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Optimist777 wrote: |
There is another mysterious relation to be discovered in the sketch of the Vitruvian man by Leonardo Da Vinci. The Great Pyramid Khufu (Cheops in Greek), holds a perfect geometrical relation to the squaring of the circle and the Vitruvian man as depicted by Leonardo Da Vinci. http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/vitruvia3.jpg
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The triangle in the picture is the exact geometrical proportion of the Great Pyramid at the Giza Plateau near Cairo, Egypt. The angles between the base and the apex (top) of the pyramid are exactly 51 degrees and 51 seconds. (51º 51’). Well, 51 degrees 51 minutes = 186,600 arc seconds which approximates our present measurement of the maximum speed of light in miles per second (186282.397) with a margin of error (who's error?) of 17 / 10,000th or 317 miles-per-second. The volume of the Great Pyramid is 91,575,000 cubic feet at its capstone, its corner stone (not its missing apex of 11,616 cubic feet), is 1,037 cubic feet, and so a body of the Great Pyramid is 91,573,963 cubic feet. The corner stone at 1,037 cubic feet x 9 is 9333. http://www.templeofsolomon.org/pyramid.htg/Great.Pyramid.htm |
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Each of the Egyptian Royal Cubits, beside coding equatorial circumference of the Earth measurements and methods according to three separate systems, also coded the speed at which the Earth rotates. To get the speed of rotation under each system, simply halve the inch value of the cubit under consideration and multiply by 100, then read the value acquired as MPH. The true rotational speed is very close to 1037.583333 MPH (1037 & 7/12ths), so a reading of 1036.8 MPH is only off by .783333 MPH. http://www.celticnz.co.nz/Nazca/Nazca6.htm |
A G-force is generated by the speed at which the Earth rotates, the ground speed is greatest around the Equator at 1037.58 mph, slowing by 11.5379 mph per 1 degree of Latitude, as the circumference of the Latitudes decreases to zero at the Poles, and increases towards mountain peaks where the circumference of the rotation is spaced further out. If the earth is 24902 miles in circumference and turns completely once every 24 hours , that's 1037.58 mph. You can see how the speed increases as one nears the equator in this graph. http://www.thevlecks.net/rmj/earth.html http://www.thegravitymyth.co.uk/ |
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
1793 has been referred to as a tumultuous year.
1793 July 24 France passes its first copyright law.
1793 July 29 John Graves Simcoe decides to build a fort and settlement at York later Toronto, having sailed into the bay there. (where I was born)
1793 Aug. 1 France becomes 1st country to use the metric system
1793 Sept. 18 President G. Washington lays cornerstone of Capitol building.
1793 Oct. 5 - a republican calendar devoid of all Catholic religious associations was adopted. It was used officially until January 1, 1806.
America's founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. However, the war raged for another seven years before independence from England was finally granted on September 3, 1783. On that day, Britain's George III and US leaders signed the Definitive Treaty of Peace.
9/3/1783 >>> Which is a date that more accurately carries forward the code 9317 plus we are left with 8+3=I I (two pillars or spectral lines?)
George Washington became a Freemason in the year 1753.
GW and the MAYA CODE 137-69 yes I know I have my detractors regarding the PrIEstLY LEvI code 137-69
no matter how long we LIvE humanity is rather blind to the I37 narrative within the creation/evolution narrative that cannot be vEILed by EvIL and literal dEvILs.
After being burned down by the British the Capitol building was rebuilt. In 1893 a plaque was placed on the cornerstone.
How does the MAYA Code 1379 match up with Freemason activities?
The disenfranchised are taught in school today to read the date September 18 1793.
I cannot help but read the string of pearls.
918 1793
Hey guess what? Not only can we extract the MAYA CODE 1379 but we can also extract the 819 days referred to in the Maya Long Count Calender.
Note that 918 (read right to left) days that we get when we multiply the numbers 13 x 7 x 9 = 819 days.
MASONIC secret regarding the TWO PILLARS Boaz and Jachin
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1 Kings 7:13 -22 13And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre.
14He was a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work.
15For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about.
16And he made two chapiters of molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of the one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits:
17And nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars; seven for the one chapiter, and seven for the other chapiter.
18And he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates: and so did he for the other chapiter.
19And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch, four cubits.
20And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was by the network: and the pomegranates were two hundred in rows round about upon the other chapiter.
21And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz.
22And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished. |
AT THIS POINT I NEED TO REMIND THE READER OF MY STUPENOUS OUTRAGEOUS CLAIM: http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=72038#72038
the claim: On the level of 'archetype' that gives rise to shape and form, ALL PILLARS made of stone/wood/etc., represented by animals, humans or trees/pillars etc represent the TWO SPECTRAL LINES of the hydrogen atom, between which we can place the fine structure constant I37.
Who will see it? Who the fuck cares at this point? Wake up to the obvious?
Then we can all kiSS and make UP before we get dragged DOWN even further by the bullshit LIEs that conceal the FIBS i.e. FIBonacci nature's golden spiral and GEOMETRY?
FACT of science is we can place the numbers 137 between these two pillars or spectral lines.
And Raphael the Archangel associated with the SUN, rested on the 3rd of July, (37) because it is in fact his birthday?
Do our dates of birth stamp a certain potential destiny upon us?
AND note that I was born in NORTHWESTERN HOSPITAL? Stonehenge is oriented to the NORTHEAST NW to NE is 90 degrees
p.s. Braddock's Rock, where Washington landed in 1755 is known as the KEY of all KEYS, dismissed by the Freemason Christ L. Hodapp as the Quay of all Quays and having NO significance.....LOL Freemasons are blind to the OBVIOUS, that I clearly SEE.
CAN WE FIND THE ELI = GOD = 137 CODE on this plaque commemorating the ambush by the French?
713 men were kIlLEd in an ambush?
However this next link claims the numbers listed on the plaque are incorrect. I suggest what we see on this plaque in plain view is another reference to The Key of all Keys.
note: the plaque was donated by D.C. Bridge Construction in 1964.
13 = 9+4 7 = 1+6
I see 137 revealed in the year 1964. The year of a donated plaque that lists an incorrect 713 kIlLEd on July 9, 1755. _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
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Light Speed in Stone
The Great Pyramid's location (Northern Latitude) and slope angle correspond to the speed of light
The list of utterly remarkable and mind boggling cosmic associations contained in The Great Pyramid is virtually endless. I have only cited a few of the associations that have interested me and a few that I have discovered myself. - i.e. The UNIQUE slope angle of The Great Pyramid is 51° 51' (Note: In 1837 Egyptologist Howard Vyse found two of the original side casing blocks at the base of the pyramid, 5 ft x 8 ft x 12 ft, with an angle of 51 degrees, 51 minutes cut on one of the 12 ft. sides). Well, 51 degrees 51 minutes = 186,600 arc seconds which approximates our present measurement of the maximum speed of light in MILES per second (186282.397) with a margin of error (who's error?) of 17 / 10,000th or 317 miles-per-second.
http://www.catchpenny.org/concave.html http://www.templeofsolomon.org/pyramid.htg/Great.Pyramid.htm |
Some folks find the speed of light embedded in stone. I found a stone too, St. ONE, the numerical narrative within the narrative, i.e. 128.5 - 137 a PATTERN involving numbers that represent 'constants' of physics, that either by coincidence or design seem to keep pace with the wyrdy narrative people take far too literally, and sadly, rarely figuratively.
'G'eometry and 'G'ott
1/ Why do SS Secret Societies and Cults use imagery and symbols, often based on sacred geometry?
2/ Why do the bibles and sacred texts have NO IMAGES or SYMBOLS?
Can we use our asymmetrical brain to answer those two questions?
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
AHA what does my birthday July 3rd have to do with the NARMER PALETTE?
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The Narmer Plate is a Sky Chart
In celebration of their Dreamtime, the remote Ancient Egyptians exactly reproduced their Celestial Sphinx, Hu, at Giza in readiness for the July 3rd and 4th 14000 BCE Festival. (See Part 2) Prophetically the Fall of Hu heralded the decline of the remote Ancient Egyptians and their entry into the Dark Ages. During this time only the intellectual elite would have been allowed to be initiated into, and share, a secret of such magnitude … The Secret of Precession.
Evidence that the Secret of Precession was indeed shared by an intellectual elite down through the millennia is to be found on the Nermer Plate almost 10,000 years later.
Just this morning, I realized what the NARMER Palette resembles, and that is what set me out looking for more evidence.
Babylonian and Freemason Keystones!!!
And ALL of the above look very similar to the Hanukkah Lamp. This is NOT part of the deSIGN, they must all be coincidences.
Why is it that as my search takes me further and further back in time, I find more and more profound coincidences between ALL of the beLIEfs?
p.s. BTW I am not done recovering the gold. How do we link the HAWK/BULL found on the obverse and reverse of the Narmar Palette to the IDEA of two sides to a coin, heads and tails, a quarter, and '25' or two bits?
Would the 2 and 5 ... Taurus and Leo be a clue? _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
Optimist777 wrote: |
There is another mysterious relation to be discovered in the sketch of the Vitruvian man by Leonardo Da Vinci. The Great Pyramid Khufu (Cheops in Greek), holds a perfect geometrical relation to the squaring of the circle and the Vitruvian man as depicted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
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The triangle in the picture is the exact geometrical proportion of the Great Pyramid at the Giza Plateau near Cairo, Egypt. The angles between the base and the apex (top) of the pyramid are exactly 51 degrees and 51 seconds. (51º 51’).
Well, 51 degrees 51 minutes = 186,600 arc seconds which approximates our present measurement of the maximum speed of light in miles per second (186282.397) with a margin of error (who's error?) of 17 / 10,000th or317 miles-per-second.
The volume of the Great Pyramid is 91,575,000 cubic feet at its capstone, its corner stone (not its missing apex of 11,616 cubic feet), is 1,037 cubic feet, and so a body of the Great Pyramid is 91,573,963 cubic feet.
The corner stone at 1,037 cubic feet x 9 is 9333.
http://www.templeofsolomon.org/pyramid.htg/Great.Pyramid.htm |
Quote: |
Each of the Egyptian Royal Cubits, beside coding equatorial circumference of the Earth measurements and methods according to three separate systems, also coded the speed at which the Earth rotates. To get the speed of rotation under each system, simply halve the inch value of the cubit under consideration and multiply by 100, then read the value acquired as MPH.
The true rotational speed is very close to 1037.583333 MPH (1037 & 7/12ths), so a reading of 1036.8 MPH is only off by .783333 MPH.
http://www.celticnz.co.nz/Nazca/Nazca6.htm |
A G-force is generated by the speed at which the Earth rotates, the ground speed is greatest around the Equator at 1037.58 mph, slowing by 11.5379 mph per 1 degree of Latitude, as the circumference of the Latitudes decreases to zero at the Poles, and increases towards mountain peaks where the circumference of the rotation is spaced further out.
If the earth is 24902 miles in circumference and turns completely once every 24 hours , that's 1037.58 mph. You can see how the speed increases as one nears the equator in this graph.
http://www.thevlecks.net/rmj/earth.html http://www.thegravitymyth.co.uk/ |
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
socrates1fan wrote: |
Celebrating independance day in my opinion has gone from… |
…has gone from creating independence to the creation of a dependence.
…on cheap hydrocarbon energy.
July 4th is when Sirius conjuncts with our sun Sol baby. July 4th when the dog days of Sumer NOT summer begin …  (sirius = dog-star) Sirius was the most revered star of the Egyptians.
AmeriKAn one dollar bill has a pyramid on it eh? With the all-seeing eye?
KA meant what to the Egyptians?
KAballah or CAbala MerKAba VatiCAn MecCA KA‘bah stone in MecCA KA Ba … Ancient Egyptians believed a human soul was made up of five parts: the Ren, the Ba, the Ka, the Sheut, and the Ib.
Swasti means good luck.
The powerful divine SwastiKA is being used against the herd of EWE….and fear is the button THEY keep pushing. NOT the Love button, have you noticed?
Symbol illiteracy is going to cost the EWE their freedoms…
Wake up. Siriusly I have a plan to take over the vorld…want to join in?
Here is how….flood the streets of AmeriKA wearing swastiKAs. NOT the Nazi adopted one however…there are sooo many to chose from….
Watch the Zionists, the NEOCons and the POPE flip, THEY will then know THEY have been exposed. AND the symbol that fulfills an archetype capable of connecting the Macrocosm with the microcosm will be once again part of human consciousness. Simple plan…easy to put into action and peaceful. Wear on your hearts and sleeves a symbol that can be compared to DNA, neutrinos and swirling galaxies… It will represent the swirling grassroots force, people united by a united cause that reflects the life force itself….
Surround the White House NOT with guns…. THEY will just kill the ewe. Surround every government building with people wearing the swastiKA…then we have won.
Because the only way we can defeat the THEY is to show a unity of purpose and a melding of hearts and minds…
The swastiKA is the ONLY symbol capable of uniting EAST with WEST, NORTH and SOUTH. IMHO
Symbol illiteracy is going to cost the EWE their freedoms…
https://kachina2012.wordpress.com/category/swastika-july-4th-and-independence-day/ |
the origami blueprint: http://mathforum.org/~sanders/creativeg ... yramid.htm Did you notice that the CAPSTONE re: GIZA pyramid NEEDs a square base, but the pyramid that most folks link to the SS, the Secret Societies is a TETRAHEDRON has atriangular base?It is clear from the image on the DOLLAR BILL, that the perspective of the base is different than the pyramid capstone. The base of the pyramid clearly has DEPTH, BUT the capstone is presented as FLAT. WHY the switch in the geometry re: platonic solids? The OBVIOUS is always lost on most folks who have their eyes wired shut by ever evolving technology, too easily distracted by the bells and whistles that conceal the connections between past and future, IN the HERE and NOW.  ORACLES sit on TRIPODS/TETRAHEDRONS btw. namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein |
KEYSTONE being 'SET' into place on the St. Louis Gateway Arch. On Oct. 28, 1965. KEYSTONE = 69Please note the 4 Evangelists/Beasts on the shield in the above image of the Freemason Tracing Board. What is a KEYSTONE? HOW do we connect the KEYSTONE in both images above to FREEMASON activity in the USA and elsewhere? http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2009/1 ... oyal-arch/B U S T E D Freemasons are a non-issue? Hardly... The wankers leave 'numerical' evidence everywhere they appear, just like a King Midas, they leave gold dust as residue in everything they touch.   Again I ask you to note the 4 Evangelists/Beasts on the shield in the above image of the Freemason Tracing Board. Scorpio (eagle) and Aquarius (the man) are in the SOUTH. And Taurus (bull) and Leo (lion) are in the NORTH. This is the reverse or shall we say a POLE/polarity flip of what the Tarot in CARDS X and XXI depict. CARD X is without a doubt the TREASURE map. namaste Raphael CERN and 69?
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein |
It is part of the Son of Man asterism of Aquarius-Phoenix-Horologium.
Horologium...remind me please.
Ken McClellan wrote:
This tall mountain which you saw whose summit resembles the throne of God is indeed His throne, on which the Holy and Great Lord of Glory, the Eternal King, will sit when he descends to visit the Earth with goodness. ... He will plant it in the northeast, upon the holy place. 1 Enoch 25:3-5
The Cornerstone is the sign of the pole reversal par excellence. It is the Horologium.
25:3-5 = 258  Northeast...the MIRROR image of this symbol the Peruvians call the ChaKAna? namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
What is 'that thing' those two little devils  with keys are holding?
 I see the tiara worn by Popes...  based on the Omphalos stone/bee hive shape Omphalos stone which was substituted for Zeus swallowed by Cronos.
 Although Benedict has rejected the tiara and uses only a mitre in his official coat of arms, in this display where the tiara is comprised of living plants dating back at least to the papacy of John Paul II, it has been permitted to remain though the designs on the shield were changed.
 But why did Benedict change the Omphalos shape to reflect a mitre? Would it have anything to do with the right angle and the mitre = 90 degrees and hinting at orthogonal celestial alignments that may be heralding the 'return of the king'? re: orthogonal and electro-magnetism and 'sound and light waves'? what is the connection? namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
ANKH = E = mc2 KA = worm hole?   Wave (N) having some effect on Darkness and Light( Kek/Kekhet) at the speeds of Infinity and negative infinity (Heh/Hehet) produces Life (Ankh). http://www.secretoftheankh.com/?tag=dogonKa, is the life force. The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix. Good to be life (force). Giuwah = Life force that exists. Ka, perhaps represents the wormhole that created life, and life being the physical holographic universe. Wormholes are at the center of every galaxy..  
Giuwah wrote:
nice post NOTE for example....you enter STAGE LEFT hand and exist STAGE RIGHT hand or as this 2012forum has proved beyond a reasonable doubt, EWE enter a commie and exit a RIGHTEOUS western SOB. Or note the position of the feet and the head relative to entry and exit wounds. OUCH JFK St. John the Baptist... True Messengers leave this realm with head wounds OR they lose their MiNd trying to find their heART. yes the herd of ewe can include me in the short list or folks who lose their heads/minds. But we don't mind if we lose our minds. YA gotta be touched by an angel to get it. namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
ANKH = E = mc2 KA = worm hole?   Wave (N) having some effect on Darkness and Light( Kek/Kekhet) at the speeds of Infinity and negative infinity (Heh/Hehet) produces Life (Ankh). http://www.secretoftheankh.com/?tag=dogonKa, is the life force. The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix. Good to be life (force). Giuwah = Life force that exists. Ka, perhaps represents the wormhole that created life, and life being the physical holographic universe. Wormholes are at the center of every galaxy..  
Giuwah wrote:
nice post NOTE for example....you enter STAGE LEFT hand and exist STAGE RIGHT hand or as this 2012forum has proved beyond a reasonable doubt, EWE enter a commie and exit a RIGHTEOUS western SOB. Or note the position of the feet and the head relative to entry and exit wounds. OUCH JFK St. John the Baptist... True Messengers leave this realm with head wounds OR they lose their MiNd trying to find their heART. yes the herd of ewe can include me in the short list or folks who lose their heads/minds. But we don't mind if we lose our minds. YA gotta be touched by an angel to get it. namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
‘IN THIS SIGN CONQUER’ the Great Pyramid and the Sacred Cut by Tons Brunés leads us to Nikola Tesla, Peter Plichta, Crichton E.M. Miller, Tudor Parfitt, String Theory, the Philosopher’s Stone and the Ark of the Covenant
UPDATE November 23, 2014
I added another name to the marquee. Tudor Parfitt is a worthy knight, he is entitled to take a seat at the round table.
Professor Parfitt claims to have located the Ark of the Covenant after a 20 year quest. His theory places him alongside many other theories or ideas that have been handed down through the ages.

The neb hieroglyph. An elaborate example from a block in the temple of Karnak. Photo: RP. A distinctive use of the basket hieroglyph, for nb is in the composition block for the word “everything”.
The round, bowl shaped basket, like the hollowed-out shell of half an orange, was such a commonplace item in ancient Egyptian homes and workplaces that it too became a hieroglyph, representing words which sounded the same as the name the Egyptians gave to this type of basket.
They called it neb, which was the same as the word used for ‘all’ or ‘every’, and ‘lord’ or ‘master’. You will see it in the royal title Lord of the Two Lands, neb tawy, which is sometimes used with the king’s official name. It is also the last sign in the cartouche of Tutankhamun’s throne name, Neb-kheperu-ra. In coloured hieroglyphs, the neb basket is often painted in a chequered pattern in two tones of green to show that it was woven from plant materials.

Sign for nb or lord in Egypt The pharaoh is often shown in reliefs or in cartouche-related statements as Lord of the Two Lands. The basket hieroglyph is used as ‘lord’, or ‘king’. Queens, or goddesses use the ‘lordess’ form, the feminine implied from the “t” hieroglyph but not needed for the basket. The basket is used for either.
With a feminine ending, the neb hieroglyph can also mean ‘lady’ or ‘mistress’.
One of the most ancient of the king’s titles was the Two Ladies, or nebty name, so-called because it was chosen to put the king under the protection of the two patron goddesses of Upper and Lower Egypt. The nebty name is marked by the emblems of the vulture goddess Nekhbet of the south, and the cobra goddess Wadjet of the north, each standing on a neb basket.
Another basket hieroglyph at first looks very similar to the neb, but the thing that makes it different is a simple loop handle hanging from the rim on one side. This is the hieroglyph used for the ‘k’ sound. In the shorthand version of hieroglyphs, now known as the hieratic script, the k-basket is simplified to a bar with an exaggerated loop at one end.
There is some evidence that the royal crowns themselves were originally made of basketwork. The tall, conical White Crown is sometimes shown with green stripes, bound together at the top with a cord made from plant fibres. Some Egyptologists think that this represents the simple hat made from dried grasses as worn by peasant farmers to protect themselves from the sun. This is the crown worn by Osiris, a god of agriculture, who was supposed to have taught the Egyptians how to care for the land, and how to plant and harvest their crops. This striped crown forms part of the elaborate atef crown, decorated with horns, streamers, feathers and serpents, which was worn by gods of the next world. The Red Crown of Lower Egypt was sometimes called the Green Crown and some pictures or carvings show it patterned in a basketwork design, like the neb basket.

 
NGoMa LuNGuNDu ~ Lemba Ark of the Covenant In the Zimbabwean Shona language, the artifact is called ”the drum that thunders” while the waLemba call it “the voice of God.”
  
The difference in these two ‘Arks’ or ‘baskets’ can be summarized by placing the Brandenburg spear between them and pointing out the NGoMa Ark is 3 strand vs. the 4 strand weave on the NEB Ark. Note that the Brandenburg spear has both a 3-fold and 4-fold swastika. And recall the story about Moses being placed into a basket…
 
image on left: we see the hand of Robert Bauvel who is pointing out the change to the ‘cross’ that took place in Egypt due to tbe spread of Christianity… On the left is a symbol of the Christian Templar Cross next to the Egyptian Ankh on a column in the Temple of Isis Note both the ankh (flanked by two Uas) and the crusader cross are buoyed by the symbol for a basket. image on the right: we see the three most important symbols used by the Egyptians Uas ~ Djed ~ Ankh placed on/in the basket of ‘everything’
note: It is here in the Temple of Isis that a ‘switch’ occurs from the asymmetrical Ankh flanked by two uas scepters to the symmetrical Maltese Templar Cross.
 
on the left: Oannes Sacred Basket next to the NEB basket


Apollo + Daphne and an idea called DNA?

The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave, note the ROY G BIV sequence.

The above video briefly explains how the first image of light as both a particle and wave was obtained. The two following links provide the details of the story.
And all of the above brings us up to date with an IDEA that I have been documenting on this word blog since March 2007.

~ end of UPDATE ~

U.S. Army Marksmanship Qualification Badges E = mc^2 is equivalent to mass at rest What if the geometry of the crusader cross is suggesting a reverence for the the balanced cross?
What if the potent cross >> E = mc^2
Mass @ Rest

UPDATE August 16, 2014
This is a long overdue update. Let me introduce who I would choose as navigator for the next leg of our collective journey.
 
I finally got around to adding Crichton E.M. Miller’s name to the marquee.
Without his stellar work regarding the reverse engineering of the ‘Celtic Cross’ resulting in at least two patents what I am about to present would be lacking something vital.
Crichton’s passion and my passion were crafted in heaven. There is even a prophecy suggesting this might be about to come true.
UPDATE January 21, 2014
Did you know that if you draw two circles (using a compass) one inside the great pyramid and one outside the base of the great pyramid… and then subtract the length of the inside circle from the length of the outer circle you will get the speed of light 299,792458 in millions of meters per second?
Did you know that the Great Pyramid also contains Pi (3.14) and the golden ratio (1.618).
The Great Pyramid also corresponds with sun and moon and calculates the following:
- the distance to the sun and moon
- the earth’s radius, equatorial circumference, volume, and mass
- the speed of the earth’s orbit around the sun
UPDATE August 7, 2013
Everything in the following blog is in support of an idEA that I AM slowly formulating regarding PRIME NUMBERS playing a role as building blocks. The first three primes (not including the contentious ‘1’) are 2, 3, and 5. And those three numbers are also integral when discussing our ‘roots’.
 Specifically sqrt2, sqrt3, and sqrt5 vesica piscis sacred geometry. This is a detour, come back to this link later.
Is it a coincidence that in China the prime number 2 is Yin and the prime number 3 is Yang. Are Yin and Yang the two prime number prime time players that help set the stage for what is to come?
I recently read a book by Dr. Peter Plichta called ‘God’s Secret Formula‘.
Plichta’s theory evolved to what he identified as the PNC, the Prime Number Cross.
I will be honest with you, when he started to refer to himself as St. Peter with a destiny to fulfill, instead of discarding his idEAs, I embraced them. Simply because I have chosen to play the role of an ARKangLE RaphaEL (the line up for both Jesus and the Maitreya were far far too long) and because of this I suspected the work of an inspired St. Peter in addition to poSSeSSed ME (obSeSSed with a Thoth thought) would be a nice fit, something a tailor might just weave for us in heaven to test out … an exorcise suit.
The idEA that I AM helping to ‘recover’ is simply called The Story of the W and Z. This ‘story or narrative’ is a very old archaic idEA, long ago interpreted as a cosmic message to be passed forward not using ‘GENEtics’ but more aptly using ‘MEMEtics’ or should I say because the collective unconscious has a sick twisted sense of humor …
… MEMEtricks
IF you should ever meet your trickster double self you would know what I AM talking about. As Lady Luck would have it, my MEME mime has an SS SenSe of humor.
i.e. It was shown to ME that St. John the Baptist and the SS strongman SamSon both were in fact Nazirites and that these former ‘Nazis’ had rights and rituals too!
Here is the story that I AM is slowly ‘recovering’ in bits and bytes from the Akashic Records, we call it the Electro-Magnetic fIELd. And as Dr. Michael Persinger has shown the EM fIELd in fact contributes to our collective dreams and nightmares.
Thus I am claiming (with the help of St. Peter) that the Sator/Rotas Knights Templar magic square was “the treasure” found in the Temple Mount a.k.a. Solomon’s Temple.
sic transit gloria mundi “thus passes the glory of the world”
“The cube and the sphere are the sole working tools of creation“ -Walter Russell
“The conversion from Guan to Akan was not only a conversion from patriliny to matriliny, from loose associations to organised confederations, it was also a conversion in architecture from round to square patterns.”
Keep reading to find out how the square and circle and knowledge of pi allows you to calculate the speed of light in millions of metres/sec.
Using the template that we see on the cover of George Gamow’s book.
 
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