I say we, since the devil pinned it on the Jews during Hitler’s reign of terror, must take a MUCH CLOSER LOOK at its math and understand the profound significance of its geometry (math and geometry that the Jews and Christians may not have noticed – but surely, the devil who knows he has but a short time, is well aware of its symbolic measurements and introduced its so-called malignant identifications as his own—just as he has attempted to hijack the Rainbow).

Astonishing, and as we shall shortly see, the Star of David and its “extensions” lend themselves wholly to the measurements of the New Jerusalem. When integrated with the measurements and geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG), the Star of David expands those prophetic themes with grandeur—utterly amazing. Could it be that as the Almighty stirred within the Jews to return to their ancient homeland in preparation for the coming of the Son of Man at the “end of time” that He gave them this symbol and is now making it known by its geometry and math, while it very well could bear a prescient message of divine deliverance and hope for the world? Yes, the “enemy of our souls’ knew of its measurements—just as he knows the real meaning of the RAINBOW—but, alas, as Hitler did, even so, the “enemy of our souls” corrupting imprint deigns to deceive and distort the “6” for it is man’s number as is the six-pointed Star of David.
The Geometry of the Star of David & Its Expansion in the GPG
Firstly, however, the hexagon itself as a six-sided object or the six-pointed Star of David (the number “6”) created by the overlay of two triangles in opposite directions is what is called in “Sacred Geometry” the “perfect number” in that the factors of 6 are 1, 2, and 3, so that 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 or 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 with the next perfect number being 28 derived from 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28 and the third such number being 496, etc. Its geometry is considered “perfection” and the most malleable to manipulate; likewise, it is riveted upon man for on the sixth day was he created and has been given 6,000 years in the numbering of his days.

We must keep in mind that the geometry of the Magen David itself is a total of 2520° wherein 1080 degrees are totaled in its 6 pyramidion (points of the Star) and 1,440 degrees in its 12 ea. 120 degree parts (known as “supplementary” angles seen between each of the points of the Star, as well as within each of the interior bends of the hexagon. The six triangles of the Magen David each being 180 degrees X 6 is equal to 1080° + 1440° (the 12 each 120 degree supplementary angles so formed by the 2 large inverted triangles of the Star of David) = 2520°.
Those of you familiar with our writings grasp the “18” and the “144” as peculiar to the “Dimensions of Paradise”—the New Jerusalem in that her revelation as found in Revelation 21:16-17 give clear evidence that she is in the form of a cube wherein “The city is laid out as a square; its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with the reed: twelve thousand furlongs. Its length, breadth, and height are equal.”
The furlong is measured as 660 ft. At 12,000 furlongs X 660 ft. her edge is equal to 7,920,000 ft. ÷ 5,280 ft. (one mile) is equal to 1,500 linear miles X 12 (number of edges in a cube) will equal to 18,000 miles; hence, the “18” of the New Jerusalem. We can also eliminate zero from the 12,000 and arrive at “144” by multiplying 12 X 12 is equal to 144 on each of her six faces; whereas, her “Wall” is measured as 144 cubits (Revelation 21:17).
The 2520 is a fractal of the 25.20 inches of the Hebrew Sacred Cubit which this author, as well as the late David Flynn (among others), summarily concluded was this dimension and throughout the King James Version of the Bible (nigh miraculously preserved therein–and I’m no KJV only guy).
It may be pointed out that the “18” and the “144” as factors, when multiplied, produce a product which is the fractal of the Great Processional of the Equinoxes as in: 18 X 144 is equal to 2,592 (the Great Processional of the Equinoxes is 25,920 years with each of its 12 “traditional” constellations bearing 2,160 years or 12 X 2,160 years is equal to 25,920 years). This is one of the glaring reasons why this author views the “Woman of Revelation 12” as not only Israel but is representative of the Church and Israel—the Woman of Genesis 3:15 (aka, the Protoevangelium) wherein the Woman’s Seed (Messiah) would bruise the serpents head, though the serpent would bruise His heel (the crucifixion of Christ).

Now, allow me to jump ahead a bit before we actually discuss the “extended geometry” of the Star of David. Initially, and in order to do this, we are obliged to place the Star of David into a circle drawn whose perimeter touches the four sides of the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG). By placing the Star into the interior of the circle all six of its points (pyramidion) touch the perimeter at six equally spaced distances along its circumference (blue lines).
We are going to expand the GPG’s circle’s potential by extending 3 additional lines (red lines) to complete the duodecimal (i.e., “the system of twelve”) expression around the perimeter of its circle as seen below with simple “dots” indicating where lines can bisect the center of the circle and extend to the other side of the circle. Again, we placed the Magen David (six-pointed star or two inverted triangles) inside the circle (blue lines) which is surrounded by the four-square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza (dark black perimeter lines).

We are viewing the GPG (4-sq. of the Great Pyramid of Giza as the four-square containing the circle and triangles). I simply extended three extra lines (in red and colored the original Star in blue) and have created a platform with 12 equilateral triangles. These are the smaller 180 degree ones - there are, of course, others which overlap; however, these 12 do not overlap each other. The six new triangles were created within the hexagon itself.
Do not concern yourself at the present with the interior red-dotted square lines; however, please note that in this dotted square two of the four vertices were made from the original Star of David and the other two vertices were made by one of the line extensions, the Star being slightly tilted to the left in its original position in the graphic previous to this one at the start of this article. Again, all the points of the Star (6) and the lines bisecting the middle of the circle and extending out to the perimeter of the circle (6 points each) are equally spaced along the circumference of the interior circle of the GPG, while the circle itself theoretically touches the base perimeter of the GPG in four separate places, if you would, left/right and top/bottom.

Therefore, 12 X 180 degrees (180° per 12 triangles) = 2160 degrees; however, all lines formed within the circle produce an additional 120 degrees (but are not triangles, just supplementary angles of 60 degree (2 ea. X 60° = 120° when added together) or 6 x 120° = 720 degrees.
If these angles are added to the 2160° + 720° = 2880° thereby producing the two sets, again, of the 144 or 2880° ÷ 2 = 1440° which is likewise the perimeter of the base of the GPG itself at 3024 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (one Hebrew Sacred Cubit) = 1,440 Hebrew Sacred Cubits (HSC). Here the number of degrees vs. the number of Hebrew Sacred Cubits is 1,440 each but in degrees or HSC but all within the base parameter of the GPG.
Again, this “288” throughout antiquity connotes, I believe, the two sets of 144,000 found in Revelation 7 (Israel – sealed upon the earth prior to the Wrath of the Lamb) and in Revelation 14 (the Church raptured to the Heavenly Mt. Zion prior to the Wrath of the Lamb) and then found on all sides of the New Jerusalem or 12 x 12 = 144 (i.e., 12,000 furlongs X 12,000 furlongs = 144,000,000 sq. furlongs per each face for “Its length, breadth, and height are equal” Rev. 21:16.), and, of course, the Wall of the New Jerusalem is “144 cubits” or 144 X 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 302.4 ft. (a fractal of the base edge of the GPG itself at 756 ft. X 4 = 3024 ft.
All 3 lines intersecting the esoteric center of the circle are 756 ft. (for this is the diameter of the interior circle).
Therefore: There are 3 additional 756-foot "base lines" + the 4 on the perimeter for a total of 7 X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (Sacred Cubit) = 2,520 HSC or the very fractal of the HSC itself (viz., 25.20 inches)!

The precise fractal of the HSC can only be discovered if such a circle with the Star of David is inserted in its midst thereby demanding that additional equal-distance lines be drawn around the circle (providing us 12 equal arcs along the circle formed within the four-square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza) totaling 3 ea. 756-foot lines as per the duodecimal system of measurement—again: 7 lines (3 interior of the circle and 4 on the perimeter of the GPG) X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 HSC.
This SAME reflection can be replicated if the GPG were cubed making it 6 faces or 6 X 2520 HSC = 15,120 HSC and then doubled (as an octahedron) = 15,120 HSC X 2 = 30,240 HSC or the fractal of the perimeter of the four-square base of the GPG expressed in feet at 3024 ft. (4 X 756 ft. = 3024 ft.).

I repeat: The 7 ea. 756 ft. lines (4 on her perimeter or 3024 ft.) + 3 on the interior of the circle so formed (i.e. 3 X 756 ft. = 2268 ft.) or 3,024 ft. + 2,268 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 Hebrew Sacred Cubits—this is most amazing.
We are literally getting two sets of 2520s—one geometric and the other dimensional. The one set in degrees taken from the Star of David itself (as shown above) and the other taken from the Hebrew Sacred Cubit by combining the seven sets of 756 ft. lines taken from the 3 on the interior of the circle bisecting its center and the four-square perimeter of the (GPG) (i.e., 7 X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft.) and converting the 5,292 ft. into Hebrew Sacred Cubits (i.e., 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 HSC).
Please note that none of the points of the Magen David created by the overlaid triangle lines are 756 ft. The seven sets of 756 ft. are derived from the four-square base of the GPG and the three additional lines drawn to create the 12 equidistant points along the circle drawn within the GPG.
Again, our two sets of “2520” are derived from the Magen David as so described in degrees (2520°) and the other created by the 2520 HSC formed from the perimeter of the GPG + the 3 interior lines which bisect the circle so created—together these two sets of 2520 X 2 = 5040 which is Plato's Optimal Number for Societal Harmony wherein the City of Magnesia (system of 12) is juxtaposed to Atlantis (system of 10) – for in the Revelation the “12” triumphs over the “10.”
Astronomical Confirmations of the Star of David – Leading to the New Jerusalem

Be it known that the radii of the Moon (1080 miles) and of the Earth (3960 miles) are equal to 5040 miles and that 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 = 5040, and 7 X 8 X 9 X 10 = 5040 and that their sum: 5040 + 5040 = 10080 (combined diameters of the Earth and Moon), or the diameter of the Moon (2160 miles) and of the Earth (7920 miles) are equal to 10080 miles (which again is a fractal of the New Jerusalem’s linear, 12-edged perimeter of 18,000 miles or “18” = “18”).
Since the “esoteric radius” of the combined Earth and Moon is 5040 miles (i.e., two sets of 2520) it would mean that if a circle were made from their combined radii by doubling their radii (or 5040 miles X 2 equals a diameter of 10080 miles) then the circumference of the circle created from this 10080-mile diameter would be: C (circumference) = Pi X d (diameter) or 3.142857 X 10080 miles = 31680 miles.
Yes, be it known that having found this “Altar unto the Lord in the midst of Egypt, and a Pillar to the Lord at its border” (lit. Giza; Isaiah 19:19) we’ve discovered that “embedded” within its foundation is the “5040” or the two sets of 2520 created by the degrees of the Star of David’s geometric marvel and the surrounding measurements (in Hebrew Sacred Cubits) of the interior circle’s circumference embracing the Star of David added to the perimeter of that Pillar to the Lord at Giza (i.e., 7 X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 HSC).
And what of the circumference created from this “5040” (i.e., having started out as two sets of “2520” from the Star of David . . . moving toward the creation of two sets of 5040 discovered in the combined radii of the Earth and Moon and then doubling them for their total diameters at 10080 and therefrom to form the great Earth/Moon esoteric circle/circumference at 31680 miles)?
Yes, it is equal to 31680 miles but far more . . . far, far more. Since the Star of David has generated the “5040” connoting Plato’s Optimal Number for Societal Harmony (i.e., two sets of the Hebrew Sacred Cubit of 25.20 ins. or 2520 X 2 – 5040) . . . that same doubling of the Star’s 2520 now creates the 31680-mile circumference from the diameter of the 5040 radii of the Earth and the Moon off its 10080-mile diameter. Now, the miracle takes place orchestrated by the astronomical, archaeological and cosmic wonderment as the New Jerusalem descends to Earth with her 12,000 furlong base edge wherein her “length, breadth, and height are equal” (Revelation 21:16) thereby we calculate “the city is laid out as a square; its length is as great as its breadth” (Rev. 21:16); therefore: 12,000 furlongs X 660 ft. (one furlong) = 7,920,000 feet X four-square = 31,680,000 feet or “31680” the fractal of the Star’s magnificence.
31,680 Miles + 31,680 (New Jerusalem Perimeter) = 63,360
It appears likely that the 31,680 of the Star of David (generated from the Star’s two sets of 2520 equaling 5040 which we projected to the combined radii of the Earth and Moon, ultimately gave us a combined diameter and esoteric circumference of a circle bearing 31,680 miles. This 31,680 miles is a fractal of the New Jerusalem’s four-square base perimeter. Her four-square perimeter is calculated at 7920 X 4-sq. = 31,680).
What we’ve done with the Star of David is to place it, on the one hand, within the GPG, but, on the other hand, and as a consequence to this placement, catapulted it to embrace the Earth and its Moon—“For the Earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell herein.” (Psalm 24:1); and again:
“Now a great sign appeared in heaven:
A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet,
And on her head a garland of twelve stars.”
(Revelation 12:1)

It is here that I wish to bring to our attention that what appears as a “great sign in the heaven” is comprised of the Woman who is truly the expression of the Earth, for it is here that God’s eternal plan and purpose for the ages is fulfilled. The Woman is, however, clothed with the Sun, for she does not express her own righteousness but that of the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:1-2). The Moon is beneath her feet and atop her head she is bedecked with a garland with twelve constellations (aka, stars).