West Europe–Africa Meridian-arc: a meridian arc extending from the Shetland Islands, through Great Britain, France and Spain to El Aghuat in Algeria, whose parameters were calculated from surveys carried out in the mid to late 19th century. It yielded a value for the equatorial radius of the earth a = 6 377 935 metres, the ellipticity being assumed as 1/299.15. The radius of curvature of this arc is not uniform, being, in the mean, about 600 metres greater in the northern than in the southern part. Greenwich meridian is depicted rather than Paris meridian.Seventeen years after Bessel calculated his ellipsoid of reference, some of the meridian arcs the German astronomer had used for his calculation had been enlarged. This was a very important circumstance because the influence of errors due to vertical deflections was minimized in proportion to the length of the meridian arcs: the longer the meridian arcs, the more precise the image of the Earth ellipsoid would be.[104] After Struve Geodetic Arc measurement, it was resolved in the 1860s, at the initiative of Carlos Ibáñez e Ibáñez de Ibero who would become the first president of both the International Geodetic Association and the International Committee for Weights and Measure, to remeasure the arc of meridian from Dunkirk to Formentera and to extend it from Shetland to the Sahara.[105][106][107][103] This did not pave the way to a new definition of the metre because it was known that the theoretical definition of the metre had been inaccessible and misleading at the time of Delambre and Mechain arc measurement, as the geoid is a ball, which on the whole can be assimilated to an oblate spheroid, but which in detail differs from it so as to prohibit any generalization and any extrapolation from the measurement of a single meridian arc.[108] In 1859, Friedrich von Schubert demonstrated that several meridians had not the same length, confirming an hypothesis of Jean Le Rond d'Alembert. He also proposed an ellipsoid with three unequal axes.[109][110] In 1860, Elie Ritter, a mathematician from Geneva, using Schubert's data computed that the Earth ellipsoid could rather be a spheroid of revolution accordingly to Adrien-Marie Legendre's model.[111] However, the following year, resuming his calculation on the basis of all the data available at the time, Ritter came to the conclusion that the problem was only resolved in an approximate manner, the data appearing too scant, and for some affected by vertical deflections, in particular the latitude of Montjuïc in the French meridian arc which determination had also been affected in a lesser proportion by systematic errors of the repeating circle.[112][113][108]
The city was mentioned in Latin texts, by Caesar, with the spelling Genava,[26] probably from the Celtic*genawa- from the stem *genu- ("mouth"), in the sense of an estuary, an etymology shared with the Italian port city of Genoa (in Italian Genova).[27][28]
The city of Geneva (Ville de Genève) had a population of 203,856 in January 2021[7] within its municipal territory of 16 km2 (6 sq mi).[8] The Geneva metropolitan area as officially defined by Eurostat,[9] including suburbs and exurbs in Vaud and the French departments of Ain and Haute-Savoie, extends over 2,292 km2 (885 sq mi)[10] and had a population of 1,053,436 in 2021.[11]
Since 2013, the Canton of Geneva, the Nyon District (in the canton of Vaud), and the Pôle métropolitain du Genevois français [fr] (lit.'Metropolitan hub of the French Genevan territory', a federation of eight French intercommunal councils), have formed Grand Genève ("Greater Geneva"), a Local Grouping of Transnational Cooperation [fr] (GLCT in French, a public entity under Swiss law) in charge of organizing cooperation within the cross-border metropolitan area of Geneva (in particular metropolitan transports).[12] The Grand Genève GLCT extends over 1,996 km2 (771 sq mi)[13] and had a population of 1,046,168 in Jan. 2021 (Swiss estimates and French census), 58.3% of them living on Swiss territory, and 41.7% on French territory.[14]
The city has been referred to as the world's most compact metropolis[20] and the "Peace Capital".[21] In 2023, Geneva was ranked as the world's tenth most important financial centre by the Global Financial Centres Index, second in Europe behind London.[22] In 2019, Geneva was ranked among the ten most liveable cities in the world by Mercer, alongside Zürich and Basel,[23] as well as the thirteenth most expensive city in the world.[24] In a UBS ranking of global cities in 2018, Geneva was ranked first for gross earnings, second most expensive, and fourth in purchasing power.[25]
The city was mentioned in Latin texts, by Caesar, with the spelling Genava,[26] probably from the Celtic*genawa- from the stem *genu- ("mouth"), in the sense of an estuary, an etymology shared with the Italian port city of Genoa (in Italian Genova).[27][28]
In the Middle Ages, Geneva was ruled by a count under the Holy Roman Empire until the late 14th century, when it was granted a charter giving it a high degree of self-governance. Around this time, the House of Savoy came to at least nominally dominate the city. In the 15th century, an oligarchic republican government emerged with the creation of the Grand Council. In the first half of the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation reached the city, causing religious strife, during which Savoy rule was thrown off and Geneva allied itself with the Swiss Confederacy. In 1541, with Protestantism on the rise, John Calvin, the ProtestantReformer and proponent of Calvinism, became the spiritual leader of the city and established the Republic of Geneva. By the 18th century, Geneva had come under the influence of Catholic France, which cultivated the city as its own. France tended to be at odds with the ordinary townsfolk, which inspired the failed Geneva Revolution of 1782, an attempt to win representation in the government for men of modest means. In 1798, revolutionary France under the Directory annexed Geneva. At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, on 1June 1814, Geneva was admitted to the Swiss Confederation. In 1907, the separation of Church and State was adopted. Geneva flourished in the 19th and 20th centuries, becoming the seat of many international organizations.[31]
703 - the gematria value for "and the earth" (407 + 296) from Genesis 1:1
The 2701 triangle can be divided into four separate triangles in the form 3A + B = 2701, where A = 666 and B = 703.
Genesis 1:1 gematria = 73 x 37 = 2701 perimeter = 216 = 6 x 6 x 6
3 x 666 = 1998 (In the beginning God created the heaven...) 1998 + 703 = 2701
2701² = 7,295,401
7 + 295 + 401 = 703
703² = 494,209
494 + 209 = 703
Also note that 2701 = 26² + 45². The gematria values of יהוה (YHWH) and Adam (אדם) are 26 and 45 respectively. The gematria value of Eve (in Hebrew Chavah or חוה) is 19, which is 45 - 26.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them"Gen 1:27
John 1 : 1
Gen 1:1 and John 1:1 are the 1st and 26,046th verses in the Bible (KJV).
26,046 - 1 = 26,045
The first occurrence of 26045 in pi begins from position 18,648.
18 + 648 = 666
εν αρχηι ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 55 719 58 70 373 31 70 373 58 450 420 134 31 284 58 70 373 = 3627
In Greek isopsephia, this verse has a value of 3627. Initially, this number seems unremarkable. Not triangular, not a star number, not divisible by 37. But 3627 forms a trapezium, which fits perfectly with the Genesis triangle to form the 112th triangle. So 2701 + 3627 = 6328. The number of rows (112) is also the gematria value for The LORD God -YHWH Elohim ( יהוה אלהים).
Gen 1:1 has 7 Hebrew words and 28 letters, and John 1:1 has 17 Greek words and 52 letters.
(7 x 28) + (17 x 52) = 1080
The prophet Isaiah recognized that God doesn't need sacrifice or ritual observance, and that the Temple exists for the sake of humanity, not for the benefit of God.
"Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?"Isa 66:1(also see 1 Ki 27:8)
The phrase "The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool" (השמים כסאי והארץ הדם רגלי) has a gematria value of 1080. This verse was reprised in the Acts of the Apostles (Act 7:49). These two similar passages are verse numbers 18,924 and 27,166 in the Bible (KJV).
27166 - 18924 = 8242
The first occurrence of 8242 in pi begins from position 30,328.
30 + 328 = 358, the gematria value of משיח (Moshiach, meaning "Messiah")
In Balaam's second oracle (Num 23:11-24) Balak erred in thinking that more sacrifices were required in order to obtain God's favor. His underestimation of God's constancy, and particularly his devotion to Israel, was mocked by the narrator:
"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"Num 23:19
The term בן אדם (ben Adam, meaning "son of man") has a gematria value of 97. The first occurrence of 97 in pi is preceded by the three digits 358, the gematria value of משיח (Moshiach).
The gematria values of Gen 1:1 and Joh 1:1 are 2701 and 3627 respectively. The first occurrence of 27013627 in both e and phi (the golden ratio) are preceded by the same four digits:
Paul's letter to the Romans addresses the place of Israel in God's overall purpose. He makes a distinction between Abraham's mere natural posterity and his spiritual children:
"Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:"Rom 9:6 ουχ οιον δε οτι εκπεπτωκεν ο λογος του θεου ου γαρ παντες οι εξ ισραηλ ουτοι ισραηλ 1070 200 9 380 1365 70 373 770 484 470 104 636 80 65 349 850 349 = 7624
The term ("the word of God") has a gematria value of 1697, which is the 265th prime number. The first occurrence of 265 in pi is followed by the three digits 358, the gematria value of משיח (Moshiach).
The first occurrence of 27013627 in pi begins from position 62,418,439.
62 + 418 + 439 = 919, the gematria value of μελχισεδεκ (Melchisedec)
2 x 3 x 6 x 8 = 288. The first occurrence of 2368 in pi is followed by 288. The totient of 888 (Jesus) is 288.
Math in The Bible
Another remarkable proof from the gematria of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 is the discovery of the values of key mathematical constants to a high degree of accuracy. The calculation of transcendental numbers π and e, along with the fine structure constant, also known as alpha (α) attest to the authenticity of the text. The identical method to obtain π and e from separate creation accounts from different covenants is evidence of the oneness of the Bible, and the hand of the Creator in its compilation.
The accuracy of π calculated from the book of Genesis remained unsurpassed for over 1,700 years from the giving of the Torah to Moses in 1313 BCE. Similarly, the accuracy of e from the book of John (written in 96 CE) wasn't improved for over 1,600 years.
For the full π formula, copy and paste into a spreadsheet program: =(28*2*200*1*300*10*400*2*200*1*1*30*5*10*40*1*400*5*300*40*10*40*6*1*400*5*1*200*90)/(7*913*203*86*401*395*407*296)
As remarkable as is the estimate of 3.14155 for pi from the first verse in the Bible, even more amazing is the same six digits can be construed from the first verse of the New Testament (Mat 1:1). In this verse, the first word βιβλος (Biblos) meaning "The book" has a numerical value of 314. Beginning from position 314 in pi are the three digits 155 to complete the sextuple.
What are the odds? Using the same methodology, π and e are calculated to five significant figures from the first verses in the Books of Genesis and John respectively. The decimal system has ten digits, so the probability of matching a single digit is 1/10, except the first digit which can't be zero. Extrapolating, the probability of matching five digits becomes 1/9 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10, or 1/90,000 (one chance in ninety thousand). The probability of calculating π and e from these two "In the beginning" verses, to five significant figures and using the same methodology, therefore becomes 1/900,000 x 1/90,000 or one in 8.1 billion! The likelihood of this being purely random chance therefore becomes almost ridiculous.
Skeptics may rightly claim that the sample should include the first verses from all the books in the New Testament, not just John. There are 27 books in the NT, so the probability then becomes 1 chance in 300 million.
But wait, I hear you say, it should apply to any verse from the New Testament, not just the opening verses. There are 7,957 verses in the New Testament, so after applying this stringent condition the probability becomes 1 chance in 1.02 million. Any way you cut it, the odds are astronomical!
Relying entirely on statistical probabilities is controversial, however the hypothesis in this case is supported by both the gematria and the complementary geometry between Gen 1:1 and John 1:1. So not reliant on probabilities alone.
According to a Midrash, the Torah was created prior to the creation of the world, and was used as the blueprint for Creation. The teachings of the Torah were given by God to Moses in 1313 BCE. The majority of Biblical scholars believe that the written books were compiled between approximately 600 BCE and 400 BCE. In any event, the accuracy of the π approximation revealed in the first verse of the Book of Genesis remained unsurpassed for millennia.
The very first reference to π is to be found in a 2000 BCE clay tablet cuneiform script held at the British Museum. It's value,based on an octagon, was estimated as 256/81 or 3.1605.
the words "Jesus" and "Christ" appear together in 256 Bible verses (KJV)
the phrase "Lord Jesus Christ" appears in 81 Bible verses (KJV)
This remained the best approximation until the time of Archimedes (287-212 BCE), who used a 92 sided polygon to estimate 3 10/71 < π < 3 1/7, giving an average value of 3.14185.
The accuracy of Archimedes calculation remained unsurpassed for 500 years, until Chinese mathematician Liu Hui (c. 225 CE) used a 192 sided polygon to improve the approximation to 3.1416.
The Rhind Papyrus held by the British Museum, dating from c 1650 BCE, which includes an approximation for π (3.1605) based on the Babylonian clay tablet from c 2000 BCE.
Another Chinese national, Zu Chongzhi (429-500 CE), was the first mathematician to surpass the accuracy of the Genesis formula when he used a 24,576 sided polygon to estimate π as being between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927. Zu proposed a fractional estimate of 355/113 which has become known as Zu's Ratio. It is now known that this is the most accurate fractional approximation of π possible using a denominator less than 16,604. This was an incredible achievement unmatched by European, Indian or Middle Eastern mathematicians for about 1,000 years!
The accuracy to 7 decimal places established by Zu Chongzhi was finally surpassed by Persian mathematician Jamshīd al-Kāshī in 1400 CE, who extended the accuracy to 16 decimal places, which became the benchmark for a further 200 years.
Consider the 96, 192 and 24,576 sided polygons used by Archimedes, Liu Hui and Zu Chongzhi in their efforts to approximate the value of π. These numbers share a striking pattern in binary notation:
96 = 1100000 in binary
192 = 11000000 in binary
24,576 = 110000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)
the totient of 24576 = 8192 = 2¹³
8192 = 10000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)
A 2015 postage stamp from Hong Kong honoring the achievement of Zu Chongzhi. Note the polygonal method used bu Zu, Liu and Archimedes to achieve their respective approximations of π.
The gospels are known to have been written during the first century CE, well before the first vague reference to the concept of the irrational number e in an appendix to John Napier's work on logarithms in 1618 (a nod to the golden ratio, which is 1.618). The e notation made its first appearance in a letter Euler wrote in 1731. He made various discoveries regarding e in the following years, but it was not until 1748 when he published Introductio in Analysin infinitorum that he gave a full treatment of the ideas surrounding e. He showed that e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ... and that e is the limit of (1 + 1/n)n as n tends to infinity. Euler gave an approximation for e to 18 decimal places, e = 2.718281828459045235. The accuracy of the value of e obtained from the John 1:1 calculation wasn't surpassed for over 1,600 years! For a full account of the number e see here.
New International Version It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.
New Living Translation Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the LORD has pronounced his blessing, even life everlasting.
English Standard Version It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.
Berean Standard Bible It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. For there the LORD has bestowed the blessing of life forevermore.
King James Bible As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
New King James Version It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing— Life forevermore.
New American Standard Bible It is like the dew of Hermon Coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For the LORD commanded the blessing there—life forever.
NASB 1995 It is like the dew of Hermon Coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing— life forever.
NASB 1977 It is like the dew of Hermon, Coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing—life forever.
Legacy Standard Bible It is like the dew of Hermon Coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For there, Yahweh commanded the blessing—life forever.
Amplified Bible It is like the dew of [Mount] Hermon Coming down on the hills of Zion; For there the LORD has commanded the blessing: life forevermore.
Christian Standard Bible It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. For there the LORD has appointed the blessing — life forevermore.
Holman Christian Standard Bible It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. For there the LORD has appointed the blessing— life forevermore.
American Standard Version Like the dew of Hermon, That cometh down upon the mountains of Zion: For there Jehovah commanded the blessing, Even life for evermore.
Contemporary English Version It is like the dew from Mount Hermon, falling on Zion's mountains, where the LORD has promised to bless his people with life forevermore.
English Revised Version Like the dew of Hermon, that cometh down upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
GOD'S WORD® Translation It is like dew on [Mount] Hermon, dew which comes down on Zion's mountains. That is where the LORD promised the blessing of eternal life.
Good News Translation It is like the dew on Mount Hermon, falling on the hills of Zion. That is where the LORD has promised his blessing--life that never ends.
International Standard Version It is like the dew of Hermon falling on Zion's mountains. For there the LORD commanded his blessing— life everlasting.
Majority Standard Bible It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. For there the LORD has bestowed the blessing of life forevermore.
NET Bible It is like the dew of Hermon, which flows down upon the hills of Zion. Indeed that is where the LORD has decreed a blessing will be available--eternal life.
New Heart English Bible like the dew of Hermon, that comes down on the hills of Zion: for there the LORD gives the blessing, even life forevermore.
Webster's Bible Translation As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for ever.
World English Bible like the dew of Hermon, that comes down on the hills of Zion; for there Yahweh gives the blessing, even life forever more.
Literal Translations
Literal Standard Version As dew of Hermon—That comes down on hills of Zion, "" For there YHWH commanded the blessing—Life for all time!
Young's Literal Translation As dew of Hermon -- That cometh down on hills of Zion, For there Jehovah commanded the blessing -- Life unto the age!
Smith's Literal Translation As the dew of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion: for there Jehovah commanded the blessing, life even forever.
Catholic Translations
Douay-Rheims Bible as the dew of Hermon, which descendeth upon mount Sion. For there the Lord hath commandeth blessing, and life for evermore.
Catholic Public Domain Version It is like the dew of Hermon, which descended from mount Zion. For in that place, the Lord has commanded a blessing, and life, even unto eternity.
New American Bible Like dew of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion. There the LORD has decreed a blessing, life for evermore!
New Revised Standard Version It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion. For there the LORD ordained his blessing, life forevermore.
Translations from Aramaic
Lamsa Bible Like the dew of Hermon that falls upon the mount of Zion; for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Like the dew of Hermon that descends upon the mountain of Zion, because there LORD JEHOVAH commanded the blessing and the Life unto eternity.
OT Translations
JPS Tanakh 1917 Like the dew of Hermon, That cometh down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing, Even life for ever.
Brenton Septuagint Translation As the dew of Aermon, that comes down on the mountains of Sion: for there, the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for ever.
Tomás Liberato Perón Hughes nació el 17 de agosto de 1839 en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fue hijo de Tomás Mario Perón (1803-1856), un genovés nacido en el Reino de Cerdeña que inmigró a la Argentina en 1831, y de su esposa, Ana Hughes McKenzie (1815-1877), una británica nacida en Londres.
Desde 1867 –poco después de haberse recibido de médico– Tomás Liberato mantenía una relación amorosa con la uruguaya Dominga Dutey, nacida en Paysandú, con quien convivía sin casarse. La pareja recién contrajo matrimonio en 1881. El matrimonio se instaló en una casaquinta de la localidad bonaerense de Ramos Mejía.
Fruto de este matrimonio nacieron tres hijos varones: Mario Tomás, Tomás Hilario y Alberto. Con el correr de los años, el hijo mayor de Tomás Liberato, Mario Tomás, conocería a Juana Salvadora Sosa, con quien tendría a su vez tres hijos. Entre ellos, el presidente argentino Juan Domingo Perón.2
Liberato Perón comenzó sus estudios en ciencias médicas en 1860 y se graduó siete años después, en 1867.3 Antes de finalizar sus estudios fue convocado, junto con otros estudiantes avanzados, a brindar asistencia médica a los heridos de la Guerra del Paraguay.4
En 1863 comenzó su tarea docente en la cátedra de Química de la Facultad de Medicina. En 1868 asumió como legislador provincial de la provincia de Buenos Aires, cargo desde el cual impulsó varios proyectos vinculados con la salud pública, entre ellos la reestructuración del Consejo de Higiene Pública.5 En 1870 fue el primer docente que tuvo a su cargo la cátedra de Medicina Legal en la Facultad de Derecho.6 Fue miembro titular de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.7
Durante los primeros meses de 1871, se produjo en Buenos Aires una epidemia de fiebre amarilla. Liberato Perón formó entonces parte de los equipos médicos que combatieron la enfermedad.8 Dado que en ese momento parte del agua para el consumo de la población se extraía del Riachuelo, integró un equipo dedicado a prohibir que los saladeros ubicados sobre sus riberas arrojaran sus efluentes en el curso de agua.9