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Madeleine Albright: First Woman Secretary of State
February 26, 2023
"I, Madeleine Albright, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitute of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take the obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
With those words, Madeleine Albright, an immigrant, became the 64th U.S. Secretary of State, the first time in American history a woman would head the State Department. She would be charged with working with then President Bill Clinton and other government officials to plan the way the United States acts and communicates with other nations, its foreign policy.
The first Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson, appointed by President George Washington in 1789. The Secretary of State is the fourth in order of succession to the presidency after the vice president, the speaker of the House, and the president pro tempore. Because she was not born in the U.S., Madeleine Albright was not eligible to become president.
The journey to her confirmation as Secretary of States spanned two continents and 20 years of government service. She earned a master's degree and a Ph.D. in public law and government, served as professor of foreign policy before being appointed American ambassador to the U.N.
Madeleine Albright was born Marie Jana Korbelova in Prague, Czechoslovakia on May 15, 1937, the oldest of three children of Josef and Anna (Speeglova) Korbel.
Her father, Josef, was a diplomat with the Czechoslovakian government before the outbreak of World War II. When he was just five years old, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to Austro-Hungarian throne and his wife Sophie, the Duchess of Hohenberg, were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. This sets off a series of cascading declarations that lead to World War I, which ended up in the death of more than 8.5 million soldiers, and as many as 12.5 million civilians in the four years of battle. At the age of 9, he was living in a free country for the first time.
Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.
Struggles which shaped Czechoslovakia include Hitler and the Nazi party taking control of Germany in 1933. In 1938, Britain, Italy and France made a treaty, the Munich Agreement, which allowed Germany to occupy a Czech territory in which more than half of the population was German. This granted Germany 38% of Czechoslovakia's land.
Madeleine Albright was two at the time and living in Belgrade. Hitler soon took complete control of the country. German tanks rolled into Prague on March 15, 1939. Targeted by the Gestapo, the family went into hiding before finally granted permission to leave the country.
The Korbels arrived in New York in late 1948.
Albright first became involved in politics while campaigning for Edmund Muskie during his 1968 run for presidency. She lived foreign policy as a refugee from oppression, studied and taught it as a professor, nurtured its development as an advisor to politicians and diplomats.
Her job at the United Nations, the term coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt, originated after World War II, when nations of the world had a strong desire to never again engage in a war of such proportions.
Among the United Nations’ pledges are to "save humanity from the scourge of war," "protect human right and the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small," "promote justice and respect for international law," and "promote social progress, better standards of life, and freedom."
Before her confirmation hearing as U.S. representative to the U.N. on January 21, 1993... Albright admitted in her opening statement that while the United Nations is important, it also has many problems. "The United Nations remains bogged down by an unwieldly and inefficiently administered staff, overlapping responsibilities, and a financial crisis."
Under President Bill Clinton, she became the country’s representative to the United Nations (1993-97) and secretary of state (1997-2001), making her the highest-ranking woman in the history of American government at the time.
In 2001, she founded what is now the Albright Stonebridge Group, an international consulting firm, and in 2005 the Albright Capital Management, focusing on emerging markets.
Madeleine Albright, a champion of women’s rights internationally and a vocal advocate for Democratic women in U.S. politics, died March 23, 2022 at the age of 84.
"My most joyful experience was marriage and raising a family. My most painful was divorce and finding a way to move on and up. The most riveting was learning about my Jewish heritage. The saddest was discovering that my grandparents died in concentration camps."
You know, they say in foreign policy business that we aren't to let ourselves be influenced by emotions, but how can forget that murdered children are not emotions, but that they are human beings whose potential contributions are forever lost.
Like this post? Stop by and read “Francis Perkins: The First Woman to Sit in the Cabinet of the United States.” Frances Perkins was the secretary of labor under President Franklin Roosevelt, the first female cabinet secretary, the longest serving secretary of labor and one of the architects of Roosevelt’s New Deal economic policies.
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Madeleine Albright, the first woman to serve as the U.S. secretary of state, died Wednesday, her family said in a statement.
She was 84.
Albright died of cancer, her family said, adding that she was "surrounded by family and friends" at the time.
"We have lost a loving mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend," the statement said, as well as a "tireless champion of democracy and human rights."
President Joe Biden remembered Albright as “a force for goodness, grace, and decency—and for freedom.” She “defied convention and broke barriers again and again,” Biden said in a statement.
He ordered flags to be flown at half-mast in her honor until March 27.
Then-President Bill Clinton named Albright the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations shortly after he was inaugurated in 1993, and nominated her as the secretary of state three years later. She was confirmed in 1997 by a vote of 99-0. At the time, she was the highest-ranking woman in the history of the U.S. government.
President Bill Clinton with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1999.Cynthia Johnson / Getty Images file
Albright served in the post for four years, actively promoting the expansion of NATO and military intervention in Kosovo.
On Wednesday, Clinton remembered Albright as "an extraordinary human being."
"Because she knew firsthand that America's policy decisions had the power to make a difference in people's lives around the world, she saw her jobs as both an obligation and an opportunity. And she made the most of them in advancing peace, security and shared prosperity," the former president said, adding he last spoke to Albright two weeks ago.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/madeleine-albright-first-female-secretary-state-dies-84-rcna21247 |
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Enviado: 21/10/2024 10:30 |
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Biden conmemorará aniversario del Día D en Francia mientras alianzas occidentales enfrentan amenazas
El presidente estadounidense Joe Biden llega a Francia para el 80 aniversario del Día D, donde se unirá a otros líderes mundiales para conmemorar la invasión que ayudó a poner fin a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, conmemorará esta semana el 80 aniversario de la invasión del Día D en Francia, mientras intenta demostrar un firme apoyo a la seguridad europea en un momento en el que algunos aliados temen que Donald Trump amenace con poner en entredicho los compromisos estadounidenses si gana otro mandato en la Casa Blanca.
El viaje se produce mientras continúan los combates más letales en el continente desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Ucrania y los países aliados luchan por encontrar formas de cambiar el rumbo contra Rusia, que recientemente ha ganado terreno en el campo de batalla. También se produce en medio de las grietas cada vez más profundas entre Estados Unidos y muchos aliados europeos sobre cómo gestionar la actual guerra entre Israel y Hamás en Gaza.
Biden llegó a París el miércoles por la mañana y fue recibido por funcionarios franceses y una guardia de honor. El jueves, visitará un terreno sagrado cerca de las playas de Normandía, donde hileras de lápidas blancas marcan las tumbas de los soldados estadounidenses que murieron para poner fin a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Biden también hablará el viernes en Pointe du Hoc, un lugar de la costa francesa donde los Rangers del ejército escalaron acantilados costeros para superar las defensas nazis.
El asesor de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca, Jake Sullivan, dijo a bordo del Air Force One camino a Francia que Biden enfatizará cómo los hombres en esos acantilados "pusieron al país por delante de ellos mismos" y detallará "los peligros del aislacionismo y cómo, si apoyamos a los dictadores y no nos enfrentamos a ellos, seguirán adelante y, en última instancia, Estados Unidos y el mundo pagarán un precio mayor".
"Ochenta años después, vemos a los dictadores una vez más intentando desafiar el orden, intentando marchar en Europa", dijo Sullivan, "y que las naciones amantes de la libertad necesitan unirse para oponerse a eso, como lo hemos hecho nosotros".
También dijo que Biden se reunirá con el presidente ucraniano Volodymyr Zelenskyy en Francia para discutir "cómo podemos continuar y profundizar nuestro apoyo a Ucrania".
El sábado, Biden y su esposa Jill serán honrados por el presidente francés Emmanuel Macron con una visita de Estado que incluirá un desfile militar en París y un banquete en el Palacio del Elíseo, así como sesiones de negocios en las que los líderes discutirán el fortalecimiento de su alianza, comercio y cooperación en materia de seguridad para los próximos Juegos Olímpicos.
También se espera que los dos líderes discutan sobre Medio Oriente. Biden ha invertido capital geopolítico en negociar un alto el fuego en la guerra entre Israel y Hamás que permitiría la liberación de rehenes, aunque ha mantenido su firme apoyo a Israel y se ha resistido a los esfuerzos europeos de reconocer un estado palestino o investigar a Israel por su manejo de la guerra.
https://www.vozdeamerica.com/a/biden-conmemorara-80-aniversario-dia-d-francia-alianzas-occidentales-enfrentan-amenazas-/7643479.html |
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Oak Island mystery
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Excavation work on Oak Island during the 19th century
The Oak Island mystery is a series of stories and legends concerning buried treasure and unexplained objects found on or near Oak Island in Nova Scotia, Canada. As of 2025, the main treasure has not been found.[1]
Since the 18th century, attempts have been made to find treasure and artifacts. Hypotheses about artifacts present on the island range from pirate treasure to Shakespearean manuscripts to the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant, with the Grail and the Ark having been buried there by the Knights Templar. Various items have surfaced over the years that were found on the island, some of which have since been dated to be hundreds of years old.[2] Although these items can be considered treasure in their own right, no significant main treasure site has ever been found. The site consists of digs by numerous individuals and groups of people. The original shaft, the location of which is unknown today, was dug by early explorers, and is known as "the money pit".
A "curse" on the treasure is said to have originated more than a century ago and states that seven men will die in the search for the treasure before it is found.[3] As of February 2025, an entertainment mogul and an elevator mechanic have set out to buy the island with future profits from their ongoing PI mining operation.
 Location of Oak Island in Nova Scotia Map of Oak Island
Early accounts (1790s–1857)
Very little verified information is known about early treasure-related activities on Oak Island; thus, the following accounts are word of mouth stories reportedly going back to the late eighteenth century.[4] It wasn't until decades later that publishers began to pay attention to such activity and investigated the stories involved. The earliest known story of a treasure found by a settler named Daniel McGinnis appeared in print in 1857. It then took another five years before one of the alleged original diggers gave a statement regarding the original story along with subsequent Onslow and Truro Company activities.
The original story by early settlers (first recorded in print in 1863) involves a dying sailor from the crew of Captain Kidd (d. 1701), in which he states that treasure worth £2 million had been buried on the island.[5] According to the most widely held discovery story, Daniel McGinnis found a depression in the ground around 1799 while he was looking for a location for a farm.[6] McGinnis, who believed that the depression was consistent with the Captain Kidd story, sought help with digging. With the assistance of two men identified only as John Smith and Anthony Vaughn, he excavated the depression and discovered a layer of flagstones two feet (61 cm) below.[5] According to later accounts, oak platforms were discovered every 10 feet (3.0 m); however, the earliest accounts simply mention "marks" of some type at these intervals.[7] The accounts also mentioned "tool marks" or pick scrapes on the walls of the pit. The earth was noticeably loose, not as hard-packed as the surrounding soil.[7] The three men reportedly abandoned the excavation at 30 feet (9.1 m) due to "superstitious dread".[8] Another twist on the story has all four people involved as teenagers. In this rendering McGinnis first finds the depression in 1795 while on a fishing expedition. The rest of the story is consistent with the first involving the logs found, but ends with all four individuals giving up after digging as much as they could.[4][9][10]
In about 1802, a group known as the Onslow Company allegedly sailed from central Nova Scotia to Oak Island to recover what they believed to be hidden treasure.[a] They continued the excavation down to about 90 feet (27 m), with layers of logs (or "marks") found about every ten feet (3.0 m), and also discovered layers of charcoal, putty and coconut fibre along with a large stone inscribed with symbols.[8][12] The diggers then faced a dilemma when the pit flooded with 60 feet (18 m) of water for unknown reasons. The alleged excavation was eventually abandoned after workers attempted to recover the treasure from below by digging a tunnel from a second shaft that also flooded.[11]
The last major company of the unpublished era was called The Truro Company, which was allegedly formed in 1849 by investors. The pit was re-excavated back down to the 86-foot (26 m) level, but ended up flooding again. It was then decided to drill five bore holes using a pod-auger into the original shaft. The auger passed through a spruce platform at 98 feet (30 m), then hit layers of oak, something described as "metal in pieces", another spruce layer, and clay for 7 feet (2.1 m).[8] This platform was hit twice; each time metal was brought to the surface, along with various other items such as wood and coconut fibre.[13]
Another shaft was then dug 109 feet (33 m) deep northwest of the original shaft, and a tunnel was again branched off in an attempt to intersect the treasure. Once again though, seawater flooded this new shaft; workers then assumed that the water was connected to the sea because the now-flooded new pit rose and fell with each tide cycle. The Truro Company shifted its resources to excavating a nearby cove known as "Smith's Cove" where they found a flood tunnel system.[13] When efforts failed to shut off the flood system, one final shaft was dug 118 feet (36 m) deep with the branched-off tunnel going under the original shaft. Sometime during the excavation of this new shaft, the bottom of the original shaft collapsed. It was later speculated that the treasure had fallen through the new shaft into a deep void causing the new shaft to flood as well.[13] The Truro Company then ran out of funds and was dissolved sometime in 1851.[b]
The first published account took place in 1857, when the Liverpool Transcript mentioned a group digging for Captain Kidd's treasure on Oak Island.[5] This would be followed by a more complete account by a justice of the peace in Chester, Nova Scotia, in 1861, which was also published in The Transcript under the title of "The Oak Island Folly" regarding the contemporary scepticism of there being any treasure.[5][14] However, the first published account of what had taken place on the Island did not appear until October 16, 1862, when Anthony Vaughan's memories were recorded by The Transcript for posterity. Activities regarding the Onslow and Truro Companies were also included that mention the mysterious stone and the Truro owned auger hitting wooden platforms along with the "metal in pieces".[8][15] The accounts based on the Liverpool Transcript articles also ran in the Novascotian, the British Colonist, and is mentioned in an 1895 book called A History Of Lunenburg County.[16][17][18]
Investors and explorers
Franklin D. Roosevelt, stirred by family stories originating from his sailing and trading grandfather (and Oak Island financier) Warren Delano Jr., began following the mystery in late 1909 and early 1910. Roosevelt continued to follow it until his death in 1945.[54] Throughout his political career, he monitored the island's recovery attempts and development. Although the president secretly planned to visit Oak Island in 1939 while he was in Halifax, fog and the international situation prevented him from doing so.[55]
Australian-American actor Errol Flynn invested in an Oak Island treasure dig.[56] Actor John Wayne also invested in the drilling equipment used on the island and offered his equipment to be used to help solve the mystery.[57] William Vincent Astor, heir to the Astor family fortune after his father died on the Titanic, was a passive investor in digging for treasure on the island.[57]
Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr. was also a passive investor in Oak Island exploration and treasure hunting, and monitored their status.[4] Byrd advised Franklin D. Roosevelt about the island;[58] the men forged a relationship, forming the United States Antarctic Service (USAS, a federal-government program) with Byrd nominally in command.[59]
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