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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 11/02/2015 18:00

Freedom Tower

Freedom Tower is the colloquial name for the One World Trade Center building which is currently under construction and scheduled to be completed ’round about Dec 21, 2012.

Governor of New York George Pataki stated in 2003 that, “The Freedom Tower isn’t going to be One World Trade Center, it’s going to be the Freedom Tower…I think One and Two World Trade Center are sacred names which should never be used again.” -Source

Freedom Tower

Image copyright Silverstein Properties

Google Earth allows you to view latitude and longitude coordinates in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees. You can change the display to decimal degrees in the program’s options.


The point marked Freedom Tower in the above image has the following coordinates which you can easily verify:

Latitude 40.713°

Longitude -74.013°

Decimal longitudes west of the prime meridian are negative and those east of it are positive. Adding the latitude and longitude values we get:

40.713° -74.013° = -33.300°

I suggest you pull out your calculator and verify this. That’s what I did this morning and my jaw hit the floor when I read my friend Jan Thulstrup’s post on this discovery. See my post on 33.

An architect friend David Shipway had a hunch that the original Twin Towers might match the proportions of the columns of Boaz and Jachin (as described in the Bible) that were part of Solomon’s temple and a part of every Freemasonic lodge in the world. I made a model in SketchUp and verified this is indeed the case. The Twin Towers are overlaid as rectangles, drawn with real-world proportions:

BoazJachin WTC Proportions

Just in case you think the symbolism ended, the 9/11 Memorial opens on the 10 year anniversary on 9/11/2011:

9+11+2+0+11 = 33.

The story of Samson the giant Israelite from the tribe of Dan tearing down the two pillars resonates with 9/11. See my post about the Children of Dan.


Samson Destroying the Temple of the Philistines by Phillips Galle (16th century)

The Freedom Tower will be the tallest building in the United States at 1776 feet including its mast. July 4th, 1776 was of course the date the Declaration of Independence was signed.

Us declaration independence2

The pyramidion on top of the Transamerica Pyramid lights up on July 4th. Incidentally the Freedom Tower looks to me like two Trance America Pyramids (as above, so below) merged together if you will. Can you see that?

Freedom Tower TAP

Right image courtesy Daniel Schwen under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

July 4th is also Aphelion, the day the Earth is farthest from the Sun.


1776 is an interesting number. It is the sum of 888 + 888.

The Bavarian Illuminati was formed also in 1776 on May 1st (Beltane).


Reflecting the Freedom Tower in an Orwellian mirror it appears as a Tower of Slavery in a novus ordo seclorum.

Globalism is all smoke and mirrors.

Another friend Dr. Mark Gray pointed out that the upper part of the building’s form is known to mathematicians as a square anti-prism (stretched upward):

Square antiprism

Image created by Robert Webb’s Great Stella software http://www.software3d.com/Stella.html

If prisms split light into a diversity of colors then the antiprism symbolically sucks up all colors of light. Back to the light bearer, or E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one) if you will.


The square anti-prism is also known as the anticube. That’s interesting because the full form of the building is an anticube sitting on an cube, as above so below, as if reflected in a symbolic mirror.

I don’t fully understand the math but the Wikipedia page on the square anti-prism shows the following diagram which represents the anticube’s vertex figure:

Square antiprism vertfig

The red edges are shorter than the yellow edges. I can’t help but remember the D+M pyramid on Mars that I wrote about in The Snowflake and the Flower.

Here’s a sequence of zoom shots of the base of the Freedom Tower that yet another friend, Grant Chamberlin took two weeks ago:




What’s going on here? Grant presented it to me as a D+M pyramid. Why did someone involved in the design or construction of the Freedom Tower paint this mark? Were they aware of the design’s mathematical meaning? It seems unlikely but there it is in plain sight.

Grant took these photos just as they were building the halfway point where the floor plate is perfectly octagonal. If you watched my videos you might remember how the octagon is resoundingly a solar symbol.

The Freedom Tower will have 104 floors when completed. The octagon is therefore on floor 52, resonating with 52 weeks in a solar year, just like 555 California Street in San Francisco which has 52 floors in all.

Wtc lookingup

Not including the mast, the height of the building is 1368 feet, the same exact height as WTC1 which was of course destroyed on 9/11.


Image source

This view of WTC1 (from the northeast) looks like a “bubbler” of dust. This does not look like a “collapse.” Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material arcs over and begins to fall downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. -Dr. Judy Wood

In less than 2 weeks we are coming up on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. It’s one hell of a secret in plain sight. How many people still think people with box cutters made 500,000 tons of material go up in smoke? I recommend checking out Where Did The Towers Go?, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and the Ring of Power video which exposes the Zionist connections by following the money (thanks to Jon Mayberry for sending it to me):

I wrote about the connection between the Kaaba and the World Trade Center in my post on 110-111 and it is worth repeating here:

The [Great Spherical Caryatid, aka The Sphere] artwork [in between the twin towers] was meant to symbolize world peace through world trade, and was placed at the center of a ring of fountains and other decorative touches designed by trade center architect Minoru Yamasaki to mimic the Grand Mosque of Mecca, Masjid al-Haram, in which The Sphere stood at the place of the Kaaba. -Source

It is a great irony that the official story of 9/11 is of Islamic terrorists who destroyed what the architect who designed the WTC saw as an exquisite monument to Islam.


The Kaaba in Mecca

The 9/11 Memorial’s reflecting pools in the footprints of WTC1 and WTC2 are like twin mirrors reflecting the form of Grand Mosque in Mecca:

Kaaba 911

The above image was posted by Mark Gray on Facebook. The 9/11 memorial inverts the form of the holiest place in Islam and therefore resonates with Islamic anger.

The precise distance between the Kaaba in Mecca and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is 666 nautical miles. I recommend you verify this yourself in Google Earth to fully experience the mystery.

Mark also discovered that the pier that accesses the Statue of Liberty (SOL) on Liberty island is oriented perfectly in line with the Kaaba in Mecca. The red line stretches from the torch of the SOL to the center of the black cube in Mecca. See One Times Square for more on the SOL’s torch.

SOL Mecca

Incidentally the SOL was built inside the pre-existing 11-sided walls of Fort Wood which were completed in 1811. The SOL was dedicated on 1886.

The SOL’s crown of 7 rays compared to the base star’s 11 points matches the 7:11 proportions of the Great Pyramid from height to base.

Back to NYC, here is a computer rendering of the West Chamber within the 9/11 Memorial:

West chamber

Rendering copyright Squared Design Lab – Image Source

The West Chamber is a room of massive scale and soaring height. Here, the “slurry wall,” a surviving retaining wall of the original World Trade Center that withstood the devastation of 9/11, will be presented as a testament to survival and determination. Against this backdrop will be the “Last Column,” 36-feet high and covered with mementoes, memorial inscriptions, and missing posters placed there by ironworkers, rescue personnel, and others. Removed during the ceremony marking the close of the recovery effort at ground zero, the column, laid prone, was draped with an American flag and escorted by honor guard. Standing tall once again, the Last Column will encourage reflection on the foundations of resilience, hope, and community with which we might build our collective future. -Source

Is it any wonder why the Last Column is 36 feet high? The sum of the numbers 1 through 36 is 666. See my post on 666.

The slurry wall is setup to become another Wailing Wall like the one in Jerusalem. Both walls are situated on the Western side of their respective complexes. The Wailing Wall is also known of course as as the Western Wall.

Wailing Wall by Gustav Bauernfeind

The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem by Gustav Bauernfeind (19th century)

The atrium space of the 9/11 Memorial will feature two tridents presumably made out of the original steel beams from the Two Towers right on the spot where the Great Spherical Caryatid (known as The Sphere) used to be. See my posts on 110-111 and Ellipses.


Rendering copyright Squared Design Lab – Image Source

Mark Gray reads the two pairs of 3 prongs together as another 33 and I think he has found another huge secret in plain sight.

Patrick from Ontario Canada sent me this image that synchromystically resonates with the two tridents (33) and the twin towers. Look closer and you’ll be looking into the cold blue eyes of a destroyer:

Transformers dark of the moon

Image source

The Transformers subtitle Dark of the Moon is another powerful clue. Are we looking at Lucifer in the above image? It has been said the Prince of Darkness has a base on the dark side of the moon. This reminds me of Mike Myers’ hilarious rendition of Dr. Evil’s moon base in The Spy Who Shagged Me.

Pink Floyd’s famous cover of The Dark Side of the Moon also resonates with the light bringer’s prism and the Freedom Tower’s anti-prism shape:


Image source

Chapter 9 verse 11 of the book of Revelation (Christian holy book) states:

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.


Image from The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 1850 edition

Thanks to info a mutual friend Gerald Santana uncovered, Mark Gray brought the following pieces together about the trident symbols:


Here’s another reading Mark makes on the trident symbol:

Get ready for 9-11-11…When looked upon as a weapon of Shiva, the trishula [trident] is said to destroy the three worlds: the physical world, the world of the forefathers (representing culture drawn from the past) and the world of the mind (representing the processes of sensing and acting). The three worlds are supposed to be destroyed by Shiva into a single non-dual plane of existence, that is bliss alone.


Image courtesy Dave Kleinschmidt under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

I like where Mark is going with this (purification and bliss through Shiva’s destruction), but I’m not sure those behind 9/11 megaritual as Jake Kotze likes to say were destroying in order to help us out.

However, no matter the destroyers’ motives the result is the same. We wouldn’t be growing so exponentially in consciousness without the resistance the negative elites are providing. 9/11 truth is helping to wake up more and more people. We shall overcome by waking up NOW! Do you see what a team effort this is?

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo.


Shiva sculpture in LACMA (see Magic of Hollywood)

©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.


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Resposta  Missatge 2 de 23 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 16/02/2015 18:38
Hebreos 11:10: porque esperaba la ciudad que tiene fundamentos, cuyo ARQUITECTO y constructor es Dios.
HORA 2:22
222,222,444,666,1110,1776 SIGUEN LA SECUENCIA DE FIBONACCI

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Mazal: betulá (Virgo - virgen).

La betulá simboliza la novia amada de Di's, Israel, la novia del Cantar de los Cantares quien dice a su novio "Yo soy para mi amado y mi amado es para mi".

La palabra betulá aparece por primera vez en la Torá (y la única vez describiendo a una mujer específica, alabando a nuestra matriarca Rebeca, antes de su casamiento con Isaac.

En cabalá, la unión de Isaac y Rebeca simboliza el servicio espiritual de la plegaria y la devoción a Di-s. Isaac (Itzjak = 208) más Rebeca (Rivka = 307) = 515 = tefilá, "plegaria".

En jasidut el verso "Yo soy para mi amado y mi amado para mi", hace referencia, en particular, al servicio de plegaria del mes de to Elul.

La "virgen" de Elul (Rebeca) da a luz (retroactivamente, con respecto al orden de los meses del año) a los "mellizos" de Sivan (Iacob y Esav, los hijos de Rebeca, como se explica arriba). Las primeras tablas, entregadas en Sivan, fueron quebradas (a causa del pecado), las segundas, dadas a Moises en Elul (el mes del arrepentimiento) están enteras. El arrepentimiento es identificado en cabalá con la "madre" (en general y Rebeca en particular). "Madre corresponde a la sefirá de biná = 67 = Elul.

En Cabalá la "madre" permanece por siempre "virgen" (en el plano espiritual). En un estado continuo de teshuvá y tefilá su "siempre nueva" unión con el "padre" nunca cesa - "dos compañeros que nunca se separan". Tal va a ser el estado de la novia y el novio de aquí abajo con la llegada del Mashiaj. "Padre" y "madre" corresponde a las primeras dos letras de Havaiá - "la unión superior"; "novio" y "novia" o "hijo" e " hija" corresponden al segundo par de letras de Havaiá - "la unión inferior").

La betulá simboliza también la "tierra virgen", la tierra de Israel destinada a casarse con el pueblo de Israel, como declara el profeta: "como un joven desposa a una virgen, así tus hijos te desposaran [la tierra de Israel]" (Isaias 62:5). Aquí vemos que los hijos desposan a la "madre tierra" que permanece "tierra virgen".

La tierra representa la rectificación de la acción, el sentido del mes de Elul, como se describe arriba.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Tribu: Gad.

Gad comparte su raíz gramatical con "campamentos", como en el versículo en que nuestro patriarca Iacob bendice a su hijo Gad: "Gad organizará [lit. campamento] campamentos [del ejercito], y volverá con todos sus campamentos" (Génesis 49:19). El talento especial de Gad es organizar una "compañía".

Gad se puede interpretar también como "buena fortuna". Es la verdadera "buena fortuna" de Israel de ser la novia amada de Di-s, y esto se revela por medio de nuestras buenas acciones, especialmente aquellas que intentan rectificar nuestras imperfecciones y embellecernos, como la novia para su novio.

La "buena fortuna" de Gad se relaciona en cabalá con los trece principios de misericordia que son revelados en este mes, para despertar el alma desde su raíz (su "buena fortuna") para que retorne a Di-s.

Gad = 7. Gad fue el séptimo hijo que le nació a Iacob. Mazal, la palabra más común para "buena fortuna" = 77. La letra del medio de mazal es zain = 7. Cuando las dos letras gimmel dalet que forman el nombre Gad (= 7) son substituidas por zain (= 7) de mazal, se forma la palabra migdal, "torre" Declara el versículo: "Una torre [migdal = 77] de poder [oz = 77] es el Nombre de Di-s, en la que marchará el tzadik y será exaltado". En cabalá, la "torre de poder" representa a la novia, la betulá de Elul, el alma-raíz y mazal del pueblo judío. El tzadik, el novio, marcha con todo su poder, para entrar a la "torre de poder".

140. Josué 15:37: Zenán, Hadasa, Migdal-GAD,
Busqueda para HADASA

1. Josué 15:37: Zenán, HADASA, Migdal-gad,

2. Ester 2:7: Y había criado a HADASA, es decir, Ester, hija de su tío, porque era húerfana; y la joven era de hermosa figura y de buen parecer. Cuando su padre y su madre murieron, Mardoqueo la adoptó como hija suya.

One World Trade Center

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
One World Trade Center
One WTC 6.1.13.jpg
One World Trade Center en junio de 2013.
Coste USD 3.800 millones (estimado, enero de 2012)[1]
Localización Manhattan, Ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, Flag of the United States.svg Estados Unidos
Uso(s) Oficinas, observación, comunicación
Coordenadas 40°42′46.8″N 74°0′48.6″O / 40.713, -74.0135Coordenadas: 40°42′46.8″N 74°0′48.6″O / 40.713, -74.0135 (mapa)
Inicio 27 de abril de 2006
Estimación de finalización 2014
Altura máxima 541 m (1776 ft)
Altura de la azotea 417 m (1368 ft)
Altura de la última planta 386 m (1268 ft)
Número de plantas 104
Número de ascensores 71
Ingeniero estructural WSP Cantor Seinuk
Contratista Silverstein Properties, Inc.
Promotor Silverstein Properties, Inc.

El One World Trade Center, conocido anteriormente como la Freedom Tower o Torre de la Libertad, es un rascacielos que se está construyendo en Lower Manhattan, Nueva York, Estados Unidos por los arquitectos Thomas Boada y David Childs. Este edificio, con un costo de 2000 millones de dólares, será el mayor rascacielos del nuevo complejo del World Trade Center, en reemplazo de las antiguas Torres Gemelas, destruidas por un atentado terrorista el 11 de septiembre de 2001.

Cuando sea inaugurado, en 2014, tendrá una altura de 541 metros, siendo la séptima estructura más alta del mundo, después del Burj Khalifa, de 828 metros de altura, Tokyo Skytree de 634 metros, la Torre central de Shanghái de 632 metros, las Torres Abraj Al Bait de 601 metros, la Torre de Television de Canton de 600 metros y la Torre CN de 553,33 metros. La altura del edificio tendrá una característica simbólica muy particular, pues sus 541 metros equivalen a 1.776 pies, cifra que resulta ser el año de independencia de los Estados Unidos (4 de julio de 1776). Además, la azotea del edificio estará situada a 417 metros de altitud, la altura exacta de las antiguas Torres Gemelas. El 30 de abril de 2012 la torre se alzó oficialmente como el rascacielos más alto de Nueva York a una altura de 387 metros, superando al Edificio Empire State con 381 metros de altura.[2]

Originalmente denominado Freedom Tower (cuya traducción al español sería Torre de la Libertad), el 26 de marzo de 2009, la Autoridad Portuaria de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey hizo público el acuerdo con el que será el primer inquilino de la Torre, Vantone Industrial Co., que ocupará seis plantas del edificio, desde los pisos 65 al 71 y comunicó el cambio en el nombre del edificio por ser un nombre más vendible comercialmente.

Sin incluir el 1 World Trade Center, el nuevo World Trade Center contará con otros tres rascacielos de oficinas y el National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Una vez terminado, el One World Trade Center será el edificio de uso exclusivo de oficinas más alto del mundo.


El One World Trade Center en construcción, en junio de 2013.


Comparación de edificios de Nueva York.

La azotea (incluyendo el parapeto de 10,16 metros) del One World Trade Center será de 417 metros, la misma altura de la torre 1 del World Trade Center original. Con la altura de la antena, el edificio se alzará a 1.776 pies (541 m), una figura simbólica del año de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos.

Con 541 metros, el One World Trade Center sobrepasará los 509 metros del Taipei 101 para convertirse en el edificio de oficinas más alto del mundo y el rascacielos más alto del continente americano, sobrepasando a la Willis Tower en Chicago. Sin embargo, la azotea del edificio estará 25 metros por debajo de la azotea de la Willis Tower, y será el tercer edificio más alto del mundo, por debajo del Burj Khalifa y de las Torres Abraj Al Bait.

Finalización estimada y costo total[editar]

One World Trade Center estaba originalmente proyectado para ser terminado y abierto en 2011. Sin embargo, en octubre de 2008, por medio de un informe, la Autoridad Portuaria de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey aplazó la fecha de apertura de la torre al segundo semestre de 2012 teniendo un costo estimado de 6.000 millones de dólares. En julio de 2011, el 1WTC mantiene su cronograma de finalización, siendo terminado a finales de 2013 según la Autoridad Portuaria.


One World Trade Center en construcción en abril de 2012, visto desde un helicóptero.
One World Trade Center en construcción. Las luces de color azul, rojo y blanco simbolizan la bandera estadounidense y fueron temporalmente instaladas para conmemorar el 10º aniversario de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre.
One World Trade Center desde el Ferry a Staten Island, en mayo de 2012.


The Number 541 - Israel and the Commandments

Thus did all the children of Israel; as the LORD commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they.

Exodus 12.50

The never ending wonder of God! The numerical weight of the name Israel is identitical to the value of the Tenth Hexagonal Star Number:


The Prime Number 541 is also the value of The Commandments, Unleavened Bread, and Tablets of Stone upon which the commandments were written! Glory!

The Number 541



The Commandments [Num 36.13]



Tablets of Stone [Deut 5.22]


Lechet Avnim

The Judgement [Rom 2.2]


To Krima

The Unleavened Bread [Ex 23.15]


I Will Keep [Ps 119.101]



I Will Pray [Ps 5.2]



For a memorial between your eyes [Ex 13.9]


Teach me thy way, O Lord


The Good [Rom 7.21]


To Kalon

The Fruit


Ho Karpos

The Lord is in this place [Gen 26.16]


Factors: Prime


Resposta  Missatge 3 de 23 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 16/02/2015 18:39

One World Trade Center

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
One World Trade Center
One WTC 6.1.13.jpg
One World Trade Center en junio de 2013.
Coste USD 3.800 millones (estimado, enero de 2012)[1]
Localización Manhattan, Ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, Flag of the United States.svg Estados Unidos
Uso(s) Oficinas, observación, comunicación
Coordenadas 40°42′46.8″N 74°0′48.6″O / 40.713, -74.0135Coordenadas: 40°42′46.8″N 74°0′48.6″O / 40.713, -74.0135 (mapa)
Inicio 27 de abril de 2006
Estimación de finalización 2014
Altura máxima 541 m (1776 ft)
Altura de la azotea 417 m (1368 ft)
Altura de la última planta 386 m (1268 ft)
Número de plantas 104
Número de ascensores 71
Ingeniero estructural WSP Cantor Seinuk
Contratista Silverstein Properties, Inc.
Promotor Silverstein Properties, Inc.

El One World Trade Center, conocido anteriormente como la Freedom Tower o Torre de la Libertad, es un rascacielos que se está construyendo en Lower Manhattan, Nueva York, Estados Unidos por los arquitectos Thomas Boada y David Childs. Este edificio, con un costo de 2000 millones de dólares, será el mayor rascacielos del nuevo complejo del World Trade Center, en reemplazo de las antiguas Torres Gemelas, destruidas por un atentado terrorista el 11 de septiembre de 2001.

Cuando sea inaugurado, en 2014, tendrá una altura de 541 metros, siendo la séptima estructura más alta del mundo, después del Burj Khalifa, de 828 metros de altura, Tokyo Skytree de 634 metros, la Torre central de Shanghái de 632 metros, las Torres Abraj Al Bait de 601 metros, la Torre de Television de Canton de 600 metros y la Torre CN de 553,33 metros. La altura del edificio tendrá una característica simbólica muy particular, pues sus 541 metros equivalen a 1.776 pies, cifra que resulta ser el año de independencia de los Estados Unidos (4 de julio de 1776). Además, la azotea del edificio estará situada a 417 metros de altitud, la altura exacta de las antiguas Torres Gemelas. El 30 de abril de 2012 la torre se alzó oficialmente como el rascacielos más alto de Nueva York a una altura de 387 metros, superando al Edificio Empire State con 381 metros de altura.[2]

Originalmente denominado Freedom Tower (cuya traducción al español sería Torre de la Libertad), el 26 de marzo de 2009, la Autoridad Portuaria de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey hizo público el acuerdo con el que será el primer inquilino de la Torre, Vantone Industrial Co., que ocupará seis plantas del edificio, desde los pisos 65 al 71 y comunicó el cambio en el nombre del edificio por ser un nombre más vendible comercialmente.

Sin incluir el 1 World Trade Center, el nuevo World Trade Center contará con otros tres rascacielos de oficinas y el National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Una vez terminado, el One World Trade Center será el edificio de uso exclusivo de oficinas más alto del mundo.


El One World Trade Center en construcción, en junio de 2013.

El programa del One World Trade Center incluye 242.000 m2 de espacio para oficinas, así como una cubierta de observación y una antena. La torre tiene como base un cuadrado cuyos bordes son girados al aumentar la altura, dando como resultado 8 triángulos isósceles y el cuadrado final de la torre rota 45° del cuadrado de la base. El edificio culmina con un parapeto de cristal ubicado a 415 m y 417 m. Un mástil le dará soporte a la antena de televisión, la cual será asegurada por un sistema de cables y se eleva desde un anillo circular de soporte, similar a la antorcha de la Estatua de la Libertad, alcanzando los 541m finales de la torre. En la parte superior de la antena, habrá un haz de luz que será iluminado en las noches y podrá ser visto a 300 m por encima del edificio.

En cuanto a las medidas de seguridad, el edificio contará con muros de 91 cm de espesor de hormigón reforzado, tres líneas de escaleras extremadamente anchas, una línea de escaleras exclusivas para uso de bomberos, elevadores, sistemas de riego y filtros químicos y biológicos en los conductos de ventilación. El edificio estará a 20 m de West Street, a diferencia de las Torres Gemelas que se encontraban a 8 m en su punto más cercano.

Cerca del edificio estarán las 2 piscinas semi-subterráneas, que se encontrarán a 9,1m por debajo de la superficie, las cuales estarán localizadas exactamente donde se erguían las Torres Gemelas. Tendrán el perímetro exacto de la torre norte y la torre sur. En las paredes de estas, están escritos los nombres completos en bronce de las 3.000 víctimas que murieron en los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 y en el atentado al World Trade Center de 1993. Bajo las piscinas estará ubicado el National September 11 Memorial & Museum, el cual está planeado que esté terminado el 11 de septiembre de 2011, una década después de los atentados.


Comparación de edificios de Nueva York.

La azotea (incluyendo el parapeto de 10,16 metros) del One World Trade Center será de 417 metros, la misma altura de la torre 1 del World Trade Center original. Con la altura de la antena, el edificio se alzará a 1.776 pies (541 m), una figura simbólica del año de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos.

Con 541 metros, el One World Trade Center sobrepasará los 509 metros del Taipei 101 para convertirse en el edificio de oficinas más alto del mundo y el rascacielos más alto del continente americano, sobrepasando a la Willis Tower en Chicago. Sin embargo, la azotea del edificio estará 25 metros por debajo de la azotea de la Willis Tower, y será el tercer edificio más alto del mundo, por debajo del Burj Khalifa y de las Torres Abraj Al Bait.

Finalización estimada y costo total[editar]

One World Trade Center estaba originalmente proyectado para ser terminado y abierto en 2011. Sin embargo, en octubre de 2008, por medio de un informe, la Autoridad Portuaria de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey aplazó la fecha de apertura de la torre al segundo semestre de 2012 teniendo un costo estimado de 6.000 millones de dólares. En julio de 2011, el 1WTC mantiene su cronograma de finalización, siendo terminado a finales de 2013 según la Autoridad Portuaria.


One World Trade Center en construcción en abril de 2012, visto desde un helicóptero.
One World Trade Center en construcción. Las luces de color azul, rojo y blanco simbolizan la bandera estadounidense y fueron temporalmente instaladas para conmemorar el 10º aniversario de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre.
One World Trade Center desde el Ferry a Staten Island, en mayo de 2012.

La colocación de la primera piedra del One World Trade Center se llevó a cabo en una ceremonia el 4 de julio de 2004,[3] pero los trabajos de construcción permanecieron estancados hasta 2006 debido a serias disputas respecto a la seguridad, el dinero y el diseño. Los últimos inconvenientes fueron resueltos el 29 de abril de 2006 tras un acuerdo entre el desarrollador Larry Silverstein y la Autoridad Portuaria de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey. Por 2 meses durante el verano del mismo año, varios explosivos fueron detonados en el sitio de construcción para facilitar la cimentación del edificio. El 18 de noviembre de 2006, 400m³ de concreto transportados por más de 40 camiones, fueron vertidos en los cimientos del rascacielos. Un mes después se llevó a cabo una celebración en el Battery Park City, donde gran cantidad de personas fueron invitadas a firmar una viga de acero de 30 pies (9,144 m).[4] Esta viga, la primera en ser instalada, fue soldada sobre la base del edificio el 19 de diciembre de 2006.[5] Después, la construcción de los cimientos y la instalación del armazón de acero comenzó, y para finales de 2007, las bases y cimientos de la torre estaban casi completas.[6]

En enero de 2008, dos grúas de construcción fueron ubicadas en el sitio. El centro de concreto de la torre empezó a elevarse en los primeros meses de 2008,[6] y este alcanzó el nivel de la calle el 17 de mayo. La construcción de la base continuó durante 2009 y fue completada a inicios de 2010. Tras terminar la base, la construcción de los pisos de oficinas comenzó a la par con la instalación de los primeros paneles de cristal. En mayo de 2010, la Autoridad Portuaria declaró que estaban construyendo cerca de un piso por semana y proyectaron que el 1WTC alcanzaría los 55 pisos para finales de año.[7] Un avanzado "capullo" (innovador sistema de andamiaje) fue instalado para proteger a los trabajadores de la caída, siendo la primera vez que un sistema de seguridad había sido instalado en una estructura de acero en la ciudad.[8]

El 16 de diciembre de 2010, la Autoridad Portuaria anunció que la construcción de la torre había alcanzado el piso 52, levantándose a 600 pies (182,88 m) y marcando el punto medio del armazón de acero de la torre.[9] [10] Para el 11 de septiembre de 2011, diez años después de la destrucción del complejo original, el armazón de acero había alcanzado el piso 82, mientras que el vaciado de concreto alcanzaba el piso 72 y la cortina de cristal llegaba al piso 56.[11] Para inicios de diciembre, la torre había alcanzado el piso 90, alzándose aproximadamente a 1 120 pies (341,376 m) por encima de la calle.[12]

Mientras estaba en construcción en 2011, la torre fue iluminada en muchas ocasiones. El 4 de julio, fue iluminada con los colores de la bandera estadounidense para conmerorar el Día de la Independencia, y fue iluminada con los mismos colores el 10 de septiembre para denotar el décimo aniversario de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre. El 27 de octubre, fue iluminada con luces de color rosa en honor al Mes del Cáncer de Mama. En diciembre, la Autoridad Portuaria iluminó la torre con diversos colores para celebrar la temporada de fiestas.

En agosto de 2012, la torre de acero llegó oficialmente a su tope, alcanzando su altura hasta la azotea de 1368 pies (417 m). Para el 28 de junio de 2013, la torre de concreto ya está casi completa y los paneles de cristal están siendo instalados sobre el piso 102.[12] La construcción de la plataforma de observación y del podio de la cortina de cristal continúa.[13] La antena de la torre fue enviada a Nueva York en noviembre de 2012, y la primera sección de la antena fue instalada en lo alto de la torre el 12 de diciembre de 2012. El 10 de mayo de 2013 se colocó la última pieza de la antena en lo alto de la torre, llegando a su altura máxima de 1776 pies (541 m), altura que simboliza el año en que se firmó la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos, convirtiéndose en el rascacielos más alto del hemisferio occidental y en el tercero del mundo. Se espera que la torre esté completa y lista para ser ocupada a finales de 2013 o principios de 2014.

Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 4 de 4 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/07/2013 14:44
The Number 541 - Israel and the Commandments

Thus did all the children of Israel; as the LORD commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they.

Exodus 12.50

The never ending wonder of God! The numerical weight of the name Israel is identitical to the value of the Tenth Hexagonal Star Number:


The Prime Number 541 is also the value of The Commandments, Unleavened Bread, and Tablets of Stone upon which the commandments were written! Glory!

The Number 541



The Commandments [Num 36.13]



Tablets of Stone [Deut 5.22]


Lechet Avnim

The Judgement [Rom 2.2]


To Krima

The Unleavened Bread [Ex 23.15]


I Will Keep [Ps 119.101]



I Will Pray [Ps 5.2]



For a memorial between your eyes [Ex 13.9]


Teach me thy way, O Lord


The Good [Rom 7.21]


To Kalon

The Fruit


Ho Karpos

The Lord is in this place [Gen 26.16]


Factors: Prime

Resposta  Missatge 4 de 23 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 07/04/2015 03:29
Photo By Mark Gray

Resposta  Missatge 5 de 23 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 07/04/2015 03:58


3-24-2014: NYC museum dedicated to 9/11 victims to open in May

3-28-2014: Mark Gray - In theory the symbol of the dollar has Spanish origin. The two columns of Hercules (they are in our flag as you see in the picture + the symbol of plus ultra.

3-28-2014: Mark Gray – In theory the symbol of the dollar has Spanish origin. The two columns of Hercules (they are in our flag as you see in the picture + the symbol of plus ultra.

List of HTTP status codes

World Future Council


4-28-2014: Mark Gray -  We are about to worship the God Mercury in New York City on May 15th. The 9/11 Museum will de dedicated on May 15th,  this is the Feast Day of Mercury, also called the MERCURALIA. On May 15, 495 BC- the Temple of Mercury was dedicated in Rome. On the same day, May 15, 2014- the next phase of  the Temple of Mercury... the 9/11 museum will be dedicated in New York City. Mercury - is the patron god of Financial gain, Commerce, Messages/Communication, Trickery and Thieves;  he is also the Guide of Souls to the Underworld. The name MERCURY is closely related to merx, mercari, and merces which respectively mean merchandise, to trade, and wages.  The Planet Mercury takes 88 days to orbit the Sun. Each year on 9/11 the footprints of the Twin Towers light up with 88 lights each. There is a statue of Mercury at the entrance of Grand Central Terminal, it is exactly "3.3" miles from the new ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER. The One World TRADE Center will be blessed by the God of Commerce and Trade on May 15th as a dedication occurs on his Feast Day the Mercuralia. Mer - love Cure- to heal Mercuralia = 101 in Gemetria Barack Obama = 181 in Gemetria Mercury = Hermes Hermes = 408 in Gemetria Barack Obama = 408 in Gemetria

4-28-2014: Mark Gray –
We are about to worship the God Mercury in New York City on May 15th.
The 9/11 Museum will de dedicated on May 15th,
this is the Feast Day of Mercury, also called the MERCURALIA.
On May 15, 495 BC- the Temple of Mercury was dedicated in Rome.
On the same day, May 15, 2014- the next phase of
the Temple of Mercury… the 9/11 museum will be dedicated in New York City.
Mercury – is the patron god of Financial gain, Commerce, Messages/Communication, Trickery and Thieves;
he is also the Guide of Souls to the Underworld.
The name MERCURY is closely related to merx, mercari, and merces which respectively mean merchandise, to trade, and wages.
The Planet Mercury takes 88 days to orbit the Sun.
Each year on 9/11 the footprints of the Twin Towers light up with 88 lights each.
There is a statue of Mercury at the entrance of Grand Central Terminal, it is exactly “3.3” miles from the new ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER.
The One World TRADE Center will be blessed by the God of Commerce and Trade on May 15th as a dedication occurs on his Feast Day the Mercuralia.
Mer – love
Cure- to heal
Mercuralia = 101 in Gemetria
Barack Obama = 181 in Gemetria
Mercury = Hermes
Hermes = 408 in Gemetria
Barack Obama = 408 in Gemetria  May 15 495 05+ 1+5= 11 4+9+5= 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 119

Mercuralia –  is a Roman celebration known also as the “Festival of Mercury”. Mercury was the god of merchants and commerce. On May 15 merchants would sprinkle their heads, their ships and merchandise, and their businesses with water taken from the well at Porta Capena.

Made in Heaven –  “Mother Love” was the final song co-written by Mercury and May, and was also Mercury’s last ever vocal performance. Mercury’s vocals for Mother Love were .

 “Made in Heaven is the fifteenth and final studio album by British rock band Queen” (((15)))

4-28-2014: Mark Gray - Who is the Messenger of the Gods? The Temple of Mercury -(the One World Trade Center) is positioned  "3.3" miles, exactly, from the Statue of Mercury at the entrance of Grand Central Terminal. Mercury is the God of Commerce. $$$$ Mercury is the God of Trickery and Thieves. Mercury is the God that guides the Dead Souls to the Underworld. Mercury is the God of Communication... Did you ever see the "408" Foot Antenna on the top of the One World Trade Center??? Mercury is also called Hermes Hermes = 408 in Gemetria There is a 408 Foot Communication Antenna on the top of the One World Trade Center. Barack Obama = 408 in Gemetria.

4-28-2014: Mark Gray – Who is the Messenger of the Gods?
The Temple of Mercury -(the One World Trade Center) is positioned
“3.3” miles, exactly, from the Statue of Mercury at the entrance of Grand Central Terminal.
Mercury is the God of Commerce. $$$$
Mercury is the God of Trickery and Thieves.
Mercury is the God that guides the Dead Souls to the Underworld.
Mercury is the God of Communication… Did you ever see the “408” Foot Antenna on the top of the One World Trade Center???
Mercury is also called Hermes
Hermes = 408 in Gemetria
There is a 408 Foot Communication Antenna on the top of the One World Trade Center.
Barack Obama = 408 in Gemetria.


In theory the symbol of the dollar has Spanish origin. The two columns of Hercules (they are in our flag as you see in the picture + the symbol of plus ultra.

In theory the symbol of the dollar has Spanish origin. The two columns of Hercules (they are in our flag as you see in the picture + the symbol of plus ultra.



4-28-2014: Mark Gray - In the earliest times Greek divinities were worshipped in the form of a heap of stones or a shapeless column of stone or wood. In many parts of Greece there were piles of stones by the sides of roads, especially at their crossings, and on the boundaries of lands. The religious respect paid to such heaps of stones, especially at the meeting of roads, is shown by the custom of each passer-by throwing a stone on to the heap or anointing it with oil. Later there was the addition of a head and phallus to the column, which became quadrangular (the number 4 was sacred to Hermes). Before his role as protector of merchants and travelers, Hermes was a phallic god, associated with fertility, roads and borders. His name comes from the word "hermai" referring to a square or "rectangular pillar" of stone, terracotta, or bronze; a bust of Hermes' head, usually with a beard sat on the top of the pillar, and male genitals adorned the base. Hermai = 133 Hermes = 408 There is a Pillar "432" inches tall erected in the 911 Museum. It will be unveiled on May 15 - a date that is sacred to  the God Mercury-Hermes. 432 is said to be the Cosmic Key to LIFE.

4-28-2014: Mark Gray – In the earliest times Greek divinities were worshipped in the form of a heap of stones or a shapeless column of stone or wood. In many parts of Greece there were piles of stones by the sides of roads, especially at their crossings, and on the boundaries of lands. The religious respect paid to such heaps of stones, especially at the meeting of roads, is shown by the custom of each passer-by throwing a stone on to the heap or anointing it with oil. Later there was the addition of a head and phallus to the column, which became quadrangular (the number 4 was sacred to Hermes).
Before his role as protector of merchants and travelers, Hermes was a phallic god, associated with fertility, roads and borders. His name comes from the word “hermai” referring to a square or “rectangular pillar” of stone, terracotta, or bronze; a bust of Hermes’ head, usually with a beard sat on the top of the pillar, and male genitals adorned the base.
Hermai = 133
Hermes = 408
There is a Pillar “432” inches tall erected in the 911 Museum.
It will be unveiled on May 15 – a date that is sacred to
the God Mercury-Hermes.
432 is said to be the Cosmic Key to LIFE.

4-8-2014: (408) 9/11 Museum Exhibits Will Really Talk to Visitors

5-1-2014 - Mark Gray.

5-1-2014 – Mark Gray.

The National September 11 Memorial & Museum And Basno Partner To Create Official 9/11 Memorial Badge For Supporters Worldwide

5-6-2014: Mark Gray - What is buried in between the Two Foot Prints of the Twin Towers at Ground Zero? May 15 is an auspicious day...... On May 15, 495 BC the Temple of Mercury was dedicated in Rome..... On every May 15th there after the Romans would hold a "Feast to Mercury" , it was called the Mercuralia. Mercury was the God who Guided Dead Souls to the Underworld. This May 15th, 2014 the World Trade Center Museum will be dedicated and opened to Family Members of those who died on 911.... it will house 7,930 Unidentified Body Parts of the 911 Victoms. The Body Parts will be placed in the "REMAINS REPOSITORY" ---- under the care of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York (OCME), this facility will be accessed, operated, and maintained solely by the OCME. Their symbol is the Caduceus- The Symbol of the God MERCURY - the Guide of Dead Souls. The Bodies will be protected from the public by a Wall. On that wall will be written a saying from the Aeneid by Virgil. "NO DAY SHALL ERASE YOU FROM THE MEMORY OF TIME." (This quote is from the same story that warned us of the TROJAN HORSE) So as a re-cap.... 7,930 Body Parts will be housed in the "REMAINS REPOSITORY" at Ground Zero- between the Paws of the Sphinx, I mean the Foot Prints of the Twin Towers. The Body Parts will be cared for by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York, who will continue to do experiments on the Victoms to identify them...... This will all go on behind a wall with a quote written by Virgil in the Aenied over 2,000 years ago. Now here is the strange part---- "Aeneid" = 228 in Gemetria - the number of passengers on flight 370. "Remains Repository" = 239 in Gemetria - the Total number of people on Flight 370 including Crew.

5-6-2014: Mark Gray – What is buried in between the Two Foot Prints of the Twin Towers at Ground Zero?
May 15 is an auspicious day……
On May 15, 495 BC the Temple of Mercury was dedicated in Rome…..
On every May 15th there after the Romans would hold a “Feast to Mercury” , it was called the Mercuralia.
Mercury was the God who Guided Dead Souls to the Underworld.
This May 15th, 2014 the World Trade Center Museum will be dedicated and opened to Family Members of those who died on 911…. it will house 7,930 Unidentified Body Parts of the 911 Victoms. The Body Parts will be placed in the “REMAINS REPOSITORY” —- under the care of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York (OCME), this facility will be accessed, operated, and maintained solely by the OCME. Their symbol is the Caduceus- The Symbol of the God MERCURY – the Guide of Dead Souls.
The Bodies will be protected from the public by a Wall. On that wall will be written a saying from the Aeneid by Virgil.
(This quote is from the same story that warned us of the TROJAN HORSE)
So as a re-cap….
7,930 Body Parts will be housed in the “REMAINS REPOSITORY” at Ground Zero- between the Paws of the Sphinx, I mean the Foot Prints of the Twin Towers.
The Body Parts will be cared for by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York, who will continue to do experiments on the Victoms to identify them…… This will all go on behind a wall with a quote written by Virgil in the Aenied over 2,000 years ago.
Now here is the strange part—-
“Aeneid” = 228 in Gemetria – the number of passengers on flight 370.
“Remains Repository” = 239 in Gemetria – the Total number of people on Flight 370 including Crew.


Resposta  Missatge 6 de 23 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 07/04/2015 04:03

Resposta  Missatge 7 de 23 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 15/11/2015 17:03
Hey Ralph

Take a look at the two pillars in this next image re: 271 and 37

271 vs 37

Both are hexagonal Numbers

the hexagon 271, the core of 541, Israel. (Israel= =30+1+200+300+10=541) In Israel God places the Light.

So is this suggesting that 37 vs 271 are aSSociated with Jachin & Boaz?

Hey Mo, I invited mIchaEL to join in on the IEL I37 fun.

MichaEL vs mIchaEL (iEL vs IEL) ON/ OFF . I SenSe this has to do with DNA switches , binary and amino acid coding...as you suggest, I SuSpect the theory of additive colors vs subtractive colors is also tied in... I am getting excited...I think we are close to a breakthrough



Resposta  Missatge 8 de 23 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 08/02/2016 18:54
Originally Posted by dodeca View Post
As noted above by Plutarch, the planet Venus remained after the battle to course across the sky. In antiquity Venus is variously called Neith, Isis, Hathor, Athena, Inanna, and other names, and is often identified as a warrior goddess. 
Including Minerva.

dodeca...I wanted to bring this to your attention as I am looking into this on my own and seeking additional information.

I live in NYC and in the most populated borough in all of New York. We have already discussed much symbology including that of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. Being that I am from this area many people would not know the history of the area nor any of the sculpture and symbology which is around.

This is a monument in a cemetery in Brooklyn, NY. It is of the Roman Goddess Minerva (which ofcourse can also go by many names). She is pictures placing a wreath on the altar in which she stands next to. 

She faces the Statue of Liberty while she salutes her. The Statue of Liberty can be seen in this photo. Minerva faces Liberty who is in New York Harbor.


Here is a closer shot. Keep in mind the camera changes ones sense of perspective. The Statue of Liberty actually appears alot closer than the picture shows.

What is most peculiar to me is the fact that this monument is not just places on ordinary land. It is places on a historic site. It is also marks the highest point in Brooklyn, NY. Here is a bit of its history which is written on one of the four plaques on the altar.

It reads;

On this battle hill. Facing the Statue of Liberty. This altar is erected to commemorate the battle of Long Island. The first engagement of which was fought on this site. August 27, 1776. Between General...with 2000 Americans and with General Grant with 6000 British. This was the first battle of the nation and the first stoke for our great American charter of the rights and liberties the Decleration of Independence.
As you could see this is no ordinary site...

Another plaque on the altar reads;

“The Place Whereon Thou Standest is Holy Ground”
Glory to the Memory of Our First National Heroes Who Fought and Fell on this Battle Ground to Win Our Liberty and Independence! Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom, Glory and Patriotism, Here Salutes The Goddess of Liberty and Enwreathes This Altar in Tribute to the Heroes of American Liberty and to the Wisdom of American Institutions."
Here are some more details of this monument.

Take particular notice of Minerva's helmet (a symbol of secrecy). You can see a Sphinx.

Just beyond the mouseleum in the background of the picture above in another peculiar bronze monument. Is this Saint Michael...or is this another Venus?


To commemorate the battle between American and Bristish forces there is this monument. Which is approximately 50 feet from Minerva's altar.

This is a site where men died. Is placing this monument and altar significant of their sacrifice? Was it erected for this purpose?

As a side note....we discussed the significance of the Owl to Athena and how the Statue of Liberty is Venus/Athena. So where is the Owl. Well being that I am from NYC I can tell you where it is. It is in Brooklyn and it is called Owl's Head Park. The symbolism is just represented on a larger geographical scale. The park is said to have been given its name because it was in the shape of an Owl's head...or theire was many owl's in the park once long ago. Now how would anybody know the park was in the shape of an Owl's head without seeing it from above. Like from a plane or a blimp.

Here is an overhead Google Maps look of what I am talking about.

Last edited by thedefender; 20-08-2010 at 12:53 AM.
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