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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/01/2025 06:07

The Da Vinci Code


In my first post we looked at how the Madeleine McCann story appears to be an allusion to contemporary literature / popular culture.

The cultural phenomenon ‘The Da Vinci Code’ being the main source material.

If you haven’t already, then I do recommend reading that post first. It’s more of an overall summary, whereas this post is just going to follow the 2006 movie.

A Cultural Phenomenon

To anyone thinking ‘The Da Vinci Code’ was not a cultural phenomenon… here is a brief reminder:

The 2003 book is still the best selling single book of the 21st century.

The resulting movie was the second highest grossing movie of 2006 – this is when it entered mainstream popular culture.

What was also different about this book / movie, was that many of its ideas permeated other aspects of culture, like academia – historians, theologians, scientists, etc – this resulted in various debates, television shows, books, and countless articles.

There is even a wikipedia page that archives these criticisms –


The book itself was like a 21st century bible (almost every home owned a copy) and by May 2007, all of it’s ideas had become public knowledge.

For the purpose of this post, I thought it would be better to look at / go through the 2006 movie – mainly for the visual aids.

Hope you find this an interesting read.

‘The Da Vinci Code’ p.1

Story begins with a Murder!

The movie opens inside the Louvre, and the curator of the museum, Jacques Saunière, is being pursued by the murderous monk, Silas – who we later find out, is a member of the Catholic sect Opus Dei.

Silas corners Saunière, and asks “Where is the keystone?”

Jacques provides Silas with a location, but Silas shoots him anyway.

Silas then leaves the crime scene, leaving Jacques for dead.

We then cut to an auditorium, where Robert Langdon is going to speak about his new book:

Robert is a ‘Professor of Religious Symbology’ – which isn’t a title in real life. It’s a title that has been invented for plot convenience.

Robert tells his audience “this will be a journey of symbolic discovery”

The story then jumps forward to after the lecture, where Robert is now ‘off-stage’ and signing books for his fans:

‘Symbols of the Sacred Feminine’

Hmm, I wonder who the sacred feminine is going to be?

(Spoiler: It’s Mary Magdalene)

Whilst signing his book, Robert is approached by the DCPJ. They are known as the ‘police judiciaire’ or they are informally referred to as ‘The PJ’

The PJ in this story are a fictionalised representation of a real police organisation – sound familiar?

They are like the French FBI:

The PJ have approached Robert because they need his interpretation / translating skills.

Part 1: Comparisons


Many people believe that Madeleine McCann died. They believe that a death was the beginning point. Some people believe she was murdered, although most believe unintentional death, but either way, this is how their narrative begins.

Opus Dei

In the now infamous, and widely circulated ‘balloon photographs’ Kate McCann is holding up the prayer card of Josemaría Escrivá – the founder of the real Opus Dei.

That is not a coincidence. It is a staged allusion – a catholic antagonist symbolising the catholic antagonist.

Within the first few minutes ‘The Da Vinci Code’ tells us that this story is going to be about interpreting religious symbolism.

As we have seen here – when we apply this same approach / methodology to the Madeleine McCann story, the evidence starts making sense.

The five chapters in that linked post are called: The Messianic Theme, Fatima, The Roman Catholic Church, The Da Vinci Code, and The Story of David.

I wrote that about three years ago, and wrote what I saw – which was an array of religious symbolism.

Robert is signing his book ‘Sacred Feminine.’ This tells the audience that the religious symbolism being interpreted will be focused on a female.

“Madeleine is a modern rendering of Magdalene”

Stating the obvious now, but the Madeleine story is also about a female, with the same name, and the same initials.

And how many times did we heard or read the words ‘Pray for Madeleine’?

Honestly, I could write an endless post solely based on references to the McCann’s Catholic faith / affiliations.


Early in ‘The Madeleine McCann Story’ Robert uses his interpretation skills to help the PJ – reportedly acting as a translator between the English and the Portuguese.

‘The Da Vinci Code’ p.2

The officer drives Robert to the Louvre and asks him to wait for Police Captain Fache to arrive.

The French word ‘Fache’ means ‘Angry’

Eventually Captain Angry emerges, and Robert enters the building to meet with him.

As Robert walks inside the building, he stops to admire ‘La Pyramide Inversée’

Spoiler: In Dan Brown’s story, this structure ‘La Pyramide Inversée’ is interpreted as being the symbol of Mary Magdalene / the Holy Grail / The Chalice and the Blade.

This idea reportedly inspired by Riane Eisler’s book ‘Chalice and the Blade’ 1987.

NOTE: On their way to the crime scene, they need to take the elevator. Robert becomes uneasy; he appears to suffer from claustrophobia.

The Crime Scene

After being shot, the victim (Jacques Saunière) somehow managed to get himself undressed, and then, using his own blood, leave a series of cryptic messages.

This is how he was found:

Robert figures out that this is an allusion to Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Vitruvian Man’

It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, even if you didn’t know the image was called ‘Vitruvian Man’

Saunière also has a pentacle drawn on his chest in blood.

Captain Angry thinks the pentacle means devil worship, but Robert ‘Professor of Religious Symbology’ corrects him.

Robert tells him that the pentacle is actually a pagan religious symbol that represents the sacred feminine.

(The pentacle can mean different things, but the story is basically correct on this.)

Enter our heroine, Sophie Neveu:

Madeleine’s “sister” is called Amelie

Sophie works in the PJ’s cryptology department – a job title almost as unlikely as Robert’s ‘Professor of Symbology’

I’d have thought cryptology would fall under a wider discipline. I’m not sure you’d have a ‘cryptology department’ though I may be wrong on that.

Sophie has deduced that the numbers written in blood are a Fibonacci number sequence:

During these interactions, Sophie surreptitiously informs Robert that the PJ have made him a suspect, and that Captain Angry is convinced Robert is the guilty party.

Part 2: Comparisons

La Pyramide Inversee

In this film ‘La Pyramide Inversée’ represents Mary Magdalene. She is the chalice / the Holy Grail and is often represented by the symbol V

“Madeleine is a modern rendering of the name Magdalene”

It’s just interesting how this is foreshadowed so early in the film – ‘La Pyramide Inversée’ is literally the first symbol / clue that Robert encounters.

He stops to look at this structure, but at this point in the story, he has no idea of its future significance.

Vitruvian Man

This is just Jacques Suanaire’s way of telling Robert and Sophie (and us) that Leonardo Da Vinci is an important clue.

As a side note, the title of Leonardo’s work was inspired by Vitruvius.

“Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (c. 80–70 BC – after c. 15 BC), commonly known as Vitruvius, was a Roman author, architect, civil and military engineer a during the 1st century BC, known for his multi-volume work entitled ‘De architecture’” source

‘De architectura’ was “rediscovered” during the Renaissance, circa 1414.

Number Puzzle

The Fibonacci number puzzle is interesting as we’ve come across three different ‘number puzzles’ in the Madeleine story:

1 – Leonardo Da Vinci’s year of birth and death, as they relate to ‘Madeleine’

2 – Fatima’s witness statement

3 – The date and license number of the rental vehicle.

While we’re here, let’s remind ourselves of the first one:

Leonardo Da Vinci: Born 1452 & Died 1519.

Madeleine McCann: date of birth is given as 12th May 2003, she reportedly disappeared 3rd May 2007 – 1452 days later.

The DNA results are represented as 15/19 markers – this was enough to convince many people that Madeleine is dead.


“Madeleine’s lifespan” is an allusion to Da Vinci’s birth year.

“Madeleine’s death” is an allusion to Da Vinci’s death year.

First Suspect

In ‘The Da Vinci Code’ the PJ are convinced Robert is their man. He is their first official suspect.

In the Madeleine story the PJ also make Robert their first suspect. They are convinced he is their man and they use all manner of methods to investigate him.

*Robert Murat might seem like a side character now, but when the Madeleine story first broke, he was big news.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2025 06:30

‘The Da Vinci Code’ p.3

Sophie reveals to Robert, that Jacques Saunière (the murdered curator) was her estranged grandfather, and when she was young he used to call her ‘Princess Sophie’

Robert and Sophie trick the police (who all leave) giving them the opportunity to re-examine the crime scene.

The Fibonacci numbers are written out of sequence, which is a clue to the words also being out of sequence – an anagram:

Robert figures it out:

‘O, Draconian Devil’ is an anagram of ‘Leonardo Da Vinci’

‘Oh Lame Saint’ is an anagram of ‘The Mona Lisa’

Luckily, the Mona Lisa is hanging just down the hallway, so they follow a trail of blood and find another message… also written in blood:

“So dark the con of man” is an anagram of ‘Madonna of the Rocks’ – another Da Vinci painting.

They walk over to that painting and find an ornate key with the emblem of ‘Fleur-de-lis’

Can I just say ‘The Da Vinci Code’ has one the most ludicrous plots ever written down, and then put onto film… but we’re not here to review the storytelling, no matter how tempting that might be.

Part 3: Comparisons


We find out that Sophie’s grandfather would call her ‘Princess Sophie’ when she was a child.

Do the McCanns call Madeleine a princess?

Of course they do:

Gerry McCann: ‘our princess prayer for Madeleine’ source – that’s the title of the article, published 4th November 2007.

The first paragraph:

“THE father of Madeleine McCann spoke of his distress yesterday, six months after her disappearance, and said he hoped “she is being treated like a princess“.

You would think, to promote the allusion, this news article would be more well known…

…as it turns out, this article follows its opening paragraph with a well known and often cited quote:

The second paragraph:

“Gerry McCann wrote in his internet diary: “It is so painful for us simply being separated, but all the more distressing when we have to speculate about the situation Madeleine finds herself [in].

If you have followed the Madeleine story, then you have definitely heard that line before – critics are either outraged or perplexed by it. In this article it’s being used as a distraction / device to highlight the ‘princess’ allusion.

Examples from Kate’s book:

“Boarding the aircraft, Madeleine, her princess trolley-bag gripped tightly…” p.44

“And then we kissed Madeleine, already snuggled down with her princess blanket, and cuddle cat..” p.69

“On Madeleine’s bed, the top right-hand corner of the covers were still turned over forming a triangle. Cuddle Cat and her pink princess blanket were lying where they’d been when we kissed her goodnight” p.72

“I fetched the pink princess blanket she took to bed with her every night…” p.84

The Grandfather

It was Sophie’s grandfather who called her Princess Sophie. She thought it was childhood nickname and had no idea she was the blood of the ‘sacred feminine’ – the Magdalene.

Does Madeleine’s grandfather call her a princess?

“She got a pink Barbie doll because that is her favourite colour. She really is a little princess.” – Brian Healy, People, 25/11/07

Pink’s her favourite colour is it? How generic.

Also, in that same article, I couldn’t help noticing that Brian repeats one of Kate’s unbelievable stories about Madeleine:

“Maddie loves Harry Potter and Dr Who so we will buy her something that we know she will love.”

No… and it doesn’t matter how many times you guys repeat this story… three year old children do not love Harry Potter and Dr Who !!! They are advised for ages 12+

If she was aged seven then maybe, just maybe, you’d have an argument, but not a 3 year old… especially not one who loves princesses, the colour pink, and sings ‘clap your hands’ !!!

Princess Diana

I’ve previous written about this (here and here) but the Madeleine story has been frequently linked and compared to the Princess Diana story.

Here are some more examples:

“Very few stories have commanded such intense public interest since the death of Princess Diana, and editors found that the image of Madeleine, or her name in a headline, was almost a daily necessity.” source

“I was Diana’s psychic for four-and-a-half years… I’ve been approached about Madeleine McCann on a regular basis… the parents have the most wonderful faith in God… an amazing couple… they’ve been through hell and back.” source

And how many times have we seen this pic?

Snow White princess dress

As we can see, the child ‘Madeleine’ is surrounded by princess allusions.

The Mona Lisa

Does the Madeleine McCann story allude to the Mona Lisa?

These allusions are usually hidden in plain sight, so it will be something people already discuss.

The Allusion:

I cannot take credit for spotting this, even though it was right in front of me:

“Same head tilt to the left, same kind of smile…”

I don’t know if I would’ve noticed that myself, but once it was pointed out to me, I couldn’t see anything else.

Kate’s passport photograph is an allusion to the Mona Lisa.

The Distraction:

Kate and Gerry’s ‘irregular’ passport photographs have been hugely controversial over the years, with many blogs / forums discussing and debating their appearance.

And Kate’s photograph is nothing compared to Gerry’s big smiling face:

It’s a clever distraction to have BOTH passport photographs being irregular, as it keeps people coming back to them.

‘Madonna of the Rocks’

The Virgin Mary with the two children, Jesus and John the Baptist, and the figure on the right is the angel Uriel:

“Da Vinci’s painting is based on a popular apocryphal tradition that imagined Jesus and John meeting by chance as infants while fleeing the ‘Massacre of the Innocents’”

‘Massacre of the Innocents’ is a story rejected by historians due to lack of evidence. It also appears to be a literary invention; an allusion to the story of Moses.

Jewish Torah / Old Testament:

“And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive.” Exodus 1:22

Christian Bible / New Testament:

“Herod was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under” Matthew 2:16

‘Massacre of the Innocents’ has nothing to do with Da Vinci or McCann, I just think the literary relationship (intertextuality) between the Torah and Matthew is an interesting topic.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2025 06:33

‘Madonna of the Rocks’ cont’d

“Clustered into a pyramid, the works’ four figures – Jesus, John, Mary, and Uriel”

According to her passport, the mother in the Madeleine story is named Kate Marie Healy – more commonly known as ‘Kate McCann’

The name Marie is a variant of Mary – the mother of the ‘sacred child’

We have seen various allusions to ‘The Immaculate Mary’ in Fatima’s witness statement, David’s visit, and elsewhere…

“The bells in the basilica began to ring out ‘Immaculate Mary’. Almost instantly a tight knot developed in my stomach, my heart began to race, and I started to cry… I could see Michelle and me [as children] singing out all the verses of ‘Immaculate Mary’ – Kate’s book ‘Madeleine’ p.153

“We ended up reluctantly allowing them (the press) to snap us going into church and sitting on the rocks – Kate’s book ‘Madeleine’ p.235

Marie of the Rocks

Looking at their clothing, they ‘reluctantly allowed’ the press to snap them (on the rocks) on at least three different occasions!

“And of course Amelie and Sean, my amazing little rocks – Kate’s book p.383

“I went out to the rocks on the beach. I cried a lot and spoke to Madeleine and to God” – Kate’s diary 26th June 2007

The Da Vinci Code’ p.4

Langdon explains the secret history of the Priory of Sion, and their military arm, the Knights Templar.

The key found behind Leonardo’s ‘Madonna of the Rocks’ was used to open a safety deposit box – which had a cryptex inside “The Keystone

The protagonists somehow escape from the police, and then from a gun-toting bank manager! – don’t ask.

NOTE: When locked in the back of the bank manager’s van, Robert suffers his second bout of claustrophobia.

…eventually they arrive at the home of Robert’s friend, Sir Leigh Teabing, a Holy Grail expert.

(It’s Gandalf from Lord of the Rings)

The Last Supper

“We’re here about the Priory”

After some talking, Gandalf leads Robert and Sophie to a room with a projection of ‘The Last Supper’ by Leonardo Da Vinci:

“Close your eyes” he asks “How many cups are on the table?”

“One” Sophie replies “The Holy Grail”

Sophie then opens her eyes, and to her surprise, there are no cups on the table.

“The grail is not a cup” explains Gandalf.

He then turns to Robert and asks “What is the symbol for man?”

“And what is the symbol for female?”

“That’s right, the symbol for female is…”

Thanks Gandalf.

“Wait a minute. So you’re saying the Holy Grail is a person? A woman?” asks an astonished Sophie.

But Gandalf is just getting started:

He points to this person, claiming this is not John, it’s Mary Magdalene.

“She was not a prostitute, but the wife of Jesus Christ”

He also claims that Mary Magdalene was pregnant during the crucifixion and ‘The Priory of Sion’ was formed to protect them and their descendants.

Earlier in the plot, Robert had figured out that Jacques Saunière (Sophie’s grandfather) was a grandmaster of ‘The Priory of Sion’

Robert figures this out because the emblem on the key was ‘Fleur-de-lis’



The Priory of Sion:

The real ‘Priory of Sion’ story is quite interesting:

François Bérenger Saunière (familiar surname) was the priest of Rennes-le-Chteau from June 1885 to January 1909. Rennes-le-Chteau is a church devoted to Saint Mary Magdalene.

That is where true history ends.

Everything else (the priory of sion, etc) appears to have been an elaborate hoax, created by a man named Pierre Plantard.

“The Priory of Sion myth has been exhaustively debunked by journalists and scholars as one of the great hoaxes of the 20th century”

Read more here and here

…but Gandalf is having none of it:

“That is what they want us to believe”

‘The Last Supper’ cont’d

Sophie is amazed, and to be fair, this interpretation of ‘The Last Supper’ is the most compelling idea in the entire story.

Even though the figure sat next to Jesus is widely accepted to be John. He looks ‘feminine’ because that is an artistic / symbolic depiction – many artists painted John in this way:

Gandalf then uses some tech’ wizardry and adjusts the lighting to further emphasis the V shape:

Sophie then walks across camera so that as she passes she is positioned between the V shape:

Having Sophie in and around these shots is a form of foreshadowing. They are hinting that she is somehow connected to all this.

Gandalf does some more tech’ wizardry and slides “Mary Magdalene” across the frame:

Good eh? No wonder Sophie was impressed.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2025 06:34

Robert then reveals to Gandalf that Sophie is actually the granddaughter of Jacques Saunière. He also shows him the cryptex.

Gandalf quickly figures out that Sophie is a ‘Guardian of the Grail’ – a fact unknown to Sophie.

Meanwhile, scary monk Silas, who has been sneaking about, suddenly appears and attacks Robert, but he is overpowered and subdued by the three of them.

The police arrive, but everyone manages to escape… next minute they’re all on a private plane to Zurich… and they’ve taken Silas with them.

During all of this, we discover that Captain Angry is also a member of Opus Dei (like Silas) and that is why he is so hell-bent on finding them.

Knights Templar

Back on the plane they find a clue about the knight’s grave (a Templar Knight) so they change course and head for London, England.

They go to Temple Church and can’t find anything… they have mistranslated the clue… luckily, the real clue is also in London… Issac Newton’s grave.

More plot happens – the stories of Gandalf, Silas and Captain Angry conclude – and we are left with the two protagonists, Robert and Sophie.

Part 4: Connections

Priory of Sion / Knights Templar

The first day the Madeleine McCann story was reported, we were told ‘Madeleine from Rothley’

1) Madeleine is a modern rendering of Magdalene.

2) Rothley is famous for Rothley Temple – built by the Knights Templar.

“Rothley Preceptory was established around the year 1231; however, records show “The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon” (more commonly known as the Knights Templar) owned land at Rothley as early as the reign of King John (1199–1216). On the establishment of the preceptory King Henry III granted the Knights Templar the manor and church at Rothley.” source

“The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon”

According to the bible, Solomon’s Temple, also known as the First Temple, was a Holy Temple in ancient Jerusalem.

In ‘The Da Vinci Code’ we get the Seal of Solomon – the Chalice and the Blade:

In the “official online police records” there is a photocopy of only one page from the bible:

The continuing story of David and Bathsheba / the birth of Solomon:


As shown here the Gaspar Statements are an allusion to Samuel 2.11 ‘David and Bathsheba’

And as we’ve just seen above, the bible page in the “official police records” is Samuel 2.12 ‘The Birth of Solomon’



What a coincidence! You’ve got the entire bible, and the one page they photocopy, is that one.


I’m looking at the Star of David, and I’m thibking thaMadeleine has been repeatedly linked to stars. Kate was always talking about Madeleine getting stars for her star chart. Apparently she was getting stars left, right, and centre, for all kinds of things!

And if that wasn’t enough…

A wreath of flowers left at the memorial cross in Rothley:

The inscription reads:

“For the McCann family

Our prayers are with you

Grand Priory Knights Templar”


‘Keystone’ is mentioned 171 times in ‘The Da Vinci Code’ book. And I’m still not sure what it’s supposed to be…

However, for those who follow the Madeleine McCann story, especially from the early days, you cannot deny having heard the word ‘keystone’ at least a hundred times!

The British press repeatedly used ‘Keystone Cops’ as a derogatory name for the PJ / Portuguese police.

‘The Keystone Cops’


“That little girl is out there somewhere, either dead or alive, but all of the energy of those Keystone cretins, the Portuguese police, are being poured into attributing guilt to Kate and Gerry McCann.”


“Madeleine McCann has been badly let down by those investigating her disappearance, MOVE over Inspector Clouseau and the Keystone Cops, you no longer appear to be quite so clueless”


“To many, particularly in the media, they were behaving more like the Keystone Cops than professional officers.”


“…to the first acts of the Portuguese police (dubbed “the Keystone Cops” and “Butt Heads” by reporters).”


“His words will dismay the McCanns, who have privately described the police to friends as “clueless” and behaving like “the Keystone Kops”.


“The Portuguese police hunting Madeleine McCann have been branded “Keystone Cops” by British officers shocked at their appalling blunders.”


We could look at more examples, but I think the point has been made – ‘The Madeleine Story’ repeatedly alludes to yet another story element.

The Last Supper

I’ve already covered this here but Madeleine’s parents hold hands all the time. It’s an image everyone has seen.

They held hands so much, that people started questioning it – they’d never seen two people hold hands this much before. It sounds strange when I say it like that, but when you think about it, the McCanns have probably been ‘snapped’ holding hands more than anyone else in history.

The V shape is perfectly symbolic:

‘The Sacred Feminine’

In the early days, during press conferences, this was also a regular sight:

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2025 06:38

‘The Da Vinci Code’ p.5

Rosslyn Chapel

Robert and Sophie travel to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland.

Once inside the Chapel they see the symbol of the ‘Chalice and the Blade’ above a stairwell.

This leads to a room, where underneath a rug, they find a secret door marked with the symbol of ‘Fleur-de-lis’.

They enter the secret room and find an empty space where the sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene once stood… but not anymore.

Then we get the story of why Sophie was estranged from her grandfather.

She came home from boarding school and saw him taking part in a pagan sexual ritual – Hieros Gamos.

“We hardly ever spoke again”

Robert finds some more clues in the room and figures out that Jacques Saunière was not Sophie’s real grandfather.

“Saunière didn’t want you to help guard the secret of the Holy Grail”

“Sophie, you are the secret”

Sophie is a descendant of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

They emerge from the underground room, back into the main chapel, and to their surprise, the chapel is now full of people. These people have been waiting for them.

“We are the Priory of Sion”

An older lady steps forward from the group and introduces herself as being Sophie’s real grandmother. They have all been waiting for Sophie to ‘return home’.

The Chalice and the Blade

Robert then leaves, and Sophie remains with her family in Scotland. Robert returns to Paris.

In his hotel room, he cuts himself shaving and watches the line of blood in the sink. This makes him thinks ‘bloodline’ and from that he figures out how to find the final resting place of ‘The Magdalene’

He follows ‘markers’ until he is standing on the Louvre’s glass ceiling – directly above ‘La Pyramide Inversée’

The sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene is underneath the chalice and the blade:

Like the Knights Templar before him, Robert kneels down at the final resting place of Mary Magdalene.

(Fade to black…)

Part 5: Connections

Rosslyn Chapel / Scotland

The first connection to be made is Scotland. Gerry McCann is portrayed as ‘typically Scottish’ and he has a big family – when compared to Kate’s.

Gerry has one brother and three sisters altogether – John, Patricia, Jacqui and Philomena.

Whereas Kate is an only child, with a seemingly small family by comparison.

Point being, Madeleine has a large family in Scotland.

When Sophie arrives in Scotland. She is greeted by the matriarch, her grandmother, and a large ‘family’ gathering.

Madeleine’s grandmother, Eileen McCann, tells a story about how Madeleine spent Christmas with her one year.

“When she was two, Madeleine spent Christmas at my house and it was lovely”

It’s odd because nobody would send their two year old daughter to spend Christmas somewhere else. It just wouldn’t happen, certainly not from my experience.

It’s like this ‘staying with her grandmother’ story has been shoe-horned into the narrative, like they’re alluding to something…

1. Christmas is an allusion to Christ / the birth of the messiah.

2. The Scottish grandmother is an allusion to Sophie’s Scottish grandmother – a descendant of Christ.

Who doesn’t spend Christmas with their two year old child? It feels like a ‘shoe-horned’ story, because it is, it’s an allusion.

The Chalice and the Blade

According to The Da Vinci Code this represents the union of sexes and is an allusion to Mary Magdalene.

Here we see a perfect allusion to the chalice and the blade from two people whose ‘union of the sexes’ produced a Magdalene / Madeleine.

Madeleine is french / a modern rendering of Magdalene – and they also have the same initials:

Mary Magdalene – Madeleine McCann.

In the first article we can see the many allusions to the messianic narrative – the messianic theme, the messiah story and all the other literary devices to that conceptual narrative.

Well, Well, Well…

There has been a couple of scenes which have shown Robert as suffering from claustrophobia. Later on in the story, Robert explains that this phobia stems from his childhood, when he fell into a well.

Have there been any stories about Madeleine being in a well?

Of course there has:

“Police in Portugal are to search another 20 wells for the body of missing Madeleine McCann”

– 12th July 2020 source

“Ex-detective Roy Ramm said the well, which it’s claimed was used to hide swag by local crooks, was an obvious place to look for clues.”

25th June 2017 source

Roy Ramm sounds like a comic book character.



Even our resident speech analyst supports this idea:

“…we’ve obviously hidden her somewhere incredibly well where nobody’s found her…”

Hyatt believes that Kate could be unconsciously telling us they hid Madeleine in a well.

Point being, the idea of Madeleine being ‘in a well’ is a notion various critics have pushed over the years.

Sophie / Sofia

Let’s talk about the name Sophie / Sofia.

The female protagonist of ‘The Da Vinci Code’ is named Sophie. The story tells us that Sophie is a descendant of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

In the book, they are trying to figure out the password for the cryptex:

“But wait . . . the word Sophia has six letters.”

“In ancient Greek, wisdom is spelled S‑O‑F‑I‑A.”


According to Kate McCann in her book ‘Madeleine’ –

“…we’d arranged a joint party in Leicester for Madeleine and two of her classmates in nursery, her best friend Sofia who had been born on the same day and a little boy called Sam whose birthday was within a few days of theirs” p.128

So Madeleine (Magdalene) had a best friend called Sofia who was born on exactly the same day.

Isn’t that amazing?

Goncalo Amaral’s wife is also named Sofia – she is known as Sofia Leal, not Sofia Amaral.

The name Leal means Loyal in Portuguese:

“Carlos Pinto de Abreu and his assistant, Sofia…”

Kate’s book ‘Madeleine’ p.238

Carlos was the McCann’s Portuguese lawyer. His assistant, Sofia, gave Kate a hug, this made Kate feel they had some support in Portugal – according to Kate.

Sophie / Sofia is probably the most popular name in the Madeleine McCann story !!!

Sofia is the wife / partner of Goncalo Amaral, the male protagonist. And Sophie Neveu ends up being a loyal partner to the male protagonist.

We’re told another Sofia was not only born on the exact the same day / same year as Madeleine, but Sofia is also her ‘best friend’ !!!

Why does Madeleine’s best friend have the ‘Latin’ spelling? You would think, being in England, she would be called Sophie, not Sofia.

As I’ve previously pointed out, the actress Audrey Tautou was best known for ‘Amelie’ 2001:

She still is best known for that role. In my opinion ‘Amelie’ is far superior movie to The Da Vinci Code’.

An argument that almost unifies critics and audience, on Rotten Tomatoes:

Audrey Tautou is best known for Amelie.

In 2007, I can imagine people saying “who is this actress with Tom Hanks?”, and people would reply, “She played Amelie in the film Amelie” and people would say, “oh yeah, I know her, I liked that film.”

People look at Sophie, and they think Amelie – they certainly did in 2006.

The Madeleine story is fully aware of this intertextuality between actress and character.

Madeleine’s biological sister is called Amelie, and her best friend (with the same birth date) is called Sofia.

The writers certainly had some fun throwing this together.

How many allusions and links do they need?

I’ll leave it there for now. I’m sure there’s parts I’ve missed out, so I’ll likely add more to this post in the future.

I’ve never seen a more perfect example of a contemporary allusion.

Thanks for reading.



Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2025 16:34

Madeleine McCann Netflix

Madeleine McCann Netflix (Image: Getty)

When is the Madeleine McCann Netflix documentary released?

There’s no world on a release date for the upcoming Madeleine McCann  Netflix documentary yet.

However, the streaming giant confirmed last year that the as yet untitled series will focus on the case of the three-year-old who went missing in Portugal in 2007.

It is set to feature interviews with some key figures involved in the search in an attempt to piece the mystery together.

We will update this article with news on a release date as soon as it is announced.

How to watch the Madeleine McCann Netflix documentary online

The series will be available to stream on Netflix when it is eventually released.

It joins other high profile cases in the streaming giant’s surge in the true crime genre in the last few years.

Making a Murderer in 2015, which focused on the murder of Teresa Halbach and the convictions of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, started the trend.

In 2016 Netflix released a one-part documentary simply titled Amanda Knox, which focused on the American student’s two convictions and acquittals of the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy in 2007.

Then The Keepers was released in May 2017 and explored the unsolved murder of nun Sister Cathy Cesnik and sex crimes committed by the Catholic Church in Baltimore which are believed to have led to her death.

Netflix are making a Madeleine McCann documentary

Netflix are making a Madeleine McCann documentary (Image: Getty)

How many episodes will be in the Madeleine McCann Netflix documentary?

The Madeleine McCann documentary will contain eight episodes.

Taking a similar format to The Keepers and Making a Murderer which contained seven and 10 episodes respectively.

The Mail Online reported that Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry McCann will not be participating in the series.

The disappearance of the infant has been making headlines for the last decade and continues to be a major source of interest to the public.


Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2025 16:44

Madeleine McCann Netflix documentary: How to watch controversial new series in UK

The eight-part series has already caused controversy

Jack Shepherd
Friday 15 March 2019 11:00 GMT
The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann Official Trailer

Netflix’s upcoming Madeleine McCann documentary series looks set to cause controversy.

Before even reaching the streaming service, McCann’s parents, Gerry and Kate McCann, condemned the series, saying it could potentially “hinder” the ongoing police investigation into the disappearance of their daughter.

Here’s everything we know about the documentary, titled The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann.


Release date, episode count and trailer

All eight, hour-long episodes of The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann will be available on Netflix from 8am GMT on Friday, 15 March.

A trailer for the series has already been made available and can be watched at the top of this article.

What have McCann’s parents said?

Gerry and Kate McCann have confirmed that they were asked to appear on camera but declined the offer.

“We are aware that Netflix are planning to screen a documentary in March 2019 about Madeleine’s disappearance,” the family said in a statement.

“The production company told us that they were making the documentary and asked us to participate.

“We did not see – and still do not see – how this programme will help the search for Madeleine and, particularly given there is an active police investigation, it could potentially hinder it.

“Consequently, our views and preferences are not reflected in the programme. We will not be making any further statements or giving interviews regarding this programme.”

Gerry and Kate McCann
Gerry and Kate McCann (PA)

When did Madeleine go missing?

Madeleine went went missing from their family’s holiday apartment at the seaside resort of Praia de Luz in Portugal on 3 May, 2007. After an initial investigation by Portuguese officials came to a standstill, Scotland Yard launched their own, which remains ongoing as another £150,000 was granted to the probe last November.

Who made the documentary?

Chris Smith, who directed Netflix’s Fyre Festival documentary, as well as the Jim Carrey-starring Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond, has directed The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann. The UK-based Pulse Films have produced the series with Paramount television. The series was reportedly green-lit in 2017 following the success of other true crime documentaries.

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Who will appear in the series?

More than 40 contributors were interviewed, with the filmmakers using 120 hours of interviews, archival footage and reenactments to make the eight-hour series.


Netflix has provided The Independent with a list of the key interviewees who appear during the series.

Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan – Investigative journalists who co-wrote Looking for Madeleine, a 2015 book about the McCann case.

Jayne Jensen — Tourist at the Ocean Club Resort who reported seeing two strange men shortly before Madeleine disappeared.

Gonçalo Amaral — Former chief investigating coordinator with the Polícia Judiciária in Portimão. After his dismissal, Amaral wrote a controversial book about the McCann case.

Sandra Felgueiras — Journalist with RTP (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal) who covered the McCann case.

Robert Murat — Local Portuguese-British man who was declared arguido, or suspect, in the McCann case. His arguido status was lifted due to lack of evidence.

Ernie Allen — Former President and CEO of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Jim Gamble — Former senior British Police officer and former head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP).

Phil Hall — Former newspaper editor who worked as a PR consultant for the McCanns.

Susan & Haynes Hubbard — Friends of the McCanns. Father Haynes Hubbard was senior chaplain of the Algarve Anglican Church.

Kelvin MacKenzie — Former editor of The Sun newspaper who clashed with the McCanns over the media’s standards when covering the case.

Sergey Malinka — Russian immigrant who was questioned by the Polícia Judiciária because of his business relationship with Robert Murat.

Paulo Pereira Cristóvão — Former Detective with the Polícia Judiciária.

Patrícia de Sousa Cipriano — Lawyer and president of the Portuguese Association of Missing Children.

Justine McGuinness — PR advisor to the McCanns.

Homayra Sellier — President of Innocence in Danger, an organisation that works to protect children from abuse and exploitation.

Margarida Davim — Journalist who co-authored the controversial “Pact of Silence” article that appeared in a Portuguese newspaper.

Felícia Cabrita — Portuguese investigative journalist who co-authored the “Pact of Silence” article and is known for reporting on Portugal’s Casa Pia child abuse case.

Martin Grime — Forensic dog trainer who brought his blood- and cadaver-sniffing dogs to Praia da Luz.

David Hughes — PR advisor hired by the McCanns after they returned to England.

Brian Kennedy — Businessman and McCann benefactor who funded independent investigations into Madeleine’s disappearance.

Patrick Kennedy — Brian Kennedy’s son. He traveled with investigators to follow leads in the McCann case.

Rogério Alves — Lawyer for Kate and Gerry McCann.

Julian Peribañez — Spanish private investigator who went to the Algarve to try to uncover new information.

Melissa Little — Police forensic artist who sketched strange men witnesses say they spotted near the Ocean Club Resort.

Richard Parton — Freelance voice analyst hired by Washington, D.C.-based detective agency Oakley International.

Anything else?

According to Netflix, we can expect “never-before-heard testimonies from those at the heart of the story including friends of the McCann family, investigators working the case and from those who became the subject of media speculation and rumour”.


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