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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 26/02/2012 02:05

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Respuesta  Mensaje 56 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/06/2012 15:26

Respuesta  Mensaje 57 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/06/2012 15:43
Tratando de racionalizar el calendario de Noe, en funcion a Sirio, considerando que el 3 de Febrero es el dia numero 34 (dia posterior al numero 33) es increible que el 15 de Agosto nos cae en forma numeral DIA NUMERO 194 (17 DE TISRI O 17 DEL SEPTIMO MES) al igual que Genesis 8:4. En el contexto a que en 1917 la LUNA LLENA DE AÑO NUEVO FUE EL 8 DE MARZO TAMBIEN ES INCREIBLE QUE EL 17 DE SEPTIEMBRE O 17 DEL SEPTIMO MES (ANTIGUA DENOMINACION) NOS CAE EN EL 194 LUGAR O 227 DESDE EL 3 DE FEBRERO. Aparentemente el 3 de febrero es el PRIMER DIA DEL AÑO DE NOE. Otro detalle matematico es que el 13 de Agosto (dia numero 225=ciclo de Venus) nos cae, insisto desde el 3 de febrero, 15 de Tisri, osea en la FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS. Desde el 3 de febrero hasta el equinoccio de primavera, 21 de marzo, tenemos 47 dias e incluso desde el 21 de junio, solsticio de verano, hasta el 6 de agosto, bomba de hiroshima en funcion a la salida heliaca de sirio, tambien tenemos 47 dias. Primitivamente la salida heliaca de SIRIO ERA EN EL SOLSTICIO DE VERANO, osea el 21 de junio. Otro detalle matematico es que desde el 1 de enero hasta el 17 de septiembre tenemos 260 dias=227+33. El numero de oro 161+33=194 e incluso insisto 194+33=227. CONCRETAMENTE 161+33X2=227. ES IRREFUTABLE EN ESTE CONTEXTO EL NEXO 15 DE AGOSTO CON EL CALENDARIO DE NOE DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A SIRIO.

Respuesta  Mensaje 58 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/06/2012 16:30

Respuesta  Mensaje 59 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/06/2012 22:22
The Origin of Columbia

Today I would like to discuss the Goddess and how it is associated with the capitol of America - the District of Columbia. There will be plenty of background information, but I will try to maintain emphasis on the most recent aspect of the goddess as Columbia.

To begin...

Wikipedia: "Though he never set foot in what became the United States, Columbus is often viewed as a hero because of his pivotal role in U.S. history."

Columbus was fortunate enough to have a very symbolic name.


It would later be used to a great extent in America for it's many meanings and aspects, and slight historical significance. In fact Columbia would become the name of a new Goddess for a New World (NWO?).

Almost from the moment the New World was discovered, it was seen in mythological terms as an exotic goddess, an Indian Queen dressed in feathers and furs ridding an exotic beast like an armadillo and armed with a tomahawk.


The Catholic south adapted the idea of the Goddess of the New World into the ever-expanding hagiology of the Catholic Church.


The Virgin of Guadalupe allowed the archetype to become personal, a connection to the land and its ancestors, while joining a larger universalist vision inside the Church. In the largely Protestant north, things went quite differently.

The 17th century’s Indian Goddess became a tamer Indian Princess, modeled on the archetypal story of Pocahontas...


As the 18th century passed, and America grew more developed and its people more educated, the Indian princess gained a touch of Greek elegance.

"By the late 1790s," folk-art historian Nancy Jo Fox comments, "it was not clear whether a feathered Indian Princess had changed into a Greek goddess or whether a Greek goddess had placed feathers or plumes in her hair."




Her Many Other Names

Most Female/Virgin/Goddess symbolism comes from the constellation Virgo.


The Virgin, Virgo was impregnated by God on the Spring Equinox as the Sun passed into Virgo on March 21st. Nine months later the Son of God is born on the Winter Solstice.


God's sun/son is born or rather re-born every year after the Sun stops on the Tropic of Capricorn for 2 days and on the third day rises from death and is re-incarnated into the world. It then proceeds to come back towards the Northern Hemisphere as the "light of the world."



The New World Virgin Goddess Columbia was just a new manifestation of the ancient consort and virgin mother of god.


Depicted in Christianity as the Virgin Mary, Columbia was created out of Virginia and Maryland. To the Masons, the Square is the female aspect.


Washington's original plan for D.C. was a large square with the future Washington Monument (male symbol, compass) at the center.


In Egypt the trinity consists of Isis, Osiris, and Horus the son. Isis can be seen as the ultimate female deity.

Isis may be the oldest deity in Egypt, and certainly the oldest to survive the ages in much the same form. She may also be the most important, for although the other gods were worshipped widely, Isis was worshipped almost universally by all Egyptians. The major goddess of the Egyptian pantheon, she had many of the same attributes of other mother-goddesses found all over the world.


Isis was as powerful, if not more powerful, than Osiris and Ra.


Isis was also known as Sopdet, consort of Sah. Sopdet (Spdt, Sepedet) is Sothis in greek. In 'The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys for Osiris', Isis calls herself Sopdet. Sopdet was also connected to the goddess Satet at Abu (Elephantine).

Besides these names, the same aspects of any Goddess can be found in:

  • Aphrodite, Ishtar, Black Madonna, Mary/Maya, Goddess Athena, Goddess Astarte, Anunit, Astarte and Atarsamain

  • She was the light-giver at this season of the year and was called Khut

  • As the mighty earth-goddess her name was Usert

  • As the Great Goddess of the Underworld she was Thenenet

  • As the power which shot forth the Nile flood, she was Sati, and Sept

  • As the embracer of the land and producer of fertility by her waters she was Anqet

  • As the producer and giver of life she was Ankhet

  • As the goddess of cultivated lands and fields she was Sekhet

  • As the goddess of the harvest she was Renenet

  • As the goddess of food which was offered to the gods, she was Tcheft, and lived in the Temple of Tchefau

  • As the great lady of the Underworld, who assisted in transforming the bodies of the blessed dead into those wherein they were to live in the realm of Osiris, she was Ament - the "hidden" goddess. As Ament she was declared to be the mother of Ra

  • To the Greeks she was known as Demeter and to the Romans as Ceres

  • To the Chinese protestors of Red Square as the goddess of Democracy



  • And of course the Goddess of the New World - Lady Liberty - Columbia


Attributes of the Goddess

The Goddess can be represented in many different ways.


As Venus she is depicted as, or on a clam shell. She is often depicted as a 5 pointed star, or wearing a pentacle as a crown. There's the Triple Goddess of the 3 phases of the moon. The flag of the District of Columbia has 3 five-pointed stars on it.


As the star Sirius she is the Blazing Star and represents water and the color blue, the Spirit of Wisdom and the Brightly Radiating One or Shinning One.

The sycamore specifically was regarded as a manifestation of the goddesses Nut, Isis and Hathor, who was even given the title, "Lady of the Sycamore." Also as the virgin Columbian Flower with it's 5-Petals.

As Innana, Isis, Athena and Minerva she is often depicted with an Owl.



But perhaps the most attributes come when in the form of Columbia.

She is most often shown with an eagle, broken chains and pottery, a cornucopia, images of George Washington, a laurel wreath, a liberty pole and cap, a liberty tree, an olive branch, a rattlesnake, a shield and a stone tablet.


The statue of Columbia that used to stand behind the speaker's chair in the House of Representatives is a fine example. In this one we see the Eagle, and on the other side a snake coiled around a Greek column.




Respuesta  Mensaje 60 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/06/2012 22:23

Mother Earth, Primeval Waters, Constellations and Aliens?

[1] In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
[2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Early in Egyptian history, Isis had absorbed the attributes of all the great primitive goddesses, and of all the local goddesses such as

  • Nekhebet

  • Uatchet

  • Net

  • Bast, Hathor, etc.,

...and she was even identified as the female counterpart of the primeval abyss of water from which sprang all life.


Virgin Mary

The name Mary could have some significance to it's connection with the sea, the Abyss, or the water of life which brings fertility to the land in the form of rain or annual floods.

Usual English form of Maria, which was the Latin form of the New Testament Greek names Μαριαμ (Mariam) or Μαρια (Maria) (the spellings are interchangeable), which were from the Hebrew name מִרְיָם (Miryam). The meaning is not known for certain, but there are several theories including "sea of bitterness."

marine (adj.) Look up marine at Dictionary.com
c.1420, from M.Fr. marin (fem. marine), from O.Fr. marin, from L. marinus (fem. marina) "of the sea," from mare (gen. maris) "sea," from PIE *mori-/*mari- "body of water, lake." Cognate with O.E. mere "sea, lake, pool, pond,"

Isis = Sirius, Osiris = Orion


(The goddess star Sirius) In the ancient Vedas this star was known as the Chieftain's star; in other Hindu writings, it is referred to as Sukra, the Rain God, or Rain Star. The Dog is also described as "he who awakens the gods of the air, and summons them to their office of bringing the rain."


This star was the most important of the stars to the ancient Egyptians, and the heliacal rising of this star came at the time of inundation and the start of the Egyptian New Year.



She marked the Summer solstice

As a goddess of the inundation, Sothis was a goddess of fertility.


She also was linked to the pharaoh and his journey in the afterlife. It is interesting to note that Sirius is associated with the flood season. Located just below the Dog Star there exists a constellation called Argo, the Ship.


Near the Cannis Major constellation is the Columb or Dove constellation, depicted with a twig in it's mouth.


Canis Major and Columba can be seen on the left


The Dogon and Sirius


The Dogon are an ethnic group located mainly in the administrative districts of Bandiagara and Douentza in Mali, West Africa. Dogon religion is defined primarily through the worship of the ancestors and the spirits... They were called the 'Nommo.'


The Dogon are famous for their astronomical knowledge taught through oral tradition... referencing the star system, Sirius.

As the story goes... in the late 1930s, four Dogon priests shared their most important secret tradition with two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen after they had spent an apprenticeship of fifteen years living with the tribe. These were secret myths about the star Sirius, which is 8.6 light years from the Earth.

The Dogon priests said that Sirius had a companion star that was invisible to the human eye.


They also stated that the star moved in a 50-year elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it was small and incredibly heavy, and that it rotated on its axis. The Dogons calendar is quite non-traditional in that its fifty year cycle is based neither on the Earth's rotation around the Sun (as is our Julian calendar) nor the cycles of the Moon (a lunar calendar).


Instead, the Dogon culture centers around the rotation cycle Sirius B which encircles the primary star Sirius A every 49.9 - or 50 years...


Since 1844, astronomers had suspected that Sirius A had a companion star. This was in part determined when it was observed that the path of the star wobbled. In 1862 Alvan Clark discovered the second star making Sirius a binary star system (two stars).


The Dogon also claimed that a third star Emme Ya - sorghum female - exists in the Sirius system.


It is described by the Dogan as,

"the seat of the female souls of living or future beings."


The Nommo
Author Robert Temple describes the Nommo as amphibious beings sent to Earth from the Sirius star system for the benefit of humankind.


They look like Merfolk; Mermaids and Mermen. They called the Nommo 'Masters of the Water', 'The Monitors', 'The Teachers or Instructors', 'Saviors', and 'Spiritual Guardians'.


The Dogon elder, Ogotemelli, describes Nommo as having the upper part as a man and the lower portion as snake; or as having a ram's head with serpent body.


As The Dog Star

As the major star of the "Big Dog" constellation, Sirius is often called the "Dog Star."


The name "Sirius" comes from the Latin Si-rius, from Greek Seirios, "glowing" or "scorcher." The Arabic word Al Shi'ra resembles the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian names suggesting a common origin in Sanskrit, in which the name Surya, the Sun God, simply means the "shining one."

It was thought that Sirius actually added to earth's heat because it was so bright.


This has been used to describe the origin of the phrase "dog days of summer."

Respuesta  Mensaje 61 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/06/2012 22:24

Sirius was an object of wonder and veneration to all ancient peoples throughout human history.


The association of Sirius with a celestial dog has been consistent throughout the classical world; even in remote China, the star was identified as a heavenly wolf. In ancient Chaldea (present day Iraq) the star was known as the "Dog Star that Leads," or it was called the "Star of the Dog."


In Assyria, it was said to be the "Dog of the Sun." In still older Akkadia, it was named the "Dog Star of the Sun."

In Greek times Aratus referred to Canis Major as the guard-dog of Orion, following on the heels of its master, and standing on its hind legs with Sirius carried in its jaws. Manilius called it the "dog with the blazing face."


She was occasionally depicted as a large dog, or in Roman times, as the goddess Isis-Sopdet, she was shown riding side-saddle on a large dog. Sometimes she was depicted as a seated cow.

She was also given a masculine aspect, and linked with Horus as Sopdet-Horus during the Middle Kingdom. She was also linked with Anubis during Greek Times as Sopdet-Anubis. (Anubis has the head of a dog or jackal.)



Sirius and Orion Over Washington

The Congress of Isis and Osiris just so happens to happen above... Congress.

Washington D.C. and many of it's buildings and monuments are laid out according to the cardinal directions with the streets running due NS and EW.


In the map of Washington D.C. below, due east is up and the star chart shows the constellation of Orion rising due east over Washington D.C., as it has done every day for the past two hundred years.


Orion's belt points towards Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and while Orion is rising and low on the eastern horizon, Orion's belt is vertical, pointing to Sirius below.



In relation to the fixed stars, the sun rises later each day due to the rotation of the earth around the sun.


The sun rises just after Sirius at the latitude of Washington D.C. on August 15. This is known as the heliacal rising of Sirius. Prior to this time of year, the sun is above or too close to the horizon for the rising of the star to be visible.


Ancient Egyptians based their calendar on the heliacal rising of Sirius, which signaled the onset of the annual flooding of the Nile. Christians celebrate the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on August 15, linking the Assumption to the first appearance of Sirius/Isis in the sky just before dawn.

Orion has also set due west at the latitude of Washington D.C. for the past two hundred years.


From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Orion sets right behind the Washington Monument. Setting in the west, Orion's belt is horizontal, pointing to Sirius setting south of due west.


From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Sirius sets over the Potomac River, on the alignment of Maryland Avenue. The bright star above Orion is Aldebaran, the alpha star in the constellation of Taurus.


From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Aldebaran sets over the White House, on the alignment of Pennsylvania Avenue.



It has already been established that the Goddess can be symbolized by an owl.




Columbia and the Constellation of Virgo

The District of Columbia has more astrological symbols than and other city in the world. The capitol city was built from the ground up with a specific esoteric design.


There were many changes however, and some things didn't go exactly to plan.

In David Ovason’s book, The Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital ... The District of Columbia and its Federal City were arranged, according to Ovason, so that the constellation of Virgo and its goddess symbolism dominates the structure.


Ovason notes that the right triangle of first magnitude stars that contains the constellation Virgo, Arcturus, Regulus and Spica, can also be found in the plan of the Federal city marked by the location of the Capital, the President’s House and the Washington Monument.


And he also notes that the consecration ceremonies for these sites all include prominent astrological connections to Virgo...



This earth/sky alignment can be seen every year, weather permitting, around August 10th, as the sun sets down the Pennsylvania avenue sight line from the Capital, the great triangle enclosing Virgo appears in the darkening sky.


It was not as obvious 200 years ago when the plan was laid out, but now, at the moment of culmination, the alignment is clear and unmistakable.


As Ovason insists, it is plain that from its inception, the District of Columbia, and the Federal City,

“was intended to celebrate the mysteries of Virgo - of the Egyptian Isis, the Grecian Ceres and the Christian Virgin."




Pierre-Charles L’Enfant and the Design of Washington

Pierre-Charles L’Enfant... adventurous Frenchman and a contemporary of Weishaupt, who was primarily responsible for the name and design of the District of Columbia...


Pierre was educated first as an artist, where he studied the science of landscape design from the works of Andre le Notre, who designed the great historical axis of Paris, and then as a soldier, where he learned the art of fortification.


In 1776, as a lieutenant, he joined his regimental Masonic lodge where he met the Marquis de Lafayette and many other young Frenchmen fired up by the new ideals of liberty and equality. In 1777, he offered his services to the new Continental Army of General Washington, and was appointed a captain of engineers...


When he learned, in 1789, that his old friend General Washington was planning to establish a new federal capital down in Virginia, L’Enfant wrote directly to him, announcing that,

“…no nation, perhaps, had ever before the opportunity offered them of deliberately deciding on the spot where their capital city should be fixed.”

Arriving in Georgetown early in 1791, armed with Washington’s instructions to assist the current surveyors... L’Enfant quickly took charge...


Andrew Ellicott, the chief surveyor was a knowledgeable astronomer, and he undoubtedly helped fix the precise point on the horizon marking the August11th sunset.


This angle, 22 degrees north of west, did double duty, pointing to the sunset where, 200 years later, the triangle containing Virgo would appear in the sky and also marking the September 18th rising of Sirius over the Capital. This one alignment, from the Capital to the White House, graphically unites the two most prominent astronomical goddess images, Sirius and Virgo.

L’Enfant’s plan was changed through the years, and his steadfast defense of certain points led to his being considered difficult. He wanted to keep intact not only the precise sightlines of his alignments... L’Enfant’s idea was to preserve a direct view of the western horizon for the mid-August time period when the Virgo triangle appeared in the sky... the earthly reflection of the Virgo triangle.


While this view has been destroyed, the careful angle of Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capital to the White House still allows us to identify the crucial moment of revelation.




The Goddess of... Revelations?

Revelation 12:

[1] And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
[2] And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
[3] And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
[4] And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
[5] And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

The moment the sages of 1177 foresaw, just after the turn of the seventh millennium of the Hebrew calendar and the beginning of the third Christian millennium, the alignment of eclipse cycle and the sacred calendars, occurred on October 3/4th, 2005, and two days later, on October 5/6th, the great portent appeared in the sky.


The sun in Virgo, from a sidereal perspective, falling on the Virgin’s robed shoulder, “clothed by the Sun,” a thin crescent moon on the cusp of Virgo/Libra, “with the Moon under her feet,” and “pregnant” with the conjunction of Mercury, Jupiter and the alpha star of Virgo, Spica, at the level of her womb.


“Crowned with twelve stars,” suggests the return of the cusp of Virgo/Leo, ancient starting point of the zodiac, to the fall equinox.


The Red Dragon, even with all its evil connotations, can be seen as the Head of the Dragon marking the solar eclipse, waiting to eat the child, the Sun/Son, the moment it is born.

So, in Washington City, at noon on October 5/6th, 2005, even though the sun was veiling the event, the Great Portent moved into alignment over the city’s monuments. The White House’s south front would have been a good place to view it, and in our computer view, that’s our observation point.


As the Sun touched the meridian on October 5th, the whole of the Portent spread out to the east, from meridian to eastern horizon.


The first thing we notice is that the Washington Monument is not due south of the White House, as L’Enfant planned. It is offset to the east just enough to align with the fixed star Spica and the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury. This is apparently not accidental, as the dedication ceremony for its present location, done in 1880, was aligned down the Mall with the rising of Spica...


Further down the Mall to the east is the new Moon, on the Virgo/Libra cusp, under the feet of Virgo, and beyond that in Libra is Venus.


Esoteric and Occult Goddess worship has culminated in the design and purpose of Washington D.C.


Embodied as the Goddess Columbia, who is the new face of an old deity. According to this website (www.goddesscolumbia.com), the design in D.C. was meant to be fulfilled in recent time, and was not exactly aligned until now.


The great 'wonder in heaven' of revelations occurred in October of 2005.


According to the dates set forth in the book of Daniel, Mt. Zion will be in the hands of unbelievers for 2,300 years.

  • The Greeks conquered Israel in 333BC and 2,300 years later in 1967AD the Jews re-conquered it after the 6-Day War.

  • The two other periods linked with the abomination of the Temple are 1,290 and 1,335 years.

  • The Muslims turned the Dome of the Rock into a mosque in 677, and 1,290 years later in 1967 east Jerusalem was annexed by Israel.

  • The other period is 1,335 years after the Muslims captured the Temple.

  • And that is 45 years after 1967, or 2012.


Return to The Secret History of America's Capital - Washington D.C.

Respuesta  Mensaje 62 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/06/2012 19:25

Another suggested origin of "Carnival" is "Carrus Navalis" meaning "ship cart" (of Isis => Venus).

Equally telling, November 8 would have been the last day of Carnival if counted (46 days) from Christmas instead of Easter, i.e. birth instead of re-birth, practically interchangeable.

The week or so preceding November 9 (start of Lent/fasting) would have then signified the core period of Carnival a la the Mardi Gras celebrations. This was when the word "tsunami" was being tossed around in the media in reference to the November 2nd US midterm election. A "tsunami warning"...


Respuesta  Mensaje 63 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/06/2012 20:39
Siguiendo en el contexto a que desde el 13/10 hasta el 15/3 tenemos exactamente 153 dias y que desde el 15/3 hasta el 15/8 (Asuncion de la virgen) tambien tenemos 153 dias, osea que sumando ambas cifras tenemos un total de 306 dias. El numero 306 esta interrelacionado con el numero de oro en el contexto a que el seno de 306=PHI/2=1.618033../2 e incluso tambien esta interrelacionado con el 666 ya que 360+306=666. Algo curioso es que en el calendario LUNI-SOLAR HEBREO desde el primero de Nissan o primer mes hasta el once del onceavo mes, osea el famoso once once, tambien tenemos 306 dias y es en el periodo que concluyen los cuarenta dias despues de que se clave el arca en el MONTE DE ARARAT, osea CUARENTA DIAS DESDE EL PRIMERO DEL DECIMO MES SEGUN GENESIS 8. Estamos considerando que los meses son LUNARES Y NO EXACTAMENTE DE 30 DIAS como comentan muchos teologos. Algo tambien sorprendente que no hay que descartar es que desde el 13/10 hasta el 11/2 (Virgen de Lourdes) tambien tenemos un periodo de 153 dias. ¿QUE RELACION HAY ENTRE EL 11/11 GREGORIANO Y EL 11/11 LUNI-SOLAR HEBREO?

Phi in the Bible


Although perhaps not immediately obvious, phi and the golden section also appear in the Bible.  Also see the Theology page.

The Ark of the Covenant is a Golden Rectangle

In Exodus 25:10, God commands Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant, in which to hold His Covenant with the Israelites, the Ten Commandments, saying,

Ark of the Covenant is based on Fibonacci numbers, which converge on phi, the golden ratio

“Have them make a chest of acacia wood-
two and a half cubits long,
a cubit and a half wide,
and a cubit and a half high.”

The ratio of 2.5 to 1.5 is 1.666…, which is as close to phi (1.618 …) as you can come with such simple numbers and is certainly not visibly different to the eye. The Ark of the Covenant is thus constructed using the Golden Section, or Divine Proportion. This ratio is also the same as 5 to 3, numbers from the Fibonacci series.

In Exodus 27:1-2, we find that the altar God commands Moses to build is based on a variation of the same 5 by 3 theme:

“Build an altar of acacia wood, three cubits high; it is to be square, five cubits long and five cubits wide.”

Note: A cubit is the measure of the forearm below the elbow.

Altar of Exodus 27

Noah’s Ark uses a Golden Rectangle

In Genesis 6:15, God commands Noah to build an ark saying,

“And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.”

Thus the end of the ark, at 50 by 30 cubits, is also in the ratio of 5 to 3, or 1.666…, again a close approximation of phi not visibly different to the naked eye. Noah’s ark was built in the same proportion as ten arks of the covenant placed side by side.

Noah's Ark

The Number 666 is related to Phi

Revelation 13:18 says the following:

“This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a man’s number. His number is 666.”

This beast, regarded by some as the Anti-Christ described by John, is thus related to the number 666, one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible.Curiously enough, if you take the sine of 666º, you get -0.80901699, which is one-half of negative phi, or perhaps what one might call the “anti-phi.”  You can also get -0.80901699 by taking the cosine of 216º, and 216 is 6 x 6 x 6.

The trigonometric relationship of sine 666º to phi is based on an isosceles triangle with a base of phi and sides of 1.  When this triangle is enclosed in a circle with a radius of 1, we see that the lower line, which has an angle of 306º on the first rotation and 666º on the second rotation, has a sine equal to one-half negative phi.

The relationship of phi, the golden ratio, and 666

In this we see the unity of phi divided into positive and negative, analogous perhaps to light and darkness or good and evil.  Could this “sine” be a “sign” as well?

In addition, 666 degrees is 54 degrees short of the complete second circle and when dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 54 degrees you get 6.66… The other side of a 54 degree angle in a right angle is 36 degrees and 36 divided by 54 is .666.

Phi appears throughout creation, and in every physical proportion of the human body.  In that sense it is the number of mankind, as the mysterious passage of Revelationperhaps reveals.

Also see the Theology page.

The colors of the Tabernacle are based on a phi relationship

The PhiBar program produces the colors that the Bible says God gave to Moses for the construction of the Tabernacle.

As it says in Exodus 26:1, “Make the tabernacle with ten curtains of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn, with cherubim worked into them by a skilled craftsman.”

Set the primary color of the PhiBar program to blue, the secondary color of the PhiBar to purple and it reveals the Phi color to be scarlet.

This reference to the combination blue, purple and scarlet in the construction of the tabernacle appears 24 times in Exodus 25 through 39, describing the colors to be used in the curtains, waistbands, breastpieces, sashes and garments.

See the Color page for additional information.


Insights on the Ark of the Covenant and 666 contributed by Robert Bartlett.
Insights on the Altar in Exodus 27 contributed by Sir Hemlock.
Insights on the Tabernacle colors contributed by J.D. Ahmanson.


Respuesta  Mensaje 64 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/06/2012 20:57

Calendario diluvial

Cuando uno lee el relato del diluvio bíblico pareciera que Noé ya usaba el calendario hebreo de la época de Moisés. En Gen.7:11 menciona que comenzó en el mes segundo, y dado que muchos devotos consideran que el relato fue recopilado por Moisés para la época del éxodo en adelante, parecería corresponder con la misma cuenta calendario religiosa manifestada en el Pentateuco. Sabemos que el primer mes religioso hebreo es el Nisán (Exo.12:2), y comienza después de la luna nueva más cercana al equinoccio de primavera en el hemisferio norte. El primer día o 1 de Nisán corresponde al primer día de luna creciente que aparece al oeste al atardecer. No obstante, también sabemos que los judíos usan otro calendario, que comienza en otoño y no en primavera. Es el calendario civil, aquel que corresponde con la actividad agrícola y fue muy usado después del exilio a Babilonia en los siglos antes de Cristo. No obstante, este tipo de calendario, también era usado en épocas más antiguas, preferentemente por pueblos agrícolas, que veían la finalización de las cosechas de verano como el fin de un período anual de actividad. ¿Podría corresponder la cuenta anual de Noé al calendario civil y no al religioso? Lamentablemente la Biblia no lo aclara, por lo que no queda otro camino que la conjetura.

Dado que sabemos que un episodio de la naturaleza del descrito en la Biblia nunca ocurrió, también es probable que toda la historia fuera adornada según los patrones religiosos de épocas posteriores.

Sobresalen aspectos simbólicos en el relato, como los números 7 y 40 referidos a días de la semana, parejas limpias de a 7, 40 días y 40 noches de precipitación, 40 días de espera, cada 7 días envío de aves para inspección. Los períodos de de 40 días se repiten posteriormente en la Biblia en notables acontecimientos, como el tiempo que pasó Moisés en la montaña y Jesucristo en el desierto.

Las fechas o momentos del año del suceso son descritos de la siguiente manera:

El día 10° del 2° mes Dios manda a Noé a que comience la tarea de entrar los animales al arca, porque en solo 7 días empezaría el diluvio (Gen.7:2-4).

El día 17° del 2° mes se le manda entrar al arca, Dios cierra la puerta y se precipita el diluvio. Noé tiene 600 años, 1 mes y 17 días cuando se inicia la catástrofe (ver Gen.8:13), y la precipitación dura 40 días y 40 noches (Gen.7:11,12). Esto es a mediados de la primavera en el calendario religioso o a mediados de otoño en el civil.

Se menciona que las aguas desde que empezaron anegar la tierra hasta que principiaron a menguar transcurrió un espacio de tiempo de 150 días (Gen.7:24; 8:3).

El día 17° del 7° mes se menciona que el arca se posó o quedó varada sobre los montes de Ararat o la localidad montañosa de Armenia (Gen.8:4), indicando con ello que el nivel de las aguas se hallaban descendiendo. Ello indicaría que transcurrieron 5 meses lunares completos desde que se inició el diluvio hasta que el arca se detuvo, alrededor de 147 días. Había principado el otoño, el cual se iniciaba al 7° mes, o la primavera en el caso del civil.

El día 1° del 10° mes se da cuenta en el libro de bitácora del arca que aparecen ante la vista las cumbres de los montes (Gen.8:5). Esto es unos 72 días (2 meses y 13 días) después de haber quedado varada, algo llamativo porque en tal caso su varadura debió ser en la cima de la montaña más elevada de la región. Lo lógico habría sido que primero apareciesen las cumbres de los montes y luego quedar varada de haberlo hecho en un terreno más bajo. Como la Biblia suele llamar aguas que están sobre la expansión a las nubes, a lo mejor se refiere que las cumbres de los montes se hicieron visibles al despejarse lo cielos, es decir, haber menguado de aguas o nubes. Con la llegada del 10° mes de año lunar comienza el invierno en el hemisferio norte de acuerdo al calendario religioso, o el verano en el civil.

Pasados 40 días desde el comienzo del invierno según el calendario religioso o el verano de acuerdo al civil, alrededor del 11° día del mes 11°, Noé abre la ventana del arca para iniciar su primera inspección aérea utilizando un cuervo y luego una paloma con resultados negativos (Gen.8:6-9).

A la semana, es decir contando 7 días, alrededor del día 18° del 11°, Noé vuelve a soltar una paloma, la que regresa por la tarde con una rama de olivo (Gen.8:10,11).

Otra semana después, es decir después de otros 7 días más, alrededor del día 25° del 11° mes, al soltar una paloma ésta ya no volvió más al arca (Gen.8:12).

Después que transcurrieron unos 34 días, en el año 601 de la vida de Noé, el día 1° del 1° mes se menciona que las aguas que habían cubierto la tierra se habían secado (Gen.8:13). Este pasaje revela que Noé nació un 1° de Nisán de acuerdo al calendario religioso, o bien un 1° de Etanim o Tisri según el calendario civil , pues era su cumpleaños número 601. Empezaba la primavera o bien el otoño respectivamente.

Para el día 27° del 2° mes finaliza la estancia en el arca. Transcurrieron 12 meses lunares y 10 días, exactamente 365 días, es decir un año solar completo (Gen.8:14,15). Para el 3° mes comienza una nueva vida, finalizando la primavera o el otoño y comenzando al 4° mes el primer verano o el invierno después del diluvio.

Algunos afirman que los meses de Noé eran de 30 días, por lo que 12 meses de 30 días serían 360 días y no 355. Se basan en que 150 días coinciden con 5 meses de 30 días los cuales encajan con la cuenta desde el inicio del diluvio hasta el varado del arca. Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que en tiempos antiguos cada mes debía de comenzar con la aparición al atardecer del primer filete de luna visible y no por fechas fijadas en almanaques de antemano. Nadie necesitaba fabricar almanaques anuales porque se podían leer los días del mes y las semanas y los meses directamente en el cielo en los ciclos lunares y las estaciones. Afirmar que en el 2° mes del siguiente año era el día 27° habría sido impropio de acuerdo a un calendario lunar con meses de 30 días, pues habría sido un total de 360 + 10 = 370 días, y eso habría coincidido con el 2° día del 3° mes lunar del segundo año. Habría sido obvio que no encajaba con las señales manifestadas en el cielo. En realidad, si en ese año se contaron solo 12 meses, la cantidad total de días habrían sido de 354,4 + 10 = 364,4.

Si bien son mencionados en la Biblia meses proféticos de 30 días, sabemos que los mismos no coincidirían con los ciclos lunares, y también sabemos que intercalaban un mes lunar completo o 13° mes lunar cada tantos años ( 7 veces cada 20 años) para hacerlo coincidir con el año solar. Eso revela que habría resultado imposible de llevar una cuenta de calendario literal de un año de 360 días mediante los ciclos lunares.

Podemos inferir en dos hechos que pueden ayudarnos a decidir cuál calendario se narra en la historia de Noé. Unos de ellos tiene que ver con las lluvias. Si observamos el tiempo atmosférico en la tierra de Palestina podemos notar que las lluvias comienzan en otoño y culminan al principiar la primavera, manteniéndose una estación seca que llega a su máximo hacia finales del verano. Esta realidad en la naturaleza marca una correspondencia con la mención de las aguas por Noé, señalando su presencia, aunque no con la misma intensidad (pues Noé menciona la presencia de agua abundante a mediados del otoño de acuerdo al civil), durante 6 meses del año, encajando muy bien en el calendario agrícola. En ese caso el arca vara después de transcurridas 2 semanas de la primavera, es decir, para cuando las últimas lluvias ya precipitaron, y a partir de entonces se inicia un menguado constante de agua hasta llegar a una tierra seca a finales del verano, para cuando termina el año lunar.

Cuando menciona que aparecen las cumbres de las montañas, bien puede referirse a la ausencia de agua en forma de nieve, que hacia finales de la primavera y el comienzo del verano es eso lo que exactamente ocurre en la región. Eso explicaría la aparente contradicción de haber varado antes, señalando en sentido simbólico presencia de nieve (agua) en las cumbres y algo de agua de lluvias y derretimiento de nieves (caudal elevado del Jordán) durante la primavera, pero no ya con la intensidad de los meses anteriores. Naturalmente durante los meses de otoño e invierno la cantidad de agua en Palestina es máxima, con grandes precipitaciones y nieve.

El otro aspecto es la mención de los 40 días y 40 noches. En el caso de Moisés su estada en la montaña de Horeb por ese lapso tuvo lugar antes de la primavera, probablemente en otoño. Y en el caso de Jesús, cuando se menciona su ayuno en el desierto por 40 días y 40 noches, dado que su ministerio duró 3 años y 1/2 culminando en la primavera, al mencionar que apenas se bautizó en el Jordán emprendió el ayuno, está indicando que ocurrió en otoño. 

Estas correspondencias señalarían al calendario de Noé como el civil o agrícola y no el religioso.

De esta manera, no solo podemos deducir hasta cierto grado el calendario usado, sino que el propio relato de Noé bien pudo ser una reseña simbólica adornada en forma de novela de la actividad atmosférica a lo largo de un período anual calendario, una narración descriptiva de una serie de sucesos físicos vistos con ojos religiosos en el cual pueblos primitivos han llegado a explicar los cambios ocurridos en el clima terrestre al finalizar la última glaciación y el advenimiento de un clima con estaciones más acentuadas y lluvias más abundantes y un incremento del nivel del mar que inundó kilómetros cuadrados de todas las costas del mundo. Paradójicamente, civilizaciones posteriores santificaron dicho relato elevándolo al mayor estrato de una intervención divina directa, cuyas connotaciones entre el bien y el mal centraron la doctrinas religiosas mediante las cuales un hombre llamado Jesucristo las catapultó finalmente a la esfera de verdad religiosa relacionada con las promesas de salvación futuras en las cuales millones de personas han creído hasta el punto de dar sus vidas por ello.

Respuesta  Mensaje 65 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2012 22:42

From the Bible





We now know that the sun ranges to 23.5 degrees from the equator, the moon ranges to 28.5, and Mercury ranges to 31 degrees. We also know that a hexagon touches a circle or sphere at 30 degrees, which is pretty close to Mercury's range. Heliopolis and the Great Pyramid were located close to 30 degrees north latitude. Behdet was located at 31 degrees. Jerusalem is at 31+ degrees. While the diagonals of an equilateral triangle are 30 degrees, the diagonals of a 52 degree triangle are 23+ degrees. The diagonal of the rectangle formed by the Station Stones at the Stonehenge form 23 degree angles. The Washington D.C. map features a large 52 degree triangle with 23 degree diagonals.

Now consider the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant which are given as 2.5x1.5x1.5 cubits. We can convert this to 5x3x3. As 3/5 = .6, and the tangent of 31 degrees is .6, we see that the diagonals of the ark produce 31 degree angles. The dimensions of Noah's Ark are given as 300x50x30, so that the end of that forms the same rectangle.

Remember that the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark, the Tabernacle and the Temple were all rectangular. Remember also that it doesn't matter how big or small you make these things, the ratio of the parts will always be the same.


Noah's Ark

It has already been shown that 300x50x30 converts to 360x60x36, where 360x60 is a rectangle sixty degrees wide around the globe. The magic square of the sun consists of the first thirty six numbers (6x6). The sun is associated with the number six. Noah's Ark is described in Genesis Chapter 6 where Noah is 600 years old.

In Daniel Chapter 3, the king has an 'image' built that is described as being 6x60. If we multipy by 5 we get the 300x30 of Noah's Ark.

In Hamlet's Mill, the authors suggest that the entity who told Gilgamesh to build his ark was Saturn. His ark was a 60x60x60 cube. Saturn is associated with the number three. The magic square of Saturn consists of the first nine numbers (3x3) which total to forty five, where any row, column or diagonal adds to 15. In Genesis 7 we read that clean beasts were brought in by sevens, that the waters prevailed to 15 cubits, 150 days.

Take the ark dimensions 300x50x30; 3x3 = 9, 3x5 = 15, 3x3x5 = 45, all Saturn numbers.

The altar in front of the Tabernacle is described as being 5x5 (a Mars square) and 3 cubits tall. He we see the same rectangle with the 31 degree Mercury angle and the 15 Saturn constant. Mercury is the closest to the sun, and it is the most erratic with the widest range, so it is viewed as the guide of the souls and patron of boundaries and limits, geometry, survey etc. Saturn was the furthest of the classical planets, and Saturns period agreed fairly closely with the 28 years repeating solar calendar, and was associated with the general notion of time keeping.

Looking at the dimensions given for the Temple we see 60x20x30. The Holy of Holies is 20x20x20. This conceptually leaves a 40x20 section. From an overhead view we are presented with three 20x20 squares end to end. Diagonals of these give us 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 ratios for 45, 30 and 18.5 degrees. The 1:4 ratio used by mesoamerican ballcourts produced 14 degree diagonals.

The diagonal of a 60x20 rectangle produces an 18.5 degree angle with a tangent of .333. The sine of 19.47 is also .3333. Looking at the coffer in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyrmaid from overhead we find the inside dimensions to be 78.06x26.81 . That is a 19 degree diagonal. The section of Pennsylvania Avenue betwen the White House and the Capitol is at 19.5 degrees, while the diagonals formed by the pentagram are 23 degrees.

Looking at the outside dimensions of the coffer we find 89.62x38.5 . That is a 23 degree diagonal. The Parthenon in Athens is 100x225 Greek feet. That is a 4:9 (400:900) ratio, and 4/9= .444. The diagonal of that rectangle produces a 24 degree angle.


St. Mary's Chapel at Glastonbury

If you search the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) you will see that the word 'triangle' does not appear there. If you look for the word 'circle', you find it only once. In Isiah 40:22 we see the Lord described as "he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth... that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in".

According to Albert Pike "Hermes calls the Zodiac, the Great Tent, Tabernaculum". In Exodus 25 we read "Let them make me a sanctuary; that I might dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle... make the tabernacle with ten curtains". The curtains are described as being 28x4 cubits. The solar calendar repeats every 28 years, and 28/4 = 7. Then there is the candlestick with seven candles.

360/9 = 40, as in forty years in the desert, forty days in the desert of forty days of rain. 360/10 = 36. Egyptians are said to have honored a right triangle with 36 and 54 degree angles. (tan 36 = .726). They supposdly also honored the 3-4-5 right triangle where the perimeter equaled 12, and the area equaled 6. (tan 37 = .754). Five of the curtains sown together would be 28x20; 20/28 = .714. (tan 35.5 = .713). (Not too bad for using whole number ratios.)

The numbers 5 and 25 are associated with altars and sanctuaries. In Exodus 25 we read, "Let them make me a sanctuary", and in Ezekiel 45 we read "[2] Of this there shall be for the sanctuary five hundred in length, with five hundred in breadth, square round about; and fifty cubits round about for the suburbs thereof. [3] And of this measure shalt thou measure the length of five and twenty thousand, and the breadth of ten thousand: and in it shall be the sanctuary and the most holy place".

Ezek.42 [20] "He measured it by the four sides: it had a wall round about, five hundred reeds long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place." Ezek.48 [8] "And by the border of Judah, from the east side unto the west side, shall be the offering which ye shall offer of five and twenty thousand reeds in breadth, and in length as one of the other parts, from the east side unto the west side: and the sanctuary shall be in the midst of it."

In Numbers 2 we read of the Hebrew camp in the desert where the tabernacle shall set in the midst of the camp surrounded by the 12 tribes. In Ezekiel and the Revelation we see the same distribution of the tribes, three to the north, three to the east, three south, and three west. There the tribes are associated with gates of a legendary city. With Judah, the lion, on the east side toward the rising sun, it is easy to see that the 12 signs of the zodiac are being depicted.

In Revelation 21 we read that the city measure 12,000 furlongs in length, breadth and height. The wall measured 144 cubits. In Ezekiel 48 the city measures 4,500 on each side, or 18,000 round about. Saturn's numbers are 3, 9 and 45. 2+1 = 3. 1+4+4 = 9. 4+5 = 9. 1+8 = 9.



The caption reads horoscope prepared by Johannes Kepler. You can probably tell that the inner square lies within the 30 degree latitude lines generated by the vesica. That square lies just inside Mercury's range, meaning that all the planets belong inside the inner square and all the zodiac signs belong outside the outer square.


What Shape the Lodge or Temple


Earlier we saw that the paths of heavenly bodies create the figures on which ancient stone circles were based, and that the shape of those figures change as our latitude changes. In terms of desinging a Universal Lodge or Temple, we are confronted with a need to represent these astronomical lines in as simple manner as possible. Hopefully using whole number ratios, and recalling that a lodge is designed for initiations, while a temple is designed for worship.

Mesoamericans created a ball court that was 1:4 with a 14 degree diagonal that was based on the movement of Mercury around the sun. The center line was the ecliptic, the sun's path. The game was played within 7 degrees on either side of the sun conceptually.

Other than that we are interested in 23.5, 28.5 and 31 degrees, those being the range of the sun, moon and Mercury. Three whole number rectangles come to mind. The tangent of 26.5 is .5, or 1:2. The sine of 30 is .5, or 1:2 again. The 3x5 rectangle gives tangent of .6, for 31 degrees. Masons who recommend that the lodge floor should be a double square do so because the diagonal is 26.5, very near 27, or three cubed. Nine cubed is 729, one short of the number of days and nights in the year. Twenty seven is an average of 23.5 and 31.

Unfortunately, the moon and Mercury range outside this area. The 3x5 ark appears to be the best candidate. Unless you only intend to mark the sun's path. As we saw, the outside dimensions of the coffer generate 23 degree diagonals. That is, it conceptually fits inside the Ark of the Covenant. We are reminded of nested Egyptian coffins. The stone tablets of the Law go in the ark, the ark goes in the Holy of Holies, which is in the Temple, in the sanctuary.

Continue to a look at the Didymaion: The Temple of Apollo at Didyma.



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Respuesta  Mensaje 66 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2012 23:09

Schlamme, Sorkin leave NBC's 'Wing'

The Hollywood Reporter, May 02, 2003

By Scott Collins

A couple of veterans are leaving the White House.

Just days after scripting a cliffhanger fourth-season finale for NBC's multiple Emmy- winning presidential drama "The West Wing," creator Aaron Sorkin added a surprising epilogue, saying Thursday that he and executive producer Thomas Schlamme are exiting the series.

Sorkin, credited with writing nearly all of the show's 88 episodes so far, apparently made his final decision to exit Thursday morning …

What, you may ask, do “birds,” “floods,” a well-known and popular political TV drama, its creator’s unexpected resignation … and the sitting Vice President of the United States have to do with each other? And, what possible connection could there be between these seemingly totally unrelated events, current Washington newsmakers … and The Enterprise Mission?

As it turns out, quite a bit.

Star map with the constellations Columba (the Dove) Orion, and Canis Major prominently featured.

To properly grasp the message here, we must start, as all good stories do, somewhere near the beginning …

The "bird" that U2's lead singer Bono is referring to in the band's recent hit song, "Beautiful Day," is actually a dove. The reference comes from the Biblical tale of Noah who, as we all know, survived the Great Flood in an "ark" made to instructions passed down from Yahweh, the Hebrew God.

Perhaps far less well known, even to the well-read lead singer of the Irish rock group, is that the original Biblical reference is actually a retelling of a far older tale, one that originates in the "cradle of civilization" -- ancient Sumer (Iraq). In the Sumerian version of the Flood, the Annunaki ("Those who from Heaven to Earth came down") god Enki informs his favorite slave, a human named Ziusudra, that the Earth will soon experience a cataclysm -- a pole shift, to be precise. He then instructs Ziusudra to construct a boat -- the Ark -- in an effort to survive the coming "flood." He also informs Ziusudra that he should enlist the other humans to construct his Ark, but not to tell them why they are building it.

In many ways, the Sumerian version of the tale makes far more sense than the more widely disseminated Biblical version. In the Old Testament condensation, the omnipotent Hebrew God decides that man is wicked and that he must wash the presence of the human race from the Earth completely. He then changes his mind and decides that some humans are worth preserving after all, and enlists Noah to build a great Ark -- basically a submarine -- to very exacting specifications laid out in the Bible itself. Noah is also instructed to bring “two of each of the Earth's animals” with him, in order to preserve the species for the post-diluvial world.

Now why an all seeing, all knowing, all powerful deity would a) change his mind, and b) not just come up with something a little more specifically targeted at the "wicked" humans, instead of an indiscriminantly destructive global Flood, is not ever really made clear in the texts. Conversely, the Sumerian version makes quite a bit more sense if you view the Flood as an actual historical event.

Summed up quite nicely in an ancient Akkadian successor text, called "The Epic of Gilgamesh," the Akkadian version tells the story of a human named Utnapishtim (Ziusudra in Sumerian) who was a servant to an Annunaki god (with a small "G") named Enki. Enki and the other Annunaki had come to Earth eons before and according to some interpretations of the texts (ala Zacheria Sitchin), “had fashioned Man from a mixing of their own DNA with that of primitive hominids then populating the Earth.” According to this non-mainstream theory, the Annunaki had become aware of a significant catastrophe, a pole shift, which was due to strike the Earth. Enki's brother, Enlil -- Enki's rival in the internecine political intrigue that engulfed the Annunaki ruling class -- convinced the Annunaki king Ea (later, “Ra” in the Egyptian) that mankind was a threat, and that the Annunaki should allow the humans to be wiped out in the coming pole shift. Enki, who had played a major role in the creation of Man, was less than happy about the decision and plotted to thwart it by tipping off his favorite servant, the aforementioned Utnapishtim/Ziusudra.

Utnapishtim/Ziusudra then gets the people of the local village (the ED.IN) to build him his Ark -- but without telling them of the coming "flood" or why they are building the ship. Subsequently, Utnapishtim/Ziusudra, Enki, and a few of their closest assocociates and allies escape in the Ark, leaving the rank and file populace behind to die in the Cataclysm.

In the end, a dove is let loose and when it returns with a leaf in its mouth, as portrayed in the classical depiction of the constellation Columba (above), the survivors of the Great Flood know it is safe to exit the Ark and resume their lives on dry land.

There is a great deal more detail to these stories in Zecharia Sitchin's book "The 12th Planet," and other volumes in his “Earth Chronicles” series. But the key point is that the dove is overtly symbolic of the Flood, pole shifts, and ultimately Columba.

We have, of course, extensively covered the significance of Columba in our own "End of Days" series, here at Enterprise. In short, Columba was carved out of several other preexisting constellations in the 17th Century for one sole purpose -- to serve as a portent, or marker, to those “in the Know,” of the next Flood, the next coming "pole shift" ….

We have also reminded readers regularly of the significance of the key coded markers of our own Hyperdimensional Physics, the now ubiquitous numbers of 19.5° and 33°. Both are not only significant to the physics model derived by Hoagland and Torun from the ruins of Cydonia, but have even been immortalized by NASA, who chose those exact symbolic coordinates for the landing site of the 1997 Mars Pathfinder mission.

The connection between the two numbers is definitely “non-trivial.” In fact, it’s fundamental. The actual contact point of a circumscribed tetrahedron (see above) is precisely 19.47°, rounded up to the canonical "19.5°." The sine of 19.47° is .3333 (which, by the way, is where we believe the significance of the mysterious Masonic “33rd Degree” comes from). We have noted numerous instances of both "19.5's" and "33's" in various NASA missions, activities and symbols over the years, and the fact is that "decimal harmonics," i.e. 3.33 or 33.3, also seem to show up repeatedly in our analysis.

Which is why we were caught a bit off guard last week while watching an episode of Aaron Sorkin’s popular NBC political drama, “The West Wing.” Specifically, we were left wondering just what the hell “a bird” (and not just any bird -- but a dove) was doing … exactly 19.5 minutes into the episode, tapping the following code onto a window in the White House .…

3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 ....

The episode, titled "Life on Mars," reminiscent not only of Kubrick and Clarke's famed "2001," but also of the more recent revelations by first "X-Files" creator Chris Carter (who was so unnerved by our code-breaking exposé of one particular X-files a few years ago, that he called Art Bell the day after it was posted, out of the "clear blue" -- and after five years of fruitless pursuit by Bell -- to ask for airtime to deny the specifics of our story). It is also reminiscent of a recent NBC “confession” by former senator and astronaut John Glenn. And just like those weird prior occurrences, this foray by Sorkin into “the realm of the unimaginable” is in precisely the medium called for by the infamous Brookings study -- an entertainment media.

What we would expect, if Sorkin is truly following in the Brookings-laced footsteps of Kubrick, Carter and Glenn before him, is for him to make his points in precisely the same "tetrahedral code" so enamoring to the NASA/Masonic crowd. Well, guess what?

That's exactly what he did.

But don't take our word for it. Let's break this episode down, line-by-line.


Respuesta  Mensaje 67 de 415 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2012 23:23

Numbers and Geometry in the Bible

If we do a search of the King James Version of the Bible (KJV), we find that the word 'triangle' is not in there. A search for the world circle shows it to be in the KJV once, in Isaiah 40 which reads:

"Hath it not been told to you from the beginning, have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth, It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in." [What is being described is a nomadic camp site with a tent surrounded by a court with a curtain around it for privacy.]

Please take a look at the description of the New Jerusalem in Revelation Chapter 21.

[16] And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
[12] And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:
[17] And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.
[21] And the twelve gates were twelve pearls.
[13] On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates.
[14] And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

The numbers that stand out are 3,4,12 and 144 (12x12). The geometric figures described are a square and a cube. Pearls are mentioned that are round, are numbered as 12, and are named as the tribes and apostles.

Now see page 43 of John Michell's City of Revelation, where he walks us through the design of the image of that saying, "Following the pattern of the New Jerusalem, a circle is inscribed within a square. Within the circle is placed a hexagon". That just goes to show what people can see in the book. He recommends that a series of circles is being described, rather than a cube and square? He uses double hexagons to achieve twelve points on a circle, instead of dealing with the square. Note how he bunches the circles.


The book is describing a square that is 12x12, but Michell converts to a circle divided 12 times. Also instead of using the 12x12 measurements, Michell is one of those who converts cubits to feet in order to analyze the figure he generates. In other words, he is neither using the figures in the book, nor the numbers that are given there. I challenge his interpretation of this. Below we see where Michael Schneider follows Michell's lead, calling this image the New Jerusalem. Notice that he un-bunches the circles on the outside.


If you look closely you can see that Schneider has reduced the size of Michell's circles. In the image below there are 12 circles with four gasps one half of a circle wide. He has divided the circle into fourteen parts, yet he calls the image the geometry of the twelve-part celestial canon? What he is trying to do is to include the number seven symbolism that is also in the Book of Revelation. He turns 3,4 and 12 into 7 and 14.



  • The circle of the earth. If you are familiar with the concept of the Tree of life, you may know that it consists of ten speheres (or circles), that each sphere is numbered from 1 to 10, that each sphere is associated with a so-called magic square which corresponds to the number of the sphere (three squared is nine, for instance), and that each sphere is associated with a planetary sphere; that is, each sphere has a number and a planet (name of God).

    The magic squares are grids where each row, column and diagonal adds to the same number. The number of cells in the grid is the square of a number. Three squared is nine. We put each of the first nine numbers in cells in a grid. To figure the numeric constant we divide the total of the numbers by the number. The first nine numbers add to 45; dividing that by three we get 15. We recognize 3, 9, 15 and 45 as a number set from this square.

    The planets (and sun and moon) are assigned numbers and positions on the Tree of Life according to the order of descent of the soul that is given in ancient legends. The Greeks taught that the soul resides among the stars (is a star) and that it comes to earth and returns by way of seven planetary spheres, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the sun, Venus Mercury and the moon. If you include the earth at the bottom and stars at the top you have 9 spheres. Adding the Throne of God gives you a 10 based system where the throne is One and the earth is 10.


    Remember the Copernicus' model of the universe was just Ptolemy's model (above) with the earth in the sun's place. Then you get the correct order of Sat, Jup, Mars, the earth, Ven, Merc; but the earth can't be depicted as the 'goal' that way. That way, the sun is the goal like in Viking mythology. This system was designed with the sun at the center.






  • My point is that 'the circle of the earth' is associated with the number 10 and the square of ten (100). As all the other planets have lower numbers, their squares conceptually fit inside the circle or square of the earth. The five square has sides one half the ten square and one fourth the area. There is no magic square of two, where the zodiac is located. One is just a square. Imagine the image of latitude lines seen from the pole or concentric circles, but square.

    The Latin word for tent is tabernaculum, tabernacle. Here we see talk of the foundations of the earth, see the heavens described as a curtain, and a tent as a place for the Lord to dwell in. A tent also made of the heavens. If you are a Bible student, this should remind you of the tabernacle of the congregation that was built to house the Ark of the Covenant. It is clear to everyone that the ark, the tabernacle, and the court represent a model of the cosmos. The same model used by churches, cathedrals and Masonic lodge floors.

    The ark is rectangular pointing east and west inside the tabernacle, a rectangle pointing the same way, inside the court, a rectangle pointing the same way. The outer curtain is the celestial sphere, the stars. The twelve loaves of bread in two rows of 6 are the zodiac signs (six north of the equator and six south of it), while the seven candles are the planetary spheres. The Glory of the Lord came into the house by way of the gate to the east and filled the house and the earth shined with his glory.


    The courtyard is the element of earth, the altar is fire, the laver of brass with water is between the altar and the tabernacle. The incense altar inside the Tabernacle is the element of air. Now think about a Catholic Mass. You look across the altar from the nave into the holiest area that used to be separated by a screen in some churches. In a Cathedral, this is where the cathedra, the Bishop's chair goes. In a Masonic Lodge, the Worshipful Master occupies this position in the ceremony.


    The Numbers 5 and 10

    The curtain around the court of the tabernacle was 50x100 cubits, 5 cubits high. Doubling these numbers we get 200x100x10, two 100x100 squares 10 tall. This is a depiction of two hemispheres of the globe. The altar in front of the tabenacle was a 5x5 square 3 cubits tall. the Ark of the Covenant was 2.5x1.5x1.5. The tabernacle was 10 cubits wide. The brazen sea in front of the Temple was 10 cubits across and 5 tall. The Temple was 20 cubits wide. The altar there was 20x20 by 10 cubits tall.

    The Oblation in Ezekiel is 25,000 x 25,000 reeds. The suburbs of the city are 5,000 x 5,000 reeds. The sanctuary is 500 x 500 reeds. The sum of the numbers from 1 to 10 is 55. The round Templar Church in London has a 55 foot diameter. St. Paul's Church is 555 feet long with the steps. The base of the Washington Monument is 55.5 feet and it is 555.5 feet tall. Egyptian obelisks were built to this 10:1 ratio, and when Jacob sets up his pillar stone he says, of all that you give me, I will give the tenth to thee.

    We are reminded of the ten spheres on the Tree of Life where the earth occupies shpere 10. Sphere 5 is related by virtue of the number. Mars is at sphere five; he was a fertility and war god. Mars was an earthy type, not a heavenly type, or sky god. We see that the number five is associated with the concept of the microcosm, while the number six is associated with the macrocosm, the earth and sky in this case. The sun is at sphere six.


    The Rebis

    Now consider the Rebis, where we focus on the numbers 3 and 4. Think about what Dan Brown says in The Lost Symbol about the Bible containing the secrets of the Mysteries, and about the circumpunct (point in a circle) being the symbol of the Mysteries. You can see his circumpunct above. Other than that, the only thing from the rebis that he has mentioned is the seven planetary spheres. He recommends that a table was 7x7 because there were seven planets, and that the room was 12x12 because there were 12 zodiac signs.

    This reminds us of the numbers in the book of Revelation, but there are no tables/altars there. We find an altar in Ezekiel 43 that is 12x12. In Exodus 27 the altar of fire is 5x5 cubits. the number seven is not associated with altars in the Bible, it is associated with the days of the weeks, stars, churches and candles.

    In the rebis we see the numbers 1, 3 and 4 associated with a circle, a triangle and a square. We know that a mason's square is half a square. Above we see that a woman holds that. The female half of things is associated with 4, a square and a cube, all symbols of materiality. The male half holds the compasses which are used to drawn circles, and which look like a triangle. The circle, triangle and the number 3 are associated with the heavens and are considered masculine.

    [Note that this is not so in all systems and that Osiris mother was a sky goddess and his father an earth god. It doesn't take much to get from earth god to fertility to Mars. If the leader god is moved to the sky, the earth god suffers. Think of the stories of Saturn overturning Uranus, and Jupiter overturning saturn. Saturn was associated with the harvest and symbolized by a scythe for cutting wheat. The message is that meanings change depending on who is in charge at the time.]


    Looking in the circle, you will note that the bottom half of the square makes the Masonic square, while the top half of the triangle is the compasses. The compass and square are the triangle and square, and are the male and female symbols in this system. That is also the sign of the Mysteries. (Note the G formed in the center.)


    Squares and Rectangles

    While the words triangle and circle are not used, rectangles and squares are emphasized, and circles are hinted at. See Psalm 118:10 where we read that they compassed him about. That is repeated four times. In 15 and 16 he says 'right hand' three times in a row. See the compasses in the right hand. Psalm 118 also mentions the head stone of the corner. I am reminded of the vesica.


    The court around the Tabernacle was 50x100; two 50x50 squares, which is the middle half of a 100x100 square. The diagonal of a 1x2 rectangle (blue above 50x100) forms a 26.5 degree angle. If we inscribe a circle in the 10x10 square, the lines of the blue rectangle cross at 30 degrees from the equator. The parallel lines of a hexagram are the same as the blue lines of the rectangle. The diagonals of the red rectangles form 30 degree angles. The 1:2 rectangle in a square indicates a hexagram in a circle. As the Temple was 60x20x30 a 1:2 rectangle is indicated there too (60:30). The Tabernacle was 30x10x15.

    Note the equal armed cross that is formed at the center, like the Templar and Teutonic crosses. If the court was 50x100 (5x10), then our inner square is 5x5, the size of the altar in front of the tabernacle. The 10 cubit width of the Tabernacle was one tenth the side of the square. In a ten by ten square the cells are 2.5 wide, the width of the ark. If the outer square is 100x100, the red square is 25x25. If you imagine this to be twenty five 5x5 squares, the altar is the center square.

    So we know that we have two methods of finding 30 degrees and of quartering the diameter of a circle and square. As it turns out, while the sun ranges to 23 degrees above and below the equator, the moon moves beyond 28 degrees, and Mercury ranges as far as 31 dgrees from the equator. This associates Mercury with the notion of limits and boundaries (surveying), and associates the star of David with the range of Mercury. The dimensions of the court defined the range of Mercury (within one degree). The 26.5 degree diagonal of the 1:2 rectangle was an average of the range of the sun and Mercury. 30 degrees north was the location of the Great Pyramid.


    Whole Number Ratios

    As you can see, the game is to name whole number ratios that produce diagonals that you want. If we replace the tens in the dimensions of Noah's Ark (300x50x30) with twelves, we get 360x60x36. The square of the sun consists of the first 36 numbers. 360x60 is a band 60 degrees wide around the globe that stretches from 30 north to 30 south latitude. (Here we see 1:6 instead of the 1:3 ratio of the Temple/Tabernacle.)

    But the number we really want is thirty one degrees. If we double the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant it is easier to see that it represents a square and a 3x5 rectangle. 3/5 is .6, and the tangent of thirty one degrees is .601. The dimensions of the altar in front of the Tabernacle are 5x5x3; the sides are 3x5 rectangles. The dimensions of Noah's Ark, 300x50x30, shows the 3x5 rectangle. NA is ten double AoC's, at 5x3x3 each. Noah's Ark is decsribed in Genesis Chapter 6 and Noah is 600 years old. The water prevails to 15 cubits for 150 days.

    We note at this point that Mercury rules Virgo while the sun rules Leo. Outside the tabernacle we have the earth, fire and water and the utensils are made of brass. Inside the Tabernacle everthing is made of wood covered with gold and the incense altar stands for the element of air. It is 1x1x2 by the way, a double cube. That, the table for the bread and the candlestick form a trinity in the holy place.


    In the Holy of Holies, the outside dimensions of the ark gives us Mercury's range, so we presume that the inside, lined in gold, is the sun's region between the tropics at 23.5 degrees. With the mercy seat (lid) and cherabim, the ark looked like an Egyptian coffin, complete with a goddess with spread wings on either end. Outside would be Isis and Nephthys (the moon and Venus) while inside the lid was Nuit as the sky (seen below); despite being a protector of the dead, she was a personification of the sky - a cosmic deity - no temples or specific cult centres are linked to her?


    Looking closely at the image on the right you can see the two other goddesses on either side of her head. On the left you can see the zodiac signs from Leo to Capricorn. The boat containing the sun is beside her head here. Note the two rows of seven oblique squares. Below we see the goddesses with wings surrounding the djed pillar which symbolizes the spine. You can probably see this as the source of the cadeusus of Mercury who rules Virgo.


































  • My point is that the sun at the center of the ark/coffin is surrounded by a trinity of female images representing the stars, the moon and Venus, the triple goddess as Greaves says. Mercury's orbit cradles that of all the other planets. Mercury rules Virgo. If you look at the outside dimensions of the coffer in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid you will see that that rectangle generates 23 degree diagonals - the tropics. The coffer conceptually fits in the ark. The 100x225 feet dimensions of the Parthenon yield 24 degree diagonals.

    At around 18 and 19 degrees, both the tangent and the sine equal .333. That is the one short side is one third the length of one of the other sides. We see this in the Temple where it is 20 wide and 60 long. If you use the hypotenuse, the sine of 19.47 is .333. We find Pennsylvania Avenue between the WH and CB at 19.5 degrees. The statue of Freedom on top of the CB is 19.5 feet tall. The statue of Jefferson in the monument is 19 feet tall. The interior dimensions of the coffer generate 19 degree diagonals. When the moon runs high in its orbit it moves to 28+ degrees, but when it runs low, it only moves to 18+ degrees.

    Comparing the Ark of the Covenant to the altar at 5x5 and the Tabernacle that was 10 cubits wide, we find that 5/1.5 is 3.3333, and 10/1.5 is 6.666. Below we see a 50x50 square, the same red square seen above. Vertical lines divide the square into five strips ten wide each. Horizontal lines complete the 10x10 square on the center. Inside that we see a 5x5 square centered. The ark was half that long. The ark was 2.5 long. The altar was 5x5. The Tabernacle was 10x30; three 10x10 squares. The Temple was 20x60, and the altar there was 20x20x10.


    The sine function relates the y dimension (vertical) to the radius of a circle. Our radius here is 25 cubits. Here we are dividing half the circle into five bands five cubits wide. Lines from the center (radii) are directed to .2,.4,.6,.8 and 1.0. In the 10x10 central square you see depicted the relative dimensions of the altar and the ark. With the ark centered in one square, the side of the third square matches the big square.


    What this shows is that a band 10 wide on a 50x50 square generates 11.5 degree angles, but that a 20 cubit band generates 23.5 degree angles, like the tropics. Rememeber that the holiest place in the Tabernacle was 10x10, but that the dimensions of the Temple were double that. The floor area is 4 times as great, and the volume 1s 8 times as great in the Temple. The size of the altar was increased from 5x5 to 20x20, the same size as the Holy of Holies.


    That is, if we place the Temple on the court of the Tabernacle, the 20 cubit width defines parallel lines at 23.5 degrees from the equator. Above we place the 20x60 Temple on the court of the Tabernacle. It is centered as is the 20x20 altar. As you can see the 60 cubit long rectangle laps the 50x50 square 5 cubits on each side. If we make the Tabernacle square 10x10 (rather than 50x50), the Temple dimensions prove to be one third of a square that surronds that which is 12x12; the size of the altar that we see in Ezekiel and the dimensions of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21.

    You will recall that five represents the microcosm (the little world) and that six represents the macrocosm (the big world). The Tabernacle is the micro to the macro of the Temple. In the Tabernacle five and ten dominate, in the Temple six and twelve are used. [The Temple was 60x20 cubits.]


    Above St. Paul's by Wren, below a Masonic Lodge floor.

    The three degrees of 'blue' Masonry represent three stations of the sun, the June Solstice, the December Solstice, and the Equinoxes in March and September. In the Masonic Lodge on conceptually faces east. The first degree is associated with the June Solstice, when the sun rises to the north (left) of due east. The second degree is associateed with the December Solstice when the sun rises to the south (right) of due east. At the two Equinoxes it rises due east, on the center line.

    If we stand west of the altar looking east across the Tabernacle, the candelsticks are on the right (to the south), and represent the December Solstice when we see the Festival of Lights. Saturn is the last sphere before reaching the stars and it rules Capricorn, so Capricorn has been called the Gate of Death. It represents the death of the sun god. The moon is the last sphere before reaching the earth and rules Cancer, which is called the Gate of Birth. Capricorn is an earth sign, and Cancer a water sign.

    Mars is a fire sign, and Venus is an air sign. Those two rule Aries and Libra where the equinoxes occur. The sign for Libra is a pair of scale indicating the equinox and the sign for Aries is a ram. Note that the fire altar is outside the Tabernacle and available to the people; inside the Tabernacle was not. Outside we see the elements of earth, fire and water, while inside we see the element of air in the incense altar. The spring ceremony celbrated the element of fire and the fall ceremony celebrated the element of air, inside the Holy of Holies.

    Looking at the Rebis, we are reminded of the 3,4,5 triangle, where the 3 side is masculine and the four side is feminine and the 5 side is the child (the synthesis). The sides total to 12, and it has an area of six being half a 3x4 rectangle. In the Tarot, the numbers are reversed and the Emporer is four and the Empress is three. Looking at the cards you can see the ram's head on the Emporer's throne that indicates Aries. He is described as 'a solar figure Martian in character'. Mars rules Aries but the sun is exalted there.

    Note that the Empress card bears the sign of Venus, that she has seven pearls around her neck and a crown of 12 stars on her head (each with six points denoting dominion over the macrocosm). "She is the inferior Garden of Eden, the Earthly Paradise. She is not Regina coeli (Queen of Heaven), but she is still refugium peccatorum, the fruitful mother of thousands." Like Mars, she is earthy not heavenly.



















  • What I am saying is that the male/female dichotomy that we saw in the Rebis is represented in the equinoxes, with the March festival being masculine (month 1) and the September festival feminine (month 7).

    Egyyptian columns were six units tall with a one unit capital. The Egyptians defined their country as seven degrees tall (6+1), running from 24 degrees to 31 degrees; starting at the high point of the sun and running to the high point of Mercury. Behdet was located above 31 degrees north, as was Jerusalem. Recall that the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant indicate 31 degrees.


    Here we see the planetary spheres depicted as six around one, which reminds us of the stars in the Revelation. We also see 12 around one in the tribes around the Tabernacle. That is the months, while 24 around one is the hours of the day; twenty four stones around one stone in a 5x5 floor, twenty four elders around the throne.

    Notice that the sun is at the center, the closest is at the bottom, and Saturn, the farthest, is at the top. The parallel lines indicate 30 degrees and Mercury's range. Below we see an astrology chart drawn by Johannes Kepler in the vedic style. Just as with the Hebrew Camp in the desert, we have the sanctuary and Tabernacle on the center, with three gates to the north, three to the east, three to the south and west. These are the zodiac signs.

    On page 81 of City of Revelation, John Michell writes of the New Jerusalem as consisting of a square, a circle and a hexagon, and "the foundations are the 12 corners of a double hexagon inscribed in a circle, following the customary pattern of an astrological chart". As you can see the round chart is not customary everywhere at all times. As a matter of fact, the square chart (below) matches the camp and New Jerusalem better than a circle does.


    You can see that the square in the center is bounded by 30 degrees, just as the hexagram shows; the range of Mercury, the most eccentric planets. That is, in this image, the planets fit in the inner square surrounded by the signs; three north, three east, south and west.

    As 30 degrees of latitude cuts the radius in half, we know that the sides of the inner square are half those of the outer square, and that it has one quarter the area and one eighth the volume. We can repeat the halfening or doubling process ad infinitum. Beginning with 10x10 (100), we get 25, 6.25, 1.56 for areas, and sides that are 5, 2.5, 1.25. Doubling we get 2, 4, 8, 16.

    Looking at the oblique (tilted) square, we note that it has half the area of the big square (50). You can prove this by conceptually folding the corners toward the center. The four (half square) corners fill the inner square. The square root of 50 is 7.07. The next inner oblique square has an area of 12.5 (50/4) the square of which is 3.538 (7.07/2). If we go the other direction, the next area would be 200 with a sq rt of 14.14 (the sq rt of 2 x 10).

    Curiously, when we make the earth's orbit equal one, the distance to Venus from the sun is .7, the distance to Mercury is .39, and the distance to Mars is 1.5, and the distance to Saturn is 9.6. The dome of the capitol in DC measures 96 feet.


    In the image above the right squares measure 10x10, 5x5, 2.5x2.5, 1.25x1.25, etc. The oblique squares meausre 7.071x7.071, 3.538, .76, etc. The grey square is 1/32nd the area of the large square. Pix32 =100.






























    Respuesta  Mensaje 68 de 415 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2012 23:56
    Considerando que cada hora tiene 60 minutos tenemos que en 3 horas y 14 minutos (Numero PI) HAY 194 minutos, osea la misma cantidad de dias que hay desde el primero de Nissan hasta el 17 del septimo mes (Genesis 8:4). Vemos que en el mismo diseño del rejoj esta codificada EL ARCA DE NOE EN FUNCION AL NUMERO PI Y AL 17 DE TISRI.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 69 de 415 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2012 01:27
    19:1 Habiendo entrado Jesús en Jericó, iba pasando por la ciudad.
    19:2 Y sucedió que un varón llamado Zaqueo, que era jefe de los publicanos, y rico,
    19:3 procuraba ver quién era Jesús; pero no podía a causa de la multitud, pues era pequeño de estatura. (SAULO/PABLO/PEQUEÑO/HORUS/SOL NACIENTE)

    19:4 Y corriendo delante, subió a un árbol sicómoro para verle; porque había de pasar por allí.
    19:5 Cuando Jesús llegó a aquel lugar, mirando hacia arriba, le vio, y le dijo: Zaqueo, date prisa, desciende, porque hoy es necesario que pose yo en tu casa.
    19:6 Entonces él descendió aprisa, y le recibió gozoso.
    19:7 Al ver esto, todos murmuraban, diciendo que había entrado a posar con un hombre pecador.
    19:8 Entonces Zaqueo, puesto en pie, dijo al Señor: He aquí, Señor, la mitad de mis bienes doy a los pobres; y si en algo he defraudado a alguno, se lo devuelvo cuadruplicado.
    19:9 Jesús le dijo: Hoy ha venido la salvación a esta casa; por cuanto él también es hijo de Abraham. (Esta expresando en clave una expresion con connotacion con OSHANAH RABBAH)
    19:10 Porque el Hijo del Hombre vino a buscar y a salvar lo que se había perdido.
    19:11 Oyendo ellos estas cosas, prosiguió Jesús y dijo una parábola, por cuanto estaba cerca de Jerusalén, y ellos pensaban que el reino de Dios se manifestaría inmediatamente.
    19:12 Dijo, pues: Un hombre noble se fue a un país lejano, para recibir un reino y volver.
    19:13 Y llamando a diez siervos suyos, les dio diez minas, y les dijo: Negociad entre tanto que vengo.
    19:14 Pero sus conciudadanos le aborrecían, y enviaron tras él una embajada, diciendo: No queremos que éste reine sobre nosotros.
    19:15 Aconteció que vuelto él, después de recibir el reino, mandó llamar ante él a aquellos siervos a los cuales había dado el dinero, para saber lo que había negociado cada uno.
    19:16 Vino el primero, diciendo: Señor, tu mina ha ganado diez minas.
    19:17 El le dijo: Está bien, buen siervo; por cuanto en lo poco has sido fiel, tendrás autoridad sobre diez ciudades.
    19:18 Vino otro, diciendo: Señor, tu mina ha producido cinco minas.
    19:19 Y también a éste dijo: Tú también sé sobre cinco ciudades.
    19:20 Vino otro, diciendo: Señor, aquí está tu mina, la cual he tenido guardada en un pañuelo;
    19:21 porque tuve miedo de ti, por cuanto eres hombre severo, que tomas lo que no pusiste, y siegas lo que no sembraste.
    19:22 Entonces él le dijo: Mal siervo, por tu propia boca te juzgo. Sabías que yo era hombre severo, que tomo lo que no puse, y que siego lo que no sembré;
    19:23 ¿por qué, pues, no pusiste mi dinero en el banco, para que al volver yo, lo hubiera recibido con los intereses?
    19:24 Y dijo a los que estaban presentes: Quitadle la mina, y dadla al que tiene las diez minas. (Jesus le da al que tiene mas. EL POBRE ES MAS AVARO QUE EL RICO SEGUN ESTA PARABOLA. AQUI TENEMOS UN NEXO TAMBIEN CON LA PARABOLA DE LOS TALENTOS DE MATEO, EN CONTEXTO A COLUMBIA, EL PACTO DE NOE Y EL ARCO IRIS-SEGUN GENESIS 9)

    19:25 Ellos le dijeron: Señor, tiene diez minas.
    19:26 Pues yo os digo que a todo el que tiene, se le dará; mas al que no tiene, aun lo que tiene se le quitará.

    19:27 Y también a aquellos mis enemigos que no querían que yo reinase sobre ellos, traedlos acá, y decapitadlos delante de mí.
    19:28 Dicho esto, iba delante subiendo a Jerusalén.
    19:29 Y aconteció que llegando cerca de Betfagé y de Betania, al monte que se llama de los Olivos, envió dos de sus discípulos,
    19:30 diciendo: Id a la aldea de enfrente, y al entrar en ella hallaréis un pollino atado, en el cual ningún hombre ha montado jamás; desatadlo, y traedlo.
    19:31 Y si alguien os preguntare: ¿Por qué lo desatáis? le responderéis así: Porque el Señor lo necesita.
    19:32 Fueron los que habían sido enviados, y hallaron como les dijo.
    19:33 Y cuando desataban el pollino, sus dueños les dijeron: ¿Por qué desatáis el pollino?
    19:34 Ellos dijeron: Porque el Señor lo necesita.
    19:35 Y lo trajeron a Jesús; y habiendo echado sus mantos sobre el pollino, subieron a Jesús encima.
    19:36 Y a su paso tendían sus mantos por el camino.
    19:37 Cuando llegaban ya cerca de la bajada del monte de los Olivos, toda la multitud de los discípulos, gozándose, comenzó a alabar a Dios a grandes voces por todas las maravillas que habían visto,
    19:38 diciendo: ¡Bendito el rey que viene en el nombre del Señor; paz en el cielo, y gloria en las alturas!
    19:39 Entonces algunos de los fariseos de entre la multitud le dijeron: Maestro, reprende a tus discípulos.
    19:40 El, respondiendo, les dijo: Os digo que si éstos callaran, las piedras clamarían.
    19:41 Y cuando llegó cerca de la ciudad, al verla, lloró sobre ella,
    19:42 diciendo: ¡Oh, si también tú conocieses, a lo menos en este tu día, lo que es para tu paz! Mas ahora está encubierto de tus ojos.
    19:43 Porque vendrán días sobre ti, cuando tus enemigos te rodearán con vallado, y te sitiarán, y por todas partes te estrecharán,
    19:44 y te derribarán a tierra, y a tus hijos dentro de ti, y no dejarán en ti piedra sobre piedra, por cuanto no conociste el tiempo de tu visitación.
    19:45 Y entrando en el templo, comenzó a echar fuera a todos los que vendían y compraban en él,
    19:46 diciéndoles: Escrito está: Mi casa es casa de oración; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
    19:47 Y enseñaba cada día en el templo; pero los principales sacerdotes, los escribas y los principales del pueblo procuraban matarle.
    19:48 Y no hallaban nada que pudieran hacerle, porque todo el pueblo estaba suspenso oyéndole.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 70 de 415 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2012 18:10

    Mary Magdalene,Mary Angelico,sacred feminine,Divine Mother,Mother Mary 
    Mary Unveiled by Mary Angelico & Saleena Ki

    Blue Ray ~ Mary Magdalene 13 -33 –333 Number Sequences New Earth Codes

    Shekinah through the Blue Ray Transmissions for all Light Bearers ready to receive The Ancient Sacred Technologies:
    Activaton of your Divine Orginal Blueprint

    Through Shekina Rose

    The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

    Find out if you are from the Blue Ray here:

    “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

    Please add me for upcoming Blue Ray Transmissions~LightWorker

    We are sharing a series of esoteric transmissions, invocations, activations of the sacred Divine feminine of Shekinah through Blue Ray to assist you through the great shift of 2012 and beyond. You the Blue Ray and many Light Bearers carry the new earth frequency of ascension through the sacred heart of the holy divine feminine.
    As you read this information know that it is your own knowledge awakening, your sacred heritage and lineages. You the Blue Ray and the many Light Bearers true divine nature have been undercover of your full expression, gifts, talents and abilities, and as this information is being revealed so are you.
    Higher Realms Number Code Sequences Activation

    The higher realms, ascended masters, the Light and your guides communicate with you in many ways in your world and life. We are in constant communication and communion with you. One way that is increasing with momentum is through the sacred number sequences. They are more than mere numbers. They are sacred codes, energetic frequencies of dimension and light. These sacred codes of communication form sacred geometry and gateways, creating activation of your higher nature.

    How the sacred numbers activate you

    It is not that you are looking for the numbers or just seeing them, it is an activation and remembrance as you and the higher realms, the masters of ascended light and love, are aligning at a divine configuration of reality of time and space. It is a holy moment when this occurs. As you acknowledge this communion, it builds a stronger vibration of higher light in your energy field and life.
    For some time now, many of you have been seeing the sacred number sequences occurring frequently in your life. It may have become such a common occurrence that has been easily discounted to, "Ah yes, I see the numbers all the time and that is all."
    Downloads from Spirit 44
    If you have a connection with spirit in this way, we wish to remind you to stop for this holy moment and take it in. We know that many times you are busy with your life, and through mental processing may feel you cannot take time to be activated by the higher realms. Know that you are in a holy moment beyond time and space, a place of divine power, where a moment can become many hours, days or even years. When you return to this time space you will see that it was only a moment or minute in this reality.

    Ah, yes, you can stop and stretch time and this is only the beginning of your unlimited potential multidimensional divine power. 55 It is why the power elite of times ago did not want the general public to know this esoteric wisdom. And why they created fear as a deterrent in ever seeking this knowledge and deeming it unholy. These age-old energies are leaving with the shift and emerging of the new earth. 44

    Sacred communion with the higher realms and Masters of Light and love through the number sequences

    You will see, hear or read a certain number sequence coming to you over and over. The number sequence will keep coming to you everywhere you go: when you check out in the store, on license plates, clocks, TV, movies, media - spirit will find clever ways to get your attention. It makes you stop for a moment; there is a knowing, a recognition that you are in communion with spirit; you feel it in your body and that is your confirmation. Trust this direct knowing through the sacred vehicle of your body, as it tells you of a meeting of two worlds, your holy moment. 13

    You are now being given more information, energetic transmissions on the sacred number sequences. You can use them 44 to ride the information matrix, giving you exactly what you require energetically at any time. 333

    Codes of the New Earth through sacred number sequences

    13 –33-333 represent the new earth, golden age of Gaia through the sacred heart and the Christed female - the return of the Goddess, Shekinah and Sophia, the sacred divine feminine.
    It is divinely powerful when you see these combinations of 13-33 together and 333 each one coming to you throughout your day. Together they are telling that you are a sacred way shower, a frequency holder of the new earth, that cellular rejuvenation of your light codes is taking place.

    The Sacred Power of 13

    13 is "The Return of the Goddess in all things"

    Unity and balance, the natural order of life through the Holy Divine feminine and through the Sacred Heart. 13:13 and 10:10 The Sacred Power of 13 brings and carries the frequency resonance of Transcendence of matter and the embodiment of ascension, the new earth frequency code, Unity and Oneness, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Shekinah and Sophia; natural rhythms coming into balance and sacred order; taking back your power through the sacred divine feminine.

    Mary Magdalene represents the 13 and the shift of 2012 that will bring the new earth codes. She and her essence have re-emerged at a time when earth and the people would be ready to receive her lost knowledge. This will bring the Christed female of the holy spirit of the embodiment of Shekinah.

    13 is a unifying vibration, it is the Christ with the 12 disciples.
    There are 13 lunar cycles in a solar year that honor the sacred divine feminine and at one time you followed here on earth.
    13 was the sacred number of the ancient Egyptians, part of the sacred geometry of Creation to activate their sacred light body.
    The Mayans, many Native Americans, Lemurians, Atlantean and ancient sacred cultures used the holy code frequency of 13.
    The turtle represents the primordial goddess of 13; many turtles have 13 segments on their shells.

    Mother Mary of Fatima appeared to the children of Fatima on May 13, 1917, for 6 consecutive months on the 13th day of each month. Her presence will come again on that day of 13 through Shekinah in the coming shift of ages.

    13 has a secret divine power and esoteric frequency of the Mother essence to transform all things. In the past, the 13 number vibration was one of fear. As the power elite of the time wanted to steer you away from its true direct connection with source creation. It is why they distorted the truth creating instant fright around 13.

    Your indigenous and ancient cultures used a different system of time and communion with the cosmos, life and Spirit that was more in tune to the natural rhythms of Creation and heartbeat of Gaia. This holy way of balance is returning through the great shift of the ages. The 13 vibration is a part of the holy alignment and healing.

    Sacred code frequency meaning of 33

    33 is the sacred heart, ascension, the masters of ascended light and love, the return of the Shekinah, the holy sprit heart flame of the Mother of Creation.
    Sacred code frequency meaning of 333

    333 means cellular activation of your light codes and you are working with the teams, legions of the masters of ascended light and love and higher light beings and realms.

    We will continue to give you information through the Blue Ray on the esoteric hidden information of the sacred codes to assist the activation of your divine original blueprint. This will be a series of the sacred number frequency vibration of activations, invocations, esoteric wisdom and information that is now ready to be released. 11.11

    You are being activated by reconnecting to the true meaning of the holy numbers, transmuting fear that brings holiness back to your cells and to God’s true nature. You are divine; we bless, honor and thank you. All of God and Creation are reaching out to you in the highest Light and Love empowering you. You see, we are One! 13
    © 2010 Shekina Rose, All Rights Reserved www.shekinaspeaks.com

    Copyright © Blue Ray transmissions by Shekina Rose of www.shekinaspeaks.com- permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL www.shekinaspeaks.com is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: shekina444@yahoo.com


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