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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 15/09/2014 03:02
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 24/05/2024 14:16
Apollo 11 Moon Landing 50th Anniversary — Little Village Toy & Book Shop

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/05/2024 11:02
July 25: Arch of Constantine | FCIT

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 17/06/2024 15:13
15 "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (1805) | PDF | Constantino el grande | Moisés

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 18/06/2024 15:15
Saturday Night Fever. DVD | Jetzt bei ZWEITAUSENDEINS kaufen
The Walter Day Collection - 0054 - October 28, 1886 - Statue of Liberty  Dedicated
Statue of Liberty dedicated October 28, 1886 - This Is In History - YouTube
Liberty Day: The Statue of Liberty is dedicated by President Grover  Cleveland just four months after it arrived from France in 350 pieces on October  28, 1886 in New York City History -
Saturday Night Fever | Rotten Tomatoes
Night Fever (From "Saturday Night Fever" Soundtrack) - YouTube
Prime Video: Saturday Night Fever
Dragón 11017 escala 1/72 modelo Kit de Apolo 11 Saturno V Modelo de  cohete|Kits de construcción de maquetas| - AliExpress

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 30/06/2024 12:43
6 moments of silence to honor those lost on 9/11

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 24/07/2024 03:36
Revelation 2:1 "To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the  words of Him who holds the seven stars in His right hand and walks among  the seven golden

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/07/2024 00:07
Ephesus. Seven Churches, Revelation of Jesus 6 - A Revelation of Jesus |  www.revelationofjesus.net

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 25/08/2024 21:31
El Verdadero Tercer Secreto de Fátima | Ortodoxia Católica
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 27/10/2024 16:47

 Una nueva invitada internacional acaba de confirmar su presencia en la décima edición y aniversario de Cinefan Festival. Por primera vez en la historia del evento asistirá un intérprete de la conocida saga “Regreso al futuro”. La actriz Claudia Wells, que interpretó a la novia de Marty Mcfly,  Jennifer Parker, en el primer largometraje de la trilogía, representará en Úbeda a un clásico del cine fantástico y de ciencia ficción. Era un empeño de la organización que la saga tuviera presencia en el evento, desde hace varios años. Ojalá sea la primera de muchos de los que se esperan que pasen por su alfombra roja en las próximas ediciones.


Actriz norteamericana nacida en Kuala Lumpur (Malasia) y criada en San Francisco, California (EEUU), comenzó su carrera artística siendo adolescente, participando en diversas series de televisión como Herbie, The Love Bug (1982), Fama (1984) o Simon & Simon (1985). A pesar de que su carrera interpretativa parecía estar encaminada hacia el éxito, decidió apartarse de los platós cuando a su madre le fue diagnosticado un cáncer; esa trágica experiencia le impulsó a tomar un papel activo en organizaciones benéficas. En 2008 retoma la interpretación con Still Waters Burn, a la que siguen El mentalista (2011),  Starship: Rising (2014), EP/Executive Protection (2015) o Vitals (2017), entre otros muchos títulos. A pesar de todo su bagaje artístico, para los fans siempre será recordada como la genuina Jennifer Parker, en la primera entrega de la trilogía de “Regreso al Futuro” (1985).

Claudia Wells se une a los actores  ya anunciados del apartado internacional: John Simpkin, Peter Ross-Murray y Sarah Douglas. Los veremos en los encuentros y charlas del festival y en las sesiones de firmas entre el 22 y el 24 de julio. Aún quedan más comunicaciones de invitados internacionales y nacionales. ¡Esperar y ver!


Resposta  Missatge 1264 de 1271 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 02/12/2024 16:35
Matthew 15:39 KJV Bible Verse Images
Matthew 15:39 After Jesus had dismissed the crowds, He got into the boat  and went to the region of Magadan.
Matthew 15:39 And he sent away the multitude, and took ship, and came into  the coasts of Magdala.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 12/01/2025 18:17
BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 12/01/2025 13:57
July 25: Arch of Constantine | FCIT

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 07/02/2025 17:33
Gateway Arch
Alternative names
  • Gateway to the West
  • St. Louis Arch
General information
Architectural style Structural expressionism[1]
Location 100 Washington Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri, 63102, U.S.
Coordinates 38.6245°N 90.1847°W
Construction started February 12, 1963; 61 years ago
Completed October 28, 1965; 59 years ago
Inaugurated June 10, 1967; 57 years ago
Cost $13 million (c. $95.9 million in 2023)[2]
Height 630 ft (192 m)
Other dimensions 630 ft (192 m) width
Design and construction
Architect(s) Eero Saarinen
Architecture firm Eero Saarinen and Associates
Structural engineer Severud Associates
Main contractor MacDonald Construction Co.
Gateway Arch
Gateway Arch is located in St. Louis
Gateway Arch
NRHP reference No. 87001423
Significant dates
Added to NRHP May 28, 1987[3]
Designated NHL May 28, 1987[4]

Resposta  Missatge 1267 de 1271 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 08/02/2025 14:11

On This Day, October 28th

1. 1965: Gateway Arch in St. Louis completed

Photo: history

Photo: history

Photo: roadtrippers

Photo: roadtrippers

The tallest monument in the United States was completed on this date in 1965. The Gateway Arch stands 630 feet tall and is the focal point of the St. Louis skyline. Constructed out of concrete and stainless steel, the arch has a tram system built within it that will take visitors to the very top where they have an amazing view of the city. The arch was built for two main reasons, first was to create jobs, but maybe more importantly to commemorate the Westward Expansion of the United States. According to reports, the cost of the project was estimated to be around $13 million which in today’s money would be around $190 million. The arch has more than 4 million visitors each year and is an important part of the city’s economy.

2. 1886: Dedication of the Statue of Liberty

Photo: tumblr

Photo: tumblr

Photo: tumblr

Photo: tumblr

The last rivet was fitted which completed the installation of the Statue of Liberty on this date in 1886. President Grover Cleveland was on hand to perform the dedication ceremony as well as numerous American and French dignitaries. Lady Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States to commemorate their friendship during the American Revolution. The 151-foot tall statue was originally built in Paris then disassembled and shipped to the U.S. in an estimated 200 different crates. The steel framework was designed by Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, who made a name for himself by designing the Eiffel Tower. But the overall design was done by French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi.


3. 1922: First college football game broadcast nationwide on the radio

Photo: flashbackdallas

Photo: flashbackdallas

Photo: photobucket

Photo: photobucket

It was on this date in 1922 the first college football game was broadcast nationwide on the radio. The Princeton Tigers went up against the Chicago Maroons at Stagg Field in Chicago. The Maroons were heavily favored and were one of the most dominant teams in the Big Ten conference. Unfortunately, the broadcast wasn’t live during the game; that didn’t happen until two years later in 1924. What would normally happen was a reporter would sit in the press box at the stadium and would phone the details of what was happening back to the station. An announcer would be standing by to re-enact the play by play using the help of sound effects and sometimes an in-studio audience. Even though Princeton was the underdog, they managed to pull off a major upset and then went on to finish the season with an undefeated record.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 10/02/2025 17:49
Napoleon Bonaparte - From the heights of these pyramids...

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 16/02/2025 16:25

Llama de la Libertad (París)

Llama de la Libertad
País Bandera de Francia Francia
Dirección Plaza Diana
Ubicación París
Coordenadas 48°51′51″N 2°18′03″E
Tipo Escultura
Altura 3,5 m
Materiales Cobre y Oro
La Llama de la Libertad, ofrecida al pueblo francés por donantes de todo el mundo como símbolo de la amistad franco-americana, en la plaza Diana (París).

La Llama de la Libertad (en francésFlamme de la Liberté) de París es una réplica del mismo tamaño de la nueva llama situada en el extremo de la antorcha que lleva en la mano la Estatua de la Libertad de Nueva York desde 1986.1​ El monumento, que tiene aproximadamente 3,5 metros de longitud, es una escultura de una llama de cobre dorado, apoyada en un pedestal de mármol gris y negro. Está situado cerca del extremo norte del puente del Alma, en la plaza Diana, en el distrito 8 de ParísFrancia.2

Fue ofrecida a la ciudad de París en 1989 por el International Herald Tribune en nombre de los donantes, que habían contribuido aproximadamente 400 000 dólares para su realización. Representaba la culminación de las celebraciones de 1987 del periódico por su cien aniversario de la publicación de un periódico en inglés en París. Más importante, la Llama era una muestra de agradecimiento por la restauración de la Estatua de la Libertad realizada tres años antes por dos empresas francesas que hicieron el trabajo artesanal del proyecto: Métalliers Champenois, que hizo el trabajo del bronce, y Gohard Studios, que aplicó el pan de oro. Aunque el regalo a Francia fue motivado por el centenario del periódico, la Llama de la Libertad es un símbolo más general de la amistad que une los dos países, igual que la Estatua de la Libertad cuando fue regalada a los Estados Unidos por Francia.

Este proyecto fue supervisado por el director de la unión de artesanos franceses en aquel momento, Jacques Graindorge. Propuso la instalación de la Llama de la Libertad en una plaza pública llamada Place des États-Unis en el distrito 16, pero el alcalde de París, Jacques Chirac, se opuso a esto. Tras un prolongado período de negociaciones, se decidió que la alama se situaría en una zona abierta cerca de la intersección de la Avenue de New-York y la Place de l'Alma. El monumento fue inaugurado el 10 de mayo de 1989 por Chirac.

En la base del monumento hay una placa conmemorativa que relata la siguiente historia:

"La Llama de la Libertad. Una réplica exacta de la llama de la Estatua de la Libertad ofrecida al pueblo de Francia por donantes de todo el mundo como símbolo de la amistad franco-americana. Con ocasión del centenario del International Herald Tribune, París 1887-1987."

La llama se convirtió en un monumento no oficial de Diana de Gales después de su muerte en 1997 en el túnel bajo el Pont de l'Alma.3​ La llama es una atracción para turistas y seguidores de Diana, quiens pegan pósteres y folletos con material conmemorativo en la base. El antropólogo Guy Lesoeurs dijo que "la mayoría de las personas que vienen aquí piensan que se construyó para ella."2​ La plaza del monumento se llama desde entonces Plaza Diana (París).

El monumento está cerca de la estación del Metro de París llamada Alma-Marceau en la línea 9 y de la estación Pont de l’Alma Línea 'C' del RER, así como por los buses número 42, 63, 72, 80, 92, y los autobuses turísticos Balabus.

El 14 de junio de 2008 se inauguró una nueva Llama de la Libertad, una escultura de Jean Cardot, que también simboliza las relaciones cálidas y respetuosas entre Francia y los Estados Unidos. Fue instalada en los jardines de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Francia en la Place de la Concorde, y se inauguró en presencia del Presidente de la República FrancesaNicolas Sarkozy, y el Presidente de los Estados UnidosGeorge W. Bush. Esta nueva llama es la realización de un impulso compartido por el empresario francés Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière, y el embajador estadounidense Craig Roberts Stapleton, y tiene dos inscripciones, una del francés Marqués de La Fayette y otra del estadista americano Benjamin Franklin.

 Véase también


Resposta  Missatge 1270 de 1271 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/02/2025 17:17

Project Rainbow: What really happened in the Philadelphia experiment?

Aman named Al Bielek, who claimed to be a test subject of various secret U.S. Military Experiments, said that on August 12, 1943, the U.S. Navy carried out an experiment called the “Philadelphia Experiment” on the USS Eldridge, at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, after installing special equipment on it. In this test, they allegedly send the ship and all its crew members 10 minutes back in time, making it apparently ‘invisible’, and then bring them back to the present time.


As a consequence, many of the sailors onboard went insane, many lost their memory, some were engulfed in flames to their deaths, and others molecularly bonded with the ship’s metal structure. However, according to Bielek, he and his brother, who were aboard the experiment ship at the time, jumped off just before the time warp opened and survived without any injuries. There’s a huge argument as to whether this event is true or not. But if such an experiment really happened then it’s undoubtedly one of the eeriest mysteries in human history.

The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Rainbow


According to Al Bielek, August 12, 2003, is an extremely important anniversary date in the U.S. Navy’s secret World War II invisibility project known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Bielek claimed that ― on August 12, 1943 ― the Navy, after installing special equipment on the USS Eldridge, made the ship and its crew disappear from Philadelphia harbour for over 4 hours.

The exact nature of this test is open to speculation. Possible tests include experiments in magnetic invisibility, radar invisibility, optical invisibility or degaussing ― rendering the ship immune to magnetic mines. The tests were conducted, only to produce undesirable results. Afterwards, the project — supposedly called “Project Rainbow” — was cancelled.

What Really Happened During The Philadelphia Experiment?

Two separate sets of bizarre events make up the “Philadelphia Experiment.” Both revolve around a Navy Destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, with the events taking place on two separate days in the summer and fall of 1943.

In the first experiment, an alleged method of electrical field manipulation allowed the USS Eldridge to be rendered invisible on July 22, 1943, in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. The second rumoured experiment was the teleportation and small-scale time travel (with the ship sent a few seconds in the past) of the USS Eldridge from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard to Norfolk, Virginia, on October 28, 1943.

Horrible tales of mangled seamen and sailors stuck within the metal of the USS Eldridge often accompany this experiment, with the USS Eldrige reappearing seconds later in the waters around Philadelphia. Recitation of the events surrounding the second Philadelphia Experiment often includes a cargo and troop transport vessel, the SS Andrew Furuseth. The lore of the second experiment claims those on board the Andrew Furuseth viewed the USS Eldridge and it’s crew as they teleported into Norfolk momentarily before the ship returned to the waters of Philadelphia.

Prior to the mid-1950s, no rumours of bizarre activity surrounded any teleportation or invisibility experiments in North America during the 1940s, let alone in the area surrounding Philadelphia.

Carl Meredith Allen, using the alias Carlos Miguel Allende, sent a series of letters to the astronomer and writer Morris K. Jessup. Jessup authored several early UFO books including the mildly successful The Case For The UFO. Allen claimed to be on the SS Andrew Furuseth during the second experiment, witnessing the USS Eldridge emerge in the waters of Norfolk and quickly disappear into thin air.

Carl Allen supplied no proof to verify what he claimed to witness on October 28, 1943. He did win the mind of Morris Jessup, who began to champion Allen’s view of the Philadelphia Experiment. Jessup, however, died four years after his first contact with Allen from an apparent suicide.

Moving a ship weighing several thousand tons leaves an inevitable paper trail. On the date of the Philadelphia “Invisibility” Experiment, July 22, 1943, the USS Eldridge had yet to be commissioned. The USS Eldridge spent the day of the alleged teleportation experiments, October 28, 1943, safely within a New York harbour, waiting to escort a naval convoy to Casablanca. The SS Andrew Norfolk spent October 28, 1943, sailing across the Atlantic Ocean en route to the Mediterranean port city of Oran, further discrediting Carl Allen’s comments.

And in the early 1940s, the Navy did conduct experiments to make naval vessels “invisible” in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyards, but in a different manner and with a completely different set of desired results.

In these experiments, researchers ran an electric current through hundreds of meters of electrical cable around the hull of a ship to see if they could make the ships “invisible” to underwater and surface mines. Germany deployed magnetic mines in naval theatres — mines that would latch on to the metal hull of ships as they came near. In theory, this system would make the ships invisible to the magnetic properties of the mines.

Seventy years later, we are left without a shred of credible evidence for the Philadelphia Experiment(s), yet rumours persist. If you are still unconvinced, think of the situation from a different viewpoint. No incident, regardless of the horrific nature, would stall the development of teleportation technology if the military believed it feasible. Such a resource would be an invaluable front line weapon in war and the backbone of many commercial industries, yet decades later, teleportation is still caged within the realm of science fiction.

In 1951, the United States transferred the Eldrige to the country of Greece. Greece christened the ship the HS Leon, using the vessel for joint U.S. operations during the Cold War. The USS Eldridge met an unceremonious end, with the decommissioned ship sold to a Grecian firm as scrap after five decades of service.

In 1999, fifteen members of the USS Eldridge crew held a reunion in Atlantic City, with the veterans bemoaning the decades of questioning surrounding the vessel they served on.


Resposta  Missatge 1271 de 1271 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 03/03/2025 15:58

MCM: Billy Zane

Billy Zane

Billy Zane

This post was inspired by a conversation with a reader (maybe on Facebook?) about loving Billy Zane in Titanic. He’s had a few roles that real standouts to me (Dead CalmOnly You — both modern-set — as well as frock flicks Titanic and Orlando). He’s got THOSE EYELASHES. Sadly these days he seems to be mostly doing low-budget productions, although I’m glad to see he’s working. So, with a lot of B-movie stuff, here’s beautiful Billy Zane in historical flicks:


Back to the Future (1985) & Part II (1989)

As “Match,” so called because he always chewed on a match; one of villain Biff’s gang in these time travel to the 1950s classics.

1989 Back to the Future Part IIWide ties, high waistbands: check.

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