Saturn and the Tree of Life
You will note that there is no magic square of two, and that Saturn falls at the second sphere in the nine sphere or square program, which adds the stars at the top and the earth at the bottom of the planets/hex image. What would work well is if Saturn, being 3x3, were at the third sphere in the template; which is exactly what we see in the Tree of Life of the later Kaballists. Saturn is at 3, Jupiter at 4, Mars and 5 and the sun is at 6. This comes about by adding the Throne of God as the first sphere. Note that the Royal Arch story about depositing the cube in the ninth and lowest arch doesn't work with this.
Both the H-shaped Kircher tree (left below) and the A-shaped Gates of Light tree (below right) result from splitting Saturn's position in two and inserting Daath and the Abyss. We are reminded of the legend of Saturn being deposed by his son Jupiter. A metaphysical trinity is created consisting of Being (1), Space (2 the stars, Nuit), and Time (3 Chronos, Saturn). Also, the middle path, the straight way, is cleared. Before the path included the moon, the sun and Saturn, now its just the earth, moon and sun.
The numbers of the new spheres down the middle are 1, 6, 9 and 10 for a total of 26, which is the sum of the letters in the Tetragrammaton (JHVH), the four letter name. [JeHoVaH or JOVE] The old middle path had 1, 2, 5, 8 and 9 for a total of 25 (5 squared).
We saw in Noah's Ark the ratios of 1:10 and 1:6. One is the top of the tree and 10 is the earth at the bottom of the tree or the whole tree. 6 is the sun's sphere at the middle (its at 5 in the old system). The ratio of 1:6 defines a border (container) around the sun's apparent path around the globe. The 3:5 ratio of the outside dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant do the same thing in one hemisphere.
Consider Revelation Chapter 6 where we see the spheres on the tree introduced. Remember that up the middle of the 10 sphere tree we see the earth, the moon, and the sun. At the top is now the Throne of God in place of the stars. In Verse 12 we read "When he had opened the sixth seal there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood, and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth". In one phrase we have the sun, moon, earth and the stars. The white horse/man with a bow and crown is Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter; the red horse and sword belong to Scorpio ruled by Mars, the scales belong to Libra ruled by Venus, and Death and Hell alude to Mercury, guide of the soul's who rules Virgo. Saturn is the only one not mentioned.
What does work is the Arabic numbers. While the paths on the tree are associated with the Hebrew number/letters, the spheres use the 10 arabic numerals. So with the tree we have a system where the spheres match a number and a planet. Also, if you look closely you can see that the shape of the numbers match the shape of the signs used for the planets. The easiest to see is Jupiter and 4. Mercury and 8 is pretty easy. 1 looks like the Throne of a God to me. The back of the nine looks like the cresent moon. The circle used for the sun sign is in the 6. Taking the 1 from ten and crossing it over the 0 gives the sign for the earth. Again, Venus is the most difficult to see. For 5, you open the loop on the Mars sign.
Saturn, the sun and the moon are connected by the numbers of their spheres and by the shape of the magic square assigned to each one. Compare to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit trinity. Saturn is always the Father of the Gods, the son is the sun, and the HS correlates to the lunar sphere and presumeably the number nine.
In the square of Saturn, the total of all nine numbers is 45, and the numeric constant (the total of the rows, columns and diagonals) is 15. The sun square totals to 666 and has a numeric constant of 111. The moon's square constant is 369. [3+6+9 = 18. The 18th Tarot Trump is the Moon; and the moon is the ninth sphere of the 10 sphere tree. The sum of all the numbers of the moon square is 3321; 3+3+2+1 = 9. Saturn's constant (15) points to the sun(6), and its total (45) points to the moon (9). The sun's constant (111) points to Saturn (3) and its total (666) points to the moon (18/9).
Pythaogras called this figure tetractys, because the first four numbers add to ten, which is displayed as a triangle of nine around one; four on each side. The notion of three refers to the hidden aspect of deity, while four refers to the revealed deity. We are reminded of Enoch's cube which bore an inscribed triangle with the True Name of God in it. The cube is the Creation, the world, the universe; the inscribed triangle is the divine spark that lies at the heart of created things. The hexagram conceals the cube. [The All isn't inside of any one thing, It is in all things as one.]
Sometimes the four letter name is used inside a triangle, but sometimes just the first letter, yod. The letter depicts the finger of God pointing down. It is drawn using a vertical down stroke, then a curve. Remember that one triangle indicates Saturn and two indicates the sun, and three indicate the moon (triple goddess).
We can see that the sun is associated with the number 6, a hexagon and a circle, in that a hexagon inscribed in a circle is compsed of 6 radii of the circle. The moon is associated with the number nine, as in the nine Muses. This matches Saturn with the triangle which has always been associated with the notion of divinity (hidden essence), while the square (and the number 4) have been associated with notion's of the deities work, the creation.
You may recall that the Greek name for this deity was IAO, a three lettered name; rather than JHVH or JOVE. I invite you to compare the shape of the sign for Saturn with the Hebrew letter yod. I recommend that people are wrong who suggest that the Star of David is a sign of Saturn. I believe that the above has shown that Saturn, at sphere 3 on the tree, is associated with the triangle, and the sun, at sphere 6 is associated with the hexagram.
In a page about Circumambulation, I point out that Saturn was the Roman god of the harvest and was depicted with a sickle or scythe in his hand; also that Solomon's temple was built on a threshingfloor bought by his father King David. Remember that David, like Saturn was replaced by his son as king, and that Solomon's seal was a hexagram associated with the sun. David's association with the threshingfloor ties him to Saturn, while Solomon is definitely a solar figure, like Enoch who lives 365 years.
"Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold. And Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel, which provided victuals for the king and his household: each man his month in a year made provision." 666 is the total of the Magic Square of the Sun.
Metatron's Cube 3x3x3
Above you can see that Metatron's Cube is a 3D representation of the 3x3 Saturn Square. The cube is usually depicted with just 13 circles, but here we see 19 and 8 (2 cubed) are hidden, as 1 is hidden in the 2 cube represented by the Holy of Holies. The four cube contains Metatron's Cube, and it can be redistibuted in 2D as the 8x8 checker board, Mercury's Square. If we ring the 64 cells of the Mercury square with another ring of 36 (the sun's number) we get a total of 100, in ten rows and columns (earth square seen below). This is your unit square, your decimal foundation stone if considered cubically. As the Mesopotamians used a system based on the number sixty, their ark measured 60x60x60, the same unit cube idea.
We now have an 8x8 grid with a border of one. The image on the left above shows that if we inscribe a circle in a square, and divide the diagonal of the square into ten parts, that the diameter of the circle will be 7 parts of that diameter.
The blue grid above is composed of cells that each contain four of the one hundred cells. The blue grid is 5x5 putting one cell 'on the center' (only odd number grids do this). This is 24 around one. The total area including the border is 25, and the area inside the border is 16. As you can see, this division also produces a 3x3 grid in the center with a border of one half (or a 6x6 grid with a border of one).
Each step inward looses eight cells. The outer ring containes 36, number of cells in the sun square. The next ring has 28; the solar calendar repeats every 28 years. The ring of 12 months surrounds the square of four seasons. Note that the 16 square has the same area and preimeter. The rings of twenty cells reminds us of the dimensions of the Temple and the Holy of Holies.
The central blue square above is half the width of the red square, and one quarter the area. It is one ninth the area of the next blue square. It is one sixteenth the first black square and one twenty fifth the second one. This is a surveying exercise. Below is a depiction of the cross section of the Great Pyramid where the base length has been defined as 2, giving a height of the square root of phi, and an apothem of phi. The side of the square are 2 and the radius of the circle is 1.27; if we multiply both by a factor of 4 we get an 8x8 square and a diameter of the circle of 10.16, just about exactly what we see above.
On pages 195-200 of "Secrets of the Great Pyramid" Peter Tompkins showed that a rectangle 2 x 1.27 was equal to the area of half the circle with a radius of 1.27. In terms of the squares above this means that we add one more row of eight to the square we get the area of a circle with the radius of 5. Half the circle equals 40 cells. The area of the circle is 80 cells, 20 fewer than the outer square contains. A square with an area of 101 contains a circle with an area of 80.
"Not all countries use exactly the same measurement for an acre. In fact Irish and Scottish acres exceed US and British acres in size. A Scottish acre is equivalent to 1.27 standard acres. The Irish measure the acre as even larger, 1.6 British or US acres." The floor space of the ark in Gilgamesh is described as being 'one iku'. "An iku or one field, was a square measure of one hundred musar, or about 3,600 square meters, which is approximately one modern acre. However, iku was also the name of the constellation now called Pegasus, or more particularly of what is now called the Square ofPegasus. Among the Babylonians, the Square of Pegasus was represented by a field in the sky defined by four stars which do indeed make nearly a square shape in the heavens."
The Square of Pegasus is just about 15 degrees both ways, and is located between the two fishes in Pisces, near the ecliptic and the sun's position at the equinox. This means that you can't see it for a while on both side of that. The best time for viewing it is at the September equinox, when it is opposite to the sun and rises at sunset. Note that as it rises, it does so with its point up, but as it crosses the meridian (midnight in Sept) its lines are parallel to the longitude and latitude lines on the earth. When it sets, it is point up again.
Circles represent the horizon and the heavens, and are affiliated with triangles as the form that the compasses take to form an equileral triangle, which is derived by overlapping two equal circles formed using the compasses. Squares pertain to the earth and the body. A carpenter's or mason's 'square' is really half a square or rectangle with out the diagonal, and as such can be used to depict both square angles and triangles. Consider the motion of the Pegasus Square with a square in hand.
To the egyptians, the sun set represented the soul entering a body (container), and sunrise symbolized leaving it. The time in between, in the 'underworld' represent the soul in the body. If we follow the Iku, the unit container, we will see that it sets with the point down, so the diagonal of our square is parallel to the horizon, as it is when it rises. The hypotenuse of the triangle is being indicated. As the constellation moves across the meridian the lines of our square parallel those in the sky and on the earth. We have two of these stations, one of which we can't see.
We have two station which work according to a square (the meridians) and two ruled by a triangle (the horizons). And we see two triangles, one setting, and one rising (point down and point up).