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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 207 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 06/07/2011 18:47

who is this mysterious Son of Man?

No lie can live forever.
-Alfred North Whitehead

The Son of Man in the Gospels can be traced to the constellation Orion which represents Jesus' Spirit. Background for this report can be found in Gospel Zodiac, Jesus' Ghost and Pillar of Cloud. They explain how Jesus allegorizes the sun, the nature of Jesus' Spirit and the role the Milky Way plays in apocalyptic prophecies. This report explains the astrological significance of Son of Man.


One of the imperatives in Christian mythology is the belief that the world as we know it will end someday. God will overthrow the forces of evil and all who side with them, and only those who repent and follow Jesus' teachings will be allowed to enter the new Kingdom of God. Jesus and Paul mention it often and the Book of Revelation is devoted to it.

Many passages attest that Jesus expected the end of the world to come in his time, not thousands of years later. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus refers to some mysterious Son of man, a cosmic judge sent from heaven who would destroy whoever opposes God and reward those who are faithful.

Who this Son of man? The popular claim has it that Jesus was referring to himself in the third person. It's plausible because many passages fit the course of Jesus' ministry. What is suspicious about this rationale is that Jesus appears to be describing someone else.

38For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."
1And he said to them, "Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power." (Mark 8:38-9:1)

I submit that Christian reasoning is entirely wrong. When Christians read the predictions of the end of the world, they are waiting for events to unfold on earth. Even after 2,000 years of false alarms, they have not lost patience, and I don't know if they will ever admit that maybe they are misreading the New Testament.

Such a calamity cannot happen as the Bible predicts. Something on that scale would take an event like a large meteor to hit earth. In such a case, a meteor would not care who is faithful to Jesus. If there was a nuclear war, bombs would be guided by human stupidity, not divine intelligence. If any other catastrophe happens on that scale, earth would not be a very pleasant place for the survivors. Whatever the cause of mass destruction, faith will not protect anybody. Even worse, if the entire world was destroyed, as devout Christians believe, there would be no survivors.

What confuses modern readers is the way the Bible's writers coded their belief in the power of the stars as if they affected life on earth. The matter before us is to decipher their writings for what they meant to ancients, not to what modern believers want to believe.

For this reason, we will examine the Bible from an astronomical point of view. It was a time when ancients perceived the stars in heaven as patterns to be interpreted as God's divine plan for life on earth. The sun was especially important to them because they understood that life on earth depended on it.

There are three clues which clarify what they were writing about. The first describes the Son of man as the constellation Orion. The second relates the yearly sun cycle to the end of the world. The third tracks Orion with the sun cycle. There can be no other conclusion except that the idea of a supernatural God was conceived as a ruse to mislead faithful Christians.

The Son of man

Three passages define the Son of man in physical form.

The first appears in the apocalyptic writings of the Book of Daniel, where Daniel describes the Son of man as riding on the clouds of heaven to the "Ancient of days" to give him everlasting dominion over the new kingdom of heaven.

13I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
14And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. (Dan. 7:13-14)

Revelation's description of the Son of man fits the pattern of stars in the constellation Orion. The star on his right shoulder is bright red (upper left star). The three stars at his waste were later seen as the three wise men who announced the birth of Jesus.

12Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands,
13and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden girdle round his breast;
14his head and his hair were white as white wool, white as snow; his eyes were like a flame of fire,
15his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of many waters;
16in his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth issued a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. (Rev. 1:12-20)

The Son of man has a cluster of stars in the background that look like the clouds upon which the Son of man rides. Astronomical maps show the Milky Way behind the constellation Orion. From earth, they look like clouds.

14And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
(Rev. 14:14-20)

A photograph of Orion, personified as the Son of man riding on a cloud.


Orion as seen in human form. His right hand could be holding a sickle or a club. His left hand could be holding an animal skin, a shield or a bow. The Milky Way is behind him. The arc above him represents the sun's path. The line going through his waste is the celestial equator which runs parallel to earth's equator.

Orion's legacy

After the Big Dipper, Orion is perhaps the next most celebrated constellation in the winter sky. Mythologies about Orion probably originated from the Egyptians thousands of years ago and extended to the Greeks at the turn of the first century. It is a very important constellation to astral religions and easy to recognize.

To the ancient Egyptians, Orion was Osiris the God of Light. Set was Orisis' brother and the God of Darkness. According to legend, Orisis was murdered by his evil brother Set, who tore his body into pieces and scattered the fragments. Isis, Osiris' wife, managed to put him back together except for his phallus, which had been swallowed by a fish. She made an artificial phallus and breathed into his body to restore his soul. Thereafter, he rose to the sky.

In one period, Orion represented the Egyptian god of the dead and the first king of Egypt. After death, the pharaoh was thought to mystically inseminate the stars to ensure that, through Osiris, Horus the sun god would be reborn as his successor.

In one Greek myth, Orion was the son of Neptune and the nymph Euryale. He was of gigantic size, strength and beauty. He was so tall that he could walk through deep water without wetting his head. His hubris invoked Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth to send a scorpion to kill him. His fall to earth can be seen when the stars of Orion sink defeated below the western horizon and the stars of Scorpion are just rising in the east.

The next night he rises again, saved by Ophiuchus, the Doctor of Antiquity who gave him an antidote for the scorpions poison. This can be seen when the Scorpion sets in the southwest with Ophiuchus standing over him as a symbol of the antidote. Later, when Ophiuchus sets in the west, Orion comes up from the east, fully recovered.

In these myths alone we see fragments of Christian mythology. Gods die and are restored to life. They are given a soul by being breathed into and they fall to earth as Adam did. The scorpion brings death as Judas did to Jesus. There is the eternal conflict between light and dark. (See Light verses Dark)

The timing of Orion's cycle fits with the birth of Jesus on December 25. It makes its first appearance in the east in mid December each year. And as the season progresses, Orion rises with the sun and sets in the west three days before it rises in the east again.

With the sun personified as Jesus, it is accurate to think of Orion as a constellation in synch with the sun's cycle. In a sense they are like conjoined twins who suffer the same fate. This is why the confusion about whether Jesus is referring to himself as the Son of Man in the third person or whether the Son of Man is some cosmic judge.

The sun cycle

In allegorical language, the sun goes through four seasonal cycles. It is born on December 25 when daylight hours start to increase. At about this same time Orion rises in the east with its three belt stars as the three wise men. As Orion rises, the star Sirius ascends above the horizon as the star of Bethlehem. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky.

The powers of darkness are still in power, but as the daylight hours increase, it is seen as overcoming the forces that try to stop it. In the Gospels, this is when Jesus is born and when his parents take him away to keep Herod from killing him.

At the spring equinox it has entered the gates of heaven when daylight hours start to emerge more powerful than the dark evil forces. Jesus' mission starts in the spring when he collects his disciples and builds a following.

At the summer solstice, when the sun is the highest in the sky, the sun is on its throne. In the following summer months, as the sun descends, it is still strong, but it is weakening as the dark forces start to make war against it. To show his strength, Jesus performs miracles and exorcises demons. At this time Orion is at the height of its ascent.

When the sun passes through the fall equinox, it enters the gates to hell. Night time hours start to lengthen and the dark forces are said to be fighting their way back to power. The sun continues to weaken until it dies for three days following December 21. This is when Jesus is betrayed by Judas and is taken to trial and executed. Allegorically, this is the end of the world.

On December 25, the sun is resurrected and the cycle repeats.

This cycle is not unique to Christianity; it plays out through the mythologies of resurrected gods. It was the age of fable when the constellations were assigned the names of gods. There was Hercules who died on his twelfth labor like Jesus. There is Jason and the Argonauts with their ship Argo, reminiscent of Noah's ark. The constellation Perseus holding the head of Medusa looks like David holding the head of Goliath. There are creation myths, supreme gods who mate with virgins, giants, serpents and a host of other characters like those in the Bible.

The Bible cannot be understood by those who are so blinded with faith that they keep their heads buried in the ground trying to make historical sense out of it. Look up to the sky. The keys to unlocking the secrets of the Bible can be found with a map of the constellations and a good book on star mythology. My favorite is New Patterns in the Sky New Patterns in the Sky by Julius D. W. Staal,

The Zodiac wheel shows how the sun's yearly ascension and descension conforms to the Bible's motifs.

biblical Omens

In Mark chapter 13, there is an allegorical summary of the astronomical omens that lead to the end of the world. They start when the sun is at full power at its highest position on the horizon to when it descends to its death at the lowest position.

1. When the sun is at the summer solstice in Gemini, Jesus predicted that some day the temple will be destroyed. His disciples wanted to know what sign they should look for to know when this event will happen. In biblespeak, "sign" denotes astrological signs.

1And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, "Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!"
2And Jesus said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another, that will not be thrown down."
3And as he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately,
4"Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign when these things are all to be accomplished?" (Mark 13:1-4)

2. After the sun passes the high point of the summer solstice it descends lower with each passing day. Allegorically, the sun is weakening because the dark forces of evil are said to waging war against it. The wars are just beginning.

The sun starts to descend in the house of Cancer. It is usually a time of hesitation, so Jesus warns what to expect and not to be alarmed.

7And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is not yet.
8For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places, there will be famines; this is but the beginning of the birth-pangs.
9"But take heed to yourselves; for they will deliver you up to councils; and you will be beaten in synagogues; and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them. (Mark 13:7-8)

3. The wars between light and dark intensify as the days get shorter. The sun is still strong, but the forces of evil are gaining power.

The house of Leo brings strength from the new harvest. So Jesus says to be strong against adversity and you will be saved.

11And when they bring you to trial and deliver you up, do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say; but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.
12And brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death;
13and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
14"But when you see the desolating sacrilege set up where it ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; (Mark 13:11-14)

4. Virgo is the last house before the sun descends into hell-Virgo is described as a nursing mother. There is no turning back.

15let him who is on the housetop not go down, nor enter his house, to take anything away;
16and let him who is in the field not turn back to take his mantle.
17And alas for those who are with child and for those who give suck [Virgo] in those days! (Mark 13:15-17)

5. The sun has passed the fall equinox into Scorpio. The days are getting progressively shorter than the nights. According to Jesus, if the days did not get shorter, no one could be saved, so God shortened the days. Pray that the sign doesn't happen in winter because it is the worst of times. If the days are still getting shorter and someone says the Christ has come, do not believe them. It is not the right time.

18Pray that it may not happen in winter.
19For in those days there will be such tribulation as has not been from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be.
20And if the Lord had not shortened the days, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days.
21And then if any one says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it.
22False Christs and false prophets will arise and show signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.
23But take heed; I have told you all things beforehand. (Mark 13:18-23)

6. The sun is in Sagittarius as the sun descends to its lowest point on the horizon. On the darkest days of the winter when the moon does not give light, the Son of man will come in clouds. The Son of man in clouds can be seen in the picture above. Below, the next frame shows the son of men descending on December 21.

24"But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,
25and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
26And then they will see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
27And then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven. (Mark 13:24-27)

7. You will know he is near the gates to heaven (the spring equinox) when fig trees start to grow leaves.

28"From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near.
29So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates. (Mark 13:28-29)

8. This generation will see these things take place. -He means his generation.

30Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place.
31Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. (Mark 13:30-31)

In the first century on December 21 at midnight, when the sun is darkened and the moon does not give up its light, the Son of man can be seen descending to earth. A month later it disappears from view.

Orion ascends in the east three days after its disappearance in the west.



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Respuesta  Mensaje 28 de 207 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/01/2012 02:40



Constelación de Eridanus

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Eridanus constellation map.svg
Nombre Latino Eridanus
Abreviatura Eri
Genitivo Eridani
Simbología El Río StargateGlyph29.png
Ascensión recta 3,25 h
Declinación −29°
Superficie 1138 grados cuadrados
Rango 6
Número de estrellas
(magnitud < 3)
Estrella más brillante Achernar (α Eri)
(magnitud ap. +0,45)
Lluvia de meteoros None
Constelaciones colindantes
Visibilidad En latitudes entre
+32° y −90°
Mejor visibilidad
(21:00 hrs.)

Eridanus es la sexta constelación más grande de las 88 constelaciones modernas. También es una de las 48 constelaciones de Ptolomeo.

En su extremo austral está la estrella de primera magnitud Achernar (α Eri). Achernar es una estrella muy peculiar porque es una de las estrellas más planas conocidas. Las observaciones indican que su radio es casi 50% más largo en el ecuador que en los polos. Esto se debe a que la estrella rota a gran velocidad.

10. Mateo 16:13: Viniendo Jesús a la región de Cesarea de Filipo, preguntó a sus discípulos, diciendo: ¿Quién dicen los hombres que es el HIJO DEL HOMBRE?
11. Mateo 16:27: Porque el HIJO DEL HOMBRE vendrá en la gloria de su Padre con sus ángeles, y entonces pagará a cada uno conforme a sus obras.
12. Mateo 16:28: De cierto os digo que hay algunos de los que están aquí, que no gustarán la muerte, hasta que hayan visto al HIJO DEL HOMBRE viniendo en su reino.
13. Mateo 17:9: Cuando descendieron del monte, Jesús les mandó, diciendo: No digáis a nadie la visión, hasta que el HIJO DEL HOMBRE resucite de los muertos.
14. Mateo 17:12: Mas os digo que Elías ya vino, y no le conocieron, sino que hicieron con él todo lo que quisieron; así también el HIJO DEL HOMBRE padecerá de ellos.
15. Mateo 17:22: Estando ellos en Galilea, Jesús les dijo: El HIJO DEL HOMBRE será entregado en manos de hombres,
Esta interpretacion no es descabellada, teniendo en cuenta Mateo 16:18,19. Recordemos que estos sucesos son en CESAREA DE FILIPO al pie del MONTE HERMON.
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.

Job 38:31: ¿Podrás tú atar los lazos de las Pléyades,
O desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?

13. Salmos 89:12: El norte y el sur, tú los creaste;
El Tabor y el Hermón cantarán en tu nombre.

14. Salmos 133:3: Como el rocío de Hermón,
Que desciende sobre los montes de Sion;
Porque allí envía Jehová bendición,
Y vida eterna.

15. Cantares 4:8: Ven conmigo desde el Líbano, oh esposa mía;
Ven conmigo desde el Líbano.
Mira desde la cumbre de Amana,
Desde la cumbre de Senir y de Hermón,
Desde las guaridas de los leones,
Desde los montes de los leopardos.

3. Deuteronomio 4:48: Desde Aroer, que está junto a la ribera del arroyo de Arnón, hasta el monte de Sion, que es Hermón;

Respuesta  Mensaje 29 de 207 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/01/2012 19:41

Respuesta  Mensaje 30 de 207 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/01/2012 20:26

Respuesta  Mensaje 31 de 207 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/01/2012 20:30
  • Orion Gate Grande, Brampton | Movie Listings | Showtimes

    1 Orion Gate Grande, Brampton 20 Biscayne Crescent, Brampton, 905-455-1590.
    Fri 4:30 7:20 9:40. Sat - Sun 2:00 4:30 7:20 9:40. Mon - Thu 4:30 7:20 9:40 ...
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  • Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/06/2012 17:40

    Orión (constelación)

    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Para otros usos del término, véase Orión (desambiguación).
    Orion constellation map.svg
    Nombre Latino Orion
    Abreviatura Ori
    Genitivo Orionis
    Simbología Orión Stargate SG·1 symbol 30.svg
    Ascensión recta 5 h
    Superficie 594 grados cuadrados
    Rango 30th
    Número de estrellas
    (magnitud < 3)
    Estrella más brillante Rigel (β Orionis)
    (magnitud ap. 0,12)
    Lluvia de meteoros
    Constelaciones colindantes
    Visibilidad En latitudes entre
    +85° y −75°
    Mejor visibilidad
    (21:00 hrs.)
    click para alargar la imagen
    Créditos: Mouser Williams

    Orión, (el Cazador), es una constelación prominente, quizás la más conocida del cielo. Sus estrellas brillantes y visibles desde ambos hemisferios hacen que esta constelación sea reconocida universalmente. La constelación es visible a lo largo de toda la noche durante el invierno en el hemisferio norte, verano en hemisferio sur; es asimismo visible pocas horas antes del amanecer desde finales del mes de agosto hasta mediados de noviembre y puede verse en el cielo nocturno hasta mediados de abril, al menos en el hemisferio norte.

    Orión se encuentra cerca de la constelación del río Eridanus y apoyado por sus dos perros de caza Canis Maior y Canis Minor peleando con la constelación del Tauro.



    [editar] Estrellas principales

    [editar] Objetos notables

    M42 (Nebulosa de Orión).

    El Complejo de Nubes Moleculares de Orión. Es una gigantesca estructura de hidrógeno, polvo, plasma y estrellas nacientes que abarca la mayor parte de la constelación. El complejo ubicado a una distancia de 1.500 años luz de la Tierra está formado por nebulosas de emisión, nebulosas de reflexión, nebulosas oscuras y regiones HII.Destaca especialmente por ser una región de intensa formación estelar y por las extraordinarias nebulosas que la forman:

    Muchas de las estrellas brillantes de la constelación cómo Alnitak, Alnilam, y Mintaka pertenecen a éste complejo, en el que han nacido.

    [editar] Mitología

    La constelación de Orión.

    En la mitología griega Orión fue un gigante que, según algunas versiones, nació de los orígenes de los dioses Zeus, Poseidón y Hermes. Un día los dioses visitaron a un anciano llamado Hirieo que no podía tener hijos pero deseaba tener uno. En agradecimiento por su hospitalidad le concedieron su deseo: orinaron en la piel del buey que se habían comido. Cuando finalizaron le dijeron que enterrara la piel y que dentro de nueve meses tendría a su hijo. Después del plazo mencionado nació un niño que fue llamado Orión en recuerdo de los orines que lo habían engendrado.[2]

    Existen diversas versiones del mito de Orión. Una de ellas cuenta que Orión había violado a Mérope, hija de Enopión, quien por ello, lo dejó ciego. Helios le devolvió la vista y a continuación Orión se convirtió en compañero de caza de Artemisa y Leto. Prometió aniquilar todo animal que hubiera sobre la tierra, por lo que Gea se enfadó e hizo nacer un escorpión enorme que picó a Orión y lo mató. En otra versión fue Artemisa la que lanzó el escorpión contra Orión.[3]

    Existe otra tradición que sostenía que Artemisa se había enamorado de Orión, lo cual despertó celos en Apolo, hermano gemelo de Artemisa. Un día Apolo, viendo a Orión a lo lejos, hizo una apuesta a su hermana desafiándola a que no podía asestarle una flecha a un animal (o a un punto brillante lejos en el océano, en otra versión) que se movía a lo lejos dentro de un bosque (o en lo lejano del mar). Artemisa lanzó su flecha y dio, como siempre, en el blanco. Cuando fue a ver su presa, se dio cuenta de que había aniquilado a su amado Orión. Fue tan grande su tristeza, sus quejas y sus lamentos que decidió colocar a Orión en el cielo para su consuelo.[4]

    Otra leyenda cuenta que Orión acosaba a las Pléyades, hijas del titán Atlas, por lo que Zeus las colocó en el cielo. Todavía parece que, en el cielo, Orión continúa persiguiendo a las Pléyades.[5]

    Orión está representado por un guerrero alzando su arco, su espada o garrote y cubriéndose del enemigo con un vellocino o un escudo. A su lado se encuentran sus perros de caza: Canis Maior y Canis Minor.

    En la Mitología egipcia la estrella de Orion, Betelgeuse estaba asociada al dios Osiris.

    En algunas versiones de la biblia la constelación de Orion es llamada "Kesil" y la relacionan con Nemrod.[6] [7] [8] [9]

    [editar] Orión en otros contextos

    En el Legendarium creado por J. R. R. Tolkien en su literatura fantástica se describe una astronomía propia, con cuerpos celestes equivalentes a los de nuestro mundo real, pero con unos nombres y mitología imaginarios asociados. Orión es conocido como Menelvagor en sindarin o Menelmacar en quenya. Ambos nombres significan «el espadachín del cielo», y representa ya sea a Eönwë, heraldo de los dioses o a Túrin, un héroe trágico del libro El Silmarillion.

    Orion es también un tema de la banda de thrash metal Metallica, aparecido en el álbum Master of Puppets, del año 1986. Se trata de un tema instrumental, que combina cambios de ritmo, solos de guitarra y bajo, y sonoridades estridentes junto con calmados pasajes espaciales. Es famoso por ser una de las mejores y últimas aportaciones del fallecido bajista Cliff Burton a la banda. Su nombre deriva de James Hetfield quien al escuchar el solo melódico de bajo exclamó que sonaba "cósmico". Asimismo existe otra pieza instrumental de la banda llamada "God is an astronaut" que lleva por título "Shores of Orion".

    En la franquicia de ciencia-ficción Star Trek, existe una especie llamada Orión reconocida por ser principalmente un pueblo de piratas, mafiosos y prostitutas.

    Así mismo, en la saga de videojuegos Halo, "Orion" es el nombre que recibe el proyecto de mejora genética de super soldados, previos a la creación del Proyecto Spartan II.

    "Orion" es la segunda canción de la Cara A del álbum de 1979 de Jethro Tull "Stormwatch", tercero y último de la trilogía de Folk-Rock de esta banda británica capitaneada por Ian Anderson.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/06/2012 17:49

    Respuesta  Mensaje 34 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/06/2012 17:53

    Orion: the Star Gospel Symbol for Many Bible Heroes

    pillar-of-enoch.com/.../Language_of_God_In_H...Similares - Traducir esta página
    Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    One of these is Orion, a decan of Taurus, the Bull. Let me show you how complex this constellation's meaning can become when the Bible is used to decipher it.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 35 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/06/2012 17:55

    Bible is telling us Orion constellation is going to be ...

    www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/.../pg1En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    15 entradas - 12 autores - 8 Jun 2008
    9Who made [the constellations] the Bear, Orion, and the [loose cluster] Pleiades, and the [vast starry] spaces of the south; The Bible is clearly ...
  • In what chapter of the Bible is Orion referred to

    wiki.answers.com › ... › ChristianityThe BibleEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Orion in the Bible. Orion is mentioned in both Job and Amos. Job 9:9 ...Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. Job 38:31 ...
  • Job 38:31 - Online Parallel Bible

    bible.cc/job/38-31.htmEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    "Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, Or loose the cords of Orion? King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, ...
  • Advanced Scientific Knowledge - Bible Evidences

    www.bibleevidences.com/scientif.htmEn caché - Traducir esta página
    Though the Bible is not a science book, when it touches on scientific matters it is ... Job “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, Or loose the belt of Orion?
  • Stars in the Bible

    www.horizonenergycorp.com/hpo/.../bible.htmEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    5 Jun 1997 – The Bible names some constellations: Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades? Can you loose the cords of Orion? Can you bring forth the ...
  • Orion - Biblical Definition of Orion in Fausset's Bible Dictionary ...

    www.bible-history.com/faussets/O/Orion/En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Orion. The constellation (Job 9:9; Job 38:31-32; Amos 5:8). Kecil, "a fool" or " wicked one." The Arabs represent Orion as a mighty man, the Assyrian Nimrod, who ...
  • Woodside Bible Church - Lake Orion Campus

    www.woodsidebible.org/lakeorion/En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Invite a Friend to Church Contact Woodside Bible. Search for: Search this Website Close ↑. Woodside Bible Church - Lake Orion Campus. One Church Many ...
  • Consulta los resultados traducidos de páginas web en inglés para:
    bible orion

    Respuesta  Mensaje 36 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2012 03:34

    Respuesta  Mensaje 37 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2012 03:59

    The Orion Zone -- Home

    azorion.tripod.com/En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    "Gary David had found the mirrored, proportioned locations of all the major stars of Orion exactly on the ground, centered at Anasazi and Hopi ruins and sacred ...
  • Tracking Orion & Sirius In Ancient Civilizations #1: Hopi & Chaco ...

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MfpWDP_xyM4 Oct. 2011 - 6 min. - Subido por aReaganDesignee
    Bloquear todos los resultados de www.youtube.com

    A collection of clips about ancient civilizations and their fascination/tracking of the stars Orion & Sirius. See ...
  • Recreating The Past - The Hopi Connection To Orion & Sirius - Part ...

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4KbkyxYs_g20 Nov. 2011 - 4 min. - Subido por lucianaoti01
    PLEASE READ BELOW: I think we can now theorize that with the evidence at hand gathered from the Catholic ...
  • The Hopi Nation & The Orion Zone - Video Dailymotion

    www.dailymotion.com/.../xbtxqr_the-hopi-nation-the-...12 Ene. 2010 - 8 min.
    Links to Pari's articles can be found at:http://globalbrahmakumaris.weebly. comThis video has to be seen ...
  • Gary A. David Interview ~ Hopi Starlore, Orion Zone, Prophecy ...

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGUMorQW3Oo23 Nov. 2011 - 98 min. - Subido por ResistNWOrder
    Gary A. David Interview ~ Ancient Hopi Starlore, Orion Zone, Prophecy Author of - The Kivas of Heaven ...

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 38 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2012 00:58
    Busqueda para CAZADOR

    1. Génesis 10:9: Este fue vigoroso CAZADOR delante de Jehová; por lo cual se dice: Así como Nimrod, vigoroso CAZADOR delante de Jehová.
    2. Salmos 91:3: El te librará del lazo del CAZADOR,
    De la peste destructora.
    3. Salmos 124:7: Nuestra alma escapó cual ave del lazo de los CAZADORes;
    Se rompió el lazo, y escapamos nosotros.
    4. Proverbios 6:5: Escápate como gacela de la mano del CAZADOR,
    Y como ave de la mano del que arma lazos.
    5. Jeremías 16:16: He aquí que yo envío muchos pescadores, dice Jehová, y los pescarán, y después enviaré muchos CAZADORes, y los cazarán por todo monte y por todo collado, y por las cavernas de los peñascos.
    6. Oseas 9:8: Atalaya es Efraín para con mi Dios; el profeta es lazo de CAZADOR en todos sus caminos, odio en la casa de su Dios.
    7. Amós 3:5: ¿Caerá el ave en lazo sobre la tierra, sin haber CAZADOR? ¿Se levantará el lazo de la tierra, si no ha atrapado algo?

    Orión (mitología) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orión_(mitología)En caché - Similares
    Orión ha jugado varios papeles en la cultura de la antigua Grecia. La historia de las aventuras de Orión el cazador es una de las que nos quedan más ...
  • Orión (constelación) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orión_(constelación)En caché - Similares
    Orión, (el Cazador), es una constelación prominente, quizás la más conocida del cielo. Sus estrellas brillantes y visibles desde ambos hemisferios hacen que ...
  • Historia de Orión, El Cazador - Mitología Griega

    www.vidasdefuego.com/mitologia-griega-orion-escorpion.htmEn caché - Similares
    Historia de el gran cazador Orión en la mitología griega. El hijo de Gea y Poseidón, el dios del mar. Como su corazón se volvió orgulloso, soberbio y vanidoso ...
  • Orión el Cazador | astroyciencia: Astronomía y ciencia

    www.astroyciencia.com/2007/04/20/orion-el-cazador/En caché - Similares
    Juan Miguel González
    20 Abr 2007 – Tweet. Aquí tenéis una fotografía de mi constelación favorita, Orión. Orión es una de las constelaciones que más fácilmente se reconocen en el ...
  • Pirulo Cósmico: Orión, el cazador

    pirulocosmico.blogspot.com/2009/12/orion-el-cazador.htmlEn caché
    Victor Manchado Morales
    29 Dic 2009 – En esta época invernal luce en los cielos nocturnos una de las constelaciones más conocidas, Orión, que representa a un cazador y está ...
  • Orión, el cazador, esconde una gran historia | Moonmentum Blog ...

    www.moonmentum.com/.../orion-el-cazador-esconde-una-gran-histo...En caché
    8 Feb 2010 – La constelación más bella de las de conecta-los-puntos está en gran vista durante las noches de invierno. Orión, el cazador, está en el sureste ...

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 39 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2012 19:51

    Nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo

    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo
    Datos de observación:
    Época J2000.0
    Ascensión recta 05h 40m 59s
    Declinación -02° 27′ 30.0"
    Distancia 1.500 años luz
    Magnitud aparente (V) -
    Tamaño aparente (V) 8° × 6°
    Constelación Orión
    Características físicas
    Radio 3,5 años luz
    Otras designaciones IC 434, Barnard 33,
    LDN 1630, M3T 31,
    [OS98] 52

    La nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo (Horsehead nebula en inglés) o Barnard 33 (B33), es una nube de gas fría y oscura, situada a unos 1.500 años luz de la Tierra, al sur del extremo izquierdo del Cinturón de Orión. Forma parte del Complejo de Nubes Moleculares de Orión, y mide aproximadamente 3,5 años luz de ancho. Esta nebulosa oscura es visible por contraste, ya que aparece por delante de la nebulosa de emisión IC 434. Por su forma es la más familiar de las nebulosas de absorción.

    El color rojizo de la nebulosa de emisión se origina por la recombinación de los electrones con los protones de los átomos de hidrógeno. La estrella más brillante, situada a la izquierda de la nebulosa, es la popular Alnitak (ζ Orionis) del Cinturón de Orión. La forma inusual de Cabeza de Caballo fue descubierta por primera vez en una placa fotográfica a finales del siglo XIX por Williamina Fleming, en el Observatorio del Harvard College. El primero en incluir en un catálogo a la Nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo fue Edward Emerson Barnard de la Familia Barnard, en 1919.[1]

    [editar] Entorno de la nebulosa

    Entorno de la Nebulosa de la Flama, NGC 2023 y la Cabeza de Caballo, entre otras.

    En la foto del entorno se ven también nebulosas de reflexión, que reflejan preferentemente la luz azul de las estrellas cercanas.

    En la fotografía también puede verse, en color anaranjado, la Nebulosa de la Flama, catalogada como NGC 2024, en la parte inferior izquierda. Recibe este nombre por su parecido con una hoguera. Un franja oscura de polvo interestelar absorbente se destaca en silueta contra el resplandor de la emisión del hidrógeno y, de hecho, oculta la verdadera fuente de energía de la Nebulosa de la Flama. Detrás de la franja oscura yace un cúmulo de estrellas jóvenes y calientes, vistas a longitudes de onda infrarrojas a través del polvo oscurecedor. Una estrella masiva joven de ese cúmulo es la fuente probable de la intensa radiación ultravioleta que ioniza el gas de hidrógeno de la Nebulosa de la Flama.

    En la imagen también se aprecia la nebulosa NGC 2023, debajo de IC 434; es una nebulosa de reflexión, de ahí su característico color azulado. IC 431 aparece justo a la izquierda de la Nebulosa de la Flama.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 40 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2012 20:11

    Barnard 33, the Horsehead Nebula

    Dark Nebula Barnard 33 in Orion

    The Horsehead Nebula

    [B33 Horsehead, AAT]

    Right Ascension 05 : 40.9 (h:m)
    Declination -02 : 28 (deg:m)
    Distance 1.6 (kly)
    Apparent Dimension 6x4 (arc min)


    E. Pickering detected IC 434 photographically in 1889, the Horsehead can be detected on a photo made on January 25, 1900 by Isaac Roberts (Roberts 1902). E.E. Barnard recognized the object in the 1910s.

    The first published description of the Horsehead Nebula was given in Barnard (1913), and it was first cataloged by Barnard (1919).

    The remarkable Horsehead is a dark globule of dust and non-luminous gas, obscuring the light coming from behind, especially the moderately bright nebula IC 434. It is the most remarkable feature of an interesting region of diffuse nebulae, which belongs to a huge cloud of gas and dust situated 1,600 light years away in the direction of constellation Orion. The bright reflection nebula in the lower left is NGC 2023.

    The image in this page was obtained by David Malin with the Anglo-Australian Telescope. This image is copyrighted and may be used for private purpose only. For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on CD-ROM, please contact the Photo Permissions Department (photo at aaoepp.aao.gov.au) of the Anglo Australian Observatory.

  • More information on this image (David Malin)


  • Hubble Space Telescope Observes the Horsehead Nebula (April 2001)
  • Bill Arnett's Horsehead Nebula photo page and info page.


  • SIMBAD Data of the Horsehead Nebula B33
  • Publications on the Horsehead Nebula B33 (NASA ADS)
  • Observing Reports for Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula (IAAC Netastrocatalog)



    Hartmut Frommert
    Christine Kronberg









    Respuesta  Mensaje 41 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2012 20:14
  • Nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebulosa_Cabeza_de_CaballoEn caché - Similares
    La nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo (Horsehead nebula en inglés) o Barnard 33 ( B33), es una nube de gas fría y oscura, situada a unos 1.500 años luz de la Tierra ...
  • Horsehead Nebula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsehead_NebulaEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    The Horsehead Nebula (also known as Barnard 33 in emission nebula IC 434) is a dark nebula in the constellation Orion. The nebula is located just to the south ...
  • The Horsehead Nebula Barnard 33

    messier.seds.org/xtra/ngc/b33.htmlEn caché - Traducir esta página
    4 Jun 1998 – Barnard 33, the Horsehead Nebula. Dark Nebula Barnard 33 in Orion. The Horsehead Nebula. [B33 Horsehead, AAT] ...
  • Barnard 33 - Horsehead Nebula - AstroPilar - Astrofotografía ...

    www.astropilar.com.ar/nebulosas/B33_1.htmlEn caché
    Fecha, 11/10/2010. Telescopio, GSO RC 8" F8. Cámara, SBIG ST-8300M. Composición, LHaRGB 8x120s (1h20m). Condiciones del Cielo, Buenas ...
  • HubbleSite - Wallpaper: The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33)

    hubblesite.org/gallery/wallpaper/pr2001012a/En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Wallpaper: The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33). Image 42 of 81. Back to. Collection Next Image Rainbow Image of the Egg Nebula Previous Image The Life ...
  • Barnard 33, IC 434, and NGC 2023 - Horsehead Nebula Region ...

    www.perezmedia.net/beltofvenus/.../000379.htm...En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    21 Jan 2006 – It's been nearly a year since my first observation of Barnard 33, and I wanted to have another serious go at it. For the observation, I used my 6" ...
  • Barnard 33 (Nebulosa de la Cabeza de Caballo) y NGC 2024 ...

    www.astrosanjusto.net63.net/astrofotos/nebulosas/.../B33%20final.ht...En caché - Similares
    Barnard 33: La nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo o Barnard 33 (B33), es una nube de gas fría y oscura, situada a unos 1500 años-luz de la Tierra al sur del extremo ...
  • Barnard 33/IC 434 - Hearst Observatory

    www.hearstobservatory.com/ic_434.htmlEn caché - Traducir esta página
    Barnard 33/IC 434. "Horsehead Nebula". TYPE: Dark/Emission Nebula; RA: 05h 40.9'; DEC: -02degrees 28'; SIZE: 6' X 4'; VISUAL MAGNITUDE: NA; SURFACE ...
  • Ver el cielo. Barnard 33. Nebulosa de la Cabeza de Caballo

    verelcielo.es/objetoscelestes/Barnard33.htmlEn caché
    La nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo o Barnard 33, es una nube de gas fría y oscura, en el extremo izquierdo del Cinturón de Orión. Forma parte de la extensa nube ...
  • Foto de la Nebulosa Cabeza del Caballo

    www.astromia.com/fotouniverso/caballobarnard.htmEn caché - Similares
    La nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo o Barnard 33 (B33), es una nube de gas fría y oscura, que resalta contra una brillosa nube de gas denominada IC 434.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 42 de 207 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/07/2012 15:23

    Finding Jupiter, Uranus - And Orion


    Very clear sky tonight, with some thunder and lightning back over in the Chichibu mountains. Wish we would get some rains. It is rather hot this summer, is it not?

    Which means, taking a walk at night is such a pleasure. Thanks to P, I was made aware of the fact that you can easily spot Jupiter, that huge planet, as it emerges in the night sky near the full moon. He even suggested that it is possible to see a moon or two, using binoculars.

    I was reminded of how much effort people in the past put into carefully noting such events.

    Tycho Brahe, a Dane living on the tiny island called Hven or Ven between Denmark and Sweden, near Malmö and east of Copenhagen, made many of the observations that were later used by greater minds to help us all make sense of the universe.

    Uranienborg, "The Castle of Urania" was his star observatory, and he also tried to impose farming methods, inspired by his travels, such as his journey to the botanical garden in Padua that Tycho probably visited in his journey to Italy in 1575...

    At the age of 13, Tycho was sent to the University of Copenhagen to study philosophy and rhetorics. A solar eclipse 1560 awoke his interest in astronomy, and he began reading books on the subject. He attended the universities of Leipzig, Wittenberg, Rostock and Basel to study law, humanities and science. In Leipzig he started astronomical studies without permission, but was soon forgiven after demonstrating successes. He found that old observations were very inaccurate, and started to design methods and instruments for high-precision measurement of positions of celestial bodies.
    I think we need more such people, right now.

    Image of Jupiter and Uranus from Jodrel Bank Centre for Astrophysics:

    This month, Uranus lies a few degrees to the right of Jupiter. On the first of August, Uranus, at 5.8 magnitude, is close to a 6.3 magnitude star which lies between it and Jupiter some 3 degrees to its lower left. As the month progresses, Jupiter closes on Uranus and at month'e end is just 1 degree 45 arc minutes to its lower left, just below the 7th magnitude star and so forming a right angle triangle. Given a small telescope you may resolve the 3.6 arc second greenish-blue disk. With Jupiter on the left, both will be seen together in a binocular field of view and Uranus will be the brightest object in the field after Jupiter.

    Urania, the Greek godess of astronomy, was (according to wikipedia) the "mother of the musician Linus. She is usually depicted as having a globe in her left hand. She is able to foretell the future by the arrangement of the stars. She is often associated with Universal Love and the Holy Spirit. She is dressed in a cloak embroidered with stars and keeps her eyes and attention focused on the Heavens. Those who are most concerned with philosophy and the heavens are dearest to her."

    Urania, o'er her star-bespangled lyre,
    With touch of majesty diffused her soul;
    A thousand tones, that in the breast inspire,
    Exalted feelings, o er the wires'gan roll—
    How at the call of Jove the mist unfurled,
    And o'er the swelling vault—the glowing sky,
    The new-born stars hung out their lamps on high,
    And rolled their mighty orbs to music's sweetest sound.

    —From An Ode To Music by James G. Percival

    Jantar Mantar in Jaipur, India, is another place where stars and planets and the universe were carefully obserrved.

    Architecture Science has a pdf file, by Berry Perlus, Architecture in the Service of Science

    Imagine if Tycho Brahe and Jai Singh II had met...? Frankly, I cannot understand what actual observations or scientific knowledge was aquired at Jantar Mantar. Comments, please!

    Meanwhile, still on Planet Earth, back here in Japan, you can always be certain that there is much more to explore.

    The three stars of Orion have been an inspiration here, for a long time. Mitsu Boshi are sometimes called San Jou Sama, and fishermen sometimes mention Sumiyoshi.

    How about Yowatashi Boshi; Stars that Pass in the Night Japan's Cultural Heritage Reflected in the Star Lore of Orion by Steve Renshaw and Saori Ihara October, 1999. A further revised version appears in The Kyoto Journal, Issue 48, July, 2000.

    Agricultural associations discussed so far have generally been related to the setting of Orion during early stages of annual rice cultivation. The rising of the three belt stars in the East was also an agricultural symbol and was allied with the end of the period of rice cultivation. Hara (1975) records that in many rice farming areas, the stars were called Haza no Ma, a term that refers to a three pole stand that is used in the field to dry rice. In the early phases of autumn, when Orion is no longer seen at sunset but rather rising earlier and earlier each night, farmers looked to the belt stars and saw them as a symbol that "only Hasa are left in the field", the harvest of rice being over.

    While incorporation of a lunar calendar and later complete adoption of a Gregorian calendar in post Meiji era Japan led to more precise methods for determining times for planting and harvesting, many old farmers in rural agrarian areas still use methods that are centuries if not millennia old. According to Uchida (1973), the following time piece is still recited in such areas: "When Mitsu Boshi are one fathom high; it's time to go to bed. when Mitsu Boshi are in the middle, it's the middle of winter; and when Mitsu Boshi lay, it's time to wake up." This of course, refers to the vertical alignment of the three belt stars as they rise in early Fall, the angular position in the middle of the Southern sky in Winter, and the horizontal visual alignment in the West in Spring. The metaphors are related to (respectively): Fall harvest, Winter rest, and Spring planting.

    Star lore related to fishing is somewhat more rare than that which is related to crop cultivation. It was primarily through cooperation of local farmers along with their local ancestral kami or gods in the production of rice that early Japanese rulers were able to fulfill their purpose of unifying the country under singular rule. Still, incorporating the legends of families of fishermen was an important part of this unification, and a mix of agrarian and fishing lore is sometimes found (See Nojiri, 1988).

    In some fishing areas, the three belt stars are called Kanatsuki which is a name given to a spear with three prongs used in fishing (Nojiri, 1973; Uchida, 1973). We can note some similarity in pronunciation of Karasuki (plow) and Kanatsuki. As a sign, Kanatsuki was used as a time piece for favorable catches. When prospects for such seemed to be particularly good in the Fall, old fishermen were often heard to say "Let's wait for Kanatsuki" before going out for the evening's catch.

    Astronomy in Japan: Science History Culture

    Pentax, the camera company, has a lot of details if you are interested in photography of the stars...

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