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22 / 7 ≈ πKING-Hey https://soundcloud.com/weareking-1/k...g-live-at-kpfkA journal full of NUMBERS that I used to go through (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) all behind me now, all because of YOUa fractal alphabet http://khnum-khufu.blogspot.nl/
"So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." - Apokalypse 17.3 |
265/153 ≈ 1.73 ≈ √317/12 ≈ 1.414 ≈ √23121 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3121_(album)greenLION
To face the waking life of day with dullness and lethargy, to linger in vague obscurities, is not the right way; the right way is to strive with activity of soul to follow and master the development of the thoughts and ideas presented in Spiritual Science. For when we grasp these trains of thoughts and ideas by dint of bold, determined effort, we reach the stage where mere theorising, mere cogitation and intellectual acceptance of what they contain, change into vision — and we are actually within the spiritual world. But a real understanding of modern life makes it evident that through the milieu of applied technical science we pass into an Ahrimanic sphere and allow ourselves to be filled with Ahrimanic spirituality. .... There is tremendous significance, for example, in the fact that in the development of language the Ego-concept, the concept of ‘I’, is entirely different — more and more different the farther back we go into pre-Christian ages — from what it afterwards became, in the time from the Mystery of Golgotha onwards. The way of giving expression to the ‘I’ changes, as can be perceived in the very configuration of language. For example, when the ‘I’ in many languages is part of the verb itself, this is an entirely different matter from when it is separated from the verb and uttered separately. .... Spiritual beings live and are active in human speech, and when man formulates words, elemental spiritual beings press into them. On the wings of words, spiritual beings fly through the area where men are conversing with one another. That is why it is so important to pay attention to certain subtleties of speech, and not to give way to the arbitrariness of passions and emotions when speaking. .... Even to-day it can sometimes be noticed how men slip from the materialistic frame of mind into a feeling of the ingenious spirituality of speech and language. .... If world-karma places us to-day in a strongly Ahrimanic milieu, so that we must strengthen our forces of soul in order to find the path into the spiritual world through all the obstacles presented by this Ahrimanic spirituality, the soul needs means of support different from those available in former times. And this is connected with the fact that art, too, must take different paths in all its branches. http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/Dates/19141228p01.html |
Antimony(III) sulfide, Sb2S3, was recognized in predynastic Egypt as an eye cosmetic (kohl) as early as about 3100 BC, when the cosmetic palette was invented. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimony In the centuries-old Indian Bharatnatayam dances, the dancers apply heavy kohl to their eyes so as to draw attention to their eye gestures and movement. The kohl is then applied to eyebrows and eyelids to add further enhancement to the dancers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohl_(cosmetics) Newton’s manuscript was describing nothing other than a recipe for the Philosopher’s Stone, a legendary substance that reputedly could turn base metals like lead into gold.... Like other alchemists, he thought that alchemy promised tremendous control over the natural world. It would allow you to transmute virtually anything into anything else.... He wrote more than a million unpublished words on alchemy with codes, obscure symbols, and colorful metaphors. His notes contain cryptic references to “Green Lion,” “Neptune’s Trident,” and the “Scepter of Jove.” Most are still mysteries unto themselves. The “menstrual blood of the sordid whore” is decipherable. It means simply the metalline form of antimony. That is the “menstrual blood” that’s extracted from the “sordid whore,” which is the ore of antimony. It’s a coded language, and it’s clear that the alchemists delighted in this code. It’s almost a form of poetry. http://geekymuse.com/2010/06/isaac-n...sophers-stone/ It seems to me that these were the processes that the physicians of old time sought ever and again to pursue. If they spoke of the creation of the Homunculus, they did so because their surviving clairvoyant faculties revealed something resembling the phantom of antimony. For there appeared to them, in the forming process which they carried out in their laboratory when antimony unfolded its forces, something projected into it by their own nature, which fights against the power of antimony as albuminising force. That appeared to them as a definite force. That which normally remains concealed within the human organism, they projected externally, and thus they beheld the Homunculus, who appeared during the various metamorphoses of antimony. What appeared in the interplay of these processes and metamorphoses they saw as the Homunculus. http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA3...200408p01.html |
__________________ CRISTIS
Last edited by science2art; 15-06-2014 at 10:32 AM. Reason: You
https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=234691&page=8 |
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patagonia=911=volver al futuro
patagonia=911=volver al futuro
En el Judaísmo tradicional y en la literatura Rabínica, el monte de los Olivos es llamado la montaña del Mesías (Mashíaj). Después de que el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús resucitara, Él dejó la tierra desde el Monte de los Olivos, para volver otra vez al Cielo (Olam Habá) para sentarse a la diestra del Padre. En Hechos 1:9-12 está escrito:
"Y habiendo dicho estas cosas, viéndolo ellos, [Jesús> fue alzado, y le recibió una nube que le ocultó de sus ojos. Y estando ellos con los ojos puestos en el cielo, entre tanto que él se iba, he aquí se pusieron junto a ellos dos varones con vestiduras blancas, los cuales también les dijeron: Varones galileos, ¿por qué estáis mirando al cielo? Este mismo Jesús, que ha sido tomado de vosotros al cielo, así vendrá como le habéis visto ir al cielo. Entonces volvieron a Jerusalén desde el monte que se llama del Olivar [Olivos>, el cual está cerca de Jerusalén, camino de un día de reposo."
Cuando el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús vuelva en Su segunda venida como el Mesías Rey (Mashíaj ben David), Él pondrá Sus pies sobre el monte de los Olivos. En Zacarías 14:3-4, 9 está escrito:
"Después saldrá el Señor…y se afirmarán sus pies en aquel día sobre el monte de los Olivos… y el Señor será rey sobre toda la tierra. En aquel día será uno, y uno será su nombre."
Los pies de la persona que se ponen sobre el monte de los Olivos en Zacarías 14:4, es el Señor en Zacarías 14:3. La palabra traducida como SEÑOR en Zacarías 14:3 es la palabra hebrea YHWH. Los pies de YHWH se pondrán sobre el monte de los Olivos. Esto es los pies del Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús (Hechos 1:9-12).
https://quaerendo-invenietis.com/2016/10/01/rennes-le-chateau-iv-el-misterio-2a-parte/ |
De: okbet |
Enviado: 27/10/2023 05:44 |
There's no doubt i would fully rate it after i read what is the idea about this article. You did a nice job.
patagonia=911=volver al futuro
En el Judaísmo tradicional y en la literatura Rabínica, el monte de los Olivos es llamado la montaña del Mesías (Mashíaj). Después de que el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús resucitara, Él dejó la tierra desde el Monte de los Olivos, para volver otra vez al Cielo (Olam Habá) para sentarse a la diestra del Padre. En Hechos 1:9-12 está escrito:
"Y habiendo dicho estas cosas, viéndolo ellos, [Jesús> fue alzado, y le recibió una nube que le ocultó de sus ojos. Y estando ellos con los ojos puestos en el cielo, entre tanto que él se iba, he aquí se pusieron junto a ellos dos varones con vestiduras blancas, los cuales también les dijeron: Varones galileos, ¿por qué estáis mirando al cielo? Este mismo Jesús, que ha sido tomado de vosotros al cielo, así vendrá como le habéis visto ir al cielo. Entonces volvieron a Jerusalén desde el monte que se llama del Olivar [Olivos>, el cual está cerca de Jerusalén, camino de un día de reposo."
Cuando el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús vuelva en Su segunda venida como el Mesías Rey (Mashíaj ben David), Él pondrá Sus pies sobre el monte de los Olivos. En Zacarías 14:3-4, 9 está escrito:
"Después saldrá el Señor…y se afirmarán sus pies en aquel día sobre el monte de los Olivos… y el Señor será rey sobre toda la tierra. En aquel día será uno, y uno será su nombre."
Los pies de la persona que se ponen sobre el monte de los Olivos en Zacarías 14:4, es el Señor en Zacarías 14:3. La palabra traducida como SEÑOR en Zacarías 14:3 es la palabra hebrea YHWH. Los pies de YHWH se pondrán sobre el monte de los Olivos. Esto es los pies del Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús (Hechos 1:9-12).
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