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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 26/02/2012 02:05

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Respuesta  Mensaje 128 de 412 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/08/2012 04:10
11th Labor of Hercules and the # 11 Correlation of 9-11 WTC
11th Labor Herakles Held the Twin Pillars of Atlas = Atlas Founded Atlantis = Atlantis Ruled by 7 sets of Twins
Two Towers = The Twins = Gemini ruled by Mercury = Hermes= God of Trade & Commerce = Lucifer (Ezekiel 28:16)

Comments from watcher webmaster: Today, Sept.11th, American Flight 11 crashed into the Twin Towers, christening the twin obelisks with the blood of its 92 (9 + 2 = 11) passengers. American Airlines Flight 77 unites with the Pentagon, in a fiery alchemical working on the 77th meridian (twin 7 's). Twins of Gemini are associated with Mercury, God of Trade & Commerce, also called Hermes, God of Information, also known as Lucifer, the Bringer of Illumination. Appropriately, Lucifer is the God of Trade according to Ezekiel 28:16.

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Dates to watch:
  • October 8 or * 8 / 8 *Udjat symbolic of Health Related Crisis
  • October 12 Columbus Day *Muslims trace loss of hegemony to 1492 *10-12 USS Cole Terrorist Attack
  • October 13 *Freemasons trace their origin to October 13 *White House Masonic Foundation Ceremony 10-13
  • October 26 *Feast of Hathor - Cow Goddess of Death - Bovine Related Bio War?
  • October 31 *FBI Warns Bulk Candy Purchases - Don't Let Your Children Out Halloween!
  • Nov 11 * Feast of Andromeda = Andromeda Strain? AndroMEDA & PERSeus = Medes & Persians


  • Columbus Journey Beyond Pillars of Hercules 1492 funded by Royal Family of Spain
    • Royal family of Spain & Pillars of Hercules (legendary location Gibraltar on Iberian Peninsula & Morocco)
      • Twin Pillars of Hercules on Royal Family Crest because they funded New World Exploration
      • Twin Pillars Crest on Spanish Dollar, becomes early American Dollar design
      • Twin Pillar Dollar design abbreviated, becomes the Dollar Sign $ (with two columns, not just one)
        • US Dollar Design Symbolizes the Philosophy of the Land
          • Just as Spanish Pillar Dollar symbolic of the Spanish Age of Exploration & New World Conquests
          • Horus Eye in Pyramid on Back of Dollar Bill
            • Horus = Mercury, Hermes, Thoth - Gods of Information, Commerce, Illumination
          • Freemason Washington on front of Dollar
          • Monument to Washington's Dollar = Monument to Horus = Twin Towers = Twin Pillar Reference
      • Spanish Royal Family Defeat of Muslims 1492 - Iberian Peninsula or "Andalusia" or "Lusitania" Forced to Convert
      • Ferdinand & Isabella claim victory over Muslims at Granada - Islam not allowed openly on Iberian Peninsula
      • Muslim article says dates of Islamic defeats must be commemorated "for the rehabilitation of the Iberian Peninsula"
        • WTC Towers Collapsed Sept. 11, literally 11th day of 7th month, or * 7-11 * Muslim Warriors Success in America
        • 711 AD Year of Initial Muslim Success in Europe - 711 - 1492 Muslims ruled "Andalusia" Portugal, Spain, Southern France
  • Columbus Identity
      • Columba Roman for Dove
        • "The Dove of Genoa" Catholic Reference to Columbus "Man of God"
        • Columbia symbolic name for America - District of Columbia supposedly means District of the Dove
          • Isis in her incarnation as Semiramis is called The Branch Bearer, Symbolized by the Dove: Hislop's Two Babylons
            • Illuminated meaning District of Columbia = "District of Isis"
            • The Branch of Isis / Semiramis / Dove is her son = Horus
    • Italian: Tradition has Columbus born in Genoa according to Catholic Encyclopedia (Roman Catholic)
    • Spanish: Many say Cristobal Colon never claimed he was Genoese, and always wrote in Spanish Catalan
    • Portuguese: Papal Bulls written in Latin still refer to him as CRISTOV& Atilde;O COLON not Latin Columbus, as one would expect


    • The date of the attack - 9/11 - 9+1+1=11
    • Phone number to report life threatening events = 911
    • "Eleven -shaped Building" Twin Towers Collapse on 9-11
    • 11th Labor of Hercules Included Holding up Twin Pillars
    • Flight 11 hit the Twin Towers
    • Flight 11 had 92 on board : 9+2=11
    • Flight 77 had 65 on board : 6+5=11
    • September 11 th is the 254th day of the year 2+5+4=11
    • After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year
    • State of New York - 11th state to be added to the Union
    • New York City - 11 letters
    • Afghanistan - 11 letters
    • The Pentagon - 11 letters
    • George W Bush - 11 letters
    • September 11, 1922 The British mandate of Palestine began - Osama & Islam Commemorate Date?

    THE NUMBER 77( 7 X 11=77 ):

    PENTAGON ON THE 77TH MERIDIAN, ATTACKED BY FLIGHT 77 Flight 11 and Flight 77 were both "twin" numbers. Atlas, whose pillars were temporarily shouldered by Hercules during his 11th Labor, is Plato's legendary king of Atlantis. Atlantis was ruled by 7 sets of Twins!
    # 77 is an Illuminated signal, the number of the Revenge of Lamech, ancestor of Hiram Abiff the Master Mason.

    THE NUMBERS 7-11:

    While the date 9-11 is evocative for the association with #911 emergency phone number, this date's Illuminated significance can be discerned by remembering it as the Roman (mars worshipping) 11TH DAY OF 7TH MONTH = 7-11.

    Islam In Europe from AD 711-1492

    STRAIGHTS OF GIBRALTER AND7-11 : On the surface, it is interesting that the US "royal" family the Rockefeller's financed the Taliban and empowered Osama bin Laden -- the alleged culprits in the destruction of Rockefeller's monument to the dollar, the Twin Towers. The date of the attack is significant in the history of the Jewish vs Muslim conflict. Sept. 11 would be 7 - 11 if the west reckoned the year as the Romans did -- March, named after their god Mars, was the first month of the new year, and September the seventh.

    Because Abraham was the father of both the Jewish and Arabic nations, the Jews through Isaac and the Arabs through Ishmael, contention for earth ruler ship exists symbolic of the rebellious spiritual forces ultimately behind earthly conflicts. This is because God promised to make Abraham's descendants not only numerous as the stars, but also joint heirs with Him over the earth through His Messiah. Abraham sent Ishmael away but maintained Isaac as his heir. The 1st Muslim expansion into 'Catholic' Europe began in 711 AD when the Berber Tarik-ibn-Ziyad, the Governor of Tangier invaded and rapidly conquered Visigothic Spain, also known as Iberia. Iberia is from the same root as Hebrew, "Iber".

    Tarik gave his name to "Jabal (mount of) Tarik" or, as we say, Gibraltar -- as in the Twin Pillars that adorn the proto dollar. Tarik sailed across the Strait by night, and so not to arouse suspicion used Visigothic ships landing undetected on Gibraltar. Within 7 years the conquest of the peninsula was complete It became one of the centers of Moslem civilization. Famously by 733 (22 years later) the Muslims reached Poitiers in France. There a the battle of Tours halted the Muslim advance. Spain remained at least partially under Muslim control until 1492 when Granada was conquered by Ferdinand and Isabella -- the Spanish royals whose crest is emblazoned on the Pillar Dollar. 1492 was also the date of the legendary discovery of America by Columbus.

    "With Granada fell all Spain's greatness. For a brief while, indeed, the reflection of the Moorish splendour cast a borrowed light upon the history of the land which it had once warmed with its sunny radiance. The great epoch of Isabella, Charles V and Philip II, of Columbus, Cortes and Pizarro, shed a last halo about the dying monuments of a mighty state. When followed the abomination of dissolution, the rule of inquisition and the blackness of darkness in which Spain has been plunged ever since. Conde as Quoted in Prescott, ‘Philip II of Spain,’ Vol. III.

    "Yet there were knowledge and learning everywhere except in Catholic Europe. At a time when even kings could not read or write, a Moorish king had a private library of six hundred thousand books. At a time when ninety-nine percent of the Christian people were wholly illiterate, the Moorish city of Cordova had eight hundred public schools, and there was not a village within the limits of the empire where the blessings of education could not be enjoyed by the children of the most indigent peasant, ...and it was difficult to encounter even a Moorish peasant who could not read and write." S.P. Scott in 'The History of the Moorish Empire in Europe.'

    The USS Cole was attacked on October 12, Columbus Day. This uniquely American "holiday" celebrates the date 1492, which saw both Infidel expansion into the New World under Columbus, and defeat of Muslims in Granada under Spanish Catholic Infidels. The Sept. 11 or 7-11 attack took down the "twin pillars" of the almighty US dollar, breached the pentagonal womb of US defense, and re-ignited the Muslim expansion that began in 711 AD.

    Osama bin Laden refers to the Muslim defeat of 1492!

    "Let the whole world know that we shall never accept that the tragedy of Andalusia be repeated in Palestine," bin Laden said, referring to the medieval Christian reconquest of Spain from Muslims. "We cannot accept that Palestine will become Jewish." OSAMA BIN LADEN - OCT. 8, 2001 Fox News
      SYMBOLS are used by Illuminated Brethren to 1) indoctrinate the unwashed masses on an unconscious level and 2) signal in a cryptic way to their fellow "Brothers of the House" , in a language that will be understood by fellow members of the Frer Macons (Free Masons).

      Sirius -- Egyptian Hieroglyph for Isis Sirius Osiris Boat of Isis Venus Aphrodite Ishtar AstarteThis is the Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius, invoked by illuminated brethren in the ritual worship of Isis, Osiris and ultimately Horus. According to Masonic authors Albert Pike & Manley P. Hall, the religion of Illuminated Brethren is revealed in the Isis- Osiris - Horus Mythos. Note the three-part symbol for Sirius encompasses an obelisk, a star & half dome. Towers, Pillars, or Columns are all architectural references evoking the mythology of Isis & Osiris and the religion of the Illuminated Brethren. It is symbology that is recognized by * THEM * even if it seems mundane to the common sheeple.

    The 7 11 Connection : Atlantis AGAIN

    The 9-11 (7-11) mass murder seemed like an obvious reference to Gemini, the sign associated with Mercury, god who flies through the air bringing information. The Twin motif connotes the dualistic offspring of Isis/Sirius, and Romulus & Remus, the Twins whose rivalry is associated with the Building of the Walls of Rome. I had written an earlier study called "Shakespeare, Kubrick & Gnostic Dualism" discussing, among other things, the Roman veneration of the combined twin deity Janus as the God of Buildings and Architecture.

    The symbolism of Gemini=Mercury=Hermes=Thoth was not lost on the Architects who planned the Twin Pillars of the WTC -- Mercury being the god of commerce and Hermes & Thoth the aspects of that deity associated with Illuminated Knowledge (the WTC was a symbol of the Information Age as well). Illuminated Rockefellers were well aware of the identity of the God of Commerce, and as bankers surely knew the origin of the symbol of the Almighty Dollar, commonly known as the dollar sign. It is in the origin of the US dollar -- double-pillars surmounted by a serpent motif -- that the relevancy of the Gemini allusion -- Castor and Pollux twin patrons of Navigation -- becomes clear.

      QUEST FOR THE GOLDEN APPLES, THE 11TH LABOR OF HERCULES: These apples were kept in a garden at the northern edge of the world, and they were guarded not only by a hundred-headed dragon, named Ladon, but also by the Hesperides, nymphs who were daughters of Atlas, the titan who held the sky and the earth upon his shoulders. Through cunning Hercules destroyed the DRAGON LADON and tricked Atlas and his daughters the Hesperides out of the Golden Apples. The Atlas Mountains in Morocco are said to be the place heaven is born on the strong shoulders of Atlas.
    While Hesiod says Atlas was the son of a Titan who rose up against Zeus, and that Atlas's daughters kept the Golden Apples, there is a parallel tale of the children of Atlas who became kings of Atlantis. Atlas was said to be the son of Poseidon in this account, which comes only from the Atlantis description of Plato. Plato's name means broad shoulder and strong one. The Twin Columns between Heaven and Earth refer to the location of Plato's Atlantis, and more importantly to the land of Bacon's New Atlantis. Lord Bacon named America as the site of New Atlantis -- the revived Atlantis where the Old World could rebuild the Lost Golden Age.

    September means the Seventh Month, so the WTC tragic date could be abbreviated as 7 - 11... Significant if one were from France, and an enthusiastic occultist. The number 711 is significant as the year which saw the area of the Pillars of Hercules (beyond which lies Plato's Atlantis) overrun by Muslims-- Iberia (Land of the Ibers or Hebrews) in conflict with Muslims (Sons of Ham) in 711AD. The numbers 7 and 11 are not insignificant in the WTC Pentagon tragedy. Flight 11 and Flight 77 were both "twin" numbers. Atlas, whose pillars were temporarily shouldered by Hercules during his 11th Labor, is also a legendary king of Atlantis. Atlantis was ruled by 7 sets of Twins!

    Comments from Watcher's Dave Flynn:

        "And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her (Delilah), and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength [lieth], and by what [means] we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred [pieces] of silver. (Flight 11 hit the first of the twin towers ) Jdg 16:5 And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. Jdg 16: 28 (the reverse of this, Horus lost one of his eyes in the fight with the killer of Osiris, his twin Seth) And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house (of Dagon) stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. Judges

        16:29 And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. (the Twin towers attack was suicidal) And he bowed himself with [all his] might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that [were] therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than [they] which he slew in his life. Jdg 16:30"

    • The attack of the 'twin towers' in America symbolizes the revenge of Lamech, and the toppling of the American-ruled governing institution - economic and spiritual. The number of Lamech’s revenge is 77 (Lamech is ancestor of Hiram Abiff) - Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, on the 77th meridian.

      The alleged mastermind behind the attacks, Osama Bin Laden has a remarkably symbolic last name - Bin = "son" of Ladon. Ladon is the mythical serpent described in the 11th labor of Hercules, the guardian of the tree of golden fruit of Hesperides at the pillars of Atlas.

      The combined occultic symbolism of numbers, places, and people and TIMING involved in the “terrorist attack” is so consistent with the Mysteries that it goes beyond the agency of mere humans alone. The symbolic act of destroying the Twin Towers and the Pentagon are ultimate sacrifices towards achieving the Great Work -- world rule under the forces of the Fiery Dragon. It is the blood sacrifice for the forces of the Spirit of Antichrist who is to rule the world from Israel. These forces attacked the epitome of what represents them -- the greatest sacrifice they can offer -- as providing a symbolic cue to the angelic rebels.

      The attack was the symbolic antithesis of the story of Samson.

      Samson is an anagram for Masons (Anagram of Osama Bin = I B a Mason). Samson also toppled two pillars - of the temple of "Dagon" - the Fish / Dragon god of the Philistines (Dragon Ladon in Greek myth). The events that caused the first airline to collide with the "twin towers" were put into motion around 13:00 Greenwich mean time. 13 is the number of Isis, whose symbol is the 5 pointed star (Pentagon).
    "Brothers of the House" seeking to communicate with their fellow brethren would seize the opportunity to imbue their architectural undertaking with such a rich symbolic motif, and it is no surprise that the Rockefeller duo are members of the Illuminati, immersed completely in the pursuit of the power that money brings. In the guise of The Great Work, the Rockefeller World Trade Center sought to embody the ideals of the modern age, the Age of Information, and the concept of World Peace through World Trade. One sees a foreshadowing of antichrist in those goals, Revelation 13.

    The pentagram has long been believed to be a potent protection against evil, a symbol of conflict that shields the wearer and the home. The pentagram has five spiked wards which are protected by the womb-shaped PENTAGON at the center - the United States Pentagon is appropriately associated with defense and protection. Because the United States has symbolically lost the protection of its Pentagon, look for more war reigning happily ... perhaps along the 13th meridian or, more likely, the 33rd latitude (i.e. symbolic areas might include Phoenix, Atlanta or Texas)

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 129 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/08/2012 04:25



    The dollar sign is said to have come from the Spanish royal family 's coat of arms, consisting of the two Pillars of Hercules with a serpentine banner bearing a motto. The appropriateness of the Pillars of Hercules as an emblem of the currency of the Americas is described in THE SPANISH MILLED DOLLAR by Ernie Richards:

      "The story that it tells is of Spanish entrepreneurs venturing out into an unknown ocean because it was felt (due to Columbus’ early voyages) that there was “more beyond” (PLUS ULTRA). It brazenly displays the “two worlds”, the old and the new, capped by one Spanish Crown and riding on waves emanating from between the Pillars of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar). This is a declaration that Spain claimed dominion over both worlds..."
    In mythology, Hercules reached the limits of the Mediterranean and raised two great columns upon which he inscribed Non Plus Ultra - as this was the supposed border of the known world. The Pillars of Hercules now refers to the twin mountains of Gibraltar and Mt. Acho. Below is an illustration of the old Spanish "Pillar Dollar" bearing the Twin Columns of Hercules & Twin Globes of the Old & New World. [back to the 7-11 Gibraltar Connection]

    This symbolism reminded me of the Freemasonic Twin Columns shown here, where the "two worlds" are Heaven and Earth. Clearly Twin Columns is an evocative symbol, understood by Architects, Merchants, Bankers & Freemasons.

    "Brothers of the House" seeking to communicate with their fellow brethren would seize the opportunity to imbue their architectural undertaking with such a rich symbolic motif, and it is no surprise that the Rockefeller duo are members of the Illuminati, immersed completely in the pursuit of the power that money brings. In the guise of The Great Work, the Rockefeller World Trade Center sought to embody the ideals of the modern age, the Age of Information, and the concept of World Peace through World Trade. One sees a foreshadowing of antichrist in those goals, Revelation 13.


    Isn't it interesting that there is a pyramid on the dollar bill, and that the "Pyramid Timeline" was said to end September 17. Now , that might not have been intended to refer to the end of the world, but the End of the Pyramid. Doesn't it seem like the age of the Almighty Dollar has ended?

    Prophetic Date September 17 /18 Eventful Rosh Hashannah!!

  • Bible Code Software Yields "Prophecy" September 18 2001 War in Middle East
  • Pyramid Inch Timeline Correlation of Piazzi Smyth Yields "Prophecy" September 17/18 2001
  • The pentagram has long been believed to be a potent protection against evil, a symbol of conflict that shields the wearer and the home. The pentagram has five spiked wards which are protected by the womb-shaped PENTAGON at the center - the United States Pentagon is appropriately associated with defense and protection. Because the United States has symbolically lost the protection of its Pentagon, look for more war reigning happily ... perhaps along the 13th meridian or, more likely, the 33rd latitude (i.e. symbolic areas might include Phoenix, Atlanta or Texas). In our hometown of Helena Montana, on the 112 meridian (1+12=13) the Federal Reserve Bank has just installed a barricade the likes of which our small town has not seen since the days of the Unabomber (found in the Scapegoat Wilderness just west of Helena).
    : The two spheres on the Pillar Dollar were abbreviated on some coins, showing up as half-circles instead of whole. The symbol for Gemini seems to me an image of Twin Pillars standing atop the semi-circle of the Earth, capped by the semi-circle of the vault of Heaven. The location of Atlas's Herculean task was said to be secret, in the land of the Hesperides, where the three daughters of Atlas and the Dragon called Ladon guarded the Golden Apples of Juno. 

    Respuesta  Mensaje 130 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/08/2012 00:05
    Secrets of Free4masonry7 - Sacred Geometry/gematria74, the key74: A=1...Z=26, i.e. GOD=7_4; whereas, G is the 7th letter, O is either 15 or zerO, and D is the 4th letter. 7/4=July 4 or 7 April 30 AD - Good(7__4) Friday with Jesus74 the Jewish74 Messiah74 on the Cross74 . Grand Master Masons Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John447 Hancock740, Robert Livingston, and other Founding Fathers. General Washington's first full day as Commander of Continental Army was 7/4/1775. He would eventually have 74 generals, 33 were Mason47s. Liberty7 letters Bell4. 74 representatives to Constitutional Convention. Constitution's 7 Articles written on 4 pages. Federal7 City4's Southern Boundary was laid in a Masonic(M13+A1+S19+O15+N14+I9+C3=74) ceremony on March 15, 1787: the 74th day of the year. Capitol7 Hill4 and Lady4 Freedom7.

    The Statue of Lady(4) Liberty(7) in the New York(7) City(4) harbor at 74 degrees west longitude was a gift from Mason(47)s from France(47). Masons in the US paid for and built the pedestal. She holds a tablet that has July 4, 1776 written on it (in Roman numerals), she has 7 rays coming from above her crown(73) and 4 columns on each of the 4 sides of the pedestal.

    The upper degrees of Freemasonry teach the immortality of the soul through reincarnation, i.e. Hiram Abiff, and like the Kaballists, know that "The soul of Moses is reincarnated in every generation." Benjamin Franklin was 'the Christ' and he died on Y'shua(74)'s Birthday: 17/4 (4/17). July 4, 1776 encoded Jesus' Birthday of 4/17/6 BC. The Natl(47) Lincoln Memorial in DC ("4 score & 7 years ago") and the Natl Franklin Memorial in Philly were built around the same time and both sculptures are 19' with them sitting on a throne.

    The ancient Egyptians with "As above, so below" began the science of sacred geometry. The naked eye sees 7 moving objects(74) in the heavens(74) and 4 don't cast shadows(74) on Earth. Lunar months(74) are 29.5 days and its 4 phases of 7.4 days each is where we get our 7-day-weeks x 4 in a 'moonth'. Lunar year of 354 days + 7-day-week + 4 days = 365 day solar year.

    The Bible Code of GOD=7_4

    The Standard/Biblical Cubits(74) are 6 palms x 4 fingers . The Egyptian Royal Cubit added a palm to make it sacred by mirroring the heavens: 7 palms x 4 fingers. This was used as the basic measurement for the py-ra-mids and all sacred buildings. Moses knew their Osiris74 religion(74) and aligned the 4th Commandment "Keep the seventh7 day holy (Sabbath[7])". Moses knew the story of Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set, & 70 others when G-d & he aligned himself, Aaron, his two sons, & 70 others on Mt. Sinai.

    Noah's Ark was 50 cubits74 or 74 feet wide. The Courtyard of Moses' Tabernacle was also 50 cubits/74' wide.

    Isaac's son was named Jacob or Yakov74 before God changed it to Israel.

    The musical direction "Selah" is encoded in the Bible 74x (71x in Psalms, 3x in Habakkuk 3).

    On the Cross was a placard that said, "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews" in LATIN, Greek, and Aramaic. Jesus' name in LATIN was IESVS74.

    When Christ returns, he open the "7 seals" which unleash the "4 horsemen".

    King James I was a GMM. He had his 47 experts compile The Authorized Version of the Bible (KJV) and encode "The Gospel74 according74 to St.74 Matthew(7), Mark(4), Luke(4), & John(4,47)". Genasis74 7:4 "For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days & nights". Gn 7:4 is the first time the #40 appears in the Bible and then becomes a sacred recurring theme.

    Joshua74 was taught the 7_4 code by Moses. Because Joshua=74, this is why G-d didn't allow Moses to cross74 into the Promise7 Land4. Joshua then used this secret and very powerful code to win the Battle of Jericho! He had 7 priests with 7 horns74 circle the city 7 times for 7 days. On the last day, he had the priests blow their horns and an earthquake occured that brought the walls tumbling down!

    King4 Solomon7's Temple encoded the 4 phases of the Moon's day's at 7.4 days with the width of the cherubim's 4 wings being 5 cubits each (7.4 ft).  

    Daniel's prophecy re: "Mene, mene74" - "your days are number73ed" - was fulfilled when the Babylonian king died that night!

    The New World Order is democratic-republics with individual rights that God & His Christ oversee.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 131 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/08/2012 16:09
    'Selah' is found 74x in Bible - the GOD=7_4 Code!

    "A good theory must be simple74 and have beauty74." - Albert Einstein

    "Selah" is found 74 times in the Bible, 71x in Psalms and 3x in Habakkuk. It is a musical direction that probably meant for there to be an instrumental interlude between lyrics. This works well for when "selah" appears in David's songs, but this literal musical definition doesn't make much sense in the examples of it in Habakkuk. (See Wikipedia's definition of 'selah'.) 'Selah' occuring 74 times in the Bible is no 'coincidence' - it's a very important code!

    The combination of 7 & 4 is the pinnacle74 of'sacred geometry' and can be Biblically traced back to Genesis 7:4, "For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days and nights". (This is the Bible's first usage of the recurring theme of #40.) The 4th Commandment: "Keep the 7th day holy". An earthquake occured at Jericho when 7 priests with 7 horns marched around 7 times for 7 days. Moses did the #40 7x.

    The Hebrew Bible was written using 'gematria' (Greek for 'geometry'): an alphanumeric code that provides added symbolic meaning and connection between words with the same gematric sum. The Greek New Testament was also written with the same alphanumeric code called 'isopsephy'. (The Arabic Qur'an was written using 'hasib al-jummal' - again, the same alphanumeric code.) Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74) & GOD=7_4 puts a strong emphasis on Jesus=74 (J10+E5+S19+U21+S19), Jewish=74, menorah=74, Messiah=74, Cross=74, Gospel=74, according(74) to St.(74), pastor(74), etc.

    Selah is naturally connect(74)ed to composer(74), melody(74), and songs(74). Pretty cool, huh?

    - Brad Watson, Miami

    author of There Are No Coincidences - there is synchronism

    Respuesta  Mensaje 132 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/08/2012 02:29
    The Free4masonry7/Masonic774* Code4 of July 4, 1776
    “--- is the supreme example of sacred architecture in the Christian world portraying the truths that lead humanity closer to God”

    Mason47s used sacred geometry, gematria, numerology, and the Bible to encode our ‘National Treasure’

    The Society of Freemasons connect74 to the builders of the Egyptian Pyramids, Babylonian Ziggurats (Tower of Babel/Babylon), Roman & Greek temples, and especially Solomon’s Temple. ‘Operative Mason47s’ built Europe’s great Gothic47 cathedrals. They view God as the ‘Grand Architect of the Universe’ (G.A.O.T.U.). Many ‘Master Masons’ are also Pythagoreans, Kaballists, and Rosicrucians. The ‘Speculative Masons’ who helped design America50 – i.e. Grand Master Masons Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and John Hancock – used the Declaration of Independence, Great Seal of the United States, and the Flag to encode history’s greatest secrets! (National Treasure movie is based on this and uses ‘the code’.) Using sacred gematria and sacred numerology, and having Continental Congress choose July 2 and July 4, 1776, the enlightened Masons had many important secrets converge74

    Simple674 English774 Gematria8 / G7e5m13a1t20r18i9a1=74: assigning a number774 to a letter (word4, phrase) & vice-versa with both the letters7 and numbers7 having strong symbolic meaning. A-B-C becomes 1-2-374 Masonic74
    The Key74: A=1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 o15 or zer0 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26

    GOD=GOOD=7_4 7/4=July 4
    Holiday74 God Deity74 Religion74 Free4masonry7 Reveal God74 †he 1 mind74
    ‘God Craft’74 leads a break from reign of74 The King74 / Ruler74 / 1 Kingdom74 / 1 Crown74 / London74 1 Britain74

    Continental Congress first met in 1774 in Philadelphia: 40˚N 75˚W – “Philadelphia” was/is one of “7 Asian churches” of The Revelation 1:11.
    The Committee of Five - chosen to prepare a Declaration of Independence - included three Masons: Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman. (John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were not Masons.) Georgia747 was the last state in roll call vote47. July 4 is aphelion. Only (Mason47) John447 Hancock740 signed & Charles Thomson74 attested the Declaration on 7/4. The Declaration was then sent to printer John47 Dunlap (age 28, b 1747) who made app. 200 copies on the evening of July 4 and morning of July 5 - these are known as the ‘Dunlap broadsides’. (Abigail Adams b 1744.) The Great Seal of the United States Committee was also formed on 7/4/1776 - it included Franklin. Washington & Jefferson were 74”/6’2” tall. There were 74 generals in the Continental Army (33 Masons*) and 74 delegates to the Constitutional Convention (also held in Penn. State House [Independence Hall] - cornerstone laid 1734). Liberty7 Bell4 cast74 (by) John447 Pass and774 John447 Stow477. 1st D.C. cornerstone laid 3/15/1791: 74th day of the year. New York7 City4 40.7˚N 74˚W was/is the financial capitol of the US. Star-Spangled Banner (flag) cost $574. Lady4 Liberty7 VII40 1 Nation74 / 1 Union74 judge47 & jury74 West Point74 74°F is ideally comfortable
    “4 score & 7 years ago” 74 men on Mayflower Thanksgiving occurs in 47th week of the year “Independence forever74” Forever Stamp has picture of Liberty7 Bell4 and one word "Forever74"

    (July) 4, 1776 JESUS74 was born on 4/17/6 BC (17/4/747 AUC [since the founding of Roma47])
    On June 14, 1777 (Matthew 6:14), Congress approved the design of US Flag. Valley77 4g: 40.1°N 75.47°W
    Franklin died on 4/17/1790, Washington died on 12/14/1799. Command of Union58/73 forces was offered to Robert E. Lee
    and Virginia seceded on 4/17/1861 (Civil War). Thomas Jefferson & John Adams both died on 7/4/1826 – the 50th Anniversary.

    Noah’s Ark & the Courtyard of Moses’ Tabernacle were 50 cubits74 or 74 feet wide, 17.76 inches = cubit
    888(in.) is gematria for Iesous88 (Jesus) in Greek. The Declaration established another ‘Covenant’, 7/4/1776 marked the sacred event.

    Matthew 7:4, “Why are you concerned with the speck in your neighbor’s eye when there’s a pole in your eye?” – Y’shua74 ben Yosef Jewish74 Messiah74 Cross74 “Clean your finger, before you point at my spots.” – Ben Franklin

    America50n Independence was approved on July 2 (7/2) John Hancock72 3 days=72 hours July68 4=72
    Civil Rights Act July 2, 1964 72 is a major convergence point. (2×36, 3×24, 4×18, 6×12, and 8×9.
    7+2=9: ‘the highest number’ in sacred numerology.) Jews have 72 names for G-d, including a 72-letter-name.
    “For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure that you get.”
    - Matt 7:2
    (Pres.58 George6 Walker6 Bush Jr.6 ("the "2nd Beast") pardoned Scooter Libby on 7/2/2007.) Ben Franklin was 72” tall (6’).
    The pyramid on the Great Seal/back of the US Dollar47 consists of 72 stones. Golf’s par 72 & 72 hole tournaments.

    13 United States (US40) – 13 & 40 are highly mystical numbers** su40m13 Spirit of ’76 (7+6=13) 40°N
    13 stars & 13 stripes on original US Flag (13 stars on Confederate Battle Flag) Masonic Lodge 13 blocks from White House
    The Great Seal uses symbolism of 13, the back of US Dollar uses 13 13 times including the 13 letters of “E Pluribus Unum” & "Annuit Coeptis"
    Jesus’ 13 male disciples (including Matthias) 13 weeks in a season #40 is sacred to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc.

    *Thomas Jefferson, author of †he33 Declaration, was 33 years old – Jesus74/Joshua74 was crucified at age 33The 33rd Degree is the highest level in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. At 33˚F, frozen liquids begin to thaw. Amen33

    Mary Magdalean58’s Birthday was 5/8/2 BC (Mary 158 Magdalena58/Mariamne74)56 men signed Declaration + Charles Thomson + George Washington = 58 George 158 Father58 design58 obelisk58/73
    **The goddess58/73 / (Star58) Planet Venus traces a pentacle every 8 years and returns to initial74 point74 every 40 years with a 40 day regression – the global origin of sacred number 40. (5×8=40, 5+8=13) science58 count58/73
    Seal of58 Solomon58 Mother’s Day falls on 2nd Sunday of May (‘Maia’). The movie/musical 1776 begins on May 8, 1776

    10/2/08 8:05 White Sox & Twins tied w/ 74 losses. Dow falls record 777.7, 74 senators vote for Wall St. bailout. 74° Miami t 6/1/10 9:36

    Read more:

    Respuesta  Mensaje 133 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/08/2012 02:39
    Freemasonry's G Logo: GOD=7_4

    "For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days & 40 nights" - Genesis 7:4 ( the Bible's 1st use of the recurring #40)

    Freemasonry's "G" stands for (1) God, (2) Sacred Geometry, (3) Sacred Gematria, (4) Genesis. But most importantly, (5) the G inside the square & compass stands for the 7th letter inside the 4-sided rectangle or GOD=7_4. 7/4=July 4th as many of the US Founding Fathers were Masons(47).

    For a serious scientific explanation, see the NASA presentation Identifying 'True Earth-like Planets' - All New Worlds Are Built On 7_4 (like Earth) Or 6_4 [link to]

    Respuesta  Mensaje 134 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/08/2012 02:44
    I've placed all the important together...


    "For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days & 40 nights" - Genesis 7:4 ( the Bible's 1st use of the recurring #40)

    Freemasonry's "G" stands for (1) God, (2) Grand Architect of the Universe (GAOTU), (3) Sacred Geometry & Sacred Gematria, (4) Gnosis, (5) Genesis and more directly Gn 7:4, (6) Gnosis. But most importantly, (7) the G inside the square & compass stands for the 7th letter inside the 4-sided rectangle or GOD=7_4. 7/4=July 4th as many of the US Founding Fathers were Masons(47).

    For a serious scientific explanation, see the NASA presentation Identifying 'True Earth-like Planets' - All New Worlds Are Built On 7_4 (like Earth) Or 6_4 [link to]

    Google: Simple English Gematria. SEG is all over the place, it used to be a BIG Masonic(74) secret! The Bible was written using Hebrew gematria and Greek gematria. The Qur'an was written using Arabic gematria. And now, both the English Bible and English Qur'an are written using Simple(74) English(74) Gematria(74).

    There is a square & compass formed coming from Capitol(7 letters) Hill(4) with the G. Washington Monument right in the middle! It's right there when you know the Masonic(7,74) Code(4).

    The Forever(74) Stamp shows the Liberty(7) Bell(4). This gematria code promotes GOD=7_4, 7/4=July 4.

    France(47) & 14/7 = 14th of July: the day celebrating the storming of the Bastille marking the beginning of the French Revolution.

    Freemasons refer to 'God' all the time and they uniquely recognize God as the 'Grand Architect of the Universe (G.A.O.T.U.).

    Jews & Christians (and some others) make-up Freemasonry. I realize now that G-d is a 'Kaballa thing' for G-d=7_4, 7/4=July 4th.

    The 4th Commandment is "Keep the 7th Day (Sabbath) Holy".

    John Hancock was the only member of Congress to actually sign the Declaration on 7/4. The only other signature was Charles Thomson, who as Secretary of Congress attested Hancock's signature so as to make the document legal. This original copy of the Declaration was then sent to printer John Dunlop who made 200 copies that evening of July 4 & July 5th morning. These 200 copies are known as the 'Dunlop Broadsides'. John Hancock was the only delegate - the only one of eventually 56 delegates to sign the later Declaration - to have 7 letters in his last name and 4 in his first name. Like the Liberty(7) Bell(4), this symbolically pointed to 7/4 or July 4.

    Using 'Step 2' of Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74), Thomson=74 (T20+h8+m13+s19+n14). The circle O can be either the 15th letter or zerO, i.e. GOD=7_4. Our Forever Stamp uses both Step 1 & Step 2 of gematria since it has a picture of the Liberty(7) Bell(4) & “Forever”=74.

    Sacred Geometry by Stephen Skinner (Sterling, 2006, $15). It's good! Has anyone read it?

    "There IS a definite 'God' specific to Masons." There is only One God and the one requirement for being a Mason is to recognize God. The definition in English of 'God' is 'One God'/One Diety - it's quite different than 'god'. Christian Masons recognize God, Jewish Masons recognize God (G-d, YHWH=Yehowah), and Muslim Masons recognize God (Arabic: Allah)

    Western(7) Wall(4)/Wailing(7) Wall(4)

    7/4=July 4th in the United States and 7/4=7th of April outside the US. Friday 7 April 30 AD is the date of Y'shua(74)'s crucifixion. The Messiah(74) was pulled down from the Cross(74) on the first day of the eight-day(8 letters) Festival(8) of Passover(8).

    Crystal(7) Ball(4)

    George(6) Walker(6) Bush Jr(6) (Busche6) - he was/is the "2nd Beast" from The Revelation Chapter 13 - Ronald(6) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "1st Beast" whose actions where the opposite of the Christ and was "ruler of Earth, lied to all nations, and was wounded yet lived." United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "mark of the Beast that everyone must have to buy or sell with."

    The key to utilizing Geomancy

    The musical term 'selah' appears 74x in the Bible. (I think 71 of those are in Psalms.)

    If anyone thinks that 'Step 1' of gematria - counting the number of letters in a word/name/phrase - is not considered by the powers-that-be that are in charge of the US Currency, consider that "E pluribus unum" is prominently displaced on all US coins and the back of the US $1 dollar in the Great Seal of the US. Why? Why not simply say, "Out of many, one"? Because E pluribus unum has 13 letters and represents the 13 original colonies/states. This method of symbolism and connection maintains a 3,500+ year-old-tradition of Step 1 of gematria(8).

    the King(74)/Ruler(74) Osiris(74)
    74 persons conspired against the King(74) Osiris(74)

    "The best exoteric account of the legend (of Osiris) is preserved for us by Plutarch in his treatise De Iside et Osiride written in Greek about the middle of the first century of our era, a large portion of which is substantiated by the Egyptian hieroglyphic texts which have been deciphered by scholars. It may be briefly summarized as follows:

    Osiris was a wise king in Egypt who set himself to civilize the people and redeem them from their former states of barbarism. He taught them the cultivation of the earth, gave them a body of laws, and instructed them in the worship of the gods. Having made his own land prosperous, he set out in like manner to teach the other nations of the world. During his absence the land of Egypt was so well ruled by his wife, Isis, that his jealous brother Typhon (Set), the personification of evil, as Osiris was the personification of good, could do no harm in his kingdom; but on the return of Osiris to Egypt, Typhon made a conspiracy against him, persuading 72 other persons to join him, together with a certain Queen of Ethiopia named Aso, who chanced to be in Egypt at the time (74 altogether)... Ultimately Osiris became the king of the underworld and the judge of the dead." p. 35-36, Freemasonry and its Ancient Mystic Rites by C. W. Leadbeater, Gramercy, 1998

    Babylon(7) Gate(4)
    Baghdad(7) Iraq(4)

    The Hanukkaih(9) is the 9-candle Hanukkah(8) Menorah(7). The shemash is the 'attendant(9) candle'.

    Freemasonry is open to all faiths, so they can't say the "Christian god" that would not be inclusive to the others. Freemasonry accepts all religions that believe in god. How would you like it if you were Buddhist, and you had to hear about the Christian version of god at the lodge. The god venerated by Freemasons is the god of all religion, the supreme creator who designed everything. Worshiped with no name so as to include all of mankind, excluding nobody based on religious beliefs (except atheists) just like our nation was set up, to escape religious persecution from the "old country". Freemasonry and the US have a lot in common, both with history and ideals. A new paradigm for a new world (the discovery of the Americas) to escape the controls of the Roman Catholic church and other government sponsored religions, where all men could live in harmony, equally. At least that was the idea, applying it is still tricky as we all know.

    The Bible was written using Hebrew gematria and Greek gematria. The Qur'an was written using Arabic gematria. And now, both the English Bible and English Qur'an are written using Simple(74) English(74) Gematria(74). Even though 'gematria' is a Greek word, the practice by the ancient Greeks was/is called isopsephy. The Arabs that practice it - mostly the Sufis(74) - call it Hisab al-Jummal. Google it!

    Freemasonry is open to all who believe in the One God. I don't think Buddhists without a belief in God are eligible?

    Respuesta  Mensaje 135 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/08/2012 03:31
    In ancient civilizations, the cubit was the most basic measurement used by the operative Masons. "Cubits" can be found all over the Bible. There were/are many exact modern measurements given for one cubit. So do we know exactly how long a cubit is and is it really that important?

    Let me answer the latter first. The rebuilding of 'The Temple' on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a highly debatable issue! According to my research, the Orthodox Jews in Jersusalem who are preparing to begin constructing or reconstructing Solomon's Temple are awaiting The Messiah to mark the occasion and to provide the exact measurement of a cubit. I don't think you can get any more important than that!

    The 'Ark' of the Covenant has used the measurement of 50 cubits on five major sacred constructions...

    Width of Noah's Ark
    Tower of Babel (Ziggurat of Babylon)
    Width of Courtyard of Moses' Tabernacle (surrounding Moses' Ark)
    Exterior width of Solomon's Temple
    Encoding of United States Declaration of Independence

    You can find Biblical references to 50 cubits in the stories of Noah's Ark, Moses' Tabernacle, and Solomon's Temple. You will find a very hidden reference in the story of the Tower of Babylon (Genesis 11: ) and of course, the US Declaration of Independence was written ~1,600 after the Books of the Bible and makes no reference to the word 'cubit'. So what is the 'code'?

    Let's have some discussion before I 'spill all the beans'.
    Yesterday (President's Day), I began the thread GMM George Washington used the GOD=7_4 Code . I forgot to add Fifty cubits = 74 feet. (I'll add it now.)

    Fifty cubits74 = 74 feet, if one cubit is 17.76 inches is encoded in 7/4/1776
    74 ft = 888 in, the Greek name for Jesus74 = 888 using isopsephy (gematria74),
    Iesous = 73/88

    Respuesta  Mensaje 136 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/08/2012 03:34
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    How big was Noah's Ark?

    Quick-read this article:
    What were the dimensions of Noah's Ark? The Ark was taller than a 3-story building and had a deck area the size of 36 lawn tennis courts. Its length was 300 cubits (450 feet, or 135 meters); its width was 50 cubits (75 feet, or 22.5 meters); it had three stories and its height was 30 cubits (45 feet, or 13.5 meters).

    Noah's Ark was huge: not like the little cartoon arks in some children's Bible story books.

    Noah's Ark was huge! If you wrongly imagine the Ark looked like some of those little cartoon boats in children's story books, with a couple of elephants' trunks and giraffes' necks sticking out the top, think again.

    Genesis 6:15 in the Bible tells us the Ark's dimensions were at least 135 meters long (300 cubits), 22.5 meters wide (50 cubits), and 13.5 meters high (30 cubits). That's 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high! It could have been larger, because several larger-sized cubits were used. But the 45-centimeter (18-inch) cubit is long enough to show the enormous size of the Ark.

    (A cubit was the length of a man's arm from fingertips to elbow.)

    Higher than a 3-story building!

    Noah's Ark was three stories high (Genesis 6:16). Its total deck area was equivalent to the area of about 20 standard college basketball courts or 36 lawn tennis courts. The world had to wait until AD 1884 before the Ark's size was exceeded, when the Italian liner Eturia was built.

    The rectangular dimensions of the Ark show an advanced design in ship-building. Its length of six times its width and 10 times its height would have made it amazingly stable on the ocean. Remember it was made more for floating than sailing, because it wasn't headed anywhere. The Ark was made to withstand a turbulent ocean voyage, not to be at a certain place at a certain time.

    Recent thought on the Ark's design is that it could have had a slightly tapered top at the front and back, instead of being squared off. But the famous rock formation near Mount Ararat with pointed ends, which some think is Noah's Ark, is definitely not!

    Isambard Kingdom Brunel pictureInterestingly, British civil and mechanical engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel built a steamship (the Great Britain) in 1843 that had almost the same proportions as the Ark, although it was smaller. This was regarded as a remarkable feat of Victorian and maritime engineering. The Great Britain was the first large vessel to be propelled by a screw propeller.

    Babylonian Ark fails test

    The ancient Babylonians had a flood story too, and it may have been a corrupted version of the biblical account. The ark in the Babylonian story was shaped like a cube, which would had made it unseaworthy.

    This shows the difference between truth and badly recorded legends. The Bible's Ark was able to carry all the animals God sent to Noah, it was wonderfully seaworthy, it landed on a mountain that is still identifiable today, and the whole story is credible scientifically.

    Because of this, there are many thousands of scientists who believe the Bible's account of the Ark and the worldwide Flood, but none (as far as we know) who seriously defends the Babylonian story as scientifically trustworthy.

    End of section

    Christian teachers and homeschoolers:
    Want an interesting student activity?

    If you want a classroom activity for Christian schools, you can show your students how big Noah's Ark was by measuring it out on your school grounds or in a large park.

    First get your students to measure out a cubit, which is the unit of length the Bible uses. Cubits were roughly the length of a man's arm from elbow to fingertips, although the length varied from about 45 centimeters (18 inches) to 56 centimeters (22 inches). A 45cm (18-inch) cubit will show the minimum length, although you can use a longer one if you have room.

    When you have your cubit (it can be marked on anything, but a piece of wood or pipe cut to size would do), measure out 300 of them to show the length of Noah's Ark. Get some students to stand between the two points. Do the same with the width, which was 50 cubits. If you can also measure 30 cubits upwards (say on your school's wall if it is at least four stories high, or to the top of a tall tree), all the better.

    When the students see how huge the Ark was, reinforce some of the points given in the article above. You could also read over the Bible account of the Flood from the book of Genesis. You could even make a hollow cube out of cardboard or paper to represent the Babylonian “ark”, and show how unstable it would be in the water compared to the real Ark.

    Your students may also like to make their own model ark out of wood or cardboard using a scale model of the dimensions given in the Bible (Genesis 6:14 onwards). The Bible model has been made and thoroughly tested many times and has been found to be extremely stable.

    Creation Answers has information on making a scale model of Noah's Ark.

    You can even buy scaled models of Noah's Ark or kits that allow you to make scale models of the Ark:

    Scaled model of Noah's Ark

    Noah's Ark Models sells high-quality handcrafted scaled and non-scaled models of the Ark, like the one above, that would make a great talking point for your school or church.

    Creation Science Resources has a 6-foot model you can make.

    Noah's Ark Net sells smaller models your students will enjoy making.

    Ark has even simpler models to make.

    End of section

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    Respuesta  Mensaje 137 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/08/2012 03:40
    22-06-2012, 03:03 PM
    In 1994 Robert Bauval published The Orion Mystery in which he described his Orion Correlation Theory. In doing so, Bauval made two astounding claims: (1) The four so-called “air shafts” of the Great Pyramid of Giza point towards particular stars not as they appear in the sky today, but as they appeared at the time when the edifice was built, i.e. some 4,500 years ago. (2) The three main pyramids of Giza are an Earthly representation of the stars that make up Orion’s belt as they appeared at the “First Time”, i.e. some 12,500 years ago. For the Orion Correlation Theory to be true, the ancient Egyptians must have possessed knowledge of the Precession of the Equinoxes. Before describing my new evidence for the theory, a brief review of precession would be helpful.

    The Earth’s axis, as we now know, precesses (“wobbles”) in a cycle lasting 25,776 years, causing an apparent change in the positions of the background stars: (1) The North Pole currently points towards the star Polaris. However, the pole actually describes a circle in the sky and has pointed towards other stars or empty space in the past. (2) The Vernal Point (the position on the Zodiac in which the sun rises on the Spring Equinox) changes over time. Currently, the Vernal Point is in Pisces, but this is about to change to Aquarius. (3) The culmination of a star (the maximum height a star is seen to rise above the horizon) moves up and down in a slow cycle.

    It was the Greek astronomer Hipparchus who supposedly discovered precession during the second century BC (or at least he discovered the effects of precession, but not the mechanism causing them). Robert Bauval and his co-researcher Graham Hancock have argued that the effects of precession were known long before Hipparchus, and in particular by the ancient Egyptians. Bauval and Hancock believe information related to precession was “encoded” in buildings such as the Pyramids and in mythology, particularly that of the god Osiris.

    At this point it is important to note how, for ease of calculation, ancient peoples “rounded” the numbers related to celestial cycles. For example, a year consisted of 360 days, with 12 months of 30 days each. (The ancients knew these numbers were convenient approximations and used little “tricks” to bring their calculations back in line with reality.) If the ancient Egyptians were aware of precession, then it is likely they would have also rounded the numbers related to that cycle.

    As the Vernal Point moves through the Zodiac, it does so at the rate of one degree every 71.6 years. Is it therefore a coincidence that 72 conspirators murdered the ancient Egyptian god Osiris? The number 72 is a rounded 71.6, and as Graham Hancock joked, you can hardly have 71.6 conspirators! If 72 is used rather than 71.6 for the time taken for the Vernal Point to move one degree, then the rounded value for the full precessional cycle (i.e. the Vernal Point moving through 360 degrees) is 25,920 years rather than 25,776 years. It follows that the time taken for the Vernal Point to move through one Zodiacal House (i.e. 30 degrees) is 2,160 years. This number will be of importance later on.

    I have recently discovered some intriguing evidence that adds to the veracity of the Orion Correlation Theory. In his book The Sign and the Seal, Graham Hancock describes how during the Exodus, Moses took with him much of the knowledge garnered over centuries by the ancient Egyptians. Some of this knowledge would have been in the form of “sacred” architecture. Like many people, I believe the sacred architecture taken from ancient Egypt was later applied to the building of Solomon’s Temple. The Temple, which the Bible describes in great detail, was designed using the Jewish Sacred Cubit. Until recently, no one has known the exact length of a Jewish Sacred Cubit. In his book The Templar’s Secret Island, Henry Lincoln (co-author of Holy Blood, Holy Grail) describes how in 1996 researchers at the Hebrew University precisely measured the length of Hezekiah’s Tunnel, an ancient aqueduct dug beneath Jerusalem. The tunnel is 512.5 meters long. An inscription on the tunnel wall, written at the time of its excavation, records the length as being “twelve hundred cubits”. As Henry Lincoln demonstrated, a simple calculation yields the length of the Jewish Sacred Cubit to be 0.427m, which is 16.8 inches.

    The ancient Egyptians used two types of “standard” cubits: the Common Cubit of 17.76 inches, and the Royal Cubit of 20.62 inches. Neither of these matches the Jewish Sacred Cubit. Each side of the Great Pyramid was designed to be 440 Royal Cubits long at its base. This gives a total base perimeter of 1,760 Royal Cubits, which is 36,291 inches. Wondering how many Jewish Sacred Cubits would fit into the base of the Great Pyramid, I did the simple arithmetic: 36,291 divided by 16.8 equals 2,160.17. This, to an accuracy of over 99.99%, is remarkably close to 2,160 – the rounded number of years it takes the Vernal Point to move through one Zodiacal House. Indeed, is it far too close to be a coincidence.

    The existence of a mysterious third ancient Egyptian cubit has been suspected in the past. For example, in his book Egyptian Origin of the Book of Revelation, John Pippy writes, “The third standard cubit was the divine cubit, used to measure things in the hereafter and for which we have no definite length”. Well, we now know the length of the Divine Cubit: it is 16.8 inches. In a sense, the Common Cubit and the Royal Cubit were “exoteric”, whilst the Divine Cubit – which became the Jewish Sacred Cubit – was “esoteric”.

    In conclusion, I have demonstrated how the ancient Egyptians, by esoterically dividing the base of the Great Pyramid into 2,160 Divine Cubits, encoded their knowledge of precession into a structure designed to endure for millennia. As far as I am aware, this is the first time the connection has been made between the Great Pyramid, the Jewish Sacred Cubit and precession. Undoubtedly, this connection will add credence to the Orion Correlation Theory.

    - Derek Willis

    Respuesta  Mensaje 138 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/08/2012 03:42

    New Evidence for the Orion Correlation Theory [Archive] - David ...

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    1 publicación - 1 autor - 22 Jun.
    In doing so, Bauval made two astounding claims: (1) The four ... cubits: the Common Cubit of 17.76 inches, and the Royal Cubit of 20.62 inches.
  • Thread 50 cubits = 74 feet | Masonic Forum of Light | BoardReader

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    I forgot to add Fifty cubits = 74 feet . (I'll add it now.) Fifty cubits 74 = 74 feet, if one cubit is 17.76 inches is encoded in 7/4/1776 74 ft = 888 in, the Greek name for ...
  • Masonic Forum of Light - 50 cubits = 74 feet

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    9 publicaciones - 5 autores - 8 Oct. 2009
    Fifty cubits74 = 74 feet, if one cubit is 17.76 inches is encoded in 7/4/1776 74 ft = 888 in, the Greek name for Jesus74 = 888 using isopsephy ...
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    Note the Latin cubitus, an elbow and cubitans, reclining on one arm. Depending on area of use the cubit has measured 45.110 cms/17.76 inches (Egypt); 52.8 ...

    hace 11 horas – 'God Craft'74 leads a break from reign of74 The King74 / Ruler74 / 1 ... Tabernacle were 50 cubits74 or 74 feet wide, 17.76 inches = cubit ...
  • Cubit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    The Egyptian cubit was subdivided into 7 palms of 4 digits each; surviving cubit rods are between 52.3 and 52.9 cm (20.6 to 20.8 inches) in length. Over time ...
  • • Rebuilding the Jewish(74) Temple On Mount Moriah(64 ...

 caché - Traducir esta página
    Bloquear todos los resultados de
    23 Oct 2010 – (6) Although the measurement of the ancient 'Royal cubit' was 7 palms ... be 6 palms and exactly one cubit = 17.76 inches (code of 7/4/1776).
  • Grand Master Mason Benjamin Franklin first used the

 caché - Traducir esta página
    23 Feb 2012 – Fifty cubits74 = 74 feet, if one cubit is 17.76 inches is encoded in 7/4/1776. 74 ft = 888 in, the Greek name for Jesus74 = 888 using isopsephy ...
  • Jesus(74) born 17/4/748 Roman Calendar, on Cross(74) 7/4/783 AUC ...

 › ... › ChristianityEn caché - Traducir esta página
    2 publicaciones - 2 autores - 10 Ene.
    The ancients realized that the Moon has a 29 1/2 days repetitive pattern. Thus, the ... **50 cubits74 = 74 feet if a cubit = 17.76 inches. 7/4/1776.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 139 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/08/2012 03:45

    Cubits Converter and Ark Size Calculator

 caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    If you leave the quantity at 1, the calculator will convert the values and calculate ... If you accept that Noah's value for a cubit is 20.3 inches, the ark was over 507 ...
  • Masonic(74) Code of 7/4/1776

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    1 publicación - 23 Sep. 2009
    ... of Roma[47}), and 50 cubits(74) = 74 feet if a cubit equals 17.76. ... and 50 cubits(74) = 74 feet if a cubit equals 17.76 inches (7/4/1776) ... Out of the 56 men who would later sign another copy of the Declaration, only one had ...
  • Rebuild(71) the Zion(64) Temple(71) built(64) on Mount Moriah(64 ...

 caché - Traducir esta página
    2 publicaciones - 3 Jul.
    First, let me say that I AM speaking for the One G-d of everyone as I write this. ... should be repeated with the cubits(74) being 1 = 17.76 inches.
  • Work out cubic mtr - Page 3 Problems & Solutions - FixYa

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    b>works out to about 17.76 cubic feet. The equation I ... How much is one cubit, to inches? How much is ... 1 cubit [Roman] is 17.4803149606 inches ... gk143df ...

 caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Converting Petrie's inch measurements to cubits, we obtain the following: ... 1. Using Petrie's mean values we obtain. 17.76 + 22.80 = 40.56 compared to 40.80 ...
  • Trisection of angle (How it can be done) - Math Forum Discussions

 › ... › sci.math.*sci.mathEn caché - Traducir esta página
    12 Oct 1998 – Replies: 1 Last Post: Oct 12, 1998 5:39 AM ... >classical contructions with ruler and compass, one means an ... Given a cubit is 17.76 inches ...
  • Hill - "Seven Seals" revealed as 'beyond Einstein theories' - Yuku

 caché - Traducir esta página
    20 Feb 2012 – [size=4]Fifty cubits74 = 74 feet, if one cubit is 17.76 inches is encoded in [color= Orange]7/4/1776 74 ft = 888 in, the Greek name for Jesus74 ...
  • Jesus(74) born 17/4/747 Roman Calendar, crucified 7/4/782 ...

 caché - Traducir esta página
    8 publicaciones - 3 Oct. 2011
    50 cubits74 = 74 feet if a cubit = 17.76 inches. 7/4/1776. Yes, it was a ... *Simple6 74 English774 Gematria874 with the key74 : A=1...Z=26 ...
  • Free4masonry7 / Masonic7,74 Code4 of July 4, 1776

 caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Posted June 14, 2010 22:31:01; Read all 1 opinions .... Noah's Ark & the Courtyard of Moses' Tabernacle were 50 cubits74 or 74 feet wide, 17.76 inches = cubit ...
  • The British cyclopaedia of the arts and sciences: including ... - Volumen1 - Página 780 - Resultado de Google Books
    Charles Frederick Partington - 1835 - Reference
    v' 1 Modern miles 86.91 Ancient do. of ) 109.18 8 stadia J length of a □ ingle
    moot, ... Turkey, Versts Miles 109.18 1612 1167 9905 1984 7083 7416 150.81
    17.76 88.70 ... foot 1.212 Hebrew sacred cubit 2.002 Hebrew great cubit 12.012
    Roman foot ... 1 inch (l-36th of a yard) 1 foot (I -3d of a yard) 1 yard imperial 1
    fathom (2 ...

    Respuesta  Mensaje 140 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/08/2012 04:05

    Génesis 1

    Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

    La creación

    En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra.

    Y la tierra estaba desordenada y vacía, y las tinieblas estaban sobre la faz del abismo, y el Espíritu de Dios se movía sobre la faz de las aguas.

    Y dijo Dios: Sea la luz; y fue la luz.

    Y vio Dios que la luz era buena; y separó Dios la luz de las tinieblas.

    Y llamó Dios a la luz Día, y a las tinieblas llamó Noche. Y fue la tarde y la mañana un día.

    Luego dijo Dios: Haya expansión en medio de las aguas, y separe las aguas de las aguas.

    E hizo Dios la expansión, y separó las aguas que estaban debajo de la expansión, de las aguas que estaban sobre la expansión. Y fue así.

    Y llamó Dios a la expansión Cielos. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día segundo.

    Dijo también Dios: Júntense las aguas que están debajo de los cielos en un lugar, y descúbrase lo seco. Y fue así.

    10 Y llamó Dios a lo seco Tierra, y a la reunión de las aguas llamó Mares. Y vio Dios que era bueno.

    11 Después dijo Dios: Produzca la tierra hierba verde, hierba que dé semilla; árbol de fruto que dé fruto según su género, que su semilla esté en él, sobre la tierra. Y fue así.

    12 Produjo, pues, la tierra hierba verde, hierba que da semilla según su naturaleza, y árbol que da fruto, cuya semilla está en él, según su género. Y vio Dios que era bueno.

    13 Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día tercero.




    14 Dijo luego Dios: Haya lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para separar el día de la noche; y sirvan de señales para las estaciones, para días y años,

    15 y sean por lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra. Y fue así.

    16 E hizo Dios las dos grandes lumbreras; la lumbrera mayor para que señorease en el día, y la lumbrera menor para que señorease en la noche; hizo también las estrellas.

    17 Y las puso Dios en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra,

    18 y para señorear en el día y en la noche, y para separar la luz de las tinieblas. Y vio Dios que era bueno.




    20 Dijo Dios: Produzcan las aguas seres vivientes, y aves que vuelen sobre la tierra, en la abierta expansión de los cielos.

    21 Y creó Dios los grandes monstruos marinos, y todo ser viviente que se mueve, que las aguas produjeron según su género, y toda ave alada según su especie. Y vio Dios que era bueno.

    22 Y Dios los bendijo, diciendo: Fructificad y multiplicaos, y llenad las aguas en los mares, y multiplíquense las aves en la tierra.

    23 Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día quinto.

    24 Luego dijo Dios: Produzca la tierra seres vivientes según su género, bestias y serpientes y animales de la tierra según su especie. Y fue así.

    25 E hizo Dios animales de la tierra según su género, y ganado según su género, y todo animal que se arrastra sobre la tierra según su especie. Y vio Dios que era bueno.

    26 Entonces dijo Dios: Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen, conforme a nuestra semejanza; y señoree en los peces del mar, en las aves de los cielos, en las bestias, en toda la tierra, y en todo animal que se arrastra sobre la tierra.

    27 Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y hembra los creó.

    28 Y los bendijo Dios, y les dijo: Fructificad y multiplicaos; llenad la tierra, y sojuzgadla, y señoread en los peces del mar, en las aves de los cielos, y en todas las bestias que se mueven sobre la tierra.

    29 Y dijo Dios: He aquí que os he dado toda planta que da semilla, que está sobre toda la tierra, y todo árbol en que hay fruto y que da semilla; os serán para comer.

    30 Y a toda bestia de la tierra, y a todas las aves de los cielos, y a todo lo que se arrastra sobre la tierra, en que hay vida, toda planta verde les será para comer. Y fue así.

    31 Y vio Dios todo lo que había hecho, y he aquí que era bueno en gran manera. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día sexto.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 141 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/08/2012 00:14

    Respuesta  Mensaje 142 de 412 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/08/2012 17:43


    SIRIUS A / B

















    Sirius is the brightest star in the night-time sky with a visual apparent magnitude of -1.47. It is located in the constellation Canis Major. Sirius can be seen from almost every inhabited region of the Earth's surface (those living north of 73.284 degrees cannot see it) and, in the Northern Hemisphere, is known as a vertex of the Winter Triangle. The best time of year to view it is around January 1, when it reaches the meridian at midnight. Under the right conditions, Sirius can be observed in daylight with the naked eye. Ideally the sky must be very clear, with the observer at a high altitude, the star passing overhead, and the sun low down on the horizon



    The name Sirius comes from the Latin sirius. It is situated in the eye of the greater dog Canis Major, therefore it is known as the 'Dog Star'. Other meanings:

    Transition Stage - Moving consciousness from one reality (frequency) to another

    Spirit of Wisdom - Zoroastrian Translation

    Brightly Radiating One -
    The Shining Ones /THE ILLUMINATI

    What to the eye appears as a single star is actually a large binary star system, consisting of a bright white main sequence star of spectral type A1V, named Sirius A, and a faint white dwarf companion of spectral type DA named Sirius B.














    Sirius is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Big Dog).[14] The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the "Dog Days" of summer for the Ancient Greeks, while to the Polynesians it marked winter and was an important star for navigation around the Pacific Ocean.





















    The word "Ianuarius" is the original Roman designation of the month January.

    The name is either derived from the two-faced Roman god Janus, from the Latin word ianua,

    which means "door", or it is the masculine form of Diana, which would be Dianus or Ianus (Janus).

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