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en el alfabeto ingles
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+... +33+34+35+36=666
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Message 41 of 130 on the subject |
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Message 42 of 130 on the subject |
om: Alcoseri (Original message) |
Sent: 25/07/2016 14:56 |
Hablemos de las Tres Fuerzas que rigen el Universo. La Masonería enseña que en cada manifestación obran tres fuerzas. Estas tres fuerzas se llaman Activo, Inmóvil y Neutra. En cualquier lugar de la Creación y del Espacio-Tiempo en que estas tres fuerzas se encuentran juntas surge una manifestación o un evento. "Cada manifestación que existe en el Universo es debida al encuentro simultáneo de estas tres fuerzas-Desde luego, esta es una cosa muy difícil de entender. Como dijo Una fuerza no puede crear una manifestación, dos fuerzas no pueden crear una manifestación, pero tres fuerzas que se encuentran juntas crearán una manifestación. Pero¿Cuál es el significado que da usted a una manifestación?" Y es: El de algo que es, que tiene lugar-. Como es sabido, en la ciencia moderna a esto se lo llama un evento en el Espacio-Tiempo —no en el Tiempo ni en el Espacio, sino en el mundo llamado Espacio-Tiempo—. Y , por ejemplo, si nace un niño, es el resultado de la unión de tres fuerzas. Usted desea tener un hijo; esto es sólo una fuerza —es decir, usted desea algo—. Pero este deseo no producirá un niño. Quiero decir, no creará un niño. Ante todo, para la creación de un niño, dos fuerzas llamadas Hombre y Mujer deben unirse, pero falta algo, o, cabe decir, que una fuerza no puede crear, dos fuerzas no pueden crear, pero sólo cuando dos fuerzas, Activa y Pasiva, se unen mediante una Fuerza Neutralizante que pone en relación a las dos, la creación es posible. Es interesante reflexionar sobre este arreglo Hombre-Mujer en la vida y pensar en la Fuerza Neutralizante que interviene entre ellos. En la tríada según la enseñanza esotérica. Habrán oído decir en este Trabajo que Dios es difícil de entender porque primero Él es Uno, luego Él es Tres, y después Él es Siete. Es sabido que en el cristianismo se basa en la Trinidad de Tres Fuerzas y ello no es nada nuevo con respecto a la antigua teología. La mayoría de las personas creen que si hay algo llamado Dios, Él es enteramente creativo, siempre con voluntad de crear, pero en la Trinidad. La fuerza, según la mitología griega , fue una hija del Titán Palas, que cuando los de su raza pretendieron escalar el cielo desertó del partido de su padre y se pasó al de Júpiter, al que prestó eficaz auxilio. Entre otros trabajos que realizó fue la ayuda que prestó a Vulcano a encadenar a Prometeo. La tercera Fuerza es una de los misterios de la Orden Masónica. Se halla simbolizada en los Templos Masónicos por unas estatuas de Hércules, Minerva y Venus y por los tres ángulos del triángulo misterioso o Delta Sagrado. La Fuerza está concentrada en pueblo Masónico, que son los hijos del viuda y de Dios " que se hallan esparcidos por todo el mundo, . Las tres luces del Ara sagrada.Dios es Tres Fuerzas, una creativa, la otra preservativa, y la tercera destructiva. Ustedes deben descubrir por qué estas tres fuerzas llevan nombres de distintos dioses. Supongamos que Dios fuera puramente creativo, todo el mar y la tierra estarían repletos de peces y animales creados por Dios. ¿No ven ustedes —en cuanto nos cabe entenderlo— que debe de haber una parte de Dios que destruye para mantener a raya la obra de Dios creador? La creación de las aves, digamos, de peces, de animales, no tiene tregua. ¿No están de acuerdo? ¿No ven que esto es así? ¿Y no ven también que en el mundo natural muchos deben morir? Un arenque da nacimiento a millones de arenques por el lado creativo, pero a no ser que peces más grandes se los coman, en unos pocos años el océano sería una masa de arenques. Y la guerra, el hambre, la enfermedad y todo el resto, nos ilustran sobre el aspecto de destrucción que pone freno al número de cosas creadas. Luego, nada cuesta ver que si Dios crea, debe de haber algo que preserva su creación. Tomemos como ejemplos los frutos de la tierra —qué hermosas envolturas tienen—. Tomemos las aves que anidan —deben empeñarse mucho para preservar el nido, haciendo así posible que la fuerza creativa sea protegida—. Tomemos un niñito que va a nacer. Observen con qué belleza la naturaleza ha arreglado todo, y la Madre que está pronta para protegerlo. Creo que todos pueden vislumbrar lo que significan los tres aspectos de Dios. Estaba hablando recientemente de esta tríada representada en uno mismo dejando a un lado la creación física, al número de niños que nacen, etc. Ha de haber un opuesto, desde luego. Tomemos a una persona que se cree muy buena. Tarde o temprano se encontrará con la segunda fuerza, tal como lo hizo Job en la Biblia. Ahora bien, en cuanto a Dios, se solía decir antes en los templos masónicos que no se puede comprender las tres fuerzas a menos de estudiarlas esotéricamente . : "La ciencia conoce la creación y la destrucción pero aún no está enterada de la tercera fuerza que hace que los opuestos se interrelacionen". "Es preciso estudiar la primera fuerza, luego la segunda fuerza en uno mismo antes que se pueda ver siquiera lo que significa la tercera fuerza". Es por eso por lo que se hace tanto hincapié en el Trabajo masónico acerca de descubrir en uno mismo la segunda fuerza. Esotéricamente , al considerar esa tríada en uno se establecen diferentes relaciones consigo mismo, porque la mayoría de la gente cree que puede hacer lo que desea o que no puede hacer lo que desea. Ahora bien, cuanto más se desea una cosa, tanto más la segunda fuerza o fuerza opuesta se enfrenta contra uno. Muchas personas creen que su vida han perdido porque lo que deseaban nunca, se cumplió. Ahora bien, si una persona estudia en si misma estas tres fuerzas, creadora, preservadora y destructora, ante todo descubrirá que cada vez que es negativa es también destructiva. Cuando es negativa, no puede ver el bien en ningún ser humano. Supongamos que alguien escribe un poema, esto es ser creativo en nuestro nivel. Instantáneamente una nube de langostas, tías y tíos, dice: "Si este niño se inclina por el trabajo creador, hay que destruirlo. Debemos poner fin a esta insensatez". Si este niño tiene una tía buena que se da cuenta que ha hecho algo más que lo que comúnmente hace su familia, esta tía es preservadora. De todo esto tenemos buenos ejemplos en el mito de Hiram Abiff, en el arquitecto solía hacer un extraño ritual al amanecer en el sanctasanctórum , cosa que ninguno de ellos hacia al amanecer, y desde el momento en que vieron ese extraño ritual desearon destruir a quien lo practicaba. Hablando ahora con más profundidad, la mayoría de ustedes son destructores y todos deben recordar que estando en este Trabajo Masónico tendrán que hacer frente a la gente profana: "¿Qué está usted Haciendo como masón? ¿Por qué no me lo puede decir, es un secreto?", le dirán . El hombre hace excepción de toda persona que difiere de él y así se vuelve destructor para con dicha persona, pero debe darse cuenta que aquel hombre a quien desea destruir por sus criticas es probablemente él mismo. Por lo tanto comienza a ver en sí mismo la misma cosa que critica en la otra persona. Empieza a moverse por el medio o tercera fuerza entre los opuestos y allí encuentra un Camino y ya no es más derrotado por lo que pueda ocurrirle en la vida. Recuerden que se dijo una vez en el Secreto de la Tolerancia Masónica: "Yo soy tú y tú eres yo." Eso es estar consciente de las tres Fuerzas - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/secreto-masonico/Arquitecto$20%7Csort:date/secreto-masonico/Nsk2r3BLgKs/lWmqkWnHWswJ |
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Message 43 of 130 on the subject |
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Message 44 of 130 on the subject |
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Message 45 of 130 on the subject |
There has been a tremendous amount of internet buzz and speculation regarding the dates of 9/23 and 9/24/2015. Some Christian groups were predicting the rapture. Others were predicting a major ISIS terrorist attack. Still others were expecting an assassination attempt on either Obama or the Pope. WW III, asteroid strikes, and EMPs were among the other candidates. The UFO crowd expected the Pope to finally disclose contact with extra-terrestrials. It is now 9/26 and the theatrics expected on 9/23 have been underwhelming to say the least. Nevertheless there was some highly significant symbolism occurring on the 23rd/24th day of September and I want to expound upon it here.
First of all, the Roman Catholic Church has never been primarily about Jesus or elevating the level of human consciousness on Spaceship Earth. It has always been about power and control over the rabble through the use of symbolism and mythology rooted in ancient astro-theological Solar/Saturn/Sirius cults going back through Egypt and Babylon. I will provide a few examples of the connections between Roman Catholic symbols and their ancient predecessors.
The Pope is often seen wearing the “Mitre” which symbolizes the open mouth of a fish. Fish symbolism is everywhere in Christianity and it is not just because the disciples were fishermen and Jesus made them “fishers of men”. Christianity began at the end of the age of Aries (the Ram) and the beginning of the age of Pisces (the Fish). When Jesus talks about “the end of the age”, this refers to the procession of the equinox through the zodiac which indicates the astrological “age”. These ages last about 2160 years so we are currently transitioning from the end of the age of Pisces to the beginning of the age of Aquarius. The Roman Catholic Church is therefore predictably beginning to abandon the Jesus fish for some new arrangement of deities or a new “Good Shepherd” that will be used to goad the sheeple into their pens throughout the Age of Aquarius.

But anyway… back to the Pope’s fish hat (Cardinals also wear them at times):

The fish hat was also worn prior to Christianity by the priests of Dagon. Dagon was a fish god and also a god of the harvest to the ancient Babylonians and Philistines. Cronus (to the Greeks) or Saturn (to Romans) was also a god of the harvest and we often see him with a scythe or sickle. Put them together and we have the fishes and the loaves. Dagon may also be related to Dogon and Sirius worship which had a special symbolism to Egyptians relating to the time of year when the Nile would flood. Sirius being in the constellation of Canis Major relates it to the Canine while the relation to Dogon or Dagon is probably how canines came to be called dogs. Dogon may also be related to the etymology of the Dragon. To this day we still call late summer, “The dog days of summer” thanks to Dogon or Dagon and Sirius’s signalling the waters of the Nile to flood.
Anyway… The Pope’s fish hat is related to Dagon or Dogon and astro-theological pre-Christian deities.
 
The fish hat is just one example of symbolism relating back to pre-Christian deities, but in the interests of time and space I’ll move on to symbolism more relevant to the Pope’s recent visit to D.C. on 9/23 and 9/24.
One of the most amazing and prominent architectural wonders of the Vatican is Saint Peter’s Basilica with its 448′ tall dome designed primarily by Bramante and Michelangelo. The basilica faces East to greet the rising sun and to its East is an elliptical plaza with an Egyptian Obelisk in the center. The Obelisk was transported from Egypt and re-erected in Rome around 37 AD.
Saint Peter’s Basilica and Plaza with Obelisk, Vatican, Rome
Saint Peter’s Basilica and Plaza with Obelisk, Vatican, Rome
Where else do we find the “male” obelisk inside the round “female” shape across from a very large dome? …Washington D.C.
Washington Monument due West of the Capitol dome
So whats this all about? Just some old men acting like little boys who think it’s funny to draw body parts on the etcha-sketch? The story goes back to Sun worship in Egypt. Osiris was the old chief Sun god whose brother Set kills him at the end of the day (sun-set). As the legend goes, Set dismembers the body of Osiris and scatters his parts around the world. Isis, the Queen and wife of Osiris finds all of the pieces of Osiris’s body except for one member… his “member” which was unfortunately swallowed by a fish. So Isis fashions a new “gold member” for Osiris bringing him back to life. They have the sex and Horus is conceived – a baby sun god. (we probably get “hours” of the day from “Horus”). Isis, the virgin mother and pre-Madonna, is frequently pictured nursing baby Horus, and in the Roman Catholic Church we often see the virgin Mary (Madonna) nursing the baby Sun/Son of God.

Isis nursing baby Horus and The Madonna holding baby Jesus
So it is no coincidence that the Pope’s schedule follows the itinerary of the tour of Madonna (who is a “Christianized” Isis) who performs this September just prior to the Pope at Washington D.C., Madison Square Garden, and Philadelphia – the city of Big Brotherly Love.
The Egyptian obelisk represents the phallus of Osiris and the ellipse or vesica pisces (belly of the fish) in this case represents… well it should be obvious… intercourse with Isis. The adjacent dome represents the womb or breast of Isis where a god is made and nursed. This is why the mosaic inside of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica shows Jesus and the saints on their way to heaven at the top and also why the inside of the D.C. Capitol dome has a painting showing George Washington ascending to heaven which is titled “The Apotheosis of George Washington.” Apotheosis literally means to become a god.
Mosaic inside the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. Saints and angels rise towards heaven.
“The Apotheosis of George Washington” painted inside the dome on the U.S. Capitol. The 72 inverted pentagrams may symbolize the 72 years it takes for 1 degree of procession of the equinox.
I have read that at certain times in history the Egyptians would conduct human sacrifices… usually of foreigners or slaves… and at these times they believed the God Osiris would enter the Obelisk and that the Pharoah who sat in an adjacent dome (womb of Isis) believed this would make him a god.
Okay, let’s get back to the Pope’s visit. This is the 266th Pope from the first – St. Peter. The Pope decided to arrive at Washington D.C. on 9/23 which happens to be the 266th day of the year. Why is that significant? On average, a woman is pregnant for 266 days before going into labor. In Genesis, it is said that labor pain is the first judgment God gave to mankind. The evening of 9/22 to the evening of 9/23 is 7/10 on the Jewish calendar which is the Day of Atonement. This was the day that God decided how he was going to judge a person for the rest of the year and on 7/11 he would issue that judgement. (Side note: SEPT-ember was originally the 7th month so 9/11 could be thought of as 7/11. And 9/11 in Roman numerals is IXXI which is a re-working of the sign of Saturn and was engraved in Jesuit rings for a time. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, so he is thus “Lord of the IXXI Rings” and therefore kind of like the eye of Sauron/Saturn between the twin towers… Oh and don’t forget tower 7… 7/11). This year, 9/23 also happened to be the fall equinox – which doesn’t mean much to modern man, but recall that the ancients (and modern secret societies) were all about the Sun worship. Fall equinox is thus symbolic of the time when the powers of darkness overcome the powers of the light. Thus, what is “birthed” on 9/24 is something wicked.
So on 9/23 the prez “basked in the glow” of the Pope. On 9/24 the Pope journeyed to the Capitol. At some point he was interrupted by an illegal immigrant child who managed to evade iron clad security (staged much?) waving a heart-wrenching letter describing how she didn’t want to be deported. The Pope stood in the Capitol, which is symbolically the womb of Isis where a god is conceived or where men become gods (the dome also happens to be currently in the middle of a remodel or “reformation”). The main theme of his visit and of his speech was that the Western world needs to welcome the foreign children (to be sacrificed to Osiris) newly delivered unto us. Of course, it is well known that some of these “migrant children” belong to the terrorist group named: ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).
 So there you have it. The pope’s visit and message is all about Isis and the birthing of the children of ISIS through labor pains of judgment in the fall as the Western borders fall. Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that it is a thinly veiled fact that the West created ISIS by giving weapons, training, and funds to moderate rebels (also known as Al-Qaeda) in order to topple the Assad regime in Syria and possibly to be the next big bogeyman that will force Westerners to continue giving up their civil liberties so that they may be lovingly integrated into the global community with a nice big hug from Big Brother. Isis is ISIS is made by the secret societies who revere Isis and are the hidden hand behind Western geopolitics.
Pope Francis, accompanied by members of Congress, waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015, after addressing a joint meeting of Congress inside. Doug Mills / The New York Times via AP, Pool))
Pope Francis addresses congress on 9/24/2015
Oh and in case anyone missed the irony / hypocrisy… here’s the walls that keep the poor migrant children out of the Pope’s obscenely wealthy little city-state:
Vatican Wall and Entrance
Vatican Walls
A good quick run-down on the occult astro-theology of Saturn:http://youtu.be/ylyZ9gKySAg
More info on occult astro-theological symbolism in art and architecture:http://youtu.be/L777RhL_Fz4
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Message 46 of 130 on the subject |
There has been a tremendous amount of internet buzz and speculation regarding the dates of 9/23 and 9/24/2015. Some Christian groups were predicting the rapture. Others were predicting a major ISIS terrorist attack. Still others were expecting an assassination attempt on either Obama or the Pope. WW III, asteroid strikes, and EMPs were among the other candidates. The UFO crowd expected the Pope to finally disclose contact with extra-terrestrials. It is now 9/26 and the theatrics expected on 9/23 have been underwhelming to say the least. Nevertheless there was some highly significant symbolism occurring on the 23rd/24th day of September and I want to expound upon it here.
First of all, the Roman Catholic Church has never been primarily about Jesus or elevating the level of human consciousness on Spaceship Earth. It has always been about power and control over the rabble through the use of symbolism and mythology rooted in ancient astro-theological Solar/Saturn/Sirius cults going back through Egypt and Babylon. I will provide a few examples of the connections between Roman Catholic symbols and their ancient predecessors.
The Pope is often seen wearing the “Mitre” which symbolizes the open mouth of a fish. Fish symbolism is everywhere in Christianity and it is not just because the disciples were fishermen and Jesus made them “fishers of men”. Christianity began at the end of the age of Aries (the Ram) and the beginning of the age of Pisces (the Fish). When Jesus talks about “the end of the age”, this refers to the procession of the equinox through the zodiac which indicates the astrological “age”. These ages last about 2160 years so we are currently transitioning from the end of the age of Pisces to the beginning of the age of Aquarius. The Roman Catholic Church is therefore predictably beginning to abandon the Jesus fish for some new arrangement of deities or a new “Good Shepherd” that will be used to goad the sheeple into their pens throughout the Age of Aquarius.

But anyway… back to the Pope’s fish hat (Cardinals also wear them at times):

The fish hat was also worn prior to Christianity by the priests of Dagon. Dagon was a fish god and also a god of the harvest to the ancient Babylonians and Philistines. Cronus (to the Greeks) or Saturn (to Romans) was also a god of the harvest and we often see him with a scythe or sickle. Put them together and we have the fishes and the loaves. Dagon may also be related to Dogon and Sirius worship which had a special symbolism to Egyptians relating to the time of year when the Nile would flood. Sirius being in the constellation of Canis Major relates it to the Canine while the relation to Dogon or Dagon is probably how canines came to be called dogs. Dogon may also be related to the etymology of the Dragon. To this day we still call late summer, “The dog days of summer” thanks to Dogon or Dagon and Sirius’s signalling the waters of the Nile to flood.
Anyway… The Pope’s fish hat is related to Dagon or Dogon and astro-theological pre-Christian deities.
 
The fish hat is just one example of symbolism relating back to pre-Christian deities, but in the interests of time and space I’ll move on to symbolism more relevant to the Pope’s recent visit to D.C. on 9/23 and 9/24.
One of the most amazing and prominent architectural wonders of the Vatican is Saint Peter’s Basilica with its 448′ tall dome designed primarily by Bramante and Michelangelo. The basilica faces East to greet the rising sun and to its East is an elliptical plaza with an Egyptian Obelisk in the center. The Obelisk was transported from Egypt and re-erected in Rome around 37 AD.
Saint Peter’s Basilica and Plaza with Obelisk, Vatican, Rome
Saint Peter’s Basilica and Plaza with Obelisk, Vatican, Rome
Where else do we find the “male” obelisk inside the round “female” shape across from a very large dome? …Washington D.C.
Washington Monument due West of the Capitol dome
So whats this all about? Just some old men acting like little boys who think it’s funny to draw body parts on the etcha-sketch? The story goes back to Sun worship in Egypt. Osiris was the old chief Sun god whose brother Set kills him at the end of the day (sun-set). As the legend goes, Set dismembers the body of Osiris and scatters his parts around the world. Isis, the Queen and wife of Osiris finds all of the pieces of Osiris’s body except for one member… his “member” which was unfortunately swallowed by a fish. So Isis fashions a new “gold member” for Osiris bringing him back to life. They have the sex and Horus is conceived – a baby sun god. (we probably get “hours” of the day from “Horus”). Isis, the virgin mother and pre-Madonna, is frequently pictured nursing baby Horus, and in the Roman Catholic Church we often see the virgin Mary (Madonna) nursing the baby Sun/Son of God.

Isis nursing baby Horus and The Madonna holding baby Jesus
So it is no coincidence that the Pope’s schedule follows the itinerary of the tour of Madonna (who is a “Christianized” Isis) who performs this September just prior to the Pope at Washington D.C., Madison Square Garden, and Philadelphia – the city of Big Brotherly Love.
The Egyptian obelisk represents the phallus of Osiris and the ellipse or vesica pisces (belly of the fish) in this case represents… well it should be obvious… intercourse with Isis. The adjacent dome represents the womb or breast of Isis where a god is made and nursed. This is why the mosaic inside of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica shows Jesus and the saints on their way to heaven at the top and also why the inside of the D.C. Capitol dome has a painting showing George Washington ascending to heaven which is titled “The Apotheosis of George Washington.” Apotheosis literally means to become a god.
Mosaic inside the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. Saints and angels rise towards heaven.
“The Apotheosis of George Washington” painted inside the dome on the U.S. Capitol. The 72 inverted pentagrams may symbolize the 72 years it takes for 1 degree of procession of the equinox.
I have read that at certain times in history the Egyptians would conduct human sacrifices… usually of foreigners or slaves… and at these times they believed the God Osiris would enter the Obelisk and that the Pharoah who sat in an adjacent dome (womb of Isis) believed this would make him a god.
Okay, let’s get back to the Pope’s visit. This is the 266th Pope from the first – St. Peter. The Pope decided to arrive at Washington D.C. on 9/23 which happens to be the 266th day of the year. Why is that significant? On average, a woman is pregnant for 266 days before going into labor. In Genesis, it is said that labor pain is the first judgment God gave to mankind. The evening of 9/22 to the evening of 9/23 is 7/10 on the Jewish calendar which is the Day of Atonement. This was the day that God decided how he was going to judge a person for the rest of the year and on 7/11 he would issue that judgement. (Side note: SEPT-ember was originally the 7th month so 9/11 could be thought of as 7/11. And 9/11 in Roman numerals is IXXI which is a re-working of the sign of Saturn and was engraved in Jesuit rings for a time. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, so he is thus “Lord of the IXXI Rings” and therefore kind of like the eye of Sauron/Saturn between the twin towers… Oh and don’t forget tower 7… 7/11). This year, 9/23 also happened to be the fall equinox – which doesn’t mean much to modern man, but recall that the ancients (and modern secret societies) were all about the Sun worship. Fall equinox is thus symbolic of the time when the powers of darkness overcome the powers of the light. Thus, what is “birthed” on 9/24 is something wicked.
So on 9/23 the prez “basked in the glow” of the Pope. On 9/24 the Pope journeyed to the Capitol. At some point he was interrupted by an illegal immigrant child who managed to evade iron clad security (staged much?) waving a heart-wrenching letter describing how she didn’t want to be deported. The Pope stood in the Capitol, which is symbolically the womb of Isis where a god is conceived or where men become gods (the dome also happens to be currently in the middle of a remodel or “reformation”). The main theme of his visit and of his speech was that the Western world needs to welcome the foreign children (to be sacrificed to Osiris) newly delivered unto us. Of course, it is well known that some of these “migrant children” belong to the terrorist group named: ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).
 So there you have it. The pope’s visit and message is all about Isis and the birthing of the children of ISIS through labor pains of judgment in the fall as the Western borders fall. Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that it is a thinly veiled fact that the West created ISIS by giving weapons, training, and funds to moderate rebels (also known as Al-Qaeda) in order to topple the Assad regime in Syria and possibly to be the next big bogeyman that will force Westerners to continue giving up their civil liberties so that they may be lovingly integrated into the global community with a nice big hug from Big Brother. Isis is ISIS is made by the secret societies who revere Isis and are the hidden hand behind Western geopolitics.
Pope Francis, accompanied by members of Congress, waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015, after addressing a joint meeting of Congress inside. Doug Mills / The New York Times via AP, Pool))
Pope Francis addresses congress on 9/24/2015
Oh and in case anyone missed the irony / hypocrisy… here’s the walls that keep the poor migrant children out of the Pope’s obscenely wealthy little city-state:
Vatican Wall and Entrance
Vatican Walls
A good quick run-down on the occult astro-theology of Saturn:http://youtu.be/ylyZ9gKySAg
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Message 47 of 130 on the subject |

Para los mapuches Venus era y es Guñelve, la blanca estrella solitaria de ocho puntas, y en el kultrún aparece dibujada en lados opuestos, para explicar su presencia tanto como “estrella de la mañana” y como “estrella de la tarde”. Al igual que los mayas, los mapuches conocían tan bien el desplazamiento de Venus en el firmamento, hasta el punto de calcular con bastante exactitud su “período sinódico” el cual se completa en cerca de 583 días. Solían dibujarlo como una estrella de ocho puntas y su símil terrestre era y es la blanca flor del foye (canelo).Para los mapuches Venus era y es Guñelve, la blanca estrella solitaria de ocho puntas, y en el kultrún aparece dibujada en lados opuestos, para explicar su presencia tanto como “estrella de la mañana” y como “estrella de la tarde”. Al igual que los mayas, los mapuches conocían tan bien el desplazamiento de Venus en el firmamento, hasta el punto de calcular con bastante exactitud su “período sinódico” el cual se completa en cerca de 583 días. Solían dibujarlo como una estrella de ocho puntas y su símil terrestre era y es la blanca flor del foye (canelo).
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Message 48 of 130 on the subject |
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Message 49 of 130 on the subject |





3. Génesis 35:16 Después partieron de Bet-el; y había aún como media legua de tierra para llegar a Efrata, cuando dio a luz Raquel, y hubo TRABAJO en su parto.
4. Génesis 35:17 Y aconteció, como había TRABAJO en su parto, que le dijo la partera: No temas, que también tendrás este hijo.
2. Génesis 1:4: Y vio Dios que la LUZ era buena; y separó Dios la LUZ de las tinieblas.
3. Génesis 1:5: Y llamó Dios a la LUZ Día, y a las tinieblas llamó Noche. Y fue la tarde y la mañana un día.
51. Génesis 35:6: Y llegó Jacob a LUZ, que está en tierra de Canaán (esta es Bet-el), él y todo el pueblo que con él estaba.
52. Génesis 35:16: Después partieron de Bet-el; y había aún como media legua de tierra para llegar a Efrata, cuando dio a LUZ Raquel, y hubo trabajo en su parto.
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05/01/2015 19:03 |
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1. Génesis 35:18 Y aconteció que al salírsele el alma (pues murió), llamó su nombre Benoni; mas su padre lo llamó Benjamín.
1. Génesis 35:18 Y aconteció que al salírsele el alma (pues murió), llamó su nombre Benoni; mas su padre lo llamó Benjamín.
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Message 50 of 130 on the subject |
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Message 51 of 130 on the subject |
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Message 52 of 130 on the subject |
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Message 53 of 130 on the subject |
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Message 8 of 12 on the subject |
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Message 54 of 130 on the subject |

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Message 8 of 12 on the subject |
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Message 55 of 130 on the subject |
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