153=17x9 (Nexo con Genesis 8:4)
 17 - Vesica piscis summation = 153 vesica psicis Arch-i-medes key - fish sacrifice September = i= 9 = Galactic center clockwise spiral 9-11 Jacob's ladder key - El-even key In ancient Roman religion and myth, Vulcan (Latin: Vulcanus) is the god of both beneficial and hindering fire,[1] including the fire of volcanoes. Vulcan is often depicted with a blacksmith's hammer.[2] The Volcanalia was the annual festival held August 23 in his honor. His Greek counterpart is Hephaestus, the god of fire and smithery. In Etruscan religion, he is identified with Sethlans. The festival of Vulcan, the Vulcanalia, was celebrated on August 23 each year, when the summer heat placed crops and granaries most at risk of burning.[1][15] During the festival bonfires were created in honour of the god, into which live fish or small animals were thrown as a sacrifice, to be consumed in the place of humans.[16] Tephaistos is the Greek word that defines the God whom the Romans gave the name of Vulcan. Hence Sanconiatho and curios similarity of names and occupations, tended to derive the name of Tubal Cain to Vulcan by means known to etymologists. omitting the initial T of Tubal Cain, which is the article in the Phoenician language, and no vowel, the word is formed by the nature Balcan Interchangeable B and V is easily transformed into Vulcan. Vulcan was a sun deity who was associated with fire, thunderbolts, and light. The festival in honour of him was called the Vulcania in which Human sacrifices were offered. "According to Diel, he bears a family relationship to the Christian devil.' It is fascinating to know that he married Venus, another name for Lucifer or the devil. What is even more interesting is that Vulcan is adored in Masonry under the name of Tubal Cain. In the Masonic Quiz Book the question is asked: "Who was Tubal Cain?" The answer is: "He is the Vulcan of the pagans.' In Masonry, Tubal Cain is the name of the password for the Master Mason (or third) degree. Listen to what occultist and Mason, Manly Palmer Hall, has to say: "When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mastery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a ploughshare.' There is also a sexual connotation associated with Vulcan and Tubal Cain. Former Mason, Bill Schnoebelen, explains: "For Masons who wish to conceal their membership from non-Masons, but still advertise it to their Lodge brothers, there is a special pin (or tie tack) they can wear. It looks like an upside down golf club with two balls near the top....Many people assume the person is a golfing enthusiast, but it is actually a visual Masonic pun. "This is called the 'Two Ball Cane,' and is a pun on the secret password of a Master Mason, 'Tubalcain (sic).'...It is also an all-too-obvious pun on the 'god' of Masonry, the male reproductive organ. In Dowland manuscript we reads as follows: "Before the flood there was a man called Lamech as is written in the Bible in the fourth chapter of Genesis, and this Lamech had two wives, one named Adah and the other Zillah; of Ada first wife had two children, one named Jubal Jubel and the other, and his second wife had a son and a daughter. These four sons founded the principle of all sciences in the world. the firstborn Jubel founded the science of geometry and was engaged in driving sheep to the field, and first built houses of wood and stone, as stated in the chapter above. and his brother Jubal founded the science of music and songs of the tongue, the harp and the organ. and the third brother, Tubal Cain, founded the guild of smiths who worked in gold, silver, copper, iron and steel, and his daughter founded the art of weaving. and these children knew well that God would punish the sins through fire or water, for which reason they wrote the sciences that had been founded on the pillars to be found after the flood. One pillar was marble and could not burn in the fire, the other was of copper and could sink into the water. " 
153 (number)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One hundred (and) fifty-three is the natural number following one hundred (and) fifty-two and preceding one hundred (and) fifty-four.
[edit] Mathematical properties
As a triangular number, 153 is the sum of the first 17 integers, and it also the sum of the first five positive factorials: .[1]
The number 153 is also a hexagonal number, and a truncated triangle number, meaning that 1, 15, and 153 are all triangle numbers.
The distinct prime factors of 153 add up to 20, and so do the ones of 154, hence the two form a Ruth-Aaron pair.
Since , it is a 3-narcissistic number, and it is also the smallest three-digit number which can be expressed as the sum of cubes of its digits.[2] Only five other numbers can be expressed as the sum of the cubes of their digits: 0, 1, 370, 371 and 407.[3] It is also a Friedman number, since 153 = 3 × 51, and a Harshad number in base 10, being divisible by the sum of its own digits.
The Biggs–Smith graph is a symmetric graph with 153 edges, all equivalent.
Another interesting feature of the number 153 is that it is the limit of the following algorithm:[4][5]
- Take a random positive integer, divisible by three.
- Split that number into its base 10 digits.
- Take the sum of their cubes.
- Go back to the second step.
An example, starting with the number 84:

[edit] In the Bible
The Miraculous catch of 153 fish by Duccio, 14th century, showing Jesus and the 7 fishing disciples (with Peter leaving the boat).
The Gospel of John (chapter 21:1–14) includes the narrative of the Miraculous catch of 153 fish as the third appearance of Jesus after his resurrection.[6]
The precision of the number of fish in this narrative has long been considered peculiar, and many scholars, throughout history, have argued that 153 has some deeper significance. Jerome, for example, wrote that Oppian's Halieutica listed 153 species of fish, although this could not have been the intended meaning of the Gospel writer because Oppian composed Halieutica after the Gospel text was written, and at any rate never gave a list of fish species that clearly adds up to 153.[7][8] It has also been noted that the Tetragrammaton occurs 153 times in the Book of Genesis.[9]
Augustine of Hippo argued that the significance lay in the fact that 153 is the sum of the first 17 integers (i.e. 153 is the 17th triangular number), with 17 representing the combination of divine grace (the 7 gifts of the Spirit) and law (the Ten Commandments).[10][11] Theologian D. A. Carson discusses this and other interpretations and concludes that "If the Evangelist has some symbolism in mind connected with the number 153, he has hidden it well,"[12] while other scholars note "No symbolic significance for the number of 153 fish in John 21:11 has received widespread support."[13]
Writers claiming a major role for Mary Magdalene have noted that in Greek isopsephy her epithet "η Μαγδαληνή" bears the number 8 + 40 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 30 + 8 + 50 + 8 = 153, thus, it is suggested, revealing her importance.[14] Similarly, the phrase "τὸ δίκτυον" (the net) used in the passage bears the number 1224 = 8 × 153,[14] as do some other phrases. The significance of this is unclear, given that Koine Greek provides a choice of several noun endings[15] with different isopsephy values.[16] The number 153 has also been related to the vesica piscis, with the claim that Archimedes used 153 as a "shorthand or abbreviation"[14] for the square root of 3 in his On the Measurement of the Circle. However, examination of that work[17] does not find the number 153 used in that way.[4]
Evagrius Ponticus referred to the catch of 153 fish, as well as to the mathematical properties of the number (153 = 100 + 28 + 25, with 100 a square number, 28 a triangular number and 25 a circular number) when describing his 153-chapter work on prayer.[18] Louis de Montfort, in his fifth method of saying the Rosary, connects the catch of 153 fish with the number of Hail Marys said (3 plus 15 sets of 10),[19] while St Paul's School in London was founded in 1512 by John Colet to teach 153 poor men's children, also in reference to the catch.[20]
Washington D. C.
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Para otros usos de este término, véase Washington.
Washington D. C., oficialmente denominado Distrito de Columbia (District of Columbia en idioma inglés, abreviado como "D. C."), es la capital de los Estados Unidos de América. Se trata de una entidad diferente a los 50 estados que componen dicha nación, y depende directamente del Gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos. El Distrito de Columbia fue fundado el 16 de julio de 1790, y en 1791 se fundó, dentro del Distrito, una nueva ciudad denominada Washington, al este de la ya existente Georgetown. En 1871 se unificaron los gobiernos de estas dos ciudades y del resto de poblaciones del distrito en una sola entidad, D.C.
Se localiza a orillas del río Potomac y está rodeado por los estados de Virginia, al oeste y Maryland al norte, este y sur.
La ciudad de Washington nació como una ciudad planificada, y fue desarrollada a finales del siglo XVIII para servir como la capital nacional permanente, después de que diversas localidades ostentaran dicha posición desde la independencia del país, en 1776; en tanto, el distrito federal fue formado para marcar la diferencia entre la capital nacional y los estados. La ciudad fue nombrada en honor a George Washington, el primer presidente de los Estados Unidos. El nombre del distrito, Columbia, es el nombre poético de Estados Unidos, en referencia a Cristóbal Colón (llamado en inglés Christopher Columbus), descubridor de América. La ciudad es llamada comúnmente Washington, the District (el Distrito) o simplemente D.C. En el siglo XIX también se la conoció como Ciudad Federal o Ciudad de Washington.
Los centros de las tres ramas del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos se ubican en el Distrito. También situadas en la ciudad están las sedes del Banco Mundial, el FMI, la OEA, el BID, y otras instituciones nacionales e internacionales, incluyendo asociaciones profesionales y sindicatos. Debido a su importancia a nivel político, Washington es un lugar de frecuentes manifestaciones y protestas, particularmente en el National Mall. Además es un destino popular entre los turistas, debido a los numerosos monumentos y lugares de interés nacionales. La ciudad es un centro de la historia y cultura estadounidense, y en ella se encuentran el complejo de museos más grande del mundo (el Instituto Smithsoniano), además de galerías de arte, universidades, catedrales, centros e instituciones de arte dramático, y escenarios de música nativa.
El Distrito de Columbia y la ciudad de Washington son gobernados por un solo gobierno municipal. Para cuestiones prácticas son considerados como la misma entidad. Éste no siempre ha sido el caso: hasta 1871 —cuando Georgetown dejó de ser una ciudad separada— había múltiples jurisdicciones dentro del Distrito.[2] A pesar de que hay un gobierno municipal y un alcalde, el Congreso tiene la autoridad suprema sobre la ciudad y el distrito, lo que resulta en que los ciudadanos tengan menos autogobierno que los residentes de los estados. El Distrito tiene un representante en el Congreso, pero no tiene derecho a voto.
La población del Distrito de Columbia es de alrededor de 581.530 habitantes. El área metropolitana de Washington es la octava más grande de Estados Unidos, con más de 5 millones de residentes, y el área metropolitana que forma junto a la cercana Baltimore tiene una población que excede los 8 millones. Si Washington D. C. fuera un estado, estaría último en cuanto a superficie (por detrás de Rhode Island), en penúltimo lugar en cuanto a población (por delante de Wyoming), en el lugar n.º 35 en cuanto a producto interno bruto y primero en densidad de población.
Aunque el Distrito de Columbia no tiene un miembro votante del Congreso los residentes todavía están obligados a pagar impuestos al gobierno federal. Esto es diferente de los territorios de Estados Unidos, como Puerto Rico, cuyos ciudadanos en general no pagan impuestos sobre la renta individual. Los residentes protestan por la falta de derechos de voto, sobre todo porque la falta de representación en el Parlamento británico fue una de las principales razones para la independencia del país del Reino Unido. La ciudad adoptó una frase de la Guerra de la Independencia, «No hay tributación sin representación», para protestar por la falta de derechos de voto.[
Washington D.C. and many of it's buildings and monuments are laid out according to the cardinal directions with the streets running due NS and EW. In the map of Washington D.C. below, due east is up and the star chart shows the constellation of Orion rising due east over Washington D.C., as it has done every day for the past two hundred years. Orion's belt points towards Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and while Orion is rising and low on the eastern horizon, Orion's belt is vertical, pointing to Sirius below. In the diagram, Sirius is the bright star below Orion near the upper edge of the map of Washington D.C. The bright star above Orion is Aldebran, the alpha star in the constellation of Taurus.

The axis of the ancient Egyptian temple of Isis at Dendera was oriented to the rising point of Sirius on the eastern horizon. The angle of Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House to the Capitol building has pointed to the rising point of Sirius at the latitude of Washington D.C. since the avenue was laid out over 200 years ago. Looking southeast down Pennsylvania Avenue, Sirius rises directly over the Capitol building. Higher in the sky, Orion is also above Sirius and above the Capitol building from the viewpoint of Pennsylvania Avenue as Sirius rises over the horizon.

The diagram above also shows the sun below the horizon on the left side of the diagram. In relation to the fixed stars, the sun rises later each day due to the rotation of the earth around the sun. The sun rises just after Sirius at the latitude of Washington D.C. on August 15. This is known as the heliacal rising of Sirius. Prior to this time of year, the sun is above or too close to the horizon for the rising of the star to be visible. Ancient Egyptians based their calendar on the heliacal rising of Sirius, which signaled the onset of the annual flooding of the Nile. Christians celebrate the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on August 15, linking the Assumption to the first appearance of Sirius/Isis in the sky just before dawn.
The star spangled headdress on the statue on top of the Capitol dome suggests a stellar symbolism consistent with the alignment of Pennsylvania Avenue targeting the rising point of Sirius above the Capitol building. The picture below is a close up of the statue while it was down for restorations in 1993.

Orion has also set due west at the latitude of Washington D.C. for the past two hundred years. From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Orion sets right behind the Washington Monument. Setting in the west, Orion's belt is horizontal, pointing to Sirius setting south of due west. From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Sirius sets over the Potomac River, on the alignment of Maryland Avenue. From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Aldebran sets over the White House, on the alignment of Pennsylvania Avenue.

INDEPENDENCIA DE GUATEMALA: El 15 de septiembre de 1821 los próceres de la independencia lograron que se firmara el acta de soberanía. Del siglo IV al XI, las tierras bajas de la región de Petén de Guatemala fueron el corazón de la floreciente civilización Maya. Después de la caída de los estados de las tierras bajas, los estados Mayas del altiplano central se mantuvieron hasta ser conquistados por los españoles, quienes llegaron por primera vez en 1523 y colonizaron el área. Durante el período colonial (1523-1821), Guatemala fue la capital de la Capitanía General de Guatemala, que abarcaba los actuales países de Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua y Costa Rica,y el territorio de Chiapas, la capitanía a su vez dependiente del Virreynato de la Nueva España, (actual México). Guatemala dio nombre a una de las audiencias que los españoles establecieron en América. La conquista del país fue encomendada por Hernán Cortés a Pedro de Alvarado, quien no tardó en someter el territorio, y en 1527 fue nombrado gobernador y capitán general de Guatemala y sus provincias. En 1543 se creó la Audiencia, que se llamó de los Confines, porque debía establecerse en un punto fronterizo de las provincias de Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua y que en 1549 fue trasladada a la ciudad de Guatemala. Durante la época de la independencia americana reinó relativa paz en Guatemala hasta 1821, fecha en que los sucesos de México cambiaron la situación Centroamerica se independizó de España el 15 de septiembre de 1821, un día antes que Mexico. Debido a inseguridades de gobierno, los dirigentes acordaron unirse al Imperio mexicano de Agustin de Itubide un año después. El 14 de septiembre de 1821, el Brigadier y Subinspector de Tropas, Don Gabino Gainza, convocó a la llamada Sesión Histórica que se llevaría a cabo en el Palacio Nacional de Guatemala a las 8:00 de la mañana del día siguiente. El Palacio Nacional estaba ubicado en lo que hoy dia conocemos como el Parque Centenario. Entre los numerosos asistentes, destacaron Don Mario de Beltranena, Don J. Mariano Calderón, Don José Matías Delgado, Don Manuel Antonio de Molina, Don Mariano de Larrave, Don Antonio de Rivera, Don J. Antonio Larrave, Don Isidro del Valle y Castriciones, Don Mariano de Aycinena, Don Pedro de Arroyave, Don Lorenzo de Romaña, Don Domingo Diéguez, Don José Cecilio del Valle, el Dr. Don Pedro Molina y el mismo Brigadier Don Gabino Gainza. Estos personajes firmaron el Acta de Independencia de España el 15 de septiembre de 1821. Fue una junta de Notables conformada con los miembros de la audiencia, ayuntamiento, autoridades eclesiásticas, claustro universitario, consulado de comercio, colegio de abogados y otras personalidades. Aquel día histórico tomó posesión como Jefe Supremo del Poder Ejecutivo el Brigadier Don Gabino Gainza, quien gobernó Guatemala hasta el 23 de junio de 1822, cuando fue sustituído por Don Vicente Filísola. ACTA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE GUATEMALA: http://www.deguate.com/cgi-bin/infocentr…PROCESO DE INDEPENDENCIA http://www.deguate.com/cgi-bin/infocentr…

Los revisionistas históricos ponen en duda ahora la fecha del 12 de octubre de 1492. Dicen que fue un día después. Colón además estafó a un marinero: Aquí los datos
- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – — – - – - – - – - – - – - – - –
En los últimos años el descubrimiento de América por parte de Cristóbal Colón es puesto bajo la lupa de los revisionistas históricos mucho más que cualquier otro hecho reciente de la humanidad y desde ese lugar comienza a surgir muchas dudas sobre la versión oficial.
A la polémica sobre si debe festejarse el descubrimiento del nuevo mundo o condenarse la conquista salvaje de los europeos sobre América, se suma ahora datos que revelan como la política y las obsecuencias también jugaron un rol fundamental hace cinco siglos atrás.
Ya nadie pone en duda que el afán de llegar a otras tierras era puramente comercial y de apropiación de nuevas rutas para mayor poder económico, y en ese aspecto el italiano Colón era un experto negociante con sed de llenarse los bolsillos de ganancias.
En ese marco, Colón estaba “casado” con los reyes Católicos que avalaron su aventura, y por eso señores, es hora de decir la verdad: no hubo entrega de joyas y dinero por parte de la reina Isabel para ello, sino un castigo ejemplar para un pueblo de la España reconquistada a los moros.
La ciudad de Palos –desde donde partió Colón— debió pagar toda la preparación del viaje con impuestos y expropiaciones en castigo por la ayuda que, según los nobles reyes, estos ciudadanos había otorgado a lo musulmanes durante la ocupación, además de ser socios de contrabando y piratería en contra de la corona.
Así, Colón luego de entablar una sociedad con los hermanos Pinzón, partieron en agosto de 1492, y ante los nervios creados en la expedición por no llegar a tierra en el tiempo determinado, el capítán de la expedición, una semana antes de descubrir el nuevo mundo, puso en juego una recompensa de 10 mil maravedíes para el primer hombre que avistará continente.
Eso fue lo que vio por primera vez desde el carajo de la carabela La Pinta, el sevillano de Triana, Juan Rodríguez Bermejo, cuando se vio la costa de la actual isla de Bahamas, y festejó su suerte y nueva adquisición económica.
Colón –fiel a su estilo tramposo- nunca se lo pagó al alegar que él desde la Santa Mmaría había visto primero la línea de tierra en el horizonte y como no era su rol anunciarlo solo se alistó para la llegada. Una vil mentira.
Esto sucedió en el amanecer del sábado 13 de octubre de 1492, según destacan los revisionistas, y por el número fatídico de mala suerte, y por ser el 12 de octubre el día de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, patrona de los reyes católicos y viernes, jornada de la pasión de Cristo, el datos de ese día le cerraron mejor al genovés que así buscó complacer a sus mentores.
Con mentiras y falsedades Colón llegó a ese nuevo mundo sin saber que lo había descubierto y convencido que su imagen del mundo era como suponía: “la tierra es de forma de una teta de mujer”.
En ese marco, solo atinó a razonar que los habitantes de esas tierras eran hospitalarios y dóciles, aunque con una cultura muy arraigada, que por supuesto el conquistador nunca entendió.
Sin embargo Colón no era tan duro como se intenta contar en ete relato, y para reparar el engaño al marinero de Triana lo dejó elegir primero a una de las nativas para acostarse con él. Colón lo hizo después, pero esa ya es otra historia porque al parecer el generó el primer contagio de sífilis en el continente nuevo. Lindo para justificar un feriado y un homenaje ¿no?.
Como hemos visto en un mensaje anterior el verdadero dia de la llegada de Colon a America fue el 13 de Octubre y no el 12 como se lo toma tradicionalmente. Las tres naves que vienen desde el ESTE (TRES MARIAS/ORION), justamente simbolizan a LA ESTRELLA DEL ORIENTE DE MATEO 2, osea ORION. Este hecho tiene una analogia a Mateo 2 en el contexto a los magos cuando lo visitan a Nuestro Señor cuando era niño. ESTRELLA/STAR-ORIENTE/EAST
Si leemos ese capitulo vamos a observar que en ese contexto aparece Raquel.
47. Mateo 2:18: Voz fue oída en Ramá,Grande lamentación, lloro y gemido;RAQUEL que llora a sus hijos,Y no quiso ser consolada, porque perecieron.
Raquel tiene interrelacion con BETH-LEHEM (CASA DE PAN) EN GENESIS 35, en el contexto al nacimiento de Benjamin, cuando ella muere y es enterrada alli. Beth-Lehem en el zodiaco se trata de la constelacion de Virgo (aproximadamente desde el 20 de Agosto al 20 de septiembre). No es casualidad que DAN BROWN, presento su ultimo libro "THE LAST SYMBOL", EL 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE (VIRGO), en contexto a Washington D.C , ubicado en el estado de COLUMBIA (PALOMA DE NOE) que tiene interrelacion con la PALOMA DE NOE ubicada en el ZODIACO.
Ahora lo que es curioso es que el CUANDO SE REALIZO LA REFORMA DEL CALENDARIO JULIANO AL GREGORIANO, que fue el 4 de Octubre de 1582 se salteo el dia numero 13, ya que en ese cambio se paso de un jueves 4 de Octubre a un Viernes 15 de Octubre (salteando 10 dias) para volver a adaptar el calendario a la PASCUA, en el contexto a la misma QUE FUE EN NISEA (AÑO 300 D.C). Ustedes noten que dicha reforma fue a los 90 años del descubrimiento de America. Como se explico en un mensaje previo el 15 de septiembre ORION aparece en el ESTE a la medianoche (en contexto a la parabola de las 10 virgenes/Columbia). Si ustedes han visto el ICONO DE HOLLYWOOD "COLUMBIA PICTURES" habran observado que la misma pisa una PI-RAMIDE (NEXO CON EL NUMERO PI) EN EL CONTEXTO A LA ILUMINACION Y AL ARCO IRIS (PACTO DE NOE). LA PI-RAMIDE QUE PISA COLUMBIA/ISTAR (PELIROJA), no es casualidad, tiene nexo con los 227 dias que hay desde el 1 de enero hasta el 15 de Agosto y desde el 1 de Marzo hasta el 13 de Octubre (Ultima aparicion de la "virgen de fatima"). Noten que en el antiguo calendario MARZO ERA EL PRIMER MES Y OBVIAMENTE OCTUBRE EL OCTAVO. Hay algo curioso porque desde el 13 de Octubre hasta el 15 de Agosto tambien tenemos 306 dias=2x153 (tambien interrelacionados con NOE). OSEA QUE EN EL ICONO DE HOLLYWOOD ESTA CODIFICADO EL DESCUBRIMIENTO DE AMERICA EN CONEXTO A ORION (TRES CARABELAS/TRES MARIAS)

Now we have to deviate from the material presented from other places and insert various dreams and writings which point to the fact that we are already in the transition between Pisces to Aquarius.
A few days ago, I found a great connection in the quatrains of Nostradamus. It is in Century 4, Quatrains 28-33.
When Venus will be covered by the sun, under the splendour will be a hidden form Mercury will have exposed them to the fire, by a rumour of war will be affronted.
The hidden sun eclipsed by Mercury will be placed only second in the heavens. Hermes will be made the food of Vulcan the sun will be seen pure, shining and golden.
More than eleven times the Moon will not want the Sun both raised and lessened in degree. Put so low that one will sew little gold; after famine and plague the secret will be discovered.
The moon, in the middle of the night over the high mountain the young wise man alone with his brain has seen it Invited by his disciples to become immortal his eyes to the south, his hands on his breast, his body in the fire.
In those times and place that meat gives way to fish the common law will be made in opposition The old order will hold strong, then removed from the scene then all things common among friends put far behind
Jupiter joined more to Venus than to the Moon appearing in a white fullness. Venus hidden under the whiteness of Neptune struck by Mars by the engraved wand.
This concerns the theories of alchemists about the sun (sulfur), the moon (salt), and Mercury (quicksilver). The glyphs on the corners of the triangle of Barbury Castle Crop Circle which appeared in 1991 are said to parallel these alchemical signs.
Their work involved the attempt to transmuting elements, such as lead into gold, and finding a substance that gave eternal life. This became centered on cinnabar, the Hell Fire Stone, which is the ore of mercury, sulfuric sulfide.
I believe it is symbolic of reaching the Trinity level of the Christ-Self, and eternal life.
The Age of Aquarius ...The New Age, refers to the Second Coming of Christ which occurs when one works to attain the Christ-Self Consciousness.
Another symbol of the New Age ... Aquarius - is the story of King Arthur returning which refers to the Second coming of the Christ. This is connected to the Grand Cross in the Sky when we have the Total Solar Eclipse on Aug. 11, 1999 which occurs at 11:11 a.m. in Cornwall, England. More links about this and the King Arthur story are here: King Arthur and the Holy Grail
Nostradamus also said in C10, Q74 - "The year of the great seventh number accomplished, it will appear at the time of the games of slaughter, not far from the age of the great millennium, when the dead will come out of their graves." (this seems to be a metaphor about the death/rebirth of changing, transforming).
There were six steps on the ratchet/Mercury spiral of Barbury Castle Crop Circle. The angle from the center of the triangle to the southwest corner was at 120 degrees. From that point to the center of the ratchet, it was 108 degrees, a mythical/Gematrian number. 120 is a tetrahedral point. 120 x 108 = 12,960, six raised to the fourth power times ten, and half the precession number. Divided by the six arcs, it is 2,160, six to the third times ten, and the number of years in one Zodiac Age.
There was an additional clue in the date the pattern appeared, July 17, 1991. Read Genesis 8:4, where the Ark landed on the 17th day of the 7th month. Blavatsky tells how the Patriarchs represent Zodiac signs. For example, Judah is Leo. In Genesis 49:9, he is called a lion's welp, and he stoops down like a lion and lioness. (i. e., like a Sphinx). Noah is Pisces. These are strong clues that our Age is coming to an end, and Aquarius is near. (if not already begun). The Sphinx may well represent the same thing, that is, the Ages from Leo through Pisces, and the beginning of Aquarius.
About six months after I realized the number connection in Barbury Castle Crop Circle, a man at work told me a dream. He was in an airliner driven on a highway by a water treatment plant operator named, Andy. There was a detour because of construction. Then, he was with his boss, an engineer, and a woman. They were planning to install a new transformer at the water treatment plant, under a grill. The woman whispered something into the engineer's ear.
This is a form of the Trinity, I have found a number of times in dreams. It is the Triple Male Trinity with the combined consorts as the single feminine Deity, or First Power. Together, the make the Perfect Four. The (real life) boss's name in this dream translates to "the guardian of knowledge).
I asked if the dreamer knew which highway he was on. He said, yes, it was the highway that runs from Oakdale (California, about 20 miles from his home), toward Yosemite. That section of highway is where highways 120 and 108 RUN TOGETHER!
I had another dream in which I was helping disabled people to repair their lamps (the light of Second Coming of Christ) and the parts place was on 108th St.
Recently I had a dream in which the Old Woman (the Yuga in power) was going to be deposed and they wanted me to become the new goddess along with the Old Woman's two daughters. The Triple goddess is representative of the consorts of the Triple Male which is also the Trinity. I have had numerous dreams about the Triple goddesses and the Triple males within the last year. (1997-1998)
Another dream was one of the Old Woman who brought in her young grandchild and turned her over to me before she fell over dead and the little child was asked to name all the animals like Adam had in the Garden of Eden. Another sign that a New Age was coming in.
At the same time, I and many other people have had numerous WATER DREAMS in which the water was either being spilled, or roaring up on shore of the ocean and a recent one in which I had to measure the rain which was beginning to fall in a fine mist but would ultimately accumulate to 71 inches. I had to quickly put up the tube that would measure that rain before it got any heavier.
This all leads me to believe the the transition has already begun of the transformation from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. One can see this from the numerous web sites about the New Consciousness which people are attaining and of the Awakening that is occurring all over the globe. Dreams which show the awakening of people are numerous as well.
With the coming of the Age of Aquarius, we will see a transition from the patriarchal institutions and religions to those which are run by the 'feminine principle' and influence which teach that free thinking, creativity, intuition, are foremost, and that the education and nurturing of the children and the enhancement of the quality of life for all people will be uppermost on the agenda.
The sign of Aquarius is two parallel lines of waves, The meaning of this sign is "the dissolution of forms," it does not represent water as one might expect. Aquarius is an air sign, and is the 'water bearer'. The forms that may be dissolving under the influence of the patriarchal systems of government, church, and family. The waves that are dissolving them are the figurative waters of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. This truth is on the airwaves, the waves of mass communication and the free press, which have made our globe, the Earth, into a village. The artificial barriers of nation, race, and creed, are breaking down, allowing individuals to see themselves as one flesh with all creation. The space flights of recent decades have enabled us to see 'from a distance' our whole planet as it really is with no fences, no barriers, no walls, no lines of demarcation between one or the other.
Our entire history has been steeped in Astrology from as far back as we can go in written language. The studies have been couched in symbolism over the years so that it could be practiced in safety outside of the patriarchal religions which attempted to wipe out everything that didn't conform to their power and authority.
In the Middle Ages during the time of Pisces which symbol was of two fishes going in opposite directions, the study of alchemy was not primarily the search for a metallurgic formula to turn lead into gold, but refer to the transmutation of a natural person into a spiritual person. The Gospel tenets are of service and sacrifice. The transformed person is often equated with wisdom, and the sacred form of holiness/wholeness.
With the coming of Aquarius, we will find that the institutions of the word will be reunited with the feminine counterpart which has been missing and this reunion results in the blessings of joy, and fertility of the union between the two, which will spread to family and community. The woundedness of the past will be healed and transformed.
The Astrological Background and Origin of New Age Spirituality
Some artwork and text excerpted from The Secrets of the Sphinx
Main index
Noah's Dove
Hevelius, Firmamentum, 1690
The constellation Columba, the Dove, can be viewed as either sitting on the stern (Puppis) of the celestial Ship (Argo Navis) or flying before it [1]. In the Argonauta expedition a white dove was sent out of the Argo Navis by Jason. Aided by Athena/Minerva, it shot between the Clashing Rocks, the Symplegades, with such speed that the rocks crashed against each other without killing the bird, only depriving it of a few tail feathers. The constellation Columba is adjacent to Puppis, the Stern of the Ship Argo Navis. An aplustre is an ornamental appendage of wood at the ship's stern, usually spreading like a fan and curved like a bird's feather. An old coin shows a dove perched on an aplustre [2].
In Christian iconography, a dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit either personally or in his works, or the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit appeared as a dove at the baptism of Jesus. A columbethra, or colymbethra, columbeion, in a Greek church, is the room or font for administering baptism.
A dove was released by Noah after the flood in order to find land, it came back carrying an olive branch, telling Noah that somewhere there was land. A dove with an olive branch has since then come to symbolize peace.
The genus Columba, of the family Columbidae, comprises the pigeons and doves. The terms dove and pigeon are used interchangeably.
The word Columba comes from Latin for 'dove, pigeon', cognate with Greek kolumbos, kolumbis, 'diver' (name of a bird), Old Slavonic golobi, 'dove', literally 'the blue bird'. These words derive from Indo-European base *qel-, *qol-, 'of a dark color', whence also Greek kelainos, 'black'. Compare columbine. This base is related to base *qal-, whence Latin caligo, 'darkness'. See caliginous (dark, misty, and gloomy), and compare Celaeno (Klein). A less common English word for dove or pigeon is culver, diminutive of Columba, 'dove'.
A columbarium, is a dovecote, it also means a vault with niches for urns containing ashes of the dead which were placed in small arched holes in Roman villas. These urns were called columbarium, from colomba, a dove, from the fancied resemblance which these arched holes bore to the recesses in a dovecote [2, p.103]. "Greek funerary urns depict a dove 'drinking from a vase which symbolizes the fount of memory'" [3].
Amongst themselves doves or pigeons are far from peaceful despite doves being the symbols of peace (according to Klein the word 'fury' is from the same root as dove). They are constantly squabbling (although not with their mates it seems). The young doves and pigeons are called 'squabs'. Young pigeon meat is sold under the name squab.
Doves are notable for both their devotion to their mates, and also their fidelity in marriage. A pair of white doves is a popular love symbol as can be seen in the expression 'lovey dovey', and their cooing to their mates. In courtship each bird takes the other's beak in its own, much like lovers kissing. Pliny said: "Though most amorous, they have a great sense of modesty and do not know adultery. Fidelity even after death, because once its companion is gone, this bird never unites with another [6]." Eros (the word erotic comes from his name) is usually depicted as a young winged boy, with his bow and arrows at the ready, to either shoot into the hearts of gods or mortals which would rouse them to desire. His arrows came in two types: golden with dove feathers which aroused love, or leaden arrows which had owl feathers that caused indifference.
© Anne Wright 2008.
Fixed stars in Columba |
Star |
1900 |
2000 |
R A |
Decl 1950 |
Lat |
Mag |
Sp |
epsilon |
17GEM19 |
18GEM42 |
082 21 33 |
-35 30 22 |
-58 38 02 |
3.92 |
K0 |
Phact alpha |
20GEM46 |
22GEM10 |
084 27 33 |
-34 05 59 |
-57 22 53 |
2.75 |
B8 |
Wazn beta |
25GEM01 |
26GEM25 |
087 17 56 |
-35 47 10 |
-59 11 30 |
3.22 |
K1 |
gamma |
27GEM39 |
29GEM02 |
088 56 27 |
-35 17 15 |
-58 43 38 |
4.36 |
B3 |
eta |
28GEM14 |
29GEM37 |
089 24 14 |
-42 49 02 |
-66 15 39 |
4.03 |
K0 |
delta |
07CAN03 |
08CAN26 |
095 04 17 |
-33 24 36 |
-56 43 11 |
3.98 |
G1 |
Johann Bode, Uranographia, 1801
Others underneath the hunted Hare,
All very dim and nameless roll along.
— Brown's Aratos.
Columba Noae, Noah's Dove, now known simply as Columba, is the Colombo de Noe of the French, Colomba of the Italians, and Taube of the Germans, lying south of the Hare (Lepus), and on the meridian with Orion's Belt.
Although first formally published by Royer in 1679, and so generally considered one of his constellations, it had appeared seventy-six years before correctly located on Bayer's plate of Canis Major, and in his text as recentioribus Columba; one of these "more recent" being Petrus Plancius, the Dutch cosmographer and map-maker of the 16th century, and instructor of Pieter Theodor. While these are the first allusions to Columba in modern times, yet the following from Caesius may indicate knowledge of its stars,1 and certainly of the present title, seventeen centuries ago. [Allen notes at the end of the page: But the faintness of this constellation is against the probability of such use, and would imply that some other, and more noticeable, sky-group was known as a Dove, possibly Coma Berenices.] Translating from the Paedagogus of Saint Clement of Alexandria, he wrote:
Signa sive insignia vestra sint Columba, sive Navis coelestis cursu in coelum tendens sive Lyra Musica, in recordationem Apostoli Piscatoris.
Still it was not recognized by Bartschius twenty-one years after Bayer, nor by Tycho, Hevelius, or Flamsteed; but Halley gave it, in the same year as Royer, with ten stars; and our Gould, two centuries later in Argentina, increased the number to seventeen. It was made up from the southwestern {Page 167} outlines of Canis Major, near to the Ship (Argo Navis), — Noah's Ark, — and so was regarded as the attendant Dove.
Smyth wrote of its modern formation, and of its nomenclature in Arab astronomy:
Royer cut away a portion of Canis Major, and constructed Columba Noachi therewith in 1679. The part thus usurped was called Muliphein from al-muhlifein, the two stars sworn by, because they were often mistaken for Soheil, or Canopus, before which they rise: these two stars are now alpha and beta Columbae (Phact and Wazn). Muliphein is recognized as comprehending the two stars called Had'ar, ground, and al-wezn, weight.
Reference already has been made to Al Muhlifain at the stars gamma, zeta, lambda Argo, delta Canis Majoris, and alpha Centauri.
Chilmead's Treatise has this brief description of Columba:
"Starres: of which there are two in the backe of it of the second magnitude, which they call the Good messengers, or bringers of good newes: and {p.168} those in the right wing are consecrated to the Appeased Deity, and those in the left, to the Retiring of the waters in the time of the Deluge".
Heis locates alpha and beta in the back; nu2 in the right wing, and epsilon in the left. theta and kappa were included by Kazwini in the Arabic figure Al Kurud, the Apes.
[ Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889.]
Istar con la luz como simbolo de la iluminacion.
Adam and Eve and the Serpent
We are looking at the Zodiac where the sun passes through Libra and Virgo. There, we find our two original sinners and the talking snake. The story interprets the picture.
God formed beasts and birds, and brought them to the man to be named. - The term Zodiac means literally circle of animal figures.
9So out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. (Gen. 2:9)
God took a rib from the man and used it to create a woman. - Adam's arm is raised, exposing his rib cage.
21So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; > 22and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. (Gen. 2:21)
The serpent asked Eve if she was told not to eat from the garden. -The serpent lies at the feet of Adam and Eve.
1Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" (Gen. 3:1)
Eve saw the fruit was good for food, so she picked it and ate it. She gave some to Adam. - Eve has her arm outstretched as if reaching for the fruit. She is holding a chaff of wheat, but we will not quibble over whether the fruit was an apple or some other kind of fruit.
6So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. (Gen. 3:6)

The serpent was cursed above all the wild animals. - There is a second serpent, one that circles around the North Pole every day without setting. That puts him above all the wild animals. In this position, he is glaring down on earth as if to be spreading evil.
14The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; (Gen. 3:14)
He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. - As Draco circles around the Pole, his head is either below or above Hercules' heel. The top position represents who is doing the bruising.
15I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."(Gen. 3:15)
He drove out the man. At the east of the garden he placed a cherubim and a flaming sword. - We will pass over the cherubim for some other time. The flaming sword is represented by Perseus' sword as it circles around the Pole. We note that Perseus is close to the sun's ecliptic near Taurus and Aries. The significance is that those two constellations mark the two zero hours during the 4,000 years of biblical history, or more specifically, where the sun passes during the vernal equinox. So Perseus' sword is in a sense at the entrance to Eden.
24He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Gen. 3:24)

What is equally significant is the fact that the foundation of the doctrine of Christian original sin rests on the credibility of the fall of Adam and Eve. (See Original Sin.) Now that we can see that the first sin was in imaginary story, there is nothing to support the doctrine of salvation.
The downfall of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, by Michalangelo.

Entre el 8/12 (Inmaculada Concepcion/NEXO GENESIS 3:14=PI) o 8/(1+2=3) y el 17/7 tenemos 194 dias y entre el 8/3 (ocho de marzo y el 17/9 o 17 de septiembre/septimo tambien tenemos 194 dias). Una obvia REFERENCIA A GENESIS 8:4 EN CONTEXTO AL 8/3. |
RETURN OF QUETZALCOATL = RETURN OF THE NEPHILIM Feathered Serpent / Heavenly Serpent Symbolism 2012 & End Times Prophecy Mayan Quetzalcoatl, Quetzocohuatl Serpent in the Heavens Oroborus - Serpent Eating its Tail - Platonic Cycles - Greek Aion - End of the Age - Angels = Messengers = Cherubim = Zodiac = Clock of Doom in the Heavens Ouroboros Symbol of End of Age Galactic Event 2012 - Message = Sign of the Apocalypse?
RE: 2012 & End of the Age. The Greeks called the End of the Age the SUNTELIA AION Ancient historians and especially Plato referred to a cycle of catastrophe at the End of the Age. The AION was symbolized by the Ouroboros. |
The Milky Way Galaxy is the inspiration for the symbol of the Ouroboros. Hermeticism and myth refer to a serpent of light residing in the heavens. The Milky Way is this serpent, and viewed at galactic central point near sagittarius, this serpent eats its own tail.
The Milky Way galaxy keeps a great time cycle that ends in catastrophic change. The sign of the SUNTELIA AION is the sun rising out of the mouth of the oroborus, which will occur on the solstice December 2012.
Quetzalcoatl was described as a being of another race, a "white" man with noble features, long black hair and full beard, dressed in flowing robes, whereas the Toltecs were dark-skinned and nearly beardless. Legend tells that he departed to the land of Tlapallan; others say he went to Coatzacualco on the Atlantic coast. Native tradition there still keeps up the divine name of Gucumatz, which among the Quiche means feathered serpent -- Quetzalcoatl in Aztec having the same meaning.
In Mexican religion Quetzalcoatl is regarded as a great deity, a god of the air. In the Quiche cosmogony, as told in the Popol Vuh Gucumatz is one of the first deities to appear, and holds the position of a minor creator.
Quetzalcoatl's "wand and other 'land-marks' show him to be some great Initiate of antiquity, who received the name of 'Serpent' on account of his wisdom, long life and powers. To this day the aboriginal tribes of Mexico call themselves by the names of various reptiles, animals and birds" (TG 269).
(See also: Quetzalcoatl, Quetzocohuatl , Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary, Occultism, Occultism Dictionary) David Flynn's "Cydonia: Secret Chronicles of Mars" for the two hermetic pillars, the two "anchor points" which will align the heavens to the earth, the zodiac over the continents and nations of the earth.
The infamous account of Ezekiel 's wheels, often misinterpreted as a primitive description of a UFO encounter, is actually a vision of the hybrid living creatures who populate the celestial narrative in the zodiac. Ezekiel saw CHERUBIM with four faces, and the wheels which were assigned to them. These are the four faces of the cardinal points of the zodiac, and a reference to their movement through the heavens. Both the Cydonia "Face" and the Giza Sphinx are a combination of two of these zodiac points -- Leo & Virgo. There is a Biblical precedent for this symbolism, Sphinx, Zodiac & the Gospel in the Heavens
(above)Nergal, the two faced "God of Mars" appears as Sagittarius. (below) The sign of the Suntelia Aion, the End of the Age -- on December 21, 2012 the sun rises from the mouth of the ouroborus / milky way ... pointed out by the arrow of Sagittarius.


"As above, so below" Basic tenet of theurgy, hermeticism & synchromysticism. Many are familiar with the ancient secret discerned by Hancock & Bauval, that HEAVEN is connected to the EARTH. Giza seems to be a "mirror" upon the earth of the stars in the belt of Orion. One of the pentagrams making up the megalithic "grid" is indeed anchored at Giza -- the other pentagram is appropriately anchored at the Prime Meridian. The star Sirius -- symbol of Isis the counterpart of Orion/Osiris -- is the monument mirrored upon the earth by the Prime Meridian at 0 longitude. Sirius is the star by which maritime navigation is carried out. History records the greatest ancient sea travellers were the Phoenicians, who called themselves Cydonians.
As you may have heard mentioned on the Sept. 20 2011 CoasttoCoastAM show w/ Doug Elwell & Richard Hoagland and on the incredible Oct. 30 2011 show with LA Marzulli, or read about on Steve Quayle's (author of Genesis 6 Giants) website and Tom Horn's (author of Apollyon Rising 2012) website, controversial Bible scholar & lecturer David Flynn was diagnosed with brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme. He passed away January 22, 2012.
If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep of David Flynn's Watcher Website, you may do so through Paypal below. |
 DAILY UPDATES ON THE WATCHER WEBSITE DISCUSSION FORUM topics include: Antichrist & End Time Prophecy, 2012 End of Days, UFOs & the Bible, Genesis 6 & the Nephelim, Angels & Aliens, 2012 & End of the Age, Apocalypse 2012, Bible Prophecy & NWO Conspiracy, unique research from David Flynn & many others!
Bigfoot, giant foot, giants... Genesis 6, the Nephilim, heaven-earth interbreeding, i.e. human genetic manipulation ('guided evolution'):
Book of Genesis chapter 6: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. [...] There were giants [Nephilim] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
A monstrous Sin deemed irreversible, Earth had to be cleansed by a Great Flood.
Sin is the name of a Sumerian (and Minaean) god of the Moon... Still standing after the Flood as 'Noah'.

A forbidden 'lunar strain' of mankind... A 'Diana bloodline'.
* * *
Diana = Bigfoot = Nephilim = Noah

Argentina is both a moon...
...and a Bigfoot:

...making headlines the day before Michael Jackson's death:
 Jun 24 Gov. Sanford admits to extramarital affair with Argentine woman
For all intents and purposes a missing person from June 18 until 24 (i.e. around Prince William's birthday), Governor Sanford spent five days 'crying in Argentina' with 'Maria'...
Maria = Mary = Madonna

Madonna singing 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina'
...in 'Evita' (1996), playing Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, First Lady of Argentina from 1946 to 1952, a Diana-like beloved female figure who died young at the age of 33 (Diana was 36 when she died).
Maria/Mary = Marianne

She is essentially Lady Liberty standing gracefully with her torch in New York and Paris very near where Princess Diana was killed marked by a torch.
She is interchangeable with Columbia - the feminine personification of the United States. It was in the South Carolina state capital Columbia that Gov. Sanford revealed his Argentine affair... echoed by a train collision in the District of Columbia (Washington DC) on June 22:
 June 22 DC Metro subway trains collide - 9 dead, 80 injured
Timeline: June 18-24: Gov. Sanford missing/crying in Argentina June 21: 'Impact' Part 1 on ABC; Prince William birthday June 22: DC Metro Red Line trains in collision June 23: US Moon probes (LRO/LCROSS) reach Moon June 24: Gov. Sanford reveals Argentine affair June 25: Death of Michael Jackson & Farahh Fawcett
'Metro' means 'meter' in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The meter is historically defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator through Paris, or in other words the Paris Meridian between the North Pole and the equator. The Paris Meridian is also the 'Rose Line' (an esoteric concept popularized by The Da Vinci Code) i.e. a 'Red Line'...

DC Metro Red Line = French/Columbian Rose Line
...traditionally implying the Blood Royal/Sangraal or the Marian/Columbian Bloodline of the Holy Grail.
In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner writes of the House of Stuart, the royal bloodline to which Princess Diana and her children belong (pp. 344-5):
The senior Stewart descent goes all the way back to King Arthur's father, King Aedan of Scots, on the one hand and to Prince Nascien of the Septimanian Midi on the other. The Scots descent traces further back through King Lucius of Siluria to Bran the Blessed and Joseph of Arimathea (St James the Just), while the Midi succession stems from the Merovingians' male ancestral line through the Fisher Kings to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Conjoining the lines from their 1st-century points of departure, the descent is in the succession of the Royal House of Judah. This is a truly unique line of sovereign lineage from King David in one of the key descents which comprise the Bloodline of the Holy Grail.
Nephilim/Bigfoot bloodline = Moon/Diana bloodline = Rose Line = Bloodline of the Holy Grail = Stuart Bloodline (?) = Princess Diana bloodline...
Was Princess Diana a product of a particularly special strain of the Grail bloodline and the Stuart bloodline? Perhaps (argued for instance in Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence). But that's speculative and should be treated as a storyline rather than fact. It may well be that the name 'Diana' was all it took to make her 'special' in the esoteric context of Grail symbolism.
Nevertheless there is an interesting dichotomy in the current British Royal Family configuration more or less pitting the House of Windsor (Queen, Charles, etc.) against the House of Spencer/Stuart (Diana, William & Harry). The House of Windsor stems from the House of Hanover which back in the 18th century supersede the House of Stuart with a transitional period of King William III of the House of Orange (joint rule with his Stuart wife Mary II) sandwiched in between who acceded to the throne following the questionable removal of Stuart monarch King James II - an event of great significance for the 'Grail bloodline'. Following two years of challenging the 'userpers', James and his supports the 'Jacobites' were resoundingly crushed at the Battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690, annually celebrated to this day as Orangemen's Day (which at the time using the old-style calendar was July 1st, Princess Diana's birthday).
That paved the way for the Parliament-centered rule of the incoming Germanic House of Hanover which would morph into today's House of Windsor. In that sense, the British Royal Family as it exists today stands in opposition to the supposed 'Grail bloodline' (the Stuarts), reflected in the Windsors' not-so-friendly relationship with Princess Diana. The Diana family in this context would at least symbolically (possibly literally) represent the special strain of the House of Stuart crawling its way back to the throne, with Prince William now just one or two steps away from destination. Reenacting, in a sense, the 'Return of King Arthur' - 'Once and Future King'.
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