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TRANSFIGURACION, TIENE CONNOTACION DE TRANSMITIR O DE TRANSMISION DE UNA FIGURA, mediante cualquier sistema que puede ser espiritual o cientifico. Un ejemplo lo tenemos en la TELEVISION, adonde mediante ondas electromagneticas el canal transmite la figura de un periodista o de cualquiera por dar un ejemplo. Notamos que la ONDA ELECTROMAGNETICA, en este caso actua como un "AGUJERO DE GUSANO". La transfiguracion de Cristo, como se ha expresado anteriormente fue en el MONTE HERMON, en la extribu de DAN, en el meridiano 33 ESTE DE PARIS Y paralelo 33. Dan tiene relacion con DIANA, DENARIO, DINERO, DANIEL (JUICIO DE DIOS), DINA, ETC,ETC. EL termino hebreo DAN significa JUICIO. Es obvia la relacion de DAN CON EL LINAJE DE A-DAN, en el contexto a la serpiente en funcion a GENESIS 49. Notamos que es esta causa la fuerte relacion del DINERO CON EL SIGNO PESO / SERPIENTE. JANO / J-ANO, tiene fuerte relacion con DIANA O D-IANA O CON D-AN. EL RITUAL DE JESUCRISTO EN LA TRANSFIGURACION, AL ESTAR EN RELACION CON PEDRO, SANTIAGO Y JUAN TIENE FUERTE RELACION CON JANO en el contexto a PEDRO, y los dos hijos de MARIA DE SALOME, que son una obvia referencia a LAS DOS COLUMNAS DEL TABERNACULO Y DEL TEMPLO DE SALOMON (911). OSEA QUE EN ESTE CONTEXTO es obvia la referencia con el "EXPERIMENTO FILADELFIA" O LA "MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO" insisto, en el contexto a las DOS LLAVES DE ORO Y DE PLATA DEL VATICANO, OSEA QUE ES UNA REFERENCIA A LA MANZANA DE ORO Y DE PLATA DE PROVERBIOS 25:11. OSEA QUE LA TRANSFIGURACION DE CRISTO TIENE FUERTE RELACION CIENTIFICA CON LA TELETRANSPORTACION O CON LA "MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO", por la relacion insisto, de JANO CON EL TOROIDE. RECORDEMOS QUE LA MISMA MANZANA TIENE DICHA FORMA. J-AN-O= JU-AN= M-AN-ZANA= TR-AN-SFIGURACION= CRISTI-AN-O=GUS-AN-O =JU-AN MARCOS=AN-K= J-AN-UKAH (DOS PUERTAS= JUAN 10:22)= D-AN BROWN= TRIBU DE D-AN (LINAJE DE AD-AN). ES OBVIA LA RELACION DE LAS DOS COLUMNAS DE HERCULES, INSISTO, LOS HIJOS DE LA SALOME, CON EL MITO DE LA MANZANA DORADA. JUAN MARCOS ES EL MISMO "AGUJERO DE GUSANO".
Jorge nombre masculino de origen griego "Georgos" (Geo "tierra" - ergon "trabajo"), su significado es "Aquel que trabaja la tierra, agricultor, cultivador"
Jorge variantes Jorg, luri, lurik; en su forma antigua: Georgios Jorge en otros idiomas, catalán: Jordi; Italiano: Giorgio; francés: georges; ruso: Yuri.
Movimiento circular
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
En cinemática, el movimiento circular (también llamado movimiento circunferencial) es el que se basa en un eje de giro y radio constante, por lo cual la trayectoria es una circunferencia. Si además, la velocidad de giro es constante (giro ondulatorio), se produce el movimiento circular uniforme, que es un caso particular de movimiento circular, con radio y centro fijos y velocidad angular constante.
En el movimiento circular hay que tener en cuenta algunos conceptos que serían básicos para la descripción cinemática y dinámica del mismo:
- Eje de giro: es la línea recta alrededor de la cual se realiza la rotación, este eje puede permanecer fijo o variar con el tiempo pero para cada instante concreto es el eje de la rotación (considerando en este caso una variación infinitesimal o diferencial de tiempo). El eje de giro define un punto llamado centro de giro de la trayectoria descrita (O).
- Arco: partiendo de un centro fijo o eje de giro fijo, es el espacio recorrido en la trayectoria circular o arco de radio unitario con el que se mide el desplazamiento angular. Su unidad es el radián (espacio recorrido dividido entre el radio de la trayectoria seguida, división de longitud entre longitud, adimensional por tanto).
- Velocidad angular: es la variación del desplazamiento angular por unidad de tiempo (omega minúscula,
- Aceleración angular: es la variación de la velocidad angular por unidad de tiempo (alfa minúscula,
En dinámica de los movimientos curvilíneos, circulares y/o giratorios se tienen en cuenta además las siguientes magnitudes:
- Momento angular (L): es la magnitud que en el movimiento rectilíneo equivale al momento lineal o cantidad de movimiento pero aplicada al movimiento curvilíneo, circular y/o giratorio (producto vectorial de la cantidad de movimiento por el vector posición, desde el centro de giro al punto donde se encuentra la masa puntual).
- Momento de inercia (I): es una cualidad de los cuerpos que depende de su forma y de la distribución de su masa y que resulta de multiplicar una porción concreta de la masa por la distancia que la separa al eje de giro.
- Momento de fuerza (M): o par motor es la fuerza aplicada por la distancia al eje de giro (es el equivalente a la fuerza agente del movimiento que cambia el estado de un movimiento rectilíneo).
Paralelismo entre el movimiento rectilíneo y el movimiento circular[editar]
A pesar de las diferencias evidentes en su trayectoria, hay ciertas similitudes entre el movimiento rectilíneo y el circular que deben mencionarse y que resaltan las similitudes y equivalencias de conceptos y un paralelismo en las magnitudes utilizadas para describirlos. Dado un eje de giro y la posición de una partícula puntual en movimiento circular o giratorio, para una variación de tiempo Δt o un instante dt, dado, se tiene:
Arco descrito o desplazamiento angular[editar]
Arco angular o desplazamiento angular es el arco de la circunferencia recorrido por la masa puntual en su trayectoria circular, medido en radianes y representado con la letras griegas (phi) o (theta). Este arco es el desplazamiento efectuado en el movimiento circular y se obtiene mediante la posición angular ( ó ) en la que se encuentra en un momento determinado el móvil y al que se le asocia un ángulo determinado en radianes. Así el arco angular o desplazamiento angular se determinará por la variación de la posición angular entre dos momentos final e inicial concretos (dos posiciones distintas):

Siendo ó el arco angular o desplazamiento angular dado en radianes.
Si se le llama al espacio recorrido a lo largo de la trayectoria curvilínea de la circunferencia de radio se tiene que es el producto del radio de la trayectoria circular por la variación de la posición angular (desplazamiento angular):

En ocasiones se denomina al espacio recorrido (del inglés "space"). Nótese que al multiplicar el radio por el ángulo en radianes, al ser estos últimos adimensionales (arco entre radio), el resultado es el espacio recorrido en unidades de longitud elegidas para expresar el radio.
Velocidad angular y velocidad tangencial[editar]
- Velocidad angular es la variación del arco angular o posición angular respecto al tiempo. Es representada con la letra
(omega minúscula) y viene definida como:

Siendo la segunda ecuación la de la velocidad angular instantánea (derivada de la posición angular con respecto del tiempo).
- Velocidad tangencial de la partícula es la velocidad del objeto en un instante de tiempo (magnitud vectorial con módulo, dirección y sentido determinados en ese instante estudiado). Puede calcularse a partir de la velocidad angular. Si
es el módulo la velocidad tangencial a lo largo de la trayectoria circular de radio R, se tiene que:

Aceleración angular y tangencial[editar]
La aceleración angular es la variación de la velocidad angular por unidad de tiempo y se representa con la letra: y se la calcula:

Si at es la aceleración tangencial, a lo largo de la circunferencia de radio R, se tiene que:

Período y frecuencia[editar]
El período indica el tiempo que tarda un móvil en dar una vuelta a la circunferencia que recorre. Se define como:

La frecuencia es la inversa del periodo, es decir, las vueltas que da un móvil por unidad de tiempo. Se mide en hercios o s-1

Aceleración y fuerza centrípeta[editar]
Mecánica clásica[editar]
La aceleración centrípeta, también llamada normal o radial, afecta a un móvil siempre que éste realiza un movimiento circular, ya sea uniforme o acelerado. Se define como:

La fuerza centrípeta es la fuerza que produce en la partícula la aceleración centrípeta. Dada la masa del móvil, y basándose en la segunda ley de Newton ( ) se puede calcular la fuerza centrípeta a la que está sometido el móvil mediante la siguiente relación:

Mecánica relativista[editar]
En mecánica clásica la aceleración y la fuerza en un movimiento circular siempre son vectores paralelos, debido a la forma concreta que toma la segunda ley de Newton. Sin embargo, en relatividad especial la aceleración y la fuerza en un movimiento circular no son vectores paralelos a menos que se trate de un movimiento circular uniforme. Si el ángulo formado por la velocidad en un momento dado es entonces el ángulo formado por la fuerza y la aceleración es:

Para el movimiento rectilineo se tiene que y por tanto y para el movimiento circular uniforme se tiene y por tanto también . En el resto de casos . Para velocidades muy pequeñas y ángulos expresados en radianes se tiene:

Bryn Mawr ~ Philadelphia Revisited
Who is Ka Ra?
Why Cornet thought of the following, he cannot be sure. He had been told telepathically by a spiritual entity called Ka Ra that his birth place and time were pieces to the Rennes-le-Chteau puzzle. But how could this be? Bryn Mawr, where he was born, is on the opposite side of the Atlantic Ocean from the Valley of Rennes.
Those who have tackled the Rennes-le-Chteau mystery almost invariably looked for answers in that valley or in ancient Egypt. Most recently Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) developed a very complex solution through decoding esoteric documents in their search for the Tomb of God. So, if the burial place of Jesus is located in France, why look for clues in America? Furthermore, why should Cornet believe what Ka Ra told him?
First, let's try to understand who this spiritual entity Ka Ra is. You won't find any reference to her in the Bible, in the encyclopedia, in ancient Egyptian texts or hieroglyphs. That is because it is a New Name, constructed from the combination of the Egyptian word Ka with the name of Ra. Ra is the feminine gender, while Re is the masculine gender. Ka means spirit in ancient Egyptian. Thus the name Ka Ra means Spirit of Ra. If Ra represents the Sun God, then Ka Ra refers to the female aspect of the Sun God. In addition, the Greek word "kara" means head or top, as in deity. No coincidences here.
Who was it that was speaking telepathically to John in prison when he wrote what has become known as the Book of Revelation?
Sun God = Son = Jesus = Horus
Revelation 2.17: To him who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.
The book of Revelation clearly states that when Jesus returns he will have a new name. This fact is repeated a second time in that book: Revelation 3.12: ...and my own new name.
E.A "He Whose Home/Abode is Water" (Sitchin, Divine Encounters, 1995)
For this exercise, don't get fooled by gender (see Deering, 1996: GOD, was she a man or is he a woman? The politics of religion). This is the perfect ploy to keep those who think they have eyes, but do not want to see, from finding out the truth. Follow the trail of clues wherever they may take you.
The hieroglyphic symbol for Ka is represented by a pair of upheld arms while Ra is represented by the sun disc. When the symbols for Ka and Ra are combined, one gets Ka Ra. The hieroglyphs below are from E.A. Wallis Budge: Osiris & the Egyptian Resurrection (1973). They show these two symbols combined as part of other hieroglyphs, but not as a separate deity called Ka Ra. The best place to hide something is right in front of someone. Note that the Ka and Sun Disc symbols are placed at the top of the Tets, symbolizing Kara (head or top).
If Jesus = Horus and Lazarus is Greek for Osiris, what is the meaning of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead? Was it a cleverly disguised Egyptian ritual and not a miracle?
Saturn: Source of Measure Mr. Pietsch shows how Saturn rings true.
Canon of Measure and the "K" or "Ka" Symbol
excerpt from Saturn: Source of Measure by Bernard I. Pietsch
"Sacred measures are hidden only in the sense of being obscured by the filter of phenomenal or local observation. They are founded on that which is beyond mere appearance. Because they are relative to a larger framework than that which is visible here on Earth we sometimes refer to Canon measures as cosmic values.
"One of the keys to the domain of the cosmic is represented by the "K" symbol. K represents the ratio with which we part the veil. From the phenomenal world we enter the cosmic realm—a dimension where Time, Distance, Velocity, Number, and Geometry become co-in-ci-dent with one another, where one is an expression of all, where everything is in one thing, and where the law "as above, so below" becomes observable. Here the application and utility of Number in all its forms transcend the limitations imposed upon it by ordinary logic. Here, Number can become Time, distance, angle, ratio, logarithm. We have but to invoke the magic inherent in Number, and all is made available.
"K is the number 1.01430555. With it, the first measures to be unveiled are those of Time. The ancients understood the intimate and inseparable relationship of Time with all dimensions. (With K we will reveal the legendary "harmony of the spheres." But first some groundwork must be laid.)
"For a number of important reasons we adopt the solar year indicated by the base of Cheops Pyramid as the value 365.15 days which is 36,515 inches around the perimeter of the base. This number divided by K produces the Sacred or Cosmic Year of 360 days. The same length of time is involved but the relationship of the year to the circle of 360 is clearly established. From this ancient Sacred Year we derive the following units:
360 Days |
525816 Minutes |
8763.6 Hours |
24.34333 Hours |
1460.6 Minutes |
87636 Seconds |
"The derivation of the Sacred Day of 24 hours 20 minutes and 36 seconds is not only a mathematical construction. This is also the day (mean cosmic) responded to by plants and organisms. These circadian rhythms tend to be about 20 minutes longer than the mean solar day of 24 hours; biological rhythms in humans as well seem to follow this cycle. Also notice the number of minutes in the Cosmic Year: 525816. Dividing this by 100 renders the number for the feet in the Canon Mile. The mile has its origin in sacred time."
The Masonic - Knights Templar Connection
Cornet realized that his late wife Bonnie had grown up in Collingswood, NJ, directly across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. Ka Ra told him that his wife's childhood home was a piece to the puzzle. When he studied the Rennes-le-Chteau diagrams in GenIsis, he could not help but notice that the town of Rennes-le-Chteau is located on the west side of the Extended Pentagram, while the town of La-Borde-de-l'Auguste is located on the southeast side of the pentagram. He realized that the town where he was born, Bryn Mawr, is located on the west side of Philadelphia, while the town of Collingswood, where Bonnie grew up, is located on the southeast side of Philadelphia. Furthermore, La-Borde-de-l'Auguste means "edge of August," and his birth day (31 August)(MISMO DIA DE LA MUERTE DE LADY DY/PRINCESA DIANA) is at one edge of August. He later discovered that this date on the ancient Egyptian calendar was very special to the Egyptians. It was the day the Ennad is in festivity, and the day the Hier (to the throne) is established. When he discovered that Philadelphia means "Womb or Birthplace of Isis", he immediately saw the connection to the Extended Pentagram that Wood (1986) had so thoroughly linked to the Goddess Isis. He got partial confirmation when he discovered that Bryn Mawr is Welch for "high ground," or "great hill." Rennes-le-Chteau is located on a high plateau, and therefore is synonymous with high ground.
Image from GenIsis
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The Knights Templar became associated with the Valley of Rennes. The Masons became associated with Philadelphia. Early Masonic tradition and beliefs hold much in common with those of the outlawed Knights Templar, although the two organizations are very different (see The Miter and the Trowel). Robinson was correct in his conclusion that there was a strong Templar influence in the early development of Freemasonry (Robinson, 1989).
Wood discovered that various towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes were positioned at key points on an invisible set of gigantic esoteric diagrams, which could be seen only in their entirety (if visible) from high above the ground (much like the Nozca lines in Peru).
Campbell and Wood uncovered additional features of these diagrams which belied any thought that they might be the fruits of vivid imagination. Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) reveal more data from decoding some of the same esoteric texts. Their data indicate that the authors of those texts were very much aware of the Sacred Geometry laid out by the positions of towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes. But in order for those towns to have been located where they are, someone had to be the architect and engineer who planned the layout before any construction began. And that someone had to have the surveying tools with which to accomplish this Herculean task. The following five figures come from GenIsis (Wood, 1986).
Circle of Churches |
Pentagram-Meridian |
The Crescents |
Temple of Solomon |
The Serpent |
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Now let's go to Philadelphia, and see what Cornet uncovered using the clues given to him by David Wood and Ka Ra.
http://www.sunstar-solutions.com/AOP/esoteric/esoBryn.htm |
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Message 151 of 151 on the subject |
It is called the star of Isis If you want to know something cool Davinho aboutyour wife's sighting of the two lights when you were up thereyou touching the stone has some interesting coincidenceLook at the Star card in TArot it is the number seventeen This is a significant star that goes way back to Sumerian timesIt is the Earth Cross (cross of the Zodiac) and the Galactic Cross(intersection of the Galactic Equator with the ecliptic and its perpendicular axis)When the rotating Earth Cross is superimposed over the fixated Galactic Cross an 8 pointed cross is formed. The two crosses become conjunct at four moments during a precession cycle when they overlap to form one four pointed cross. This event is called a Great Celestial Conjunction and is happening in between the years 1978-2017. http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/great%20celestial%20conjunction%20crosses2.html
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
Thanks NicI had never seen it before Thanks so much for explaining what was going on thereHere is from Andrews article From Andrews articleStanding with my back to the Tour Magdela, facing the Grotto, I read my compass. What little colour I had left quickly dissipated. It read 22 degrees (south of west). What were the odds?The Tower of the Magdalene (Tour Magdela) is reached by two sets of 11 steps (22). An anomalous floor tile points up a spiral stair case with 22 steps where a single window points unambiguously at a grotto whose ancient place name is 'Grotte du Fournet - dite de la Magdeleine', which translates as 'The Burial Site of the Mary Magdalene', and which is offset from the window by 22 degrees.22, of course, is the feast day of Mary Magdalene.Mr. Egypt confirmed my compass reading, and agreed with my theory that Abbe Sauniere had simply commemorated his discovery by encoding the number 22 in his restorations, namely the Tour Magdela. http://andrewgough.co.uk/fear.html
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
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Message 151 of 151 on the subject |
It is called the star of Isis If you want to know something cool Davinho aboutyour wife's sighting of the two lights when you were up thereyou touching the stone has some interesting coincidenceLook at the Star card in TArot it is the number seventeen This is a significant star that goes way back to Sumerian timesIt is the Earth Cross (cross of the Zodiac) and the Galactic Cross(intersection of the Galactic Equator with the ecliptic and its perpendicular axis)When the rotating Earth Cross is superimposed over the fixated Galactic Cross an 8 pointed cross is formed. The two crosses become conjunct at four moments during a precession cycle when they overlap to form one four pointed cross. This event is called a Great Celestial Conjunction and is happening in between the years 1978-2017. http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/great%20celestial%20conjunction%20crosses2.html
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
Thanks NicI had never seen it before Thanks so much for explaining what was going on thereHere is from Andrews article From Andrews articleStanding with my back to the Tour Magdela, facing the Grotto, I read my compass. What little colour I had left quickly dissipated. It read 22 degrees (south of west). What were the odds?The Tower of the Magdalene (Tour Magdela) is reached by two sets of 11 steps (22). An anomalous floor tile points up a spiral stair case with 22 steps where a single window points unambiguously at a grotto whose ancient place name is 'Grotte du Fournet - dite de la Magdeleine', which translates as 'The Burial Site of the Mary Magdalene', and which is offset from the window by 22 degrees.22, of course, is the feast day of Mary Magdalene.Mr. Egypt confirmed my compass reading, and agreed with my theory that Abbe Sauniere had simply commemorated his discovery by encoding the number 22 in his restorations, namely the Tour Magdela. http://andrewgough.co.uk/fear.html
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
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Message 151 of 151 on the subject |
It is called the star of Isis If you want to know something cool Davinho aboutyour wife's sighting of the two lights when you were up thereyou touching the stone has some interesting coincidenceLook at the Star card in TArot it is the number seventeen This is a significant star that goes way back to Sumerian timesIt is the Earth Cross (cross of the Zodiac) and the Galactic Cross(intersection of the Galactic Equator with the ecliptic and its perpendicular axis)When the rotating Earth Cross is superimposed over the fixated Galactic Cross an 8 pointed cross is formed. The two crosses become conjunct at four moments during a precession cycle when they overlap to form one four pointed cross. This event is called a Great Celestial Conjunction and is happening in between the years 1978-2017. http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/great%20celestial%20conjunction%20crosses2.html
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
Thanks NicI had never seen it before Thanks so much for explaining what was going on thereHere is from Andrews article From Andrews articleStanding with my back to the Tour Magdela, facing the Grotto, I read my compass. What little colour I had left quickly dissipated. It read 22 degrees (south of west). What were the odds?The Tower of the Magdalene (Tour Magdela) is reached by two sets of 11 steps (22). An anomalous floor tile points up a spiral stair case with 22 steps where a single window points unambiguously at a grotto whose ancient place name is 'Grotte du Fournet - dite de la Magdeleine', which translates as 'The Burial Site of the Mary Magdalene', and which is offset from the window by 22 degrees.22, of course, is the feast day of Mary Magdalene.Mr. Egypt confirmed my compass reading, and agreed with my theory that Abbe Sauniere had simply commemorated his discovery by encoding the number 22 in his restorations, namely the Tour Magdela. http://andrewgough.co.uk/fear.html
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
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