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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 13/11/2011 03:04

Pleyades, Orión y Sirio,  

De tres lugares vinieron los dioses, esos seres que lucharon entre ellos y que nos manipularon. De Las Pleyades, de Orión y de Sirio, y parece ser que tenemos algo de los tres. En la fábula de la historia que nos han hecho estudiar, siempre nos hablablan del misterio de la Santísima Trinidad, eso que a muchos nos resultaba tan difícil de entender.

Nos llama la atención de tres lugares que recorren las páginas de misterio:

.- Los Moais de la isla de Páscua miraban a Las Pleyades y a Orión.

A los enigmas ya conocidos de la isla de Pascua hay que añadir las novedosas propuestas arqueoastronómicas planteadas por el astrónomo español Juan Antonio Belmonte y el antropólogo chileno Edmundo Edwards. Su tesis es que los gigantes de Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua (El ombligo del mundo) miraban a las Pléyades, al cinturón de Orión y a la Luna.

¿Cuál es la verdadera orientación de los moais?
La orientación de la mayoría de moais parece que está dictada por la topografía de la isla. Sin embargo, el astrónomo William Liller descubrió que, aunque algunas de estas estatuas de piedra estaban situadas en paralelo a la costa, sus ahus o plataformas ceremoniales no lo estaban y que otras ubicadas más al interior tampoco seguían esta norma. Y dedujo que su posición podía corresponderse con una orientación astronómica, que en un primer momento relacionó con los equinoccios y solsticios y con disposiciones solares.

¿Su trabajo y el de Edwards pretendían verificar la propuesta de Liller?
Llegamos a otro tipo de conclusiones. Edmundo contaba con la valiosa información etnográfica y etnoastronómica que había estado recopilando durante más de cuatro décadas tanto en Pascua como en otras islas de la Polinesia. Por eso sabíamos que para los habitantes de Rapa Nui eran mucho más importante la Luna (mahina) y las estrellas que el Sol.

¿A qué conclusión llegaron?
Nos dimos cuenta de que muchas de las orientaciones interpretadas por Liller como equinocciales en realidad se correspondían con el cinturón de Orión (Tautoru), y que la gran mayoría de las solsticiales se relacionaban con la ubicación de las Pléyades (Matariki), el asterismo más importante de la cultura Rapa Nui.

¿Encajan estos hallazgos con la cosmovisión local y con los mitos y los ritos de los pascuences?
Sí, porque estas orientaciones están ligadas a los objetos astronómicos más importantes en la cosmovisión rapanui, que están representados en su calendario lunar. Para respetar el ciclo de las estaciones, las lunas estaban gobernadas por las salidas y las puestas de determinadas estrellas, como Vega, Sirio y Antares. Pero sobre todo por el cinturón de Orión y las Pléyades.

El grupo de estrellas de las Pléyades parece haber sido crucial...
La primera y última visión de las Pléyades o Matariki al atardecer marcaba el mejor período, la época de esplendor, la estación más próspera del año, conocida como
Hora Nui, en la que se podía pescar libremente. Era el tiempo de la cosecha y los rituales en los ahus, un período durante el cual la guerra estaba prohibida. Por el contrario, la época en la que estas estrellas no eran visibles en el cielo pascuence se correspondía con el período hitu, la estación negra. Esto demostraría la singular relación que guardaba este grupo de estrellas con el calendario pascuence. Y explicaría por qué los siete moais de Ahu Akivi son los únicos de la isla que miran hacia el mar y están orientados a la puesta de la constelación de Tautoru, marcando el principio del año rapanui.

¿Por qué los siete moais de Ahu Akivi son los únicos que miran hacia el mar? La respuesta está en las Pléyades

.-Los dogones nos hablan de Sirio.

En los pueblos de los Dogon, incluso a los niños se les transmitió la 'ciencia' de la Estrella Sirio y ellos conocen las historias de sus antepasados procedentes del sistema estelar sirio. Estos sistemas impulsan el arte de la percepción muy aguda, ¡así que vamos a investigar los registro de los Dogon y hacer aflorar estas habilidades en vosotros!

La Alianza Siria/Pleyadiana fue muy amplificada por el periastrón de Sirio en abril del 1994, cuando Sirio B estaba mas cerca de Sirio A en su orbita elíptica de cincuenta años. Quirón estará lo mas cerca posible a nuestro Sol el 14 de febrero de 1996 y esto será el momento ideal para anclar los códigos de Sirio profundamente dentro de la Tierra. Tanto Sirio B como Quirón tienen orbitas muy elípticas y ambos están lo mas cerca posible a las estrellas que rodean desde 1992 hasta 1998. Sirio A y Sirio B forman un sistema binario y sus patrones de orbita son la base de las practicas rituales de la cultura Dogon de Mali, en el oeste de África Central.

Los Dogon confiaron el secreto de sus misterios mas elevados a los eminentes antropólogos franceses Marcel Griaule y Germaine Dieterlen en los años 1946/1950, y sus investigaciones son la base de El Misterio Sirio. Los mencionados antropólogos comprobaron que estos complejos rituales se basan en un análisis extremadamente detallado de los patrones de 6rbitas y características físicas tanto de Sirio A como de Sirio B, además de Sirio C, una tercera estrella cuya órbita alrededor de Sirio A también dura cincuenta años. Sirio C viaja formando ángulos rectos con Sirio B. La existencia de estos rituales que se celebran desde hace, por lo menos, mil años hasta la fecha actual es asombrosa porque Sirio B fue vista por primera vez a través de un telescopio en el siglo XIX y la primera foto se obtuvo en 1970 dado que es una estrella enana blanca, extremadamente densa y prácticamente invisible.

En otras palabras, Sirio B era invisible para los Dogón; sin embargo, insistían en que era la estrella más importante, confeccionaron diagramas de su órbita elíptica y sus rituales demuestran que sabían que la duración de la órbita en torno a Sirio A era de cincuenta años. Temple denomina a Sirio B 'Digitaria' porque los Dogon la Ilamaron 'Po'. Po es la semilla comestible más pequeña que conocían los Dogón y Digitaria es el nombre de la especie de esta semilla. Es decir, se le dio el nombre Po ¡porque los Dogón sabían que Sirio B era una estrella minúscula y densa! Digitaria tiene la connotación de 'dedo' y 'quiro' significa 'mano' en griego, una coincidencia aparentemente curiosa.

Existen datos astronómicos fascinantes que sostienen la mitología Dogón y llamaron la atención de Robert Temple.

Por ejemplo, Los Dogón denominaron Po al 'huevo del mundo' y decían que alumbraba a toda la creación en el Universo. Los Dogón dicen que Po esta hecha de tierra, aire, fuego y agua pero, curiosamente, el elemento tierra fue reemplazado por metal.[6.] La enana blanca mas cercana a la Tierra - alejada 8.6 años de luz - es Sirio B. Cuando las enanas blancas se convierten en supernovas, esparcen grandes cantidades de hierro por la Galaxia y el Sol y la Tierra nacieron, según el libro The Alchemy of Heaven de Ken Croswell, de una nube de polvo rica en hierro hace 4.6 billones de años - un proceso idéntico al que esta ocurriendo ahora en Orión.

De acuerdo con los últimos análisis científicos de ondas sísmicas procedentes de terremotos el centro de la Tierra es un enorme cristal de hierro.[8.] Los rituales Dogón, basados en el sistema estelar de Sirio, son una señal segura de una autentica cosmogonía, registros fieles de la creación. Esto me hace pensar que la primera dimensión de la Tierra - el núcleo de cristal de hierro - nació cuando Sirio B se convirtió en una supernova. Es decir, ¡la Tierra nació del sistema estelar de Sirio! Temple aporta pruebas de que la investigación antropológica ha demostrado mas allá de toda duda que los rituales Dogón no habían sufrido ninguna influencia moderna y de como los Dogón aseguran, Digitaria es la fuente de todo lo que existe en la Tierra. Digitaria explotó, se convirtió en una supernova y tiene que haber proporcionado el cristal de hierro del cual nació la Tierra. ¡Como, si no, los rituales Dogón podían describir con tanta exactitud a Sirio B?

Los Dogón dicen que Digitaria es el eje del mundo y que sin su movimiento ninguna otra estrella podría mantener su rumbo. Como dice Temple.

.- ¿Y a dónde apuntaban las pirámides?

A ella no puede, desde luego, recurrirse cuando se averigua - como hizo el astroarqueólogo ruso Vladimir Rubtsov - que el antiguo vocablo iranio que se usaba para referirse a Sirio era Tistrya, palabra que se origina en el vocablo sánscrito Tri-Stri, y que significa tres estrellas! Es decir, que el conocimiento de que Sirio es un sistema estelar triple fue casi universal en nuestro más remoto pasado. ¿Pero por qué? ¿Quién difundió semejante "secreto"? Los egipcios posiblemente hicieron evidente ese secreto en la meseta de Giza, junto a El Cairo, precisamente gracias a las tres monumentales pirámides que allí pueden contemplarse. No en vano cada día somos más quienes creemos que la Gran Pirámide fue en verdad un templo - y no una tumba - dedicado a Isis, la diosa que encarna a Sirio A, y en cuyas medidas y proporciones fundamentales se encuentran encerrados saberes relacionados con el monumento original de la pirámide de Micerinos, antaño cubierta por losas de granito de este color.

Por la misma regla de tres, la ciencia algún día podría llegar a comprobar que las tres pequeñas pirámides satélite que hay junto a la de Keops representan tres planetas junto a Sirio A, al igual que las otras tres pirámides menores que flanquean a Micerinos (Sirio C). Curiosamente esta disposición no sitúa ninguna pirámide menor junto a Kefrén, quizá por lo que los astrónomos ya saben: el enorme peso gravitacional de Sirio B hace imposible que ningún planeta orbite en torno suyo sin ser fatalmente atraído hacia la estrella.

Frente a esta hipótesis, en el último año se ha acuñado otra no menos interesante. En 1994 los investigadores Robert Bauval y Adrian Gilbert hacían público que tres de los cuatro canales de ventilación de la Gran Pirámide estuvieron orientados hacia estrellas concretas. Así el canal norte de la cámara del Rey miró hacia Alpha Draconis, el canal norte de la cámara de la Reina hacia la estrella más baja del cinturón de Orión (las tres estrellas centrales de la constelación) , y el canal sur de esta misma cámara hacia Sirio.

Su particular "descubrimiento" les llevó a formular su aventurada "teoría de la correlación con Orión" de la que se desprende que las pirámides de Giza son una réplica exacta del cinturón de Orión y que el Nilo así como el resto de pirámides egipcias ocupan los lugares correlativos a la Vía Láctea y otras estrellas importantes.

Pero hay más. La orientación de los canales de la Gran Pirámide corresponde - según Bauval y Gilbert - a la posición de las tres estrellas citadas en el 2450 a.C" aunque la ubicación de las pirámides marca el lugar del cénit donde estuvo Orión en el 10450 a.C.

Lo que proponen ambos investigadores para explicar esta diferencia cronológica es que, si bien la Gran Pirámide fue erigida en el 2450 a.C. (perpetuando así la falsa tesis arqueológica oficial de que fue construida por Keops), en cambio conmemoran un acontecimiento remoto que tuvo lugar en el 10450 a.C. Pero, ¿cual? Independientemente de cual de las dos hipótesis para la disposición de las pirámides de Giza est‚ más próxima a la verdad, lo cierto es que la vinculación de Sirio y Orión, al menos desde un punto de vista astronómico, es innegable, pues los egipcios sabían que Orión se perdía tras el horizonte una hora antes que Sirio, lo que sirvió de referencia también para el establecimiento del calendario sóthico.

En definitiva, pese a toda la evidencia expuesta, los historiadores prefieren seguir ignorando el porqué de la fascinación que ejerció sobre los egipcios (y sobre otros pueblos tan alejados de ellos como chinos o dogones) la estrella Sirio, aunque todos ellos se esforzaron en aclararnos estas dudas en sus templos y mitos: sus "dioses instructores" descendieron un día lejano de aquel sistema triple y habitaron quizá entre nuestros antepasados.

"Esto significa que es la maestra de ceremonias de las posiciones celestiales; gobierna particularmente la posición de Sirio, una estrella indomable; la separa de las otras estrellas al cercarla con su trayectoria".

De Sirios también decir:

Sobre la puerta de entrada a la pirámide de Keops, un científico inglés, examinó los orificios donde supuestamente se insertarían esos seis cilindros, y encontró las marcas de un broca algo extrañas. En primer lugar, la broca tendría que tener una dureza 500, para poder haber trepanado de la forma en que lo hizo este bloque de granito. Tengamos en cuenta que el material más duro que se conoce es la vidia, que es el diamante sintético y tiene dureza 11 y se utiliza en los talleres para cortar precisamente el granito. En seccionar un bloque de granito de un metro, se invierten horas con nuestra técnica actual. Según los cálculos de este científico inglés, en base a la medida de separación de las marcas dejadas por la broca, el proceso de perforación con el que se trataron los orificios del bloque de cierre, fue tres veces más rápido que como hoy en día lo hubiéramos conseguido con nuestro sistema. Sólo con observar el obelisco inacabado de las canteras de granito rosa que se encuentran en Aswan, nos damos cuenta que la forma acucharada con la que esta esculpido, encierra un misterio superior al que simplemente nos explican los arqueólogos

A cierta distancia del nacimiento del Nilo, se encuentra una tribu, los Dogones, anclada en la prehistoria, que afirma que hace diez mil años, una extraña arca de luz vino del cielo. De ella salieron unos seres mitad pez, mitad hombre llamados instructores y decían venir de una estrella llamada Potoolo (Sirio B). Contaban que en ese sistema estelar, había una estrella de gran magnitud llamada Digitaria (Sirio A) y que Potoolo rotaba al rededor de Digitaria en un tiempo de 50 años. También decían que una simple cucharada de la estrella Potoolo, pesaba más que todo nuestro planeta. Según las comprobaciones científicas que se hicieron al respecto, Los Dogones, conocían exactamente el sistema estelar binario de Sirio, cuando este se descubrió por primera vez en el año 1824 y se pudo observar en el 1864 con un telescopio.

Por otro lado, en el 1972, se comprobó que en efecto, la estrella Sirio B, tiene un periodo de 50 años alrededor de Sirio A. Y para mayor asombro, hace tan solo cinco años, se pudo analizar mediante un sistema espectral, la densidad que tendría la estrella Sirio B, dando casualmente una dureza 500.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 66 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/08/2012 23:44

Respuesta  Mensaje 67 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2012 15:07

A Heavenly Annuniciation?


I recently received an email asking if I thought the recent conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, together with the crescent Moon and the Pleiades (perhaps better known as the "seven sisters") on the feast of the Annunciation on 25th March held any significance. I remember reading an interesting blog article on this subject which Spirit Daily linked to around the time of this event, but hadn't really given it much thought until I was asked about it (hence the lateness of this post in relation to event in question). The full article can be found on Daniel O'Connor's blog here, and I'll quote some of the relevant content below:

On March 25, 2012, millions of Christians (Catholic and Orthodox) will celebrate the “Annunciation” – which commemorates the conception of Jesus. This March 25, there will be a neat astronomical arrangement in the sky, that seems to mesh nicely. See the description below:
The sky will be spectacular in the west after sunset on March 25, 2012, with the waxing crescent moon and the planet Jupiter very close to each other in the evening twilight sky. Plus Venus is nearby – the sky’s brightest planet. You’ll see Jupiter and the moon below Venus in the west after sunset. The famous Pleiades star cluster is above Venus.
For centuries Mary has been referred to as the “Morning Star”, the popular name of the Planet Venus. In this configuration, the Morning Star appears with the moon at her feet. The Pleiades (from “peleiades” the Greek word for doves) overshadows the Morning Star. Jupiter, the “King Planet” approaches the configuration. The symbolism is striking. This is a interesting arrangement for the mystery of the Annunciation which heralds Christ’s coming through Mary.

We should first note that while the practise of astrology (attempting to discern future events through an elaborate system of occult interpretation) is condemned by the Church, the Bible clearly teaches that important events are often heralded by symbolic astronomical and geophysical phenomena. For example the birth of Christ was accompanied by the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. And during his eschatological discourse on Mount Olivet, Jesus explicitly states that great signs would appear in the heavens before His Second Coming:

There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.(Luke 21:11)

 “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”(Luke 21:25-28)

This is followed by Peter's eschatological sermon during the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost:

And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.(Acts 2:19-20)

The Book of Revelation also foretold that the unbinding of Satan's chains "for a little while" (which I argue corresponds to the "100" years given to Satan in the Prophecy of Pope Leo XIII) would be signified by a star fallen to earth:

Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.
(Rev 20:1-3)

And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth...
(Rev 9:1-3)

(See the earlier post Tunguska, Pope Leo XIII, and the Opening of the Abyss, where I equate this "fallen star" to the Tunguska event of 1908)

And the sounding of the third trumpet in Rev 8 was predicted to be accompanied by the sign of a great star falling from heaven "blazing like a torch" (which I equate with the last appearance of Halley's Comet and its timing in relation to the Chernobyl disaster in the post Chernobyl, Wormwood, and the Hrushiv Apparitions).

Perhaps most importantly, the opening of the sixth seal in the Book of Revelation was foretold to be accompanied by a combination of an earthquake, a total solar eclipse, a total lunar eclipse and a major meteor shower (which in the post Signs in the Sky, I point out all occurred at the turn of the millennium centred on modern Turkey - the location of Pergamum in Asia Minor, which the Apocalypse identifies as "the throne of Satan" in Rev 2:13).
As I argue in Unveiling the Apocalypse, the eschatological astronomical phenomena described at the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6, is once again recapitulated in Rev 12. The Woman Adorned with the Sun with the Moon at her feet represents a total solar eclipse - which corresponds to the Sun turning "black as sackcloth" in Rev 6:12. The Moon at the Woman's feet represents the Dragon intent on devouring her Child, and the red colour of the Dragon represents the reddish hue typical of a total lunar eclipse, which in turn corresponds to the Moon becoming blood-red at the opening of the sixth seal. And the Dragon sweeping a third of the stars from the sky in Rev 12:4, directly refers to the stars falling from the sky in Rev 6:13 (which is also recapitulated again at the sounding of the fourth trumpet in Rev 8:12, when a third of the Sun, Moon and stars are struck).
The twelve stars around the Woman's head are traditionally associated with the Twelve Apostles; but they also represent the twelve tribes of Israel, as is shown by the allusion of this verse to Joseph's dream in Gen 37:

Then he dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said, “Behold, I have dreamed another dream. Behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”(Gen 37:9)

The eleven stars symbolise the sons of Jacob who make up the tribes of Israel, with the tribe of Joseph being divided between his two sons - Mannaseh and Ephraim, bringing the number up to twelve.
So the twelve stars around the Woman's head in Rev 12 is a further allusion to the opening of the sixth seal, which includes the sealing of the 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel in Rev 7.

The manifold similarities between the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6 and the sealing of the saints in Rev 7, held in juxtaposition with the unfolding of the Divine Drama of Rev 12 and marking of the inhabitants of the earth with the mark of the Beast in Rev 13, further confirms that the bestowing of the saints with the Seal of God is an antithetical parallelism to those who are marked with the number of the Beast. Chapters 6 and 7 of the Apocalypse are therefore directly connected with chapters 12-13, and forms a theological diptych which deliberately contrasts these portions of the Book of Revelation.

Since they both describe the same events, the astronomical signs at the opening of the sixth seal thus herald the eschatological casting of Satan to earth described in Rev 12 (which must be distinguished from his primordial fall from grace), and the subsequent rise of the Beast from the sea to mark the inhabitants of the earth in Rev 13 should be considered to be a direct inversion of the sealing of the saints in Rev 7 - events which logically would coincide at the same moment in real-time.

Now that we have determined that astrology should be clearly distinguished from the Bible's admonition to regard certain astronomical signs as portentous of contemporary and future world events, we can safely discuss whether the particular planetary conjunction on the 25th March may be imbued with any religious significance.
Since it took place on the feast of the Annunciation, it would follow that any particular event this may signify would only be revealed nine months later - the gestation period of an unborn child. So we could safely assert that we would know exactly if it does indeed herald any future event during the Christmas period - close to the rather ominous date of 21st December 2012. We will only know that it was truly a sign if anything of historical or religious importance occurs around this time period.
As exactly to what event it could herald can only be guessed at. We can be almost certain that it is not the Second Coming of Christ, since the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that this pivotal moment in salvation history is delayed until the future conversion of the Jews - an event which is synonymous with the Second Pentecost and the preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth:

"The glorious Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by "all Israel", for "a hardening has come upon part of Israel" in their "unbelief" toward Jesus. St. Peter says to the Jews of Jerusalem after Pentecost: "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old." St. Paul echoes him: "For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?" The "full inclusion" of the Jews in the Messiah's salvation, in the wake of "the full number of the Gentiles", will enable the People of God to achieve "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ", in which "God may be all in all".
(CCC 674 See full text here)

We have clearly not reached the stage of the conversion of the Jews at the Second Pentecost just yet, but there are other prophesied events that it may concern. The promised religious revival to take place at the Second Pentecost is almost certainly the next major prophesied event that is to take place - at least according to any provisional schedule which may be determined from analysing the eschatological events foretold in Scripture.
So could it herald the coming of the Second Pentecost itself? This event seems to be intimately related to the prophecies of the ministry of the Two Witnesses and the martyrdom of a future pontiff. And in turn these events also appear to be connected to the "great sign" promised in various prophecies, including those of St. Fautina and Our Lady of Akita. Therefore any of these events are the most likely prophetic occurrences yet to unfold at the highly significant schedule relating to the date of 21st December 2012.
Yet foremostly it has to be admitted that the most likely explanation is that this particular date bears no significance at all to the date of the end-time (especially not to Christianity), and that like every other prophesied date purporting to pinpoint the end of the world, it will come to nought. We can only be left guessing until nearer the time. Either way, it is extremely unwise to tie ourselves to an exact date - especially when we know that the coming of the Lord will be as a "thief in the night" (Rev 16:15), and that we should always be prepared for the arrival of the Groom. Attempting to to preempt this crescendo of salvation history through the process of logic is all but impossible.
We can only conclude with the same prayer as the apostle himself and subject ourselves to the immanent glory of Christ  - Maranatha! "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20).

Respuesta  Mensaje 68 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2012 17:15

The Catholic Southern Front Dispatch

Relics, Knights and Constellations


* THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM – an in depth study on CONSTELLATIONS and STARS as mentioned in the holy texts of the Bible  – http://www.bethlehemstar.com/

The trigger for writing this post was initiated by a documentary/show on RAI 2 – the Italian TV channel. The program was a well prepared visual dossier dealing with the topic of the Knight Templars, highlighting their association with Medieval Jerusalem and the recent earthquake-wrecked town of Aquila, Italy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L’Aquila .

The documentary presenter explained how L’Aquila’s geographical topography is similar to that of Jeruslem City, the Italian town’s construction was adjusted as to mimic Jerusalem’s landmarks. A detailed life-history of Pope Celestine V was examined and interesting points emerged such as the fact that the once secluded Benedictine hermit

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Celestine_V ) known as Pietro da Morrone (a Saint of the RCC) travelled all the way to Spain for the specific mission of saving his order from some impending doom. Pietro da Morrone was interrupted on his way back by a peculiar fellow, a member of the Knights Templar.

For a better understand on who the Knigthts Templar were (at least as regards to their original mission) please visit:-


The RAI 2 presenter went on -  the Templar convinced the future Pope Celestine V to sojourn with the Order for a month or two, the hermit accepted. Understandably, the mission of the Templars was explained well to the hermit who quickly grasped the significance of the original charge of this Order. During their 200 year stay in Outremer the Templars (maybe alongside the Hospitallier Order and the Teutonic Order) were busy digging around the ruins of the former second temple of Jerusalem in the hope of discovering artifacts belonging to Solomon’s Temple, which was the first. It is very hard to understand what, if any, finds these military orders found at Solomon’s Temple site. This House of God was first destroyed by the Babylonians and later (when rebuilt) the second Temple was gutted by Titus, the Roman Caesar. To note though that many relics were indeed saved from this region by St Helen in 300 – 400 AD.

Solomon’s Temple – the first Temple of Adonai ever built, the blue-print of future Cathedrals. This Temple had two pillars at the entrance which were named Boaz and Joachim, the ancestors of King David. The image of two pillars joined with a rainbow occurs time and again in the bible. This symbol was later adopted by Christianity and Freemasonry alike. The Old Testament describes clearly how the House of God was filled with cloud during certain Jewish feast days. This cloud was not incense but is understood as being God Himself who dwelled within.

* Interestingly, the destruction of the second Temple was completed by Titus in 70 AD, exactly on September 8 – feast commemorating Our Lady’s Nativity (the birth of the living Ark and mother of God). A structure which was not destroyed and was left standing in Jerusalem was a Christian site later referred to as the Church of St Mary of Zion -http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/2008/05/04/catholic-muslim-statement-on-dialogue/

The alleged relics recovered by the Templars are the following:-

The Holy Grail – cup of Jesus Christ’s last supper – this is very unlikely as the original one (or part) is found in Valencia, Spain and was taken there during St Lawrence’s days. This myth also initiated the absurd, ludicrous and blasphemous tale concocted by the creators of revolution, the Freemasons themselves, that whoever drinks from this cup is awarded eternal life on Earth. This was an absurd idea also investigated by Hitler’s paranormal police, who amongst other things held dear the spear of Destiny, thought to be the spear of Longinus which pierced Christ’s heart upon the Cross.

Spear of Destiny as confiscated from the Vienna Museum by a section of the Hitler’s SS based at the Wewelsburg Schloss in Westphalia. However, this is thought to be the spear of St Maurice which might have been Longinus spear but was found to be a Roman standard tip and is not part of the Longinus spear in Rome.

Saint Longinus, St Peter’s Basilica, Rome, Italy.

Longinus Spear is encased within one of the columns surrounding the altar at St Peter’s Basilica and whoever watched “Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark” would view in popular culture strange absurd ideas similar to Templar and Nazi paranormal ideology. The Freemasons also concocted the idea that another secret society – the Rosicrucians – are the descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalen – just another blasphemy!

Indiana Jones’ Last Supper Cup

Holy Grail of Valencia, Spain – saved by St Lawrence and his Spanish assistant.

The Ark of the Covenant – (the first or the second) – one of which was hidden by the Jews previous to the Babylonian invasion – from the point of view of the religious, this artifact doesn’t matter that much, but from an archaeological perspective (and historical) it would be great to find one. If we were to read Revelation and understand the original meaning regarding the Ark of the Covenant (which contained Aaron’s Staff, Manna, and the tablets of the Laws of Moses) we would conclude that this ‘box’ represents the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ who carried Him for 9 months. The manna, the priestly staff and the law are in fact representations of Jesus Christ Himself, we could start to appreciate the fact that this object, aka this box, is worthless. The incredible power of antiquity, victory in war and death to whoever touches it, belongs to the Blessed Virgin and her Son Jesus Christ, to God Himself.

Ark of the Covenant replica

The Blessed Virgin

The Holy Eucharist – Jesus Christ – the manna from Heaven which gives eternal life.

Dear Jews it is just a gilded box. I’ll however give you something worthwhile to contemplate about. As in modern times the Jewish race has intermingled with the many other people’s around the world,  do you not also think about the fact that many original Jews who  (before the great mix) converted to Christianity in the first century or two AD, are still the original forefathers of many Christians living in Christian Nations (or what is left of once Christian Nations)? Yes indeed many people who do not live in Israel today are in fact descendents of Jews. This would also include descendent’s living in Islamic North Africa and many Americans and Australians.

Respuesta  Mensaje 69 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2012 17:15

Anyway, the Templars were aided by Pope Celestine V who abdicated from his throne and when he died was buried at the Basilica di Collemagio in Aquila – here the RAI presenter nudges at the interrogative questions whether the basilica itself was built with Templar treasure found beneath Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. The Italian presenter also queries whether King Solomon’s relics are somehow hidden in this Italian basilica i.e. Solomon’s bones beneath Pope Celestine’s tomb ?

Well King David’s remains are known of being buried in Israel apparently in Bethlehem. The topic of relics is indeed very old. St. Catherine Emmerich described how Patriarch Joseph carried relics of Adam, the first man, tied around his belt. She also wrote that Adam’s skull was in a cave at Golgotha just beneath Jesus Christ’s Cross. Relics contain a holy power aka the Holy Spirit.

Golgotha – the place of the skull (Adam’s skull)

When speaking about power we are always understanding that it is God Himself, the One who the Templars would later reject for Satan. So the Templars became architects, adventurers, engineers and together with the masons, who would later become the Freemasons, built beautiful Cathedrals. What happened ? How did the fall occur ? It simply did. The Templars discovered the US circa 100 years before Colombus, however they weren’t the first. Earlier still there was Eric the Red, the Viking (and other North men) and surprise of surprises the Libyans had discovered the US (North American Indian DNA is similar to Libyan), the Greeks from Thera (Santorini) also colonised North America.

The RAI presenter went on – At Oak Island (Canada) the Templars dug a well, which allegedly holds Templar treasure retrieved from Solomon’s Temple, and in Iceland the Templars hid some more of it. LOL… The alleged treasure belonging to King Solomon, (which one could see how popular culture expounds – watch the movie National Treasure starring Nicholas Cage and read Dan Brown’s books) could have originated from a myth involving King Solomon’s mines. His father King David had copper mines found to the South of Israel, maybe Solomon had a gold mine ? who knows whether this idea is just as myth as El Dorado the City of Gold or the alleged modern day idea that gold bullion is found at Fort Knox – just kidding!!

King David wrote about God’s Loving Kindness and Mercy, best explained today by Sister Faustina’s Divine Mercy, while King Solomon (when still in his right senses) prayed to be capable to distinguish between good and evil, which God granted together with wisdom. This wisdom wasn’t the wisdom belonging to this world, not a wisdom of money and profit. I can see that the Jews association with money could have started with this distorted idea that being wise means being financially crafty. As King Solomon ceased to distinguish between good and evil  (marrying heathen wives, and ‘walking’ with their gods) he must have become quite a mess. Surely the Templars followed in his same footsteps both in his glory and his fall!!

Now a word regarding constellations.


The Templars who were originally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, built great Cathedrals in France, such as the Chartres Cathedral which holds her holy veil  -

Chartres Cathedral


The Maphorion of the Hodegitria – Our Lady’s Holy Veil at Chartres.

The history of the Holy-Veil at Chartres – http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/chapter-8-the-%e2%80%98maphorion%e2%80%99-belonging-to-the-%e2%80%98hodegitria%e2%80%99/

The apparent cluster of Northern French Cathedrals form the Blessed Virgin’s celestial constellation (Virgo) – albeit the fact that her North Star, Polaris lies in Ursa Minor.

Virgo, Ursa Minor, Polaris, Vega, Orion, Sirius, Thuban and Draco.

The constellation of Virgo and the representation of Virgo in French Cathedral locations.

However, the RAI presenter explained that when the Cathedral in Chartres is joined with the Giza pyramids in a geographical straight line, apparently some Templar castle in Italy appears sitting snugly on this line.

The Giza pyramids built to mimic the celestial belt of Orion. The Nile was the representation of the Milky Way on Earth, while Isis and Osiris, could be born to eternal life from their King and Queen’s chambers and follow the shaft into the heavens and maybe become stars to shine forever. The shafts point towards Thuban in Draco, Orion’s belt and Sirius. The esotericists insist that many secrets and sacred geometry make up this place where initiates can achieve eternal life and astral projection. Little do they know that Jesus Christ promised his faithful followers that on the Resurrection they will shine like stars and receive true eternal life.

Respuesta  Mensaje 70 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2012 17:16

This Italian castle has an astronomical connection with Sirius – the dog-star of Canis Major.

Sirius in Canis Major – in relation with Orion’s belt

Sirius through the night sky – Egyptian tomb – and Osiris the night hare

The architecture of this Italian castle resembles greatly the labyrinth designs left by the Templar/Masons in the floors of the French Cathedrals which offer the initiates a rebirth of some sort. These designs represented the human gestation period and as Chartres was previously a pagan site called the ‘womb of the Earth’ these designs offered some form of initiation – what exactly this initiation was, if pagan or Christian, is uncertain !! Definitely however it shows that the Templars had a contradicting idea of female deity vs Blessed Virgin, esoteric eternal life vs. Christian eternal life and a complicated idea of the spiritual struggle between the forces of Adonai and Lucifer.

Chartres’ Labyrinth

Castel del Monte

Castel del Monte – aerial view

Chartres’ Labyrinth

Reims’ Labyrinth

The esoteric idea seems to reveal the initiate’s progress upwards along the supposed spiritual growth indicated by the stage of initiation starting from a triangular labyrinth, then square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon until the spherical labyrinth in Chartres is reached.

This is esoteric theory which is further exposed by the direct link with the Giza Pyramids and the Castel del Monte which was surely used for ritual initiations into the esoteric mysteries of Lucifer.

In our modern age the New Age movement teaches similar knowledge referred to as sacred geometry, egg, fruit, and tree of life which is non other than the same Egyptian idea of resurrection through magical rituals and astral projection – a far cry from the true Resurrection offered by Jesus Christ the God-Man.

Ursa Minor with the North Star Polaris

The Giza pyramids were constructed as to represent the three stars of the belt of Orion and as the star Sirius is considered by Freemasons as being the dog-star representing the devil or Lucifer, why would Chartres be aligned with both the Blessed Virgin’ celestial symbol (Virgo) and the dog-star Sirius together with the belt of Orion? The Templars seemed to embody a mixture of contradicting topics, these matters represent on Earth (or in architecture) Revelation’s battle between the Virgin’s offspring and the dragon/devil.

Gizah Pyramids

I have earlier written the following in one of my posts:-

“Our Lady was the anti-thesis of both Lucifer’s vanity and the selfish act of our first parents. Vanity, pride, disobedience all were vanquished. It is clear now that ‘Tota Pulchra’ or the ‘all beautiful Virgin’ ignored her beauty (unlike Lucifer) and sealed her love for God which is beauty itself. The Dragon was represented by certain heavenly bodies which symbolised Lucifer’s perfection and status in Creation, Our Lady has eclipsed Lucifer, for as he was represented in Creation by both the Morning Star (Isaiah 14:12) and the North Star (Thuban in the constellation of Draco – in Egyptian times and Sirius – the dog-star today), her beauty surpassed his baneful fall and she became ever more fair. She now is represented by Polaris, the new North Star in Ursa Minor (Our Lady Star of the Sea) and Venus the Morning Star (Litany of Loreto). She has stripped him of his beauty, the perfect cherubim, who was so to speak ‘defrocked’ of his honour before Creation. The Immaculate Conception became ‘Queen of angels and mankind.’ All Hail Star of the Sea, Tota Pulchra!”

Respuesta  Mensaje 71 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2012 17:17

The fascinating fact about the North Star is that a north star is not permanently set in that position i.e. the star closest to the North Pole (not the brightest). The North Star changes with changing epochs due to precession. Above we can see how both Vega and later Thuban in Draco (North Star in Egyptian times) Polaris in Ursa Minor (today) and Gamma in Cepheus (THE KING) shall be the next North Star. In 23,000 years Draco will again be the North Star.


Fleming suggests that this struggle is also depicted in the stars. At the North Pole the three constellations, the constellation of Ursa Minor (having Stella Maris, the North Star or Polaris), the constellation of Ursa Major and the third constellation of Draco. Mary being associated with Stella Maris is the central axis as the heavens revolves around her, while she constantly crushes the ‘Dragon’ beneath her heel. The renowned explorer Christopher Columbus, was especially aware of this stellar representation, and adopted a particular signature to mirror the central position of Polaris in the northern sky. Columbus and his crew commended themselves to Our Lady Star of the Sea. Fernando Columbus, the navigator’s son, wrote regarding his father, that the name ‘Christopher Columbus’ was particularly fitting. For it represents both ‘Christopher’ the military saint renowned for having carried the Christ Child across a river and the symbol of ‘the dove’ by way of the surname ‘Columbus.’ Christopher, “…carried the grace of the Holy Spirit to the New World.” Fernando also recalled the figure of the dove, as it left Noah’s ark bearing the olive branch, so was his father bearing the oil of baptism to the American Indios.

POLARIS – The North Star

Cepheus – THE KING – Gamma – the next North Star

The Woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet.

For a proper understanding of the biblical quote “a woman appeared clothed with the sun and the moon was under her feet” (Revelation) please see :-


Morning Star – Venus

The Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe appears upon a moon similarly as in Fatima where she appeared after an unexpected thunderbolt clothed with the sun and with child.

At Fatima Our Lady appeared after an unexpected thunderbolt and lightning startled the children. Shining in a white garment and Rosary in hand, the young lady pleaded with the children to visit the Cova da Iria on the 13th day of the month, from May to October, six consecutive months. After instructing them in the Rosary, Our Lady revealed to them a vision of hell, where unrepentant sinners go.

The ‘Shulamite Woman’ in the Old Testament Book, Song of Songs 6:10, is indeed the ‘Woman’ of Revelation 12.

“Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising,

fair as the moon,

bright as the sun,

as terrible as an army set in full battle array?”

“The world in 1830 was experiencing its first industrial revolution and Charles Darwin was perfecting his theory on the evolution of species through natural selection. In the attempt to deny the existence of the Christian God, the theory was later misused by the worshippers of the ‘god of reason.’ In 1830, in a convent of the Sisters of Charity in Paris, France, twenty-four-year-old novice Catherine Laboure was awakened in the middle of the night, by a five year old child, who invited her to the chapel, for the Blessed Virgin was waiting. As Catherine descended towards the chapel the candles were lit. At midnight she heard the rustle of silk and gazed upwards to behold an apparition of Our Lady in a blaze of white light. The Blessed Mother warned Catherine on the future, she said: “The times are very evil. Sorrows will befall France; the throne will be overturned. The whole world will be plunged into every kind of misery.”(2) A second apparition of Our Lady occurred, the Blessed Virgin was holding an orb topped with a golden cross, she stood upon a white globe and crushed beneath her feet a green serpent with yellow spots. Surrounding the Virgin was an oval frame with the words: ‘O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.’ Our Lady desired that this image would be struck into a medal and on the other side, a large letter ‘M’ surmounted by a cross with two hearts below, one crowned with thorns, the other pierced by a sword. The medal is to be worn around the neck, worn with confidence, Our Lady pledged that whoever wears the medal will receive great and abundant graces.”

“Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a great hailstorm. Ch 12 – A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clohed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns of his heads. His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the Earth.The dragon stood infront of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”


In the Old Testament Isaiah describes Lucifer as being the morning star who dared challenge God, while the New Testament indicates that Jesus Christ is the morning star. Well Jesus Christ is not the devil, therefore, the morning star is a representation of the glory of creation i.e. the brightest creature. For the first few moments the brightest creature was Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), at the creation of the Blesed Virgin (following Lucifer’s fall) it was she (Litany of Loreto). Later when Jesus Christ came into the world, the brightest was and still is Him, the God-Man (Revelation 22:16).

How did you come to fall from the heavens, Daystar, (morning star) son of Dawn? How did you come to be thrown to the ground, conqueror of nations?” (Isaiah 14:12)

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2012 17:17

So we have confirmation of the words of the prophets; and you will be right to pay attention to it as to a lamp for lighting a way through the dark, until the dawn comes and the morning star rises in your minds.” (2 Peter 1:19)

Litany of Loreto

V. Lord, have mercy.
R. Christ have mercy.
V. Lord have mercy. Christ hear us.
R. Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Virgin of Virgins, [etc.]
Mother of Christ,
Mother of divine grace,
Mother most pure,
Mother most chaste,
Mother inviolate,
Mother undefiled,
Mother most amiable,
Mother most admirable,
Mother of good Counsel,
Mother of our Creator,
Mother of our Savior,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin most venerable,
Virgin most renowned,
Virgin most powerful,
Virgin most merciful,
Virgin most faithful,
Mirror of justice,
Seat of wisdom,
Cause of our joy,
Spiritual vessel,
Vessel of honor,
Singular vessel of devotion,
Mystical rose,
Tower of David,
Tower of ivory,
House of gold,
Ark of the covenant,
Gate of heaven,
Morning star,
Health of the sick,
Refuge of sinners,
Comforter of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of Angels,
Queen of Patriarchs,
Queen of Prophets,
Queen of Apostles,
Queen of Martyrs,
Queen of Confessors,
Queen of Virgins,
Queen of all Saints,
Queen conceived without original sin,
Queen assumed into heaven,
Queen of the most holy Rosary,
Queen of peace,

V. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
R. Spare us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
R. Graciously hear us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, that we thy servants may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of blessed Mary, ever Virgin, may we be freed from present sorrow, and rejoice in eternal happiness. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

The versicle and prayer after the litany may be varied by season. Thus, during Advent (from the fourth Sunday before Christmas to Christmas Eve):

V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.
R. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray. O God, who hast willed that by the message of an Angel, thy Word should receive flesh from the womb of the Virgin Mary: grant unto thy suppliants, that we who believe that she is truly the Mother of God, may be assisted by her intercession before Thee. Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen.


“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” (Revelation 22:16)

The Star of Bethlehem

For a proper understanding of the original Star of Bethlehem as studied by ancient Babylonians, as appeared in Bethlehem and the meaning of the conjunction between Saturn, Jupiter in Pisces, please read on:-

A Time of Waiting Unique in World History (VII)

The astrologers’ expectancy

It now seems to be established scientifically that the astrologers from Babylon were also awaiting the birth of the “ruler of the world” from the year 7 B.C. Kepler, one of the fathers of modern astronomy, observed in December 1603 the very bright alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces. With his calculations, he was able to establish that the same phenomenon (which produces an intense and dazzling light in the star-filled heavens) also must have occurred in the year 7 B.C. Then he discovered that an ancient commentary on the Scriptures by the Rabbi Abarbanel recalled that, according to Jewish belief, the Messiah was due to appear precisely at the time when the light from Jupiter and Saturn shone as a single beam in the constellation of Pisces.

Yet hardly any significance was attached to Kepler’s discovery simply because it had not been established with certainty that Jesus had been born before the traditional date, following a mistake by Denys Petau. More than two centuries later, the Danish scholar Munter was to discover and decipher a mediaeval Hebraic commentary on the “seventy seven-day periods” in the Book of Daniel which alluded to the belief referred to by Kepler. In 1902, the Planetary Table was published that is today preserved in Berlin: an Egyptian papyrus that contains the exact movements of the planets between 17 B.C. and 10 A.D. This draws attention to the alignment between Jupiter and Saturn in 7 B.C., visible in its entire splendor across the Mediterranean region.

Lastly, in 1925, a description of Sippar’s Stellar Calendar was published: a baked earth tablet with cuneiform inscriptions from the ancient settlement of Sippar, on the Euphrates, which was the center of an important school of astrology in Babylon. Remarkably, on this “calendar” are marked all of the heavenly movements and alignments of the year 7 B.C. Why was this? Because, according to the Babylonian astrologers, this alignment that can only be observed every 794 years occurred three times in 7 B.C. ? on May 29, October 1 and December 5. And they considered Jupiter to be the planet of the world’s rulers, Saturn as the planet of those who protect Israel and the constellation of Pisces as the sign of the end of time, that is, the beginning of the Messianic era. (…)

Indeed, it is now certain, that between the Tigris and the Euphrates, not only was a Messiah expected that would emerge from Israel, but that amazingly he would be born in an age and at a time that had been predetermined.

Source: Jesus Hypotheses by Vittorio Messori, Saint Paul Pubns. (1978)
Further Reading

Vittorio Messori and ‘The Mary Hypothesis’ – http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/1528790/posts

The Knights Templar – http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/chapter-920-our-lady-the-crusades-and-the-knight-templars/

The history of the Holy-Veil at Chartres – http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/chapter-8-the-%e2%80%98maphorion%e2%80%99-belonging-to-the-%e2%80%98hodegitria%e2%80%99/

For a proper understanding of the biblical quote “a woman appeared clothed with the sun and the moon was under her feet” (Revelation) please see :- http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/a-jewess-queen-of-israel-and-all-the-jews/

‘Womb of the Earth’ – many Christian holy places are built upon ancient pagan sites – http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/a-goddess-you-say/

* It is an obvious matter that certain pagan sites were adopted for Christian worship – the basic reason for this is that the gentiles were pagan – there is no idolatry to Christianity.

* THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM – an in depth study on CONSTELLATIONS and STARS as mentioned in the holy texts of the Bible  – http://www.bethlehemstar.com/


Respuesta  Mensaje 73 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/08/2012 04:39
navelegante Enviado: 21/08/2012 00:35
Ok. La "Puerta del Hombre" sería la constelación de Orión (que tiene la forma esquemática de una figura humana) y la fecha es el 20 de junio (solsticio). 

Y la "Puerta de Dios" sería el centro de la Galaxia (el Dios Hunab-ku de los Maya) que desde la Tierra se ve entre Sagitario, Ofiuco y Escorpio (cuya estrella más brillante es Antares) y el Sol pasa por encima cada 19 de junio.

Y en esta vista más amplia vemos las dos "puertas" a la vez.
Eje galáctico entre el Centro galáctico y Betelegeuse: en medio, el Sol, y la Tierra el 19 de diciembre

Respuesta  Mensaje 74 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/08/2012 03:04

So that's Atlantis (shuttle/ISS/Dawn) and the Sun (Ikaros) together whispering 'Solar Atlantis' again on May 20.

Why May 20? Because that's precisely when the Sun glides past the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus every year. And Pleiades is widely thought to derive its name from a word meaning 'to sail', making the stars 'sailing ones'. Juxtaposed with the Sun on May 20... 'solar sail'!

This was also a 'Solar Atlantis' ritual. How? Simple. The Pleiades in Greek mythology were the seven daughters of Atlas ('Atlantides') or the first king of Atlantis! (The name 'Atlantis' can mean 'daughter of Atlas'.)

What? Want more? No problem...

Ikaros fully deployed its solar sail on June 11 coinciding with the start of the World Cup in South Africa. The World Cup, as discussed before, is 'Atlas Cup'. Definitely an Atlantean sporting event, underscored by Spain ultimately winning the trophy a month later during a total solar eclipse, geographically alluding to the 'Pillars of Hercules' inseparable from the legend of Atlantis per Plato.

[World Cup trophy (left) & Atlas statue (right)]

Spain (winner) = 'Pillar of Hercules' = Strait of Gibraltar
(Plato: Atlantis situated beyond the Pillars of Hercules)

It was also right around June 11 that there were big headlines about a young sailor Abby Sunderland getting lost at sea while sailing around the world! Atlantis, Atlantis, Atlantis...

Jun 10 Teenage girl sailor 'in trouble' in Indian Ocean
Jun 11 Abby Sunderland, Teen Sailor, Found Safe at Sea
Jun 12 US teenage sailor Abby Sunderland rescued


Respuesta  Mensaje 75 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/08/2012 23:21
9 - 11

9 clockwise 11 the Sun transit on Venus 6-6 -2012 middle of the Arch-i-medes

1 Kings 11 >>

Solomon’s Wives

1King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. 2They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. 3He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 4As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molecha the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done.

7On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites. 8 He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.


Image of the bronze Sea holded by twelve Bulls , according to the Biblical account were created by Hiram Abiff, the Alchemy master.

Bronze - tin alloy - Zinc alchemical key
The sea inside the Gaussian Bell/Bull of Chaos
Sea contains salt which is an electrolite and also Magnesium - Magnum Opus

Respuesta  Mensaje 76 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/08/2012 00:01

Blackwell coat of arms - the underworld dog - Anubis - Aquarius symbol design

K - 9 letter number 11 - 9-11 and Sirius code - Jacob's ladder




A police dog, often referred to as a "K-9" (which is a homophone of canine) in some areas, is a dog that is trained specifically to assist police and other law-enforcement personnel in their work. The most commonly used breed is the German Shepherd, although now Belgian Malinois are also fairly popular dogs to use. In many jurisdictions the intentional injuring or killing of a police dog is a felony,[1] subjecting the perpetrator to harsher penalties than those in the statutes embodied in local animal cruelty laws,[2] just as an assault on a human police officer is often a more serious offense than the same assault on a non-officer. A growing number of law-enforcement organizations outfit dogs with ballistic vests,[3][4] and some make the dogs sworn officers, with their own police badges and IDs.[1][5][6][7] Furthermore, a police dog killed in the line of duty is often given a full police funeral.


Respuesta  Mensaje 77 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/08/2012 01:52

Serendipity, how about the last supper ?

Respuesta  Mensaje 78 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/08/2012 19:44
Just some thoughts

there are three pyramids at the Louvre
one large one and two smaller

three pyramids of Giza

Giza pyramids superimposed over the three stars of Orion's Belt

the Giant with the club in the stars
Orion correlation theory
The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians.
The Sphinx is a representation of the constellation Leo
the pattern of stars that is "frozen" on the ground at Giza in the form of the three pyramids and the Sphinx represents the disposition of the constellations of Orion and Leo as they looked at the moment of sunrise on the spring equinox during the astronomical "Age of Leo" (i.e., the epoch in which the Sun was "housed" by Leo on the spring equinox.) Like all precessional ages this was a 2,160-year period. It is generally calculated to have fallen between the Gregorian calendar dates of 10,970 and 8810 BC. (op. cit., p.189)

The Last day of Cancer is 7/22 and the first day of Leo is 7/22
7/22 is the feast day of Mary Magdalene

A date of 10,500 BC is chosen because they maintain this is the only time in the precession of the equinoxes when the astrological age was Leo and when that constellation rose directly east of the Sphinx at the vernal equinox. They also suggest that in this epoch the angles between the three stars of Orion’s Belt and the horizon was an “exact match” to the angles between the three main Giza pyramids
This time period also coincides with the American psychic Edgar Cayce’s “dating” of Atlantis


from Ben Hammotts site

the fringe around Magdalene is yellow triangles or pyramid like shapes
the mountain in the background has a look of a pyramid


the cloud in the background has a sphinx like appearance

"At the Cross her station keeping,
stood the mournful Mother weeping,
close to Jesus to the last".

there are two women at the cross seen both named Mary
and both possibly Mothers


the M stands for Mother and Mary

A document, possibly written by Ermengaud of Béziers, undated and anonymous and attached to his Treatise against Heretics, makes a similar statement.

The 13th-century Cistercian monk and chronicler Peter of Vaux de Cernay claimed it was part of Catharist belief that the earthly Jesus Christ had a relationship with Mary Magdalene, described as his concubine

Also they [the Cathars] teach in their secret meetings that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Christ. She was the Samaritan woman to whom He said, "Call thy husband." She was the woman taken into adultery, whom Christ set free lest the Jews stone her, and she was with Him in three places, in the temple, at the well, and in the garden. After the Resurrection, He appeared first to her.


the church of Magdalene is located in Cathar country
perhaps this was the most dangerous secret the Cathars

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Respuesta  Mensaje 79 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/08/2012 04:05
Roscoe this is the Nebra sun disk

It was found in 1999
is a bronze disk of around 30 cm diameter, with a blue-green patina and inlaid with gold symbols. These are interpreted generally as a sun or full moon, a lunar crescent, and stars (including a cluster interpreted as the Pleiades). Two golden arcs along the sides, marking the angle between the solstices, were added later. A final addition was another arc at the bottom surrounded with multiple strokes (of uncertain meaning, variously interpreted as a Solar Barge with numerous oars, as the Milky Way or as a rainbow).

The disk is attributed to a site near Nebra, Saxony-Anhalt in Germany, and associatively dated to c. 1600 BC. It has been associated with the Bronze Age Unetice culture.

It is fascinating reading
Initially the disk had thirty-two small round gold circles, a large circular plate, and a large crescent-shaped plate attached. The circular plate is interpreted as either the Sun or the full Moon, the crescent shape as the crescent Moon (or either the Sun or the Moon undergoing eclipse), and the dots as stars, with the cluster of seven dots likely representing the Pleiades.
At some later date, two arcs (constructed from gold of a different origin, as shown by its chemical impurities) were added at opposite edges of the disk. To make space for these arcs, one small circle was moved from the left side toward the center of the disk and two of the circles on the right were covered over, so that thirty remain visible. The two arcs span an angle of 82°, correctly indicating the angle between the positions of sunset at summer and winter solstice at the latitude of the Mittelberg (51°N). Given that the arcs relate to solar phenomena, it is likely the circular plate represents the Sun not the Moon.
The final addition was another arc at the bottom, the "sun boat", again made of gold from a different origin.
By the time the disk was buried it also had thirty-nine or forty holes punched out around its perimeter, each approximately 3 mm in diameter.

The disk is possibly an astronomical instrument as well as an item of religious significance.


the Maya understood that they came from the Pleiades...
In Greek mythology, Atlantides was the name given to the Pleiades, who were fabled to be the seven daughters of Atlas. and Pleione. The Pleiades were Alcyone, Eletra, Celaeno, Maia, Sterope, Merope, and Taygete.

In the Regalia of Sauniere is the Lamb over the book with the seven seals
there is the menorah with its seven candles

It seems the Pleiades are a very important player in Ancient Astronomy

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Respuesta  Mensaje 80 de 290 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/08/2012 04:12
Amos 5:8 ("He who made the Pleiades and Orion")

the line goes through Orions Belt to the Pleiades


So Sauniere was a star gazer...

roscoe wrote:
Sauniere's Greenhouse/chapel in the Presbytery?
Check out the roof panels. Not merely randomly placed stars but an actual respresentation of the night sky.

The stars over head in the glass house
the castle in chess is above a Bishop and Knight in Value

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