El Salmo 119 fue escrito por David. Tiene 176 versículos. Están las veintidós letras del alfabeto hebreo. Es un salmo poético que pasa por todo el alfabeto hebreo en unidades de ocho versículos cada una. Veintidós veces ocho, hacen 176.
El alfabeto hebreo empieza por la letra, Alef, y termina con la letra, Tav. En Revelación 22:13, Jesús dijo estas palabras según está escrito:
"Yo soy el Alfa y Omega, el principio y el fin, el primero y el último."
El Alfa y Omega son la primera y última letras del alfabeto griego. La manera en que esto se diría en hebreo es "Yo soy Alef y Tav."
En Génesis 1:1 está escrito: "En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra." Si examina este versículo en hebreo, encontrará que la cuarta palabra hebrea es, Alef, Tav."
Por lo tanto, en hebreo, Génesis 1:1 dice, "En el principio (Be-reshit), Dios (Elohim) creó (bará), (Alef, Tav)…" De aquí podemos comprender que Jesús es ciertamente el Alef y el Tav, el principio y el fin.
En cada versículo del Salmo 119, David alaba a Dios por Su Torá. Como Jesús es el Alef y Tav, el principio y el fin, entonces todo el Salmo 119 está escrito acerca de Jesús. ¡¡De esto podemos comprender que Jesús es la Torá viviente!!
Hay tres cosas principales que resaltan en el Salmo 119. Son las siguientes:
- La lengua hebrea
- La Torá de Dios
- El número ocho
En el Salmo 119, se resalta la lengua hebrea, porque pasa por todo el alfabeto, letra por letra. Se resalta la Torá de Dios porque en cada versículo del Salmo 119, David alaba a Dios por Su Torá. Se resalta el número ocho porque el Salmo 119 pasa por todo el alfabeto hebreo en unidades de ocho versículos.
Cada versículo del Salmo 119:1-8, empieza por la primera letra de la lengua hebrea, la Alef. Cada versículo en el Salmo 119:9-16, empieza por la segunda letra de la lengua hebrea, la Bet. Cada versículo en el Salmo 119:17-24, empieza por la tercera letra del alfabeto hebreo, la Guímel. Este modelo se repite por todo el alfabeto hebreo hasta el final del Salmo. Por lo tanto, el Salmo 119 resalta la lengua hebrea, la Torá y el número ocho.
¿Por qué se resalta el número ocho en el Salmo 119? Siete es el número de Dios para la perfección y plenitud. Los siete días de la creación representan 7000 años de tiempo. En el Salmo 90:4 está escrito:
"Porque mil años delante de tus ojos son como el día de ayer, que pasó, y como una de las vigilias de la noche."
En 2ª Pedro 3:8 está escrito:
"Mas, oh amados (un término para la Novia de Dios), no ignoréis esto: que para con el Señor un día es como mil años, y mil años como un día."
Por lo tanto, los siete días de la creación son un cuadro espiritual de siete mil años de tiempo. El séptimo día de la creación, el Shabat, es un cuadro espiritual de la Edad Mesiánica del Milenio.
En Levítico 23, Dios dio a su pueblo siete fiestas. Son la Pascua, los Panes sin Levadura, los primeros Frutos, Pentecostés, las Trompetas, la Expiación y los Tabernáculos. Una vez más, el siete es el número bíblico para la perfección y la plenitud. Estas siete fiestas son importantes porque revelan el plan profético de Dios. Las cuatro primeras fiestas nos revelan sobre la primera venida de Jesús. Las tres últimas lo hacen sobre la segunda venida de Jesús. Todas estas fiestas nos enseñan sobre nuestra relación personal con Dios. Para más información sobre las fiestas bíblicas, lea mi libro, "Las Siete Fiestas del Mesías." Se puede comprar escribiendo a Hebraic Heritage Ministries International (Ministerios de la Herencia Hebrea Internacional). Al final del libro se informa cómo conseguirlo.
La séptima fiesta es la de los Tabernáculos. La fiesta de los Tabernáculos debe celebrarse durante siete días. En Levítico 23:33-34 está escrito:
"Y habló el Señor a Moisés diciendo: Habla a los hijos de Israel y diles: A los quince días de este mes séptimo será la fiesta solemne de los tabernáculos al Señor por siete días."
La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos no es sólo la séptima fiesta sino que tiene lugar en el séptimo mes, y debe celebrarse por siete días. En esto, Dios está resaltando la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos y el número siete. La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos es profética de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica. Al final de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica termina el cuadro profético de los siete días de la creación y el día séptimo de las siete fiestas. Por lo tanto, a la conclusión de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica, el plan profético de Dios para la raza humana se completará y se entrará en la eternidad.
Dios dio una pista profética de la eternidad cuando él dio instrucciones referente a la celebración de la fiesta de los Tabernáculos. En Levítico 23:33-34, 36 está escrito:
"Y habló el Señor a Moisés, diciendo: Habla a los hijos de Israel y diles: A los quince días de este mes séptimo será la fiesta solemne de los tabernáculos al Señor …Siete días ofreceréis ofrenda encendida al Señor; el octavo día tendréis santa convocación, y ofreceréis ofrenda encendida al Señor; es fiesta solemne…"
La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos es una fiesta de siete días para Dios. Se celebra según el Calendario Judío del 15-21 de Tishrí. El octavo día, el 22 de Tishrí, es conocido en hebreo como "Sheminí Atséret" que significa, "La octava conclusión." El día siguiente de "Sheminí Atséret" es el 23 de Tishrí, que es conocido en hebreo como "Simjat Torá" que significa, "El regocijo de la Torá."
Por lo tanto, después de la conclusión del tiempo, según está representado por la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos, que es la séptima fiesta, en el séptimo mes, y celebrada por siete días, y es un cuadro espiritual de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica, tenemos "Sheminí Atséret y Simjat Torá," que representa la eternidad.
Sheminí Atséret y Simjat Torá se celebran conjuntamente y está vista por el pueblo judío como un solo día que se extiende sobre dos días físicos del calendario. Por lo tanto, el octavo día que Dios adjuntó a los siete días de la fiesta de los Tabernáculos fue hecho por Dios para representar el tiempo que sigue a la conclusión de la fiesta de los Tabernáculos o eternidad. Porque Sheminí Atséret (la octava conclusión) está asociada a Simjat Torá (el regocijo de la Torá) y esto representa la eternidad, podemos comprender que durante la eternidad, todos los creyentes estarán en el cielo regocijándose en la Torá de Dios. Por lo tanto, el número ocho representa los nuevos cielos y la nueva tierra ( Revelación 21:1-3 ) y la eternidad.
La eternidad se resalta en las fiestas bíblicas de Dios por el día octavo que sigue a los siete días a la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos, Sheminí Atséret y Simjat Torá. Simjat Torá es conocida en hebreo como el "Regocijo de la Torá."
Por lo tanto, el número ocho en el Salmo 119 resalta la eternidad. La eternidad es vislumbrada por todos los creyentes que estarán en el cielo y se regocijarán en la Torá de Dios, así como David se regocijó y alabó la Torá de Dios en cada versículo del Salmo 119.
Como conclusión, ¿Qué es la llave de David y por qué dijo Dios que David era un hombre conforme a su corazón? La llave de David es la Torá, Dios llamó a David un hombre conforme a su corazón. David en hebreo significa, Amado." Amada es un término para la Novia de Dios. Por lo tanto, la Novia de Cristo será "amada" de Dios porque será como David y amará la Torá de Dios.
En el libro de Revelación Jesús dio testimonio a las iglesias que él tenía la llave de David y él es la raíz y el linaje de Dios. Haciéndolo así, Jesús quería que Su Iglesia se identificase con David cuando ellos se identificaran con Jesús. Cuando Jesús vivió en la tierra, fue un judío observante de la Torá. Cuando Jesús mismo se asoció con David, se estaba identificando Él mismo con la Torá y con el papel de la Novia para gobernar y reinar sobre la tierra como reyes y sacerdotes con Él, durante la Edad Mesiánica y, después, la eternidad.
En el Salmo 119, Dios resalta la lengua hebrea, la Torá y el número ocho. El hebreo es la lengua dada por Dios a Su pueblo. El número ocho en la Biblia representa nuevos comienzos, así como la eternidad. En el Salmo 119, la Torá se resalta junto con el número ocho, porque Dios quería comunicarnos un mensaje espiritual a Su pueblo a través del Espíritu Santo, que la Torá de Dios es eterna. La Torá de Dios será guardada por Su pueblo por toda la eternidad cuando Dios cree los nuevos cielos y la nueva tierra. David, fue un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios, porque David amó la Torá de Dios. La llave de David es la Torá. La llave de David está escrita en el corazón de la Novia de Dios.
by haRold Smith a citizen of the Commonwealth (Ephesians 2:12)

B-re'shiyt bara Elohim 'et hashamayim v'et ha'aretz.
"In beginning created Elohim (*) the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
(For those of us not literate in Hebrew script, the translated text above has been rendered left to right rather than right to left)
In the center of this verse of these seven Hebrew words, after B-re'shiyt bara Elohim there is a fourth untranslatable word. That fourth word is actually two Hebrew letters: the aleph and the tav. The aleph-tav (  ) expression serves a grammatical purpose in that it points to the direct object of the sentence, but these two letters do not actually form a word - rather, they express an understanding. This is the basic difference found between Greek based languages, such as English, and the Hebrew language. Whereas Greek and English form a static, rigid architecture; Hebrew is more fluid - promoting understanding rather than a definitive, straight line presentation (see My Big, Fat Greek Mindset PART 1, and PART 2 for a full explanation. click on highlighted words to view content). The aleph-tav (  ). character symbol has been hidden in plain sight from the beginning, starting with the original Paleo-Hebrew scrolls written by the hand of Moses and the Prophets, then copied by scribes for thousands of years thereafter into modern Hebrew - but not translated by the Greek Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate, the King James or subsequent English bible translations because it was not considered a word. However, as we shall see, the placement of these two Hebrew letters throughout scripture has far reaching implications. The aleph (  ) is the first letter of the Hebrew alephbet (alphabet), and the tav (  ) is the last letter of the alephbet. It is in the placement of these two very significant letters at strategic locations within many verses of Hebrew scripture that express the understanding of a total completeness. It is equivalent to saying "from alpha to omega, from a to z, from first to last, from beginning to end." We see the aleph-tav (  ). symbol, in association with YHVH (  ), used in hundreds of places in the Original Writings. One example concerning judgment is Genesis 13:10 - "destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah". Other examples confirming this can be found in Genesis 19:14, Isaiah 13:19, Jeremiah 50:40, and Amos 4:11. An example of the aleph-tav (  ). symbol rendered as a blessing is in Exodus 20:8 - "and blessed Day, the Sabbath". Hebrew scholars agree that originally in Paleo-Hebrew, the first letter of the alephbet, the aleph (  ) letter meant " Strength" with its letter symbol an Ox Head. The last letter of the alephbet is the letter tav (  ), which had as its letter picture an X - a symbol or sign of " Covenant". Consequently, the aleph-tav (  ). symbol literally means " Strength of the Covenant" when used in original Hebrew text and was placed to create emphasis as a direct object pointer to the workings of YHVH (both  and  ) concerning His covenant, wherever it was placed throughout the Tanakh (the Original Writings). For instance, in the life of Jacob and Esau captured in Genesis 25:28, we find that both Jacob and Esau have aleph-tav (  ) symbols in front of their names in the beginning of their life together - but the LAST time we see the aleph-tav (  ) symbol used in front of Esau's name is in Genesis 27:1. On that day Isaac calls to Esau, asking him to hunt some savory meat so that he (Isaac) may bless Esau. Even though Esau's name is used another 78 times in the Torah the aleph-tav (  ) symbol continues to be only in front of Jacob's name and NOT Esau's - because the covenant blessing of the birthright given for Messiah was removed from him. The reason Esau has no aleph-tav (  ) symbols in front of his name after Genesis 27:1 is explained by Moses in Genesis 25:34 for "so despised Esau his birthright!" (the passage of birthright is chronicled in the Kinsman Redeemer - the Signet). Yet another instance of the significance of the aleph-tav (  ) symbol is found in the Book of Ruth. Ruth's name is used 12 times in the book. The first 10 times there is no aleph-tav (  ) symbol in front of her name. After she is redeemed by Boaz the next two times her name is used, an aleph-tav (  ) symbol appears in front of her name each time ( Ruth 4:5&13). These are just two examples, but it seems quite obvious that the aleph-tav (  ) symbol shows a connection of covenant relationship with YHVH (refer to the last series, One Flesh - Communion).
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...in the beginning - the alephbet |
So, from the Hebraic perspective these words are written in, Genesis 1:1 is seen as "In the beginning Elohim created the aleph-tav". In other words, the very first thing Elohim created were the letters from which all life and all physical things spring forth - the divinely ordained building blocks of life ( Elohim is commonly translated as "God" in the English translations of Genesis 1:1 - but, Elohim is specific and unique to Hebraic thinking, occurring only in Hebrew and in no other languages). Ancient Hebrews believed that Elohim had to create this first because it is all the letters of the Hebrew alephbet that form the Torah, the word of YHVH - which, according to the word of YHVH, is YHVH Himself. Actually, if the words of Genesis 1 are read closely we find that no creative process takes place in the first six days except the beasts and man. Everything else was formed from material that was already created in verse one. This is the same statement contained in Yochanan (John) 1:1, "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with YHVH and the WORD was YHVH" (see Who is designated the Word in scripture). Any Hebrew reading that verse would give it a hearty amen! He would say, "In the beginning was the WORD (the alephbet), the WORD was with YHVH, and YHVH was the WORD ( the alephbet)." YHVH is the the alephbet and is revered for the same reason; the letters of the Words of Torah ARE the Source of Life, YHVH - not Yeshua the Son who, in His words of John 17:6 tells us that He did not replace YHVH, but manifested the Name of the Father; in which are found the Glory, the Nature and Essence of YHVH expressed in Exodus 34:1-7 - and, by which, those who follow Yeshua are called to do the same in John 17:20-23 ( Luke 9:23, see In Addition for more verification). In English, Genesis 1:1 should be understood as "In the beginning Elohim created A to Z." The Prophet Isaiah confirmed the same about  (YHVH) being the first and the last in Isaiah 41:4, 44:6 and 48:12. The English expression that parallels this one is, "He finished everything from A to Z, or from beginning to end." Because these Hebrew letters are the building blocks of life, to be In Perpetuity with the Creator means active involvement with His Words in creation today. It means to study them and to speak them forth continuously. The ancient Hebrews believed that, if ever there is a time when Torah is not being vocalized, "the earth will melt away with a fervent heat" ( Malachi 4:1; scripturally, evildoers are those who do not keep the Words of YHVH - see Defining Enemies for a thorough explanation). That saying should ring familiar to those who study the Messianic Writings as there is a similar statement in 2Peter 3:10-13 that there will be a time when "the earth melts away with a fervent heat!" From a scriptural point of view that simply means that "there will be no Laws and no Torah on the earth, and that it is Torah (the word of YHVH) that is keeping all things together!" This brings to mind Colossians 1:17 where it says that "in" Him were all things created and that through Yeshua all things hold together or "has cohesion" ("through" as in a conduit - not initiated by His own hand). In Yeshua abides the Word of YHVH, manifest in His Life ( John 17:6, see what it means to Manifest His Name) and it is through the Word of YHVH that all things hold together or "have cohesion". So, when the words "instruction" or "commandment(s)" are noted in the Messianic Writings, is it always referring to the original 10 Words and Torah? If we are to use the life of Yeshua as the benchmark by which all the other words of scripture are measured ( Revelation 19:10b, see Who's Word Is It?), then His Words of Matthew 19:16-22 should be sufficient in which He not only says to keep the "commandments", but repeats them so that there is no misunderstanding about which ones He is referring to. However, to those who do not have the ears to hear the truth of these words, who are not desperately seeking truth - they will always find ways to justify their claims contrary to His Words ( Luke 16:31). Most "Christians" would say "well, of course we keep the commandments because we do what is right as Jesus would have us do". However, they don't keep Shabbat, the fourth of the commandments, and the commandment to not covet another's spouse only applies unless they are really attractive. To say they keep the commandments but neglect any one of them by rewriting its meaning to suit their beliefs do not realize that by neglecting the one, they bring the full weight of separation from Spirit upon their lives ( Matthew 5:19, see who changed the Sabbath). The Ten Words of YHVH are the basis of the Nature of Spirit. You might wish to read the 4 part series "About the Law" which begins with a discussion on the difference between Torah and the Law and continues on in the links at the bottom of each article to show how everything Yeshua and the apostles said was not "new" but a proper interpretation of what had come before out of the Torah.
"But the person who does anything with a high hand, whether he is native or a sojourner, reviles YHVH, and that person shall be cut off from among his people ." Numbers 15:30 |
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YHVH IS Torah |
The Hebrew word translated "with a high hand" in this verse in Numbers 15 is ruwm and means to be "lofty, exalted, set on high" - deciding for themselves what is Truth. The tenth letter of the alephbet is the yod and literally means 'of the hand' or lifting of the hand', as in 10 fingers. The hand is that which we work, make, and worship with. Yeshua directly linked the yod to Torah and the commandments in Matthew 5:18: "For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one YOD or one tag shall in no way pass from Torah, till all be fulfilled." The illumination of the Spirit is not a substitute for study. Scripture is given to us to validate what we are hearing is the Spirit of Truth. Those who approach scripture with the attitude that all that is required is a devoted and open heart to the leading of Spirit are adopting the same approach as the man who waits for Elohim to harvest the field while he sits on the fence and prays for something to happen. If we are to be active participants with YHVH in the creative process taking place around us right now we need to be actively aligned with His Purpose found in His Words (see why there is no time found in Eternity). This article contains excerpts from Brad Scott’s series entitled "Alephbet - the building blocks of life." Who Is The Word? Series Part One: Who Is The Word? Part Two: Aleph-Tav Part Three: the Separation |
Aleph (א) Tav (ת)
Aleph Tav
By Menashe Dovid (מנשה דוד) ©
 The messianic movements are currently wowing the Christian world with the latest revelation based on the New Testament (NT) book of Revelation. The book of Revelation calls both the Christian god (Jesus), the Messianic god (Yeshua) and the ‘almighty god’, the Alpha (Α) and the Omega (Ω), the first and the last. The latest revelation of course is an equating of the Alpha (Α) and the Omega (Ω), the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet with the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet; aleph (א) and tav (ת). The equating of course is no doubt the latest development for those in the Christian and Messianic movements hell bent on converting Jews to one of the many brands of what is essentially ‘Christian’, even though some Messianic movements swear blind they are ‘different’. The benefit of the equating is that a survey of the Jewish Scriptures shows the ‘aleph tav’ (את) or Jesus/ Yeshua is bouncing of every page of the Jewish Scriptures. Many in the Christian and Messianic movements at this point are quite happy to say “see there is your proof for Jesus/ Yeshua” and take this ‘fact’ as a given.
The ‘aleph tav’ (את) however, is a Hebrew grammatical sign of the definite direct object, not translated in English but generally preceding and indicating the accusative. A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or shows the result of the action. It answers the question “What?” or “Whom?” after an action verb. An action verb with a direct object is called a transitive verb. Going to the very beginning:
בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
In the beginning G-d created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1
The ‘aleph tav’ highlighted in bold tells us who (G-d/ אֱלֹהִים) created (בָּרָא) the heavens (הַשָּׁמַיִם) and the earth (הָאָרֶץ). The grammatical of course is largely ignored and in fact does not appear hardly at all in most web sites of the Christian and Messianic movements. In view of the fundamental grammatical use of the ‘aleph tav’ no wonder the ‘aleph tav’ is found on every page of the Hebrew Scriptures, without ‘aleph tav’ one would not know who is doing what!
A flaw in the ‘aleph tav’ (את) revelations of the Christian and Messianic movements is that close to 2000 years of scholarship has not made any connection between the ‘aleph tav’ (את) and the Alpha (Α) and the Omega (Ω). Strangely, the Christian and Messianic movements have not as of yet made use of Jewish sources with respect to the Hebrew aleph bet (אב) and its deeper meanings. A source for the deeper meaning of the Hebrew aleph bet (אב) may be found in the Talmud in Shabbos 104a:
The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Beth Hamidrash and said things the like of which was not said even in the days of Joshua the son of Nun. [Thus:] aleph bet (אב) [means] ‘learn wisdom [aleph binah]…..
Tav (ת) [for] emet (אמת) [truth]: why are the letters of sheker (שקר) close together, whilst those of ‘emet are far apart? Falsehood is frequent, truth is rare. And why does falsehood [stand] on one foot, whilst truth has a brick-like foundation? I.e., each of the letters of sheker is insecurely poised on one leg (Shin (ש) was anciently written with a narrow pointed bottom) whereas those of, emet are firmly set, each resting on two ends, the mem (מ) too resting on a horizontal bar. Truth can stand, falsehood cannot stand.
The Christian and Messianic movements’ lack of use of Jewish sources with respect to the Hebrew aleph bet (אב) and its deeper meanings may well lie in the fact that many are insisting that the Hebrew aleph bet (אב) is not the same as it was anciently. Instead some Christian and Messianic movements insist on using what they say is the “Paleo script”. The ignorance and their use of the “Paleo script” often gets mixed with both the Phoenician script and/ the pictographic Proto-Canaanite script. What is often presented for aleph as the “Paleo script”, is the pictographic Proto-Canaanite script’s use of aleph, which is a bull or an ox and for the tav which looks like a multiplication sign (×). Without justification however, the tav often gets mysteriously rotated round forty five degrees to look like a cross (+). The rotation of tav to look like a cross cannot be supported anywhere in documented literature.
Of course to the Christian and Messianic movements the aleph tav now has great meaning (?), despite the inconsistency, failure to acknowledge the grammatical or lack of historical or traditional understanding of the aleph tav. With Jesus / Yeshua glasses on, for Christians and Messianics, Jesus is the aleph tav: (lamb?) bull of God and cross respectively (for more ridiculous word pictures click here) and points once again to the gospel being painted on every page of the Hebrew Scriptures! In the case of the pictographic Proto-Canaanite script, no such script is attested, and illustrations of it are modern inventions (see “How the Alphabet Was Born from Hieroglyphs”. Biblical Archaeology Review, Mar/Apr 2010).
Yet another Messianic mess!!
Latest Developments (as of 18 July 2012)
Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch, writes in Or Torah pg.35:
It is known in the Kabbalistic literature that the letters of the Aleph-Beis were created first of all. Thereafter, by the use of the letters, the Holy One, Blessed is He, created all the worlds. This is the hidden meaning of the first phrase in the Torah, “In the beginning God created (את)”- that is God’s first act was to create the letters from aleph (א) to tav (ת).
In a recent attempt to jump on the bandwagon of the success of this blog, the Jewish Adventists via the BTV facebook page has mysteriously tried to create a spin on the Aleph Tav using their version of what Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch has said. The spin of course ignores Kabbalah, which they, like most other messianics and Christians hate and selectively ignore what may be considered (from their perspective) to be the less than biblical idea of other worlds (even though their prophetess Ellen G White says there are other worlds). The spin still claims the non-existent link between the Greek Alpha Omega of the NT and the Aleph Tav of the Jewish Scriptures, applied to Jesus/ Yeshua. The spin also claims that their version has:
One G-d that creates many things alone as opposed to the pagan concept that each thing is created by a god. Hence, the plurality of gods.
The reality is that Seventh day Adventists hold to the trinity and messianics to a godhead which are by their nature a plurality of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God in three persons. The Son (Jesus) creates the world as confirmed by the NT. In contrast, Elohim of Gen 1:1, has plural morphological form in Hebrew, but it is used with singular verbs and adjectives in the Hebrew text when the particular meaning of the God of Israel (a singular deity) is traditionally understood. Thus the very first words of the Bible are breshit bara elohim, where bara ברא is a verb inflected as third person singular masculine perfect. If Elohim were an ordinary plural word, then the plural verb form bar’u בראו would have been used in this sentence instead.
An honest use of the words of Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch, Adventist and messianics are unable to do because they would have to endorse the validity of Kabbalah and they would also have to consider that the Aleph Bet was created and of course according to the Adventists/ messianics and the NT, Jesus is God, so how could he be created?
Rabbinical sources always have deeper levels of meaning to a text. However, messianics fail to understand a problem with ‘messianic’ (mis)uses of rabbinic commentary. The problem is the (deliberate) rejection that each of the four levels (PARDES) of extended meaning of the text are entirely consistent within themselves and most importantly THE GENERAL RULE; that the extended meaning never contradicts the plain meaning of the text (Peshat). Peshat (פְּשָׁט) — “plain” (“simple”) or the direct meaning[1]. In the first instance, using the famous aleph tav (את), the plain meaning is the grammatical, where the aleph tav (את), tells us that G-d created the heavens and the earth. On an allegorical level G-d created the aleph bet and then used the created aleph bet to ‘speak’ the world into existence. There is no contradiction in the argument of the Rabbis in their use of the Sages in their commentary, just a selective lack on the messianics’ part as to how Jews have always read/ wrote their literature.
1. Abaye asked R. Dimi — others state, R. Awia, — others again state, R. Joseph [asked] R. Dimi — and others state, R. Awia whilst others state, Abaye [asked] R. Joseph: What is R. Eliezer’s reason for maintaining that they are ornaments for him? — Because it is written, Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O mighty one, Thy glory and thy majesty (Psalm 45:4). R. Kahana objected to Mar son of R. Huna: But this refers to the words of the Torah?( ‘Thy sword’ is metaphorical for learning, which is Israel’s weapon. It is indicative of the peace-loving spirit of the Rabbis and their exaltation of Torah that they regarded it as axiomatic that such a verse could not be taken literally.) — A verse cannot depart from its plain meaning, he replied. R. Kahana said: By the time I was eighteen years old I had studied the whole Shas, yet I did not know that a verse cannot depart from its plain meaning, until to-day. What does he inform us? — That a man should study and subsequently understand.14 (Shabbos 63a)
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. |
Verse # = 1 | Words =7 | Letters = 28 |
Data from Strong's Concordance |
Hebrew |
Strong's # |
Value |
In the beginning |
ראשית |
H7225 re'shiyth |
911 |
God |
אלהים |
H0430 'elohiym |
86 |
created |
ברא |
H1254 bara' |
203 |
(untranslated) |
את |
H0853 'eth |
401 |
the heaven |
שמים |
H8064 shamayim |
390 |
and |
את |
H0853 'eth |
401 |
the earth. |
ארץ |
H0776 'erets |
291 |
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Función seno para A = ω = 1 y φ = 0.
En matemáticas, se llama sinusoide o senoide la curva que representa gráficamente la función seno y también a dicha función en sí.
La sinusoide puede ser descrita por las siguientes expresiones matemáticas:


Figura 1: Parámetros característicos de una forma sinusoidal.
La forma representada es:
Período (T) en una sinusoide[editar]
Es el menor conjunto de valores de x que corresponden a un ciclo completo de valores de la función; en este sentido toda función de una variable que repite sus valores en un ciclo completo es una función periódica, seno o no sinusoidal.
En las gráficas de las funciones seno-coseno el período es .
Amplitud (A) en una sinusoide[editar]
Es el máximo alejamiento en el valor absoluto de la curva medida desde el eje x.
Desde un punto de vista más técnico, la amplitud de la sinusoide es la norma del supremo de la sinusoide: 
Fase inicial (φ) en una sinusoide[editar]
La fase da una idea del desplazamiento horizontal de la sinusoide. Si dos sinusoides tienen la misma frecuencia e igual fase, se dice que están en fase.
Si dos sinusoides tienen la misma frecuencia y distinta fase, se dice que están en desfase, y una de las sinusoides está adelantada o atrasada con respecto de la otra.
Carece de sentido comparar la fase de dos sinusoides con distinta frecuencia, puesto que éstas entran en fase y en desfase periódicamente.
Sinusoide y cosinusoide[editar]
Obsérvese que la cosinusoide (coseno), o cualquier combinación lineal de seno y coseno con la misma frecuencia, se pueden transformar en una sinusoide y viceversa, ya que:

Véase también[editar]
Aceleración angular
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Se define la aceleración angular como el cambio que experimenta la velocidad angular por unidad de tiempo. Se denota por la letra griega alfa . Al igual que la velocidad angular, la aceleración angular tiene carácter vectorial.
Se expresa en radianes por segundo al cuadrado, o s-2, ya que el radián es adimensional.
Definición matemática[editar]
Aceleración angular. En el caso general, cuando el eje de rotación no manteniene una dirección constante en el espacio, la aceleración angular no tiene la dirección del eje de rotación.
Definimos el vector aceleración angular, y lo representamos por , de modo que
siendo el vector velocidad angular del cuerpo alrededor del eje de rotación. Si denominamos por el vector unitario asociado a dicho eje, de modo que sea , podemos escribir
resultando que, en general, el vector no está localizado sobre el eje de rotación.
En el caso particular de que el eje de rotación mantenga una orientación fija en el espacio (movimiento plano), entonces será y el vector aceleración angular estará localizado sobre el eje de rotación. Esto es,
de modo que el módulo de la aceleración angular, , es la derivada de la celeridad angular con respecto al tiempo (o la derivada segunda del ángulo de rotación con respecto al tiempo), su dirección es la de cuando la celeridad angular aumenta con el tiempo, o si disminuye.
En el caso general, cuando el eje de rotación no mantiene una dirección fija en el espacio, será , aunque , ya que el vector unitario del eje cambia de dirección en el transcurso del movimiento. Puesto que es un versor, su derivada será un vector perpendicular a , esto es, al eje instantáneo de rotación.
Así pues, en el caso más general, la aceleración angular se expresará en la forma
siendo la velocidad angular asociada a la rotación del eje o precesión del eje de rotación (definido por ) en el espacio.
En la expresión anterior observaremos que el vector aceleración angular tiene dos componentes: una componente longitudinal (i.e., en la dirección del eje de rotación) cuyo módulo es y una componente transversal (i.e., perpendicular al eje de rotación) cuyo módulo es .
Así pues, en general,
- el vector
no tendrá la misma dirección que el vector .
- el vector aceleración angular
no tendrá la dirección del eje de rotación.
La dirección de la aceleración angular sólo coincide con la del vector velocidad angular, o sea, con el eje de rotación, en el caso de que dicho eje mantenga su orientación fija en el espacio, esto es, en el movimiento plano.
Movimiento plano[editar]
En el movimiento plano del sólido rígido, la aceleración angular, al igual que la velocidad angular, tiene la dirección del eje de rotación y viene dada por:

donde representa el ángulo girado en función de y la velocidad angular.

En el movimiento plano tanto la velocidad angular como la aceleración angular son vectores perpendiculares al plano en el que se produce el movimiento.
Véase también[editar]
15. Apocalipsis 1:8: Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, principio y fin, dice el Señor, el que es y que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso.
16. Apocalipsis 1:11: que decía: Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, el primero y el último. Escribe en un libro lo que ves, y envíalo a las siete iglesias que están en Asia: a Efeso, Esmirna, Pérgamo, Tiatira, Sardis, Filadelfia y Laodicea.
17. Apocalipsis 2:27: y las regirá con vara de hierro, y serán quebradas como vaso de ALFArero; como yo también la he recibido de mi Padre;
18. Apocalipsis 21:6: Y me dijo: Hecho está. Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, el principio y el fin. Al que tuviere sed, yo le daré gratuitamente de la fuente del agua de la vida.
19. Apocalipsis 22:13: Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, el principio y el fin, el primero y el último.
Fases Lunares para el mes de Marzo del año 1989
En el calendario lunar se calculan los años según los ciclos de la luna en lugar de los del sol como se hace en el calendario occidental. En dicho calendario lunar, cada mes lunar corresponde a una lunación, que comprende el período entre dos momentos en que la luna se halla exactamente en la misma fase lunar. Cada mes lunar comprende 29.53 días solares.
Aunque cada día del mes lunar correspondería a una fase lunar, las fases de la luna a las que se conoce con un nombre concreto son la Luna Nueva, Cuarto Creciente, Luna Llena y Cuarto Menguante. Estas fases lunares se asocian a diferentes porcentajes de iluminación o ángulos de fase que van del 0% en la luna nueva, 50% en los cuartos y 100% en la luna llena.
Día | Fase lunar | Porcentaje iluminado |
7 |
Luna Nueva |
En la fase lunar de Luna Nueva la visibilidad es del 0% |
14 |
Cuarto Creciente |
En la fase lunar de Cuarto Creciente la visibilidad es del 50% |
22 |
Luna Llena |
En la fase lunar de Luna Llena la visibilidad es del 100% |
29 |
Cuarto Menguante |
En la fase lunar de Cuarto Menguante la visibilidad es del 50% |
Se inaugura la pirame de cristal del Museo de Louvre
El 29 de marzo de 1989 se inauguró la gran piramide de cristal ubicada en la entrada del Museo de Louvre en París, Francia.
Fue diseñada por el arquitecto Ieoh Ming Pei, para centralizar el acceso de los visitantes, que descienden por ella a un recibidor subterráneo por el que se accede a las diversas alas del museo.
La obra esta compuesta por 666 rombos de vidrio distribuidos en un área de mil 250 metros cuadrados.
El Museo del Louvre es el museo nacional de Francia consagrado al arte anterior al impresionismo, tanto bellas artes como arqueología y artes decorativas. Es considerado el más importante del mundo, por la riqueza de sus colecciones y por la influencia que ha ejercido en los restantes museos del planeta.
Está ubicado en el antiguo palacio real del Louvre, y actualmente promueve la apertura de dos subsedes, en Lens (Francia) y en Abu Dabi (Emiratos Árabes Unidos).
Calendario perpetuo con fases lunares
febrero de 1989 |
6 nueva
20 llena
marzo de 1989 |
7 nueva
22 llena
G-D=4/7 O 7/4 (INDEP. DE EEUU)
Éxodo 20:8-11 8 Acuérdate del sabado para santificarlo. 9 Seis días trabajarás, y harás toda tu obra; 10 mas el séptimo día es reposo para Jehová tu Dios; no hagas en él obra alguna, tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está dentro de tus puertas. 11Porque en seis días hizo Jehová los cielos y la tierra, el mar, y todas las cosas que en ellos hay, y reposó en el séptimo día; por tanto, Jehová bendijo el día de reposo y lo santificó. (RV)
15=6+9 (69 CANCER)=1111
1111 EQUIVALE A 33
Sun -15 - mon-key
Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
 pinterest.com Sun 864,000 mile diameter 555 × 305 - 18k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com The Sun The sun is 864,000 960 × 720 - 68k - jpg |
 secretsinplainsight.com Sun864 474 × 476 - 98k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com the diameter of the sun! 960 × 720 - 64k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com orbit the sun Venus and 960 × 720 - 51k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com Our Sun – Physical Properties 960 × 720 - 38k - jpg |
 pinterest.com Random 500 × 700 - 63k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com Slide 2 960 × 720 - 63k - jpg |
 galileoandeinstein.phy... Now, during a total lunar 585 × 483 - 579k - jpg |
 letswakeupfolks.blogsp... source of energy, the Sun. 1000 × 1000 - 1258k - jpg |
 gabitos.com of the Sun whose diameter 555 × 416 - 32k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com EARTH Earth is 7,927 miles in 960 × 720 - 54k - jpg |
 planets.net The sun is a star with a 200 × 197 - 6k - jpg |
 carnaval.com of the sun (864,000 miles) 141 × 146 - 9k - gif |
 the-tribulation-networ... 3 450 × 558 - 38k - gif |
 esotericonline.net The diameter of the Sun is 1371 × 465 - 64k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com Slide 8 960 × 720 - 68k - jpg |
 livestream.com 864 MM - 864000 SECONDS IS THE 1274 × 717 - 1044k - png |
 hiddenmeanings.com Sun is 864,000 miles 10% 900 × 720 - 31k - jpg |
 viewzone.com the Sun is 864,000 miles). 555 × 458 - 125k - gif |
 lunaticoutpost.com [Image: 535c7c801577f.jpg] 1224 × 1224 - 518k - jpg |
 constructingtheunivers... this Earth-Moon scheme in 863 × 732 - 165k - jpg |
 astrozero.co.uk the Moon 2,160 miles 539 × 592 - 89k - jpg |
 kvnf.org The Moon, 2,160 miles in 938 × 646 - 41k - jpg |
 seasky.org 2,160 miles (3,476 km) in 910 × 450 - 83k - jpg |
 sacred-geometry.es 6.- The architects of the 496 × 374 - 43k - jpg |
 mreclipse.com The Moon's two shadows are the 452 × 302 - 30k - jpg |
 giantfreakinrobot.com discovered moon managed to 578 × 373 - 70k - jpg |
 thesecretofom.com the moon is 2,160 miles. 360 × 378 - 14k - gif |
 visions2200.com The Moon is 384,403 kilometers 450 × 412 - 51k - jpg |
 odeion.org Earth and Moon Juxtaposed 215 × 234 - 16k - gif |
 joedubs.com Fibonacci Pi Earth Moon Sun 1179 × 926 - 496k - jpg |
 spiritualunite.com The moon is 27.3% the size of 400 × 225 - 13k - jpg |
 spiritualunite.com 2160 miles diameter of the 400 × 298 - 13k - jpg |
 astronomy.marcric.com The Moon is 384,403 kilometers 400 × 399 - 78k - gif |
 esotericonline.net SunEarthDistance.JPG 1383 × 475 - 61k - jpg |
 pinterest.com Jupiter's moon Io is the solar 736 × 857 - 62k - jpg |
 asi.org of the Moon's, 2160 miles. 241 × 241 - 5k - gif |
 younginquirers.com Our moon is 2160 miles (3476 133 × 200 - 7k - jpg |
 guitarmonks.com of the moon, 2,160 miles, 1920 × 1080 - 677k - jpg |
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857. 1 Corintios 11:8 Porque el varón no procede de la MUJER, sino la MUJER del varón, (EL HIJO TIENE ORIGEN EN EL ESPERMATOZOIDE Y NO EN EL OVULO)
858. 1 Corintios 11:9 y tampoco el varón fue creado por causa de la MUJER, sino la MUJER por causa del varón.
859. 1 Corintios 11:10 Por lo cual la MUJER debe tener señal de autoridad sobre su cabeza, por causa de los ángeles.
860. 1 Corintios 11:11 Pero en el Señor, ni el varón es sin la MUJER, ni la MUJER sin el varón;
861. 1 Corintios 11:12 porque así como la MUJER procede del varón, también el varón nace de la MUJER; pero todo procede de Dios.
Related to Mykah's post, focusing on the pyramid symbology and the two faces. http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...&postcount=166   I began to think of the celtic notions of above and below. Think of a large tree, we only see half of the tree. We look in amazement and wonderment at the life that is harboured in its branches and the incredible atmospheric processing factory the tree is. We forget that below us is the other half of the tree, its roots providing a harbour for an entire ecosystem, and the roots are an enormous chemical processing plant.   Duir - Double-ended oak treeThis picture comes from an ancient druid grove in Derby and shows an oak tree (Duir) with its branches and roots entwined to make the circle of life. In the 90s an ancient oak tree was uncovered as the sea went very far out on the Norfolk coast. It had been buried upside-down within a circle of posts, a woodhenge. Time Team built a replica of it that was most impressive and gave you a strong sense of what the place must have been about. The concept of burying the tree upside-down, so its branches were in the earth and its roots in the heavens has lots of esoteric symbolism.http://elensentier.wordpress.com/201...gham-duir-oak/Two faces of the same coin. I think of the pyramids coming in pairs. The depiction of the Star of David on the Israeli national flag is for me an indication of a double pyramid, one facing up, the other, subterranean facing down,   The pyramids true power was not just the enormous energies it sends up into the atmosphere, image those same huge energies also being transmitted downwards, or perhaps the underside pyramid focuses the subterranean energies into the above ground pyramid? I have often wondered what is beneath Silbury Hill, not just what is in it. The Nile as Tree of Life: but which is the root and which is the branch? What is up and what is down? For the Ancients, The Med was the bottom of Egypt, South was at the top. The Delta is the roots.  Black is white. Above is below. Top is down. 
Last edited by white horse; 28-07-2013 at 07:54 AM.
A Viśvavajra or “double vajra” appears in the emblem of Bhutan.


Hanukkah in Modern Hebrew; a transliteration also romanized as Chanukah or Chanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication, is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) inJerusalem at the time of theMaccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire of the 2nd century BCE. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar.
The festival is observed by the kindling of the lights of a unique candelabrum, the nine branched Menorah or Hanukiah, one additional light on each night of the holiday, progressing to eight on the final night. The typical Menorah consists of eight branches with an additional raised branch.
The extra light is called a shamash (Hebrew: שמש, “attendant”) and is given a distinct location, usually above or below the rest. The purpose of the shamash is to have a light available for practical use, as using the Hanukkah lights themselves for purposes other than publicizing and meditating on the Hanukkah is forbidden.

8 Days
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36 plus the Shamash center candle = 37
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