Tanto el Tabernáculo y el Templo consistían de tres partes: |
El Atrio |
El Lugar Santo |
El Lugar Santísimo |
Con relación al Tabernáculo
El Lugar Santísimo era un cubo (10 pies x 10 pies x 10 pies) |
Con relación al Templo:
El Lugar Santísimo era un cubo (20 pies x 20 pies x 20 pies) |
El tabernáculo propiamente dicho era una tienda cuadrangular, de 30 codos* de largo, 10 de ancho y 10 de alto. Las dimensiones del conjunto de la estructura no figuran con exactitud en los registros del Exodo, pero se las puede calcular sobre la base de los detalles que se dan de las cortinas y las tablas que se usaron en las paredes del tabernáculo, y de las medidas proporcionales, pero mayores, del templo de Salomón (1 R. 6:2). La tienda estaba dividida en 2 compartimentos: el 1º conocido como "lugar santo" (Ex. 28:29), y el 2º como "lugar santísimo", literalmente "el Santo de los Santos" (26:33, BJ). Este constituía un cubo de 10 codos por lado, mientras el lugar santo era de 10 codos por 20. El tabernáculo estaba rodeado por un atrio o patio de 50 codos de ancho por 100 de largo, limitado por cortinas de lino de 5 codos de alto (27:18). Esta pared de cortinas estaba suspendida por 60 columnas, quizá de maderas de acacia* (por ser esta la madera usada para los muebles y otras columnas; cf 26:37) revestidas de plata y sostenidas por pedestales de bronce. En la parte central del extremo oriental del patio se hallaba la entrada, que estaba constituida por una cortina especial de 20 codos de largo (27:9-17). En la mitad oriental del patio, cerca de la entrada, estaba el altar de los holocaustos (vs 1-8) y el lavacro o lavatorio (30:17-21).
Leer más: Diccionario Biblico Cristiano Online y Gratis en Español - Significado o definicion de Tabernaculo

god in Simple Gematria Equals: 26 |
( |
7 |
15 |
4 |
) |
15. El que hablaba conmigo tenía una caña de medir, de oro, para medir la ciudad, sus puertas y su muro.
16. La ciudad se halla establecida en cuadro, y su longitud es igual a su anchura; y él midió la ciudad con la caña, doce mil estadios; la longitud, la altura y la anchura de ella son iguales.
17. Y midió su muro, ciento cuarenta y cuatro codos, de medida de hombre, la cual es de ángel.
11 + 2 + 5 + 8 = 26 1 + 3 + 7 + 6 + 9 = 26 Y (10) H (5) V (6) H (5) = 26 Just something I noticed and then I came across this video regarding the number 26,000. Coincidence or design? start watching around 00:37 (of course) and listen to vhat he says comrades. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUWrf7cTwfM&feature=related btw I love the deSIGN behind him, there are 4 panels, do you see a pattern in the symbols placement? namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5916&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=108 |
469 + 60 = 529, a number of significance as one more then 528 This is a clue as to why Aleister Crowley wouldn't use the number 528 in his gematria. But what he DID offer is 529, 23 squared while Paul Foster Case highly supports 528 as the key. I find it curious to why he felt he had to add one, perhaps a diversion? Or maybe he was just a stern believer in the "adding one" principle?
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Ta-Nech is the essence of wisdom, or of Chokmah. Also, 401 + 68 = 469 = ChShVQIHM = ring of the zodiac, also related to Chokmah. "Bid me within thine House to dwell, O winged snake of light, Hadit!" "I am Life, and the giver of Life..." giver of life = NVThN ChIH = 529 = 23 squared = HVVR-PA-KRAAT life = ChIH = 23 http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/enoch/alnotes.txt |
The word "begotten" has the gematria value 529 and the mirror of this number is 925, the english gematria of "Jesus Christ" !!
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The two transcendent levels of the soul are the “living one,” 23, and the “single one,” 37. 23 and 37 are the golden division of 60 !! In a leap year with two months of Adar there are 60 consecutive days of “increased joy.” Every day I’m happier and happier to be a Jew. My increased happiness comes from the two transcendent levels of my soul, 23 (the living one) and 37 (the single one) = 60. 23 squared, 529, and 37 squared, 1369 = 1898 = 26 x 73. 26 is God’s essential name "Havayah" and 73 is wisdom. We know God in wisdom. http://www.rabbiginsburgh.com/2011/02/24/the-living-one-and-the-single-one/ |
In the year 528 AD Justinian assigned 10 men the task of condensing the 1600 books of classic Roman law. 528 is a very important number as Raph has pointed out for so long now! Geometrically it represents a triangular number with a total of 528 to form a perfect equilateral triangle with sides of 32. Pythagoras claimed 10 as the perfect number, this is why just 10 men were needed for the task. Y O D = 10 !!  _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS |
Astronomical cycles that relate to Maya calendars:
1. All their calendars were based around a day, which is one circuit of the Earth around the Sun. 2. Three Tzolkins is exactly one Mars synodic year (3 x 260=780) 3. Eight haabs is exactly five Venus synodic years (8 x 365 = 5 x 584) 4. 46 Tzolkins = 405 lunar months 5. 59 Tzolkins = 42 tropical years 6. 135 Tzolkins = 88 Jupiter synodic years
7. 137 Tzolkins = 61 Venus synodic years 8. Twenty 819-day cycles = 21 Mars synodic years 9. Six 819-day cycles = 13 Saturn synodic years 10. Nineteen 819-day cycles = 39 Jupiter synodic years
11. 96 Tzolkins = 65 thirteen-month lunar years 12. 4 Tzolkins = 3 Eclipse years 13. One 13-tun cycle = 6 Mars synodic years = 18 Tzolkins 14. TWO 13-tun cycles = 27 Eclipse years 15. 39 Uinals = one Mars synodic year 16. Five 13-baktun cycles = one precession cycle.
http://www.atitlansol.com/Theories-2012-Mayan-Calendar/Calleman-calendar-wrong-predictions-fizzleandfail.html _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
1379 and another direct hit! Here are a couple of quotes, an image and the link.
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The Lamp by Vernon Jenkins
Clearly, 37 and its companion 91 - both remarkable as numbers per se, as we have seen - feature strongly in the first eight words of the Scriptures! However, the account is not complete for we have yet to consider the numerical implications of the Creator's name as it is rendered in the Greek, nominative case, of both Septuagint and New Testament:
5 - A summary of N-R
The foregoing account identifies 37 and 91 as trifigurate numbers. In other words, each may be represented as a symmetrical arrangement of uniform counters in three distinct ways: 37, as hexagon, hexagram and octagon; 91, as triangle, hexagon and pyramid. This shared attribute of trifiguracy is neither bettered nor matched by any other natural number! Furthermore, 37 and 91 are related as difference and sum, respectively, of the cubes of 3 and 4.
In a denary context (familiar to all!) - and particularly in association with 3 and its multiples - this relationship is extended, and gives rise to many eye-catching curiosities that are particularly appealing to those seeking recreation through numbers. No other number, in this context, offers anything approaching the same degree of interest!
These observations are augmented by information from another quarter: Mr. J. Iuliano has drawn this author's attention to the following:
the number 37 is rooted in the double periodic modular forms of Fermat's Last Theorem; an expression of the fine structure constant - ie the amplitude of an electron to emit or absorb a photon - involves 37, thus:
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
So how does CARD X, the numbers 11 2 5 8 line up with the fine structure constant, alpha = 137?
How many chapters are in each of the 4 godspell gospels written by the 4 Evangelists?
11 St. Matthew 28 Chapters = 1 (2+8=10=1) 08 St. John 21 Chapters = 3 05 St. Mark 16 Chapters = 7
02 St. Luke 24 Chapters = 6
It really is that simple give me a good reason why I should COMPLICATE a law of nature that transcends time/space?
Why else does QaBaLaH have a value of 137? WHY, please give me a better reason why the gematria value of the Hebrew word QaBaLaH = 137 was arrived at 1000 years before Richard Feynman told other theorists to 'worry about it'?
I shall stick with who/what got me this far, ME guides, the numbers 11258=1376 (add them up 11+2+5+8= 26 = 13+7+6) AND all else this ancient science impLIEs i.e. SS God = YHVH = 26 = tetragrammaton = Swastika Science (handedness, CW/CCW, torsion fIELds, hELIcal architecture, etc.)
...and only a fool would bet against a 12,000+ year old good luck symbol resurrecting itself. ...a 12,000+ year old symbol that has been associated with the healer archangel Raphael, the swastika.
Recall what I bring forth. 55 = DNA = I Ching = Stonehenge = Great Pyramid = obvious temples referencing our DNA = Holy Grail
Daniel = DANIEL = DNAI37? Genesis = gene thesis?
apparently it all makes more sense than the bullshit narrative, the propaganda camPAIN called Jesus that we have been fed.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
So far so good over on Toequest, who can dispute the evidence anyhow?
Raphael wrote: |
And if path 13 can be connected to the letter #13, i.e. the M, that would be sweet too. Intersecting with path #14 or the letter N would be a bonus.
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The following example shows how the value of 9 is encoded within the structure of the alphabet. It is revealed by folding the alphabet in half. Envision the alphabet written out along a ribbon. Now fold the ribbon in half, directly between the two middle letters, M and N. If you were to hold the folded ribbon up to a light you would see the 26 letters now form 13 pairs of letters. The first pair is A/Z. The second pair is B/Y, and so on all the way to the end where you have M/N.
Now combine the Alpha-Numeric Value (ANV) of the first letter "A" with the ANV of the last letter "Z", and add them together. Do the same with each pair of letters. Thus, [A]1+ [Z] 26 = 27. Reduced, 2+7=9. The same with B added to Y, and C added to X, and so on.
This "folding" process results in 13 pairs of letters. The number 13 is important to the whole Mayan calendar system. Interestingly and synchronistically, the reduced ANV of the word THIRTEEN is 9! Moreover, the ANV of TWENTY SIX is 6. Then 9x6=54, the same as the ANV of the word MAYAN which is 54! Coincidence or encoded clue?
4) 13 x 27 = 351, the mirror version of the ANV of the name of the Aztec/Toltec god, QUETZALCOATL, the ANV of which equals 153. Also the sum of the alphanumeric values of the letters in the english alphabet is 351. Notice both 351 and 153 reduce to 9 when the digits are cross added.
5) The ANV of KUKULCAN (the Mayan name for the same god) is 94 which reduces to 13 at the first level of reduction. |
26(trinity) 27(quarternity) 153 fish in jesus's net = 137

The hemisphere's of the brain can match as well as the zodiac.

The all seeing eye of Da'at given by Ma'at.

Were would path MN be? The middle pillar runs right through Daath. So they try to hide the path from the daath? Epic Fail !!  _________________
more profound confirmations of what is being VEILeD by EVIL
The Mayan Venus Calendar and the Golden Proportion
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The Golden Proportion is the key to a fuller understanding of phenomenal unfolding - for it manifests in organic forms such as seashells and pinecones, as well as our own DNA. The involuting spiral of consciousness - the unfolding of the spiritual flower - this is what the Golden Proportion describes. Yet, the I Ching is fortunate in that it has a philosophical number scheme that goes with it; it has the 8 trigrams and the 64 hexagrams to encode and make known its secret workings. The Golden Proportion, being essentially a ratio usually approximated as 1.618, does not have a conventional system of numbers to encode its workings. Or does it? What if we combine the spiral unfolding of the Golden Proportion (PHI=1.618) with the exponential expansion of the I Ching? This is what we get:
2 x PHI = 3.25 8 x PHI = 13 32 x PHI = 52 4 x PHI = 6.5 16 x PHI = 26 64 x PHI = 104 |
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
XLA X-stem Logic Alphabet and the New Jerusalem (tesseract) note: the 16 CUBES note: keep in mind that St. Peter Square, is demarcated by 16 'winds' note: keep in mind that the Tarot KEY I have recovered (see below) clearly indicates we should notice the first 15 letters have passed, and currently the stem indicates MNO. Which I have suggested can be rotated/reflected into words like OWN, NWO, ONE, WON, NOW, hey MON!
Thus the 16th letter on the TAROT KEY is P or p. Now the p used in this next link/article will make so much more sense. >>> http://www.logic-alphabet.net/mirrors_title.htm
Let The Mirrors Do The Thinking
Let The People Do The Reflecting

LANGUAGE, LETTER, NUMBER AND FORM COLLIDE Be sure to link on the interview at the end of this post.
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Our story begins with a simple example. Suppose that someone asked you to keep a record of your thoughts, exactly, and in terms of the symbols given, when you are making an effort to multiply XVI times LXIV. Also suppose that, refusing to give up, you finally arrive at the right answer, which happens to be MXXIV. We are sure that you would have had a much easier time of it, to solve this problem, if you would have found that 16 times 64 equals 1024.
This example not only looks at what we think and what we write. It also looks at the mental tools, the signs and symbols, that we are using when that thinking and that writing is taking place. How we got these mental tools is a long story, one that now includes the presence of some new developments.
Our main idea comes from calling attention to a deep commonality that cuts across the parallel streams of development that in recent millennia have unfolded in the ways and byways of evolutionary notation. It took many centuries of collective search to devise a place-value notation for counting. Likewise to devise a sound-value notation for reading. Likewise to devise a note-value notation for singing. And so forth, for each neurologically specialized ability; in effect, a different specialized notation for each specialized ability. These observations, easily recognized in the history of evolutionary notation, strongly suggest that every kind of intelligence needs its own kind of notation.
In what follows, with emphasis on a fast-forward recapitulation, we will run a replay of what happened when Europe took several centuries to go from MXXIV to 1024. This replay in not for numbers. It is for another specialized ability. It is for logic, when it is recast in terms of a shape-value notation. Modern logic starts in the middle of the 1800s and, as is well recognized, with the work of George Boole. This means that we have had only about 150 years to think up and to grow into the symbols we now use for symbolic logic. These symbols, and they are only symbols, leave a lot to be desired. We hope that we can draw you into taking a look at a lesson in lazy logic. If you follow us all the way, we hope to leave you with a new set of signs, signs that are much better than any you have seen yet. Not only will it be much easier for you to use them. Even mirrors will be able to use them.
X-stem Logic Alphabet: http://www.logic-alphabet.net/
Background: http://www.logic-alphabet.net/background.htm |
Why only 15 cubes in this version of XLA? It appears two have been combined into one. Take a look at the first image of the tesseract. It is clear in this second image the S and Z have been combined into one center cube. And I find that interesting, because the S is one of the 8 vertices of the outside cube, and the Z belongs to one of the 8 vertices of the inner cube.
Who does not see two intersecting SHAPES resembling 'SZ' in the center of the image above or in the image below we see a ZZ in the center of the 7000 year old plate found in Samarra Iraq....from the SZ, the SueZ region?
What does the geometric shape look like if we reflect one of the 'Z' in ZZ into a S?
The SHAPE resembling an '8' perhaps? More research is necessary in this fIELd by (me?) because the pieces are fitting rather well.
WOW MOM Interview with a kindred spirit: http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/18/crystal.php
I have found myself a new hero. Shea Zellweger makes far more sense than that wanker Zechary Stitchen, in fact proving ZS along with his planet Nibiru are flights of UFO fancy taking off in his head and coming out of his mouth like a swarm of locusts.
May ZSitchen Rest In PieceS and some of his music decompose along with him.
Which reminds me of another TRUE to LIFE real hero who used his imagination NOT to script science fiction and confuse the sheeple even more like that wanker ZS, but instead the imagination of ELI-YAHU RIPS will still pay dividends to humanity in the years to come.
DOT >>> 1D LINE >>> 2D SQUARE >>> 3D CUBE >>> 4D TESSERACT important to know about the tesseract: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract
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The tetrahedron forms the convex hull of the tesseract's vertex-centered central projection. Four of 8 cubic cells are shown. The 16th vertex is projected to infinity and the four edges to it are not shown.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Hey Ralph
Your video game IDEA is also part of how I SEE the evolution of GOD Helmet. I had this IDEA in 2009 when I was reading DanIEL Winter's work. Although he SEES the coherence of mind & heart as an end to itself I sEE it as a means to an end. Let mi explain.
I see ascension as a part of CUbic enfoldment-unfoldment of 9 Levels over 3 Layers or Realms.
The 9 Levels each poses 3 Cubes = 9 x 81 dimension Specific Solfeggio Frequency CODES.
But how do we know which dimension WE are accessing and communicating with? How do we know that the RAndom Music being transmitted from your oversoul layers or you guardian angELs are infact the TRUE Music tuned for your healing and activation?
DanIEL Winter talks about Phire, Implosion, embedding and LOVE via coherence biofeedback.
I believe that by getting feedback regarding eeg and ecg coherence WE can KNOW that the music which is being created through RANDOM EVENT GENERATION as PINK NOISE is TRUE to one's heART or not. The goal is to monitor what sort of Solfeggio CODES are being generated @ the EDGE of CHAOS while at the same time maximizing coherence in MIND and heART. The Music is then modulated upon LIGHT LED and ELectromagnetic pulses as well as Infrasound. The magnetic coils are placed upon the tempolar lobes above the ears bilaterally. The Infrasonic transducer is placed upon the Crown Itself rattling the dome with BASS via 270 non-solfeggio freq.
There is much reasearch regarding the spiritual effects of Infrasound waves, talk about goose bump effects and BASS
The infinity sign @ the top of the Magician's head comes to MIND. 2 Sets of Fib seq.
This sort of Music can indeed do some exorcising and enabling 3D boxed fellows to talk to one's higher SELF. What would happen to churches, unholy scripts, and child molesting middle man?
So I like to get your feedback regarding the evolution of the God Helmet deSIGN.
Thanks regarding 1212 1215. Here is some interesting inPho from Tsarion regarding EL
“The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL.
Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the ‘el,’ suffix Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,.”
Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
“The plural term Elohim appears over 2500 times in the Old Testament but is falsely translated in most versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Genesis ‘Gods’ said, ‘Let us make man in our image.’
"As stated, Elohim refers to both ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses,’ and its singular form, El, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, people and places, whence EmmanuEl, GabriEl, BethEl, etc. Even ‘Satan’ was one of the Elohim.”
Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy”
The gods of ELohim are angELs, the messengers of god.
When witches cast a speEL, they put the “Hex” (6) on someone, and when chefs deep fry something, they “Deep 6” it. It is the ELites who run the world today. Elite comes from the “IsraElites” which came from the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence IsRaEl.
So we have three types of CODE. Would this be a correct assumption?
Lunar 1212 or 1215 Solar 25811 Saturnic 1379 1376
Now back to the Cube.
"Jews and Muslims alike worship a huge black cube/box called Kabba at Mecca. Their god YHWH is known as the “Tetragramaton” meaning their 4 letter (4 sided?) God. The “Kabballah” of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from KabbaAllah or “CubeGod” around which people gather and ceremonially walk in circles."
Thus it can be said they are “circling the square.” Masons are also constantly referring to “circling the square” and “squaring the circle.”
So whats the relationship between hexagonal numbers and their corresponding Cubes?
The sequence of the centered hexagonal numbers is 1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271, 331, ...
The formula is an=3n²-3n+1. There is 1, 1+7=8, 1+7+19=27, 1+7+19+37=64, ... The series to the sequence of the centered hexagonal numbers is the sequence of the cube numbers.
Now I like to better understand the old formula and the new formula
27 + 37 vs 26 + 38 and their aSSociation with the hexagonal numbers. Can you shed some Light Ralph.
5*584 (ciclo sinodico de venus)=8 años=13*225 (ciclo sidereo de venus)
10*584=16 años=26*225
es obvia la relacion con el numero 13 y el 26, en el contexto al ocho y al 16.
la clave para racionalizar el 26 es obvia en el nexo de los ocho años solares con los 13 ciclos de venus (santa cena)
Ralph, the likeness to aleph is remarkable. Author Grant Luton describes aleph as a composite of yod and vav :

Symbolic of God, the THREE – in – ONE.
The numerical value of 2 x yod (10) + 1 vav (6) = [b]26, which has a perfect match with God’s name YHVH (yod + hei + vav + hei). ELI = 26
26 = 2 x 13. And of course number 31 or 13 depicts the Trinity.
The nearest physical object to God is a SUN, the ONE which emits the THREE primary rays.
And SUN is primarily HYDROGEN.
Normal hydrogen atom consists of 1 proton and 1 electron,[size=18] compose 11 or ELEVEN, the value ‘planned’ for EARTH to host life.
Notice that 11 in binary is 3…. Back to that significant THREE (also equivalent to SEVEN).
255 used in bit technology is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 binary, an OCTET…. Start number is 2^0
255 = 2^8 – 1. Notice a relation with sound,… the octave of ‘SEVEN’ notes….
Start note is 2^5.0313 (32.7 Hz).
Notice in the index 313… ‘light’/Trinity/313 reduces to 7/hydrogen's 331 corresponds with 313.
The 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is MEM. Its numerical value is 40.
13 & 40, 1340, are indications of pureness + degenerate impurity
It means ‘Living Waters’. HUMAN is comprised of around 78% WATER if I remember correctly.
The English gematria of MEM is 31 (13+5+13). 31 (gematria) is the reflection of 13 (th letter of Hebrew alphabet).
My 1992 experience indicates that each one of us, an ‘I’, comprises an atomic ‘ME’ and an ‘energy/spiritual/soul’ ME.
‘I = ME + ME’
I = MEME…. collectively, all 'Is' could be denoted by MEMES.
Gematria of MEMES = 64 or 8 x 8…. Pointing to 8x8 Magic Square?
MM and MEM (pronounced with a softened E) are shortened versions of MEME. Each is a form having the SAME meaning, like 13, 17, 37, 137, 134 forms of LIGHT.
Gematria values MEME = 36 the light form: 3 primary, 3 primary + 3 secondary. MEM = 31 a light form MM = 26 (also gematria of God, Eli, YHVH) = 2 x 13, (back to 13, light)
Each reduce to 9 (end ‘product’), 4 (degenerated light), 8 (a value for Jesus).
Nicely indicating the ‘components’ of HUMAN… involving light, God, Jesus, pureness and impurity.
Solid inpho Michael, thanks for that.
Regarding 1/64 (8x8 Grid of Hermes) & the Eye of Horus / 64 Hexagrams
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This eye is a symbol of the god Horus as both the son of Osiris and Isis and as the sun-god. Egyptian myths state that Horus lost his left eye in his war with Seth to avenge the death of his father. Seth tore the eye into pieces. The left eye, being the moon was discovered by Thoth (the god of wisdom and magic) lying in pieces, but he was able to reassemble them into the full moon. Each piece of the udjat (shown below) can be seen as representing a fraction of the descending geometric series 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc., put together they make 63/64 or approximately 1. Having been reassembled, Thoth gave the Eye to Horus. Horus, in turn, gave the eye to his murdered father Osiris, thereby bringing him back to life. |
 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 ~ 0(1)
7 steps on Jacob's ladder/chakras
We know there are 3080419480 nucleotides in the entire human genome. We know that these nucleotides combine to form 64 different codons.
So the average number of nucleotides for each codon is 3080419480/64 = 13 x 37 x 10 ^ 5.
So we could draw the entire human genome as a checker board of 64 squares, where each square has 13 x 37 x 10 ^ 5 nucleotides.
In terms of gematria 64 squares of 37 = 2368. 13(M) is also the star number within 37.
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DNA distribution DNA in cells could be divided into 3 arenas : --- 1 pair of sex chromosomes ....................... does this hint of the Hebrew ALEPH and father --- 22 autosome pairs ........................................ does this hint to the Hebrew TAV, a mark, cross & written word - maybe Jesus, the Word - from Aleph to Tav represented in the nucleus --- together with circular DNA in the powerhouse of cells - the mitochondria -- wheels of DNA a little like the Hebrew word for wheel Galgal from 3rd Hebrew letter. Each mitochondrion in humans and many animals having one circular DNA with 37 genes.
Guess I see metaphorical hints of Father, Son & Holy Spirit in the overall layout. The 3 hebrew letters associated with the above being A,T,& G. Is it a coincidence that the beginning codon of every protein to be made in the protein factory is methionine = ATG ............... even though they stand for english named nucleosides.
If cytosine C was replaced by the Hebrew letter kaph K=11 as there is no letter C in Hebrew, then the sum of the Hebrew Letters A,T,G,K = 37 ........ 1+22+3+11 with ATG summing to 26 = elohim
Each DNA rung is made up of: - a 5 ringed ribose - a 6 ringed pyramidine ---- T or C - a purine ------- a combination of a 6 ring and 5 ring to make a double ringed structure that has 10 struts with a middle bond like a waist belt ------ A or G - a 5 ring ribose
As the 2 strands of DNA open up and swing out then it is possible for the ring structure count of each DNA rung to become 10,5,6,5 similar to the tetragrammaton. Metaphorically the maker can be said to have hidden his name in each and every strand of DNA in every living thing.
5 elements are used to make up DNA - P,O,N,C,H. Their atomic numbers sum to 37 [ 15+8+7+6+1] and their nucleons sum to 74. |
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And Moshe made a copper snake (nachash nechoshet), and set it on a high pole, and it was that if a snake bit a man, and he stared at the copper snake, that he lived. Numbers 21:6-9 |
10 heads about to be arranged in a Pythagorean tetractys between TWO PILLARS
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Reply |
Message 34 of 34 on the subject |
The clasped hands is a symbol which was used by Pythagoras to symbolize the number 10, the sacred number in which all the preceding numbers were contained. The Lambdoma was expressed by the mysterious tetractys, a figure borrowed by him and the Hebrew priests from the Egyptian sacred science. The Hebrews formed it with the letters of the Divine name.
The Lambdoma is comprised of outer digits of 1-2-4-8 running down the left side, while the right side is 1-3-9-27.

In Kabbalah, the 10 points of the tetractys represent the 10 Sephiroth or the 10 faces of God. The followers of Kabbalah have also linked the tetractys with Tetragrammaton (YHWH).
The 10 letter name in Latin is I + IH + IHV + IHVH = 26 GOD = 7+15+4 = 26, 52 weeks in a year divided by 2 = 26 weeks 26 weeks is the halfway marking point that divides the conceptual circle of the year and hence "26" is viewed as a "co-relational diameter" when viewed in relationship to a "Pi Proportion".
Each of the ten points of the tetractys is substituted with a letter of the Tetragrammaton. When the numeric value of each letter is added together, it will yield the number 72. (72 names of God)
We should know how important the number 72 is by now. The 72 disciples sent by Jesus, the 72 disciples of Confucius. The good god Osiris was enclosed in a coffin by 72 evil disciples and accomplices of Set. Thoth, in an Egyptian creation myth, wins a 72nd of each day of the year from the Moon in a game of draughts, as a favor to Nut, the Sky Goddess. He uses these portions to make the 5 intercalary days on which the remaining Gods and Goddesses are born.
There are 72 Paranatellons, extra-zodiacal constellations that rise and set simultaneously with zodiacal constellations. 72 is also 1/5 of a circle and the angle needed to form the pentagram. The solar factor 720 is very important as Michael pointed out. The axis of the earth moves one degree every 72 years compared to stars and to the vault of heaven. 72x5=360
The Zohar say there are 72 old men of the synagogue, and the degrees of Jacob's ladder were to the number 72 according to the Zohar.
72 mirrored is 27, 7 + 2 = 9, there are many more associations to 72.

By connecting the 10 dots of the tetractys, 9 triangles are formed. 6 of these are involved in the forming of the cube. The same triangles, when lines are drawn between them, also reveal the 6 pointed star with a dot in the center. Only 7 dots are used in forming the cube and the star.
Qabbalistically, the 3 unused corner dots represent the 3fold, invisible causal universe, while the 7 dots involved in the cube and the star are the Elohim, the spirits of the 7 creative periods. The Sabbath, or 7th day, is the central dot. 37
http://www.abrahadabra.com/tetractys001.htm _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS |
micahel wrote: |
Ralph, the likeness to aleph is remarkable. Author Grant Luton describes aleph as a composite of yod and vav :

This site seems to agree with G. Lufton.
Quote: |
The Letter Aleph has 3 distinct parts and 10 laws concerning its form. There is an upper Yud, a lower Yud, and a body that is similar to a Vov.
Did you notice that another version has the 'main sequence' as Heh and Heh instead of Vav? Read 'page 347' below. YHVH Yod = 10 Heh = 5 Vav = 6 Heh = 5 So 5 + 5 = 10 Might be worth investigating. Why? Water and Earth form the brane, the membrane or the topology. i.e. an analogy to the main sequence, thus separating LIGHT from DARKNESS. recap: http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=73657#73657 The following analogy it is based on the above QaBaLaH image by A. Kircher. (PAGE 347 fig. 151) In this analogy Vav becomes the White Dwarf, the 'AIR' in the darkness. Yod is the 'FIRE', the Blue and Red Giants. The two positive elements FIRE and AIR are above and below the main sequence which forms the firmament or backbone of stars. Heh and Heh, 'WATER and EARTH' the two female elements which make up the main sequence. We also now have been provided with the x (male)and y (female) axis. And to put both a male god above, and the male devil below makes sense if you are trying to convey science not a fairy tale. namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6522&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=156 |
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