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من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 12/09/2024 04:13

La Madeleine


Napoléon Bonaparte is never far from the cultural imagination; he is arguably the most famous French person of all time.

Ph: Manjik/Dreamstime

But the one-time Emperor of France is back in the news in a big way, thanks to the release of Ridley Scott’s Napoleon.

Joaquin Phoenix as Emperor Napoléon crowning Vanessa Kirby’s Joséphine, with Lincoln Cathedral, England, playing the part of Notre-Dame.

While the movie was mostly filmed in England, Malta, and Morocco, you can relive Napoléon’s Parisian days the next time you’re in the City of Light by visiting the monuments he built, and other sites of Napoleonic significance …

Where Napoléon Stayed & Played

Born in Corsica, Napoléon was sent to military school in Champagne at the age of eight. Seven years later, in 1784, he was awarded a scholarship to attend the prestigious École Militaire in Paris (below). The academy, which still operates today, is located at the southern end of the Champ de Mars (the field where young cadets once drilled), behind the Eiffel Tower.

The École Militaire, as seen from the Eiffel Tower.

Napoléon’s transfer to Paris involved a two-day journey by boat. He disembarked the Seine at a wharf in the Marais and, as he made his way eastwards to his new school, bought a copy of the novel Gil Blas from a quayside bookseller.

In 1787, after having graduated, a young lieutenant Napoléon found himself back in Paris on leave, and gravitated to the gardens of the Palais-Royal, a notorious party central at the time (above). A cash-strapped Duc d’Orléans Louis-Philippe II had redeveloped his palatial backyard into a pleasure ground in 1784. He had the three wings that frame the northern end of the estate built, renting out the ground spaces as shops and restaurants, while filling the upper floors with dance rooms, gaming dens, billiard halls and brothels. In the middle of the garden enclave there was a circus where acrobatic riders thrilled the crowds, and all sorts of puppet shows and dance performances entertained in the groves of fancifully cut trees. Thousands of Parisians strolled, drank, conversed and flirted in these botanical arcades. The Palais-Royal was a fairground, bazaar and dance party, all in one. It was open day and night, and open to all Parisians — except for police. So you can imagine the air of abandon. Much was lost here. Money — although you could always see the various mortgage agents that had set up shop, or pawnbrokers, to sell your precious gold watch if need be. Virginity, too — a future Emperor Napoléon picked up his first female conquest in this very garden. And lives — Louis Philippe II’s heady vision, inaugurated in 1784, struck him gold, but also eventually cost the duke his head, as he had unwittingly laid the fertile ground for the French Revolution. It was here where courtesans passed as countesses, a precursor of a democratic future France; and where, far from the watchful eyes of the authorities, political discussions could gather momentum, morphing into full-blown movements. The sans-culotte Camille Desmoulins gave a particularly impassioned anti-Royalty speech from atop a table of a café terrace; two days later the Bastille was stormed, and the rest is l’histoire …

Napoléon was often in Paris during the revolutionary years, where the now-Republican networked, wheeled-and-dealed, and generally tried not to lose his head. He was by the old Palais des Tuileries on the day it was stormed by a mob that slaughtered the King’s Swiss guard. Napoléon was savvy in both his political and survival instincts, and ambitious to boot, but surely he can’t have had an inkling that day that this palace (which would be later destroyed by the Paris Commune of 1871) would one day be his imperial home. He did aspire extremely high, however, moving in all the right circles, including A-list parties and salons, where he soon met his fate, in the seductive form of the future Empress Joséphine.

Napoléon’s professional fate was secured on 5th October 1795, when he was asked to deal with thousands of Royalist soldiers who were making their way down Rue Saint-Honoré, en route to the National Convention, where they hoped to retake power. In front of the Saint-Roch Church (above), Napoléon commanded, inspired, and led his troops so successfully (the cannon-ball damage bears witness to this day) that the young Corsican became an overnight hero. He received an instant promotion and a plush new office on Place Vendôme for his efforts.

In March 1796, after Joséphine finally agreed to a lovesick Napoléon’s marriage proposal, the couple wed in a civil ceremony at 3 Rue d’Antin. (The building is no longer occupied by the 2nd arrondissement mairie but a plaque marks the momentous event). When not away on duty, Napoléon lived with Joséphine on Rue Chantereine (which was soon renamed Rue de la Victoire).

Ph: Courtesy of Chteau de Malmaison.

Sadly, her elegant manor house no longer exists, but the lovely country estate just west of Paris that she bought for herself while Napoléon was in Egypt — Chteau de Malmaison — remains in all its neo-Classical glory and is a must-visit for lovers of history, gardens, and architecture.

Napoléon’s Architectural Legacy

A coup d’état of late 1799 — generally considered to mark the end of the French Revolution — saw the overthrow of the Directory leadership of France, and the elevation of Napoléon to the autocratic position of First Consul. The future Emperor (he would crown himself in 1804, in Notre-Dame Cathedral) was now in a position to make his physical mark on his capital.

The neo-Classical trend in architecture had been in favour for a while, but Napoléon, with his passion for arches, columns, and temples, took it to whole new heights, for it represented the fabled grandeur he yearned to project. He wanted Paris to be the new Rome, as befitting a leader who saw himself as a future legend of history. But the aesthetically driven ruler was also engineering-minded, and as such he wanted his city to be cleaner, safer, and more practical. To admire the various changes Napoléon made to Paris, visit the following …

Waterways & Bridges

Napoléon’s utilitarian plan included the construction of new bridges. First up was the Pont des Arts (above), built between 1801 and 1804. The visionary leader demanded it be constructed mostly in iron, which was scarce and expensive at the time, and not considered as chic as limestone, Paris’s classic building block. His vision was perfect; the result was a bridge both modern and elegant, one that has stood the aesthetic test of time. The Pont d’Austerlitz and Pont d’Iéna bridges followed.

Ph: Janis Smits/Dreamstime

As First Consul, Napoléon also ordered the construction of the Canal Saint-Martin (above), Bassin de la Villette (Paris’s largest artificial lake), and Canal de l’Ourcq. Intended to boost the city’s supply of drinking water, this was funded, appropriately enough, by a new tax on wine.

He also cleaned up the banks of the Seine, which were more like strips of beach than true working quays required for the trading needs of a major river city. Up on street level, Napoléon had all roads renumbered, starting from the Seine, with even numbers on the right, odd on the left.

And, to bring drinking water to more Parisians, he decorated those streets with various (often grandiose) fountains, including the Fontaine de la Victoire on Place du Chtelet and the Fontaine du Mars, situated by the now-iconic restaurant of the same name (above).

Rue de Rivoli

As the above examples show, Napoléon’s utilitarian plan could overlap into his ornamental plan for the city. This was also the case with his vision for Rue de Rivoli, for which he turned to his favourite architects, Charles Percier and Pierre-François Fontaine (who had so stunningly redecorated Malmaison in the antique style).

Rue de Rivoli was, originally, a project born of necessity. For one, Napoléon wanted to ease the congested traffic on the nearby Rue Saint-Honoré. But an assassination attempt on him in Rue Saint-Niçaise — one of the narrow medieval streets that once criss-crossed this area, cluttering the approach to the Louvre — also gave Napoléon the impetus for change.

Rue Saint-Niçaise, as seen on the 1730s Turgot Map of Paris.

For a little more back-story … on 24th December 1800, Napoléon was in the Palais des Tuileries, waiting for Joséphine and her daughter Hortense who were primping in preparation for a night out at the opera. Napoléon finally gave in to the whims of feminine grooming, and headed out in the first carriage, leaving Joséphine to continue fussing about the best way to wrap on her cashmere shawl. The sartorial delay most likely saved her and Hortense’s lives, for a Royalist-planted gunpowder-filled wagon exploded on Rue Saint-Niçaise just before the second carriage reached its vicinity. Twenty Parisians died in the attack, which also caused major structural damage of nearby buildings. This gave Napoléon both the motivation and excuse for a rebuild; he wanted to clean up the city’s streets, making them safer, wider, and more modern.

While Napoléon’s nephew Emperor Napoléon III, would end up seeing out this city-wide vision (when he hired Baron Haussmann to make over Paris in the mid-century), Napoléon made a great start with Rue de Rivoli (named for one of his Italian victories), which originally stretched from Place de la Concorde to the Place du Palais-Royal. The extensive scope gave Percier and Fontaine a large canvas on which to apply Classical design principles.

Ph: Engin Korkmaz/Dreamstime.

They placed three levels above an arcaded ground floor (the arcades perhaps being inspired by Bologna, which Napoléon had visited in 1796), and minimal decoration beyond shutters and two lines of balconies. (Percier and Fontaine also placed gates opposite the first section of Rue de Rivoli, to line the northern border of the Jardin des Tuileries; they’re still there today.) The seemingly endless perspective projected that Napoléon-adored grandeur, but at the same time, with the continuous arches and curved attic roof (which was added later), the overall effect is charming rather than severe. Rue de Castiglione and Place des Pyramides were also part of the redevelopment, which would go on to influence Haussmann years later.

Colonne Vendôme

Turn from Rue Rivoli into the aforementioned Rue de Castiglione, and you can’t miss the towering verdigris Colonne Vendôme up ahead. The Trajan’s Column-inspired monument was erected in 1806, to replace Place Vendôme’s equestrian statue of Louis XIV, which had been destroyed during the Revolution, and to commemorate the Battle of Austerlitz. Surmounted by a statue of the Emperor, its spiraling bas-relief plates — melted down from 1200 bronze cannons taken from the Russian and Austrian armies — depict Napoléon’s military campaigns.

Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel

The year 1806 — after France’s success at Austerliz — saw Napoléon at the height of his power. He also commissioned this triumphal arch, originally intended as a gate of honour to the Tuileries Palace, as well as a commemoration of his Grande Armée. Fontaine and Percier took inspiration once more from Rome, specifically from the Arch of Constantine. Atop the lovely arch, with its pink-marble Corinthian columns, they placed the horses of St Mark’s in Venice, which Napoléon had taken as a souvenir of his conquest of that city. The current horses are replicas, after the originals were returned in 1815 (along with much other stolen artwork).

Arc de Triomphe

In the same year, Napoléon commissioned this much larger arch, also in commemoration of his army, on the site of the old city gates. At the time, the Avenue des Champs-Élysées was little more than a country road on the outskirts of Paris. Since the destruction of the Palais des Tuileries, the Arc de Triomphe can be viewed from its little sister arch — they’re two bookends of a world-famous vista. The larger arch’s distance from the palace dictated its majestic size, for it needed to be admired from afar. Sadly, Napoléon didn’t get to see this particular dream materialise; the monument required several decades to reach completion. His ghost, however, would surely be happy that it is now a symbol of French pride and a focus of many civic celebrations, with the Flame of Remembrance burning brightly by the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Église de la Madeleine

Napoléon, in 1806, also announced that the part-built church on this site would be redesigned and repurposed as a temple to the glory of the French army. Cue a rectangular Greco-Roman-style temple with a peristyle of Corinthian columns, styled à la Rome’s Pantheon. View it from the start of Rue Royale, then turn around to locate its twin monument on the other side of the river from Place de la Concorde; Napoléon had this Roman portico façade added to an old palace, Palais Bourbon, to reflect and amplify the overall effect of Classical grandeur on Place de la Concorde. That latter building is now the National Assembly, while the Madeleine has been a church since it was, finally, completed in 1842.

Musée du Louvre

The Louvre — the royal court until Louis XIV moved out to Versailles — found new life as a museum in 1793, which is rather astonishing because this was during some of most the tumultuous days of the Revolution. But it makes sense in the context of liberté and égalité, for it was, among other things, a way to share with everyday French citizens something that had, until now, been exclusive to high society.

Napoléon inspecting the works of Percier and Fontaine, painted by Auguste Couder.

Napoléon continued this mission of the Louvre as a place of art and beauty for all — also, he needed somewhere to store all of the art he had stolen on his various campaigns! (Like the horses atop the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, most would eventually be returned to rightful owners; Veronese’s glorious Wedding Feast at Cana is one that remained at the Louvre.) Napoléon also decreed that it was high time to restore a neglected Louvre, and complete it with a northern wing — which was now an easier job, thanks to the various demolitions that followed the Rue Saint-Niçaise bombing attempt.

Ph: Konstik/Dreamstime

So Percier and Fontaine got to work on beautifying the Louvre in numerous ways, including completing the lovely Cour Carrée. (Much of their interior design no longer exists, but walk through the Salles Percier and Fontaine to admire their gorgeous Empire style.) They were in the midst of constructing the Louvre’s northern wing, which now houses the Musée des Arts Décoratifs (above), when Napoléon was defeated at Waterloo, necessitating a putting-down of tools. The Louvre would finally be completed during the reign of Napoléon’s nephew … although poignantly, the Tuileries Palace, which by now served as the western wing of the complex, burnt down the year after Napoléon III’s abdication.

Also Not-to-Miss for Napoléon Fans …

Debauve & Gallais (30 Rue des Saints-Pères, 75007) is the most historically significant chocolaterie in town, with a classified interior that dates back to its 1817 opening and was designed, no less, by Napoléon’s beloved Percier and Fontaine.

Le Procope (13 Rue de l’Ancienne Comédie, 75006), now a restaurant that serves classic Gallic fare in a glittering olde-worlde setting, was originally — from 1686 — one of Paris’s first cafés, and served coffee along with an inspiring ambience to its philosophically-minded clientele. As the Revolution brewed, the crowds became more politically activist; the now-national motto ‘Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité,’ is said to have been coined here. Napoléon, as an up-and-coming mover and shaker, was by this time a customer, albeit a poor one … One of his famous bicorne hats is on display in a glass cabinet (above), said to have been left here one day by the man himself, in lieu of paying his bill with money.

Le Grand Véfour (17 Rue de Beaujolais, 75001). When Napoléon finally did have money, this jewel box of a restaurant was a favoured dining spot of the imperial couple.

Ph: Mkojot/Dreamstime

While Napoléon’s downfall was brutal, his exile punishing, and his death lonely, his remains made a triumphant return to Paris in 1840. Watched by thousands of Parisians (who had fallen back in love with their former Emperor once more), the horse-drawn hearse made its way from the Arc de Triomphe (which had finally been completed in 1836) down to Place de la Concorde, and then over to Les Invalides, where his tomb still rests under the gilded dome; to visit, buy a ticket to the Musée de l’Armée.


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جواب  رسائل 3 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 13/09/2024 15:55

Horses of Saint Mark

Color (beta)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The original Horses inside the St Mark's BasilicaThe replica Horses of Saint Mark

The Horses of Saint Mark (ItalianCavalli di San Marco), also known as the Triumphal Quadriga or Horses of the Hippodrome of Constantinople, is a set of bronze statues of four horses, originally part of a monument depicting a quadriga (a four-horse carriage used for chariot racing). The horses were placed on the facade, on the loggia above the porch, of St Mark's Basilica in Venice, northern Italy, after the sack and looting of Constantinople in 1204. They remained there until looted by Napoleon in 1797 but were returned in 1815. The sculptures have been removed from the facade and placed in the interior of St Mark's for conservation purposes, with replicas in their position on the loggia.



The sculptures date from classical antiquity. Many scholars believe they were sculpted in the 2nd or 3rd century AD, noting similarities to the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius in Rome (c. 175 AD).[1] But some say the evident technical expertise and naturalistic rendering of the animals suggest they were made in Classical Greece of the 5th and 4th centuries BC.[2]

In light of their short backs and long legs, it has been argued that they were originally situated above the eye line,[3] probably created to top a triumphal arch or some other grand building. Perhaps commissioned by the Emperor Septimus Severus, they may originally have been made for the Eastern capital of Constantinople, where they were long displayed.[3]

Analysis suggests that the sculptures are at least 96.67% copper,[4] and therefore should be viewed not as made from bronze but of an impure copper. The relatively low tin content increased the casting temperature to 1200–1300 °C.[5] The copper was chosen to give a more satisfactory mercury gilding.


The Return of the Horses of San Marco by Vincenzo Chilone, depicting the return of the horses in 1815.

The horses, along with the quadriga with which they were depicted, were long displayed at the Hippodrome of Constantinople; they may be the "four gilt horses that stand above the Hippodrome" that "came from the island of Chios under Theodosius II" mentioned in the 8th- or early 9th-century Parastaseis syntomoi chronikai.[6] As part of the sack of the capital of the Byzantine Empire in the Fourth Crusade, they were looted by Venetian forces in 1204. That same year, the collars on the four horses were added to obscure where the animals' heads had been severed to allow them to be transported from Constantinople to Venice.[7] Shortly after the Fourth Crusade, Doge Enrico Dandolo sent the horses to Venice, where they were installed on the terrace of the façade of St Mark's Basilica in 1254. Petrarch admired them there.[8]

In 1797, Napoleon had the horses forcibly removed from the basilica and carried off to Paris, where they were used in the design of the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel together with a quadriga.

In 1815, following the final defeat of Napoleon, the horses were returned to Venice by Captain Dumaresq. He had fought at the Battle of Waterloo and was with the Coalition forces in Paris where he was selected, by the Emperor of Austria, to take the horses down from the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and return them to St Mark's in Venice. For the skillful manner in which he performed this work, the Emperor gave him a gold snuff box with his initials in diamonds on the lid.[9]

Conservation-restoration of the Horses of Saint Mark

The horses remained in place over St Mark's until the early 1980s, when damage from air pollution led them to be removed and put on display inside the basilica. They were replaced on the loggia with replicas.


جواب  رسائل 4 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 13/09/2024 16:10

Saint-Mark Golden Basilica Sanctuary, Domes and Horses, in Venice Italy

St. Mark: A Low-rise Basilica

Saint-Mark Basilica's Treasure, in Venice in Italy
Saint-Mark Treasure
Compared to its European contemporaries, the height of St. Mark's Basilica is remarkably modest.

At the same time, we saw that the construction of this third basilica responded more to political than religious considerations and that it had to be a grandiose building capable of impressing the world.

So why did they make it so modest in terms of its height?

There are several reasons for this.

The first is in Venice itself; it should not be forgotten that everything is built on water and that weight is an element that should be taken into account for any construction on stilts, be it a basilica or any Venetian palace.

Indeed, many bell towers in Venice are close to 90 metres in height, but, as is known, many of them have collapsed, starting with that of Saint Mark, whose collapse of 1902 was not the first.

Saint-Mark Basilica Apse's Mosaics in Venice in Italy
Saint-Mark Apse's Mosaics
The second reason is that at that time, the current Piazza, between the Doge's Palace and the Marciana Library, did not exist.

It was still a dock that gave directly into the lagoon and stopped on the southern side of St. Mark's Basilica.

In front of the basilica, the dock ended into a canal that met the Rio di Palazzo.

All this meant that the southern part and south-eastern part of the basilica were fully reflected in the water, which “grew” the perspective.

Later, during the 12th century, the dock and canal were filled, questioning the basilica's “visual” appearance by changing its primitive spatial relationship.

The Domes of St. Mark's Basilica

Until the beginning of the 13th century, the basilica was significantly lower, outwardly speaking, than today.

Saint-Mark Basilica's plan section of the domes and the timber structure of the cupolas
Timber Structures of the cupolas
This interior-outer distinction is essential in the sense that if the domes of St. Mark's Basilica have actually been raised, only the outer "visible" part of it is heightened, without modifying the arches of the internal cupolas.

It simply means that the outer cupolas, made of a wooden frame and lead plates to cover it, just contain emptiness and are standing well above the inner cupolas of the basilica.

By this visual artifice, they were able to fill the lack of “visual” height, born after the disappearance of the canal and the dock and this by artificially heightening the cupolas of the basilica of Saint Mark.

It is true that when you are on St. Mark's Square, at the other end of it, the basilica of St. Mark seems very small in proportion to the square.

Saint-Mark Basilica Apse's Mosaics in Venice in Italy
Saint-Mark Apse's Mosaics
The church is, in fact, on the outside, significantly wider than tall, which amplifies this visual effect of small size.

And this is perhaps one of the most beautiful surprises St. Mark's Basilica can offer to its visitors.

Crossing its threshold, you expect to enter a “small” church and barely have you entered that you are genuinely grasped by the imposing height of its domes.

Indeed, once inside St. Mark's Basilica, it is suddenly you who feel small.

Since then, it seems no longer so small, and, like many things in Venice, we have to know how to approach them without a priori to be able to see them better and appreciate them.

So let's forget about the lengths, widths and angles! Beauty is not to be measured!

The Horses of St. Mark Basilica: The Quadriga

Saint-Mark Basilica's Bronze Horses in Venice Italy
Saint-Mark Basilica's Horses
The horses of St. Mark appeared long after the third construction of St. Mark's Basilica.

They were a war trophy stolen in 1204 by the Venetians in Constantinople.

The Doge Enrico Dandolo sent them to Venice at the time of the fourth crusade, which had seen the Crusaders' capture of Constantinople, thanks to the help of the Venetians.

These horses belonged to an imperial quadriga coming from the island of Chios.

Saint-Mark Basilica's Bronze Horses in Venice Italy
Saint-Mark's Horses
They were then sent to Constantinople, where they were positioned on the high towers of the hippodrome.

On their origin, opinions diverge; some historians consider the Corinthian source, from the 4th or 3rd century BC.

Others say that they were made by Lysippos of Sicyon, a Greek sculptor and bronzer, for Alexander the Great, and that Tiridates I, king of Armenia, owned them and then offered them to Nero, in exchange for the crown he received from his hands.

After this gift, they would have been placed at the four corners of the colossal statue of Nero in Rome.

They were then transported by Emperor Constantine to Byzantium.

When they arrived in Venice, they were first stored at the Arsenal before being installed at the top of the basilica to reinforce its symbolic power.

Saint-Mark Basilica's Bronze Horses in Venice Italy
Saint-Mark's Horses
“Before St. Mark still glow his steeds of brass,
Their gilded collars glittering in the sun;
But is not Doria's menace come to pass?
Are they not bridled !”
Lord Byron - Childe Harold Canto IV-XIII

To understand this allusion to Doria, it is worth knowing that the horses of St. Mark had become one of the symbols of Venetian power.

Pietro Doria, the Genoese admiral, promised in 1378 to the Venetians, during the war between Genoa and Venice, that after the Genoese capture of the island close to Chioggia, he would bridle the horses of Venice. What he did not succeed in doing!

Byron's poem was written after the fall of Venice and its occupation by Austrian troops.

St. Mark Basilica: “Light as Deer”

Saint-Mark Basilica's Bronze Horses in Venice Italy
Saint-Mark Basilica's Horses
“I was looking closely at the four bronze horses placed above the arcades of St. Mark's Church.

What a beautiful hitch!

I would have liked to hear him judge by a real horse connoisseur.

Seen on the terrace that supports these horses, they seem very heavy, but when you look at them from below, that is, from St. Mark's Square, they look light as deer.“
Goethe Memoirs - October 8 1786

These horses are indeed made to be watched from St. Mark's Square, and it is no wonder that Schopenhauer did not appreciate them at their fair value when he had the opportunity to see them in Paris, out of their context, and at a wrong level:

Saint-Mark Basilica's Bronze Horses in Venice Italy
Saint-Mark Basilica's Horses
“It is in Paris, in the Tuileries Garden that in front of the castle, there are the famous four horses that Bonaparte brought back from Venice and which have always accompanied the conquerors.

But I don't find them as extraordinary as I imagined.“

They had indeed been stolen by Napoleon Bonaparte in Venice on December 7, 1797 and were not returned until 1815, where they return to their place on the Basilica Terrace.

They left their place twice again, but this time to protect them, during the first and last world war.

Finally, the horses you see today on the basilica are copies; the real horses, even more beautiful, are inside the church, in the museum of St. Mark's Basilica, sheltered from the bad weather.

Mosaics of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice

One of the most beautiful things that St. Mark's Basilica can offer to its visitors is undoubtedly its mosaics, both outside and inside it.

Saint-Mark Basilica Apse's Mosaics in Venice in Italy
Saint-Mark Apse's Mosaics
They were initially highly Byzantine-inspired, and it is even believed that some Byzantine artists would have come to Venice especially to make them.

However, we do not have proof of this, especially since most of the original mosaics of the basilica have been replaced.

Their maintenance was indeed delicate, and most of the original mosaics deteriorated quickly, resulting in near-constant restorations.

Thus, rather than restoring existing mosaics, the Venetians, as they went on, simply replaced them with new mosaics, representing scenes that often correspond more to the moment's artistic tastes and religious themes.

The only original mosaic on St. Mark's facade represents the translation of the remains of Saint Mark on a background that represents the basilica around 1250.

جواب  رسائل 5 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 24/09/2024 23:58
CERN NOW Utilizing the Large Hadron Collider to Open 'Bottomless Pit' of  the Revelation 9 Prophecy

جواب  رسائل 6 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 20/01/2025 14:45
Resultado de imagen para cydonia mars number 33


The great circle alignment from Giza to Alexandria has an azimuth of 51.85° north of due west from Giza (the same angle as the slope of the Great Pyramid). Extended beyond Alexandria, this great circle also crosses over Delphi, Rollright and Newgrange, as well as the city of London.

Map image © VectorGlobe

The azimuth of a great circle alignment from Dendera to Paris is also 51.85° north of due west.

Map image - Roger Hedin

Dendera was dedicated to Isis/Sirius. The ancient Egyptian year began on the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius in mid July. The helical rising of Sirius heralded the annual inundation of the Nile that was essential to the welfare of ancient Egypt. The axis of the temple of Isis at Dendera was aligned 20° south of due east, pointing directly at the rising point of Sirius from the latitude of Dendera.

Robert Bauval describes a number of connections between Isis/Sirius and Paris in Talisman (2004). Isis is shown riding on a boat in many ancient Egyptian drawings and carvings. At the direction of Napoleon, Sirius and a statue of Isis were added to the coat of arms for Paris shown below.

During the French revolution, a statue of Isis known as the Fountain of Regeneration was constructed on the former site of the Bastille. The engraving below commemorated this statue.

Fountain of Regeneration Engraving

The Elysian Fields is described as a place of eternal salvation in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Named after the Elysian Fields, the Champs Elysees is the main axis of Paris. The names Elysian and Elysees both suggest an association with Isis. The photograph below is facing southeast. The Arc de Triumphe is visible in the background. Beyond the Arc de Triumphe is the Louvre. The azimuth of the Champs Elysees is 26° south of due east, pointing directly at the rising point of Sirius/Isis from the latitude of Paris.

The termination point of the Champs Elysees to the northwest is the Grande Arche, in the foreground of the picture above. The axis of the Grande Arche is offset 6.33° south of the axis of the Champs Elysees. With an azimuth of just over 32° south of due east, the azimuth of the axis of the Grande Arche is the same as the azimuth of the great circle alignment from Paris to Dendera.

The Grande Arche is a nearly perfect cube with a height of 110 meters, a width of 108 meters and a depth of 112 meters. It is often described as a cube with side lengths of 110 meters. This is equal to 210 ancient Egyptian cubits:

110/210 = .5238

.5238 meters is a precise measure of the ancient Egyptian cubit, equating to 20.6222 inches, well within the ± .005 inches in Petrie's 20.62 inch measure of the ancient Egyptian cubit. Instead of the usual comparisons between the cubit and the meter of .52375/1 or .524/1, the best comparative measure may be the simple fraction of 11/21 that is suggested by the Grande Arche.

Image © Insecula.com

The sides of the Grande Arche are divided into 5 x 5 large panels and within each large panel are 7 x 7 smaller panels. Side lengths of 110 meters suggest lengths of 22 meters for the sides of the large panels with lengths of 22/7 meters for the sides of the smaller panels. The fraction 22/7 equals 3.1428, an accurate expression of π that is also found in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid. Side lengths of 210 cubits in the Grande Arche suggest lengths of 42 cubits for the sides of the large panels and 6 cubits for the sides of the smaller panels. This also shows that the relationship between the meter and the cubit is 6/π, using the measure of 22/7 for π:

21/11 = 6/π

22/7 x 21/11 = 6

The northern pyramid at Dashur, known as the Red Pyramid, was the first true (smooth sided) pyramid built in Egypt and it was the last pyramid built prior to construction of the Great Pyramid. The baselengths of the Red Pyramid are 420 cubits (220 meters) long, 20x multiples of 21/11.

Image by Jon Bodsworth

One of the oldest stone circles in England is at Rollright. The diameter of the Rollright circle is 31.4 meters, an accurate expression of π times 10 meters. Given the 6/π relationship between the meter and the cubit, the diameter of the Rollright circle is also 60 ancient Egyptian cubits.



جواب  رسائل 7 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 26/01/2025 15:08

La iglesia de Saint-Laurent de París es una iglesia fundada en el siglo XV localizada en el X Distrito, en el antiguo recinto de Saint-Laurent, 119, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Martin, 68, boulevard de Strasbourg y 68, boulevard de Magenta.

La iglesia está construida sobre el eje norte-sur de París que conecta Senlis y Orleans y que fue trazado por los romanos durante la mitad del siglo ii a. C., la actual rue du Faubourg-Saint-Martin, rue Saint-Martin, rue Saint-Jacques y rue du Faubourg-Saint-Jacques.

Después de las clasificaciones y registros iniciales como monumentos históricos, el 1 de febrero de 1945 (79 años), la iglesia fue enteramente clasificada por decreto del 16 de diciembre de 2016.1

جواب  رسائل 8 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 28/01/2025 16:46
33 Louvre Pyramid ideas | louvre pyramid, louvre, louvre paris
Northern France | Paris landmarks, Vacation france, Tower in paris
264 Louvre Pyramid Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock
Day 4: Louvre Museum and Catacombs of Paris - LE Travels
Triumphal Arch in Front of the Louvre Museum in Paris Editorial Stock Image  - Image of morning, garden: 151619969
Guide to the Louvre Museum in Paris: Tips, History and Tickets -  ParisTouristInformation.fr
Paris - triumphal arch and glass pyramid in louvre. louvre is one of the  biggest museum in the world; receiving more than 8 | CanStock
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, architecture, art, France, Europe, glass,  glassware, Louvre, museum, Stock Photo, Picture And Rights Managed Image.  Pic. H44-10810457 | agefotostock
France, Paris, Musee you Louvre, glass pyramid, Arc Triomphe you Carrousel,  capital, goal construction, gate, museum, Louvre museum, pyramid, glass,  steel, palace, structure, architecture, art museum, place of interest,  destination, tourism, person
Paris - Triumphal Arch and Glass Pyramid in Louvre. Louvre is one of the  biggest Museum in the world; receiving more than 8 million visitors each  year Stock Photo - Alamy
Paris - Triumphal Arch and Glass Pyramid in Louvre. Louvre is one of the  biggest Museum in the world; receiving more than 8 million visitors each  year Stock Photo - Alamy

جواب  رسائل 9 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 31/01/2025 20:44

Brandenburg Gate – the sight in Berlin

I think every visitor to Berlin is drawn to the Brandenburg Gate and Pariser Platz. The gate is the most famous landmark, a good reason for Berliners to drive by and stroll along the tourist paths.

We park our car on the Straße des 17.Juni right next to the statue, which is located on the central reservation of the roadway.
The bronze figure with the distinctive name “The Caller” stands on a pedestal with the inscription “I walk through the world and call peace peace peace”. In 1989 it got its place and “calls” in the direction of the Brandenburg Gate and the former eastern part of Berlin. For me, it is a very expressive figure that would be even better today as a rotating figure “calling” in all directions.

Der Rufer am Brandenburger Tor

We approach the gate via Platz des 18.März and I take a big step, as I often do, over the paving stones that show the former course of the Berlin Wall in front of the Brandenburg Gate. It occurs to me that I walked through the Brandenburg Gate for the first time in early 1990. This is the only picture in our thousands of family photos that I have found at all that shows the Brandenburg Gate.

Susanne 1990 1990 – Susanne vor dem Brandenburger Tor

About the Brandenburg Gate

Around 1670, Dorotheenstadt was built, which was integrated into the city fortifications of Berlin. At the site where the Brandenburg Gate now stands, there was a breach through the rampart and a drawbridge over the moat. The first Brandenburg Gate, so to speak.
In 1734, a customs wall was built around Berlin. The old passage of the rampart became a city gate on the road leading to Brandenburg an der Havel. This gate was dismantled in 1788.

Frederick William II planned to build a new Brandenburg Gate as a representation of his rulers’ domestic and foreign policy. He wanted to have a gate built that resembled a Greek temple and thus present himself as the ruler who would bring Prussia a golden age. The gate was to be called the Gate of Peace and its beauty was to be shown inwardly to the inhabitants of the city.

Brandenburger Tor

Building the gate

Carl Gotthard Langhans was commissioned by Frederick William II to implement the building plans.
The result was a gateway consisting of two rows of columns. Between each row was a brick and plaster wall, which was necessary to distribute the load of the upper section and the quadriga. This created 5 gateways of different widths. The two wing buildings flanking the sides were built later. They form a transition to the neighbouring buildings, thus creating a kind of courtyard of honour in front of the gate.

seiltlicher Blick auf das Brandenburger Tor

The dimensions of the Brandenburg Gate are already impressive. The gate is 26 metres high up to the top of the quadriga.


The quadriga is the most striking decorative element of the gate. Victoria, the goddess of victory, enters in her chariot and symbolically represents the arrival of peace in Berlin. It was erected in 1793, at which time it was not yet finally decided whether the quadriga should remain copper or whether it would be gilded. It was later decided not to gild it.
The sculpture was subsequently altered when it was realised that the victor’s emblem (spear, helmet, armour, 2 shields) was more recognisable as a lantern from a distance. Victoria was thus given a pole with a victor’s wreath and eagle.


In 1814, the victory symbol was changed once again. Schinkel created a pole crowned by an oak wreath. On the oak wreath sat an eagle with outstretched wings and it enclosed an Iron Cross.
Today there is a replica on the gate. All that remains of the original is a horse’s head, which is in the Märkisches Museum.

Function of the Brandenburg Gate

Säulen am Brandenburger Tor

In the past, the Brandenburg Gate not only had a representative function, but also had to fulfil a function. Anyone who wanted to pass through the gate had to pay an excise duty. Attention was paid to who entered or left the city and, in addition, the soldiers on guard had to make sure that none of their colleagues deserted.

The side wings were used by the tax authorities and the guards as accommodation.
The middle largest passage served as a thoroughfare and could be closed with gate wings. Only the equipages of the yard were allowed to pass through this gate. At night, the gate was closed with wooden doors. With the expansion of the town in 1861, the gate was no longer locked.

Stories around the Brandenburg Gate

There are many stories in which the Brandenburg Gate plays a role. I have written down three of them.

How the Quadriga left Berlin and returned

On 27 October 1806, Napoleon marched through the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin as the winner of the Fourth Coalition War against Prussia. He issued instructions to dismantle the quadriga and send it to Paris.
At the beginning of December, the statue was dismantled and packed into 12 crates and sent to France. It finally arrived in Paris on 17 May 1807. Napoleon actually wanted to place the quadriga on a newly built triumphal arch. However, due to the dismantling, disassembly and transport, the figure showed great damage and had to be restored. The work was completed in 1808 and it was placed in the Louvre.

Prussia was naturally anything but happy about this action. On top of the Brandenburg Gate, only a fortification iron stuck up like a thorn in this wound.

At the end of March 1814, the Prussian army won the wars of liberation and marched into Paris. After the quadriga had been tracked down, it was immediately taken apart again, packed into 15 crates and transported to Berlin. As soon as the crates reached Prussian territory, the repatriation resembled a triumphal procession. After the carriages reached Berlin, the individual parts were restored in the Grunewald hunting lodge. It was also at this time that the new victory emblem for Victoria was created. In the summer of 1814, the Quadriga was put back on the Brandenburg Gate. Yes, and how could it be otherwise in Berlin, the Quadriga promptly received the nickname “Retourkutsche”.

Nachtaufnahme vom Brandenburger Tor

Brandenburg Gate station

In 1815, about 30 horse owners were granted permission to hire out their horse-drawn carriages around the Brandenburg Gate. Anyone was allowed to hire the carriage and not only, as had been permitted previously, people from the court, nobility or respected artists. Many could not afford it at the time and so the carriages usually stood empty on the street.

In 1825, Hofrat Kremser had an idea that the king initially approved on a trial basis. Kremser placed larger spring-loaded carriages for 10-20 people at the Brandenburg Gate. He laid down precise routes that these carriages were to follow and posted them on the carriages. In addition, Kremser designated stops and fixed departure times for the carriages. The so-called Kremsers were enthusiastically accepted by the Berliners and soon the horse-drawn buses departed from the Brandenburg Gate in a star formation.

Was the quadriga always looking in the same direction?

Unfortunately, apart from a horse’s head, the quadriga was destroyed during the Second World War. Since a plaster cast existed, the reconstruction succeeded and at the end of 1957 it stood again on the Brandenburg Gate.
There is a rumour that it once stood the other way round, facing the western part of Berlin. It is said to have been turned around in a night and fog operation. However, this claim is false.
It is true that one night in August 1958 the Quadriga was secretly moved to the Neue Marstall. There the Iron Cross was removed. The East Berlin city council did not want to display the emblems of Prussian-German militarism. They were then put back on the Brandenburg Gate.

Blickrichtung von der Straße es 17 juni

The Brandenburg Gate – a gate as a symbol of German history

On 13 August 1961, the Wall was erected in Berlin, dividing the city into West and East. The Brandenburg Gate stood in the middle of the restricted area and was no longer accessible to Berliners.
Now only GDR border guards or invited guests (on the GDR side) could access a visitor platform. Those of us in the western part of the city could only see the Brandenburg Gate from viewing platforms at an appropriate distance.

There are numerous quotes and statements by people about the Brandenburg Gate and the political situation at that time. One visit is commemorated today by a memorial plaque on the walkway to the gate. In the summer of 1987, the then US President Ronald Reagan spoke the following sentence in front of the gate: “Mr.Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr.Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

Gedenktafel am Brandenburger Tor

Only 2 years later, 28 years after the Wall was built, the Brandenburg Gate was reopened on 22 December 1989. Later, the barriers were also removed. I walked through the gate for the first time in spring 1990. It was a moment that Berliners will not soon forget.

The square in front of the Brandenburg Gate – Pariser Platz

The original square was built in 1732-1734 as an extension of Friedrichstadt. Aristocratic palaces stood around the square. In 1814, after the Prussian troops had conquered Paris, the square was named Pariser Platz.
During the Second World War, the square was heavily destroyed. The remaining buildings were gradually demolished. After reunification, the square was redesigned and an attempt was made to combine modern and historical elements.

Pariser Platz 1990Pariser Platz 1990Pariser PlatzPariser Platz 2020

For me, next to the Brandenburg Gate, the Hotel Adlon is probably the most famous building on Pariser Platz. The hotel stood on Pariser Platz as early as 1905. From the outside, it looked rather classically conservative for its time. The interior was state-of-the-art: electricity and running hot water were standard in the guest rooms. This attracted guests from all over the world; even Wilhelm II preferred to stay in the heated rooms of the hotel in winter rather than in the draughty palace. In 1945, the hotel burned down and was demolished except for the side wing. This was then demolished in 1984.

Hotel Adlon

After the fall of the Wall, a new hotel complex was built on the same site (1995-97). It is not a reconstruction of the old hotel, but a new design that is stylistically based on the historical model. And as in those days, the Adlon is now a popular and exquisite hotel in the heart of Berlin.
Leaving Pariser Platz, you can then stroll along the street Unter den Linden until you reach Museum Island, the Berlin Cathedral and Alexanderplatz.

Rückseite des Tors


Pariser Platz 1
10117 Berlin


جواب  رسائل 10 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 02/02/2025 16:19
Reseña del Napoleon Apollo Smoker : r/BBQ
Napoleon - Apollo Kino
Acts 18:24 Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to  Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, well versed in the Scriptures.
Acts 18:24 And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent  man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.
 Acts 18:24 
New International Version
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.

New Living Translation
Meanwhile, a Jew named Apollos, an eloquent speaker who knew the Scriptures well, had arrived in Ephesus from Alexandria in Egypt.

English Standard Version
Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures.

Berean Standard Bible
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, well versed in the Scriptures.

Berean Literal Bible
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus, being an eloquent man, mighty in the Scriptures.

King James Bible
And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.

New King James Version
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus.

New American Standard Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was proficient in the Scriptures.

NASB 1995
Now a Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

NASB 1977
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

Legacy Standard Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, arrived at Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

Amplified Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent and cultured man, and well versed in the [Hebrew] Scriptures.

Christian Standard Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, a native Alexandrian, an eloquent man who was competent in the use of the Scriptures, arrived in Ephesus.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
A Jew named Apollos, a native Alexandrian, an eloquent man who was powerful in the use of the Scriptures, arrived in Ephesus.

American Standard Version
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the scriptures.

Contemporary English Version
A Jewish man named Apollos came to Ephesus. Apollos had been born in the city of Alexandria. He was a very good speaker and knew a lot about the Scriptures.

English Revised Version
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, a learned man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the scriptures.

GOD'S WORD® Translation
A Jew named Apollos, who had been born in Alexandria, arrived in the city of Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker and knew how to use the Scriptures in a powerful way.

Good News Translation
At that time a Jew named Apollos, who had been born in Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker and had a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.

International Standard Version
Meanwhile, a Jew named Apollos arrived in Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria, an eloquent man, and well versed in the Scriptures.

Majority Standard Bible
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, well versed in the Scriptures.

NET Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, arrived in Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker, well-versed in the scriptures.

New Heart English Bible
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. He was mighty in the Scriptures.

Webster's Bible Translation
And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.

Weymouth New Testament
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos came to Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria, a man of great learning and well versed in the Scriptures.

World English Bible
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. He was mighty in the Scriptures.
Literal Translations
Literal Standard Version
And a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a man of eloquence, being mighty in the Writings, came to Ephesus;

Berean Literal Bible
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus, being an eloquent man, mighty in the Scriptures.

Young's Literal Translation
And a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a man of eloquence, being mighty in the Writings, came to Ephesus,

Smith's Literal Translation
And a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, arrived at Ephesus, being able in the writings.
Catholic Translations
Douay-Rheims Bible
Now a certain Jew, named Apollo, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus, one mighty in the scriptures.

Catholic Public Domain Version
Now a certain Jew named Apollo, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man who was powerful with the Scriptures, arrived at Ephesus.

New American Bible
A Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, an eloquent speaker, arrived in Ephesus. He was an authority on the scriptures.

New Revised Standard Version
Now there came to Ephesus a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria. He was an eloquent man, well-versed in the scriptures.
Translations from Aramaic
Lamsa Bible
And a certain Jew named A-pol’los, a native of Al-ex-an’dri-a, an eloquent man and well versed in the scriptures, came to Eph'esus.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
One man, a Jew whose name was Apollo, a native of Alexandria and instructed in the word, was familiar with the Scriptures and he came to Ephesaus.
NT Translations
Anderson New Testament
And a certain Jew, named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus.

Godbey New Testament
And a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came into Ephesus, being mighty in the scriptures.

Haweis New Testament
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, a man of eloquence, who was powerful in the Scriptures, had come to Ephesus.

Mace New Testament
In the mean time a Jew, nam'd Apollos, born at Alexandria, a man of letters, and vers'd in the scriptures, arriv'd at Ephesus.

Weymouth New Testament
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos came to Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria, a man of great learning and well versed in the Scriptures.

Worrell New Testament
Now a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a learned man, came down to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

Worsley New Testament
Now there came to Ephesus a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures.

جواب  رسائل 11 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 04/02/2025 16:04
Revelation 8, 9 The seven trumpets. - ppt download

Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 262 de 273 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/09/2024 23:47
Did Napoleon Ever Exist?: Pérès, Jean Baptiste : r/CulturalLayer

جواب  رسائل 12 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 10/02/2025 17:32
No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.

جواب  رسائل 13 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 15/02/2025 01:17
  • The Egyptian capital Cairo, situated adjacent to Giza, derives its name from Al Qahira denoting Mars (more literally it means "the victorious")
  • The ancient Egyptians called Mars "Horus of the Horizon" (Horakhti), the same name given to the Great Sphinx
  • Mars was also called "Horus the Red" (Hor Dshr), and for a long time the Sphinx was painted red
  • Just as the Great Sphinx is the hybrid of man and a lion, in ancient Hindu myths Mars is Nr-Simha, the "Man-Lion"
  • The term "pyramid" derives from the Greek term pyr meaning 'fire', as in Mars the "fire planet" (Mars is often referred to as pyroeis in Greek)
The Great Sphinx is also an equinox marker, aligning with the sunrise on those days every year. Tellingly the equinoxes were very Martian in 2014:

[Autumnal equinox - Sep 22-23, 2014]
Sep 22, 2014 NASA's MAVEN Mars probe safely brakes into orbit
Sep 24 India's First Mars Probe Makes Historic Red Planet Arrival

جواب  رسائل 14 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/02/2025 14:40


Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.[a] They will come in and go out, and find pasture.

Read full chapter

جواب  رسائل 15 من 15 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 22/02/2025 15:30
S. Juan 10:9-11 Yo soy la puerta; el que por mí entrare, será salvo; y  entrará, y saldrá, y hallará pastos. El ladrón no viene sino para hurtar y  matar y destruir;
Juan 10:9 - Versículo de la Biblia - DailyVerses.net
Juan 10:9 (rvr) - Yo soy la puerta; el que por mí entrare, ser�...
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Stargate Special Edition [Reino Unido] [DVD]: Amazon.es: Kurt Russell:  Películas y TV
1. Éxodo 12:7: Y tomarán de la sangre, y la pondrán en los dos postes y en el DINTEL de las casas en que lo han de comer.
2. Éxodo 12:22: Y tomad un manojo de hisopo, y mojadlo en la sangre que estará en un lebrillo, y untad el DINTEL y los dos postes con la sangre que estará en el lebrillo; y ninguno de vosotros salga de las puertas de su casa hasta la mañana.
3. Éxodo 12:23: Porque Jehová pasará hiriendo a los egipcios; y cuando vea la sangre en el DINTEL y en los dos postes, pasará Jehová aquella puerta, y no dejará entrar al heridor en vuestras casas para herir.


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
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Dinteles de piedra en Stonehenge.
Esquema de estructura adintelada.

Un dintel es un elemento estructural horizontal que salva un espacio libre entre dos apoyos. Es el elemento superior que permite abrir huecos en los muros para conformar puertasventanas o pórticos. Por extensión, el tipo de arquitectura, o construcción, que utiliza el uso de dinteles para cubrir los espacios en los edificios se llama arquitectura adintelada, o construcción adintelada. La que utiliza arcos o bóvedas se denomina arquitectura abovedada.

Los mejores exponentes de arquitectura adintelada en piedra son los edificios monumentales del Antiguo Egipto y la Grecia clásica. La palabra dintel proviene de la palabra latina: limitellus, que deriva etimológicamente de limen y limes. En latín la palabra limen significa umbral, puerta, entrada o comienzo, y limes se refiere a un sendero entre dos campos, límite o muralla.

Energía potencial - EcuRed

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Historical Axis at Concorde © French Moments

La Maddalena: Venice's mysterious masonic church | Future Venetian
12+1 Venetian places with mysteries and disturbing stories
Santa Maria Maddalena Church, Cannaregio, Venezia, Italia Stock Image -  Image of baroque, historic: 95524673
Esoteric Venice, the stones tell stories and legends - Venice Italy
La Maddalena and Masonic Symbolism. - Images of Venice

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