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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 26 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 30/01/2014 17:20

Lúxor - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Lúxor (الأقصر al-Uqsur) es una población egipcia edificada sobre las ruinas de la ciudad de Tebas, la que fue capital del Imperio Nuevo del Antiguo Egipto...

    Templo de Luxor - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    El templo de Luxor, situado en el corazón de la antigua Tebas, fue construido ... El edificio, uno de los mejores conservados del Nuevo Imperio egipcio, aún ...

    Lúxor - Lúxor es la antigua Tebas, capital de Egipto

    www.disfrutaegipto.com › Ciudades de Egipto
    Lúxor se encuentra a 700 kilómetros al sur del Cairo. La ciudad, con casi 500.000 habitantes, vive básicamente del turismo y de la agricultura.

    Templo de Karnak, Luxor, Egipto - YouTube

    10/7/2007 - Subido por TerraeAntiqvae
    El templo principal de la antigua Tebas. Karnak (al-Karnak,الكرنك, "ciudad fortificada", llamada en el antiguo Egipto ...

    Turismo en Luxor, Egipto: Opiniones, consejos e información ...

    www.tripadvisor.es › ÁfricaEgiptoValle del Nilo
    El hotel Luxor está en Las Vegas; la CIUDAD de Luxor está en Egipto... (Estamos seguros de que lo sabías ...

    Restaurantes de Luxor: Lee opiniones de restaurantes ... - TripAdvisor

    www.tripadvisor.es › ÁfricaEgiptoValle del NiloLuxor
    Cenar en Luxor, Valle del Nilo: Consulta en TripAdvisor 4.913 opiniones de 136 restaurantes en ... África · Egipto · Valle del Nilo · Luxor; Restaurantes de Luxor ...

    Luxor | Egipto Travel Guía

    egipto.travelguia.net › Lo mejor de...
    Luxor es una ciudad situada en el Alto Egipto, en la provincia de Qena. Antiguamente era la ciudad de Tebas, capital del Antiguo Egipto. Los primeros viajeros ...

    Tours en Luxor Egipto, excursiones y visitas en Luxor

    spain.memphistours.com › EgiptoExcursiones en Egipto
    Luxor es una ciudad maravillosa que tiene unos de los monumnetos faraónicos más famosos en Egipto. Disfruta de tours de un día a los Templos de Luxor...
  • Que ver en Luxor Ciudad - Que hacer en Luxor Ciudad - Minube.com

    www.minube.com › EgiptoLuxorLuxor
    Templo de Ramsés III en Luxor. Fue el primero de los grandes templos que visitamos en Egipto y, quizá por eso, o quizá por su buen estado de conservación, ...
  • Luxor | Autoridad Egipcia del Turismo

    Luxor, que fue capital del Antiguo Egipto, se conoce en la actualidad como "el mejor museo al aire libre" del mundo. Con la tumba de Tutankamón en el Valle ...

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      "Los apáticos", cuando los líderes tienen un plan: "no hacer nada"

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    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/06/2020 01:56

    Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/02/2021 13:27

    Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2021 02:09
    Luxor Las Vegas - Incredible Experiences Inside the Pyramid - YouTube
    Las Vegas Pyramid in Revit Tutorial - Dezign Ark
    Hoy asaltan el Área 51 (en teoría): cómo se originó esta invasión viral y  cuáles son los preparativos de última hora para frenarla
    Área 51: qué es el misterioso lugar que inspira teorías de la conspiración  (y por qué algunos creen que alberga extraterrestres) - BBC News Mundo

    Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/07/2022 20:39

    Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/01/2023 11:34

    Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/08/2023 18:15

    Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/01/2025 14:22
    The Great Pyramid and Jesus - Adept Initiates
    Historical Axis at Concorde © French Moments

    Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/01/2025 20:07
    Then next shock didn't make me spill my coffee because I was prepared for this one. Maybe you are too. How closely have you been following?

    If you've gone and watched Part 7 of 9 to see for yourself the scene with the calendar, you may have noticed a very curious reference. Ravic is standing at the bar and he orders a pack of cigarettes, Chesterfields, from memory, but I may have that wrong. He orders them by brand is the point. A busboy then appears at the bar and makes a loud pointed order for another pack of cigarettes, for one of the customers. This time, the brand is:

    Osiris cigarettes, with gold-tips.

    I had to listen a few times to make sure I was hearing it right. Then I had to watch the previous reel to work out that it was Haake, the Nazi, who ordered the cigarettes from the busboy. He specified them: Osiris cigarettes, with gold tips.

    Was there ever any such brand as Osiris cigarettes?

    No. There never were any Osiris brand cigarettes, let alone gold-tipped ones. Google it and there's nothing.

    Well, that's interesting isn't it. Osiris. Gold tipped. Osiris. Gold tipped.


    The Luxor Obelisk (French: Obélisque de Louxor) is a 23 metres (75 ft) high Egyptian obelisk standing at the center of the Place de la Concorde in Paris,France. It was originally located at the entrance to Luxor Temple, in Egypt.
    Missing its original pyramidion (believed stolen in the 6th century BC), the government of France added a gold-leafed pyramid cap to the top of the obelisk in 1998.
    What, symbolically, does the obelisk represent? It's simple really:

    "Wherever you see an obelisk, you are looking at a representation of the Egyptian god Osiris's lost penis.|
    So, it's a pretty obvious symbolic equation:

    Osiris gold-tipped cigarettes = Obelisk of Luxor in Place de la Concorde.

    When I sat down to read the book, this was one of the things I was eager to trace. Is the Osiris reference in the book as well?

    It certainly is. But it's not a cigarette. It's the name of the brothel where various scenes in the book take place.

    What has happened is that in the movie, all explicit references to the brothel subplot have been shifted to just below the surface. It must have been deemed too “delicate” for the sensitivities of the time, or something. So, the 1948 movie slightly re-arranges some of the plot points, to not make the brothel business quite so obvious. In doing so, the movie loses the reference to the Osiris brothel as it appears in the book.

    So look what they have done! Rather than lose the reference, they have transmuted it into the “Osiris brand, gold -tipped cigarettes”. It is obvious now that it was critical that this key word, or trigger word, or plot word, be present in the movie. It is also obvious that they transferred the same symbolism. The Osiris brothel has become the Osiris cigarette/obelisk/penis, in other words nothing has really changed.

    By the 1985 movie version, times have changed, and the brothel and all of it's plot relevance has been restored to the story. There is even a nice big neon sign over the entrance to the brothel: Osiris.

    So this Osiris reference is a key trigger word which is embedded throughout the entire saga: book 1945 , movie 1948 and movie 1985.

    From the Luxor Obeliskin the Place de la Concorde, the Champs Elysees stretches away up the slightly rising hill hill towards the Arc de Triomphe.

    Next quote:

    One of the recurring characters is a doctor, named Charles. Again, this name is changed in the 1948 movie. So that is two references to Charles in the book so far, both changed to other names in the film.

    And next, another extraordinary scene. It begins with an exact time: 4am.

    This is, of course, the time that Diana's death was pronounced. Four o'clock in the morning.

    That really is an incredible thing. The direct association of the character Joan, with 4 oc'clock in the morning, death, and a sea of flowers. In Europe, the chrysanthemum is the flower of mourning.

    It's as if all the elements are in place, and all that remains is for Joan to be explicitly identified as Diana.

    We are getting closer.

    And then it comes. Ravic and Joan are up late talking. And this exchange takes place:

    Ravic actually calls Joan: Diana.

    Then they decide to go for a holiday to Cannes, or Antibes....

    Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2025 14:18
    The obelisks and domes at the Vatican and Washington DC are aligned to exactly 88.88 degrees. There’s another city that has a famous dome, can you guess which one it is…?
    The Vatican and Washington obelisks and domes…

The obelisks and domes at the Vatican and Washington DC are aligned to exactly 88.88 degrees. There’s another city that has a famous dome, can you guess which one it is…?
    The Vatican and Washington obelisks and domes…

The obelisks and domes at the Vatican and Washington DC are aligned to exactly 88.88 degrees. There’s another city that has a famous dome, can you guess which one it is…?
    That’s St Paul’s Cathedral, which stands at the heart of the City of London, England:
    That’s St Paul’s Cathedral, which stands at the heart of the City of London, England:
    That’s St Paul’s Cathedral, which stands at the heart of the City of London, England:
    So, now that you’ve been introduced to Washington D.C., Vatican City, and the City of London, can you guess what else they all have in common? Here’s a clue: The answer is that they are all independent city-states…
    So, now that you’ve been introduced to Washington D.C., Vatican City, and the City of London, can you guess what else they all have in common?
Here’s a clue: The answer is that they are all independent city-states…
    •Vatican City – officially not part of Italy •City of London – officially not part of England •Washington D.C. – officially not part of USA Together, they form a trinity of global control in finance, military, and religion.
    •Vatican City – officially not part of Italy
•City of London – officially not part of England
•Washington D.C. – officially not part of USA
Together, they form a trinity of global control in finance, military, and religion.
    Just like Washington DC and Vatican City, London has its very own obelisk too. Cleopatra’s Needle stands on the embankment on the Thames river:
    Just like Washington DC and Vatican City, London has its very own obelisk too.
Cleopatra’s Needle stands on the embankment on the Thames river:
    The obelisk is inscribed with hieroglyphs, and comes with its very own sphinx’s too:
    The obelisk is inscribed with hieroglyphs, and comes with its very own sphinx’s too:
    The obelisk is inscribed with hieroglyphs, and comes with its very own sphinx’s too:
    This exact obelisk was first erected in Heliopolis, Egypt, before being moved to London on 22/2 1881, as per the plaque on its base:
    This exact obelisk was first erected in Heliopolis, Egypt, before being moved to London on 22/2 1881, as per the plaque on its base:
    Imagine the effort required to move a 69ft (21m) statue weighing 224 tons, especially in 1881… there must have been a very important reason for it!
    Imagine the effort required to move a 69ft (21m) statue weighing 224 tons, especially in 1881… there must have been a very important reason for it!
    Though they form power centers encompassing finance, military, and religion, London, Washington DC, & the Vatican aren’t the only places showcasing Osiris’s manhood out in the open…A 75ft (23m) obelisk that originally stood in Luxor, Egypt now stands at the center of
    of Place de la Concorde in Paris:
    of Place de la Concorde in Paris:
    of Place de la Concorde in Paris:
    of Place de la Concorde in Paris:
    It must be pretty important if it gets to stand at the very center of such an important square aligned to the Arc de Triomphe…Note the golden capstone by the way…
    It must be pretty important if it gets to stand at the very center of such an important square aligned to the Arc de Triomphe…Note the golden capstone by the way…
    For anyone that is wondering, the exact alignment between this obelisk and the Arc de Triomphe is 116.00 degrees.
    For anyone that is wondering, the exact alignment between this obelisk and the Arc de Triomphe is 116.00 degrees.
    Not to be outdone by the Brits, Americans, and French, ze Germans got an obelisk too… Schoppenhauserstrasse, Berlin:
    Not to be outdone by the Brits, Americans, and French, ze Germans got an obelisk too…
Schoppenhauserstrasse, Berlin:
    Not to be outdone by the Brits, Americans, and French, ze Germans got an obelisk too…
Schoppenhauserstrasse, Berlin:
    The Italians clearly love a good obelisk too it seems… Piazza Navona, Rome:
    The Italians clearly love a good obelisk too it seems…
Piazza Navona, Rome:
    and so does everybody else around the world…São Paulo, Brazil~ Buenos Aires, Argentina Hyde Park, Sydney Lisbon, Portugal Kofu, Japan, Istanbul, Turkey Stockholm, Sweden Dublin, Ireland Madrid, Spain
    and so does everybody else around the world…São Paulo, Brazil~      Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hyde Park, Sydney Lisbon, Portugal Kofu, Japan, Istanbul, Turkey
Stockholm, Sweden
Dublin, Ireland
Madrid, Spain
    and so does everybody else around the world…São Paulo, Brazil~      Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hyde Park, Sydney Lisbon, Portugal Kofu, Japan, Istanbul, Turkey
Stockholm, Sweden
Dublin, Ireland
Madrid, Spain
    and so does everybody else around the world…São Paulo, Brazil~      Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hyde Park, Sydney Lisbon, Portugal Kofu, Japan, Istanbul, Turkey
Stockholm, Sweden
Dublin, Ireland
Madrid, Spain
    So what’s the story behind all these obelisks then? Here’s the  the story about Osiris and his phallus…(remember the golden capstone in Paris…)
    So what’s the story behind all these obelisks then? Here’s the  the story about Osiris and his phallus…(remember the golden capstone in Paris…)
    So what’s the story behind all these obelisks then? Here’s the  the story about Osiris and his phallus…(remember the golden capstone in Paris…)
    Clearly, with a story like that it makes perfect sense that every major city wants to have its own version of Osiris’ manhood erected in city squares and plazas… Or not…
    Whatever the myth says about Osiris, we can clearly conclude that ancient Egyptian influence and Osiris worship goes far and wide, even in our modern day and age. Now, lets look at another perhaps more modern obelisk…
    Whatever the myth says about Osiris, we can clearly conclude that ancient Egyptian influence and Osiris worship goes far and wide, even in our modern day and age. Now, lets look at another perhaps more modern obelisk…
    Might be worth taking a closer look at the new WTC…TBC…
    One World Freedom Tower, New York The tower was officially opened on November 3rd, 2014. That date is 11/3 in the US; ???? keep that date/number in mind. Looking at the towers architectural shape, we see its design is that of a square anti-prism:
    One World Freedom Tower, New York
The tower was officially opened on November 3rd, 2014. That date is 11/3 in the US; ???? keep that date/number in mind.
Looking at the towers architectural shape, we see its design is that of a square anti-prism:
    When viewed from street level the tower resembles a pyramid with a capstone:
    When viewed from street level the tower resembles a pyramid with a capstone:
    You may have seen this pyramid elsewhere, such as on the back of a one dollar bill: One dollar bill…  One World Trade Center… both used for trade. Notice the eye at the top of the dollar pyramid?
    You may have seen this pyramid elsewhere, such as on the back of a one dollar bill: One dollar bill…  One World Trade Center… both used for trade.
Notice the eye at the top of the dollar pyramid?
    You may have seen this pyramid elsewhere, such as on the back of a one dollar bill: One dollar bill…  One World Trade Center… both used for trade.
Notice the eye at the top of the dollar pyramid?
    Could that be Horus/Baal/master again?…
    Could that be Horus/Baal/master again?…
    Could that be Horus/Baal/master again?…
    You may also have noticed a rather large pyramid in London, also furnished with its very own capstone…
    You may also have noticed a rather large pyramid in London, also furnished with its very own capstone…
    The Shard is often (jokingly) referred to as Sauron’s all-seeing eye due to its uncanny resemblance to the tower in The Lord of the Rings. Note that the top part of the tower pyramid is frequently lit up at night… like a pyramid with a capstone:
    The Shard is often (jokingly) referred to as Sauron’s all-seeing eye due to its uncanny resemblance to the tower in The Lord of the Rings.
Note that the top part of the tower pyramid is frequently lit up at night… like a pyramid with a capstone:
    Speaking of Sauron, here’s some quick comic relief for those who need it:  ???? youtu.be
    As you can see below those two aren’t the only modern pyramid structures around, but I’ll let you research those further on your own for atlasobscura.com
    As you can see below those two aren’t the only modern pyramid structures around, but I’ll let you research those further on your own for
    Now, moving on from obelisks and pyramids… As we’ve had a very brief look at the backside of the one dollar bill, lets do the same on the front shall we!
    Now, moving on from obelisks and pyramids…
As we’ve had a very brief look at the backside of the one dollar bill, lets do the same on the front shall we!
    George Washington must have been a pretty important chap if he’s on the front of the dollar bill… “Freemason… and First President”… nice to see that he got his priorities straight on the statue below! Remember that golden statue at the New York Grand Lodge too.
    George Washington must have been a pretty important chap if he’s on the front of the dollar bill…
“Freemason… and First President”… nice to see that he got his priorities straight on the statue below!
Remember that golden statue at the New York Grand Lodge too.
    George Washington must have been a pretty important chap if he’s on the front of the dollar bill…
“Freemason… and First President”… nice to see that he got his priorities straight on the statue below!
Remember that golden statue at the New York Grand Lodge too.
    George Washington must have been a pretty important chap if he’s on the front of the dollar bill…
“Freemason… and First President”… nice to see that he got his priorities straight on the statue below!
Remember that golden statue at the New York Grand Lodge too.
    I s

    Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2025 14:50
    howed you the 88.88 alignment between the Washington monument (Osiris’s phallus) and the Capitol building (Isis’ womb), which matched the 88.88 alignment at the Vatican. Care to guess which year the Washington Monument was opened?…
    I showed you the 88.88 alignment between the Washington monument (Osiris’s phallus) and the Capitol building (Isis’ womb), which matched the 88.88 alignment at the Vatican.
Care to guess which year the Washington Monument was opened?…
    The Washington Monument was opened on October  9th, 1888… there are those 8’s again! Incidentally that was exactly one month after Easter Island was annexed (Sept. 9th, 1888).
    Also note that the area of the grass surrounding the Washington Memorial is 106.01 acres. Remember the 1,016ft tall Shard and the 116.00 degree alignment in Paris? These are the same digits.
    Also note that the area of the grass surrounding the Washington Memorial is 106.01 acres. Remember the 1,016ft tall Shard and the 116.00 degree alignment in Paris? These are the same digits.
    Here’s another coincidence: The river flowing through Vatican City is the Tiber River: Did you know that Washington DC had a creek by the same name until the 1800’s?
    Here’s another coincidence:
The river flowing through Vatican City is the Tiber River: Did you know that Washington DC had a creek by the same name until the 1800’s?
    Here’s another coincidence:
The river flowing through Vatican City is the Tiber River: Did you know that Washington DC had a creek by the same name until the 1800’s?
    Tiber Creek was used as a channel while the city plan was being built. Given that the creek shares the same name as the river at the Vatican, and that the Vatican also lines up to 88.88, it is obvious that the designers of Washington D.C. had a connection to the Vatican.
    Tiber Creek was used as a channel while the city plan was being built. Given that the creek shares the same name as the river at the Vatican, and that the Vatican also lines up to 88.88, it is obvious that the designers of Washington D.C. had a connection to the Vatican.
    Tiber Creek was used as a channel while the city plan was being built. Given that the creek shares the same name as the river at the Vatican, and that the Vatican also lines up to 88.88, it is obvious that the designers of Washington D.C. had a connection to the Vatican.
    Drum ???? roll plz…They designed an upside down pentagram, the base of which is at the White House:
    Drum ???? roll plz…They designed an upside down pentagram, the base of which is at the White House:
    Drum ???? roll plz…They designed an upside down pentagram, the base of which is at the White House:
    The White House itself is at the center of a Templars Cross:
    The White House itself is at the center of a Templars Cross:
    The White House itself is at the center of a Templars Cross:
    The Templar’s Cross is clearly a key symbol at the Vatican judging by what the Pope is wearing…
    The Templar’s Cross is clearly a key symbol at the Vatican judging by what the Pope is wearing…
    The Templar’s Cross is clearly a key symbol at the Vatican judging by what the Pope is wearing…
    The city plan also includes a 6-pointed star (no, this is not the star of David!), with its base at the US Capitol. I will cover this 6-pointed star in great depth in a later post because it is hugely significant.
    The city plan also includes a 6-pointed star (no, this is not the star of David!), with its base at the US Capitol. I will cover this 6-pointed star in great depth in a later post because it is hugely significant.
    The city plan also includes a 6-pointed star (no, this is not the star of David!), with its base at the US Capitol. I will cover this 6-pointed star in great depth in a later post because it is hugely significant.
    Do you remember the masonic emblem? Notice the square and compass in the middle:
    Do you remember the masonic emblem?
Notice the square and compass in the middle:
    The square and compass are also included in Washington DC’s street map:
    The square and compass are also included in Washington DC’s street map:
    The square and compass are also included in Washington DC’s street map:
    The House of the Temple, the headquarters of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (i.e. Home of The Supreme Council of the 33°*)?
    the One World Freedom Tower opened on 11/3 (i.e. November 3rd)… 11×3=33… Which as  you can see by the fact that the Freemasons have 33 degrees is a pretty significant number. You’re going be seeing plenty more of 33 (and 13 for that matter) in the future…
    the One World Freedom Tower opened on 11/3 (i.e. November 3rd)… 11×3=33… Which as  you can see by the fact that the Freemasons have 33 degrees is a pretty significant number. You’re going be seeing plenty more of 33 (and 13 for that matter) in the future…
    As I can’t help myself, here‘s a quick example for you – pay attention to the date! en.wikipedia.org
    As I can’t help myself, here‘s a quick example for you – pay attention to the date!
    The House of the Temple is located exactly 1 mile directly north of the White House:
    The House of the Temple is located exactly 1 mile directly north of the White House:
    The Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial also share a special alignment…
    The Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial also share a special alignment…
    The Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial also share a special alignment…
    … They line up to the Winter Solstice:
    … They line up to the Winter Solstice:
    And lest we forget there’s also the Pentagon, the military arm of the control trinity:
    And lest we forget there’s also the Pentagon, the military arm of the control trinity:
    Here we see it all come together nicely: Note that the US Capitol, White House, Jefferson Memorial, and Lincoln Memorial form an upside down cross.
    Here we see it all come together nicely: Note that the US Capitol, White House, Jefferson Memorial, and Lincoln Memorial form an upside down cross.
    Want to know where else we can find an upside down cross? Yes, that is the Pope, sitting on a throne with an upside down cross.
    Want to know where else we can find an upside down cross? Yes, that is the Pope, sitting on a throne with an upside down cross.
    Want to know where else we can find an upside down cross? Yes, that is the Pope, sitting on a throne with an upside down cross.
    And here he is on his (very picturesque) Papal Throne… just lovely isn’t it? Pope Benedict XVI (C) waves to the faithful, flanked by Archbishop James Michael Harvey (L) and his personal secretary Georg Genswein (R), during his weekly Wednesday general audience at Paul VI Hall at
    And here he is on his (very picturesque) Papal Throne… just lovely isn’t it? Pope Benedict XVI (C) waves to the faithful, flanked by Archbishop James Michael Harvey (L) and his personal secretary Georg Genswein (R), during his weekly Wednesday general audience at Paul VI Hall at
    the Vatican August 24, 2005. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi.
    As if things couldn’t get any weirder, let me introduce you to…   The Owl You may have noticed that there was something funny about the layout around the US Capitol building…
    As if things couldn’t get any weirder, let me introduce you to…
The Owl
You may have noticed that there was something funny about the layout around the US Capitol building…
    As if things couldn’t get any weirder, let me introduce you to…
The Owl
You may have noticed that there was something funny about the layout around the US Capitol building…
    As if things couldn’t get any weirder, let me introduce you to…
The Owl
You may have noticed that there was something funny about the layout around the US Capitol building…
    The owl is also hiding on the dollar bill…
    The owl is also hiding on the dollar bill…
    Owls continued ~

    Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2025 21:17
    Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel on the historical axis of Paris © French MomentsArc de Triomphe du Carrousel on the historical axis of Paris © French Moments

    After the destruction of the Tuileries Palace, the Arc du Carrousel has become the oldest monument aligned with the Historical Axis (besides the ancient obelisk on place de la Concorde).

    This is a triumphal arch built by Napoleon from 1807 to 1808 to celebrate the victory of the French imperial army in Austerlitz.

    Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel on the historical axis of Paris © French MomentsArc de Triomphe du Carrousel © French Moments

    However, originally the view of the Great Perspective from Arc du Carrousel was blocked westwards by the Tuileries Palace.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2025 21:56
    Place de la Concorde Paris Historical Axis by French Moments

    Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/01/2025 15:52

    Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/01/2025 16:12
    No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.
    'Sirius and Orion sailing across the sky at Dendera.'
    Sirius and Orion are sailing across the firmament in boats on the astronomical ceiling in the outer hypostyle hall of the Hathor Temple at Dendera. The ceiling consists of seven separate strips but here we are looking at a detail of the upper register of the EASTERNMOST STRIP.
    The star Sirius, or Sothis as it was known by the Egyptians, is depicted here as a reclining cow on a boat but the star was also identified with the goddess Isis. The rise of Sirius on the eastern horizon, after a few weeks of invisibility, signaled the beginning of the summer Nile flood for the Egyptians and the beginning of the New Year.
    The second boat carries a god who personifies the constellation Orion, or Sahu as he was called by the Egyptians. The text above the god describes him as 'Sahu, the soul (ba) of Osiris' and thus it can be understood that Osiris is looking back at his wife Isis (in the shape of a cow) to see if she is following him across the sky. Orion/Osiris as a god looking back first appears in Egyptian iconography in stars clocks on coffin

    Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 26 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/01/2025 16:31

    African Astronomy: Kemetic knowledge of the stars

    cornerston (45) en #africa • hace 7 años

    I have discussed the advanced astronomical knowledge of the Dogon people of Mali. The Dogon believe that they came from Ancient Egypt, Kemet. In this piece, we are going to touch lightly on some of their knowledge of the constellations. I confess that I am not doing my ancestors any justice by such a very scanty piece.

    The Ancient Egyptians (Kemites) 3,000 years ago were the first to record the variability of a distant star – and their records could provide useful information for astronomers today.

    This star, the brightest star known to us as Sirius, the dog-star, has great meaning to our ancestors of Kemet (modern-day Egypt), and their descendants the Dogon tribe of Mali. The Kemites could predict the flooding of the Nile by observing the movement of Sirius, and such studies led them to develop the calendar which we use today.


    The Kemites knew at least 43 constellations in the 13th century B.C. In 1100 B.C. Amenhope wrote the "Catalog of the Universe" in which he identified the major known constellations.

    Aristotle astro1.png

    The Kemites believed in a spherical earth revolving on its own axis while inferior planets like Mercury and Venus revolve around the Sun. They also knew about five planets, the retrograde motion of Mars was known, the revolution of Mercury and Venus around the Sun was known. This is what Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius termed the “Egyptian system,” and went on to say that "it did not escape the skill of the Egyptians."

    Flat earth theory.jpg

    Ancient Egyptians were very interested in the night sky. They were drawn to two bright stars in the North Pole: "the indestructibles" or what we called today as Kochab, in the bowl of the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor), and Mizar, in the middle of the handle of the Big Dipper (Ursa Major).

    Kochab and Mizar.jpg

    One great evidence of their mastery of the constellations and how their belief in the afterlife can be best illustrated in the sophisticated, decorative illustrations on the roof of the tombs of Rameses VI and Rameses IX in the valley of the Kings in present-day Luxor.

    Astro ceiling in tomb of Ramases IV-Part1.jpg

    Astro inscription in ceiling on tomb of Ramases IV in Luxor.jpg

    Ramses IV astro ceiling.jpg

    Ramases IV tomb-walls and ceiling astro.jpg

    Kemetic astronomy, astrology and religious rites were intermingled. The periods and durations of religious rituals were systematically determined by studying and recording the movements of heavenly bodies, the sun, moon, constellations and stars. These can be evidenced from records found in temples. They built their pyramids and other major structures in alignment with constellations. This we will explore in the next piece.



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