prière (el rezo), que muestra a una figura humana desnuda rezando de rodillas. La obra fue donada a la RATP por la fundación franco-rumana para celebrar el 125 aniversario del nacimiento del autor. También en los accesos a la estación se encuentra una vidriera semicircular, a pie de suelo, que representa la gallina Ryaba junto a un texto escrito en ruso que fue donada por el metro de Moscú. Por último, dentro de la estación, en la bóveda de piedra se encuentra una instalación artística, realizada por Jacques Tissinier, titulada Tissignalisation n°14. Consiste en la colocación de mil discos de acero de 16 centímetros de diámetro que simulan hojas de papiro estilizadas coloreadas en blanco, azul, rojo y naranja.
En cuando a la estación en si, se compone de dos andenes laterales de 120 metros y de dos vías, siguiendo con el diseño moderno de todas las estaciones de la línea 14. Sin embargo, eso no ha evitado problemas de mal olor causado por la emanación de ácido sulfhídrico por culpa de una aislamiento defectuoso de las instalaciones.1
El Meridiano de París es el meridiano que pasa por el Observatorio de París (longitud 2°20′14.025″ este) y que rivalizó con el de Greenwich como principal meridiano del mundo hasta que en 1884 la Conferencia Internacional del Meridiano votó por la segunda (Francia se abstuvo).
En París hay unas placas (o medallones) de unos 12 cm. con el nombre Arago en referencia al astrónomo francés François Arago (1786-1853), Director del Observatorio de París, que a principios del siglo XIX hizo una medición más exacta del meridiano.
Al artista holandés Jan Dibbets se le ocurrió realizar lo que se conoce como el monumento invisible de París, o para los lectores del Codigo Da Vinci, la Linea Rosa. Son los medallones Arago, distribuidos por toda la ciudad y marcados con las indicaciones N y S. Estos medallones, en total más de un centenar, se repartieron a lo largo del Meridiano de París, en los barrios 1º, 2º, 6º, 9º, 14º y 18º desde la Puerta de Montmartre en la Ciudad Universitaria.
Pero El Codigo Da Vinci miente. Es verdad que el Meridiano de París pasa a más de 100 metros de la Iglesia de Saint Sulpice, en el Barrio Latino (6º Arrondissement de París). Pero la línea que cruza el altar de la iglesia no es la Línea Rosa. Y la Línea Rosa no existie. Y el Obelisco tampoco forma parte del meridiano de París.
El Obeslisco es un Gnomón Astrológico, un calendario solar que sirve para determinar la fecha en la que se producen los solsticios y los equinoccios durante el año. El Gnomón Astronómico de Saint Sulpice fue una petición que hizo el Padre Jean Baptiste Langet a Henry Sully (1680-1729), un relojero y astrónomo británico, quien lo fabricó en granito de la región de París en 1727.
El elemento principal del Gnomón, y, sin él no puede funcionar, es el Sol. Para los demás elementos, es la mano del hombre la que construye. Y así el segundo elemento de Saint Sulpice es una vidriera en la pared central del ala derecha del crucero. Dicha vidriera está dividida en pequeños cristales, todos transparentes, que dejan pasar la luz del Sol, a excepción de uno, que es opaco y será el encargado de proyectar la sombra sobre el suelo. Este cristal está situado una distancia de 24 metros y 54 centímetros del suelo.
Conforme va pasando el año y las estaciones, el Sol cambia de posición con respecto a la Tierra. En invierno los rayos son más inclinados, en verano son más verticales. Pues bien, tenemos el sol brillando y una sombra proyectada sobre el suelo. En el solsticio de verano (21 de junio de cada año) es cuando el Sol está en su línea más cercana a la vertical. Por tanto donde proyecte las sombra este día se marcará como «Solsticio de Verano«. En Saint Sulpice hay una placa de mármol sobre el suelo que lo indica. Esta placa está situada a 11 metros 34 centímetros de la pared donde se encuentra el cristal opaco.
De esta marca en el suelo que, como dijimos está en el ala derecha del trasepto de la iglesia, nace un línea de cobre, incrustada en el suelo, que sigue en dirección al otro ala del trasepto en un ángulo aproximado de 60 grados. Dicha línea atraviesa el altar que está situado en medio bajo la hermosa cúpula de la iglesia. Conforme van transcurriendo los días, la sombra se va desplazando por la línea hasta llegar junto al altar donde hay una plancha redonda de cobre rodeada por un semicírculo del mismo elemento. Este punto marcará los Equinoccios, el momento en el que el día dura exactamente igual que la noche, lo que ocurre los días 23 de Septiembre y 20 de Marzo. Desde la placa de mármol hasta este punto hay 16 metros y 32 centímetros.
La línea continua progresando, atraviesa el altar y llega hasta la pared central del ala izquierda del trasepto. Ha recorrido 23 metros y 97 centímetros. Allí tropieza con un obelisco que tiene 10 metros y 72 centímetros de altura. El obelisco termina en una bola redonda de bronce. Cuando el Sol proyecte la sombra sobre dicha bola, habremos alcanzado el Solsticio de Invierno, justo el día del año en el que la noche es mayor durante todo el año. Ocurre todos los 21 de Diciembre.
En pocas palabras este es el funcionamiento del Ggnomón Astrológico de Saint Sulpice, la segunda iglesia en importancia de París tras la Catedral de Notre Dame.
Timeline: June 18-24: Gov. Sanford missing/crying in Argentina June 21: 'Impact' Part 1 on ABC; Prince William birthday June 22: DC Metro Red Line trains in collision June 23: US Moon probes (LRO/LCROSS) reach Moon June 24: Gov. Sanford reveals Argentine affair June 25: Death of Michael Jackson & Farahh Fawcett
'Metro' means 'meter' in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The meter is historically defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator through Paris, or in other words the Paris Meridian between the North Pole and the equator. The Paris Meridian is also the 'Rose Line' (an esoteric concept popularized by The Da Vinci Code) i.e. a 'Red Line'...
DC Metro Red Line = French/Columbian Rose Line
...traditionally implying the Blood Royal/Sangraal or the Marian/Columbian Bloodline of the Holy Grail.
In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner writes of the House of Stuart, the royal bloodline to which Princess Diana and her children belong (pp. 344-5):