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26 Nov 2011 – En 1968 se proyectó la misión Viking a Marte. Las dos sondas gemelas 1 y 2 se dividían cada una en un orbitador y un aterrizador. Este último ...
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Rex Deux
Resurrection of the Dragons
By Goro Adachi March 11, 2002
What the...
Very much aware of the symbolic significance of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games as discussed in The Labour of the Sun, I sat down on the night of February 24 to watch its closing ceremony, an openly ritualistic event, to see if there was any 'clue dropping'. Having recognized the existence of an esoteric undercurrent in the opening ceremony, I was curious as to what kind of encoded 'message' might be present in the second 'ritual'. Of course, my view is that reality itself is an encoded message, or a 'game', so this was not anything new; I'm always scanning for clues. But high-impact world events, accidental or not, I have observed, are usually symbolic expressions of important themes that underlie physical phenomena that surround us, hence my special interest in the international event of the Olympics.
As the two gigantic T-Rex's at the Olympic stadium were shown on the TV screen, I inevitably went 'what the...' I mean, these were clearly out of place and, simply, bizarre (not to say scary). Of course, the exoteric justification (= 'excuse') was probably that the general region of Utah has large deposits of dinosaur remains, but still those dinosaurs had almost no apparent relevance to the themes of the ceremony and were just... bizarre. To me, this was a 'Hermetic device' having the function of prompting questions consciously or subconsciously. This, in other words, was potentially a 'clue' planted, again consciously or subconsciously, by some intelligence.
Messianic Resurrection
Later in the show, the dinosaurs were revealed to be operated from behind the walls (not really, but that was the story line) by the Osmond brother and sister singing 'We Are Family!...' By this time, I began to get the gist of the shrouded 'message'. T-Rex's are 'kings', as rex means 'king' and they were certainly the king of dinosaurs. And since the term 'dinosaur' means 'terrible lizard', the T-Rex could easily be considered a 'terrible king', or 'King of terror' a la Quatrain X-72 discussed in previous articles.
Century X-72 L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois, Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur: Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois, Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur. The year 1999 seven months, From the sky will come a great King of terror: To resurrect the great King of Angolmois, Before after Mars to reign by good luck
At the Olympic stadium in Salt Lake City, then, the 'King of terror' was symbolically 'resurrected' to accord with my previous interpretation that this quatrain, in conjunction with II-41 etc., relates to the 9/11 event and the Winter Olympic Games. Note that this 'King' of the Olympics could also easily be viewed as the 'King of the Rings' -- as the Games are symbolized by the familiar multi-colored five rings -- which may be rephrased as the 'Lord of the Rings'. And The Lord of the Rings is a phrase very much fresh on people's minds today because of the very popular film by the same title that came out late 2001 after the 9/11 event (it was the first of the trilogy, so it's an on-going project). [Update: the second volume/installment of The Lord of the Rings is titled 'The Two Towers' (!) and the third 'The Return of the King' -- needless to say, the correspondence is incredible.] This curious coincidence is compounded by the fact that, in Greek mythology, it is Prometheus, the provider of fire and a version of Saturn-Osiris, that would be considered the 'lord of the ring', as we read that:
Finally [Hercules] reached the Caucasus Mountains, where Prometheus had been fettered for thirty years... Zeus had long repented of his punishment, because Prometheus had since sent him a kindly warning not to marry Thetis, lest he might beget one greater than himself; and now, when Hercules pleaded for Prometheus's pardon, granted this without demur. Having once, however, condemned him to everlasting punishment, Zeus stipulated that, in order still to appear a prisoner, he must wear a ring made from his chains and set with Caucasian stone - and this was the first ring ever to contain a setting... Mankind now began to wear rings in Prometheus's honour... (Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, 133.l-m)
This event, remarkably, is said have taken place during Hercules' journey of the '11th labor', i.e. the very labor we have linked to the current world events, including the Olympics (see The Labour of the Sun). Note also that the Salt Lake City Games had a very Promethean official slogan/theme, 'Light the Fire Within'.
But here we need to take into consideration the idea of 'family' musically attached to the kingly dinosaurs. A 'royal family' -- was this the implication? Or, since the 'King of terror' has been equated with Osiris (see Labour), was it an allusion more specifically to the messianic family, i.e. the family of Jesus, the biblical Osiris? To use Christian terminology, it was a symbolic 'Second Coming'. This association is intriguing as it has been said that Jesus was crucified on a T-shaped cross (the 'tau') (Christopher Knight, et al, The Hiram Key, pp.241-2), and thus Jesus, the 'King of the Jews', may be described congruently as a 'T-king', that is, 'T-Rex'. And then there is the intriguing fact that the messianic bloodline, signified in medieval literature by the Holy Grail (Sangraal, which can also be translated as 'Blood Royal'), is entangled with the myths of the 'Ring', including The Lord of the Rings:
J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings is one of the most enchanting and successful tales of all time. First issued in the 1950s, this famous trilogy could just as well have emanated from the Dark Ages or medieval times, for it has all the qualities and attributes of the most ancient Grail and Ring traditions. (Laurence Gardner, Realm of the Ring Lords, p.1)
To express it esoterically, then, it was an allusion to the return of the wounded 'Fisher King', or King Arthur, the medieval Osirian-messianic character who is inseparable form the Grail romances. It is fitting that the Gaelic word uther, from which the name 'Arthur' apparently derives, means 'terrible' (according to Gardner) and Arthur's father was called 'Uther Pendragon' (actually a title) which would mean 'Terrible head of Dragons' (though it has also been translated as 'Wonderful head of Dragons'). The 'terrible dragons' are, of course, clearly evocative of the dinosaurs, the 'terrible lizards'. Traditionally, 'dragons' are associated with kingship and crocodiles/serpents; in ancient Egypt, for example, pharaohs were anointed with the fat of the holy crocodile, or 'Meseh' from which derives the term 'Messiah', i.e. Jesus/Osiris. Correspondingly, Osiris' death is associated with a crocodile in Egyptian tradition (E.A. Wallis Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, vol.II, p.358).
Deux Dieux
The messianic family, stemming from Davidic royal lineage and the offspring of Jesus and Mary Magdalene (i.e. Sangraal) according to esoteric tradition, is said to carry the title, Rex Deus, meaning 'King of God' (see Marilyn Hopkins, et al, Rex Deus, 2000). Now, it is curious to notice here that the term 'Deus' (God) closely resembles the word for 'two' in various European languages. As Boyd Rice writes:
The Latin word for God, Deus, seems to retain a vestige of the ancient understanding of the dual nature of deity. In many languages, the word denoting "Two" has either a spelling or a sound very similar to the word Deus, for instance, deux, dos, dua, deuce, and so forth. This becomes even more explicit when examining the specific terms some of the countries apply to God. For example, the French Dieu [or its plural form, Dieux] echoes deux (two) very closely, and the Spanish Dios is derived from the word dos by the mere addition of an "I." (www.dagobertsrevenge.com/articles/undivided.html)
This would then nicely relate to the two T-Rex's of the Olympics and the biblical 'T-Rex', Jesus, being a twin (Judas Thomas/Twin was almost certainly Jesus' twin brother, based on non-canonical sources such as the Acts of Thomas). And, of course, we are reminded here of the twin nature of Hercules, antediluvian pillars, the Sphinx/Horus and such -- underlying all of which is the notion of the Sun/Ark/lion, as explained in The Labour of the Sun. (In terms of Nostradamus -- who, by the way, may well have been a member of 'Rex Deus' -- this motif is potently expressed in our 'two suns' quatrain, II-41.) Indeed, Rex Deus, or the Messianic bloodline, is Davidic which in turn means the bloodline is of the 'lion king' -- as the tribal symbol of King David's, Judah, was the lion. Moreover, the Davidic 'Fisher King' is called in Arthurian literature Anfortas (in fortis) meaning 'in strength', which is also the Latin name for one of the two pillars of the Temple of Jerusalem (i.e. the 'Boaz' pillar). These twin pillars are a version of the antediluvian/Atlantean pillars, the New World version of which was destroyed on 9/11/01. The Catholic theologian Margaret Starbird writes:
The name of this [Boaz] pillar, which is also the name of the ancestor of King David, is a clear and obvious reference to the promises made to the Davidic bloodline, the line of the princes of Judah, that the dominion of its princes would be established forever "in strength," since Judah was the strongest of the twelve sons of Israel's patriarch Jacob. The name Anfortas is thus associated with the broken left pillar of the Temple of Jerusalem, which is symbolic of the broken Davidic succession... [T]he "Fisher King" Anfortas -- that is, the Davidic "Fish-King" Jesus -- can be healed only when the Grail is restored... (The Woman With the Alabaster Jar, p.86)
The reference to the broken succession/pillar here is interesting as it potentially relates to the fact that the Great Sphinx is missing its 'twin' and also to the darkening of the sun (= lion/sphinx/Fisher King) on the day Jesus/Osiris died as per tradition.
All combined, we can derive the symbolic implication that the two towering T-Rex's signified the resurrection of the messianic king, or Osiris-Horus, the fall of which was earlier expressed by the destruction of the WTC twin towers on 9/11.
Proof of the Vikings
Let's take a look at Quatrain VI-97 which I have repeatedly correlated with the world events of our own time including the 9/11 attacks.
Century VI-97 Cinq & quarante degrez ciel bruslera Feu approcher de la grand cite' neuue Instant grand flamme esparse sautera Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuue. Forty five [or 'five and forty'] degrees the sky will burn, Fire to approach the great new city In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up, When they want to have proof of the Normans.
This quatrain's relevance to 9/11 and related events can be summarized as follows. First, 'five and forty' (cinq & quarante) of Line 1, if interpreted as 40.5, would correspond to the latitude of New York City where the WTC towers stood. And NYC is insinuated by Line 2 mentioning 'the great new city'. The abundant references to burning fire, needless to say, evoke the burning towers still hauntingly fresh on our mind. (The "great scattered flame" is actually even evocative of the grand firework show of the Olympic ceremonies.) What is most remarkable, however, is the implication of Line 4: 'When one will want to want proof of the Normans'.
"Normans" is essentially another name for the Vikings (or 'Norsemen'). "Viking," in turn, was the name given to the twin space probes NASA sent to Mars in 1976 (Viking 1 & 2). This Viking mission made the very first successful landing on the Red Planet and, more significantly, it gave us the first pictures of the potentially artificial "monuments of Mars" at Cydonia, an issue still very much controversial and relevant today. This association is particularly important here because the Cydonia region of the 'fire planet' is situated approximately at 5°W. 40°N. -- that is, "five and forty"! The 'monuments' themselves are located on latitude 40.5-41°N., which happens to be the very latitude of NYC _and_ Salt Lake City! As if these weren't enough, the most prominent features of the Cydonia complex are the popular 'Face' and the geometrically sound 'D&M Pyramid'. The 'Face', as revealed/confirmed in 2001, is of dual nature, having a hominid side and a leonine side, just as does the Sphinx (= sun, Hercules, 'Fisher King') which has a body of the lion and a head of man. (The connection between the two is corroborated by the fact that the tangent of Cydonia's latitude equals the cosine of the latitude of Giza/Sphinx, both equaling e/pi.) The partially collapsed 'D&M Pyramid', on the other hand, is pentagonal -- echoed by the U.S. Pentagon partially destroyed in the 9/11 attacks.
Line 4, 'When one will want to have proof of the [Vikings]', then, would have the implication of people wanting to know the truth about Cydonia and/or more generally about the existence of life on Mars. And, sure enough, presently around the turn of the millennium we are rapidly getting more evidence indicative of the existence of past/present life, as well as intelligently designed structures, on the Red Planet. (Most recently, the Mars Odyssey spacecraft gave us, on 3/1/02, more evidence of water on Mars, more pictures of strikingly artificial-looking features, and amazing confirmation of Richard Hoagland's 'Mars Tidal Model' which I consider a brilliant piece of work.)
As it turns out, the 'Norman/Viking' reference also nicely brings together 9/11 and 'Rex Deus' as we learn that the Viking leader, Rollo (Hrolf), came to France and obtained Normandy (becoming the first Duke of Normandy) in _911_ AD. And Rollo, interestingly enough, was genealogically linked to the 'Rex Deus' clan:
[Rollo] extended his lands by conquest and his influence by alliance and marriage with the leading aristocratic families of the time. He sought to establish strong bonds with the local aristocracy and, in particular, matrimonial links with dynasties of the Rex Deus tradition, such as the families of Chaumont, Gisors, d'Evreaux, Blois, the Counts of Champagne and the ruling House of Flanders, whose younger sons were the Counts of Boulogne. Was he [Rollo himself] also Rex Deux, from a family outside the confines of early Christian Europe? (Hopkins, et al, Rex Deus, p.107)
From this angle, the phrase 'When one will want to have proof of the Normans' would come to mean 'when people become aware, and want proof/'resurrection', of 'Rex Deus' or the 'Grail'/messianic bloodline -- that is, our own time.
Now, the 'resurrection' of this hidden bloodline/tradition would also imply the fall of the Church as its existence today is the result of the Roman Empire 'hijacking' the 'Fisher King' tradition. The Catholic Church or Papacy, in other words, is just a poser on the throne with no legitimacy what so ever. The 'king' is naked and the people have been too conditioned and timid to openly acknowledge this awkward fact. When the true 'Fisher King' is publicly acknowledged, therefore, it would automatically leave the Church and its manipulative doctrine nowhere to go but down. This situation brings us back to Quatrain II-41, the 'two suns' prophecy already applied to the current events, the last line of which indicates the fall/shift of the papacy: "When the great pontiff changes his abode."
In The Labour of the Sun was discussed how Quatrain II-41 pertains to 9/11, the 'King of terror' (Fisher King), and the inevitable end of the reign of Pope John Paul II, the 'Labor of the Sun' pope, in the near future. Since writing the article, it came to my attention that there is one particular date that may be seen as a window through which the smoldering archetypal story line could potentially manifest itself physically because of intense symbolic convergence. The date in question is May 1st -- i.e. 'May Day'. First, notice that just as the date '9-11' numerically had the implication of emergency ('911' being the emergency phone number), 'May Day' is similarly the international radiotelephone code used for indicating trouble and requesting help. Second, in Europe May Day is Labor Day which in the United States is celebrated in September (the month of 9/11) -- 'labor' being a code word for Pope JPII, as well as Hercules' 11th Labor that has been found to closely relate to 9/11 and Prometheus along with his fire and ring. May Day, in fact, is also the festival of Belenus, the Celtic god of fire and the sun, and a pagan festival of rebirth and renewal. The first day of May, therefore, is a time with strong 9/11 resonance and particularly relevant to the 'Labor of the Sun', i.e. Pope JPII, though I am not ready to predict that the papacy will actually suffer a loss on that date.
Update: According US intelligence sources, as reported by The Washington Times (May 13), Islamic terrorists were planning to attack a nuclear power plant and this "was initially scheduled for May 1..." So, there indeed was a high potential for a 9/11-related major incident on May Day 2002.
Echoes of Lost Paradise
Dinosaurs, the kings of the earth at the time, were suddenly wiped out about 65 million years ago. Rocks from outer space, it is often theorized, hit the earth and devastated all life upon the surface. Quite recently, Tom Van Flandern (formerly the Chief of the Celestial Mechanics Branch of the U.S. Naval Observatory) put forward the theory that it was the 'explosion' of what he calls 'Planet V' between Earth's orbit and the Asteroid Belt (which is the remnant of the theoretical 'Planet K' that exploded about 250 million years ago) that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. The planet Mars, in this radical model, was formerly a satellite of Planet V that survived the catastrophe and became an independent planet. Richard Hoagland's more recent 'Mars Tidal Model' was an extension of Flandern's 'Exploded Planet Hypothesis', and so the new data from the Mars Odyssey probe just released 3/1/02 that dramatically corroborated Hoagland's theory was also confirmatory evidence for Flandern's. By inference, then, it may be postulated that those dinosaurs -- analogous to the 'King of terror', 'Fisher King', etc. -- and the Red Planet have an inseparable historical connection.
The reader may recall that I have previously stressed the intense correlation that exists between the 9/11-related events and the destruction of the antediluvian world, 'Atlantis', in connection with Mars/Cydonia. Here, then, we have the implication that there also is a link between the prehistoric 'dragons' and Atlantis. Remarkably, this strange association actually resonates well with the fact that in ancient traditions the angelic wisdom-providers of the antediluvian paradise, including Osiris, are usually associated with the serpent, i.e. 'dragons'. The coherence is intensified when it is added that the essence of Osiris was equated in ancient Egyptian theology with the Benben Stone (the capstone of the pyramid/obelisk) which in turn was, or represented, a meteorite -- i.e. a rock from outer space (Planet V). Correspondingly, we may recall that, in Mystery, Babylon the Great, the antediluvian tower (Babel) and the Osirian 'fallen angels' (Nephilim) were found to be the embodiment of a heavenly stone. And to top it off, the Nephilim were 'fallen ones' (as in fallen meteorites), and were also called awwin denoting 'serpents' (as in dragons/dinosaurs) and gibborim meaning 'strong ones' (as in Davidic 'Fisher Kings'). The messianic association is echoed strongly by the Holy Grail/Blood Royal: in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival from around 1200, the Grail is called lapsit exillis which, as lapis ex caelis, means 'stone from the heavens'!
So we now have entangled themes involving dinosaurs, Exploded Planet Hypothesis, Mars, Atlantis, heavenly stone, messianic tradition... What does this all mean? While I have my own hypotheses, it is wise at this time to just wonder about it rather than force a shortsighted and linearly conceived conclusion out of the partially disjointed pieces of the puzzle. I have faith in the idea of 'if you ask, the answer will come'. This appears to be how the 'game' is played 'down here'. Truth requires patience, and patience here requires unwavering respect for truth.
I'd like to end this article by pointing out that the next Winter Olympic Games (2006) will be held in Turin, Italy. Turin is the home of the single most important and controversial relic associated with Jesus -- the Shroud of Turin, the linen cloth in which Jesus was supposedly wrapped after the crucifixion. On the Shroud is seen, somehow, a seemingly photographic image of Jesus. While ostensibly a Christian relic, the Shroud has much to do with the esoteric 'underground' tradition that aligns with the 'Fisher King' rather than with Pauline counterfeit Christianity headed by the Papacy. Indeed, the Shroud first surfaced soon after the suppression of the medieval warrior-monks, the Knights Templar, who were accused, among other things, of worshipping a strange head -- which may well have been the head portion of the Shroud. The first known owner of the relic, Geoffrey de Charney, is in fact thought to be the nephew of Geoffroi de Charney, the Templar preceptor of Normandy who was burned to death with Jacques de Molay, the last Templar Grand Master. And some have theorized, with good reason, that the Shroud was actually created by Leonardo Da Vinci who has been claimed to have been Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, supposedly the parental organization behind the Templar order (see Lynn Picknett, et al, Turin Shroud). The Priory of Sion, extensively discussed in the groundbreaking book Holy Blood, Holy Grail (1982), is practically analogous, or attached, to 'Rex Deus'. This combined with the fact that the Templar knights in the Grail lore are depicted as the guardians of the Holy Grail/Blood Royal which, in theory (based on "heretical" traditions), stemmed from the dynastic 'Sacred Marriage' between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, it may be inferred that the Shroud is in a sense a form of the Grail which in turn represents the hidden messianic succession.
Is it just a coincidence that Turin, the very place where this 'Rex Dues' relic rests, has been selected for the next Winter Olympics? Perhaps. But consider the following. Turin is at latitude 45°N. so as to echo the opening line of the 'Olympic/Martian quatrain', VI-97 ('Forty five degrees the sky will burn'). The last line of the same quatrain, 'When they want to have proof of the Normans', may also now denote 'when people want to find out the truth about the origin of Christianity, about the suppressed messianic legacy, and about the true nature of the Turin Shroud which was first possessed, as far as we know, by the 'Normans' (i.e. the Templar Master of Normandy). The Shroud even resonates with 9/11. The relic, as well as Leonardo/Priory of Sion, is associated with John the Baptist as it is, for example, kept at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin. And the saint's birthday was celebrated on the summer solstice just as the date 9/11 corresponded in the early Christian times to the original summer solstice day of the ancient Egyptian calendar.
Also, the demonstrated Martian/Cydonian nature of Quatrain VI-97 incites the thought that the head imprinted on the Shroud might relate to the more or less similar-looking 'Face on Mars'. This is clearly a silly notion -- except there are various clues that are supportive of it. This leads into an area that overlaps my 'other' research that I do not want to discuss yet. But I'll just mention two curious coincidences: the Shroud is called sydoine/sindone/sindon in other languages ('Cydonia' anyone?), and John the Baptist was decapitated and his severed head became an object/idea of great esoteric importance. This is only a small hint. I don't want to open Pandora's Box yet... :) But I will say that Mars/Cydonia anomalies and the Grail-Ark-Shroud-Fisher King theme are to merge in a startlingly direct and elegant way.
The Quest for the Grail is an interplanetary saga.
[Back to main page]
The Martian Message
By Goro Adachi Sept. 29, '02 / Jan. '03
[The following is a portion taken from Chapter 2 of my book The Time Rivers. It should quickly summarize the baffling saga of the "Monuments of Mars" for those not very familiar with the subject.]
19.5°: A Signal From Mars
[...] The esoteric significance of 19.5° was actually first brought to mankind’s attention through another celestial body much closer to Earth – the Red Planet.
This is not as strange as it sounds. For instance, Mars happens to be intertwined with ancient Egypt in curious ways:
The Egyptian capital Cairo, situated adjacent to Giza, derives its name from Al Qahira denoting Mars. (More literally it means ‘the victorious’.)
The ancient Egyptians called Mars ‘Horus of the Horizon’ (Horakhti), which was the very same name given to the Great Sphinx. Mars was also called ‘Horus the Red’ (Hor Dshr), and for a long time the Sphinx was painted red.[1]
Just as the Great Sphinx is the hybrid of man and a lion, in ancient Hindu myths Mars is Nr-Simha, the ‘Man-Lion’.
The term ‘pyramid’ derives from the Greek term pyr meaning ‘fire’, as in Mars the ‘fire planet’. (Mars is often referred to as pyroeis in Greek.)
As for the angle 19.5°, it resides at the heart of the geometric ‘message’ claimed to have been found on the deceptively barren Martian surface.
Indeed, the first sign of the ‘Martian message’ emerged through certain structures that were not only pyramidal but also tetrahedral.
These apparent pyramids were captured on camera in 1972 by NASA’s Mariner 9, the first spacecraft to enter Mars orbit in history. As it flew over a region called Elysium Quadrangle, the probe just happened to detect this ‘tip of the iceberg’ – as they would turn out to be – quietly sitting there.
While no serious scientific investigation was launched, it was certainly anomalous enough for celebrated scientist Carl Sagan to comment that these ‘beckoning pyramids’, as he called them, did ‘warrant…a careful look’.[2]
Following this little prelude came Cydonia.
‘Oh my God, look at this!’, exclaimed Tobias Owen of JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) as he came across a photograph labeled 35A72, sent from Mars by Viking 1 in 1976. What he saw was the now infamous ‘Face on Mars’ situated in a region called Cydonia.
It was a rock formation resembling a huge human face silently staring up into space.
While seemingly a silly notion, there was at least some symbolic coherence here, as noted by Richard Hoagland, in that the Egyptian name given to the ‘Martian god’ Horus was Heru, which could also mean ‘face’.[3]
Figure 2.6 The first picture of the ‘Face on Mars’ (35A72) taken by the Viking spacecraft in 1976.
Then came Vincent Dipietro, a NASA computer scientist, who discovered another photograph (70A13) in 1979 that showed the same object still looking like a face. But more importantly, DiPietro along with Gregory Molenaar found another peculiar feature in the vicinity of the ‘Face’. This was a gigantic and seemingly five-sided pyramidal structure, nicknamed the ‘D&M Pyramid’ (after DiPietro and Molenaar).
Unlike the ‘Face’, this pyramid proved to be more effective in determining the involvement of intelligence, thanks to its geometric nature. And shocking was what the subsequent analysis revealed: the inferred design of the D&M Pyramid seemed to express Pythagorean mathematics and geometry![4]
Figure 2.7 Geometric analysis of the ‘D&M Pyramid’ model.
NASA, however, simply could not be bothered to look into the growing mystery.
Understandably frustrated, Dipiero and Molenaar resolved to write Unusual Mars Surface Features – which would catch the attention of Richard Hoagland, a science writer and former space program consultant. (He presently heads ‘The Enterprise Mission’, a group devoted to investigating space anomalies as well as anything remotely related).
Doing some investigation of his own, Hoagland found other anomalous objects in Cydonia, such as what he nicknamed the ‘City’, ‘Fort’, ‘Cliff’, and ‘Tholus’.
Increasingly fascinated by those ‘Monuments of Mars’ and driven by pure curiosity, he went on to establish the Independent Mars Investigation (IMI) funded by SRI International, a renowned think tank in California involved with cutting-edge science and technology. This eventually evolved into the ‘Mars Mission’ and then into ‘The Enterprise Mission’. Among the members were DiPiero, Molenaar, anthropologist Randolpho Pozos, plasma physicist John Brandenberg, SRI scientists Lambert Dolphin and Bill Beatty, image-processing expert Mark Carlotto, and cartographer Erol Torun.
These independent researchers then managed to accumulate ample evidence to strongly support the structures’ artificiality – the most compelling being the geometric attributes of the D&M Pyramid model found by Torun:
What Torun discovered was a mathematically rich figure whose geometry contains the mathematical bases for the hexagon, the pentagon, and the classic proportions of the Golden Ratio… Twenty of the model’s internal angles, angle ratios, and trigonometric functions redundantly express three square root values, sqrt 2, sqrt 3, sqrt 5, and two mathematical constants, pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter) and e (the base of the natural logarithms) with a mean error of one-half of one percent… Except for sqrt 2 and sqrt 3, the constants do not appear alone, but in seven different mathematical combinations... The most redundant values discovered were e/pi, e/sqrt 5, and sqrt 3. These values are repeated four times each in at least two different modes of measurement.[5]
The investigators additionally revealed that the geometry of the D&M Pyramid seemed to emphasize key tetrahedral angles such as 19.5° and 60°.[6] In particular, the ‘tetrahedral constant’ 19.5° was found encoded everywhere in the region of Cydonia.[7] There was, for example, a set of sixteen little ‘mounds’ in the ‘City’ area examined by Horace W. Crater, a physicist and pattern-analysis expert at the Tennessee Space Institute.
Crater was astounded to discover that the mounds were definitely not randomly placed features. Many of the angles made by the mounds, he had to conclude, were decidedly tetrahedral and functions of 19.5°.[8]
Tetrahedral geometry, therefore, had firmly emerged as the ‘message of Cydonia’. And on this point, Hoagland states in The Monuments of Mars:
The key… now unmistakably centers on the geometric and geodetic properties of an inscribed tetrahedron… surrounded by a sphere, communicated so redundantly through the inter-locking geometry, angles, mathematical constants, and their associated trigonometric functions discovered so redundantly across Cydonia.[9]
[Hoagland's 'Geometric Relationship Model' of Cydonia]
If these findings are accurate, it would amount to one of the biggest revelations in history – the first sign of intelligence outside of our own planet. And yet, today the general public is largely oblivious to this development. Most people’s knowledge on this does not go beyond the mere existence of ‘the face-like thing on Mars’, as they are utterly unaware of all the remarkable geometric data.
Why is this? Why is the explosive matter of Cydonia being ignored? Is it because the findings are invalid conclusions conjured up by a bunch of crackpots?
Not so, according to Stanley McDaniel, professor emeritus and former chairman of the philosophy department at Sonoma State University, a man most suited for evaluating this kind of issue for he is specifically trained in reasoning – man’s only true friend in finding truth.
As McDaniel writes in The McDaniel Report: On the Failure of Executive, Congressional, and Scientific Responsibility in Investigating Possible Evidence of Artificial Structures on the Surface of Mars and in Setting Mission Priorities for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program (1993):
My initial approach was one of considerable skepticism… [But] over the course of the investigation my appreciation for what these researchers had done, and the underlying scientific integrity of their work, began to grow. I found that the occasional faults in their work were far outweighed by the solidity of the data and their responsiveness to the needs of what is, after all, the first study of its kind in history.[10]
The data collected in the course of these investigations appears to be highly reliable. The most advanced techniques of image enhancement, photoclinometry and fractal analysis, confirmed by cross-checking and thoroughly documented, have been used. The investigators are acknowledged experts in their fields with strong academic and professional qualifications. In every test, the data has consistently tilted in the direction of artificial, rather than natural, origin. Moreover, the various tests performed, including anthropometric and aesthetic evaluation, have been mutually cross-confirming.[11]
As it was done by ‘an impeccable, unquestionably academic source’, The McDaniel Report represented ‘a major scientific and political breakthrough for the entire subject of Cydonia’.[12]
So why, we must ask again, have the Martian findings not made the headlines all over the world, as they surely deserve?
We find that this is largely thanks to the strange reaction of the establishment – namely NASA – to Cydonia. On this, McDaniel writes:
As my study of the work done by the independent investigators and NASA’s response to their research continued, I became aware not only of the relatively high quality of the independent research, but also of glaring mistakes in the arguments used by NASA to reject this research. With each new NASA document I encountered, I became more and more appalled by the impossibly bad quality of the reasoning used. It grew more and more difficult to believe that educated scientists could engage in such faulty reasoning unless they were following some sort of hidden agenda aimed at suppressing the true nature of the data. Eventually my original naïve view – that all NASA scientists were sincerely interested in the truth – was utterly shattered…[13]
Seventeen years [as of 1993] of ridicule by NASA and a small handful of scientists whose field of expertise is severely limited has encouraged many people to ignore the data and dismiss the [issue] as a joke… Instead of carrying out legitimate scientific inquiry, NASA has regularly sent false and misleading statements regarding the landforms to members of Congress and their constituents. NASA has condoned efforts to unfairly ridicule and discredit independent researchers… despite the fact that the only real scientific study of the landforms indicates a clear possibility that they are artificial.[14]
The issue concerning the ‘hidden agenda’ of NASA is ultimately too complex and obscure to delve into here. But suffice it to say that there are those behind the scenes who seem to know much more than the general public, academia, media, and even the government do, and they seem to wield an invisible but strong influence on our perception of ‘reality’. And for whatever reason, it appears that ‘they’ do not want the matter of extraterrestrial artifacts taken seriously.
While there are certainly many layers of reasons and agendas involved here, on a basic level anthropologist Randolfo Pozos was probably on the mark when he stated:
The greatest difficulty posed by these curious landforms on Mars occurs… at the level of beliefs and fundamental values… In essence these landforms on Mars are intellectual land-mines.[15]
It is also quite feasible that the apparent suppression of the information has much to do with the ultimate meaning of the ‘message of Cydonia’, which, according to Richard Hoagland, concerns what he calls ‘hyperdimensional physics’.
This is a form of ‘hyperspace’ theory that basically adds extra dimensions to the normal four dimensions of space and time to explain physical phenomena. In the model promoted by Hoagland, stemming from the Cydonia research, tetrahedral geometry and angular momentum are viewed as the key to uniting the physical and ‘hyperdimensional’ realms.[16] And this unification, if achieved, would lead to the harnessing of an entirely new form of energy or force.
If valid and developed further, it has the potential to quickly and completely upset the societal structure and utterly undermine those in control of the world’s economy – as the new physics would easily translate to something akin to ‘free energy’, which in turn translates to dramatically decreased dependency on oil and other conventional energy sources.
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Hidden Colors of Mars...
by Goro Adachi
January 7 [from Etemenanki update]: On January 6, NASA released the first color picture of Mars received from the Spirit rover. And it's all still... red - including the sky. While Mars is the 'Red' Planet, it's not necessarily 'normal' for the Martian sky to be so red on Mars. Richard Hoagland, for instance, has in the past discussed this issue of Mars' artificial redness as seen in NASA pictures.
Shown below is the first color picture from Spirit. The one on the left is the official NASA version, and the one on the right is an adjusted, or re-adjusted, version of the same picture in which there is reduced redness. Which appears more natural or real to you? (Click on the pictures to see larger versions.)
Of course, it could be that the Martian landscape is really as red as the NASA version shows. But given that it's scientifically acceptable for the Martian sky to be more or less blue, combined with the fact that we have quite compelling photographic evidence like one shown below from the Viking missions exposing the excessive redness of the original pictures released by NASA (the adjusted version on the right shows the colors of the American flag accurately), it is not so farfetched to suppose that NASA has been deceiving all of us about the real appearance of Mars all these years. [The 'correct' image below was produced by Barry Arneson (?) in 2001.]
January 7-8: Canadian Press/Yahoo! News has posted an earth-like color version of the Mars picture from the NASA Spirit rover that is identical to the one used in my Jan. 7 post which was quickly produced with Photoshop.
Comparison ('official' version left; 'Canadian' version right):
January 8-9: NASA sends mixed signals [source]. Here are two versions of the same Martian picture from Spirit posted on two different NASA webpages:
[taken from here]
[taken from here]
By creating this kind of confusion, it becomes easier to gradually phase out the probably misleading, red Mars appearance familiar to us and bring in the more earth-like, 'real' pictures of Mars... But that's still just a theory.
January 9: Here is more (apparent) evidence of color 'manipulation' being done - deliberately or accidentally - by NASA. The illustration below I just produced should make the discrepancies rather plain. Very strange. (Pictures used in the illustration are from here and here.)
Update: The color change of the 'sundial' is not necessarily a sign of a 'conspiracy', but it does suggest, well actually it's a given, that the photo was not quite correctly calibrated. As Keith Laney states:
So far the only image showing the calibration target in the same view as the surface and sky showed conclusively that the image was not calibrated properly. The blue is hot pink, the green is virtually nonexistent and the red is brown. This explains the ruddy caste to the ground and sky in this otherwise beautiful image.
And here is another curious photographic anomaly brought to my attention...
[Picture source]
What does this mean? Who knows... If you're puzzled, you're certainly not alone.
January 10-11: A light-blue sky of Mars shown during a NASA news conference (Jan. 10). I guess if the NASA guys don't make a big deal of the shifting colors of Mars, the media won't find it strange either. If this keeps up, Earth-like Mars images will become 'normal' rather quickly.
January 12: NASA released a 360-degree panoramic picture of the Martian surface. Well, it's still very red and the sundial area has been rather conveniently cut out from this photo.
January 13: On January 11, Keith Laney (a photo-processing expert) posted his carefully processed Spirit picture from Mars which he believes shows the true colors of Mars. In an online forum he gave us the following information:
Making sense of the Pancam and color
looking into this, we can see that actually the Pancam isn't true color, but it is close, a lot closer than Ody [Odyssey?]. Not that the representations we're seeing are correct.
"What!?!? not true color! exactly what do you mean mr. Laney?"
well, it is in sorts, but it isn't "true" because color response is actually varied depending on observer and other factors such as lighting and atmosphere. We all know that "true" RGB wavelengths are something that cannot be nailed down to a definite value, the response is more a curve. average response for RGB is a given however, and these values are..
Red 650nm+/- Green 510nm+/- Blue 440nm+/-
Now we get to the Pancam, which is a remarkable piece of imaging technology, and very complex. It has two "eyes", left and right. they both see differently. Here are the filter positions.
L1. EMPTY R1. 430 (SP) * L2. 750 (20) R2. 750 (20) L3. 670 (20) R3. 800 (20) L4. 600 (20) R4. 860 (25) L5. 530 (20) R5. 900 (25) L6. 480 (25) R6. 930 (30) L7. 430 (SP)* R7. 980 (LP)* L8. 440 Solar ND R8. 880 Solar ND
SP means short pass filter, LP means long pass filter. one lens on each side is coated so it can observe the sun (solar ND) L1 is clear, no filter
Using this chart for reference we see that the left eye is of main use for color imaging, with values covering acceptable rgb values. This means that in order for meaningful evaluation of the color or infrared combinations produced from these images to we will have to have them displayed so that we can obtain all the bands, and in more than compressed jpeg. which doesn't seem to be the case
until then, we have to "trust 'em". which is not imaging or science.
[...] a vitally important point of [this is] that it is ENTIRELY possible for us to get unquestionably true color images out of this thing. I'm looking for more full left side imagery right now, and it will be very soon that I'm fixing to show you what Spirit says is the no crap about it true colors of this area. I just happen to have the answer for this shell game played with spectral bands.
And a little later Laney revealed his 'image showing 'Mars in true as you can get it color', adding 'It's an exciting day!'. Here it is. (Go to www.keithlaney.com/spirit_color_images.htm for more.)
This is very different from NASA's version, that's for sure... Very Earth-like. Is this the real Mars?
January 14: The New York Times has a little piece (titled 'Sure, It May Look Like Mars') discussing the growing 'conspiracy theory' concerning the poor-quality/manipulated images of Mars... Typical commentary from the mainstream press. (Thought not directly related, it may be instructive to read 'Paranoid Shift', an article about propaganda and 'conspiracy theories' these days...)
January 16: Keith Laney has posted additional information on how to 'correct' the NASA/Spirit pictures (see here). He comments:
...the huge, hastily constructed pans with the ruddy color, stitch lines, and beige sky do not do justice to the actual beauty of the Martian surface. I offer an alternative view, one done with a fair degree of accuracy using common and measurable techniques. One which shows Mars may be more than we ever imagined. Two Worlds, One Sun.
January 19: Over at the ATSNN website there is a very detailed page explaining that the Spirit picture anomalies are actually not really a result of NASA manipulating the colors of Mars. It is probably too technical for most people (including me), but the explanation put forward there at least appears to make a good point. We are of course left wanting to see a counter-argument from the other side... and we do have this quick response from Keith Laney {slightly edited for smoother reading):
I see some instant errors in that [explanation], though he does go at length to describe the process pretty well. A lot of the stuff he references I've also referenced to do the images. L4, 5, and L6 are definitely NOT RGB, but do make the tabs on the cal dial correct. If it is true what he's saying here then the red shift into the blue in "true" color would cause actual real color images to have a violet blue tab with the other color tabs basically correct.. which is what I've got on mine. We'll study this more. You could not get correct color with 2,5, and 6 either.. somewhat, but off.
What is more important is centering the bandwidths with the images given, which he doesn't seem to cover.
I really don't see how he comes to an innocent conclusion for the reasons why the Pan releases are so red either, it's just not right.
And so... that's where we are on this matter at this time. More updates coming as/if this development further.
January 21: With the title 'More Proof Mars Has Blue Skies', this picture from Viking 2 Lander (1979) was posted on Rense.com (validity unclear):
January 22: A striking picture shown below was just released by NASA. The caption states it "shows the rover's landing site, the Columbia Memorial Station, at Gusev Crater, Mars. This spectacular view may encapsulate Spirit's entire journey, from lander to its possible final destination toward the east hills."
This image is remarkable in that it finally shows, clearly and fully, both the Martian landscape/sky and the landing vehicle. This combination would represent less room for hiding potential color imprecision/anomalies/manipulation. And NASA/JPL appears to be well aware of this situation, as the caption put under the picture includes this note: "Data from the panoramic camera's green, blue and infrared filters were combined to create this approximate true color image." Hmm... An 'approximate true color image'. That's an interesting phrase.
More intriguing is this BBC news article about the same Spirit picture. As far as I'm aware, it is the first mainstream hard news article to directly address the puzzling color issue of Spirit/Mars. Here are some excerpts from the article:
- "Colours in the image have been adjusted but scientists have not yet determined the "true" colour of the Martian rocks."
- "Nasa scientists have used the colour calibration target, also known as the sundial, to adjust the image so that its hue is a close approximation of the colour of the Martian surface."
- "However, mission scientists will have to perform further calculations before they can produce an image that shows Mars' 'true' colour."
- "...the image shows signs of the correction process to get the colour of the Martian surface as close as possible to its true colour. The normally blue starscape - or "meatball" - that forms the Nasa logo has turned a muddy red. And blue insulating foam surrounding cables on the lander has turned bright pink."
Is it just me or is there an aura of 'non-denial denial' and/or 'non-admission admission' emerging with this development? They seem to want to leave the impression that the colors of the Mars pictures are more or less accurate. And yet they also now carefully point out that we don't yet have the 'true color of Mars'.
Personally, I'm still seriously considering my original model... i.e. that there is a gradual politically-motivated 'disclosure' (or trickery) taking place, designed at least in part to get the public more interested in space exploration, so that space exploitation and miniaturization can be implemented just as called for by the hidden neo-conservative/PNAC agenda driving the Bush administration. There could be various other issues involved as well, of course.
Update: Today it is being reported that a 'serious anomaly' has made the Spirit rover 'go quiet'. Or in other words, it may be gone for good. If that's the case, then the 'disclosure' model would no longer apply for now (don't forget Opportunity that is about to land on Mars). Let's see... Spirit lands flawlessly on Mars at the beginning of January; Pres. Bush triumphantly announces his plan to get man back on the Moon and then to Mars; Spirit finds a lot of anomalous rocks and people are closely monitoring the 'shifting colors' of Mars; polls show Americans do not welcome Bush's space initiative; Bush doesn't even mention space exploration in his State of the Union speech on Jan. 20; and then Spirit goes down... Let's wait and see where this story goes next.
January 23: We have another news article (Australia's Herald Sun) that touches on the Mars color issue. It concludes with the following sentences:
NASA has also revealed it colour-balanced panoramic photographs sent from the lander to approximate what a person might see on the Martian surface.
This has raised questions about whether the landscape is really red.
It appears the issue is becoming more mainstream now. Could this be part of the reason why Spirit 'went silent'? Here is an excerpt from a message sent to a 'Cydonia' email discussion forum that gives us further evidence that there was increasing pressure on NASA to produce the real color of Mars:
From: --- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 08:58:21 -0000 Subject: [cydonia] Not So Timid Press Questions
Several of yesterday's postings complained about the press being timid about their questions. Well, I saw part of the C-Span coverage of the briefing (Jan 21). Many of the reporters asked "tough" questions in regards to the "true color" issue, including Chandler (spelling?) from New Scientist. One reporter asked something like "Why is it called the red planet if [parts of] it is blue?" There were perhaps 2-6 minutes of give and take between several reporters and a JPL team member about the issue of "true color". Basically, JPL/NASA said that they were in a hurry to get "something" out to the folks, and that real true color processing will probably take about 2 weeks or so.
And now Spirit is suddenly silent... But it's not yet completely dead, and Opportunity is arriving there soon, so the game is not over yet.
January 29: Well, Spirit seems to be recovering at this time, and Opportunity has successfully landed on Mars, already giving us more pictures of the not-so Red Planet. Here is one, processed by Keith Laney, showing Mars in its likely true colors.
Today another mainstream news article appeared in the UK that directly addressed the Mars color issue. Slowly, but this subject appears to be gaining some momentum.
Nasa accused of painting Mars red By Robert Uhlig, Technology Correspondent (Filed: 29/01/2004)
The American space agency Nasa has been accused of doctoring its pictures of Mars to make the Martian surface conform to our impression of the famously red planet.
Nasa has been accused of digitally "tweaking" drab brown scenery to make it redder. It has even been suggested that Nasa removed green patches to hide evidence of life.
The theories gained credence after Nasa told New Scientist that "getting the colours right is a surprisingly difficult and subjective job", the magazine reports today.
Most of the pictures have been taken through green, blue and infra-red filters - instead of green, blue and standard red filters, which would have produced more accurate colours.
Dr Jim Bell, who worked with Nasa on the Mars rovers' cameras, said infrared filters were used because they helped geologists to distinguish rock types.
In reality, Mars appears red largely because of the dust in its atmosphere.
This article is a little strange in that it fails to mention the source of the accusation. Well, I guess they didn't want to say 'those crazy websites on the net could be right after all...' :) And the last sentence is curious in that while seemingly leaving the impression that Mars is red in reality, that's not quite what it's saying. It's actually stating that when there is a lot of dust in the Martian atmosphere, we'd see more red on the surface and in the sky. And the amount of atmospheric dust depends on the Martian weather. In other words, the sentence could easily be interpreted to mean 'Mars is normally not that red'.
February 1: Here is an interesting one from Hoagland/Enterprise Mission. Pretty much self-explanatory... Could be evidence of color manipulation? We'll see.
UPDATE: The 'NASA color' image above (left) was actually in grayscale/B&W originally. The color was manually added later by Don Davis who writes:
A prominent web site [i.e. Enterprise Mission] known for unconventional expressions has appropriated this image and used it with a caption suggesting it is a NASA image. It is not, it is my mosaic of several THEMIS and MGS images I fitted together in between my paying jobs.
Further info from elsewhere ('The Bad Astronomer'):
...I talked at length with artist Don Davis, who made it clear what is going on. [...] Don does not work for NASA. The original data come from NASA, but the color processing was not done by NASA. [...] He... colorized the image by hand, using the multicolor imagery as a guide. He has decades of experience in color and art, and feels that the color is as "reasonably close" to reality as he can get it. Even though it is colorized, he tried very hard to keep the tonal distribution correct.
As for the green color shown in the Mars Express image, the same states:
...we know from spectral analysis that the rock is basalt. We also know that basaltic rock is not green! Clearly, the images are not properly calibrated for color and tone balance. Don went as far to say "I would bet money that the dark areas are not green." Basically, when taking three images using different filters and combining them, you have to be very careful about color balance. [...] I have sent email to several scientists about the Mars Express image, and I hope to get a clear response about the color calibration.
So it appears that this particular claim [or at least inference] of Hoagland/TEM may not be valid. Still, the green color in the Mars Express image is really there in the original photo, and it would be very interesting to see if this too may a product of the annoyingly delicate calibration process. Already, however, we have this quote from Michael McKay, Flight Operations Director of European Space Agency, regarding the apparent greenness of Spirit's landing site:
...certainly like the green in the Gusev crater picture or by looking at the development of darker spots toward the South Pole which are tied to seasonal variations, it certainly gives rise to the speculation that there could be algae.
So from this we could perhaps infer that Mars Express is not suffering from the color 'instability' phenomenon plaguing the American counterparts. At least the director of ESA doesn't seem worried about the color being incorrect.
February 2: Asked by Linda Moulton Howe in an interview, Jean-Loup Bertaux, Ph.D. (Director of Research, Service d'Aeronomie du CNRS, Verrieres-le-Buisson, France) stated the following concerning the true color of the Martian sky:
...I think it is a very important question. And in fact it is not a triviality. I think it should be asked to NASA: is this the true color (of the sky)? I think it is very important. The sky color might change with the quantity of dust particles in the air. Sometimes they may be red or less red, depending upon mainly the size of the dust particles. There might be a lot of very fine dust grains that might have a slightly different color from the big grains, I would say. So, the question is not trivial. It is important and it is interesting that the public is asking such a question.
Viking robots found life on Mars in 1976, scientists say Researchers put data into sets of numbers, then analyzed the results for complexity http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/47031923/ns/technology_and_science-science/#.T4eM9tnwCuMNew analysis of 36-year-old data, resuscitated from printouts, shows that NASA found life on Mars, an international team of mathematicians and scientists conclude in a paper published this week. Further, NASA doesn't need a human expedition to Mars to nail down the claim, neuropharmacologist and biologist Joseph Miller, with the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine, told Discovery News. "On the basis of what we've done so far, I'd say I'm 99 percent sure there's life there," he added.Viking Found Organics on Mars, Experiment Confirmshttp://news.discovery.com/space/viking-mars-organics-experiment.htmlScientists repeated a key Viking experiment using perchlorate-enhanced soil from Chile's Atacama Desert, which is considered one of the driest and most Mars-like places on Earth, and found telltale fingerprints of combusted organics -- the same chemicals Viking scientists dismissed as contaminants from Earth.
"Contrary to 30 years of perceived wisdom, Viking did detect organic materials on Mars," planetary scientist Christopher McKay, with NASA's Ames Research Center in California, told Discovery News. "It's like a 30-year-old cold case suddenly solved with new facts."So there is life on Mars folks
(Gen. 41); and hence Moses, when blessing the tribe of Joseph, i.e., Ephraim (Deu. 33:17), said, ‘his glory is that of the first-born of a bull.’ The golden splendour of the standard of Ephraim resembled that of the chrysolite, in which the name of Ephraim was engraved upon the breastplate. Towards the north, above the tent of Ahiezer the son of Dan, there floated a motley standard of white and red, like the jaspis (or, as some say, a carbuncle), in which the name of Dan was engraved upon the breastplate. The crest upon this was an eagle, the great doe to serpents, which had been chosen by the leader in the place of a serpent, because his forefather Jacob had compared Dan to a serpent, saying, ‘Dan is a serpent in the way, an adder (cerastes, a horned snake) in the path;’ but Ahiezer substituted the eagle, the destroyer of serpents as he shrank from carrying an adder upon his flag.”32
ROMANS 11:26
And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:"The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.
Hold this book even concealed, that the curse may not come on you, and you be banished from the earth. Act wisely and wait in patience. The blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will come to you, and God will fulfill the promise of Abraham.
Michael killing Dragon/serpent
Revelation 12.7-9
Michael Defeats the Dragon
Merovingians attach great importance to the Dead Sea Scrolls which prophesy that Michael the Archan
gel as "The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek
7 And war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, 8but they were defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. 9The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Saint Sever
Beatus de Liébana, Commentaries on the Apocalypse of John and the Book of Daniel
(Gen. 41); and hence Moses, when blessing the tribe of Joseph, i.e., Ephraim (Deu. 33:17), said, ‘his glory is that of the first-born of a bull.’ The golden splendour of the standard of Ephraim resembled that of the chrysolite, in which the name of Ephraim was engraved upon the breastplate. Towards the north, above the tent of Ahiezer the son of Dan, there floated a motley standard of white and red, like the jaspis (or, as some say, a carbuncle), in which the name of Dan was engraved upon the breastplate. The crest upon this was an eagle, the great doe to serpents, which had been chosen by the leader in the place of a serpent, because his forefather Jacob had compared Dan to a serpent, saying, ‘Dan is a serpent in the way, an adder (cerastes, a horned snake) in the path;’ but Ahiezer substituted the eagle, the destroyer of serpents as he shrank from carrying an adder upon his flag.”32
ROMANS 11:26
And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:"The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.
Hold this book even concealed, that the curse may not come on you, and you be banished from the earth. Act wisely and wait in patience. The blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will come to you, and God will fulfill the promise of Abraham.
Michael killing Dragon/serpent
Revelation 12.7-9
Michael Defeats the Dragon
Merovingians attach great importance to the Dead Sea Scrolls which prophesy that Michael the Archan
gel as "The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek
7 And war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, 8but they were defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. 9The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Viking 1
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La sonda espacial Viking I es una de las dos sondas espaciales de exploración de Marte pertenecientes al programa Viking de la NASA, compuesta de una sonda orbital llamada Viking Orbiter I y una sonda de aterrizaje llamada Viking Lander I.
El conjunto fue lanzado por un cohete Titan III-E/Centaur el 20 de agosto de 1975, con trayecto hacia Marte, tardando para la tarea unos 10 meses. Tras cinco días después de la inserción orbital, el orbitador comenzó a retransmitir las primeras imágenes. La Viking Orbiter 1 alcanzó la órbita marciana el 19 de junio de 1976. El aterrizaje de la Viking Lander 1 fue retrasado del 4 de julio de ese mismo año al 20 de julio, ya que las primeras fotografías del lugar de aterrizaje mostraron que no era totalmente seguro.
[editar] El Orbitador
Los instrumentos de la nave se componían de dos cámaras para obtener imágenes vidicón (VIS), un espectrómetro de infrarrojos para la asignación de agua vapor (MAWD) y radiómetros infrarrojos para el mapeo térmico (IRTM). Las principales misiones del Orbitador Principal terminaron a principios de la conjunción solar el 5 de noviembre de 1976. La misión extendida comenzó el 14 de diciembre 1976 después de conjunción solar. Las operaciones incluyeron aproximaciones a Fobos en febrero de 1977. El perigeo se redujo a 300 km el 11 de marzo de 1977. Los ajustes menores de la órbita se hacen ocasionalmente en el curso de la misión, principalmente para cambiar la tasa de a pie - la velocidad a la que la longitud areocentric cambia con cada órbita, y el periapsis se elevó a 357 kilometros el 20 de julio de 1979. El 07 de agosto del 1980, el Orbitador Viking 1 fue quedando sin actitud de control de gas y su órbita se elevó de 357 × 33943 kilometros a 320 × 56000 kilometros para evitar el impacto con Marte y la posible contaminación hasta el año 2019. Las operaciones fueron terminadas el 17 de agosto 1980, después de 1485 órbitas.
El módulo de aterrizaje y su aeroshell separado de la nave de julio UTC del 20 de ocho y cincuenta y uno. En el momento de la separación, el módulo de aterrizaje estaba orbitando a unos 4 km / s. El retrocohetes Aeroshell dispararon para comenzar la maniobra lander salir de orbita. Después de unas pocas horas a unos 300 km de altitud, el módulo de aterrizaje se reorientó para la entrada atmosférica. El aeroshell con su escudo térmico ablativo frenó la nave, ya que se hundió en la atmósfera. Durante este tiempo, los experimentos de entrada de la ciencia se realizaron utilizando un analizador de potencial retardador, un espectrómetro de masas, y los sensores de presión, temperatura y densidad. [2] A 6 km de altitud, viajando a aproximadamente 250 m / s, el diámetro 16 m aterrizador paracaídas desplegado. Siete segundos después, el aeroshell fue desechado, y 8 segundos después de que las tres patas del módulo de aterrizaje se ampliaron. En 45 segundos el paracaídas se había reducido el módulo de aterrizaje a 60 m / s. A 1,5 km de altitud, retrocohetes en el propio módulo de aterrizaje se encendieron y, 40 segundos después, aproximadamente a 2,4 m / s, la sonda llegó a Marte con una sacudida relativamente ligero. Las piernas tenían nido de abeja de aluminio amortiguadores para suavizar el aterrizaje.
Este es el calendario de la misión de la Viking Orbiter I:
Fecha | Órbita | Operaciones |
20/8/1975 |
- |
Lanzamiento del conjunto VO-VL |
19/6/1976 |
0 |
Puesta en órbita elíptica sincrónica (1) Inicio de la Viking Primary Mission |
20/7/1976 |
92 |
Separación de la VL-1 |
5/11/1976 |
132 |
Fin de la Viking Primary Mission |
14/12/1976 |
162 |
Inicio de la Viking Extended Mission |
12/2/1977 |
235 |
Sincronización de la órbita con el período de Fobos (2) |
24/3/1977 |
263 |
Reducción del periastro a 297 km (3) |
?/3/1978 |
652 |
Fin de la Viking Extended Mission Inicio de la Viking Continuation Mission |
?/2/1979 |
987 |
Fin de la Viking Continuation Mission Inicio de la Viking Completion Mission |
20/7/1979 |
1120 |
Aumento del periastro a 357 km (4) |
7/8/1980 |
1485 |
Fin de la Viking Completion Mission Fin del funcionamiento controlado desde la Tierra |
- Puesta en órbita elíptica sincrónica: periodo 24 h; apoastro 33000 km; periastro 1513 km; inclinación 39º.
- Sincronización de la órbita con el periodo de Fobos: distancia 100 km.
- Reducción del periastro a 297 km (resolución de las imágenes: 20 m).
- Aumento del periastro a 357 km.
[editar] Aterrizador marciano
Puesta de Sol fotografiada desde la VL-1.
Imagen de la Viking (con color alterado) donde pueden verse las marcas de la pala mecánica de recogida de muestras.
Calendario de la misión de la Viking Lander I:
Fecha | Sol* | Operaciones |
20/8/1975 |
- |
Lanzamiento del conjunto VO-VL |
20/7/1976 |
0 |
Aterrizaje en Marte Inicio análisis biológicos y moleculares del suelo y atmósfera Inicio análisis inorgánicos Inicio de imágenes (modo continuo) Inicio observaciones meteorológicas (modo continuo) |
?/5/1977 |
307 |
Fin de análisis biológicos y moleculares del suelo y atmósfera |
20/11/1978 |
841 |
Fin de análisis inorgánicos Inicio modo Survey (envío automático de datos semanalmente) |
?/2/1979 |
9?? |
Envío de imágenes en modo automático semanal Observaciones meteorológicas en modo automático semanal |
13/11/1982 |
??? |
Fin de operaciones del VL-1 por un fallo humano durante una actualización del software |
La Viking Orbiter 1 alcanzó la órbita marciana el 19 de junio de 1976. El aterrizaje de la Viking Lander 1 fue retrasado del 4 de julio de ese mismo año al 20 de ...
El Viking I se lanzó el 20 de agosto de 1975 y el Viking II el 9 de septiembre del mismo año, ambas a bordo de ... 20/7/1976, 92, Aterrizaje de la VL-1 en Marte ...
www.upv.es/satelite/trabajos/pracGrupo15/.../Viking/Viking01.html - En caché - Similares
Así pues, se analizaron puntos de aterrizaje próximos y finalmente la Viking 1 aterrizó el 20 de Julio de 1976 en la ladera oeste de Chryse Planitia (La Planicie ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc034xX5xPg20 Jul. 2010 - 5 min. - Subido por mars2057 On July 20, 1976, the Viking 1 spacecraft landed on Mars to end a 500 million- mile journey ... |
26 Nov 2011 ... El 20 de agosto y el 9 de septiembre de 1975 el Viking I y el Viking II ... la llanura Chryse posponiéndose para el 20 de julio de 1976 el primer ...
www.history.com/this-day-in-history/iviking-1i-lands-on-mars - En caché
The first month of its orbit was devoted to imaging the surface to find appropriate landing sites. On July 20, 1976, the Viking 1 lander separated from the orbiter, ...
science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast20jul_1/ - En caché - Similares
Viking Lander. On July 20, 1976, NASA's Viking 1 lander touched down safely on the surface of Mars, revealing an alien world that continues to puzzle scientists ...
www.actualidadespacial.cl/a_explora_25_Sonda_Viking_1.html - En caché
Cronología de la Exploración Espacial Actualidad Espacial: Noticias de Astronomía, Astronáutica y Aeronáutica Director y Webmaster: Roderick Bowen ...
airandspace.si.edu/exhibitions/gal100/viking.html - En caché
Viking 1 landed on July 20, 1976; Viking 2 landed on September 3. Instruments aboard the spacecraft provided valuable information on the Martian atmosphere ...
Así pues, se analizaron puntos de aterrizaje próximos y finalmente la Viking 1 aterrizó el 20 de Julio de 1976 en la ladera oeste de Chryse Planitia (La Planicie ...
La Viking Orbiter 1 alcanzó la órbita marciana el 19 de junio de 1976. El aterrizaje de la Viking Lander 1 fue retrasado del 4 de julio de ese mismo año al 20 de ...
El Viking I se lanzó el 20 de agosto de 1975 y el Viking II el 9 de septiembre del mismo año, ambas a bordo de ... 20/7/1976, 92, Aterrizaje de la VL-1 en Marte ...
www.upv.es/satelite/trabajos/pracGrupo15/.../Viking/Viking01.html - En caché - Similares
Así pues, se analizaron puntos de aterrizaje próximos y finalmente la Viking 1 aterrizó el 20 de Julio de 1976 en la ladera oeste de Chryse Planitia (La Planicie ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc034xX5xPg20 Jul. 2010 - 5 min. - Subido por mars2057 On July 20, 1976, the Viking 1 spacecraft landed on Mars to end a 500 million- mile journey ... |
26 Nov 2011 ... El 20 de agosto y el 9 de septiembre de 1975 el Viking I y el Viking II ... la llanura Chryse posponiéndose para el 20 de julio de 1976 el primer ...
www.history.com/this-day-in-history/iviking-1i-lands-on-mars - En caché
The first month of its orbit was devoted to imaging the surface to find appropriate landing sites. On July 20, 1976, the Viking 1 lander separated from the orbiter, ...
science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast20jul_1/ - En caché - Similares
Viking Lander. On July 20, 1976, NASA's Viking 1 lander touched down safely on the surface of Mars, revealing an alien world that continues to puzzle scientists ...
www.actualidadespacial.cl/a_explora_25_Sonda_Viking_1.html - En caché
Cronología de la Exploración Espacial Actualidad Espacial: Noticias de Astronomía, Astronáutica y Aeronáutica Director y Webmaster: Roderick Bowen ...
airandspace.si.edu/exhibitions/gal100/viking.html - En caché
Viking 1 landed on July 20, 1976; Viking 2 landed on September 3. Instruments aboard the spacecraft provided valuable information on the Martian atmosphere ...
Así pues, se analizaron puntos de aterrizaje próximos y finalmente la Viking 1 aterrizó el 20 de Julio de 1976 en la ladera oeste de Chryse Planitia (La Planicie ...
7. Génesis 49:17: Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
seed in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 |
( |
19 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
) |
Génesis 49:17: Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
En el mismo termino caballo es sinonimo de guerra en la BIBLIA.
Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Thor es el dios del trueno en la mitología nórdica y germánica. Su papel es complejo ya que tenía influencia en áreas muy diferentes, tales como el clima, las cosechas, la protección, la consagración, la justicia, las Lidias, los viajes y las batallas.[1]
Era el dios más venerado de las tribus germánicas al menos desde los primeros registros escritos hasta los últimos bastiones del paganismo germánico en la época vikinga tardía. La mayoría de los mitos germánicos lo mencionan o se centran en sus hazañas y en los relatos de las Eddas cumple el papel de protector del Midgard, el mundo de los hombres.[2]
Su arma es el martillo de guerra arrojadizo, llamado Mjolnir, del cual se hicieron réplicas en miniatura como amuleto que luego se convirtió en un símbolo desafiante de los paganos nórdicos durante la cristianización de Escandinavia.[3]
Durante y una vez que el proceso de cristianización fue completado, la figura de Thor fue demonizada por la creciente influencia de misioneros cristianos. Después de que el cristianismo se cimentara, restos de su fe se conservaron de forma clandestina principalmente en áreas rurales,[4] sobreviviendo así hasta tiempos modernos en el folclore germano y más recientemente reconstruido bajo diversas formas en el neopaganismo germánico.
In a site entitled WASHINGTON: DISTRICT OF CYDONIA, Daniel Perez takes a page from Richard Hoagland, and seeks to correlate the elements which surrround the supposed "face on Mars" with geographic features in Washington DC and Arlington, Virginia. In the words of the author, the site "lays out a symbolic and geometric link between the area of Washington D.C., and the area on Mars known as Cydonia".
After correctly stating that Maryland Avenue is directed just north of the Jefferson Memorial, he repeats the incorrect assertion that there "is a direct East to West line connecting the Capitol Building to the Washington Monument". As we know, the momument is located 123 feet south of that east-west axis. Next he points incorrectly to "a North to South line connecting the Washington Monument to the Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple which 13 blocks north of the White House". We know that the line runs behind (east of) the HOT, and does not align with that(as he has illustrated it below).
Finally he suggests that "These two sets of lines make a right angle in the shape of a Square, from the Square and Compass symbol of Freemasonry". Clearly the lines do not form a right angle, since, if you look at the line running from the Capitol through the monument to the Lincoln Memorial, you will see that it is "running downhill". The 123 foot offset at the monument (located 1.4 miles from the Capitol) is extended to about 180 feet at the LM (.75 miles beyond the Wash. Mml.).
Like others before him, he connects the supposed alignment of the Washington Monument and House of the Temple with governmental power, "The alignment of the North to South line from the Washington Monument to the Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple implies that the real center of power in Washington is located in the temple". I am still unclear about this implication.
Monuments on Mars
Perez tells us that, "After seeing the layout of the geometry at Cydonia in (Richard Hoagland's book) "The Monuments of Mars" and how three corners of the D&M pyramid pointed to the City, the Face and a circular hill-like structure called the Tholus it occured to me that the same geometry existed in the area of Washington D.C. and Arlington". You will note that the D&M pyramid is supposedly five sided.
According to Perez, it just occured to him that "the Pentagon is the Rosetta Stone of this entire area". You will need to look at pictures to see just what a "hill-like structure" on Mars looks like, but apparently it was significant enough to warrant being named by Hoagland. The supposed City is not much to look at either.
Three Corners - Three Lines
Next we are told that, using an old Rand McNally Atlas, he draws "lines from three corners of the Pentagon (in the DC map) to areas that would have their counterparts at Cydonia", which turn out to be "the area of Rosslyn in Arlington, Virginia, the White House, and Anacostia Park in the Anacostia Area of the District of Columbia". Note the repeated use of the vague term "area" here.
He offers that the fact that "monuments from both locations match in terms of geometric layout and location" when images of DC and Cydonia are superimposed on one another as "proof of the connection between Cydonia and the Washington D.C./ Arlington, Virginia area". I am not sure that I would characterize the "city complex" and "hill-like structure" in the Cydonia image as monuments.
"Since the White House is the headquarters of the head of the United States Government (the Commander in Chief), it was only natural that the human looking head or Face at Cydonia would correlate." Take a look at the image of the "face" (below right) that he uses to illustrate the connection to the White House?
So he anchors his conceptualization with the Pentagon and the White House. Presumably these are the points that he initially synchronizes in his overlaid imagery.
"The area of Rosslyn, Virginia is a tightly compacted city complex consisting of many buildings in a small area. When the image of Cydonia is compared to Arlington, the City Complex and the D&M Pyramid have the same proportional distance between them as Rosslyn and the Pentagon."
"Near Anacostia Park, there is a six-way intersection made up of three streets. If you draw a circle with it's circumfrence crossing the diverging ends of each street that lead away from this intersection the result is a circular area that correlates with the Tholus at Cydonia." Here he is suggesting that you get to choose the size of the circle that you draw.
"Located across the Anacostia river from this Tholus Circle is an intersection known as Barney Circle, a circular intersection on Pennsylvania Avenue at the Sousa Bridge. This circle geographically correlates with the satellite hill near the Tholus at Cydonia." Unfortunately the angles between these two pairs doesn't match very well.
The Other Two Corners
Next he says he drew lines from the other two corners of the Pentagon, and "ended them at an area that made the most sense symbolically and geometrically". Meaning he ended them where ever he wanted to.
"The corner of the Pentagon facing toward the South West pointed directly at an area called Bailey's Crossroads in Fairfax County, Virginia. I did some checking on the internet and according to the official webpage of Fairfax County, Bailey's Crossroads is located in the "MASON"district, an obvious reference to Freemasonry." Either that or it is a reference to the Mason family who once owned what is now called Roosevelt Island in the Potomac River.
"The Pentagon corner facing South/Southeast pointed to another Masonic reference at the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia".
A Larger Five Sided Pentagon
"After finding all of these landmarks, I connected them with lines to make an even larger five sided pentagon that covered the Washington D.C/Arlington, Virginia area."
Click For Larger Image
"The large pentagon geometry was offset slightly by being wider in the east, but symbolically it made sense. Why? This geometry was obviously designed to be looked upon by the "Great Architech of the Universe" who resides in the Eastern sky according to the Freemasons." It's off set to the east, but it makes sense symbolically, because it is obviously meant to be looked at by the GATO? Is he kidding here?
"After laying out this geometry on a picture of the Washington D.C/Arlington, Virginia area, I superimposed the geometry over Cydonia and it matched. The D&M Pyramid, the Face, the City and the Tholus geometrically matched the locations of the Pentagon, the White House, Arlington in Virginia and the area known as Anacostia in D.C."
Click for Large Image
Note that his image of the DC map runs past his Cydonia image, and that he had already shown us the match of the other three points in the first image above. No wonder he said that he ended those lines at an area that made the most sense symbolically and geometrically; he had nothing to reference them to.
A Exact Duplicate of
"The result of this became very obvious; The Washington D.C./Arlington, Virginia area is an exact geometric duplicate of Cydonia!" Note that he says, an exact copy, even though he admits that "the larger pentagon geometry was offset by being wider in the east".
Chronological Perspective
"Now, let's look at this in chronological perspective. The really strange part about this is discovered when you learn that Washington D.C. was built in the late 1790's, while the Pentagon was built in the 1940's, a time difference of 150 years, as if to imply this geometry is part of a long term plan.
According to many estimates, the date of the artifacts at Cydonia range from 300,000 to 3 Million years old or older. If that's the case, then how could the Freemasons, who founded the United States of America in 1776, have knowledge of Cydonia geometry at least two hundred years before the Viking Oribiter photographed Mars in 1976? There's only one obvious and correct answer. The Freemasons have possession of knowlege passed down through history from an ancient inter-planetary civilization that existed thousands of years before "official civilized history" supposedly began 6,000 years ago in the Middle East.
All that from just comparing two images?
León de San Marcos
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El León de San Marcos, León Alado o León Marciano es la representación simbólica del evangelista San Marcos, posee la forma de un león alado con una aureola o nimbo. Suele representarse con un libro y una espada, sujetos con sus patas delanteras como elementos complementarios.
[editar] Características
El León de San Marcos ha sido el símbolo tradicional de Venecia, tanto de la antigua República como, en la actualidad, de la ciudad, la provincia homónima y la región del Véneto. Además es utilizado por numerosos organismos e instituciones civiles y militares de Italia. Fuera de este país también puede observarse como elemento central en los escudos de algunas poblaciones. A lo largo de la historia el León de San Marcos ha aparecido representado en estatuas, monedas, banderas e insignias con mucha frecuencia.
El león alado figura en el escudo de la bandera utilizada por la marina mercante italiana y en la enseña y el torrotito o bandera de proa de la Armada Italiana. Es el símbolo del Festival Internacional de Cine de Venecia, y la estatuilla del premio entregado en este festival, el León de Oro, lo reproduce.
[editar] Significado
La representación de San Marcos en forma de león alado es uno de los elementos más conocidos de la iconografía cristiana. Tiene su origen en el texto del Apocalipsis de San Juan (4,7). En este libro, el león es una de las cuatro criaturas que sitúa este libro junto al trono de Dios, dedicándole alabanzas. Las figuras de estas criaturas han sido elegidas como símbolos de los cuatro evangelistas. La figura del león también se asocia con las palabras con las que comienza Evangelio de San Marcos, una cita atribuida a San Juan Bautista:
"El comienzo del Evangelio de Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios." Como está escrito por el profeta Isaías: "He aquí, yo envío mi mensajero delante de ti, para que te prepare el camino". (Evangelio según Marcos 1: 1-3)
En la iconografía cristiana, Juan el Bautista es representado portando una piel de león y la frase evangélica de la voz que clama en el desierto, se ha asociado con un rugido realizado en el desierto. La figura del león también se ha convertido en símbolo el poder de la palabra del evangelista, sus alas representan la elevación espiritual, mientras que la aureola es un símbolo tradicional del Cristianismo, asociado con la santidad.
Con frecuencia el libro sostenido por el León de San Marcos se asocia, por error, al Evangelio escrito este santo. En realidad en la mayor de las representaciones del león, los símbolos venecianos, aparece escrita en el libro la siguiente expresión latina: "PAX TIBI MARCO EVANGELISTA MEVS", extraída de la cita "Pax tibi Marce, meus evangelista. Hic requiescet corpus tuum." ("La paz sea contigo Marcos, mi evangelista. Aquí tu cuerpo va a descansar").[1] tradición veneciana en la que se narra que un ángel anunció al evangelista, cuando se encontraba en la laguna de Venecia, que algún día su cuerpo descansaría y sería venerado allí.
El León de San Marcos en una alegoría de Venecia como protectora del Reino de Candía (Creta), realizada en 1651.
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