During President Donald Trump’s tenure, a statue of Our Lady of Fatima was placed in the White House. The statue was a gift from Fr. Andrew Mahana, a Maronite priest, who also exorcised the White House on January 20, 2017 (inauguration night), according to an article by uCatholic.1 A friend of mine who worked for President Trump said that they referred to the west wing of the White House as the “West Wing Chapel” due to the Marian statue and other religious items.
On May 13, 1981, Pope St. John Paul II survived an assassination attempt. That day was the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, and Pope St. John Paul II himself credited his survival to Our Lady of Fatima. The pope said, “The gunman fired the gun, but Mary guided the bullet;”2 another source stated the pope’s words as, “One hand shot, and other guided the bullet.”3 Exactly one year after being shot, the pope visited the apparition site of Fatima. He placed the bullet in Mary’s crown, saying, “You saved me, you saved me.”
Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three children, St. Jacinta, St. Francisco, and Ven. Sister Lucia, on the 13th of every month from May to October of 1917 in Fatima, Portugal—each time asking for prayer and penance.
Most significantly, however, on July 13, 1917, Our Lady of Fatima revealed the three secrets, including the vision of hell to the children—a most important apparition.
On Saturday, July 13, 2024, President Trump survived an assassination attempt in Butler, PA. This was the 107th anniversary of Our Lady’s appearance at Fatima.
This last July 13th fell on a Saturday—a day which Catholics honor Mary especially.
July 13th is also the feast day of Rosa Mystica, one of Mary’s titles and a recently approved Marian apparition.
Furthermore, one mile away from the grounds on which Trump’s rally was held sits a Catholic Church with a grotto to Our Lady of Fatima—a grotto that we think was facing President Trump at the time.
I believe Our Lady of Fatima saved President Donald Trump’s life. She guided the bullets away from him just as she did for Pope St. John Paul II.
Our Lady is God’s instrument. She plays a special intercessory role to Our Lord, and it was her intercession that helped spare President Trump’s life. Certainly, the prayers of Fr. Jason Charron, a Ukrainian Catholic pastor who gave the benediction before the rally, called down heavenly protection.
Interestingly, President Trump was shot at 6:11 pm EST, which, as someone pointed out to me, could refer to Ephesians 6:11: “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
President Trump later credited God for saving his life after the attack: “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.” Indeed, God’s armor was surrounding President Trump, especially that of His Mother.
Throughout Salvation History, we have heard stories of the Blessed Mother protecting souls. Souls have survived shipwrecks, fires, wars, and more because of their devotion to Mary. For instance, at the only approved Marian apparition site in the United States, at Our Lady of Champion in Wisconsin, there was one of the deadliest fires in U.S. history. Despite the damage of the fire, it never touched the six acres of land where Mary had appeared twelve years earlier. The visionary, Sr. Adele, and many families prayed the Rosary the entire night of the fire and carried a statue of Mary in procession during their prayer.4
My own grandfather, Albert Vidmar, a member of the 100th infantry, prayed to Our Lady that he would return safely from World War II. Shortly after his prayer, he was hit in his back with shrapnel but survived. He credits Our Lady for getting him home safely. He prayed his Rosary faithfully for the rest of his life.
Even one “Hail Mary” and one look of love at a statue of Our Lady has saved many in the past and can save many today. Our Lady, by virtue of Her Son, promises to shield souls from the greatest of attacks, especially spiritual ones.
On that sunny Saturday evening in Pennsylvania, Our Lady was protecting President Trump and many other souls who could have been killed.
Mary is the Mother of all people, Catholics and non-Catholics. Perhaps someday President Trump will visit the Shrine Our Lady of Fatima with bullets in hand. Perhaps his brush with death will guide him to an even greater conversion and, God willing, someday lead him to the Catholic Church.
For those who hate President Trump, may their hearts be softened by realizing that human life transcends political parties. Every life matters, especially the most vulnerable in the womb. We are all made in the image and likeness of God. This life is passing, and one day there will be no more wars, violence, or political parties. God will be all in all; Jesus Christ will be our King forever should we seek Him now, or Satan will be our slave master forever should we reject the King of Kings.
Let us pray for President Trump’s full recovery and for the bystander who was killed in this senseless tragedy. Let us also pray for God’s mercy to be upon the soul of the perpetrator.
Our Lady of Fatima, intercede for our nation, which is becoming more and more divided. May you help bring an end to abortion and convert the hearts of all sinners. Heal President Trump. Bring all people back to your Son. Restore our great nation so that “In God We Trust.” We ask this through the precious blood of your Son, Jesus, whom this month of July is dedicated to. Amen.
Author’s Note: Mary’s powerful intercession is one of the reasons I wrote a children’s book called, Our Lady of Sorrows: Devotion to Mary’s Seven Sorrows, published by Sophia Institute Press with a foreword and four original prayers for children by exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger. One of the promises of Our Lady to St. Bridget of Sweden for those who pray seven Hail Mary’s in honor of her Sorrows is as follows: “I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy, and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.”
1George Ryan, Did You Know? Our Lady of Fatima is Represented at the White House? uCatholic, June 7, 2019, https://ucatholic.com/blog/did-you-know-our-lady-of-fatima-is-represented-at-the-white-house/
2“Eyewitness to May 13, 1981: John Paul II said” “Mary Guided the Bullet” and Then Forgave,” CNA/Ewtn News, https://www.ncregister.com/news/eyewitness-to-may-13-1981-john-paul-ii-said-mary-guided-the-bullet-and-then-forgave.
3Paul Kengor, May 13 Connects Fatima Apparitions, John Paul II Shooting, National Catholic Register, https://www.ncregister.com/commentaries/may-13-connects-fatima-apparitions-john-paul-ii-shooting.
La sonda espacial con destino a Saturno pone a prueba la teoría de Einstein
Concepto artístico del experimento de relatividad general.
Un experimento realizado por científicos italianos con datos de la nave espacial Cassini de la NASA, actualmente en camino a Saturno, confirma la teoría de la relatividad general de Einstein con una precisión 50 veces mayor que las mediciones anteriores.
Los resultados aparecen en la edición del 25 de septiembre de la revista Nature. Forman parte de una colaboración científica entre la NASA y la Agencia Espacial Italiana. El experimento tuvo lugar en el verano de 2002, cuando la nave espacial y la Tierra se encontraban en lados opuestos del Sol, separados por una distancia de más de mil millones de kilómetros (aproximadamente 621 millones de millas).
Los investigadores observaron el cambio de frecuencia de las ondas de radio que se transmitían desde y hacia la nave espacial a medida que pasaban cerca del Sol. Midieron con precisión el cambio en el tiempo de ida y vuelta de la señal de radio a medida que viajaba cerca del Sol. El tiempo de ida y vuelta es el tiempo que tarda la señal transmitida desde la estación de la Red del Espacio Profundo en Goldstone, California, hasta la nave espacial en el otro lado del Sol y de regreso viajando a la velocidad de la luz.
"La importancia científica de estos resultados es la confirmación de la teoría de la relatividad general y la concordancia con las formulaciones de Einstein con una precisión experimental sin precedentes", dijo Sami Asmar, director del Radio Science Group, que adquirió los datos para este experimento en el Laboratorio de Propulsión a Chorro de la NASA en Pasadena, California. "La importancia tecnológica del experimento es la capacidad de superar el duro entorno solar mediante enlaces de radio".
Los investigadores midieron en qué medida la gravedad del Sol curvaba un rayo electromagnético, en este caso la señal de radio transmitida por la nave espacial y recibida por las estaciones terrestres.
Según la teoría de la relatividad general, un objeto masivo como el Sol hace que el espacio-tiempo se curve, y un haz de ondas de radio (o luz) que pasa por el Sol tiene que viajar más lejos debido a la curvatura. La distancia adicional que recorren las ondas de radio desde Cassini pasando por el Sol hasta la Tierra retrasa su llegada; la magnitud del retraso proporciona una prueba sensible de las predicciones de la teoría de Einstein. Aunque se esperan desviaciones de la relatividad general en algunos modelos cosmológicos, no se encontró ninguna en este experimento.
Las pruebas de la relatividad general tienen importantes implicaciones cosmológicas. La cuestión no es si la relatividad general es verdadera o falsa, sino a partir de qué nivel de precisión deja de describir la gravedad de forma realista.
Pruebas anteriores de la relatividad general confirmaron la predicción de Einstein con una precisión de una parte por mil. Esta precisión se logró en 1979 utilizando las sondas Viking en Marte. El experimento Cassini la confirmó con una precisión de 20 partes por millón. La clave de esta mejora ha sido la adopción de nuevas tecnologías en las telecomunicaciones espaciales.
El experimento no se hubiera podido realizar con este nivel de precisión en el pasado debido al ruido en el enlace de radio introducido por la corona solar. Con el experimento Cassini, este obstáculo se superó equipando el sistema de comunicación de la nave espacial con múltiples enlaces en diferentes frecuencias. Esta nueva capacidad en la nave espacial Cassini y en la antena de 34 metros (112 pies) de diámetro en Goldstone, permitió a los científicos eliminar los efectos del plasma interplanetario y solar de los datos de radio. Además, el ruido de la atmósfera de la Tierra se redujo considerablemente mediante un equipo especial instalado en el complejo Goldstone. Estos avances tecnológicos desarrollados para la misión Cassini han llevado a precisiones sin precedentes en las mediciones de velocidad, lo que beneficia a futuros experimentos científicos, así como a la navegación en el espacio profundo.
Los experimentos son parte de una serie de experimentos de radiociencia planificados para la fase de crucero de la misión, incluida la búsqueda de ondas gravitacionales de baja frecuencia.
Cassini comenzará a orbitar Saturno el 1 de julio de 2004 y liberará su sonda Huygens unos seis meses después para descender a través de la espesa atmósfera de la luna Titán.
Cassini-Huygens es una misión cooperativa de la NASA, la Agencia Espacial Europea y la Agencia Espacial Italiana. El JPL, una división de Caltech, administra la misión para la Oficina de Ciencias Espaciales de la NASA en Washington, DC. Los autores del artículo de Nature, "Una nueva prueba de la relatividad general con la misión espacial Cassini", son el Dr. Bruno Bertotti de la Universidad de Pavía, Italia; el Dr. Luciano Iess de la Universidad de Roma "La Sapienza", Italia; y el Dr. Paolo Tortora de la Universidad de Bolonia, Italia.
French President Emmanuel Macron, center, poses with President-elect Donald Trump, left, and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Elysee Palace, Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024 in Paris. (AP Photo/Aurelien Morissard)
French President Emmanuel Macron (R) meets with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, Dec. 7, 2024. Macron met with Trump here prior to the inauguration ceremony for the restored Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral. (Xinhua/Gao Jing)
French President Emmanuel Macron (L) meets with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, Dec. 7, 2024. Macron met with Trump here prior to the inauguration ceremony for the restored Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral. (Xinhua/Gao Jing)
French President Emmanuel Macron (2nd R) meets with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump (C) at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, Dec. 7, 2024. Macron met with Trump here prior to the inauguration ceremony for the restored Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral. (Xinhua/Gao Jing)
French President Emmanuel Macron (L, front) meets with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump (R, front) at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, Dec. 7, 2024. Macron met with Trump here prior to the inauguration ceremony for the restored Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral. (Xinhua/Gao Jing)
French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife have arrived in Washington for a three-day state visit as US President Donald Trump hosts his administration’s first official state visit of his presidency.
Impressed by the warm welcome he received for the Bastille Day ceremony last July in Paris, the US president has returned the favor by making Macron the first foreign leader of the Trump-era to receive a state visit.
Brigitte Macron, wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, President Donald Trump, and First lady Melania Trump pose at their table at the Jules Verne restaurant for a private dinner at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, July 13, 2017. (AFP)
The Macrons arrived at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington to the playing of both the French and American national anthem, where Macron said he was looking forward to the “very important” visit.
“This is a great honor and I think a very important state visit given the moment of our current environment,” Macron said Monday as he briefly spoke to reporters outside the plane, first conversing with the crowd in English and then in French.
The couple then took a motorcade into Washington, DC, and were spotted walking around downtown, just blocks from the White House.
The couple arrived just after 1:30 pm at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, where they received a red-carpet welcome. (Photo by Reuters)
Of all Europe’s leaders, Macron has been most successful in building a relationship with Trump over the past year, winning him over in part with a lavish visit to Paris in July. Macron was not able to dissuade the US president from pulling out of the Paris climate accord, but he is seeking to be more successful in keeping Trump in the Iran nuclear deal which the US President is mulling to exit.
“Is this agreement perfect and this JCPOA a perfect thing for our relationship with Iran? No,” Macron said on “Fox News Sunday,” before his trip to the US. “But for nuclear, what do you have as a better option? I don’t see it. What is the what-if scenario or your plan B? I don’t have any Plan B for nuclear against Iran. So that’s a question we will discuss.”
The French first couple decided to take a walk around Washington upon their arrival for a three-day trip to the Unites States. (AFP)
Melania Trump plans dinner menu, Democrats not invited
Donald Trump is the first president since Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s to end his first year in office without hosting a foreign leader on a state visit. But now Trump and his wife are preparing for a pomp display of hospitality. The US first lady has selected specific decor, entertainment and food options for Tuesday night’s state dinner, the White House said.
The menu will consist of three courses, which will include American dishes with French influences. The main course will be a rack of spring lamb with Carolina gold rice jambalaya.
In a break with tradition, AP has reported that Trump has invited no Democratic members of Congress or journalists. But at least one Democrat will be in the crowd: the office of Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards confirmed his attendance. Louisiana is a state with a strong French cultural heritage.
Approximately 150 guests will take their seats in the State Dining Room on Tuesday, making for a more intimate affair than those held by President Barack Obama. Obama’s guest lists numbered into the hundreds, requiring that the event be held in a tented pavilion erected on the South Lawn because no room in the White House can accommodate that many people.
“You were at that time president, for the first time, and I remember the solidarity and your immediate action,” Macron said. “So welcome back again. We’re very happy to have you here.”
Attendees wait for the arrival of the archbishop of Paris to lead prayers for the consecration of the main altar, during the first Mass since the reconstruction of the Notre Dame cathedral, in Paris on Sunday, December 8.
Julien De Rosa/AFP/Getty Images
In pictures: Notre Dame's breathtaking restoration five years after fire
1 of 43
The French president’s success in delivering Trump to Paris earned him some rare acclaim from the French press, which described it as a “diplomatic coup.” Macron, who was the first foreign leader to publicly congratulate Trump on his election last month, successfully put himself in a room with Trump and Zelensky for a closed-door meeting that lasted a little more than 30 minutes. The president-elect and Ukrainian leader last met weeks before the US election in New York for a conversation that Zelensky characterized as “warm, good, constructive.”
The particulars of Trump’s visit to Paris were hashed out over several days, but the president-elect had told his team he was keen to attend as soon as the invitation arrived. He has a long-held fascination with the cathedral and even tweeted out in distress more than five years ago as a fire ravaged its Gothic edifice, which sits on the Île de la Cité, an island within Paris’ Seine River. Its iconic spire and roof were destroyed as television audiences around the globe watched in horror.
Investigators believe the blaze was an accident but have not yet identified the direct cause.
“So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris,” Trump posted on April 15, 2019, during his first term in the Oval Office. “Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!”
His suggestion was ignored by firefighters and the French civil security agency, Sécurité Civile, responded on social media less than two hours later, warning – in English – that “water-bombing aircrafts … could lead to the collapse of the entire structure of the cathedral.”
Trump has long sought the kind of high-society recognition on offer this weekend from Macron and other European leaders anxious over the direction of the incoming administration, though some of his domestic critics — led by late-night comedians — mocked Trump before he left.
“If all goes according to plan, he would like to buy it and turn it into a casino,” Jimmy Kimmel joked earlier this week. Jimmy Fallon quipped that the cathedral is “going to burst right back into flames” when Trump steps inside.
For Macron, though, the occasion was nothing to scoff at.
In the immediate aftermath of the fire, he pledged to rebuild and reopen the gutted cathedral in five years — a deadline he just about made. There is less room for error, and much more at stake, in his efforts to sustain the fragile coalition backing Ukraine.
The US is the single largest provider of military assistance to Ukraine and critical to marshaling Western support for its defense. Trump, however, has cast doubt on the value of US aid to Ukraine and has repeatedly claimed the war would not have started if he had been president.
Macron’s congratulations to the president-elect last month — going out before most US media agencies had even called the race — alluded to his relationship with Trump the first time he was in the White House, once described as a bromance, although it didn’t last.
“Congratulations, President @realDonaldTrump. Ready to work together as we did for four years,” Macron wrote on X last month. “With your convictions and mine. With respect and ambition. For more peace and prosperity.”
Later that evening, he and Trump spoke by phone, Macron’s office said.
The French president has made a fresh push to curry favor with the returning president and his allies. CNN has reported that Macron plans to invite Trump and tech billionaire Elon Musk, whom the president-elect has tapped for a role in his administration, to Paris for a summit on artificial intelligence in early February. Musk was also on hand for the ceremonies at Notre Dame.
US President-elect Donald Trump meets Britain's Prince William in Paris on December 7, 2024.
Suzanne Plunkett/Pool/Getty Images
Trump also met with Prince William at the UK ambassador’s residence in Paris following the ceremony. “He’s doing a fantastic job,” Trump said of Prince William, calling the British heir to the throne a “good man.”
First lady Jill Biden also attended the Notre Dame ceremony, wrapping up her last official state trip abroad, while President Joe Biden opted to stay in the US. The first lady did not, however, visit the Élysée Palace or attend any high-profile meetings.
Saturday’s trip came a week after Trump announced his selection of son-in-law Jared Kushner’s father, real estate developer Charles Kushner, to serve as the next US ambassador to France. Charles Kushner was pardoned by Trump in 2020 after pleading guilty in 2004 to 16 counts of tax evasion, one count of retaliating against a federal witness and another count of lying to the Federal Election Commission.
Macron was not the first G7 leader to huddle with Trump since the election. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau flew to Florida and dined with him at Mar-a-Lago on November 29.
Over dinner that night, Trump — during a discussion on his proposed tariffs — joked that Canada avoid any pain by becoming the 51st US state, two sources briefed on the conversation told CNN.
“The president was teasing us,” Canadian Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who was seated at the same table, told reporters in Ottawa this week. “It was, of course, on that issue, in no way a serious comment.”
This story and headline have been updated with new reporting.
El detalle que no pasó desapercibido en Notre Dame: la ubicación de Trump en primera fila entre Macron y su mujer, y separado de Jill Biden
El presidente electo de Estados Unidos fue ubicado en medio de los anfitriones, y quedó separado de Jill Biden, esposa del mandatario norteamericano
7 de diciembre de 2024
3 minutos de lectura
Emmanuel Macron habla con Donald Trump, con Brigitte Macron y Jill Biden en los siguientes asientos, en Notre Dame. ( Ludovic Marin, Pool via AP)Ludovic Marin - POOL AFP
PARÍS.- La ceremonia de reapertura de la Catedral de Notre Dame, este sábado en París, concebida como un evento internacional de primer orden, se convirtió a la vez en un juego diplomático donde también contó la ubicación protocolar de los dignatarios tanto nacionales como extranjeros.
En ese sentido no pasó desapercibido el orden de los asientos en la primera fila de la ceremonia, destinados desde luego a los invitados más importantes, y que se distribuyeron de manera llamativamente peculiar.
Donald Trump conversa con Jill Biden durantes la ceremonia de Notre DameTHIBAULT CAMUS - POOL
El presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, no se sentó junto a su esposa Brigitte, como cabría esperar según el protocolo habitual en estos eventos. Entre la pareja presidencial francesa había otro invitado, el mandatario electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump.
De izquierda a derecha se sentaron así Macron, Trump, Brigitte y luego Jill Biden, la primera dama de Estados Unidos, que asistió en nombre de su marido Joe.Brigitte se ubicó así entre Trump y Jill Biden, como cierre de un ordenamiento que pareció destacar al norteamericano como invitado estrella.
Donald Trump conversa con Brigitte Macron durante la ceremonia de Notre DameLudovic Marin - POOL AFP
Ya la prensa francesa había destacado la presencia de Trump como un éxito de Macron, lo que fue descrito como un “golpe diplomático”. El líder francés había sido también el primer líder extranjero en felicitar públicamente a Trump por ganar un segundo mandato el mes pasado.
Según indicó CNN, los detalles de la visita de Trump se fueron perfilando a lo largo de varios días, pero el presidente electo había manifestado a su equipo su deseo de asistir. Hace tiempo que siente fascinación por la catedral, e incluso tuiteó angustiado hace más de cinco años cuando un incendio arrasó el edificio.
La primera fila de invitados, con Macron, Trump, Brigitte y Jill BidenLudovic Marin - POOL AFP
Por otro lado, quien estuvo ausente fue Joe Biden, el actual mandatario, que según su oficina de prensa no asistió al evento por “problemas de agenda”.
Durante una conferencia de prensa, el viernes, los periodistas acreditados en la Casa Blanca insistieron en preguntarle a la vocera presidencial, Karine Jean-Pierre, sobre los motivos de la ausencia de Biden. Dudaron incluso que hubiera sido invitado por Macron.
Emmanuel Macron, Donald Trump, y Brigitte MacronLudovic Marin - POOL AFP
“Como saben, la primera dama asistirá como parte de su viaje a Italia, Emiratos Árabes Unidos y Qatar, por lo que representará a la administración. Ambos fueron invitados a asistir a la reapertura de Notre Dame. El presidente ha tenido un conflicto de agenda por lo que no ha podido asistir”, dijo Jean-Pierre.
“Sí, tuvo un conflicto de agenda,por eso decidió no asistir, pero la primera dama está allí y él está muy orgulloso de que nos represente”, insistió la vocera, tras una segunda pregunta sobre el tema.
Jill Biden partió el martes en su último viaje al extranjero en solitario como primera dama, una salida de seis días por cuatro países a través de Italia, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Qatar y Francia.
The letter S is the 19th letter of the Latin alphabet and the English alphabet. It is also used in other Western European languages and other Latin alphabets.
266 DAYS=19*2*7 DAYS (SATURDAY)=WOMAN IN PREGNANT=LUNAR PHASE (36=4*9) (1+2+3+4+...36=666)
10/3-30/11 (JANUKAH=JOHN 10 22=24/9-KISLEV HAGGAI 2 10 )=266 DAYS
10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet,11 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Ask the priests about the law:12 ‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or oil or any kind of food, does it become holy?’” The priests answered and said, “No.”13 Then Haggai said, “If someone who is unclean by contact with a dead body touches any of these, does it become unclean?” The priests answered and said, “It does become unclean.”14 Then Haggai answered and said, “So is it with this people, and with this nation before me, declares the Lord, and so with every work of their hands. And what they offer there is unclean.15 Now then, consider from this day onward.[a] Before stone was placed upon stone in the temple of the Lord,16 how did you fare? When[b] one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were but twenty.17 I struck you and all the products of your toil with blight and with mildew and with hail, yet you did not turn to me, declares the Lord.18 Consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month. Since the day that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid, consider:19 Is the seed yet in the barn? Indeed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have yielded nothing. But from this day on I will bless you.”