De tres lugares vinieron los dioses, esos seres que lucharon entre ellos y que nos manipularon. De Las Pleyades, de Orión y de Sirio, y parece ser que tenemos algo de los tres. En la fábula de la historia que nos han hecho estudiar, siempre nos hablablan del misterio de la Santísima Trinidad, eso que a muchos nos resultaba tan difícil de entender.
Nos llama la atención de tres lugares que recorren las páginas de misterio:
.- Los Moais de la isla de Páscua miraban a Las Pleyades y a Orión.
A los enigmas ya conocidos de la isla de Pascua hay que añadir las novedosas propuestas arqueoastronómicas planteadas por el astrónomo español Juan Antonio Belmonte y el antropólogo chileno Edmundo Edwards. Su tesis es que los gigantes de Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua (El ombligo del mundo) miraban a las Pléyades, al cinturón de Orión y a la Luna.
¿Cuál es la verdadera orientación de los moais? La orientación de la mayoría de moais parece que está dictada por la topografía de la isla. Sin embargo, el astrónomo William Liller descubrió que, aunque algunas de estas estatuas de piedra estaban situadas en paralelo a la costa, sus ahus o plataformas ceremoniales no lo estaban y que otras ubicadas más al interior tampoco seguían esta norma. Y dedujo que su posición podía corresponderse con una orientación astronómica, que en un primer momento relacionó con los equinoccios y solsticios y con disposiciones solares.
¿Su trabajo y el de Edwards pretendían verificar la propuesta de Liller? Llegamos a otro tipo de conclusiones. Edmundo contaba con la valiosa información etnográfica y etnoastronómica que había estado recopilando durante más de cuatro décadas tanto en Pascua como en otras islas de la Polinesia. Por eso sabíamos que para los habitantes de Rapa Nui eran mucho más importante la Luna (mahina) y las estrellas que el Sol.
¿A qué conclusión llegaron? Nos dimos cuenta de que muchas de las orientaciones interpretadas por Liller como equinocciales en realidad se correspondían con el cinturón de Orión (Tautoru), y que la gran mayoría de las solsticiales se relacionaban con la ubicación de las Pléyades (Matariki), el asterismo más importante de la cultura Rapa Nui.
¿Encajan estos hallazgos con la cosmovisión local y con los mitos y los ritos de los pascuences? Sí, porque estas orientaciones están ligadas a los objetos astronómicos más importantes en la cosmovisión rapanui, que están representados en su calendario lunar. Para respetar el ciclo de las estaciones, las lunas estaban gobernadas por las salidas y las puestas de determinadas estrellas, como Vega, Sirio y Antares. Pero sobre todo por el cinturón de Orión y las Pléyades.
El grupo de estrellas de las Pléyades parece haber sido crucial... La primera y última visión de las Pléyades o Matariki al atardecer marcaba el mejor período, la época de esplendor, la estación más próspera del año, conocida como Hora Nui, en la que se podía pescar libremente. Era el tiempo de la cosecha y los rituales en los ahus, un período durante el cual la guerra estaba prohibida. Por el contrario, la época en la que estas estrellas no eran visibles en el cielo pascuence se correspondía con el período hitu, la estación negra. Esto demostraría la singular relación que guardaba este grupo de estrellas con el calendario pascuence. Y explicaría por qué los siete moais de Ahu Akivi son los únicos de la isla que miran hacia el mar y están orientados a la puesta de la constelación de Tautoru, marcando el principio del año rapanui.
¿Por qué los siete moais de Ahu Akivi son los únicos que miran hacia el mar? La respuesta está en las Pléyades
.-Los dogones nos hablan de Sirio.
En los pueblos de los Dogon, incluso a los niños se les transmitió la 'ciencia' de la Estrella Sirio y ellos conocen las historias de sus antepasados procedentes del sistema estelar sirio. Estos sistemas impulsan el arte de la percepción muy aguda, ¡así que vamos a investigar los registro de los Dogon y hacer aflorar estas habilidades en vosotros!
La Alianza Siria/Pleyadiana fue muy amplificada por el periastrón de Sirio en abril del 1994, cuando Sirio B estaba mas cerca de Sirio A en su orbita elíptica de cincuenta años. Quirón estará lo mas cerca posible a nuestro Sol el 14 de febrero de 1996 y esto será el momento ideal para anclar los códigos de Sirio profundamente dentro de la Tierra. Tanto Sirio B como Quirón tienen orbitas muy elípticas y ambos están lo mas cerca posible a las estrellas que rodean desde 1992 hasta 1998. Sirio A y Sirio B forman un sistema binario y sus patrones de orbita son la base de las practicas rituales de la cultura Dogon de Mali, en el oeste de África Central.
Los Dogon confiaron el secreto de sus misterios mas elevados a los eminentes antropólogos franceses Marcel Griaule y Germaine Dieterlen en los años 1946/1950, y sus investigaciones son la base de El Misterio Sirio. Los mencionados antropólogos comprobaron que estos complejos rituales se basan en un análisis extremadamente detallado de los patrones de 6rbitas y características físicas tanto de Sirio A como de Sirio B, además de Sirio C, una tercera estrella cuya órbita alrededor de Sirio A también dura cincuenta años. Sirio C viaja formando ángulos rectos con Sirio B. La existencia de estos rituales que se celebran desde hace, por lo menos, mil años hasta la fecha actual es asombrosa porque Sirio B fue vista por primera vez a través de un telescopio en el siglo XIX y la primera foto se obtuvo en 1970 dado que es una estrella enana blanca, extremadamente densa y prácticamente invisible.
En otras palabras, Sirio B era invisible para los Dogón; sin embargo, insistían en que era la estrella más importante, confeccionaron diagramas de su órbita elíptica y sus rituales demuestran que sabían que la duración de la órbita en torno a Sirio A era de cincuenta años. Temple denomina a Sirio B 'Digitaria' porque los Dogon la Ilamaron 'Po'. Po es la semilla comestible más pequeña que conocían los Dogón y Digitaria es el nombre de la especie de esta semilla. Es decir, se le dio el nombre Po ¡porque los Dogón sabían que Sirio B era una estrella minúscula y densa! Digitaria tiene la connotación de 'dedo' y 'quiro' significa 'mano' en griego, una coincidencia aparentemente curiosa.
Existen datos astronómicos fascinantes que sostienen la mitología Dogón y llamaron la atención de Robert Temple.
Por ejemplo, Los Dogón denominaron Po al 'huevo del mundo' y decían que alumbraba a toda la creación en el Universo. Los Dogón dicen que Po esta hecha de tierra, aire, fuego y agua pero, curiosamente, el elemento tierra fue reemplazado por metal.[6.] La enana blanca mas cercana a la Tierra - alejada 8.6 años de luz - es Sirio B. Cuando las enanas blancas se convierten en supernovas, esparcen grandes cantidades de hierro por la Galaxia y el Sol y la Tierra nacieron, según el libro The Alchemy of Heaven de Ken Croswell, de una nube de polvo rica en hierro hace 4.6 billones de años - un proceso idéntico al que esta ocurriendo ahora en Orión.
De acuerdo con los últimos análisis científicos de ondas sísmicas procedentes de terremotos el centro de la Tierra es un enorme cristal de hierro.[8.] Los rituales Dogón, basados en el sistema estelar de Sirio, son una señal segura de una autentica cosmogonía, registros fieles de la creación. Esto me hace pensar que la primera dimensión de la Tierra - el núcleo de cristal de hierro - nació cuando Sirio B se convirtió en una supernova. Es decir, ¡la Tierra nació del sistema estelar de Sirio! Temple aporta pruebas de que la investigación antropológica ha demostrado mas allá de toda duda que los rituales Dogón no habían sufrido ninguna influencia moderna y de como los Dogón aseguran, Digitaria es la fuente de todo lo que existe en la Tierra. Digitaria explotó, se convirtió en una supernova y tiene que haber proporcionado el cristal de hierro del cual nació la Tierra. ¡Como, si no, los rituales Dogón podían describir con tanta exactitud a Sirio B?
Los Dogón dicen que Digitaria es el eje del mundo y que sin su movimiento ninguna otra estrella podría mantener su rumbo. Como dice Temple.
.- ¿Y a dónde apuntaban las pirámides?
A ella no puede, desde luego, recurrirse cuando se averigua - como hizo el astroarqueólogo ruso Vladimir Rubtsov - que el antiguo vocablo iranio que se usaba para referirse a Sirio era Tistrya, palabra que se origina en el vocablo sánscrito Tri-Stri, y que significa tres estrellas! Es decir, que el conocimiento de que Sirio es un sistema estelar triple fue casi universal en nuestro más remoto pasado. ¿Pero por qué? ¿Quién difundió semejante "secreto"? Los egipcios posiblemente hicieron evidente ese secreto en la meseta de Giza, junto a El Cairo, precisamente gracias a las tres monumentales pirámides que allí pueden contemplarse. No en vano cada día somos más quienes creemos que la Gran Pirámide fue en verdad un templo - y no una tumba - dedicado a Isis, la diosa que encarna a Sirio A, y en cuyas medidas y proporciones fundamentales se encuentran encerrados saberes relacionados con el monumento original de la pirámide de Micerinos, antaño cubierta por losas de granito de este color.
Por la misma regla de tres, la ciencia algún día podría llegar a comprobar que las tres pequeñas pirámides satélite que hay junto a la de Keops representan tres planetas junto a Sirio A, al igual que las otras tres pirámides menores que flanquean a Micerinos (Sirio C). Curiosamente esta disposición no sitúa ninguna pirámide menor junto a Kefrén, quizá por lo que los astrónomos ya saben: el enorme peso gravitacional de Sirio B hace imposible que ningún planeta orbite en torno suyo sin ser fatalmente atraído hacia la estrella.
Frente a esta hipótesis, en el último año se ha acuñado otra no menos interesante. En 1994 los investigadores Robert Bauval y Adrian Gilbert hacían público que tres de los cuatro canales de ventilación de la Gran Pirámide estuvieron orientados hacia estrellas concretas. Así el canal norte de la cámara del Rey miró hacia Alpha Draconis, el canal norte de la cámara de la Reina hacia la estrella más baja del cinturón de Orión (las tres estrellas centrales de la constelación) , y el canal sur de esta misma cámara hacia Sirio.
Su particular "descubrimiento" les llevó a formular su aventurada "teoría de la correlación con Orión" de la que se desprende que las pirámides de Giza son una réplica exacta del cinturón de Orión y que el Nilo así como el resto de pirámides egipcias ocupan los lugares correlativos a la Vía Láctea y otras estrellas importantes.
Pero hay más. La orientación de los canales de la Gran Pirámide corresponde - según Bauval y Gilbert - a la posición de las tres estrellas citadas en el 2450 a.C" aunque la ubicación de las pirámides marca el lugar del cénit donde estuvo Orión en el 10450 a.C. Lo que proponen ambos investigadores para explicar esta diferencia cronológica es que, si bien la Gran Pirámide fue erigida en el 2450 a.C. (perpetuando así la falsa tesis arqueológica oficial de que fue construida por Keops), en cambio conmemoran un acontecimiento remoto que tuvo lugar en el 10450 a.C. Pero, ¿cual? Independientemente de cual de las dos hipótesis para la disposición de las pirámides de Giza est‚ más próxima a la verdad, lo cierto es que la vinculación de Sirio y Orión, al menos desde un punto de vista astronómico, es innegable, pues los egipcios sabían que Orión se perdía tras el horizonte una hora antes que Sirio, lo que sirvió de referencia también para el establecimiento del calendario sóthico.
En definitiva, pese a toda la evidencia expuesta, los historiadores prefieren seguir ignorando el porqué de la fascinación que ejerció sobre los egipcios (y sobre otros pueblos tan alejados de ellos como chinos o dogones) la estrella Sirio, aunque todos ellos se esforzaron en aclararnos estas dudas en sus templos y mitos: sus "dioses instructores" descendieron un día lejano de aquel sistema triple y habitaron quizá entre nuestros antepasados.
"Esto significa que es la maestra de ceremonias de las posiciones celestiales; gobierna particularmente la posición de Sirio, una estrella indomable; la separa de las otras estrellas al cercarla con su trayectoria".
De Sirios también decir:
Sobre la puerta de entrada a la pirámide de Keops, un científico inglés, examinó los orificios donde supuestamente se insertarían esos seis cilindros, y encontró las marcas de un broca algo extrañas. En primer lugar, la broca tendría que tener una dureza 500, para poder haber trepanado de la forma en que lo hizo este bloque de granito. Tengamos en cuenta que el material más duro que se conoce es la vidia, que es el diamante sintético y tiene dureza 11 y se utiliza en los talleres para cortar precisamente el granito. En seccionar un bloque de granito de un metro, se invierten horas con nuestra técnica actual. Según los cálculos de este científico inglés, en base a la medida de separación de las marcas dejadas por la broca, el proceso de perforación con el que se trataron los orificios del bloque de cierre, fue tres veces más rápido que como hoy en día lo hubiéramos conseguido con nuestro sistema. Sólo con observar el obelisco inacabado de las canteras de granito rosa que se encuentran en Aswan, nos damos cuenta que la forma acucharada con la que esta esculpido, encierra un misterio superior al que simplemente nos explican los arqueólogos
A cierta distancia del nacimiento del Nilo, se encuentra una tribu, los Dogones, anclada en la prehistoria, que afirma que hace diez mil años, una extraña arca de luz vino del cielo. De ella salieron unos seres mitad pez, mitad hombre llamados instructores y decían venir de una estrella llamada Potoolo (Sirio B). Contaban que en ese sistema estelar, había una estrella de gran magnitud llamada Digitaria (Sirio A) y que Potoolo rotaba al rededor de Digitaria en un tiempo de 50 años. También decían que una simple cucharada de la estrella Potoolo, pesaba más que todo nuestro planeta. Según las comprobaciones científicas que se hicieron al respecto, Los Dogones, conocían exactamente el sistema estelar binario de Sirio, cuando este se descubrió por primera vez en el año 1824 y se pudo observar en el 1864 con un telescopio.
Por otro lado, en el 1972, se comprobó que en efecto, la estrella Sirio B, tiene un periodo de 50 años alrededor de Sirio A. Y para mayor asombro, hace tan solo cinco años, se pudo analizar mediante un sistema espectral, la densidad que tendría la estrella Sirio B, dando casualmente una dureza 500.
From the research link below, it is apparent that researchers believe that the layout of the city of has been built to emulate a ‘cosmic’ puma. Although Wayne is in agreement with the general theory, his interpretation of the way in which this representation occurs is very different from theirs.
Wayne believes he has discovered the true representation of the actual Puma head and front leg with fur hackels!
He has added labels to the satellite image to show his own interpretation. What he finds interesting, is that the city is a mirror image version of the sky, and that the temple, which houses the Inca’s sacred Pleiades astronomical map, is positioned exactly in the area of the city that correlates with the Pleiades
One of the most well-known cosmic myths of the Inca may be the definitive proof that they knew of the significance of the 'mystery' star that is pivotal to 'The Hidden Records'. This age-old myth speaks of a celestial puma in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere.
Among the invaluable clues about this puma that the ancient Inca texts propose is: that it has a "bright eye"; that "its genitals are in a very sacred cosmic area"; and last but not least that it is a dark puma and can be found in the heavens where "the sky has no stars". Scholars have yet to identify this pattern in the sky.
Wayne Herschel - taking as his vantage point the area in the night skies that he knew to be the most sacred to all the other ancient civilisations - set an advanced computer star program to mimic a very bright and clear ancient night sky.
BREAKTHROUGH... the result is the remarkable image above. The dark area (further enhanced by the author for greater clarity) forms what apparently looks like the shape of a feline. In astronomy the darkness is explained as being formed from a dark Nebula cloud of dust in front of a very bright region of the stars of the Milky Way. Could this area indeed be the ancients' Cosmic Puma? The author believes there is no question about it. The Pleiades... and in particular the 'mystery' star.... form the puma's "genitals". The dark nebulosity truly resembles the shape of an animal, with the feline's eye correlating perfectly with a star, as the ancients had mentioned.
A Milan professor has been doing his own research on the Inca's Cosmic Puma. Professor Giulio Magli mentions that the feline is mimicked in the layout plan of the city of Cuzco.
Cuzco is the city where the Inca's most sacred temple was located. It once held the secret of the golden star map shown below (reproduced by the last surviving Inca shaman) that the author deciphers in great detail in 'The Hidden Records'... but a summary on the interpretation follows in the next image.
The ABC news release revealing Professor Giulio Magli's latest research can be found on this link here:
In Coricancha Cuzco, the sacred temple built as the Puma's representation of the cluster of The Pleiades holds the Golden star maps that has left scholars bewildered. The Image below is identical to an African star map Wayne believes has a unique 'star visitor' connection to the two civilisations long ago. The teaching mechanism between the two is very similar. The first image is the Golden star map which an Inca elder told scholars over 70 years ago that it was a duplication of what was taken by the Spaniards... its original full wall size rendition that covered an entire wall in the ancient temple. note the wall and roof shape of the artefact and a alter for offerings that was positioned at the bottom is still depicted.
In summary the deciphered detail is simple... Orion's belt shows the way in the direction the elder said represented the place of the 'gods'. Wayne has to smile when they mention this. The whole Christ hidden story Wayne has posted on this website hinges around this identical star alignment knowledge showing the way in the night sky to the 'Bethlehem star'. The basic star group of the Hayades of Taurus is sort of close to this pattern, but not exact since it is a duplication by the later Incas... perhaps produced by memory according to the elder mentioned. The Pleiades cluster was first recognised by Sitchen some time ago but here is where everyone else drew a blank.
Wayne adds... There is a star and what looks like a world associated with the star. A world with firmament (atmosphere) and what looks like continents and oceans. There is even a journey path that does a few loops of the ancient star travellers... our human ancestors... matching the Africa star map tablets again. The Incas worshipped the same star secret as all other ancient civilisations... it was a global obsession!
In Wayne’s book he identified the mound builders star obsession of the American Indian tribes of Cahokia in St. Louis and to this day is still trying to decipher the layout of what is left of their pyramid cities. The mound cities are widespread and have encoded in them a lot more than meets the eye at first glance. In Wisconsin many of these mounds are in the form of gigantic animals. The builders celebrated the long extinct mastodon a type of elephant more like a Mammoth. It is 135 feet long and located a few miles below the mouth of the Wisconsin River In Ohio a serpent 1000 feet long with its open jaws about to swallow a figure shaped like an egg which Wayne believes is representation of the beginnings of humanity, in this case a sperm, the male human seed. There are even mounds in geometric patterns of the square, the circle, the octagon, and the rhombus.
Since his book a lot more on the Cherokee and Hopi tribes have emerged to run parallel with the Pawnee star secret as seen in the home page carousel link.
Wayne saw in an instant all the clues he has been following around the world. The top right Sun with a face… top left: the cosmic turtle as in the Eastern culture, the sacred cross in virtually identical fashion to the Chokwe in Africa, (see link below) but more importantly the star he has found in all other ancient civilisation was there in absolute clarity.
It showed Orion like the Inca golden star map in Cuzco as a criss-cross but with three in a row stars of Orion’s belt aligning through to Aldebaran (shaded yellow) and to the Pleiades (shaded light blue). But in true fashion like the Inca and African star maps… they drew a line of cosmic travel of the ancestors… to a star with four points. The angle of the point of travel is the same angle 'x' degrees to the star Wayne has identified as the nearby sun-like star that is currently being studied.
And just like the Inca and Africa star maps, the mound of Earth on the bottom shaded red and the Milky Way shaded blue. The Sun (yellow with the face) passes the Milky Way close to the alignment of the Pleiades to the ancestor star (yellow four pointed star). It is important not to confuse the Sun and Sun-like star here. Compare this particular star map to the Chokwe of Africa, the Inca golden star map and the Pawnee star map.
The Hopi tribe is included here for comparison to the four pointed star as seen in the Cherokee star map. They are the tribe that were of the northeastern Arizona area and they claimed their ancestors were visited by people like themselves who came down from the heavens in a bright disc that shone like the Sun. they called them the Katchinas. Erich von Daniken was the first to bring this story forward.
In the image below recreated from another leather piece said to be an apron (kiva) of one of the historical Hopi tribe as referenced from this source here discovered by A.M.Stephen author of Hopi Journal.
The image depicts the most important star as a large four pointed star and with it a crescent world. It is unlikely to be the Moon in this context and it does have an extended sickle shape which Wayne has identified in the Sumerian cases at this link here. The Pleiades was identified by the research author just as the stars of Orion. The interesting points here are the correct alignments of the Orion’s belt aligning with the Pleiades and the important star and its world located ‘very generally here’ between the two. Compare these two ancient star map patterns with the star image above and the place of the ancestor star. The Pawnee star map depicted the same world and star of their ancients in the very same area. The star map theory themes of all the American Indian tribes are very consistent and hence highly probable due mainly to the value of their own the linking themes.
The Hopi celebrate like other tribes the May pole in reverence of the Creation Tree of life.
This project is striving to release enlightening knowledge considered forbidden by many powerful institutions.
Please consider helping my quest revive the hidden truth about the sacred equality of all humanity tied into this ancient secret...
The image below is deciphered by Wayne with his version below it, then compare it to the star image. The original image is referenced here, a military history of the American Indian by one of their own.
In the article that follows, Wayne Herschel takes his star ancestor, human origin theory from his book ‘The Hidden Records’ to completely new heights. It also includes an update on the Senmut tomb breakthrough in Egypt.
His latest release (July 2007) is based on his analysis of the recently publicised historical Freemason document, ‘The Hiram Key’ (seen above left). In this article it will be referred to as the: ‘Hiram Abif star map’.
Over the past few years, Freemasons have come from all over the world, quite conspicuously one might add, to attend Wayne’s pyramid star map talks.
Some very interesting comments were made in private conversations that transpired after the talks. A number of people told Wayne that they had always known that the stars his research focuses on are extremely important. They also admitted that they had never realised exactly why they were so important until now. Especially since it would seem that virtually all the ancient civilisations venerated these particular stars in some sort of a genesis theme.
They commented that their once secret star depiction, which they refer to as their: “First Degree Tracing Board of the Key of Hiram” had recently become a publicly available historical document.
They were confident that since it had become accessible to anyone on a well-known university internet site, it would be ethical to explore and research its meaning. It can be found on the University of Bradford (United Kingdom) site and is titled ‘The Hiram Key’. Ref – Click here
After further discussion with Wayne, his Masonic visitors expressed great interest that his claims were positive and not just another nonsensical conspiracy theory or attack on Freemasonry.
However, given the parallels Wayne’s research has with their document, he has been urged to be circumspect in how he presents his own views. With this in mind, it must be stated at the outset that the opinions, views and interpretation expressed in this article are unequivocally Wayne’s own and not those held by Freemasonry, unless referred to in the university link on this web page.
Wayne is not a Freemason and in the article that follows has taken it upon himself to approach this sensitive document with the greatest of respect. He comments:
“I fully agree with the Masonic interpretation of God as an all-seeing all-knowing grand architect of the Universe. For them, geometry is a fundamental element found in all Creation, which I agree with. No doubt this viewpoint would explain the significance of the divine proportions in Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man”. Click here
“I’m not really sure about any of the negative conspiracy theories that have targeted Freemasonry as nothing has transpired that can be proved”.
“The society most likely recognises the earliest renditions of divine proportions of man with a five-pointed star in a circle. For some, this would no doubt have negative implications. However, I believe this is largely because of the misunderstandings surrounding this iconology.”
To see the secret of the pentacle and human form geometry Click here
The premise of Wayne’s theories as presented in his first book, ‘The Hidden Records’, is that there are only two Sun-like stars in the heavens (in the vicinity of the Pleiades) that he felt the ancients believed were very important. Both are stars that astronomers have already documented as being like our Sun and hence if there were planets in their vicinity with water, then life as we know would be quite probable there.
It seemed that for the ancients, the one star was without doubt more important than the other. Perhaps directly linking to humanity’s grand arrival as colonists (which will be elaborated on in this article). Later in his research, it transpired that there was a third Sun-like star. This would have further concluded his correlation theory and given it a whole new twist. But for reasons that follow, he could not include the third Sun-like star and its significance, in his first book.
Scholars have been quick to notice that Wayne’s Egyptian, Stonehenge and Mars star maps have no star correlations for a critical monument found in the same place in all three. It is from this supposed omission that they conclude that his Pleiades correlation theory is inconclusive. Since the Freemasons have released a lot of their history to the world more recently, the moment has presented itself to show the missing detail and the truth will not be hidden any longer. It has been kept under wraps for too long and his publishers purposely chose to omit it from his book, ‘The Hidden Records’. Why?
Firstly because of its sensitivity at the time. It looked too similar to what is shown in the Freemason document that he will examine in this article. Nobody had dared to write about its meaning in any significant way, let alone publish it.
Secondly, the inclusion of the extra star would further complicate an already complex story.
In 2003, at the time when ‘The Hidden Records’ was being published, images intended for the book were deliberately cropped to hide the correlating monuments for the aforementioned third star. The objective was to make Wayne’s star map easy to follow and supposedly appear different to what was being shown in the Freemason document.
For the un-cropped images in which correlating monuments for the third star are shown, go to the end of this article. Explanations as to its meaning will follow here.
Examine the image below set at a time on a computer star atlas at approximately 17 000 years ago. You will notice that at that very ancient epoch, three nearby Sun-like stars can be discerned in the positions shown. If one computes star positions with today’s date, strangely enough the Pleiades look the same as they did 17 000 years ago (little movement) but because these Sun-like stars are closer to us, their apparent movement vectors are much more dramatic and hence very measurable. (The Sun-like stars today are in slightly different positions).
The ‘new’ Sun-like star (not incorporated in the author’s book) can be seen in the image below. It is the first example in Wayne Herschel’s research of an exact spectrum match to our Sun, a G2 spectrum. (The other two are G5 spectrums).
It becomes evident from the astronomical illustration above that there are three measurable Sun-like stars that conclusively match the ancient star maps that are integral to Wayne’s research. Star maps associated with records of ancient visitors who came from above. With three ‘targets’ having been identified, they hold enormous potential for the research being conducted by SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence).
All SETI needs to do is to aim their largest radio telescopes at these stars and listen for something in the common radio spectrum that is a little more than just natural static.
However, SETI believes that aliens will be motivated to send a message to Earth of their own accord. The organisation also believes that such a message will tend to come through on a less common, quieter radio frequency and hence SETI listens on this frequency.
In response to Wayne’s proposal, Seth Shostak – one of SETI’s head researchers – commented in an email to Wayne in 2005 that they are scientists and not interested in theories like this when considering targeting Sun-like stars.
To date, these potential stars that seem to suggest the possibility of life as we know it, apparently have NEVER been targeted.
As already mentioned, it is the University of Bradford in the UK that has posted the Freemason ‘Hiram Key star map’ on line, making it available publicly as part of American history and a valuable historical reference document. The image seen below is a carefully reproduced image by Wayne. He uses the two most important sources: One from a famous Freemason and the earliest known version of it from University of Bradford. Ref - Click here
The ‘star map’ may have originated from a man called Hiram Abif. Ref – Click here
Very little is known about where he acquired his legendary secret. A secret that would inspire the beginnings of Freemasonry. Hiram Abif was murdered, as history has recorded it, for not sharing it. One would assume his killers acquired this ‘star map’ document from his possession without knowing its exact meaning. Freemason lodges across the globe have now published many variations of its symbolism. The ‘star map’ undoubtedly qualifies as the most important piece of Freemasonry history (see below).
A number of books have recently published research on the origins of Freemasonry. One specific book that came out in 2005, ‘The Arcana of Freemasonry’ was written by a top Mason, Albert Churchward. This author uses the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ on the cover of his book and refers to it as: “The First Degree Tracing Board of Freemasonry”.
Why does Wayne refer to this symbolic depiction as a ‘star map’?
The fact is that for any representation of stars to qualify as a real map identifying areas of the cosmos, it needs two things:
A recognisable star pattern
North and South orientation references
The image above clearly has seven stars that look similar to the Pleiades cluster. If viewing the image above as a window looking out at the horizon, it would place the viewer or initiate (standing in the position of West) looking at the sky above the horizon in the direction of East.
The image portrays a night sky because the seven stars can be seen, as well as the star with a ladder coming down from it referred to in Freemasonry as the “Blazing Star”. There are openings in what looks like mist that appear to accommodate three important heavenly objects. Many have thought the two topmost heavenly objects represent the Sun and the Moon as they pass this area of the night sky near the Pleiades on the ecliptic. But a much more conclusive solution is now at hand.
The three heavenly objects are similar looking to one another and all look like Suns. They are obviously special in a very mysterious way. Wayne has found correlations for all of them as Sun-like stars, as suggested in the astronomical “UPDATE JULY 2007” image if you scroll back up.
The image above offers more on Wayne’s interpretation of the ‘Hiram Abif star map’. It highlights all the components and potentially what they could mean. Wayne is convinced the chequered tiles on the floor represent time. Each tile appears to symbolise 20 000 years of time. He figured out the chronology match for the pillar at the centre by measuring the time required for the “Blazing Star” to move so it would fit as a perfect match to where it is located in the Cydonia star map in his book. It is also shown in the identical position in the ‘Hiram Abif star map’. (See the Mars page on this website for more reasoning).
Once he had figured that out, he could find timeframe matches for the remaining two stars which coincidently also generally agreed with modern fossil records of modern humans. In the foreground, the initiate/viewer (not in picture) stands at the beginnings of the Homo Sapien-Sapien genus on Earth, looking towards the horizon and the sky in the East, which represents the “now”.
The secret to deciphering the pillars and the ladder in the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ is found in texts associated with ‘The Hiram Key’ (see university link). There is very little doubt from this dissertation that the ladder coming down from heaven originates from the biblical Genesis text, as does the pillar. In Genesis Chapter 28 verse 12, Jacob is shown a ladder reaching down from the heavens. Jacob, while witnessing this detailed vision, is then told that humanity was literally given this world.
The text associated with ‘The Hiram Key’ posted on the university website mentions it is Jacob’s ladder that is being depicted.
Jacob then celebrated where the ladder touched the ground by building a pillar at the actual site.
For Wayne the three pillars seen in the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ were particularly intriguing. On closer examination of their possible meaning, he was convinced that in the context of his existing theories they could be celebrating three separate ‘visitation’ events. The visitation of Earth by our human ancestors after colonising three different star systems at three different epochs. It is therefore highly likely that these people who had remarkably advanced technology are the references to “angels” we read about in our holy books. Beings, who were clad in bright clothing, and who could fly and perform great ‘miracles’.
Wayne interprets the largest pillar (on the left) as a commemorative ‘Genesis’ monument as it were, celebrating the discovery of our solar system by the first space travelling human beings. An epoch apparently dating back 200 000 years ago matching the first consistent collection of modern human fossil remains found. He believes our ancient star ancestor visitors most likely set up a very small number of experimental penal colonies on Earth. History has indeed found people to be living primitively as hunters and gatherers at this epoch. (The penal colony theory is explored in Wayne Herschel’s book, ‘The Hidden Records’. He bases this theory around the fact that Mars once had oceans and an atmosphere. Wayne is convinced Mars was inhabitable up until 10 000 years ago when a meteor impact destroyed it. In its time it would have been the ‘jewel’ of our solar system, more conducive to human colonisation than Earth. Earth is far from being a perfect planet. In reality it is a little too close to the Sun and it is fact that all human beings struggle with the intense solar radiation it is subjected to. Secondly, Earth’s gravity is tough on our thin-walled porous bones and poor muscle connections when compared to every ape and every hominid in history. Earth would therefore have been less favourable than Mars for colonisation). The aforementioned pillar is not embossed with any ornate carvings, unlike the others. This seems to symbolise the simplicity of humanity’s beginnings on Earth. The pillar aligns with the star to the left. This is the star, which Wayne decodes in his Cydonia star map in his book, as the star of humanity’s origins. A star of humanity’s evolutional beginnings. A place where our human ancestors appear to have evolved up until the point of having developed the technology to space travel. In summary, they would have been the people who discovered our solar system.
The pillar on the right aligns with the star above it as the ‘new’ star, TYC 1799 1026 1 (see “Update July 2007” image). This star is in this position close to 100 000 years ago, and most likely represents another star system colonised by our advanced human ancestors next in line in the timeframe. The pillar therefore seems to be celebrating another visitation to Earth by human star travellers from this star system in this epoch. They too seem to have had an interest in planet Earth, perhaps once again only as a penal colony since Mars would still have been the jewel of our solar system at the time. Again, human fossil records from that epoch still show no sign of any technology. The carving on this pillar is slightly more ornate suggesting it is next in sequence and more recent than the epoch measured by the first pillar.
For Wayne, the pillar in the centre is the most important pillar. It is closest to this star and therefore represents this, the most important star, the “Blazing star”. It is located near the horizon at the foot of the ladder fitting along a timeline around 17 000 years ago, and tallies exactly with his key star correlation in his book ‘The Hidden Records’. Wayne isolates this star as the one that is celebrated the most by Earth’s diverse civilisations. The pillar seems to represent the beginnings of a mass arrival here in our star system that originated from the “Blazing Star”. It is this pillar that is synonymous with Jacob’s pillar from the biblical Genesis texts. It is embellished with the most intricate carvings, which suggests it is the most recent event of the three-pillar sequence. Fossil records and historical texts and murals suggest that visitors that came from the sky were abundant from this moment forward. What is more, ancient building techniques from this period show a lost technology that is impossible to duplicate today. Wayne contends that their arrival here on Earth could have been a full-scale invasion of this planet, replacing the last Earth hominid… the Neanderthal.
Notice what happens if one overlays the two seals on the one-dollar bill to form the combination as seen in the image below. The three stars become visible around the capstone, matching the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ triangulation of the three important astronomically catalogued Sun-like stars.
The overlay combination also forms a shape resembling the star of David with the all-seeing eye of God at its centre.
The pyramid on the ground is located below the inverted triangle formed by the stars in the sky, as if it were symbolising "as above so below". This strongly suggests that the pyramid starmap theory of Wayne's book is a reality.
The primary clue that led to interpreting the seal in this way is inspired by the matching blazing light themes on the two seals. It seems to suggest an enlightening secret: The connection between the capstone with all-seeing eye and a geometric pattern of stars blazing with an inner triangle of stars portrayed with a similar template to the capstone.
The pyramid capstone was thus repositioned carefully over the counterpart star shape and this is the result here. The letters m-a-s-o-n are also formed by the eagles wing tips, feet and tail only when an exact seal overlay is positioned. A lot more is revealed in this seal later.
If one were to merge together the two triangles in the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ (very faint grey lines) formed by the hourglass shape geometry, it also symbolises "as above so below". Also, notice that the star of David is formed (see the reproduced image below). This symbol is thought by many to trace back to the Seal of Solomon. The Judaic sacred symbol for the star of David (according to Wikipedia) represents the sacred number seven. A six pointed star with its larger hexagonal centre representing seven.
Their Menorah, or sacred oil lamp, also celebrates the sacred number with seven burning flames. One has to wonder if there is deliberate symbolism here. It is interesting too that a star icon is being formed when the two triangles merge to form the ‘star’ of David. Could it be representing one single important star in the heavens, the “Blazing Star”, while encrypted in it is the record of seven other nearby sacred stars… the Pleiades?
In the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ the key placed on the ladder may well symbolise Hiram’s key to the secret he was privy to, perhaps even the ‘key’ to deciphering the secret star map theory that he alone held. Wayne has proposed that St Peter also protected the same secret knowledge and in statues it is the key he holds in his hand while pointing to something important at the Vatican. For the secret layout design of Vatican City and the key of St Peter Click here.
More recently, there has been considerable publicity surrounding another secret that will follow on from ‘The Da Vinci Code’ epic and it will be exposed in the latest novel that Dan Brown is currently writing about. Its title is already listed at Amazon as: ‘The Solomon Key.’ Is this the same enigmatic ‘key’ to unlocking the same cosmic secret? After all, King Solomon is important to Freemasonry and the legendary seal of Solomon appears to have a lot to do with the key of Solomon, another mystery that has not yet been solved. In the link below take a close look at the all the historical and secret manuscript references there are on the seal and the key of King Solomon.
If you scroll back up to the ‘Hiram Abif star map’, notice the ‘celestial’ hand reaching down from the “Blazing Star” holding the symbol representing the Holy Grail. For more on Wayne’s theory on how the Grail fits into this story Click here.
The hand from the heavens, from the “Blazing Star” as it were, and the symbolic icon for the Grail would suggest that this invaluable star knowledge of human ancestry somehow forms part of the Christ story. If Wayne’s theory is real, then one must wonder: If humanity comes from somewhere else in this universe, then surely Christ would have tried to leave a record of it. Wayne is certain that remnants of this star knowledge are traceable in the Gospels of Matthew and Judas.
In the texts of Matthew, Wayne is convinced that the three ‘wise’ magi are synonymous with a very specific piece of star wisdom: The knowledge that it is the three-stars-in-a-row of the Orion belt stars that shows the way to both the Pleiades and blazing star. One needs to follow this alignment to find the location of the most important stars. Now consider the dual meaning:
It reads as a star map rather than the interpretation of the three kings from the East looking for a star hovering above the birth site of Christ. The problem with the traditional interpretation is: How can a star be located so low in the night sky that one would be able to follow it? For more see the star animation at the top of the home page then Click here.
Another biblical story that holds an important clue is the recent discovery of the ancient codex of the Gospel of Judas Iscariot. In it Christ tells Judas that: “This star is also your star.” It seems likely that this was the perfect time to explain that we are all of the same ‘Divine seed’ as he was Click here.
There might be representation of the secret ‘art’ of stone masonry represented by the uncut stone and hammer you see on the bottom right of the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ (see below) and the cut stone at the centre. If we go back to the biblical texts, Solomon’s Temple was built by cutting colossal stone blocks without making a sound.
It is also worth mentioning that Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ was quite convinced of a real mystery behind an inverted pyramid over a standing pyramid in the Louvre. This inversion forms an hourglass shape very similar to Orion, or the symbol for "as above so below". Note also in the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ (below) it completes a shape around the ladder, possibly symbolising a pyramid on the ground correlating with stars (Wayne’s complete pyramid/star map theory). The lines forming the edges of the pyramid also match the pyramid slope angles on the one-dollar bill.
The next important question inevitably has to be: Could this secret have its origins in ancient Egypt?
The most significant conclusion that Wayne derives from the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ is how accurately this ‘star map’ fits his pyramid star map theory. But to be more specific, how the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ correlates with the night sky of ancient Egypt.
The stars as they appear on the Eastern horizon in Egypt are identical to how the stars appear on the ‘Hiram Abif star map’. The orientation of the Pleiades stars is exact!
“As above so below”: The Egyptian’s most precious monument, their gold-capped obelisk solar monument at Abusir celebrates the position of the star of Ra… The “Blazing star” in a grand pyramid/star map.Click here
If you page through the early chapters of ‘The Hidden Records’, you will notice that the premise of Wayne’s research is the secret of the Sphinx. It literally beckons us to interpret all the pyramids as stars. Every night it watches these stars rise on the horizon in the East. Which comes as no surprise, because the Egyptians celebrated the stars specifically when they rise on the horizon, in the East! It is this secret of the Sphinx that led Wayne to determine that all 50 or so pyramids of Lower Egypt represent a complete ring… a 360 degree circuit of constellations around the Earth that correlated with pyramids on the ground. The whole pyramid field had at its centre a gold-capped obelisk near Abusir that represented the “Blazing star”. Click here.
But there is even more to the secret of the Sphinx.
Not only does it beckon us to interpret all the stars as pyramids by watching them rise in the East every night. It is watching the rising of the ultimate star of Ra, near the Pleiades constellation, above the horizon in the East… something completely measurable.
This unique Pleiades interpretation and the blazing star are recorded at two other famous Egyptian sites: In the Senmut tomb and on the Zodiac disc at the Temple of Hathor at Dendera.
The unique star orientation of the Pleiades was something Wayne felt compelled to test on a computer star programme. What would the Pleiades constellation look like, when it rises in the Northern Hemisphere above the Eastern horizon?
The pattern in the sky matched the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ exactly! Here was groundbreaking evidence that both star maps had their origins in the same knowledge base. On the advice of his publisher he did not include this material since it was derived from such a sensitive source at the time.
Testing the star positions on the horizon in Egypt is very straightforward. Any star program can do this.
The fact is that these stars always rise in the East in this general orientation everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere.
Wayne wondered what the scenario would be when the star of Ra rises precisely in the East and how far back in time this could be measured.
If you have a star program, try this quick experiment: What we want to prove is the orientation of the Pleiades when the “Blazing star”, rises on the horizon perfectly positioned due East.
Simply type in this date and time with Egypt as your location: 7.30pm 14th September 3000 BC. It appears exactly like the Egyptian image above. One astronomer has already pointed out to Wayne that this exact orientation of the Pleiades rising perfectly in the East occurs over and again at many different earlier epochs. This means that it is unlikely one can use this star pattern occurrence as a way to date the beginnings of Egyptian civilisation.
However, there are now three Sun-like star positions that can be used to measure our civilisation’s chronology. Wayne already showed two of them in his book. Now that a third has entered the arena it offers even more to test his theory. The newly discovered Sun-like-star in the earlier astronomical image “UPDATE JULY 2007” displays a correlation pattern that appears to match the Egypt, Stonehenge and Mars pyramid star maps proposed by Wayne, when the sky appears as it did around 17 000 years ago (as seen in the layout images of various ancient sites at the end of this article).
BUT there is more. Take another look at the ‘new’ star depicted in the ‘Hiram Abif star map’: It is shown in a position to the left of the Pleiades.
The star has a movement path that surprisingly heads into this position interpretation… only when going back in time 90 000 years ago!
Surely this has to be an indicator of another important epoch in time, perhaps suggesting the proposed second arrival event date of people just like us from another star system. This begs the question: Are we looking at the human genus from one particular star system colonising Earth (but at different epochs), or are we dealing with human species from different star systems, but who have evolved independently and virtually identical to us? It is quite possible our omnipotent Creator of the universe has created the human form with a universal design code, if we are to believe that we, the human being are the perfect creation, as our holy books insist. If one believes in God one would assume that the human form would be abundant throughout the vast universe if there were other worlds out there. The human form would therefore be a creature evolving over vast periods of time within this specific self-diagnostic evolutional design code to become compatible with its own planetary conditions (where water is found abundantly as a liquid).
Egyptian themes and this ancient civilisation’s knowledge are openly recognised and celebrated in Freemasonry. For example, as many already know: On the one-dollar bill. In the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ the hieroglyph for the star of Ra is clearly depicted on the altar/crypt at the bottom of the beam of light/ladder coming down from the blazing seven-pointed star.
The hieroglyph is a dot with a circle around it. (Compare this to the Egyptian Senmut tomb depiction below).
Wayne believes the seven-pointed star in the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ celebrates its close proximity in the sky to the seven stars of the Pleiades. Wayne also believes there could be a connection here to the origin of the seven points of light seen on the statue of Liberty in the USA and in some renditions of the god Apollo and Christ himself.
One of the most widely explored historical sites in ‘The Hidden Records’ is the very ancient Egyptian tomb of Senmut at Deir el Bahri, and for very obvious reasons. It contains the quintessential star map corroborating Wayne’s theories. Horus appears to be representing the belt stars of Orion showing the way to find the Pleiades. This rendition is similar to the geometric line running along the three corners of the Giza pyramids that make up the human form that holds this line/rod as a direction pointer. (See ‘The Hidden Records’ p.197).
Look closely at the detail in the enhanced image below. Orion seems to be represented as Horus in the sky showing the way (representing three stars in a row) alignment to find the star group of the Pleiades. In his book, Wayne has set out to prove, with iconology found on a forgotten coffin lid, that for the ancient Egyptians the Pleiades were clearly depicted as the leg of the bull constellation, and the Pleiades are also found in the area designated as Taurus… the bull. (See Dendera images that follow and the image of the coffin lid in ‘The Hidden Records’ p. 122).
The Senmut tomb mural also has a beam of light or celestial ladder coming down from its ultimate star down to terra firma. For the full story in deciphering this mural Click here.
The star is depicted as a red disc. (In Egyptology the red disc means Sun… or Sun-like in this case). It certainly is a star because it is a night scene, and in conjunction with it is the sacred leg of the bull constellation. The red disc has a ring around it, endowing it with the Egyptian hieroglyphic title for Ra, which once again, cannot possibly be our Sun.
The glyph for Ra or Sun (in this case Sun-like star) is found on the altar at the bottom of the ladder in the ‘Hiram Abif star map’.
All these mysterious clues around the world are slowly coming together now to make sense. The gods of the ancients have left their calling card: “This is who we are and where we come from”… and we appear to be their descendants.
Look closely at the simplified image above. There is what appears to be a phallic symbol with a fine line linking down from Horus in the sky as Orion’s belt.
This strange symbol possibly resonates from the earliest Egyptian mythology of the first time in Egypt when Osirus had his phallus cut off by Seth. What may have become ‘lost in translation’ over time, now begins to make more sense. It is a fundamental part of the ancient Egyptians’ heritage involving the stars. Notice how the ‘object’ is being handed to the ‘narrator’ of the story who is pointing (in much the same way as the belt stars do) to what is in all likelihood the most important star. This is crucial in confirming: Firstly that it is Orion pointing/showing the way. And secondly what Wayne had suggested in his book and on this website. That Orion’s belt may not be a ‘belt’ at all, but a part of the male anatomy ‘showing the way’. To see more evidence on this theory Click here
In Egypt, time and again evidence of the sacred leg of a bull star constellation icon can be found in this ancient civilisation’s most sacred places.
This is particularly so on the Dendera disc in the temple of Hathor. This leg icon once again is unambiguously representative of the Pleiades and the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ can now confirm his assertion. Why? Firstly, the leg has an exact orientation match with the stars of the Pleiades. Secondly, the carved mural includes two of the important Sun-like stars in the exact positions one would expect to find them in. Thirdly, the leg is connected to the womb of the hippo deity. This ‘interaction’ with the significant Egyptian deity Theoris or Tawaret provides an important clue to the overall meaning of this star map. She is the deity associated with human childbirth perhaps even the beginnings of humanity… the birth of the human civilisation so to speak.
In the expanded highlighted image seen above, Wayne is proposing the following detailed interpretation:
The bull of Taurus is staring back at its severed cosmic leg of the Pleiades (see dotted line).
The hippo deity or Genesis deity Theoris/Tawaret holds the symbolic knife, as the one who severed the leg. (Ref: Senmut tomb texts celebrating severing of the leg and setting it astray).
The leg as the Pleiades connects to the womb of the Genesis deity celebrating the leg as ‘Tep Zepi’… the first time.
The green figures probably represent the names of the stars of the Pleiades.
Follow the cosmic pointing effect of the leg to find the star of Ra.
It is probably Ra depicted here (with bull crown standing next to Isis). There is also a tiny bull on top of the lower star and Horus the bird on top of the bull. These two very important gods, one male the other female, have a vague but uncanny similarity with the Adam and Eve epic as a genesis theme.
We have seen some very substantial evidence in Egypt of definitive parallels between what the ancient Egyptians knew about the stars, and a mysterious piece of American history. Both must have been privy to the exact same knowledge. They both seemed to be aware of Sun-like stars that were integral to the story of their past.
But this is not where it ends. If we put the star map theory with the extra sun-like star to the test in other civilisations the unthinkable emerges.
Click on each subsequent image below, to go to each individual pyramid star map and see how the new star appears to fit the apparent monument.
This is absolutely extraordinary. Virtually every megalithic civilisation appears to revere the same profound knowledge of a grand arrival of our star ancestors. An arrival from the very same “Blazing star” that the ancient Egyptians and Hiram Abif seem to have had a very poignant obsession with.
With the release of the evidence that there is a third Sun-like star – as corroborated by the ‘Hiram Abif star map’ – it is now possible to include what can be considered the ultimate beginnings of pyramid civilisations on Earth. Preview it on Google Earth at 32° 32’08.22” N 44° 26’ 36.93” E
The proclaimed cradle of civilisation itself… The historical city of the Sumerians… Babylon!
Sumer, the land of the Sumerians is without doubt just as famous as Egypt for its obsession with the stars. Many ancient scroll seals and artefacts from here show seven great celestial bodies in the sky. The London Museum has at least four examples and they are labelled as the Pleiades. See this example in the Berlin museum where it associates a man in a flying disk with a star near the Pleiades. Click here
Sadly the original temple layout evidence of Babylon is lost (the detail in image above in the square at the top left of the satellite image). Many of its cluster of ziggurats no longer exist, yet their most important and largest monuments have been rebuilt. History has it that the city of Babylon was once surrounded by three carefully placed ziggurats with their geometric waterways. The three great ‘pyramid’ ziggurats seem to form a perfect equilateral triangle.
Notice how it also has a remarkably similar star correlation pattern to the Mayan temples of Tikal and that of Stonehenge and Mars. If anything, since it is proclaimed one of the earliest of civilisations, it almost comes as no surprise that it had to be privy to the same knowledge about its star beginnings as every other civilisation.
Xiaoling Tomb China – is a star map of the Pleiades showing the way to a sacred place.
China has literally hundreds of pyramids currently being explored by Wayne for possible star correlation interpretation. But the clues begin in their earliest Ming dynasty tombs… in this case with this early ‘mound’ in Xiaoling.
Chinese scholars in the early 1800 agreed with British scholars on the importance of astronomy and the gods of the ancients running virtually parallel in many ways. They even agreed with the theory that the Egyptian ultimate constellation was probably also the Chinese ancient sacred constellation as the patterns seem quite similar. The closest pattern they thought matched was the big Dipper. Wayne has since then shown that the Pleiades not only fits the template more perfectly correlating with the Pleiades but both have the proverbial ‘x’ star that marks the spot.
The sacred tomb is the 'x' that marks the spot correlation with an important star associated with celestial gods from the heavens. It is called the Treasure Mound and it is built like Silbury hill in England. It has been said that great cosmic secrets beyond gold treasure lies in this unopened mound.
If one is to consider the ancients were not lying about their gods coming from the stars then one would expect the ‘x’ that marks the spot to be their star of origin. Wayne has proved with astronomers agreeing that 17000 years ago a nearby Sun-like star fits the target area. (See video).
Another ancient site called Seven Star Park in China was built around seven small mountains in a cluster. Scholars did not recognise the ancient artefacts depicted the Pleiades. The ancients compared the hills once again to the same mysterious star cluster of great importance relating to their 'gods'. Not surprising that another important Ming Dynasty Tomb is built near the site across the river. The tomb this time is crescent shaped, perhaps indicating a planet in crescent near the important star in question.
Compare the star maps found at Stonehenge, Tikal, Africa and even on Mars and ponder if all these star god obsessions having the same 'x' star that marks the spot near the Pleiades of the ancients are not all just coincidences. Is it not a very motivated passionate way the ancients marked the sacred place in the heavens of their ancestors? It was the beginning of their pyramid building empire. More on the vast pyramid empire of Xian follows soon.
An inscription by King Jayavarman VII in 802 AD claimed that: “The land of Kambu resembles… that of above.” It would be the oldest monuments at Angkor that became pivotal to confirming the author’s suspicion that a star map was also at play in this extensive pyramid field in south-east Asia. The Khmer lost city of the Roluos is understood to have been the first site of settlement for the people of Angkor. The name of these oldest pyramid temples explains it all.
They are “The seven temples of the ancestors”… ostensibly the Pleiades.
It turns out that Roluos is the ‘x’ that marks the spot in the vast Angkor pyramid field. However, unlike the Giza pyramids, which replicate Orion as a location pointer, in this instance another constellation does exactly this. The reason is depicted in the next image. It is the first to rise in the East and shows the way to the Pleiades as it first appears over the horizon! Unlike Orion which follows after the Pleiades are already up high in the sky when rising on the horizon. The entire Angkor complex appears to be an exact match for Perseus, as a celestial location pointer to finding the Pleiades… and hence the pyramid temple that represents the mystery star.
Here is the breakthrough... the Pleiades rising in line with the causeways at Rolous face East always have the constellation of Perseus showing the way to it as it appears on the horizon. This rising on the horizon is the same obsession in Egypt. Here they choose Perseus only because it appears before the Pleiades rises as if to announce it is about to rise... with its ancient star of the ancestors!
The rising of the Sun with the Pleiades also occurs on a set day as it does with the secret of the Washing DC monument... but not on the 4th of July... Click here for this secret with the Key of Solomon... but 6.15 on the 10th April. It celebrates the birth of the Sun so to speak with the star of their ancestors.... near the seven temples of their ancestors representing the Pleiades at Rolous. More will follow here shortly discussing the ecliptic representation and other sacred days and the solstice.
The Chokwe African tribe predominantly covering vast areas of Zambia includes an even wider territory stretching from 7 to 18 degrees latitude South and 18 to 23 degrees longitude East.
Researcher and Zambian author of the book ‘Chokwe Art and its History’ - Marcus Matthe contacted Wayne in 2006 mentioning that although he had already launched his book, he has realised something very important. Marcus said that he had just noticed that the ancient star patterns on the wooden tablets in his book replicate the same star patterns in Wayne’s book. He said the African tribe of the Chokwe have preserved record of their legend of their ancestors arriving from the stars and they recorded their sacred past onto wooden tablets and bound them into pairs just like a book.
Wayne invited Marcus to see him shortly after his artefact collection went on a historical African art display overseas. The wooden tablets are probably not very ancient originals which would obviously be well over a thousand years old according to the opinion of the African elders there. This is because of the tablets religious usage in being included in ceremony and being handled a lot, especially in their circumcision ceremonies. The elders of the tribe say these tablets are constantly being replaced with duplicate carvings once a tablet cracks or becomes too worn. Some of the tablets carrying the valuable detail Wayne had recognised are perhaps only 50 to 100 years old at the most. But more importantly to Wayne, the simple fact that the actual finding date predates Wayne’s theory and book publishing date by many decades. This will sound odd to some, but scientifically speaking the simple fact that this remote tribe reproduced these tablets as copies of the earlier artefacts long before Wayne had presented the worldwide ancient repeating patterns you are about to see below.
If the finding occurred after Wayne’s book was published then one could question the coincidence of the correlating patterns we see here.
The South African astronomers that tried to guide Marcus suggested their interpretation of what they thought were the closest star patterns but they sadly did not recognise the most obvious pattern match. The sacred cross of the sky seemed more appropriate to them if it included the Southern Cross. It did not fit with the Milky Way representations, the three in a row star group of Orion's Belt or the cluster of stars of the Pleiades, or the strange 'x' that marks the spot position of the star of their ancestors... all of which Wayne has found common in most ancient civilisations.
After discussing the possibilities and viewing all the wooden tablets, Wayne agreed to list a few examples of the patterns that seemed quite easy to figure. Wayne proposes his views below guided by some symbol direction interpretation by Marcus who was originally instructed by an African Shaman who Marcus worked with.
The first wooden tablet below does not say much but it introduces a general star worshiping tradition. According to the shaman there is representation of the Milky way as the star belt across the centre, the sacred cross of the sky symbol at the top centre is consistent with religion. He also agreed with the stepped pyramid symbol representing burial mounds and the skull representing ‘of the spirit’ and the bird headed deity similar to Maya and Egyptian representations.
Here is where Wayne begins to see more pattern matches to other ancient civilisations.
In the tablet below, there are always two overlapping themes with different symbolism at play in each tablet, one more with symbols and one more with pictograms. The symbol of the circle with another circle inside it is probably representation of a sun-like star. Note how it is next to the Milky Way as our first clue to its location and that it is positioned above a pyramid burial mound symbol. This clue has got Marcus now trying to get arial photography of the area to see if the burial mounds represent star patterns as Wayne has found in almost all ancient civilisations. Note also the bow with two arrows symbol in the lower section displays the first part of the story showing of the way to the burial mound with Sun-like star above it. It is usually followed by a second bow and arrow with one arrow to continue the story… showing the way to something in the sky.
In the next wooden tablet below we see the best example of all the wooden tablets of a complete story. To Wayne this theme is almost identical to the Inca star map found in Coricancha Cuzco where it too displayed the ancient secret identical to this theme. Click here - Inca star map
Note again the sacred cross of the heavens representing Orion as a symbol, and then in the pictogram version on the left we see the first breakthrough…
Three stars in a row of Orions belt (left) aligning with the ‘title' star symbol at the top centre of the tablet.
Below the star title, the two bones together speak of the ancestors of the Chokwe tribe.
Below the bones the shaman refers to this deity with three orbs on its crown as an Orion star god.
On opposite sides of the two bones there is our Sun and our moon. (The Sun is the same two circle representation but with light rays). Here is the position of the ecliptic, near the ancestor star position, once again matching the same star position Wayne has identified in ancient civilisations. The depiction here is very similar to the Inca story representing the moon since it is a thin crescent.
The pyramid beneath the Sun again suggest how burial mounds represent the stars of the sky including our Sun. the story summarises on the bottom, Spirit ancestors follow from the two circles (Sun-like star, strangely also similar to the Egyptian symbol) of their ancestors interpreting a dual combo of the bow and arrow story direction so to speak. The human skull represents human ancestors and it has the bow and arrow to the right of it pointing to the double circle suggesting 'ancestors from the Sun-star'.
In the tablet above we have the first example Wayne believes confirms his star human origin theory. The cluster of stars representing the Pleiades emerges. the position of the glyph representing like in Egypt of a Sun star Here is positioned at the correct angle in reference to both Orion and the Pleiades! The first mound and inscription suggesting serpent cosmic path ancestor travel to begin life on the Earth. The serpent could symbolise their path of cosmic travel or a sperm cell seeding life here. On the left tablet we see the three belt stars of Orion following alignment direction to the double circle (Sun-like star). There are many more tablets like this all involving a cluster of stars representing the Pleiades. It is interesting too that all the oldest looking tablets have accurate star depictions while the more recent copies made only a century or so ago seem to have the detail a little more jumbled.
The most impressive tablet is the one held by Wayne in the top most image that researcher and author Marcus Matthe has entrusted with Wayne for the launch of this find in the media. The story is as illustrated above. Note the position of the ancestor star in relation to the Pleiades which matches all the other ancient star maps Wayne has deciphered in other ancient civilisations and that it shows that Orion is used to locate the Pleiades and sacred star. The tablet is very old and has more cracks appearing on it long since an earlier crack needed repairing many years ago and was probably about to be discarded by the tribe because it was one destined for a replacement to be made.
It has the common cluster of stars like most of all the other star tablets on record and it has Orion’s three belt stars on the opposite side with the way shower bow and arrow pointing to one important star. It also has the general cross effect of the outer stars of Orion included that Wayne has recently deciphered as the Chi-Rho symbol in the Christ story!
Most importantly in the exact same manner as the Voynich star map, it refers to a line of travel, a journey so to speak from the Pleiades like the style found also in the Inca star map.
But here is where this tablet shines… It has two round orbs carved into the path of the journey that matches the conclusion of Wayne’s book. It could very well read as follows according to Wayne:
"The great ancestors from a star the aligns with Orion’s belt near the Pleiades journeyed to our world perhaps represented here by a primordial mound. They passed two other star systems (or worlds) to get here. In the case for two star systems it could be referencing the two other sun-like stars in the ancient star maps that fit chronology in this order as also seen in the Freemason star map. Or… if it refers to two ‘outer’ worlds in passing on a journey to Earth, it could be the lost world of Mardak, (now the asteroid belt – Sitchen theory) and Mars before arriving and colonising Earth".
In the two images below the typical birdheaded deity of the Chokwe that matches ancient civilisations all over the world. The second image is what Wayne is certain to be representing the star and world in crescent of the ancestors. Here the remarkable similarity to the Sumerian star and crescent imagery is perhaps no coincidence at all. One now cant possibly say that only one lineage of humanity alone came from the stars. We all are descendant of star ancestors. More on this story follows soon.
Mateo 16:1 Vinieron los fariseos y los saduceos para tentarle, y le pidieron que les mostrase señal del cielo. 16:2 Mas él respondiendo, les dijo: Cuando anochece, decís: Buen tiempo; porque el cielo tiene arreboles. 16:3 Y por la mañana: Hoy habrá tempestad; porque tiene arreboles el cielo nublado. ¡Hipócritas! que sabéis distinguir el aspecto del cielo, ¡mas las señales de los tiempos no podéis! 16:4 La generación mala y adúltera demanda señal; pero señal no le será dada, sino la señal del profeta Jonás. Y dejándolos, se fue.
46. Apocalipsis 17:1: Vino entonces uno de los siete ángeles que tenían las siete copas, y habló conmigo diciéndome: Ven acá, y te mostraré la sentencia contra la gran RAMERA, la que está sentada sobre muchas aguas;
47. Apocalipsis 17:5: y en su frente un nombre escrito, un misterio: BABILONIA LA GRANDE, LA MADRE DE LAS RAMERAS Y DE LAS ABOMINACIONES DE LA TIERRA.
48. Apocalipsis 17:15: Me dijo también: Las aguas que has visto donde la RAMERA se sienta, son pueblos, muchedumbres, naciones y lenguas.
49. Apocalipsis 17:16: Y los diez cuernos que viste en la bestia, éstos aborrecerán a la RAMERA, y la dejarán desolada y desnuda; y devorarán sus carnes, y la quemarán con fuego;
16:5 Llegando sus discípulos al otro lado, se habían olvidado de traer pan. 16:6 Y Jesús les dijo: Mirad, guardaos de la levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos. 16:7 Ellos pensaban dentro de sí, diciendo: Esto dice porque no trajimos pan. 16:8 Y entendiéndolo Jesús, les dijo: ¿Por qué pensáis dentro de vosotros, hombres de poca fe, que no tenéis pan? 16:9 ¿No entendéis aún, ni os acordáis de los cinco panes entre cinco mil hombres, y cuántas cestas recogisteis? 16:10 ¿Ni de los siete panes entre cuatro mil, y cuántas canastas recogisteis? 16:11 ¿Cómo es que no entendéis que no fue por el pan que os dije que os guardaseis de la levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos? 16:12 Entonces entendieron que no les había dicho que se guardasen de la levadura del pan, sino de la doctrina de los fariseos y de los saduceos. 16:13 Viniendo Jesús a la región de Cesarea de Filipo, preguntó a sus discípulos, diciendo: ¿Quién dicen los hombres que es el Hijo del Hombre? (Cesarea de Filipo estaba en la antigua tribu de Dan que tiene fuerte nexo con DINA, la hija de Jacob, y con la viuda Maria Magdalena)
16:14 Ellos dijeron: Unos, Juan el Bautista; otros, Elías; y otros, Jeremías, o alguno de los profetas. 16:15 El les dijo: Y vosotros, ¿quién decís que soy yo? 16:16 Respondiendo Simón Pedro, dijo: Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo del Dios viviente. (En contexto a JUAN 1, en contexto al tercer dia, se demuestra que aqui se esta haciendo referencia a Pedro como nexo con PIEDRA/CEFAS)
1:19 Este es el testimonio de Juan, cuando los judíos enviaron de Jerusalén sacerdotes y levitas para que le preguntasen: ¿Tú, quién eres? 1:20 Confesó, y no negó, sino confesó: Yo no soy el Cristo. 1:21 Y le preguntaron: ¿Qué pues? ¿Eres tú Elías? Dijo: No soy. ¿Eres tú el profeta? Y respondió: No. 1:22 Le dijeron: ¿Pues quién eres? para que demos respuesta a los que nos enviaron. ¿Qué dices de ti mismo? 1:23 Dijo: Yo soy la voz de uno que clama en el desierto: Enderezad el camino del Señor, como dijo el profeta Isaías. 1:24 Y los que habían sido enviados eran de los fariseos. 1:25 Y le preguntaron, y le dijeron: ¿Por qué, pues, bautizas, si tú no eres el Cristo, ni Elías, ni el profeta? 1:26 Juan les respondió diciendo: Yo bautizo con agua; mas en medio de vosotros está uno a quien vosotros no conocéis. 1:27 Este es el que viene después de mí, el que es antes de mí, del cual yo no soy digno de desatar la correa del calzado. 1:28 Estas cosas sucedieron en Betábara, al otro lado del Jordán, donde Juan estaba bautizando. 1:29 El siguiente día vio Juan a Jesús que venía a él, y dijo: He aquí el Cordero de Dios, que quita el pecado del mundo. 1:30 Este es aquel de quien yo dije: Después de mí viene un varón, el cual es antes de mí; porque era primero que yo. 1:31 Y yo no le conocía; mas para que fuese manifestado a Israel, por esto vine yo bautizando con agua. 1:32 También dio Juan testimonio, diciendo: Vi al Espíritu que descendía del cielo como paloma, y permaneció sobre él. 1:33 Y yo no le conocía; pero el que me envió a bautizar con agua, aquél me dijo: Sobre quien veas descender el Espíritu y que permanece sobre él, ése es el que bautiza con el Espíritu Santo. 1:34 Y yo le vi, y he dado testimonio de que éste es el Hijo de Dios. 1:35 El siguiente día otra vez estaba Juan, y dos de sus discípulos. 1:36 Y mirando a Jesús que andaba por allí, dijo: He aquí el Cordero de Dios. 1:37 Le oyeron hablar los dos discípulos, y siguieron a Jesús. 1:38 Y volviéndose Jesús, y viendo que le seguían, les dijo: ¿Qué buscáis? Ellos le dijeron: Rabí (que traducido es, Maestro), ¿dónde moras? 1:39 Les dijo: Venid y ved. Fueron, y vieron donde moraba, y se quedaron con él aquel día; porque era como la hora décima. 1:40 Andrés, hermano de Simón Pedro, era uno de los dos que habían oído a Juan, y habían seguido a Jesús. 1:41 Este halló primero a su hermano Simón, y le dijo: Hemos hallado al Mesías (que traducido es, el Cristo). 1:42 Y le trajo a Jesús. Y mirándole Jesús, dijo: Tú eres Simón, hijo de Jonás; tú serás llamado Cefas (que quiere decir, Pedro).
16:17 Entonces le respondió Jesús: Bienaventurado eres, Simón, hijo de Jonás, porque no te lo reveló carne ni sangre, sino mi Padre que está en los cielos. (El nombre SIMON aparentemente es un puente con SIMON Y LEVI en contexto a DINA /GENESIS 34. ¿SIMON Y LEVI SON UN ICONO O ANTI-ICONO DE PEDRO Y JUAN MARCOS? ¿QUE RELACION HABRIA ENTRE LEVI Y JUAN MARCOS?)
16:18 Y yo también te digo, que tú eres Pedro, y sobre esta roca edificaré mi iglesia; y las puertas del Hades no prevalecerán contra ella. (La roca es BENJAMIN/SIRIO e incluso tambien esta relacionado con JOSE segun Genesis 49. )
Génesis 49:24: Mas su arco se mantuvo poderoso, Y los brazos de sus manos se fortalecieron Por las manos del Fuerte de Jacob (Por el nombre del Pastor, la ROCA de Israel),
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos. 16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
Job 38:31: ¿Podrás tú atar los lazos de las Pléyades, O desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?
1 Pedro 5:1 Ruego a los ancianos que están entre vosotros, yo anciano también con ellos, y testigo de los padecimientos de Cristo, que soy también participante de la gloria que será revelada: 5:2 Apacentad la grey de Dios que está entre vosotros, cuidando de ella, no por fuerza, sino voluntariamente; no por ganancia deshonesta, sino con ánimo pronto; 5:3 no como teniendo señorío sobre los que están a vuestro cuidado, sino siendo ejemplos de la grey. 5:4 Y cuando aparezca el Príncipe de los pastores, vosotros recibiréis la corona incorruptible de gloria. 5:5 Igualmente, jóvenes, estad sujetos a los ancianos; y todos, sumisos unos a otros, revestíos de humildad; porque: Dios resiste a los soberbios, Y da gracia a los humildes. 5:6 Humillaos, pues, bajo la poderosa mano de Dios, para que él os exalte cuando fuere tiempo; 5:7 echando toda vuestra ansiedad sobre él, porque él tiene cuidado de vosotros. 5:8 Sed sobrios, y velad; porque vuestro adversario el diablo, como león rugiente, anda alrededor buscando a quien devorar; 5:9 al cual resistid firmes en la fe, sabiendo que los mismos padecimientos se van cumpliendo en vuestros hermanos en todo el mundo. 5:10 Mas el Dios de toda gracia, que nos llamó a su gloria eterna en Jesucristo, después que hayáis padecido un poco de tiempo, él mismo os perfeccione, afirme, fortalezca y establezca. 5:11 A él sea la gloria y el imperio por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. 5:12 Por conducto de Silvano, a quien tengo por hermano fiel, os he escrito brevemente, amonestándoos, y testificando que ésta es la verdadera gracia de Dios, en la cual estáis. 5:13 La iglesia que está en Babilonia, elegida juntamente con vosotros, y Marcos mi hijo, os saludan. 5:14 Saludaos unos a otros con ósculo de amor. Paz sea con todos vosotros los que estáis en Jesucristo. Amén.
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.