Lunes |
Martes |
Miércoles |
Jueves |
Viernes |
Sábado |
Domingo |
8 Llena
23 Nueva
Siguiendo con el patron de Rosh Hashanah el 8 de marzo (DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER)
21 de marzo/ (14 de Nissan osea Pascua)
1 de mayo/25 de Ishar
13 de mayo/8 de sivan (Exodo 19)
20 de mayo/15 de sivan/(conjuncion de las pleyades con el sol/caida del mana/Exodo 16)
21 de junio/17 de Thamus
4 de Julio/29 de Thamus o 1 de Av (Verdadero Pentecostes en el dia numero 118/119 desde el 8 de marzo/1 de NISSAN. El 4 de julio fue la INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU. ¿Sera este el MENSAJE QUE ESTA DETRAS DEL 911? SOLO DIOS LO SABE)
15 de Agosto /13 de Elul (Dia numero 161 del calendario luni-solar hebreo interrelacionado con el numero de oro phi. Tambien tenemos una referencia con el comienzo del calendario maya en el 13 de agosto o 13/6. El calendario LUNI-SOLAR GREGORIANO de origen EGIPCIO esta DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A LA ESTRELLA SIRIO/ISIS/MARIA MAGDALENA. El 15 de agosto esta en UNA POSICION DE ORO en funcion al 1 de enero y 31 de diciembre, entre el 13 de mayo y 13 de octubre primera y ultima aparicion de la virgen en FATIMA, entre el 4 de julio y 11 de septiembre que fue el 911. El arca de Noe, la gran piramide, el arca del pacto, el universo, la naturaleza integra, etc, etc fueron diseñadas en funcion al NUMERO DE ORO. La CONSPIRACION PATRIARCAL y MISOGENA, que demonizo a la mujer, IMPLICITAMENTE EN ESTE CONTEXTO NEGO QUE LA CREACION FUE HECHA POR DIOS. En realidad la creacion es una cualidad femenina, espiritu santo, de DIOS. EL PATRIARCADO, DETRAS DE LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA MARIA MAGDALENA, TAMBIEN NEGO A DIOS/DIOSA COMO CREADOR/CREADORA. LA MUJER ES LA QUE TIENE Y PROCREA AL HIJO ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD?)
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.
15 de septiembre/15 de Tisri o Fiesta de los Tabernaculos
21 de septiembre/21 de Tisri (Oshanah rabbah o septimo dia de los Tabernaculos)
13 de Octubre/13 del Octavo mes hebreo (Curiosa es la analogia 13/8vo mes hebreo con el 13 de Octubre)
20 de noviembre/22 de Kislev
Asunción de María
La Asunción de la Virgen María a los Cielos |
![Imagen Asunción de María](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9e/Tizian_041.jpg/200px-Tizian_041.jpg)
Asunción de María o Asunción de la Virgen es la creencia, de acuerdo a la tradición y teología de la Iglesia ortodoxa y de la Iglesia católica, de que el cuerpo y alma de la Virgen María fueron llevados al cielo después de terminar sus días en la tierra.
Este traslado es llamado Assumptio Beatæ Mariæ Virginis (Asunción de la Bienaventurada Virgen María) por los católicos romanos, cuya doctrina fue definida como dogma (verdad de la que no puede dudarse) por el Papa Pío XII el 1 de noviembre de 1950. La Iglesia Católica celebra esta fiesta en honor de la Virgen María en Oriente desde el siglo VI y en Roma desde el siglo VII. La festividad se celebra el 15 de agosto.
4:22 Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la libre. 4:23 Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la libre, por la promesa. 4:24 Lo cual es una alegoría, pues estas mujeres son los dos pactos; el uno proviene del monte Sinaí, el cual da hijos para esclavitud; éste es Agar. 4:25 Porque Agar es el monte Sinaí en Arabia, y corresponde a la Jerusalén actual, pues ésta, junto con sus hijos, está en esclavitud. 4:26 Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es libre. (Fijense que aqui PABLO dice que la JERUSALEN ES NUESTRA MADRE)
4:27 Porque está escrito: Regocíjate, oh estéril, tú que no das a luz; Prorrumpe en júbilo y clama, tú que no tienes dolores de parto; Porque más son los hijos de las desolada, que de la que tiene marido. 4:28 Así que, hermanos, nosotros, como Isaac, somos hijos de la promesa. (Pablo se esta incluyendo o igualando con ISAAC, OSEA EL HIJO DE ABRAHAM Y DE SARA. Pablo esta reconociendo que ISAAC ES TIPO DE LA IGLESIA)
MATEO 16:18 GALATAS 4:28 1 PEDRO 5:13 JUAN MARCOS 4:29 Pero como entonces el que había nacido según la carne perseguía al que había nacido según el Espíritu, así también ahora. 4:30 Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la libre. 4:31 De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la libre.
Juan 8:1 y Jesús se fue al monte de los Olivos. 8:2 Y por la mañana volvió al templo, y todo el pueblo vino a él; y sentado él, les enseñaba. 8:3 Entonces los escribas y los fariseos le trajeron una mujer sorprendida en adulterio; y poniéndola en medio, 8:4 le dijeron: Maestro, esta mujer ha sido sorprendida en el acto mismo de adulterio. 8:5 Y en la ley nos mandó Moisés apedrear a tales mujeres. Tú, pues, ¿qué dices? (La PIEDRA, en contexto a la RAMERA es una REFERENCIA A MATEO 16:18, NUMERO DE ORO, osea PEDRO, que en el contexto a la SEÑAL DE JONAS es irrefutable su NEXO CON EL PAPADO)
8:6 Mas esto decían tentándole, para poder acusarle. Pero Jesús, inclinado hacia el suelo, escribía en tierra con el dedo. 8:7 Y como insistieran en preguntarle, se enderezó y les dijo: El que de vosotros esté libre sin pecado sea el primero en arrojar la piedra contra ella. (Esta es una alegoria espiritual con REFERENCIA A QUE NO TENEMOS QUE DEMONIZAR AL CATOLICISMO A PESAR DE SUS ERRORES. ¿QUE DENOMINACION NO LOS TIENE? El termino libre es un enganche con GALATAS 4:26 especificamente con la JERUSALEM DE ARRIBA, QUE ES LIBRE, Y QUE ES NUESTRA MADRE. JESUCRISTO, NUEVO ABRAHAM, ES NUESTRO PADRE Y MARIA MAGDALENA, NUEVA SARA, ES NUESTRA MADRE. HONRAR PADRE Y MADRE)
89. Gálatas 4:22: Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la LIBRE.
90. Gálatas 4:23: Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la LIBRE, por la promesa.
91. Gálatas 4:26: Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es LIBRE.
92. Gálatas 4:30: Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la LIBRE.
93. Gálatas 4:31: De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la LIBRE.
94. Gálatas 5:1: Estad, pues, firmes en la libertad con que Cristo nos hizo LIBREs, y no estéis otra vez sujetos al yugo de esclavitud.
8:8 E inclinándose de nuevo hacia el suelo, siguió escribiendo en tierra.
8:32 y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres. 8:33 Le respondieron: Linaje de Abraham somos, y jamás hemos sido esclavos de nadie. ¿Cómo dices tú: Seréis libres?
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Re: [TheTrueSabbathsAndNewMoons] The 364 Day Solar Calendar & Noah's Flood
Shalom Paul,
You actually brought up one of four counterexamples to the Enochian calendar that caused me not to use it for Torah observance. The issue concerns the Flood. I am sure you recall me debating this very issue in this forum last year (unsuccessfully).
I explained in a previous post that the Book of Jubilees does not promote a 364-day calendar for Holy Days. The purpose of the statement in chapter 6 is to use the calendar to determine the vernal equinox so that we start the Head of the Year at the appropriate time and to not use the purely lunar calendar that looses 10 days each year and gets out of step with the seasons.
The proof that Jubilees does not promote the 364-day calendar is the following verse.
Jubilees 5: 27 And the water prevailed on the face of the earth five months -one hundred and fifty days.
There, we see that a five-month period equals 150 days. And it is easy to prove that the Book of Jubilees has the correct definition of a day. Using the conjunction and inclusive count (beginning and ending on the same day of the month), the lunar months will always be 150 days. And most translations of the Book of Jubilees say new moon as the beginning of months.
On the other hand, any five month period on the Enochian calendar will have at least 151 days because of the leap days at the equinoxes and solstices. Just read the Book of Enoch chapter 72 and you will see that it says that the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months have 31 mornings. I double-checked to make sure that could not claim that the 31st day of each third month does not count. The Book of Enoch counts it. That killed the argument for me. No matter how much I tried, there I could not get 150 days out of five months on the Enochian calendar. And remember, the Book of Jubilees explicitly says that five month = 150 days€”not approximately 150 days. This proves that the Book of Jubilees is not speaking of the Enochian calendar since that works only for the lunar-month almanac.
And, no, the Book of Enoch does not described the lunar cycle just prove that it is less than the solar cycle by less than 10 days. Again, I have studied this issue in detail and that is not what the book does. There is no need to go into exhaustive detail to show that the lunar cycle is short than the solar cycle. And there is certainly no reason to give all the ins-and-outs of the lunar cycle to prove that. It describes the lunar cycle to show the marvelous harmony of the sun and moon. This is why it mentions that the lunar and solar cycles coincide every 19 years among other marvels. There is no mention of Holy Days anywhere in the Book.
As for the issue concerning the many Jewish sects and almanacs during the time of Yeshua, no one disputes that. But, as Carlo and myself have shown, the primary issue was over determining the new month with the crescent moon (Babylonian) versus the correct method of using the conjunction. As we showed, the fact that Yeshua keep Pesach a full day before the majority of Jews shows that Yeshua€™s calendar was a day soon than the majority sect.
But, according to the Enochian calendar, Pesach is always on the night following the third day (or Tuesday night). Yeshua was placed in the tomb the next day before sunset. This means that€”according to the Enochian calendar€”He was in the tomb the 4th day, then a night season, 5th day, then a night season, 6th day, then a night season. This means that rose on either the night season following the 6th day or on the Sabbath. That too early. That is another problem I had. The only way this works on the Enochian calendar is if you say He was placed in the tomb after sunset which the Bible does not say.
The primary argument that I could not reconcile was Gen 1:14-16 which says to use the two greatest lights. And I read Hebrew. I know what the book says. The argument about how the translation was off will not work. I only posted that translation as point of reference. I read Hebrew. It clearly says that the Creator made two great lights to distinguish between day and night and to determine the almanac. It is clear in Hebrew (even it is not in so clear in your interlinear).
And I say again, there is no Essene lineage. There is not book that says that THIS IS THE ESSENE ALMANAC. The whole belief is interpretation and assumption. There is no proof that the Essenes used the 364-day calendar for Holy Days. The ONLY evidence is the Dead Sea Scrolls which only proves that one sect used this almanac. All of the scrolls that support the 364-day calendar are in one place€”Qumran. Even if there are in other places€”again€”it means nothing since there are many different ancient version of the almanac of Israel. The 364-day calendar is one many.
So, again, we have to look at them all and see which one is line with the Bible. For several reasons, the 364-day almanac does not fit (for Moediym).
In your reply, just focus on how you get 150 days out of 5 months on the Enochian calendar. I get the group post to my email. I will be happy to answer all of your questions on this issue. Again, I have several friends who use that almanac and identify themselves as Essenes and I have studied that almanac for years. I am not some dude who just disagrees without having thoroughly and prayerfully considered this almanac. As the people in the forum attest, I defended this almanac in heated debate for over three months. Just go to the archives and type either €œEnochian calendar€ or €œ364-day calendar€ and you will see LONG posts defending the Enochian calendar before you reply.
P.S. There were several sects of Essenes. Essene is just a general (Greek) name for non-mainstream Jewish sects such as the Evyoniym (Ebionites). So, associating Yeshua with Essenes and then associating the Essenes with the 364-day almanac is a false argument.
--- On Fri, 3/20/09, pwc17@... wrote:
From: pwc17@... Subject: [TheTrueSabbathsAndNewMoons] The 364 Day Solar Calendar & Noah's Flood To: TheTrueSabbathsAndNewMoons@yahoogroups.com Date: Friday, March 20, 2009, 2:03 PM
Shalom & Greetings To All,
As a consecutive post from where I recovered my Prelude from, I am posting mathematical proof of the 364 Day Solar Calendar from the account of Noah & the Flood.
Br. Paul
Genesis 7:4-10 4] For seven days hence I will cause it rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and all the substance that I have made, will I destroy from off the earth. 5] Noah therefore did according unto all that Yahuah commanded him. 6] Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth....." 7] So Noah entered and his sons, and his wife, and his sons wives with him into the Ark, because of the waters of the flood. 8] Of the clean beasts, and of the unclean beasts, and of the fowls, and of all that creepeth upon the earth, 9] There came two and two unto Noah into the Ark, male and female, as Yahuah had commanded Noah. 10] And so after seven days the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Mo 2 Day 10
~ ~ 40th day since last new year (counting backward from v 11)
Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened.
Jubilees 5:23 And he entered in the sixth (year) thereof, in the second month, till the sixteenth; and he entered, and all that we brought to him, into the ark, and Yahuah closed it from without on the seventeenth evening.
Mo 2 Day 17
~ ~ 47th day since last new year (Rains begin today)
Genesis 7:12 And rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Jubilees 5:25 And the flood-gates began to pour down water from the heaven forty days and forty nights ....
Mo 3 Day 26
~ ~ 40 + 47 = 87th day since last new year
Jubliees 5:29,30 29] And in the fourth month the fountains of the great deep were closed and the flood-gates of heaven were restrained and on (first) of the seventh month all the mouths of the crevasses, caves and the deep places 30] of the earth were opened, and the water began to descend into the deep below.
Mo 7 Day 1
~ ~ 96 + 87 = 183rd day since last new year
Genesis 7:24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days.
Genesis 8:3 and the waters receded from the earth continually. At the end of a hundred and fifty days the waters had abated; .....
Jubilees 5:27 And the water prevailed on the face of the earth five months -one hundred and fifty days.
Mo 7 Day 15
~ ~ 150 + 40 = 197th day since new year = 150 days total since rain began
Genesis 8:4 and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ar'arat.
Jubilees 5:28 And the ark went and rested on the top of Lubar, one of the mountains of the Ararat range.
Mo 7 Day 17
~ ~ 2 + 197 = 199th day since last new year = 152 days total since rain began
Genesis 8:5 And the waters continued to abate until the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen.
Jubilees 5:30 ... And on the first of the tenth month the tops of the mountains were seen, ....
Mo 10 Day 1
~ ~ 75 + 152 = 274th day since last new year = 227 days total since rain began
At the end of forty days Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made,
Mo 11 Day 11
~ ~ 40 + 227 = 314th day since last new year = 267 days total since rain began
Genesis 8:10-12 10] He waited another seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; 11] and the dove came back to him in the evening, and lo, in her mouth a freshly plucked olive leaf; so Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth. 12] Then he waited another seven days, and sent forth the dove; and she did not return to him any more.
Mo 11 Day 25
~ ~ 14 + 267 = 328th day since last new year = 281 days total since rain began
Genesis 8:13 In the six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried from off the earth; and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and behold, the face of the ground was dry.
Jubilees 5:30 ... , and on the first of the first month the earth became visible.
Mo 1 Day 1
~ ~ 37 + 281 = 365th day since last new year = 318 days since rain began
Genesis 8:14 In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day ( 17th day in Qumran texts ) of the month, the earth was dry.
Jubilees 5:31 And the waters disappeared from above the earth in the fifth week in the seventh year thereof, and on the seventeenth day in the second month the earth was dry.
Mo 2 Day 17
~ ~ 46 + 318 = 411th day since first new year = 364 days total since rain began
proof check: 411 days total since first new years day - 364 consecutive days = 47th day since last new years day - the exact day of the year when the rains came.
Jubilees 5:32 - 6:2 32] And on the twenty-seventh thereof he {Noah} opened the ark, and sent forth from it beasts, and cattle, and birds, and every moving thing. 01] And on the first of the third month he went forth from the ark, and built an altar on 02] that mountain. And he made atonement for the earth, ....
Note the Mesoretic Text contradicts the Jubilees texts concerning the 17th and 27th of the Second Month at the end of the Flood. Jubilees 5:27 agrees with the Qumran text ( 4Q252-254a ) that the land was dry on the 17th day of the second month, but also mentions that on the 27th day of the second month Noah went out of the ark. The Mesoretic text is believed to have been edited by the Pharisaical scribes.
Haz hecho público que te gusta. Deshacer
21 Mar 2009 – Mo 10 Day 1. ~ ~ 75 + 152 = 274th day since last new year = 227 days total since rain began. At the end of forty days Noah opened the window ...
The New Atlantis
Secret Destiny of America Manly P Hall Chapter 11. The Objective of the Secret Society One reference to a secret society in Bacon’s New Atlantis is scarcely less than a proclamation of the Society of Unknown philosophers, but has gone unnoticed for three hundred years. … This fable is of the land of Bensalem, meaning the Son of Peace, which with its merchandise, the Light of Truth, maintained a trade with Atlantis, which was declared to be the same as America. … Every thing indicates that it was Sir Francis Bacon’s dream that the enlarging of the bounds of human empire should be instituted on our own continent, an area peculiarly set aside by Nature for the perfection of philosophy and the sciences.
The New Atlantis was first published in 1627, as a kind of appendix to the Sylva Sylvarum, a natural history in ten centuries. On the title page is a curious design. It shows the figure of an ancient creature representing Time drawing a female figure from a dark cavern. The meaning is obvious: Through time, the hidden truth shall be revealed. This figure is one of the most famous of the seals or symbols of the Order of the Quest. Contained within it is the whole promise of the resurrection of man, and the restitution of the divine theology.
Rawley writes in his introduction to Bacon’s the New Atlantis, “This fable My Lord devised, to the end that he might exhibit therein, a model or description of a college, instituted for the interpreting of nature, and the producing of great and marvelous works, for the benefit of men; under the name of Solomon’s house, or the college of the six days work.”
The college of the six days work is, of course, a thinly veiled reference to the perfection of nature through art. The six days are the days of creation by which the natural world was brought into existence, according to the account given in Genesis. As God created the Universe in six symbolic days, so man by art–that is, philosophy–must create the condition of his own perfection by means of six philosophical steps.
The name of the land in which stood the Wise Man’s City was Bensalem; this means the Son of Peace. Bensalem maintained a trade with all parts of the world, but not for gold, silver, jewels, silks, spices, nor any other material commodity; its merchandise was the Light of Truth. Among the nations traded with was Atlantis, which was declared to be the same as America.
Religion, science, and philosophy are the three parts of essential learning. A government based upon one or even two of these parts must ultimately degenerate into a tyranny, either of men or opinion. These three realize the unity of knowledge; they are the orders of the Quest…The supreme human purpose is the perfection of man. This must come first, and when this end has been achieved all good things will inevitably follow….These three [religion, science, philosophy], then, are the orders of the Quest. Together they can bring about the perfection of man through the discovery of the Plan for man…..One of the great secrets of antiquity was this realization of the unity of knowledge and the identity of the Quest in all the branches of learning. The great philosophers of the past were truly great because they approached the problem of life as priest-philosopher-scientist. The title “The Wise” is properly applied only to those in whose consciousness the unity of knowledge has been established as the pattern of the Quest.
It was part of the ancient plan that has descended to us to build again the ideal university–the college of the six days work. Here would be taught the same arts and sciences that we teach today, but from a different basic premise. Here men would learn that the sciences are as sacred as the theologies, and the philosophies are as practical as the crafts and trades. Those mystical extra-sensory perceptions viewed with suspicion by the materialist would then be developed according to the disciplines of the sciences, and all learning would be consecrated to the supreme end that men become as the gods, knowing good and evil
David Ovason writes in regards to the truncated pyramid and all seeing eye on the dollar bill:
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 235 “This ‘invisible’ symbolism recalls one important strain of arcane symbolism within Masonry itself, which maintains that the present era is that during which the Temple of Solomon is being rebuilt. At the completion of this Temple, the present era will come to an end, and be succeeded by a more splendid spiritual era.
![truncated pyramid](http://littleguyintheeye.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/truncated-pyramid.jpg?w=255&h=254&h=254)
The Weeping Virgin
![weeping virgin](http://littleguyintheeye.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/weeping-virgin.jpg?w=700)
The ‘weeping Virgin’ is portrayed with Saturn which portrays in symbology the ‘resurrection of man’ or the new temple.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 186
“…the celestial version of this Beautiful Virgin was the Virgin whom the Masons used in their mystery symbols of Washington D.C., the city of Virgo. The important point is this: in some way, the Masonic fraternities of the United States have visualized their federal city as the founding stone not merely for the United States, but of the Fourth Ear, which will see the rebuilding, on the inner plane, of the Temple of Solomon.”…”Such imagery reflects the Masonic appreciate of the arcane significance of Virgo. It is in this pregnant myth of the Beautiful Virgin that we begin to see something of the arcane importance of the Virgo image to Washington, D.C. The image points – by inference – to the unfinished Temple of Solomon, that most enduring of Masonic symbols. This means that the Weeping Virgin symbolizes, in a feminine personification, a lamentation at the unfinished pyramid on the Seal of the United States, and on every dollar bill. The pyramid is incomplete because it is the Egyptian Mystery equivalent of the Temple of Solomon. Virgo is the star goddess weeping that so remarkable an endeavor still remains unfinished.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 184
“It seems then, that the Beautiful Virgin is a representation of the Virgin of the skies, the celestial Virgo, and that in certain Masonic contexts she is represented as weeping. The link between Virgo and Isis is nowhere more openly revealed than in this idea, for Isis was herself on of the two ‘weeping sisters.’ In some Masonic accounts, she is said to be weeping because she symbolizes the unfinished Temple – that is, the Temple of Solomon from which some Masonic fraternities still date the passage of the years. Since the Masonic symbolism sees the building of the external Temple as representative of the building of the internal temple of spirit, it seems that the Virgin weeps either for the imperfections still in mankind or because the Temple is not yet finished.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 186
“Such imagery reflects the Masonic appreciation of the arcane significance of Virgo. It is in this pregnant myth of the Beautiful Virgin that we begin to see something of the arcane importance of the Virgo image to Washington, D.C. The image points – by inference – to the unfinished Temple of Solomon, the most enduring of Masonic symbols. This means that the Weeping Virgin symbolizes, in a feminine personification, a lamentation at the unfinished pyramid on the Seal of the United States, and on every dollar bill. The pyramid is incomplete because it is the Egyptian Mystery equivalent of the Temple of Solomon: Virgo is the star goddess weeping that so remarkable an endeavor still remains unfinished.”
The cabbalistic design of the great seal of the United States is seen with intimate connection to the Queen of Heavenclick here (Ashtoreth the wife of Saturn).
![eagle dollar](http://littleguyintheeye.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/eagle-dollar.jpg?w=256&h=252&h=252)
Notice the link between the pentagram and hexagram above the head of the eagle as seen above, both are linked to the seal of Solomon. E Pluribus Unum refers back to the Bacchic rites of the ‘awakening’ of man where the resurrected Bacchus is seen as the flaming Sun which is seen above the head of the eagle which in reality is the Phoenix.
A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek).
Barbara Walker Now Is The Dawning , p. 281
“Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a god who “rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth …”
William Schnoebelen, in his book, Satan’s Door Revisited , p. 4. “The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who … will one day rise triumphant. This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.”
Venus & the Phoenix
Apart from its brightness, the most distinctive feature of Venus is its cycle as a morning star and evening star. Accordingly, the Egyptians symbolized Venus as the Bennu, a heron-like bird commonly equated with the phoenix. Venus represents Lucifer, the ‘morning star’.
Notice on the head of the eagle the little ‘tuft’ of feathers on the back of the head…this is not on an eagle but was placed there to allude to the phoenix.![head eagle](http://littleguyintheeye.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/head-eagle.jpg?w=250&h=223&h=223)
Serpent Goddess
Children of the Matrix pg 146 “The serpent goddess is known under countless names around the world, including Diana, Artemis, Semiramis, Barit, Britannia, Hecate, Rhea, Persephone (‘First Serpent’) and so on. These same names have also been used to symbolise esoteric concepts like the phases of the Moon and female energy, but at its foundation this goddess worship of the Illuminati would seem to relate to the DNA transmitted through the female and possibly originating in the constellation of Orion….this DNA source symbolised in various cultures as the Dragon Queens, the Orion Queen or Queens, and the ‘Snake Mother.’ Artemis is depicted with eggs all over her chest and she is associated with bees. One of the prime symbols of the Merovingian bloodline, so connected to Artemis/Diana worship, is the bee and the hive.
Children of the Matrix pg 147 Sir Laurence Gardner is a spokesman for the Imperial Royal Dragon Court an Order that represents the interests of the ‘Dragon bloodlines’ seeded by the DNA of the ‘Dragon Queens.’ He says that this symbolism and the theme of the Dragon Queens goes back to the ‘founding mother’ of the Annunaki he calls Tiamat, the Sea-dragon in Mesopotamian accounts. These queens, he suggests, were commonly represented as mermaids and were called Ladies of the Lake. Throughout the lands settled by former Atlantean-Lemurian peoples you find the worship of the serpent goddess and her serpent son, who is often symbolised as a bull.
Julius Caesar descendant of the Queen of Heaven
Rulers of Evil – Tupper Saussy pg 214-15
“The land of the Pyramid, Egypt, is where Caesarean Rome was inaugurated. By ‘Caesarean’ I mean the empire whose head commands ontonly affairs of state but those of religion as well. Caesarean Rome officially began in Alexandria, Egypt, at the temple of Jupiter, on the winter solstice- December 25 – in the year 48 BC, when a fifty-two-year-old priest of Jupiter was declared to be Jupiter’s incarnation, thus ‘Son of God.’ His name was Caius of the family of Marius, Caius Maria. After deification, and occasionally before, Caius Maria was referred to as ‘Caesar,’ a cabalism formed by the letter ‘C’ (for Caius) attached to ‘Aesar,’ the Etruscan word for ‘God.’ The God Caius. According to Scottish theologian Alexander Hislop, Caesar consented to deification in order to inherit the huge kingdom of Pergamum. Consisting of most of Asia Minor (present day Turkey), Pergamum was bequeathed to the Roman people in 133 BC by its king, Attalus III. But there was a catch: the people of Rome had to regard their leader as God.”
The Pergamenian kings had begun ruling as God when the title Pontifex Maximus fled the fall of Babylon in 539 BC. In that eventful year, Persian invaders assassinated the Babylonian king Belshazzar. Just moments prior, Belshazzar had seen his assassination prophesied by the famous handwriting on the wall: ‘Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin,’ (‘The Numberer is numbered’). Ruling as God by divine appointment, Belshazzar had profaned the sacred vessels of the Israelite temple. This was the unpardonable sin of blasphemy, for which God sent the Persian to destroy him.
Belshazzar’s priests were evidently spared. Rather than submit to the Persian conquerors, they furtively gathered together all their portable treasures, entitlements, codes, inscriptions, astrology, sacred formulae, and insignia and fled with them northwesterly to Pergamum….Pergamum, became the new residence of Pontifex Maximus.“
Rulers of Evil Pg 216
Deification entitled Caesar now to assume the title Pontifex Maximus. To indicate his infinitely holier status, he took the name ‘Julius.’ The name was a claim of descent from Julius Ascanius, the legendary son of legendary Aeneas, Virgil’s maritime hero who sailed westward with a band of his Trojan fellow countrymen fleeing the sack of Troy by Greek marauders. Assisted by the whole heavenly network of mythic deitices, Aeneas led his followers to sacrifice their individuality for a glorious collective existence that would one day be called ‘Rome.’
Aeneas was considered the offspring of a union between a human being, Anchises, and Jupiter’s wife Venus…By taking the name of Aeneas’ son Julius and claiming descent from him as well, Caesar was able to trace his lineage back to the Queen of Heaven*. The divine lineage supposedly flowed through his mother, Maia, who was purported to have conceived him without losing her virginity. Maia also claimed to have remained a virgin even in child birth by having her son delivered from the side in a surgical operation that still bears Caesar’s name.
*According to David Icke, Philip Eugene de Rothschild told him that the ‘Aeneas’ bloodline became the Bauer- Rothschilds and the Battenbergs. This is the Merovingian bloodline and the Hapsburgs.
Rulers of Evil – Tupper Saussy pg 219-220
“Six hundred years after Isaiah {Isaiah 7:14; 9:6}, Virgil solemnly announced in the Fourth Eclogue that the Prince of Peace would be produced by the unrolling of a New World Order (‘NOVUS ORDER SECLORUM’):
Now returns the Golden Age of Saturn, now appears the Immaculate Virgin. Now descends from heaven a divine Nativity. O! Chaste Lucina, speed the Mother’s pains, haste the glorious Birth, and usher in the reign of thy Apollo. thy consulship, O Pollio, shall lead this glorious Advent, and the new world order shall then begin to roll. Thenceforth whatever vestige of Original Sin remains, shall be swept away from earth forever, and the Son of God shall be the Prince of Peace!
Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital – David Ovason pg 391
“Now the Virgin returns, the Saturnian reign return:
Now a new Offspring is sent down from high heaven.
O Chaste Lucina favour the Boy now being born, with whom the iron race
Shall end and a golden arise in all the world…”
Rulers of Evil pg 221
“When Octavian reached the age of twelve, great-uncle Caius became his legal father through adoption. Three years later, in Octavian’s fifteenth year, his adoptive father was deified as Julius Caesar, Pontifex Maximus. That’s when the propagandists of Maecenas got busy promoting the Son’s divine origins…about how he had been conceived on December 25 by Apollo, who came in serpent form and impregnated the virgin Atia Maria as she lay sleeping on the floor of the Apollonian temple…The propaganda circulated the story of how the great astrologer Theogenes, when told Octavian’s birth sign (Capricorn), rose and flung himself at the lad’s feet. Theogenes knew the astrological ruler of Capricorn was Saturn, whose second Golden Age was at hand – Saturn, the celestio-mythical Father-God of Rome and father of Jupiter. Octavian, as the incarnation of Jupiter, would be ruled by Saturn, the most ditatorial house in the zodiac…In 28 BC, twelve years after the publication of the Fourth Eclogue, Octavian entered Rome triumphantly as the Prince of Peace. Like Julius had done, the new Pontifex Maximus received a new and holier name, Caesar Augustus. And like Julius, he was hailed as ‘Son of God.’”
Rulers of Evil pg 222 quoting The Worship of Augustus Caesar (1899)
“Augustus wore on his head a pontifical mitre surmounted by a Latin cross…The images of Augustus upon the coins of his own mintage, or that of his vassals, are surrounded with the halo of light which indicates divinity, and on the reverse of the coins are displayed the various emblems of religion, such as the mitre, cross, crook, fishes, labarum, and the Buddhic or Bacchic or Dionysian monogram of PX (Greek Chir-rho)…The Augustan writers furnished material showing that his Incarnation was the issue of a divine father and mortal mother’s…”
The symbols on the Great Seal of the United States show from whence it’s government is derived. From Pagan Rome which was to be a new Golden Age of Saturn, passed down through Roman Catholicism to the ‘New Atlantis’, America click here.
Days of Noah
Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noah, so also will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Luk 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so also it will be in the days of the Son of Man. Luk 17:27 They were eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, until the day Noah went into the ark. And the flood came and destroyed all. Luk 17:28 And likewise, as it was in the days of Lot, they were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building; Luk 17:29 but on the day Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from the heaven and destroyed all. Luk 17:30 According to those things, it will be in the day the Son of Man is revealed.
The above Scriptures indicate that the world system is going to continue up until the day Messiah returns and it will all come to an end in the blink of an eye.
The above Scriptures also indicate that the days of Noah, the days of Lot are the main reference points to understanding the times before the return of the Messiah through the Scriptures. The other main reference to look at is the Egyptian Exodus (Mic 7:15; Jer 16:14; 23:7).
Jude connects the days of Noah and the days of Lot via the fallen angels.
Jud 1:6 And those angels not having kept their first place, but having deserted their dwelling-place, He has kept in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of a great Day; Jud 1:7 as (Aramaic ‘just as’…connecting sins of angels with Sodom an Gomorroah) Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, in like manner to these, committing fornication, and going away after other flesh, laid down an example before-times, undergoing vengeance of everlasting fire.
The Rephaim are connected to Saturn
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26 the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity. The Targum is,
“ye have borne the tabernacle of your priests, Chiun your image, the star your God, which ye have made to yourselves.”
It may be further observed, for the confirmation and illustration of what has been said concerning Chiun, that the Egyptian Anubis, which Plutarch (x) says is the same with Saturn, is called by him Kyon, which seems to be no other than this word Chiun: and whereas Stephen calls it Rephan, this is not a corruption of the word, reading Rephan or Revan for Chevan; nor has he respect to Rimmon, the god of the Syrians, but it is the Egyptian name for Saturn; which the Septuagint interpreters might choose to make use of, they interpreting for the king of Egypt: and Diodorus Siculus (y) makes mention of an Egyptian king called Remphis, whom Braunius (z) t akes to be this very Chiun; see Act_7:43; but Rephas, or Rephan, was the same with Chronus, or Saturn, from whence came the Rephaim (a), who dwelt in Ashtaroth Karnaim, a town of Ham or Chronus; see Gen_14:5.
Génesis 8:1 Y se acordó Dios de Noé, y de todos los animales, y de todas las bestias que estaban con él en el arca; e hizo pasar Dios un viento sobre la tierra, y disminuyeron las aguas. 8:2 Y se cerraron las fuentes del abismo y las cataratas de los cielos; y la lluvia de los cielos fue detenida. 8:3 Y las aguas decrecían gradualmente de sobre la tierra; y se retiraron las aguas al cabo de ciento cincuenta días. 8:4 Y reposó el arca en el mes séptimo, a los diecisiete días del mes, sobre los montes de Ararat. (7x17=119. Tenemos un NEXO DEL ARARAT CON EL 911/119. En el contexto a que la LUNA LLENA/rosh hashanah fue en 1917 un 8 de marzo la INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU CAYO A LOS 119 DIAS. APARTE EL 9 DE NOVIEMBRE (9/11) EN ESE AÑO CAYO 11 DE KISLEV O 11 DEL NOVENO MES HEBREO E INSISTO EL 5 DE ENERO 9 DEL ONCEAVO MES HEBREO O 9/11 HEBREO. ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD? ¿PORQUE EL 15 DE AGOSTO ESTA EN UNA POSICION AUREA ENTRE EL 4 DE JULIO, INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU y el 11 de septiembre? Otra evidencia de la relacion de Genesis 8:4 con el numero 227 la tenemos sumando 40 dias mas 7 mas 40 mas 150 llegamos al 227 en el contexto a la secuencia GENESIS 7/8 HASTA GENESIS 8:4) 8:5 Y las aguas fueron decreciendo hasta el mes décimo; en el décimo, al primero del mes, se descubrieron las cimas de los montes. 8:6 Sucedió que al cabo de cuarenta días abrió Noé la ventana del arca que había hecho, 8:7 y envió un cuervo, el cual salió, y estuvo yendo y volviendo hasta que las aguas se secaron sobre la tierra. 8:8 Envió también de sí una paloma, para ver si las aguas se habían retirado de sobre la faz de la tierra. 8:9 Y no halló la paloma donde sentar la planta de su pie, y volvió a él al arca, porque las aguas estaban aún sobre la faz de toda la tierra. Entonces él extendió su mano, y tomándola, la hizo entrar consigo en el arca. 8:10 Esperó aún otros siete días, y volvió a enviar la paloma fuera del arca. 8:11 Y la paloma volvió a él a la hora de la tarde; y he aquí que traía una hoja de olivo en el pico; y entendió Noé que las aguas se habían retirado de sobre la tierra. 8:12 Y esperó aún otros siete días, y envió la paloma, la cual no volvió ya más a él. 8:13 Y sucedió que en el año seiscientos uno de Noé, en el mes primero, el día primero del mes, las aguas se secaron sobre la tierra; y quitó Noé la cubierta del arca, y miró, y he aquí que la faz de la tierra estaba seca. 8:14 Y en el mes segundo, a los veintisiete días del mes, se secó la tierra.
Juan 8:1 y Jesús se fue al monte de los Olivos. 8:2 Y por la mañana volvió al templo, y todo el pueblo vino a él; y sentado él, les enseñaba. 8:3 Entonces los escribas y los fariseos le trajeron una mujer sorprendida en adulterio; y poniéndola en medio, 8:4 le dijeron: Maestro, esta mujer ha sido sorprendida en el acto mismo de adulterio.
8:5 Y en la ley nos mandó Moisés apedrear a tales mujeres. Tú, pues, ¿qué dices? 8:6 Mas esto decían tentándole, para poder acusarle. Pero Jesús, inclinado hacia el suelo, escribía en tierra con el dedo. 8:7 Y como insistieran en preguntarle, se enderezó y les dijo: El que de vosotros esté sin pecado sea el primero en arrojar la piedra contra ella. 8:8 E inclinándose de nuevo hacia el suelo, siguió escribiendo en tierra. 8:9 Pero ellos, al oír esto, acusados por su conciencia, salían uno a uno, comenzando desde los más viejos hasta los postreros; y quedó solo Jesús, y la mujer que estaba en medio. 8:10 Enderezándose Jesús, y no viendo a nadie sino a la mujer, le dijo: Mujer, ¿dónde están los que te acusaban? ¿Ninguno te condenó? 8:11 Ella dijo: Ninguno, Señor. Entonces Jesús le dijo: Ni yo te condeno; vete, y no peques más. 8:12 Otra vez Jesús les habló, diciendo:Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue, no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida.
8:13 Entonces los fariseos le dijeron: Tú das testimonio acerca de ti mismo; tu testimonio no es verdadero. 8:14 Respondió Jesús y les dijo: Aunque yo doy testimonio acerca de mí mismo, mi testimonio es verdadero, porque sé de dónde he venido y a dónde voy; pero vosotros no sabéis de dónde vengo, ni a dónde voy.
Pyramidal peak
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A pyramidal peak, or sometimes in its most extreme form called a glacial horn, is a mountaintop that has been modified by the action of ice during glaciation and frost weathering. If the use is unambiguous within a mountain context, then the simple terms peak or horn may be used.
[edit] Formation
Ice fields at the head of glaciers develop bowl-shaped basins in the sides of a mountain called cirques (sometimes called corries or cwms). Cirque glaciers have specific characteristics. They have rotational sliding that abrades the floor of the basin but not the edge and that causes the bowl shape to form and also contributes to the development of the morainal or rock thresholds that separate them from downvalley slopes as well as hold in glacial lakes called tarns. As cirques are formed by glaciation in an alpine environment, the headwall and ridges known as arêtes become more steep and defined. This occurs due to freeze/thaw and mass wasting beneath the ice surface. It is widely held that a common cause for headwall steepening and extension headward is the crevasses known as bergschrund that occur between the moving ice and the headwall. This is a location where plucking and shattering has been seen by observers that explore the crevasses. A completed cirque is exposed as the glacier that was in the cirque melts away, after the periods of glaciation in the Pleistocene. When there are three or more of these cirque headwalls and arêtes joined together to form a single peak it creates a pyramid shape with very steep walls and it is called a horn or glacial horn. They are a common shape for mountain tops in well glaciated areas. The number of faces that make up the sides of a horn are dependent on the number of cirques involved in the formation of the peak, but the most common number of faces for a horn to have is three or four.
A glacial horn takes the process to its limits, producing near vertical faces on all sides. In the Alps, "Horn" is also the name of very exposed peaks with slope inclinations of 45-60° (e.g. Kitzbüheler Horn).
Actualidad del Mensaje de Fátima
Este artículo, escrito en 1992 por ocasión del 75º aniversario de las apariciones en Fátima, conserva vigencia en todos sus términos, y adquiere un significado relevante en este año de 2007, en que se conmemora el 90º aniversario de aquellas memorables apariciones
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
El Mensaje de Fátima —transcurridas más de siete décadas de las famosas apariciones de la Virgen en Portugal, en 1917— irrumpe en nuestros días con renovada actualidad, al punto de haber sido recientemente objeto de una extensa materia de primera página en el The Wall Street Journal (27 de setiembre de 1991), uno de los periódicos de mayor circulación en el mundo.
Impresionante concomitancia de dos hechos que marcaron el siglo XX
¿Qué es lo que confirió a las revelaciones de Fátima esa sorprendente vitalidad?
Es que en ellas está profundamente concernida una nación que ocupa hoy un lugar central en el escenario político mundial, esto es, Rusia.
Llama la atención ante todo la simultaneidad de los dos acontecimientos —las revelaciones de Fátima y la Revolución Rusa— los cuales ocurrieron en el transcurso del mismo año de 1917. El comunismo se adueñó del poder en Rusia exactamente 12 días después de la última aparición de la Virgen en Fátima. Un mensaje trasmitido a los tres videntes —Lucía, Francisco y Jacinta— y que permaneció en secreto hasta 1942, señalaba “los errores de Rusia” como siendo el foco central de las graves perturbaciones que realmente vendrían a conmocionar al mundo entero durante la mayor parte del siglo XX. Por fin, en el mismo Mensaje estaba prevista la conversión de esa nación...
En estas condiciones, la espectacular caída del Muro de Berlín, el 9 de noviembre de 1989, con las conmociones políticas que le precedieron y le siguieron en los países del Este europeo —por ejemplo la desaparición de la Cortina de Hierro— no podían dejar de ser asociadas a lo que fue previsto en Fátima.
¿No serían tales acontecimientos señales de que Nuestra Señora estaría cumpliendo sus promesas?
El referido artículo de The Wall Street Journal enfoca precisamente esa cuestión.
No es posible, en los estrechos límites de un artículo conmemorativo, tratar exhaustivamente de ese punto fundamental de la actual situación política internacional. Corresponde no obstante hacerlo al menos de modo sumario, al celebrar una fecha tan significativa como el transcurso de tres cuartos de siglo de las más célebres apariciones marianas quizás de toda la Historia de la Iglesia.
Increpación al mundo, amenaza de castigos, promesa de paz
¿Qué extrae de este Mensaje un lector medio, que a él consagre una atención suficientemente seria?
Un lector en tales condiciones retiene del Mensaje el hecho supremamente grave de que la Virgen increpa al mundo por ciertos pecados y lo amenaza con determinados castigos, en caso de que sus pedidos no sean atendidos. El carácter condicional de las promesas de Fátima queda así perfectamente determinado. Es decir, la Virgen deja un camino abierto para que la humanidad pueda escapar del castigo inminente mediante la enmienda de vida.
En este sentido, se destaca también el carácter expiatorio de los pedidos hechos por la Virgen: la Comunión Reparadora de los primeros sábados durante cinco meses seguidos y la consagración de Rusia a su Inmaculado Corazón. Si tales pedidos fuesen atendidos, Rusia se convertiría, abandonaría sus errores, y ese factor fundamental de perturbación del mundo cesaría de actuar. El mundo volvería a gozar de paz: la paz de Cristo en el Reino de María.
La crisis moral en Occidente no hizo sino acentuarse
Pregunta: ¿los pecados cesaron? ¿La expiación fue hecha? ¿La consagración de Rusia se realizó en los términos exactos establecidos por la Virgen?
Respuesta: para comenzar por lo más evidente, la crisis moral en Occidente, desde 1917 hasta nuestros días, no ha hecho sino acentuarse rápidamente. Las modas se han ido degradando, aproximándose al nudismo cada vez más generalizado. La asombrosa inestabilidad del matrimonio; la ostentación desvergonzada, hasta con avisos luminosos en locales de fácil acceso, de casas de prostitución; la despenalización y la aprobación de la homosexualidad como un hecho normal; el creciente número de apostasías en el clero y entre miembros de las órdenes religiosas de ambos sexos, frecuentemente relacionado con el menosprecio del voto de castidad; la enseñanza mixta de jóvenes de distinto sexo; la educación sexual en los colegios; los medios artificiales para impedir la natalidad; son otros tantos síntomas de la descomposición moral que afecta a sectores cada vez más amplios de las sociedades occidentales.
La secta atea del comunismo procuró construir una sociedad sin Dios
En relación a los países del Oriente que fueron dominados por la secta atea del comunismo, fue construida en ellos una sociedad en la cual se procuró desterrar totalmente la idea de Dios. Desde la cima del Estado hasta los más simples detalles de la vida cotidiana de cada individuo, todo se organizó de modo contrario a lo que postula el Derecho Natural codificado en los diez mandamientos de la Ley de Dios. La legislación comunista abolió la propiedad privada, instituyó el igualitarismo más completo y prácticamente extinguió la familia, transformando el matrimonio en un mero registro público que insignificantes formalidades legales podían alterar, según se le antoje a la pareja que episódicamente se juntó.
Reforma de la moralidad, la gran olvidada
Así, entre las numerosas reformas que todo el mundo —sea en Occidente, sea en Oriente— considera necesarias, nadie pleitea la solución para lo que más ha ofendido a Nuestra Señora, es decir, la reforma de la moralidad, tanto particular como pública; la restauración de la institución de la familia, fortaleciendo la sacralidad e indisolubilidad del matrimonio y la autoridad de los padres sobre los hijos; y sustrayendo a éstos ala exagerada intromisión del Estado —que oficialmente es laico, cuando no directamente ateo— en la enseñanza, en la cultura, en el interior del hogar, etc.
Los pedidos de la Santísima Virgen no fueron atendidos en un punto fundamental
Por lo tanto, cualquier afirmación en el sentido de que las promesas de Fátima se estarían cumpliendo exigiría la mayor prudencia, ya que de parte de los hombres no hubo correspondencia a los pedidos de la Virgen en un punto fundamental: la enmienda de las costumbres. Y lo anterior, sin considerar siquiera la discutida cuestión de si las condiciones establecidas por la Virgen para la conversión de Rusia —nación que debería mencionarse de modo especial en la fórmula de consagración— fueron debidamente respetadas en las sucesivas consagraciones del mundo a su Inmaculado Corazón realizadas por los Pontífices.
Perestroika, de la esperanza a las espinas
Es un hecho, no obstante, que la promesa gorbacheviana de instaurar la perestroika en Rusia provocó, dentro y fuera de aquel país, uno de los mayores terremotos geopolíticos de la historia: numerosas naciones que no vislumbraban la menor esperanza de ser libertadas, que eran mantenidas bajo el guante de hierro del comunismo soviético, súbitamente sacudieron ese yugo y tomaron el propio destino en sus manos. Inclusive Alemania, dilacerada de alto a bajo, se unificó. ¿Cómo no ver con ánimo esperanzado tan alentadoras transformaciones? Pasados, sin embargo, los primeros momentos de optimismo, la mirada de los observadores realistas comenzó a discernir espinas en medio de las rosas. Setenta años de comunismo en Rusia y cerca de medio siglo en las naciones satélites o anexadas produjeron una devastación de las instituciones y una apatía en las poblaciones, sin que se observen señales de pronta recuperación. Por el contrario, los analistas y los medios de comunicación social pasaron a enfocar cada vez con mayor frecuencia el gravísimo problema de las migraciones hacia Occidente de multitudes hambrientas —algunos hablan de decenas de millones— en busca de condiciones de sobrevivencia. Los pueblos de las naciones occidentales comienzan a inquietarse delante de la perspectiva de esta nueva “invasión de los bárbaros”, la cual, si tuviera las proporciones pronosticadas, producirá a su vez devastaciones inimaginables. Además del empobrecimiento económico provocado por esa invasión, la mezcla de poblaciones tan diferentes hará que esas naciones vayan perdiendo su propia identidad. Occidente, que a pesar de todo acabó resistiendo a la prédica doctrinaria del comunismo, ¡se vería así destrozado por una operación aparentemente a-ideológica!
A esta altura una pregunta se impone inevitablemente. Cuando Gorbachev determinó el derrumbe de la Cortina de Hierro, ¿no era éste exactamente el efecto que tenía en vista? Se comprende entonces que muchos europeos comiencen a tener nostalgias de la Cortina de Hierro, hasta hace poco considerada la muralla del horror, y que ahora se revela como habiendo sido una barrera protectora...
¿Retracción o metamorfosis del comunismo?
Los espíritus más perspicaces siempre vieron con desconfianza la perestroika. Temían que ella encubriera en su seno una vulgar artimaña del comunismo. Hoy en día, la opinión pública de Occidente va percibiendo lentamente que los verdaderos fines de la perestroika eran en realidad oscuros. Tal vez no esté lejos el día en que el indiscutible retroceso del comunismo revele que él no fue sino una metamorfosis, y que de la larva en descomposición sale volando la “linda” mariposa de la autogestión... Autogestión ésta que todos los teóricos y líderes máximos del comunismo, desde Marx y Engels hasta Gorbachev, siempre presentaron como la versión extrema y acabada del comunismo, la quintaesencia el mismo. En el propio preámbulo de la Constitución soviética, así estaba afirmado con todas sus letras. De este modo, el comunismo, aparentemente derrocado, se habría diseminado por todo el mundo.
En este punto, sí, las profecías de Fátima estarían siendo confirmadas por los hechos, pues en ellas se advierte: ¡si los hombres no se enmendasen, Rusia esparcirá sus errores por el mundo!
Lucidez, vigilancia y ánimo
Es pues, del mayor interés tomar conocimiento del Mensaje de Fátima en su versión auténtica —conforme resulta de los manuscritos de la Hermana Lucía— para que los espíritus se mantengan lúcidos, vigilantes y animosos frente a los acontecimientos extraordinarios que puedan llegar a ocurrir, sumiendo a la humanidad en la perplejidad y en la aflicción.
Para los que tienen fe, resonarán siempre en sus oídos las palabras de la Virgen en Fátima: “Por fin, mi Inmaculado Corazón triunfará”.
http://www.fatima.org.pe/seccion-verarticulo-324.html ![](http://www.fatima.org.pe/images/sections/romborojo.gif) |
Es curioso que la caida del comunismo fue un 9 de noviembre, osea un 9/11, interrelacionado con FATIMA. |
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Nuestra señora de Fatima en línea. ... Según el pensamiento de Marx y Lenin, el Comunismo es el resultado del proceso dialéctico de la Revolución Mundial ...
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La carta del Padre Gruner que acompaña a la edición nº 83 de The Fátima Crusader, ... Solo la imagen del Comunismo ha sido destruida en Rusia, que se queda ... El último objetivo soviético permanece igual desde que Lenín declaró: " No ...
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'Decálogo de Lenin' –el líder comunista escribió otro 'Decálogo', auténtico, que ...... Sabemos que la Santísima Virgen anunció en Fátima que Rusia esparciría ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=UahGL63XanM25 Feb 2007 - 9 min - Subido por unrealbug Fatima - Rusia y Comunismo - 1ra Parte .... como lo fue stalin, lenin, mao tse, nicolas cecesku, kim il sun ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb7BPhhJt4o27 Feb 2007 - 10 min - Subido por unrealbug Fatima - Rusia y Comunismo - 5ta Parte ... nuevo comunismo (socialismo progresista) "a diferencia del ...
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Lenin, Fatima and Holy Week James J. Foley The association of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (known to history as Lenin) with the most important week in the Christian ...
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... Kms of test drives! Stay buckled up DriveMates! :-). Like · Comment · 16 hours ago ·. Massarath Fatima, Lenin Lawrence, Anish Rozani and 16 others like this.
www.fatima.org.pe/seccion-verarticulo-324.htmlEn caché
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Lenín, apenas unos días después de la última aparición de la Virgen en Fátima, instauró el régimen comunista en Rusia que luego esparciría sus errores por el ...
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El mensaje de Fátima profetiza que una ideología, el comunismo, entonces ... al bolchevismo por el golpe de Estado de Lenin, que ocurrirá en octubre de 1917.
misericordia.fullblog.com.ar/dios-en-fatima-contra-del-comunismo-a...En caché
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22 Mar 2010 – Marcó el inicio de la expansión del comunismo en el siglo XX. ... El 7 de noviembre de 1917, los líderes bolcheviques Vladimir Lenin y León ...
13 de octubre
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El 13 de octubre es el 286.º (bicentésimo octogésimo sexto) día del año en el calendario gregoriano y número 287 en los años bisiestos. Quedan 79 días para finalizar el año.
[editar] Acontecimientos
- 54: en Roma, Nerón (de 16 años de edad) es proclamado emperador, el mismo día que moría envenenado el emperador Claudio.
- 1292: en España, las huestes cristianas de Sancho IV arrebatan Tarifa (Cádiz) al sultán de Marruecos.
- 1307 (viernes): en Francia: los Caballeros Templarios, son entregados a traición a la Inquisición católica, y arrestados simultáneamente esa misma noche. Siete años más tarde, el 18 de marzo de 1314, se pondría fin a la Orden con la ejecución de su gran maestre, Jacques de Molay.
- 1397: en Zaragoza (Aragón), el rey Martín I el Humano (Martí l’Humà) jura los fueros establecidos por su padre Pedro IV, y dos años después, el 13 de abril de 1399 es coronado en esa ciudad.
- 1582: en Roma, el papa Gregorio XIII decreta el calendario gregoriano en sustitución del calendario juliano; la noche del jueves 4 de octubre dio paso al viernes 15 de octubre, por lo cual el 13 de octubre de 1582 nunca existió.
- 1780: en las islas Antillas (mar Caribe) es el cuarto día del Gran Huracán de 1780, el primer huracán con mayor número de víctimas mortales de los que se tienen datos (22 000 muertes directas, 27 000 muertes totales). Durará hasta el 16 de octubre.
- 1843: en España, la reina Isabel II establece por decreto la bandera nacional, con los colores amarillo y rojo de la enseña de guerra de la Armada.
- 1854: en la ciudad de Valparaíso (Chile) se funda la 3.ª Compañía de Bomberos «Bomba Cousiño y Agustín Edwards».
- 1879: Johann Palisa descubre el asteroide Martha (205).
- 1909: en Barcelona (España), Francisco Ferrer i Guardia es fusilado por ser el supuesto intigador de los tumultos de la Semana Trágica.
- 1917: en Fátima, Portugal, ocurre la última aparición de la Virgen María a los tres pastorcitos: Lucía, Francisco y Jacinta. Se produce lo que se conoce como el "milagro del sol".
- 1930: en el aeródromo de Ciampino, el helicóptero D'AT3 —diseñado por Corradino D'Ascanio— realiza su primer vuelo.
- 1934: en Asturias (España), las fuerzas rebeldes asturianas se rinden ante el gobierno de la República.
- 1943: en el marco de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el nuevo gobierno de Italia se une a los aliados y declara la guerra a Alemania.
- 1959: Estados Unidos lanza el satélite Explorer VII.
- 1972: en los Andes se estrella el avión que trasporta a un equipo de rugby uruguayo. En los siguientes meses tendrán que comer los restos de los fallecidos en el accidente.
- 1983: entra en funcionamiento el primer sistema de telefonía celular AMPS.
- 1990: Lyudmila Karachkina y Gregor Kastel descubren el asteroide Sikorsky (10090).
- 2005: en Estados Unidos se lanza de la distribución Linux Ubuntu 5.10, The Breezy Badger.
- 2006: Muhammad Yunus y el Banco Grameen reciben el Premio Nobel de la Paz por el desarrollo e implementación de los microcréditos.
- 2010: finaliza con éxito el rescate de los treinta y tres mineros atrapados, desde hace sesenta y nueve días, en una mina chilena de Copiapó.[1]
21 de marzo/ (14 de Nissan osea Pascua)
1 de mayo/25 de Ishar
13 de mayo/8 de sivan (Exodo 19)
20 de mayo/15 de sivan/(conjuncion de las pleyades con el sol/caida del mana/Exodo 16. 15 DE SIVAN O 15 DEL TERCER MES HEBRE (15/3) TIENE un fuerte nexo CON EL NUMERO 153 FUERTEMENTE RELACIONADO CON LA VIRGEN DE FATIMA. Entre el 13 de mayo y el 13 de octubre, primera y ultima aparicion de la virgen tenemos 153 dias. Incluso hay un nexo entre el 13 de octubre y el 15 de marzo o 15/3 gregoriano, que es el dia de San Longino quien fue el romano que le clavo la lanza a nuestro Señor en la cruz cuando le salio sangre y agua con fuerte nexo con el grial y tambien entre el 15/3 y 15/8 tambien hay 153 dias. En JUAN 21 APARECE EL NUMERO 153 CON FUERTE NEXO CON PEDRO Y EL DISCIPULO AMADO, quien es JUAN MARCOS EL HIJO DE NUESTRO SEÑOR Y MARIA MAGDALENA. La gran piramide y CHICHEN ITZA estan diseñadas con el PATRON DE LAS PLEYADES EN CONJUNCION EL 20 DE MAYO EN TAURO)
21 de junio/17 de Thamus
4 de Julio/29 de Thamus o 1 de Av (Verdadero Pentecostes en el dia numero 118/119 desde el 8 de marzo/1 de NISSAN. El 4 de julio fue la INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU. ¿Sera este el MENSAJE QUE ESTA DETRAS DEL 911?
Entre el 4 de Julio (Independencia de EEUU) y el 15 de Agosto:
Julio=28 dias
Agosto 15 dias
28+15=43 dias
Periodo 15 de Agosto y el 11 de Septiembre:
16+11=27 dias
Periodo 4 de Julio y el 11 de Septiembre:
43+27=70 dias
15 de Agosto /13 de Elul (Dia numero 161 del calendario luni-solar hebreo interrelacionado con el numero de oro phi. Tambien tenemos una referencia con el comienzo del calendario maya en el 13 de agosto o 13/6. El calendario LUNI-SOLAR GREGORIANO de origen EGIPCIO esta DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A LA ESTRELLA SIRIO/ISIS/MARIA MAGDALENA. El 15 de agosto esta en UNA POSICION DE ORO en funcion al 1 de enero y 31 de diciembre, entre el 13 de mayo y 13 de octubre primera y ultima aparicion de la virgen en FATIMA, entre el 4 de julio y 11 de septiembre que fue el 911. El arca de Noe, la gran piramide, el arca del pacto, el universo, la naturaleza integra, etc, etc fueron diseñadas en funcion al NUMERO DE ORO. La CONSPIRACION PATRIARCAL y MISOGENA, que demonizo a la mujer, IMPLICITAMENTE EN ESTE CONTEXTO NEGO QUE LA CREACION FUE HECHA POR DIOS. En realidad la creacion es una cualidad femenina, espiritu santo, de DIOS. EL PATRIARCADO, DETRAS DE LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA MARIA MAGDALENA, TAMBIEN NEGO A DIOS/DIOSA COMO CREADOR/CREADORA. LA MUJER ES LA QUE TIENE Y PROCREA AL HIJO ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD?)
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.
15 de septiembre/15 de Tisri o Fiesta de los Tabernaculos
21 de septiembre/21 de Tisri (Oshanah rabbah o septimo dia de los Tabernaculos)
13 de Octubre/13 del Octavo mes hebreo (Curiosa es la analogia 13/8vo mes hebreo con el 13 de Octubre)
20 de noviembre/22 de Kislev
Sergio Chotsourian es bien conocido por ser el guitarrista de Los Natas… Su sangre armenia dio origen a Ararat, un proyecto personal con el que estrena álbum: Música de la resistencia… Ararat es un monte que se encuentra en territorio turco, pero es el símbolo nacional de Armenia y también representa el genocidio sufrido por armenios a manos de turcos en 1915… Sin embargo, la obra de Sergio Ch. no se resguarda en la furia del sonido o de las letras… Es más bien un homenaje, a través de un viaje por momentos psicodélico, por momentos de apacibles melodías, por momentos de trance demencial… Ararat es ese trip que es necesario realizar para entender un poco más el dolor de la pérdida y la alegría de una reconstrucción que no pierde la memoria… ![](http://blogs.lanacion.com.ar/el-amplificador/files/2009/10/ararat-cd-web-732535-260x260.jpg) Arranca con Gitanoss, 13 minutos en modalidad lisérgica, con palabras gritadas desde una subconsciencia… Sigue con Dos Horses, una deliciosa suite de piano y guitarra… En El carrusel coquetea con una continuidad de lo que significó ese gran disco de Los Natas llamado Toba Trance (donde un órgano de iglesia resiste a las embestidas de una distorsión)… Ganar-perder es una hermosa balada limpia y triste, donde al fin la voz de Sergio es clara y frontal… En Magia negra vuelven al estado de trance y cierran con Castro, una pieza en la que uno es capaz de palpar el horror… El álbum (lanzado aquí por Oui Oui Records) fue también editado en Estados Unidos y Europa (donde Los Natas siempre fueron bienvenidos, antes incluso de que fueran aceptados aquí)… Siempre es un placer presentar este tipo de producciones… Los dejo con una pequeña viñeta incluida en el disco, Little Grissy (Post dedicado a mi amigo Christian Leblebidjian) |
The Search for Noah’s Ark
The Epic of Gilgamesh 1150 BC
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Neo-babylonian, Akkadian Cuneiform
Noah or Ham: Ut-napištim
Gilgamesh is a real historical king of Uruk who seeks out is ancestor, Ut-napištim who was on Noah’s ark to learn the secret of eternal life.
“I [Gilgamesh] began to fear death, and so roam the wilderness.” (Tablet 10)
“I [Gilgamesh] have come on account of my ancestor Ut-anapishtim [who was on Noah’s ark], who joined the Assembly of the Gods, and was given eternal life. About Death and Life I must ask him.” (Tablet 9)
1. Gilgamesh is the young king of Uruk who seeks out his ancestor Ut-napištim, who was on Noah’s ark, to learn the secret of eternal life. “I have come on account of my ancestor Ut-anapishtim, who joined the Assembly of the Gods, and was given eternal life. About Death and Life I must ask him.” (Tablet 9) “I began to fear death, and so roam the wilderness.” (Tablet 10)
2. The Epic of Gilgamesh centers around the king of Uruk named Gilgamesh who searches for the secret of eternal life for his ancestor named Ut-napištim, who was on Noah’s Ark, most likely Ham. Noah and Shem lived 500 years after the flood and died only after Abraham was born. We are not told any details of how long Ham or Japheth lived, but they may have shared a similar age of life. It would be predictable therefore, that many flood stories would be retold and remembered. In fact there are hundreds of different flood stories that permeate every culture and civilization on earth. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the story of an real historical king who goes on a journey to visit Ham (or Noah) to learn the secret to eternal life. He never finds the secret.
3. The discovery of the Temple library of Nabu and the royal library of Assyrian king Ashurbaminal (669-633 BC) in Nineveh is one of the greatest archeological finds in history since they contained tens of thousands of clay tablets. Although the vast library was discovered in 1853 AD, it took many years to translate the Akkadian Cuneiform text. Almost 19 year later, George Smith stunned the world when he first reported the discovery of the Epic of Gilgamesh on 3 December 1872. The entire library is presently housed at the British Museum, Room 55.
4. Although the tables were fired in 1150 BC, the fact that Enlil is the chief Sumarian god in the story, is why archeologists date the origin of the story to the third millennium BC. (2150 BC)
5. Since the 12 tablets are partially damaged, the text of the 12 tablets written “fills in the story” from other sources like the Epic of Atra-Hasis which.
6. It is important to realize that the first 11 tablets are a single unit and the 12th tablet is an epigraphically addition or appendix because we find Enkidu still alive, even though he dies in tablet 7. Centered around a peek into life after death, like Luke 16:21f, Gilgamesh gives Enkidu instructions about what he must do in order to come back to life. It is clearly not part the tightly knit whole of the first 11 tablets.
7. Gilgamesh was a young man in the story (end of tablet 2) which explains his strong desire to speak with the ancients that dwelt on the earth before the Noaic flood. He also runs off to his mother for advice before he leaves on his adventure.
8. One of the themes in the Epic of Gilgamesh is the entropy (decay) of mankind from the perfect immortality of deity in the Garden of Eden, to sinful mortal man and man’s search and desire to regain what he lost.
9. The story is of how a man named Gilgamesh gained spiritual insight by seeking his answers from one of the four men on Noah’s Ark.
A. Parallels with the Bible:
1. The central parallel of Gilgamesh with the Genesis flood is that the gods commanded a man to build a boat with specific dimensions, to fit all the animals inside to escape a flood. After the flood the boat rests on a mountain (as opposed to a flat plain) and a window is opened and three birds are released, two of which come back and the last never returns.
2. Bible skeptics were quick to argue that the existence of flood stories that predated Genesis in 1440 BC, was proof that Genesis plagiarized the earlier accounts. In fact it is far more likely that the many flood accounts that permeate every culture are proof of a global flood that everyone was aware of. The 500 flood stories that exist in every culture and geographic region on earth is predictable, given the entire world was repopulated by four human couples that lived at least 500 years after the flood. The Noah’s Ark would be an accepted fact like George Washington was the first president of the USA and Sir John A. McDonald was the first Prime minister of Canada. (or the battle of 1812, where Canadians wamped the Americans and won the war, sending the Americans scurrying into retreat.)
3. There are numerous direct parallels in the Epic of Gilgamesh with stories, facts and events in the Bible. While it is true that other flood stories like the Epic of Atra-Hasis (1635 BC) and the Eridu Genesis (2150 BC) have details that predate Genesis (1440 BC), the Gilgamesh Epic was written 300 years after Genesis. This may explain some of the parallels, (like the period of plenty followed by the 7 periods of famine: Joseph) but not all. For example, the opening tablet parallels the theme of the book of Ecclesiastes and the “all is vain and striving after wind” theme. Yet, this is not all that profound and unique, given most elderly people come to this conclusion on their own that all is vain. Above all, the many parallels give evidence that the Bible truly was an ancient document with figures of speech and themes typical of the age and culture of the ancient Middle East. This should not surprises us, for today, many books are written with similar figures of speech and culture ideas. For example, if someone said “he only has 8 lives left” we all know that the person almost died. The idea that a “cat has nine lives” might appear, 1000 years from now, an idea that one person copied from another and another. On the other hand, we all know that, it is a foundational cultural communication tool. This, therefore, explains many of the parallels like “all is vain” and “7 periods of famine” without interdependence between sources.
4. While the flood would have been considered an historical fact, like the falling of the twin towers by Muslim Terrorists, the factual details can quickly change. Nobody today questions the twin towers fell, but almost immediately, different interpretations about why and how they fell began to emerge. Muslims immediately started teaching in their Mosques that Jews were driving the planes as a plot by Israel, funded by the CIA to make Muslims look bad. Conspiracy nuts suggested that George Bush planted explosive in the tower and gave the order to demolish it himself in order to attack Muslims. Likewise everyone believed there were a small number of people with all the animals on a boat that saved them from a global flood, but the reasons why the “gods” destroyed the world varied.
5. So the idea that the Bible plagiarized the flood stories is simplistic, shortsighted and unscholarly. A universally believed fact like Noah’s Ark would clearly ignite a lot of stories given that Noah and Shem both lived after Abraham was born. Having said this, it is possible that the Epic of Gilgamesh might have incorporated specific idea from the book of Genesis that was written 300 years earlier. However, such parallels are likely better explained as common figures of speech of the era.
B. Mount Ararat: Mt. Mashu “twin mountain”
1. There are two mountains named in the Epic of Gilamesh: Mt Nimush where the ark rested upon and Mt. Mashu where the flood survivor, Ut-napištim lives. Mt. Mashu literally means “twin”. So Mt. Mashu is the twin peaked mountain. This is without a doubt Mt. Ararat, the twin-mountain where Ut-napištim lives. There is an amazing triple coincidence between the geography of the twin peaks of Mt. Ararat, the archeology of the Shamash who dwells between the two peaked mountain in the Epic of Gilgamesh, since in tablet 9, the story also refers in plural to the “Mashu mountains”. So not only does the name Mashu mean twin, but Mashu is referred to in the plural.
2. The complicating factor is that in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the ark did not rest on the “twin peaked mountain” (Mt. Mashu), but on Mt. Nimush.
3. To make matters worse, after the gods gave Ut-napištim his immortality while standing inside the Ark on Mt. Nimush, he was told he must live far away at the “source of the two rivers” (headwaters) at Mt. Mashu, (the twin peaked mountain).
4. Taken at face value, the twin mountain (Mashu) is far away from the mountain the ark rested upon. The two mountains are a great distance apart from each other.
5. But the identification of the twin peaked Mt. Mashu with Mt. Ararat today is strengthened by two important factors: First, Mt Ararat is indeed near the “headwaters of the two rivers” (Euphrates and Tigris). Second, From archeology, we know that the sun god “Shamash” lived in between the twin peaks of Mt. Mashu where Ut-napištim lives. Notice that the written language symbols for “Shamash” in Cuneiform, Chinese and Egyptian all show a god living between two mountain peaks.
6. the home of the survivor of the flood living at Mt. Ararat, perhaps at times, inside the ark itself as his home. This would have fantastic implications for what might be inside Noah’s Ark, once it is dug out of the glacier and excavated by professional archeologists! We might find Ham himself with all his belongings frozen in time, being caught in a huge snow storm that created the permanent ice cap of Mt. Ararat.
B. List of Characters:
1. Adad, Shullat and Hanish: storm god who brought the rain that flooded the earth.
2. Anrum: lower ranking god and mother of Ishtar
3. Anu: god of the sky and father of Ishtar sometimes symbolized as a jackal.
4. Anunnaki: A governing group of the highest ranking Gods who make decisions.
5. Anzu, the raven god of death that kills Enkidu and sends him to the “House of Darkness” also called the “House of Dust”
6. Apsu: mythical subterranean freshwater reservoir that feeds all springs and wells on earth.
7. Aruru: creator Godess. Sister of the highest ranking god Enlil and mother of Ninsar (goddess of the pasture)
8. Belet-Ili: god of the womb who presents Ut-anapishtim with a bead necklace as a reminder of the flood.
9. Dais of Imini: a god that lives in the cedar forest that Humbaba the dinosaur protects.
10. Ea or Enki: The god of water (later Greek: Neptune) who betrayed Enlil and warned Gilgamesh to build the ark and loaded all the animals on board. In the Epic of Atra-Hasis, Ea is the one who led the rebellion of the lower gods against the higher gods to escape their work and toil.
11. Enkidu: fallen god who became a man and Gilgamesh’s co-traveler in the story.
12. Enlil: highest ranking god of all that ordered the flood to destroy all mankind.
13. Erragal was god of the underworld, husband of Ereshkigal and a lover of Mami.
14. Ereshkigal: the Queen of the Netherworld “Irkalla”, “House of Darkness” (biblical sheol or hades)
15. Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh is listed on the Sumerian King List and is almost certainly a real historical king of Sumeria. In the Epic, Gilgamesh is a young king of Uruk (or Erech) that the story centers around. He seeks out Ut-napištim for spiritual enlightenment.
16. Gugalana: Bull of Heaven (the constellation Taurus) and first husband of Ereshkigal, that the “jilted lover” Ishtar sends to kill Gilgamesh.
17. Humbaba: A fire breathing dinosaur like the Biblical Leviathan of Job 41 that Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeat. Humbaba protects the cedar forest that is the dwelling place of the gods.
18. Ishtar: a goddess of love and fertility, that asks Gilgamesh to marry her, then behaves like a woman scorned when she is refused. She is the counterpart to Astarte, the 70 breasted fertility goddess of the Hebrews of the Bible worshipped in rebellion to God. Her father is Anu and her mother is Anrum.
19. Lugalbanda: a god that Gilgamesh honors in his house.
20. Mammetum: the god of fate.
21. Mt Nimush is the mountain that the ark rested upon and Mt. Mashu is the twin peaked mountain (Ararat) where Ut-napištim’s home lives. You must enter a tunnel at the foot of Mt. Nimush to get to Mt. Mashu.
22. Ninsun or Rimat-Ninsun: Gilgamesh’s mother who is priestess of Egalmah Temple
23. Shamash: Sun-god in Sippar whom Gilgamesh worships and physically prays towards.
24. Shamhat: a human harlot that Gilgamesh sends to seduce Enkidu to change him into a man
25. Shuruppak is the name of the pre-flood town where Ut-anapishtim lived.
26. Siduri: tavern-keeper who lives by the seashore at the end of the tunnel in Mt. Mashu (Ararat)
27. “Sin” is the moon god that was worshipped from ancient times down to the time of Muhammad who before his conversion to monotheism worshipped 360 different gods in the Kabah in Mecca. Muhammad knew the moon god by the name of “Hubal”. What is quite certain is that the Pagan Arabs in Mecca worshipped a moon god called Hubal at the Kabah. Hubal was the Lord of the Kabah, being the highest ranking god of the 360 gods worshipped in the Kabah, also known as “Allah”. Allah (Hubal) was worshipped as the Lord of the Kabah. After being influenced by monotheistic Christians and Jews, Muhammad converted to monotheism and smashed the idol of Hubal that was on the roof of the Kabah. Jesus Christ, in his providence, has made sure that a powerful symbol of the polytheistic origins of Islam (a crescent moon), rest on top of every mosque where Hubal also rested on the Kabah! History doesn’t tell lies.
28. Ubartutu: father of Ut-napištim, possibly Noah.
29. Urshanabi: the ferryman of Ut-anapishtim’s “magillu-boat” who takes Gilgamesh across the waters of death to meet Ut-anapishtim.
30. Ut-napištim: (probably Ham) in the story he is the son of Ubartutu (probably Noah) and a relative of Gilgamesh (tablet 9). Whoever Ut-napištim is, he is certainly one of the four men who were on Noah’s Ark. Utnapishtim and his wife were men who attained immortality and they live at the “Mouth of the Rivers” (Tigris and Euphrates) where the garden of Eden was located. Remember that Noah lived to see Abraham and Shem lived to see Jacob. Gilgamesh seeks the answers and meaning to life from either Noah, Shem, Ham or Jepheth. Considering the polytheism in the story, Ut-napištim was most likely Ham the grandfather of Nimrod who built the tower of Babel, or Jepheth. Also, since Gilgamesh is a king of a Babylonian empire and is a relative of Ut-napištim, this further makes Ham the most likely candidate for Ut-napištim. That Ut-napištim is a son of Noah, instead of Noah, himself, is reinforced by the fact that the story mentions he is the son of Ubartutu (Noah). In tablet 11, Ut-napištim is commanded to make the ark to prepare for the flood. However we know that all three sons of Noah were alive when the command was given by God to build the ark in Genesis. Therefore all four men helped each other in building Noah’s Ark which harmonizes with the Gilgamesh story. Shuruppak is the name of the pre-flood town where Ut-anapishtim lived
C. Summary of the 11 tablets:
1. Summary Tablet 1: [Full text of Tablet 1] The story opens, the same way it closes with the statement that Gilgamesh has, “He who has seen everything … even the secret knowledge before [Noah’s] flood. But that is how the story ends. At the beginning, Gilgamesh recounts his earthly accomplishments as king (like building the wall of Uruk-Haven) almost in the style of Solomon in Ecclesiastes and realizes he lacks inner peace. He is an oppressive, arrogant king who takes the young boys and girls into his service as slaves. The people complain to the gods and ask Aruru (the creator god) to create a duplicate of Gilgamesh to do some good. Instead, they create a duplicate of the god Anu. The resulting creation is a recluse “Tarzan like” god (Enkidu) who lives with and protects the animals from hunting at the watering hole. This creation does not solve the problem, it further harms the people. Now they have a tyrant king and a god who hinders their hunting. The people ask king Gilgamesh for help and he sends a harlot (Shamhat) to Enkidu to seduce him at the watering hole so he would focus on her, instead of protecting the animals. After laying with Shamhat for 7 days, the resulting human contact is a kind of “falling from grace” where now the animals are afraid of Enkidu. This is likely a parallel of when God told Noah that after the flood, the animals would be food for him and they would, for the first time, be afraid of him. The animals can once again be successfully hunted at the watering hold because they do not have Enkidu to help. Gilgamesh is the hero! The harlot (Shamhat) takes the fallen god Enkidu into pedagogic tutelage of humanity to visit the temple the gods Anu and Ishtar, and to meet Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh has two dreams of a meteorite and an axe, which his goddess-mother (Rimat-Ninsun) interprets are about Enkidu who is coming to meet him like a meteorite and an axe. Interesting the form of dreaming and interpreting the dream is similar to that of Daniel 2 and 7.
2. Summary Tablet 2: [Full text of Tablet 2] Shamhat, the harlot puts some of her own clothing on the fallen god Enkidu as he learns to be human. This parallels God dressing the fallen Adam and Eve before they were expelled from the garden. She takes him to some hunting shepherds and Enkidu gets his first taste of bread, gets drunk with beer then “turned into a human”. His transformation from god to man is now complete. Enkidu, who was supposed to be originally created as a duplicate of the human Gilgamesh (not a god), now meets him and the two begin to fight, paralleling Jacob’s fight with the angel. Like Jacob, Gilgamesh prevails and the two become friends with a new respect that each are powerful warriors. Enkidu tells Gilgamesh about a fire breathing dinosaur (Leviathan) named “Humbaba” which is described this way: “Humbaba's roar is a Flood, his mouth is Fire, and his breath is Death! He can hear 100 leagues away any rustling in his forest! Who would go down into his forest! Enlil assigned him as a terror to human beings, and whoever goes down into his forest paralysis will strike!” This is almost identical to the description of Leviathan in Job 41: “Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook? Lay your hand on him; Remember the battle; you will not do it again! Will you be laid low even at the sight of him? No one is so fierce that he dares to arouse him Who can strip off his outer armor? Who can come within his double mail? Who can open the doors of his face? Around his teeth there is terror. His sneezes flash forth light, And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning torches; Sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils smoke goes forth As from a boiling pot and burning rushes. His breath kindles coals, And a flame goes forth from his mouth. In his neck lodges strength, When he raises himself up, the mighty fear; Because of the crashing they are bewildered. The sword that reaches him cannot avail, Nor the spear, the dart or the javelin. Clubs are regarded as stubble; He laughs at the rattling of the javelin. Behind him he makes a wake to shine; He looks on everything that is high; He is king over all the sons of pride.” (Job 41) Job was written during the time of Abraham, and here we have Gilgamesh engaging in a battle with a fire breathing dinosaur (Leviathan) named “Humbaba”. In a stunning parallel Humbaba is the “guardian of the Cedar forest” and Leviathan is actually described as “bending his tail as a cedar”. Of course Christians believe that Dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark. There is a lot of archeological and scientific evidence that man and dinosaur have co-existed on earth for thousands of years. Click here for more info. In another stunning Biblical parallel with Ecclesiastes, Gilgamesh realizes he is a mortal destined for death and that all his accomplishments are striving after wind, "Who, my Friend, can ascend to the heavens!" (Only) the gods can dwell forever with Shamash. As for human beings, their days are numbered, and whatever they keep trying to achieve is but wind!” Gilgamesh chastises Enkidu for being afraid of a dinosaur, and begins to forge an axe, hatchet and armor for the battle. When Gilgamesh’s elderly advisers caught wind of Gilgamesh’s plan to battle Humbaba, they accuse him of being young, prideful, naive and foolish. Of course, paralleling David and Goliath, Gilgamesh defeats the dinosaur in tablets 3-4 and proves them all wrong. Just as young St. George in Madaba, Jordan defeated the fire breathing dragon, so did young Gilgamesh 2000 years earlier!
3. Summary Tablet 3: [Full text of Tablet 3] The Elders advise Gilgamesh to take Enkidu as a helper in the battle. The stage is set for the young king Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the “fallen god become man”, to defeat the great dinosaur. Gilgamesh tells Enkidu that they must seek the advice of his mother who is the “wise, all-knowing, great queen Ninsun in the Egalmah Temple.” Fretting as a mother for her son who wants to leave home and travel in far away lands, Ninsun chastises the gods (Shamash) for her sons, “restless heart”. Ninsun gives Enkidu a necklace as a reminder of his responsibility to make sure young king Gilgamesh returns home after slaying the fire breathing dragon.
4. Summary Tablet 4: [Full text of Tablet 4] The two go on a journey that brings them to Lebanon and Gilgamesh seeks guidance from the god Shamash through dreams. Enkidu interprets Gilgamesh’s five dreams on five successive nights. First dream is where a mountain represents the defeat of Humbaba the dinosaur. Second dream is of a wild bull which represents the protection of the sun god Shamash. Third dream is of a storm, but the interpretation is missing from the tablet. A fourth dream restates that Gilgamesh will defeat Humbaba. The details of the fifth dream is missing from the tablet. The pair reach the cedar forest and challenge each other to begin the battle against Humbaba with proverbs like “A slippery path is not feared by two people who help each other.” and “The mighty lion- two cubs can roll him over.” and “A three-ply rope cannot be cut.” (And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. Ecclesiastes 4:12) Like a TV show that leaves you in suspense for a commercial break, the tablet ends as the two stand silently at the edge of Humbaba’s cedar forest that protects the dwelling place and throne of the god “dais of Imini”.
5. Summary Tablet 5: [Full text of Tablet 5]: The first tablet begins exactly where the 4th tablet left off at the edge of the cedar forest, but Enkidu sees that Gilgamesh begins “whining so pitiably, hiding behind your whimpering” for fear. Suddenly, the gods send an earthquake that splits Mt. Hermon and Lebanon in two and a violent storm begins as the battle begins. In a dark battle scene with lightning flashes, clouds, rain, wind and thunder, Gilgamesh corners the fire breathing dinosaur (Humbaba) who begins begging for his life to be spared. Humbaba offers all the cedar wood they want in exchange for his life. Humbaba says he will take a demotion and only guard the myrtle trees. Enkidu warns Gilgamesh not to spare the dinosaur. Humbaba, seeing that Gilgamesh is being influenced by Enkidu, now tries to persuade Enkidu to spare this life. Gilgamesh finally decapitates Humbaba. Paralleling both the tower of Babel and the tree in Daniel 4 that reached the gods in the sky, they cut down the cedar to the ground. They make a raft boat with its wood 72 x 24 x 1 cubits in size and float down the Euphrates and go home Nippur in triumph displaying Humbaba’s head! In Tablet 7 we learn that Gilgamesh uses the raft as a main entrance door to his palace.
6. Summary Tablet 6: [Full text of Tablet 6] Now home, Gilgamesh takes a bath and dresses in his royal robes and puts on his crown. Ishtar, the goddess of fertility, is seduced by the appearance of Gilgamesh and asks him to be her husband. While most men might drool at the thought of marrying the goddess of sex who promises to “kiss your feet” when you enter the house, Gilgamesh refuses her. Gilgamesh recounts the many past flings that Ishtar had with others and realizes he is merely a temporary play toy that she will discard after she has had her way with him. Ishtar returns to heaven crying to her father (Anu) and mother (Anrum) and complaining that Gilgamesh insulted her. Her parents rebuke her for her childish ways and side with Gilgamesh. Like a jilted lover, Ishtar releases her fury of a goddess scorned by asking her father (Anu) to have the “Bull of Heaven” (Gugalana, the constellation Taurus) kill Gilgamesh. Paralleling Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream, Anu replies the cost will be seven years of famine in the land of Uruk, in which Gilgamesh is the king. Ishtar replies she has provided an abundance store of reserve grain. Ishtar leads the bull by a rope through its nose down to the kingdom of Uruk at the Euphrates river for her revenge. The snorts of the bull create huge pits which kill hundreds of men in Uruk. One snort causes Enkidu to fall into the resulting pit up to his waist. Enkidu jumps out and grabs the bull by the horns. Like a scene from a modern bull fight, Enkidu distracts the bull while Gilgamesh kills it with a sword, who then offers the heart to his god Shamash. Ishtar sits sulking on the wall of Uruk-Haven which Gilgamesh had built, and then she gets angry and vengeful and utters a curse against Gilgamesh. When Enkidu hears the curse, he throws cuts off the bull’s hind half and throws it in Ishtar’s face. Meanwhile Gilgamesh pays the workmen “30 minas of lapis lazuli” (A vibrant blue gemstone) to make a trophy mount of the horns of Gugalana and hung them over his bed. Both Joseph and Jesus betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. King Gilgamesh hosts a party for at his palace. Enkidu has a dream, but for theatrical and suspense reasons, the story cleverly continues on tablet 7.
http://www.noahs-ark.tv/noahs-ark-flood-creation-stories-myths-epic-of-gilgamesh-neo-babylonian-akkadian-cuneiform-ut-napistim-tablet11-1150bc.htm |
43. Daniel 7:25: Y hablará palabras contra el Altísimo, y a los santos del Altísimo quebrantará, y pensará en cambiar los TIEMPOS y la ley; y serán entregados en su mano hasta tiempo, y TIEMPOS, y medio tiempo.
DANIEL 7:25 O 7:2+5 O 7:7 O 77. EL NUMERO 77 ES el numero de GENERACIONES DE NUESTRO SEÑOR SEGUN LA GENEALOGIA DE LUCAS (HIJO DEL HOMBRE). El numero 77 tiene conexion kavalistica con Washington D.C, en el estado de Columbia. La tierra de dicho estado fue donada por los estados de MARYLAND Y VIRGINIA. COLUMBIA ES LA PALOMA DE NOE EN EL ZODIACO. Washington con sus 7 colinas y en contexto a COLUMBIA/ARCA DE NOE tiene un fuerte NEXO CON EL MONTE DE ARARAT, OSEA CON LA ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN Y ESPECIFICAMENTE CON LA VIRGEN DE FATIMA. El MONTE DE ARARAT, ubicada en ANATOLIA/ASIA MENOR/TURQUIA EN CONTEXTO A LAS 7 IGLESIAS/PALOMAS/PLEYADES DE APOCALIPSIS 1,2 Y 3 tiene un fuerte nexo con la VIRGEN DE FATIMA POR SU FUERTE NEXO CON EL SURGIMIENTO Y CAIDA DE LA UNION SOVIETICA que justamente dicho MONTE estaba ubicada bajo su imperio. JERUSALEM CON SUS 7 COLINAS Y EL MONTE DE LOS OLIVOS TIENEN EL MISMO PATRON. Washington D.C incluso tiene un fuerte nexo con LA CONSTELACION DE VIRGO/GAD/MIGDAL/MARIA MAGDALENA E INCLUSO CON EL SANTO GRIAL. Sumando los 180 grados, considerando el meridiano de cambio de dia, tenemos que 180+77=257 grados. OTRO NEXO ESOTERICO CON DANIEL 7:25.
Gad = 7. Gad fue el séptimo hijo que le nació a Iacob. Mazal, la palabra más común para "buena fortuna" = 77. La letra del medio de mazal es zain = 7. Cuando las dos letras gimmel dalet que forman el nombre Gad (= 7) son substituidas por zain (= 7) de mazal, se forma la palabra migdal, "torre" Declara el versículo: "Una torre [migdal = 77] de poder [oz = 77] es el Nombre de Di-s, en la que marchará el tzadik y será exaltado". En cabalá, la "torre de poder" representa a la novia, la betulá de Elul, el alma-raíz y mazal del pueblo judío. El tzadik, el novio, marcha con todo su poder, para entrar a la "torre de poder".
La reforma juliana-gregoriana (REFERENCIA A LA PROFECIA DE DANIEL 7:25) fue un 4 de octubre de 1582. El calendario en dicho año salto de un jueves 4 de octubre a un viernes de octubre de 1582. Concretamente fue salteado el 13 de octubre con fuerte nexo CON MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL GRIAL. El 13 de octubre tambien fue la ultima aparicion de la VIRGEN DE FATIMA. ENTRE EL 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 1582 Y EL 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 1917 hay 315 años LUNI-SOLARES EXACTOS. EL numero 315 tiene NEXO KAVALISTICO CON GENESIS 3:15. 315X4=1260 que es uno de los PERIODOS ASTRONOMICOS DEL PROFETA DANIEL. DAN BROWN, EL ESCRITOR DEL CODIGO DA VINCI, JUSTAMENTE TIENE UN NEXO CON DANI-EL (JUICIO DE DIOS). LA VIUDA DESPLAZADA PIDE JUSTICIA.
Y Jehová Dios dijo a la SERPIENTE: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.
1. Génesis 3:15: Y pondré enemistad entre ti y la mujer, y entre tu simiente y la simiente suya; ésta te herirá en la CABEZA, y tú le herirás en el calcañar.
Esto confirmaria desde otra perspectiva el NEXO DE FATIMA, CON EL CAMBIO DEL CALENDARIO E INCLUSO CON LA POSICION DE WASHINGTON D.C, que insisto ES UNA REPLICA DE JERUSALEM Y DEL VATICANO. ¿ES ESTE EL MENSAJE DE LA LINEA ROSA DEL CODIGO DA VINCI? Recordemos que en la ultima aparicion de la virgen de Fatima el 13 de octubre hasta el 15/3 (anagrama de 315) tenemos 153 dias, dia de SAN LONGINO quien fue el romano que le CLAVO LA LANZA A NUESTRO SEÑOR EN LA CRUZ y que desde el 15/3 hasta el 15/8 (ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN QUE JUSTAMENTE ES DECLARADA EN CONTEXTO A LA VIRGEN DE FATIMA) tambien tenemos 153 dias. Osea que HAY UN NEXO MERIDIONAL/LINEA ROSA CON FATIMA.
592. Juan 19:34: Pero uno de los soldados le abrió el costado con una lanza, y al instante salió sangre y AGUA.
Columba (constelación)
Columba, Latín para palomo, es una pequeña constelación justo al sur de Canis Major y Lepus. Fue sacada de la constelación Canis Major por Augustin Royer, en 1679.
Dado que fue creada en el siglo XVII, por la separación de una constelación ya existente, no tiene mitología relacionada, de manera independiente.
Puede referirse a la paloma que los Argonautas envían para determinar si pueden pasar por el estrecho del mar negro. También, es la paloma que Nóe utilizó en su arca.
Columba, la Paloma, junto al Can Mayor.
2. Y el aspecto del que estaba sentado era semejante a piedra de jaspe y de cornalina; y había alrededor del trono un ARCO IRIS, semejante en aspecto a la esmeralda.
3. Apocalipsis 10:1: Vi descender del cielo a otro ángel fuerte, envuelto en una nube, con el ARCO IRIS sobre su cabeza; y su rostro era como el sol, y sus pies como columnas de fuego.
1. Génesis 9:13: Mi ARCO he puesto en las nubes, el cual será por señal del pacto entre mí y la tierra.
2. Génesis 9:14: Y sucederá que cuando haga venir nubes sobre la tierra, se dejará ver entonces mi ARCO en las nubes.
3. Génesis 9:16: Estará el ARCO en las nubes, y lo veré, y me acordaré del pacto perpetuo entre Dios y todo ser viviente, con toda carne que hay sobre la tierra.
1. Génesis 9:13: Mi ARCO he puesto en las nubes, el cual será por señal del pacto entre mí y la tierra.
2. Génesis 9:14: Y sucederá que cuando haga venir nubes sobre la tierra, se dejará ver entonces mi ARCO en las nubes.
Apocalipsis 4:3: Y el aspecto del que estaba sentado era semejante a piedra de jaspe y de cornalina; y había alrededor del trono un ARCO iris, semejante en aspecto a la esmeralda.
41. Apocalipsis 10:1: Vi descender del cielo a otro ángel fuerte, envuelto en una nube, con el ARCO iris sobre su cabeza; y su rostro era como el sol, y sus pies como columnas de fuego.
Los 153 Peces de la Pesca Milagrosa
Los 153 peces de la pesca milagrosa
En el Evangelio de Juan 21:1-25 se dice: 1 Después de esto, Jesús se Manifestó otra vez a sus Discípulos en el mar de Tiberias. Se Manifestó de esta manera: 2 Estaban juntos Simón Pedro, Tomás llamado Dídimo, Natanael que era de Caná de Galilea, los hijos de Zebedeo y otros dos de sus Discípulos. 3 Simón Pedro les dijo: --Voy a pescar. Le dijeron: --Vamos nosotros también contigo. Salieron y entraron en la barca, pero aquella noche no consiguieron nada. 4 Al amanecer, Jesús se Presentó en la playa, aunque los Discípulos no se daban cuenta de que era Jesús. 5 Entonces Jesús les dijo: --Hijitos, ¿no tenéis nada de comer? Le contestaron: --No. 6 El les dijo: --Echad la red al lado derecho de la barca, y hallaréis. La echaron, pues, y ya no Podían sacarla por la gran cantidad de peces. 7 Entonces aquel Discípulo a quien Jesús amaba dijo a Pedro: --¡Es el Señor! Cuando Simón Pedro Oyó que era el Señor, se Ciñó el manto, pues se lo Había quitado, y se Tiró al mar. 8 Los otros Discípulos llegaron con la barca, arrastrando la red con los peces; porque no estaban lejos de tierra, sino como a doscientos codos. 9 Cuando bajaron a tierra, vieron brasas puestas, con pescado encima, y pan. 10 Jesús les dijo: --Traed de los pescados que ahora habéis pescado. 11 Entonces Simón Pedro Subió y Sacó a tierra la red llena de grandes pescados, 153 de ellos; y aunque eran tantos, la red no se Rompió. 12 Jesús les dijo: --Venid, comed. Ninguno de los Discípulos osaba preguntarle: "Tú, ¿quién eres?", pues Sabían que era el Señor. 13 Vino, entonces, Jesús y Tomó el pan y les dio; y también hizo lo mismo con el pescado. 14 Esta era ya la tercera vez que Jesús se manifestaba a sus Discípulos después de haber resucitado de entre los muertos.
De alguna manera este texto está en relación a la nota sobre San Pedro ad Víncula. Pues es San Pedro el pescador el que detenta la red, que no es más que un hilo con múltiples nudos. Este pasaje evangélico está relacionado con otro método para ser sacados del "agua" e incorporarnos al cuerpo de Cristo, nos referimos al rosario.
El rosario es un método que pertenece a la tradición contemplativa cristiana. Esta metodología satisface la exigencia de meditación para alcanzar una alta concentración espiritual. Pertenece a esas técnicas de tipo psicofísico, repetitivas y simbólicas. El Rosario forma parte de el cuadro universal de la fenomenología religiosa, pero tiene características propias, que responden a las exigencias específicas de la vida cristiana. En efecto, el Rosario. Como método, debe ser utilizado en relación al fin y no puede ser un fin en sí mismo. Sobre su estructura, Santo Tomás da las razones por las que explica el significado místico del número 150, que es el de las Avemarías del Rosario distribuidas en misterios, y del número 153, que es el del total de Avemarías del Rosario.
En el proemio a su comentario de los Salmos, Santo Tomás dice: Hay ciento cincuenta salmos, y esto conviene a un misterio, porque este número se compone del setenta y ochenta. Por el siete, del cual toma su nombre el setenta, está significado el curso de este tiempo que se da en siete días; y por el ocho, de donde toma su nombre el ochenta, está significado el de la vida futura. En efecto, según la Glosa, la octava pertenece a quienes resurgen, y significa que en este libro se tratan las cosas que pertenecen al curso de la vida presente y a la gloria futura. Y en su comentario a los 153 peces de la pesca milagrosa, el mismo Doctor afirma: Nadie puede llegar a la patria sino por la observación del Decálogo, ni puede éste ser observado sino por la septiforme gracia del Espíritu Santo. Pero se lee que la santificación ocurrió por primera vez el séptimo día. Diez más siete son diecisiete. Y si uno calcula en un orden de progresión por el que primero tome uno más dos que suman tres; y tres que suman seis, y cuatro que suman diez, y cinco que suman quince, y así sucesivamente sumando diecisiete veces el número inmediato superior, se llega al total de ciento cincuenta y tres. Esto es que puede ser expresado como la suma de todos los números enteros del 1 al 17:
153 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +…+ 15 + 16 + 17
Esto significa que 153 es el decimoséptimo número triangular. Como su inverso, 351, también es un número triangular (suma del 1 hasta el 26) podemos decir que 153 es un número triangular invertible.
Para aquellos que les gusten las matemáticas, pues también encontramos curiosidades en las propiedades numerológicas del número 153:
1.- Es el número más pequeño que puede ser expresado como la suma de los cubos de sus dígitos:
153 = 1.1.1 + 5.5.5 + 3.3.3
2.- Es igual a la suma de los factoriales de los números del 1 al 5:
153 = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5!
3.- La suma de sus dígitos es un cuadrado perfecto:
1 + 5 + 3 = 9 = 3.3
4.- La suma de sus divisores (excluyendo al propio número) también es un cuadrado perfecto:
1 + 3 + 9 + 17 + 51 = 81 = 92
Además, como se puede ver, es el cuadrado de la suma de sus dígitos.
5.- Dando la vuelta a las cifras de 153 obtenemos el 351. Si los sumamos obtenemos 504, que cumple que su cuadrado es el número más pequeño que puede ser expresado como el producto de dos números diferentes cuyas cifras están invertidas:
153 + 351 = 504 504 2 = 288 • 882
6.- Es un número de Harshad (o número de Niven), es decir, es divisible por la suma de sus dígitos:
153/(1 + 5 + 3) = 17 Como 351 también es un número de Harshad podemos decir que 153 es un número de Harshad invertible .
Los números de Harshad fueron definidos por el matemático indio D. R. Kaprekar.
7.- Puede ser expresado como el producto de dos números formados por sus dígitos:
153 = 3 • 51
8.- El número 135, formado por una recolocación de los dígitos de 153, puede ser expresado de esta curiosa forma:
135 = 11 + 32 + 53
9.- La suma de todos los divisores de 153 es 234:
1 + 3 + 9 + 17 + 51 + 153 = 234
El producto de todos los divisores de 153 excepto el propio número es 23409:
1 • 3 • 9 • 17 • 51 = 23409
Y vemos que 23409 está formado por 234, que es la suma de todos los divisores de 153, y por 09, que es la raíz cuadrada de la suma de todos los divisores de 153 excepto el propio número (ver 4.-).
10.- Tomemos un número múltiplo de 3, elevemos al cubo cada una de sus cifras y sumemos esos cubos. Repitamos el proceso con el resultado obtenido. Al final llegaremos al 153. Veamos un ejemplo con el número 1011:
13 + 03 + 13 + 13 = 3 33 = 27 23 + 73 = 351 33 + 53 + 13 = 153
Podemos decir que a partir del 1011 alcanzamos el 153 con 4 ciclos y podemos representarlo así:
Todos los números menores de 10000 llegan con este procedimiento al 153 en, como máximo, 13 ciclos. El número más pequeño que necesita 13 ciclos es el 177:
177–>687–>1071–>345–>216–>225–>141–> –>66–>432–>99–>1458–>702–>351–>153
11.- La sumas de las potencias 0, 1 y 2 de sus dígitos es igual al producto de ellos:
10 + 51 + 32 = 1 • 5 • 3
12.- Si π(x) (Pi(x)) representa el número de primos que hay menores que x, se cumple lo siguiente:
π(153) = π(15) • 3! (Pi(153) = Pi(15) • 3!)
13.- En 6.- hemos visto que 153 es el número triangular número 17. Trabajemos con su inverso:
1/153 = 0,006535947712418300653594…
Vemos que es periódico de período 0065359477124183. Quitemos los dos ceros y consideremos el resto. Unamos esta información con la posición que ocupa el 153 entre los números triangulares, la 17. Multipliquemos ahora esa parte del período por los sucesivos múltiplos de 17. Obtenemos lo siguiente:
65359477124183 • 17 = 1111111111111111 65359477124183 • 34 = 2222222222222222 65359477124183 • 51 = 3333333333333333 65359477124183 • 68 = 4444444444444444 65359477124183 • 85 = 5555555555555555 65359477124183 • 102 = 6666666666666666 65359477124183 • 119 = 7777777777777777 65359477124183 • 136 = 8888888888888888 65359477124183 • 153 = 9999999999999999
70 a 84 de 219