That's right: Sirius rises at 26 degrees south of east, or bearing 116 degrees, from the latitude of Paris, and this is the direction in which the Champs Elysées is aligned. The Champs Elysées. The name is French for "Elysian Fields":
Elysium or the Elysian Fields (Ancient Greek: Ἠλύσιον πεδίον, Ēlýsion pedíon) is a conception of the afterlife that evolved over time and was maintained by certain Greek religious and philosophical sects, and cults. Initially separate from the realm of Hades, admission was initially reserved for mortals related to the gods and other heroes. Later, it expanded to include those chosen by the gods, the righteous, and the heroic, where they would remain after death, to live a blessed and happy life, and indulging in whatever employment they had enjoyed in life. |
Remember how the novel Arch of Triumph 1948 describes the Arc de Triomphe?: as the "huge gate to Hades"Now, the star Sirius, which is the star associated with Isis, rises from Paris every day at 116 degrees, but it does so at a different time each day. On August 31 each year, and on August 31 1997, Sirius rises about 5:30am. That means that if you had stood in the Champs Elysées and sighted along the avenue, before dawn on the morning that Diana died, you would see this sight: or at least, this is a version of what it would look like stitched together out of Google earth and Stellarium. I got a bit more creative: Then, a few minutes later, the moon rose, though it was almost imperceptible. Nevertheless it was there: so this was the scene in the skies to the east of Paris, literally as the official announcement of the death of Diana was made. Sirius rising through the Arc de Triomphe and along the Champs Elysées, and the moon further to the north, breaking the horizon within minutes. The moon, Diana, and Sirius, Isis, hovering over the city waking up to the news. So how is Diana equal to Isis, or Sirius?Diana was born with the sun conjunct Sirius. Her astrology chart for those of you who are happy with that kind of thing, is here. Her natal sun is at 9 degrees 40 minutes of Cancer, and Sirius is at 13 degrees 32 minutes of Cancer, which is within the orb of a conjunction.So Diana's sun at birth is conjunct Sirius! Now this is true for any one who is born on July 1, or a day or two either side. Like Charles Laughton. Anyone with a July 1 birthday is a fitting archetype, potentially, for Isis, as their sun, or individuality, aligns with that of Isis. Diana certainly steps into her archetypes, no question of that, as the images above show, and plenty more to come on that.There are enough clues on the table now to be able to bring some ideas into focus.Elysian Fields. Gate to Hades. Arc de Triomphe sited on the "star", symbol of Isis. Champs Elysées aligned to the rising of Sirius=Isis. Paris as ancient temple of Isis. Isis who came to Paris on a boat. Diana, who came to Paris on a boat, whose name was changed to Osiris. The moon at it's lowest ebb, at it's darkest, at it's nadir. Death, as the moon is extinguished. And then rebirth, as Sirius rises above the horizon, reborn, through the gates, the portals, of the Arch of Triumph. This is a ritual, a theatrical presentation, a play that runs without a script yet everything, somehow, happens right on cue. Down to the minute. Yet it seems to resonate across the centuries, even the millennia...
New Year's Prophecy - Part 2
Game of Thrones at the End of Time
By Goro Adachi January 3, 2017

A big shift is coming, it seems. Our pattern projection was quickly followed by a pattern fulfillment, spawning glimpses of the future in the process as anticipated by " New Year's Prophecy". What's coming, as far as we can tell, is a dramatic tectonic shift in time...
This New Year's Eve/Day Impact in the form of an Istanbul nightclub terror attack by ISIS came with all the hallmarks identified in New Year's Prophecy (Part 1, posted Dec 30), i.e. Sirius, Rio time code, etc... with ominous implications for the new year:

- Sirius = New Year's star (culmination at ~midnight/start of Jan 1)
- Istanbul nightclub terror attack on New Year's Eve/Day (1 hr 15 min after midnight local time)
- Sirius = Isis (per ancient Egyptian tradition)
- Istanbul nightclub attack by ISIS
- Isis = "Queen of Heaven" (per tradition)
- Istanbul nightclub named "Reina" meaning "Queen"
- Rio = "New year's city" via ~Jan 1 solar alignment (lat/dec); same alignment also on ~Dec 10 (plus temporal context of 2016 = year of Rio Olympics)
- Jan 1, 2017: Istanbul terror attack (nightclub)
- Dec 10, 2016: Istanbul terror attack (soccer stadium)
It is the geographical focus on Istanbul in particular that exhibits the strongest qualities of being the New Year's crystal ball. This has to do with the papal/Church/Christianity theme highlighted in Part 1... Istanbul used to be called Constantinople after Constantine the Great (AD 272-337) who founded the capital city of the Roman Empire. Constantine played a pivotal role in making Christianity the powerful, dominant religion that it is today. " Constantinian Shift", as it is sometimes called, ensured not only the survival but also the dominance of Christianity over pagan religions including ancient Egyptian cults.
By becoming the first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine initiated the marriage between the Roman Empire and Christianity, in effect creating a "Christian Empire". In 313 he and Licinius decriminalized Christianity with the Edict of Milan; in 325 he convened the first Council of Nicaea to establish the first uniform Christian doctrine/orthodoxy ("Nicene Creed"), officially declaring what Christianity is/should be; in 380 under Roman Emperor Theodosius I Christianity officially became the state religion of the Roman Empire; in 391, Theodosius I issued a decree outlawing ancient cults; in the early 400s the ancient Egyptian temple on the Philae island was the last to be converted into a church. Christianity engulfed the ancient Egyptian magical "religion".
Isis was one of the most prominent deities in the ancient Egyptian "religion", making it highly meaningful that we saw Istanbul/Constantinople juxtaposed with ISIS in the New Year's terror attack. Add to it our Rio de Janeiro "Janus" context, i.e. the god of the beginning and ending, we definitely get this theme of the end of the Egyptian religion and the beginning of the Roman Christianity, geographically and historically interfacing at Istanbul/Constantinople.
https://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/newyears-prophecy-part2.html |
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
m 13 |
i9 |
l 12 |
k 11 |
y 25 |
0 |
w 23 |
a1 |
y 25 |
) |
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
q 17 |
u 21 |
e5 |
e5 |
n 14 |
0 |
m 13 |
a1 |
r 18 |
y 25 |
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
h8 |
e5 |
b2 |
r 18 |
e5 |
w 23 |
0 |
c3 |
a1 |
l 12 |
e5 |
n 14 |
d4 |
a1 |
r 18 |
mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
m 13 |
a1 |
r 18 |
y 25 |
0 |
m 13 |
a1 |
g7 |
d4 |
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There has been a tremendous amount of internet buzz and speculation regarding the dates of 9/23 and 9/24/2015. Some Christian groups were predicting the rapture. Others were predicting a major ISIS terrorist attack. Still others were expecting an assassination attempt on either Obama or the Pope. WW III, asteroid strikes, and EMPs were among the other candidates. The UFO crowd expected the Pope to finally disclose contact with extra-terrestrials. It is now 9/26 and the theatrics expected on 9/23 have been underwhelming to say the least. Nevertheless there was some highly significant symbolism occurring on the 23rd/24th day of September and I want to expound upon it here.
First of all, the Roman Catholic Church has never been primarily about Jesus or elevating the level of human consciousness on Spaceship Earth. It has always been about power and control over the rabble through the use of symbolism and mythology rooted in ancient astro-theological Solar/Saturn/Sirius cults going back through Egypt and Babylon. I will provide a few examples of the connections between Roman Catholic symbols and their ancient predecessors.
The Pope is often seen wearing the “Mitre” which symbolizes the open mouth of a fish. Fish symbolism is everywhere in Christianity and it is not just because the disciples were fishermen and Jesus made them “fishers of men”. Christianity began at the end of the age of Aries (the Ram) and the beginning of the age of Pisces (the Fish). When Jesus talks about “the end of the age”, this refers to the procession of the equinox through the zodiac which indicates the astrological “age”. These ages last about 2160 years so we are currently transitioning from the end of the age of Pisces to the beginning of the age of Aquarius. The Roman Catholic Church is therefore predictably beginning to abandon the Jesus fish for some new arrangement of deities or a new “Good Shepherd” that will be used to goad the sheeple into their pens throughout the Age of Aquarius.
The fish hat was also worn prior to Christianity by the priests of Dagon. Dagon was a fish god and also a god of the harvest to the ancient Babylonians and Philistines. Cronus (to the Greeks) or Saturn (to Romans) was also a god of the harvest and we often see him with a scythe or sickle. Put them together and we have the fishes and the loaves. Dagon may also be related to Dogon and Sirius worship which had a special symbolism to Egyptians relating to the time of year when the Nile would flood. Sirius being in the constellation of Canis Major relates it to the Canine while the relation to Dogon or Dagon is probably how canines came to be called dogs. Dogon may also be related to the etymology of the Dragon. To this day we still call late summer, “The dog days of summer” thanks to Dogon or Dagon and Sirius’s signalling the waters of the Nile to flood.
Anyway… The Pope’s fish hat is related to Dagon or Dogon and astro-theological pre-Christian deities.
The fish hat is just one example of symbolism relating back to pre-Christian deities, but in the interests of time and space I’ll move on to symbolism more relevant to the Pope’s recent visit to D.C. on 9/23 and 9/24.
One of the most amazing and prominent architectural wonders of the Vatican is Saint Peter’s Basilica with its 448′ tall dome designed primarily by Bramante and Michelangelo. The basilica faces East to greet the rising sun and to its East is an elliptical plaza with an Egyptian Obelisk in the center. The Obelisk was transported from Egypt and re-erected in Rome around 37 AD.
Saint Peter’s Basilica and Plaza with Obelisk, Vatican, Rome
Saint Peter’s Basilica and Plaza with Obelisk, Vatican, Rome
Where else do we find the “male” obelisk inside the round “female” shape across from a very large dome? …Washington D.C.
Washington Monument due West of the Capitol dome
So whats this all about? Just some old men acting like little boys who think it’s funny to draw body parts on the etcha-sketch? The story goes back to Sun worship in Egypt. Osiris was the old chief Sun god whose brother Set kills him at the end of the day (sun-set). As the legend goes, Set dismembers the body of Osiris and scatters his parts around the world. Isis, the Queen and wife of Osiris finds all of the pieces of Osiris’s body except for one member… his “member” which was unfortunately swallowed by a fish. So Isis fashions a new “gold member” for Osiris bringing him back to life. They have the sex and Horus is conceived – a baby sun god. (we probably get “hours” of the day from “Horus”). Isis, the virgin mother and pre-Madonna, is frequently pictured nursing baby Horus, and in the Roman Catholic Church we often see the virgin Mary (Madonna) nursing the baby Sun/Son of God.
Isis nursing baby Horus and The Madonna holding baby Jesus
So it is no coincidence that the Pope’s schedule follows the itinerary of the tour of Madonna (who is a “Christianized” Isis) who performs this September just prior to the Pope at Washington D.C., Madison Square Garden, and Philadelphia – the city of Big Brotherly Love.
The Egyptian obelisk represents the phallus of Osiris and the ellipse or vesica pisces (belly of the fish) in this case represents… well it should be obvious… intercourse with Isis. The adjacent dome represents the womb or breast of Isis where a god is made and nursed. This is why the mosaic inside of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica shows Jesus and the saints on their way to heaven at the top and also why the inside of the D.C. Capitol dome has a painting showing George Washington ascending to heaven which is titled “The Apotheosis of George Washington.” Apotheosis literally means to become a god.
Mosaic inside the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. Saints and angels rise towards heaven.
“The Apotheosis of George Washington” painted inside the dome on the U.S. Capitol. The 72 inverted pentagrams may symbolize the 72 years it takes for 1 degree of procession of the equinox.
I have read that at certain times in history the Egyptians would conduct human sacrifices… usually of foreigners or slaves… and at these times they believed the God Osiris would enter the Obelisk and that the Pharoah who sat in an adjacent dome (womb of Isis) believed this would make him a god.
Okay, let’s get back to the Pope’s visit. This is the 266th Pope from the first – St. Peter. The Pope decided to arrive at Washington D.C. on 9/23 which happens to be the 266th day of the year. Why is that significant? On average, a woman is pregnant for 266 days before going into labor. In Genesis, it is said that labor pain is the first judgment God gave to mankind. The evening of 9/22 to the evening of 9/23 is 7/10 on the Jewish calendar which is the Day of Atonement. This was the day that God decided how he was going to judge a person for the rest of the year and on 7/11 he would issue that judgement. (Side note: SEPT-ember was originally the 7th month so 9/11 could be thought of as 7/11. And 9/11 in Roman numerals is IXXI which is a re-working of the sign of Saturn and was engraved in Jesuit rings for a time. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, so he is thus “Lord of the IXXI Rings” and therefore kind of like the eye of Sauron/Saturn between the twin towers… Oh and don’t forget tower 7… 7/11). This year, 9/23 also happened to be the fall equinox – which doesn’t mean much to modern man, but recall that the ancients (and modern secret societies) were all about the Sun worship. Fall equinox is thus symbolic of the time when the powers of darkness overcome the powers of the light. Thus, what is “birthed” on 9/24 is something wicked.
So on 9/23 the prez “basked in the glow” of the Pope. On 9/24 the Pope journeyed to the Capitol. At some point he was interrupted by an illegal immigrant child who managed to evade iron clad security (staged much?) waving a heart-wrenching letter describing how she didn’t want to be deported. The Pope stood in the Capitol, which is symbolically the womb of Isis where a god is conceived or where men become gods (the dome also happens to be currently in the middle of a remodel or “reformation”). The main theme of his visit and of his speech was that the Western world needs to welcome the foreign children (to be sacrificed to Osiris) newly delivered unto us. Of course, it is well known that some of these “migrant children” belong to the terrorist group named: ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).
 So there you have it. The pope’s visit and message is all about Isis and the birthing of the children of ISIS through labor pains of judgment in the fall as the Western borders fall. Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that it is a thinly veiled fact that the West created ISIS by giving weapons, training, and funds to moderate rebels (also known as Al-Qaeda) in order to topple the Assad regime in Syria and possibly to be the next big bogeyman that will force Westerners to continue giving up their civil liberties so that they may be lovingly integrated into the global community with a nice big hug from Big Brother. Isis is ISIS is made by the secret societies who revere Isis and are the hidden hand behind Western geopolitics.
Pope Francis, accompanied by members of Congress, waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015, after addressing a joint meeting of Congress inside. Doug Mills / The New York Times via AP, Pool))
Pope Francis addresses congress on 9/24/2015
Oh and in case anyone missed the irony / hypocrisy… here’s the walls that keep the poor migrant children out of the Pope’s obscenely wealthy little city-state:
Vatican Wall and Entrance
Vatican Walls
A good quick run-down on the occult astro-theology of Saturn:http://youtu.be/ylyZ9gKySAg
More info on occult astro-theological symbolism in art and architecture:http://youtu.be/L777RhL_Fz4
Sirius, the brightest star of our night sky, and the rest of the constellation Canis Major appear through the passing clouds in this moonlit night of Guatemala. Pictured in the foreground is an ancient temple and the tomb of a Mayan king in Tikal World Heritage Site; one of the largest archaeological sites and urban centers of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization. Tikal was the capital of a conquest state that became one of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya. Though architecture at the site dates back as far as the 4th century BC, Tikal reached its apogee during the Classic Period, about 200 to 900 AD. During this time, the city dominated much of the Maya region. The pyramid monument is known as Temple I or the Temple of the Great Jaguar. It stands 47 meters high and is built in the 8th century. © Stephane Guisard
https://twanight.org/gallery/sirius-and-the-mayan-king/ |
Jean-Philippe Loys de Cheseaux
Jean-Philippe Loys de Cheseaux
Portrait by Jean-Pierre Henchoz, 1746
Born |
4 May 1718
Died |
30 November 1751 (aged 33)
Nationality |
Swiss |
Scientific career |
Fields |
Astronomy |
Jean-Philippe Loys de Cheseaux (French pronunciation: [ʒɑ̃ filip lois də ʃezo]; 4 May 1718 – 30 November 1751) was a Swiss astronomer.
Loys de Cheseaux was born on 4 May 1718 in Lausanne, Vaud, to Paul-Etienne Loys de Cheseaux, a banneret, and Estienne-Judith de Crousaz.[1] His brother was Charles-Louis Loys de Cheseaux.[1] He was educated by his maternal grandfather, the mathematician and philosopher Jean-Pierre de Crousaz, and wrote his first essays, under the title Essais de Physique, in 1735, aged 17.[1]
In 1736, Loys de Cheseaux installed an observatory in his father's lands in Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne.[1][2] He acquired a reputation in Europe as an astronomer with the publication of his Traité de la Comète,[1] in 1744, a treatise on his observations of the comet C/1743 X1 in which he also became one of the first to state, in its modern form, what would later be known as Olbers' paradox (that, if the universe is infinite, the night sky should be bright).[2]
After his discovery of C/1743 (along with Dirk Klinkenberg),[3] Loys de Cheseaux discovered the comet C/1746 P1.[2] In 1746, he presented a list of nebulae, eight of which were his own new discoveries, to the French Academy of Sciences. The list was noted privately by Le Gentil in 1759, but only made public in 1892 by Guillaume Bigourdan.
From 1747, Loys de Cheseaux was a corresponding member of the science academies of Göttingen, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, as well as the Academy of Sciences of Paris and the Royal Society of London.[1][2] He was offered the post of director of the St. Petersburg observatory, but declined the invitation.[2] In 1751, Loys de Cheseaux travalled to Paris and was presented to the Academy of Sciences.[2] There he died, after a short illness, on 30 November 1751, aged 33.[2]
In addition to astronomy, Loys de Cheseaux researched Biblical chronology, calculating the movements of the Sun and Moon relative to descriptions in the Book of Daniel and the occurrence of solstices and equinoxes in Jerusalem at the time of the Old Testament story. In his Dissertation Chronologique (1748), Loys de Cheseaux tried to establish the date of the eclipse known as "crucifixion darkness" in order to determine the date of the crucifixion of Jesus.[2]
https://tulla.tistory.com/8526712 |
Aaah-ooooooooooh! Let me howl it to the world. I finally saw "the Pup," the companion to the Dog Star, Sirius. Here are some tips on you can see it, too.
The "Pup" hides in the glare of Sirius. Now — and for the next couple years — it pokes its head into better view.Bob King
Saturday night the phone rang. The words "Unknown Caller" glowed on the landline phone screen. "Has to be a spam call," I thought. Then I looked at the number and noted that it was local. Against my better judgement I lifted the receiver and answered a tentative "Hello ...?"
"Hi Bob," a familiar voice said. It was my friend Jim, a real human and fellow amateur astronomer.
"I've got Sirius B in the scope right now and it's really obvious. Would you like to come over?" Would I?! I told him I'd get in the car right now.
"Be there in two minutes," my voice trailed off.
This photo, taken earlier this year (2017), comes very close to showing the true appearance of brilliant Sirius and diminutive Sirius B through a telescope both in brightness and apparent separation.The two are currently about 10″ apart. North is up, east to the left.Gabriela and Fabio Carvalho
After explaining to my wife that despite untold hours under the sky, I'd never seen the Pup, the informal name for the white dwarf companion to Sirius, the sky's most brilliant star, I was out the door. I've tried finding it with a variety of telescopes ever since I was a teen, but the dwarf has always eluded me. Either it was too close to Sirius and swamped in its glare or jittery seeing mushed the two canines into a single unresolvable blob. Sirius never rises higher than 26° altitude from my home, and serene air is as hard to come by as a good January tomato.
Even in great seeing, the magnitude difference makes splitting the pair a worthy challenge. The Dog Star shines at magnitude –1.46 and the Pup at +8.4, a difference in brightness of 10,000 times. Why would anyone bother? Amateurs would! We bother a lot because we like to see real stuff with our own eyes. To witness how the universe is put together and even at times to see it fall apart.
A few years back in 2008, the Pup and Dog Star were considerably closer. This image illustrates how diffraction spikes can sometimes get in the way of the star and make it impossible to see even on an ideal night. Sirius B is smaller than Earth but 98% as massive as the Sun. A 150-pound person standing on its surface would weigh 50 million pounds!Johannes Schedler / panther-observatory.com
I arrived at Jim's place and stepped up to his 18-inch homemade Dob fitted with an eyepiece providing 300×. The air was calm, the sky partly cloudy, and the stars appeared as still as sleeping babies. I knew to look for Sirius B a short distance to the northeast of the primary. Jim described it as obvious and located just below a prominent diffraction spike sticking out like some luminous cactus spine due east of Sirius A.
OMG — there it was!
It took only a little effort to uncover this shyest of suns, but once seen, it was easily acquired again and again. For fun, we upped the magnification to 600×, and while the seeing degraded at bit, the white dwarf became even more obvious. It's one thing to read that Sirius A is 1.75 times larger than the Sun and 26 times more luminous, but when you see it next to Sirius B, a star 360 times fainter than the Sun and 400 miles smaller than the Earth, you begin to appreciate how radically different a white dwarf is from an average main sequence star.
I found it even more amazing to behold two stars that on average are only as far from one another as Uranus and the Sun, a distance of about 20 a.u. To see the pair is to sense something of the scale or our Solar System as seen from Sirius, 8.6 light years away.
If you've never tried to see Sirius B, there's no better time than now through the early 2020s, when the star will be at or near its greatest separation from Sirius A. The dwarf currently sits a hair more 10″ east-northeast of the primary; maximum apparent separation of 11.3″ occurs in the year 2023. With an orbital period of 50.1 years, the Pup reached reached minimum separation of 3″ in 1994 and will again in 2044.Jerry Lodriguss
While an 18-inch proved handy in making an astronomical wish come true — thank you, Jim! — a large scope isn't required to split these inseparables. I've seen reports of amateurs cracking them with 8-inch and occasionally even with 6-inch telescopes. The keys to success are these:
- Excellent seeing: Walk away and look at something else if Sirius shimmies and shakes in the scope. Check every clear night till the seeing allows.
- High magnification: You'll need at least 300× to get enough dark sky between the two stars to pry them apart. More is better!
- Knowing exactly where to look: Keep the orbital diagram featured here handy to know where to focus your gaze. If your reflecting telescope uses a standard spider mount for the secondary mirror, stars will produce diffraction spikes. Make sure when searching for Sirius B that one of those spikes doesn't block the star from view.
- Clever tricks: When seeking its companion, place Sirius just beyond the edge of the field or fashion a simple occulting bar for your eyepiece and tuck Sirius behind it. Both methods block the overbright star's ferocious glare, making it easier to coax out the fainter Pup.
This artist's impression shows how Sirius and its companion might appear during an interstellar flyby. The binary is close enough to Earth that most of the constellations would look the same including the Summer Triangle. Our Sun would appear as a 2nd-magnitude star.NASA / ESA / G. Bacon (STScI)
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Sirius B, and now that I know what to look for, I hope to find it in my own 10-inch scope. After all, the timing is good. If you've never seen the Pup, it will be at or near maximum separation for the next few years. Take advantage of a stellar opportunity to see the most famous pair of dogs in the sky. Steady skies!
https://skyandtelescope.org/observing/sirius-b-a-new-pup-in-my-life/ |
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