Why Cornet thought of the following, he cannot be sure. He had been told telepathically by a spiritual entity called Ka Ra that his birth place and time were pieces to the Rennes-le-Chteau puzzle. But how could this be? Bryn Mawr, where he was born, is on the opposite side of the Atlantic Ocean from the Valley of Rennes.
Those who have tackled the Rennes-le-Chteau mystery almost invariably looked for answers in that valley or in ancient Egypt. Most recently Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) developed a very complex solution through decoding esoteric documents in their search for the Tomb of God. So, if the burial place of Jesus is located in France, why look for clues in America? Furthermore, why should Cornet believe what Ka Ra told him?
First, let's try to understand who this spiritual entity Ka Ra is. You won't find any reference to her in the Bible, in the encyclopedia, in ancient Egyptian texts or hieroglyphs. That is because it is a New Name, constructed from the combination of the Egyptian word Ka with the name of Ra. Ra is the feminine gender, while Re is the masculine gender. Ka means spirit in ancient Egyptian. Thus the name Ka Ra means Spirit of Ra. If Ra represents the Sun God, then Ka Ra refers to the female aspect of the Sun God. In addition, the Greek word "kara" means head or top, as in deity. No coincidences here.
Who was it that was speaking telepathically to John in prison when he wrote what has become known as the Book of Revelation?
Sun God = Son = Jesus = Horus
Revelation 2.17: To him who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.
The book of Revelation clearly states that when Jesus returns he will have a new name. This fact is repeated a second time in that book: Revelation 3.12: ...and my own new name.
E.A "He Whose Home/Abode is Water"
(Sitchin, Divine Encounters, 1995)
For this exercise, don't get fooled by gender (see Deering, 1996: GOD, was she a man or is he a woman? The politics of religion). This is the perfect ploy to keep those who think they have eyes, but do not want to see, from finding out the truth. Follow the trail of clues wherever they may take you.
The hieroglyphic symbol for Ka is represented by a pair of upheld arms
while Ra is represented by the sun disc. When the symbols for Ka and Ra are combined, one gets Ka Ra. The hieroglyphs below are from E.A. Wallis Budge: Osiris & the Egyptian Resurrection (1973). They show these two symbols combined as part of other hieroglyphs, but not as a separate deity called Ka Ra. The best place to hide something is right in front of someone. Note that the Ka and Sun Disc symbols are placed at the top of the Tets, symbolizing Kara (head or top).
If Jesus = Horus and Lazarus is Greek for Osiris,
what is the meaning of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead?
Was it a cleverly disguised Egyptian ritual and not a miracle?
Saturn: Source of Measure Mr. Pietsch shows how Saturn rings true.
Canon of Measure and the "K" or "Ka" Symbol
excerpt from Saturn: Source of Measure by Bernard I. Pietsch
"Sacred measures are hidden only in the sense of being obscured by the filter of phenomenal or local observation. They are founded on that which is beyond mere appearance. Because they are relative to a larger framework than that which is visible here on Earth we sometimes refer to Canon measures as cosmic values.
"One of the keys to the domain of the cosmic is represented by the "K" symbol. K represents the ratio with which we part the veil. From the phenomenal world we enter the cosmic realm—a dimension where Time, Distance, Velocity, Number, and Geometry become co-in-ci-dent with one another, where one is an expression of all, where everything is in one thing, and where the law "as above, so below" becomes observable. Here the application and utility of Number in all its forms transcend the limitations imposed upon it by ordinary logic. Here, Number can become Time, distance, angle, ratio, logarithm. We have but to invoke the magic inherent in Number, and all is made available.
"K is the number 1.01430555. With it, the first measures to be unveiled are those of Time. The ancients understood the intimate and inseparable relationship of Time with all dimensions. (With K we will reveal the legendary "harmony of the spheres." But first some groundwork must be laid.)
"For a number of important reasons we adopt the solar year indicated by the base of Cheops Pyramid as the value 365.15 days which is 36,515 inches around the perimeter of the base. This number divided by K produces the Sacred or Cosmic Year of 360 days. The same length of time is involved but the relationship of the year to the circle of 360 is clearly established. From this ancient Sacred Year we derive the following units:
360 Days |
525816 Minutes |
8763.6 Hours |
24.34333 Hours |
1460.6 Minutes |
87636 Seconds |
"The derivation of the Sacred Day of 24 hours 20 minutes and 36 seconds is not only a mathematical construction. This is also the day (mean cosmic) responded to by plants and organisms. These circadian rhythms tend to be about 20 minutes longer than the mean solar day of 24 hours; biological rhythms in humans as well seem to follow this cycle. Also notice the number of minutes in the Cosmic Year: 525816. Dividing this by 100 renders the number for the feet in the Canon Mile. The mile has its origin in sacred time."
The Masonic - Knights Templar Connection
Cornet realized that his late wife Bonnie had grown up in Collingswood, NJ, directly across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. Ka Ra told him that his wife's childhood home was a piece to the puzzle. When he studied the Rennes-le-Chteau diagrams in GenIsis, he could not help but notice that the town of Rennes-le-Chteau is located on the west side of the Extended Pentagram, while the town of La-Borde-de-l'Auguste is located on the southeast side of the pentagram. He realized that the town where he was born, Bryn Mawr, is located on the west side of Philadelphia, while the town of Collingswood, where Bonnie grew up, is located on the southeast side of Philadelphia. Furthermore, La-Borde-de-l'Auguste means "edge of August," and his birth day (31 August)(MISMO DIA DE LA MUERTE DE LADY DY/PRINCESA DIANA) is at one edge of August. He later discovered that this date on the ancient Egyptian calendar was very special to the Egyptians. It was the day the Ennad is in festivity, and the day the Hier (to the throne) is established. When he discovered that Philadelphia means "Womb or Birthplace of Isis", he immediately saw the connection to the Extended Pentagram that Wood (1986) had so thoroughly linked to the Goddess Isis. He got partial confirmation when he discovered that Bryn Mawr is Welch for "high ground," or "great hill." Rennes-le-Chteau is located on a high plateau, and therefore is synonymous with high ground.
Image from GenIsis
The Knights Templar became associated with the Valley of Rennes. The Masons became associated with Philadelphia. Early Masonic tradition and beliefs hold much in common with those of the outlawed Knights Templar, although the two organizations are very different (see The Miter and the Trowel). Robinson was correct in his conclusion that there was a strong Templar influence in the early development of Freemasonry (Robinson, 1989).
Wood discovered that various towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes were positioned at key points on an invisible set of gigantic esoteric diagrams, which could be seen only in their entirety (if visible) from high above the ground (much like the Nozca lines in Peru).
Campbell and Wood uncovered additional features of these diagrams which belied any thought that they might be the fruits of vivid imagination. Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) reveal more data from decoding some of the same esoteric texts. Their data indicate that the authors of those texts were very much aware of the Sacred Geometry laid out by the positions of towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes. But in order for those towns to have been located where they are, someone had to be the architect and engineer who planned the layout before any construction began. And that someone had to have the surveying tools with which to accomplish this Herculean task. The following five figures come from GenIsis (Wood, 1986).
Circle of Churches |
Pentagram-Meridian |
The Crescents |
Temple of Solomon |
The Serpent |
Now let's go to Philadelphia, and see what Cornet uncovered using the clues given to him by David Wood and Ka Ra.