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Appeal of Authority
“The whole Time River thing is surely utter nonsense because according to Dr. [X], a respected expert on geology, it is absolutely laughable to think that the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates, etc. have been intelligently designed to transmit some strange information across time.”
Citing expert opinions does not translate to a valid argument, as being an expert does not make one infallible. Since the Time River Theory covers a lot of ground, one should be particularly careful about ‘expert opinions’.
False Alternative
“Because it is clear that the ancients did not have the technological capability to construct major river systems, the Time Rivers simply cannot be real.”
This is a flawed argument because it fails to take into account other possibilities. For example, perhaps it was a covert group of highly advanced beings from elsewhere (spatial and/or temporal) that created the Time River system, leaving behind no clear evidence of their existence. Or perhaps it was some unknown non-physical ‘force’ that gave rise to the Time Rivers - not unlike the ‘force’ of evolution that has managed to produce incredibly complex life forms on this planet.
Ad Hominem (Personal Attack)
“Since Goro Adachi is not a member of academia, there is no reason to take his ideas seriously.”
My credentials (or character) have nothing to do with the validity of the Time River Theory itself. For example, if it were a convicted murderer who came up with the theory of Relativity, would this alone cause the theory to become invalid? No. It would still be just as valid.
Appeal to the Masses
“Everyone I have talked to has told me that the Time River Theory is just a product of an overactive imagination, so obviously it must be just that.”
At one time, almost everyone would have told you that the earth was the center of the universe. Enough said.
Begging the Question
“The Time River Theory is clearly fallacious because it claims that the Nile River carries an intelligent message, which it does not.”
This is a circular argument because the premise and the conclusion are stating essentially the same thing. This is like saying: ‘Einstein must have been insane, because it is clear that he was crazy’.
Appeal to Pity Example:
“The existence of the Time River system will upset many nice religious people. So, please, I beg everyone to reject the theory!”
Truth does not care whether it hurts anyone or anything. A valid idea does not stop being valid just because it is considered undesirable on an emotional level.
Composition Example:
“In his book, Goro Adachi gets the date for [event X] wrong and he also confuses [event Y] with [event Z]. If he is inaccurate about these things, we can safely assume that the entire content of his book is pure rubbish.”
If this argument were valid, it would also be valid to state that the United States is a stupid nation because there are some dumb Americans.
Converse Accident Example:
“Since many theories put forward by researchers in the ‘alternative history’ field have already been debunked, the Time River Theory must be flawed as well.”
Racial profiling is based on the same thinking process. Even if there are patterns and trends, with room for exceptions, individual cases must be judged separately.
Preemptive Responses The following are ‘preemptive’ responses to anticipated objections to the Time River Theory:
Criticism: Since we have no physical or historical evidence suggesting that any of our rivers are artificial, the theory must be considered a baseless speculation. Response: In terms of geology, it is true that the rivers in question are not considered anomalous (as far as I know). The Time River Theory, however, does not claim anything tangible regarding the process responsible for the rivers’ intricate designs. So the apparent naturalness of the rivers’ geology does not invalidate the theory.
How the rivers attained their seemingly intelligent arrangements is still an ‘X factor’ - a mystery. If the Time River Theory was weak, then this missing piece could cast more doubt on its validity.
But because the theory is actually very strong without the missing piece, a more reasonable approach would be to put effort into figuring out what the mechanism ‘X’ may be, instead of lazily viewing it as evidence against the theory.
Criticism: The Time River theory necessitates the existence of an astoundingly advanced group of people in the distant past, and yet we have no evidence for that. Response: This is not quite true. We have the Giza monuments from the dawn of history, for instance, which still boggle the mind of modern man. Indeed, even with today’s technology it would still be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to replicate them. And while the ancient Egyptian culture in general may not have been very advanced by today’s standard, we do detect a curious disconnect between the intellectual sophistication expressed by the Giza monuments and what we are taught about the ancient Egyptians. It is almost as if there was a small but truly advanced elite group that guided the building of the monuments from behind the scenes.
This is an important clue suggesting that our view of history may be quite superficial.
And it would certainly be naïve for us to assume that the intelligence responsible for the Time River system would have left their cultural ‘footprints’ behind. If the intelligence was powerful and sophisticated enough to have produced the Time Rivers, then it surely must have been very much aware of the importance of leaving, or not leaving, evidence of its existence behind. Or, to put it another way, it is quite feasible that we are today seeing what the intelligence in question had intended us to see.
Thus, absence of evidence certainly does not represent evidence of absence here.
Criticism: Since rivers’ paths change with time, they cannot possibly carry coded messages for a long period. Consequently, whatever their layouts may indicate today must be of no significance. Response: This is seemingly a good point. But it is presumptuous. In view of the level of intelligence required, it’s actually more reasonable to hypothesize that the creators of the Time Rivers were well aware of the inevitable future geological changes. The more coherent the encoded message is today, the more probable it is that the changing river courses do not represent corruption but pre-arranged evolution.
Criticism: The angle/latitude 19.5° is central to the Time River scheme, and yet its significance originally derives from the questionable geometric interpretation of the Cydonia structures on Mars. Similarly, the Orion Correlation Theory, a major part of the Time River design, is still a controversial theory. This means that the Time River theory is built on a very shaky foundation. Response: The significance of 19.5° does not rely on the Martian ‘monuments’. The angle is very much meaningful in terms of pure geometry, as it’s considered a ‘tetrahedral constant’ (t). So, regardless of the legitimacy of the Cydonia research, the importance of 19.5° is a geometric fact.
As for the Orion Correlation Theory (developed by Robert Bauval), it is true that some academics are not fond of it.
But as mentioned in Chapter 3 [of the book The Time Rivers], those critics’ arguments are quite lame. In almost every case, they are infected with the fallacy of ‘composition’ (where some little inconsistency is somehow treated as a proof of the illegitimacy of the whole theory). And it is also important to point out that the Time River Theory does not depend on the validity of the Orion Correlation Theory.
The rivers’ overlay/transposition schemes alone are solid enough to make the theory compelling.
Criticism: A scientific theory must be falsifiable. Response: Falsifiability - the capability to be falsified - is a key scientific principle and it is clearly met by the Time River theory. Although the theory has many components with varying levels of certainty, what is at the core are numerically and geometrically precise findings that are tangible and falsifiable.
[1] Even though the southern most source of the Nile is technically the Ruvironza River which drains into Lake Victoria, the first river to bear the name ‘Nile’ is the Victoria Nile that comes out from Lake Victoria approximately at the equator. To all intents and purposes, Lake Victoria can be considered the source of the Nile and the river begins roughly at the equator. [2] www.enterprisemission.com/Path-sphinx.html [3] Livio Catullo Stecchini, ‘Notes on the Relation of Ancient Measures to the Great Pyramid’, in Peter Tompkins, Secrets of the Great Pyramid (New York: Galahad Books, 1997), p.292. [4] Since the practice of dividing up the circle into 360 degrees was already in use at the time of the Sumerians (the first known high civilization in history), comparing latitudinal measurements, such as 30°, to other measurements such as 30 years and 30 days should not be any more arbitrary than comparing 30 years to 30 days. Incidentally, 30 days is the length of the ‘reign of Saturn’ (Robert Graves, The White Goddess, p.163). [5] Margaret Bunson, The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt (New York: Gramercy Books, 1991), ‘sed’. [6] See, for example, Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill (Boston: David R. Godine, 1977), p.201; J.E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1995), ‘River’. [7] See Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill, pp.134-5, 373-6. [8] Plutarch, On Isis and Osiris, 363E. [9] Robert Graves, The White Goddess (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1948), p.277, cf. Hamlet’s Mill, pp.200, 209. [10] Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant, Dictionary of Symbols (Penguin Books, 1996), ‘ibis’. [11] Rundle Clark, Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt (New York: Grove Press, 1960), p.246. [12] E. A. Wallis Budge, The Book of the Dead (New York: Arkana, 1989), p.598. [13] Anada K. Coomarswamy, Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists (New York: Dover Publications, 1967), p.384, cited in Graham Hancock and Santha Faiia, Heaven’s Mirror (New York: Crown Publishers, 1998), p.198. [14] The Osiris-Saturn identification is acknowledged by mythologist Robert Graves who writes in The White Goddess (p.197), ‘…Osiris, the Egyptian Saturn’. [15] Richard Hinckley Allen, Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning (New York: Dover Publications, 1963), p.308.
[16] Pyramid Texts, line 1657. [17] See Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert, The Orion Mystery (New York: Crown Publishers, 1994), pp.99-103, 237-241. [18] Thomas G. Brophy, The Origin Map (Writers Club Press, 2002), pp.86-9. [19] D. A. Livingstone, ‘The Nile - Palaeolimnology of Headwaters’, in Rzóska (ed.), The Nile, Biology of an Ancient River, pp.23-5, 27; Said, The Geological Evolution of the River Nile, p.6. [20] Corresponding year for latitude L = [(10600-2350)/19.5] x L - 10600. (If the resultant number is a negative number, it means it is a ‘BC’ date. Also, if the year yielded is zero or positive, technically an extra year has to be added to make up for the nonexistence of the year ‘0 AD’.) [21] See, for example, Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell, The Mayan Prophecies (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), pp.33, 136, 184. [22] Coomarswamy, Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists, p.393, cited in Hancock, Heaven’s Mirror, p.150. [23] Allen, Star Names, p.216. [24] See de Santillana and von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill, pp.139-40, 159, 377-383. [25] Ibid., pp.140, 382, 429. [26] Ibid., pp.157-9. [27] Speiser (trans.), The Anchor Bible: Genesis, Genesis 2:10-14. [28] Graham Hancock, The Sign and the Seal (New York: Touchstone, 1993), pp.205, 450. [29] Alexander Heidel, The Babylonian Genesis (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951), pp.68-71. [30] From the Atrahasis Epic (Tablet 1). [31] Thorkild Jacobsen, The Treasures of Darkness (London: Yale University Press, 1976), p.117 [32] Ibid., pp.130-1.
19.5 Degrees
19.5 degrees north and south are the latitudes where the apex points of a star tetrahedra within a sphere will contact that sphere's surface, when one apex is positioned at the north or south pole.
On the Sun: sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5 degreees north and south. On Venus: the presumably active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5 degrees.
On Earth: Mauna Loa, Hawaii (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 155 degrees 37 minutes W) The largest shield volcano is at 19.6 degrees north. This is Mauna-Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii. Mexico City, Mexico (19 degrees 23 minutes N, 99 degrees 10 minutes W) The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is at 19.6 degrees north. Dzibalchen, (Yucatan), Mexico (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 89 degrees 46 minutes W) Georgetown, Grand Cayman Island (19 degrees 18 minutes N, 81 degrees 26 minutes W) Mount Emi Koussi, Chad, Africa (19 degrees 47 minutes N, 18 degrees 34 minutes E) Mount Kalsubai, (near Bombay), India (19 degrees 33 minutes N, 73 degrees 43 minutes E) Mountain near Xiangkhoang, Laos (19 degrees 17 minutes N, 103 degrees 17 minutes E) Mountain near Potosi, Bolivia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 66 degrees 22 minutes W) Yasur Volcano, Tanna Island, Vanuatu (South Pacific Ocean) (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 169 degrees 25 minutes E) Mount Samuel, Northwest Territory, Australia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 134 degrees 8 minutes E) Gweru, Zimbabwe, Africa (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 29 degrees 49 minutes E)
On Mars: the "vast" Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5 degrees. On Jupiter: the "red spot" which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees. On Neptune: in 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north.
Based on Richard Dannelley's book, Sedona: Beyond the Vortex and Bruce Rawles
Why '19.5 degrees' is Significant
19.5 degrees is the angle that's been found by researchers (Richard C. Hoagland, Stanley McDaniel, Erol Torun, Horace W. Crater, etc.) to be repeatedly encoded in the structures of Cydonia. It is viewed as a definite 'signal in the noise' - some kind of a 'message' left there by some intelligence. 19.5 is called t, the 'tetrahedral constant', because of its significance in tetrahedral geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron's apexes touching the north pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees south latitude. Why this number would be important to the builders of the Martian structures is not clear (though Hoagland is theorizing that it has to do with what he calls "hyperdimensional physics").
Nile Time-Map & tetrahedral geometry -- 19.5 degrees http://prophetic.simplenet.com/elysium/nile-timemap.htm
The emphasis on 19.5 degrees is not confined to the Martian structures. It has been found to be associated with various ancient structures here on earth - Giza pyramids, Avebury (the largest stone circle in the world, near Stonehenge), Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, etc. It is also worth noting that the Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius, the brightest star in the sky which was extremely important to ancient Egyptians, is an equilateral triangle which can be viewed as a 2-dimensional representation of a tetrahedron; and in the Egyptian translation, it means a doorway... a sort of 'stargate'. Curiously, it has also been observed that 19.5 degrees is closely linked, for some reason, with the NASA space missions (for example, Mars Pathfinder landed at 19.5 degrees lat. of Mars on July 4, '97). In fact, not only did Pathfinder landed at 19.5 N, the longitude of the landing site was approximately 33 W - which is the very number of the longitude of the apex of the Great Bend of the Nile (33 E)! Now, this strongly insists on the relevance of the Nile numbers, and someone behind the scenes is well aware of it. As we move on, the number, 19.5, will also be very important in my Nile Time-map theory. Perhaps, as the Nile-Mars connection bridged by '19.5' appears to suggest, Mars was somehow involved during the 'Prometheus / Pandora period.

Nile River Delta (Google Maps) - Virtual Globetrotting. |
NASA and the Ancient Egypt Connection While reading the new book “Dark Mission” by Bara and Hoagland, I was amazed when I came to chapter 5 A Conspiracy Unfolds. The book delves into the aspect that NASA’s planners for mission times and locations were basing all of it on the Ancient Egyptian religion of Horus and Isis! It started when Hoagland looked closely at the NASA “Apollo” insignia and discovered the three stars of Orion’s Belt forming the horizontal line in the “A”, which as been accepted as representing “Apollo”. Here are just some of the discoveries he made using a program (Red Shift) that shows the location of the stars during major events in the “Apollo” program. a) The rest of the stars in the constellation of Orion were present on the patch. b) The “A” on the patch represents not Apollo, but Asar: the Greek name for Osiris. c) The “communion” that Aldrin preformed in the “Sea of Tranquility” was not done in the Christian tradition, but in the tradition of the Ancient Egyptian custom of paying homage to Osiris (upon study, Hoagland discovered that the communion rite originated in Ancient Egypt in honor of Osiris, and not by Christianity as it is accepted today). What’s more is that Armstrong flew the Lunar Module (Eagle), 5 miles further west from the intended landing site to get to the location of Tranquility to mark this as the Apollo 11 Landing Zone, risking the fuel supply claiming that it was too “rocky”. At the exact time and that the communion rite would be performed in this spot by Aldrin, Sirius (the Star of Isis) would be waiting, directly above the site at 19.5 degrees on the night of July 20th 1969 exactly 33 minutes after touchdown. Waiting 33 minutes after touchdown represents the highest level of Masonry: the 33rd degree. d) Upon further study of the alignment of the stars at the time and location of landing sites, as well as the names of the missions and the names of the missions and hardware used, such as “Falcon” and “Atlantis” and found unbelievable “hidden meaning” behind them ALL as well as the alignments of "sacred stars" during every single mission! e) Upon putting in all the coordinates for the time when the very first image was snapped of the “Face of Cydonia” on 7/25/1976, he was amazed to see that the star “Alnitak”, one of the stars of Orion’s Belt, was directly overhead! This implies that those who are really behind the NASA program knew it was there already! f) When Apollo 8 fired it’s rocket to descend into lunar orbit for the first time on 12/24/1968, “Mintaka”, another of Orion’s Belt was “dead on the horizon”. There are countless other alignments that were also discovered, too many to mention in fact. One worth mentioning though is the fact that Hoagland discovered that Masonry did not get it’s start in 1717 as is accepted today, but goes all the way back to Ancient Egypt. He also mentions that, because of the importance of dates and star location in the Ancient Egyptian way, he discovered the 10,500 B.C. dates of the Pyramids and Sphinx in Giza as well, based on the work of Hancock in “The Quest for Lost Civilizations” where Hancock was able to use precession to show that all major structures on Earth, including the “Spider” in Nazca aligning with the constellation “Scorpio” in 10,500 B.C. To me, this gives enormous credibility to the ancient text’s of Egypt as well as how seriously it is revered and followed by those who really run NASA behind the scenes. Hoagland also points out that the Ancient Egyptians, though relating their story to the stars, spoke to the fact that they did not see these deity’s as “representations” of the stars, but were living, breathing beings! Although I fully believe that the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians were right on, proven by their incredible knowledge of the Galactic time-lines and make-up, I am shocked to see this taken as serious by NASA "insiders"! http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread328501/pg1 |
White and Blue Nile
Moses on Mount Sinai – by Jean Léon Gérôme 1895-1900
It is crucial here to be aware that every mystic tradition, every source of spirituality, every fountain of knowledge, has been historically POISONED & CORRUPTED, interdicted and planted with all kinds of untruths and spin to suit the demonic Demiurgic manipulators of this false 3D Semi-Virtual Reality; as you read in the above Wikipedia link, this is all too evident for ex regarding the discrepancy between those who place “Moses” at Mount Horeb (the Elohists -pentagonal 5 letter password ALHIM sources-) and those who place “Moses” at Mount Sinai (the Yahwists -square 4 letter password YHVH sources-). In this particular case it turns out that both hold a half of the encrypted keys, as both the Pineal Gland and the Pituitary Glands act as the Inner Portal to communicate with the Higher Selves and the Higher Dimensions/Densities, via lighting up and establishing a Supernal Light medium of interface. These are the famous “Twin Peaks” or “Twin Pillars” that one can find in so many esoteric circles.
The 2 Brain Hemispheres and the 2 Eyes of Horus (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Eye of Horus as secret diagram for the Brain (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Now that we are in-the-zone so to speak, let us remember that THE DIVISION OF THE LEFT & RIGHT HEMISPHERES DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO THE SINGLE “UNI MODAL” (MALE) PINEAL & PITUITARY; this is what was meant by the “Creation of Adam” as a single only male creature, and then a later re-creation through a bipolar Male & Female Creation ss described in the book of Genesis. What is implied is not the sexual “genders” in the first case of the single Uni-Modal creature (often called in Kabbalah the primordial Adam Kadmon), but rather that the “male” is made to be understood as that single Uni-Modal neural platform, while the “female” is made to imply a BIPOLAR Left & Right Brain platform where to the single is symbiotically attached a new dual structure.
“Adam & Eve” “Adam Kadmon”
Pineal and Pituitary as INTERFACE between 2 Brain hemispheres, and Portal to the higher Crown Chakra (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Now all the organized religion believers can continue to believe to a tee the fairy tale that this Judeo-Christian tradition arose “independently” directly from “God”, but let me here dispel those delusional thoughts by shedding some light on the EGYPTIAN background to all such; the Egyptians of the Pharaonic eras considered the River Nile a MAP OR CELESTIAL PROJECTION OF THE HIGHER DIMENSIONS, a mirror in the ground if you will of the higher realities. When official Egyptology persists in merely promoting a strictly 3D version of this celestial mirroring, in the sense that the mirror consists in just a match between the stars and constellations and what is in the ground, I here offer you the real concealed truth about all this, which is that the higher dimensions are INNER or WITHIN and not somewhere out there in the physical 3D sky, thus the mirroring involves A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE BRAIN, and this is what the Nile River fractally represents:
White and Blue Nile watershed topography
White and Blue Nile
*Below Goro Adachi shows how the Nile River is a fractal operation within the 3D topography*
But the Nile River also holds other layers of fractal symbology, such as the ones I have proposed before:
The WHITE Nile (1st Hybridization) ~ White Cross
The BLUE Nile (2nd Hybridization) ~ Blue Cross
The RED Nile (3rd Hybridization) ~ Red Cross
Besides the White & Blue Nile tributaries implying a GENETIC HYBRIDIZATION at some point along the “Timeline” symbolized by the Nile River (at the Khartoum point where the confluence of both takes place along that “Timeline”) -the White bloodline hybridizing with a royal or Blueblood line-, this explains the later allegory of “Moses” striking the Nile River with his staff and turning its waters red, thus we have another subsequent hybridizatiion which is symbolized by the Red Nile, and this is the one that pertains to our modern Judeo-Christian era history from there on (albeit this is the official history the academia considers the only history to teach as real and valid, as any previous civilizations based on previous hybridizations are a subject still officially forbidden to talk about or even acknowledge in the most basic terms, such is the tight grip of the current CENSORSHIP of ancient history and the origins of mankind over the “educational” institutions). In my other older blog I even commented long ago on these White/Blue/Red Nile symbols as the secret origin of the popular flag colors. I am not including the 3rd triad of monotheist religions -Islam-, since it would deviate too much an already extremely complex research, but suffice it to state that those 3 monotheisms stem exactly from the same sources.
The RED Knights Templar Cross, and a few other high illuminati level symbols attached to its secret meaning, concerning this last Hybridization of humans on 3D Earth and its “Omega Point”
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There are two main rivers which flow from the south into what is referred to as the Nile Proper, the Blue Nile, and the White Nile. The White Nile is the longer of ...
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Al Jazirah and White Nile were split off from Blue Nile. River Nile split off from Northern. Red Sea was split off from Kassala. A further fracturing of provinces ...
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White Nile (Arabic: النيل الأبيض An Nīl al Ābyaḍ) is one of the 15 wilayat or states of Sudan. It has an area of 30411 km2 and an estimated population of ...
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The White Nile is the source of most of the Nile's water and fertile soil. ... Both the White and Blue Niles travel through Sudan and then merge at Khartoum (where the name changes simply to The Nile ... What is a dark red rash on legs called?
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Blue Nile - a headstream of the Nile; joins the White Nile at Khartoum to form the ... in the National Assembly: Northern State 5, River Nile State 8, Red Sea State ...
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At Khartoum the Blue Nile merges with the White Nile to form the Nile proper. ... in the National Assembly: Northern State 5, River Nile State 8, Red Sea State 10, ...
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8 Jun 2012 – The two major tributaries of the Nile River are the Blue Nile and White Nile. The striking difference between them is their colour. The Blue Nile ...
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14 May 2012 – We're giving away Blue Nile's version in White Topaz, an $85 value for ... Helen Mirren have showcased their gems on the red carpet in 2012.
www.linguee.es/ingles-espanol/traduccion/nile+red.htmlEn caché
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On 22 April, the winning SPLM candidate of Blue Nile State and the winning NCP candidates for Governor in Red Sea, White Nile, Sinnar, Gezira and Gaderef ...
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The Nile has two major tributaries, the White Nile and Blue Nile, the latter being the ... The Red Nile rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, with the most ...

The Rise of the Nile at the annual flooding corresponded to the SUN entering the STARS of the constellation LEO. The suggestion being, that the Lion is the Lord. As implied with the title extended to the Christian saviour Jesus… ‘The Lion from the Tribe of Judah’.
JUDAH = YUDAH = YOU / WHO DIE – the tribe of Death


ORION – The Key To The Kingdom Of Heaven


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Sunrise is the instant at which the upper edge of the Sun appears above the horizon in the east. Sunrise should not be confused with dawn, which is the ...
What are they? Ezekiel describes Cherubim as a composite of man, ox, lion and eagle. Opinions vary as to what they represent, or even if they are Cherubim. The According to one theory, the man is Aquarius, the ox is Taurus, the lion is Leo and the eagle is Ophiuchus in Scorpio-claiming that the eagle is an ancient form of Ophiuchus. On the surface, it seems to make sense. Each of the constellations is three months apart as if they represent the four cardinal directions. It's bothersome that the writer doesn't explain his source of the claim that Ophiuchus is the eagle. Then there is the theory that based on the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, Scorpio is the man. This boundary stone below left shows a scorpion with a man's body. Below right, Wikipedia suggests Cherubim where originally statues found in pairs protecting doorways. That would apply as a statue representation.
10He rode on a cherub, and flew; he came swiftly upon the wings of the wind. (Psalm 18:10)
23The nave and the holy place had each a double door. 24The doors had two leaves apiece, two swinging leaves for each door. 25And on the doors of the nave were carved cherubim and palm trees, such as were carved on the walls; and there was a canopy of wood in front of the vestibule outside. (Ezek. 23-25)
I suggest that all of the above theories are false. The evidence on this page argues for Cherubim composed of Taurus the bull, Leo the lion, Orion the man and Aquila the eagle. Genesis tells us that Cherubim were stationed "to guard the way to the Tree of Life." The evidence will demonstrate that the way is the Milky Way. Each is stationed at a strategic point on the Milky Way: beginning, end and two flanks. There is a fifth constellation, Perseus with his sword, who guards the middle.

Drawing © Stephane Beaulieu Used by permission
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Cherubim described
Genesis tells us Cherubim were placed in the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life (not the Tree of Life itself). God placed a flaming sword turning every way to guard the way to the tree of life. In other words, there is a path of some sort to the Tree of Life. We will return to the sword later.
24He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Gen. 3:24)
In chapter one, Ezekiel describes "living creatures" as having the face of a man in the front, the face of a lion on the right, the face of an ox on the left, and the face of an eagle at the back. He doesn't explicitly call them Cherubim. We need more information.
The cloud describes the Milky Way. "A stormy wind out of the north" means a spirit from the north side of the Zodiac. Of course, terms like "burning coals of fire" and "flash of lightning" refer to the stars.
4As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness round about it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming bronze. 5And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the form of men, 6but each had four faces, and each of them had four wings. 7Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot; and they sparkled like burnished bronze. 8Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus: 9their wings touched one another; they went every one straight forward, without turning as they went. 10As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man in front; the four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle at the back. 11Such were their faces. And their wings were spread out above; each creature had two wings, each of which touched the wing of another, while two covered their bodies. 12And each went straight forward; wherever the spirit would go, they went, without turning as they went. 13In the midst of the living creatures there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. 14And the living creatures darted to and fro, like a flash of lightning. (Ezek. 1:4-14)
The River of Heaven described
In the passage below, the river that interests us is the River Pishon. We recognize the Tigris and Euphrates. As for the River Gihon, the Zodiac has a second river in the southern hemisphere called the River Eridanus (not shown here).
10A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers. 11The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; 12and the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there. 13The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which flows around the whole land of Cush. 14And the name of the third river is Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates. (Gen. 2:10-14)
3Now the cherubim were standing on the south side of the house, when the man went in; and a cloud filled the inner court. 4And the glory of the LORD went up from the cherubim to the threshold of the house; and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was full of the brightness of the glory of the LORD. (Ezek. 10:3-4)
Ezekiel sees Cherubim by the river Chebar. Each has four faces and four wings. The firmament (celestial sphere) was over their heads. The best that I can make of the number four is that it represents four cardinal directions as the constellations rotate. The wheels symbolise the stars turning around the pole star.
15And the cherubim mounted up. These were the living creatures that I saw by the river Chebar. 16And when the cherubim went, the wheels went beside them; and when the cherubim lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the wheels did not turn from beside them. 17When they stood still, these stood still, and when they mounted up, these mounted up with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in them. (Ezek. 10:15-17)
Ezekiel identifies the living creatures by the river Chebar as Cherubim.
20These were the living creatures that I saw underneath the God of Israel by the river Chebar; and I knew that they were cherubim. 21Each had four faces, and each four wings, and underneath their wings the semblance of human hands. 22And as for the likeness of their faces, they were the very faces whose appearance I had seen by the river Chebar. They went every one straight forward. 22Over the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of a firmament, shining like crystal, spread out above their heads. 23And under the firmament their wings were stretched out straight, one toward another; and each creature had two wings covering its body. (Ezek. 10:20-23)
Putting it alltogether
We have a map of the north celestial sphere below and a lot of descriptions from Genesis and Ezekiel. For the thesis to work, the descriptions should fit the map. I started with the assumption that the Milky Way is the river of heaven by coloring it blue. If it is a wrong assumption, the other pieces won't fit. The picture is inverted from the way we would see it from earth. The arc at the bottom represents the sun's ecliptic rising above us. Assume a viewing position in the middle on earth looking up towards the arc in the south.
Three descriptions fit the Milky Way. Genesis says the River Pishon flows out of Eden - so does the Milky Way in the sense that it extends beyond the Zodiac. Ezekiel tells us to look for Cherubim by the River Chebar. Genesis says the Cherubim and the flaming sword are in Eden to guard the way to the Tree of Life - the Milky Way. The flaming sword is on the east side where Genesis placed it.
From our viewer position, as Ezekiel described, we see the face of Orion in front of us, the eagle in the back, the lion to the right, and the ox to the left. Cherubim are guarding the river of heaven, or as Genesis put it, the way to the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life will be identified below.
Revelation calls the Milky Way the "water of life" that flows "from the throne of God." To see where the throne is, follow Orion from the picture above to the picture below. At the high end of the Milky Way, the sun rises over Orion's body, to where his head would be. The outline of Lepus below looks like a throne, and the outline of Gemini looks like a pharaoh's hat.
1Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Rev. 22:1-2)
So then, the Milky Way is the river to the Tree of Life. In other parlance, it is the cloud of heaven from where Jesus will come to whisk believers off to heaven. It is the path that takes the souls of the dead to meet God. Perseus with his sword guards the river in the middle. The Cherubim guard the river at each end and at the sides. The lion is on the right and the ox is on the left, both watching the river. Orion, the man, guards the river by the front and Aquila the eagle guards the back. When the sun is at the summer solstice over Orion's body, God is said to be on his throne.
16"O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, who art enthroned above the cherubim, thou art the God, thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth. (Isa. 37:16)
Genesis places the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden. That would imply in the center at the pole. We can imagine the imaginary pole line as the trunk of the tree. The celestial sphere or firmament represents the branches. And, according to Revelation, the twelve constellations of the Zodiac are the fruit.
9And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 2:9)
 The brightest stars in these constellations are fairly bright. With #1 ranking as the brightest:
Aldebaran, 0.85 pale red, #14 Altair, 0.77, white, #12, Betelgeuse 0.5 red, #10 Mirfak, 1.8, brilliant yellow, #33 Regulus 1.4 blue-white, #21
Perhaps they serve to light the way up the River of Life.
Haz hecho público que te gusta. Deshacer
Three descriptions fit the Milky Way. Genesis says the River Pishon flows out of Eden - so does the Milky Way in the sense that it extends beyond the Zodiac.
Immediately below is a picture of the Milky Way Galaxy, showing the Golden Mean Spiral effect.

Below are the pictures of the Norway Spiral Light Show. Keep in mind once again, that this is hypnotic suggestion, meant to manipulate our reality without us being aware of the manipulation. The Milky Way is symbolic of the Flood of the Nile in the Sky and symbolizes the Mother Moon goddess’ flood of Milk. These considerations, in conjunction with the CLIMATEGATE scandal which is suggesting MILK 88 (as shown above), creates a scenario that is a bit curious.

The spiral light appeared from behind a mountain, almost as if the moon were rising, as an eye witness stated. Then it spread to cover the whole sky for about 12 minutes, with a blue light beam coming out of the centre.
Then it disappeared completely …


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