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Message 1 of 183 on the subject |
But most remarkable is that the position of the womb of Isis lies over the population center of Philadelphia (Fig. 2). Note that the Paris Meridian in the Rennes diagram passes directly through a town called Roslyn at the top of Figure 2. Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh, Scotland, is a Knights Templar legacy and Masonic inheritance (Wallace-Murphy, 1993). The pentagram in the picture is not normal; it is irregular with points of unequal length or size. This is called an Extended Pentagram, and it is a special type of pentagram where all angles are exactly 36 degrees as in the regular pentagram or five-pointed star. It is a divine symbol for the Goddess.
Figure 2

And the two circles (yellow dots) marked by 1) the junction of the Female and Male axes, and 2) Rennes-les-Baines fit perfectly into the 'S'-shaped curve of the Schuylkill River, which means "hidden river" (Fig. 3), a possible reference to esoteric symbolism and hidden meaning. The Swedish word "Schuylen" means "to hide." The letter 'S' was one of the oldest symbols of serpenthood, both in its shape and in its sibilant sound; and the serpent was one of the oldest symbols of female power (see Serpent). The Universal Harmonics number for DNA is 19, which is the letter 'S'. Cornet was repeatedly given performances by anomalous lights in the sky at night near Pine Bush, NY, between 1992 and 1997. His time exposures revealed 'S'-shaped sky glyphs on five occasions between 1993 and 1995 (If here, how would ETI communicate?). Three of the five sky glyphs closely resemble the shape of the Schuylkill River at Philadelphia by having an enlarged lower curve of the 'S' and a smaller top curve (click on Fig. 3).
Figure 3

The Schuylkill River (pronounced Skull Kill) enters the Rennes diagram in the upper left quadrant, but not before making a semicircular (crescentric) turn south around the town of Seven Stars (a reference to the Pleiades and extraterrestrial influence). The town named Five Points is also a clue and reference to the Extended Pentagram, symbol of the Goddess Isis.
Figure 4

As it crosses the outline of the Ark Crescent of Nut, the river makes a jog south, then travels straight southeast until it gets to the shoulder level of the symbolic goddess, where it turns sharply south and begins to snake its way down to the Delaware River. Nut is the goddess of the heavens, and is typically depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphs arching over those below her. The Ark Crescent of Nut becomes the Crescent Moon in the sky, and is depicted in the Rennes diagram of the Crescents. In the Rennes-Philadelphia map the Ark Crescent of Nut overlies Crescentville.
Figure 5
In the center of the Extended Pentagram an unusual mound is found, appropriately called Mt. Pleasant. A reservoir was built on top of that hill.
Figure 6

If one imagines the Schuylkill River between Mt. Pleasant and the Delaware River as a Serpent, with Mt. Pleasant being its head, the Serpent is positioned between the legs of Isis, and can be seen entering the position of her womb. Even the reservoir takes on special significance, containing the (holy) water for the transmission of the essence of (code for) intelligence (found in the head).
Figure 7

Just below and to the right of the Serpent's head in the diagram above (click on image for enlargement) is a hill named, Lemon Hill. Is this a cleverly disquised name for Demon Hill, where the 'D' has been replaced by 'L', the symbol for God? Could this be an indirect reference to the ruler of this world?
That geographic and cultural features would align themselves like this with a diagram taken from France is remarkable. The Extended Pentagram had to be rotated clockwise only 3.25 degrees from true North in order for Rennes-le-Chteau and La-Borde-de-l'Auguste to lie directly on top of Bryn Mawr Hospital and Bonnie Harrington's parent's address in Collingswood, NJ, respectively (the Harrington residence is situated across from a triangular park called Knight Park, a possible reference to the Knights Templar). Bruce Cornet was born at Bryn Mawr Hospital; his birth weight was exactly 3.25 pounds. Even Collingswood High School uses the Knight theme for its yearbook (note that the decorative hinges on the yearbook have a modified Fleur-de-lis symbol representing the female and the Goddess Isis). Michael Landon, the star of the TV show, Highway to Heaven, graduated from Collingswood High School. But it gets even better.
The line in the Rennes diagram which connects La-Borde-de-l'Auguste with Rennes-le-Chteau (line A-B in Figure 8 below), does not divide the left angle of the pentagram evenly. It divides the 36 degree angle into a 13 degree and a 23 degree angle. A line drawn from Rennes-le-Chteau (Bryn Mawr) to the center of the head of the Serpent (line A-C in figure below) is a mirror image of line A-B, and also creates 13 degree and 23 degree angles, but in reverse order. Lines A-B and A-C are separated by 10 degrees. A line drawn from the junction of major highways to Bryn Mawr (line A-D) bifurcates the left angle of the pentagram into two 18 degree angles.
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2 Oct 2005 – Delphia is another name for the Egyptian goddess Isis. Consequently, Philadelphia can be translated as the "Womb of Isis." The significance of ...
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2 Oct 2005 – When he discovered that Philadelphia means "Womb or Birthplace of Isis", he immediately saw the connection to the Extended Pentagram that ...
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Message 34 of 183 on the subject |
| Jun 2010 - 10 min - Subido por numidia2006 maria , sura maria . maryam, coran, quran , español, maríam, Sura 19 María ( Maríam) Coran (Español ...
| Ene 2010 - 5 min - Subido por Mr07new Si usted quiere saber sobre el (Islam) o http:// o http ...
| Oct 2011 - 15 min - Subido por radioislamico Sura 19 Maria El Sagrado Coran Produccion De Radio Islamico, Sura 19 María ( Maríam) Coran (Español).
| caché
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Corán, Sura XIX - María (Mariam) ... ¡Oh Mahoma!, habla en el Corán de María ( Mariam), cuando se retiró de junto su familia y se fue hacia el Este. 17.
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Sura XIX. Maryam. (Maria). Pre-Eg. n°44 a parte i vv.58 e 71. Di 98 versetti. Il nome della sura deriva dal versetto 16 . Maria è la donna tramite la quale Allah ... caché
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SURA 19. MARÍA (MARÍAM). ¡En el nombre de Alá, el Compasivo, el Misericordioso! 1. K.H.Y.A.S.. 2. Recuerdo de la misericordia que tu Señor tuvo con Su ... caché
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9 Mar 2011 – SURA 19. MARÍA (MARÍAM). Revelado antes de Higrah. Este capitulo tiene 98 versos. ¡En el nombre de Alá, el Compasivo, el Misericordioso! caché
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Todos los audios y podcasts de Sura 19, María. Mecana de 98 aleyas. en El Corán en Árabe y Español. Escúchalo gratis y descárgalo comodamente. caché
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En el sagrado Coran hay una sura que se llama “María”, su número es 19. El nombre de esta sura es gran honor a La virgen María que es la madre bendita del ...
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10 Feb 2008 – Sura 19 - María (Maríam) 16. Y recuerda a María en la Escritura, cuando dejó a su familia para retirarse a un lugar de Oriente. 17....
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Message 35 of 183 on the subject |
Es uno de los grandes milagros [74:35]
El Corán esta caracterizado por un fenómeno único que no existe en ningún libro escrito por humanos. Cada elemento del Corán esta maticamente compuesto, las suras, los versículos, las palabras, el numero de algunas letras, el numero de palabras de la misma raíz, el numero y la variedad de los nombres divinos, la ortografía única de algunas palabras, la ausencia o la alteración deliberada de algunas letras dentro de algunas palabras y muchos más elementos del Corán a parte de su contenido. Hay dos aspectos principales del sistema matemático del Corán: (1) La composición matemática literaria y (2) la estructura matemática involucrando los números de las suras y de los versículos. Gracias a este código matemático comprensivo, cualquier distorsión –por infima que sea- del texto del Corán o de la disposición física sera inmediatamente desenmascarada.
Simple de Entender Imposible de Imitar
Por primera vez en la historia tenemos una escritura con prueba incorporada de origen divino: Una composicion matematica sobrehumana. Cualquier lector de este libro puede facilmente verificar el milagro matematico del Coran. La palabra “Dios” (Al-Lah) esta escrita en letras mayusculas remarcadas por todo el texto. La frecuencia de aparicion de la palabra “Dios” esta marcada debajo de cada pagina. La ultima pagina del texto, pagina 372, muestra que el total de apariciones de la palabra “Dios” es 2698, o 19 x 142. Ademas, cuando añadimos los numeros de todos los versiculos donde aparece la palabra “Dios”, obtenemos un total de 118123, esto tambien es un multiplo de 19 (118123 = 19 x 6217). Diecinueve es el denominador común en todo el sistema matematico del Corán.
Este fenomeno, solo, es suficiente como una prueba irrefutable de que el Coran es un mensaje de Dios para el mundo. Ningun ser humano habra sido capaz de mantener la huella de las 2698 apariciones de la palabra “Dios”, y los numeros de los versiculos donde aparecen. Esto es especialmente imposible por (1) la época de ignorancia durante la cual el Coran fue revelado, y (2) el hecho que las suras y los versiculos fueron ampliamente separados en el tiempo y en el lugar de revelacion. El orden cronologico de revelacion fue muy diferente del formato final (Apéndice 23).
Sin embargo, el sistema matematico del Coran no se limita solamente a la palabra “Dios”, es extremadamente inmenso, extremadamente complejo y totalmente comprensible.
Hechos Sencillos
Como el Coran en si mismo, la codificación matemática del Corán varia de lo más simple, hasta lo mas complejo. Los “Hechos sencillos” son aquellas observaciones que se pueden averiguar sin utilizar ninguna herramienta. Los “Hechos complejos” necesitan la asistencia de una calculadora o de un ordenador. Los hechos siguientes no necesitan ninguna herramienta para verificarlos :1. El primer versículo del Corán (1: 1), conocido como “basmalah” consta de…. 19 letras.
2. El Corán consta de 114 suras, lo cual es ……………………………………….. 19 x 6.
3. El total de los números de los versículos en el Corán es 6346, o …..19 x 334 [6234 versículos numerados y 112 versículos no numerados (basmalah) 6234 112=6346] Noten que 6 3 4 6 = 19.
4. La Basmalah ocurre 114 veces, a pesar de su clara ausencia en sura 9 (Ocurre dos veces en sura 27) y 114 = ……...………..19 x 6.
5. Desde la falta de la Basmalah en sura 9 hasta la Basmalah adicional en sura 27, hay precisamente …………………………..19 suras.
6. Resulta que el total de los números de las suras de sura 9 a sura 27 (9 10 11 12 …….. 26 27) es 342, o…………19 x 18.
7. Este total ( 342 ) corresponde también al número de las palabras contenidas entre las dos Basmalahs de la sura 27, y 342 = .19 x 18.
8. La famosa primera revelación (96:1-5) consta de…………………………...19 palabras.
9. Esta primera revelación de 19 palabras consta de 76 letras…………………19 x 4.
10. Sura 96, primera en la secuencia cronológica, consta de……………………..19 versículos.
11. Esta primera sura en el orden cronológico está colocada por encima de las ultimas… 19 suras.
12. Sura 96 consiste de 304 letras árabes, y 304 es igual a ……………………………19 x 16
13. La ultima revelación (sura 110) consta de………………………. 19 palabras.
14. El primer versículo de la última revelación (110:1) consta de….….19 letras.
15. 14 letras árabes diferentes, a partir de 14 conjuntos de “Iniciales Coránicas” (como A.L.M en 2: 1), y prefijo 29 suras. Este número suma a 14 14 29 = 57 =..19 x 3.
16. La suma de los numeros de las 29 suras donde aparecen las iniciales coránicas es 2 3 7 .. 50 68 = 822, y 822 14 ( 14 conjuntos de iniciales) es igual a 836, o 19 x 44.
17. Entre la primera sura con iniciales (sura 2) y la ultima sura con iniciales (sura 68) hay 38 suras sin iniciales ……………..19 x 2.
18. Entre la primera y la ultima sura con iniciales hay una alternancia de......19 conjuntos de suras “con iniciales” y “sin iniciales”.
19. El Coran menciona 30 numeros diferentes : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 99, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50.000 y 100.000. La suma de todos estos números es 162146 , lo cual es igual a ……19 x 8534.Es un resumen conciso de los Hechos Sencillos.
La Composicion Matematica Literaria
Tabla 1 : Lista de las Iniciales Coranicas y sus suras
El Coran se caracteriza por un fenomeno único nunca encontrado en ningún otro libro; 29 suras están precedidas por 14 conjuntos de “Iniciales Coranicas” conteniendo de una a cinco letras cada conjunto. Catorce letras, la mitad del alfabeto árabe, participan en estas iniciales. El significado de las Iniciales Coranicas fue divinamente guardado en secreto durante 14 siglos. El Coran afirma en 10 : 20 y 25 : 4-6 que su milagro, i.e, prueba de su origen divino, fue destinado a permanecer en secreto durante un tiempo predeterminado especificamente:
They said, “Why hasn’t a miracle come down to him from his Lord?” Say, “Only God knows the future. Therefore, wait, and I will wait along with you.” [10:20](Traduccion de Rachad Khalifa).
Suelen decir: "¿Por qué no se le ha hecho descender un milagro de su Señor?" Di, pues: "Sólo Dios conoce el futuro. Entonces, esperad y yo esperaré con vosotros." [10:20]
***** Those who disbelieved said, “This is no more than a fabrication by him, with the help of other people.” Indeed, they uttered a blasphemy; a falsehood. Others said, “Tales from the past that he wrote down; they were dictated to him day and night.” Say, “This was sent down from the One who knows ‘the secret’ in the heavens and the earth.” Surely, He is Forgiving, Most Merciful. [25:4-6](traducción de Rachad Khalifa).
Además, quienes se empeñan en negar la verdad dicen: "Este [Qurán] no es sino una mentira que él [mismo] ha inventado con la ayuda de otra gente, que de este modo han pervertido la verdad y han concebido una falsedad." Otros dicen: "¡Fábulas antiguas que él ha hecho que le escriban, para que le sean leídas mañana y tarde!" Di [Oh Muhámmad]: "¡Aquel que conoce los misterios de los cielos y la tierra ha hecho descender este [Qurán sobre mí]! ¡Ciertamente, Él es indulgente, dispensador de gracia!" [25:4-6]
Las iniciales del Coran forman la mayor parte del milagro matematico del Coran basado en el numero 19.
Entorno Historico
En 1968, me di cuenta que las traducciones existentes del Coran al inglés no presentaban el verdadero mensaje del Ultimo Testamento de Dios (el Coran). Por ejemplo, los dos traductores mas populares, Yusuf Ali y Marmaduke Pickthall, no pudieron superar sus tradiciones religiosas corruptas cuando se refiere al gran criterio del Coran en 39:45:When God ALONE is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when others are mentioned besides Him, they rejoice. [39:45]Siempre que Dios es mencionado SOLO, los corazones de los que no creen en la Otra Vida se contraen de aversión --mientras que cuando son mencionados otros aparte de Él, ¡he ahí que se llenan de gozo! [39:45]Yusuf Ali ha omitido la palabra crucial “SOLO” [Eng : ALONE] en su traduccion, y ha alterado el resto del versiculo introduciendo la palabra (dioses) [Eng : gods]. De esta manera, destrozo completamente el mas importante criterio coranico. Lo ha traducido asi :
When God, the One and Only, is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are filled with disgust and horror; but when (gods) other than He are mentioned, behold, they are filled with joy. [39:45] (according to A. Yusuf Ali)
Y no obstante, siempre que Dios es mencionado, el Uno y Unico, los corazones de los que no creen en la Otra vida se contraen de aversión y horror -- mientras que cuando otros (dioses) son mencionados aparte de Él, ¡he ahí que se llenan de gozo!.[39:45] (según Yusuf Ali).
La expresion “siempre que Dios es mencionado, el Uno y Unico”, no es la misma que, “siempre que Dios es mencionado solo”. Uno puede mencionar “Dios, el Uno y Unico”, y también mencionar Muhammed o Jesus, y nadie estara molesto. Pero si se menciona “Dios SOLO”, ya no se puede mencionar a cualquier otro, y muchos – de los que idolatran a Muhammed o a Jesus – estaran decepcionados. Por esto, Yusuf Ali no pudo presentar la verdad del Coran, al reves, ha expuesto su creencia corrupta.
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Message 36 of 183 on the subject |
Marmaduke Pickthall ha traducido “SOLO” [Eng : ALONE] correctamente, pero ha alterado el criterio al insertar su opinion personal entre paréntesis; su traduccion del versiculo 39:45 es la siguiente :
And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are repelled, and when those (whom they worship) beside Him are mentioned, behold! they are glad. [39:45] (according to Marmaduke Pickthal)
Cuando me di cuenta que la verdad del mensaje de Dios ha sido distorsionada, decidi traducir el Coran, por lo menos para el beneficio de mis propios hijos. Puesto que mi profesion era quimico, y a pesar de mi extenso entorno religioso – mi padre era un lider Sufi renombrado en Egipto – jure a Dios que no me moveria de un versiculo al siguiente versiculo hasta que lo hubiese entendido totalmente.
Me compré todos los libros disponibles de las traducciones del Coran y de exégesis (Tafsir) que pude encontrar, les puse en una mesa grande, y empecé mi traduccion. La primera sura, La llave (Al Fatiha), la terminé en pocos dias. El primer versiculo en Sura 2 es “A.L.M”. La traduccion de éste versiculo llevo cuatro años, y coincidio con la revelacion divina “del secreto”, el gran milagro matematico del Coran.
Los libros de los intérpretes coranicos estuvieron de acuerdo por unanimidad en que “nadie sabe el significado o la envergadura de las Iniciales Coranicas A.L.M, o cualquier otra de las iniciales”. Decidi introducir el Coran en el ordenador, analizar el texto entero y buscar si hay alguna correlacion entre dichas iniciales Coranicas.
Utilicé un terminal compartido, conectado por teléfono a un ordenador gigante. Para probar mi hipotesis, decidi echar un vistazo a las Iniciales Coranicas que contienen una sola letra: “Q” (Qaaf) de las suras 42 y 50, ”S” (Saad) de las suras 7, 19 y 38, y “N” (Nun) de la sura 68. Como esta detallado en mi primer libro MIRACLE OF THE QURAN: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MYSTERIOUS ALPHABETS (Islamic Productions, 1973) – MILAGRO DEL CORAN: SIGNIFICADO DE LOS ALFABETOS MISTERIOSOS (Islamic Productions, 1973)--, muchas de las tentativas para resolver el misterio han fallado.
La Inicial Coranica “Q” (Qaaf)
Los datos del ordenador mostraron que el texto de las Suras con la inicial “Q”, Suras 42 y 50, contienen el mismo numero de letras “Q”, 57 y 57. Esa era la primera clave que podria existir en el Coran de un sistema matematico intencionado.
El titulo de la sura 50 es “Q”, con una inicial “Q”, y en el primer versiculo se lee:” Q, y el glorioso Coran”. Esto indico que “Q” representa “Qurãn” y el numero total de la letra “Q” en las dos Suras con inicial “Q” representa las 114 Suras del Coran (57 57=114=19x6). Este concepto se reforzo con el hecho de que la palabra “Coran” aparece 57 veces en el Coran.
El Coran esta descrito en Sura “Q” como “Majid” (Glorioso), y la palabra arabe “Majid – مجيد” tiene un valor gematrico de 57 : M 40 (م) J 3 (ج) I 10 (ي) D 4 (د ) :
40 3 10 4=57 ([b]19 x 3)[/b]
Sura 42 contiene 53 versiculos, y 42 53 = 95 = 19 x 5. Sura 50 contiene 45 versiculos, y 50 45 = 95, el mismo total que en sura 42. Contando la letra “Q” en cada versiculo cuyo numero es “19” en todo el Coran, el total es 76 Q’s. 76 = 19 x4.
Aqui tienen un resumen de los datos relacionados con la letra “Q”:
1. La frecuencia de aparicion de “Q” in Sura “Q” (N°.50) es 57; 19 x 3. 2. La letra “Q” aparece en la otra Sura con inicial Q (Sura 42), precisamente 57 veces. Igual que en Sura 50. 3. El total de aparicion de la letra “Q” en las dos Suras con inicial Q es 114, igual al numero de Suras en el Coran. 4. “Coran” (Quran) es mencionado en el Coran 57 veces. 5. La descripcion del Coran como “Majid” (Glorioso) es relacionada con la frecuencia de aparicion de la letra “Q” en cada de las Suras con inicial Q. La palabra “Majid” tiene un valor gematrico de 57. 6. Sura 42 contiene 53 versiculos, y 42 53 = 95, o sea 19 x 5. 7. Sura 50 contiene 45 versiculos, y 50 45 = 95, también 19 x 5. 8. El total de letras “Q” en todos los versiculos con numero “19” en todo el Coran es 76 , 19 x 4.
Destellos de la composicion matematica del Coran empezaron a surgir. Por ejemplo, se observo que la gente que no creia en Lot esta mencionada en Sura 50, versiculo 13 y aparece en el Coran 13 veces – (7:80); (11:70, 74, 89);( 21:74);( 22:43);( 26:160);( 27:54, 56);( 29:28);( 38:13);( 50:13); y (54:33). Constantemente, se refiere a ellos como “Qawm” exepto en la Sura con inicial “Q” N° 50, versiculo 13 donde se refiere a ellos como “Ijuan”. Obviamente, si la palabra “Qawm” que contiene “Q” fuese utilizada en vez de “ijuan” en el versiculo 13, el numero de las letras “Q” hubiera sido 58 en vez de 57, y todo el fenomeno hubiera desaparecido. Con la reconocida exactitud de las matematicas, la alteracion de una sola letra destroza el sistema.
Otro ejemplo relevante es la referencia a “Meca” en 3:96 como “Becca!”. Esta ortografia extraña de la ciudad famosa ha desconcertado a los eruditos islamicos durante muchos siglos. Aunque Meca esta correctamente escrita en 48:24 en el Coran, la letra “M” es sustituida con la letra “B” en 3:96. Resulta que la Sura 3 es una Sura con inicial “M”, y el total de letras “M” se habria desviado del codigo del Coran si “Mecca” se hubiese escrito correctamente en 3:96.
Esta inicial es unica, aparece en una Sura, 68, y el nombre de la inicial se deletrea como tres letras –Nun Waw Nun -- en el texto original, y se cuenta como dos N’s. La cuenta total de esta letra en la Sura con inicial “N” es de 133, 19 x 7. El hecho que “N” es la ultima inicial Coranica (ver Tabla 1) resalta varias observaciones especiales. Por ejemplo, el numero de versiculos desde la primera inicial Coranica (A.L.M. en 2:1) hasta la ultima inicial (N. en 68:1) es 5263 , o sea 19 x 277.
La palabra “Dios” (Al-Lah) aparece 2641 (19 x 139) veces entre la primera inicial y la ultima inicial. Dado que el total de aparicion de la palabra “Dios” es 2698, resulta que su aparicion fuera de las iniciales “A.L.M.” de 2:1 por un lado, y la inicial “N” de 68:1 por otro, es de 57 = 19 x 3. Las tablas 9 a 20 demuestran que la inicial “NuN” debe ser deletreada como dos N’s.
S (Saad)
Tabla 2 :La frecuencia de Aparicion de la letra “S” en las Suras con Inicial “Saad”
Esta inicial precede tres Suras, 7, 19 y 38, y el total de aparición de la letra “S” (Saad) en estas tres Suras es 152, 19 x 8 (Tabla 2). Es notable que en 7:69, la palabra “Bastatan” en algunas copias se escribe con “Saad” en vez de “Sin”. Es una alteración errónea que viola el código del Coran. Al examinar las copias mas antiguas disponibles del Coran, la copia de Tashkent, se ha comprobado que la palabra “Bastatan” esta correctamente escrita con un “Sin” (ver fotocopia abajo).
Copia del Coran de Tashkent
Nota Historica
El trascendental descubrimiento de que “19” es el denominador comun del Coran, se hizo realidad en enero de 1974, coincidiendo con Zul-Hijjah 1393 D.H. (Despues Hijrah). El Coran fue revelado en el año 13 A.H (Antes Hijrah). Esto hace que el numero de años desde la revelacion del Coran hasta el descubrimiento de su milagro 1393 13 = 1406 = 19 x 74. Como se ha mencionado, la revelacion del milagro tuvo lugar en enero 1974. La correlacion entre 19 x 74 años lunares y 1974 años solares no pudo pasar inadvertida. Esto es especialmente misterioso, dado que “19” esta mencionado en Sura 74.
Y. S. (Ia Sin)
Siempre que Al-Lah es mencionado SOLO, los corazones de los que no creen en la Otra Vida se contraen de aversión -- mientras que cuando (los que idolatran) son mencionados aparte de Él, ¡he ahí que se llenan de gozo! [39:45] (según Marmaduke Pickthall). |
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Message 37 of 183 on the subject |
Estas dos letras preceden la Sura 36. La letra “Y” aparece en esta Sura 237 veces, mientras la letra “S” (Sin) aparece 48 veces. El total de ambas letras es 285, 19 x 15. Es notable que la letra “Y” esta escrita en el Coran en dos formas: una es obvia y la otra es sutil. La forma sutil de la letra puede ser confusa para los que no estan completamente familiarizados con la lengua arabe. Un mejor ejemplo es la palabra “Araani أَرَىــنِى” que esta mencionada dos veces en 12:36. La letra “Y” esta utilizada dos veces en esta palabra, la primera “Y” es sutil y la segunda es obvia. La Sura 36 no contiene ni una “Y” de tipo sutil. Esto es un fenomeno extraordinario, uno que no ocurre normalmente en una Sura larga como la Sura 36. En mi libro QURAN: VISUAL PRESENTATION OF THE MIRACLE (Islamic Productions, 1982)- CORAN: PRESENTACION VISUAL DEL MILAGRO (Islamic Productions, 1982) - cada “Y” y “S” en Sura 36 estan señaladas con una estrella.
H.M. (Ha Mim)
Siete Suras son precedidas por la letra “H ح” y “M م”, de Sura 40 hasta Sura 46. El total de aparición de las dos letras en las siete suras con inicial “H.M” es 2147 , o sea 19 x 113. Los detalles están muestros en Tabla 3.
Tabla 3 :Aparicion De las letras “H” y “M” En las siete Suras con Inicial “H.M.”

Naturalmente, la alteracion de tan siquiera una letra “H” o “M” en cualquiera de las siete Suras con inicial “H.M.” hubiera destrozado este complejo fenómeno.
Estas iniciales constituyen el versiculo 2 de la Sura 42, y el total de aparición de estas letras en esta Sura es 209, o sea 19 x 11. La letra “ ‘A” (Ayn) aparece 98 veces, la letra “S” (Sin) aparece 54 veces, y la letra “Q” (Qaf) aparece 57 veces.
Las letras “A”, “L” y “M” son las letras mas utilizadas en el lenguaje arabe, y en el mismo orden como lo vemos en las Iniciales Coranicas – “A” , después “L”,después “M”. Estas letras preceden seis Suras – 2, 3, 29, 30, 31 y 32— y el total de aparición de las tres letras en cada de las seis Suras es un multiplo de 19 : [9899 (19x521), 5662 (19x298), 1672 (19x88 ), 1254 (19x66), 817 (19x43), y 570 (19x30), respectivamente]. Por lo tanto, el total de aparición de las tres letras en las seis Suras es 19874 (19x1046), y la alteración de una de estas letras destruye este fenómeno. (Ver Tabla N° 4).
Tabla 4 : Aparicion de las Letras “A”, “L”,y “M”en Las Suras con inicial A.L.M
A.L.M.R. (Alef Laam Mim Ra)
A.L.M.S. (Alef Laam Mim Saad)
K.H.Y.‘A.S. (Kaaf Ha Ia ‘Ain Saad)
H., T.H. (Ta Ha), T.S. (Ta Seen), & T.S.M. (Ta Seen Mim)
Tabla 6: Aparicion de las Iniciales Coranicas “H.”,“T.H.”, “T.S.” y “T.S.M.”en sus Suras.
Las Iniciales entrelazadas “H.”, “T.H.”; “T.S.” y “T.S.M. ” preceden las Suras describiendo los milagros de Moises, Jesus y las apariciones infrecuentes que rodean a Salomon y sus jinns. De esta manera, Dios proporciona evidencias mas solidas para apoyar los milagros mas solidos. La frecuencia de aparición de esas iniciales están presentadas en la Tabla 6.
Qué es un “Valor Gematrico”?
Tabla 7 : Los Valores Gematricos del Alfabeto Arabe
Otras propiedades matematicas de las Suras con InicialesCatorce letras arabes, la mitad del alfabeto árabe, participan en la formación de 14 conjuntos diferentes de Iniciales Coranicas. Al añadir el valor gematrico de cada una de esas letras, mas el numero de las Suras precedidas con Iniciales Coranicas (29), obtenemos un total de 722, o sea 19x19x2. Ademas, si sumamos el total del valor gematrico de todas las 14 iniciales, mas el numero de la primera Sura donde aparece la Inicial, tenemos un gran total de 988, o sea 19 x 52. La Tabla 8 presenta esos datos.
Tabla 8 : Las 14 letras utilizadas en formar las Iniciales Coranicas
Si sumamos el numero de apariciones de cada una de las 14 letras que aparecen en Tabla 8 como inicial, mas los números de las Suras donde aparece como una Inicial, el gran total llega a 2033, o sea 19 x 107.(Ver Tabla 9).
Tabla 9 : La Distribucion Matematica Estructurada de las Iniciales Coranicas

A.L.R. (Alef Laam Ra)Estas iniciales se encuentran en Suras 10, 11, 12, 14 y 15. El total de apariciones de estas letras en estas Suras son 2489 (19x131), 2489 (19x131), 2375 (19x125), 1197 (19x63), y 912 (19x48), respectivamente (Tabla 5).Tabla 5 :Aparicion de las Letras “A”, “L” y “R”en Las Suras con inicial A.L.R

Cuando el Coran fue revelado, hace 14 siglos, los números conocidos hoy en dia no existian. Se utilizaba un sistema universal donde las letras de los alfabetos, arabe, hebreo, arameo y Griego se utilizaban como números. El numero asignado a cada letra es su “Valor Gematrico”. Los valores numéricos del alfabeto árabe están mostrados en la Tabla 7.
Una intrincada relacion de interconexión conecta estas iniciales superpuestas para producir un total que es tambien un multiplo de 19. La inicial “H” se encuentra en Suras 19 y 20. Las iniciales “T.H.” preceden la Sura 20. Las iniciales “T.S.” se encuentran en Sura 27, mientras que las iniciales “T.S.M.” preceden a las Suras 26 y 28.
Se puede notificar esta vez que una de las iniciales mas largas, complejas, entrelazadas e intrincadas se encuentran en las Suras donde los milagros mas extraordinarios y fuertes están relatados. Por ejemplo, el nacimiento de Jesus de la Virgen esta citado en Sura 19, la cual esta precedida con el conjunto mas largo de iniciales: K.H.Y.’A.S.
Este es el conjunto de iniciales mas largo, consta de cinco letras, y aparece en una Sura, Sura 19. La letra “K” en Sura 19 aparece 137 veces, “H” aparece 175 veces, “Y” aparece 343 veces, “ ‘A” aparece 117 veces, y “S” (Saad) aparece 26 veces. De este modo, el total de aparicion de las cinco letras es 137 175 343 117 26 = 798 = 19 x 42.
Hay solamente una Sura con estas iniciales, Sura 7, y la letra “A” aparece en esta Sura 2529 veces, ”L” aparece 1530 veces, ”M” aparece 1164 veces y “S”(Saad) aparece 97 veces. Asi, el total de aparicion de las cuatro letras en esta Sura es 2529 1530 1164 97 = 5320 = 19x280.
Una observacion importante aqui es la estrecha relacion que envuelve a la letra “S” (Saa ). Esta letra aparece tambien en Suras 19 y 38. Mientras complementa a sus letras hermanas en Sura 7 para dar un total que es divisible entre 19, la frecuencia de esta letra complementa trambien sus letras hermanas en Suras 19 y 38 para dar un multiplo de 19 (ver pagina 380).
Ademas, la inicial Coranica “S” (Saad) interactua con las Iniciales Coranicas “[b K.H.Y.’A[/b]” (Kaaf, Ha, Ia, Ain) en Sura 19 para dar otro total que es también un multiplo de 19 (ver pagina 383). Esta relacion entrelazada –que no es exclusiva para la inicial “S” (Saad)— contribuye a la complejidad del codigo numerico del Coran.
Estas iniciales preceden una Sura, N° 13, y el total de aparicion de las cuatro letras es 1482, o sea 19 x 78. La letra “A” aparece 605 veces, ”L” aparece 480 veces, ”M” aparece 260 veces y “R” aparece 137 veces.
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Message 38 of 183 on the subject |
| caché
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10 entradas - 3 autores - 23 Feb 2010
salam alaykoum alhamdulilah,la ilaha ila lah Ententare inshalah en este post poner todos los atributos del milagro del coran : el numero 19. - FranciaEn caché
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23 May 2010 – 19 x 6. 3. El total de los números de los versículos en el Corán es 6346, ... 19. El Coran menciona 30 numeros diferentes : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ...
Haz hecho público que te gusta. Deshacer
La formule consiste en 19 lettres. Le Coran est composé de 114 sourates (19x6). La première sourate révélée est le numéro 96 ; elle occupe le rang 19 à partir ...
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18 May 2007 – Según el empresario el número de letras, de palabras, de versículos y de capítulos (suras) del Corán son todos ellos múltiplos de 19. Es más ...
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27 comentarios
14 Feb 2006 – Este código está basado en el número 19 y prueba que el Corán es la palabra de DIOS. DIOS nos desafía en el Corán a pensar que si no ... caché
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La descripción del Corán en cuanto al más allá y el reino de los espíritus es una ... la Luna y las estrellas (Génesis 15:5; 22:17; Deuteronomio 4:19; Nahum 3:16). ... Aunque la Biblia usa el número siete frecuentemente, nunca menciona nada ...
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21 May 2007 – Según el empresario el número de letras, de palabras, de versículos y de capítulos (suras) del Corán son todos ellos múltiplos de 19. Es más ... caché
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4 Jul 2011 – Ahmad Didat dijo en su libro "Al-Corán, el milagro de milagros" que el Corán incluye muchas referencias al número 19 y su multiplicación. - EspañaEn caché - Similares
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No hay forma alguna de rechazar este milagro, ya que los números hablan por sí ..... Así que en el Capítulo 19 del Corán, aparece la repetición del nombre de ...
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El Corán ha sido compilado en el marco de 114 suras y cada una de éstas ... También estudiaremos el número de las aleyas y términos de este Libro Sagrado. .... (19). Ha sido registrada una narración del Mensajero del Islam (BP) que dice: ...
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Message 39 of 183 on the subject |
Watcher 's New World Order Conspiracy Links Make the Connection
Pokemon Mind Control
Alternative 3 Nazi Moon Bases Apollo Moon conspiracy
Abductions & Cattle Mutiliations-Theory
Global Database - God Save the Children
MAJESTYTWELVE Conspiracy Theory - Great Overview from Bill Cooper's site
Concentratin Camps for US citizens Operatin Garden Plot
Lucent & Lucifer & Blatent "Devil Logos"
New World Order Quotes: Eliminate the Useless Eaters!
Walter Cronkite on New World Order
Janet Reno 60 Minutes Quote : Controversy or Conspiracy?
Operation Paperclip Summary - Illuminati Conspiracy
Angels, Demons, UFOs & End Time Deception
BVMs & Masons & UFOs & Number 13Solar Miracle of October 13 - Fatima Marian Apparitions - Similar to UFOs Freemasons Hassle Jacinta of Fatima Sun Disk October 13 Georgia Marian Apparition Final Appearance October 13 BVMs & UFOS (Blessed Virgin Mary sightings & Unidentified Flying Objects)
Support for the Double Natured Sphinx & Cherubim from Scripture!
The Sphinx, Cherubim & Zodiac: Ezekiel 41:18 Richard Hoagland 's Enterprise Mission Article Uses Ezekiel Bible Quotes!
Best Enterprise analysis of the Conspiracy So Far & "We are the Martians" Theory Art Bell on NASA Mars "Cat Box image" Hoagland responds
Historical Precedents of Two-Faced Sphinx of Cydonia
WATCHER WEBSITE POSTED THE ALIEN IMAGE BELOW LEFT IN 1996. THE ALIEN CROP GLYPH ON THE RIGHT IS EERILY SIMILAR. The crop glyph below referred to Roswell and "alien technology"...

Alien Glyph Code

Excerpt from David Flynn's article THE ROSWELL CRASH SITES WERE NOT RANDOM
No UFO conversation goes very long without mention of the Roswell event. It is the pre-eminent story of extraterrestrial folklore. Paradoxically, some say that what occurred near Roswell NM in July 1947 will never be entirely known. Others, like our own government, claim it was a simple case of misidentification... no mystery. But there is a mystery...and there is good reason to believe the truth was covered up... This is why the number 33 and the compass and square are such important symbols of the illumined elite. 33.33 degrees of the great circle of the earth represents 2012 nautical miles. Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of extraterrestrial influence with man, lies precisely at 33.33° north 33.33° east ... 2,012 miles from the equator and 2,012 miles from the prime meridian. To be completely accurate, the number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the earth is 2012 ".9" This corresponds to the year and date that the ancient Mayans of middle America believed their calendar will end, December 21st, 2012. This is also the year their serpent god and founder of civilization, Quetzalcoatle, will return from heaven. Read more of David Flynn's "Roswell & Numerology" research here: An Occult Translation of the Roswell Event: Count down to 2012
In the wake of the recent Columbia tragedy, I was asked to repost some of the older musings on the symbolism of Columbus, Columba and the Columbine incident. A columba is a dove (the branch-bearer) symbol of Semiramis or Isis. Not coincidentally, the International Space Station is referred to as "Isis". The ISiS will be affected by the loss of the Columbia.
COLUMBINE comes from the root columba, Latin for Dove - which according to occultists is a transformative & alchemical symbol associated with the Phoenix -- the dove is an illuminated symbol of America or La Mer Ica "The Mother Isis" -- "discovered" by Illuminated Columbus, who was called the "Dove of Genoa". Intriguingly, noted occultist Manly P. Hall pointed out that the Popul Vu declares that the name "America" is derived from the native word for "Feathered Serpent God" Ameruka.
Columba = Dove. According to noted occultist Madame Blavatsky, the dove is one of several birds, including the phoenix, associated with scorpio, mystical counterpart of the winged serpent or phoenix. Bina = Twofold, that is, two of things that match, a pair.
COLUMBINA = two of a pair - as in a serpent combined with a dove = PHOENIX

Illuminated Imagery in 2001 Season of the X-Files Is Chris Carter a Free Mason?

Montana UFOs - Wolverton, Malmstrom Air Base Great Falls Movie etc.
Cow mutilations baffle ranchers, mirror ... '70s - Great Falls Tribune Aug.7 2001
Cattle Mutilations Whitefish Montana - NY Times Article Sept. 17 2001
Cattle mutilations back - Ranchers, Lawmen Baffled - Great Falls Tribune Jan.3 2002
Montanans Mystified by Cattle Mutilations - Great Falls Tribune Jan. 7 2002
The recent Cattle Mutilations in Montana parallel the 1975 - 1977 reports documented by Sheriff Keith Wolverton in "Mystery Stalks the Prairie". That book also documented the famous UFO flap occurring concurrent with the cattle mutilations. The recent mutilations are occurring in areas that have established patterns of UFO sightings. One of the earliest UFO videos is the famous Great Falls Mariana sighting 1950. A UFO sighting occurred as early as the 1800 's just North of Great Falls, which goes against the theory that UFOs are attracted to the area by the proximity of Malmstrom Air Force Base & Missiles in Cascade County. While the cattle mutilations in Conrad & Dupeyer Montana have been covered by famous researchers like Linda Moulton Howe and Colm Kelleher, little attention has been directed to the recent mutilation incident involving local politician Brian Schweitzer 's ranch north of Missoula Montana. Of course, this could be out of consideration for Mr. Schweitzer, who understandably does not want his political career to be tainted by association with such fringe topics. View our Montana UFOs webpage for re-posting of UFO flap 1998 just north of Missoula Montana.

All the Evidence You Need, Tell Your Friends:UFOs Didn't Suddenly Appear in 1947 UFOs& Aliens in Medieval & Religious Art, Woodcuts, Cave Paintings
Why are UFOs Appearing in the Holy Land? Barry Chamish on Giants in Israel Kidima Circle - THE CIRCLE OF THE GIANTS - Gilgal Refaim
Watcher's Very Own David Flynn Presents Alternative to Hoagie's "we are the Martians" Hoagland's New "What is Really on Mars" Video - We're on there too (the video, not Mars)!
Why Would Van Flandern Jeopardize Credibility? View(!) Artifacts on Mars Answer: Tom Graduated Yale, 20 Years at Naval Observatory on 77 Meridian
Video Evidence! Best UFO Videos on the Net
Eyewitness Evidence! Your Trusted Heroic Astronauts Sighted UFOs
William Cooper Admits He Might Have Been Duped into Spreading Disinfo Early Conspiracy Interview with Cooper - A Sincere & Thought Provoking Fellow!
UFOs & the Bible - End Time Delusion
UFOs & the Coming of Antichrist - End Time Delusion
UFOs, Angels & Demons - UFOs in the Bible
Days of Noah, Book of Enoch - Nephilim & Aliens
Buy the Book of Enoch the Prophet - Nephilim, Watchers, Zophim
Buy the 120 yr old Classic on Spiritism (ufos) - Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages
WHY disguise Rebel Angels as ALIENS?
Recommended Fiction: Lynn A. Marzulli 's The Nephilim
Recommended Fiction: Michael Heiser 's The Facade
Aliens in the Bible - John Milor 's Website [as seen on art bell site]
Buy Milor's Book Aliens in the Bible [as seen on art bell site]
Alien Intervention: Spiritual Mission of UFOs - Paul Christopher [as heard on art bell show]
Tom Horn's Raiders News Updates - RECOMMENDED DAILY!
Order Tom Horn's Book "Gods Who Walk Among Us" [as heard on Dr. Stan's Radio Liberty]
Star Wars Depicts New Age Messiah - Thomas Horn
Come Sail Away: UFO Phenomenon & The Bible - Guy Malone
Buy Malone 's Book Come Sail Away: UFO Phenom & the Bible
UFOs & Alien Abductions: Pastor Chris Ward
Buy R. Coombes ' America the Babylon - NASA Exposed!
Aliens, Freemasons & Hitler
Aliens, Freemasons & Aleister Crowley
Crowley, Scientology & Demonic Aliens Inhabiting the Air & YOU
Vatican Spokesman Balducci Says Aliens are Real
Transcript of Balducci Interview in English - Download Actual Interview
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Message 40 of 183 on the subject |
Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of extraterrestrial influence with man (where the people of the Ancient Near East believed angels first came to Earth to interact with mankind), lies precisely at 33.33° north 33.33° east … 2,012 miles from the equator and 2,012 miles from the prime meridian.
To be completely accurate, the number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the earth is 2012 “.9″ This corresponds to the year and date that the ancient Mayans of middle America believed their calendar will end, December 21st, 2012. This is also the year their serpent god and founder of civilization, Quetzalcoatl, will return from heaven. [...] The impact area near Roswell lays 33° north latitude, at a distance 2,012 miles from the equator.
When the latitude of the impact site 33° north, is multiplied by the universal mathematical constant PI, (3.1415926572…) the result is 104°, the longitude of the impact site. The value of PI is one of the most important numbers of geometry. Without an understanding of this number, the science of building, architecture and navigation is not possible. Historians actually base one of the classifications of a true civilization on its achievement of PI. [...] The only place on earth where 33° latitude and 104° longitude exist without lying in an ocean, as it does south of the equator, or an uninhabited mountain plateau as it does in the eastern hemisphere…is a few miles north west of Roswell, New Mexico, USA. The sacred number 33 multiplied by PI, just happens to produce the location where a flying saucer crashed landed in 1947. [...] 19.47° or “19.5″ is a universal number signifying the meeting of a tetrahedron with a sphere. 19.47° is the latitude where 3 points of the 4 sided tetrahedron touch north or south the equator if the 4th point is anchored at the pole of a rotating sphere. If the number 19.47 was discovered in an extraterrestrial radio signal, SETI scientists would have proof that the broadcasters understood advanced Platonic geometry. The Roswell message numerologically interconnects 19.47 with the date, latitude, longitude and distance from the equator of the impact event itself.
The earth is 21,600 nautical miles around. This measurement is based on the ratio of 360 x 60 first used by the Phoenicians and still in use by modern ocean and flight navigators.
The number 6,480 is exactly 1/4th of the total 25,920 years it takes earth to complete one circuit through the signs of the zodiac. 6,480 years is unique because it marks the duration between a series of global cataclysms left in earth’s historic and geologic record.
At Roswell, 19.47 appears in relationship between 21,600, 6,480 and 33.33
When the earth’s circumference, 21,600 is divided by 33.33 the number 6,480 appears in a variation:
21,600 / 33.33 = 648.06480648064…
648.06480648064..divided by 19.47, the number suggested by the year of the Roswell crash itself (1947)…produces a modification of 33.33:
648.064806480 / 19.47 = 33.28
…Latitude 33.28°
This latitude, 33.28° multiplied by PI (3.141592653589…) results in a longitude 104.56° … pinpointing the exact coordinates of the disc impact site near Roswell NM. |
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Message 41 of 183 on the subject |
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Message 42 of 183 on the subject |
2. 2 Reyes 19:37: Y aconteció que mientras él adoraba en el templo de Nisroc su dios, Adramelec y Sarezer sus hijos lo hirieron a espada, y huyeron a tierra de ARARAT. Y reinó en su lugar Esarhadón su hijo.
3. Isaías 37:38: Y aconteció que mientras adoraba en el templo de Nisroc su dios, sus hijos Adramelec y Sarezer le mataron a espada, y huyeron a la tierra de ARARAT; y reinó en su lugar Esarhadón su hijo.
The Number 19 - Physical Manifestation |

And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
Genesis 3.20
Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
Mark 13.31
The Number 19 is the Hexagon in the Hexagon/Star pair 19/37 which appears in the heart of Genesis 1.1 - the Creation Holograph:
The Heart

19 = 5 + 12 + 2 (Ordinal Value) |
37 = 5 + 30 + 2 (Standard Value) |
It forms the sixfold double-hexagonal core of the Logos Star.
The Number 19 is the basis of the Grace Manifest Holograph. It relates to the ideas of Physical Manifestation and the Flesh and plays a central role in the course of World History with the rise of Materialism in the Nineteenth Century. The link to All of this is amplified in this pair of identities:

= 19 = |
The Earth

He Gai
This naturally integrates with the universal concept of "Mother Earth" and the feminine nature of physical manifestation (because of its receptivity and passivity). This is amplified in the identity:
Rib [Gen 2.22]

= 190 = Sum(19)
The Number 190 is the the 19th Triangular Number, which integrates the word Rib with the value of Eve. Here then are the primary identities based on the Number 19:
The Number 19 |
Quph (Ord)

Behold! [Jn 1.29]

The Earth [Mark 13.31]

Hay Gai
The Heart (Ord)

Flame (Ord)

Eve [Gen 3.20]

Her Hand



He shall come [Ps 24.]

Factors: Prime
Related Numbers: 2869
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Message 43 of 183 on the subject |
1. Hechos 19:24: Porque un platero llamado Demetrio, que hacía de plata templecillos de DIANA, daba no poca ganancia a los artífices;
2. Hechos 19:27: Y no solamente hay peligro de que este nuestro negocio venga a desacreditarse, sino también que el templo de la gran diosa DIANA sea estimado en nada, y comience a ser destruida la majestad de aquella a quien venera toda Asia, y el mundo entero.
3. Hechos 19:28: Cuando oyeron estas cosas, se llenaron de ira, y gritaron, diciendo: ¡Grande es DIANA de los efesios!
4. Hechos 19:34: Pero cuando le conocieron que era judío, todos a una voz gritaron casi por dos horas: ¡Grande es DIANA de los efesios!
5. Hechos 19:35: Entonces el escribano, cuando había apaciguado a la multitud, dijo: Varones efesios, ¿y quién es el hombre que no sabe que la ciudad de los efesios es guar DIANA del templo de la gran diosa DIANA, y de la imagen venida de Júpiter?
Busqueda para ARARAT
1. Génesis 8:4: Y reposó el arca en el mes séptimo, a los diecisiete días del mes, sobre los montes de ARARAT.
2. 2 Reyes 19:37: Y aconteció que mientras él adoraba en el templo de Nisroc su dios, Adramelec y Sarezer sus hijos lo hirieron a espada, y huyeron a tierra de ARARAT. Y reinó en su lugar Esarhadón su hijo.
En Turquía han nacido grandes personajes de los cuales se derivan leyendas históricas, como el rey Midas, el primer historiado Heródoto, San Pablo, Homero y Platón.
La guerra de Troya descrita en la Iliada de Homero tomó lugar al oeste de Turquía alrededor del año 1.200 AC. Allí se encuentra el caballo de Troya, símbolo del fin de esta legendaria guerra.
Dos de las 7 maravillas del mundo se encuentran en Turquía en Anatolia, el Mausoleo de Halicarnaso (Bodrum) y el Templo de Artemisa/DIANA (Efesos), ambos situados en la costa del Mar Egeo.
El nacimiento del Cristianismo se produjo en Turquía, donde los apóstoles Pablo y Juan predicaron sus evangelios. La Virgen María pasó sus últimos años en una casita cerca de Efeso. El Vaticano declaró esta casa como sitio santo en 1967.
Las sietes iglesias mencionadas en el libro de las revelaciones se encuentran en Anatolia. En Antioquia fue donde San Pablo comenzó a predicar la palabra y fue aquí donde a los seguidores de Jesús se les llamó cristianos por primera vez. Hay una cueva en donde se cree que San Pedro predicaba cuando vivía en Antioquia. En 1963 el Papa la declaró como la primera catedral y es un sitio de peregrinaje.
De acuerdo al antiguo testamento el Patriarca Abraham nació en Sanli Urfa, ciudad al sureste de Turquía. La cueva donde se cree que nació el patriarca, se ha convertido en un sitio de peregrinaje.
El Diluvio Universal mencionada en los antiguos testamentos de la Biblia y del Coran, El Arca de Noe se posó en el Monte Ararat, en el este de Anatolia, durante siglos muchas expediciones han tratado de encontrar rastros del arca. Los tulipanes fueron llevados por primera vez a Holanda desde Turquía.
Santa Claus o Papa Noel nació en Patara y fue obispo de Demre, en la costa Mediterránea.
El café fue llevado por primera vez a Estambul desde Yemen en el siglo 16. Los turcos crearon un nuevo método para preparar este brebaje a lo cual llamamos café turco. El beber café es parte importante de la cultura Turca
Cada viaje, cada cliente es único para nosotros. Por esta razón, por favor siéntanse libres de enviarnos un correo electrónico o contactar con nosotros por teléfono para encontrar su viaje a Estambul ideal, su tour a medida, a pesar de los itinerarios preestablecidos que puedan hallar en nuestra página web.
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Message 44 of 183 on the subject |
The Pi Ratio in the Bible
Historians have been aware for some time of the basic knowledge that the pi ratio was utilized in ancient Egypt, Babylon and the far east. There has also been much written on the pi ratio used specifically in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, along with other applications in ancient Egypt. This subject will be handled in more detail in the coming section of this web-site, related to the Biblical Astronomy of the Great Pyramid. For our purposes in this short study, we will focus more on how the Biblical usage of pi surpasses its mathematical use in ancient Babylon, and and resembles more closely it's use in the Great Pyramid. A Biblical perspective on this subject has for the most part been sorely lacking, and even ridiculed as we will see. Thus one goal of this study is to present a truer Biblical perspective of this problem than perhaps has been available up to now. As always, when we allow proper space for the perspective of God's Word on a subject, we will always benefit from the new light the Scriptures will shed. The divine view of a thing is always superior to man's view. From a historical perspective, the Egyptians, compared to the Babylonians were limited geometers, where their use of pi is concerned, applied to ancient geometry. Early on, their valuation of pi was on par with the surface value of pi in the Bible; [3] which we will detail in this article. Later, their valuation of pi improved to 3.125. The ancient Egyptian priests used a formula to accurately determine the volume of a cylinder, that includes the recognition of pi. There are those like Petr Beckmann,1 who are aware of the basic reference to the pi ratio in the Bible in I Kings 7, but they don't put much stock in it.
I Kings 7:23-30 23And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about. 24And under the brim of it round about there were knops compassing it, ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about: the knops were cast in two rows, when it was cast. 25 It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea was set above upon them, and all their hinder parts were inward. 26And it was an hand breadth thick, and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies: it contained two thousand baths. 27And he made ten bases of brass; four cubits was the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits the height of it. 28And the work of the bases was on this manner: they had borders, and the borders were between the ledges: 29And on the borders that were between the ledges were lions, oxen, and cherubims: and upon the ledges there was a base above: and beneath the lions and oxen were certain additions made of thin work. 30And every base had four brazen wheels, and plates of brass: and the four corners thereof had undersetters: under the laver were undersetters molten, at the side of every addition.
What follows will provide ample reason why this or any other Scriptural references should not be glossed over, as Beckmann does, or rejected out of hand, by evaluating the surface value of pi in I Kings 7:23 as an "amusing curiosity."2 As we consider the Biblical usage of words related to how the pi ratio is revealed in Scripture, we will gain insight into the divine perspective of how the Creator thinks about this subject. This will speak volumes to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the God's truths.
The Hebrew word for "line" of thirty cubits, in verse 23 is "qav" [*H6957]. The word carries the primary meaning of a measuring cord, a ruler, or standard of measure. We are also familiar with this concept by another term known as a "canon." On the surface the Bible gives the basic mathematical value of pi as 3, but the surface is for the neophytes. The deeper truths of God's Word lie below the surface, for those who have the heart and will to look for them. Before we take a peek under the covers, lets take a look at some other places where this Hebrew word "qav" occurs. In the 38th chapter of Job, God is discussing the foundations of the Earth. Verse 5 asks: "Who hath laid the measures thereof, if you know? Or who hath stretched the line upon it?" The obvious Biblical answer to these questions is the Creator. In light of the usage of "qav" in I Kings 7:23, God's exercise of Pi as a standard ruler or measure in laying and measuring the spherical dimensions and foundations of our planet, recorded in the book of Job, the oldest book of the Biblical Canon is enlightening. This is especially the case when we consider the context of Job 38, which deals with a series of questions about various elements of Creation, that only God Almighty could be the answer to. We need also remember that the furnishings of both the Hebrew Temple & Tabernacle, [ohel] which are the subject of I Kings 7, along with the structure of each edifice, represent certain heavenly things, [Heb. 8:5]. The Intelligent Design specifications of the planet Earth would easily fall into this category, as to how the Earth's spherical dimensions and temporal order fit into the celestial context of Creation. We can see the sense of this clarified even more in our next reference to the Hebrew word "qav."
In Psalm 19, The heavens declare the glory of God... Verse 4 says,
"Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them He hath set a tabernacle for the sun."
Once again the Hebrew word for "line" here is qav. Let me ask you, what is the heavenly or celestial line that is a tabernacle, or provides the houses of the sun? The only sensible answer is the ecliptic! This is quite logical when we consider that the Israelites, during their 40-year sojourn in the Sinai wilderness were led by God, seen as a pillar of cloud during the day, and one of fire by night. The pillars dwelt over the Holy of the Holies of their Tabernacle, signifying the Creator's personal presence among His people. When they camped during the evenings, Numbers 2 tells us they camped in the order of the tribes as it matched the order of the course of the sun on the ecliptic, (east, south, west, north). Israel's twelve tribes, as we are aware by now, also matched up with the twelve signs of the zodiac in their God-ordained significance, before they were corrupted in heathen Astrology and mythology. This tribal order is also found in the twelve jewels of the High Priest's breastplate, [Ex. 28:15-21]. Thus the celestial gospel originally related the story of the coming redeemer of mankind, which God wrote in the stars before He ever committed it to His Written Word. These are the words of Ps. 19:4 that have gone out through all the earth, unto the end of the world. This application of the Pi ratio (the mathematical relation of the diameter of a circle to its circumference) by God, in reference to the ecliptic is certainly intriguing in light of the Sun's apparent 360-degree path through its 12 houses of the zodiac, as viewed from Earth. In this light we should also be aware of the earlier context of I Kings 7.

1 Ki 7:13 And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. [14] He was a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work. [15] For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about.
The word for "line" in verse 15 above is not qav, as it is in verse 23, but it still indicates a line for measuring, so let's take a closer look at these brass pillars anyway. As we know, Pi has long been considered a transcendental number, or constant of mathematics (3.14159....), linking a straight diameter to a curved circumference. The French archeologist and mathematician Charles Funk-Hellet points out that:
"Solomon had Hiram contribute to building a temple whose brass columns were 18 cubits high, and 12 cubits around. In other words, one cubit equaled the twelfth part of the circumference of the arc of 30 degrees, or pi/6. By subtracting the circumference from the height, they obtained 6 cubits in a straight line, which was equal to 1/2 circumference, or the exact value of pi; so that a thousand years before Christ the Hebrews knew that a cubit was a mathematical entity dependent on the circumference, and were able to resolve pi to four points of decimal." 3 (emphasis mine)
Funk-Hellet's observation that: "By subtracting the circumference from the height, they obtained 6 cubits in a straight line, which was equal to 1/2 circumference, or the exact value of pi/6...."4 is worth remembering when we come to the subject of the celestial symbolism of the Menorah, and its application of the pi ratio, which builds on what we have found here.
Funk-Hellet goes on to say that: "the Biblical cubit is equal to the Egyptian Royal cubit, which was incorporated into the Temple at Jerusalem as pi/6, or 523.6 millimeters. Using one unit of measure as the radius of a circle, the ancients found the trigonometric value of 30 degrees to be pi/6, (which divided the full circumference of the circle into 12 equal parts) and was the value of the royal cubit, or .5236 of the unit used: 3.1416/6 = .5236"5 (parenthesis & emphasis mine)
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In effect, we have an architectural representation of the twelve-fold division of the heavens preserved in the dimensions of the Temple's Brass columns, all based on the mathematical standard Pi, long before most modern scientists imagined the ancients knew anything about Pi at this level of accuracy. This provides more evidence showing the perfect wisdom of the Creator and Nature's Great Geometer, at work in the dimensions of His Temple, as an illustration of heavenly realities [ Heb. 8:5], which He gave to King David by revelation. Also symbolically contained in the dimensions of the Temple's brass columns, is a figure of the 12 calendar months of 30 days, totaling the 360 days of their year, a calendar also used going all the way back to Noah's time, in the context of the 360-degrees of the ecliptic. This reveals the true origin of the 12 - 30° segments of the ecliptic, as a standard celestial measure. And since Noah was already 600 years old when the Bible records the details of this luni-solar calendar in Genesis 7, it also implies that it was used by the earlier Biblical Patriarchs prior to the flood, and centuries before history and human science thought this level of astronomical sophistication was known. For more information on Noah's Calendar, please go to the article under the same title on this website. Since the pattern shown to Moses for the Tabernacle was by divine revelation, just as the pattern of the Temple was shown to King David, these men of God did not receive the blueprints for these sacred edifices, or their related measurements, by scientific trial and error. Thus they didn't need to wait on the Greeks, like Archimedes, generally considered the greatest of ancient scientists, to rediscover them or to apply them in divine architecture. Although Archimedes is to be commended for his application of the pi proportion, it pales in comparison to what we find in the Biblical uses of " qav" as it relates to pi. As we can see in the above Biblical usage of the Hebrew word "qav," God's exercise of the concept of Pi far exceeds any previous application of it by mankind. It is amazing what God's Word can teach us when we only give the Creator the proper credit for Who He really is! At times it seems men of scientific Materialism will go to any length to prevent naming God as the Creator, or even acknowledging His presence. They would rather credit the non-entity of chance, than to give credit to the only One Who could ever truly claim the authority to speak things into being from nothing, our Mighty and Omnipotent Heavenly Father. Only from the Creator's viewpoint in His Word, do these applications of the pi ratio make sense. Only He could apply the pi ratio with the ecliptic and the dimensions of our planet, a concept which is borne out in much greater detail, in how the pi ratio is symbolically and architecturally applied in the Great Pyramid.
The pi ratio in I Kings 7, should also be considered with any close approximation of pi in King Solomon's day. On this subject there is information concerning a practical approximation of pi in the ancient world, based on septenary units of measure. In some ancient traditions, the relation of the Diameter to the Circumference, embodied in the pi ratio, symbolized the names of God; Elohim and Jehovah. With Elohim, the Creator representing the Circumference, of the curved line of the totality of His Creation, and Jehovah as the straight line Diameter, or God in relationship to His Creation, the geometrical expressions of these relations were realized in the pi ratio. We find the basic elements of the Circle's diameter inscribed the circumference of a surrounding Sphere inside a Cube, in II Kings 7:30 above, contained in the square base that carried the circular brasen sea. This principle has survived through the centuries in the domed sacred architecture of many temples & churches, where the circular dome is surrounded by a square building. We should take note that the Holy of the holies, which contained the Ark of the Covenant, was a perfect cube, contained within a double-square ground-plan of the Hebrew Tabernacle. This provided the divine foundation of many practices in the "sacred geometry" of the secular world. The practical approximation of pi in the ancient world of sacred architecture, has preserved this concept of God the Creator in relation to His Creation, in a systematic application of principles of sacred geometry, based on septenary units of measure. According to Stechini, in this system the "circumference was considered 22/7 of the diameter; this approximation of pi rendered (3 1/7, or 3.142857) is still in use today as an adequate approximation in many problems of engineering." 6
As Beckmann points out, "Archimedes started with a hexagon and progressively doubling the number of sides he arrived at a polygon of 96 sides, which yielded pi as 3 1/7, or 3.142857." 7 The importance of relating pi to septenary units is obvious in a Biblical light when we consider God's abundant use of the number seven in His ordering of Creation. Some of this evidence is covered in our website essay on the Calendar of the Israel. This ratio of 22/7 is also intriguing because it expresses the ratio between the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, in relation to its seven vowels. This is a supporting factor in the idea that the roots of writing & the first alphabet originate in the celestial gospel. As the first "written" revelation to mankind, the stars in this gospel were named and numbered by God [Ps. 147:4]. The divine message of the coming redeemer and the means God chose to deliver it, thus provide the sacred foundation of all language and mathematics. As the divine original source of this wisdom, the witness of the stars was above reproach. The pi ratio expressed as 22/7, reflects this perfection of the celestial gospel, in at least the mathematical, geometrical and linguistic contexts. This trend continued when God's media of revelation transitioned to the written word, when God first wrote the 10 Commandments in precious stone, which Moses the Lawgiver delivered to the people of the Nation Israel. This marked the start of the Mosaic Law Administration. The Canon of truth for the Patriarchal Administration was the celestial gospel, given directly by God, but is was up to men to apply these truths according to the principles of this system God put into place. Even so the Law began with writings from "the finger of God," but transitioned to the written Scriptures given by revelation from God, to "holy men of God, who spake as they were moved by the holy spirit" [II Pet. 1:21]. During this transition from the Patriarchal to the Law Administrations, men became the carriers of the divine message, and the potential for corruption was introduced into the equation. The Human Will must be freely subject to the Will of God to keep the corruption out in both divine systems of revelation. This brings us to the answer that lies beneath the surface of I Kings 7 as it relates to the ancient Gematria of the Hebrew language. Men like Dr. E.W. Bullinger in his book; Number in Scripture, reveal the details of this subject. We will only scratch the surface here. but before we do let's consider one final point connected with septenary measuring units. The following note from Keil and Delitzsch' Commentary on I Kings 7:23 below, adds support to the application of pi relating to septenary units as seen in the brazen sea above, [3.142857] and the knowledge of its application by the ancient Hebrews, via revelation from God, in the dimensions of the Temple and its sacred furniture and accessories.
"The brazen sea (cf. 2Ch. 4:2-5). - “He made the molten sea - a water-basin called יָם (mare) on account of its size - ten cubits from the one upper rim to the other,” i.e., in diameter measured from the upper rim to the one opposite to it, “rounded all round, and five cubits its (external) height, and a line of thirty cubits encircled it round about,” i.e., it was thirty cubits in circumference. The Chethib קוה is to be read קָוֶה here and in Zech. 1:16 and Jer. 31:39, for which the Keri has קָו in all these passages. קָוֶה or קָו means a line for measuring, which is expressed in 1Ki. 7:15 by חוּט. The relation of the diameter to the circumference is expressed in whole numbers which come very near to the mathematical proportions. The more exact proportions would be as 7 to 22, or 113 to 355.”8 [emphasis mine]
The septenary relation to pi uncovers the link between the pi and phi ratio, through the popular Fibonacci Series. This link makes it possible to obtain pi without the need for measuring! This is illustrated in the following quote from Livio Stechini:
"It is possible to use the Fibonacci Series to obtain an accurate relation for the diameter of the circle to its circumference, without recourse to pi. In the Fibonnacci series of 21, 34, 55, if 21 is taken as the diameter of a circle, its circumference will be 55 x 6/5 = 66, accurate to the one thousandth part, giving the Great Pyramid value of pi as 22/7 = 3.142857. Higher numbers in the fibonacci series provide increasingly finer values in whole numbers accurate to one ten-thousandth part. Prolonging the series to 80, 144, 233, 377, 610... a diameter of 144 (4 x 576) gives a circumference of 377 x 6/5 or a pi value of 3.1415. A diameter of 233= a circumference of 610 x 6/5 or a pi value of 3.1416..."9
Plate 1. The Pi and Phi Ratios in the Great Pyramid

This mathematical affinity between pi and phi (pi= ز x 6/5, equivalent to 2.618 x 6/5 = 3.1416) will be further expounded in our essay on the Great Pyramid, especially in the relation between its base and height as seen in Plate 1 above. Now lets look beneath the surface of I Kings 7. The Hebrew word for "line" in verse 23 is normally spelled with two Hebrew letters, but as Jochen Katz points out; this word is written with an extra letter.10 A subject that has gotten much attention of late is "Bible codes." These codes are revealed with the use of the numerical values of the letters of the Hebrew and Greek languages, used in the Bible. E.W. Bullinger captured the essence of this referring to "the supernatural design in the use of number both in the Works of God and in the Word of God." He delineates four topics below in his book Number in Scripture:
1. Numbers of things mentioned. 2. Numbers of words and things. 3. Numbers of words used for a thing. 4. Numbers formed by the letters of the words themselves.
The last category above, the ancients called Gematria.11 Since the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are used instead of numbers, each letter has a numerical value. As Jochen Katz points out: "we can take the ratio of (the gematriacal value of "qav") in its unusual word form (having three letters), to the regular word form with two letters which is 111/106."12 The value of this ratio (1.047198) when multiplied by the Bible's basic value of pi; (3) gives the result of 3.1415, or pi accurate to five digits! This formula is revealing because it employs the computation of a ratio hidden in the number values of the Hebrew language, to yield a higher degree of mathematical accuracy for the pi ratio, than its surface value of 3. This information is useful when we consider the application of pi in the Great Pyramid, and in light of the other Biblical uses of this word "qav," that we have just touched upon. This sub-surface enlightening of how pi is used in the Bible again stretches the envelope of the historical awareness of the scientific sophistication in the ancient world. Since this expertise is revealed as an aspect of the dimensions of the sacred furniture of the Temple and Tabernacle, it makes sense that God's knowledge of these matters would far exceed human knowledge. This is exactly what Isaiah tells us:
Isa. 55:8-9 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the Earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.
Only when we allow the Word of God to have its rightful say, are we allowed glimpses of His glory! We have seen that God's use of Pi relating to the measures of our planet, the ecliptic, the "pattern of the tabernacle" [Heb. 8:5, Exod 25:9, 40] and the temple of Israel, and the sacred geometry of the Menorah, reveal the Creator's Omniscient wisdom in His Intelligent Design of Creation, far above any historical application of pi by man. Those who play with the surface values and external truths of the Scriptures will never see beyond the level of God's Word as an "amusing curiosity." Only those who recognize God for Who He is, and give His Word the proper respect due it's unique position in the history of literature, will even begin to see the wonders of His glory.
In conclusion, as we turn our attention to more current events relating to pi, some of the most interesting "pi news" pertains to its recent computation by a team of Japanese scientists who were using a Hitachi supercomputer in an attempt to break their own record for calculating digits of pi. To their surprise and utter amazement, their Hitachi supercomputer solved pi at 1.3511 trillionth digit! This is not a misprint! That's right, they successfully completed this exercise three times for verification, with the same result! This stunning evidence, that pi is questioned as transcendental number, forced some to re-think their theorems, where pi was assumed as an infinite constant of mathematics. As we can see from the following report however, Colin Percival is not one of them:
In 1998, 17-year-old Colin Percival, calculated the five trillionth binary digit of pi. In 1998, researchers computed the first 51.5 billion decimal digits of pi. Percival discovered that pi's five trillionth bit, or binary digit, is a "0." His accomplishment is significant not only because it was a record-breaker, but because, for the first time ever, the calculations were distributed among 25 computers around the world. In all, the project, dubbed PiHex, took five months of real time to complete and one-and-a-half years of computer time. Percival, who graduated from high school in June, 1998 had been attending Simon Fraser University in Canada concurrently since he was 13.
1. A History of Pi, Petr Beckmann. 2. IBID p. 16. 3. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins, p. 263 4. IBID 5. IBID 6. IBID 7. A History of Pi, Petr Beckmann. p. 64 8. KEIL & DELITSCH Commentary on I Kings 7:23. 9. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins, p. 97 fn 10. "Value of Pi in I Kings 7:23," Jochen Katz @ "y" files .com 11. Number in Scripture, E.W. Bullinger. p. 48. 12. "Value of Pi in I Kings 7:23," Jochen Katz @ "y" files .com 13. *Numbers from Strong's Concordance are the source for word definitions.
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When they camped during the evenings, Numbers 2 tells us they camped in the order of the tribes as it matched the order of the course of the sun on the ecliptic, ...
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Tenemos tambien que desde el 1 de enero hasta el 15/3 o 15 de marzo hay 74 dias al igual que en el calendario hebreo desde el primero de nissan hasta el 15/3 o 15/sivan tambien hay 74 dias. Concretamente el 15/3 gregoriano es un paralelo matematico al 15/3 hebreo. Desde el 11 de sivan hasta el 29 de thamus (verdadero pentecostes) tambien tenemos 47 dias. Concretamente la LANZA DE LONGINO ES UN PARALELO ESOTERICO A EXODO 19 EN EL CONTEXTO AL 15 DE SIVAN Y ESO EXPLICA EN FORMA HEBREA EL NEXO CON EL NUMERO 153.
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