Jain's Realisation on Bruce Cathie - Giseh Pyramid Angle - the Speed Of Light and the Number 72
In the case of Cathie’s discoveries, we find that the lines of magnetic force that made up the Global Grid are always 30 arc-minutes apart, which being half of 60 means half a degree of arc-minutes. So, from Cathie’s discoveries, I know that every half-degree of arc on the Earth’s surface was a potential UFO trackline, for a total of 720 latitude lines and 720 longitude lines.
Bruce Cathie found that by using units of 30 minutes of arc latitude north-south, and 30 minutes of arc longitude east-west, on his Mercator’s map, a grid pattern was formed into which a great number of UFO reports could be fitted.
So I looked at the same Mercato map and visualized the 720 x 720 little squares. Recognizing that 72 is an anointed Number, being the base angle of the Golden Isosceles Triangle as seen in the Pentagram and having many other references.
Let's calculate what 72x72 is, it is 5,184
which as you know is the Giseh Pyramid Angle of 51.84 in Harmonic Maths. The very interesting connection to this 51.84 degree pyramid angle is seen when it is converted to minutes and seconds of arc: 51.84 x 60 x 60 = 186,624 seconds = Speed Of Light in miles per seconds (mps), an astounding result: the Giseh Pyramid Angle, the base of Kepler's Triangle, has a direct and precise correspondence to the Speed Of Light. Surely this is a form of God Mathematics!
ps: To convert miles/second to kilometres/second, just think of the Fibonacci Sequence eg: 55mph = 89 km/hr, where 55 and 89 are successive Fib Nos. Their Ratio is approximately 1:1.618, so to convert 186,624 mph into km/hr multiply that number by 1.618… and you get an approximation to 299,792 km/hr for the Speed Of Light. This makes the important connection to the Imperial (Base 12) and Modern Metric (Base 10) systems of measurement to be related by the ubiquitous Golden Ratio.
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The diameter of the moon is 2159 miles (2160)
The diameter of the sun is 864,575.9 miles (2160 x 400 = 864,000)
Numbers of seconds in one day is 86400 (2160 X 40)
The speed of light is 186282 miles per second (216 x 864 = 186624)
Space 360 x Time 60 = 2160
Bear in mind that we do not know the exact speed of light in a vacuum and the sun is a burning ball of gas, so you can allow for a slight discrepancy in measurements.
Effectively, the diameter of the moon multiplied by the diameter of the sun equals the speed of light in miles.
How daft and stubborn would you have to be to think that those figures are all simply a coincidence?
https://www.facebook.com/FibonacciSequence60/photos/the-diameter-of-the-moon-is-2159-miles-2160the-diameter-of-the-sun-is-8645759-mi/705123093030790/ | | |
432 - Key of 'Star of David'
Speed of Light and 432
Einstein's famous equation of energy and matter was written E=mc2 In other words, there is a connection between energy (spirit) and matter via light speed squared as c = light speed (SEE Flesh and Spirit Equation) Why because matter came from energy or SPIRIT. The Lord was the CREATOR from the Invisable Spirit World.
From previous article at Light Speeed proves God's Design
m = meter = 1/10,000,000 of the Earth's Circumference from Pole to Equator M= megameter or 10,000,000 meters c = speed of light = 299,792,000 m/sec d = s times t (distance equals speed multiplied by time) A.U. = Distance from Earth to Sun *************************************************** m = c(sec)/299,792,000 Therefore m= 1/10,000,000 of Earth's 1/4 Circumference = c(sec)/299,792,000
Do you see the relationship between the Earth and the Speed of Light and then when you add in the equation of the Parthenon and the Speed of Light , and the equation from the LIX NUMBER at http://www.klatu.com/lix/index.html you get ....
c = phi (M) (600')/seconds c = (A.U.)/500seconds = 4.9' x M (10,000) = phi ' x (M) (100,000)
(Notice how 500 seconds relates exactly to the Time for light speed to reach Earth - Tabernacle of the Sun - as well as the height of Giza and the Cydonia Mound)
Therefore Light Speed and Phi are intimately related and that with the Distance between the Earth and the Sun. Because "Light Speed is measured in Earth seconds and the mean distance of the Earth from the Sun is a function of the Golden Section and the number 33". SEE Absolute 33 and Speed of Light, 33 and Phi connections
Following from .....
This leads to one of the most profound instances of the occurrence of the number 432. In the equation, E= energy, m = matter, and c = the universal constant speed of light. The speed of light is generally accepted to be 186,291 miles per second in a vacuum. However, the square of the number 432 is 186,624. If the universal constant speed of light were in fact 186,624, then the number 432 would be the square root of the speed of light .....
Square of 432. Comment - Presume for a moment that you do not know the speed of light, but are aware of the equation E=mc2. An intuitive scientist who substituted the number 432 for "c" in the equation would be very close, if not precise, in the determination of this universal constant, that is, E=m(432)4. This illustrates the important concept of "reverse engineering" to find unknown quantities and constants by use of the cosmic number 432 and its multiples and divisors.
Consequently if 432 is a distance of a side of a cube (or string distance that vibrates at a certain hertz) then a cube face would be equal to 432 x 432, which equals 186,642, close enough to be light speed because of the anomales of light speed. SEE hyper LINK below.
Therefore it seems we can picture light speed as an, area of 432. (SEE graphics to the right coloured in blue)
Yet to bring light speed (ENERGY) into MASS, light speed has to be be multiplied by itself...as E = M(C) 2
Hence visualizing this in 3 Dimensions, gives us a Cube with 432 sides. And if we give it time to exist as its fourth dimension area of light speed could make a cube and to make it exist in time it makes it 4 dimensional with another factor of 432.
Consequently it takes a HUGE, HIGE amount of organized ENERGY or Spirit or Light to produce just a small amount of matter, and that is another reason why there has to be a Creator of Almighty, un-exhaustable Energy to be able to creat mass, us and the Universe.
And the major archetype of 432, and its corresponding vibrations and octaves and harmonics are KEY to being in tune with Him and His Creation. Don't you agree ?
Still can't catch it, then consider the speed of light in a nanosecond, a billionth of a second ... it goes about about one foot. This because new research shows that light speed can be altered, at different temperatures and is not an absolute constant.
Research News HERE ..... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/18/AR2007011801683.html
This is why the Creator could create beyond the speed of light in the Beginning. For when He placed the stars seemingly light years away in distance, they weren't because His Spirit is instantaneous everywhere
Then we can assume that light can travel exactly one foot per billionth of a second. A foot representing a human foot length, a span ..a human hand span, a cubit, three spans or one and a half feet, or length from our finger tips to elbow, means light speed itself is harmonized with our bodies and its measures. Are you catching it ? We are sacred and divinely created to be harmonic with light and the Sun, Moon and EARTH. Not by chance but by Design. (Consider Made in His Image and Phi design of the Human Body ) Sorry its true !!! Just be mathematical and accept it or be spiritual and accept it.
No one knows how the Pyramids were built. It is one of the biggest mysteries ever.
If someone claims that they know just walk away from their rant....
Ver más
CÓMO FUE LA PIRÁMIDA EN GISEH BUILT? Nadie sabe cómo se construyeron las pirámides. Es uno de los mayores misterios jamás. Si alguien dice que saben simplemente alejarse de su bronca. La Pirámide pesa 6 millones de toneladas. Su huella es que cubre 13 acres. Su longitud a lo largo de cada lado es de 750 pies y 481 pies de altura. Medio millón de bloques fueron usados en su construcción. Hay supuestamente 144,000 piedras de casquillo, todas altamente pulidas y planas a una precisión de 1/100 o de una pulgada, alrededor de 100 pulgadas (o 8 pies) de grosor y pesa alrededor de 15 toneladas cada uno con ángulos correctos casi perfectos para los seis lados. Más importante que su tamaño, es su precisión matemática y sus coordenadas de la red de tierra lo bloquean en el cardinal True North, Tan preciso dentro de 3/60 o de un solo grado! La pirámide incorpora las dimensiones astrológicas del planeta. Cuando tomas la altura de la Pirámide y la multiplica por 43,200, Obtienes el radio polar de la Tierra! Cuando tomas la base o el perímetro de la Pirámide y la multiplica por 43,200, Obtienes la Circunferencia Ecuatorial de la Tierra! Por lo tanto, durante miles de años, este increíble monumento ha codificado las dimensiones precisas del planeta En una escala de 1: 43,200. Esta no es una proporción aleatoria. Está indexado al tambaleo de la Tierra, y la Precesión de los Equinoccios que representa 1 grado de movimiento cada 72 años, (y 72 es un factor de 43,200, es decir, es divisible en este número por 600 veces). También se relaciona con el número de segundos en un día que es de 60 x 60 x4 24 = 86,400 que es el doble de este número de 43,200. De dónde provienen estos datos y precisión de la edad espacial? Por estas muchas razones, es farcical o incluso estupidez pensar que esclavos construyeron las pirámides. El bloque de piedra promedio era de alrededor de 2.5 toneladas, pero algunas manzanas fueron en realidad más de 70 toneladas. Cómo pueden los esclavos haber levantado estas grandes manzanas a 300 pies sobre el suelo? La conclusión es que debe haber una civilización perdida de la que hemos olvidado, o nuestros libros de historia han censurado este conocimiento que amenaza la realidad arqueológica actual y mal informada. Lamentablemente nos estamos perdiendo algún importante capítulo de la Historia Humana. Jain 108 (Producido y transcrito a partir de un vídeo de Facebook de Graham Hancock sobre ′′ Cómo fueron construidas las pirámides ′′)
https://es-es.facebook.com/pg/Marko-Rodin-143087475727612/posts/ |
432 (and 9 for fun) - Degrees Of Separation Between Mathematics And Reality, And A Small Parallel To Simulation Hypothesis
TLDR: if you don't feel like reading a lot, then scroll down. the funner the fact, the bigger the font
first off, to be clear, i didn't discover any of this, and all the facts and figures can easily be googled. i just went through a lot of different claims, pulled the numbers, and did the math to verify. and verify i did...until i found myself face-to-face against an ancient scourge, known well by the prehistoric philosoraptors and mystical mathemagicians from days of yore...
was math invented or discovered?
This question, whether math was invented or discovered, has been confronted by philosophers and mathematicians for almost as long as we have records dating back to the study of philosophy and mathematics (give or take an ancient civilization, since I'm referring to the ancient Greeks in this example). And in that time, we've come up with many theories in an attempt to answer said question, and they run the full gamut. . On one side, platonism (the modern flavor), which holds that things like abstract objects (take a perfect circle for example. we know defines it, an infinite set of points equidistant from a center point that form a continuous line. in a way, not only is it impossible to conjure up in reality, it's kind of impossible to even imagine in your head, unless you can imagine infinite stuff) ACTUALLY exist in a completely different dimension, not originating from our imaginings and never appearing in our physical reality, and so exist independently of us. . And on the other side, theories that view mathematics as a completely man-made system of useful abstractions, some even going so far as saying that these abstractions are ONLY useful to us, and do not actually correspond to any truth in reality (like fictionalist theory).
ok, so what's the answer?
And like all serious, great, eternal questions, this can only be answered with a cop-out: it really depends on your personal philosophy. To me, the question can be interpreted as whether or not it exists independently of us (and so would be easy to answer if you were a Platonist). So already, you can see how several distinct branches of philosophy could intersect that question with more questions: does anything exist independently of our (or yours alone specifically? or just mine? relative to who's asking the question) consciousness? how do we know anything exists prior to our experience of it? even if we imagined it completely spontaneously, does the fact that it corresponds to something existing in reality prior to our imagining qualify as discovery or invention? Etc. etc. etc.
Anyways, that's just some stuff for you to think about. Let's get to the fun stuff, and see if it might have an influence on your answer. The calculations below are somewhat organized with a purpose, but in case you want to just skip around, I'll put the more weird and mind-blowing stuff in a larger font for convenience. . . . . . .
to the maths!
like any theory worthy of consideration, we start with the great pyramid of giza. why?
the great pyramid's relationship to Pi
ok, so i know this is about 432 and 9, but i just want to use Pi to illustrate the purposefulness and precision that went into the construction. . . .
base perimeter of great pyramid = 3,023.16 feet
original height of great pyramid = 481.3949 feet
base perimeter of great pyramid / original height of great pyramid = 3,023.16 feet ÷ 481.3949 feet = 6.280000058
6.280000058 ÷ 2 = 3.140000029 that's prettty close
(note: mainstream consensus seems to say that Ancient Egyptians thought Pi was about 3.16, and that it wasn't until Archimedes that it was recognized to be around 3.14...but personally, this was enough for me to start doubting that claim)
and now back to 432
so this is a cool coincidence:
the dimensions of the great pyramid correspond to
the dimensions of our planet at a scale of
1 to 432,000 (great pyramid : earth @ 1 : 432,000 scale)
. . .
original height of great pyramid = 481.3949 feet
481.3949 feet * 432,000 = 207,962,596.8 feet = 3,938.685 miles
3,938.685 miles = polar radius of earth (minus about 11 miles, or an error of about 0.2%)
. . .
base perimeter of great pyramid = 3,023.16 feet
3,023.16 feet * 432,000 = 1,306,005,120 feet = 24,734.94 miles
24,734.94 miles = equatorial circumference of earth ( minus about 70 miles, or an error of about 0.6%)
(note: the accurate calculation of the dimensions of the earth are typically credited to Eratosthenes around 300-200 B.C.; also suspicious of this claim now too) . . . . . .
interesting facts about 432Hz, just for fun
- pythagorean tuning was set to A432
- the original Stradivarius' were designed to tune to A432
- the american music industry began using A440 standard in 1926
- modern orchestras began use A440 in 1936
- there's a LOT more on the significance of 432hz, but it's not that relevant here
. . .
432 & 9 ...and Time?
let's start with 432
- 24 hours in a day
- 12 hours in half a day
- 720 minutes in half a day
- 4320 seconds in half a day
. . .
seconds in a minute = 60
minutes in an hour = 60
60 * 432 = 25,930
as promised, Ancient Aliens Guy HAS been vindicated in my post HERE
also, Wikileaks release a document from an Apollo 14 astronaut who claims we're already working with extraterrestrial intelligence. Seriously, I'm actually not joking right now.
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