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Réponse  Message 1 de 6 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 11/12/2024 02:42
Money flow. Cash coin flowing from water tap into piggy bank. Passive income to reach financial freedom. Financial growth, business development. Investment and profit increase. Fund raising, bank loan

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Réponse  Message 2 de 6 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/12/2024 02:44


                                      I was studying something called maritime law. I did not go in deep; I was just going through its summary. My attention was caught when I learned something small about money. I did not agree with it at once until I had some little help. I spent more time alone than I spent with people. One Saturday when people went out to hang out, I went and sat on the rock that was between a river. I spent there three hours just observing the water flow. From north to south, I would watch how waves formed in patterns. After some time, I could not tell where the water was coming from and where it was going. The water had formed a circle and it was moving in waves.  My mind became clear and I could only focus on one sound of water splashing from some rocks. At some point, I could hear melodious melodies from birds. That is when the idea of money came to my mind and at that point, I diverted my energy and all attention toward the thought of money.

I realized that the flow of money is likened to the flow of water. Money flows from point A to point B. Most like to term that as the circulation of money. At one point did I not see water stagnating. I realized that it was until someone or some object had to block that water for it to stop moving. This would be a matter of time before the water penetrated and found another way to flow. This principle applies to money. If money isn’t flowing then someone has made it stagnant or probably an object which is a natural calamity like earthquakes. I learned that for me to have money then money was supposed to flow through me. I learned that holding money in terms of saving was a complete waste of time. You receive money and let it out.

I also realized that when water is stagnant it becomes unclean. I realized that there is a much greater advantage of a fresh lake over a salty lake. Water that flows from a spring is different from water from a borehole. A dam is only clean and good when it has small outlets. When water is stagnant it becomes dirty because people swim there, they dump waste into it, and if an animal falls there and dies, that water will not be clean. Such water when taken by people causes diseases like cholera, Bilharzia, and dysentery. That is what happens also to stagnant money. Over time it loses its value, it is sweetness and it can no longer be seen as an important asset. When money is withheld there are no investments, infrastructure, and acquisition of assets.

Look at this scenario, one man holds ten billion in his account with little interest accumulation while another ten thousand men have a thousand shillings in their account. They are both citizens of one country and they need to develop their country. Ten years down the line nothing great had happened and they are wondering why. I realized that these ten thousand men were not only men but had human resources in them. Some were plumbers, others businessmen, and others agronomists. Their resources were unused because they lacked something small to put them on track. A plumber needed some money to buy a tool box but he didn’t have enough. He also needed to be employed on a certain project for him to work but currently, there was no infrastructure project running. A project couldn’t run without money.  A businessman did not have the capital to start his business. Agronomists could not even afford to start something small. If you compare the profit that was accumulated with this man having ten billion in his account with the profit that would have been accumulated if this money was distributed this money in the form of loans and grants to these ten thousand men, You find out that the gap would have been great. He would have achieved a profit of three hundred percent. What if had not given these men some money but decided on his own to start some projects using that money and then employing these ten thousand men? The flow of money would be continuous and he would have kept on increasing That is why Robert T. Kiyosaki says in his book The Rich Dad Poor Dad that , “  When the gap between the haves and have nots grow big the economy of nation collapses.”. Water flows from a spring to a stream of water then to a small river, a big river, and lastly a lake. If the water keeps flowing the water will enlarge in volume. If money keeps flowing through you then its volume will increase. River banks break and make way for flowing water. That is what I too learned about the flow of money.

When someone wants water, he goes to a river and draws it. If he has a cup then he gets water that a cup can hold. Some come with bottles, Water cans, tanks, and water boozers and even some use piping systems to get water. So, it’s up to you to choose. After the water is finished that person goes back and there will still be water flowing. Water doesn’t come to an end same as money does not come to an end. If the time you were drawing water you threw some paper in the water, the second time you came to draw you wouldn’t find that paper. The paper would be carried with water but still, you would find some water. This means that you will still find money but only the sources will be changing from time to time. That is what I learned about money. If you invest small you get small, if you invest big you get big. If you can put up more investment then you won’t have to go back to the river. You will be pumping water from the river to your storage tank at home. You will need to do some periodic maintenance of your piping system. The point is you don’t go looking for water but you go looking for the source of water. I learned that there was no need to waste my time looking for money rather I would spend my time looking for different sources of money. Where there was no river, I would have to drill a borehole. If I can’t find a source of income, Then I will create one.

When water flows it becomes important to everything. I realized that when this water was flowing some water would traverse into smaller streams along the way and grass and other sea plants would sprout along river banks. This water was used for irrigation, and drinking both for humans and animals, people would bathe from it, and still, the same water would be a home for aquatic animals. This principle applies the same to money. As money flows it is a must to be beneficial to all naturally. Money should be used to conserve the environment, support wildlife, and be used for charity purposes. If that happens then you are on good terms with money and money will keep flowing through you. Money may be flowing through you but dirty. A sewage may be good at some point but not all time round. Make sure the flow of your water is from a good source so that this water can support all living things. Money can buy food if that food is there. When you have money engage in things that return value to nature. Don’t invest your money in money market funds and ways of earning like the blockchain market only. Put your money in different places. I am working on a sustainable idea whereby everything that I eat will be produced by myself. I will eat fruits from my farm, and wear clothes made from forestry farming. I will eat fish from my fishpond same as chicken and eggs from my poultry farming. I will drink milk from my cows and use sugar from my sugarcane plantation. I mean if I can produce and sell while am also buying then am eligible to be called a patriotic Kenyan. I prefer to buy what I am also able to produce than what I am unable to produce.

When I was about to get out of the place I was sitting, I realized that I was still at the rock that was at the center of the river.  I then asked myself What if it had rained and the water had increased its volume.? Would I have been able to swim to the river bank? I learned that too much water was not good. I realized that even though many places had clean water but it was too dangerous to draw water from there. I realized that I had to gauge the depth of a river every time I wanted to draw the water from it. When you want to invest or find employment then gauge the depth of the source you are drawing your money from. After accumulating your money make sure it does not draw you because water can draw you. We plant trees to prevent water from causing erosion. We also build gabions to reduce the flow of water. If you feel like money is becoming too much then direct that money towards something else expecting no profit. Go and build schools and hospitals in less developed places and support education funds. Support talents and do as much as you as long as you are not drowning in your money.

Lastly, I learned that over time money has become a basic want. Water cannot flow backward neither can an ocean turn into a river. A long time ago money was not as important as it is today and that fact will remain true forever. Don’t have a mindset that our former lives or our ancestors had better lives than ours today. Even if it was better there is nothing we can do about that. We need to see money as a basic want. Alongside money, we have food, clothing, shelter and education. Both of them must work as one and none is more important than the other. Someone will tell me that money will buy everything but let me remind you of the butter trade. You can also exchange service with service and human resources with a house food and shelter. To avoid arguments, money is not everything.  What you need to do is to split your time finding other things that can support your money. Doing exercises, learning certain skills, nurturing your spirituality, improving your social psychology, and many things that bring peace to a man while on this earth. If there was no one to draw water then water would not have been used. If there were no plants then water would have lost its use same to animals living in water. Many factors affect money and they should be considered. If you have billions in your account and there is no food to buy what will be the use of money?

I was eager to continue learning this flow of money but unfortunately, I was awakened from my deep thinking with some drops of rain. That day I was rained on since I had just gone there walking. I was happy and I didn’t feel the great impact of the rain. That rain was the same water I had been thinking about. I still have tons of thoughts on the flow of money that I am still accumulating but I feel that That knowledge is worthy of sharing another time. If The flow of money was taught to us in our schools and an advanced class prepared for politicians What would the state of our economy be right now? Think about it.

Réponse  Message 3 de 6 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/12/2024 02:48
The Role Of Banks : Channels for Your Financial Flow | Money As Water

Réponse  Message 4 de 6 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/12/2024 02:51
Money Flows To Me Like Rushing Water - Short Affirmations On Loop - Attract  Abundance

Réponse  Message 5 de 6 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 12/12/2024 15:34
Money Flows To Me Like Rushing Water - Short Affirmations On Loop - Attract  Abundance

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 4 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/12/2024 12:28
Law of Attraction Money Affirmation - Money Flows into Your Life

Réponse  Message 6 de 6 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/12/2024 03:01
Luis Serrano ???????????????????? on X: "For a human, the meaning of the word “bank”  is different in the sentences, "Money in the bank" and "The bank of the  river." But how can

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