Originally Posted by orslah 
I kept looking at the Fibonacci Numbers;
Love Debbie
http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewto...er=asc&start=0Debbie I am not sure if you have seen this link.
it is a compilation of FIBONACCI sources that connect to the
pattern detected by moi, regarding the numbers 11, 2, 5, 8
AND some folks in their holier-than-thou IGNORANCE, (and there are many on these forums) seem to believe that only *experts* can see divine patterns?
Back to remembering...
later I found out the Masonic cipher is 3.
(because of its association to gimel and gamma, the two languages that used similar forms of gematria long ago, among other reasons....)
so when we add the cipher 3 to 11, 2, 5, 8
the FIGURATIVE FIB that is being VEILeD by the big LITERAL LIE called jesus reveals itself.
So I am suggesting that the advertising camPAIN called jesus was used to VEIL LAWS of NATURE from the pagans that the Church was trying to convert?
Occams Razor applies here folks, in a very big way...why delude yourselves with HIS-story based on the LITERAL LIE called jesus, born 2000 years ago.
An archetypal FIGURATIVE jesus was born 6000 years ago.
Easily proved, based on this zodiacal CODE that folks should start their end of daze with
... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
I love coincidences that reveal patterns...
take a look at the post number assigned to that thread I just linked you too.
#5228 or 11, 2, 5, 8? 
or design?
design of course, based on certain
patterns, just ask the Mann who supplies the NOBEL GEL, the glue that binds all of
EWE to YOU using a U?

And the
U looks like a magnet or cosmic good luck horseshoe to me.
lol lol lol
And please note that the
horseshoe shape fits nicely into St. Peter's Square....

2 versions of OMEGA, man
AND please note that the
U used as a horseshoe in the image above
resembles an upside down
OMEGA symbol too?
OR that the Masonic cipher 3 can look like an omega symbol too if rotated 90 degrees through space?
Mind if I ask a rhetorical question Debbie based on the above image?
Why oh why was the Temple of Del
phi and the letter/shape/glyph
'E' attributed to Apollo who we see has a swastika on his chest, just like the Buddha?
2 FISH and 5 LOAVES of BREAD = Marko Rodin's cosmic blender concept re:

Courtyard of the
Church of the Multiplication where the miracle of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish took place, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
I love patterns...Am I being lead back to the source?
By what?
right click and take a look at the
url # of this image that I posted off the web...OBVIOUSLY the
Church of the Multiplication is to be a part of the narration I am supplying.
i.e. this is the photo url.
You need to know, that before I was lead to 11, 2, 5, 8,
I was exploring the numbers 528....re: the solfeggio frequency that heals DNA, as some researchers claim.
I was born at 5:28 am?
regarding the Church of the Multiplication I want to ask the following questions... a/ does it look like an OMEGA symbol?
b/ does it fit into st. peter's square?
c/ is it a mnemonic/shape/temple design pointing toward the Holy Grail, the ARK, our DNA?
d/ does this 'omega' temple shape
fit the binary (1 and 0 ) representation, of what we find in St. Peter's
Square Ellipse, as seen from above?
YES lordy lordy lordy do ya see it dude?
ground control to major tomtom
the pope is sending you a message...
go here>>>
HOLY GRAIL found in ARECIBO Messagehttp://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...ecibo-message/
