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Message 1 de 147 de ce thème |
Alcoseri (Mensaje original) |
Enviado: 28/11/2012 17:15 |
El Secreto Ancestral del Número 666- 3.142857
El mismo Juan Bíblico escritor del Libro de la Revelación advierte que en el 666 hay sabiduría, y sólo el que tiene entendimiento puede contar el número de la bestia, pues es número de hombre (no de Satanás), según Apocalipsis 13: 18. 18 Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia; porque es el número de hombre: y el número de ella, seiscientos sesenta y seis ---666. Seria mas exacto el saber que la traducción indica inteligencia de calcular el número pero hay que ver que si a eso nos vamos es mas fácil calcularlo si no es un numero ya que las matemáticas son extensas así que en si el 666 significan seis cosas, una por cada 6 y son los poderes que gobiernan hoy el mundo y han segado a muchos para que la luz no pase por sus ojos y vean la verdad, ¿Podrían decir cuales son? ___Respuesta___ El 6 era dibujado por los egipcios como una pletina, abierta en un extremo superior, es decir un clavo, siendo la finalidad de la apertura superior la de sujetar las tablas que se clavaban. El dibujo es exactamente igual a nuestra "Y" así como su simbología.___ El 6 es, como clavo, el nexo de unión de las cosas. ___ a conjunción copulativa "y" que es como pasó al castellano, a través del fenicio y latín, realiza dicha función en nuestra gramática, pues decimos: 1 comedor = 1 mesa y 6 sillas De forma que con el clavo hemos convertido varias unidades sueltas en la unidad En judaico, es el signo "Wao" que normalmente se dice "W" solo, pero que significa clavo, Moisés, lo usa en hebreo de dos formas diferentes. 1- Uniendo 2- Manteniendo unido la unidad que se ha roto. Me explico. Moisés, denomina Adam (ADM µda ) a la Humanidad unida, tal como Díos los creó, hombre y mujer (Génesis 1:27 y 5:2) Moisés, narra como Esaú se deja llevar por los apetitos, y vende su primogenitur a, Génesis 25: 28 y a partir de ese momento, Esaú es Edom (ADWM). ___ DM significa "homogeneidad, igualdad", de forma que al introducir el clavo en medio, Moisés rompe la "homogeneidad o igualdad de la humanidad" y convierte ADM en ADWM; es decir, la humanidad unida = Adam, se convierte en humanidad rota = Edom, por culpa de la codicia o de sucumbir a los apetitos. ___ Otras formas cásicas de romper la unión o la raíz en sí misma, se aprecian al comparar: AB = Padre en potencia; ABA = Padre de hecho AWB = espíritu, se abortó la paternidad. ___ Pero como nexo de unión, el clavo o Wao, Moisés lo usa para generar el Verbo divino HWH y el Nombre de Díos YHWH. ___ H = Ser, espíritu puro, HH = esencia de la vida HWH = Ser-Siendo = Era-Es-Será; pero de forma en que no admite conjugación verbal, pues simplemente "ES"; y donde el clavo, une el pasado y el futuro en una unidad que es el presente. Es un concepto un tanto extraño, habituados a pensar en pasado- presente y futuro. ___ Pero en realidad, el pasado no existe, pues ya pasó. El futuro no existe pues no llegó. ___ ___El presente es infinito.___ Y sino perdonamos el pasado, sus cadenas condicionarán nuestro futuro impidiendonos vivir el pesente. ___ El 6 o clavo, es símbolo del Mesías, como nexo de unión entre el cielo y la tierra; nunca de imperfección. ___ H = Ser = 5 Z = 7 = la meta, nuestro mundo físico 3-D; pues para representarlo con bloques de piedra, necesitaremos: 2 bloques, 1 arriba y 1 abajo = eje vertical 2 bloques, 1 derecha y 1 izquierda = eje horizontal 2 bloques, 1 al frente y 1 al forndo = eje transversal, o como queramos decirle 1 bloque en el cruce de los 3 ejes 7 bloques en total Estando el 6, entre el 5 y el 7; desarrolla los conceptos, como clavo o nexo de unión, de nuestros sntido, pues son los que nos unen al mundo físico. *************************************************************************** ************************************* El 666 es el arca, donde se guarda la Toráh en la Sinagoga. La primera vez que los cabalistas se fijan en este número, es con el pasaje de Moisés, cuando se encuentra con Díos, sobre el monte Sinaí, y este le declara su Nombre. ___ El pasaje, debe leerse considerando que: 40 = suficiente, son las 40 semanas que necesita un feto para nacer en condiciones normales. Cuarentena. ___ Sinaí = odio, pasiones odiosas Moisés, tras estar el tiempo suficiente (40 días y noches) por encima del odio y de las pasiones odiosas (cima del Sinaí) se encontró cara a cara con Díos y este le reveló su Nombre "YO SOY". YO SOY EL QUE SOY = 543 Moisés = 345 De esta forma, vemos que efectivamente 543 y 345, son la inversa uno del otro, por eso, la cara de Moisés, brillaba cuando descendió. Al observar esta coincidencia; y habiendo olvidado el origen de los signos, los hombres pensaron que existía un "número mágico" que sería el Nombre de Díos y que el que lo descubriera, pronunciandolo, podría hacer milagros. 543 534 345 354 453 435 24-24-24 las sumas de las 3 columnas 6-6-6 reduciendolo a un dígito. Es decir 666 Apocalipsis dice "Yo soy el alfa y el Omega"; pero en el texto griego, dice textualmente "Yo soy el alfa y la :W" (W por omega), es decir, escribe la palabra alfa integramente, pero solo pone el signo omega. Alfa+W = 1.332 = 666 + 666 = 666 y 666 Pero la suma de la serie 1+2+3+4....+36 = 666 Así que sustituyendo por sus equivalentes: 72 = 36 y 36 Y 72, es el tetragramón YHWH, 10 5 6 5, o que es lo mismo 10=5 y 5; pues 6 = clavo o "y" conjunción copulativa. ___ Así que si YHWH lo podemos escribir como clave 10=5y5 Si el valor del Tetragramón es 72; escribiremos 72 = 36 y 36 De donde se deduce que "El Alfa y el Omega" es un simil de YHWH; como puede ser Padre-Hijo, según se quiera interpretar. La otra referencia existente al 666, es Lucifer. ___ Lucifer = Él-Astro por excelencia, el que más brilla (orgullo) En hebreo STR rts significa oculto-secreto, y así se traduce en Jueces 3:19, Isaías 16:4, Salmo 32:7, Proverbios 25:23. De esta palabra, saldrá "Star" en inglés; y de "STR" al ponerle la "A" delante, saldrá "ASTR" y en castellano Astro, Astronomía etc... El motivo por el que signifique oculto, secreto, escondido; es porque una estrella no se ve brillar cuando está el sol o la luna, las dos lumbreras hechas para enseñorearse del día y de la noche. Es decir "ASTR" es el "Poder oculto" o "la existencia oculta". ___ Al anteponerle el pronombre "Él" se generará HASTR rtsah = 5+1+60+400+200 = 666 = Lucifer = El poder oculto. ____Moab______ En la Biblia, es el libro de Esther (Estrella), libro donde nunca se nombra a Díos ni a su pueblo Israel, y donde se justifica el "ataque preventivo" con la masacre de 75.000 seres humanos. Curiosamente: H= 5..........5 A= 1..........6 S= 60........66 T= 400......466 R= 200......666 ......666....1.209 El 11 o número de los pares opuestos, de valor 20, es K. Y es sinónimo de orgullo enfrentado a Díos, 1.....0......1, es la interpretación de Moisés ante Díos 543 - 345, desde el EGO. ____Alcoseri______ Y 3 veces 11, es sinónimo de Anticristo, en Apocalipsis, 11x11x11=1331 el Anticristo, podrá hacer lo mismo que Cristo (1332) excepto dar la vida. ____Alcoseri______ Es 3 veces, pues 3, es nuestro mundo 3-D, 3 dimensiones. Largo x ancho x alto. ____Alcoseri______ Esta estrella, nunca fue del Rey David ni de Salomón ni del pueblo judío. Fue incorporada por Tzabatei (nombrado "el mesías" por el sanedrin, en realñidad anticristo) como símbolo suyo, y adoptado por los ritos mágicos de Rothchilt (Maguen Edom, o Escuido rojo). Los números que están en las puntas del hexagrama son simplemente el resultado de dividir 10 (el poder manifiesto de Díos, los 10 mandamientos) por 7 (número de meta física); que da una serie periódica de 142857...142857... al infinito, la Serpiente del tiempo, el círculo, todo se repite "en el plano físico", ojo. Para cosntruirla, el Zohar del Explendor dice, que se traza un cuadrado de lado 10. ____Alcoseri______ Dentro del cuadrado, se inscribe un círculo de diámetro 10. Esta operación, se conoce como "encuadratura del círculo o cuadratura del círculo (por mala traducción)", y no representa ninguna equivalencia de superficie ni longitud. ____Alcoseri______ En las 4 esquinas, se trazan 4 círculos tangentes al círculo de diámetro 10, obteniendo el carro, con sus 4 ruedas. Allí, donde los 4 círculos o ruedas del carro, cortan el cuadrado de lado 10, se trazarán rectas horizontales de lado 10, una superior y otra inferior. ____Alcoseri______ Sobre estas rectas, o bases de triángulos equiláteros, símbolo de "L" o "Lamed" de valor 30, que significa la elevación; se elevarán sendos triángulos de lado 10, uno hacia arriba (sobre la recta inferior) y el otro hacia abajo. ____Alcoseri______ El perimetro resultante de este hexagrama, es de 40. Igual que el valor del perímetro del cuadrado. ____Alcoseri______ Mientras, que su valor, por triángulos separados, es de 30+30=60, Sameq, la serpiente. ____Alcoseri______ El círculo interior del hexagrama, es de 6 (se desprecian los decimales, pues los egipcios construian con blouesd epiedra). ____Alcoseri______ Y como el círculo es la esfera, igual que el cuadrado es al cubo. Si el diámetro del círculo es 6, el cubo que lo circunscribe, es 6x6x6 = 666 cabalisticamente hablando. ____Alcoseri______ El círculo exterior, es de valor 11, de diámetro. Y el cubo, o símbolo del mundo tridimensional, será 11 x 11 x 11 = 1.331 = Anticristos en griego. ____666______¿Casualidades o causalidades? ____666______ La ciudad de Wasington D.C. fué edificada sobre la finca denominada "Rome" (Roma en francés), para hacerlo en una ciudad totalmente nueva, y que ninguna ciudad pudiera tener envidia de otra, por ser escogida como capital del País. ____666______ El tratado de independencia, fue firmado por 10 personas, de los que 9 eran masones. ____666______ 22.07.1209 Exterminio de 100.000 cristianos cátaros en Beciers (Francia); 22 es 11 x 2 y 7 como número terminal, es un comodín. 1209 era la suma acumulada de Lucifer. ____666______ 21-22.07.1946 Atentado en hotel Rey David de Jerusalem, más de 100 civiles muertos. ____666______ 07.07.2005 (3 veces 7) atentado de Londres.____666______ 21.07.2005 segundo atentado de Londres, 60 (la serpiente) años despues del de Jerusalen. ____666______ En el año 1246 se decidió que las fuerzas Trinitarias, vencían a las fuerzas Unitarias; me refiero a la s guerras de Reconquista, donde los que defendían al díos Trino, acabaron venciendo a los que defendían al díos Uno. El aumentativo en hebreo, se hace añadiendo 700 (nun), así que 1246 + 700 = 1946 = Abadón en griego, ver Apocalipsis. Abadón, es Él-Destructor, la Supremacía por la destrucción, y el 1.945, se lanzaron las 2 bombas atómicas de Hirosima y Nagasaki. ____666______ En Kabbaláh, +/- 1, no tiene importancia; ya que unas veces se completa el ciclo en dicho número, y otras veces se empieza el ciclo en el siguiente. ____666______ Rabin, fue asesinado el 04.11.1995, y 666 días despues, el día del Aquelarre, en el túnel de las ánimas, sería sacrificada una mujer embnarazada, Ladi Dí, el 31.08.1997, en el día del Centenario del primer congreso Sionista de 31.08.1897. Uno, acaba con la duda, de sí las profecías se cumplen por mandato divino, o porque ciertos señoes que practican la mágia negra o satánica, se empeñan en justificar sus crímenes a través de los números. ____666______ Moisés, usa los números como una forma de lenguaje, igual que los profetas, Jesús o sus apostoles. ____666______ La Kabbalah Mágica, trata de justificar el universo y el poder de dominarlo a través del número "para ayudar a Díos", según manifestaba un eminente Doctor Kabalista, en la contraportada de la Vanguardia, apenas hace 10 días. ____666______ Peronalmente, creo en un Díos-Uno, que es Amor, y el amor, no necesita ayudas de mágias ni otras tonterías o demencias humanas.
Fraternalmente Vicente Alcoseri
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Message 88 de 147 de ce thème |

I have to admit, the most disturbing connection upon doing the research for this article was finding this site. Extensive research by the author of the site gives me time to wander its content and read. At first other material was what led me to the site, but upon finding this…I was shocked.

Freemasons today don’t mind admitting that the Compass and Square symbol is also a disguise version of the Hexagram shape, if you put two horizontal lines across the points of the compass and square. So why did the Freemasons in the past, need to disguise its shape? Although in the last 200 years the Hexagram has gained reasonable respectability as the Star of David in Judaism, in pre-Christian times it was used by Pagan religions. So back in medieval times it would have been seen as a pagan symbol which would warranted a visit by the Inquisition, for anyone who dared to displayed it.

The Hexagram consists of 6 sides, 6 points and 6 smaller triangles, thus 666. Before Revelation in the Bible was written, 666 stood for the Triple Goddesses as 6 was a sacred number, and is still as holy number in Hinduism and Buddhism.

So the story of the Beast 666 in Book of Revelations was an attack on Goddess worship as 666 was also used to represent the Triple Babylonian Goddess Ishtar whom Revelation called, “The Great Whore Of Babylon”. Hex is also associated with Witchcraft as it is another name for a Witch’s spell and in German a Hexen is a Witch.

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Message 89 de 147 de ce thème |
Juan 2
1. Al tercer día se hicieron unas bodas en Caná de Galilea; y estaba allí la madre de Jesús.
2. Y fueron también invitados a las bodas Jesús y sus discípulos.
3. Y faltando el vino, la madre de Jesús le dijo: No tienen vino.
4. Jesús le dijo: ¿Qué tienes conmigo, mujer? Aún no ha venido mi hora.
5. Su madre dijo a los que servían: Haced todo lo que os dijere.
6. Y estaban allí seis tinajas de piedra para agua, conforme al rito de la purificación de los judíos, en cada una de las cuales cabían dos o tres cántaros.
7. Jesús les dijo: Llenad estas tinajas de agua. Y las llenaron hasta arriba.
8. Entonces les dijo: Sacad ahora, y llevadlo al maestresala. Y se lo llevaron.
9. Cuando el maestresala probó el agua hecha vino, sin saber él de dónde era, aunque lo sabían los sirvientes que habían sacado el agua, llamó al esposo,
10. y le dijo: Todo hombre sirve primero el buen vino, y cuando ya han bebido mucho, entonces el inferior; mas tú has reservado el buen vino hasta ahora.
11. Este principio de señales hizo Jesús en Caná de Galilea, y manifestó su gloria; y sus discípulos creyeron en él.
12. Después de esto descendieron a Capernaum, él, su madre, sus hermanos y sus discípulos; y estuvieron allí no muchos días.
13. Estaba cerca la pascua de los judíos; y subió Jesús a Jerusalén,
14. y halló en el templo a los que vendían bueyes, ovejas y palomas, y a los cambistas allí sentados. (PALOMA / SEÑAL DE JONAS (PALOMA) / COLUMBA / COLUMBIA / SEPTIMO DIA EN FUNCION AL ARCA DE NOE SEGUN GENESIS 8 )
15. Y haciendo un azote de cuerdas, echó fuera del templo a todos, y las ovejas y los bueyes; y esparció las monedas de los cambistas, y volcó las mesas;
17. Entonces se acordaron sus discípulos que está escrito: El celo de tu casa me consume.
18. Y los judíos respondieron y le dijeron: ¿Qué señal nos muestras, ya que haces esto?
19. Respondió Jesús y les dijo: Destruid este templo, y en tres días lo levantaré. (LA SEÑAL DE JONAS, OSEA TRES DIAS Y TRES NOCHES)
20. Dijeron luego los judíos: En cuarenta y seis años fue edificado este templo, ¿y tú en tres días lo levantarás?
21. Mas él hablaba del templo de su cuerpo.
22. Por tanto, cuando resucitó de entre los muertos, sus discípulos se acordaron que había dicho esto; y creyeron la Escritura y la palabra que Jesús había dicho.
23. Estando en Jerusalén en la fiesta de la pascua, muchos creyeron en su nombre, viendo las señales que hacía.
24. Pero Jesús mismo no se fiaba de ellos, porque conocía a todos,
25. y no tenía necesidad de que nadie le diese testimonio del hombre, pues él sabía lo que había en el hombre. |
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Message 90 de 147 de ce thème |
Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth
Calendars for the Sun, Moon and stars - by Gillies MacBain
An abridged version of a talk given to the Sr. Aine Historical Society Templemore, Co. Tipperary.
 Newgrange (right) and Knowth (far left, behind trees) and the Boyne in flood.
The Boyne Valley passage mounds attract worldwide attention and undoubtedly deserve World Heritage Site status. Until now, the archaeologist's viewpoint has been dominant - that they are primarily burial mounds. Gillies Macbain argues that a wider perspective is needed, to include astronomy and other sciences. His astronomical and mathematical arguments presented here offer compelling evidence that these mounds were built to act as calanders based on the movements of the sun, moon and the star Venus.
When I first wrote down my conclusions on the passage mounds – I sent a copy to Professor Eogan, an archaeologist, and another to Professor Wayman, an astronomer. The distinguished archaeologist wrote back saying " I can't comment on your theories because I am not an astronomer". The distinguished astronomer wrote back saying that the numbers looked right but he couldn't comment on them because he was not an archaeologist!
I have to acknowledge my debt to the expert authors and authorities – but I don't believe that archaeology itself is enough: To get the full picture you need archaeology but also anthropology, astronomy, agriculture, architecture, ancient history, mythology and the history of religion – and a dash of common sense.
Surely Newgrange has to be more than a grave? There are a number of ways of burying a body easier than under 200,000 tonnes of stones. Let the archaeologists call it a passage grave. I prefer to call it a passage mound. It is permissible to see this complex of mounds as the longest and greatest engineering project ever undertaken on this island of Ireland.
If you want a better word to describe the three great mounds in the Boyne Valley, then I suggest the word "cathedrals" would be the most appropriate.*
Regarding the sun, the moon, and the calendar. From my own house in Tipperary the sun sets behind the Devil's Bit mountain: The Gap of Barnane. On the 15th August each year, if the weather is clear, the sun is seen to set exactly in the Bit. That is the Feast of the Assumption and the cathedral in Thurles is the Cathedral of the Assumption. The 15th of August is also the date of Nenagh show and the meaning of "Nenagh" is "annual" or "annual fair".
Now here is another curious thing: If the sun goes down exactly in the Devil's Bit on the 15th August, just eight weeks after midsummer, it must do the same trick on its way north along the horizon eight weeks before midsummer. It will also rise, on the 14th February, just eight weeks after midwinter on the exactly opposite point of the horizon.
And what is opposite the rising sun? As the sun rises, the full moon sets, and once every 19 years this full moon will coincide with the 14th February and also set directly in the Devil's Bit.
The moon's behaviour has complications which would take too long to explain, but you can take it that a front door accidently lined up with the sun, can equally certainly be said to be lined up with a regular setting or rising of the moon.
Would anyone build a passage mound with a deliberate alignment on a phase of the moon which occurred only once in 19 years? The answer is that neolithic man, yes, would. It is only us in our headlong age with our illusion of constant progress, who think in the short-term.

Let me explain this 19-year thing: The problem of the calendar makers is to reconcile the apparent motion of the sun and moon. Seen from the earth, the sun goes around every 24 hours. The seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth in its orbit, and this orbit takes 365.25 days. We know this fact so well that we tend to forget that the length of the year is completely unrelated to the length of the day. As for month, the word comes from the word "moon". The moon in fact goes around anti-clockwise – only the spin of the earth makes it look clockwise. The month lasts 29.5 days from new moon to new moon. The year is twelve moon months and 10.9 days left over. So some years have thirteen new moons.
By a pure coincidence of the solar system, 19 sun years are almost exactly equal to 235 moon months. So if the moon and the sun are in a particular configuration on a particular day of the year, they will be in the same configuration with the moon at the same phase, on the same day, 19 years later. This 19 year cycle is an astronomical one, but it is used in the Christian calendar to determine the day on which Easter occurs.
None of this information is original or new. What is new is that we are bringing together information from one field to throw light on another.

Let us now deal with Dowth and Knowth – the other two major passage mounds on the Boyne. Dowth was traditionally held to have been built by the druid Bres and means "darkness" in Irish. The story is that darkness fell upon the earth before the mound was completed. I take this to mean an eclipse. Dowth has 115 kerb stones. If you go around twice that makes 115 x 2, or 230 stones. 230 is the number of moons (new moon to new moon) in the 18.6 year cycle, after which the pattern of eclipses repeats itself. Dowth faces in a westerly direction. The west is where you see the new moon, and the new moon, OR dark moon, is the time when eclipses of the sun occur: It all fits.
The reference to a 19-year cycle would be very appropriate for Knowth, which has passages facing east and west. At the equinox the sun comes up due east in any part of the world, and sets due west. Once every nineteen years the moon will be full on the same day as the equinox. Likewise half way around the cycle, after 9.5 years,the new moon will do the same at the autumn equinox, but with, not opposite, the sun. The eastern passage may also be slanted slightly south of east, towards the old moon preceding the equinox.
Let me explain: To see the old moon, you look east – it rises before the sun, a little closer every day until it disappears in the glow of dawn. Similarly, to see the new moon you look west. It sets a little later than the sun, every day. So the old moon at Knowth would give about 3 days warning of the new. Knowth has 127 stones and 127 is half of 254 – the number of sidereal moons in 19 years. Sidereal means coming back to the same point in the stars. That takes the moon 27.3 days. Meanwhile the sun has moved on in the annual circuit and not until 29.5 days does the moon catch up.
So the number of kerb stones at Knowth is either one of the greatest coincidences of all time or it indicates beyond doubt a detailed knowledge of the moon, and an understanding of the circling of the stars.
Our most difficult task is to get inside the mind of a people who can neither read nor write, but are skilled at designing and building in stone, and so advanced in their observations of the heavens that we find it hard to keep up with them, even now in an age of television and universal education!
Dowth and Knowth yielded their secret fairly easily, now what about Newgrange?
If Dowth is the first mound, watching the 18.6 year cycle of the eclipses – and Knowth is the second, watching the 19 years coincidence of sun and moon, what else is there to track? There is the 8 year cycle of the planet Venus. The planet Venus goes around the sun – as seen from the earth which is also moving – in 584 days. During this cycle it appears once as the morning star, and once as the evening star. By another astronomical coincidence, five of these Venus cycles make nearly the same number of days as there are in eight years, – in fact after eight years Venus comes back ahead of the sun, just 2.5 days early.
Now I want you to imagine a coming together of the winter sun, the new moon, and the planet Venus. The calendar maker has to decide what day to chose for day one. We chose January 1st and anno domini 1 (1 A.D.) as our starting points. But the winter solstice is a natural starting point for the sun; for the moon the new or darkened moon; and for Venus the inferior conjunction when it passes across the face of the sun and can be visible as a black dot under certain conditions.

I am saying that Newgrange may be designed to look out for a day which is day one of the suns year, day one of the moon's nineteen year cycle and day one of the planet Venus' eight year cycle. The lowest common denominator of the one year sun cycle, nineteen year moon coincidence and eight year Venus coincidence is 1 x 19 x 8 = 152. 152 fits Newgrange in the following way: Newgrange has 97 kerb stones. Make the entrance stone K1 and the highly decorated stone K52 represent the days of triple conjunction. There are 95 kerb stones remaining. Each kerb stone = one 584 day cycle of Venus. Thus each five stones = 8 years. Thus the stones make 19 x 8 years or 152 years. This represents a "great year" of sun, moon, and Venus.
To me this is the meaning of the regular phrase in mythology 'three fifties plus two'. It is the sun/ moon/ Venus cycle. The theory that I am putting forward assumes a knowledge of the movements of the sun, moon, and Venus, on the part of the passage mound builders.
So the most conservative archaeologists now accept the alignment of Newgrange with the midwinter sun. All of the circumstantial evidence points to an association of the Boyne valley with the moon after which it is named (Boyne = cow. The moon was known as the white cow). And the third person of this neolithic trinity is the planet Venus.
At Newgrange the folk tradition of county Meath was that the morning star (Venus) shone into Newgrange once in every eight years. It takes Venus five cycles, as we saw, to come back into line with the solar year. That is why Venus is represented as a five pointed star. Of course, what we are celebrating is not just any old star, but the morning star which announces the dawn.
A fundamental problem of religion is to reconcile the natural, unconscious, night-time mind, with the rational, conscious, daylight mind. The morning star which brings the dawn is the messenger of love, reconciliation, and the coming of the light. It is a parable of nature. The star of Bethlehem is a lot more than a children's story. It stands for the meeting point of day and night, of reason and feeling, the reconciliation of man with creation and the reconciliation of heaven and earth.
What I am calling for is the rescue of the passage mounds from the archaeologists' operating table, and their restoration as sites of spiritual significance. Here in Tipperary, the Rock of Cashel is abandoned to tourism, and it is part of the OPW lease that it is not to be used for religious purposes. The Derrynaflan chalice is locked in a glass case in the museum. For a thousand years it lay hidden for fear of the Vikings. Now the Viking city of Dublin holds it and no one asks for it back. The only grail chalice that we care about is the Sam Maguire football trophy.
I humbly suggest that the time has come to reclaim the roots of our religion – and reclaim for the pilgrim the sacred and ancient landscape that is being lost to the mere tourist.
Gillies Macbain is an organic farmer.
http://www.mythicalireland.com/astronomy/boynecalendars.html |
227=19x9+8x7 (ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN)
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Message 91 de 147 de ce thème |
Now if Great Pyramid’s side represents scaled down Diameter of the Earth, here are the details:
Earth Diameter in Miles = 2 x Earth Radius = 2x 3960 miles = 7920 miles If Earth Diameter is is represented by 22 units (2x 11), each unit would have 360 miles !!! Each unit would also be represented by 20 REC. Ancient builders of GP used likely smaller units called Royal Egyptian Cubits and according to Egyptologists, base of GP has length of 440 REC. Therefore GP as scaled model of Earth-Moon system was built to scale where each REC represents 7920/440 = 18 miles and each of 22 principal design units represents 360 miles (7920/22). 1 cosmic unit = 360 miles = 579.36384 km= 633,600 yards.

The latitude of the Great Pyramid is 30 deg N
Copyright World-Mysteries.com
Secrets of the Giza Pyramids – Part 2
by Charles Marcello
I believe the Pyramids have three different messages intertwined within them… I believe one of the three is a three dimensional mathematical equation passed forward by our truly ancient ancestors regarding our Solar System, (the great pyramid), Time (the Second Pyramid) and light (The Third Pyramid.) Still working on the significance of the Red Pyramid, though I believe I might have solved that as well. The answers are absolutely unbelievable. It seems completely ridiculous that a civilization existed in our distant past that was more advanced even then our own. [ source >> ]
Note: The following post is based on some of the most recent comments by Charles Marcello we would like to bring to the spotlight for further discussion
December 3, 2013
I was gonna wait until my Secrets of Giza Pyramids blog part 2 comes out next year to mention this but I always love giving information away for free to see if others are willing to look just a little deeper. To add to your list go to Genesis Chapter 11 and add up all the ages… Our go to my other blog December 3 2012 and the Pyramids at Giza (quickly located to the right) and scroll down to Part 3… Now take those totals and divide them into the Sun. And then compare that answer to the Great Pyramid. Obviously people can argue so what… But now that you’ve been shown a different way to look at the collection of ages, is there more than one answer hidden inside the Bible? Enjoy the ride!
–Charles Marcello
December 31, 2013
Above I asked people to divide the ages of Genesis Chapter 11 into the physical dimensions of the Sun and compare those answers to the Great Pyramid… if you did so you would’ve discovered these answers;
432,000/2996 equals 144… and 864,000/2996 equals 288.
So I began to think, what if the original dimension of the Great Pyramid was 288 before missing its capstone? So then I was like, is it possible there is a hidden formula for figuring out the true dimensions of the Great Pyramid inside the bible? I know our history books state standard mathematics was invented by Rome… Yet, if what is revealed below is true, there is no way in hell Rome invented the inch, foot, mile because they didn’t build the Pyramids or Write the book of Genesis.
So… the big question becomes does the Bible and Standard Mathematics reveal the Dimensions of the Great Pyramid and if so just how old is the standard measurement system?
- With a follow up question… using the formula below could that suggest the builders of those pyramids did in fact build ALL the Pyramids at Giza to represent our three dimensional reality?
- And if so does this demand someone in our very distant past hide these secrets inside Genesis Chapter 11…
- or perhaps our not so ancient ancestors misunderstood the science that was passed forward by the survivors of some catastrophic worldwide event?
- If any of that is true, how is this secret revealed?
Well the Above Answer takes the ages in Genesis Chapter 11 and then divides it into the Standard Mathematical measurements of the Sun which, I now believe, equals the true physical height of the Great Pyramid if it had its missing capstone. If that is true how do we find the other measurements of the Pyramids. Well first I have to point you to my blog the “Secrets of the Giza Pyramids” for even more clues. Inside that I stated, to my mind, there are three undeniable truths regarding the Pyramids at Giza.
- First, the pyramids are 1/6 the true physical measurement of a cube that equals the true hidden secret/knowledge left behind by our very ancient ancestors. Meaning this knowledge wasn’t’ hidden from them, but it has been purposely hidden from us.
- The Second, that whomever built those Pyramids had to of flown in space, period!
- And lastly, to my mind the evidence is overwhelming they only accepted and acknowledge our three dimensional reality while at the same time they knew our Earth perfectly mimics the Sun in every way possible. Which is kind of embarrassing for our time… we rightfully deny the Earth is flat yet we use flat earth/universe mathematics to define our three dimensional reality. I wonder if that is going to change anytime soon?
How to reveal the rest of the secrets hidden within Genesis Chapter 11 using Standard Mathematics for the Great Pyramid… followed quietly by… could this simple discovery create some very embarrassing questions for science, our history books, Egyptologists and worldwide religions?
Before we begin we must agree on some very basic truths. I suggest you check these facts out for yourself…
- do the total Ages of Genesis Chapter 11 equal 2996 and are there 5,280 feet in a mile?
- Next we need to agree that 2996 times 2 equals 5992. Read the rest of Genesis Chapter 11 to find why by 2.
- So if we take 5992 and subtract 5280 we get 712.
I was amazed when I saw the second measurement of the Great Pyramid. Oh wait, that’s right I should probably divide 712 in half, which equals 356. A second physical dimension of the Great Pyramid.
Dimensions of the Great Pyramid in Royal Egyptian Cubits
Yet I was still not convinced. So I played around some more and this is what I found. Take 5992 and divide 5280 into it which equals 1.13484848… all by itself that number seemed like it equaled nothing, until I decided to multiply 369 (take the pyramids and sequence them, 3, 3 plus 3 = 6, 3 plus 3 plus 3 = 9 ie 369 times 1.13484848 equals… 418.7590909 or to keep things simple 418. The third physical dimension of the Great Pyramid, that convinced me the pyramids were created to represent a cube. Do the math without cubic measurements and see what you get.
While the 440 base measurement as many others have discovered equals the physical measurements of our planet if multiplied by a variant of the Sun’s physical dimensions in miles.
The question becomes what are the odds that all the physical dimensions of the Great Pyramid can be found hidden inside Genesis Chapter 11 using nothing but Standard Mathematics and the Pyramids physical setup? And yes I could’ve given these answers years ago, yet I did not want these answers associated with 2012.
Let alone are there still many hidden answers awaiting discovery… for example… if we subtract Shem’s age from the total and divide that into the Suns physical dimensions we get 864,000 / 2,396 equals 360.601001 or 360 degrees perhaps.
Are there other answers? Yes there are, but the rest are for you to find. Some day soon I will give examples on how our truly ancient ancestors could’ve used 3 dimensional mathematics to improve there lives greatly… and how if we use three dimensional mathematics it will do the same for us, both physically and mentally. If you’re impatient jump ahead play with three dimensional mathematics I promise you will be …
–Charles Marcello
January 2, 2014
For those who aren’t familiar with my style of revealing things that I believe I’ve discovered, the above comment may appear that I’m attempting to have my cake and eat it to. When I said I now believe the real height of the Great pyramid is 288. And then give measurements that only shows the pyramid without it’s capstone. I probably should’ve just said I believe the All Seeing Eye equals the missing measurements that allows us to finally break the Pyramid code and how parts of the Bible was written to help us do just that.
How so… Well let us start simple. 440 + 356 + 288 = 1084. Or perhaps 108.4 equaling another Earth-Sun connection using standard mathematics. Now let’s be a little more complicated. I said the pyramids at Giza are actually 1/6th of a cube and the measurements for the All Seeing Eye is 8. So that’s 8 × 6 = 48 × 6 = 288 × 6= 1728 × ? Will give you the speed of light in standard mathematics.
[ Note: Speed of light 299,792,458 m/s = 186,000 miles/second when divided by 1728 gives respectively 173,491 and 107.64 ]
I would show you more but I’m now confident I’ve now shown more then enough to help those who want to see, see… While at the same time helping the so called illuminated to see something that’s been hidden from them in plain site. BTW to see the all seeing eye, overlap the pyramids by the scale represented with this discovery. If you do you’ll begin to understand why we are all one and how everything is connected… And why every culture on earth created their own version to save the knowledge of three dimensional mathematics/knowledge/very ancient wisdom, that over time has been corrupted by those seeking to bend mankind to the own will. I hope you look for the rest of answers.
144,000 ::: 666 ::: 216
144,000/666=216,216216216… 144,000 * 6 = 864,000 and 144 * 6 = 864 144,000 / 6 = 24,000 and 144 / 6 = 24 24, 000 / 6 = 4,000 and 24 / 6 = 4 4,000 / 6 = 666.66 and 4 / 6 = .666
144,000 * 36 = 5,184,000 and 144 * 36 = 5,184 144,000 / 36 = 4000 and 144 / 36 = 4 24,000 / 36 = 666.66 and 24 / 36 = .666 4,000 / 36 = 111.11 and 4 / 36 = .111
144,000 * 216 = 31,104,000 and 144 * 216 = 31,104 144,000 / 216 = 666.66 and 144 / 216 = .666 24, 000 / 216 = 111.11 and 24 / 216 = .111 4,000 / 216 = 18.5185 and 4 / 216 = .0185185
144,000 * 666 = 95,904,000 and 144 * 666 = 95,904 144,000 / 666 = 216.216 and 144 / 666 = .216 24,000 * 666 = 15,984,000 and 24 * 666 = 15,984 24,000 / 666 = 36.036 and 24 / 666 = .0360 4,000 * 666 = 2,664,000 and 4 * 666 = 2,664 4000 / 666 = 6.006 and 4 / 666 = .006006
666 * 6 = 3,996 666 / 6 = 111 666 * 36 = 23,976 666 / 36 = 18.5 666 * 216 = 143,856 666 / 216 = 3.083
with the added bonus of… 6*6*6 = 216; 216*432,000 = 93,312,000 432,000/216 = 2000.
–Charles Marcello
666 ::: 6x6x6 = 216 ::: 216/2 = 108 216 = 63 = 23 x 33
- The Sun has radius, diameter and circumference about 109 times that of Earth
- The maximum distance of the Sun from the Earth (aphelion) is approximately 152 million kilometers, about 109 times that of the Sun’s diameter.
- On September 18-19 the distance of the Sun from Earth is approximately 150.336 million km, which is about 108 times that of the Sun’s diameter (or 216 times of the Sun’s Radius)
To my young friend (via email) and everyone else:
I’m trying my best to make this a worldwide discovery and that is why I use the verbiage that I do. If I only give you half the answer and you discover the rest then that part of the discovery belongs to you. The answer is not 316 it’s 480.
- You really think the so called secret numbers 322 and 233 is some hidden reference to 666, really?
- You really believe all those weird pointed hats used by religions around the world are used to honor some extinct culture instead of something a lot more powerful…
- Or that the obelisk at the Vatican, Washington D.C. and hundreds of other places around the world is there to honor some dead dude’s/gods penis, really?
- Its never occurred to any of you that those hats and obelisks represent the light bearer and the true source of power for the ancient world?
To understand what I’m suggesting humor me by adding the 8 extra Royal Cubits and see what kind of design you have for the great pyramid. And then perhaps you might reconsider why I mentioned capturing the Suns light as an ancient power source.
–Charles Marcello
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Message 92 de 147 de ce thème |

The letter G symbol of freemasonry traces back to the Hebrew letter gimel and interestingly links to the serpent as well. It is said that the letter G also represents the ouroboros, the snake eating it’s tail which represents immortality/resurrection.

Ecuaciones de Einstein
Las Ecuaciones de Einstein son el centro de la relatividad general. Proporcionan una formulación precisa, utilizando el lenguaje de las matemáticas, de la relación entre la geometría del espacio-tiempo y las propiedades de la materia.
Distancias correspondientes a 30 grados a diferencia de longitud, en diferentes latitudes, sobre la superficie de la tierra.
Estas ecuaciones se formulan utilizando el lenguaje de la geometría riemanniana, en la que las propiedades geométricas de un espacio (o espacio-tiempo) son descritas por una cantidad llamada métrica. La métrica codifica la información necesaria para calcular las nociones geométricas fundamentales de distancia y ángulo en un espacio curvo (o espacio-tiempo).
Una superficie esférica como la de la Tierra proporciona un ejemplo sencillo. La ubicación de cualquier punto de la superficie puede ser descrito por dos coordenadas geográficas: latitud y longitud. Sin embargo, a diferencia de las coordenadas cartesianas del plano, las diferencias de coordenadas no son lo mismo que las distancias en la superficie, tal y como se muestra en el diagrama de la derecha: para alguien en el ecuador, moverse hacia el Oeste por 30 grados de longitud (línea magenta) corresponde a un distancia de aproximadamente 3300 kilómetros; para alguien mucho más al norte, a una latitud de 55 grados, al moverse 30 grados de longitud hacia el oeste (línea azul) se cubre una distancia de sólo 1900 kilómetros. Las coordenadas, por lo tanto, no proporcionan suficiente información para describir la geometría de una superficie esférica o la geometría más complicada del espacio-tiempo: se necesita información adicional para convertir las diferencias de coordenadas a distancias reales. Este es, precisamente, la información codificada en la métrica: se trata de una función definida en cada punto de la superficie (o espacio, o espacio-tiempo) que describe hasta qué punto el espacio se curva o estira en el entorno de ese punto. Todas las demás cantidades que son de interés en la geometría, tales como la longitud de cada curva, o el ángulo en que dos curvas se encuentran, se puede calcular a partir de esta función métricas.[15]
La cantidad de curvatura que hay en cada punto de un espacio (o espacio-tiempo) determina la curvatura del espacio. Más precisamente, la función métrica y la rapidez con que cambia de un punto a otro se puede utilizar para definir una cantidad geométrica llamada Tensor de curvatura de Riemann, que describe exactamente la forma en que el espacio (o espacio-tiempo) es curva en cada punto . En la relatividad general, la métrica y el tensor de curvatura son las cantidades definidas en cada punto en espacio-tiempo. Además, el contenido de materia del espacio, como se ha indicado, define otra cantidad, el tensor energía-impulso T, y el principio de que "el espacio-tiempo le dice a la materia cómo moverse, y la materia le dice al espacio-tiempo cómo curvarse", significa que estas cantidades deben estar relacionados de alguna manera. Einstein formuló esta relación usando el tensor de curvatura y la métrica para definir otra cantidad geométrica G, que ahora se conoce como el tensor de Einstein, que describe algunos aspectos de la forma en la que el espacio-tiempo se curva. La ecuación de Einstein entonces se establece que

es decir, hasta un constante múltiple, la cantidad G (que mide la curvatura) se equipara con la cantidad T (que mide el contenido de materia). Las constantes que participan en esta ecuación reflejan las diferentes teorías que se usaron para deducirlas: G es la Constante de gravitación universal que ya está presente en la gravedad de Newton;c es la velocidad de la luz, la clave constante de la relatividad especial, y π es una de las constantes básicas de la geometría. La aparición de π en la ecuación se asocia con la zona (4 π) de la unidad de materia, mientras que las constantes c y G se necesitan para convertir la cantidad T (que tiene unidad físicas) en unidades puramente geométricas.
Esta ecuación es referida a menudo en plural como ecuaciones de Einstein , puesto que las cantidades G y T son determinados por un conjunto de diez funciones de las coordenadas del espacio, y las ecuaciones equiparan cada una de estas funciones componentes. Sin embargo, a causa de la libertad de cambiar las cuatro coordenadas en las que las ecuaciones se expresan, en realidad hay sólo seis ecuaciones físicas que deben cumplirse en cada punto en espacio.[16] describe una geometría particular de el espacio y el tiempo. Por ejemplo, la primera solución que se encontró, apenas un mes después de que Einstein publicara su teoría, fue la métrica de Schwarzschild, que describe la geometría esférica alrededor de una única masa no giratoria, como una estrella o un agujero negro, mientras que la solución de Kerr describe un agujero negro giratorio. Otras soluciones pueden describir una onda gravitacional o en el caso de la más compleja solución de la Métrica de Friedman-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker, la expansión del universo. La solución más sencilla es por supuesto el espacio-tiempo plano o espacio de Minkowski, que es el espacio-tiempo descrito por la relatividad especial.[17]
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012
De izquierda a derecha: Galileo Galilei, Marie Curie, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Thomas Edison, Aristoteles, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins y Charles Darwin.
714. Mateo 23:17: ¡Insensatos y ciegos! porque ¿cuál es mayor, el ORO, o el templo que santifica al ORO?
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Message 93 de 147 de ce thème |
Squaring the Circle - The Great Pyramid
The square represents the physical. The circle represents the spiritual. All sacred geometers have attempted the impossible: to square the circle (create a square who's perimeter is equal to the circumference of a circle.)
Here is the first of two valiant attempts: This squaring of the circle works with a right triangle that represents the apothem (ZY) - (a line drawn from the base of the center of one of the sides to top of the pyramid), down to the center of the base (ZE), and out to the point where the apothem touches the Earth (EY).

The Great Pyramid of Egypt (Sphinx in foreground)

Now let's look at this in 2D, from directly above.
For the purpose of this exercise, the side (AB) of the base equals 2.

(ABCD) is the base of the Great Pyramid.
This is lettered similarly to the wire frame version (above).
For the purpose of this exercise, the side (AB) of the base equals 2.

Construct square (i JKD), thus creating double square (JKE f).

Create diagonal (EK) which intersects (i D) at (l).
iD = 1, therefore the diameter of the circle is also 1.
(EK) = ( 5) = .618 + 1 + .618

Put the point of your compass at (E) and extend it along the diagonal (EK) to point (m) where the circle intersects (EK), and draw the arc downward to intersect (KD f C) at (n).
If (EK) = ( 5), and (l m/l D) and l i = .5, the diameter of this circle is 1.
This makes (E m) = .618 + 1, or 1.618.
(E m) is the apothem.

Draw (E n) which intersects (A i l D ) at (o).
Put compass point at (f) and extend it to (n). Again put your point at (E) and draw the circle which happens to have the radius (E o).
(f n) is the height of the Great Pyramid.
This circle comes remarkably close to having the same circumference as the perimeter of the base (ABCD).
Let's go back to the original right triangle (EYZ) (EY) = .5
(YZ) = phi
(EZ) = ( phi)
EY = .5, The apothem is phi/1.618. This makes the 51 degree + degree angle.
Using a² + b² = c², this makes the height the square root of phi.
Squaring the Circle - The Earth & the Moon
Create a square (ABCD) with (AB) = 11
Create diagonals (AC) and (BD) crossing at center point (E)
Construct a circle which is tangent to square (ABCD) at f

Construct two 3 . 4 . 5 right triangles, with the 4 . 5 angles at (A) and (D).
Connect the 5 . 3 angles creating square (abcd) with side (ab) = 3
{4 + 3 + 4 = 11, or side (AD) of square (ABCD)}
Create diagonals (ac) and (bd) centering at (e)
Create a circle that is tangent to square (abcd) at four places.

Draw line (Ee) which intersects side (AD) at (F)
(EF) = the radius of the larger circle and (eF) = the radius of the smaller circle
The larger circle thus created is to the smaller circle as the moon is to the Earth!
With your compass point at (E), create a circle with radius (Ee)
This creates a circle whose circumference is equal to the perimeter of square (ABCD)!

The Math:
(AB) = 11 (EF) = 1/2 of (AB) = 5.5
(ab) = 3 (eF) = 1.5
Therefore 5.5 + 1.5 = 7
The circumference of a circle is equal to two times the radius (the diameter) times pi (3.1416).
C= 14 x 3.1416 C= 43.9824
In Square (ABCD), (AB) = 11 The perimeter of a square is four times one side. 11 x 4 = 44
According to the Cambridge Encyclopedia, the equator radius of the Earth is 3963 miles. The equator radius of the Moon is 1080.
The claim is that the smaller circle (in square abcd) is to the larger circle (in square ABCD) as the Moon is to the Earth.
(EF) = 5.5 (F e) = 1.5 5.5 : 1.5 :: 3963 : 1080 5.5 / 1.5 = 3.66666 3963 / 1080 = 3.6694 - (if it had been 3960, it would have been exact!)
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Message 94 de 147 de ce thème |
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Message 95 de 147 de ce thème |
I noticed a crop circle with a similar pattern its the Metatron Cube and the Hebrew Star of David  The Metatron's Cube part of this crop circle design has 18 cubes or 19 were the central one shown. the ratio 18:19 is that between the synodic periods of Saturn and Jupiter measured in units of three weeks or 21 days. This was not noted in Sacred Number because, by chapter 10, Metatron was one of the last elements tying up the root-three geometrical theme and the book was concluding with the City of New Jerusalem cube measuring 12,000 (feet) on each side.
An alternative view is the New Jerusalem pattern of John Michel, based upon canonical measures that divide by twelve around the perimeter, a perimeter that is then "squared" rather than a cube. Thus this crop circle strangely portrays two views of New Jerusalem, the canonical and the Metatronic. Were this the case then the precedent is that of a duality, a light and dark side, an outer and inner face of the same phenomenon. Rene Guenon especially remarks upon this in this book Lord of the World chapter 3 called Shekinah and Metatron in which he says
Although Mikaël is identified with Metatron, he represents only one aspect. Beside the luminous face, there is a dark face represented by Samaël, also known as Sarhaolam— in fact, it is this latter aspect, and it only, which symbolizes in a lower sense the 'spirit of the world', or the Princeps hujus mundi referred to in the Gospels. Samaël's relationship with Metatron, as the latter's shadow, so to say, justifies the use of the same title in a twofold sense as well as making it clear why the 'number of the beast', the apocalytic 666, is also a solar number.' To quote Saint Hippolytus in conclusion: 'The Messiah and the Anti-Christ both have the lion for their emblem', another solar symbol. The same remarks may be applied to the serpent and to many other symbols. From a Kabbalistic viewpoint, we have here the two opposite faces of Metatron; we need not go into the theories we might formulate on this double meaning of symbols, only noting that the confusion between the luminous and the dark aspects is what properly constitutes 'Satanism'. It is precisely this confusion that allows some, unintentionally and through simple ignorance (an excuse, not a justification), to believe that an infernal significance is to be found in the title 'Lord of the World'. [Let us further point out that the `Globe of the World', insignia of imperial power of universal monarchy, is frequently placed in the hand of Christ, which shows that he is the emblem of spiritual authority as well as of temporal power.]
Coombe Springs Press edition, 1983
Interestingly, the number 666 is also of astronomical significance. many years ago I looked at the motion of the Moon's orbit (apogee) viz the nodes of that orbit. I will make another entry on this but the two meet every six years and hence in 6 + 6 + 6 years = 18 years, the conditions are the same regarding the distance of the Moon and its nodes that generate eclipses. It so happens that this almost exactly matches the Saros period of 18.03 years which is why that period is the most reliable rule: "if there was an eclipse at such a moment, then 18 years hence, a similar one will almost certainly occur". The Saros is 19 eclipse years long (18:19 again) and there are 223 lunar months also in the same period.
In this way the design of the planetary environment seen from Earth contains key numbers that are quite small and are very significantly "chosen" to operate together. As I point out in Matrix of Creation, these numbers are a unique configuration within the field of number itself and form a "master class" in the behaviour of number itself, a theme that continues in Sacred Number. This led to the tradition of the Demiurge or craftsman god, called Smith.
AuthorRichard Heath | Comments Off | Share ArticleShare Article in Categorygeometry & geomancy
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_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
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Message 96 de 147 de ce thème |
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Message 60 of 60 on the subject |
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Message 97 de 147 de ce thème |
Cronos devora a sus hijos

Cronos (Saturno) era el más jóven de los Titanes, hijos de la Madre Tierra y Urano (la tierra y el cielo). Urano, odiaba a sus hijos y los escondió en la Madre Tierra causándole gran dolor. Como venganza fabricó una hoz para Cronos y le convenció de que diese muerte a su padre. Cuando cumplió sus deseos, se desposó con su hermana Rea, pero temeroso de que sus propios hijos se levantasen en su contra, se los tragaba en cuanto nacían: primero Hestia, luego a Deméter, Hera, Hades y Posidón. Sin embargo, cuando Zeus, su sexto hijo, estaba por nacer, Rea lo alumbró en el silencio de la noche y lo confió a los cuidados de su madre, la Madre Tierra. En lugar de entregarle al bebé, le dió a Crono una piedra para que se la comiera. Cuando Zeus creció, pidió ser el copero de Cronos.. le preparó pues a su padre una poderosa sustancia que le hizo vomitar a la piedra y a sus otro cinco hijos mayores. Zeus, luego condujo a sus hermanos a la guerra contra los Titanes, a los que vencen y destierran al Tártro, en el mundo subterraneo. En adelante, Zeuz reinaría como el jefe supremo de los dioses.
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Message 98 de 147 de ce thème |
Patmos Island is where allegedly the Book of Apocalypse/Revelation was written by a supposed John the Revelator or John of Patmos or St John the Divine or St John the Theologian, as his many designations go about him, a mysterious figure with an uncanny ability to predict certain things of our current era with a degree of precision, and a mind-boggling linguistic encryption code that speaks of a higher synchronistic Gnostic mind (Nous) at play. Without even opening the book itself, we notice by Gematria that his very supposed name “John” encodes the most famous part of the book, the Beast of the 666 number, as this method of number/letter transposition is the direct and specific instruction given in the Rev 13:18 verse, in order to decode not just that chapter but the entire book –or should I say… the New Testament itself…?–, our current English language the SEAL that opens up the encryption:
Always in Universal Standard English Gematria / a=1, b=2, …, z=26:
Then we can easily confirm the method of Gematria of the instruction as correct, by looking at the title of the book:
Where this number “234” is evidently the key to the “666”:
666 = 234 + 432
Such that the exact Rev 13:18 verse of the “666” is perfectly matching this code:
234 = 13 x 18
Where the “Mark in the Head” prophecy is already implicit in the 13:18 verse number, as:
[ 13 = ID ] & [ 18 = HEAD ]
Magic Square of the Sun; the horizontal rows, the vertical columns, and both diagonals add up to 111, so that the sum of rows & columns each add to 666 *(CLICK TO ENLARGE)*
Even the very name of the Magic Square itself delivers the triangular number reference:
We can see it ties directly into the “666” prophecy code of Rev 13:18, because when we use the common alternative spelling of “MAGICK”
[ (666=432+234) & (13×18=234) ]:
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Message 99 de 147 de ce thème |
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Message 100 de 147 de ce thème |
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Message 101 de 147 de ce thème |
 Can we connect ALL of the above re:BLACK DOOR to phi and pi and Jehovah? Well I found the passage I have been looking for ... SEEK and ye shall find is my *NEW* motto. Found in an 1811 publication. Reprinted in 1986. I paid $3.99 for this gem...you can get some of it for free thanks to me, helping to point it out to you, the seeker. A must read  brilliant. http://books.google.ca/books?id=7nNhOcN ... =2#PPA2,M1READ what is says about IAO and Jehovah and Pi and Phi. Why do I like this book?
In this work it is found the author has adopted the opinion that the Sacred Writers wrote chiefly, if not entirely, allegorical compositions. He recollects that Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians; and he expected to find traces of that wisdom in his works. The learned among the ancient Egyptians were pure theists. They were deeply skilled in the sciences; but they carefully concealed their mysterious learning under innumerable symbols and allegories. May we not look for the same things in the writings which are ascribed to the Jewish lawgiver? This is what Drummond has done in this book.
re: A dissertation re: the 49th Chapter of Genesis.
Sir W. Drummond, “Œdipus Judaicus,” plate 15) in the form of a square, with the signs ..... 51 [plate of ToL from Oedipus Ægyptiacus occupies all p. ...... However, the popularity of Iao did not last very long, and it is now many ...... All Saints' day occurs in the 49th week and the 338th day of the year. ...
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... room-1258/IAO = Knights Templar Magic Square and Jehovah and the Mattang and Magnetism? YES YES YES YES http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... room-1258/I do believe I have a most interesting book coming together. One of the best tying together the loose ends into nice little knotzies. Truth or Fiction? EWE and mi, we all get to decide and participate in the END. namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=9901&start=30
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