
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012
De izquierda a derecha: Galileo Galilei, Marie Curie, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Thomas Edison, Aristoteles, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins y Charles Darwin.

Do you notice the symbolic 8 rays within the circle? Symbolic of the star Sirius.
2. Isaías 22:22: Y pondré la LLAVE de la casa de David sobre su hombro; y abrirá, y nadie cerrará; cerrará, y nadie abrirá.
3. Mateo 16:19: Y a ti te daré las LLAVEs del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
4. Lucas 11:52: ¡Ay de vosotros, intérpretes de la ley! porque habéis quitado la LLAVE de la ciencia; vosotros mismos no entrasteis, y a los que entraban se lo impedisteis.
5. Apocalipsis 1:18: y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las LLAVEs de la muerte y del Hades.
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
El Alfa y Omega son la primera y última letras del alfabeto griego. La manera en que esto se diría en hebreo es "Yo soy Alef y Tav."
En Génesis 1:1 está escrito: "En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra." Si examina este versículo en hebreo, encontrará que la cuarta palabra hebrea es, Alef, Tav."
Por lo tanto, en hebreo, Génesis 1:1 dice, "En el principio (Be-reshit), Dios (Elohim) creó (bará), (Alef, Tav)…" De aquí podemos comprender que Jesús es ciertamente el Alef y el Tav, el principio y el fin.
En cada versículo del Salmo 119, David alaba a Dios por Su Torá. Como Jesús es el Alef y Tav, el principio y el fin, entonces todo el Salmo 119 está escrito acerca de Jesús. ¡¡De esto podemos comprender que Jesús es la Torá viviente!!

La referencia a TOMAS el GEMELO, es una referencia a la CONSTELACION DE GEMINIS, en el marco a la constelacion de SIRIO. LA expresion "alfa y el omega o el alef y el tav" justamente tienen esa referencia en el contexto a LA SEMANA DE LA CREACION. El termino BARA comienza justamente con la LETRA TAV y termina con la ALEF. ESTO EVIDENCIA QUE LA CREACION DEL PLANETA TIERRA ESTA FUERTEMENTE RELACIONADO CON LA CONSTELACION DE CAN MAYOR.
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
m 13 |
i9 |
l 12 |
k 11 |
y 25 |
0 |
w 23 |
a1 |
y 25 |
) |
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
q 17 |
u 21 |
e5 |
e5 |
n 14 |
0 |
m 13 |
a1 |
r 18 |
y 25 |
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
h8 |
e5 |
b2 |
r 18 |
e5 |
w 23 |
0 |
c3 |
a1 |
l 12 |
e5 |
n 14 |
d4 |
a1 |
r 18 |
mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
m 13 |
a1 |
r 18 |
y 25 |
0 |
m 13 |
a1 |
g7 |
d4 |
a1 |
l 12 |
e5 |
n 14 |
e5 |
EL SALMO 119, INSISTO ESTA FUERTEMENTE RELACIONADO CON EL NUMERO 8 en el contexto a sus 176 versiculos. LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU ESTA EN FUNCION AL SALMO 119. Noten las sumas matematicas 8+8=16,88+88=176 y 888+888=1776 (año de la INDEP. DE EEUU).

The Alpha/Female Universal Pole is black. The Omega Masculine Universal Pole is white. Yet each pole has a little of the other within their core for ultimate balance. As you can see, Masculine and Feminine have nothing to do with gender but with attributes that reflect two sets of equally valid, complimentary yet opposing forces in our Universe. The Masculine Pole is not wrong or less than the Feminine. What is wrong is concentrating ONLY on one side and ONLY on a superficial, non-evolving form of it.
¿Puede aclararnos su interpretación del conocido verso «Yo soy el Alfa y el Omega»? M.S: El valor de Alfa es 1, mientras el de Omega es 800. Sumados dan 801, un «anagrama» de 1080, y número que suma «peristera», la palabra griega que significa «paloma», símbolo del Espíritu Santo. El número 1080, además, es la Gematria tanto del Espíritu Santo como del Espíritu de la Tierra (el aspecto «femenino» o «inmanente» de lo divino). Las letras del alfabeto, desde Alfa a Omega, contienen todas las posibles permutaciones y combinaciones de la «Palabra de Dios». La letra A ( el uno) representa el principio creativo masculino, mientras el Omega tiene la forma de un útero. El sonido y la letra M están asociados a lo femenino en muchas lenguas: mater, mere, mother, madre, mammal, mare, todas palabras que tienen relación con el concepto de «madre», mientras «eg» (ak) significa «grande». El epíteto «Alfa y Omega» expresa al Sagrado Uno que es puro espíritu. La frase «Yo soy Alfa y Omega» suma en Gematria 2220, la misma cifra de la expresión «Portador de Cristo».
World Trade Center
The new World Trade Center is loaded with secrets in plain sight. My previous post was on the Freedom Tower which is WTC 1 in the following site plan:

Image courtesy MesserWoland under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Here’s a brief accounting of the WTC towers:

Yes, the sum of the WTC building heights is 6660 feet. See my post on 666.
Do you notice that there is no WTC6? There used to be a WTC 6 before 9/11 but they aren’t rebuilding its namesake. Don’t you wonder why?
The Pleiades by Elihu Vedder (1885)
In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope.
However only six stars in the Pleiades constellation are distinctly visible to the naked eye. The Japanese name for the Pleiades is Subaru, which in Japanese translates into “to govern.” World trade and the corporations that centralize it truly govern the world.
The Subaru car maker uses the six visible stars of the Pleiades as its logo:

The ancient Greeks explained the sudden disappearance of the seventh star in various narratives. According to one, all the Pleiades were consorts to gods, with the exception of Merope. She deserted her sisters in shame, having taken a mortal husband, Sisyphus, the King of Corinth. Another explanation for the ‘lost’ star related to the myth of the Electra, an ancestress of the royal house of Troy. After the destruction of Troy, the grief stricken Electra abandoned her sisters and was transformed into a comet – everafter to be a sign of impending doom. –Source
The above reminds me of the PATH of Comet Elenin which reaches perihelion on 9/11/11 and whose tail will come closest to the Earth on 11/11/11. I recommend listening to Richard Hoagland on this subject.
Perhaps the 9/11 Memorial entitled Reflecting Absence symbolizes the missing Pleiadian sister?
There is more to the Pleiadian mythos that is worth understanding:
The Pleiades were the virgin companions of Artemis, to the ancient Greeks, the goddess of hunting and the Moon. Whilst stalking a hind [deer], the great hunter Orion crept into a sunlit glade, disturbing the innocent play of the sisters. They fled in alarm.
His immoderate passions enflamed by their beauty and grace, he pursued them relentlessly, as was fitting for the greatest mortal hunter. In frustration, Artemis pleaded with Zeus for his intervention. With characteristic olympian sarcasm, he did.
As the hunter closed in on his prey, Zeus transformed the sisters into a flock of doves. They flew into the heavens, beyond the reach of their pursuer, but also removed from earthly companionship with the goddess! –Source
The word Pleiades comes from the Greek peleiades which means flock of doves. Speaking of, the World Trade Center Transportation Hub is nested between WTC 2 and WTC 3.
On September 6, 2005 Gov. George Pataki, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Sen. Hillary Clinton, and other city, state, and federal officials gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony for the new World Trade Center Transportation Hub.
“This is a momentous occasion for the World Trade Center site and for the rebirth of Lower Manhattan,” Pataki said before a crowd gathered in the World Trade Center site.
Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, who also spoke at the ceremony, designed the building in the shape of a bird in flight. In January 2004, when he unveiled his initial design concept, Calatrava said that he drew his inspiration from the image of a child releasing a bird. That image — evoking freedom and rebirth — came to life at the end of the ceremony when Calatrava’s daughter, Sophia, released two white doves into the blue sky above the site where the Twin Towers once stood. –Source
Doves and pigeons constitute the bird family Columbidae, long used in magical rituals, which I explored in my Never A Straight Answer post.

Image courtesy Alan D. Wilson under the under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license
As I said in that post, “This casts a new light on things such as the Space Shuttle Columbia, the District of Columbia, Columbia University, the Goddess Columbia, the country of Columbia, and of course Christopher Columbus himself.”
“Santiago Calatrava’s awe-inspiring design of a child releasing a bird into the air represents the hope and promise of a World Trade Center reborn out of the ashes of September 11. –Source
What bird rises out of the ashes? The phoenix of course. See my post on Phoenixes. Calatrava is the same person who designed the Sundial Bridge which aligns perfectly with the secret architecture of San Francisco. See this post. Everything is interconnected.
Costs of Calatrava’s Bird Keep on Soaring at Ground Zero
What’s the priciest part of the new World Trade Center? Nope, not 1 WTC, which will be America’s tallest building. The answer is a train station that will be used by New Jersey commuters and Red Bulls soccer fans, at a price tag of $3.4 billion—and climbing! That’s according to the Bergen Record, which obtained a federal report that says the final cost of architect Santiago Calatrava’s WTC transportation hub—the PATH train station and underground connections to the Fulton Street Transit Center and World Financial Center—might be $3.8 billion. –Source
Herbert Muschamp, architecture critic of The New York Times, wrote:
“Santiago Calatrava’s design for the World Trade Center PATH station should satisfy those who believe that buildings planned for ground zero must aspire to a spiritual dimension. Over the years, many people have discerned a metaphysical element in Mr. Calatrava’s work. I hope New Yorkers will detect its presence, too.” –Source
Fellow researcher Chad Stuemke dug up the fact that The Discovery Channel had a special called RISING (Rebuilding Ground Zero), the name obviously suggesting the phoenix. Here are some quotes Chad pulled out of RISING:
- This is Ground Zero’s new gateway.
- Calatrava’s Transportation Hall is an iconic gateway that links subway, street, and sky.
- Beneath the new skyscrapers an iconic gateway is filling the void.
- Project architect Mike Garz said, “I just look forward to a time when that space opens to the heavens and I can see the angels coming to collect the souls.”
OK now this inter-dimensional gateway is really starting to creep me out.
Calatrava’s above ground structure is literally called Oculus, meaning eye. –Source
The Oculus structure measures 330 feet in length and connects 13 PATH trains underground. Calatrava says the design is inspired by the crown on the Statue of Liberty. Architecture critics have compared it to a winged dinosaur. –Source

Oculus is also the name of the art installation in the underground Chambers Street / WTC subway station. See my post on Ellipses for more on this.

Image from Oculus installation courtesy Grant Chamberlin
Calatrava’s Transportation Hub replaces a temporary PATH station that had to be built after the underground system was destroyed on 9/11. The temporary station put two uptown services into operation: Newark–33rd Street (red) and Hoboken–33rd Street (blue).
The underground part of the new PATH hall will look like this:

The RISING special says, “PATH Hall sits directly below Memorial Plaza and consists of a spine with 25 vertebrae connecting 275 extending ribs.”
Fellow researcher Mark Gray points out that Swans have 25 cervical vertebrae. And 275 / 25 = 11
In the name of security, Santiago Calatrava’s bird has grown a beak. Its ribs have doubled in number and its wings have lost their interstices of glass…. The main transit hall, between Church and Greenwich Streets, will almost certainly lose some of its delicate quality, while gaining structural expressiveness. It may now evoke a slender stegosaurus more than it does a bird. –Source
Most researchers now support the view that birds are a group of theropod dinosaurs. The Transportation Hub looks to me like a monumental reptilian eye. Check out the Reptilian Agenda for another deep dark rabbit hole.
The Wedge of Light
Daniel Liebeskind won the competition to be the master plan architect for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center site. Liebeskind’s buildings include the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Danish Jewish Museum in Copenhagen, the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, the Wohl Centre in Israel, and the Imperial War Museum North in the UK.
Liebeskind’s concept for WTC2, called the “wedge of light,” states that no shadows shall be cast on the memorial park on September 11th. Lord Foster designed the top of the building like a wedge with four rhombi at the top.
Speaking of the Pleiades, shadows, and Lords:
Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name. -Amos 5:8

Rendering copyright Silverstein Properties
The Transportation Hall was also supposedly designed so at the exact time the second tower collapsed, every Sept. 11th at 10:28am, the sun enters the transportation hub illuminating the building with light.
However Eli Attia, an architect who has been a frequent critic of the rebuilding process, published a study showing that 40 percent to 99 percent of the Wedge of Light would be in shadow cast by the Millenium Hilton Hotel during the times when Mr. Libeskind had said it would be free of shadows.
Mr. Libeskind won the enthusiastic support of both Gov. George E. Pataki and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg with his design, and Mr. Pataki ensured Mr. Libeskind’s selection for the ground zero commission when he overruled a committee of directors of the development corporation, which had recommended the selection of the other finalist, a group of architects known as Think. –Source
This situation reminds me of how I.M. Pei was selected for the Louvre Pyramid design without a competition and then how Mitterand stepped in and selected Johann Otto von Spreckelsen to be the architect of the La Grande Arche even though he wasn’t winning the national design competition for the megaproject. Sometimes competitions are a necessary sham when secret architecture has long been in the pipeline.
“Richard Meier, the eminent architect who participated in the ground zero design competition — and who therefore lost to Mr. Libeskind — disagreed [with the fact that shadows fall on the wedge of light]. ”How could you not take it literally?” he asked. ”He didn’t say that the sun would be reflected off buildings and that illumination would somehow create a wedge of light.’
Terence Riley, the chief curator for the department of architecture and design at the Museum of Modern Art, took a historical view. ”Given the long history of solar orientation in architectural design, I don’t suppose it is unreasonable for people to have assumed that the Wedge of Light would be illuminated by direct sunlight on Sept. 11,” he said. –Source
Light is obviously very important to this mega-ritual in the making. Mark Gray discovered one more timely piece of the puzzle:
On 9-11-11 at sunset, the famous “Tribute in Light” will return to the skies above New York City for the night. The tribute is comprised of “88” 7,000-watt xenon light bulbs, arranged in 48-foot squares inspired by the shape and orientation of the Twin Towers. The illuminated memorial reaches four miles into the sky and is visible from as far as 30 miles away. The two arrays cast the strongest shaft of light ever projected from Earth into the night sky. –Source

Image courtesy D L under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
The Tribute in Light ought to get the light bearer’s attention, don’t you think?
Grant Chamberlin pointed out in a comment on this post that the 88 light bulbs in the Tribute in Light might be significant. This is another dark rabbit hole, but if we are to be whole and healthy we must have the courage to look into our shadows.
The 8s stand for the eighth letter of the alphabet (H), with ‘HH’ standing for “Heil Hitler”. –Source
The phrase “Heil Hitler” was inspired by a statement, 88 words in length, from Volume 1, Chapter 8 of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf:
What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.
Eighty-eight is used as code among Neo-Nazis to identify each other. –Source
Another such illuminist monument was called the Cathedral of Light:

Image courtesy Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1982-1130-502 / CC-BY-SA
The cathedral of light was a main aesthetic feature of the Nuremberg Rallies. It was the brainchild of Albert Speer, who was commissioned by Adolf Hitler to design and organise the Nuremberg Parade Grounds for the annual celebrations. It is still considered amongst Speer’s most important works.
The effect was a brilliant one, both from within the design and on the outside. –Source
The primary aspect of the Nuremberg Rallies was to strengthen the personality cult of Adolf Hitler, portraying Hitler as Germany’s saviour, chosen by providence. The gathered masses listened to the Führer’s speeches, swore loyalty and marched before him. Representing the Volksgemeinschaft as a whole, the rallies served to demonstrate the might of the German people.
The visitors of the rallies by their own free will were subordinate to the discipline and order in which they should be reborn as a new people. –Source
The Cathedral of Christ the Light also resonates with this post:

Image courtesy Skier Dude under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
The worship space in Christ the Light is a vesica pisces shape, the shape formed by the intersection of two circles [symbol of the female generative organs]. The walls are composed of overlapping panels of wood and glass rising skyward to form the vault, much like the scales of a fish.
The Catholic Cathedral Corporation of the East Bay instituted a design competition for Christ the Light. Various designs were judged and the corporation announced Santiago Calatrava (architect of the PATH Transportation Hall and Sundial Bridge) as the winner. Calatrava’s design for Christ the Light was chosen before a site was appropriated for the project.
However, by the time a site was chosen, Calatrava’s design fell out of favor and instead replaced by a design of competition runner-up Craig W. Hartman, FAIA of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM). –Source
SOM designed WTC1 (the Freedom Tower) and the new WTC7.
Consider these provocative coincidences:
Joseph Ratzinger joined the Hitler Youth in 1941 when, according to him and his supporters, it became compulsory for all German boys. Millions of Germans were in a position similar to that of Joseph Ratzinger and his family, so why spend so much time focusing on him? Because he is no longer merely Joseph Ratzinger, or even a Catholic Cardinal — he is now Pope Benedict XVI. None of the other Germans who joined the Hitler Youth, were part of the military in Nazi Germany, lived near a concentration camp, and watched Jews being rounded up for death camps has ever become pope. –Source
Pope Benedict prayed for “eternal light and peace” at ground zero on a black square pool on the 111th day of the year (2008 was a leap year).
On September 11th there are 111 days remaining until the end of the year. The original Twin Towers had 111 floors if you count the roof. See my post on 110-111.

Mark Gray posted this on Facebook:

See my post on the Freedom Tower for more on the black cube and its encoding in the 9/11 Memorial.

Image from Star Trek The Next Generation
Resistance is anything but futile. Remember the Borg and the overt Nazis were defeated.
William Henry’s research goes into some fascinating areas I haven’t touched on and I’m excited to be interviewed by him tomorrow. I’ll post the link on my Interviews page when it’s online. Here is William’s fascinating take on the mysteries of 9/11/11.
On the flipside Mark Gray has made some great discoveries relating to the positive side of 88.
Mark Gray and William Henry wrote the book Freedom’s Gate together about the lost symbols in the US Capitol. I highly recommend it.

Image courtesy Mark Gray
The distance from the center of the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Customs House (built over the location of the original Fort Amsterdam) to the center of the Freedom Tower is exactly 1000 meters.
The distance from the corner of Reflecting Absence (former WTC North Tower) to the center of the Customs House is 888 meters.

The elliptical glass (see Ellipses) in the rotunda has 88 rays.

Image courtesy Mark Gray
Mark makes the following brilliant comparison, calling the Customs House Manhattan Gate:

Let’s also not forget the Wedge of Light itself (WTC2) has 88 floors and WTC1, WTC4, and WTC7 have numerical resonances with the keyboard.
Are we being played?

In addition there are 88 constellations in the sky:

Image courtesy Mark Gray
Eighty-eight (88) symbolizes fortune and good luck since the word 8 sounds similar to the word Fā (发, which implies 发财, or wealth, in Mandarin). The number 8 is considered to be the luckiest number of all in Chinese culture and prices in Chinese supermarkets can often be found containing many 8’s The Chinese government has even been auctioning auto license plates containing many 8s for tens of thousands of dollars. The 2008 Beijing Olympics opened on 8/8/08 at 8 p.m.. –Source
Thank you Mark for the reminder that in duality every symbol has an opposite. Every coin has two sides. The wise look at both of them.
This just in…
Jan Thulstrup uncovered an amazing connection in Psalm 119 which is the longest chapter in the Bible.
119 is the mirror reflection of 911.
Psalm 119 has 176 verses. 176 = 88 + 88. 176 is an octagonal number.
Psalm 119 is divided into twenty-two stanzas, one stanza for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each stanza begins with the corresponding letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Each stanza has 8 verses, composed as octaves (from the Latin octo meaning “eight”) in music.
Here a Jew reads Psalm 119 at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem:

Image courtesy Brian Jeffery Beggerly under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.
About Saturn, the Son of the Sun

Early astronomical traditions identify the “Primeval Sun” as the planet Saturn.
Saturn was identified with Osiris in Egypt and Shiva in India. The Babylonians, the founders of Astronomy, called Saturn the “Light of Heaven, the Sun-God Shamash (or Šamaš).
Tacitus records the Jews as worshipping the planet Saturn, Shabbatai, as their god. In Plato’s Timaeus, the word for the planet Saturn is Helios, the “Sun” god. Popular Greek traditions identified Saturn as Kronos (Father Time). At that time Saturn ruled “over the Pole“.
The Pole was seen as the Entrance to the Other World. The Shaman using his Light Body had to Climb Jacobs Ladder to get there.

In Sankrit, Suryaputrah, ”Son of the Sun” is the name for the planet Saturn. The Medieval Alchemists called Saturn the “Best Sun”.
The Kabbalah divides the Universe into Ten Spheres, or Sephiroth, which have Planetary and other Correspondences. The Sphere of Saturn is known as Binah (“Understanding“) and the terrestrial sphere, known as Malkuth, is said to have its foundation in Binah.
Long ago Saturn exercised the supreme power on Earth, his reign being remembered as the Golden Age, his time revered, a time which Man longed to return to. At this moment the Cycle is ruled by Kali. The Mother Goddess Kali represents the Moon in Saturn.

Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El”. El was the source of the Great Flood. El was represented by a Black Cube. The Kaaba (“the Cube of Space”) is a cube-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and is the most sacred site in Islam. The building predates Islam, and, according to Islamic tradition, the first building at the site was built by Abraham.
In Ancient History the World was ruled by the Female and the Mother Goddess. The Vulva or the Yoni (Circle), of the Ancient Mother Goddess was always combined with a Black Stone (with a Point), the Symbol of the Phallus (Lingham) of the Male Creator. The God and the Godddess created the Universe in a short moment of Extreme Extacy.
The Pelgrims have to encircle the Black Stone of El Seven Times just like the Rings of Saturn encircle the Center.
The Black Stone of Mina (Close to Mecca)
About the Number Seven
The Blog “About the Sum of Things” is about the so called Seal of Saturn and the related 3×3 Magic Square of Saturn also called the Lo Shu in China.
Saturn is the Seventh Planet and Saturday (Sabbath) the Seventh Day of the Week.
In the Blog it is shown that the 3×3 Magic Square generates Two Cyclic Systems. One System, the Wheel of Karma is a Fractal Torus and is related to the Expansion and Compression of the Universe and the number 2. The Fractal Torus contains Seven Levels associated with the Chakra’s, the Seven Heavens, The Seven Tones and the Seven Colors. The Tower of Bable and the Egyptian Pyramids are a Simulator of the Torus.
The other is a Cyclic Vortex System, the Cycle of Death, related to the number 3 and the Triangel.

The Number Seven is the Repeating Factor of the Torus System. After Seven Steps a new Fractal Level of the Expansion/Compression-Cycle is reached. On the Seventh Day a new Stage in the Creation Process of our Universe is started.
The Torus looks like a Yoni and as you can see the Lingham of Shiva is Inside the Torus. This is the reason why Saturn is associated with Binah and Shakti, the Female Part of Shiva. It also explains why Saturn is related to Fertility.
The Symbol of the Three Letters A-U-M. It contains the number 3, 6 and 9.
The Sequence of the Trinity (A-U-M) controls the Creation/Destruction-Cycle of our Universe. This is the Cycle of Shiva, the Creator and Destructor.
Shiva and Shakti are the Circle (Torus, Yoni) and the Lingham (the Point, Singularity, Lingham). They are the 0 (or the 9) and the 1.
The only thing you need to Create our Universe is de Tao (0), the One, the Two and the Three and they will Generate Everything.
Why is Saturn the Son of the Sun?
There are two explanations. The first one is a Physical Explanation related to Plasma Physics. In the stage of the Golden Age our Solar System contained only Three Planets and Saturn was the Best Sun. Plasma Physics is able to explain many ancient Symbols.
The Second explanation goes back to the Numbers. The Magic Square of Saturn is the First Magic Square that can be constructed. 2×2 is not existent and 1×1 is a Point. The Magic Square of the Sun is the 6×6 Magic Square with Sum 666! and Constant 111. The 3×3 Square can be extracted (is a Son) out of the 6×6 Square.
The Demiurg with the Torus and the Zodiac
About Kronos, Father Time
The Greek called Saturn Kronos, Father Time.
Most of the Souls are not aware of Cycling Cycle of the Fractal Torus of the Number Two of Duality, the Wheel of Karma. They stay in the same Place and Their reincarnations are a Merry Go Round.
Some Souls move around the Torus and experience many experiences in the Seven Universus.
All of them are Kept in de Rotating Matrix of the Demiurg.
If you really want to be Free you have move out of Duality into the Cycle of the Divine Trinity (Shiva).
When you want to leave the Rotating Cycle (Torus) of everyday Life and move into a higher dimension (more possibilities, more perspectives), you have to Twist Yourself and Merge with Yourself.
You Twist when you Cross the Cycle of Life and Enter the Cycle of Death of the Trinity. When you join this Cycle you leave the Seven Heavens and move to the Void in the Middle of the Death Cycle.
The Void, the Kingdom, Cleans every thing and makes every thing New.
You Merge with Yourself when you integrate the Inside and the Outside, the Up and the Down, the Male and the Female.

“If we then become children, would we thus enter the kingdom?” Jesus said unto them, “When ye make the two one, and when you make the inside like unto the outside and the outside like unto the inside, and that which is above like unto that which is below, and when ye make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male no longer be male nor the female female; and when ye fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will ye enter into the kingdom.” (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22).
About the Sum of Things
About the Cube of Space
About the Myth of Saturn
About the Mother Goddess
About the Dance of Shiva
About Saturn and the Sun
About the Seven Heavens
About the Great Flood
About the Golden Age of Saturn
About the Torus and the Vortex
About Time
About the Twisted Universe
About Alchemy
About the Polar Myth
Tags: Abraham, caption, China, Cycle, Egypt, God, India, Kali, Karma, magic square, Male, Merry, Mina, planet, plato, Ravi, saturn, Saudi Arabia, Shakti, shiva, Sun, sun god shamash, Surya, Torus, vortex, Yoni
El símbolo matemático del infinito nació en el sigo XVII. Parece un ocho tumbado pero en realidad corresponde a una figura matemática llamada lemiscata de Bernouilli. Antes, sin embargo la idea del infinito se representaba con un circulo. La serpiente que se muerde la cola data del 1600 AC y representa un ciclo eterno. En latín, de hecho, caelum significa tanto ¿círculo¿ como ¿eternidad¿ y da la idea de un camino que no tiene ni principio ni final, como el infinito.
Los orígenes del símbolo de infinito son inciertos. Dado que la forma se asemeja a la curva lemniscata (del latín lemniscus, es decir cinta), se ha sugerido que representa un lazo cerrado. Se ha querido ver también una Banda de Möbius en su forma, aunque el símbolo se usó durante cientos de años antes de que August Möbius descubriera la banda que lleva su nombre.
También se cree posible que la forma provenga de otros símbolos alquímicos o religiosos, como por ejemplo ciertas representaciones de la serpiente Ouroboros.
En la literatura matemática, John Wallis es el primero en usar el símbolo para representar al infinito en su tratado De sectionibus conicus de 1655.
La representación del concepto "infinito", tiene una relación formal con el sentido del orden de las letras en el alfabeto griego. Los griegos, según parece, asignaron el primer lugar en su alfabeto a α (alfa) por ser precisamente el lugar que "Dios" merecía en su cosmogonía. De ahí que - según algún maestro de literatura de buena voluntad - todas las palabras griegas cuya letra inicial era esa tenían, de un modo u otro, relación con lo divino.
Parece ser que fue en el año 1694 cuando Jakob Bernoulli describió dicha curva. La definición de la misma se asemeja en cierto sentido a la de la elipse:
- Elipse: conjunto de puntos que cumplen que la suma de las distancias a dos puntos dados, denominados focos, es constante.
- Lemniscata: conjuntos de puntos que cumplen que el producto de las distancias a dos puntos dados, denominados focos, es constante.
La ecuación implícita de la lemniscata es:
El parámetro  es el que determina qué lemniscata tenemos, ya que los focos están a distancia  y ese producto de distancias constante es exactamente  .
Artículo de ACATOS (enlace) ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre infinito y eterno?
Según la RAE:
Infinito: Que no tiene ni puede tener fin ni término.
Eterno: Que no tiene principio ni fin.
Entonces, la diferencia es que el infinito puede tener un principio, al contrario que lo eterno, que no tiene. Digamos que el infinito es un subconjunto de lo eterno.
¿Por qué relacionamos el concepto de infinito con las distancias y el concepto de eterno con el tiempo?
 gabitos.com line bisecting St. Peter's 550 × 358 - 77k - jpg |
 dailymail.co.uk St. Peter's Square, Vatican 634 × 418 - 71k - jpg |
 zazzle.co.nz the dome of Saint Peter's 324 × 324 - 16k - jpg |
 deephighlands.wordpres... St Peter's Square in the 1522 × 905 - 232k - jpg |
 commons.wikimedia.org Commons:Featured picture 2936 × 2710 - 8506k - jpg |
 deephighlands.wordpres... St Peter's Basilica Dome at 1230 × 1086 - 829k - jpg |
 gabitos.com St Peter's Square 525 × 385 - 248k - jpg |
 kachina2012.wordpress.com KEY 528 and THE miSSing 121 × 216 - 13k - jpg |
 religionnerd.com accepted the death penalty 2894 × 1922 - 642k - jpg |
 wallpaperup.com St_ Peter's Basilica Rome 1680 × 1050 - 944k - jpg |
 deephighlands.wordpres... Maderno fountain 800 × 600 - 146k - jpg |
 gabitos.com Here you see the 7 Hills of 448 × 267 - 21k - jpg |
 gabitos.com Scott Onstott in the Vatican 555 × 555 - 66k - jpg |
 deviantart.com Saint Peter's Basilica by 853 × 936 - 703k - png |
 synchromiss.wordpress.com St. Peter's Square 4200 × 2359 - 5132k - jpg |
 gabitos.com Taffeh Vatican 555 × 324 - 96k - jpg |
 trucoscelular.net San Pedro en El Vaticano, 650 × 433 - 131k - jpg |
 myhero.com audience in St. Peter's 512 × 381 - 38k - jpg |
 three-fingered3.rssing... Angelus prayer in Saint 850 × 549 - 60k - jpg |
 beforeitsnews.com And now Pan-Starrs March 12th: 615 × 907 - 44k - jpg |
Herschel’s rendition of the eight-pointed cross
Summer and Winter Solstice alignments as viewed from St. Peter’s Square. The white arrows show the displacements of the obelisks from Circus Maximus by Pope Sixtus V.
• The Sun at the Galactic Cross in the precession cycle.
Great Celestial Conjunction
1 Aries 2 Taurus 3 Gemini 4 Cancer 5 Leo 6 Virgo 7 Libra 8 Scorpio 9 Sagittarius 10 Capricorn 11 Aquarius 12 Pisces
13 Lion
Justamente el 8 tiene fuerte referencia a la RESURRECCION DE NUESTRO SEÑOR. EL 8 es el numero del RECICLAJE. El 7 el de plenitud espiritual y el 8 el de RECOMIENZO DEL CICLO. Por eso su similitud con el simbolo de infinito en matematicas. Tiene fuerte referencia a la VIDA ETERNA, OSEA EL CIRCULO=CIELO. En todas las plazas a NIVEL MUNDIAL hay una ESTRELLA DE 8 PUNTAS CON REFERENCIA A ORION. EL MISMO DISEÑO DE LOS TEMPLOS CATOLICOS, EN FORMA DE H, TAMBIEN SON UNA REFERENCIA A LA CONSTELACION DE ORION. La cruz verde son una referencia a APOCALIPSIS 4:7 en el contexto a los cuatro extremos zodiacales ACUARIO, TAURO, LEO Y SCORPION. La cruz roja es una referencia a los 2 equinoccios (22/3 y 22/7) y los dos solsticios (20/6 y 22/12). Si observamos el diseño geometrico de la CRUZ VERDE OBSERVAMOS QUE LEO ES CRUZADO EN LA MITAD DE DICHA CONSTELACION que equivale justamente al 6 de Agosto, que es el ORTO HELIACO DE SIRIO. OSEA QUE LOS CATOLICOS HAN DISEÑADO DICHO DIA EN FUNCION A APOCALIPSIS 4:7.
 500px.com Photograph Milky way over St. 2048 × 1365 - 1087k |
 keyofsolomon.org St Peter's Square 525 × 385 - 248k - jpg |
 edmontonjournal.com Some favourite religious 620 × 418 - 52k - jpg |
 5ocietyx.wordpress.com Lightning bolt strikes St 634 × 815 - 98k - jpg |
 keyofsolomon.org St. Peter's Square, when the 525 × 606 - 283k - jpg |
 gabitos.com obvious in a way that had 220 × 331 - 17k - jpg |
 history.com History of Saint Peter's 624 × 352 - 50k - jpg |
 aliexpress.com St. Peter's Basilica 1000 × 751 - 332k - jpg |
 travel.nationalgeograp... of St. Peter, Vatican City 990 × 742 - 772k - jpg |
 blog.rickymunday.com St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican 3648 × 2736 - 3082k - jpg |
 projectavalon.net keys of St. Peter fit into 311 × 162 - 16k - php |
 eyeofsiloam.com Lightning At Vatican 01 758 × 475 - 293k - gif |
 everydaydreamholiday.com Looking down over St Peter's 1720 × 965 - 743k - jpg |
 history.com History of Vatican City 624 × 352 - 58k - jpg |
 gabitos.com has been way off track in 383 × 339 - 18k - jpg |
 pinterest.com Peter Basilica, Vatican 236 × 351 - 14k - jpg |
 deephighlands.wordpres... St Peter's Basilica Dome at 1230 × 1086 - 829k - jpg |
 deephighlands.wordpres... Maderno fountain 800 × 600 - 146k - jpg |
 felipepitta.com A very special view of St. 970 × 646 - 500k - jpg |
 awesomesasquatch.com St. Peter's Basilica 800 × 534 - 191k - jpg |

In Rome, there are a total of 8 Egyptian and 5 Roman obelisks. In the context of this article, we will focus on four obelisks that were re-erected by Pope Sixtus V. Around 1587, all of Rome’s obelisks were toppled down and it was Pope Sixtus V who started re-erecting four of the fallen obelisks in Rome. Pope Sixtus V also redesigned the Piazza in front of the Saint Peter Basilica that was itself under construction at the time. The current oval shaped piazza with the obelisk at the Vatican was designed and built at the orders of Pope Sixtus V. It was part of an overall urban redesign of the city of Rome in which four of the obelisks were given new locations. These four new locations were centered around the obelisk at St. Peter’s Square which became the focal point.
The first Egyptian obelisk was originally shipped by Emperor Augustus in 10 BC from Heliopolis, Egypt (dedicated to Seti I/ Ramesses II) to the Circus Maximus in Rome. Circus Maximus was a Roman hippodrome used for chariot racing. The obelisk was moved by Sixtus V from Circus Maximus to Piazza del Popolo where it still resides today.
The second Egyptian obelisk was originally shipped from Thebes (temple of Amun, Tuthmosis IV) to Circus Maximus in Rome by Constantine II the son of Constantine the Great. The initial plans to ship the obelisk to Circus Maximus (Latin for the greatest circus) in Rome however were made by Contantine the Great who didn’t have the facilities to actually ship the largest of the Egyptian obelisks (32.18 m tall) to Rome. Eventually, his son succeeded in carrying out his father plans. Both obelisks were placed on the Spina of Circus Maximus. The Spina (backbone) is a 217 meter long wall in the centre of the hippodrome. This obelisk was moved by Pope Sixtus V from Circus Maximus to Piazza di San Giovanni (Laterno) next to the Basilica of San Giovanni.
It’s important to realize that both obelisks of Circus Maximus aligned with the Winter Solstice Sun at sunrise, since the Spina on which they were placed also aligned with the Winter Solstice Sun at sunrise! (see Vatican Alignment calculations)
The third Egyptian obelisk was originally moved to Rome in 37 AD by Emperor Caligula and situated at the Vatican Circus. The origin of this obelisk is unclear. It’s the only obelisk without hieroglyphs. This obelisk was again relocated by Sixtus V to St. Peter’s Square where it is seen today.
The fourth and last obelisk is a Roman obelisk that originally stood in Mausoleum of Augustus and was moved by Sixtus V to the piazza in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore at the Piazza del Esquillino.
What is interesting in the context of this article are the before and after locations of these obelisks in the overall urban redesign plan of Pope Sixtus V.
Circus Maximus, for instance, was built in a bend on the bank of the River Tiber, and on a Winter Solstice day the Sun would be seen rising over the Tiber River in line with both obelisks at the Spina when viewed from the Vatican. Pope Sixtus V could have restored Circus Maximus and placed the obelisks at their original locations. It’s interesting to notice that viewed from the St. Peter’s Square these obelisks would be aligned with the Winter Solstice Sun! This is because St. Peter’s Square lies exactly in line with Circus Maximus and the Winter Solstice Sun. Instead, Sixtus had chosen to relocate one of the obelisks of Circus Maximus to the Piazza del Popolo.
The obelisk at the Piazza del Popolo, however, aligns with the obelisk at St. Peter’s Square and the summer solstice Sun at sunrise! (See Vatican Alignment calculations)
Like the Equinox Sun, the summer solstice Sun is seen rising over the River Tiber from St. Peter’s Square since the obelisk at the Piazza del Popolo is situated only two blocks away from the river.
The other obelisk of Circus Maximus was Rome’s tallest obelisk and was moved to the Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterno (in southeast direction from the Vatican) which resides at an azimuth of 114° 0’ which is 9 degrees off the Winter Solstice sunrise azimuth of 123° for Rome. While both obelisks in Circus Maximus originally aligned to the Winter Solstice, Pope Sixtus V deliberately altered these alignments and made sure that one of the obelisks now aligned with the Summer Solstice Sun. The other obelisk that previously aligned to the Winter Solstice Sun was now deliberately misaligned.
It’s obvious that the alignment of both the obelisk at St. Peter’s Square and the obelisk at Piazza del Popolo must have been intentional since both obelisks were put there by Sixtus V. While he could have chosen for a Winter Solstice alignment of St. Peter’s Square obelisk by erecting the other obelisk at Cricus Maximus itself, he chose otherwise.
It’s beyond any doubt that Sixtus V was well aware of these alignments since he designed St. Peter’s Square to be a giant sun dial. In 1817, circular stones were
We surmise that Pope Sixtus V was also well aware of the significance of the Great Celestial Conjunction around 2012 and its association with the biblical End Times.
To enhance this argument, it’s interesting to realize that the coat of arms of Pope Sixtus V contained an eight-pointed cross above four stacked mountains (or hills). The coat of arms of Sixtus was sometimes also depicted with three instead of four hills.
As explained before, in ancient Egypt and freemasonry mountains, pillars and clouds all represent the Milky Way. The four mountains in Pope Sixtus coat of arms could therefore represent the four Great Celestial Conjunctions or the four Milky Way Equinox/Solstice alignments that occur in a Great Year!
Santa Maria Piazza del Popolo (coat of arms of Pope Sixtus V), eight-pointed cross over the four mountains.
Pope Sixtus V used the eight-pointed cross in abundance in architectures and; in many cases he even placed the four-pointed Christian cross on top of an eight-pointed cross! The obelisk at Piazza di Giovanni, for instance, was adorned with both a four and eight-pointed cross by Pope Sixtus V. It was also a reference to this coat of arms!
The four Great Celestial Conjunctions in a Great Year are the four mergers of the two superimposed four-pointed crosses (Earth Cross and Galactic Cross) to form a single four-pointed cross!
Obelisk at Piazza di Giovanni, four-pointed cross on top of the eight-pointed cross! Although a symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction, this obelisk no longer aligns with the Winter Solstice Sun as viewed from the Vatican.
We therefore suggest that the eight-pointed cross at St. Peter’s Square symbolically represents a Great Celestial Conjunction.
It’s the alignment of the Earth Cross with the Galactic Cross that is being symbolized at St. Peter’s Square. Notice that there is a small four-pointed cross in the center around the obelisk (the Sun) that is aligned with the outer eight-pointed cross. The eight-pointed cross is the superposition of the Galactic Cross and the Earth Cross. This is why Pope Sixtus V placed a four-pointed cross on top of the eight pointed cross! The crosses are recognized as follows:
- The axis on which the two fountains at St. Peter’s Square reside is the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way since the Milky Was is associated with water.
- The cardinal direction of this Galactic Equator axis corresponds with the Milky Way that straddles the East horizon from North to South.
- The Earth Cross aligns closely (but not perfectly) with the two solstice axis
The esoteric significance of the Summer Solstice alignment of St. Peter’s Square obelisk with the obelisk at the Piazza del Popolo is that it symbolizes a Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment. Since the sky chart over St. Peter’s Square with the Pleiades residing over the Seven Hills symbolizes the Silver Gate, we postulate that the Vatican alignments represent a Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment at the Silver Gate. This alignment occurs right now in era 2012!
Summer and Winter Solstice alignments as viewed from St. Peter’s Square. The white arrows show the displacements of the obelisks from Circus Maximus by Pope Sixtus V.

Entre los que se encuentran el mismo 22 de Julio (22/7=3.1428), y curiosamente también el 21 de diciembre…

Pero el día oficial de π es el 3-14…
Hoy el post va a ser un monográfico a la simbología característica de los de siempre que, a pesar de vivir en las sombras y entre bastidores, es muy obvia para los que saben leer entre líneas o saben dónde y que mirar…
El tipo de post con el que más me divierto…un post para “iniciados” o corre el riesgo de enterarse de poco…y no olvidemos que todo lo que aquí comentemos lo hablamos en clave de ellos…ya que toda esta simbología tiene su contraparte de luz…es en función de quién y para qué lo utilice…
Y tenemos que empezar por el alumbramiento real…
George Alexander Louis
Aunque a lo mejor por ese nombre andais un poco despistados…es el hijo de Kate y de William, y tercero en la línea de sucesión al trono reptiliano por excelencia…Segundo, si contamos con que el principe Carlos no tiene muchas probabilidades de reinar…
Sería George o Jorge VII

Kate salía de cuentas el 13 de julio, pero finalmente se retrasó su gestación hasta un día mucho más simbólico… como ya lo fue en su día el del nombramiento del papa Paco…
13-03-13 Cónclave histórico en pleno paso del Cometa PanStarss, y en plena conjunción y alineación planetaria tipo “Estrella de Belén” …/ “77″ votos necesitará el último papa, o el antipapa, cuyo trono, de claro tinte demoníaco, fue recientemente estrenado! / Por 1ª vez habrá DOS PAPAS en ROMA…CISMA a la vista??? / Eckart Tolle sobre la caida de las religiones!!

Obviamente, y para empezar, el primogénito del linaje reptiliano por excelencia no podía nacer otro año que en el…

Finalmente, George nació el 22 de Julio del año de la serpiente, un día muy especial….para ellos…
Y en plena…

Por cierto, el mismo día que el nuevo hijo de Penelope Cruz y Bardem…Leo…

Nació a las 16:24, hora local, del 22 de Julio…
Media hora más tarde y hubiera sido LEO, y no hubiera tenido el mismo signo zodiacal que su padre, William, y que su abuela, Diana…Tenía que nacer el 22 pero siendo cáncer…todo milimétricamente calculado…
Sigamos… el 22 de Julio es el día de la festividad de María Magdalena…

Una María Magdalena de la que supuestamente descienden los Merovingios…

Ojo al ojo de Horus que encabeza arriba a la derecha la revista en cuestión…
Uno de los linajes más importantes para estos señores…
En Matrix, Merovingio es el “traficante de información” que sujeta una copa en forma de caliz…

Un caliz o Santo Grial que cuentan que guarda los restos de María Magdalena…

…la responsable del linaje de Jesus en la Tierra…
Por otro lado, el máximo exponente de la dinastía Merovingia, Clodoveo I, adoptó como símbolo la FLOR DE LIS…

Un símbolo que acompaña a casi todas las casas reales europeas…
Incluso el escudo de armas del rey Juan Carlos I lleva la Flor de Lis…

Y obviamente la lleva, porque el ESCUDO BORBÓN son tres flores de lis…

Hace relativamente poco, una niña de apenas 12 años estuvo revisando durante meses más de medio millón de nombres tras lo cual pudo realizar un árbol genealógico…
…en el que TODOS (salvo uno, Martin Van Buren) los presidentes de EEUU tienen un ancestro común….:

“Juan Sin Tierra” (John Lackland) o Juan I de Inglaterra, en el siglo XII.
Obviamente la familia real inglesa también tiene el mismo linaje…o diciéndolo de otra forma,
EEUU ha sido gobernado desde su “independencia” por DESCENDIENTES de la familia real inglesa…

Un Juan I de Inglaterra y una familia real inglesa que a su vez descienden de los Merovingios…como muchos actores y cantantes famosos…como ya vimos anteriormente en el post de los RH-, en el que tanto Brad Pitt como su mujer Angelina Jolie eran familiares de Obama y Hillary Clinton...

Una Angelina Jolie, MK ultra, miembro del CFR y futura senadora, que no tiene ningún escrúpulo en incentivar a las mujeres a auto MUTILARSE tanto pechos como ovarios para prevenir el cáncer…
Campaña de la industria del CÁNCER y de la de patentes de GENES (BRCA1) a través de la MK Ultra, miembro del CFR y candidata a senadora, Angelina Jolie!!…Campaña muy oportuna, justo antes de que la Corte Suprema de EEUU se pronuncie sobre el tema, y que ha supuesto que las acciones de Myriad se disparen en bolsa!!…Una rama más de la política de EUGENESIA ILLUMINATI! / Obama, cómo su primo lejano Brad Pitt, con anillo y saludo masón!!
Y que cómo buena MK ultra es recompensada como se merece…siendo la ACTRIZ MEJOR PAGADA, aunque ni mucho menos la mejor actriz…
Y para que no quede dudas…dejan su marca…
33.000.000 $
Es lo que ha ganado en el último año, o más bien, lo que dicen que ha ganado…

Por otro lado, los descendientes de Jesus y María Magdalena lo son también de los Reyes David y Salomón…

Unos Reyes representados por la estrella de David de 6 puntas…o dos pirámides entrelazadas…

Un Rey, David, que fue el hijo de Saúl, el PRIMER REY DE ISRAEL, país en cuya bandera nos encontramos el sello de Salomón o la estrella de David…

Pues para más inri, aparte de luna llena y de ser la festividad de María Magdalena, nos encontramos con que el día 22 se inició una conjunción planetaria entre Plutón, Neptuno, Saturno, Venus, Júpiter y la Luna muy peculiar…
Que no confundamos con la estrella de 5 puntas también muy utilizada por ellos…especialmente la invertida…

Y no una cualquiera…sino la
Y la siguiente no se producirá hasta dentro de 100 años…
Una alineación muy relevante para el pueblo hebreo y para los conocedores de la Kabbalah..que ven una señal cósmica que representa la lucha de dos fuezas opuestas y complementarias del universo…:
Una alineación en forma de estrella de David que se produce cuando los planetas anteriormente mencionados forman una configuración geométrica de 2 triángulos entrelazados que tienen 6 puntos equidistantes en un círculo de 360 grados.
360 días
Los mismos días, 360, que han transcurrido desde el ritual 777 de los juegos olímpicos de Londres del pasado 27 de Julio hasta el 22 de Julio del nacimiento de George…
Significado del 777 del ritual ILLUMINATI de la ceremonia inaugural de Londres 2012…según ALEISTER CROWLEY, el mayor SATANISTA de la historia, y su libro “777″….El post MÁS IMPORTANTE que hemos publicado!
Ceremonia dónde se escenificaba el nacimiento de un bebe gigante que representaba a su Nuevo Orden Mundial…y también por lo que parece al nacimiento de un ser muy importante para estos señores…
Y no me extraña con las “credenciales” que presenta…
George Alexander Louis, tendrá sangre de los ancestros más “distinguidos” de Europa…entre los que se encuentran los Reyes de Inglaterra, Grecia, Dinamarca, Suecia, Rusia, Austria, España, y Alemania…es decir, forma parte del linaje más puro de los Illuminati…
Los Merovingios…
Y no me extrañaría nada que la gran mayoría dentro de ese linaje tuvieran RH-….
Nacen los primeros bebés “transgénicos”: “Súper humanos” con dos madres y un padre” ….Seres de 2d encarnados en cuerpos de 3d jugando a ser dioses…igual que nos explica Corrado Malanga que hacen los seres de 4ª densidad de STS con nosotros a través de las abducciones…y TODOS los abducidos son RH NEGATIVO!! Y seguro que NO os sorprenderá saber QUIÉNES, dentro de los puestos de PODER, son RH NEGATIVO!! Y alguna otra sorpresita…incluso para mi!!
Pero es que además es descendiente de Vlad el Empalador, más conocido por Drácula, como ya vimos hace tiempo…
15-11-11 Daylimail: “La realeza británica se alimentaba de carne humana” / The Independent: ” El principe Carlos desvela ser descendiente de Vlad el Empalador” / Pijama Surf: ” Descubren oculta en cuadro reina Elisabeth I misteriosa serpiente”…/ Estos son Los “hijos de los dioses”…Los ANNUNAKI!

Pero la gran sorpresa es que a través del linaje de María de Médicis que pertenecía a la tristemente famosa nobleza negra de Venecia, el hijo de William y Kate estaría emparentado a través de un Rey de Sevilla con el mismísimo…

Según el célebre genealogista Jean-Louis Beaucarnot, el primogénito de William congenia con Francois Miterrand, con George Washington, con la familia Churchill, y a través de la Reina Marie de Medicis, descendiente de Alfonso VI de Castilla, muerto en 1109, y de su cuarta esposa, Zaida. Esta última, una princesa musulmana convertida al catolicismo tenía como ancestro a «un rey de Sevilla considerado como un descendiente directo del profeta Mahoma».
Ostitu…menudo linaje…
Linaje del Rey David, de Jesús y de Mahoma!!!
No me extraña que se haya preparado al mínimo detalle tanto la concepción como la fecha de su nacimiento haciéndola retrasar hasta una semana si era necesario…
Un George, que pese a sus pocos días de existencia, ya está relacionado con el Papa Paco…
Y no sólo porque el mismo día que nacía era el día que el Papa Paco elegía para hacer su primera visita oficial…en este caso Brasil, el país con mayor número de católicos en el mundo..

Sino también porque hay una serie de días que se han considerado como…

Entre los que se encuentran el mismo 22 de Julio (22/7=3.1428), y curiosamente también el 21 de diciembre…

Pero el día oficial de π es el 3-14…
el 14 de marzo!

Un 14 de marzo, que fue el primer día como Papa Paco tras su elección en otra fecha muy relevante como fue el 13-03-13…
Curiosamente, uniéndo Cheliábinsk (meteoro de Rusia del 15 de febrero tras la renuncia de Benedicto), Roma y Río de Janeiro sería una línea recta…que daría la vuelta entera a la tierra…

Un Papa que ha sido PORTADA en la revista TIME..

…cada vez se cortan menos…ya están saliendo de sus escondrijos de las profundidades…

Y que, a la vez que el heredero del linaje reptiliano por excelencia recibía como regalo un..
25-07-13 El bebé real recibió un cocodrilo de regalo

Australian state names baby crocodile George in honour of newborn prince
…el Papa Paco se despedía de Brasil con un GIGANTESCO ojo de cocodrilo…

Ojo de Lagarto en la Vigilia del Papa Francisco en Brasil
El mismo ojo que estamos tan cansados de ver en TODOS LADOS…
En el billete de dólar…también un ojo reptiliano…

Mismo billete en el que podemos encontrar de nuevo la estrella de David…(encerrada en un círculo que es su versión ocultista…)

En la que uniendo las letras de las puntas se puede leer:
Con el ojo que todo lo ve encabezándolo…
Un ojo que podemos ver en numerosos logos de instituciones y empresas…como la propia UE…

Y que pudimos ver en el ritual del 777 de los juegos de Londres…

O en la nueva mansión de Naomi Campbell…
Un toque español para la nueva mansión ecológica de Naomi Campbell

O en el recién estrenado edificio más grande del mundo en Shangai con 1.7 millones de m2!
El más grande, el más alto, el mayor… China

Un edificio inigualable: 500 metros de largo, 400 de ancho y 100 de alto.
Pero especialmente en el cine y sus portadas…
Y que todavía tenga que oir que lo del ojo es una chorrada y una casualidad…
…28 casualidades sólo en esta viñeta…

O en la cartelera de estrenos recientes…

Y también en series…por supuesto…

Y en el mundo de la música...dónde pronto haremos un monográfico de la simbología expuesta en este mundillo, incluido los grandes festivales y la industria de la música en Ibiza…con la Flower Power Party encabezándola…

En definitiva, acaba de nacer un PURA SANGRE en fecha hipermegacrucial para ellos, astronómicamente hablando, justo 360 días después del magaritual illuminati del 777, y a mitad de camino hacia una fecha que ellos han marcado en rojo en el calendario…
el 11-09-14…
02-04-13 Por fin se acabó el trepidante marzo…y empezamos abril con la “exclusiva” de la primera imagen del Papa Francisco que vió el mundo entero…/ 77 días después del ritual Illuminati de Londres 2012 del “777″ se inició el “año de la fe”… el 11-10-12, que acaba en pleno perihelio del cometa SION, el más brillante de la historia!…para 777 días después del ritual encontrarnos con otra fecha que tampoco te sorprenderá!!!
Un PURA SANGRE que puede ser crucial en su agenda y antes de que acabe el 13er katun en el 2032…por su doble “nacionalidad” religiosa…descendiente directo de Jesus y de Mahoma…y que ha nacido ya muy unido al Papa Paco, que desde un inicio parece que ha sido el elegido para tratar de unir todas las religiones en una sóla…
19-03-13 Obama visita Israel en pleno equinocio con el gobierno 33 ya formado!! / 33 delegaciones religiosas serán recibidas mañana a las 11 por el Papa!
En cualquier caso, en este último año, y desde los juegos olímpicos de Londres, hemos visto como la élite hasta en tres GRANDES OCASIONES ha utilizado ingestes cantidades de simbología y astrología:
- para el inicio del NWO en la inauguración de los Juegos olímpicos 2012,
- para la elección del último Papa,
- y para el nacimiento de un pura sangre al que parece que le han reservado un papel, desconocido pero seguro que de gran importancia para ellos…
Tu decides,
Seguiremos informando!
Besos y abrazos!!
La VERDAD nos hará LIBRES!

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Message 374 of 374 on the subject |

One day prior to the Fourth of July, the author Wayne Herschel launched his new website 'The Key of Solomon' .
The launch of the website was well-timed. Herschel launched his new site in anticipation of the new book by Dan Brown that, according to him, will most likely deal with the secrets of freemasonry and the Key of Solomon. Although Dan Brown's book is already one year overdue, it remains to be seen what the title and subject of his undoubtedly next bestseller will be.
The authors of this website do not support the conclusions of Herschel's research and therefore propose an alternative interpretation of his work. We will be publishing much more related information and
Earlier, Wicherink had reinterpreted Herschel's research in articles covering Stonehenge and the information released by the University of Bradford about the Scottish Rite Freemasons.
Herschel's website was also timely launched because the cornerstone of the Washington Memorial was laid on July 4th 1848. This memorial was built by the freemason founding fathers to commemorate George Washington, the first Master Mason to become President of the United States. According to Herschel, the Washington Memorial plays a key role in unraveling the secrets of freemasonry and the Key of Solomon.
On the Key of Solomon website, Wayne Herschel speculates about the greatest secret to be revealed, albeit in a fiction novel, by Dan Brown. Wayne’s work focuses on the discovery of a 'mystery star', which he states was encoded in many ancient monuments, by esoteric symbols, ancient mystic texts and other artifacts from the past. This 'mystery star' is a sun-like star (G2 class) of a solar system that, according to Wayne, is the home of an extraterrestrial civilization that came down from the Heavens in ancient past to bestow science and spiritual wisdom upon the Earthlings. They were the architects of the ancient monuments around the world that encode and conceal the origins of this extraterrestrial civilization that once visited the Earth by means of the 'mystery star'. Herschel offers that the Key of Solomon also supports his thesis of a 'mystery star.'
Both authors have been and still are great admirers of Wayne's initial research concerning the pyramids in Egypt, but as of late, Wicherink's research has revealed that the 'mystery star' in Herschel's theory may in fact actually mark the birthplace of the Sun in the Precession Cycle. It is this place in the Heavens where the Sun will reside on the Summer Solstice around 2012 marking a Great Celestial Conjunction
In short, the differences between Herschel and Wicherink's interpretation amount to this:
Wayne Herschel believes the ancient sites and artifacts encode a star, whereas Jan Wicherink believes that they encode a place on the ecliptic. This unique area is the birthplace of the Sun in the Precession Cycle. Here, the Sun is 'reborn' on the Galactic Equator at the solstices (Galactic Alignment). This is currently taking place in-between the years 1978-2017 at the Summer Solstice.
Wicherink has come to this conclusion by reinterpreting Herschel's work. He's had the opportunity to share his thoughts personally with Herschel in several e-mail conversations; however, his arguments have not convinced Wayne Herschel. Just recently, the author has come into contact with Wayne's friend and colleague Aaron Parlier who, after heavily researching the two theories, no longer supports Herschel's own mystery star explanation but shares Wicherink’s view and interpretation of Herschel's star maps.
Our joint research (Wicherink-Parlier) has proven to be very fruitful, and this article is our mutual reaction to the material released on Herschel's Key of Solomon website. We hope this article will bring about a sound scientific debate concerning the research results that have been gathered by both Wayne Herschel and said authors of this article.
Suffice to say, a g-spectrum star like our own sun is found where Herschel states. (although in some of the most recent star catalogues, there are discrepancies when compared to older data) This small fact, though interesting, does little to explain the literal volumes of other esoteric knowledge and symbology that does not support Wayne Herschel’s theory and that he has apparently conveniently ignored.
It is the authors' belief that the star maps and data to be presented overwhelmingly point to not only a place...but a time.
When the latter is taken into account, the evidence undoubtedly points to a special place in the heavens; a singular place and time where our own sun is re-born. It is the confusion between a 'mystery star' and our Sun and its crucial role in Precession that accounts for the main differences between the theories of Mr. Herschel and those proposed here by the authors.
Here are the issues and shortcomings in Herschel's theory that he refuses to accept and believes are of little to no significance to his star maps:
- Wayne Herschel has seemingly completely ignored the fact that most of the monuments that play a role in his star maps, have been aligned to the solstices or equinox, ruling out any possible astrological significance that the ancient site(s) may have. It is a well-known fact, for instance, that Stonehenge was used as an observatory to track both the Sun and Moon. After all, the site is aligned to the dawning of the Summer Solstice Sun. But none of these factors are taken into consideration in Herschel’s theory, and their exacting alignments are dismissed as merely being used, quote, "...to time the planting of crops." For more information, read this article.
- Herschel's star maps point to a 'mystery star' by means of absolute coordinates and fixed distances between the stars. The Pleiades play a major role; and it is this constellation in Taurus that forms the key to a spot that according to Herschel, marks the 'mystery star.' There is, however, the possibility that it is not the absolute distance that is the crucial message, but the angles between the perspective stars. It is not surprising to the authors, but crucial to note, that the angle from the Pleiades to Herschel's 'mystery star' is precisely the same angle that points to the Summer Solstice Sun!
Summer Solstice Pleiades-Sun alignment close up
Herschel's star map |
Click here for Herschel's star map:
Using this principle, Wicherink has been able to demonstrate that the Winterbourne Stoke barrows at Stonehenge mimic the Pleiades, and are a way shower to the Summer Solstice Sun (on the Galactic Equator) by means of the angles between the stars in the Pleiades constellation and the Summer Solstice Sun. These conclusions are shared by Aaron Parlier who performed his own independent research and confirmed the latter suspicion of Wicherink that the Pleiades do indeed show the way to the solstice sun.
According to Herschel, the Egyptian Sun worship has been misunderstood by Egyptologists. Herschel suggests that the Egyptians did not worship the Sun of our own solar system, but instead venerated the ‘mystery star’ of the solar system of the extraterrestrial race that once visited the Earth. Taking into consideration that the ancient Egyptian monuments were more often than not aligned to the equinox or solstice of our own Sun contradicts Herschel’s claim that they venerated a Sun like star (G2 class) outside our own solar system.
In order to understand the remainder of this article it’s crucial to have a basic understanding of the Great Celestial Conjunction (Smelyakov-Wicherink 2006) that is occurring in between the years 1978-2017. For a full detailed scientific report read this article.
To understand this article it suffices to appreciate that the zodiac contains two crosses that, in the former mentioned span, will merge again after having been separated for the last 6480 years. This event marks Galactic Alignment, the Sun residing on the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way around 2012. This coincides with the ending of the Maya calendar on the Winter Solstice of 2012.
The first cross is formed by the orthogonal equinox-solstice axis and has been coined the 'Earth Cross.' The second cross is defined by the intersection of the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way and the ecliptic in the zodiac. This cross has been coined the 'Galactic Cross.'
Left zodiac crosses around the year zero, to the right around the year 2012 (in between 1978-2017).
Due to the 'Precession of the Equinoxes', the Galactic and Earth Cross will merge once again after being separated for 6480 years. This marks the end of the 26.000 year Precession Cycle and the start of the next cycle, a new Age or new Sun according to the Maya prophecies. As can be viewed in the zodiac picture of 2012 above, around 2012 the solstice axis will merge with the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way. The Galactic Equator in the zodiac runs from 5° Gemini to 5° Sagittarius. In era-2012 (1978-2017), the Sun will reside in 5° Gemini at the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way during the Summer Solstice and in 5° Sagittarius at the crossing of ecliptic and Milky Way at the Winter Solstice.
And herein lies the connection with Herschel's star maps; the Sun in 5o Gemini at the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way marks the same place of his so-called 'mystery star.'
So the 'mystery star' venerated by the ancients is likely NOT as Herschel claims a G2 class star outside our solar system, bu
This interpretation is in-keeping with our current knowledge of ancient cultures and their sun-religions; The Egyptians' Sun-worshipping therefore concerns our very own Sun, a view shared by mainstream Egyptologists.
Notice that the two crosses prior to 2012 form an eight-pointed cross in the zodiac. Around 2012, both crosses will have merged to form a single four-pointed cross. The four and eight-pointed crosses are symbols that have not only been used by the Knights Templar, but can be found in abundance in Christian and religious symbolism around the world. Christ's cross therefore predates Christianity and originally represented the cross of the zodiac. As Wicherink has argued in all of his articles, the eight-pointed cross is a symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction and this symbol has been used throughout the ages to denote this rare astrological event.
The eight pointed cross is also the key of the Key of Solomon!

The original manuscript of the Key of Solomon is lost, and only copies of the original script are in circulation. Like the Bible, these copies have been rewritten, retranslated, edited etc. over and over again. The original author of the original manuscript is believed to be the biblical Solomon, the son of King David of the Israelites. For the most part, the Key of Solomon book contains a lot of ‘witchcraft’ spells both affirmative and positive magic spells but also negative magic spells to be used to destroy enemies. Our concern in the context of this article is the so called ‘pentacles’ related to the Sun in the medieval version of the Key of Solomon, the Clavicula Salomonis dated 1572, and regarded as the oldest manuscript. The author of the original script that was used for the translation of the medieval Clavicula Salomonis is believed to be Ptolomy the Grecian. The pentacles in the Key of Solomon manuscripts vary from manuscript to manuscript and the oldest manuscripts dealt only with the planets and their virtues in their astrological context. These are Greek versions of the pentacles.
Notice that many of the pentacles contain a four or eight pointed cross. A first glance, the medieval manuscript Clavicula Salomonis reveals a lot of drawings of what seem to be eight-pointed crosses. The ultimate secret is that the key of Solomon is the eight-pointed cross, and this cross represents precession in general and the Great Celestial Conjunction in particular, as we will next demonstrate. The most interesting pentacles are the seven pentacles concerning the Sun.
The first pentacle depicts the head of ‘Metatron.’ The versicle that appears on the rim of the pentacles is taken from the bible. The Latin text translates into 'Behold his face and form by whom all things were made, and whom all creatures obey’ and is written on the rim. It’s important to understand that these texts could not have been part of the original Key of Solomon for the simple reason that the original Key of Solomon is much older than the bible. These texts could therefore be confusing and may have been added by subsequent authors to ‘clarify’ the original manuscript.
First pentacle related to the Sun.
Second pentacle of the Sun.
Notice the eight-pointed cross in the pentacle. Around the rim, the four names of the angels Shemeshiel, Paimoniah, Rekhodiah and Malkhiel are written. The mystical characters on the radii have not been deciphered. We surmise that the four-pointed cross in this pentacle that connects the four angels represents the Galactic Cross. The other cross therefore represents the Earth Cross of the overlapped eight-pointed zodiac crosses.
Third pentacle of the Sun.
The Hebrew name of God, IHVH (Jehovah), is repeated twelve times in the pentacle and most likely refers to the twelve signs of the zodiac. On top, the eight-pointed cross is depicted again. In addition, the tilted square within the outer square suggests another eight-pointed cross since the diagonals of these two squares form an eight-pointed cross. The Latin inscription on the rim translates into 'My kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and my dominion endureth from age to age’. The inscription clearly is referencing the precession cycle of the Sun since the Sun moves through all of the twelve signs of the zodiac, and each passage into a new sign is considered a new Age. The Sun’s kingdom is everlasting since after one precession cycle has been completed, another one is started.
Fourth pentacle of the Sun.
The fourth pentacle of the Sun is very interesting. In the first place, is it showing the eight-pointed cross again, with the cryptic characters at the end of the radii. The cryptic characters belong to an occult alphabet developed by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in the 16th Century. The name of this alphabet is . . . ‘The Passing of the River’. The name of this alphabet is believed to be referring to the passing of the Jews of the Euphrates, on their return from exile in Babylon, to the Holy Land to rebuild the destroyed Temple of Solomon at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The question is ‘why was this strange alphabet chosen and its characters placed at the end of the radii of the eight pointed cross’? The occult message may be that it is not referring to the passing of the river Euphrates by the Jews, but to the passing of the river by the Sun! In a Great Year of a complete precession cycle, the Sun passes that great river in the sky the Milky Way exactly four times, twice at equinoxes and twice at solstices. While Agrippa developed two other occult alphabets, the ‘Passing of the River’ alphabet was chosen for this pentacle because it contains an occult message. Although the Clavicula Salomonis contains many pentacles with eight pointed crosses, the pentacles pertaining to the Sun are the only pentacles that use the alphabet of the ‘Passing of the River’. Other mystical alphabets have been used in the pentacles such as the secret alphabet of Malachim for the pentacles pertaining to Mars, which makes the application of the ‘Passing of the River’ conspicuous because it’s being used for the pentacles pertaining to the Sun.
The ‘Passing of the River’ alphabet is also used in the fifth and sixth pentacles related to the Sun. These pentacles are more abstract than the previous ones. The letters in the angles of the triangle form the name of Shaddaï. On top the hexagram, the Star of David is depicted. Its significance remains a mystery to the authors.
Fifth pentacle of the Sun
Sixth pentacle of the Sun
Seventh pentacle of the Sun
The seventh and last pentacle pertaining to the Sun is most interesting since not only does it contain an eight-pointed cross, but a four-pointed cross is depicted on top as well! In the inner circle, two different four-pointed crosses can be discerned. The first cross connects the four elements, air, earth, fire, water. In-between the four arms (leaves) are written the names of the four rulers of the elements Ariel, Seraph, Tharshis and Cherub. The cryptic comment written with this pentacle by the translator of the Clavicula Salomonis is: ‘If any be by chance imprisoned or detained in fetters of iron, at the presence of this pentacle, which should be engraved in Gold on the day and hour of the Sun, he will be immediately delivered and set at liberty.’
When the two four-pointed crosses merge to form a single for pointed cross (as depicted on top of the pentacle), this is the day and hour of the Sun and it’s moment marks a Great Celestial Conjunction. Like the Second Coming, it seems to represent a moment of redemption at the ‘End of Time’ setting the imprisoned souls free.
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