
Statue of Liberty
The height of the Statue of Liberty is 111′-1″ from bottom of foot to top of head. The 7 rays on the crown and the 11 points of the base star echo the proportions of the Great Pyramid’s 7:11 height to base proportion. The superb book Talisman by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval convincingly shows this goddess is actually the Egyptian Isis.
Image courtesy Elcobbola under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Montségur is in the Ariege, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, not far from Lavelanet, due South from Mirepoix.
Montségur lies at 42°52'35" N, 1°49'51" E on a pog (a volcanic pluton) at an altitude of 1,207 meters. The castle is owned by the Commune of Montségur. There is an entrance fee, which also covers entry to a museum in the nearby town.
Guided Tours Cathar Castle Tours
Mairie: mairie.montsegur@wanadoo.fr Tel: 05 61 0110 27
Tourist Information Office: Tel: 05 61 03 03 03

aerial view of Montségur
Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear
La controversia se centra en la cristiandad con comprar y vender la marca de la Bestia 666 Apocalipsis 13:17,18 .y que nadie pueda comprar nada ni vender, sino el que lleve la marca con el nombre de la Bestia o con la cifra de su nombre.
18 ¡Aquí está la sabiduría! Que el inteligente calcule la cifra de la Bestia; pues es la cifra de un hombre. Su cifra es 666.14:8,11,cap16cap19:20,21compare con Apocalipsis15:2,14:12,14:7,7:2,3 .
El llamado mundo cristiano será el teatro de acciones grandes y decisivas. Hombres en posiciones de autoridad pondrán en vigencia leyes para controlar la conciencia, según el ejemplo del papado. Babilonia PROTESTANTISMO apostata ateos hará que todas las naciones beban del vino del furor de su fornicación LAUDATO SI CAMBIO CLIMATICO COP27 DOMINGO CATECISMO Toda nación se verá envuelta. Acerca de ese tiempo Juan el revelador declara: [se cita Apocalipsis 18:3-7; 17:13-14.] “Estos tienen un mismo propósito”. Habrá un vínculo de unión universal, una gran armonía, una confederación de fuerzas de Satanás. “Y entregarán su poder y su autoridad a la bestia Apocalipsis 12:9,14:2,7 cap17:8,11 ”. Así se manifiesta el mismo poder opresivo y autoritario contra la libertad religiosa volverá la edad media inquisición estado e iglesia católica , contra la libertad de adorar a Dios de acuerdo con los dictados de la conciencia, como lo manifestó el papado cuando en lo pasado persiguió a los que se atrevieron a no conformarse con los ritos religiosos y las ceremonias de los romanistas catecismo misa domingo ídolos .
Todo el mundo cristiano estará involucrado en el gran conflicto final entre la fe y la incredulidad.
Toda la cristiandad quedará dividida en dos grandes categorías: la de los que guardan los mandamientos de Dios del cielo sinaiExodo20:1,17,Exodo31:12,18 APOCALIPSIS14:7,14:12,12:17,22:14 15:2 y la fe de Jesús, y la de los que adoran la bestia y su imagen y reciben su marca catecismo domingo LAUDATO si cambio climático cop27 APOC13:17,18cap14:8,11cap16,cap17,cap18:4,5 .
Una vez que el sábado séptimo día sello de Cristo en el Edén creación y su santa ley del cielo Sinaí llegue a ser el punto especial de controversia en toda la cristiandad y las autoridades religiosas y civiles se unan para imponer la observancia del domingo, la negativa persistente, por parte de una pequeña minoría, de ceder a la exigencia popular, la convertirá en objeto de execración universal.—
Cuando el decreto promulgado por los diversos príncipes y dignatarios de la cristiandad contra los que observan los mandamientos, suspenda la protección y las garantías del gobierno y los abandone a los que tratan de aniquilarlos, el pueblo de Dios huirá de las ciudades y de los pueblos y se unirá en grupos para vivir en los lugares más desiertos y solitarios.—Babilonia unión de satanás .
Apocalipsis (de Juan) 16-> Ver. 13
[V.13-> Vi. Ver com. Ap 1:1. De la boca. La boca es el instrumento del habla. Estos “tres espíritus inmundos” que salen de las bocas del “dragón”, de la “bestia” y del “falso profeta”, representan la política que esta triple unión religiosa proclamará al mundo, la cual se menciona en el Ap 17:2 como el “vino” de Babilonia (ver com. Ap 16:14; Ap 17:2; Ap 17:6). Dragón. Ver com. Ap 12:3; Ap 13:1. El primer miembro de esta triple unión religiosa se identifica generalmente con el espiritismo o con el paganismo. Este último consiste principalmente en la adoración de espíritus maléficos, y por eso se parece esencialmente al espiritismo moderno tal como se practica en los países cristianos. La bestia. Ver com. Ap 13:1; Ap 17:3; Ap 17:8. Falso profeta. Evidentemente debe identificarse con la segunda bestia del Ap 13:11-17 (ver com. Ap 16:11), que apoya a la primera bestia de los Ap 16:1-10, y que por medio de los milagros que tiene el poder de hacer en presencia de la bestia (Ap 16:12-14), engaña a los hombres para que le hagan a ésta una “imagen”. Cf. Ap 19:20; Ap 20:10. Tres espíritus inmundos. Los defensores de ambas opiniones concuerdan en identificar al “dragón”, la “bestia” y el “falso profeta”, con el espiritismo moderno (CS 645) o paganismo, el papado, y el protestantismo apóstata (cf. Ap 13:4; Ap 13:14-15; Ap 19:20; Ap 20:10), respectivamente. Los “tres espíritus inmundos” evidentemente simbolizan o representan a este trío maléfico de poderes religiosos, que juntos constituyen la “gran Babilonia” de los últimos días (Ap 16:13-14; Ap 16:18-19; ver com. Ap 16:19; Ap 17:5). A manera de ranas. Tal vez no deba atribuirse ningún significado a esta comparación, que quizá sólo tiene el propósito de destacar lo repulsivo que son los “tres espíritus inmundos” delante de Dios.El movimiento dominical está avanzando en la oscuridad. Los líderes encubren el verdadero problema, y muchos que se unen al movimiento no ven hacia dónde tiende la corriente oculta... Están trabajando a ciegas. No ven que si un gobierno protestante sacrifica los principios que lo han hecho una nación libre e independiente, y mediante leyes incorpora en la Constitución principios que propagarán las falsedades y los engaños papales, se hundirán en los horrores del romanismo de la Edad media Oscura.—Los protestantes de los Estados Unidos serán los primeros en tender las manos a través de un doble abismo al espiritismo y al poder romano; y bajo la influencia de esta triple alianza ese país marchará en las huellas de Roma, pisoteando los derechos de la conciencia.
Los protestantes volcarán toda su influencia y su poder del lado del papado; mediante un decreto nacional que imponga el falso día de reposo, darán vida y vigor a la corrompida fe de Roma, reviviendo su tiranía y opresión de las conciencias.—¡
Tarde o temprano las leyes dominicales serán promulgadas.—
Pronto las leyes dominicales serán puestas en vigor, y hombres en posiciones de confianza sentirán encono contra el pequeño puñado que observa los mandamientos de Dios.—
La profecía del capítulo 13 de Apocalipsis declara que el poder representado por la bestia de cuernos semejantes a los de un cordero haría “que la tierra y los que en ella habitan” adorasen al papado, que está simbolizado en ese capítulo por una bestia “parecida a un leopardo”... Esta profecía se cumplirá cuando los Estados Unidos hagan obligatoria la observancia del domingo, que Roma declara ser el signo característico de su supremacía.
At the centre of the 180-hectare ITER parcel, is the 42-hectare scientific platform where work is currently underway to build ITER. Photo: ITER Organization/EJF Riche, May 2021
The decision to site the ITER Project in southern France was made by the ITER Members in June 2005. Detailed site studies had shown that the 180-hectare site proposed by Europe fulfilled all the technical requirements to host ITER—geological, hydrological and seismic norms, access to water and electricity—and benefitted, what's more, from a rich scientific and industrial environment. ITER's host and neighbour—the CEA Cadarache research centre—played an instrumental part in supporting site studies and in rallying local political players behind the cause of welcoming ITER to France. As the first six-person ITER team moved in at the end of 2005, CEA Cadarache provided the land, the temporary offices, electrical and hydraulic networks, and critical services such as transportation and access to a canteen and an infirmary. It also set up a specific agency, Agence Iter France, to manage France's in-kind and financial contributions to the ITER Project. In addition to contributing to the ITER Project as a member of the European Union, France has made and honoured a number of specific commitments. France has provided the site for the project and carried out preparatory works including clearing and levelling, fencing, and networks for water and electricity. It created an international school for the families of ITER employees, adapted the roads along the ITER Itinerary for the transport of ITER components and contributed (with the European Domestic Agency) to building the ITER Headquarters. At the end of the ITER experimental phase, France will have the responsibility for the dismantling and decommissioning of the site.
The local governments around ITER have also been strongly implicated in the project from the site negotiations phase. The General Councils from the six départements closest to ITER (Hautes Alpes, Alpes de Haute Provence, Alpes Maritimes, Vaucluse, Var and Bouches du Rhône)—together with the Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur Regional Council and the Communauté du Pays d'Aix—have contributed a total of EUR 467 million. Actions for ITER in France are coordinated through several administrative bodies. Agence Iter France oversaw the site preparatory works, and it also provides welcome services to ITER employees arriving from abroad and coordinates the transport of exceptional components along the ITER Itinerary. The High Representative for the implementation of ITER in France coordinates the realization of the ITER Project and ensures the representation of France to the ITER Members, the European Domestic Agency for ITER and the ITER Organization. The ITER Industrial Committee seeks to optimize economic consequences for the region by fostering the relationship between ITER and local industry, particularly during the construction and assembly phases of the project. Scientific training toward a career in fusion is promoted through an association of 12 French universities and schools of engineering that now offer a Master's degree in "The Science of Fusion." Today the Regional Prefecture and the Regional Council share the responsibility for the elaboration of a longer-term strategic and economic development plan for the Val de Durance area near ITER, including the question of housing the large influx of workers expected to participate in ITER construction.
The entrance to the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur International School in Manosque, France.
For international scientists, engineers and project administrators relocating to the area with their families, France has committed to providing bilingual education from nursery through secondary school. The program is open to ITER families as well as to local children interested in an international curriculum. The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur International School situated in Manosque began operating out of temporary housing in 2007 for 130 students aged 3 to 18; enrolment is currently at 880 (2021-2022). Of the 31 nationalities represented at the school, slightly over 60 percent of students are from ITER families. The International School offers six language sections, instruction in eleven languages, facilities for 50 boarders. It also offers a European Section.
The 26,000 square-metre International School, designed by award-winning architects Ricciotti and Battesti, produces electricity through solar panels for 100% of its lighting needs.
Work was carried out between 2008 and 2010 on the permanent school buildings. Financed by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Council, the innovative design and environmental sustainability of the school was recognized in November 2010, when the International School was named one of 60 exceptional OECD establishments by the 4th Compendium of Exemplary Educational Facilities of the OECD/CELE" (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/Center for Effective Learning Environments).
https://www.iter.org/org/ITERinFrance |
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Coordinates: 43.70831°N 5.77741°E
Small-scale model of ITER
Device type |
Tokamak |
Location |
Saint-Paul-lès-Durance, France |
Major radius |
6.2 m (20 ft) |
Plasma volume |
840 m3 |
Magnetic field |
11.8 T (peak toroidal field on coil) 5.3 T (toroidal field on axis) 6 T (peak poloidal field on coil) |
Heating power |
320 MW (electrical input) 50 MW (thermal absorbed) |
Fusion power |
0 MW (electrical generation) 500 MW (thermal from fusion) |
Discharge duration |
up to 1000 s |
Date(s) of construction |
2013–2025 |
ITER (initially the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, iter meaning "the way" or "the path" in Latin[2][3][4]) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject aimed at creating energy by replicating, on Earth, the fusion processes of the Sun. Upon completion of construction of the main reactor and first plasma, planned for late 2025,[5] it will be the world's largest magnetic confinement plasma physics experiment and the largest experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor. It is being built next to the Cadarache facility in southern France.[6][7] ITER will be the largest of more than 100 fusion reactors built since the 1950s, with ten times the plasma volume of any other tokamak operating today.[8][9]
The long-term goal of fusion research is to generate electricity. ITER's stated purpose is scientific research, and technological demonstration of a large fusion reactor, without electricity generation.[10][8] ITER's goals are to achieve enough fusion to produce 10 times as much thermal output power as thermal power absorbed by the plasma for short time periods; to demonstrate and test technologies that would be needed to operate a fusion power plant including cryogenics, heating, control and diagnostics systems, and remote maintenance; to achieve and learn from a burning plasma; to test tritium breeding; and to demonstrate the safety of a fusion plant.[9][7]
ITER's thermonuclear fusion reactor will use over 300 MW of electrical power to cause the plasma to absorb 50 MW of thermal power, creating 500 MW of heat from fusion for periods of 400 to 600 seconds.[11] This would mean a ten-fold gain of plasma heating power (Q), as measured by heating input to thermal output, or Q ≥ 10.[12] As of 2021, the record for energy production using nuclear fusion is held by the National Ignition Facility reactor, which achieved a Q of 0.70 in August 2021.[13] Beyond just heating the plasma, the total electricity consumed by the reactor and facilities will range from 110 MW up to 620 MW peak for 30-second periods during plasma operation.[14] As a research reactor, the heat energy generated will not be converted to electricity, but simply vented.[7][15][16]
ITER is funded and run by seven member parties: China, the European Union, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the United States. The United Kingdom participates through EU's Fusion for Energy (F4E), Switzerland participates through Euratom and F4E, and the project has cooperation agreements with Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan and Thailand.[17]
Construction of the ITER complex in France started in 2013,[18] and assembly of the tokamak began in 2020.[19] The initial budget was close to €6 billion, but the total price of construction and operations is projected to be from €18 to €22 billion;[20][21] other estimates place the total cost between $45 billion and $65 billion, though these figures are disputed by ITER.[22][23] Regardless of the final cost, ITER has already been described as the most expensive science experiment of all time,[24] the most complicated engineering project in human history,[25] and one of the most ambitious human collaborations since the development of the International Space Station (€100 billion or $150 billion budget) and the Large Hadron Collider (€7.5 billion budget).[note 1][26][27]
ITER's planned successor, the EUROfusion-led DEMO, is expected to be one of the first fusion reactors to produce electricity in an experimental environment.[28]
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