Pleyades, Orión y Sirio,
De tres lugares vinieron los dioses, esos seres que lucharon entre ellos y que nos manipularon. De Las Pleyades, de Orión y de Sirio, y parece ser que tenemos algo de los tres. En la fábula de la historia que nos han hecho estudiar, siempre nos hablablan del misterio de la Santísima Trinidad, eso que a muchos nos resultaba tan difícil de entender. Nos llama la atención de tres lugares que recorren las páginas de misterio: .- Los Moais de la isla de Páscua miraban a Las Pleyades y a Orión.A los enigmas ya conocidos de la isla de Pascua hay que añadir las novedosas propuestas arqueoastronómicas planteadas por el astrónomo español Juan Antonio Belmonte y el antropólogo chileno Edmundo Edwards. Su tesis es que los gigantes de Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua (El ombligo del mundo) miraban a las Pléyades, al cinturón de Orión y a la Luna. 
¿Cuál es la verdadera orientación de los moais? La orientación de la mayoría de moais parece que está dictada por la topografía de la isla. Sin embargo, el astrónomo William Liller descubrió que, aunque algunas de estas estatuas de piedra estaban situadas en paralelo a la costa, sus ahus o plataformas ceremoniales no lo estaban y que otras ubicadas más al interior tampoco seguían esta norma. Y dedujo que su posición podía corresponderse con una orientación astronómica, que en un primer momento relacionó con los equinoccios y solsticios y con disposiciones solares.
¿Su trabajo y el de Edwards pretendían verificar la propuesta de Liller? Llegamos a otro tipo de conclusiones. Edmundo contaba con la valiosa información etnográfica y etnoastronómica que había estado recopilando durante más de cuatro décadas tanto en Pascua como en otras islas de la Polinesia. Por eso sabíamos que para los habitantes de Rapa Nui eran mucho más importante la Luna (mahina) y las estrellas que el Sol.
¿A qué conclusión llegaron? Nos dimos cuenta de que muchas de las orientaciones interpretadas por Liller como equinocciales en realidad se correspondían con el cinturón de Orión (Tautoru), y que la gran mayoría de las solsticiales se relacionaban con la ubicación de las Pléyades (Matariki), el asterismo más importante de la cultura Rapa Nui.
¿Encajan estos hallazgos con la cosmovisión local y con los mitos y los ritos de los pascuences? Sí, porque estas orientaciones están ligadas a los objetos astronómicos más importantes en la cosmovisión rapanui, que están representados en su calendario lunar. Para respetar el ciclo de las estaciones, las lunas estaban gobernadas por las salidas y las puestas de determinadas estrellas, como Vega, Sirio y Antares. Pero sobre todo por el cinturón de Orión y las Pléyades.
El grupo de estrellas de las Pléyades parece haber sido crucial... La primera y última visión de las Pléyades o Matariki al atardecer marcaba el mejor período, la época de esplendor, la estación más próspera del año, conocida como Hora Nui, en la que se podía pescar libremente. Era el tiempo de la cosecha y los rituales en los ahus, un período durante el cual la guerra estaba prohibida. Por el contrario, la época en la que estas estrellas no eran visibles en el cielo pascuence se correspondía con el período hitu, la estación negra. Esto demostraría la singular relación que guardaba este grupo de estrellas con el calendario pascuence. Y explicaría por qué los siete moais de Ahu Akivi son los únicos de la isla que miran hacia el mar y están orientados a la puesta de la constelación de Tautoru, marcando el principio del año rapanui.
¿Por qué los siete moais de Ahu Akivi son los únicos que miran hacia el mar? La respuesta está en las Pléyades.-Los dogones nos hablan de Sirio.En los pueblos de los Dogon, incluso a los niños se les transmitió la 'ciencia' de la Estrella Sirio y ellos conocen las historias de sus antepasados procedentes del sistema estelar sirio. Estos sistemas impulsan el arte de la percepción muy aguda, ¡así que vamos a investigar los registro de los Dogon y hacer aflorar estas habilidades en vosotros!
La Alianza Siria/Pleyadiana fue muy amplificada por el periastrón de Sirio en abril del 1994, cuando Sirio B estaba mas cerca de Sirio A en su orbita elíptica de cincuenta años. Quirón estará lo mas cerca posible a nuestro Sol el 14 de febrero de 1996 y esto será el momento ideal para anclar los códigos de Sirio profundamente dentro de la Tierra. Tanto Sirio B como Quirón tienen orbitas muy elípticas y ambos están lo mas cerca posible a las estrellas que rodean desde 1992 hasta 1998. Sirio A y Sirio B forman un sistema binario y sus patrones de orbita son la base de las practicas rituales de la cultura Dogon de Mali, en el oeste de África Central.
Los Dogon confiaron el secreto de sus misterios mas elevados a los eminentes antropólogos franceses Marcel Griaule y Germaine Dieterlen en los años 1946/1950, y sus investigaciones son la base de El Misterio Sirio. Los mencionados antropólogos comprobaron que estos complejos rituales se basan en un análisis extremadamente detallado de los patrones de 6rbitas y características físicas tanto de Sirio A como de Sirio B, además de Sirio C, una tercera estrella cuya órbita alrededor de Sirio A también dura cincuenta años. Sirio C viaja formando ángulos rectos con Sirio B. La existencia de estos rituales que se celebran desde hace, por lo menos, mil años hasta la fecha actual es asombrosa porque Sirio B fue vista por primera vez a través de un telescopio en el siglo XIX y la primera foto se obtuvo en 1970 dado que es una estrella enana blanca, extremadamente densa y prácticamente invisible.
En otras palabras, Sirio B era invisible para los Dogón; sin embargo, insistían en que era la estrella más importante, confeccionaron diagramas de su órbita elíptica y sus rituales demuestran que sabían que la duración de la órbita en torno a Sirio A era de cincuenta años. Temple denomina a Sirio B 'Digitaria' porque los Dogon la Ilamaron 'Po'. Po es la semilla comestible más pequeña que conocían los Dogón y Digitaria es el nombre de la especie de esta semilla. Es decir, se le dio el nombre Po ¡porque los Dogón sabían que Sirio B era una estrella minúscula y densa! Digitaria tiene la connotación de 'dedo' y 'quiro' significa 'mano' en griego, una coincidencia aparentemente curiosa.
Existen datos astronómicos fascinantes que sostienen la mitología Dogón y llamaron la atención de Robert Temple.
Por ejemplo, Los Dogón denominaron Po al 'huevo del mundo' y decían que alumbraba a toda la creación en el Universo. Los Dogón dicen que Po esta hecha de tierra, aire, fuego y agua pero, curiosamente, el elemento tierra fue reemplazado por metal.[6.] La enana blanca mas cercana a la Tierra - alejada 8.6 años de luz - es Sirio B. Cuando las enanas blancas se convierten en supernovas, esparcen grandes cantidades de hierro por la Galaxia y el Sol y la Tierra nacieron, según el libro The Alchemy of Heaven de Ken Croswell, de una nube de polvo rica en hierro hace 4.6 billones de años - un proceso idéntico al que esta ocurriendo ahora en Orión.
De acuerdo con los últimos análisis científicos de ondas sísmicas procedentes de terremotos el centro de la Tierra es un enorme cristal de hierro.[8.] Los rituales Dogón, basados en el sistema estelar de Sirio, son una señal segura de una autentica cosmogonía, registros fieles de la creación. Esto me hace pensar que la primera dimensión de la Tierra - el núcleo de cristal de hierro - nació cuando Sirio B se convirtió en una supernova. Es decir, ¡la Tierra nació del sistema estelar de Sirio! Temple aporta pruebas de que la investigación antropológica ha demostrado mas allá de toda duda que los rituales Dogón no habían sufrido ninguna influencia moderna y de como los Dogón aseguran, Digitaria es la fuente de todo lo que existe en la Tierra. Digitaria explotó, se convirtió en una supernova y tiene que haber proporcionado el cristal de hierro del cual nació la Tierra. ¡Como, si no, los rituales Dogón podían describir con tanta exactitud a Sirio B?
Los Dogón dicen que Digitaria es el eje del mundo y que sin su movimiento ninguna otra estrella podría mantener su rumbo. Como dice Temple.
.- ¿Y a dónde apuntaban las pirámides?
A ella no puede, desde luego, recurrirse cuando se averigua - como hizo el astroarqueólogo ruso Vladimir Rubtsov - que el antiguo vocablo iranio que se usaba para referirse a Sirio era Tistrya, palabra que se origina en el vocablo sánscrito Tri-Stri, y que significa tres estrellas! Es decir, que el conocimiento de que Sirio es un sistema estelar triple fue casi univer sal en nuestro más remoto pasado. ¿Pero por qué? ¿Quién difundió semejante "secreto"? Los egipcios posiblemente hicieron evidente ese secreto en la meseta de Giza, junto a El Cairo, precisamente gracias a las tres monumentales pirámides que allí pueden contemplarse. No en vano cada día somos más quienes creemos que la Gran Pirámide fue en verdad un templo - y no una tumba - dedicado a Isis, la diosa que encarna a Sirio A, y en cuyas medidas y proporciones fundamentales se encuentran encerrados saberes relacionados con el monumento original de la pirámide de Micerinos, antaño cubierta por losas de granito de este color. 
Por la misma regla de tres, la ciencia algún día podría llegar a comprobar que las tres pequeñas pirámides satélite que hay junto a la de Keops representan tres planetas junto a Sirio A, al igual que las otras tres pirámides menores que flanquean a Micerinos (Sirio C). Curiosamente esta disposición no sitúa ninguna pirámide menor junto a Kefrén, quizá por lo que los astrónomos ya saben: el enorme peso gravitacional de Sirio B hace imposible que ningún planeta orbite en torno suyo sin ser fatalmente atraído hacia la estrella.
Frente a esta hipótesis, en el último año se ha acuñado otra no menos interesante. En 1994 los investigadores Robert Bauval y Adrian Gilbert hacían público que tres de los cuatro canales de ventilación de la Gran Pirámide estuvieron orientados hacia estrellas concretas. Así el canal norte de la cámara del Rey miró hacia Alpha Draconis, el canal norte de la cámara de la Reina hacia la estrella más baja del cinturón de Orión (las tres estrellas centrales de la constelación) , y el canal sur de esta misma cámara hacia Sirio.
Su particular "descubrimiento" les llevó a formular su aventurada "teoría de la correlación con Orión" de la que se desprende que las pirámides de Giza son una réplica exacta del cinturón de Orión y que el Nilo así como el resto de pirámides egipcias ocupan los lugares correlativos a la Vía Láctea y otras estrellas importantes.
Pero hay más. La orientación de los canales de la Gran Pirámide corresponde - según Bauval y Gilbert - a la posición de las tres estrellas citadas en el 2450 a.C" aunque la ubicación de las pirámides marca el lugar del cénit donde estuvo Orión en el 10450 a.C. Lo que proponen ambos investigadores para explicar esta diferencia cronológica es que, si bien la Gran Pirámide fue erigida en el 2450 a.C. (perpetuando así la falsa tesis arqueológica oficial de que fue construida por Keops), en cambio conmemoran un acontecimiento remoto que tuvo lugar en el 10450 a.C. Pero, ¿cual? Independientemente de cual de las dos hipótesis para la disposición de las pirámides de Giza est‚ más próxima a la verdad, lo cierto es que la vinculación de Sirio y Orión, al menos desde un punto de vista astronómico, es innegable, pues los egipcios sabían que Orión se perdía tras el horizonte una hora antes que Sirio, lo que sirvió de referencia también para el establecimiento del calendario sóthico.
En definitiva, pese a toda la evidencia expuesta, los historiadores prefieren seguir ignorando el porqué de la fascinación que ejerció sobre los egipcios (y sobre otros pueblos tan alejados de ellos como chinos o dogones) la estrella Sirio, aunque todos ellos se esforzaron en aclararnos estas dudas en sus templos y mitos: sus "dioses instructores" descendieron un día lejano de aquel sistema triple y habitaron quizá entre nuestros antepasados.
"Esto significa que es la maestra de ceremonias de las posiciones celestiales; gobierna particularmente la posición de Sirio, una estrella indomable; la separa de las otras estrellas al cercarla con su trayectoria".De Sirios también decir: Sobre la puerta de entrada a la pirámide de Keops, un científico inglés, examinó los orificios donde supuestamente se insertarían esos seis cilindros, y encontró las marcas de un broca algo extrañas. En primer lugar, la broca tendría que tener una dureza 500, para poder haber trepanado de la forma en que lo hizo este bloque de granito. Tengamos en cuenta que el material más duro que se conoce es la vidia, que es el diamante sintético y tiene dureza 11 y se utiliza en los talleres para cortar precisamente el granito. En seccionar un bloque de granito de un metro, se invierten horas con nuestra técnica actual. Según los cálculos de este científico inglés, en base a la medida de separación de las marcas dejadas por la broca, el proceso de perforación con el que se trataron los orificios del bloque de cierre, fue tres veces más rápido que como hoy en día lo hubiéramos conseguido con nuestro sistema. Sólo con observar el obelisco inacabado de las canteras de granito rosa que se encuentran en Aswan, nos damos cuenta que la forma acucharada con la que esta esculpido, encierra un misterio superior al que simplemente nos explican los arqueólogos A cierta distancia del nacimiento del Nilo, se encuentra una tribu, los Dogones, anclada en la prehistoria, que afirma que hace diez mil años, una extraña arca de luz vino del cielo. De ella salieron unos seres mitad pez, mitad hombre llamados instructores y decían venir de una estrella llamada Potoolo (Sirio B). Contaban que en ese sistema estelar, había una estrella de gran magnitud llamada Digitaria (Sirio A) y que Potoolo rotaba al rededor de Digitaria en un tiempo de 50 años. También decían que una simple cucharada de la estrella Potoolo, pesaba más que todo nuestro planeta. Según las comprobaciones científicas que se hicieron al respecto, Los Dogones, conocían exactamente el sistema estelar binario de Sirio, cuando este se descubrió por primera vez en el año 1824 y se pudo observar en el 1864 con un telescopio. Por otro lado, en el 1972, se comprobó que en efecto, la estrella Sirio B, tiene un periodo de 50 años alrededor de Sirio A. Y para mayor asombro, hace tan solo cinco años, se pudo analizar mediante un sistema espectral, la densidad que tendría la estrella Sirio B, dando casualmente una dureza 500.
World Trade Center
The new World Trade Center is loaded with secrets in plain sight. My previous post was on the Freedom Tower which is WTC 1 in the following site plan:

Image courtesy MesserWoland under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Here’s a brief accounting of the WTC towers:

Yes, the sum of the WTC building heights is 6660 feet. See my post on 666.
Do you notice that there is no WTC6? There used to be a WTC 6 before 9/11 but they aren’t rebuilding its namesake. Don’t you wonder why?
The Pleiades by Elihu Vedder (1885)
In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope.
However only six stars in the Pleiades constellation are distinctly visible to the naked eye. The Japanese name for the Pleiades is Subaru, which in Japanese translates into “to govern.” World trade and the corporations that centralize it truly govern the world.
The Subaru car maker uses the six visible stars of the Pleiades as its logo:

The ancient Greeks explained the sudden disappearance of the seventh star in various narratives. According to one, all the Pleiades were consorts to gods, with the exception of Merope. She deserted her sisters in shame, having taken a mortal husband, Sisyphus, the King of Corinth. Another explanation for the ‘lost’ star related to the myth of the Electra, an ancestress of the royal house of Troy. After the destruction of Troy, the grief stricken Electra abandoned her sisters and was transformed into a comet – everafter to be a sign of impending doom. -Source
The above reminds me of the PATH of Comet Elenin which reaches perihelion on 9/11/11 and whose tail will come closest to the Earth on 11/11/11. I recommend listening to Richard Hoagland on this subject.
Perhaps the 9/11 Memorial entitled Reflecting Absence symbolizes the missing Pleiadian sister?
There is more to the Pleiadian mythos that is worth understanding:
The Pleiades were the virgin companions of Artemis, to the ancient Greeks, the goddess of hunting and the Moon. Whilst stalking a hind [deer], the great hunter Orion crept into a sunlit glade, disturbing the innocent play of the sisters. They fled in alarm.
His immoderate passions enflamed by their beauty and grace, he pursued them relentlessly, as was fitting for the greatest mortal hunter. In frustration, Artemis pleaded with Zeus for his intervention. With characteristic olympian sarcasm, he did.
As the hunter closed in on his prey, Zeus transformed the sisters into a flock of doves. They flew into the heavens, beyond the reach of their pursuer, but also removed from earthly companionship with the goddess! -Source
The word Pleiades comes from the Greek peleiades which means flock of doves. Speaking of, the World Trade Center Transportation Hub is nested between WTC 2 and WTC 3.
On September 6, 2005 Gov. George Pataki, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Sen. Hillary Clinton, and other city, state, and federal officials gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony for the new World Trade Center Transportation Hub.
“This is a momentous occasion for the World Trade Center site and for the rebirth of Lower Manhattan,” Pataki said before a crowd gathered in the World Trade Center site.
Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, who also spoke at the ceremony, designed the building in the shape of a bird in flight. In January 2004, when he unveiled his initial design concept, Calatrava said that he drew his inspiration from the image of a child releasing a bird. That image — evoking freedom and rebirth — came to life at the end of the ceremony when Calatrava’s daughter, Sophia, released two white doves into the blue sky above the site where the Twin Towers once stood. -Source
Doves and pigeons constitute the bird family Columbidae, long used in magical rituals, which I explored in my Never A Straight Answer post.

Image courtesy Alan D. Wilson under the under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license
As I said in that post, “This casts a new light on things such as the Space Shuttle Columbia, the District of Columbia, Columbia University, the Goddess Columbia, the country of Columbia, and of course Christopher Columbus himself.”
“Santiago Calatrava’s awe-inspiring design of a child releasing a bird into the air represents the hope and promise of a World Trade Center reborn out of the ashes of September 11. -Source
What bird rises out of the ashes? The phoenix of course. See my post on Phoenixes. Calatrava is the same person who designed the Sundial Bridge which aligns perfectly with the secret architecture of San Francisco. See this post. Everything is interconnected.
Costs of Calatrava’s Bird Keep on Soaring at Ground Zero
What’s the priciest part of the new World Trade Center? Nope, not 1 WTC, which will be America’s tallest building. The answer is a train station that will be used by New Jersey commuters and Red Bulls soccer fans, at a price tag of $3.4 billion—and climbing! That’s according to the Bergen Record, which obtained a federal report that says the final cost of architect Santiago Calatrava’s WTC transportation hub—the PATH train station and underground connections to the Fulton Street Transit Center and World Financial Center—might be $3.8 billion. -Source
Herbert Muschamp, architecture critic of The New York Times, wrote:
“Santiago Calatrava’s design for the World Trade Center PATH station should satisfy those who believe that buildings planned for ground zero must aspire to a spiritual dimension. Over the years, many people have discerned a metaphysical element in Mr. Calatrava’s work. I hope New Yorkers will detect its presence, too.” -Source
Fellow researcher Chad Stuemke dug up the fact that The Discovery Channel had a special called RISING (Rebuilding Ground Zero), the name obviously suggesting the phoenix. Here are some quotes Chad pulled out of RISING:
- This is Ground Zero’s new gateway.
- Calatrava’s Transportation Hall is an iconic gateway that links subway, street, and sky.
- Beneath the new skyscrapers an iconic gateway is filling the void.
- Project architect Mike Garz said, “I just look forward to a time when that space opens to the heavens and I can see the angels coming to collect the souls.”
OK now this inter-dimensional gateway is really starting to creep me out.
Calatrava’s above ground structure is literally called Oculus, meaning eye. -Source
The Oculus structure measures 330 feet in length and connects 13 PATH trains underground. Calatrava says the design is inspired by the crown on the Statue of Liberty. Architecture critics have compared it to a winged dinosaur. -Source

Oculus is also the name of the art installation in the underground Chambers Street / WTC subway station. See my post on Ellipses for more on this.

Image from Oculus installation courtesy Grant Chamberlin
Calatrava’s Transportation Hub replaces a temporary PATH station that had to be built after the underground system was destroyed on 9/11. The temporary station put two uptown services into operation: Newark–33rd Street (red) and Hoboken–33rd Street (blue).
The underground part of the new PATH hall will look like this:

The RISING special says, “PATH Hall sits directly below Memorial Plaza and consists of a spine with 25 vertebrae connecting 275 extending ribs.”
Fellow researcher Mark Gray points out that Swans have 25 cervical vertebrae. And 275 / 25 = 11
In the name of security, Santiago Calatrava’s bird has grown a beak. Its ribs have doubled in number and its wings have lost their interstices of glass…. The main transit hall, between Church and Greenwich Streets, will almost certainly lose some of its delicate quality, while gaining structural expressiveness. It may now evoke a slender stegosaurus more than it does a bird. -Source
Most researchers now support the view that birds are a group of theropod dinosaurs. The Transportation Hub looks to me like a monumental reptilian eye. Check out the Reptilian Agenda for another deep dark rabbit hole.
The Wedge of Light
Daniel Liebeskind won the competition to be the master plan architect for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center site. Liebeskind’s buildings include the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Danish Jewish Museum in Copenhagen, the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, the Wohl Centre in Israel, and the Imperial War Museum North in the UK.
Liebeskind’s concept for WTC2, called the “wedge of light,” states that no shadows shall be cast on the memorial park on September 11th. Lord Foster designed the top of the building like a wedge with four rhombi at the top.
Speaking of the Pleiades, shadows, and Lords:
Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name. -Amos 5:8

Rendering copyright Silverstein Properties
The Transportation Hall was also supposedly designed so at the exact time the second tower collapsed, every Sept. 11th at 10:28am, the sun enters the transportation hub illuminating the building with light.
However Eli Attia, an architect who has been a frequent critic of the rebuilding process, published a study showing that 40 percent to 99 percent of the Wedge of Light would be in shadow cast by the Millenium Hilton Hotel during the times when Mr. Libeskind had said it would be free of shadows.
Mr. Libeskind won the enthusiastic support of both Gov. George E. Pataki and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg with his design, and Mr. Pataki ensured Mr. Libeskind’s selection for the ground zero commission when he overruled a committee of directors of the development corporation, which had recommended the selection of the other finalist, a group of architects known as Think. -Source
This situation reminds me of how I.M. Pei was selected for the Louvre Pyramid design without a competition and then how Mitterand stepped in and selected Johann Otto von Spreckelsen to be the architect of the La Grande Arche even though he wasn’t winning the national design competition for the megaproject. Sometimes competitions are a necessary sham when secret architecture has long been in the pipeline.
“Richard Meier, the eminent architect who participated in the ground zero design competition — and who therefore lost to Mr. Libeskind — disagreed [with the fact that shadows fall on the wedge of light]. ”How could you not take it literally?” he asked. ”He didn’t say that the sun would be reflected off buildings and that illumination would somehow create a wedge of light.’
Terence Riley, the chief curator for the department of architecture and design at the Museum of Modern Art, took a historical view. ”Given the long history of solar orientation in architectural design, I don’t suppose it is unreasonable for people to have assumed that the Wedge of Light would be illuminated by direct sunlight on Sept. 11,” he said. -Source
Light is obviously very important to this mega-ritual in the making. Mark Gray discovered one more timely piece of the puzzle:
On 9-11-11 at sunset, the famous “Tribute in Light” will return to the skies above New York City for the night. The tribute is comprised of “88” 7,000-watt xenon light bulbs, arranged in 48-foot squares inspired by the shape and orientation of the Twin Towers. The illuminated memorial reaches four miles into the sky and is visible from as far as 30 miles away. The two arrays cast the strongest shaft of light ever projected from Earth into the night sky. -Source

Image courtesy D L under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
The Tribute in Light ought to get the light bearer’s attention, don’t you think?
Grant Chamberlin pointed out in a comment on this post that the 88 light bulbs in the Tribute in Light might be significant. This is another dark rabbit hole, but if we are to be whole and healthy we must have the courage to look into our shadows.
The 8s stand for the eighth letter of the alphabet (H), with ‘HH’ standing for “Heil Hitler”. -Source
The phrase “Heil Hitler” was inspired by a statement, 88 words in length, from Volume 1, Chapter 8 of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf:
What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.
Eighty-eight is used as code among Neo-Nazis to identify each other. -Source
Another such illuminist monument was called the Cathedral of Light:

Image courtesy Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1982-1130-502 / CC-BY-SA
The cathedral of light was a main aesthetic feature of the Nuremberg Rallies. It was the brainchild of Albert Speer, who was commissioned by Adolf Hitler to design and organise the Nuremberg Parade Grounds for the annual celebrations. It is still considered amongst Speer’s most important works.
The effect was a brilliant one, both from within the design and on the outside. -Source
The primary aspect of the Nuremberg Rallies was to strengthen the personality cult of Adolf Hitler, portraying Hitler as Germany’s saviour, chosen by providence. The gathered masses listened to the Führer’s speeches, swore loyalty and marched before him. Representing the Volksgemeinschaft as a whole, the rallies served to demonstrate the might of the German people.
The visitors of the rallies by their own free will were subordinate to the discipline and order in which they should be reborn as a new people. -Source
The Cathedral of Christ the Light also resonates with this post:

Image courtesy Skier Dude under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
The worship space in Christ the Light is a vesica pisces shape, the shape formed by the intersection of two circles [symbol of the female generative organs]. The walls are composed of overlapping panels of wood and glass rising skyward to form the vault, much like the scales of a fish.
The Catholic Cathedral Corporation of the East Bay instituted a design competition for Christ the Light. Various designs were judged and the corporation announced Santiago Calatrava (architect of the PATH Transportation Hall and Sundial Bridge) as the winner. Calatrava’s design for Christ the Light was chosen before a site was appropriated for the project.
However, by the time a site was chosen, Calatrava’s design fell out of favor and instead replaced by a design of competition runner-up Craig W. Hartman, FAIA of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM). -Source
SOM designed WTC1 (the Freedom Tower) and the new WTC7.
Consider these provocative coincidences:
Joseph Ratzinger joined the Hitler Youth in 1941 when, according to him and his supporters, it became compulsory for all German boys. Millions of Germans were in a position similar to that of Joseph Ratzinger and his family, so why spend so much time focusing on him? Because he is no longer merely Joseph Ratzinger, or even a Catholic Cardinal — he is now Pope Benedict XVI. None of the other Germans who joined the Hitler Youth, were part of the military in Nazi Germany, lived near a concentration camp, and watched Jews being rounded up for death camps has ever become pope. -Source
Pope Benedict prayed for “eternal light and peace” at ground zero on a black square pool on the 111th day of the year (2008 was a leap year).
On September 11th there are 111 days remaining until the end of the year. The original Twin Towers had 111 floors if you count the roof. See my post on 110-111.

Mark Gray posted this on Facebook:

See my post on the Freedom Tower for more on the black cube and its encoding in the 9/11 Memorial.

Image from Star Trek The Next Generation
Resistance is anything but futile. Remember the Borg and the overt Nazis were defeated.
William Henry’s research goes into some fascinating areas I haven’t touched on and I’m excited to be interviewed by him tomorrow. I’ll post the link on my Interviews page when it’s online. Here is William’s fascinating take on the mysteries of 9/11/11.
On the flipside Mark Gray has made some great discoveries relating to the positive side of 88.
Mark Gray and William Henry wrote the book Freedom’s Gate together about the lost symbols in the US Capitol. I highly recommend it.

Image courtesy Mark Gray
The distance from the center of the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Customs House (built over the location of the original Fort Amsterdam) to the center of the Freedom Tower is exactly 1000 meters.
The distance from the corner of Reflecting Absence (former WTC North Tower) to the center of the Customs House is 888 meters.

The elliptical glass (see Ellipses) in the rotunda has 88 rays.

Image courtesy Mark Gray
Mark makes the following brilliant comparison, calling the Customs House Manhattan Gate:

Let’s also not forget the Wedge of Light itself (WTC2) has 88 floors and WTC1, WTC4, and WTC7 have numerical resonances with the keyboard.
Are we being played?

In addition there are 88 constellations in the sky:

Image courtesy Mark Gray
Eighty-eight (88) symbolizes fortune and good luck since the word 8 sounds similar to the word Fā (发, which implies 发财, or wealth, in Mandarin). The number 8 is considered to be the luckiest number of all in Chinese culture and prices in Chinese supermarkets can often be found containing many 8’s The Chinese government has even been auctioning auto license plates containing many 8s for tens of thousands of dollars. The 2008 Beijing Olympics opened on 8/8/08 at 8 p.m.. -Source
Thank you Mark for the reminder that in duality every symbol has an opposite. Every coin has two sides. The wise look at both of them.
This just in…
Jan Thulstrup uncovered an amazing connection in Psalm 119 which is the longest chapter in the Bible.
119 is the mirror reflection of 911.
Psalm 119 has 176 verses. 176 = 88 + 88. 176 is an octagonal number.
Psalm 119 is divided into twenty-two stanzas, one stanza for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each stanza begins with the corresponding letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Each stanza has 8 verses, composed as octaves (from the Latin octo meaning “eight”) in music.
Here a Jew reads Psalm 119 at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem:

Image courtesy Brian Jeffery Beggerly under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.
5. Génesis 3:13: Entonces Jehová Dios dijo a la mujer: ¿Qué es lo que has hecho? Y dijo la mujer: La SERPIENTE me engañó, y comí.
6. Génesis 3:14: Y Jehová Dios dijo a la SERPIENTE: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.
7. Génesis 49:17: Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete. (ESTE ES EL NEXO O EL "AGUJERO DE GUSANO" CON LA TRANSFIGURACION DE CRISTO, EN CESAREA DE FILIPO, PARALELO 33 Y MERIDIANO 33 DE PARIS, EN LA EX TRIBU DE DAN)
1. Génesis 49:27: Benjamín es LOBO arrebatador; A la mañana comerá la presa, Y a la tarde repartirá los despojos.
38. Juan 3:14: Y como Moisés levantó la SERPIENTE en el desierto, así es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea levantado,
3. Salmos 22:12: Me han rodeado muchos TOROS; Fuertes TOROS de Basán me han cercado. Impresionante la conjuncion entre DEUTERONOMIO 33:22 y salmos 22:12, con referencia al CACHORRO DE LEON como MARCO CON BASAN, que tenia fuerte relacion CON LOS TOROS. EL MISMO VATICANO ESTA DISEÑADO CON ESTE PATRON, OSEA LAS 7 COLINAS, SON UNA REFERENCIA A LA CONSTELACION DE TAURO / TORO / PLEYADES. AQUI ESTA LA CLAVE BIBLICA CON REFERENCIA A LA "MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO".
14. Y como Moisés levantó la serpiente en el desierto, así tiene que ser levantado el Hijo del hombre,
15. para que todo el que crea tenga por él vida eterna.
16. Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo único, para que todo el que crea en él no perezca, sino que tenga vida eterna.
17. Porque Dios no ha enviado a su Hijo al mundo para juzgar al mundo, sino para que el mundo se salve por él. (JUZGAR /JUICIO / DAN (HEBREO. JESUCRISTO ESTA RELACIONANDO EN REFERENCIA A GENESIS 49:17, A LA SERPIENTE EN ESTE MARCO)
18. El que creee en él, no es juzgado; pero el que no cree, ya está juzgado, porque no ha creído en el Nombre del Hijo único de Dios. (JUICIO / (DAN / DENARIO / DIANA / DAN BROWN (CODIGO DA VINCI)) - TODO COMO NEXO CON LA SERPIENTE, OSEA EL MISMO SIGNO $. NUESTRO SEÑOR HACE REFERENCIA AL SANTO GRIAL)
19. Y el juicio está en que vino la luz al mundo, y los hombres amaron más las tinieblas que la luz, porque sus obras eran malas. (EL MUNDO CODICIOSO DE DOLARES, NO LOGRA DISCERNIR EL MAYOR SECRETO DE LA HISTORIA, EN SU MAYOR IDOLO, OSEA EL DIOS DINERO. PARADOJA DE UN MUNDO HIPOCRITA QUE HABLA DE LOS POBRES, PERO POR EL PODER)
20. Pues todo el que obra el mal aborrece la luz y no va a la luz, para que no sean censuradas sus obras.
21. Pero el que obra la verdad, va a la luz, para que quede de manifiesto que sus obras están hechas según Dios.» (SOLO CRISTO ES LIBERTAD PORQUE PREDICO UN DIOS DE AMOR. TODO LO DEMAS ES PURA EGOLATRIA E IDOLATRIA)
714. Mateo 23:17: ¡Insensatos y ciegos! porque ¿cuál es mayor, el ORO, o el templo que santifica al ORO?


Y dijo Dios: Sea la LUZ; y fue la LUZ.
2. Génesis 1:4: Y vio Dios que la LUZ era buena; y separó Dios la LUZ de las tinieblas.
Día, y a las tinieblas llamó Noche. Y fue la tarde y la mañana un día.
32. Génesis 30:6: Dijo entonces Raquel: Me juzgó Dios, y también oyó mi voz, y me dio un hijo. Por tanto llamó su nombre DAN.
The Astronomical and Geometrical Origin and Meaning of the 4th of July Celebration
Excerpt from Moors and Masonry by Abdullah El Talib Mosi Bey
Unveiling the Masonically Buried Ancient Star Alignment of Sirius, Orion (3) Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) to the Public The Sirius (1) Orion (3) Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) Star Alignment; the Layout of Washington, D.C.; the 1st Degree Freemason Tracing Broad; the Winding Staircase; 33 Degrees in the Scottish Rites Order and the Star of David (“Jewish Star, Hexalpha, Sixpointed Star”)

The Heliacal Rising of Sirius
The European Masons’ selection of July 4th as the day to celebrate their independence from the English Crown is based on the European Masons’ knowledge of Egyptian and Moorish Science, Culture and Philosophy of Cosmic Law and Nature. The phrase “Nature’s Law and Nature’s God” written in the Declaration of Independence is the foundation law and key to establishing and maintaining civilization and government. Indeed the European Masons are standing on the shoulders of the Ancient Moabites, Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Canaanites and Hittites. The European Masons honor the “Ancient Ones” by observing the important astronomical event the “Heliacal Rising of Sirius” which occurs between July 3rd and July 7th with their “Independence Day” on July 4th – The Fourth of July Independence Celebration.
“Sirius was both the most important star of ancient Egyptian astronomy, and one of the Decans (star groups into which the night sky was divided, with each group appearing for ten days annually). The heliacal rising (the first night that Sirius is seen, just before dawn) was noticed every year during July. Early Egyptians used this to mark the start of the New Year (‘The Opening of the Year’). It was celebrated with a festival known as ‘The Coming of Sopdet’. -Crystalinks
What occurs astronomically is Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, reappears in the sky after being behind the Sun for 70 days. This astronomical phenomenon is referred to as the “Heliacal Rising of Sirius”. The word, heliacal, means pertaining to the Sun. The root word hel is derived from the Greek and means Sun and the suffix al denotes an adjective and means ‘pertaining to’. The “Helical Rising of Sirius” occurs shortly after the Summer Solstice which is on June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. The solstice is a fixed point determined by geometrical measurements that marks the outer limits of the Sun’s apparent motion. The European Masons hold the Summer Solstice in high regards because it signals the near onset of annual floods, especially the flooding of the Nile River, which coincides with the Helical Rising of Sirius which occurs between July 3th and July 7th when Sirius enters Cancer. During this time the Earth’s orbit places the planet the furthest from the Sun. This astronomical phenomenon is called Aphelion. Have you ever wondered why the word BITCH is defined as a female dog? The association of the hot days of Summer with the phrase “Dog Days of Summer” is derived from Sirius being known as the Dog Star because of the bright star’s prominence in the constellation Canis Major. Sirius is located to the South in the sky and East of Orion and the stars in Orion’s belt appear to point toward Sirius. Sirius is associated with Isis, the goddess of the eastern horizon in the sky. Therefore Sirius is the Eastern Star. The names of the women’s secret orders referred to as the Order of the Eastern Star (OAS) and the Daughter of Isis are based in the astronomical event – the “Heliacal Rising of Sirius”. The Star Sirius is personified as Isis, standing in a celestial boat with a five – pointed star over her head, and facing Osiris on the right standing in his boat. Also, Isis was depicted as a large dog, or shown in Rome riding side-saddle on a large dog. So, now you know that the word BITCH being defined as a female dog is rooted in astronomy. Rise up Isis – Sirius, the Dog Star - the BITCH!
Ancient culture which has positive references to women has been suppressed through linguistic craftsmanship and words of art. The linguistic manipulation of words that reflect the creative and intuitive nature of women leads to the psychological subjugation of women. Restoring positive ancient cultural references of women through Linguistics and Etymology will increase women’s insight of their divinity, creative power and role as the custodians of ancient civilization.
Sirius – The Female Dog
Why is a dog associated with women? Why are women called a Bitch, a word that means female dog? Is there an astronomical origin to the female dog?
The Astronomical Origin of the Dog Association to Sirius Sirius’ Prominence in the Constellation, Canis Major – Great Dog
The Term ‘Female Dog’ and its connection to Astronomy and the Nile River
The ‘Life Giving’ qualities of the Nile River to the Nile Valley are compared to the ‘Life Giving’ qualities of a woman to her child. The ancient Egyptians personified Sirius the ‘dog star’ as Aset and Greeks personified the ‘dog star’ as Isis. The Egyptians personified Sirius as a woman because the annual astronomical event referred to as the Heliacal Rising of Sirius brought about the onset of the annual flooding of the Nile River which created a fertile green valley across the desert in the Nile Valley and provided the land with fertile silt / rich black soil and as a result fertilized the crops. Therefore, the Egyptians viewed the Nile River as the ‘Life Giver’ to the Nile Valley.
The Nile River - The Life Giver
As mentioned above, the ancient Egyptians based the New Year on the annual flooding of the Nile River. The Helical Rising of Sirius signaled the onset of the flooding of the Nile River. The Nile River’s annual flood gives fertile silt / rich black soil for agriculture to the Nile Valley and creates a fertile green valley across the desert. The Nile’s annual floods have been happening for thousands of years. Caroline Seawright in The Inundation gives the public insight into the knowledge that the Egyptian had about Sirius and the role the star played in ancient civilization. She also provides insight into why Sirius was personified as a woman.
Sirius, the Dog Star, Personified as a Woman Inundation of the Nile River and its Association to Woman and the Fertility of the Womb
Caroline Seawright in The Inundation
“The ancient Egyptians viewed Sirius as the bringer of new life. This was because Sirius was newly visible in the sky at the time of the flooding of the Nile River, the life – giving inundation which yearly fertilized their crops.”
“The inundation was also around the time that the Egyptians noticed the rising of the ‘dog star’ Sirius. The goddess Sopdet (Sothis) was the personification of this star, represented as a woman with a star as her headdress, or as a seated cow with a plant between her horns (just as Seshat’s hieroglyph might have been a flower or a star.) Her star was the most important of the stars to the ancient Egyptians, and the rising of this star came at the time of inundation and the start of the Egyptian New Year. She was linked closely with Isis, just as her husband Sah (the star Orion) and son Soped were linked with Osiris and Horus.” -Tour Egypt
Woman – The Life Giver The Placenta and the Umbilical Cord
As the Nile River is the “Life Giver” of the Nile Valley Civilization the woman is the “Life Giver” to her child. Expecting mothers provide nutrients and oxygen to their unborn child through the placenta to the umbilical cord. The placenta is connected by the umbilical cord through an opening in the baby’s abdomen.
Woman, Her Breast and Breast Milk – Life Sustaining
“Under the influence of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, women produce milk after childbirth to feed the baby. The initial milk produced is often referred to as colostrum, which is high in the immunoglobin IgA, which coats the gastrointestinal tract. This helps to protect the newborn until its own immune system is functioning properly, and creates a mild laxative effect, expelling meconium and helping to prevent the buildup of bilirubin (a contributory factor in jaundice.” -Wikipedia
Some Biochemical Points to Human Milk (eMedicine)
“Human milk contains various enzymes; some are specific for the biosynthesis of milk in the mammary gland, whereas others are specific for the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that facilitate the infant’s ability to break down food and to absorb human milk.”
“Under a microscope, the appearance of human milk is truly amazing. Although it is a fluid, human milk has substantial structure in the form of compartmentation. Nutrients and bioactive substances are sequestered within the various compartments of human milk.”
“Human milk provides appropriated amounts of proteins (primary alpha – lactalbumin and whey, carbohydrates (lactose), minerals, vitamins, and fats for the growing term infant. The fats are composed of cholesterol, triglycerides, short-chain fatty acids, and long – chain polyunsaturated (LCP) fatty acids. The LCP fatty acids are needed for brain and retinal development. Large amounts of omega – 6 and omega – 3 LCP fatty acids, predominatedly the 20 – carbon arachidonic acid (AA) and the 22 – carbon docosahexaenoic acids (DHAs), are deposited in the developing brain and retina during prenatal and early postnatal growth.”
“Human milk, in addition to its numerous nutrients that make it an ideal food source for the growing term infants, is a bioactive fluid that evolves from colostrum to mature milk as the infant matures. This bioactive fluid contains numerous factors and live cells that, in concert, promote the growth and well – being of the breastfeeding infant.”
Sirius associated with a wolf – wolf in canine family
Sirius Personified as a Dog in Ancient World Culture
The Capitoline She – Wolf (Lupa Capitolina) Valentine‘s Day – Roman Festival of Lupercalia Lupa - wolf

The Capitoline She –Wolf on display at the Capitoline Museums in Rome Nursing the twins Romulus and Remus (Rome) A Symbol for Possessing the Astronomical Knowledge of Sirius, the Dog Star and Her Role in World History and Culture
In Chinese astronomy Sirius is known as the star of “Celestial Wolf”. The Wolf (Skidi) tribe knew Sirius as the “Wolf Star”. Other branches referred to Sirius as “Coyote Star”
Dog god and dog goddesses are associated with the underworld
The Sumerian Bau Merlin’s Black Dog of Celtic folklore Eskimo goddess Sedna and Her dog companion Greek Cerberus guarding the Gates of Hades
The Seri and Tohono O’odham of the southwest note the star as a dog that follows mountain shee. The Alaskan Inuit of the Bering Strait called Sirius “Moon Dog” The Blackfoot referred to Sirius as “Dogface”. The Cherokee paired Sirius with Antares as a dog – star guardian of either end of the “Path of Souls" “Coins retrieved from the island of Ceos in the Aegean Sea from the 3rd century BC feature dogs or stars with emanating rays, highlighting Sirius’ importance.” The Romans celebrated the helical setting of Sirius around April 25, sacrificing a dog, along with incense, wine, and a sheep.
The Alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) Displayed in the Layout of Washington, D.C.
The heliacal rising of Sirius is not the only astronomical event that occurs in the sky on July 4th. The alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) illuminates the sky on that day as well. European Masons have preserved the ancient astronomical and geometrical knowledge of this star alignment in the layout of Washington, D.C., the Vatican and many other cities. The Compass and Square symbol displayed on Masonic buildings embodies the ancient astronomical and geometrical knowledge of star systems, star alignments, astronomical and geometrical layout of cities and the astronomical and geometrical information encoded in the architectural designs of buildings.
This excerpt from Moors and Masonry, projected to be released in the Fall of 2012 provides the general public with a proper view of Masonry. The people have been given a distorted view of Masonry which leads them to be disinterested in the masonically buried ancient knowledge of astronomy and geometry. Educating the general public about the ancient star alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) will instill a greater appreciation for the Fourth of July Celebration which did not begin with the English Colonies in 1776.
The architectural layout of the Washington Monument / Obelisk, the Capitol Building and the White House reflects the alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7). The Star of David (Jewish Star / Hexalpha / Six – pointed Star) embodies the principle expressed in the Declaration of Independence of Nature’s Law and Nature’s God. The upright triangle in the “Jewish Star” represents the ancient star alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) in the sky while the inverted triangle symbolizes the duplication of the star alignment in the layout of Washington, D.C., the Vatican and other cities throughout the world..
Sirius is brightest star in the sky. Orion (3) is band of three stars aligned in a belt. Taurus (5) is cluster of five stars. Pleiades (7) is a group of seven stars.
  
Star Alignment Layout of Washington D.C 1st Degree FM Tracing Board Winding Staircase 3, 4, 5 Triangle
    
The Six Pointed Star The Blazing Star The Great Seal 33 Degree Arc 33 Degree Arc
1. Jueces 3:25: Y habiendo esperado hasta estar confusos, porque él no abría las puertas de la sala, tomaron la LLAVE y abrieron; y he aquí su señor caído en tierra, muerto.
2. Isaías 22:22: Y pondré la LLAVE de la casa de David sobre su hombro; y abrirá, y nadie cerrará; cerrará, y nadie abrirá.
3. Mateo 16:19: Y a ti te daré las LLAVEs del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
4. Lucas 11:52: ¡Ay de vosotros, intérpretes de la ley! porque habéis quitado la LLAVE de la ciencia; vosotros mismos no entrasteis, y a los que entraban se lo impedisteis.
5. Apocalipsis 1:18: y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las LLAVEs de la muerte y del Hades.
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
7. Apocalipsis 9:1: El quinto ángel tocó la trompeta, y vi una estrella que cayó del cielo a la tierra; y se le dio la LLAVE del pozo del abismo.
8. Apocalipsis 20:1: Vi a un ángel que descendía del cielo, con la LLAVE del abismo, y una gran cadena en la mano.
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Efectivamente, en el año 1999, la luna llena fue el 2 de marzo, y en este marco el 14 de NISSAN O PRIMER MES HEBREO cayo en el mismo 15 de MARZO (aniversario de la crucificcion del señor). Complementando a estos datos, el mismo 11 de SEPTIEMBRE, cayo en el mismo año, en el dia 17 del septimo mes hebreo (GENESIS 8:4). ESTE PATRON LUNAR ES EL MISMO QUE EL DEL AÑO 33 despues de Cristo. APARENTEMENTE ESA ES LA RELACION ESOTERICA DEL 15/3 CON EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE.


Puerta de Ishtar, Pergamonmuseum, Berlín
The Ishtar Gate from Babylon; Puerta de Istar; שער עשתר ; بوابة عشتار;
Three names that appear more often as a sacred group of three are …
Ninki - (later became Ishtar) the mother
Enki - (later became Namakh) the father
Marduk the son
11. Juan 10:22: Celebrábase en Jerusalén la fiesta de la dedicación. Era invierno,
271. Juan 10:23: y Jesús andaba en el templo por el pórtico de Salomón.
This Trinity representation evolved a little further. In the ancient ruins in Syria centuries later after the belief had been passed down many generations, long before The Christ, some names were altered for unknown reasons. Perhaps in the same way the name Yeshua, a Hebrew Aramaic name was altered to become Jesus, a more acceptable Roman name after someone of the authority like Emperor Constantine had altered it. The same three Sun gods from Sumer now as follows… from left to right… Marduk the son on a lion, Enki… now as Namakh the father still retaining the bull of Taurus, and Ninki… now as Ishtar on another lion.
254. Ester 2:19: Cuando las vírgenes eran reunidas la segunda vez, Mardoqueo estaba sentado a la PUERTA del rey.
255. Ester 2:21: En aquellos días, estando Mardoqueo sentado a la PUERTA del rey, se enojaron Bigtán y Teres, dos eunucos del rey, de la guardia de la PUERTA, y procuraban poner mano en el rey Asuero.
256. Ester 3:2: Y todos los siervos del rey que estaban a la PUERTA del rey se arrodillaban y se inclinaban ante Amán, porque así lo había mandado el rey; pero Mardoqueo ni se arrodillaba ni se humillaba.
257. Ester 3:3: Y los siervos del rey que estaban a la PUERTA preguntaron a Mardoqueo: ¿Por qué traspasas el mandamiento del rey?
258. Ester 4:2: Y vino hasta delante de la PUERTA del rey; pues no era lícito pasar adentro de la PUERTA del rey con vestido de cilicio.
259. Ester 4:6: Salió, pues, Hatac a ver a Mardoqueo, a la plaza de la ciudad, que estaba delante de la PUERTA del rey.
260. Ester 5:1: Aconteció que al tercer día se vistió Ester su vestido real, y entró en el patio interior de la casa del rey, enfrente del aposento del rey; y estaba el rey sentado en su trono en el aposento real, enfrente de la PUERTA del aposento.
261. Ester 5:9: Y salió Amán aquel día contento y alegre de corazón; pero cuando vio a Mardoqueo a la PUERTA del palacio del rey, que no se levantaba ni se movía de su lugar, se llenó de ira contra Mardoqueo.
262. Ester 5:13: Pero todo esto de nada me sirve cada vez que veo al judío Mardoqueo sentado a la PUERTA del rey.
263. Ester 6:2: Entonces hallaron escrito que Mardoqueo había denunciado el complot de Bigtán y de Teres, dos eunucos del rey, de la guardia de la PUERTA, que habían procurado poner mano en el rey Asuero.
264. Ester 6:10: Entonces el rey dijo a Amán: Date prisa, toma el vestido y el caballo, como tú has dicho, y hazlo así con el judío Mardoqueo, que se sienta a la PUERTA real; no omitas nada de todo lo que has dicho.
265. Ester 6:12: Después de esto Mardoqueo volvió a la PUERTA real, y Amán se dio prisa para irse a su casa, apesadumbrado y cubierta su cabeza.
486. Hechos 12:10: Habiendo pasado la primera y la segunda guardia, llegaron a la PUERTA de hierro que daba a la ciudad, la cual se les abrió por sí misma; y salidos, pasaron una calle, y luego el ángel se apartó de él.
12:11 Entonces Pedro, volviendo en sí, dijo: Ahora entiendo verdaderamente que el Señor ha enviado su ángel, y me ha librado de la mano de Herodes, y de todo lo que el pueblo de los judíos esperaba.
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
487. Hechos 12:13: Cuando llamó Pedro a la PUERTA del patio, salió a escuchar una muchacha llamada Rode,
488. Hechos 12:14: la cual, cuando reconoció la voz de Pedro, de gozo no abrió la PUERTA, sino que corriendo adentro, dio la nueva de que Pedro estaba a la PUERTA.
HECHOS 12:12 (1+2:1+2/3:3)
gate in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 |
( |
7 |
1 |
20 |
5 |
) |
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando. |
Apocalipsis 1
1. La revelación de Jesucristo, que Dios le dio, para manifestar a sus siervos las cosas que deben suceder pronto; y la declaró enviándola por medio de su ángel a su siervo Juan, (ES OBVIO QUE SI DIOS LE DIO, ES QUE CRISTO NO ES OMNISAPIENTE, NI SIQUIERA EN EL CIELO. OSEA QUE CRISTO NO ES DIOS TODOPODEROSO. "SIERVO JUAN" ESTA EN CLAVE CON REFERENCIA A JUAN MARCOS. RECORDEMOS QUE CRISTO SIEMPRE LO HACE EN EL CONTEXTO AL SALMO 119.)
2. que ha dado testimonio de la palabra de Dios, y del testimonio de Jesucristo, y de todas las cosas que ha visto.
3. Bienaventurado el que lee, y los que oyen las palabras de esta profecía, y guardan las cosas en ella escritas; porque el tiempo está cerca.
4. Juan, a las siete iglesias que están en Asia: Gracia y paz a vosotros, del que es y que era y que ha de venir, y de los siete espíritus que están delante de su trono; (UNA CLARA REFERENCIA A LAS PLEYADES)
5. y de Jesucristo el testigo fiel, el primogénito de los muertos, y el soberano de los reyes de la tierra. Al que nos amó, y nos lavó de nuestros pecados con su sangre,
6. y nos hizo reyes y sacerdotes para Dios, su Padre; a él sea gloria e imperio por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.
7. He aquí que viene con las nubes, y todo ojo le verá, y los que le traspasaron; y todos los linajes de la tierra harán lamentación por él. Sí, amén.
8. Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, principio y fin, dice el Señor, el que es y que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso. (SALMO 119)
9. Yo Juan, vuestro hermano, y copartícipe vuestro en la tribulación, en el reino y en la paciencia de Jesucristo, estaba en la isla llamada Patmos, por causa de la palabra de Dios y el testimonio de Jesucristo.
10. Yo estaba en el Espíritu en el día del Señor, y oí detrás de mí una gran voz como de trompeta,
11. que decía: Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el primero y el último. Escribe en un libro lo que ves, y envíalo a las siete iglesias que están en Asia: a Efeso, Esmirna, Pérgamo, Tiatira, Sardis, Filadelfia y Laodicea. (UNA CLARA REFERENCIA A LAS PLEYADES, OSEA A LA CONSTELACION DEL TORO / TAURO)
12. Y me volví para ver la voz que hablaba conmigo; y vuelto, vi siete candeleros de oro,
13. y en medio de los siete candeleros, a uno semejante al Hijo del Hombre, vestido de una ropa que llegaba hasta los pies, y ceñido por el pecho con un cinto de oro. (¿CINTURON DE ORION?)
14. Su cabeza y sus cabellos eran blancos como blanca lana, como nieve; sus ojos como llama de fuego;
15. y sus pies semejantes al bronce bruñido, refulgente como en un horno; y su voz como estruendo de muchas aguas.
16. Tenía en su diestra siete estrellas; de su boca salía una espada aguda de dos filos; y su rostro era como el sol cuando resplandece en su fuerza. (LAS SIETE ESTRELLAS SON LAS PLEYADES. ES OBVIO QUE NUESTRO SEÑOR ES ORION. APARENTEMENTE EL SOL EN SU FUERZA ES UNA REFERENCIA AL SOLSTICIO DE VERANO, OSEA AL 20/21 DE JUNIO.)
17. Cuando le vi, caí como muerto a sus pies. Y él puso su diestra sobre mí, diciéndome: No temas; yo soy el primero y el último; (ES CLARO QUE CRISTO HACE REFERENCIA AL SALMO 119, EN EL MARCO A QUE EL ALFA=HOMBRE Y OMEGA=FEMENINO, OSEA AL YIN Y YANG, AL HOMBRE Y LA MUJER, AL SOL Y LA LUNA, EL PRIMERO Y EL ULTIMO, ETC, ETC, OSEA EL CORAZON ESOTERICO DEL 911/ 119)
18. y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las llaves de la muerte y del Hades. (UNA REFERENCIA A MATEO 16:18)
19. Escribe las cosas que has visto, y las que son, y las que han de ser después de estas. (JUSTO EN EL 1:19, UNA REFERENCIA AL PASADO, PRESENTE Y FUTURO OSEA A LA "MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO")
20. El misterio de las siete estrellas que has visto en mi diestra, y de los siete candeleros de oro: las siete estrellas son los ángeles de las siete iglesias, y los siete candeleros que has visto, son las siete iglesias.
Escribe las cosas que has VISTO, y las que son, y las que han de ser después de estas.
pasado, presente y futuro ("MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO")
Matt Daemon makes himself out to be a complete clown on that skit, yah, great role model for the kids alright.
It's expected from a man who has Alcyone on his nadir (lowest point in zodiac) at birth. I guess he really is a southy That star has some nasty attributes along with a lot of myth. Alcyone is the center sun of 7 solar systems of the Pleiades in the bull of Taurus. The Maya claim it sits on the path of the photon band and it a central star in which we revolve around. In 2012 Sol, Jupiter and Alcyone will be in a line with the center of our galaxy in Scorpio.
Quote: |
The radiation of Alcyone’s rings exercises a specific influence upon the rotation of our planet. This signifies that the velocity of rotation over its axis will be slower, and as a consequence or corollary, our world will continue to rotate around the Sun in a wider orbit.
Therefore, do not take this following assertion as a strange statement: the igneous radiations or vivifying radiations of the atoms of Alcyone will come to alter the molecules of nature. Alcyone’s rings undoubtedly form one sole thing and are radioactive. These rings are constituted of radiation.
But what type of radiation am I referring to? Simply, to that radiation that is the result of the fractionation of an electron. The fractionated electrons liberate energy, a type of energy that some authors call “manasic.” This term is Sanskrit and in some way is related to the Inferior Manas (inferior mind) and with the Superior Manas (superior mind); Manas is the Sanskrit word for mind).
So, these electrons liberate a type of unknown energy. Fortunately, scientists are not capable of fractionating the electron in order to take advantage of the energy enclosed within it. On Alcyone, the cases of fractionation (the destruction of electrons) does take place. This phenomena liberates a type of unknown energy, an energy different from cathodic rays, x-rays, or N-rays. |
How much MORE evidence do we need about the number 37 representing the number of the collective unconscious? Did you start reading on page 1?
I do wish my name was SS, a.k.a. Steven SpIELberg, this would be a fucking blockbuster. Jesus H. Christ please explain why U R such a copy-KAt, and why your followers need to convert everybody to your way of thinking and feeling? You do not seem that original when folks go searching for a TRUTH that truly unifies. Why all of the smote, smoke and mirrors?
2D version of the 37 Point Mandala Offering
Bab-Ilu the Gate of God
Note both images have 4 axis. xyz and t
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Eins Zwei Drei Vier ….. (repeat)
translation: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
About face, time to turn around… …is a clue
How to do the Goosestep…
In that video re: Hitler … go back to the end of Part IV. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odpfOS4rFLw&feature=related]
The crypt tour guide Stuart thinking rather little, takes 3 STEPs into the recessed circle, claims it pertains to the ‘3rd Reich’ and then he russells up the courage to take one more final step, a 4th STEP down into the center of the circle? Stuart does not ‘see’ the obvious, the obvious that is obvious, but once the veil is removed and you start to ‘see’ the obvious, it becomes quite obvious, obviously.
Need I say it is glaringly obvious one more time? Okay, it is obvious.
 
One photo above is a Masonic representation of a ‘cycle’. The other image of the Greek Zodiacal Cross, with the serpent intertwined was the inspiration of Aleister Crowley.
How do we connect the Macro equinox (precession) with the micro equinox (vernal/annual), to a cycle that is found onall levels, existing between the big macrocosm and the small, the microcosm?
 
Including Milo Wolff’s theory? In Wave vs Out Wave = Standing Wave Theory
And beside Milo’s archetypal model is another. Interesting relationship we see between concentric circles and Phi?
Could Phi represent the transcendental ‘pulse’ that creates concentric wave action…leading to spherical standing waves?
Why 12?
Could the 12 in the temple symbolize the 12 constellations that sit on the ecliptic, further signifying their inherent energetic role, taking part in a journey, tracking our sun through The Great Year, a 25,812 year sojourn? (re: 25,812…the length of precession is under dispute) Alchemy was referred to as the Great Work and it takes a Great deal of time.
The next step in the unveiling of the Great Work is quite easy. Substitute numbers for a constellation/astrological position on the ecliptic. Each sign is identified on the astrological wheel by a number. That is the rule, not something I made up. And the wheel begins with ARIES in the number 1 position at 0 degrees. Please note that in ARIES the snake is consuming its tail. Similar to the ouroboros, another symbol that represents a cycle of time.
 
Room 1258 / the Crypt contains significant symbolism regarding 4 of those constellations that sit on the ecliptic….specifically referring to the 4 beasts of the apocalypse represented by the constellations represented by the numbers 11, 2, 5, and 8.
We find those 4 numbers are ALL on the second orbit / valance, marked in yellow in the above image. And I used those colors WHITE, YELLOW, and RED for an important reason. Which becomes apparent later.
And then we join the dots…you can go in either direction. We can rotate clockwise around the clock/elemental and zodiacal cross 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 etc. OR you can do what the term precession implies, and go backwards or counterclockwise.
Again the concepts of Clockwise and CounterClockwise play a role. And now we can mention that the Judaeo/Christian Ezekiel’s vision was wheels within wheels….
 
Here is an earlier sketch I did showing those 4 numbers (11, 2, 5, 8) and their position on the Zodiacal cross. And I want to mention that beside the Greek Zodiacal Cross is a Chaldean Zodiacal Cross, that I just recently came across. We can apply the same techniques to the Chaldean Cross because it also represents the Precession cycle…but it has an additional wheel within a wheel.
So it becomes apparent that the movement that is implied by the Precession of the Equinox cycle … by virtue of its movement or path along the ecliptic the Sun actually weaves a ‘knot’.
A ‘knot’ that was associated with and please choose as many that apply…
a/ King Solomon b/ Sacred temple c/ Knights Templar d/ The Ark of the Covenant e/ The Holy Grail f/ Swastika g/ Americas h/ ancient navigation tool called the mattang i/ TIME that can be expressed as Clockwise and Counterclockwise j/ SPIN that can be expressed as Clockwise and Counterclockwise k/ Polarity that can be expressed as Clockwise and Counterclockwise l/ Electron vs. Positron that can be expressed as Clockwise and Counterclockwise m/ Zoroaster’s 4 Oracles n/ Riddle of the Sphinx o/ Milky Way p/ 2012 prophecy q/ Standing Wave Theory r/ All of the above?

I am sure I can find reasons/associations from A-Z. Maybe I post the rest later.
 
A section of the vast expanse of mosaic floor, found under the floor of the Aquileian basilica. The floor is longer than that of the great basilica. It extends past the presbytery to an undisclosed end. The scenes of Jonah’s tribulation, of which the center panel is shown above, lies further along past the top of the illustration.Solomon’s knot, a Judaic motif, is repeated here as well as throughout the mosaic floors of the adjoining buildings. http://www.hebrewhistory.info/factpa…28_aquilea.htm |
I love it. A mosaic floor filled with archetypal clues. HIDDEN or veiled under another floor. By who?

 
And the circle containing the fixed cross>>> the swastika >>> the quatrefoil actually tells an interesting story … suggesting a progression is taking place.
Fixed Cross within the circle is balance…but then we see movement, the ancient graphic artist used the same technique to indicate ‘movement’. The bent arms of the swastika indicate a counterclockwise movement will thus ensue. Counterclockwise is the movement of the earth, looking down from above… And the final shape are four spirals within a quatrefoil = ONE precession cycle.
And the images inside those quatrefoils are suggesting this cycle of time is about the infinite cycle of LIFE that takes place, as a result of this cycle taking place, on earth is where the narratives we see depicted taking place. I have been suggesting on ALL my threads that Precession, Precession, Precession is what the really important archetypes are all pointing toward. Or Location Location Location becomes important too when discussing valuable real estate in the solar system.
How difficult would it be, to bury a cycle called The Great Year or a symbol like the swastika within western consciousness?
How difficult would that be? I will show you that any esoteric understanding of the SUN has long ago disappeared from our consciousness.
What is mainstream consciousness?
Mainstream in my opinion represents about 95% of the people. About the same percentage of JUNK DNA identified by the ‘gee’ gnome experts. About the same percentage of Dark Matter + Dark Energy that exists in the Universe. About the same percentage of the life on earth that gets eliminated when the cataclysms hit.
I then proceed to ask ‘mainstream consciousness’ three questions, that expose their plight as a cult of Sun worshipers who have no idea what they are worshiping.

1/ What does the moon orbit and how long does it take? 2/ What does the earth orbit and how long does it take?
Now here is the question that stumps civilizations that turn rain forests into a sea of stumps.
3/ What does the sun orbit and how long does it take?
“Duh” is the response to match the expression I usually get…is there a difference. 95% of the sheeple will bleat nothing and reach for either the TV remote, a beer, or a bible. All three reactions are highly predictable.
The extent of their consciousness has been exposed. I rest mi case. Most people are sheeple and seegullibles…no offence directed at anybody specifically. And HIS-story will repeat it itself because the ewe simply don’t learn from it. They are doomed to rebleat rebleat rebleat.

I now want to illustrate why I identified certain colors with certain valances or orbits. Why I identified WHITE, YELLOW and RED with certain stages. It is all about alchemy and change and evolution and reversals of fortune. Alchemy is the language of archetype that will help us become golden. Note the stages of alchemy and the colors associated. Black was not mentioned earlier because it is the center.
1/ blackening 2/ whitening 3/ yellowing 4/ reddening
 
Rosetta Fractal Mandala I found / photographed this symbol in a Peruvian monastery back in 2006. It is the archetypal image that I used to unlock these mysteries that I now share on this website…hence the name I now use to identify it. The Rosetta Fractal Mandala has ‘Standing Wave Theory’ written all over it. IMHO
1/ blackening 2/ whitening 3/ yellowing 4/ reddening
On each and every level of the matrix, invisible or visible, the science of alchemy / thermodynamics are at play.
I forgot to mention another interesting observation that occurred in the crypt / Room 1258. When Stuart was standing in the center of the circle / NAZI world and he looked up what did he see? Go back and watch the video and tell me if it matches what I found in Pompeii. In a place called the Villa of the Mysteries. Remember they found the Knights Templar Magic Square in Pompeii, so it existed at least 1000 years before it became associated with the fighting monks known as the Knights Templar.
 
That scroll runs the entire length of the perimeter of the room where the archetypal narrative is taking place.
Okay so we have identified one of the images that we see on the wall in the villa. The same image we see on the ceiling in the NAZI version of Valhalla is on the wall in the Villa. And the image that alternates with the swastika, the image consisting of concentric squares, I have seen often. It is known as a ‘lozenge’.
All we need to do is rotate the square into a diamond or lozenge shape.
  And the lozenge is associated with the feminine aspect. http://www.celticnz.co.nz/BBLOZ/BBLOZWEB1.htm http://www.celticnz.co.nz/Clandonweb…Clandon6a.htmf
And the 3 x 3 square is our friend, the Lo Shu magic square at the very centre…
So let us enter Valhalla one more time. Remember the Crypt is located below the North Tower. We look up and see the MALE symbol on the ceiling, above us. And the circular temple we are standing in represents the earth, the alchemic forge of nature.

It is also the lozenge that helps soothe the bitter pill we must swallow. It all fits.
In conclusion: Here is an ancient theory still valid today.

figure 215 above I want to suggest tells an interesting story. It is actually suggesting the same thing as Milo Wolff. I see an ancient attempt to communicate Spherical Standing Wave Theory.
>>> Cross within a Circle moves CW or CCW >>> Swastika moves CW or CCW >>> resulting in Solomon’s Knot = Standing Wave Theory
 
And I think the ancient Polynesian mattang which contains ALL the magic of the Knights Templar magic square, found in Pompeii, is a navigational tool, a GPS, left by the ancients, termed a survival tool by the Polynesians, can in fact be used to help modern man navigate our way through the ‘2012 Stargate’.
Somebody tell those fellas at CERN to stand down. There is another way to move this mountain, to make us skip like a stone over the surface of the water. IMHO
2bee continue
https://kachina2012.wordpress.com/category/swastika-and-ancient-spherical-standing-wave-theory/ |
danilo wrote:
it has been a while i recognized the resemblance of the vessel with this logo company...
Schindler's LIST ... beside the name Schindler danilo we see the familiar ALPHA (triangle) placed over the OMEGA (circle) ... just like in Nassim Harimeins videos...  ALCHEMY Father and Son team from the 17th century. yes of course... Alchemy... namaste
ANKH = E = mc2 KA = worm hole?   Wave (N) having some effect on Darkness and Light( Kek/Kekhet) at the speeds of Infinity and negative infinity (Heh/Hehet) produces Life (Ankh). http://www.secretoftheankh.com/?tag=dogonKa, is the life force. The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix. Good to be life (force). Giuwah = Life force that exists. Ka, perhaps represents the wormhole that created life, and life being the physical holographic universe. Wormholes are at the center of every galaxy..  
Giuwah wrote:
nice post NOTE for example....you enter STAGE LEFT hand and exist STAGE RIGHT hand or as this 2012forum has proved beyond a reasonable doubt, EWE enter a commie and exit a RIGHTEOUS western SOB. Or note the position of the feet and the head relative to entry and exit wounds. OUCH JFK St. John the Baptist... True Messengers leave this realm with head wounds OR they lose their MiNd trying to find their heART. yes the herd of ewe can include me in the short list or folks who lose their heads/minds. But we don't mind if we lose our minds. YA gotta be touched by an angel to get it. namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein

“Eli, Eli lama sabachthani”
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