ElCódigo Da Vinciescrito por Dan Brown, se sostuvo en las listas del New York Times .... Fue aquí en Francia que dio a luz a una hija cuyo nombre fueSara.
Elcódigo Da Vincies una novela escrita por Dan Brown, que se caracterizó por generar una .... Holy Grail; y Margaret Starbird, en el libro La diosa en los evangelios; quienes afirman que María Magdalena escapó al sur de Francia conSara, ...
Regresar a la Portada delCódigo da Vinci. Jesús y María Magdalena. Antes de llegar a lo que sabemos sobre María Magdalena (que no es mucho), hagamos ...
ElCódigo Da Vincies presentar lo que sería el "verdadero evangelio" y .... de María Magdalena y de la pequeñaSara(la supuesta hija de Nuestro Señor) [.
Maria Magdalena SecretosCodigo Da Vinci... que María Magdalena era la mujer de Cristo y la portadora de Su descendencia: a saber, una niña llamadaSara, ...
Génesis 8:22 Mientras la tierra permanezca, no cesarán la sementera y la siega, el frío y el calor, el verano y el invierno, y el día y la noche. (EL MISMO DISEÑO DEL VATICANO-OCHO PUNTAS-PLAZA DE SAN PEDRO)
Obviamente que Dios es Dios de vivos..
Puesto que en la fe nadie muere..
Y los patriarcas Abraham, Isaac, Jacob ..
Caminaron por fe..
Dios le cambio el nombre de abram a abraham..
Porque es el primer viviente según el pacto de la circuncisión..
El primer hombre de fe, el padre de naciones..
Y ese pacto de Dios con Abraham sigue vigente hasta hoy..
Porque en la fe de Abraham son salvas todas las naciones..
Y para dejar tranquilo a Barilochense le digo :
Dios también le cambió el nombre a la mujer de Abraham..
De Saraí ( princesa ) pasó a llamarse Sara que significa madre de naciones..
16. Y la bendeciré, y también te daré de ella hijo; sí, la bendeciré, y vendrá a ser madre de naciones; reyes de pueblos vendrán de ella.
Para que no diga que Dios no ama a sus hijas..
El Ungido
68. Juan 4:10Respondió Jesús y le dijo: Si conocieras el don de Dios, y quién es el que te dice: Dame de beber; tú le pedirías, y él te daría agua VIVA.
69. Juan 4:11La mujer le dijo: Señor, no tienes con qué sacarla, y el pozo es hondo. ¿De dónde, pues, tienes el agua VIVA?
70. Juan 7:38El que cree en mí, como dice la Escritura, de su interior correrán ríos de agua VIVA.
El 29 de noviembre de 1483 un sacerdote y abogado nacido en Estrasburgo accedía al cargo de Maestro de Ceremonias del papado en Roma, tras haber comprado el puesto por unos 450 ducados. Se llamaba Johann Burchard y hasta su muerte en 1506 serviría en ese cargo a cinco pontífices.
Unos pocos años antes, en 1503, Burchard se hizo construir un palacio, que todavía sigue en pie en la actual Vía del Sudario (en el número 44) con el nombre de Casa del Burcardo, con una torre anexa.
La torre, junto con el lugar de nacimiento de Burchard, acabaron por dan nombre al lugar donde se alzaban: Torre Argentina. Argentina porque el nombre latino de Estrasburgo era Argentoratum. Lo que vendría a significar algo así como la torre del estrasburgués.
Localización de Largo di Torre Argentina en Google Maps
En 1927 las autoridades romanas decidieron demoler buena parte de las construcciones de Torre Argentina (entre ellas la torre de Burchard) para crear una gran plaza, la actual Largo di Torre Argentina, situada en el antiguo Campo de Marte en el camino entre el Panteón y el Foro.
Durante las obras aparecieron la cabeza y los brazos de una estatua de proporciones colosales, lo que llevó a realizar excavaciones arqueológicas que, como suele ser habitual en la capital italiana, encontraron más de lo que se esperaba hallar: toda una área sacra con restos de cuatro templos de época romana republicana, además del Teatro de Pompeyo.
El teatro fue el primero permanente construido en Roma (y el primer edificio totalmente de mármol), en el año 55 a.C., gracias a una argucia de Pompeyo.
Como estaba prohibido levantar teatros permanentes en la ciudad hizo construir en lo alto de la cávea un templo dedicado a Venus Victrix, argumentando que la propia cávea no era más que una escalinata para acceder al templo.
Tenía 150 metros de diámetro y capacidad para más de 17.000 espectadores. Tras la escena había un enorme pórtico de 180 por 135 metros que rodeaba un jardín, y en el extremo de este pórtico opuesto al teatro se ubicaba la Curia de Pompeyo.
Una curia era una reunión para discutir asuntos públicos, y en época republicana servía también para designar el edificio donde se reunía el Senado, generalmente la Curia Hostilia situada en el Foro.
Pero había otras, como la mencionada de Pompeyo, precisamente el lugar donde en marzo del año 44 a.C. se estaba reuniendo el Senado.
Allí se dirigió Julio César el día 15 de ese mes para encontrar la muerte a manos de un grupo de senadores, como cuentan Plutarco y Suetonio.
Al entrar César se levantó el Senado; pero luego que se sentó, aquellos le rodearon en tropel, enviando delante a Tulio Cimbro, con pretexto de pedirle por un hermano desterrado; todos intercedían con él, tomando a César las manos y besándole en el pecho y la cabeza. Al principio desechó sus súplicas; pero viendo que no desistían, se levantó con enfado, y entonces Tulio retiró con entrambas manos la toga de los hombros, y Casca fue el primero, porque se hallaba a la espalda, que, desenvainando el puñal, le dio una herida poco profunda en el hombro. Echóle mano César a la empuñadura y, dando un grito, le dijo en lengua latina: “Malvado Casca, ¿qué haces?” Y éste, llamando a su hermano, le pedía en griego que le socorriese. Herido ya de muchos, miró en rededor, queriendo apartarlos; pero cuando vio que Bruto alzaba el puñal contra él, soltó la mano de que tenía asido a Casca, y cubriéndose la cabeza con la toga, entregó el cuerpo a los golpes. Hiriéronle sin compasión, empleándose contra su persona muchos puñales, con los que se lastimaron unos a otros, tanto que Bruto recibió una herida en una mano, queriendo concurrir a aquella muerte, y todos se mancharon de sangre (Plutarco, Vidas Paralelas: Bruto)
Esta curia, según afirman Suetonio y otros autores, fue tapiada posteriormente como lugar nefasto. Posiblemente a lo que se refieren es a la estructura de hormigón de tres metros de ancho por dos de alto con que Augusto mandó cubrir el lugar para señalarlo. Con el tiempo, el entorno sería convertido en letrinas públicas.
Se decidió tapiar la curia en la que había sido asesinado, designar con el nombre de “Parricidio” los idus de marzo y no celebrar jamás una reunión del Senado en esta fecha (Suetonio, Vidas de los doce césares: El divino Julio)
En la actual plaza Largo di Torre Argentina se pueden ver hoy los restos del lado este del pórtico, así como tres de los cuatro templos.
Restos del teatro de Pompeyo están en el subsuelo de la Vía di Grotta Pinta, mientras que las bóvedas originales del teatro forman los sótanos de los restaurantes de esta calle y parte de las paredes del hotel Albergo Sole al Biscione.
El punto exacto donde cayó César, justo en el centro del fondo de la curia, a los pies de la estatua de Pompeyo, puede contemplarse hoy frente a los restos de los templos, prácticamente embebido bajo el pavimento de la calle.
The Spot Where Julius Caesar Was Killed Opens to Tourists in Rome — What to Know
Travelers to Rome have a new way to step into history thanks to a brand-new elevated walkway that will bring visitors over the spot where Julius Caesar was killed.
The Largo Argentina square where the infamous assassination took place in 44 B.C. opened to the public this week, according to Rome’s mayor. The new access is thanks to a series of walkways (and nighttime illumination) funded by the luxury jeweler Bulgari, The Associated Press reported.
“Happy to be able to give back to the Romans and tourists the Sacred Area of Largo Argentina in all its beauty,” Mayor Roberto Gualtieri wrote in a Facebook post, calling the site “a real precious jewel made of history, art and culture, nestled in the heart of our city.”
Gualtieri added visitors will be able to “literally immerse themselves in History” by visiting the wall of the Curia of Pompeo where Caesar was killed along with the ruins of four temples.
The walkways are accessible and both wheelchair and stroller friendly. To reach the ruins, travelers can either descend on a staircase or use an elevator platform, the AP noted. General admission will cost 5 euros (about $5.50), and the ruins will be open every day except Mondays and some holidays.
Previously, the ancient spot was only visible from the street level. That is on a higher ground than the temples, which were first unearthed in the 1920s as part of dictator Benito Mussolini’s plan to change the landscape of the city, according to the wire service.
“We go forward in this way to enhance and make more and more fruitful and attractive the great city cultural heritage that never ceases to amaze with its treasures and wonders,” Gualtieri said in his post.
The Jordan River, in the state of Utah, United States, is a river about 51 miles (82 km) long. Regulated by pumps at its headwaters at Utah Lake, it flows northward through the Salt Lake Valley and empties into the Great Salt Lake. Four of Utah's six largest cities border the river: Salt Lake City, West Valley City, West Jordan, and Sandy. More than a million people live in the Jordan Subbasin, part of the Jordan River watershed that lies within Salt Lake and Utah counties. During the Pleistocene, the area was part of Lake Bonneville.
Members of the Desert Archaic Culture were the earliest known inhabitants of the region; an archaeological site found along the river dates back 3,000 years. Mormon pioneers led by Brigham Young were the first European American settlers, arriving in July 1847 and establishing farms and settlements along the river and its tributaries. The growing population, needing water for drinking, irrigation, and industrial use in an arid climate, dug ditches and canals, built dams, and installed pumps to create a highly regulated river.
Although the Jordan was originally a cold-water fishery with 13 native species, including Bonneville cutthroat trout, it has become a warm-water fishery where the common carp is most abundant. It was heavily polluted for many years by raw sewage, agricultural runoff, and mining wastes. In the 1960s, sewage treatment removed many pollutants. In the 21st century, pollution is further limited by the Clean Water Act, and, in some cases, the Superfund program. Once the home of bighorn sheep and beaver, the contemporary river is frequented by raccoons, red foxes, and domestic pets. It is an important avian resource, as are the Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake, visited by more than 200 bird species.
The Jordan River is Utah Lake's only outflow. It originates at the northern end of the lake between the cities of Lehi and Saratoga Springs. It then meanders north through the north end of Utah Valley for approximately 8 miles (13 km) until it passes through a gorge in the Traverse Mountains, known as the Jordan Narrows. The Utah National Guard base at Camp Williams lies on the western side of the river through much of the Jordan Narrows.[7][8] The Turner Dam, located 41.8 miles (67.3 km) from the river's mouth (or at river mile 41.8) and within the boundaries of the Jordan Narrows, is the first of two dams of the Jordan River. Turner Dam diverts the water to the right or easterly into the East Jordan Canal and to the left or westerly toward the Utah and Salt Lake Canal. Two pumping stations situated next to Turner Dam divert water to the west into the Provo Reservoir Canal, Utah Lake Distribution Canal, and Jacob-Welby Canal. The Provo Reservoir Canal runs north through Salt Lake County, Jacob-Welby runs south through Utah County. The Utah Lake Distribution Canal runs both north and south, eventually leading back into Utah Lake.[9] Outside the narrows, the river reaches the second dam, known as Joint Dam, which is 39.9 miles (64.2 km) from the river's mouth. Joint Dam diverts water to the east for the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal and to the west for the South Jordan Canal.[10][11][12]
Map of the Salt Lake Valley
The river then flows through the middle of the Salt Lake Valley, initially moving through the city of Bluffdale and then forming the border between the cities of Riverton and Draper.[7] The river then enters the city of South Jordan where it merges with Midas Creek from the west. Upon leaving South Jordan, the river forms the border between the cities of West Jordan on the west and Sandy and Midvale on the east. From the west, Bingham Creek enters West Jordan. Dry Creek, an eastern tributary, combines with the main river in Sandy. The river then forms the border between the cities of Taylorsville and West Valley City on the west and Murray and South Salt Lake on the east. The river flows underneath Interstate 215 in Murray. Little and Big Cottonwood Creeks enter from the east in Murray, 21.7 miles (34.9 km) and 20.6 miles (33.2 km) from the mouth respectively. Mill Creek enters on the east in South Salt Lake, 17.3 miles (27.8 km) from the mouth. The river runs through the middle of Salt Lake City, where the river travels underneath Interstate 80 a mile west of downtown Salt Lake City and again underneath Interstate 215 in the northern portion of Salt Lake City. Interstate 15 parallels the river's eastern flank throughout Salt Lake County. At 16 miles (26 km) from the mouth, the river enters the Surplus Canal channel. The Jordan River physically diverts from the Surplus Canal through four gates and heads north with the Surplus Canal heading northwest. Parley's, Emigration, and Red Butte Creeks converge from the east through an underground pipe, 14.2 miles (22.9 km) from the mouth.[7] City Creek also enters via an underground pipe, 11.5 miles (18.5 km) from the river's mouth. The length of the river and the elevation of its mouth varies year to year depending on the fluctuations of the Great Salt Lake caused by weather conditions. The lake has an average elevation of 4,200 feet (1,300 m) which can deviate by 10 feet (3.0 m).[3] The Jordan River then continues for 9 to 12 miles (14 to 19 km) with Salt Lake County on the west and North Salt Lake and Davis County on the east until it empties into the Great Salt Lake.[7][8][11]
The United States Geological Survey maintains a stream gauge in Salt Lake City that shows annual runoff from the period 1980–2003 is just over 150,000 acre-feet (190,000,000 m3) per year or 100 percent of the total 800,000 acre-feet (990,000,000 m3) of water entering the Jordan River from all sources. The Surplus Canal carries almost 60 percent of the water into the Great Salt Lake, with various irrigation canals responsible for the rest. The amount of water entering the Jordan River from Utah Lake is just over 400,000 acre-feet (490,000,000 m3) per year. Inflow from the 11 largest streams feeding the Jordan River, sewage treatment plants, and groundwater each account for approximately 15 percent of water entering the river.[13]
Mary Magdalene is considered to be a saint by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran denominations. In 2016, Pope Francis raised the level of liturgical memory on July 22 from memorial to feast, and for her to be referred to as the "Apostle of the apostles".
The Jordan River, in the state of Utah, United States, is a river about 51 miles (82 km) long. Regulated by pumps at its headwaters at Utah Lake, it flows northward through the Salt Lake Valley and empties into the Great Salt Lake. Four of Utah's six largest cities border the river: Salt Lake City, West Valley City, West Jordan, and Sandy. More than a million people live in the Jordan Subbasin, part of the Jordan River watershed that lies within Salt Lake and Utah counties. During the Pleistocene, the area was part of Lake Bonneville.
Members of the Desert Archaic Culture were the earliest known inhabitants of the region; an archaeological site found along the river dates back 3,000 years. Mormon pioneers led by Brigham Young were the first European American settlers, arriving in July 1847 and establishing farms and settlements along the river and its tributaries. The growing population, needing water for drinking, irrigation, and industrial use in an arid climate, dug ditches and canals, built dams, and installed pumps to create a highly regulated river.
Although the Jordan was originally a cold-water fishery with 13 native species, including Bonneville cutthroat trout, it has become a warm-water fishery where the common carp is most abundant. It was heavily polluted for many years by raw sewage, agricultural runoff, and mining wastes. In the 1960s, sewage treatment removed many pollutants. In the 21st century, pollution is further limited by the Clean Water Act, and, in some cases, the Superfund program. Once the home of bighorn sheep and beaver, the contemporary river is frequented by raccoons, red foxes, and domestic pets. It is an important avian resource, as are the Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake, visited by more than 200 bird species.
The Jordan River is Utah Lake's only outflow. It originates at the northern end of the lake between the cities of Lehi and Saratoga Springs. It then meanders north through the north end of Utah Valley for approximately 8 miles (13 km) until it passes through a gorge in the Traverse Mountains, known as the Jordan Narrows. The Utah National Guard base at Camp Williams lies on the western side of the river through much of the Jordan Narrows.[7][8] The Turner Dam, located 41.8 miles (67.3 km) from the river's mouth (or at river mile 41.8) and within the boundaries of the Jordan Narrows, is the first of two dams of the Jordan River. Turner Dam diverts the water to the right or easterly into the East Jordan Canal and to the left or westerly toward the Utah and Salt Lake Canal. Two pumping stations situated next to Turner Dam divert water to the west into the Provo Reservoir Canal, Utah Lake Distribution Canal, and Jacob-Welby Canal. The Provo Reservoir Canal runs north through Salt Lake County, Jacob-Welby runs south through Utah County. The Utah Lake Distribution Canal runs both north and south, eventually leading back into Utah Lake.[9] Outside the narrows, the river reaches the second dam, known as Joint Dam, which is 39.9 miles (64.2 km) from the river's mouth. Joint Dam diverts water to the east for the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal and to the west for the South Jordan Canal.[10][11][12]
Map of the Salt Lake Valley
The river then flows through the middle of the Salt Lake Valley, initially moving through the city of Bluffdale and then forming the border between the cities of Riverton and Draper.[7] The river then enters the city of South Jordan where it merges with Midas Creek from the west. Upon leaving South Jordan, the river forms the border between the cities of West Jordan on the west and Sandy and Midvale on the east. From the west, Bingham Creek enters West Jordan. Dry Creek, an eastern tributary, combines with the main river in Sandy. The river then forms the border between the cities of Taylorsville and West Valley City on the west and Murray and South Salt Lake on the east. The river flows underneath Interstate 215 in Murray. Little and Big Cottonwood Creeks enter from the east in Murray, 21.7 miles (34.9 km) and 20.6 miles (33.2 km) from the mouth respectively. Mill Creek enters on the east in South Salt Lake, 17.3 miles (27.8 km) from the mouth. The river runs through the middle of Salt Lake City, where the river travels underneath Interstate 80 a mile west of downtown Salt Lake City and again underneath Interstate 215 in the northern portion of Salt Lake City. Interstate 15 parallels the river's eastern flank throughout Salt Lake County. At 16 miles (26 km) from the mouth, the river enters the Surplus Canal channel. The Jordan River physically diverts from the Surplus Canal through four gates and heads north with the Surplus Canal heading northwest. Parley's, Emigration, and Red Butte Creeks converge from the east through an underground pipe, 14.2 miles (22.9 km) from the mouth.[7] City Creek also enters via an underground pipe, 11.5 miles (18.5 km) from the river's mouth. The length of the river and the elevation of its mouth varies year to year depending on the fluctuations of the Great Salt Lake caused by weather conditions. The lake has an average elevation of 4,200 feet (1,300 m) which can deviate by 10 feet (3.0 m).[3] The Jordan River then continues for 9 to 12 miles (14 to 19 km) with Salt Lake County on the west and North Salt Lake and Davis County on the east until it empties into the Great Salt Lake.[7][8][11]
The United States Geological Survey maintains a stream gauge in Salt Lake City that shows annual runoff from the period 1980–2003 is just over 150,000 acre-feet (190,000,000 m3) per year or 100 percent of the total 800,000 acre-feet (990,000,000 m3) of water entering the Jordan River from all sources. The Surplus Canal carries almost 60 percent of the water into the Great Salt Lake, with various irrigation canals responsible for the rest. The amount of water entering the Jordan River from Utah Lake is just over 400,000 acre-feet (490,000,000 m3) per year. Inflow from the 11 largest streams feeding the Jordan River, sewage treatment plants, and groundwater each account for approximately 15 percent of water entering the river.[13]
LONDON — Dan Brown guards his privacy obsessively, but the author read by millions around the world was forced into the spotlight of a London courtroom to defend himself against accusations that he copied the work of others.
The trial is a serious change from Brown's small-town New Hampshire life, where he lives with his wife, Blythe, and rises at 4 a.m. to work — "by making writing the first order of business every day, I am giving it enormous symbolic importance in my life," he said.
The few seats in the 10th-floor courtroom not filled by journalists on Monday were quickly taken by avid trial-watchers hoping to catch a glimpse of Brown's testimony — including many with an interest in shadowy medieval orders, alleged dark secrets within the Roman Catholic Church, and celebrity authors.
Brown took the stand in London's High Court and dismissed claims that he copied two writers' work for "The Da Vinci Code." Branding the allegations of Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh as "completely fanciful," he said he had not read their book until the ideas and story line of his theological thriller already were in place.
In a witness statement made public by lawyers as he took the stand, Brown said was "shocked at their reaction" to his book. But under questioning by the plaintiffs' lawyer, Brown acknowledged that he could not always recall exact dates of milestones in the creation of his novel.
Both books explore theories — dismissed by theologians — that Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute but Jesus' wife, the couple had a child and the bloodline survives.
"I cannot possibly tell you the precise date I learned that Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute," Brown told Jonathan Rayner James, a lawyer for the plaintiffs.
Baigent and Leigh are suing "Da Vinci Code" publisher Random House for copyright infringement, claiming Brown "appropriated the architecture" of their 1982 nonfiction book "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail."
If the writers succeed in securing an injunction to bar the use of their material, they could hold up the scheduled May 19 film release of "The Da Vinci Code," starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou.
Random House lawyers argue that the ideas in dispute are so general that they are not protected by copyright. They also say many of the ideas in "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" do not feature in Brown's novel, which follows the fictional professor Robert Langdon as he investigates the murder of an elderly member of an ancient society that guards dark secrets about the story of Jesus and the quest for the Holy Grail.
In his 69-page witness statement, Brown acknowledged reading Baigent and Leigh's book while he was writing "The Da Vinci Code" — along with 38 other books and more than 300 documents submitted as evidence to the court.
He said the writers' work "was not a crucial or important text in the creation of the framework of 'The Da Vinci Code.'
"I'd never heard of it until I'd seen it mentioned in some of our other research books," he said.
Brown said he had fully acknowledged his debt to the two authors by having a character in "The Da Vinci Code" refer to the earlier book and its theories.
He even named a character Sir Leigh Teabing — an anagram of Baigent and Leigh.
"Over the past 10 years I have placed in my novels the names of more than two dozen close friends and family," Brown said. "The names I chose are always those of people I care for or respect."
Other authors whose works he mentioned had sent letters of thanks, Brown said. But the plaintiffs had made allegations that contain "numerous sweeping statements which seem to me to be completely fanciful."
The author, who usually shuns the spotlight, has traveled from his home in Exeter, N.H., to give evidence in the case. His statement and testimony provided tantalizing glimpses of his pre-"Da Vinci" life — from pupil at exclusive New England prep school Phillips Exeter Academy to semi-successful Los Angeles songwriter.
It also revealed a complex and wide-ranging research process undertaken with his wife, whose interest in "the sacred feminine," Brown said, led to one of "The Da Vinci Code's" key themes.
Brown appeared composed on the stand, only occasionally showing traces of impatience with Rayner James' forensic questioning about documents and dates.
"It's as if you've asked me to go back five years or 10 years and asked me not only what I got for Christmas, but what order I opened the presents," he said.
Brown is due to continue his testimony today.
The third author of "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail," Henry Lincoln, is not involved in the case. A lawyer for the plaintiffs, Paul Sutton, refused to say why he was not participating.
Lincoln, who is in his 70s and reportedly in poor health, could not be reached for comment.
The letter S is the 19th letter of the Latin alphabet and the English alphabet. It is also used in other Western European languages and other Latin alphabets.
266 DAYS=19*2*7 DAYS (SATURDAY)=WOMAN IN PREGNANT=LUNAR PHASE (36=4*9) (1+2+3+4+...36=666)
10/3-30/11 (JANUKAH=JOHN 10 22=24/9-KISLEV HAGGAI 2 10 )=266 DAYS
10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet,11 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Ask the priests about the law:12 ‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or oil or any kind of food, does it become holy?’” The priests answered and said, “No.”13 Then Haggai said, “If someone who is unclean by contact with a dead body touches any of these, does it become unclean?” The priests answered and said, “It does become unclean.”14 Then Haggai answered and said, “So is it with this people, and with this nation before me, declares the Lord, and so with every work of their hands. And what they offer there is unclean.15 Now then, consider from this day onward.[a] Before stone was placed upon stone in the temple of the Lord,16 how did you fare? When[b] one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were but twenty.17 I struck you and all the products of your toil with blight and with mildew and with hail, yet you did not turn to me, declares the Lord.18 Consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month. Since the day that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid, consider:19 Is the seed yet in the barn? Indeed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have yielded nothing. But from this day on I will bless you.”