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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 25/10/2011 19:27

Y tuvo setecientas mujeres reinas, y trescientas concubinas; y sus mujeres torcieron su corazón.

Y ya que Salomón era viejo, sus mujeres inclinaron su corazón tras dioses ajenos; y su corazón no era perfecto con Yahvé su Dios, como el corazón de su padre David.

Porque Salomón siguió a Astaroth, diosa de los sidonios, y a Milcom, abominación de los ammonitas. (Primer Libro de los Reyes, 11, 1-6).

No sólo esto, también la historia de que los judíos fueron monoteístas desde el siglo -XIII o incluso el -XVIII no se sostiene. La Biblia está llena de referencias a que los hebreos adoraban a otros dioses, como El (Saturno), Júpiter y Astarté (Venus). Mencionaremos sólo unos cuantos.

La historia de un carnero en el sacrificio de Isaac señala a Júpiter. El carnero era el animal que representaba a ese planeta. Debemos tener en cuenta que el nombre del sumo sacerdote de Jerusalén en la época del patriarca Abraham, Melquisedec, indica que el principal culto de la ciudad era al planeta Júpiter (Sedek, en hebreo). Melquisedec significa "Júpiter es mi señor (rey)". Muchos de los salmos reflejan ideas que se encuentran en la religión astral. Los salmos del Hallel podrían haber sido adoptados de la adoración "pagana" al lucero del alba (Venus). Las visiones del Señor atravesando el cielo con rayos saliendo de su cuerpo, como en el libro del profeta Habacuc, no son monoteístas. Estos pasajes, como los pasajes de la Torá que nos hablan de los sacrificios a un Ser Supremo, contradicen la creencia de que los judíos eran monoteístas.


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Respuesta  Mensaje 45 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/01/2013 02:46
The "great army" is precisely the name of one of the 12 streets that extend from the famous circular road that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe ("Place Charles de Gaulle"), which is called in French, "Grande Armee".  'Grand Armee' is not only one of the 12 streets but it's the direct extension of the main street, 'Champs Elysees' (Elysian Fields).  The "mountains" is likely an allusion to the Arc de Triomphe which stands in between 'Champs Elysees' and 'Grande Armee'  Here are pictures showing the relevant region of Paris and the relationship of the Grande Armee avenue, Arc de Triomphe, and the Elysian Fields.


   · Red region = Arc de Triomphe & Place Charles de Gaulle
  · Purple street = Grande Armee avenue
  · Blue street = Elysian Fields

The "Arc" is obviously a reference to the' Arc de Triomphe'.  And the notion is strengthened by the word right after "Arc", "turning" - which implies circular movement/shape and nicely corresponds to the famous circular road going around the Arc de Triomphe (see the picture at right).  The phrase "Saturn in the Arc" corroborates the Saturn-ark connection we've made.

The latter half, "turning/corner of the fish Mars" can be interpreted in a quite different and symbolic way, and it is necessary to use a map of the relevant region of Paris again:

As you can see, the Elysian Fields, the Arc de Triomphe etc. are placed right beside the Seine River. Interestingly, on the other side of the river, there is a garden called the "Field of Mars" ('Champ de Mars') in which stands Paris' landmark, the Eiffel Tower.  This is reinforcing the relevance of Mars.  Now, the word 'Seine' (name the river) means "fishing net". That metaphorically makes (the Field of) Mars the "fish" trapped in the net. This would also make the same region where the river is turning 90 degrees the "corner of the 'fish-Mars'" to fit Line 2.

The "fish" also correlates with Sirius because the Dogon tradition tells us that the "Nommos" that supposedly came from the Sirius system were fish-like (and yes, we're now getting into the issue of extraterrestrial intelligence).  So the phrase 'fish Mars' again associates Sirius with Mars.

The very first word, "poison", creates an interesting connection with Line 2 because the French word for "fish" is "poisson" which is nearly identical, both in spelling and pronunciation, to the word 'poison' which is also a French word for poison. Thus, combined with the last word of the line "salmon", the notion of 'fish' seems to be emphasized.  Interestingly, the original French word used for 'poison' was actually 'Venins' which resembles Venus.  It seems relevant, therefore, that Venus goes retrograde (i.e. reversing its apparent movement in the sky) during the key period of August 1999, corresponding to "salmon" (which is known to swim against the current) of the same line and also to the previous line's expression, "turning of the fish". This last line of the quatrain strongly reinforces the concepts put forward by the interpretation of the previous lines. The last word of the line "polemars" is not a real word, most likely it's a made-up word / anagram.  Decoding is not that difficult - first we'll divide it into two words, 'pole' and 'Mars'.  Continued from previous interpretations, it is not hard to see that the "pole" would refer to the 'Eiffel Tower' that stands in the' Field of Mars'.

To decipher the whole line, we need to take a closer look at the map of the region of the 'Field of Mars':

Notice that the park, the Field of Mars ("Champ de Mars"), seemingly crosses over the river. The Seine River can be viewed as dividing the park and there is a bridge connecting the two parts. Since the park area can be viewed metaphorically as "fish" based on previous interpretations, notice how the park left of the river can be viewed as the "head" of the fish barely 'hanging on' to the body, the Field of Mars, by the bridge or the "thread" from "polemars" / the Field of Mars.  Thus it would fit Line 4.

Also, since the French word "fil", which I translated here as "thread", could also mean 'stream', the line could also interpreted like this: "Their head hung by the stream of the Field of Mars". This would still be metaphorically describing how the Seine River is dividing the Field of Mars and its "head".

And that's basically how Quatrain II-48 relates to Paris (and through which to the 'Sirius/ark complex')... but there is one last thing to add to all this.  And this is my favorite part :)  Well, we've looked at every line of the quatrain, so what's left?  Ah, yes we left out the number of the quatrain 2 and 48.  Why, of course, those numbers are the coordinates of Paris (Paris: 2.3 deg. E & 48.8 deg. N)!

Now let's shift our focus back to II-41 and do more in-depth study:

Century II - 41
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make double sun appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.


Like earlier pointed out, 'great star', 'burn', and 'seven' relate to Sirius.  Now we can associate the "great star" with  the Place Charles de Gaulle (Arc de Triomphe + the surrounding circular "square") since it was originally called the Place d'Etoile or 'Square of the Star', further linking the two quatrains II-41 and II-48.

From a slightly different angle, the fragments of Comet SL-9 'burned' Jupiter for about '7 days' in July 1994 and caught the attention of the world.  The dates of this 'light show' were July 16~22 which roughly coincides with one of the key 'Sirius dates', July 20, mentioned earlier.  Moreover, the dates July 16~22 very closely matches the dates of the historic Apollo 11 mission - first ever manned landing on the Moon - which were July 16~24 (and the landing occurred on the key date, July 20).  This is meaningful especially when you consider the fact that Apollo the sun god could be identified with Horus the sun god (the son of Isis, and earlier associated with Sirius and Mars).  Recall also that July 20 was associated with the 'flood' (of the Nile) in conjunction with Sirius.  In Greco-Roman mythology, the god who causes the Flood to punish mankind is Jupiter - the very planet Comet SL-9 crashed into.  And Jupiter was mythologically associated with the 'eagle' - the very name of the spacecraft that landed on the moon on that exact flood/Sirius date, July 20 (1969)!

Respuesta  Mensaje 46 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/02/2013 05:14
Es curioso que en el contexto del encuentro de Abraham con Melquisedec (TIPO DE CRISTO EN EL CONTEXTO A LA SANTA CENA/PAN Y VINO) en Genesis 14, Abraham luego tiene a Ismael de Agar e Isaac de Sara. Es obvio el NEXO DE LA SANTA CENA CON EL LINAJE.

Respuesta  Mensaje 47 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/02/2013 19:05
Fecha de Ingreso: 22-febrero-2012
Mensajes: 852
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Recordemos a Vulcano el Dios Masonon alquimico y la escultura de hierro mas grande del mundo en el paralelo 33 sobre una base octagonal.


RITUAL DE LA 3 ° = 8 ¤ GRADO DE Practicus

Este Grado está especialmente atribuidos al elemento del agua, y sobre todo se refiere al planeta Mercurio y de las vías trigésimo primero y trigésimo de HB y HB: Shin: Resh. Se abre con la adoración al Rey de las Aguas, que es seguido por la Promoción. El Teórico primero da las señales necesarias y, a continuación, como antes, se compromete solemnemente a mantener el secreto, después de lo cual se lleva a cabo hacia el Este y se coloca entre los Pilares Místicos. El "Hierofante", entonces le dice:

"Antes de que son los portales de las rutas de treinta y uno, treinta segundos y 29a., De los cuales, como ustedes ya saben, el central conduce desde el 1ø = 10Ø de Celador en el 2o = 9o del Teórico. Que el la mano izquierda, que ahora está abierto para usted, es el treinta y uno, que va desde el 1ø = 10Ø de Celador en el 3ø = 8o de Practicus. Tome en la mano derecha de la Pirámide de la llama, y seguir su guía Axiokersa *

* Esta introducción de los misterios de Samotracia es evidentemente un esfuerzo después del efecto. Eran de un orden mucho menor que el de Eleusis, y mucho más oscura, de hecho, incluso en el momento, la gente no podía definir con exactitud nada de lo que el Kabiri realmente eran. El estudiante se encuentra más en relación con estos seres semi-míticas en Estrabón, Diodoro y Varrón. D "llinger dice:" Esto es indudable tanto en el testimonio común de Estrabón y Mnaseas; los dioses cuya iniciación personas recibieron aquí (Samotracia) fueron Axieros ", es decir", Deméter; Axiokersos ", es decir", Hades, y Axiokersa " es decir, "Perséfone". --- D "llinger," el gentil y el Judio, "Ing. edición, 1906, vol. i., pp 172-186.

al Kabir, que te lleva por el camino del fuego.

En este ritual de los Tres Cabiri se hacen para representar el triángulo de fuego, por lo tanto: Axieros, el Kabir en primer lugar, dice: "Yo soy el vértice del triángulo de la llama: Yo soy el solar {270} fuego derramando sus rayos sobre el más baja del mundo:. que da la vida, la vida que produce " Luego Axiokersos, el Kabir en segundo lugar, dice: "Yo soy el ángulo basal izquierdo del Triángulo del Fuego: Yo soy fuego, volcánica y Terrestre, parpadear y llamas a través de los profundos abismos de la tierra: fuego desgarrador fuego, penetrar, desgarrando las cortinas de la materia, el fuego limitado, el fuego atormentador; furioso y dando vueltas en la tormenta espeluznante! " Y, por último, Axiokersa, el Kabir en tercer lugar, dice: "Yo soy el ángulo basal derecha del Triángulo de Fuego soy fuego, Astral y fluido, sinuoso a través de la expansión de Air Yo soy la vida del ser, lo vital.. el calor de la Existencia.

El Sumo Sacerdote toma entonces la pirámide triangular sólido y explica:

"La pirámide triangular sólida es un jeroglífico apropiado del fuego que está formada por cuatro triángulos, tres visibles y una oculta: que este último es la síntesis del resto los tres triángulos visibles representan Fuego, Energía Solar, volcánico y astral, mientras que el cuarto.. representa el calor latente Las tres palabras: Hb: HB: Dalet Vau HB: Aleph Bet: HB HB HB: Vau Aleph: HB: Resh Vau: HB HB: Aleph se refieren a tres condiciones de calor:. Aud, los activos; Aub, los pasivos; *

* Por lo tanto: "ódica" fuerza, y "Brujería" o "brujería africana," la brujería.

Aur, la equilibrada, mientras que HB: Shin HB: Aleph (Ash) es el nombre de Fuego ".

"El camino trigésima primera del Sepher Yetzirah, que responde; a la carta de HB: Shin, es llamado la Inteligencia Perpetua, y se llama así porque regulateth los movimientos del Sol y la Luna en el orden correcto, cada uno en una órbita conveniente para la misma, es, por lo tanto, el reflejo de la esfera del Fuego;. y el camino que conecta el universo material, como se muestra en Malkuth, el Pilar de la Severidad y la parte de Geburah Sephira Hod a través de la ".

Click para ampliar

A continuación, explica que la clave de la vigésima Teórico del Tarot. Se trata de un glifo de los poderes del fuego. El ángel coronado con el Sol es Miguel, el príncipe de Fuego Solar.

Miguel - Mickey mouse - MIC -KEY

Las serpientes que saltan en el arco iris son símbolos de los Serafines de fuego. La trompeta representa la influencia del Espíritu que desciende sobre Binah, y la bandera con la cruz se refiere a los cuatro ríos del Paraíso. Michael también es Axieros; la mano izquierda-{271} la figura Samael, el gobernante de fuego volcánico --- también es Axiokersos, la figura de la derecha es Axiokersa. "Estas tres figuras principales forman el Triángulo del Fuego, y que representan más operativo contra incendios en los otros tres elementos de la Tierra, Agua y Aire". La figura central es menor Erd, el gobernante de calor latente, que es el candidato de los misterios de Samotracia, y se eleva desde la tierra como si fuera a recibir y absorber las propiedades de los otros tres. Las tres cifras más bajas forman la letra hebrea Schin, para que el fuego se refiere, especialmente, los siete Yodhs hebreo se remite a las Sephiroth en cada uno de los siete planetas, y también a la Schemhamphorasch ".

Y entonces entra en el simbolismo de la llave XIX del Tarot, que resume estas ideas: El Sol tiene doce rayos principales que representan el zodíaco, los cuales están divididos en treinta y seis rayos que representan los Decantes treinta y seis, y luego otra vez en setenta y dos quinaries. Así, el Sol mismo abarca toda la creación en sus rayos. Los siete Yodhs hebreos que caen a través del aire se refieren a la influencia solar descendente. "Los dos niños, de pie, respectivamente, sobre el Agua y la Tierra, representan las influencias que generan, tanto, que no presentan la acción de los rayos del sol, ya que son los dos elementos inferiores y pasivas, como el sol y el aire por encima de ellos son el superior y el elementos activos de Fuego y Aire ". Además, estos dos hijos se parecen al signo de Géminis (que los griegos y los romanos se refirieron a Cástor y Pólux), que une el signo de Tauro, terrenal y el signo acuoso de Cáncer.

Zelator (1 = 10) se refiere a la Tierra

Teórico (2 = 9) se refiere a aire

Practicus (3 = 8) se refiere a agua

Filósofo (4 = 7) se refiere al fuego

Por encima son los signos elementales de calidad como el usado por la Golden Dawn. Los signos de agua y el fuego son casi idénticos en posición de las manos, sólo las posiciones de los brazos ha cambiado. Estos son los signos utilizados en el ritual de invocación Supremo del Pentagrama (lo que hace que un cierto uso de las fuerzas de Enoc).

Respuesta  Mensaje 48 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/03/2013 23:16

Vulcano (mitología)

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Vulcano (1838), de Herman Wilhelm Bissen (1798-1868). Escultura en el Museo Thorvaldsen, Copenhague.

Vulcano es el dios del fuego y los metales en la mitología romana, hijo de Júpiter y Juno y esposo de Venus. Era dios del fuego y los volcanes, forjador del hierro y creador de armas y armaduras para dioses y héroes. Corresponde con Hefesto en la mitología griega. Otros nombres que recibe son: Mulciber ('el que ablanda') en la mitología romana y Sethlas en la mitología etrusca.

Se le representa como un hombre entrado en años, fornido, aunque cojo y de desagradable aspecto. A pesar de ello se casó con la diosa del Amor, Venus, quien le fue infiel con el dios de la guerra, Marte, en un episodio muy difundido.

Diversas escenas de este dios han sido representadas en el arte, por parte de artistas como Velázquez, Rubens, Tintoretto o Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.

[editar] La fragua de Vulcano

Se creía que la fragua de Vulcano se encontraba situada bajo el Monte Etna, en Sicilia, o bajo la isla eolia de Vulcano, en el mar Tirreno. La mitología griega situaba allí la fundición de Hefesto, Dios del fuego y los metales, que tenía por ayudantes a los Cíclopes y a los gigantes.

El templo de Vulcano en el Foro romano, llamado el Volcanal, era, según parece, una pieza importante de los rituales civiles del antiguo Imperio romano. Hoy día, una estatua de Vulcano colocada en Birmingham, Alabama es la mayor estatua de hierro forjado en todo el mundo.

[editar] La Vulcanalia

Durante la festividad de la Vulcanalia, celebrada el día 23 de agosto (día de Vulcano en el calendario romano), se sacrificaba pescado y pequeños animales arrojándolos al fuego. En este día, relata el historiador Apiano que, en el año 153 a. C. tuvo lugar el primer enfrentamiento entre el ejército romano al mando de Quinto Fulvio Nobilior y el ejército celtibérico de segedenses y numantinos al mando de Caro de Segeda. El resultado de esta primera batalla fue a favor de los celtíberos y desde entonces Roma declaró este día como nefasto. Actualmente, una recreación histórica de la batalla es representada en el municipio aragonés de Mara (Zaragoza).

[editar] Enlaces externos

Respuesta  Mensaje 49 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/03/2013 04:04

19.47 latitude, Volcanoes, fractal black holes

Volcanoes might not be what we think they are. At 19.47 latitude, there is a string of volcanoes in Hawaii, which also hosts the most active volcanoes activity on earth. In Mexico, at the 19.47 latitude, the Mexican government trained their pilots to avoid these routes in Mexico City near volcanoes when planes land. The largest volcano in our solar system is on Mars at the 19.47 latitude.

In the videos below, Nassim Haramein discusses how a comet almost 2x the size of Jupiter (the largest planet in our solar system) recently passed through our solar system but was never reported on main stream media because the scientists and astrologists “thought we were toast”. This comet, which Nissim believes was Nibiru, should have disrupted our solar system due to its mass and gravitational pull. Mercury should have been pulled into the sun while earth should have experienced tidal waves all over the planet. The comet was on track to hit the sun, but a huge sun flare emission veered the comet off course, as it traveled past the sun and out of our solar system. This was visible from the west coast in the early morning in February 2002. Two comets have gone by inside the orbit of Mercury into the sun.

Respuesta  Mensaje 50 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/03/2013 04:25

DaVinci Mystery

The Great Pyramid of Giza

Article by Ralph Miller

Since I wrote the first article about the DaVinci Code, I have received emails from readers who have suggested that there is more information contained within Leonardo DaVinci's drawing "Proportions of the Human Figure". I have continued researching the subject myself as well. In order to give some more of the information, I decided to write this second installment. I would also like to thank those who have sent me these ideas.

There seems to be a connection between all things. In other words, the nature of reality itself, or at least what we would consider consensual reality or 3D, seems to be holographic in nature. Each part of nature contains clues that unlock the puzzle of all the rest of reality, or to the whole of creation. DaVinci's drawing contains incredible information that shows the connection between humans and all of reality. There is a geometry hidden within the human body that reflects the geometry in everything else.

During an Ayahuasca journey, many people experience a perception of everything as part of an extraordinary mathematical equation. They see themselves in mathematical form. From nature around them to even their thoughts and emotions, everything is somehow represented as part of a beautiful mathematical geometry. Ayahuasca unlocks or awakens the visionary brain. The visionary brain completes the human ability to perceive. It unlocks the capacity of a greater seat of understanding that is located in the heart.

This expanded perception of reality cannot be simply intellectualized. We are used to conceptualizing ideas with our 'thinking' minds, and this is far too elaborate and complicated to grasp at that level. There is however, an expanded state of consciousness that elicits a 'knowing'. Knowing is quite different from 'understanding.' This knowing relies on a perception and trust that comes from the heart. It is very strange, because as soon as you trust … is as quick as you know.

Somehow 'knowing' is the feminine counterpart of masculine 'understanding'. We have had generations of conditioning around understanding, to the point where much of the art of knowing has gone dormant. This is all changing now. We are moving through a transition as humans. We are moving back to remembering our feminine selves.

The first DaVinci Code article showed step-by-step how a perfect six-pointed star could be constructed within the human figure. Some suggest that the six-pointed star also represents two three-dimensional tetrahedrons. A tetrahedron is a four-sided solid, where each side is an equilateral triangle. The two interlocking tetrahedrons together form a solid called a star tetrahedron.

Click on the image below to launch a slideshow explaining the concepts here. Once in the slideshow, you can hover over the right side of the image and click to navigate to the next image.

The star tetrahedron also represents what some believe to be the human energy field, also called the Merkaba. I don't think any of us can be certain that the human energy field looks like this, but there are some very synchronistic relationships that are revealed.

If you place a star tetrahedron inside of a sphere, with one of the apexes of the tetrahedron at the 'North' pole and one at the 'South' pole of the sphere, then the other six apexes of the star will touch or intersect the sphere at 19.47° above and below the "equator" of the sphere.

Consider the fact that the earth is a thin solid crust that is rotating at great speed around what is basically a liquid magma center. The result is an upwelling of great force that occurs at 19.47° North and South, that seemingly comes from nowhere. In any case the result is that a large amount of volcanic activity occurs at those latitudes. It is theorized that these forces are hyper-dimensional in nature and cascade into three-dimensional reality resulting in volcanoes.

Mauna Loa
19°, 28' N of equator
Mauna Kea
19°, 36' N of equator
Mexico City Mexico 19°, 23' N of equator
Dzibalchen Mexico
19°, 28' N of equator
Georgetown Grand Cayman 19°, 18' N of equator
Mount Emi Koussi Chad 19°, 47' N of equator
Mount Kalsubai India 19°, 33' N of equator
Xiangkhoang Laos 19°, 17' N of equator
Potosi Bolivia 19°, 13' S of equator
Yasur, Tanna Island Vanuatu 19°, 31' S of equator
Mount Samuel Australia 19°, 13' S of equator
Gweru Zimbabwe 19°, 31' S of equator

Many of the sacred sites of ancient civilizations are also located at or very near to 19.47° North or South of the earth's equator including the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Mexico (19°, 36' N of equator).

Further, volcanic activity is pronounced at 19.47° on other bodies in our solar system, including:

The Sun Sunspot activity and the region
of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5° North and South.
Venus The presumably active major
volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5°.
Mars The vast Olympus Mons shield
cone volcano is at 19.5°.
Jupiter The red spot is at 19.5°.
Neptune In 1986 Voyager II discovered a
similar spot at 19.5°.

Another synchronicity that occurs in DaVinci's drawing is that you can take the two-dimensional six-pointed 'Star of David' and if you interpret it as a view of a three-dimensional object it is a perfect dipyramid. The pyramids that were constructed by the Egyptians were not 3-sided tetrahedrons but were 4-sided pyramids, because they had a square base, plus four triangular sides. A dipyramid is simply two pyramids stuck together at their base.

If you rotate the dipyramid represented by the Star of David in DaVinci's drawing, by an amount equal to 36.26° (90° minus 19.47° divided by 2) the dipyramid will move into a perfect right-angle, two-dimensional view. The pyramids of Egypt were not quite perfect pyramids, as they were constructed slightly squatty. But even so, there is definitely a connection. Remember they are located at 19.5° North latitude!

Click on the image below to launch a slideshow explaining the concepts here. Once in the slideshow, you can hover over the right side of the image and click to navigate to the next image.

The ayahuasca journeys unfold reality into an extraordinary fractal mathematical representation. There is such a vast amount of information that is encoded into us already; it is simply a matter of unlocking the brain in order to perceive it. Somehow there is a connection between the dimensions of the human body to the earth; to the location of volcanoes; to the location of sacred sites; and to even to the pyramids themselves.

Incredible! To review, you have a perfect six-pointed Star of David in DaVinci's drawing, which can be extended into a three-dimensional star tetrahedron, unfolding a story about unknown hyper-dimensional physical forces occurring at 19.47° North and South. The two-dimensional Star of David can also be represented as a three-dimensional dipyramid, that when rotated by 35.26° which happens to be a mathematical factor of 19.47°, will return back to a two-dimensional representation of a dipyramid. Half of the dipyramid is a perfect equilateral pyramid.

The divine nature of man is hidden inside of reality itself, and the true nature of reality is hidden within humans. In our modern world we have developed myopia to such a degree, that we have collectively distorted our perception of where we really are and who we really are. But, many are making the journey back. A journey of remembering.

© Ralph Miller 2004


Respuesta  Mensaje 51 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2013 02:56
  [ Sol System ] : Planetary Anomalies
Our solar system is largely unexplored, with only a small number of probes having been sent out to the major planets and moons. Not all of these probes have functioned as advertised and some have even been "lost" in mysterious circumstances! However, some of them have returned very useful information on the planets like the Viking 1 & 2 Mars spacecraft who have had the honour of being the first to photograph Extra-Terrestrial Structures on our neighbouring planet.

From these and other photographs, it now is apparent to several researchers that there seems to be a link that connects every single object in our universe including our Earth, the Sun, and the other planets to a source of energy in a higher dimension. This discovery was the result of decoding a message, an ancient message, left to us by another civilization in the geometrical layout of the structures which they built at Cydonia, Mars!

Below are the planetary anomalies discovered so far that confirm the Cydonia hypothesis. If energy cascades down from a higher dimension (up to 27 have been mathematically proven) as a result of a rotating, spherical, liquid body (a planet), this energy enters our dimension at circa 19.5 degrees N or S latitude in the form of volcanic upwellings (as on Earth and Mars) and atmospheric phenomena (Jupiter, Neptune). This has been called Tetrahedral Hyperdimensional Physics by some researchers. It may be the same type of energy described by others as "free energy" or "zero-point energy"


Alpha & Beta Regio, two active volcanoes on Venus are at 19.5 degrees


The Hawaiian islands on Earth are located at roughly 19.6 degrees North latitude. This is also the location of MaunaKea one of the most active volcanoes on Earth
Luna (Earth's moon)


Tsiolkovskii is a unique farside "mare-like" lava extrusion at 19.6 degrees South.


Olympus Mons, the solar system's largest volcano with a height of 28 kms is 3 times the size of Mount Everest, and just happens to be located at 19.3 degrees North latitude


The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is located at ~19.5 degrees South latitude. In January 1996, the spacecraft Galileo successfully launched a probe into Jupiter's atmosphere and found that the atmosphere was different from what had been previously thought. It also found that winds were much stronger and could only be attributed to some heat being generated deep within the planet. This heat is probably caused by a vorticular upwelling of tetrahedral energy, which in turn causes the Great Red Spot


The spacecraft Voyager took some very interesting time-lapse images of Saturn's North Pole, showing a hexagonal pattern of clouds. This may be the second "signature pattern" for tetrahedral hyperdimensional energy. At this location, the energy would be "inwelling" (entering) from a higher dimension, while "upwelling" at the 19.5 N or S latitude locations. View Saturn's North Polar Hexagonal Cloud Pattern.


Neptune's Great Dark Spot was found at roughly 19.5 degrees South latitude by the Hubble Space Telescope. This discovery was predicted months previously by Richard Hoagland just by following the "Cydonia Hypothesis"
These are a few of the anomalies. There are others - for example, the peak latitude of the 11-year sunspot cycle, and the peak latitude of solar temperature emission corresponding to that cyclic sunspot maximum, occurs at roughly 19.5 degrees North and South! And guess where the massive solar flare erupted on mid-April, 1997 ... ~ 20 degrees S as can be seen from this picture.

Extremely active volcanoes on Io are arrayed on two "rings of fire" each circling the moon at 19.5 degrees North & South, They are so active that they are literally turning the planet inside out.

..... and more anomalies are out there, just waiting to be discovered when we send spacecraft to photograph Pluto and Charon from close range.

If we can somehow tap into this energy source, we wouldn't need fossil fuels anymore. We would have unlimited energy available for every person on this planet without pollution. And we may already have discovered ways of harnessing this energy : the so-called "cold fusion" demonstrated in 1989 by Pons & Fleischmann, and the Patterson Power Cell first demonstrated in January 1996 and presented nationwide on ABC's Good Morning America show of the 11 June 1997, may not be cold fusion at all but may be drawing on hyperdimensional energy to produce 1300 W from an input of 1.4 W !

Respuesta  Mensaje 52 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2013 03:05


Verification of a highly-specific and redundant communication of "circumscribed tetrahedral geometry" -- including its obviously *deliberate* extension to the sitting of the Cydonia Complex on the planet -- would be deemed a phenomenal discovery. If this is indeed "the message of Cydonia," crafted by what Mars' hostile environment strongly implies was a visiting interstellar culture (Hoagland, 1987), then what could have been its purpose?

Apparently: To communicate the "importance" of tetrahedral geometry itself!

If this is the successful "decoding of the Message" -- its existence (if not the sheer effort expended in its communication) must in turn raise obvious questions regarding "hitherto unrecognized properties" of circumscribed tetrahedra.







Since the latitude of the entire Cydonia Complex seems to have been carefully chosen to reflect the ArcTANGENT of this circumscribed tetrahedral "message, it occurred to the authors that "something important might lie at the LATITUDE represented by the vertices of a circumscribed tetrahedron -- placed 'inside a planet'." This would represent the most elegant expression of the ArcTANGENT trigonometric function emphasized repeatedly within the Complex -- especially the choice (out of more than 18,000 possible other choices, to equal numerical precision) of the specific Martian latitude: 40.87 N.

In working out the several possible implications of such geometry, Torun promptly discovered the following: if a circumscribed tetrahedron is placed inside a globe representing a gridded planetary surface, with one vertex located either on the geographical "North" or "South" polar axis, the resulting latitude TANGENT to the other three vertices will lie at 19.5degrees N. or S. -- 120 degrees of longitude apart.

Torun (1989) immediately noted on Earth the existence of several significant Meso-American ceremonial complexes at this specific northern latitude -- raising intriguing cultural and scientific possibilities for lost or forgotten "ancient knowledge of the significance of circumscribed tetrahedral geometry" (Becker and Hagen, 1987). Unfortunately, these implications are too extensive for inclusion here.

Hoagland noted something more physically significant: the largest shield volcanic complex on Earth -- the Hawaiian Caldera -- is located very close to 19.5 North! He then realized that a similar latitude marks the location of the largest shield volcano currently known in the entire solar system: Olympus Mons, at 19 N. -- on Mars. (more info about
Number 19)

Subsequent survey of solar system geodetic maps -- made from spacecraft photography of the past thirty years, encompassing planetary surfaces from Lunar Orbiter images of the Farside of the Moon, to Voyager 2 close-ups of Uranus, its satellites, and now (at this writing) the planet Neptune -- revealed a remarkable (and currently inexplicable) geophysical phenomenon (
see Table 1)

The majority of "active centers" on these objects -- from the greatest shield volcanoes on the "terrestrial planets" (including equivalent features on their most anomalously active satellites!), to the enormous atmospheric disturbances seen on some "gas giants" ("The Great Red Spots" of Jupiter and, now, of Neptune) seem preferentially to occur very close to 19.5 degrees N. or S., irrespective of other planetary factors -- mass, rotation rate, obliquity to their respective orbits, etc. (
see Fig. 6)!

There was some indication, however, that the polarity of the dipole magnetic field, offset from the spin-axis, determined in *which hemisphere* the phenomenon appeared; Jupiter's GRS, at approximately 20 degrees S., is consistent (in this model) with its opposite (from terrestrial convention) dipole field polarity. [This raises the interesting possibility of a "magnetic field prediction" vis a vis Neptune, before the up-coming Voyager Encounter (Aug 25, 1989) -- based on observation that its "Great Red Spot" is at the same latitude, and in the same hemisphere, as Jupiter's . . .]







Following this striking, system-wide geophysical confirmation of a predictive (if baffling) "embedded tetrahedral model," the authors made another significant geometrical discovery at Cydonia itself:

The critical 19.5-degree tangential latitude of the "embedded tetrahedron" is specifically associated with a massive, *tetrahedral pyramid* located TANGENTIALLY, on the circular rim, of a 2-mile impact crater; in turn, this "pyramid" is connected TANGENTIALLY (via a line denoting the exact North/South meridian) to a circular (planet-like?) feature termed "the Tholus"; which, in turn, is connected to a third, linear feature ("the Cliff") positioned TANGENTIAL to the same crater (
see Fig. 3b).

This highly-specific geometric "statement" -- a 19.5-degree angle offset to the local meridian, connecting three objects (one of them a tetrahedron!) in a way that reinforces the TANGENTIAL importance of that relationship -- seems to explicitly establish a "geometric connection" between "a tetrahedron" (the pyramid), a circular, "planet-like" construction (the Tholus), and the linear "Cliff' (the 19.5-degree offset reference), a relationship also known to be coded elsewhere in the Complex, in terms of derived mathematical constants: specifically, "e'/pi."

This explicit geometric statement also uniquely establishes an *identical* 19.5-degree angle offset between the D&M (at the other end of the Complex) and the resulting "map grid" -- further underscoring the significance of the D&M's unique latitude relationships (
see Fig. 5).

These interlocking, extremely meaningful, and highly predictive relationships -- coded now in both the mathematical and blatant geometric aspects of the Complex -- can only be interpretated with extraordinary effort as anything other than the result of a deliberate and systematic plan -- designed to underscore the importance of "tetrahedral geometry."

That the anomalies predicted by this "geometry" encompass a range of demonstrable solar system phenomena -- from deeply-buried planetary mantle "hot spots," to associated shield volcanoes, to atmospheric thermal "upwellings," etc. -- is also now readily apparent-- Even if the reason for their specific "latitude-dependence" is not!






Lest there be any confusion, the authors are NOT claiming there is "a tetrahedron buried inside each planet!" Rather, it is suggested that the "tetrahedral geometry" explicitly designated by "Cydonia" is revealing an equivalent higher-order mathematical topology: i.e., a vorticular "two-torus" energy flow and internal fluid dynamics, equivalent to tetrahedral mathematics.


That such an internal "vorticular pattern" could be explicitly modeled by an "embedded tetrahedral topology" is mathematically well-known (Porteous, I. R., 1981). That such a "geometric short-hand" -- directing us specifically to some underlying physical manifestation of tetrahedral mathematics -- was left specifically for us at Cydonia, seems now almost inescapable . . . if not inescapably significant.

A quantitative treatment of the physics underlying this phenomenon would appear likely to advance our understanding of energy transfer inside planets considerably -- a not unexpected outcome, if this indeed is "Mankind's first successfully-decoded extraterrestrial message." Additional observations suggest, however, that the significance of these predictions could extend far beyond "the simple sitting of active volcanic centers on the surfaces of near-by worlds . . ."






We have already alluded to the surprising conformance of the planet Neptune to this mysterious "embedded tetrahedral model".  Its newly-discovered "Great Red Spot" (as imaged by the Voyager 2 spacecraft) now strikingly coincides with the "19.5-degree latitude predictions" (more info about Number 19) communicated by Cydonia. It is the growing suspicion of the authors, however, that the imminent Voyager studies of Neptune, coupled with a re-analysis of those studies it conducted of Uranus, may provide vital evidence that the "Cydonia equations" are trying to tell us about more than just energy transfer . . .

Based on the evidence detailed below, it is our suggestion that these observations may relate to actual energy generation.

For many years there have been observed "energy excesses" in the overall energy balances exhibited by the four major planets of the outer solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These planets, inexplicably, all radiate significantly more energy into space than they receive from the Sun at their respective distances (Hubbard, 1980).

Jupiter's positive energy balance (1.67 -- compared to solar input) apparently derives mainly from primordial heat retained during it's "collapse phase" from the original solar nebula, 4.5 billion years ago. A secondary contribution is calculated as created by the internal separation of helium from hydrogen ("helium drip"), with the resulting release of additional gravitational potential energy (Smoluchowski, 1967; Graboske et al., 1975).

Saturn, far less massive than Jupiter, is considered too small to have retained significant primordial heat. Thus, it's observed "excess" (1.78 solar input) is wholly ascribed to the gravitational separation of helium from hydrogen, tentatively verified by the 1980 and 1981 Voyager infrared observations of Saturn (Hanel, et al., 1983).

Ground-based data prior to Voyager's 1986 Uranus Encounter indicated that Uranus and Neptune, similar telescopically from Earth, differ dramatically in their observed "energy excesses" (Pollack, et al., 1986). Uranus from ground-based studies seemed to possess only a marginal (if any) heat source, compared to Jupiter and Saturn; Voyager's January, 1986 fly-by enabled investigators to lower even this minimal estimate (Pearl, et al., 1989). The new upper-limit on the ratio of internal Uranian heat to solar input is 1.14 -- almost non-existent compared to Jupiter and Saturn, and dramatically lower (by comparison) than current ground-based measurements of Neptune's radiated excess (2.7) over solar input.

Conventional sources for explaining Uranus' internal energy, as slight as it is, encounter difficulties. Based on Voyager data interpreted as evidence of a non-depleted helium/hydrogen ratio in the Uranian atmosphere, the "helium drip" model (so successful for Saturn) is not thought applicable (Conrath, et al., 1987). And, for assumed early solar system nebula compositions, resulting in a "rocky core" for Uranus equal to between one and three earth masses, only 15-50% of the formal excess can be accounted for in terms of "radiogenic heating" (decay of radioactive elements -- Williams and von Herzen, 1974).


This leaves "exotic elemental compositions" (more than 6 earth masses of "rocky materials") and novel energy transport mechanisms ("suppressed deep-atmosphere convection") as remaining "conventional" possibilities (Stevenson, 1987). These difficulties in accounting for the source of Uranus' internal heat are only made more difficult when the planet is compared to Neptune -- it's supposed "twin" in terms of size and (presumably) composition.

Because of these potential compositional problems, and the great disparity in internal energy-generation between these two otherwise so-similar planets, the authors are led to propose another possibility:

That the "Cydonia equations" may really be attempting to describe, not merely internal energy transport, but internal energy generation -- most evident (because of sheer distance from the Sun) in the overall energy balances of Uranus and Neptune.

Further, the authors believe study of the detailed Voyager infrared Uranus observations support this possibility:

Uranus, because of its extreme obliquity (98 degrees) relative to its orbit, alternates each pole toward and away from the Sun for a quarter of its 84-year revolution. Despite this unique geometric shadowing effect (the Uranian south pole not having "seen" sunlight for over 20 years, at the time of the Voyager Encounter)-- THERE WAS NO GLOBAL TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE OBSERVED


Because of the problems cited above with any internal Uranian heat source, and the distinct possibility that (within the error's of Voyager's measurements) Uranus actually possesses zero internal energy, discussion in the literature has attempted to explain this global temperature uniformity as "redistribution of intercepted solar input," via "shallow atmospheric advection" (Friedson and Ingersoll, 1987); if the solar energy is being transported around to the nightside of the planet by a shallow, upper atmospheric mechanism, this would radically decrease (because of the non-necessity for warming the entire nightside atmosphere) the amount of heat (energy) required for transport to the nightside -- otherwise needed to account for Voyager's global-temperature distribution measurements.

A major problem for this model, however, was the Voyager observation that the winds (clocked by observing several discrete clouds) blow in the same direction as the rotation of the planet (Smith, et al., 1986); pre-Encounter theoretical predictions had firmly anticipated a four-day retrograde rotation of the upper atmosphere, driven by external solar radiation. [The planet Venus, where such opposite winds (to the rotation of the planet) are observed, has its atmosphere dynamically-determined by intense external solar radiation.]


Further, the fact that the observed Uranian clouds were seen circling the pole in a series of concentric circles (parallel to decreasing latitude) as Voyager approached, leads to difficulties in modeling heat transport to the nightside, pole to pole -- across the latitudinal windflow.

These observations make it at least plausible to the authors that internal energy, not "shallow advection of absorbed solar radiation" constitute the primary driver for the Uranian atmosphere; a final, detailed Voyager infrared observation, would seem to add significant support to this hypothesis.

In scanning both hemispheres -- the dayside South pole and the nightside North -- the Voyager IR instrument detected a small but significant 1-2 K temperature drop in both hemispheres -- at approx. 20 degrees N. and S. latitude (Pearl, et al, op cit). Interpretated as the spacecraft viewing small-scale emissive and reflected temperature profiles of colder, higher clouds (consistent with similar observations made at Jupiter and Saturn -- including measured temperatures of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, which is also colder because it is higher than the surrounding Jovian atmosphere), the Uranus' observations could be interpreted as "some kind of massive 'upwelling' within the Uranian atmosphere," creating condensation products -- clouds -- as the atmosphere rises to higher altitudes--

Narrowly straddling the "plus and minus 19.5-degree latitude" where the "embedded tetrahedral model" of the Cydonia equations would predict -- for an internal, energy-driven "upwelling" on the planet!

The difficulties involved in modeling a process, driven by external solar radiation, which could create such upwellings and then "know" where to create them -- at the "magic 19.5-degree latitude" (more info about
Number 19) predicted by Cydonia -- are formidable. In the opinion of the authors, it is much easier to ascribe these symmetrical upwellings to an internal energy source -- released according to the now-familiar Cydonia pattern observed elsewhere in the solar system of "internally-driven energy emission."

The fact that these upwellings appear symmetrically in Voyager IR scans of both hemispheres presents, however, an interesting contradiction to other "planetary upwellings" -- which seem to be restricted to one hemisphere, and to one localized latitude region. Those on Uranus (if the model is applicable) are not.

The apparent enigma is resolved, we think, by the fact that the Uranian magnetic field is radically different from any other planet: aligned at approximately 55 degrees to the inertial spin axis (Ness, et al., 1986). It is at least interesting to propose that somehow this almost right-angles magnetic orientation with respect to the geographic poles "allows" the internal energy processes predicted by the "embedded tetrahedral model" to manifest symmetrically in both hemispheres. If true, this in turn allows some insight into the role of planetary magnetic fields in the "Cydonia phenomenon": in some geometries, that of selective hemispheric suppression of an internal energy-transport mechanism.

Based on all of the above, it is the considered opinion of the authors that at Uranus, the Cydonia "embedded tetrahedral model" reveals itself as not only a mechanism for energy transport within planets -- but, quite likely, as a process of internal energy generation as well. The implications of verifying this hypothesis -- for all planets where these phenomenon are observed to follow the "Cydonia predictions," including Earth -- the authors think are obvious . . . if not highly significant in terms of other astro-physical environments, where involving a potential "new source" of energy might lead to wholly different fundamental models.




Respuesta  Mensaje 53 de 134 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2013 03:16
  • Mercurio 57.910.000  1 votos
  • Venus 108.200.000  0 votos
  • La Tierra 149.600.000  0 votos
  • Marte 227.940.000  0 votos
  • Júpiter 778.330.000  0 votos
  • Saturno 1.429.400.000  0 votos
  • Urano 2.870.990.000  0 votos
  • Neptuno 4.504.300.000

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 54 de 134 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2013 03:17

    Respuesta  Mensaje 55 de 134 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2013 03:18

    Respuesta  Mensaje 56 de 134 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2013 03:20

    Respuesta  Mensaje 57 de 134 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2013 03:26

      Hyperdimensional Physics

      www.halexandria.org/dward118.htmEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
      The virtual 'disappearance,' in the late 80's, of Jupiter's Great Red Spot is one ... by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1994 as a brilliant cloud erupting at 19.5 ...

      Richard C. Hoagland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_C._HoaglandEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
      ... 19.5° both south and north on the Sun and every planet in the Solar System. ... to 23.68°N and from 220.76°E to 232.2°E. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is centered ...
    3. Personal Babylon and Other Writings - Página 177 - Resultado de Google Books

      Justin Case - 2010 - Philosophy
      The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is at 19.5 degrees S. The Great Dark Spot on Neptune is at 19.5 degrees S. Saturn's bands of clouds are at 19.5 degrees N and ...

      Message 2012 and 2013: 08. What is 19.5 'degree' anyway...

      message2012and2013.blogspot.com/.../08-what-...En caché - Traducir esta página
      31/03/2012 – volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5°. Mars, The vast Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5°. Jupiter, The red spot ...

      Vortex, 19.47 theory/ Sacred Geometry - Old Project Avalon Forum ...

      projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t...En caché - Traducir esta página
      48 publicaciones - 7 autores - 23 Nov. 2009
      On Jupiter: the "red spot" which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees. On Neptune: in 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5 ...

      What is Cydonia?

      www.wisegeek.com/what-is-cydonia.htmEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
      Hoagland points out there is evidence of this 19.5 degree energy wellspring on every planet, from the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, to the storms of Saturn, the ...

      Exposing PseudoAstronomy Podcast - Shownotes Episode 26

      podcast.sjrdesign.net/shownotes_026.phpEn caché - Traducir esta página
      08/03/2012 – On Jupiter, Hoagland's claim to the manifestation of hyperdimensional physics breaking into our reality is the Great Red Spot at 19.5° S latitude.

      jupiter | Exposing PseudoAstronomy

      https://pseudoastro.wordpress.com/category/jupiter/En caché
      28/06/2011 – The Magical Hyperbolic Tetrahedral Geometry of 19.5° Latitude ... Jupiter, Great Red Spot, 22.0° S, Vast Atmospheric “Vorticular Upwelling” ...

      Importancia del Numero 19

      www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_numero19.htmEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
      On Jupiter: the "red spot" which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees. - On Neptune: in 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north.

      The Red Spot on Jupiter

      adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1907PA.....15..560W  - Traducir esta página
      560 The Red Spot on Jupiter THE RED SPOT ON JUPITER. A. STANLEY ... 7 10 6.8 2 18.9 —1.8 9 11 45.6 1 19.5 —1.1 21 11 41.2 3 2L8 +2.0 Jan. 11 17 14 0.1 ...

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    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2013 04:58

    Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    D/1993 F2 (Shoemaker–Levy)
    Hubble Space Telescope
    Image of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 fragments (total: 21), taken on May 17, 1994
    Discovered by Carolyn Shoemaker
    Eugene M. Shoemaker
    David Levy
    Discovery date March 24, 1993
    Orbital characteristics A
    Inclination 94.23333°
    Shoemaker–Levy redirects here. For other Shoemaker–Levy comets see List of periodic comets.

    Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 (formally designated D/1993 F2) was a comet that broke apart and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, providing the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects.[1] This generated a large amount of coverage in the popular media, and the comet was closely observed by astronomers worldwide. The collision provided new information about Jupiter and highlighted its role in reducing space debris in the inner Solar System.

    The comet was discovered by astronomers Carolyn and Eugene M. Shoemaker and David Levy.[2] Shoemaker–Levy 9, at the time captured by and orbiting Jupiter, was located on the night of March 24, 1993, in a photograph taken with the 40 cm (16 in) Schmidt telescope at the Palomar Observatory in California. It was the first comet observed to be orbiting a planet, and had probably been captured by the planet around 20 – 30 years earlier.

    Calculations showed that its unusual fragmented form was due to a previous closer approach to Jupiter in July 1992. At that time, the orbit of Shoemaker–Levy 9 passed within Jupiter's Roche limit, and Jupiter's tidal forces had acted to pull the comet apart. The comet was later observed as a series of fragments ranging up to 2 km (1.2 mi) in diameter. These fragments collided with Jupiter's southern hemisphere between July 16 and July 22, 1994, at a speed of approximately 60 km/s (37 mi/s) or 216,000 km/h (134,000 mph). The prominent scars from the impacts were more easily visible than the Great Red Spot and persisted for many months.



    [edit] Discovery

    While conducting a program of observations designed to uncover near-Earth objects, the Shoemakers and Levy discovered Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 on the night of March 24, 1993 in a photograph taken with the 0.4 m (1.3 ft) Schmidt telescope at the Palomar Observatory in California. The comet was thus a serendipitous discovery, but one that quickly overshadowed the results from their main observing program.[3]

    Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 was the ninth periodic comet (a comet whose orbital period is 200 years or less) discovered by the Shoemakers and Levy, hence its name. It was their eleventh comet discovery overall including their discovery of two non-periodic comets, which use a different nomenclature. The discovery was announced in IAU Circular 5725 on March 27, 1993.[2]

    The discovery image gave the first hint that comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 was an unusual comet, as it appeared to show multiple nuclei in an elongated region about 50 arcseconds long and 10 arcseconds wide. Brian Marsden of the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams noted that the comet lay only about 4 degrees from Jupiter as seen from Earth, and that while this could of course be a line of sight effect, its apparent motion in the sky suggested that it was physically close to the giant planet.[4] Because of this, he suggested that the Shoemakers and David Levy had discovered the fragments of a comet that had been disrupted by Jupiter's gravity.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 59 de 134 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/04/2013 14:11
    1. Hechos 14:12: Y a Bernabé llamaban Júpiter, y a Pablo, MERCURIO, porque éste era el que llevaba la palabra.
    Act 14:12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.
    Verse # = 27427   |   Words =17   |   Letters = 73
    Data from Strong's Concordance
    KJV Greek Strong's # Value
    And τε 305
    they called καλεω 856
    Barnabas, Βαρναβας 357
    (untranslated) μεν 95
    Jupiter; Ζευς 612
    and δε 9
    Paul, Παυλος 781
    Mercurius, Ερμης 353
    because επειδη 112
    he αυτος 971
    was ην 58
    the chief ηγεομαι 137
    speaker. λογος 373
    Total = 6281
    Original Text
    Greek Value Inc
    εκαλουν 576
    τε 305
    τον 420
    μεν 95
    βαρναβαν 207
    δια 15
    τον 420
    δε 9
    παυλον 631
    ερμην 203
    επειδη 112
    αυτος 971
    ην 58
    ο 70
    ηγουμενος 846
    του 770
    λογου 573


    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Hermes Ingenui, copia romana del original griego del siglo V a. C., museo Pío-Clementino, Vaticano.

    En la mitología griega Hermes (en griego antiguo Έρμῆς) es el dios olímpico mensajero, de las fronteras y los viajeros que las cruzan, de los pastores, de los oradores y el ingenio, y el comercio en general, de la astucia de los ladrones y los mentirosos.[1] En la mitología romana era denominado como Mercurio. Hijo de Zeus y la pléyade Maya. El himno homérico a Hermes lo invoca como el «de multiforme ingenio (polytropos), de astutos pensamientos, ladrón, cuatrero de bueyes, jefe de los sueños, espía nocturno, guardián de las puertas, que muy pronto habría de hacer alarde de gloriosas hazañas ante los inmortales dioses.»[2] También protagonista de muchos mitos, como por ejemplo el de "Filemón y Baucis".

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