 por Roderick Marling
traducido por Adela Kaufmann
(versión original)
del sitio Web KamaKala
Desde el principio del Tiempo, los seres humanos, desde más primitivo al más sofisticado culturalmente, han seguido y han grabado los ritmos naturales y ciclos de la Tierra.
El baile intrincado entre la Tierra y los otros cuerpos celestes ha sido siempre fuente de maravilla y asombro, dando lugar a innumerables historias y mitos por el mundo. Muchos de estos cuentos todavía son contados hoy.
Las personas antiguas de la Tierra se preocupaban por estos ritmos naturales y ciclos, porque sus vidas y su sustento dependían de ellos. En ciertos tiempos del año, la comida año era abundante en ciertas regiones y no lo era en otras. En ciertos momentos vendrían las lluvias, en otros, podrían esperar calor y sequedad. Ellos también observaron que la fertilidad estaba, de alguna manera, vinculada con los ciclos de la Luna.
De acuerdo con estos variados ciclos de la Naturaleza, las personas empezaron a reconocer un Cosmos de complejidad creciente - modelos repetitivos y ciclos envueltos dentro de ciclos aun más grandes de orden. Los movimientos cíclicos del Sol, la Luna, los Planetas y las Estrellas indicaron un Orden Natural a la Realidad, que les proporcionó a nuestros antepasados el significado y la certeza de la continuidad.
El cielo y la Naturaleza tocaron cada aspecto de sus vidas. No es sólo que sus observaciones astronómicas indicaban cuándo plantar sus cosechas y cuándo segar la mies, sino también dónde localizar sus templos, cómo diseñar sus casas e incluso cómo orientar sus ciudades. Estas personas ocuparon un Universo inteligente y viviente que gobernaba sus vidas. La supervivencia y el éxito, entonces, dependía de cuan bien uno podría leer las señales celestiales.
Como breve revisión de lo más básico de estos ciclos naturales, nosotros empezaremos con la rotación de la Tierra en su eje. Porque la Tierra rota una revolución completa cada 24 horas, nosotros observamos los períodos recurrentes del día y la noche.
Lamentablemente, hay números sorprendentemente grandes de personas hoy que todavía no entienden que este ciclo diario es causado por el movimiento de la Tierra, y no por algo el Sol está haciendo. Esto podría explicarse un poco por el hecho que nuestras costumbres lingüísticas están siglos detrás de nuestra comprensión científica, y continuamos hablando en términos de la salida del sol y sus ocasos.
Sea como sea, el próximo ciclo que veremos no está basado en el movimiento de la Tierra, sino de la Luna. La Luna rota alrededor de la Tierra cada 29.5 días, dándonos el concepto del mes, al aparecer en sus diferentes fases, desde la Luna Nueva a la Luna Llena, y una vez, de regreso a Luna Nueva.
Luego está el ciclo observable del año, cuando la Tierra baila alrededor del Sol en una órbita elíptica, tomándole 365.25 días para completar una revolución.
Cuando las personas continuaron observando los cuerpos celestes, comenzaron también a notar que algunas de las luces luminosas en el cielo se movían mientras otras se quedaban relativamente estacionarias. Estos cuerpos errantes que hemos venido a conocer como los planetas, y varias personas alrededor del mundo mostraron un interés especial en sus ciclos y movimientos particulares, tejiendo un gran número de historias, mitos y leyendas.
Esos astrónomos tempranos que guardaron archivos del movimiento del Sol, Luna y Planetas, uno de los más grandes misterios que ellos observaron fue el hecho de que todos los años, ellos esperarían que el Sol apareciera en el Equinoccio de la Primavera o en el Solsticio del Invierno en un lugar específico en el horizonte, señalizando el Nuevo Año.
Con el tiempo, ellos se desanimaron de encontrar que el Sol ya no aparecía en el mismo lugar que lo hacía solo 70 años antes, sino que se había movido un grado completo (el equivalente al diámetro del Sol - por dos). Este movimiento lento, llamado Precesión del Equinoccio, causa que el Sol del Equinoccio parezca resbalarse hacia atrás contra el telón de las estrellas.
Los astrónomos han logrado deducir ahora que la Tierra no es una esfera perfecta. Realmente es un poco chata en los polos, y tiene una protuberancia en el ecuador. Como resultado, los tirones gravitatorios de la Luna y el Sol ejercen una influencia desigual en la Tierra. Sus fuerzas gravitatorias intentan tirar la protuberancia ecuatorial hacia ellos.
Porque la Tierra está girando, estas fuerzas hacen que se tabalee el eje del de la Tierra, cambiando siempre muy despacio. Gradualmente el eje polar que una vez estuvo alineado con una estrella en particular, empieza a cambiar hasta alinearse con otra estrella.
Ahora mismo, el eje de la Tierra al Polo Norte apunta a la estrella Polaris – la cual nosotros apropiadamente llamamos la Estrella Polar. Pero hace 5,000 años, el polo norte celestial se alineaba a la estrella llamada Alfa Draconis.
Ocho mil años en el futuro la estrella del polo será Vega.

Este movimiento Precesional es, entonces, el mismo movimiento responsable para el cambio de ubicación de los Equinoccios y los Solsticios.
Los antiguos astrónomos descubrieron el movimiento Precesional de término largo del Sol a través del fondo de las constelaciones y se calcula la longitud de este Ciclo a alrededor de 25,600 a 26,000 años.
Esto significa que el Sol que marca el Equinoccio de Primavera, que ahora aparece adelante del fondo de estrellas en la constelación de Piscis, en aproximadamente 500 años subirá a la constelación de Acuario. Continuará cambiando al revés a través de las varias constelaciones de Capricornio, Sagitario, etc., hasta que en aproximadamente 26,000 años llegará de regreso al mismo punto exacto en Piscis.
La comprensión de esta Precesión del Equinoccio, entonces, dio lugar a muchos mitos y leyendas de las diferentes Edades Mundiales. Cuando el movimiento Precesional continuó cambiando el Equinoccio a una nueva constelación, las diferentes culturas percibieron esto como una Nueva Edad o Nuevo Mundo. Como el Sol de Equinoccio de Primavera aparecía surgir en la constelación de Tauro, las personas percibieron esto como la Edad del Toro; la Edad del Carnero cuando subió a la constelación de Aries; la Edad del Pez al subir en Piscis, y así sucesivamente.
En un tiempo, muchas civilizaciones en la Tierra eran conscientes de este ciclo natural de la Tierra y lo incorporaron en sus cosmologías y conceptos del Tiempo de varias maneras.
Cada uno reflejando una interpretación y significado ligeramente diferente, pero de diferentes maneras diferentes, todos sostuvieron el Ciclo Precesional como involucrando nada menos que el proceso Cósmico de la evolución de la Vida, influyendo sutilmente en todas las Formas de Vida de la Tierra a moverse a niveles más altos de organización y complejidad. Vino a simbolizar el Proceso Espiritual de Desplegar la Conciencia en nuestro planeta.
Lo que es importante aquí es que esta creencia estaba realmente basada en un notable ciclo astronómico: cada 72 años, el Solsticio y el Equinoccio del Sol parecían moverse un grado hacia atrás, a través de las constelaciones - como la mano de un reloj, indicando las horas del día.
Sin embargo, en este Reloj Cósmico la mano, o marcador, en el movimiento es la ubicación específica del Equinoccio o Salida del sol del Solsticio, mientras la cara del reloj es representada por las constelaciones relativamente estacionarias de las estrellas.
Con esto en perspectiva, entonces, nosotros volveremos nuestra atención ahora a cómo este Ciclo Precessional fue incorporado en la Cosmología maya y cómo se relaciona a su calendario de la cuenta larga, y específicamente al año 2012.
Quizás más que cualquier antigua cultura de la que estamos conscientes a estas alturas, los Mayas estaban obsesionados con la Astronomía. No sólo eran capaces de proyectar sus cálculos astronómicos miles de años adelante y atrás en el Tiempo, sino que desarrollaron un calendario reciclable de Venus que era exacto a un día en 500 años, y una mesa de eclipses que todavía funciona hoy.
Ellos también calcularon exactamente el año solar hasta con cuatro cifras decimales. Para lograr estos impresionantes cómputos, ellos crearon un sistema sofisticado de matemáticas que utiliza el valor del lugar y el concepto del cero. Y todos esto mientras Europa todavía estaba vagabundeando en las Edades Oscuras.
En una cultura compleja como la maya, y considerando el lapso de un período de casi mil años, es importante recordar que eso levantó diferentes sistemas de creencia en tiempos diferentes, algunos de los cuales coexistían en el mismo lugar. Justo como si tomáramos la demografía de, digamos, la moderna ciudad de Nueva York, nosotros encontraríamos a judíos viviendo allí, además de Musulmanes, protestantes y católicos – todos, muy entretenidos en diferentes sistemas de creencia.
Y así, es apropiado aquí limitar nuestras consideraciones de la cultura maya a sólo esas creencias que prestan significado e importancia a la auspiciosa fecha indicada en su calendario de cuenta larga - Dec. 21, 2012.
Al enfocarnos en esta fecha, encontramos que uno de los indicadores a su probable importancia es que específicamente designa el Solsticio de Invierno. Como este es nuestro punto de partida en nuestro análisis, echemos una mirada más cercana acerca de lo que esto podría significar.
En primer lugar, es bueno ser consciente que alrededor del mundo en varias culturas del pasado, cada uno designó un tiempo específico para marcar el principio de su Nuevo Año.
En Sumeria antigua y Babilonia, el Nuevo Año empezaba con el Equinoccio de la Primavera
En Israel el Nuevo Año se cambió gradualmente al Equinoccio en el Otoño
En el Norte de Europa, el Nuevo Año era celebrado en el tiempo del Solsticio de Invierno
Nosotros todavía observamos esta tradición del Nuevo Año en particular, pero agregando unos días extras para que ahora nuestro Nuevo Año empiece el 1 de enero
Entonces, en el contexto de esta tradición el Solsticio de Invierno el 21 de diciembre era celebrado como el cumpleaños del Sol.
Es la noche más larga del año y por consiguiente, el día más corto del año. Representó el último poder de las fuerzas oscuras de la Naturaleza: la larga noche invernal, cuando las cosas parecían estar muertas y quietas. Y fuera de las profundidades de esta noche más larga, nació el nuevo Sol. Desde este punto en, el poder de la luz crece despacio en fuerza y los días empiezan poco a poco a hacerse más largos.
El Solsticio de Invierno, entonces, inauguró el nacimiento de un nuevo año solar. El Sol parecía regresar de su viaje anual al Sur y empieza su lento retorno a las Latitudes del Norte. La salida del sol, el 21 de diciembre, se creía que era como la primera salida del sol, y el comienzo del Nuevo Año era, de hecho, una celebración del principio del Tiempo.
Con este contexto particular en la mente, estamos ahora preparados para examinar más estrechamente las razones por qué el Solsticio de Invierno en el año 2012 es tan importante. En el calendario maya de la cuenta larga, un ciclo de 5,200 años finaliza en esta fecha, y también apunta a una rara alineación astronómica.
De hecho, esta alineación sólo pasa una vez cada 26,000 años.
El auspicioso año de 2012 indicado en el calendario de la cuenta larga, ilumina el hecho que el movimiento Precesional del Sol del Solsticio de Invierno gradualmente llevará su posición a alinearse con el mismo centro de nuestra Galaxia.
Para los mayas, esto es como el último golpe de Medianoche en Nochevieja, sólo que en el 2012 el Nuevo Año es el Nuevo Año Galáctico de 26,000 años solares.
El Reloj Galáctico estará en el punto cero y comenzará un Nuevo Ciclo Precesional.
A estas alturas usted puede estar preguntándose que es lo que es tan importante sobre la vía láctea y por qué los maya incluso estaban tan interesados en ello.
Nuestra cultura científica ha venido finalmente a comprender que nuestro planeta, el Sol, y el sistema solar entero tuvieron sus orígenes en el centro de la Galaxia de la Vía Láctea. Nosotros también hemos encontrado recientemente que nuestra Galaxia es de 70,000 años de luz de diámetro, con la mayoría de sus 400 mil millones estrellas concentrados en la gran protuberancia central.
Equipado con instrumentos ultravioleta, radiografías y rayos gamma, mas telescopios infrarrojos, la mayoría de los astrónomos están ahora convencidos que en el centro de nuestra Galaxia hay un masivo agujero negro de un tamaño inimaginable de millones de veces más grande que nuestro sol. Esto es donde la Ciencia y la Mitología verdaderamente se encuentran. Para lo que el centro de nuestra Galaxia pueda representar en términos de energía y propiedades tiempo/espacio, nadie tiene una pista.
Pero para los antiguos mayas, la Galaxia de la Vía Láctea representó a la Gran Madre Cósmica de donde nació toda Vida. Ellos vieron a nuestra Madre Galáctica estirándose a través del cielo nocturno y de alguna manera reconocer el lugar desde donde todos nosotros habíamos venido. Y a la gran protuberancia central a Su centro, ellos la percibieron como el Útero Cósmico.
Dentro de la protuberancia central está lo que parece un corredor oscuro, conocido como la grieta oscura (dark rift). Los mayas se referían a esto con muchos nombres, pero el más pertinente aquí es su referencia a esta área como el “paso del nacimiento”.
¿Estaremos empezando a conseguir aquí un cuadro de esto?
Considerando entonces la importancia de la fecha 2012 en el calendario maya, se ha descubierto que ese año específicamente apunta a un periodo de tiempo cuando el Sol del Solsticio de diciembre se alinea con y surge fuera del telón de la grieta oscura, el "Canal Galáctico de Nacimiento” en la protuberancia central.
Es como si el Sol realmente estuviera naciendo nuevamente del Útero Galáctico.

La Cosmología maya no fue escrita en un libro, sino en las mismas estrellas sobre sus cabezas.
El significado de esta historia no fue revelado a través del estudio de oscuras interpretaciones, sino que a través de correspondencia de asociaciones asignada a las partes individuales en la historia.
Todos lo que necesitamos hacer es reconocer esas asociaciones originales y la historia se despliega sola. Así como en nuestra cultura, nosotros hemos construido asociaciones entre el Solsticio de Invierno, el Nuevo Año y el nacimiento de Jesús Cristo, “ el Hijo de Dios" quien entró en este mundo como "un salvador de la humanidad ".
Con los mayas hemos descubierto otra historia asociada con el Solsticio de Invierno, el Nuevo Año y el destino de las personas en la Tierra. La alineación astronómica del Ciclo Precesional del Solsticio de Invierno y el Centro Galáctico representa el "Punto Cero" en el Reloj Cósmico, marcando así el principio de la Nueva Era en nuestra jornada evolutiva en la conciencia. Nos dice que nace un Nuevo Sol, que un Nuevo Año ha amanecido, que un Nuevo Ciclo Galáctico ha empezado, y la transformación de nuestro Mundo está en camino.
El gran secreto en esta historia particular es que nosotros no necesitamos esperar el Solsticio de Invierno del año 2012 para reconocer que estamos entrando en este tiempo de profunda transición. Ya que según los más recientes cálculos astronómicos, el Solsticio Meridiano realmente es el que más precisamente coincide con el Ecuador Galáctico entre 1998 y 1999.
Así como el ecuador de la Tierra divide el planeta en dos hemisferios de Norte y Sur, el Ecuador Galáctico es el término astronómico para la línea divisoria de la Vía Láctea, separando la Galaxia en dos mitades. Similar al tiempo del Equinoccio, cuando el Sol parece cruzar el Ecuador de la Tierra y entra así en un nuevo hemisferio, así también en 1998 el Sol del Solsticio de Invierno comenzó a atravesar el Ecuador Galáctico.
Considerando que el Sol es tan grande (aproximadamente uno y medio grados de ancho) y el movimiento es tan lento, nuestro Sol no estará completamente por el Ecuador y totalmente en el nuevo Hemisferio Galáctico hasta el año 2018.
Así que nosotros necesitamos entender entonces que la fecha maya de 2012 simplemente es un indicador a este periodo del 20 años de transición – el proceso de nacimiento de la Nueva Era (o Edad), y el punto del principio del Nuevo Ciclo Precesional de 26,000 años.
Yo lo encuentro casi la altura de ironía que los descendientes de esos blancos europeos que vinieron al "Nuevo Mundo" para llevar iluminación y salvación a la población indígena, ahora encontrarían enterrado aquí, en alguna selva remota, un calendario/reloj de piedra marcándoles el Tiempo/hora que es.
Un calendario o reloj no muy extraño a su propio fondo cultural, pero uno que realmente incorpora y cumple su más expansiva visión del Tiempo cíclico, el Ciclo Precesional.
Este "Gran Año" era conocido hace mucho tiempo por los sumerios, babilónicos, egipcios y los antiguos griegos, pero carecía del punto en el que empezaba o acababa. De algún modo, a través de las Edades, el conocimiento había estado perdido.
Quizás el regalo más grande que la cultura maya ha dado a nuestro mundo es el Punto Cero al Ciclo Precessional de 26,000 años. A través de la fecha 2012 en su calendario, ellos indicaron la importancia del Ecuador Galáctico y su relevancia al Ciclo Precesional, dándonos así la habilidad de apuntar ahora con precisión el Tiempo exacto en nuestro Reloj Galáctico.
Sobre el lapso de los 20 años de periodo de transición cuando el Sol del Solsticio cruza el Ecuador Galáctico y se mueve hacia un nuevo hemisferio, nosotros daremos testimonio, de hecho, la caída de las viejas estructuras viejas y el nacimiento de nuevas. Para aquéllos que tienen ojos para ver, nosotros realmente estamos siendo testigos del nacimiento de una civilización planetaria.
Y las mismas logísticas involucradas en este proceso determinarán que los viejos valores de los Estados Nación, que estaban principalmente basadas en la competencia y la explotación, tendrán que dar paso, en el futuro, a un esfuerzo de colaboración, dónde la cooperación será el valor social dominante.
Esto surgirá, no de alguna teoría política, social o económica, sino del el mismo deseo de las especies humanas de continuar sobreviviendo y tener el éxito.
Maya Cosmos, Three Thousand Years On The Shaman's Path. David Feidel, Linda Schele, Joy Parker. William Morrow and Company, New York. 1993.
Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. John Major Jenkins. Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1998.
Beyond The Blue Horizon – Myths & Legends of the Sun, Moon, Stars, & Planets. Dr. E.C. Krupp. Oxford University Press, New York, 1991.
Stairways to The Stars – Skywatching in Three Great Ancient Cultures. Anthony Aveni. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. 1997
RETURN OF QUETZALCOATL = RETURN OF THE NEPHILIM Feathered Serpent / Heavenly Serpent Symbolism 2012 & End Times Prophecy Mayan Quetzalcoatl, Quetzocohuatl Serpent in the Heavens Oroborus - Serpent Eating its Tail - Platonic Cycles - Greek Aion - End of the Age - Angels = Messengers = Cherubim = Zodiac = Clock of Doom in the Heavens Ouroboros Symbol of End of Age Galactic Event 2012 - Message = Sign of the Apocalypse?
RE: 2012 & End of the Age. The Greeks called the End of the Age the SUNTELIA AION Ancient historians and especially Plato referred to a cycle of catastrophe at the End of the Age. The AION was symbolized by the Ouroboros. |
The Milky Way Galaxy is the inspiration for the symbol of the Ouroboros. Hermeticism and myth refer to a serpent of light residing in the heavens. The Milky Way is this serpent, and viewed at galactic central point near sagittarius, this serpent eats its own tail.
The Milky Way galaxy keeps a great time cycle that ends in catastrophic change. The sign of the SUNTELIA AION is the sun rising out of the mouth of the oroborus, which will occur on the solstice December 2012.
Quetzalcoatl was described as a being of another race, a "white" man with noble features, long black hair and full beard, dressed in flowing robes, whereas the Toltecs were dark-skinned and nearly beardless. Legend tells that he departed to the land of Tlapallan; others say he went to Coatzacualco on the Atlantic coast. Native tradition there still keeps up the divine name of Gucumatz, which among the Quiche means feathered serpent -- Quetzalcoatl in Aztec having the same meaning.
In Mexican religion Quetzalcoatl is regarded as a great deity, a god of the air. In the Quiche cosmogony, as told in the Popol Vuh Gucumatz is one of the first deities to appear, and holds the position of a minor creator.
Quetzalcoatl's "wand and other 'land-marks' show him to be some great Initiate of antiquity, who received the name of 'Serpent' on account of his wisdom, long life and powers. To this day the aboriginal tribes of Mexico call themselves by the names of various reptiles, animals and birds" (TG 269).
(See also: Quetzalcoatl, Quetzocohuatl , Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary, Occultism, Occultism Dictionary) David Flynn's "Cydonia: Secret Chronicles of Mars" for the two hermetic pillars, the two "anchor points" which will align the heavens to the earth, the zodiac over the continents and nations of the earth.
The infamous account of Ezekiel 's wheels, often misinterpreted as a primitive description of a UFO encounter, is actually a vision of the hybrid living creatures who populate the celestial narrative in the zodiac. Ezekiel saw CHERUBIM with four faces, and the wheels which were assigned to them. These are the four faces of the cardinal points of the zodiac, and a reference to their movement through the heavens. Both the Cydonia "Face" and the Giza Sphinx are a combination of two of these zodiac points -- Leo & Virgo. There is a Biblical precedent for this symbolism, Sphinx, Zodiac & the Gospel in the Heavens
(above)Nergal, the two faced "God of Mars" appears as Sagittarius. (below) The sign of the Suntelia Aion, the End of the Age -- on December 21, 2012 the sun rises from the mouth of the ouroborus / milky way ... pointed out by the arrow of Sagittarius.

"As above, so below" Basic tenet of theurgy, hermeticism & synchromysticism. Many are familiar with the ancient secret discerned by Hancock & Bauval, that HEAVEN is connected to the EARTH. Giza seems to be a "mirror" upon the earth of the stars in the belt of Orion. One of the pentagrams making up the megalithic "grid" is indeed anchored at Giza -- the other pentagram is appropriately anchored at the Prime Meridian. The star Sirius -- symbol of Isis the counterpart of Orion/Osiris -- is the monument mirrored upon the earth by the Prime Meridian at 0 longitude. Sirius is the star by which maritime navigation is carried out. History records the greatest ancient sea travellers were the Phoenicians, who called themselves Cydonians.
As you may have heard mentioned on the Sept. 20 2011 CoasttoCoastAM show w/ Doug Elwell & Richard Hoagland and on the incredible Oct. 30 2011 show with LA Marzulli, or read about on Steve Quayle's (author of Genesis 6 Giants) website and Tom Horn's (author of Apollyon Rising 2012) website, controversial Bible scholar & lecturer David Flynn was diagnosed with brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme. He passed away January 22, 2012.
If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep of David Flynn's Watcher Website, you may do so through Paypal below. |
 DAILY UPDATES ON THE WATCHER WEBSITE DISCUSSION FORUM topics include: Antichrist & End Time Prophecy, 2012 End of Days, UFOs & the Bible, Genesis 6 & the Nephelim, Angels & Aliens, 2012 & End of the Age, Apocalypse 2012, Bible Prophecy & NWO Conspiracy, unique research from David Flynn & many others!
Tránsito de Venus: Alineación planetaria estrella luciferina de cinco puntas
El 5 de junio a las 23:00 Venus en todo su esplendor sorprendió a todos los espectadores con su singular belleza, aunque a decir verdad, el evento visual trae consigo repercusiones a nivel no físico bastante trascendentales. Venus era muy importante para los mayas, tanto así que en sus movimientos basaron su calendario, esto hace que astrólogos, ocultistas y nueva era centren en Venus sus energías. Pero qué es lo que hace a Venus tan importante y trascendental para la humanidad? qué se esconde tras esos tránsitos de este planeta tan enigmático que hizo que hasta los propios mayas basaran en él su calendario en lugar de basarse en el sol que es en el astro que está basado nuestro calendario gregoriano? qué relación guarda Venus con el Nuevo Orden Mundial y los planes de la élite Illuminati? Simple "casualidad" que la crucifixión de Jesucristo haya sido realizada junto a otras dos personas más durante un tránsito de Venus en el monte de la calavera? y que posterior a este hecho tan trágico se inaugurara un templo al dios Baal en Baalbek? "Casualidad" que igualmente hayan "coincidido" con alineaciones con Venus o con el tránsito de Venus estos otros importantes hechos?

- La instauración del I, II y III Reich (Hitler)
- La instauración del calendario reptiliano gregoriano en 1582
- La erupción del volcán Vesubio en 1979
- El congreso ecuménico de Nicea y el nacimiento de la iglesia "universal" (Católica) en el año 325
- En 1526 Magallanes "demuestra" que la tierra no es plana
- La llegada del asesino en serie a Centro América, Hernán Cortés
- En 1630 se "confirman" las hipótesis de Galileo Galilei que dieron una nueva visión del mundo
- En 1760 coincidió con una gran actividad militar en Europa y América
- En el siglo 19 coincidió con la invención del teléfono
- Las apariciones de la "virgen" de Fátima en 1917
- El mega ritual satánico del 9/11 las torres gemelas
- El terremoto de Haití en el 2010
- El accidente de los 33 mineros en la mina San José de Chile en el 2010
- La beatificación del "venerable santo" papa ecuménico luciferino Juan Pablo II en la fiesta a Beltane
- La muerte de Bin Laden en la fiesta a Beltane dios de la "luz"
- El mega tsunami del 2004 que dejó miles y miles de muertos y damnificados
- El tsunami de Japón del 3/11/11
- El sacrificio ritual del número 2 de Alqaeda el 5 de junio del 2012 a manos de un avión "no tripulado"
- La Eurocopa
Este evento es de gran importancia para esoteristas y ocultistas, ya que lo denominan como el "retorno de Cristo", dado que durante ese tránsito energéticamente es aprovechado por la élite para diversos fines como pudimos ver en algunos ejemplos que menciono sobre momentos coincidentes durante este movimiento astronómico y energético.
Desde la antigüedad siempre se asoció a Venus con Lucifer, la estrella de la mañana, la diosa Isis, la reina del Cielo. En Oriente a Venus se le llama Sukra que significa resplandeciente, un dios que "conduce" un vehículo tirado por caballos, señor de los asuras o demonios.
Ver Libro de Segunda de Reyes Capítulo 2 Versículo1 y 11 y mi anterior entrada sobre el dios del antiguo testamento para ver en qué se movilizaba!!!!!
Según la doctrina esotérica, la tierra está subordinada a Venus, a Lucifer, su Regente, y se enseña además que en ese planeta hay vida, más no física como la nuestra sino espiritual, donde hay maestros y seres dispuestos a "ayudarnos" a evolucionar.
Astronómicamente se le denomina a la tierra y a Venus, planetas gemelos, dadas las similares condiciones de ambos astros como tamaño, densidad, gravedad, composición química, una de las diferencias está en su presión atmósferica la cual es 90 veces mayor a la de la tierra, y su superficie, la de Venus, es literalmente "infernal", cubierta de azufre. Tal como describen que es el infierno, el hogar de Lucifer alias Satanás.
Entre 1970 y 1980 la Unión Soviética a través de sondas rusas, capturó en el planeta infernal, imágenes de objetos que tenían entre 10 y 50 centímetros de longitud que se movilizaban y luego desaparecían, según la revista Astronomicheskiy Vestnik. Entre esas imágenes están las de discos volantes y escorpiones
Cada vez que se registra un hecho potencialmente energético, muchas cosas suelen suceder a nivel electromagnético, talvez se abren portales, incluso podemos evidenciar según imágenes del sol de la NASA objetos volantes alrededor del sol mientras sucedía esta impactante y profética alineación, mera "casualidad"?????
A Heavenly Annuniciation?
I recently received an email asking if I thought the recent conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, together with the crescent Moon and the Pleiades (perhaps better known as the "seven sisters") on the feast of the Annunciation on 25th March held any significance. I remember reading an interesting blog article on this subject which Spirit Daily linked to around the time of this event, but hadn't really given it much thought until I was asked about it (hence the lateness of this post in relation to event in question). The full article can be found on Daniel O'Connor's blog here, and I'll quote some of the relevant content below:
On March 25, 2012, millions of Christians (Catholic and Orthodox) will celebrate the “Annunciation” – which commemorates the conception of Jesus. This March 25, there will be a neat astronomical arrangement in the sky, that seems to mesh nicely. See the description below:
The sky will be spectacular in the west after sunset on March 25, 2012, with the waxing crescent moon and the planet Jupiter very close to each other in the evening twilight sky. Plus Venus is nearby – the sky’s brightest planet. You’ll see Jupiter and the moon below Venus in the west after sunset. The famous Pleiades star cluster is above Venus.
For centuries Mary has been referred to as the “Morning Star”, the popular name of the Planet Venus. In this configuration, the Morning Star appears with the moon at her feet. The Pleiades (from “peleiades” the Greek word for doves) overshadows the Morning Star. Jupiter, the “King Planet” approaches the configuration. The symbolism is striking. This is a interesting arrangement for the mystery of the Annunciation which heralds Christ’s coming through Mary.We should first note that while the practise of astrology (attempting to discern future events through an elaborate system of occult interpretation) is condemned by the Church, the Bible clearly teaches that important events are often heralded by symbolic astronomical and geophysical phenomena. For example the birth of Christ was accompanied by the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. And during his eschatological discourse on Mount Olivet, Jesus explicitly states that great signs would appear in the heavens before His Second Coming: There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.(Luke 21:11) “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”(Luke 21:25-28) This is followed by Peter's eschatological sermon during the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost: And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.(Acts 2:19-20) The Book of Revelation also foretold that the unbinding of Satan's chains "for a little while" (which I argue corresponds to the "100" years given to Satan in the Prophecy of Pope Leo XIII) would be signified by a star fallen to earth: Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while. (Rev 20:1-3) And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth...(Rev 9:1-3) (See the earlier post Tunguska, Pope Leo XIII, and the Opening of the Abyss, where I equate this "fallen star" to the Tunguska event of 1908) And the sounding of the third trumpet in Rev 8 was predicted to be accompanied by the sign of a great star falling from heaven "blazing like a torch" (which I equate with the last appearance of Halley's Comet and its timing in relation to the Chernobyl disaster in the post Chernobyl, Wormwood, and the Hrushiv Apparitions). Perhaps most importantly, the opening of the sixth seal in the Book of Revelation was foretold to be accompanied by a combination of an earthquake, a total solar eclipse, a total lunar eclipse and a major meteor shower (which in the post Signs in the Sky, I point out all occurred at the turn of the millennium centred on modern Turkey - the location of Pergamum in Asia Minor, which the Apocalypse identifies as "the throne of Satan" in Rev 2:13). As I argue in Unveiling the Apocalypse, the eschatological astronomical phenomena described at the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6, is once again recapitulated in Rev 12. The Woman Adorned with the Sun with the Moon at her feet represents a total solar eclipse - which corresponds to the Sun turning "black as sackcloth" in Rev 6:12. The Moon at the Woman's feet represents the Dragon intent on devouring her Child, and the red colour of the Dragon represents the reddish hue typical of a total lunar eclipse, which in turn corresponds to the Moon becoming blood-red at the opening of the sixth seal. And the Dragon sweeping a third of the stars from the sky in Rev 12:4, directly refers to the stars falling from the sky in Rev 6:13 (which is also recapitulated again at the sounding of the fourth trumpet in Rev 8:12, when a third of the Sun, Moon and stars are struck). The twelve stars around the Woman's head are traditionally associated with the Twelve Apostles; but they also represent the twelve tribes of Israel, as is shown by the allusion of this verse to Joseph's dream in Gen 37: Then he dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said, “Behold, I have dreamed another dream. Behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”(Gen 37:9) The eleven stars symbolise the sons of Jacob who make up the tribes of Israel, with the tribe of Joseph being divided between his two sons - Mannaseh and Ephraim, bringing the number up to twelve. So the twelve stars around the Woman's head in Rev 12 is a further allusion to the opening of the sixth seal, which includes the sealing of the 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel in Rev 7. The manifold similarities between the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6 and the sealing of the saints in Rev 7, held in juxtaposition with the unfolding of the Divine Drama of Rev 12 and marking of the inhabitants of the earth with the mark of the Beast in Rev 13, further confirms that the bestowing of the saints with the Seal of God is an antithetical parallelism to those who are marked with the number of the Beast. Chapters 6 and 7 of the Apocalypse are therefore directly connected with chapters 12-13, and forms a theological diptych which deliberately contrasts these portions of the Book of Revelation. Since they both describe the same events, the astronomical signs at the opening of the sixth seal thus herald the eschatological casting of Satan to earth described in Rev 12 (which must be distinguished from his primordial fall from grace), and the subsequent rise of the Beast from the sea to mark the inhabitants of the earth in Rev 13 should be considered to be a direct inversion of the sealing of the saints in Rev 7 - events which logically would coincide at the same moment in real-time. Now that we have determined that astrology should be clearly distinguished from the Bible's admonition to regard certain astronomical signs as portentous of contemporary and future world events, we can safely discuss whether the particular planetary conjunction on the 25th March may be imbued with any religious significance. Since it took place on the feast of the Annunciation, it would follow that any particular event this may signify would only be revealed nine months later - the gestation period of an unborn child. So we could safely assert that we would know exactly if it does indeed herald any future event during the Christmas period - close to the rather ominous date of 21st December 2012. We will only know that it was truly a sign if anything of historical or religious importance occurs around this time period. As exactly to what event it could herald can only be guessed at. We can be almost certain that it is not the Second Coming of Christ, since the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that this pivotal moment in salvation history is delayed until the future conversion of the Jews - an event which is synonymous with the Second Pentecost and the preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth: "The glorious Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by "all Israel", for "a hardening has come upon part of Israel" in their "unbelief" toward Jesus. St. Peter says to the Jews of Jerusalem after Pentecost: "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old." St. Paul echoes him: "For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?" The "full inclusion" of the Jews in the Messiah's salvation, in the wake of "the full number of the Gentiles", will enable the People of God to achieve "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ", in which "God may be all in all".(CCC 674 See full text here) We have clearly not reached the stage of the conversion of the Jews at the Second Pentecost just yet, but there are other prophesied events that it may concern. The promised religious revival to take place at the Second Pentecost is almost certainly the next major prophesied event that is to take place - at least according to any provisional schedule which may be determined from analysing the eschatological events foretold in Scripture. So could it herald the coming of the Second Pentecost itself? This event seems to be intimately related to the prophecies of the ministry of the Two Witnesses and the martyrdom of a future pontiff. And in turn these events also appear to be connected to the "great sign" promised in various prophecies, including those of St. Fautina and Our Lady of Akita. Therefore any of these events are the most likely prophetic occurrences yet to unfold at the highly significant schedule relating to the date of 21st December 2012. Yet foremostly it has to be admitted that the most likely explanation is that this particular date bears no significance at all to the date of the end-time (especially not to Christianity), and that like every other prophesied date purporting to pinpoint the end of the world, it will come to nought. We can only be left guessing until nearer the time. Either way, it is extremely unwise to tie ourselves to an exact date - especially when we know that the coming of the Lord will be as a "thief in the night" (Rev 16:15), and that we should always be prepared for the arrival of the Groom. Attempting to to preempt this crescendo of salvation history through the process of logic is all but impossible. We can only conclude with the same prayer as the apostle himself and subject ourselves to the immanent glory of Christ - Maranatha! "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20).
Morning Star – Venus

The Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe appears upon a moon similarly as in Fatima where she appeared after an unexpected thunderbolt clothed with the sun and with child.
At Fatima Our Lady appeared after an unexpected thunderbolt and lightning startled the children. Shining in a white garment and Rosary in hand, the young lady pleaded with the children to visit the Cova da Iria on the 13th day of the month, from May to October, six consecutive months. After instructing them in the Rosary, Our Lady revealed to them a vision of hell, where unrepentant sinners go.
The ‘Shulamite Woman’ in the Old Testament Book, Song of Songs 6:10, is indeed the ‘Woman’ of Revelation 12.
“Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising,
fair as the moon,
bright as the sun,
as terrible as an army set in full battle array?”
“The world in 1830 was experiencing its first industrial revolution and Charles Darwin was perfecting his theory on the evolution of species through natural selection. In the attempt to deny the existence of the Christian God, the theory was later misused by the worshippers of the ‘god of reason.’ In 1830, in a convent of the Sisters of Charity in Paris, France, twenty-four-year-old novice Catherine Laboure was awakened in the middle of the night, by a five year old child, who invited her to the chapel, for the Blessed Virgin was waiting. As Catherine descended towards the chapel the candles were lit. At midnight she heard the rustle of silk and gazed upwards to behold an apparition of Our Lady in a blaze of white light. The Blessed Mother warned Catherine on the future, she said: “The times are very evil. Sorrows will befall France; the throne will be overturned. The whole world will be plunged into every kind of misery.”(2) A second apparition of Our Lady occurred, the Blessed Virgin was holding an orb topped with a golden cross, she stood upon a white globe and crushed beneath her feet a green serpent with yellow spots. Surrounding the Virgin was an oval frame with the words: ‘O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.’ Our Lady desired that this image would be struck into a medal and on the other side, a large letter ‘M’ surmounted by a cross with two hearts below, one crowned with thorns, the other pierced by a sword. The medal is to be worn around the neck, worn with confidence, Our Lady pledged that whoever wears the medal will receive great and abundant graces.”
“Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a great hailstorm. Ch 12 – A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clohed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns of his heads. His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the Earth.The dragon stood infront of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”
In the Old Testament Isaiah describes Lucifer as being the morning star who dared challenge God, while the New Testament indicates that Jesus Christ is the morning star. Well Jesus Christ is not the devil, therefore, the morning star is a representation of the glory of creation i.e. the brightest creature. For the first few moments the brightest creature was Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), at the creation of the Blesed Virgin (following Lucifer’s fall) it was she (Litany of Loreto). Later when Jesus Christ came into the world, the brightest was and still is Him, the God-Man (Revelation 22:16).
“How did you come to fall from the heavens, Daystar, (morning star) son of Dawn? How did you come to be thrown to the ground, conqueror of nations?” (Isaiah 14:12)
“So we have confirmation of the words of the prophets; and you will be right to pay attention to it as to a lamp for lighting a way through the dark, until the dawn comes and the morning star rises in your minds.” (2 Peter 1:19)
Litany of Loreto
V. Lord, have mercy. R. Christ have mercy. V. Lord have mercy. Christ hear us. R. Christ graciously hear us. God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us. Holy Mother of God, pray for us. Holy Virgin of Virgins, [etc.] Mother of Christ, Mother of divine grace, Mother most pure, Mother most chaste, Mother inviolate, Mother undefiled, Mother most amiable, Mother most admirable, Mother of good Counsel, Mother of our Creator, Mother of our Savior, Virgin most prudent, Virgin most venerable, Virgin most renowned, Virgin most powerful, Virgin most merciful, Virgin most faithful, Mirror of justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel, Vessel of honor, Singular vessel of devotion, Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory, House of gold, Ark of the covenant, Gate of heaven, Morning star, Health of the sick, Refuge of sinners, Comforter of the afflicted, Help of Christians, Queen of Angels, Queen of Patriarchs, Queen of Prophets, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Martyrs, Queen of Confessors, Queen of Virgins, Queen of all Saints, Queen conceived without original sin, Queen assumed into heaven, Queen of the most holy Rosary, Queen of peace,
V. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, R. Spare us, O Lord. V. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, R. Graciously hear us, O Lord. V. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray. Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, that we thy servants may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of blessed Mary, ever Virgin, may we be freed from present sorrow, and rejoice in eternal happiness. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
The versicle and prayer after the litany may be varied by season. Thus, during Advent (from the fourth Sunday before Christmas to Christmas Eve):
V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. R. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Let us pray. O God, who hast willed that by the message of an Angel, thy Word should receive flesh from the womb of the Virgin Mary: grant unto thy suppliants, that we who believe that she is truly the Mother of God, may be assisted by her intercession before Thee. Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” (Revelation 22:16)

The Star of Bethlehem
For a proper understanding of the original Star of Bethlehem as studied by ancient Babylonians, as appeared in Bethlehem and the meaning of the conjunction between Saturn, Jupiter in Pisces, please read on:-
A Time of Waiting Unique in World History (VII)
The astrologers’ expectancy
It now seems to be established scientifically that the astrologers from Babylon were also awaiting the birth of the “ruler of the world” from the year 7 B.C. Kepler, one of the fathers of modern astronomy, observed in December 1603 the very bright alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces. With his calculations, he was able to establish that the same phenomenon (which produces an intense and dazzling light in the star-filled heavens) also must have occurred in the year 7 B.C. Then he discovered that an ancient commentary on the Scriptures by the Rabbi Abarbanel recalled that, according to Jewish belief, the Messiah was due to appear precisely at the time when the light from Jupiter and Saturn shone as a single beam in the constellation of Pisces.
Yet hardly any significance was attached to Kepler’s discovery simply because it had not been established with certainty that Jesus had been born before the traditional date, following a mistake by Denys Petau. More than two centuries later, the Danish scholar Munter was to discover and decipher a mediaeval Hebraic commentary on the “seventy seven-day periods” in the Book of Daniel which alluded to the belief referred to by Kepler. In 1902, the Planetary Table was published that is today preserved in Berlin: an Egyptian papyrus that contains the exact movements of the planets between 17 B.C. and 10 A.D. This draws attention to the alignment between Jupiter and Saturn in 7 B.C., visible in its entire splendor across the Mediterranean region.
Lastly, in 1925, a description of Sippar’s Stellar Calendar was published: a baked earth tablet with cuneiform inscriptions from the ancient settlement of Sippar, on the Euphrates, which was the center of an important school of astrology in Babylon. Remarkably, on this “calendar” are marked all of the heavenly movements and alignments of the year 7 B.C. Why was this? Because, according to the Babylonian astrologers, this alignment that can only be observed every 794 years occurred three times in 7 B.C. ? on May 29, October 1 and December 5. And they considered Jupiter to be the planet of the world’s rulers, Saturn as the planet of those who protect Israel and the constellation of Pisces as the sign of the end of time, that is, the beginning of the Messianic era. (…)
Indeed, it is now certain, that between the Tigris and the Euphrates, not only was a Messiah expected that would emerge from Israel, but that amazingly he would be born in an age and at a time that had been predetermined.
Source: Jesus Hypotheses by Vittorio Messori, Saint Paul Pubns. (1978) Further Reading
Vittorio Messori and ‘The Mary Hypothesis’ – http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/1528790/posts
The Knights Templar – http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/chapter-920-our-lady-the-crusades-and-the-knight-templars/
The history of the Holy-Veil at Chartres – http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/chapter-8-the-%e2%80%98maphorion%e2%80%99-belonging-to-the-%e2%80%98hodegitria%e2%80%99/
For a proper understanding of the biblical quote “a woman appeared clothed with the sun and the moon was under her feet” (Revelation) please see :- http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/a-jewess-queen-of-israel-and-all-the-jews/
‘Womb of the Earth’ – many Christian holy places are built upon ancient pagan sites – http://catholicsouthernfront.wordpress.com/a-goddess-you-say/
* It is an obvious matter that certain pagan sites were adopted for Christian worship – the basic reason for this is that the gentiles were pagan – there is no idolatry to Christianity.
* THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM – an in depth study on CONSTELLATIONS and STARS as mentioned in the holy texts of the Bible – http://www.bethlehemstar.com/
7/7/7: Solar Resurrection Day
July 7, 2007 by Goro (goroadachi.com)
What's the deal with '7/7/7'? Well, it's all about Solar Resurrection... again.
So the Sun is thus doubly 'dead' on 7/7/07, signifying a moment of transition from life to death and back to life. It's Resurrection in the 'Valley of the Sun', like the nickname of the capital of Arizona, Phoenix.

The Sun also 'dies' on the winter solstice when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky. In 2006 it was commemorated by the space shuttle Discovery STS-116 landing in Florida, the 'Sunshine State' (12/22/06).
From a galactic perspective, the Sun crossed the Galactic Equator on the winter solstice and the Galactic Meridian on December 8-9, exactly when Discovery STS-116 was launched.
- Dec 09 - Discovery STS-116 launch: The Sun crossing the Galactic Meridian - Dec 22 - Discovery STS-116 landing: The Sun crossing the Galactic Equator

 [image by Gary Palmer via spaceweather.com]
The Galactic solstice-Sun alignment is closely associated with the end date of the Mayan calendar, winter solstice 2012, when Sunspot Cycle 24 is projected to peak. The Galactic Meridian alignment coincided with the release of Mel Gibson's 'Apolcalypto', all about the end of the Mayan civilization.

The Sun was strangely active as well...

The Sun would cross the Galactic Meridian again on June 7-8 on the opposite side of the sky/ecliptic.

It coincided with the Venus Transit (= 'Grail/Messianic conception') in 2004 and the launch of Atlantis STS-117 this year.
Atlantis returned only a day after the summer solstice, when the Sun 'died' for the Southern Hemisphere.

It was another death/life Resurrection moment - acknowledged or foreshadowed by the shuttles' solstice axis expressing 'coming out of the egg' (back to life) via the STS-116 mission patch and such.

And it was Prince William, a 'Once and Future King' (Arthur) figure, 'reborn' on his summer-solstice birthday. Atlantis landed at Edwards AFB to highlight Paris, where his mother Princess Diana died in 1997. Edwards is aligned with the 'Tower Axis' (Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars) extended from Paris.

On the 'Tower Axis' is also found the crash site of NASA's Genesis (9/8/04). It went to the Sun and came back with solar wind samples. The crash therefore signifies the Sun hitting the bottom, again expressing the phoenix death/resurrection theme.

The astronomical/astrological symbol of the Sun looks like this:

It also signifies the 'Monad' - known to the Greek philosophers as 'The First', 'The Seed', 'The Essence', 'The Builder', and 'The Foundation'. Or in other words... Genesis.
Within weeks of the Genesis crash, U2 released the first single 'Vertigo' off their new album 'How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'. 'Vertigo' is the name of the company which provided the helicopters that were supposed to catch Genesis midair (see picture above). One of those helicopters was also named 'Vertigo'.
The connection is reinforced by the lyrics of 'Vertigo' alluding to the progressive rock/pop band 'Genesis'. Their last big hit was 'I can't Dance' from their 1991 album 'We Can't Dance' which is referenced in the second verse of 'Vertigo':
The night is full of holes Those bullets rip the sky Of ink with gold They twinkle as the boys play rock and roll They know that they can't dance At least they know
http://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/777-solarresurrection.htm |
Así lo veríamos desde la Tierra: el Sol y la Luna en fase nueva están encima de Orión y concretamente en el meridiano celeste de la estrella Betelgeuse. Detrás de nosotros (del planeta Tierra), el Centro de la Galaxia.
- DÍA 20: Venus, por debajo del plano de la órbita de la Tierra, pasa entre el Sol y Plutón. Alineación Venus/Plutón.
- DÍA 21-22: Solsticio. Orión, el Humano Cósmico, porta la luz.
Desde el hemisferio norte de la Tierra. 12 horas del mediodía del Solsticio del 21 de junio. El Sol sobre Orión. stellarium.org
- DÍA 25: Mercurio pasa entre el Sol y Saturno. Alineación Mercurio/Saturno.
- DÍA 27: Mercurio pasa entre el Sol y Marte. Alineación Mercurio/Marte.
- DÍA 29: Venus realiza su segunda curva de su movimiento de zig zag ante la constelación de Tauro junto a la estrella Aldebarán. Júpiter entre Venus y las Pléyades (ver el momento de inicio del movimiento).

On the dollar bill, the great seal of the United States of America displays 12 levels of pyramid from the 1776 foundation level. A perfect 33% of an hour has 19 minutes and 47 seconds (.33 X 60 = 19.8, .8 x 60 = 47). Accordingly, each level of pyramid represents a generation of 19.47 years.
12 x 19.47 = 233.64 years
If you use May 1st, 1776 as the start date of the countdown; you begin to see temporal destiny unfold before your eyes… In 1776, there were 31 days in January, 29 days in February, 31 days in March and 30 days in April. The sum of days for these months is 121, making May 1st the 122nd day of 1776.
5/1/1776 = day 122
122 / 365 = 0.33 = 33% of 1776
May 1st, 1776 was chosen for more than one reason as a founding date. So now we may calculate the exact end date for the capstone to crown the pyramid…
1776.33 + 233.64 = 2009.97
0.97 X 365 = 354.05 day of 2009
365 – 354 = 11 days before the end of 12/31/09
The 233.64 year countdown from 1776.33 (May 1st or 33%) completes the day of December 20th of 2009!!
Therefore I present you with the Omega Point of the Great Seal Countdown: The Winter Solstice of this year!!
That’s right- 12/21/2009
Exactly 3 years to the day of the ominous and fateful 12/21/2012 -which we also know is a Winter Solstice.
A 3-year period?
It seems 12/21 of this year will be a fateful day, but what does it hold in store for the world?!
I submit to you that this day may be reserved for a King’s Coronation…

"Phoenix," the last word of Hall's statement regarding the founding of America, is key to the "secret destiny" of civilization. It explains the occult design behind the formation of the United States and the events at Roswell. These mysteries can be solved if we understand this one word.
The word "Phoenix" is a derivative of the Greek name for "Phoenicians," ancient people that inhabited the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Though called "Phoenicians" (meaning redness) by the Greeks, the Phoenicians referred to themselves as Sidonians. Their capital city was named after Sidon, the first born son of Canaan (son of Ham). Ham was one of the original occupants of Noah’s Ark and Noah’s youngest son. The Sidonians were considered masters of science and magic. They claimed to possess a civilization existing for 30,000 years. Ancient historians venerated the Sidonians:
- Sidonian navigators were especially sought by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks.
- The Greek alphabet was transferred directly from the Phoenician/Sidonian script and applied to the sounds of the language of the Greeks, hence the meaning of the word "phonetic."
- The modern English alphabet is based on the ancient Phoenician/Sidonian script.
- The majority of knowledge ascribed through the ages to the Greeks was given to them first by the Sidonians.
- Pythagoras, considered the ancient father of Free Masonry, was schooled in Sidonia.
- The first phonetic text in existence, the Old Testament, was written in Phoenician characters.
- The first temple of the Hebrews was built in Jerusalem by artisans from Tyre, a city that traded Phoenician capital status with Sidon.
The preeminence of the Phoenician/Sidonian knowledge in ancient civilization is a long guarded occult secret.
But more important than the scientific influence of Sidonia is the fact that the symbolic meaning of Manly Hall's Phoenix represents an age when mankind and extraterrestrials were believed to have lived on earth side by side. Phoenicia was the land of descent of the "Sons of God" described in Genesis 6. According to the history of every ancient culture in the Middle East, Phoenicia was the first place where beings from heaven came to the earth. The union of these beings with the daughters of Adam produced hybrid offspring, Nephilim (literally in Hebrew, the fallen ones). According to the pseudepigraphic Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, and many other ancient texts, the exact point of descent of the Sons of God was Mt. Hermon in Phoenicia. Through the influence of these heavenly beings and their offspring, men became gifted with knowledge surpassing any that had yet existed. But then came the flood, and symbolically, the Phoenix perished. The heavenly and supernatural bird, keeper of secrets of the past and future, was consumed in the fire of its own making. In other words, the knowledge given to man from heaven was lost in a global cataclysm. According to Genesis 6, the destruction of earth by the flood was in response to the interaction of the Sons of God with the daughters of Adam.
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