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Rispondi  Messaggio 1 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Messaggio originale) Inviato: 31/10/2017 19:23
Resultado de imagen para CHURCHILL DESTINO
Resultado de imagen para RAMERA PIEDRAS JUAN 8
Resultado de imagen para RAMERA PIEDRAS JUAN 8
Resultado de imagen para EINSTEIN STONE

Reply Delete message  Message 45 of 45 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/10/2017 15:11

Reply Delete message  Message 18 of 18 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 27/10/2017 13:43
Resultado de imagen para JUAN 14:6

Reply Delete message  Message 3 of 3 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/10/2017 16:12
Resultado de imagen para JUAN 14:6

Reply  Message 35 of 35 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 27/10/2017 12:42

Juan 10Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI)

Jesús, el buen pastor

10 »Ciertamente les aseguro que el que no entra por la puerta al redil de las ovejas, sino que trepa y se mete por otro lado, es un ladrón y un bandido. El que entra por la puerta es el pastor de las ovejas. El portero le abre la puerta, y las ovejas oyen su voz. Llama por nombre a las ovejas y las saca del redil. Cuando ya ha sacado a todas las que son suyas, va delante de ellas, y las ovejas lo siguen porque reconocen su voz. Pero a un desconocido jamás lo siguen; más bien, huyen de él porque no reconocen voces extrañas».

Jesús les puso este ejemplo, pero ellos no captaron el sentido de sus palabras. Por eso volvió a decirles: «Ciertamente les aseguro que yo soy la puerta de las ovejas. Todos los que vinieron antes de mí eran unos ladrones y unos bandidos, pero las ovejas no les hicieron caso. Yo soy la puerta; el que entre por esta puerta, que soy yo, será salvo.[a] Se moverá con entera libertad,[b] y hallará pastos. 10 El ladrón no viene más que a robar, matar y destruir; yo he venido para que tengan vida, y la tengan en abundancia.

11 »Yo soy el buen pastor. El buen pastor da su vida por las ovejas. 12 El asalariado no es el pastor, y a él no le pertenecen las ovejas. Cuando ve que el lobo se acerca, abandona las ovejas y huye; entonces el lobo ataca al rebaño y lo dispersa. 13 Y ese hombre huye porque, siendo asalariado, no le importan las ovejas.

14 »Yo soy el buen pastor; conozco a mis ovejas, y ellas me conocen a mí, 15 así como el Padre me conoce a mí y yo lo conozco a él, y doy mi vida por las ovejas. 16 Tengo otras ovejas que no son de este redil, y también a ellas debo traerlas. Así ellas escucharán mi voz, y habrá un solo rebaño y un solo pastor. 17 Por eso me ama el Padre: porque entrego mi vida para volver a recibirla. 18 Nadie me la arrebata, sino que yo la entrego por mi propia voluntad. Tengo autoridad para entregarla, y tengo también autoridad para volver a recibirla. Este es el mandamiento que recibí de mi Padre».

19 De nuevo las palabras de Jesús fueron motivo de disensión entre los judíos. 20 Muchos de ellos decían: «Está endemoniado y loco de remate. ¿Para qué hacerle caso?» 21 Pero otros opinaban: «Estas palabras no son de un endemoniado. ¿Puede acaso un demonio abrirles los ojos a los ciegos?»


23. y Jesús andaba en el templo por el pórtico de Salomón.
24. Y le rodearon los judíos y le dijeron: ¿Hasta cuándo nos turbarás el alma? Si tú eres el Cristo, dínoslo abiertamente.


35:1 Dijo Dios a Jacob: Levántate y sube a Bet-el, y quédate allí; y haz allí un altar al Dios que te apareció cuando huías de tu hermano Esaú.
35:2 Entonces Jacob dijo a su familia y a todos los que con él estaban: Quitad los dioses ajenos que hay entre vosotros, y limpiaos, y mudad vuestros vestidos.
35:3 Y levantémonos, y subamos a Bet-el; y haré allí altar al Dios que me respondió en el día de mi angustia, y ha estado conmigo en el camino que he andado.
35:4 Así dieron a Jacob todos los dioses ajenos que había en poder de ellos, y los zarcillos que estaban en sus orejas; y Jacob los escondió debajo de una encina que estaba junto a Siquem.
35:5 Y salieron, y el terror de Dios estuvo sobre las ciudades que había en sus alrededores, y no persiguieron a los hijos de Jacob.
35:6 Y llegó Jacob a Luz, que está en tierra de Canaán (esta es Bet-el), él y todo el pueblo que con él estaba.
35:7 Y edificó allí un altar, y llamó al lugar El-bet-el, porque allí le había aparecido Dios, cuando huía de su hermano.
35:8 Entonces murió Débora, ama de Rebeca, y fue sepultada al pie de Bet-el, debajo de una encina, la cual fue llamada Alón-bacut.
35:9 Apareció otra vez Dios a Jacob, cuando había vuelto de Padan-aram, y le bendijo.
35:10 Y le dijo Dios: Tu nombre es Jacob; no se llamará más tu nombre Jacob, sino Israel será tu nombre; y llamó su nombre Israel.
35:11 También le dijo Dios: Yo soy el Dios omnipotente: crece y multiplícate; una nación y conjunto de naciones procederán de ti, y reyes saldrán de tus lomos.
35:12 La tierra que he dado a Abraham y a Isaac, la daré a ti, y a tu descendencia después de ti daré la tierra.
35:13 Y se fue de él Dios, del lugar en donde había hablado con él.
35:14 Y Jacob erigió una señal en el lugar donde había hablado con él, una señal de piedra, y derramó sobre ella libación, y echó sobre ella aceite.
35:15 Y llamó Jacob el nombre de aquel lugar donde Dios había hablado con él, Bet-el.
35:16 Después partieron de Bet-el; y había aún como media legua de tierra para llegar a Efrata, cuando dio a luz Raquel, y hubo trabajo en su parto. (RAQUEL SIGNIFICA OVEJA. "EL PASTOR", TIENE OBVIAMENTE UN MARCO SEXUAL)
35:17 Y aconteció, como había trabajo en su parto, que le dijo la partera: No temas, que también tendrás este hijo.
35:18 Y aconteció que al salírsele el alma (pues murió), llamó su nombre Benoni; mas su padre lo llamó Benjamín.
Resultado de imagen para lobo luna llena
Génesis 49:27: Benjamín es LOBO arrebatador; A la mañana comerá la presa, Y a la tarde repartirá los despojos.
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Resultado de imagen para michael jackson twin towers 9/11
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Resultado de imagen para michael jackson wolf
Resultado de imagen para michael jackson wolfResultado de imagen para michael jackson wolf
Resultado de imagen para michael jackson wolf
Resultado de imagen para michael jackson wolf
Resultado de imagen para michael jackson thriller
35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy.
35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy.
Resultado de imagen para lobo luna llena
Resultado de imagen para SUEÑO DE JOSE GENESIS 37
Resultado de imagen para SUEÑO DE JOSE GENESIS 37
Resultado de imagen de PROVERBIOS 25:11
Resultado de imagen para RICKY MARTIN MANZANA
Resultado de imagen para pyramid 254 feet
Resultado de imagen para ILUMINATTI MATRIX
Resultado de imagen para SUEÑO DE JOSE GENESIS 37
Resultado de imagen para RAQUEL OVEJA
Resultado de imagen para RAQUEL OVEJA

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Rispondi  Messaggio 123 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 11/01/2025 14:53

“ You know I do really hate to say it The government don't want to see But if Roosevelt was livin' He wouldn't let this be, no, no”. Do you guys think MJ was a social democrat, I definitely think he would’ve supported Bernie.

r/MichaelJackson - Franklin D. Roosevelt et al. on a television screen
Publicación archivada. No se pueden p

Rispondi  Messaggio 124 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 11/01/2025 15:12
The 1980's, retro, michael jackson, decade, back to the future, 1980s,  reagan, HD wallpaper | Peakpx
Back to the Future - Michael J. Fox - Hollywood Science Fiction English  Movie Poster - Framed Prints by Lan | Buy Posters, Frames, Canvas & Digital  Art Prints | Small, Compact, Medium and Large Variants
August 29 There is always a reason to celebrate in the Back to the Future  universe. ????????⏰↪️ Double celebration: ☢️ International Day Against Nuclear  Tests 1.21 GW! ???? ???? August 29, 1958,
Explore Cafe 80s: Nostalgia from Back to the Future
Wanna talk about the Mj posters in Back To The Future II? : r/MichaelJackson
Michael Jackson’s Impact on the ‘Back To The Future’ Trilogy

Rispondi  Messaggio 125 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 11/01/2025 15:33

Rispondi  Messaggio 126 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 12/01/2025 14:32
Morse Code of Weather: the D-Day weather forecasts that changed history

Rispondi  Messaggio 127 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/01/2025 15:06
12. A summary of alignments so far, and a few new ones

Rispondi  Messaggio 128 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 08/02/2025 16:06

Midnight in Paris

Midnight in Paris
Theatrical release poster
Directed by Woody Allen
Written by Woody Allen
Produced by
Cinematography Darius Khondji
Edited by Alisa Lepselter
Distributed by Sony Pictures Classics (United States)
Alta Films (Spain)[1]
Release dates
  • May 11, 2011 (Cannes)
  • May 13, 2011 (Spain)
  • May 20, 2011 (United States)
Running time 94 minutes[2]
  • United States
  • Spain
Language English
Budget $17 million[1]
Box office $151.7 million[1]

Midnight in Paris is a 2011 fantasy comedy film written and directed by Woody Allen. Set in Paris, the film follows Gil Pender (Owen Wilson), a screenwriter and aspiring novelist, who is forced to confront the shortcomings of his relationship with his materialistic fiancée (Rachel McAdams) and their divergent goals, which become increasingly exaggerated as he travels back in time to the 1920s each night at midnight.[3]

Produced by the Spanish group Mediapro and Allen's US-based Gravier Productions, the film stars Wilson, McAdams, Kathy BatesAdrien BrodyCarla BruniTom HiddlestonMarion Cotillard, and Michael Sheen. It premiered at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival and was released in the United States on May 20, 2011.[3][4] The film opened to critical acclaim. In 2012, it won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and the Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay. It was nominated for three other Academy Awards: Best PictureBest Director and Best Art Direction.[5]



In 2010, disillusioned screenwriter Gil Pender and his fiancée, Inez, vacation in Paris with Inez's wealthy parents. Gil, struggling to finish his debut novel about a man who works in a nostalgia shop, finds himself drawn to the artistic history of Paris, especially the Lost Generation of the 1920s, and has ambitions to move there, which Inez dismisses. By chance, they meet Inez's friend, Paul, and his wife, Carol. Paul speaks with great authority but questionable accuracy on French history, annoying Gil but impressing Inez.

Intoxicated after a night of wine tasting, Gil decides to walk back to their hotel, while Inez goes with Paul and Carol by taxi. At midnight, a 1920s car pulls up beside Gil and delivers him to a party for Jean Cocteau, attended by other people of the 1920s Paris art scene. Zelda Fitzgerald, bored, encourages her husband Scott and Gil to leave with her. They head to a cafe where they run into Ernest Hemingway and Juan Belmonte. After Zelda and Scott leave, Gil and Hemingway discuss writing, and Hemingway offers to show Gil's novel to Gertrude Stein. As Gil leaves to fetch his manuscript, he returns to 2010; the cafe is now a laundromat.

The next night, Gil tries to repeat the experience with Inez, but she leaves before midnight. Returning to the 1920s, Gil accompanies Hemingway to visit Gertrude Stein, who critiques Pablo Picasso's new painting of his lover Adriana. Gil becomes drawn to Adriana, a costume designer who also had affairs with Amedeo Modigliani and Georges Braque. Having heard the first line of Gil's novel, Adriana praises it and admits she has always longed for the past.

Gil continues to time travel the following nights. Inez grows jaded with Paris and Gil's constant disappearing, while her father grows suspicious and hires a private detective to follow him. Adriana leaves Picasso and continues to bond with Gil, who is conflicted by his attraction to her. Gil explains his situation to Salvador DalíMan Ray, and Luis Buñuel; as surrealists, they do not question his claim of coming from the future. Gil later suggests the plot of "The Exterminating Angel" to Buñuel.

While Inez and her parents travel to Mont Saint Michel, Gil meets Gabrielle, an antique dealer and fellow admirer of the Lost Generation. He later finds Adriana's diary at a book stall, which reveals that she was in love with Gil and dreamed of being gifted earrings before making love to him. To seduce Adriana, Gil tries to steal a pair of Inez's earrings but is thwarted by her early return to the hotel room.

Gil buys new earrings and returns to the past. After he gives Adriana the earrings, a horse-drawn carriage arrives, transporting them to the Belle Époque, an era Adriana considers Paris's Golden Age, they go to the Moulin Rouge where they meet Henri de Toulouse-LautrecPaul Gauguin, and Edgar Degas, who all agree that Paris's best era was the Renaissance. Adriana is offered a job designing ballet costumes; thrilled, she proposes to Gil that they stay, but he, observing the unhappiness of Adriana and the other artists, realizes that chasing nostalgia is fruitless because the present is always "a little unsatisfying." Adriana decides to stay, and they part ways.

Gil rewrites the first two chapters of his novel. He retrieves his draft from Stein, who praises his rewrite. Still, he says that on reading the new chapters, Hemingway does not believe that the protagonist does not realize that his fiancée, based on Inez, is having an affair with the character based on Paul. Gil returns to 2010 and confronts Inez, who admits to sleeping with Paul but disregards it as a meaningless fling. Gil breaks up with her and decides to move to Paris. The detective following him takes a "wrong turn" and ends up being chased by the palace guards of Louis XVI just before a revolution breaks out. While walking by the Seine at midnight, Gil encounters Gabrielle. As it begins to rain, he offers to walk her home and learns that they share a love for Paris in the rain.



Main cast

Supporting cast

Rispondi  Messaggio 129 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 15/02/2025 02:08

The Moonwalker Prophecy

Death of Michael Jackson & Rebirth of Princess Diana

by Goro (
July 04, 2009

The way I see it, events are time portals, especially those that send shockwaves around the world. A chain of countless 'coincidences' culminate in an eruption known as 'event'. A butterfly flapping its wings causing a hurricane on the other side of the world. The longer we fail to recognize such a sequence, the bigger the resultant 'eruption'. Our attention alleviates the 'pressure', because it all begin with seeds of truth and truth by its nature wants to be known. As a 'force' like gravity it demands our attention or we suffer the consequences, like for instance 9/11, or the latest example, the sudden death of Michael Jackson. Taking us by surprise, they force us to pay attention. Better late than never. By that time it's nothing but a big all 'X marking the spot', a guaranteed treasure-trove of hidden knowledge. You start digging and you shall find treasure. It's in effect a timegate through which the past and the future leak into the present, into our conscious awareness. That's one way to look at it in any case.

With Michael Jackson, the treasure - the trans-temporal knowledge - was, is, and will be decidedly lunar. A 'Moon Impact' it was...

There was a noticeable 'swelling of the ocean' in the days leading up to June 25:

June 10/11:
Japan's Kaguya/SELENE spacecraft impacts the Moon

June 12:
Film 'Moon' released in US (New York & Los Angeles); story about man working all alone on Moon

June 18:
NASA's LCROSS mission launched with Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter; will strike the Moon in October

June 21 & 28:
ABC mini TV series 'Impact': 'The most spectacular meteor shower in 10,000 years results in a direct hit to the moon, leaving it on a collision course with the Earth'

June 30:
Yemenia Flight 626 crash near destination 'Comoros' deriving from word meaning 'moon'

Michael Jackson's untimely death was the tsunami wave hitting land. And he had a message to deliver...

He was 'Bigfoot'...

[Bigfoot = super theme of 2009]

...born in Gary, Indiana

Indiana => 'In-Diana' => 'In Moon' (Diana = moon goddess)

['Dirty Diana' - video]

...launched to Moon at Apollo


...carrying a torch

[Indiana state flag]

...of Diana
AKA Flame of Liberty


...burning bright in Paris
where she was killed on August 31, 1997

[Diana car accident site in Paris]

...precisely 10 years after 'Bad'
containing hit song 'Dirty Diana'

[Release August 31, 1987]

It was...
'Moon Impact'


 *      *      *

'For now doth Cain with fork of thorns confine
On either hemisphere, touching the wave
Beneath the towers of Seville. Yesternight
The moon was round
- Dante, Inferno

Why Diana?

'Follow the rabbit', whispered the Man in the Mirror...

  • 'King of Pop'
  • Christmas - birth of 'King of the Jews'
  • Death of Eartha Kitt famous for singing 'Santa Baby'

Reflected in the mirror was a messianic baby... a prince.

Michael Jackson had two boys named 'Prince Michael' and a daughter 'Paris Michael (Katherine)' whom, according to his will, he wanted in the hands of Diana (Ross) if his mother was unavailable, as widely reported on Princess Diana's birthday (July 1).

The close, lifelong ties between Michael Jackson's and his friend Diana Ross are made dramatically clear in his 2002 will - he chose her to raise his three children if his mother is unable to do so. [...]

Note also:

  • Princess Diana died in Paris
  • Diana's 'baby' Prince William had his birthday (June 21) marked by literal Moon Impact (TV movie) 4 days before MJ's death
  • A member of the British Royal Family named Prince Michael (of Kent)

-- June 21, 2009 --
['Impact' preview video]

Prince William

He was 'in-Diana'...

He came out of Diana's womb...

He became Prince Charles' 'angel'... in Charlie's Angels

Jun 25 Farrah Fawcett succumbs to cancer at 62

Farrah Fawcett:
- One of 'Charlie's 
- Born in Corpus Christi or 'Body of Christ'
- Death hours before Michael Jackson's

Closely preceded by Neda...

- Killed on June 20, day before Prince William's BD
- 'Neda' means 'divine message' ('
angel' means 'messenger')

Following her heart-breaking death captured on video, Neda became the face of the protests raging at the time in Iran following the June 12 presidential election (starting on June 13).

June 12-13...

June 11 - Kaguya Moon Impact June 12 - Film 'Moon' release

...Moon/Diana and Bigfoot/St. Anthony

Dec 14 Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

'Bigfoot' = evolution/missing link
Michael Jackson = one-man 'evolution'

[MJ's ever-changing face]


Werewolf = man-beast = Bigfoot

Etymology: The first part, wer, translates as "man"... The second half, wulf, is the ancestor of modern English "wolf"; in some cases it also had the general meaning "beast."

His was an unnatural evolution (plastic surgeries, etc.). What about ours? Is human evolution natural? If not, has the Moon had a hand in it?

We can almost hear the whisper: 'Human evolution is a hoax':

August 15, 2008
St. Anthony of Padua birthday
Bigfoot hoax...

Bigfoot's message was so urgent Earth had to shake violently on April 6, 2009 in Bigfoot/boot Land, Italy...


April 6 Italy hunts for quake survivors

..from December 14-16, 2008 with love. (See 'Whisper of the Fifth Sun' for more on this predicted quake.)

Bigfoot, giant foot, giants... Genesis 6, the Nephilim, heaven-earth interbreeding, i.e. human genetic manipulation ('guided evolution'):

Book of Genesis chapter 6: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. [...] There were giants [Nephilim] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

A monstrous Sin deemed irreversible, Earth had to be cleansed by a Great Flood.

Sin is the name of a Sumerian (and Minaean) god of the Moon...
Still standing after the Flood as 'Noah'.

A forbidden 'lunar strain' of mankind...
A 'Diana bloodline'.

*      *      *

Rispondi  Messaggio 130 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 15/02/2025 02:09

Diana = Bigfoot = Nephilim = Noah

Argentina is both a moon...

  • 'Argentina' means 'silver' traditionally represented by symbol for Moon

...and a Bigfoot:

  • Argentina is geographically Patagonia meaning 'land of the big feet'

...making headlines the day before Michael Jackson's death:

Jun 24 Gov. Sanford admits to extramarital affair
with Argentine woman

For all intents and purposes a missing person from June 18 until 24 (i.e. around Prince William's birthday), Governor Sanford spent five days 'crying in Argentina' with 'Maria'...

Maria = Mary = Madonna

Madonna singing 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' 'Evita' (1996), playing Maria  Eva Duarte de Peron, First Lady of Argentina from 1946 to 1952, a Diana-like beloved female figure who died young at the age of 33 (Diana was 36 when she died).

Maria/Mary = Marianne


She is essentially Lady Liberty standing gracefully with her torch in New York and Paris very near where Princess Diana was killed marked by a torch.

She is interchangeable with Columbia - the feminine personification of the United States. It was in the South Carolina state capital Columbia that Gov. Sanford revealed his Argentine affair... echoed by a train collision in the District of Columbia (Washington DC) on June 22:

June 22 DC Metro subway trains collide - 9 dead, 80 injured

June 18-24: Gov. Sanford missing/crying in Argentina
June 21: 'Impact' Part 1 on ABC; Prince William birthday
June 22: DC Metro Red Line trains in collision
June 23: US Moon probes (LRO/LCROSS) reach Moon
June 24: Gov. Sanford reveals Argentine affair
June 25: Death of Michael Jackson & Farahh Fawcett

'Metro' means 'meter' in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The meter is historically defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator through Paris, or in other words the Paris Meridian between the North Pole and the equator. The Paris Meridian is also the 'Rose Line' (an esoteric concept popularized by The Da Vinci Code) i.e. a 'Red Line'...

DC Metro Red Line = French/Columbian Rose Line

...traditionally implying the Blood Royal/Sangraal or the Marian/Columbian Bloodline of the Holy Grail.

In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner writes of the House of Stuart, the royal bloodline to which Princess Diana and her children belong (pp. 344-5):

The senior Stewart descent goes all the way back to King Arthur's father, King Aedan of Scots, on the one hand and to Prince Nascien of the Septimanian Midi on the other. The Scots descent traces further back through King Lucius of Siluria to Bran the Blessed and Joseph of Arimathea (St James the Just), while the Midi succession stems from the Merovingians' male ancestral line through the Fisher Kings to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Conjoining the lines from their 1st-century points of departure, the descent is in the succession of the Royal House of Judah. This is a truly unique line of sovereign lineage from King David in one of the key descents which comprise the Bloodline of the Holy Grail.

Nephilim/Bigfoot bloodline = Moon/Diana bloodline = Rose Line = Bloodline of the Holy Grail = Stuart Bloodline (?) = Princess Diana bloodline...

Was Princess Diana a product of a particularly special strain of the Grail bloodline and the Stuart bloodline? Perhaps (argued for instance in Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence). But that's speculative and should be treated as a storyline rather than fact. It may well be that the name 'Diana' was all it took to make her 'special' in the esoteric context of Grail symbolism.

Nevertheless there is an interesting dichotomy in the current British Royal Family configuration more or less pitting the House of Windsor (Queen, Charles, etc.) against the House of Spencer/Stuart (Diana, William & Harry). The House of Windsor stems from the House of Hanover which back in the 18th century supersede the House of Stuart with a transitional period of King William III of the House of Orange (joint rule with his Stuart wife Mary II) sandwiched in between who acceded to the throne following the questionable removal of Stuart monarch King James II - an event of great significance for the 'Grail bloodline'. Following two years of challenging the 'userpers', James and his supports the 'Jacobites' were resoundingly crushed at the Battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690, annually celebrated to this day as Orangemen's Day (which at the time using the old-style calendar was July 1st, Princess Diana's birthday).

That paved the way for the Parliament-centered rule of the incoming Germanic House of Hanover which would morph into today's House of Windsor. In that sense, the British Royal Family as it exists today stands in opposition to the supposed 'Grail bloodline' (the Stuarts), reflected in the Windsors' not-so-friendly relationship with Princess Diana. The Diana family in this context would at least symbolically (possibly literally) represent the special strain of the House of Stuart crawling its way back to the throne, with Prince William now just one or two steps away from destination. Reenacting, in a sense, the 'Return of King Arthur' - 'Once and Future King'.

Given the critical role played by King William III AKA 'King Billy' in driving the 'Grail bloodline' underground, we can't help but notice one of Michael Jackson's biggest hits called 'Billie Jean'...

[Watch video]

  • 'Billie Jean' = 'Billy Gene' (bloodline of King Billy)
  • Famous tennis player named Billie Jean King
  • MJ = 'King of Pop' & 'Moonwalker' (Diana)
    • Moonwalk TV debut during 'Billie Jean'
  • Music video emphasis on MJ's 'big foot'
  • Lyrics about paternity (bloodline) of baby

Is this it? The long-awaited moment of the resurrection of the phoenix? A somewhat ironic rebirth of 'King William'?

Will they allow it?

Keep in mind that Michael Jackson was on the verge of a major comeback via 'This Is It' concerts in London when he died. The opening night was scheduled for July 13 or the day after King Billy's 'Orangemen's Day'. I'd call that an omen.

Speaking of omens, a phoenix crop circle in England...


...discovered on June 12 (2009), accompanied by Moon/Diana...

June 11 - Kaguya Moon Impact June 12 - Film 'Moon' release

...closely preceded by a figure-8 crop formation appearing on the first anniversary of NASA's Phoenix landing on Mars (May 25)...


May 25, 2008 - NASA Phoenix Mars landing

May 25, 2009 - Figure-8 crop circle discovered in England

...alluding to the G8 summit (July 8-10) in L'Aquila, Italy or the epicenter of the April 6 'Bigfoot' earthquake. ('Aquila' means 'eagle', practically interchangeable with the phoenix). The G8 logo once decoded pinpoints June 12-13, i.e. the phoenix...


It even knew where it was in time via the analemma.


Whispering 'Princess Diana' and 'Moon Impact'...

[Sun symbol]

...with the sun symbol precisely marking where the Sun was the day Princes Diana was killed, August 31, 1997! (Plus Michael Jackson's birthday August 29.)

The phoenix and the death of Diana... A combination unmistakably alluding to a 'resurrection'... presumably through Prince William, which is the Monolith emerging from the Moon.

That's more than a casual metaphor. The Monolith is from '2001and '2010'. That's next year...

2010: The Year We Make Contact

[From 'Whisper of the Fifth Sun']

On board the Jupiter-bound spaceship Leonov in 2010 is Commander Kirbuk played by Helen Mirren. She is Queen Elizabeth II in the 2006 film 'The Queen' - all about the aftermath of the death of Princess Diana!


It's as if we are in for a major shift in the British Royal Family starting 2010 just in time for the 2012 London Olympics. A scenario or timeline I've been speculating on since the unveiling of the logo back in June 2007. (Following interpretation all done in July 2007 on STRUG.)


What I saw was a coronation scene with an allusion to ZZ Top and in particular their 1999 album 'XXX':

  • Crown on cover (placed on 'Top'/head)
  • In Roman numerals XXX = 30
    • In 2012 Prince William will be 30 years old
    • 2012 Olympics = 'Games of the XXX Olympiad'
    • 'XXX" in flag of Amsterdam which is capital of Netherlands, home to House of Orange/King William III

Amsterdam flag
  • ZZ Top is from Houston AKA 'Space City' linked to Apollo program and Moon/Diana
  • ZZ Top's main guy is Billy (Gibbons)
  • ZZ Top derives its name from blues musician B.B. King ('King of Blues')

A straightforward interpretation would be that Prince William will become King William in or around 2012. If not literal, then this should at least be a major symbolic storyline set to (if not already) drive key world events in/around 2010-2012.

*      *      *

Additional data points:

  • The Aquila G8 summit July 8-10 closely coincides with Michael Jackson's funeral (July 7) and what would have been his first 'This Is It' comeback/farewell concert (July 13) as well as a lunar eclipse (July 7), Obama meeting the Pope (July 10), the launch of space shuttle Endeavour STS-127 (July 11 or later), and the sunset alignment of Manhattan's street grid ('Manhattanhenge') around July 12/Orangemen's Day (NYC for a short time called 'New Orange' in honor of King Billy of Orange

  • June 2009 began with the crash of Air France Flight 447 en route from Rio (Brazil) to Paris - Rio is famous for its Jesus statue and Paris is all about Mary-Isis-Diana, together evoking the 'Grail bloodline' (and something going wrong with it)

*      *      *


The death of Michael Jackson was a magma eruption from the underground stream Alpheus in Arcadia. We're talking The Da Vinci Code... or the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery that inspired the Dan Brown bestseller. In this more real-life modern Grail saga in southern France, one painting embodies the whole saga like The Last Supper does The Da Vinci Code. It's called Les Bergers d'Arcadie ('Shepherds of Arcadia') or 'Et in Arcadia ego' by Nicolas Poussin.

The theme is essentially the same but slightly time-shifted: Christ/King is here already in the tomb and Mary Magdalene is looking pregnant. (Or at least that's the popular, unofficial interpretation.) It's the timeless tale of the phoenix - the death and rebirth of the 'Once and Future King'.

It gets a little philosophical with the enigmatic phrase 'Et in Arcadia ego' engraved on the tomb. It literally means 'And in Arcadia I' or 'I am even in Arcadia', implying that death exists even in paradise (Arcadia). In other words, death is inevitable - even for Michael Jackson.

A walking Peter Pan syndrome, Jackson refused to grow up and for a long time lived in his private amusement park 'Neverland Valley/Ranch' named after Peter Pan's blissful island. He was in 'Arcadia'. Michael Jackson wasn't supposed to grow old, let alone die. On some level perhaps we all wanted to believe that too. Beneath all the ridiculing and genuine puzzlement, part of us secretly hoped he was Peter Pan who could conquer time and death so that maybe we could too.

On June 25, that unconscious wish was mercilessly snuffed out. It was more than just a passing of a great entertainer, it was time devouring Peter Pan, it was a morbid triumph of death. It had a profound archetypal resonance which made the death of the King of Pop all the more shocking.

Death comes to all - whispered the 'angels'. Jackson, Fawcett, Neda, and others - each presented to us as an 'angel' (of death) as discussed - collectively pointed at the tombstone in Arcadia. The delivery of the message was decidedly 'angelic' because, as Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince point out in The Sion Revelation (2006, pp.237-8), 'Et in Arcadia' has historically been something of an 'angelic' 'calling card:

The motto Et in Arcadia ego, highlighted from the very beginning of the Dossiers Secrets [of the Rennes-le-Chateau saga], remains open to interpretation in the context of the Priory [of Sion]. On a literal level, in their reconstruction of history, Arcadia in Greece is said to be where the Benjamite ancestors of the Sicambrians settled after leaving Palestine. On a symbolic level, attention is drawn to Nicolas Poussin's The Shepherds of Arcadia, which features the phrase on a tomb against a rural background; the painting is also alluded to in the coded parchment message, and the decoding in turn is said to have prompted Sauniere to study the painting in the Louvre. [...]

So why was this phrase... deemed so essential to the Priory myth?

It is relatively easy to identify the source and tradition from which the creators of the Dossiers Secrets drew the significance of the motto: it comes from a nonfiction work of Maurice Barres. In a collection of essays entitled The Mystery in the Open (La mystere en pleine lumiere), published posthumanly in 1926, he wrote of a kind of mystical brotherhood that has existed across the centuries to which artists of a particular spiritual mind-set - characterized by the prominence of angels in their work, implying they were inspired or even influenced by spiritual entities themselves - belong. Although Barres writes of these artists as simply sharing a common inner vision and artistic intent - a kind of mystical, rather than literal, solidarity across the centuries - many have seen this as a veiled reference to a rather mysterious confraternity of artists, the Angelic Society (Societe Angelique) of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to which Poussin has also been linked. Barres seems to be hinting that the Angelic Society still existed in his day. [...]

Barres also reveals the "code" - a sort of call sign or password - by which members of the Angelic Society advertise themselves: "It must always be that we arrange for there to be, in some corner of our work, a tombstone with the famous inscription Et in Arcadia ego."

In a roundabout way the 'angels' were drawing our attention to the 'bloodline of the Holy Grail' storyline and tying that to Princess Diana and her bloodline/offspring. Presumably because certain things are about to be set into motion that will involve the British Royal Family through which Cupid's arrow will point at something more profound. Something cosmic.

Michael Jackson is an arrow, Moon is an arrow, Bigfoot is an arrow, crop circles are an arrow, Diana is an arrow, Et in Arcadia ego is an arrow, the Monolith is an arrow, Jupiter is an arrow... it goes on like time itself, marching forward slowly but surely toward the heart of the matter which is truth in the tomb, where we all end up one way or another. The great mystery...

...of the phoenix.

Death and Rebirth

I guess it's almost time...

Let the Games begin.

Rispondi  Messaggio 131 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 18/02/2025 15:51
Pin on RIsas de Instagram

June 22 DC Metro subway trains collide - 9 dead, 80 injured

June 18-24: Gov. Sanford missing/crying in Argentina
June 21: 'Impact' Part 1 on ABC; Prince William birthday
June 22: DC Metro Red Line trains in collision
June 23: US Moon probes (LRO/LCROSS) reach Moon
June 24: Gov. Sanford reveals Argentine affair
June 25: Death of Michael Jackson & Farahh Fawcett

'Metro' means 'meter' in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The meter is historically defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator through Paris, or in other words the Paris Meridian between the North Pole and the equator. The Paris Meridian is also the 'Rose Line' (an esoteric concept popularized by The Da Vinci Code) i.e. a 'Red Line'...

DC Metro Red Line = French/Columbian Rose Line

...traditionally implying the Blood Royal/Sangraal or the Marian/Columbian Bloodline of the Holy Grail.

In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner writes of the House of Stuart, the royal bloodline to which Princess Diana and her children belong (pp. 344-5):

Rispondi  Messaggio 132 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 17/03/2025 15:08
Abraham and Brahma | Reincarnation hinduism, Mythology, Creation myth

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 17/03/2025 15:32

Rispondi  Messaggio 134 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 17/03/2025 15:38

Paris Jackson

Color (beta)
Paris Jackson
Información personal
Nombre de nacimiento Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson
Nacimiento 3 de abril de 1998 (26 años)
Beverly Hills, CaliforniaEstados Unidos
Nacionalidad Estadounidense
Lengua materna Inglés Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Características físicas
Altura 1,78 m Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Ojos Azul Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Cabello Rubio Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Familia Familia Jackson Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Padres Michael Jackson Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Deborah Rowe Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Pareja Justin Long (comprometidos)
Educada en Escuela Buckley (California) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
Ocupación Modelo,
Años activa 2010–presente
Género Música de baile y pop Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Discográfica Epic Records Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Sitio web Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata

Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson (Beverly HillsCalifornia, 3 de abril de 1998) es una modelo, actriz y cantante estadounidense. Es la segunda y única hija de Michael Jackson y Debbie Rowe.

En 2020, Jackson firmó un contrato con Republic Records.1​ Su primer sencillo, «Let Down», fue publicado el 29 de octubre de 2020. Su álbum debut, Wilted, fue publicado el 13 de noviembre de 2020.2



1998-2009: Primeros años

Paris, Michael Jr (Prince) y Prince Michael II (Blanket), cuando eran niños (en 2006, en primer plano de izquierda a derecha)

Paris Jackson nació el 3 de abril de 1998 en la Clínica Médica Spaulding Pain en Beverly Hills, California,34​ y recibió su nombre de la capital francesa en la que fue concebida. Su nombre también proviene de una promesa que su padre, su tía La Toya y Kathy Hilton hicieron cuando eran más jóvenes de que si tenían una hija, la llamarían Paris. Es la hija mediana y única del cantante Michael Jackson y la hija menor de Debbie Rowe. Tiene un hermano mayor llamado Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr. ("Prince") y un medio hermano menor llamado Prince Michael Jackson II ("Bigi", anteriormente conocido como "Blanket"). Paris fue criada únicamente por su padre, quien recibió todos los derechos de custodia tras su divorcio y el de Rowe en 2000; Rowe había declarado que era su intención y acordó con Michael que él criaría y tendría la custodia de los niños.5​ Los informes alegaron que la relación fue una transacción "económica" para Rowe, ya que Jackson quería un bebé.6​ Creció en Neverland Ranch con sus hermanos. Debido a la relación con su padre, Elizabeth Taylor y Macaulay Culkin7​ fueron sus padrinos, tanto de ella como de su hermano Prince. Durante su infancia, ella y sus hermanos solían usar máscaras durante las salidas públicas con su padre para ocultar sus rostros del público y la prensa.8

Cuando Michael Jackson murió inesperadamente el 25 de junio de 2009, ella y sus hermanos quedaron al cuidado de su abuela y su primo Tito Joe Jackson ("TJ").9​ El 7 de julio de 2009, durante el funeral televisado de su padre, Paris Jackson, que entonces tenía 11 años, concluyó el servicio diciendo: "Sólo quería decir que, desde que nací, papá ha sido el mejor padre que puedas imaginar". Consolada por sus tías, tíos y abuela, continuó: "Y solo quería decirle que lo amo mucho", antes de romper en llanto y arrojarse a los brazos de la tía Janet Jackson.1011

2010-2018: comienzos de su carrera


En 2010, Jackson y sus hermanos dieron una entrevista para Oprah Winfrey junto a su abuela Katherine y sus primos sobre la vida después de la muerte de su padre. Ella y su hermano Prince también aceptaron el premio Lifetime Achievement Award en los premios Grammy de 2010 en nombre de su padre.12​ Jackson se matriculó en la Buckley School, una exclusiva escuela privada en Sherman Oaks, California, junto con su hermano Prince.13​ Allí participó en fútbol bandera,14​ softbol,15​ y fue porrista.16

En 2011, Jackson firmó para protagonizar la película de fantasía infantil Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys, una historia adaptada de un libro escrito por Dennis Christen. Sin embargo, al final, la película no se produjo.17

Jackson, sus dos hermanos Prince y Bigi y su abuela Katherine hicieron planes para producir un documental titulado Remembering Michael en memoria de su padre fallecido. Se esperaba que los costos asociados con la realización del proyecto se financiaran mediante la contribución de fanáticos a través del sitio de financiación colectiva FundAnything. Sin embargo, debido al revuelo de los fanáticos y los medios provocado por este método, Katherine decidió cerrar la campaña. En un adelanto del documental, Paris comentó que su padre le había prometido enseñarle su famoso movimiento de baile, el Moonwalk, pero nunca tuvo la oportunidad.18​ Desde el cierre de la campaña en línea, no se han informado más actualizaciones sobre este proyecto.

En enero de 2017, Jackson apareció en la portada de Rolling Stone.19

En marzo de 2017, Jackson firmó un contrato de modelaje con IMG Models.20​ También en marzo, Jackson hizo su debut como actriz con un papel de estrella invitada en Star de FOX.

Jackson hizo su debut cinematográfico en Gringo en 2018.21

Paris y el músico y cantante Gabriel Glenn formaron un dúo musical llamado The Soundflowers y realizaron su primer concierto en Canyon Sessions el 23 de junio de 2018, con las canciones originales "Daisy" e "In the Blue". Jackson canta y toca el ukelele mientras Glenn también canta y toca la guitarra acústica.22​ The Soundflowers lanzaron su primer EP homónimo el 24 de junio de 2020.



El 24 de junio de 2019, víspera del décimo aniversario de la muerte de su padre, se confirmó que Jackson aparecería en la tercera temporada de la serie de televisión de VH1 Scream. Jackson luego apareció en Habit, representando a Jesucristo. Jackson también firmó un contrato con Republic Records.23​ Su primer sencillo, «Let Down», fue publicado el 29 de octubre de 2020, así como el video musical de la canción. Su álbum debut, Wilted, fue publicado el 13 de noviembre de 2020.24

En 2021 la canción «Notes on a ghost», interpretada por Paris Jackson y Gabriel Glenn, ganó el premio a la Mejor Música en los Top Indie Film Awards.25​ La canción formó parte de la banda sonora de la película The Passenger26​ que fue dirigida por Alexander Bruckner.27​ El 22 de abril de 2021, se informó que Jackson se unió al elenco de la décima temporada de la serie antológica de terror de FXAmerican Horror Story en un papel no revelado. Interpretó a Maya en la primera historia de la serie derivada de American Horror StoryAmerican Horror Stories, que se estrenó el 15 de julio de 2021.28

El 12 de junio de 2022, Jackson asistió a la 75.ª edición de los premios Tony con su hermano Prince en apoyo del musical de Broadway MJ the Musical y el actor principal Myles Frost, quien ganó el premio Tony al mejor actor en un musical. Frost ganó el premio Tony por interpretar al padre de Jackson, Michael JacksonMJ the Musical ganó un total de cuatro premios esa noche. Jackson y Prince presentaron una interpretación del musical. Ambos hermanos asistieron a la noche inaugural del musical en el Neil Simon Theatre de Nueva York junto con su primo TJ, hijo de Tito de los Jackson 5.29

El 18 de febrero de 2022, Jackson compartió el EP Lost. El EP incluye una colaboración con Caamp llamada «Lost» y las canciones en solitario «Breathe Again» y «Never Going Back Again».30​ En junio de 2022, Jackson lanzó el sencillo y el siguiente vídeo musical de «Lighthouse». El vídeo tiene una vibra grunge rock de los noventa que rinde homenaje a Nirvana y Kurt Cobain.3132​ El 28 de octubre de 2022, Jackson lanzó un sencillo titulado «Just You».3334

Rispondi  Messaggio 135 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 17/03/2025 15:47
8 ene 2025 — Paris Jackson, hija del fallecido cantante Michael Jackson, conmemoró un importante hito en su vida al celebrar cinco años de sobriedad.
8 ene 2025 — El conmovedor video que compartió la hija de Michael Jackson: “Hola, soy Paris Jackson, alcohólica y adicta a la heroína”. La actriz y cantante ...
8 ene 2025 — Paris Jackson, la hija de 26 años del icónico artista de pop Michael Jackson, publicó un video donde habló y expresó en profundidad su lucha ...
Her name embraces a generation's cherished memories: Paris Jackson, daughter of the legendary ”King of Pop”Michael Jackson. Now a celebrated actress and singer- ...
13 ene 2025 — La hija de Michael Jackson publica un vídeo en Instagram en el que se le ve bebiendo, fumando y en muchos de sus peores momentos durante la ...
Explora 2.582 fotografías e imágenes disponibles sobre paris jackson michael jackson o realiza una nueva búsqueda para encontrar más fotografías e imágenes.
París Jackson comentó que su padre, Michael Jackson, la crió en un hogar de mente muy abierta. A los ocho años, cuando expresó estar enamorada de una mujer en ...

Rispondi  Messaggio 136 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 17/03/2025 16:01
Paris Jackson Pens Touching Birthday Tribute to Michael Jackson

Rispondi  Messaggio 137 di 137 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 17/03/2025 16:08

Paris Jackson

Paris Jackson
Jackson in 2021
Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson

April 3, 1998 (age 26)
  • Model
  • actress
  • singer
Years active 2010–present
Partner(s) Justin Long (2022–present; engaged)
Family Jackson
Modeling information
Height 5 ft 10 in (178 cm)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green
Agency IMG Models (New York, Paris, Milan, London, Sydney)[1]

Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson (born April 3, 1998) is an American model, actress, and singer. She is the second child and only daughter of Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe. In 2020, Jackson signed a deal with Republic Records.[2] Her debut album, Wilted, was released the same year.[3]

Life and career


1998–2009: Early life


Jackson was born on April 3, 1998, at Spaulding Pain Medical Clinic in Beverly Hills, California,[4][5] and was named after the French capital city in which she was conceived. Her name also comes from a promise that her father, aunt La Toya, and Kathy Hilton made when they were younger that if they were to have a daughter, they would name her Paris.[6] She is the middle child and only daughter of singer Michael Jackson and younger child of Debbie Rowe. Rowe is Jewish, which by extension makes Paris Jewish by birth, according to Judaism.[7][8] She has one older brother named Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr. ("Prince") and one younger half-brother named Prince Michael Jackson II ("Bigi", formerly known as "Blanket"). Paris was raised solely by her father, who received full custody rights following his and Rowe's divorce in 2000; Rowe had stated it was her intention and agreed upon with Michael that he would raise and have custody of the children.[9] Reports alleged that the relationship was an "economic" transaction for Rowe, as Jackson wanted a baby.[10] She grew up at Neverland Ranch with her siblings. Her father made Elizabeth Taylor[11] and Macaulay Culkin[12] the godparents of her and her brother Prince. During her childhood, she and her siblings often wore masks during public outings with their father to hide their faces from the public and press.[13]

When Jackson's father unexpectedly died on June 25, 2009, she and her siblings were taken into the care of their grandmother and their cousin Tito Joe Jackson ("TJ").[14] On July 7, 2009, during the televised memorial for Michael, then 11-year-old Jackson concluded the service saying "I just wanted to say, ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine" Consoled by her aunts, uncles and grandmother she continued "And I just wanted to say I love him so much," before she burst into tears and threw herself into aunt Janet Jackson's arms.[15][16]

2010–2018: Career beginnings


In 2010, Jackson and her brothers gave an interview for Oprah Winfrey alongside their grandmother Katherine and their cousins about life after her father's death. She and her brother Prince also accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2010 Grammy Awards on their father's behalf.[17] Jackson enrolled at the Buckley School, an exclusive private school in Sherman Oaks, California, along with her brother Prince.[18] There, she participated in flag football,[19] softball,[20] and cheerleading.[21]

In 2011, Jackson signed on to star in the children's fantasy film, Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys, a story adapted from a  book written by Dennis Christen. Ultimately, the film was not produced.[22]

Jackson, her two siblings Prince and Bigi, and her grandmother Katherine made plans to put together a documentary film entitled Remembering Michael in remembrance of her deceased father. It had been hoped that costs associated with the making of the project were to be funded via contributing fans through the crowdfunding site FundAnything. However, due to the uproar from the fans and media sparked by this method, Katherine decided to shut down the campaign. In a sneak peek of the documentary, Paris remarked that her father had promised to teach her his famous dance move, the Moonwalk, but never had the chance.[23] Since the shutdown of the online campaign, no further updates have been reported concerning this project.

In January 2017, Jackson appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone.[24]

In March 2017, Jackson signed a modeling contract with IMG Models.[25] Also in March, Jackson made her acting debut with a guest starring role on FOX's Star.

Jackson made her feature film debut in Gringo in 2018.[26]

She and musician/singer Gabriel Glenn formed a musical duo called The Soundflowers and performed their first gig at Canyon Sessions on June 23, 2018, with original songs "Daisy" and "In the Blue". Jackson sings and plays the ukulele while Glenn also sings and plays acoustic guitar.[27] The Soundflowers released their first self-titled EP on June 24, 2020.



On June 24, 2019, the eve of the 10th anniversary of her father's death, it was confirmed that Jackson would make an appearance in the third season of the VH1 television series Scream.[28][29] Jackson then appeared in Habit, portraying Jesus Christ.[30] Jackson also signed a deal with Republic Records.[31] Her first single, "Let Down", was released on October 29, 2020, as well as the music video for the song.[32] Her debut album, Wilted, was released on November 13, 2020.[33]

In 2021 the song "Notes on a ghost" performed by Paris Jackson and Gabriel Glenn won the Best Music award at the Top Indie Film Awards.[34] The song was part of the soundtrack of the film The Passenger[35] which was directed by Alexander Bruckner.[36] On April 22, 2021, it was reported that Jackson joined the cast of the tenth season of the FX anthology horror series, American Horror Story in an undisclosed role.[37] She starred as Maya in the first story of the American Horror Story spinoff series, American Horror Stories, which premiered July 15, 2021.[38]

On June 12, 2022, Jackson attended the 75th Tony Awards with her brother Prince in support of the Broadway musical MJ the Musical and lead actor Myles Frost who won the Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical. Frost won the Tony Award for portraying Jackson's father Michael JacksonMJ the Musical won a total of four awards that night. Jackson and Prince introduced a performance from the musical. Both siblings attended the opening night of the musical at the Neil Simon Theatre in New York along with cousin TJ, son of Tito of the Jackson 5.[39]

On February 18, 2022, Jackson shared the Lost EP. The EP includes a collaboration with Caamp called "Lost", and solo songs "Breathe Again" and "Never Going Back Again".[40] In June 2022, Jackson released the single and the following music video to "Lighthouse". The video has a 1990s-rock grunge vibe that pays homage to Nirvana and Kurt Cobain.[41][42] On October 28, 2022, Jackson released a single titled "Just You".[43][44]

In September 2024, Jackson walked the runway at Paris Fashion Week S/S 2025 for Maison Yoshiki Paris, the high fashion brand created by Japanese rock star Yoshiki.[45]

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