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"And Jacob dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the LORD stood above it...” Genesis 28:12-13a
There is much to be said about this ancient passage of scripture. Within it are the keys to many esoteric teachings, and mysteries which have been hidden ages past, that are now being revealed. In a previous writing we dealt with “Jacob’s Journey,” the journey of all humanity to meet God in the 7 Feasts or Experiences; consummating with Tabernacles, Fullness. In this teaching we will deal with the types, shadows,, history and esoteric truth surrounding “Jacob’s Ladder.”
Jacob has left from Beersheba, the well of sevens; a place where you walk in full awareness of the 7 Spirits of God. Also meaning the experience where the 7 Energy Centers (Chakras) or 7 Glands of the Endocrine System are balanced. During his night season of going within in this certain place he shuts his eyes to the physical plane and awakes to the spiritual. He sees this Ladder set up on the earth, angels ascending and descending. {We can be thankful for Providence during the night seasons of life, and the assurance of the angels of God watching over us}.
The Mystery Of Numbers
In order to get a fuller understanding of “Jacob’s Ladder,” we must understand the mystery of numbers. In this lesson I will share only enough to trigger your spirit. God has created a very elaborate system to conceal and reveal Himself, and His plan for all aspects of creation. This is an ancient mathematical system of numbers. Everything and everyone in the universe has a numeric value, even God. Once we learn, or remember how to decipher these numbers (because this information is in our spirit and DNA), we will understand.
As in classical algebra or geometry, the Spirit uses symbols to conceal messages. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a symbol and have a numeric value. I can see by the Spirit that the time is very near that we will no longer read the Bible as we have in time past. As the knowledge of the glory of God increases, we will learn, or remember the heavenly mathematics that are concealed within the Book of Life within our being. All of the history, prophecy, miracles and parables will take on a completely new meaning. For many this is already happening. It is the Spirit of God that is teaching us this mystical algebra and sacred equations.
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count...” Rev.13:18 “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars, if you are able to number them...” Gen.15:5 “And even the very hairs of your head are numbered.” Matt. 10:30 Everything, even the sands of the sea are numbered.
“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.” Prov. 25:2 God can only be found by those who earnestly seek Him. The natural mind can not comprehend, it can only criticize. Anyone can have a religious or emotional experience. All have been invited to Salvation, whosoever will, let him come. Not all that come are sincerely eager to Search Out the Matters That Are Concealed from the natural mind. This is the honor of Kings! The Priestly and Prophetic Anointings are great, but I feel a higher calling; Kingship. “Is there no king in you?” Micah 4:19 We are being given the honor to be initiated into the mysteries of the ages.
Since we are realizing that our Creator is very detail, and that all the stories of the Old and New Testament have a deeper meaning; have you ever wondered how many steps were on the Ladder? According to Josephus the historian, it was believed that this Ladder had 72 steps. The number 72 is sprinkled throughout both Old and New Testament, concealed from the eyes of those that only see the literal interpretation of scripture. Many times it is used in close association with the number 70.
The Number 70
I will not deal with the negative side of 70, which denotes Judgment, in this writing. (You may study this regarding Israel’s captivity in Babylon and man’s life span being limited to 70 years because of transgression Psalms 90:10). However, Moses, who wrote this Psalm lived to be 120.
The Hebrew words for wine (yayin), and secret (sode); both have the numeric value of 70. In the natural when one drinks wine, he is prone to reveal secrets. There are secrets that God spoke into your spirit when He knew you before you were formed in the womb. As we drink of the new wine (Spirit), we are given boldness and awareness to utter the mysteries of God. That which has been kept secret, and limited to the chosen few is now being made available to all. The number 70 speaks of Revealing Secrets, Restoration and Council. It also speaks of Forgiveness, 70x7.
The first Mystery School of Prophets among Israel was made up of 70 of the tribes of Israel. Num. 11 God took of Moses spirit and imparted onto them. “...They prophesied, and did not cease.” verse 25 They were able to tap into the supernatural realm. This was the Old Testament Sandhedrin (Council). In the NT Jesus called 70 other disciples besides the 12, and gave them power to works all kinds of miracles.
{Jacob's Mystical 72 Step Ladder}
The Number 72
The ancients say that Jacob’s Ladder had 72 steps. The number 72 denotes, Celestial Council, Fullness of the Nature (Name) of God and Resurrection. According to Hebrew history, each step on the Ladder represented a name of God. The 72 Names of God. It is called, The Shem hamphorash, meaning the unpronouncible name; which has the numerical value of 72. The Tetragramation (YHWH or YHVH) with all 7 or 10 of the Hebrew vowels.
This name was too sacred to be written and could only be spoken by few. The high priest on the Day of Atonement used this name to supernaturally transport from the Holy Place to the Holy of Holies. He was not limited by the 18 inches thick veil that hung in front of him. The prophetic Levitical Choir chanted the YHWH with the Sacred vowels to bring destruction on their enemies during warfare. See 2 Chron. 20 And the king also had access to this name.
Jacob’s Ladder is a revelation of the most mysterious nature of God within man, the heights and depths of ascending and descending. Jesus Himself said that He is that Ladder. He is the Original Blueprint of biological manifestation of God's DNA. John 1:51
In Numbers 11 we find that 70 men were called and anointed with the spirit of prophecy to lead the church in the wilderness. They were not led by human intellect, but by thte spirit of prophecy. The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev. 19:10 Aaron and Moses, plus the 70. (2 + 70= 72). John the Baptist is preaching, preparing the way for Messiah. “And after these things the Lord appointed other 70 also...” Luke 10:1
John the Baptist and Jesus, plus 70 others. (2 + 70= 72). This is the New Testament Spiritual Sandhedrin (Council), showing the way back to Divine manifestation in human form. The literal Sandhedrin made up of mostly Saducees, consisted of 2 clerks and 70 priest, 72. This was the Supreme Court of Israel. Most of the times only 71 were counting, so that when deliberating there would be an uneven number to prevent a hung jury.
According to history the Old Testament Hebrew was translated into Greek by 70-72 scholars, under the order of Ptolemy II. It is called, the Septuagint, meaning, of the 70.
WHAT ABOUT THE 144,000 ?
What’s in the number 144 or 144,000 ? 72 x 2=144. In Rev. 21:17, we find the measurement of the wall of the holy city, New Jerusalem. This is not a literal skyscraper city somewhere in another part of the universe, that will one day float down to the Middle East. (That is a very dangerous and erroneous teaching.) Verses 9-10 clearly states that the New Jerusalem is the Bride, the Lamb’s wife. Furthermore, Jesus told us that we are the city set on a hill.
The measurements of the wall (realm) in this metaphysical city is 144 cubits. 144 cubits = 300 ft or 72 yards, this is the measure of a man. God has given us the 5-fold Ministry to grow us up “..unto a Perfect (complete-mature) Man, unto the Measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13 As stated early, 72 denotes Fullness.
At the end of Revelation 13 we are introduced to the mark, name and number of the beast, which certain individuals will have IN, not on their right hand or forehead. Revelation 14 opens with the 144,000 on a Mystical Place of Worship called Mt. Zion, they have their Father’s name written IN their foreheads.
These are Initiates of the Cosmic Mystery School of Prophets. They have ascended to the Mt. Zion Experience by way of Jacob’s Ladder. Step by step taking on the divine names/attributes of God, changing the sequences that dictates physical limitations and death. (When we descended to come to this lower vibration, we forget those names each step spiraling downward). The 144,000 - Symbolic of the 72 Initiates during Moses time and the 72 Initiates during Jesus time. 1000 denotes rest from the works of the flesh: also a number of no end.
The 144,000 are the Overcomers, Sons and Daughters of God, the Manchild. A people no longer striving in themselves, they are redeemed from the earth, no longer bound by the drives of the earth nature/flesh. They are not taken off the earth. They are not contaminated by women (religious, carnal teachings, traditions), they are spiritual virgins. They are God’s Tithe, not following man, but the Lamb. They have tapped into the Christ within and are expressing Him. Another interesting thing, they have harps. The harp is associated with the prophetic, utterance of mysteries and dark sayings. Ps.78:2-3 The 144,000 are singing a song that no carnally minded person can learn. This is the sacred song that the ancient prophetic Levitical Choir sang. They sang the unprouncible name of God, the Tetragramation (YHWH) using the 7-10 mystical vowels; all 72 names of God which equals 72. We thank God for giving us the name, Jesus (Yeshua), and all that it stands for. He said that there would be a group of Initiates or Overcomers that he would reveal His new name unto. Rev. 3:12 Of course nothing is new to God, but it would be new to us. Could that be the most hallowed 72 names in one Name, the mystery of God within man expressed?? This 144,000 have the name In their forehead, which means, they are operating out of the Divine Mind.
This 72,000 x 2 group also represent Melchizedek, the Eternal Cosmic High Priest Order. The mysterious robe of Aaron, the high priest had bells and pomegranates on the hem. It was worn only on the most holy day of the year, the day of At-One-Ment. It is said that there were 72 bells and 72 pomegranates alternating around the hem of the robe. 72 + 72=144 To touch the hem of the Melchizedek Priest garment, is to touch or experience the Name that brings immortality. (Aaron was only the shadow of Melchizedek). Although we don’t consciously know this sacred name that equals 72, I believe through the baptism in the Holy Ghost we are able to speak that unknown name. “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue..speaks to God, no man understands him, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.” I Cor. 14:2
The number 144 or the 144,000 on Mt. Zion are not literal measurements or number of certain people. That is a mystical number denoting, Fullness, Maturity, Overcoming the physical plane, and Rest. These are not natural,or religious Jews, nor they from the Jehovah’s Witness denomination. The only Jew that God recognizes for this experience is the spiritual one. “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly (race, religion, nationality): .. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly (grace, relationship, holy nation).” Rom.2:28-29 Why is that so hard for modern Christianity to understand?!
{Notice the similarity in the Human Backbone and Spine with Jacob's Ladder.}
There are 33 vertebrae in the human spinal column: 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoraic, 5 lumbar in the small of the back, 5 fused vertebrae forming a solid bone, the sacrum (tail bone). Looks like an inverted pyramid and was also called "the seat of immortality.” In the coccyx, at the bottom of the sacrum are fused 4 bones. If you were to multiply the number of vertebrae, 33 by 2, counting both sides of the vertebrae on the spinal column we will find the number 66. (33 x 2=66) 6 is the number of man, for he was created on the 6th day, there are also 66 books of the Bible given to man. (66 + 6=72) See the similarities of Jacob’s Ladder and the Spinal Column.
Below notice the Human Skull. It has 22 bones, it sits at the top of the spinal column. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, the 22nd letter, Tav, means Light. There is much to be said about this which we will deal with in other writings. At the top of Jacob’s Ladder stood Yahweh, the Light of the world. The light of the body is the eye (mind-brain), says Jesus.
The Human Skull Has 22 Bones. 22, the Number of Light.
Now look at our DNA below. You will clearly see Jacob's Ladder, the double helix and chromosones. Within our DNA is Light (bio-photons), as Jacob saw the Lord of Light standing at the top of this spiral staircase that leads to heaven within. Each level of consciousness changes the mis-sequence codes or forgotten names of God to the original, until All is restored and we become the Tetragammation.

For those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, we have revealed some of the metaphysical/ spiritual aspects of Jacob’s Ladder. How it relates to the prophetics times we are in and the anatomy of man.
Above the 72nd step, of your ascent awaits Yahweh to welcome you home into All that you are. As your spirit and soul completely awakens out of the sleep which you were lowered into, you will realize the Awesomeness of your experience and God. In every dark season and certain place of your life, the angels of God were there. Continue to climb ! Only stop to rest for a moment to realize how far you’ve come, be thankful, for you are closer today. The highest experience is yet to come.
May you enter a new height as you ascend in God. I can hear the Voice of the One who stands at the top of the 72nd step saying,
Come up here, there’s more that you must see and learn- Come up here, to the fullness of My Spirit, Return.
Don’t be afraid, My angels will escort you each step of the way- Rest in Me, My Word will guide you to the light of the new day.
As you experience the many aspects of Me, you will discover your true self- With each step of faith there will be less of you left.
May the Lord Jesus, by His Holy Ghost cause this word to explode in your innermost being, becoming a reality day by day. May the spirit of wisdom and revelation knowledge be imparted into your life in a greater measure. I declare and decree all your need to be met - Experience Abundance on every level of your life. Experience Healing, Deliverance, Peace and Joy - In the name of Jesus, type of the unpronouncible 72 names of God in One. So be it!!
by John Lewis
Contact Age to Age Ministries
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Message 28 of 311 on the subject |
A code encrypted in George Washington’s secret map unlocks a National Treasure.

With the sequel to the Walt Disney production of ‘National Treasure’ hitting the box offices in yet another huge success story for director Jerry Bruckheimer one cannot help but wonder how much of the dramatisation is based on real Masonic secrets cloaked in the guise of fiction. (Click the icon at the top of the page to get to the National Treasure website). Even if you may already suspect this, few if any have been able to prove that the film’s subject matter is based on real history. History that has been kept a tightly guarded secret from us for so long!
In the film, it was the pursuit of a grand treasure that had us all glued to the screen. Author of the controversial book - The Hidden Records - Wayne Herschel has found convincing proof that in reality there could be a national treasure, and it is not gold at all. It is something far greater. This website will put this two-part movie saga to the test. Are the clues real, and if so why do they tantalise our interest to the degree they do? Could it be because they could potentially unlock a treasure that will forever challenge the foundations of all religions?
Many may feel that by exposing what is about to be revealed here, we could be treading on sensitive toes. Given this possibility, Wayne would like to say at the outset that his motive is purely to share with the world a magnificent and enlightening truth. Moreover this revelation acknowledges that Freemasonry was originally based on a constructive, inspiring truth. Having said this, this article detaches itself entirely from any Masonic interpretations, and the interpretations presented here are entirely Wayne Herschel’s own. Interpretations that he derives from ancient clues left behind by virtually every ancient civilization across the globe.
Many will be surprised to find that inadvertently, be it intentional or not, a real treasure trail ingeniously makes itself known, once we look more closely. And what it does is revive a whole wealth of ancient knowledge kept hidden from us for so long. New evidence is now at hand that provides an astounding answer to the age-old question: Who are we and where do we come from?
One could speculate wildly and cry conspiracy theory: Are the powers-that-be beginning to realize that their most fundamental secret is at risk of being cracked at any moment? One cannot help wondering, considering that quite recently Masonic scholars appear to have made available (via a university website) their foundational historical records. Perhaps divulging snippets of their secret in a film is their way of softening the truth around it, or an ingenious way of diverting attention from the truth. Wayne says he believes: "If anything, those in the know are probably preparing us for a great revelation. After all, we are a planet of millions of diversely religiously sensitive people and who knows what a new and profound piece of knowledge could set off."
All the clues point in the same direction. To one truth that will no longer remain locked in forgotten vaults as hidden records.
For those who are unfamiliar with Wayne Herschel’s book, ‘The Hidden Records’, or his latest updated findings on his website, then you are probably wondering what is being referred to here as the grand secret?
Wayne claims to have identified a global collection of ancient star maps with pictographic encryptions. The encryptions suggest in various ways that the human lineage is descendant of celestial beings that once came from above. All our religions speak of them. They are most likely also the so-called ‘gods’ of ancient civilizations. In other words what this new evidence is telling us is that we all originate from flesh and blood beings that came down from the stars and arrived here on planet Earth.
As a premise to this article, what we need to consider is the probability that the human race has heavenly origins. This is in tune with extensive research on the subject, drawing on evidence that the ancients have left behind, on which author, Wayne Herschel basis his theories. This basis is imperative to questioning the validity of the great secret that you will read about in this article, and more importantly why it has become a global secret. There have been countless books and films dramatizing a potential occurrence that has always captured our imagination: The possibility of aliens invading Earth. At some time or other, most of us have probably pondered on the possibility of a real invasion one day in the future.
Ironically, such an alien invasion of Earth appears to have already occurred.
We are those who once came from the heavens.
The prime invasion was in all likelihood some 17 000 years ago. The last surviving primitive Earth hominid, the Neanderthal, that roamed Earth at the time would not even have known what had hit him. Driven by fear of these new arrivals, this once naturally evolved inhabitant of our planet would have fled to areas where conditions were extreme, food rare and a climate too harsh for their prolonged survival. Some may even have contracted strange diseases from these celestial human beings that now roamed their land. Diseases that would completely compromise their immune systems! And if all these factors were not enough to lead to their extermination, a cataclysmic flood 10 000 years ago would have guaranteed their final demise.
From all his research, Wayne is convinced that a meteor impact event probably caused the oceans to destroy the existing civilizations on Earth literally in the blink of the eye, bringing on a ‘dark age’ of freezing conditions and no Sun. It is fact that the last Earth-evolved hominid, the Neanderthal, became extinct 10 000 years ago. At the same time human beings were reduced to living as primitive hunters and gatherers. After a few generations had passed, they seemed to have completely forgotten who they were and where they had come from. In essence:
Beings from a nearby star system invaded Earth and robbed the Neanderthal population of its planet.
Everything in Wayne Herschel’s research points to a verifiable hypothesis for the missing link – from powerful ape to a the very frail human being. And with one of the most controversial arguments ever, his theory completely steers away from the out-of-Africa origin theory where evolution is mysteriously thought to have quantum leaped in speed and where quite inexplicably, fossil records do not exist.
Wayne’s latest research involves identifying how the human lineage is not naturally equipped for this world at all.
Our bones are around 30% weaker and more porous than the Neanderthal's and that of all apes. Moreover our muscles connections are almost 30% less efficiently connected, once again compared to the Neanderthal and other apes.
And that is only one aspect of a whole array of incongruities!
Wayne believes Masonic history hints at the shocking possibility of three 'waves' of Earth invasions. And its First Degree tracing board suggests a chronology of the three epochs when this may have occurred.
In short, Wayne insists that the human lineage evolved in a world (or worlds) somewhere close to us in our galaxy the Milky Way. In all likelihood, such a world would have been much smaller and further from their Sun, a star that would be just like our Sun. Also, given the incongruities the human form displays by our incompatibility with planet Earth, radiation emissions in such a world would have been lower, as would gravity. Hence, such a world would have been more conducive to the existence of human life. It would have been a world that was once similar to Mars – when it had an atmosphere and oceans.
Click here Ref: Discovery that Mars once had oceans.
Would it be that inconceivable to imagine that we are the descendants of these once highly technologically adept god-like celestial visitors? Human beings like you and I, who could perform the kind of miracles recorded in all our holy books and ancient records?
Sadly, our heavenly origins appear to have been kept from us by a select few: Elite citizens of our past civilizations who knew the secret. Their great kings were probably re-visited by the returning advanced beings in their celestial ships that sailed down from the stars. They would have been told that they are of the same people. How would they deal with this knowledge? Without doubt it could be manipulated and make more powerful kings of them if they kept it a secret. They could raise themselves to the same God-like status as the awe inspiring celestial visitors. They too would become revered by the masses that had absolutely no idea that they too were children of the gods, despite their 'lowly' status.
It seemed to get worse than this. Historical records suggest that there were numerous civilizations, which were also visited and enlightened by the 'celestial gods'. The diverse belief systems that would emerge from this array of diverse civilizations, would argue that only they could be the 'chosen' people.
The dawning of the so-called 'holy war' phenomenon had begun.
Each civilization believed it was 'God's will' that they could conquer foreign lands and govern its people as slaves.
Over the ages, history has shown that humanity has always failed on the subject of equality, and to this date this iniquity prevails in many societies, in particular regarding the status of women. With this in mind it is no wonder that our sacred awe-inspiring origins were kept secret. If revealed it would prove every human life as equal, sacred and of heavenly origin.
Such a truth would dispense with the global advantage of access to convenient labour.
Wayne firmly believes that if the grand secret of our celestial human origins were to have been made common knowledge BEFORE an understanding was reached as to how this knowledge fits in with the pyramid civilizations, Freemasonry, Ufology and more importantly RELIGION, its release would have risked jeopardizing all the constructive attributes of every single belief system on our planet.
This may well be the reasoning behind more recent efforts to keep the records of our past completely hidden.
Another reason why our heavenly origins may have been kept a tightly guarded secret over the ages could be ascribed to the very mechanism most likely designed to protect it.
In the past few thousand years anything that opposed mainstream religious teaching was considered heretical. Spiritual searchers could find themselves being burnt at the stake. To protect the secret that we are all of divine origin from being exposed, it appears the ancient texts were cleverly embedded with texts on misleading destructive ritual magic and witchcraft. Later those trying to decipher it would become confused with the hidden codes because of the harmful material it supposedly formed part of.
The ancient records inadvertently inspired the worship of the Sun and Taurus the Bull.
And it is thanks to this misinterpretation that the off-track and destructive Sun-worship cults began. And with these very off-track religions came a huge problem that has permeated history: An inordinate number of lost and confused souls. Over time very few ancient texts carried any clarity at all, let alone provide us with answers to our most basic questions. Most are riddled with strange symbolism and mysticism that only served to bewilder us even more.
What was once a clever yet effective protection mechanism for the secret - ultimately became the reason it was forgotten. And the elite societies that this secret may have been passed down to, from generation to generation, seemed to have forgotten the essence of what was relevant and what was not.
Blind faith is not quite the order of the day.
We now live in a freethinking world where unquestioning belief in what tradition has told us, is fast making way for reasoning towards the truth.
Much as is the case in 'National Treasure', the United States' secret history goes back to the Olmec, the earliest people who populated North America. They became the great Mayan civilization, which then became the various American Indian civilizations. Wayne has evidence that they all appear to have known the grand secret and left records of it (now online on this website).
Now let us begin with what appear to be real clues: The one dollar bill.

The one dollar-bill is a treasure map. Decipher its meaning and you will crack a code that mirrors an amazing truth found in almost every ancient civilization
George Washington was a Freemason and no doubt inspired the design of the great seal of the United States of America seen on the one-dollar bill.
Washington is probably the most famous American Freemason of all time. This elite fraternity based its society around what it calls the great secret of the key of Hiram. Hiram Abiff was a legendary character that was supposedly murdered for a grand secret.
Click here ref: Hiram Abiff history source
Wayne identifies two of the main components integral to the grand secret you are about to read about here. It upholds human equality and appears to be focused around the greatness of a single universal Creator.
It is likely that Washington was the last Mason who had a complete understanding of the cosmic secret. He probably took it to the grave. Freemasons today have officially made it quite clear that the big secret about the Freemasons is that there really is no great secret. They have published many books insisting such. Much of their fast evolving symbolism has been published, always with multiple interpretation possibilities depending on the source, leaving it up to the individual to decipher its complexity.
So the place to start a treasure hunt for the truth would be to look at the earliest symbols and manuscripts of the Freemasons.
Take a close look at the two seals of the American one-dollar bill above. One theme portrays a pyramid with an all-seeing eye on its capstone. To the Masons and most researchers this eye represents God.
The primary clue that led Wayne to interpreting the seal in the animation above (where three stars are positioned around the capstone in the heavens, with the pyramid on Earth below), was inspired by matching the two 'blazing light' themes on both the seals. For Wayne this theme seems to hiding an ‘enlightening’ secret. There is a triangular pattern match between the capstone and the inner triangle of stars.
In the image above, the pyramid capstone (and pyramid) was positioned over the seal with the Eagle so the capstone covered the counterpart star shape made by the centre portion of the star formation. Only when one seal is positioned exactly over the other, the eagle’s wing tips, feet and tail make contact with the letters comprising the word m-a-s-o-n.
Quite uncannily, the 'three star' formation as an inverted triangle also matches the original Freemason First Degree Tracing board theme seen below, which has been released by the Bradford University in the UK.

A trinity of three heavenly bodies seems to be represented here. Notice that the “blazing star” is a seven pointed star, which Wayne believes could be symbolic of the Masons' all-important blazing star being located in the proximity or alignment of the seven stars of the Pleiades. Is this three star pattern another clue? Could it be beckoning one to consider the idea of a heavenly trinity? More specifically it seems to represent the historical record of the original pre-Christian "solar trinity" of the heavens. This question is addressed a little later with references.
When scribing the word MASON, a unique pattern comes to the fore. This pattern is a replica of that found on another important Solomon talisman: (found in the Clavicular Solomonis archives manuscript seen below).
Click here Ref: Esoteric manuscript archives source
Note how the talisman incorporates the sacred cross of Lorraine, which also appears to be the spectacular secret behind the Rosslyn Chapel's ceiling - a pattern that geometrically incorporates the human blueprint code as a 'star man'.
Click here Ref: Human code in Rosslyn Chapel.

We already mentioned the earliest ancient American civilizations in this article. The Freemason link to these peoples of times gone by is another real clue that has permeated 'National Treasure II'. Incidentally, the eagle in the seal is also found in the beginnings of the Olmec, who then became the Maya.
The Maya genesis legend has an eagle clutching a serpent and not a scroll as seen in 'National Treasure II' or the spears seen on the one–dollar bill. If the scroll is not a real historical clue, Wayne wonders if the Disney movie script writers created the scroll to suggest subtly that the real treasure is not gold but lost knowledge.
Much like the ancient Egyptians the constellation of Taurus was an integral part of the religion of the Maya, which also centered on Sun worship. This seems to run parallel to what we know about the Masons from their Tracing Board. Like the Egyptians, the Maya also built their earliest monuments as a star map emulating the place of their gods in the heavens. The image below shows the layout of what are probably some of the Maya's oldest monuments. Found at Tikal in Guatemala, everything in Wayne's research as already published in 'The Hidden Records' point to these pyramids representing the stars of the Pleiades and some important nearby Sun-like stars.
It is absolutely intriguing that the First Degree Tracing Board appears to single out this exact same star pattern that this pyramid layout in Central America is based on.

Another clue explored in 'National Treasure II' is arguably the United States' most famous landmark, the Statue of Liberty. Even its architect and the secret message found embedded into the statue come into their own in the film. The statue in New York was designed by Edouarde De Laboulaye and was based on the Roman Goddess Libertas, who was the goddess of liberty. Statue remains of this goddess were found on two of the seven legendary hills of Rome. The Roman goddess was however not often depicted with rays of light emanating in the way they emanate from 'Lady Liberty'. (For more on the incontrovertible relationship that the Seven Hills of Rome has with this story, see the Vatican link later on in this article).

Aside from her connection to the Roman goddess of Liberty, 'Lady Liberty' also seems to have a connection with an ancient solar deity. The beams of light radiating outward from her head are the clue. There are seven rays of light and the only other ancient deity who was portrayed in this way was the Solar deity, Apollo.
Click here Ref: Apollo solar deity
Tourists who climb to the top of the statue and look downward from the viewing area in the sky should notice that her base consists of a vast geometric star. What is truly phenomenal about this and probably does not occur to most visitors is that this star is so big that it can be seen from space.
This deliberate choice of symbolism seems to be even more reason as to why we should look for the answers to what it all means, in the stars.
Not only does she appear to ‘radiate’ light like the solar deity Apollo, but also for Wayne, her seven beams of light are a clue to part of her secret. For him, in congruence with his plethora of research on pyramid star maps, this seems to suggest that there is a single star of importance and it is found near the Pleiades star cluster.
Because the light radiation emulates that of an ancient solar deity, this could be the crucial clue to what kind of star her blazing star really is:
A star like our Sun.
There is a Masonic document that shows a single orb, radiating light like the Sun. This orb correlates with a star that is in this exact position thousands of years ago seen in the star atlas image that follows a little later. The star in question according to the Hubble telescope records is exactly like our Sun and it only fits perfectly in that position 17 000 years ago! It is the ultimate star of the Freemasons. They call it their Blazing star. (See Tracing Board star document above, the Blazing star that is shown with a ladder/beam of light).
As in the case of the movie, there really is a hidden message on the Statue of Liberty, although not specifically on the French statue, but engraved on a cornerstone plaque on the original statue in New York.
It clearly commemorates a Masonic ceremony and if anything the inscription hints at the next clue:

The key phrase is where the plaque speaks of "Liberty enlightening the world."
What secret could be so spectacular that she would be able to enlighten the whole world? Is it a spiritual secret? Synonyms for the words enlighten and enlightenment, are as follows:
Enlighten: Tell – speak of – inform. Enlightenment: Illumination – reach spiritual wisdom.
More clues? Not only does she appear to be holding a spiritual secret, but this secret also appears to be secret knowledge.
Ponder on this thought!
It is worth questioning the earlier references to Apollo as a 'solar' deity from the heavens. We really should be considering flesh and blood visitors originating from another star 'solar' system. Tradition seems to have added bird-wings to our ancestral visitors as a teaching mechanism explaining their ability of flight to believers!
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Message 29 of 311 on the subject |
Right at the end of the movie 'National Treasure II' the producers presented a teaser suggesting there will be a National Treasure III and what its plot will be based on. This is interesting because the recent Angels and Demons film based on Dan Brown's novel has just done the exact same thing and possibly hinting along the very same new path.
The US president asks Gates if he was able to look at page 47 of a secret presidential book he was fortunate to browse through. Gates replies yes he did see it and yes he will be able to help with it. He then said its contents were 'life altering'!
Two movies now both dealing with Freemason secrets... both known for revealing historical material with an element of fiction... both hinting to reveal something monumental once hidden in secret books. Both genres Wayne has shown were founded on ancient star secrets and beings spoken of as Angels who came from above.
Wayne's book project has sustained a continual barrage of interfering factors that are literally untraceable yet have almost stopped his book from getting seen by the masses and getting onto most bookshelves. His investors have seen the interference and agreed substantial back up measures should be set up to make sure the book does not get removed completely.
It is their firm belief that the 'Elite' are behind all the interference, multi-million budget film makers and famous book publishers probably trying to overthrow copyright on this material. Wayne believes no matter what happens now the truth is going to be out soon and obviously his book will still have its chance to be seen in new light.
In 'National Treasure I' you may recall a fictional hologram embedded in a parchment that could only be read with special glasses. It had a strange pattern and this pattern was also found at a site in the city where the protagonists were following the Wall Street clue.
Three solar deities as a trinity.
Click on this image below for the historical references.
What seems like wild theory right now is going to make a lot more sense towards the end of this article.
We find ourselves back at our first clue once again, and now with more clues at our fingertips, certainly more 'enlightened' to decipher the secret cartography of one of the most famous American presidents.
Unlike the fictional secret treasure map encrypted into the reverse of the Declaration of Independence, there is a real 'treasure' map, and once deciphered, may reveal to humanity one of the greatest secrets of all time.
The key to unlocking the design plan of Washington DC lies in George Washington’s family portrait.
He appears to be pointing to a secret map, one that highlights positions of revealing symbolic monuments that will enlighten humanity, if deciphered. This map contains the same heavenly secret that is mirrored in the monuments and archives of many ancient civilizations.
What first came to Wayne’s attention about this portrait was the geometry. It closely resembles the geometry he has found in virtually all the most famous of Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings. What intrigues Wayne about the Renaissance paintings is how artists like DaVinci and Poussin have encrypted a blueprint of the star origin secret behind the human form into their symbolic subject matter. They seemed to obsess in the geometry with pride, perhaps showing other elite masters that they too know the grand secret. However, what they were subtly disclosing in their works of art was not enough evidence to have them burned at the stake.
Click here Ref: Painting geometry DaVinci - Poussin - Salimbeni - Rosslyn Chapel – a star secret fitting a human blueprint code.
Click here Ref: Definition of the human blueprint as a 'star man'.
So what is the meaning of this? The human form blueprint is depicted as geometrically unique and as a 'star man'. In the context of murals showing angels or the Christ story, or of significant monuments embellished with star themes, the hidden message strongly suggests that humanity was one from the stars.
The Washington DC city layout seems to prove in identical fashion that this ancient knowledge was a reality.
Take a close look at the reproduced rendition of the Washington map below, onto which a copy of the original map has been overlaid. Note how it is tilted at 33 degrees. This is the highest level of Freemasonry to which George Washington apparently belonged. The map is of the unique layout that Washington proposed for his city: Washington DC.

George Washington himself provides the first clue. He points to the planned foundation for a spectacular monument. Today the building that stands in this spot is recognized as the largest building (in terms of its base area) visible from space since the building of the pyramids: The Pentagon.
Fort Runyon was the initial landmark built on this site 60 years after the death of George Washington (well before the Pentagon project). It appears to have been the first attempt at building a star shaped monument, like the base of the Statue of Liberty in traditional Roman style. It looked somewhat like the monument proposed as the ultimate star monument down the causeway of the Vatican Piazza in another example of Wayne's shocking star map theories: The five-pointed star-shaped fortress that became a focal point of Dan Brown's 'Angels and Demons'.
Click here Ref: Vatican star map
In later years the American Defense Department's Pentagon replaced it in the area George Washington is pointing to on the map. This building's breaking of the ground ceremony in traditional Masonic style took place on:
September the 11th 1941.
In many ancient civilizations as proposed in 'The Hidden Records' it would appear that all the major pyramid cities chose a spectacular monument for this particular Sun-like star correlation.
Without going into all the detail and reasoning what Wayne believes these cultures of days gone by wanted to represent, this star was the place of human evolutional beginnings in the heavens.
Click here Ref: Wayne's chronology interpretation for each star on the tracing board.
They also found a way to build the monument as being representative of its significance: In some cases as a star representing the divine proportion of the human form as a pentacle. (ref human blueprint code link earlier).
What is absolutely phenomenal about the design of the Pentagon is that its orientation is such that it almost precisely matches the controversial five-sided D&M pyramid ruin on Mars. Mars is 'The Hidden Records' most controversial star map! Not only is it in a place not of this world, where evidence is mounting, proving that Earth-like conditions once existed on the 'red planet'. But it mirrors the same pyramid star map layouts on Earth, and the tracing board with by far the most exacting star position correlations and geometrical proportions.
Click here Ref: Mars star map


Both the five-sided monument on Earth and that on Mars have a matching triangular pointer oriented North.
Both correlate with the very same Sun-like star… the second most important Sun-like star in the ancient civilization star maps. (listed as HD 282943)
Compare the inserted image of the D&M five-sided pyramid on Mars with the Pentagon in the Washington DC city image.

George Washingtons sword points to the place of the most important monument. It is the great obelisk celebrated in ancient Egyptian tradition as the ultimate solar obelisk. On Mars it is celebrated with a mountain-sized rendition of a human face. This is the ultimate monument correlating with the ultimate star (also measurable on a star atlas as a Sun-like star) - the prime star system of our ancestors. It is this star system that Wayne identifies as the most likely match for the Freemason's "blazing star."
The Egyptians built their ultimate obelisk at the center of their pyramid field, they adorned its capstone with gold to celebrate the "blazing star" of Ra, the probable domicile of our ancestors.
Click here Ref: Egypt's 50-pyramid star map with the obelisk at its center as proposed by Wayne Herschel in 'The Hidden Records'.
The third most important monument is shown with the symbolic mason's chisel that Washington's wife is holding. It points to Capitol Hill: a splendid mansion surrounded by a garden in the outline of a crescent. From his research base, Wayne has established that the ancients (especially the Sumerians) revered this shape as the world of their human ancestors bathed in a crescent of light radiated down on it from its blazing sun, a Sun-like star like our own. Here it is represented by the great obelisk.
And last but not least, Washington's daughter's strange hand gesture marks the place of the pentacle symbolic of the human blueprint. It aligns with Washington DC's most famous Masonic lodge and the great blazing star Washington monument obelisk.
The final piece of the puzzle is somewhat hypothetical and is currently being explored further. It is the shape that is visible from space outlining the Rosslyn and Arlington areas. From above (especially when illuminated at night and highlighted in blue and white in the image below) it appears to match the shape of the sacred Egyptian 'leg of the bull' icon. As already established in 'The Hidden Records', this shape represented the stars of the Pleiades for the ancient Egyptians.
The map of Washington DC appears to be a star map of the Pleiades and its nearby 'trinity' of Sun-like stars. The obelisk is in the position of the "blazing star" (in typical Egyptian style solar obelisk representation) and the Pentagon is in the right orientation and position (exactly as in the case of the Mars anomalies) representing the Human genesis Sun-like star position. Both of these stars are stars that have been catalogued by astronomers as 'G' spectrum and are stars exactly like our own Sun.
A landmark to represent the third star is still open to speculation. One would need to fly over this area at night to see the whole city when 'illuminated'. There are two circular areas visible via satellite: one is the military cemetery and the other is also a military establishment. Watch this space for an update.
There is more. The aerial view of Washington DC has a large circular field positioned next to the great obelisk and is gently highlighted in red on the Washington DC map. It is the field where another representation of the ‘blazing star’ occurs… once a year. Its chosen position near the obelisk is hardly a coincidence.
It is the place of the celebrated Yule tree: Washington DC's Christmas tree.
The origins of the Yule tree tradition may even predate Christianity itself.
Click here Ref: Yule tree
The pine tree was chosen for its conical shape, which Wayne is absolutely convinced represents the beam of light coming down from humanity's star of origin. It was always adorned with a five-pointed star or angel positioned at its top.
Wayne is certain the star/ladder with beam of light touching the Earth celebrates the Egyptian secret in the Senmut tomb, the Freemason document and another that Dan Brown is no doubt also including in his next book. It is the earliest Hebrew talisman from the Clavicular Solomonis manuscript, probably the actual talisman that will soon be recognized as the Key of Solomon itself:
Here are the three examples all compared to one another:

Wayne is certain that the "blazing star" is also synonymous with the Bethlehem star. The star that the three Magi (Orion's 'belt') 'follow' (an alignment) from the East (stars rise in the East) to find the location of the star associated with the birth of Christ (Bethlehem star).
Click here Ref: Bethlehem star Matthew text and illustration
Consider the symbolism here. Either a five-pointed star or an angel is placed at the top of the tree, either way both seem to celebrate those that came down from the heavens arriving on this Earth.
The image below shows the carol singers in Washington DC beneath the great Yule tree with "blazing star" on Christmas Eve.
Imagine how this would appear to an advanced intelligence observing this ceremony from space: If anything Washington DC would appear like a recognizable star map from above, with the great illuminated obelisk representing the "blazing star" and the tree visible behind the carol singers duplicating the meaning of the obelisk... a star with symbolic beam of light coming down from it. The two celebrate the same secret.
Little did these singers realize how they look when viewed from above in the context of all of the symbolism that unbeknown to them, surrounded them. The singers would have been oblivious to the long lost symbolism of the Yule tree, and the significance it and the obelisk nearby holds in commemorating the history of the most important question we all ask at some time or another: Who are we and where do we come from? Ironically Christ also makes mention of "his" star of beginnings in the recently discovered Gospel of Judas where he explains in his last hours: "This star is also 'your' star"... the star of humanity.
Click here Ref: Judas codex

Ever wonder why the 25th of December was chosen to celebrate the birth of Christ? Well here is another interesting thing. The day previously celebrated an occasion also relating to the Yule tree tradition: Sol Invictus - The Unconquered Sun.
Click here Ref: Sol Invictus
Before Christ, it was a celebration for the ‘birth’ of the great Sun. No... not the great Son… the great Sun. It happened around the period of the Summer solstice… the 25th December. It was the chosen day previously on which three known Solar deities were worshipped, inadvertently so because in all fairness they should really have been 'honored' and not worshipped.
In all probability, according to Wayne's research the Sun rising on the 25th celebrates the memory of our origins from three great heavenly Suns that our ancestors came from (as seen in the Tracing Board on this page and in the ancient star maps already covered on this website).
When the notorious Roman Emperor Constantine declared Christianity's place in society, he conveniently replaced 'Sun' worship with 'Son' worship. He kept as much of the old tradition in place and made the new tradition fit in as he saw fit. Hence Christians adapted this day thereafter to celebrate the day of the birth of the Son... and no longer the birth or the Sun.
http://thehiddenrecords.com/washingtonTest2.php |
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Message 30 of 311 on the subject |
Freemasonry is believed to incorporate some sacred number combinations and they seem to have something to do with the stars of Orion, The Pleiades and stars in Taurus.
Click here Ref: Albert Pike 33 degree mason text.
The information contained in the link above proves this unequivocally. The stars of Taurus the bull, the Pleiades, Orion and a special "blazing star" are all mentioned. However top ranking Masons generally believe the "blazing star" to be Sirius. Let us test the Masonic Sirius theory. First we will reason how the stars appear to be linked to the sacred numbers. Secondly, how the solution is another little astronomical viewing trick to remember how the real "blazing star" can be located.
Here is a reproduced popular Masonic image with some valuable symbolism. The image adds clarity to part of the sequence 3 - 5 - 7 and how the numbers lead towards the illuminated secret - shown 'in the heavens'.
Click here Ref: masonic 3 5 7 stairway journey to 1, the Grand Architect of the heavens
The first thing that one should question is how would numbers be of any measurable value if the secret involves stars? Secondly if the solution involves the use of numbers to identify constellations then what would it be leading the initiate towards?
The only rational answer here would be if the numbers were finding the way to an important star in the heavens... a star associated with the solar deities revered in all ancient civilizations and in the case of Freemasonry… the "blazing star".
If there is a measurable star sequence at hand, then one can solve the identity for the "blazing star" mystery. Is it Sirius as many Freemasons believe, or is it another that is more Sun-like if one accepts the premise that the celestial gods were real Solar deities of flesh and blood?
Let us start with what astronomers refer to as the cosmic signpost: Orion's famous three in a row 'belt' stars, the most recognizable stars in the night sky. Logically this would be our point of departure.
The number seven, as the Freemasons suggest, is synonymous with the seven stars of the Pleiades. That leaves the number one and number five. The image of the staircase suggests that the number five is in the middle. This matches with the Roman numeral V, which is the shape, the stars of the Taurus constellation form and which also appear as five stars.
The number sequence now joins three constellations in a row.
The ultimate question is this: Do we start with the sacred number one or do we work our way up towards the sacred number one?
Here is what Wayne has reasoned: The image suggests that we begin with the three stars in a row. As stars, the three 'belt' stars of Orion show the way in alignment through the five stars of Taurus... through to the seven stars of the Pleiades, to find the ultimate star. This is traveling with our line of sight away from the star Sirius. The ultimate star is very tiny, and impossible to see with the naked eye! Small wonder that the Masons figured the solution needed to be Sirius as the "blazing star"!
This explanation that Wayne ventures as an alternative to the Freemason's "blazing star" becomes quite logical in the context of his bigger picture star map theory, and has made sense in each and every one of his star maps so far, where the special star of the ancients is always found in the direction that the Pleiades 'leg of the bull' points to.
If the grand secret involves extraterrestrial beings that once arrived on this world (our human ancestors from another star system) then did Washington leave any other clues proving how they got here?
George Washington has presented so many clues that it is certain he wanted people of the future to crack his code. His story would not be complete until it depicts like the ancient civilizations some kind of celestial ship of those that came from above.
This now begs the million-dollar question: Did George Washington have ancient knowledge that also included the celestial ships of the gods?
What are the odds of finding an image or proof of some sort depicting what we would class today as a UFO... a ship of the sky that does not originate from this Earth?
Where else could we search for either a journal or some form of record where he the once American president would have been able to depict his own interpretation of how our ancestors arrived here?
There probably is no secret book passed down from president to president, but there is one special medium with which he could have expressed himself, as a Freemason.
He would have had his own personal Masonic apron. It does exist, and yes, there appears to be something embossed on it that could be interpreted as a UFO as we know it.
Here is a one more thing to think about on Wayne’s Washington DC star map theory. Consider another critical reason behind George Washington's motivation to build the United States’ capital in the way it is depicted in the main image above. It stands as the only modern monumental star map layout visible from space on our planet.
Look carefully at the proverbial "x" that marks the spot on the star map.
It is the grand obelisk, the Washington Monument.
If our cosmic ancestors officially decide to visit one day... and IF all our world leaders change their military protocol completely from chasing UFO's to shoot them out of the sky, to a protocol where we let them be, what appears to have been deliberately built with such an impending visit in mind, is an identifiable official landing site built exactly like the Inca Cuzco 'landing' site theorized by Wayne.
Click here Ref: Cuzco Puma landmark and stellar dark cloud discovery
An 'invitational' area so to speak seems to have been provided for such a 'visit' and it is also in the perfect shape. It lies between the great Yule tree and the Washington Monument obelisk… the two ultimate markers on either side of the massive round field highlighted in red.
How perfect.
And quite peculiarly, this site may well be the very same field used in one of the earliest science fiction films to re-enact a story of a UFO landing!
The layout of Washington DC also clearly depicts and cryptically 'shows the way' to the position of the residence of the world Super Power leader, along its beautiful causeway and secret symbols: The most cryptic of which is the crescent shaped garden around the Presidential residence, the Capitol - perhaps symbolic of the planet of the ancestors.
In the coming weeks Wayne will be releasing a 4500 year old Egyptian papyrus that shows this identical artistic impression of a UFO, a papyrus that depicts the cosmos, the Pleiades and more compelling than anything else... where it landed in Egypt!
Watch this website for more.
Some say George Washington was the founder member of the order of the skull and bones that George Bush apparently belongs to, but this is purely speculation perhaps interpreted from the insignia on the apron.
In 1848, the breaking of ground cornerstone of the Washington Monument obelisk was celebrated... on the 4th of July.
The Declaration of Independence was signed and celebrated on this day too. Since then, Americans have celebrated the day with an illumination ceremony... fireworks displays. Not only does this ceremony occur annually at the Washington Monument, but also at the statue of Liberty in New York.
It is a day that begins with an important rising star formation on the horizon that occurs exactly the same moment as sunrise.

The Ancient Egyptians celebrated the rising of important stars on the eastern horizon across the Nile River and would probably have known this special date. What is becoming quite evident in Wayne's research is that the same is true for all the other ancient civilizations. They too revere the rising of important stars when they rise at the exact same time as the Sun.
There is only day in the year where the three stars of Orion's 'belt' rise almost perfectly due east and at the exact moment with the rising Sun...
The 4th of July

The star program recreates the positions perfectly. Note how the ecliptic path of the Sun, as well as the Sun alignment with Orion's Belt and the line up towards the sacred star near the Pleiades also recreates the strange pattern found in the Dollar bill seal and on the Solomon talismans shown earlier.
The pattern in the sky is reflected in the waterway… as if beckoning the observer to look in the heavens.
The pattern in the sky IS the solution to the Key of Solomon.
Click here Ref: Key of Solomon
The very same star pattern occurs on Christmas Eve in Rome down the causeway above the Castel Sant Angelo, the star castle in Dan Brown's 'Angels and Demons' that Wayne identifies in another shocking star map celebration.
Click here Ref: Vatican star map.
In the interest of Dan Brown's new book getting history right, Wayne has sent his star map research material (predominantly the Solomon Key star map and Vatican star map theory) to Dan Brown's literary agent in New York offering it to Dan as reference so the important meaning is clear and that it has already been released. This was late in 2007. Certain that Brown would be anxious to get history right, all Wayne asked him to do is mention the reference source as any other author would if he decided to use it. After a few phone calls and discussions Heide Lange wrote back and mentioned that Dan was completely 'incognito' and unable to receive any mail no matter of what importance it may be deemed.
The exact date Dan Brown is to launch his new book, probably titled 'The Solomon Key', has not yet been released. He did however say it would be on a very important Masonic day fitting his story.
Did he get to see the new material sent to him? Will he make the same connections? Or will he reinterpret it all in an entirely different way?
Instead of identifying the 4th of July, Dan has chosen another important date only found encoded on the solomon talisman... the 15th of September.
The most exciting breaking story right now is how this story connects to the record of what appears to be the predominant and most ancient Hebrew talisman - listed also as the Key of Solomon (image directly below).
Click here: Ref source of manuscript
The 'key' to deciphering the talisman appears to be the smaller talisman shown below it. It contains what looks like an image of the earliest rendition of The Sacred Cross. The Solution connects this Washington DC story to Stonehenge in more ways than any other. Wayne's deciphering of 'The Key of Solomon' is currently being published in magazines internationally and as soon as the scheduled articles have released in American and British magazines the full story will be online at: www.KeyofSolomon.net.
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Message 31 of 311 on the subject |
Has publicado que a ti también te gusta esto. Deshacer
The orientation of both seven stars and Blazing star fits the orientation of the Pleiades ... The ladder represents the 33 steps or degrees in Freemasonry which ... degree measurement by astronomers from the rising sacred cross of Orion's belt, ...
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Followed by Beelzeboul (sounds like the star Betelgeuse in Orion). ...
Has publicado que a ti también te gusta esto. Deshacer
Lost symbol of Orion and a special star ... Part of its blazing star theme ...
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Click here Ref: Albert Pike 33 degree mason text. ... The stars of Taurus the bull, the Pleiades, Orion and a special "blazing star" are all mentioned. However top ...
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By Ill. Rex R. Hutchins, 33° G.∙.C.∙. Lodge of Perfection. The Degrees of the Lodge of Perfection are better known as the "Ineffable Degrees" of .... the other being a five-pointed blazing star with the Tetragrammaton on the reverse. .... Hyades, Orion, Capella) and with silver stars on the black side (Perseus, Scorpio, Bootes). ...
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THE MYSTERY DEGREES Leslie M. Scott, 33 degree Sovereign Grand .... the Bull, ushered in the Blazing Star of Sirius, the three kinds of Orion, the five Hyades ...
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1 May 2009 – The Pillars and the Blazing Star of Sirius can be seen in the image together ... American Southerner, 33rd Degree Mason and founder of Scottish Rite ... Sirius- Canis Major and Lepus the Rabbit Hole located beneath Orion. ...
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3 May 2011 – The fact that the Arabic word “shiaara,” the equivalent of the star Sirius, appears only .... The name, Blazing Star, was given to Sirius, and is also the name of the 5 -pointed star in Freemasonry. ... Illustrious Albert Pike 33° ... Masonic tradition has it that the first three degrees of our Blue lodge are equivalent to ...
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10 May 2011 – Orion (associated with the god Osiris) is aligned with the King's Chamber .... Osiris, as the highest degree of secret initiation possible in the ancient Egyptian religion – it is the ultimate secret of the mysteries of Isis. ... In Masonic lodges, Sirius is known as the “Blazing Star” and a ...... May 10, 2011 at 5:33 pm ...
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20 entradas - 6 autores - Última entrada: 19 Abr
Its repeating the detail on the previous plate linking star with Pleiades in its .... as the Tree of Life... but here able to form a blazing cross in the sky. ..... as Orion's Belt rises vertical above the Capitol... measure 33 degrees of arc ...
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Message 32 of 311 on the subject |
Es curioso que desde el 8 de marzo hasta el 4 de julio (independencia de EEUU) hay 119 dias (1 de Av) y hasta el 15 de septiembre tenemos 73 dias (fiesta de los Tabernaculos). El ultimo libro de Dan Brown (Lost symbol) interrelaciona EEUU con el 15 de septiembre.
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Message 33 of 311 on the subject |
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Message 34 of 311 on the subject |
The Lost Queen
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Lost Queen, a novel by the British author Frewin Jones, is the second book of The Faerie Path series. The story explores the primal need of a person to know their roots. According to a review, "the storyline is strong, the writing is lively and vivid, and the breakneck pace at the end will keep the pages turning."[1]
[edit] Summary
Tania and Edric return to the moral realm to let Tania's parents know that she is alright and to search for the lost queen Titania. Tania tells her parents that she went searching for Evan (Edric) when he disappeared from the hospital. They are upset and set a curfew for her, which complicates the search for her lost Faerie mother. Tania and Edric decide that the best way to find Tania's mother is to trace the package she received for her birthday back to the source. The package was postmarked Richmond and there are only two post offices in Richmond.[2]
Tania and Edric visit the first post office but no one remembered her mother. While resting at a small coffee shop, a waitress tells Tania that she had seen a woman that looked exactly like her. Fueled with new hope, Tania and Edric search the nearby streets and find a law firm called The Pleiades Legal Group (Pleiades meaning Seven Sisters after the characters in Greek mythology).[3] Tania and Edric go to the receptionist and ask if there is anyone who looks like she does. The receptionist confirms that someone named Lilith Mariner looks just like Tania does, but another man denied that Mrs. Mariner has a daughter and they refuse to give up her telephone number or address.[4]
That night, three of Tania's sisters (Sancha, Cordelia, and Zara) come through a portal created by Eden to escape the Sorcerer King who was released from imprisonment by the betrayal of Rathina. Sancha, Cordelia, and Zara are frightened to be in the mortal world, but must adapt to remain unnoticed in case the Sorcerer King sent his Grey Knights. The sisters developed a plan to take Sancha to The Pleiades Legal Group so she could read the files and hopefully find a number and address for Lilith Mariner. That night, Tania and her sisters are discovered by Gabriel Drake who is now a Captain in the Sorcerer King's army and is leading a group of eleven Grey Knights.
The sisters escape to Jade's house where they hide until they can search out Mrs. Mariner. Once morning arrives, they take the train to Richmond and again enter the legal office. Luckily, the receptionist was different and Tania was able to keep her busy while Sancha used her gift to read the files. Soon they had an address, but they were attacked by the Grey Knights and again had to escape. Once they escaped, they followed the address to Mrs. Mariner's house where they are reunited with Queen Titania. Unable to help Tania return to Faerie by the mystic arts, the group devises a plan to melt black amber into a sword that Tania could use to cut her way into the Faerie Realm. Returning the Jade's house, Edric uses Jade's father's tools to melt the black amber gems onto a crystal sword.
The group decides that the best place for Tania to cut through to the Faerie Realm would have to be where the two realms come close. That left two options: Hampton Court or Tania's bedroom. Deciding it would be a bad idea to enter through Hampton Court into the Faerie palace, the group returns to Tania's home where they must fight their way through the Grey Knights into Tania's bedroom. Once there, Tania uses the sword to cut through to the Faerie Realm and takes Titania, Sancha, Cordelia, Zara and Edric through with her. Once there, they discover that things are not as they left them.
[edit] Conflicts in the Faerie Realm
Tania must deal with her mortal parents who believe she has been missing for three days. Even though Tania says her disappearance was her own decision, her parents believe that she was spending too much time with Evan (Edric) and forbid her from spending time with him. This complicates their effort to find the lost queen Titania and return her to the Faerie Realm. Tania also faces her friend, Jade, who believe she is putting her relationship with Evan above their friendship. While trying to mend their friendship, and have a little time to herself, Edric tells Tania that he felt that she is ignoring her promise to King Oberon. Tania and Edric split apart and do not speak to each other for a few days which gives Tania's friend, Jade, an opportunity to convince Tania to travel to Florida, United States for a couple weeks vacation.
After a few days, Tania and Edric manage to work things out but Tania still intends to take the trip to Florida to relax. This is, of course, interrupted by the coming of the Gray Knights to the Mortal world.
[edit] References
Has publicado que a ti también te gusta esto. Deshacer
The sisters developed a plan to take Sancha to The Pleiades Legal Group so she could read the files and hopefully find a number and address for Lilith Mariner. ...
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Message 35 of 311 on the subject |
70 Metal book "Jordanian codices" - metal books called 'codices' are ancient books actually made of thin sheets of two different metals, mainly lead which have recently been discovered in a cave in Jordan. Many are still sealed books and appear to be over 1500 years old.
UPDATE JUNE 15TH 2011 - TEST RESULTS ARE IN The Jordan university has made a release through The Jordan Times newspaper that the lead books that were scientifically tested are trully ancient and appear to be real artifacts.
According to the Department of Antiquities (DoA), first stage of aging tests to determine the authenticity of lead-sealed metal books billed as the greatest find in biblical archaeology since the Dead Sea scrolls have been “encouraging”.
“We really believe that we have evidence from this analysis to prove that these materials are authentic,” DoA Director Ziad Saad told The Jordan Times.
The tests, carried out at the Royal Scientific Society labs, indicate that the texts may date back to the early first century AD, at a time when Christians took refuge from persecution on the east bank of the Jordan River.
Here is the Jordan Times authentic news link... The Jordan Times Newspaper...
According to this news link additional scientific tests are still being carried out at the University of New Mexico, the Getty Conservation Institute and Sheffield University.
This webpage focuses on the valuable contents made available on 8 of the metal books but for the full story of the general discovery with updates by prime news media go to these links: The Telegraph... Daily Mail Intro... Daily Mail Update... The Mirror... BBC.
Image credits: The images on this page reference reprocessed images sourced from multiple versions of each metal plate. Images referencing David Elkington, Rex Features, David O’ Neill, The Telegraph, Ilan Shibli, Hassan Saeda, Ahmed Suli and Mahomet Hamdi. Getting any images at all has been a nightmare and knowing if they are the legitimate ones or not. I have decided to credit all the sources because all the images on this website are combined overlaid images. In the interests of clarity these are re-processed images, using differing light angle comparison for some and further processing to enhance 3D quality. I am hoping that these people who made some images available are not just interested in profiteering and that it is true that they say they are more interested to know what they mean.
As with any find of this calibre, the dissemination of false information and false claims is par of the course. Hence discretion is advised when viewing websites that are religious-based and others that may have their own biased agendas in how they present this information.
For developments pertaining to the authenticity of the books, go to this Wikipedia page for daily updates.
Some scholars describe it as the find of the century and deem it to be even more important than the dead seas scrolls. For this reason there has been a whole barrage of attempts at decoding them. BUT scholars so far seem to have absolutely no idea on the value of the pictoglyphs and symbols, which make up most of the detail on the metal books, and they already jump to mistaken conclusions and prejudge the authenticity since the texts are expected to be illogical and composites with other ancient languages, encoded in a strange way.
David Elkington seems to be a credible researcher and has found that the symbols are mainly comprised of an early Hebrew language known as Hasmonean Hebrew. Here is a link to the history of the Hasmonean Hebrews and their area of origin and reverance seen on their coins of the Menorah. Wikipedia page.
To them this means that they might be fakes. Consider the almost conclusive reasoning that these were forbidden books at the time they were written and the price to pay if found in possession of secret knowledge of this calibre would be death…
As far as I am concerned, the material found in just nine of the books seen so far, coincides with the whole spectrum of my previous research into humanity’s beginnings here on earth. I believe the message encrypted in the tablets will without doubt challenge the very foundations of ‘traditional’ religion. The image below depicts real astronomically measured stars in position at an ancient epoch. There are three sun-like stars that are relevant and these are just a hint of what ties in with the detail found in the metal books. All the ancient civilisations seem to have a record of these three very important stars, albeit that they may have presented this knowledge in different ways. However, one star – a Sun-like star potentially with earth-like planets – is always shown as being more important than the others. Ref: here
If anything, what you are about to witness will challenge your personal belief system, but rest assured, there is a strong probability that in time these findings will even meld with your own religion. In a nutshell, the truth emerging so far will not only elevate the reality of a Universal Creator to a higher and more pure human uplifting outcome, it stands a chance of uniting all traditions in every nation who actually share different pieces of this encoded puzzle. This possibility seems to be something our world super power elite would not find in their best interests at all as it will begin to work against their tactics, supporting their insatiable craving for ever bigger profiteering from chaos, religious differences and war.
With the tablets exposed only weeks ago, some forgeries conveniently made their appearance too and just about every religious denomination or scholars tied to religious networks have attacked all the codices as fakes because of a few. I believe this attack and appearance of fake books was fueled mainly by the revelation of what is found on the real codicies. One wonders perhaps if these forgeries were commissioned by the powers that be to publicise news releases that are well supported by scholars, running a campaign that ALL the metal books are forgeries when only a few have been identified.
David Elkington has said the copper books need to be watched acrefully, some might be reproduced by the Bedouin truck driver who had his hands on originals and some might be completely fabricated. The Bedouine truck driver in the media coverage from the Daily Mail was involved with holding some of the artifacts. David suggested media be weary of all the copper books and rather focus on the lead books for one main reason... it is almost impossible to reproduce the age appearance on the lead books but copper is much easier to artificially oxidise. All the claims of fakes are focused on three copper versions. I have displayed only one copper version below for one very important reason... it appears to be a duplicate of an original that is very important.
To monitor the developments that have come from scientific tests, go to the Wikipedia link above, which is being updated regularly by the highest ranks of their team. (See latest update at the top of this page proving the metal books are real). This attack on the metal book codices is to be expected, because the contents seen so far after only eight plates of the vast collection having been revealed, challenges the very core of what they have believed by virtue of the religions and traditions handed down to them. There are 70 books each comprising between 5 to 10 pages. This means that another 600 or so plates have yet to be revealed.
My Biography Why should anybody believe my interpretations on these important records? My claims compared to historians head in a new direction in one very big way, and it all started from one tiny common symbol. One primary and most important symbol of all, the symbol that has been forgotten in history also has a famous fiction author interested in it too... The Ra symbol... the circumpunct.
In 1997 I found a tomb in Egypt that proved the unthinkable... it was the Senmut tomb and one of the highlights in my book The Hidden Records. I realised something important...
The ancients revered a Sun...
BUT... it was not OUR Sun...
... it is another Sun!
The 'gods' of the ancients appear to be flesh and blood star visitors associated with another star system, near the Pleiades constellation and other ancient civilisations all over the world had the same obsession.
I have made measurable breakthroughs in symbology, where reasoning and statistics of the multiple repeats of my claim favours a completely new interpretation of the symbols in question.
It appears we were never ever alone in this universe and we are the descendants of star visitors.
This interpretation is in complete opposition to what scholars traditionally believe. See my new symbol interpretations that bring clarity to the mystery here. I believe the claims by the ancient scribes who wrote all the sacred texts, more often than not subjectively, are nevertheless real claims since what they claim is in essence similar on a global basis. They are real claims and THEY DID NOT LIE. Scholars believe they lied. Therefore since UFOs and aliens did not exist officially up until last week, (see below) to some scholars it was a cult belief, to others they have chosen to interpret what the scribes have written in a way that was still palatable within people’s scope of belief based on tradition.
My journey so far in releasing sensitive material that was previously regarded as forbidden is obviously not in the best interests of these very influential echelons of society that believe this information should remain hidden, especially those of the Jewish community. My name is being “Googlebombed” and associated with the word “hoax” by a Google hosted “blogger” webring owned by the two friends Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The impersonation of my website with my name is in complete violation of Google’s terms of usage according to hosting conditions and even with multiple reports of abuse made and my correspondence continually fall on deaf ears and it remains active. It is therefore the assumption that the abuse of my name is in the best interests of the Google owners. This impersonating ‘Wayne Herschel’ blog has the complete makings of a ‘Googlebomb’. It links in multiple ways to the renowned disinformation activists and more specifically to the UFO disinformation ATS website. Here the ATS website hosts over 800 pages of nonsense using the word hoax hundreds of times with my name.
I urge readers to challenge two critical things. Firstly, my approach and secondly why should you consider reading on. Who I am can largely be extrapolated from my life’s work “The Hidden Records”, which is an utterly different take to anything reasoned so far on humanity’s origins here on earth based on sound research. Why you should consider reading on is that everything in my book is corroborated here. Secondly, because the earth shattering claims in my book that have been dismissed as “impossible” because scholars have traditionally followed an official government protocol. “That we are officially alone in the universe until further notice”. This protocol can now be rewritten with the latest breaking news from cables released by the FBI in which it undeniably commits to the existence of aliens and UFOs – hence extraterrestrial life and that we are not alone.
Its important to mention this UFO analysis protocol right now... the subject was officially denied previously but something wonderful is happening, perhaps by force, and its perfect timing for what follows because the contents of the metal books ties the subject of celestial visitors ... star visitors to The Christ story in a massive way. The elitist powers that be have found a way to launch disclosure officially, and without much media fanfare and to prevent embarrassment for hiding all records on the UFO/alien subject to date. Perhaps because they know what is soon about to begin in our skies. Disclosure of this info was promised by Barack Obama before entering into office and it has happened so controversially that no big media are comfortable about the way that it has unfolded.
Source: it is an FBI website that released a cable by an agent employed by the FBI (Agent Hottel). The cable is on the report for attention of the highest level protocol i.e. to FBI head authority the first director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover. The cable states that a flying saucer craft (disc shaped) had crashed in Roswell, with its dead occupants who had similar appearance to humans BUT... WERE ONLY 3FT TALL and were wearing silver body suits.
Conclusion: The highest level FBI document by a government FBI agent of highest priority status on the highest level government FBI website. The FBI released the cables followed by a disclaimer several days later. The disclaimer ‘indemnifies’ it from this being an official proof of anything by virtue of the ‘fact’ that they do not have original copies. Furthermore, the story supposedly launched April-the-First to scare off any prime media from covering the story. However, some prime media have begun to accept this cable 2 weeks later as proof and here are the links.
FBI website Roswell crash cables and others UK Telegraph DAILY MAIL HERALD SUN
So what makes my research and work so different or worthy of cracking the code on these books... who am I? I have something very unique about my past. I had a near-death experience in a motorcycle accident in early adulthood and had an out-of-body event 'OBE' at which time I believe I came back with more than I left with... I believe I had a God experience.
I am absolutley certain I had an encounter with the light at the centre of the universe that fits the legend of the Cosmic Tree of Life. It was a life-changing experience, which compelled me to dedicate my life to this important human uplifting truth, reviving a treasure trove of lost sacred records of our past to prove the reality not only of our origins here on earth but where we go in the afterlife. I also make the important aspects free to all that seek it. This website carries the human genus origins and all the spiritual hidden records are here at oneism.org
The ancient records I have studied clearly show that most works considered sacred have been altered by human hand as time marched forward. The originals differed from the more recent translated records, most likely inspired by the interfering powers of kingships over the ages that prospered on religious differences. Why? Because they depended on the profits and ‘success’ of building war machines to conquer new lands, kill those that are foreign, rape their woman, enslave their children and steal their gold.
All religions appear to be quite accurate in general basis claiming we were placed on this Earth, literally invading the planet of the apes, the world of the Neanderthal who became extinct at the same time humanity flourished globally in a big way 10 000 years ago. But having said that the science of evolution is also a fact. How is it possible both statements could be right? That is why there is a clear missing link in evolution between ape and man. The records so far suggest the unthinkable for many: That our ancestors evolved somewhere else before arriving here.
Our ancestors were Aliens of the human genus that invaded the planet of the Neanderthal ape, and we are their descendants. Chronology
In what follows in this unveiling of hidden records, consider whether it would be less wonderful if angels were real flesh and blood visitors and the possibility that our scribes from ancient civilisations may at first have worshipped the visitors as gods… then later as angels. The outcome of my study on ancient civilisations suggests that all the holy books’ earliest records were real encounters, but altered over time by the rulers in power who felt their best interests may not necessarily be served by everyone being privy to this knowledge. At times these records were even romanticised, for example by adding birds wings to the visitors to teach that they had the ability to fly. It might have been a good allegory then but it certainly does not work today.
One can reason the logic of the need in eras gone by of ambitious rulers wanting to encode some of the texts that could only be identified by his chosen elite. Some of this encoded text can still be easily deciphered today and contains references to the heavenly star secret of Bethlehem. It is important to note that this is the very same star in the recent “Judas Codex” of the televised documentary in which Judas is told by The Christ to follow this star because it is also “his” star. It is the Star of David and of King Solomon and it appears to be the star and Crescent of the land of Sumer that has been included as an icon for many Middle Eastern empires.
The time has come to evaluate the hidden records of the metal Jordanian Codices but incorporating the new parameters without which, none of what they depict would make any sense:
• We are not alone in this universe • The ancients never lied • The details of this cosmic pattern are found in virtually the beginnings of ALL civilisations.
This particular metal plate was covered in a news release by The Telegraph, click here. It speaks of David Elkington’s amazing story, which sounds as exciting as the DaVinci Code epic. This small credit-card sized plate has only one theme and it is told in two ways. Scholars agree it was an identification plate carried by a person who would want to be able to conceal it due to its size and produce it to show he was a member of lets say… a secret society. It was secret because any person found delving into beliefs outside the traditional religion of the day would be sentenced to death as a heretic.
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Message 36 of 311 on the subject |
This particular metal plate was covered in a news release by The Telegraph, click here. It speaks of David Elkington’s amazing story, which sounds as exciting as the DaVinci Code epic. This small credit-card sized plate has only one theme and it is told in two ways. Scholars agree it was an identification plate carried by a person who would want to be able to conceal it due to its size and produce it to show he was a member of lets say… a secret society. It was secret because any person found delving into beliefs outside the traditional religion of the day would be sentenced to death as a heretic.
Metal book type: Single credit card sized plate. Scholars believe to be very important in holding valuable secret knowledge and easily concealed and carried as proof of identity or membership to a secret society. Secret society because the penalty in those days for delving into esoteric matters of alternative religious studies was death.
The plate appears to be divided into three portions. All three tell the same secret in three different ways. The first portion shaded in red with the Menorah is the main secret icon of this group showing that the Menorah with seven candles represents seven celestial lights in the heavens which I set out to prove is the star constellation M45... the Pleiades. This star cluster is close to locate the house of the Eloheim... that which religion has on record as "God'. The Menorah is a long stem version with three orbs as part of its design representing Orion's Belt rising vertically on the horizon with Sol Invictus (25th December.. Pre Christian tradition) and Orion was the sacred cross of the churches. This Earth shattering interpretation will be explored here with ground breaking new references.
The middle portion shaded Green is a breaking discovery in decoding this secret because it shows a star map of Orion and the Pleiades matching many other ancient star maps found in the beginning of ancient civilisations, and it is the biggest part of my work as an author in this subject. The cluster is shown illuminated (shaded blue) and the mysterious curved line suggesting a path or line of sight between the Pleiades and the Sun star with planet. It could also mean a cosmic journey from the Pleiades as a general area to our Sun and planet Earth. This second interpretation falls short because it uses three stars in a row heavenward to find the Sun... so it cant possibly be our Sun, it is another sun system which also matches all the other ancient star map themes found globally. There is a third possibility here that the curved line is a path of the heavenly deities and the line joins that which arcs around the Pleiades to the area where another sun star is found in many ancient star maps, and here suggesting it was colonisation from the second sun star before the main Sun star with planet depicted. Compare this to the image above found on the Voynich Manuscript and the Inca Golden star map at Cuzco.
The third portion of the star map at the bottom of the plate has a white symbol at its centre above Orion's Belt with a triangle as an arrow pointing to the Pleiades above it in the green shaded section. The symbol is paramount to this story as it was the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian symbol for the sacred seven stars that I recently set out to prove represented the Pleiades. The symbol for the Leg of the Bull which has a depiction of it from a coffin lid on my home page on this website. The three stars .. the three Magi which are Orion's Belt (see later) illuminated in turquoise use the sacred Ra symbols used for stars. The simplicity of placing a ring around important stars. One direction aligns to Taurus, (no surprise during a time of Bull reverence), the other alignment follows to a symbol I identify that resembles the constellation of Canis Major.
The image above depicts two of the at least seven of the most conclusive and stongest cases that I present proving the sacred cross of the churches is Orion... Why Orion? ... It is the cosmic sign post. But what is it showing the way to? The center part of this image is 6000 years old and its found carved on a rock in Valcamonic in Italy. It is well known in UFO research communities because it depicts what appears to be an Ancient Astronaut with helmet, bent knees and pointed toes suggesting the entity it flying. With dating around 6000 years ago this the oldest depiction of the secret of the Cross of the sky that Constantine, the man who launched Christianity said he and his whole army witnessed.
The stars matching this double Cross formation are Orion ... follow the three stars in a row to something sacred. In the Italian rock carving it shows it follows to an ancient Astronaut, but tradition has these astronauts associated with a star, the same star in almost every ancient tradition associated with our ancestors. The Three stars in a row legend is revived in the Christ story in the Matthew text... the Three Kings... (Orions Belt) as it rises vertically aligned on Sol Invictus (25th December.. Pre Christian tradition), it follows (alignment) to the position of a Sun-like star near the seven stars of the Pleiades (see image below). The primary importance of this text speaks of following the way to locate the Bethlehem Sun-like star position in the sky. In other words it encodes that one 'follows' (line of sight) the Three Magi/Kings from the East (rises in the East) to locate the star associated with the beginnings/birth/origins of The Christ.
The Freemason tradition has the same use of the name of the Three Kings as Orions Belt and it speaks of Taurus and the Pleiades and stars.
Ref: Freemason documents prove Taurus and Pleiades with name for Orion's Belt, see highlighted words... Three Kings
There is an ancient Latin Manuscript shown in the image above that has an illustration of the double cross of Orion depicted with stars. This speaks volumes. It also has the Lamb of God returning as a Messiah messenger .. landing on the primordial mound of Sion. Consider what the original Sion mound could be. I am convinced it is the earlier more sacred mound before Temple mount, the one I discovered a few months ago in Jordan called Deir Alla... a mound in the shape of a face. (See bottom of page). The manuscript seems prophetic suggesting the lamb of God returning and reviving the lost knowledge of the Primordial Mound... The Cross as the stars of Orion identifying the Star of out ancestors. He is one that will be riding a cloud speaking truth with double edged sword. His words revealing the abomination of those who are destroying the world with opulent profiteering and manipulating the gift of life of all of humanity.
Ref: Latin Manuscript previously deemed forbidden with star cross secret, Lamb of God on Sion mound Sacred Cross
Scholars have mentioned in many news reports already that the depiction of the Double Cross symbol on the metal books as seen in the bottom left corner below suggests a time of the return of a Messiah who they speculate will be a part of the breaking of some of the seals on these metal books. The Double Cross of Orion is most likely about to be revived in the detail soon to follow on what is found in the other metal books. The two metal books below are depicted with the Menorah and seven stars.... both symbolic of the star secret. The seven stars of the Pleiades, seven celestial lights in the heavens celebrated in one's home with seven candles.
Orion's Belt rises with three stars vertically and align in the sky with the pleiades above it. It is here where three Sun-like stars are found in many other star maps found around the world. The secret of the Vatican City layout plan includes the exact same star secret. Click the image to go to the story. In the image that follows the sacred numbers of the three stars of Orion's Belt and the Pleiades and three Sun-like stars is presented where it only focuses on the most important of the three Sun-like stars.... the Star of Bethlehem and the place of our human ancestors.
This metal book image below released July 2011 brings clarity to all the Menorah interpretations, especially of the stem representing Orion rising on the horizon and the seven candles representing the seven star of the Pleiades. As seen in this image below it seems to show more star detail as well, above the wreath-like green portion which I believe is a merging of the star secret with the Cosmic Tree of God. The ancients would put the two secrets of God and our star ancestors as one... which is how the biblical epic appears today. Above the green wreath of the Cosmic Tree, a string of constellations seem to be depicted and joined with symbols looking like 'x' 'y' 'z' 'f' formations which run at right angles to the sacred alignment of Orions belt seen vertically above the horizon with pleiades and Sun stars above it.
My belief are these constellations with letter-like symbol shapes binding them are the different zodiac constellations. If this is so, the writings use the symbols amongst ancient text and its no wonder historians are saying it reads like jibberish and therefore it is a fake. But one must not lose sight on the reality of these tiny indestructible books being the encoded cipher records of one of the first secret societies of a Christian based sect. There is a unique star detail revealed on Orions Belt in this and another metal book's depiction... it seems to show one of the larger stars of Orions Belt is made of two bright stars. Since Bright stars are the priority in depiction of the ancients as cosmic markers and two very large reasonably well spaced stars make up the Star of Alnitak, it might be astronomical recognition of the two as one ... like a binary star should be. In fact its a unique trinary star formation seen as one illuminating star yet actually made of three. One is a small star and like the depiction of Mintaka, (the smaller of the 3 belt stars) seems to be omitted too. finally the last few clues here are the comet like depictions which seem duplicated in different formations and hence might not be a comet, but a Cosmic Tree forming sky apparition we have yet to learn about in our skys, perhaps like the appearance if a worm hole were to open which I suggest in the next few metal books. It would probably appear as that shown in the plates that follow. I certainly dont think they are comet representations here.
There is a possibility that there is depiction of three stars above the Menorah as the solar trinity that follows with more metal books below. Lastly... in dual depiction fitting with this star merging cosmic Tree connection teaching... below the Menorah a depiction of cosmic Tree .. one that connects to all life on all star systems... shows seven fruit of the Pleiades here and two other bright sacred cross secret linked stars. Yes ... no doubt here, this is a very complicated hard to believe story... but consistent with all I have presented previously. For a close detail inspection of this metal book and two other menorah comparisons courtesy of Ilan Shibli here
The metal book below has a number sequence that is well known in secret society historical record and it serves as the most precise way to remember the star position learing just four digits...
3 5 7 1
This number sequence is mentioned in an early Masonic record in an old book. It is described as a way... a journey heavenward to find God... with secret numbers... each depicted in series of steps towards heaven. It is the only image on the page here.
The best part of all... the secret of the Palm Tree symbol follows soon... it was the encoding of God... not a man... not of flesh... an omnipotent light at the centre of the universe that processes all souls... The Cosmic Tree of Life... preview here.
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Message 37 of 311 on the subject |
The metal book below has something wonderful encoded and what you see here will be explored further later. It literally depicts the Tree of Life plasma ribbons forming the sacred Cross out of plasma ribbons, something associated with the myth of cosmic serpents, which is part of the cosmic Tree itself. Preview here or click the Oneism icon at the bottom of this page, compare the matching depiction I rendered that has been presented like this for years. Its a sacred teaching at the place of the Tree of Life. The special thing about this book is that it is sealed and waiting to reveal its contents.
The metal book below appears to be a follow-on from the image above. Compare one against the other and one can see there is similarity different only by sequence. Probably a visual appearance in the sky again and something humanity might witness again soon, unless the symbol can be deciphered. I realise now from the previous image there are probably seven stars on the bottom representing the Pleiades but the oxidation damage we see only five stars in the image above. Seven stars positioned as the Pleiades with Orion as the blazing Cross orientated correctly with the Pleiades as a secret cosmic pointer locator using Orion's Belt. The image below is sourced from a recent story update kindly made possible by David Elkington here. My Interpretation of the strange pear-like portions shaded green here are some sort of formations appearing on the cosmic ether aurora-like sky anomaly... some sort of teaching event witnessing literally the 'hand' of God. Since writing this article I have found more evidence deciphering the meaning of this symbol which follows but it could also represent a real visual sky event too. This Cross appearance in the sky acording to the metal book depiction suggests intelligence connected to the formation, it could be in the process of forming an image of the Cosmic Tree with the strange "fruit" as its symbolic knowledge seen in the other Cosmic Tree depictions with three, five and seven 'fruits' formed on it. The sacred numbers already discussed... teaching the way to find a special star, the star of our ancestors.
The metal book above has these mysterious 'fruits' that look like pears forming on what I am certain is the Cosmic Tree and its something that the ancients actually saw in the sky as an apparition. My latest reseach into this pear-like symbol has many associating symbols that seem to have evolved. Most importantly the symbols all directly represent something of God. It started with the Omega symbol as a close derivitive then I tried searching for God related symbols and hit gold finding the Hamsa symbol ref. click here The most amazing thing of the hand of God symbol is that its most common and earliest source is Hebrew and it looks like a UFO with all seeing eye (which is universal reference for Eloheim... Elo - "people" that come from Heim - 'heavens") and it is the same symbol for the Hindu and Egyptian and Arabic derivitives which have seven dots most likely representing Pleiades.
On the left part of the image above note the UFO similarity to my rendered image of Ezekiels wheel which is at the link when you click the image ... a disc with all seeing eye. It has led me to recognising the solution to one very forgotten 'God' symbol which is tied to the Sacred Cross secret at Lalibela and the symbols used in the layout pattern in both the Vatican and Monaco Palace seen below recently seen at close camera angles thanks to the recent wedding ceremony of the Prince of Monaco with his South African bride now Princess Charlene of Monaco. The wedding ceremony took my Chi Rho theory a lot further where the Chi Rho double cross symbol of the floor pattern in the Palace aligns with a Masonic-like Blazing Sun at its entrance where Princess Charlene entered.
At Lalibela all the churches especially one that is the most important monument in the Lalibela layout plan star map here. All the church windows have a theme of Sacred cross of Orion aligning with this window shape. For a long time this shape had me confused as I hoped to find a star instead of this strange pattern. But watching the wedding at the Monaco Palace (see image above) I found what i was looking for...
There it was... a white Omega shaped symbol staircase ... with ChiRho symbol forecourt.
I propose the meaning of the strange key hole Omega symbol representing "house of God" is conclusive. It also fits the missing star references for the Chi-rho pattern, and the complete star matching pattern are cleverly designed into the white Omega shaped staircase... it had three blazing stars correctly orientated up on the stairs in masonic 'celestial staircase' tradition. That would make the large Blazing sun at the entrance ... OUR Sun.
If true it is symbolic of something quite daunting. This Palace of Monaco is the head of a Global Monachy (word similar to 'Monaco').. a head place of the people of our Sun system. Would that sound a little too far fetched? Well... I coincidently heard on Euro News just when I wanted some sort of sign this crazy thought had just a grain of truth to it, they said it was the place of Billionaires... a Billionaires center of the world... 50 of them actually live here because it is a tax haven.
RELEASE JULY 2011 - In the map below you can see the position of all the important detail enlarged to compare how it all fits as one story shortly after the death of The Christ. Early in this research while searching for anomalies in the area of the metal books cave, (see the general secret area on the map believed to be somewhere within the red shadded area on the northern Jordan river bank and amazingly ... also near the Face monument in Succoth, story follows below)... I had a friend Ste Russell also looking in the area. Ste said he found a real 'X' that marks the spot like Orion and I should take a look (he found the anomaly on the far right out of the three anomaly geoglyphs). I was amazed because it looked like Orions sacred cross as seen in the insert of this image matching the ancient "alien" astronaut rock inscription found in Italy that has an arrow to show which way to follow from Orions belt. I found another two accounts and realised all three were in a row. It wasnt long wondering if they were representing Orion's belt here but where on earth would they align too? The smallest geoglyph here was about 250ft across and the other two were over 350ft across. So I followed in the direction of smallest anomaly like the real star map from the smallest star of Orions belt. Interesting thing is that in scale to the actual stars in the sky measuring 33 degrees of arc to find the star I associate as the Bethlehem star in the star map mystery... we land exactly at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem!
But the most amazing breakthrough for this interpretation as a star map was made recently where Ste Russell found more evidence of the star area of Taurus. It was an area that seems specifically on record next to the Temple Mount... next to Mount Sion... an area called Abu Tor ... "Father of the Bull". In this same area there is a Monastry of St Mark with his emblem... a Bull. Abu Tor fits on the right side of Temple Mount where Taurus is located in the heavens in association with the position of Orion. As above ...so below.
Years ago Dan Brown hinted he was going to be writing on the solomon Key mystery perhaps because it is one of the last great encoded historical puzzles that will challenge the foundation of all religion. He said he would publish a book on this before launching his book Lost Symbol. The historical record is known as the Key of Solomon Cipher ... something that would no doubt be more controversial than DaVinci Code. Then he dropped it like a hot potato.
Washington DC layout plan has ties to the Solomon key and was included in his book Lost Symbol. But interesting to mention... Lost Symbol seems like an introduction to the main part of Solomon key which is all focused around one symbol mystery... its meaning previously lost. The symbol of the circumpunct. Its the symbol for the Sun star of Ra... the star of Bethlehem and the star of David. Maybe Brown is busy fine tuning a book right now... or not.
What I am about to claim right now is the ultimate proof of the Sacred Cross of the churches and its also the sacred icon of King Solomon and the founding of Temple Mount in Israel. This extra material is another collection of my own discoveries and has its own website too and it has almost two books worth of content of cruicial lost material. Orion is seen on the Solomon Key cipher, note the hourglass Double Cross pattern... click the image below to go to Solomon Key and the Vatican and Washington DC star maps...

This metal book here is made of copper, is very clean and appears to be a fake copy of an important original book and this one was in the hands of the Bedouin truck driver. There is also a misprint in the image below suggesting the template was poorly positioned during the process of making a copy. The most important aspect in my book 'The Hidden Records' is in identifying the layout plan of all the megalithic monuments around the world thet mirror important stars. Especially the pyramid civilizations. All focus on the same star area as the most sacred place in the heavens. Note that on this metal book below, we have for the first time in Jordanian record as far as I know... depictions of pyramids!
The correlation of two pyramids are visible with bright stars positioned precisely above them. This is very important and stands as the first ancient 'biblical' works supporting pyramid star correlations. Although there are only two pyramids in the depiction along one print line (its repeated twice and there is a miss print)... there are three stars in a row. This is the main theme on the previous metal books and most likey Orion's Belt.
The pyramids depicted are therefore highly likely to be that of Giza where the three pyramids in a row correlate with Orions Belt. See my pyramid star breakthroughs with Egypt here
The secret message on this metal book has the Menorah in line with the three Belt stars of Orion... This is the secret of the star map!
The Belt stars align with the Pleiades... see here...
One has to ask... if these books are from Jordan and speak of the Christ, one could speculate that the missing years of the Christ might be included in some of the books. Some scholars have suggested previously that he roamed ancient Egypt. Lets look a little closer at the depiction.
There is a row of oddly placed stars along the pyramid ground line. It might suggest that all 50 of the pyramids of Egypt correlate as one large star map as suggested in my Egypt 50 pyramid star map correlation Egypt here
The Cosmic Tree is depicted here ... one bearing on fruit... another three near the Pleiades/Menorah and one with seven fruit. The earlier metal book reasoned these number correlations as part of the star map. But here the Cosmic Tree can be upside down as it is the ether.. plasma ribbons that connect to our world and ... enhanced inside the pyramids. I explore the link to the cosmic Tree and and induced out of body event in the Great pyramid here The metal book presents spiritual symbolism of the spiritual event inside the pyramid chambers. Compare the Palm Tree imagery to the Oneism icon at the bottom of this page matching the metal books. I rendered this re-created image for this web page years ago.
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Message 38 of 311 on the subject |
Stories in the papers claim this is the Face of The Christ. Scholars have already had a huge reaction to this claim and say the depiction below represents a Solar Deity. The most popular theory is that it depicts Helios. In all probability both claims are right because The Christ was one teaching of the Sol star.. the Bethlehem Sun-like star associated with humanities origins. The statue of Liberty is another Solar Deity and few know the Masonic connection for placing the statue of liberty where it is and why she has seven blazing rays of light.
The face here on this sealed metal book appears to have flames around the head and I have extracted the detail to show it is a Solar Deity. All that counts here is simply the association of the Great person being revered here with the Sun star secret. In the Helios carving it also has a star and world in crescent which matches other depictions of Solar deities.
The most important detail about finding a face on a metalbook like this is paramount...
It is depicted in an oval fashion without neck, curved high hairline, left eye emphasized and on the forehead... symbol for the Peniel... a mark... the third eye... the spoken name that Jacob called 'Peniel' now called Deir Alla.
This is a match to the Face Monument of Deir Alla.
I am absolutely certain this book will tell the story once the seal is broken about the monument found relatively close to the cave where the books were discovered. A face monument like that ... found on Mars. The Deir Alla face discovery follows below.
The lost teachings of the Christ... the metal books. Will these metal books reveal how the people of the time of The Christ could not understand the difference between praying to their Creator in heaven and simply remembering just with a sense of honour of the SUN of man... the Sun-like star of Bethlehem secret now removed completely from history. The elite believed the secret of the Sun star if revealed to all humanity would create equality amongst nations because it is found in the foundations of all history in all nations. This uplifting realisation of a sacred bloodline being the same for all humanity will also bring about peace and unity.
This was something not in the best interests of the Elite Army as its evil habit for funding 'elite prosperity' was war...
to plunder... to conquer... to profiteer... to enslave and take advantage of both commoners and foreigners... and it is alive and well today. The rich get richer and poor get poorer.
This abomination and abuse of humanity by the opulent powerful manipulating rich is about to end
It is most likely true in history that they murdered those who taught of the forbidden secret of the Orion Cross showing the way in the sky to the position of the SUN of man as explored on this page. The elite would want to make an example of those who spoke on this forbidden truth, and the message to warn others, the penalty for promoting this Sun-star secret would be death, forcing the victim to wear a radiant crown of thorns and to be crucified on a cross.
The time is perhaps very near to see the return of 'The Christ' riding his disc that forms a cloud, one who will be seen by all who will end the destructive elite ways once and for all, revealing just with his spoken words... the opulent ones by name who are destroying the human gift of life.
Almost identical in appearance, the African Chokwe wooden book discoveries from Zambia were published in 2005, almost the same time the metal books were found in the cave by the Bedouin truck driver in Jordan. Instead of metal in all likelihood due to the lack of resources, the African tribe used wood. Perhaps the upset in religious circles starts here, people who still narrow-mindedly challenge who were the chosen people of God. History has it that a Hebrew speaking group of Semitic people of African lineage, around the time the metal books were in use, travelled with the Ark up the river Nile to Lalibela, which has the same star secret tradition. See link
It is not hard to imagine how that tradition slowly spread south if one considers gauging by what the elders of the Chokwe tribe claim today. Namely, that they were visited by their ancestors from the sky who taught them the same truth in the same manner.
Here is a good example of how two different bloodlines appear to cherish the same ancient records:
Let us consider the obvious. That all humanity are the chosen people of God, and both books – the metal ones and the wooden ones – in different parts of the world speak of the same Sacred Cross secret. They both used similar pictoglyph teaching mechanisms. Both present the same star patterns as star maps of the same area in the cosmos which are identified on some of the metal books here. I am fortunate to have been made custodian of one of the most revealing wooden books of the entire collection seen in the image below.
The most substantiating portrayal on the image below is the same seven stars as the metal books themes, a path of travel...
It is most likely the depiction of the Face Monument of Jacob at Succoth shown below near the cave where the metal books were discovered.
The wooden book also depicts the primary journey path on the star map matching what is shown in a metal plate to follow here shortly. To see more wooden books and their encoded messages click the image below.
Not far from the cave in Jordan where the metal books were discovered... following a 200 year old Masonic embelished Parralel bible that led to finding many different versions, the best clues found in the Philadelphia published copies according to the degree of the council of Trent ... the biblical epic of Jacobs ladder, confirmed for me the importance of and connection to the Hiram Abif Freemason star map. Jacob in the biblical epic named the place of the Face of God 'Peniel', which was near Succoth on the East Bank of the Jordan. The name Peniel was no coincidence either that it is the same name for the spiritual Pineal gland inside the head and that all the Sun Gods in ancient civilisations depicted the mark on the forehead. Ref here .
All I had to do was get onto Google Earth and look on the East Bank area by Succoth in Jordan for what I thought clearly described what I was hoping to find that also existed on Mars... A Face monument.
I found Succoth on google Earth, and panned accross to the direction of the East Bank... and there it was... a human face looking right back at me EXACTLY where Jacob said it would be! The hairs stood up on my arms... I was completely lost for words just staring at the screen!
The Middle East archeology experts say this mound is called Deir Alla, its a Bronze age mysterious man made mound and artifacts found here include remains of...
...the earliest Hebrew texts with the usage of the Hebrew word 'Eloheim' in context referring to...
'multiple beings' from the heavens.
Jacobs ladder references in Genesis:
28 : 12 - Ladder 31 : 46,52 - Heap 32 : 30 - 'Peniel' was the name for the place of the Face of God
It was one where the biblical character Jacob was told to build something remarkable to mark that in the heavens... As above ... So below... on the ground using pillars as markers and a 'heap' of blocks.
My full story soon to follow with the full deciphering of the Metal books began with the finding of an old Masonic Bible.
Is this the sacred mound of Creation as mentioned in the Egyptian records called Zep Tepi?
Was it Jacob who built the first sacred mound, or did he restore it?
Is it possible this mound predates the pyramids and Stonehenge star map themes?
Is the face on the sealed book here (above) the same solar star deity as the face monument?
Do the metal books link the Face monument to the other ancient star maps?
The angel Jacob had an encounter with named him Israel. The Face mound can be viewed at close proximity here or from many angles to compare the face detail and eye to the spectacular main overhead image. here
Deir Alla...which archaeologists call the mysterious bronze age mound has not been recognised for its spectacular Biblical connection founding one of the first civilizations associated with Jacob. Was it Jacob who built it or restored it remains to be researched.
Deir Alla as a name has multi-lingual history ties and suggests its name worked into languages since it is so ancient.
Its Aramaic and Greek and Arabic... Deir Alla has a multiple possibility fit with God or Mother or temple ... Face of God... place of God... mother temple of truth... a encoded name that would stand the test of time.
In Greek, Deir means TEMPLE... Alla means TRUTH... Deir Alla - "TEMPLE OF TRUTH"
Since Greek texts that comprise some biblical accounts date back to just after the Christ and no one knows when this name was given, Greek Hebrew and Aramaic were common languages in this part of the world. Since they built a Temple on top of a hill that had by erosion lost its primary features to be recognised as a face, I would bet the secret of the star map would have been the truth aspect in this TEMPLE OF TRUTH built on the sacred mound. Perhaps this is the legendary sacred mound associated with the Egypt mound legend... the Mound of the first time... Zep Tepi.
A mound that might have been the first monument on our world... in a place that was like Egypt at the time was a temperate greener land.
Some Biblical references cover detail on the place where the biblical character Jacob said he was shown a secret about the stars... the legend of Jacobs Ladded which is a major part of the Hiram Abiff foundation of historical Freemasonry.
Jacob said he named the place "Face of God" near Luz close to Succoth in Jordan where his ladder touched down... see the Freemason star map where the ladder touches the ground and Ra symbol is shown... here
Comparison to Mars Face monument and star map here Where the ladder of Jacob touches the Face of God here Biblical place of face of God here Highlighted story of Jacobs ladder here The Deir Alla has same 'Pineal' forehead mark like all the sun God faces here More on the pineal representation secret of spirit here The detail of the full story finding the Face Monument in Jordan, the UFO depiction in the old Bible, the secret of the sacred Cross of Christ and the Bethlehem star, star of David and its link to the same monument found on Mars will all be revealed here shortly... Watch this space.
IT CAN BE VIEWED ON GOOGLE EARTH...COPY AND PASTE ... 32°11'44.58"N 35°37'16.03"E
In a short while this webpage will be updated with how the pyramids and stonehenge connect to the mystery... the story all bound together including Helios and finding a Priory holding records of the unthinkable in Italy... another Bible that actually has a depiction of a UFO showing what really made the walls of Jerico crumble... here. the Sun deity origin connection to The Christ... and a fresco... one where it shows God riding a celestial disk... a UFO.
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Sunrise is the instant at which the upper edge of the Sun appears above the horizon in the east. Sunrise should not be confused with dawn, which is the ...
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