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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 01/03/2025 17:56


Washington D.C. and many of it's buildings and monuments are laid out according to the cardinal directions with the streets running due NS and EW. In the map of Washington D.C. below, due east is up and the star chart shows the constellation of Orion rising due east over Washington D.C., as it has done every day for the past two hundred years. Orion's belt points towards Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and while Orion is rising and low on the eastern horizon, Orion's belt is vertical, pointing to Sirius below. In the diagram, Sirius is the bright star below Orion near the upper edge of the map of Washington D.C. The bright star above Orion is Aldebran, the alpha star in the constellation of Taurus.


The axis of the ancient Egyptian temple of Isis at Dendera was oriented to the rising point of Sirius on the eastern horizon. The angle of Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House to the Capitol building has pointed to the rising point of Sirius at the latitude of Washington D.C. since the avenue was laid out over 200 years ago. Looking southeast down Pennsylvania Avenue, Sirius rises directly over the Capitol building. Higher in the sky, Orion is also above Sirius and above the Capitol building from the viewpoint of Pennsylvania Avenue as Sirius rises over the horizon.

The diagram above also shows the sun below the horizon on the left side of the diagram. In relation to the fixed stars, the sun rises later each day due to the rotation of the earth around the sun. The sun rises just after Sirius at the latitude of Washington D.C. on August 15. This is known as the heliacal rising of Sirius. Prior to this time of year, the sun is above or too close to the horizon for the rising of the star to be visible. Ancient Egyptians based their calendar on the heliacal rising of Sirius, which signaled the onset of the annual flooding of the Nile. Christians celebrate the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on August 15, linking the Assumption to the first appearance of Sirius/Isis in the sky just before dawn.

The star spangled headdress on the statue on top of the Capitol dome suggests a stellar symbolism consistent with the alignment of Pennsylvania Avenue targeting the rising point of Sirius above the Capitol building. The picture below is a close up of the statue while it was down for restorations in 1993.


Orion has also set due west at the latitude of Washington D.C. for the past two hundred years. From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Orion sets right behind the Washington Monument. Setting in the west, Orion's belt is horizontal, pointing to Sirius setting south of due west. From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Sirius sets over the Potomac River, on the alignment of Maryland Avenue. From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Aldebran sets over the White House, on the alignment of Pennsylvania Avenue.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/03/2025 18:03

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The old urban centers on the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S are in nearly perfect alignment. The image below is a cropped 3D projection centered on New York City.

Map image © VectorGlobe

This great circle line crosses through the middle of Washington DC and the middle of Boston, and it crosses right over the middle of New York City. It also crosses over Philadelphia and the Baltimore waterfront. The azimuth of this line as it crosses over NYC is 52°, which is also the angle of the sides of the Great Pyramid. The image below is an equal azimuthal projection, also centered on New York City, with this same alignment extended in both directions.

Map image - Roger Hedin

The alignment crosses between Teotihuacan and Cholula in Mexico and just as this alignment crosses into Mexico from the gulf it crosses over the ancient city of El Tajin and the pyramid of niches. The alignment also crosses over Baalbek, Lebanon and just north of the ancient city of Troy. The alignment also crosses over Stonehenge. The azimuth of the alignment as it crosses over Stonehenge is 72° west of due north and 72° east of due south, which is not the same as the primary alignment of Stonehenge itself. However, the alignment from the center of Stonehenge to the center of the heel stone is 52° east of due north, which is the same as the azimuth of this global alignment as it crosses over New York City and the same as the angle of the Great Pyramid.

Image - UNC Anthropology

Because the equilateral azimuthal projection below is centered on the maximum latitude of the alignment at 53° 33' N, 23° 35' W, the alignment is horizontal on the image. This is the same alignment that is shown on the two maps above. In addition to the cities on the Eastern Seaboard and the ancient sites listed above, this alignment also crosses over a number of other major cities of the modern era, including Mexico City, the national capital of Mexico; Mobile, Alabama; Atlanta, Georgia; London, the national capital of England; Lille, France, Stuttgart and Munich in southern Germany; Zagreb, the national capital of Croatia; Belgrade, the national capital of Serbia; Sofia, the national capital of Bulgaria; Beirut, the national capital of Lebanon; Damascus, the national capital of Syria; and Riyadh, the national capital of Saudi Arabia.

Map image - Roger Hedin

See Also:






Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/03/2025 18:08


When the site for Washington D.C. was chosen to be the national capital of the United States, it was an undeveloped area. George Washington selected Pierre L'enfant to design the layout of the city. George Washington was the highest ranking member of the Masons at the time and the Masons were ardent students of ancient civilizations such as those of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. This is evidenced by many of the monuments in and around the city. It has also been suggested that the streets, the broad diagonal avenues, and the blocks and circles left open for monumental structures, incorporated geometric designs of Masonic relevance, as shown in the 1862 map of Washington D.C. pictured below.

Johnson's Georgetown and the city of Washington

The island known today as Roosevelt Island (due west of the White House in the middle of the Potomac) was called Mason's Island until early in the 20th century. George Mason originally owned the island and he built a bridge from the Virginia side. He had a large retreat house on the island where he entertained friends and guests. George Washington was a neighbor and very good friend of George Mason. Mason was the author of the Virginia Bill of Rights, which became the U. S. Bill of Rights when it was added as the first ten amendments to the constitution of the U.S. There is some evidence that George Mason was a Mason, but it is not certain. Extending New Hampshire Avenue to the southwest, into the Potomac, it crosses over the southern tip of Mason's Island. The Masonic Headquarters of the Scottish Rites of the 33rd degree is just south of the point where New Hampshire Avenue crosses 16th Street, due north of the White House.

Highlighted below are Massachusetts and Connecticut Avenues radiating from the upper left circle, Rhode Island and Vermont Avenues radiating from the upper right circle, and the horizontal street is K street. The White House is located at the apex of the pentagram.

Highlighted below are Massachusetts Avenue and 19th Street radiating from the upper left circle, Rhode Island Avenue and 13th Street from the upper right circle, New York Avenue and 19th Street from the lower left square and Pennsylvania Avenue and 13th Street from the lower right square. The White House is located at the lower intersection point of the two large triangles that form the Hexagram.

The pentagram and the hexagram are perfectly integrated with the White House in the layout of Washington D.C.

Below is a diagram of a pentagram drawn into a true hexagram. Each of the six lines that form the hexagram are three inches long and each of the short segments of the hexagram are one inch long.

One is also the square root of one and three is the square root of nine. The distance between the adjacent outer points of the hexagram is 1.732 inches (AB, AC, BD, etc.) 1.732 is the square root of three. HD and all of the other segments that are comprised two of the short segments of the hexagram are two inches long. The distance HE is also two inches long. Two is the square root of four. The two diagonal lines of the pentagram (AE and BE) are 2.646 inches long. 2.646 is the square root of seven. The horizontal line of the pentagram (CD) is 3.464 inches long. 3.464 is the square root of 12.

The segment FH in the hexagram is bisected at G by the line AE of the pentagram. The proportion FG : GH is 1 : 2. The proportions of the segments in the entire line CB are as follows:

CF : FG : GH : HB = 3 : 1 : 2 : 3

The proportions of the line AE as bisected by the lines of the hexagram and the pentagram are as follows:

AG : GJ : JE : = 5 : 4 : 6

The proportions of the line CD as bisected by the lines of the hexagram and the pentagram are as follows:

CI : IJ : JK: KL : LD = 5 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 5

In the diagram below, points J and K from the diagram above are the centers and the segment JK is the radius of two circles, forming a vesica pisces that is perfectly inscribed by the four diagonal lines of the hexagram.

The intersection point of the two circles (M) and the two intersection points of the hexagram diagramed below (N and O) form a triangle with angular dimensions nearly identical to the Great Pyramid of Giza.

In the diagram below, a hexagram is drawn into a true pentagram. All five of the lines that form the pentagram are 1.618 inches long. The distance between all of the adjacent outer points of the pentagram, and all of the adjacent outer points of the hexagram, is one inch. The φ proportion is 1.618 to one.

All of the lines of the pentagram are divided into three segments by the other lines of the pentagram. Each line is divided as follows:

.618 : .372 : .618

.618 /.372 = 1.618

.618 + .372 = 1

1/.618 also equals 1.618

The length of the vertical lines in the hexagram are 1.902 inches long. The vertical lines are divided by the intersections of the diagonal lines as follows:

.7265 : .449 : .7265

.7265/.449 = 1.618

.7265 + .449 = 1.1755

1.1755/.7265 also equals 1.618.

All of the isosceles triangles in the hexagram have an apex angle of 72° and base angles of 54°. Bisecting these isosceles triangles forms 36° - 54° - 90° right triangles. This particular right triangle was an important geometric form known as the mr triangle in ancient Egypt.

As shown in the diagram above, all six of the outer points of the hexagram are perfectly inscribed by a vesica pisces.

The pentagram and the hexagram are also combined in the Great Seal of the United States, displayed on the back of one dollar bills.


The traditional explanation of the 13 stars is the same as the 13 arrows and the 13 leaves and berries on the olive branch, representing the 13 original states, but the arrangement of the 13 five pointed stars forms a hexagram.

The truncated pyramid below the eye on the reverse side of the Great Seal is also comprised of 13 courses of masonry. A 13 stepped truncated pyramid is also on top of the Masonic headquarters on 16th Street in Washington D.C.

The boundaries of the District of Columbia, established by George Washington in 1791, formed a square with sides ten miles long, centered on the originally proposed location for the Washington Monument. The east-west diagonal of the square also crosses over the Capitol building and the north-south diagonal also crosses over the White House as well as the Masonic headquarters.

James Clements' map of Washington City

The length of the north-south and east-west diagonals is ten miles times the square root of two, or 14.142 miles. This distance converts to 43,455 ancient Egyptian royal cubits, the same figure as the ratio between the Great Pyramid and the dimensions of the earth. The height of the Great Pyramid is 481.13 feet, divided by 5280 equals .0911231 miles. The mean radius of the earth is 3,960 miles, divided by .0911231 equals 43,457. The perimeter of the Great Pyramid is 3023 feet, divided by 5280 equals .5725 miles. The mean circumference of the earth is 24,880 miles, divided by .5725 = 43,458.

3960 miles (radius of the earth) divided by 14.142 miles = 280 (number of cubits in the height of the Great Pyramid)

24,880 miles (circumference of the earth) divided by 14.142 miles = 1,760 (cubits in the perimeter of the Great Pyramid)

Converting the radius and circumference of the earth to cubits yields the same results:

3,960 miles times 5,280 = 20,908,800 feet divided by 1.718 = 12,170,430 (earth radius in ancient Egyptian cubits)

12,170,430 cubits divided by 43,455 cubits = 280 cubits

24,880 miles times 5,280 = 131,366,400 feet divided by 1.718 = 76,464,726 (circumference in ancient Egyptian cubits)

76,464,726 cubits divided by 43,455 cubits = 1,760 cubits

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/03/2025 18:13

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/02/2025 15:35
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
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Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
 Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/03/2025 18:15


Despite the fact that the United States has resisted the metric system since it's inception, a grid aligned to the cardinal directions, with lengths in even units of 900, 1200 and 1800 meters, provides a simple and accurate key to the location of the main buildings and monuments in the city and the slopes, angles and distances of the diagonal avenues.

The north-south distance of zones 1-6 are each 900 meters. The east-west distance of zone A is 1800 meters. The east-west distance of zones B, C and D are each 1200 meters.

The National Cathedral is at the north-west corner of zone 1A. The Kennedy Memorial in Arlington Cemetery is at the south-west corner of zone 6A.

The Lincoln Memorial is at the south-east corner of zone 5A. Washington Circle is on the eastern border of zone A.

Dupont Circle is in the center of zone 3B. Logan Circle is in the center of zone 3C.

The Jefferson Memorial is at the south-east corner of 6B. The White House is at the south east corner of 4B. The Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is at the south-east corner of 2B. The western border of Meridian Park is on the eastern border of zone B.

The Old Patent Office is at the south-east corner of zone 4C. L'enfant Plaza, the National Archive, The Naval Memorial and the City Museum are all on the eastern border of zone C.

The Capitol building is at the south-east corner of zone 5D.

The Lincoln Memorial is 3600 meters west of the Capitol Building. The Jefferson Memorial is 1800 meters south of the White House (one-half of the distance from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol Building).. The White House is 900 meters north of the east-west axis of the Capitol Building. The Jefferson Memorial is 900 meters south of the east west axis of the Capitol Building. The Capitol Building is 2400 meters east of the north-south axis of the White House. The Lincoln Memorial is 1200 meters west of the north-south axis of the White House. The original plan for the city called for the Washington Monument to be located at the intersection of the north-south axis of the White House and the east-west axis of the Capitol building. It was later determined that the ground at this location was not stable enough to support the weight of the monument and it was ultimately constructed to the east and slightly to the south of it's originally intended location.

The Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is 1800 meters north of the White House. The Masonic Headquarters is 3600 meters north of the Jefferson Memorial, the same as the distance from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol Building.

The Kennedy Memorial is 5400 meters south of the National Cathedral. The Kennedy Memorial is also 5400 meters west of the Capitol building.

From the White House to the Capitol building, Pennsylvania Avenue travels 2400 meters east and 900 meters south. This slope of 24/9 reduces to 8/3, producing an angle of 20.556 degrees south of due east.

Massachusetts Avenue travels from Dupont Circle in the center of zone 3B to the south-east corner of zone 4D, or 3000 meters east and 1350 meters south. This reduces to a slope of 20/9, producing an angle of 24.228 degrees south of due east. Rhode Island Avenue has the same slope and the same angle south of due west and north of due east from Logan Circle in the center of zone 3C.

The City Museum is at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and the eastern border of zone C. From the center of zone 3B to the eastern border of zone C, Massachusetts Avenue travels1800 meters east. Given it's slope of 20/9, Massachusetts Avenue travels 810 meters south from the center of zone 3B to the eastern border of zone C. Since the center of zone 3B is 450 meters north of the southern border of zone 3, the City Museum is 360 meters south of the northern border of zone 4 (450 + 360 = 810). New York Avenue travels from the White House to the City Museum, or 1200 meters east and 540 meters north (900 - 360 = 540). This slope of 1200/540 also reduces to 20/9, producing the same angle of 24.228 north of due east. Due west of the City Museum, Washington Circle is 1200 meters west and 540 meters north of the White House, producing the same slope of 20/9 and the same angle of 24.228 degrees north of due west for Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House to Washington Circle.

Dupont Circle is 600 meters west and 1350 meters north of the White House. Logan Circle is 600 meters east and 1350 meters north of the White House. In both cases the slope is 1350/600 or 9/4, producing an angle of 66.04 degrees north of due west for Connecticut Avenue from the White House to Dupont Circle and 66.04 degrees north of due east for Vermont Avenue from the White House to Logan Circle.

Washington Circle is 810 meters south and 600 meters west of Dupont Circle. This reduces to a slope of 9/6.66 repeating, producing an angle of 53.47 degrees north of due east for New Hampshire Avenue, from Washington Circle to Dupont Circle..

The axis of Memorial Bridge and Memorial Drive extends from the Lincoln Memorial at the north-east corner of zone 6A to the Kennedy Memorial at the south-west corner of zone 6A, or 1800 meters west and 900 meters south, for a slope of 2/1, producing an angle of 26.565 degrees south of due west. At the south-western end of Memorial drive is the Monument for Women in Military Service. Extended to the south-west from Washington Circle, New Hampshire Avenue intersects the center of the Monument for Women in Military Service at the south-western end of Memorial Drive.

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