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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 11/04/2015 23:55

Why different civilizations built pyramids?

The seaside view of El Castillo at Tulum

For thousands of years, the largest structures on Earth were pyramids: the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still remaining.

Pyramids are being constructed since Upper Paleolithic, about 45,000-10,000 years ago to modern days. The first humans used mammoths’ bones, stones and/or pieces of wood as construction material for their pyramid-like structures.

Pyramids are the most stable constructions, and man learned how to imprint some information on it, writing on its walls, or even by the way they’ve constructed it.

Why were pyramids built?

Basically, ancient Egypt pyramids came from the mastabas, tombs used for the burials of pharaohs and their queens.

The first pyramid was made by stacking a mastaba on top of a slightly larger one. Mastabas were relatively low, rectangular, flat-roofed, roughly bench-shaped burial mounds for the pre-Dynastic pharaohs or nobility. Mastabas, which were made of mud brick or stone, were visible monuments, with the actual burial chamber under ground.

During the fourth dynasty, after the construction of the first pyramid, monuments were erected as a signal of prosperity. Tall, glorious, and expensive structures were built as a testament to the society that they represented, and also the rulers who lead those societies. In Egypt, pyramids were erected as a tribute to the glory of the civilization by the Nile.

Pyramids were also related to the religion of the time, Egyptian pyramids held many personal items of the deceased in preparation for his afterlife.

Some other structures in Central America were used as astronomical observatories and benchmarks.

Many have said that some pyramids are mathematical compendium incorporating all kinds of astronomical and cosmological formulas of each civilization.

Although many of these factual findings and conclusions are related to pseudoscientific research, we may consider formulas incorporated in pyramids as "intentional”.

Contrary to common beliefs, the largest pyramid by volume is not the Great Pyramid of Giza; it is the Cholula pyramid in the state of Puebla.

Known as Tlachihualtepetl (Nahuatl for "artificial mountain"), Cholula is a huge complex located in Mexico. Is the largest archaeological site of a pyramid (temple) in the New World. The pyramid stands 55 meters (180 ft) above the surrounding plain, and in its final form it measured 400 by 400 meters (1,300 by 1,300 ft). The pyramid is a temple that has traditionally been viewed as having been dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl. The architectural style of the building was closely linked to that of Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico.

But of course, Egyptians achieved State-of-the art in matters of pyramids construction.

The name behind the construction of the first pyramid was Imhotep, a priest and physician; credited with many miraculous healings.

Although he achieved great fame during his lifetime, Imhotep's renown continued to grow after his death. He eventually achieved status of a god among Egyptians.

He is best known today as the architect who began the "age of pyramids" in Egypt. He designed and supervised the building of the step pyramid complex at Saqqara, which is believed to be the first colossal stone edifice ever built, but ancient Egypt’s chief attraction still the Great Pyramid of Giza.

It has been said that the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza incorporate measurements from which the Earth's size and shape can be calculated, as well as the distance between the Earth and the moon and the distance between the Earth and the sun.

The Great Pyramid of Giza, also called Khufu’s Pyramid or Cheops was built entirely of limestone, and is considered an architectural masterpiece. It contains around 1,300,000 blocks ranging in weight from 2.5 tons to 15 tons and is built on a square base with sides measuring about 230 m (755 ft), covering 13 acres. Its four sides face the four cardinal points precisely and it has an angle of about 51 degrees. The original height of the Pyramid was c.146.5 m (488 ft), but today it is only 137 m (455 ft) high, the 9 m (33 ft) that is missing is due to the theft of the fine quality limestone covering, or casing stones to build houses and Mosques in Cairo.

Find here some nice statistics about the Pyramid of Khufu:

- The sides of all three of the Giza pyramids were astronomically oriented to be north-south and east-west within a small fraction of a degree;

- Pi

The pyramid of Cheops have a base length of 230,28 m, and a height of 146.6 m. If you take two times the base length, and divide this by the height, you get a value of Pi "3,14161..." the mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter;

- Golden Ratio – Phi

We could also find Golden Section (1:1.618), a unique ratio (or relationship between parts) that seems to be preferred by nature as the best geometry for growth, energy conservation, elegance and has some fundamental relationships to the platonic solids. Al we have to do is divide the length of the base (230.28m) by 2 and then divide it by the apothem (the altitude of a face, from ground to the top);

- Center of Earth

The Pyramid lies in the center of gravity of the continents. It also lies in the exact center of all the land area of the world, dividing the earth's land mass into approximately equal quarters.

The north-south axis (31 degrees east of Greenwich) is the longest land meridian, and the east-west axis (30 degrees north) is the longest land parallel on the globe. There is obviously only one place that these longest land-lines of the terrestrial earth can cross, and it is at the Great Pyramid! This is incredible, one of the scores of features of this mighty structure which begs for a better explanation.

- Perfectly placed stones

The average casing stone on the lowest level was 5 ft. long by 5 ft. high by 6 ft. deep and weighed 15 tons. The casing stones weighing as much as 20 tons were placed with an accuracy of 5/1000ths of an inch, and an intentional gap of about 2/100ths of an inch for mortar;

- From far away

High quality limestone was used for the outer casing, with some of the blocks weighing up to 15 tones. This limestone came from Tura, about 8 miles away on the other side of the Nile. Granite quarried nearly 500 miles away in Aswan with blocks weighing as much as 60-80 tones, was used for the portcullis doors and relieving chambers;

- Chambers above ground level

The Great Pyramid is the only pyramid to have chambers above ground level.

The arrangement of the pyramids is a disputed representation of the Orion constellation. Hancock and Bauval in their book explain that the ‘air’ shafts inside the Great Pyramid aligned to the stars in the Belt of Orion and the pole star around 2500 BC. The southern shaft from the Queens Chamber aligned with the star Sirius at its culmination point on the meridian. This star was very important to the Egyptians and was associated with the mother Goddess Isis. The southern shaft emanating from the Kings Chamber aligned with the brightest star of the Orion Belt Zeta Orionis. This star was associated with the Egyptian God of resurrection and rebirth Osiris! The northern shafts aligned to the ancient pole star Alpha Draconis (Kings Chamber) and to Beta Ursa Minor (Queens Chamber);

- Indicates equinoxes

At dawn and sunset at the time of the equinoxes (around 21 March and 22 Sept), a shadow appears on the south face of the great pyramid, apparently dividing it in half, with the shaded side nearest the sun. The phenomenon occurs because the core-masonry is concave on all four faces by a yard deep. The casing stones that exist show clearly that the finished surface wasn't concave. This strange feature was first illustrated in La Description de l'Egypte in the late 1700's (Volume V, pl. 8). Flinders Petrie noticed a hollowing in the core masonry in the center of each face and wrote that he "continually observed that the courses of the core had dips of as much as ½° to 1°" (The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, 1883, p. 421). Though it is apparently more easily observed from the air, the concavity is measurable and is visible from the ground under favorable lighting conditions.

- Pyramid power

At the end of 70's Luiz Pagano father gifted him a cooper pyramid

There are many pseudoscientific theories in wich pyramids harnesses cosmic energy (or Universal Life Force Energy) and preserves it in its bosom. The idea that using small models of pyramids can improve health, improve the growth of seeds and plants, preserve food, sharpen or maintain the sharpness of razor blades, among others, was initiated in the 1930s by French hardware store owner and pendulum dowsing author Antoine Bovis.

Pyramid should be oriented correctly with one of its face facing the north and the base should be perfectly aligned with the needle of a compass, Cosmic Energy gets more accumulated at 1/3rd height from the base of the Pyramid, the so called King's Chamber region.

In 2005, an episode of MythBusters a test of pyramid power was performed, using pyramids built according to the specifications found in the Great Pyramid. Of course the show busted the myth, but strangely enough a half apple placed under the pyramid rots slower than the half they left in the open, force them to remake the experiment, and they didn’t perform the seed growth experiment (this one always worked in my tests as seen in my 1982 annotations caught on photo).

There are lots and lots of pyramids in Egypt… And around the world:

Pyramid of Chichen Itza in Mexico – one of the new 7 wonders of the World

Mexico amazing historical Pyramid Chichen Itza was constructed by the pre-Columbian Maya someday among the 10th and 13th centuries AD, El Castillo served as a temple to the god Kukulkan, the Yucatec Maya Feathered Serpent deity carefully associated with the deity determine Quetzalcoatl identified to the Aztecs and different important Mexican cultures of the Postclassic period.

Chichen Itza can be a step pyramid with a floor plan of squared terraces with stairways up each of the 4 facets to the temple on top. Nice sculptures of plumed serpents run down the edges of the northern staircase, and are set off by way of shadows from the nook stages at the spring and autumn equinoxes. Chichen Itza, this pyramid has 91 steps on 3 of the perimeters and 92 on the north staircase, which provides as much as 365 steps, or days of the year.

The Mexican executive restored the pyramid in the 1920s and 1930s, concurrent with the Carnegie Establishment’s restoration of the Temple of Warriors. Archaeologists had been in a position to reconstruct two sides of this Chichen Itza pyramid in their entirety.
Luiz Pagano travel to to Chichen Itza Sep/1994

Through digging from the top, they discovered another temple buried beneath the current one. Within the Chichen Itza temple chamber is a Chac Mool statue and a throne in the shape of jaguar, painted red with spots made from inlaid jade. The Mexican government excavated a tunnel from the base of the north staircase, up the in advance pyramid’s stairway to the hidden temple, and opened it to tourists.

In up to date years, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), which manages the archaeological website online of Chichen Itza, has been final monuments to public access. At the same time as visitors can stroll round them, they may be able to no longer climb them or pass within their chambers. Mountaineering El Castillo used to be halted in 2006 after an 80-year old woman fell to her death. On the similar time INAH closed the general public access to the throne room.
The staircases rise at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal, while the average inclination of the stepped pyramid itself is 53.3 degrees.

The faces of the individual steps are sloped at a greater angle, approximately 73 degrees.

- The nine main platforms of the pyramid are thought to represent the 18 months of the haab, and the 52 panels represent the number of years it takes for a calendar round date to recur.

Height: 24m - top platform (+6m with the temple);

The construction is 24 m high, the square base measures 55.3 m across;

The temple at the top of the pyramid is 6 m high, 13.42 m wide, and 16.5 m long.

The Pyramid of Kukulcan also has some facts imprinted on its structures:

- The days of the year

El Castillo's design is thought to relate to the Mayan calendar. Each of the four faces incorporates a broad, steep staircase consisting of 91 steps that ascends to the top platform. Counting the top platform as an additional step gives a total of 365 steps: 1step for each day of the year.

- Indicates equinoxes

The shadow-serpent appear the slide down the steps of the north balustrade.
The word for a snake's rattle, Tzab, is the same word for the Pleiades. In addition, research by Jose Diaz Bolio indicated that some Yucatecan rattlesnakes have a strange little three-dot marking in a circle near the rattlel. This symbol was read by Bolio as a solar ahau face, a symbol of the sun. Now, when the serpent shadow appears, if we wish to imagine the snake's tail, it must pierce the temple on top of the pyramid (the fifth, central direction-the zenith direction) and then it points up into the center of the sky (see diagram). Since the rattle is called tzab (Pleiades) and the three-dot ahau face design is the sun, the symbolism states unequivocally: sun and Pleiades in the zenith.

This alignment doesn't occur on the equinoxes, but at Chichen Itza it occurs on May 20th in the 21st century. The point is that the pyramid "points", with this symbolism, to an astronomical alignment that occurs in a specific precessional era. As such, the Pyramid of Kukulcan is a precessional star clock constructed in stone.

Pyramids of Louvre

The third pyramid I would like to mention is the Louvre pyramid, a modern large glass and metal pyramid, surrounded by three smaller pyramids, in the main courtyard (Cour Napoléon) of the Louvre Palace. Was commissioned by the President of France François Mitterrand in 1984, it was designed by the architect I. M. Pei.

The pyramid and the underground lobby beneath it were created because of a series of problems with the Louvre's original main entrance, which could no longer handle an enormous number of visitors on an everyday basis. Visitors entering through the pyramid descend into the spacious lobby then re-ascend into the main Louvre buildings. Several other museums have duplicated this concept, most notably the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.

- Louvre Pyramides facts:

The Louvre Pyramid is a pyramid with a square base.
Height: 21.65 m
Length of the base: 35 m
Tilt angle: 51.7 degrees;

- The Legend of 666 windows

This legend has its roots back in the 80s, when the official brochure was published, during its construction; it actually cited the number 666. But it was a mistaken number. The direction of the Louvre Museum confirmed that the complete pyramid has a total of 673 glass plates (603 diamonds and 70 triangles).

David A. Shugart, in other hand, counts 689 3. It was made several statements, leading to varying results, all of them presenting more than 666;

La Pyramide Inversée (The Inverted Pyramid)

It is a magnificent skylight, considered a smaller sibling of the more famous Louvre Pyramid, yet turned upside down.

The pyramid marks the intersection of two main walkways and orients visitors towards the museum entrance. Tensioned against a 30-ton, 13.3-meter square steel caisson frame, the inverted pyramidal shape in laminated glass points downward towards the floor. The tip of the pyramid is suspended 1.4 meters (a little more than 4.5 feet) above floor level. Individual glass panes in the pyramid, 30 mm thick, are connected by stainless-steel crosses 381 mm in length. After dark, the structure is illuminated by a frieze of spotlights.

Directly below the tip of the downwards-pointing glass pyramid, a small stone pyramid (about one meter/three feet high) is stationed on the floor, as if mirroring the larger structure above: The tips of the two pyramids almost touch.

Brown was not the first writer to offer esoteric interpretations of the Inverted Pyramid. In Raphaël Aurillac's work Le guide du Paris maçonnique the author declares that the Louvre used to be a Masonic temple. To Aurillac, the various glass pyramids constructed in recent decades include Masonic symbolism. Aurillac sees the downward-pointing pyramid as expressing the Rosicrucian motto V.I.T.R.I.O.L. (Visita Interiorem Terrae Rectificandoque / Invenies Occultum Lapidem, "Visit the interior of the earth and… you will find the secret stone"). Another writer on Masonic architecture, Dominique Setzepfandt, sees the two pyramids as suggesting "the compass and square that together form the Seal of Solomon" (quoted in Code Da Vinci: L'enquête by Marie-France Etchegoin and Frédéric Lenoir),

Luiz Pagano at Louvre Aug 2010

Whether it is built to consolidate power of the Pharaoh or to accumulate the energy of the universe, fact is that the pyramids will be always related as a symbol of mystery and power of our planet.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/09/2023 13:25

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/09/2023 18:02

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De: Michaeljohn Enviado: 22/02/2024 07:46
I really enjoyed reading your articles. It looks like you've spent a lot of time and effort on your blog.
Fool Me Once S01 Michelle Keegan Black Leather Jacket

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/06/2024 02:10
Where to Find American Flag on the Moon in Starfield

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/10/2024 03:33


John 1:1-2:1 symbolize the first week of creation which ended on the 7th day with the wedding of Adam and Eve. John's week ends with the wedding in Cana.

Day #1 1:23-28 "This was the witness of John, when the Jews sent to him priests and Levites from Jerusalem..." "This happened at Bethany, on the far side of the Jordan, where John was baptizing."
Day #2 1:29-34 "The next day..." "I have seen and I testify that he is the Son of God."
Day #3 1:35-42 "The next day..." "You Simon son of John; you are to be called Cephas-which means Rock."
Day #4 1:43-51 "The next day..." "...you will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending over the Son of man."
Day #5-6  
Day #7 2:1 "On the third day"...[from the last day which was day 4] there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee."


Jesus identifies Himself with the significant and symbolic words: I AM, ego ami, which reminds us of Yahweh's revelation of Himself to Moses3 times as I AM in Exodus 3:13-14. In John's Gospel Jesus will use these words 26 times and in 7 different metaphors [each used with a predicate nominative]:

1. 6:35 "I AM the bread of life"
2. 8:12 "I AM the light of the world"
3. 10:7 "I AM the gate for the sheep"
4. 10:11 "I AM the good shepherd"
5. 11:25 "I AM the resurrection and the life"
6. 14:6 "I AM the way and the truth and the life"
7. 15:1 "I AM the true vine"

St. John will also record four "I AM" statements in which Jesus does not use a predicate nominative:

Jesus' "I AM" statements with and without the predicate nominative in St. John's Gospel

"I AM" with predicate nominative "I AM" without predicate nominative
1. 6:35 "I AM the bread of life" 1. 8:24 "...if you do not believe that I AM, you will die in your sins."
2. 8:12 "I AM the light of the world" 2. 8:28 When you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will know that I AM (He)*
3. 10:7 "I AM the gate for the sheep" 3. 8:58 "In all truth (Amen, amen) I tell you, before Abraham ever was, I AM."
4. 10:11 "I AM the good shepherd" 4. 13:19 "I tell you this now, before it happens, so that when it does happen you may believe that I AM (He)*"
5. 11:25 "I AM the resurrection and the life"  
6. 14:6 "I AM the way and the truth and the life"  
7. 15:1 "I AM the true vine"  

Respuesta  Mensaje 224 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/11/2024 02:01
word 'vatican' comes from Latin and is a contraction of two words in the following way:
'Vatis' = 'profetic' or 'diviner' 'Can' = 'serpent/snake'
These two words combined make:
'the profetic- or made devine serpent'
The Vatican is a place, so you may say, that 'Vatican' means 'the place of the profetic- and worshipped serpent'.
Trying to translate 'divining serpent' into every-day-English I would say it means:
'A spiritual serpent that is worshipped as god'.

Vatican the holy place of babylon..
VATIC : Prophet
CAN: Serpent

Respuesta  Mensaje 225 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/11/2024 02:23

Pope Francis Hosts Feathered Serpent God As Part Of Deity Exchange Program


VATICAN CITY—In an effort to strengthen their relationship and foster interfaith dialogue, Pope Francis reportedly welcomed the winged Mayan snake god Kukulkan to the Vatican this week as part of a month-long deity exchange program. “We are excited to have the War Serpent staying here with us for the next four weeks, during which time he’ll be exposed to the rituals and customs of the Catholic Church, so that when he returns home he can share the experience with his adherents in Chichén Itzá and the surrounding Yucután communities,” said Vatican spokesperson Greg Burke, noting that the pontiff had taken Kukulkan out for pizza on the first night of the exchange before showing him around some of Rome’s most famous landmarks. “Once Kukulkan gets settled in, the pope plans to let him answer some basic prayers on his own, as well as try performing a transubstantiation or two. And perhaps toward the end of his stay, if he’s feeling up to it, Kukulkan can treat us all to an authentic human sacrifice.” Vatican sources confirmed that as part of the exchange, God Almighty, Our Heavenly Father, would be spending the next month with the Taoist thunder god Lei Gong in the cloud kingdom over Tibet.


Respuesta  Mensaje 226 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/11/2024 03:47

Arqueólogos desenterraron mercurio líquido bajo las antiguas pirámides de Teotihuacán en México. ¿Por qué razón estaba ahí?


. . .



Arqueólogos anunciaron recientemente el descubrimiento de “grandes cantidades” de mercurio en la entrada de una cámara funeraria a sesenta pies por debajo de la ciudad pre-azteca de Teotihuacan. El hallazgo es un desarrollo reciente en una excavación de seis años de las ruinas de la Pirámide de la Serpiente Emplumada. Hasta ahora, los túneles sagrados han producido alrededor de 50.000 artefactos, como esculturas de piedra y cuchillos de obsidiana; sin embargo, el mercurio puede ser la clave para descubrir un misterio aún mayor.




Vía Reuters:

Algunos arqueólogos creen que el elemento tóxico podría presagiar lo que sería la primera tumba de un gobernante jamás encontrada en Teotihuacán, un contemporáneo de varias ciudades mayas antiguas, pero tan envuelto en misterio que sus habitantes aún no tienen nombre.


¿Por qué los miembros de la realeza podrían colocar sus tumbas alrededor de mercurio? El arqueólogo principal Sergio Gómez tiene una teoría sobre las pirámides de Teotihuacan.

Sin estar seguro de por qué se colocó el mercurio allí, Gómez dice que el metal pudo haber sido usado para simbolizar un río o lago del inframundo. Anteriormente descubierto en pequeñas cantidades en algunos sitios mayas mucho más al sur, nunca se había encontrado en Teotihuacan.




Recordemos que el mismo dios romano Mercurio, patrón de oradores, viajeros y comerciantes, es también un psicopompo, un dios encargado de llevar las almas al más allá. El elemento Mercurio también se ha encontrado en tumbas egipcias y se rumorea que rodea la necrópolis subterránea del emperador chino Qín Shǐ Huáng Dì. La naturaleza “inmortal” de Mercurio también fue apreciada por los primeros alquimistas modernos y a menudo se alude a ella en sus referencias a la piedra filosofal.

Aunque el vínculo entre el mercurio en otras culturas y las costumbres mesoamericanas es completamente coincidente, probablemente haya una razón simple por la que el elemento fue tan favorecido por la alta sociedad: simplemente fue difícil de encontrar.

Difícil de extraer y apreciado por sus propiedades reflectantes, el mercurio era raro en el México antiguo. Los arqueólogos creen que pudo haberle dado un significado sobrenatural para fines rituales.

Todas las personas no podían permitirse rodear su cadáver y sus riquezas con ríos de metal líquido. Para los antiguos, pudo haber sido el símbolo perfecto del abismo acuático del inframundo, una barrera entre la tierra de los vivos y la tierra de los muertos.


Respuesta  Mensaje 227 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/11/2024 14:27

Respuesta  Mensaje 228 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/11/2024 15:39

Hagia Sophia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia Church was built in 537 AD, with minarets added in the 15th–16th centuries when it became a mosque.[1]

41°00′30″N 28°58′48″E
Location FatihIstanbul, Turkey
Material AshlarRoman brick
Length 82 m (269 ft)
Width 73 m (240 ft)
Height 55 m (180 ft)
Beginning date c. 346
Completion date 360; 1664 years ago
Dedicated date 15 February 360
Restored date
  • 415
  • 23 February 532–27 February 537
  • 1847–1849
  • 2002–2006
Dedicated to The Holy Wisdom, a reference to the second person of the Trinity, or Jesus Christ[2]
UNESCO World Heritage Site
Part of Historic Areas of Istanbul
Criteria Cultural: i, ii, iii, iv
Reference 356
Inscription 1985 (9th Session)

Hagia Sophia (TurkishAyasofyaAncient GreekἉγία ΣοφίαromanizedHagía SophíaLatinSancta Sapientialit.'Holy Wisdom'), officially the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque (Turkish: Ayasofya-i Kebir Cami-i ŞerifiGreekΜεγάλο Τζαμί της Αγίας Σοφίας),[3] is a mosque and former church serving as a major cultural and historical site in IstanbulTurkey. The last of three church buildings to be successively erected on the site by the Eastern Roman Empire, it was completed in AD 537. The site was an Eastern rite church from AD 360 to 1453, except for a brief time as a Latin Catholic church between the Fourth Crusade and 1261.[4] After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, it served as a mosque until 1935, when it became a museum. In 2020, the site once again became a mosque.

The current structure was built by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I as the Christian cathedral of Constantinople for the Byzantine Empire between 532 and 537, and was designed by the Greek geometers Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.[5] It was formally called the Church of God's Holy Wisdom (Greek: Ναὸς τῆς Ἁγίας τοῦ Θεοῦ Σοφίαςromanized: Naòs tês Hagías toû Theoû Sophías)[6][7] and upon completion became the world's largest interior space and among the first to employ a fully pendentive dome. It is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture[8] and is said to have "changed the history of architecture".[9] The present Justinianic building was the third church of the same name to occupy the site, as the prior one had been destroyed in the Nika riots. As the episcopal see of the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, it remained the world's largest cathedral for nearly a thousand years, until the Seville Cathedral was completed in 1520. Beginning with subsequent Byzantine architecture, Hagia Sophia became the paradigmatic Orthodox church form, and its architectural style was emulated by Ottoman mosques a thousand years later.[10] It has been described as "holding a unique position in the Christian world"[10] and as an architectural and cultural icon of Byzantine and Eastern Orthodox civilization.[10][11][12]

The religious and spiritual centre of the Eastern Orthodox Church for nearly one thousand years, the church was dedicated to the Holy Wisdom.[13][14][15] It was where the excommunication of Patriarch Michael I Cerularius was officially delivered by Humbert of Silva Candida, the envoy of Pope Leo IX in 1054, an act considered the start of the East–West Schism. In 1204, it was converted during the Fourth Crusade into a Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire, before being returned to the Eastern Orthodox Church upon the restoration of the Byzantine Empire in 1261. Enrico Dandolo, the doge of Venice who led the Fourth Crusade and the 1204 Sack of Constantinople, was buried in the church.

After the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453,[16] it was converted to a mosque by Mehmed the Conqueror and became the principal mosque of Istanbul until the 1616 construction of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque.[17][18] Upon its conversion, the bellsaltariconostasisambo, and baptistery were removed, while iconography, such as the mosaic depictions of Jesus, MaryChristian saints and angels were removed or plastered over.[19] Islamic architectural additions included four minarets, a minbar and a mihrab. The Byzantine architecture of the Hagia Sophia served as inspiration for many other religious buildings including the Hagia Sophia in ThessalonikiPanagia Ekatontapiliani, the Şehzade Mosque, the Süleymaniye Mosque, the Rüstem Pasha Mosque and the Kılıç Ali Pasha Complex. The patriarchate moved to the Church of the Holy Apostles, which became the city's cathedral.

The complex remained a mosque until 1931, when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum under the secular Republic of Turkey, and the building was Turkey's most visited tourist attraction as of 2019.[20]

In July 2020, the Council of State annulled the 1934 decision to establish the museum, and the Hagia Sophia was reclassified as a mosque. The 1934 decree was ruled to be unlawful under both Ottoman and Turkish law as Hagia Sophia's waqf, endowed by Sultan Mehmed, had designated the site a mosque; proponents of the decision argued the Hagia Sophia was the personal property of the sultan. The decision to designate Hagia Sophia as a mosque was highly controversial. It resulted in divided opinions and drew condemnation from the Turkish opposition, UNESCO, the World Council of Churches and the International Association of Byzantine Studies, as well as numerous international leaders, while several Muslim leaders in Turkey and other countries welcomed its conversion into a mosque.



Church of Constantius II

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey, ca. 1897.

The first church on the site was known as the Magna Ecclesia (Μεγάλη ἘκκλησίαMegálē Ekklēsíā, 'Great Church')[21][22] because of its size compared to the sizes of the contemporary churches in the city.[13] According to the Chronicon Paschale, the church was consecrated on 15 February 360, during the reign of the emperor Constantius II (r. 337–361) by the Arian bishop Eudoxius of Antioch.[23][24] It was built next to the area where the Great Palace was being developed. According to the 5th-century ecclesiastical historian Socrates of Constantinople, the emperor Constantius had c. 346 "constructed the Great Church alongside that called Irene which because it was too small, the emperor's father [Constantine] had enlarged and beautified".[25][23] A tradition which is not older than the 7th or 8th century reports that the edifice was built by Constantius' father, Constantine the Great (r. 306–337).[23] Hesychius of Miletus wrote that Constantine built Hagia Sophia with a wooden roof and removed 427 (mostly pagan) statues from the site.[26] The 12th-century chronicler Joannes Zonaras reconciles the two opinions, writing that Constantius had repaired the edifice consecrated by Eusebius of Nicomedia, after it had collapsed.[23] Since Eusebius was the bishop of Constantinople from 339 to 341, and Constantine died in 337, it seems that the first church was erected by Constantius.[23]

View of the dome interior


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Turkey's Hagia Sophia and the battle to reconvert it to a mosque - YouTube
Architectural Visit to Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/12/2024 04:30
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/03/2025 17:33

Capilla de Santa María Magdalena (Ciudad de México)

Capilla de Santa María Magdalena
Monumento histórico
País  México
División  Centro histórico de la Ciudad de México
Subdivisión  Cuauhtémoc
Dirección Calle Nezahualcóyotl sin número y plaza de san Lucas
Coordenadas 19°25′29″N 99°07′55″O
Información religiosa
Culto Cerrada al culto
Acceso Restringido
Uso Bodega
Estatus Capilla
Advocación María Magdalena
Dedicación 19 de marzo de 1808
Historia del edificio
Fundador Francisco de Zaraza y Arce, alcalde de la sala del crimen
Construcción 1805 - 1808
Arquitecto José Antonio González Velázquez
Datos arquitectónicos
Estilo Neoclásico
Planta del edificio
Plano de la capilla
Plano de la capilla

La Capilla de Santa María Magdalena es un templo católico ubicado en el Centro histórico de la Ciudad de México, en la alcaldía Cuahtémoc. Originalmente estuvo anexa al recogimiento de Santa María Magdalena, institución fundada en 1692 y fue construida de 1805 a 1808, como parte del proyecto de reconstrucción del recogimiento. Actualmente se utiliza como bodega de la dirección de la reforma agraria1



La real sala del crimen fue creada en 1568 como una dependencia de la Real Audiencia de México. su función era la administración y aplicación de la justicia en la totalidad del reino.2​ Durante los dos primeros siglos del periodo virreinal la real sala del crimen contó con instalaciones muy reducidas para las mujeres que delinquían y por lo general eran enviadas a casas de carácter religioso o privadas donde frecuentemente eran sometidas a trabajos forzados.2

En 1692 se fundó en la ciudad el primer recogimiento para reclusión de mujeres, utilizando el modelo de España, donde se desarrollaron los recogimientos como instituciones que tenían como fin al re encauzamiento de las reclusas, en lugar del simple castigo encerrándolas en cárceles o galeras. El proyecto estuvo a cargo de Francisco de Zaraza y Arce, alcalde de la sala del crimen y el arzobispo de México Francisco de Aguiar y Seijas. El recogimiento fue fundado en una casa del barrio indígena de San Lucas que pertenecía a los Mercedarios y dedicado a María Magdalena.2​ Ahí fueron trasladadas las mujeres que se encontraban en la sección de reclusas del Hospital de la Misericordia.3​ En el recogimiento eran recluidas las mujeres que cometían delitos como prostitución, homicidio robo, escándalo en la vía pública por ebriedad, sacrilegio y lesiones.1

A principios del siglo xix el recogimiento se encontraba sin medios para funcionar y en un estado ruinoso, por lo que fue necesario re edificarlo. La obra fue financiada por los inquisidores del tribunal del santo oficio ya que el gobierno carecía de fondos para realizarla1​ y fue llevada a cabo de 1805 a 1808 por José Antonio González Velázquez, director de la Academia de San Carlos y su sobrestante José Antonio de Zúñiga quien se encargó del acopio de los materiales necesarios y de la contratación de la mano de obra requerida.1

El nuevo edificio fue dedicado el 14 de marzo de 1808 en una ceremonia donde acudieron el virrey Iturrigaray, autoridades del tribunal de la inquisición, el cura de la parroquia de San Miguel y el arquitecto Ignacio Castera. La capilla fue dedicada 5 días después.1

El recogimiento funcionó hasta 1812, cuando el virrey Francisco Xavier Venegas ordenó desocupar el edificio para albergar a los presidiarios que construían el proyecto de la zanja cuadrada,2​ que tenía como finalidad el resguardo de la ciudad. En 1815 fueron trasladadas al hospital de San Antonio Abad, que se encontraba vacío y la casa de las recogidas fue convertida en caballerizas2

En 1833 el edificio es reparado y adaptado para ser la sede del Colegio Militar. En 1835 el ayuntamiento dispuso la entrega de las instalaciones al colegio,4​ el cual lo ocupó hasta 1841, cuando fue trasladado al Castillo de Chapultepec.

En 1863 durante la Segundo Imperio Mexicano el edificio fue transformado en el hospital militar del imperio, el cual fue conocido como el hospital de san Lucas.5​ Para 1867, una vez restaurada la República, el presidente Benito Juárez nombró al destacado coronel médico cirujano Francisco Montes de Oca, director del Hospital Militar, puesto que ocupó hasta su muerte en 1885.5​ Durante este periodo La capilla de Santa Magdalena fue utilizada como anfiteatro del hospital militar.2

Al respecto del uso de la capilla como anfiteatro del hospital, el científico y escritor Manuel Rivera Cambas escribió:

...El anfiteatro está formado por un perfecto octágono, la cúpula sostenida por columnas, las ventanas superiores sin cristales y enrejada la parte inferior para buscar la mejor ventilación. Las paredes aparecen adornadas con los nombres de los mas famosos médicos antiguos y modernos; en el centro de la estancia hay dos planchas de madera, giratorias, forradas con zinc y de trecho en trecho mesas encubiertas del mismo metal para colocar las piezas; el pavimento es de mármol.6


  1. ↑ Saltar a:a b c d e González Franco, Glorinela (Octubre de 1988). «Del recogimiento de santa maria magdalena y su capilla(1805-1808)». En Artigas, Juan Benito, ed. Cuadernos de arquitectura virreinal (Ciudad de México: Facultad de arquitectura, UNAM) (5): 36-39.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/03/2025 17:56
19 Letter Words Starting With S - Word Unscrambler
19 Letters in The Alphabet | TikTok
The #letter #S is the 19th #letter in the modern #English #alphabet. It is  a consonant and can be pronounced with different #sounds depending on the  word and context. The most common sound is the "s" ...
The letter S is the 19th letter of the Latin alphabet and the English alphabet. It is also used in other Western European languages and other Latin alphabets. 
Resultado de imagen para BELLAS QUE SON LAS MATEMATICAS
Image result for matrix pyramid
266 DAYS=19*2*7 DAYS (SATURDAY)=WOMAN IN PREGNANT=LUNAR PHASE (36=4*9) (1+2+3+4+...36=666)
10/3-30/11 (JANUKAH=JOHN 10 22=24/9-KISLEV HAGGAI 2 10 )=266 DAYS
10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, 11 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Ask the priests about the law: 12 ‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or oil or any kind of food, does it become holy?’” The priests answered and said, “No.” 13 Then Haggai said, “If someone who is unclean by contact with a dead body touches any of these, does it become unclean?” The priests answered and said, “It does become unclean.” 14 Then Haggai answered and said, “So is it with this people, and with this nation before me, declares the Lord, and so with every work of their hands. And what they offer there is unclean. 15 Now then, consider from this day onward.[a] Before stone was placed upon stone in the temple of the Lord, 16 how did you fare? When[b] one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were but twenty. 17 I struck you and all the products of your toil with blight and with mildew and with hail, yet you did not turn to me, declares the Lord. 18 Consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month. Since the day that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid, consider: 19 Is the seed yet in the barn? Indeed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have yielded nothing. But from this day on I will bless you.”
A Brief Look At Recent History And The Golden Gate | PeakD

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/03/2025 19:01

The Latest: Pope’s helicopter overflew Teotihuacan pyramids

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The latest on Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico (all times local):

9:30 p.m.

Pope Francis got a brief glimpse of pre-Hispanic culture Sunday, the day before he flies to the southern state of Chiapas to celebrate Mexico’s indigenous peoples.

Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi says that before arriving in the Mexico City suburb of Ecatepec for a Mass, the pope’s helicopter flew over the pyramids of Teotihuacan about 40 kilometers (25 miles) northeast of the capital.

Teotihuacan was founded almost 2,500 years ago and the city came to dominate trade, culture and architecture of large swaths of Mexico. It was abandoned when the Aztecs arrived 1,300 years ago.


7:55 p.m.

Roman Catholic faithful are beginning to gather in Mexico’s southern state of Chiapas, where Pope Francis will visit Monday.

A group of Franciscan friars and seminary students involved in aid work for migrants are among some of those getting ready to attend the pope’s Mass at a soccer stadium in the state capital of Tuxtla Gutierrez. They say they hope Francis will mention the plight of migrants, who suffer a torturous journey through Mexico trying to reach the U.S. border.

Some in the group have been working at a migrant shelter in the city of Tenosique in neighboring Tabasco state. Friar Enrique Pool Paredes says that’s “where we bring our pastoral message and psychological help to the many people arriving every day.”

Nineteen-year-old seminary student Jesus Edilberto says Pope Francis is following in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi and that is why he has come for the Mass. In his words, “this will give us motivation and strength to continue helping these families.”


6:55 p.m.

Pope Francis has arrived back at the Vatican ambassador’s residence where he is staying in Mexico City, after wrapping up a visit to pediatric hospital as his last scheduled event for Sunday.

Onlookers cheered as he passed by in a small, white, hard-top Fiat rather than an open-air popemobile that he used during drives earlier in the day.

Francis got out and greeted well-wishers gathered near the residence, blessing them and grasping their hands. He also urged them: “Don’t forget to pray for me.”

He then entered the residence looking a bit more energetic than he did Saturday evening.


5:35 p.m.

Even Pope Francis has a Valentine.

A little girl in a wheelchair presented Francis with a handmade Valentine’s Day card Sunday while he was visiting a Mexico City pediatric hospital.

“You made this?” Francis asked as he accepted the card with a big heart on the front. “Gracias.”

The pope bent down and kissed dozens of sick kids gathered for his visit, playfully mussing the hair of the older ones and stopping to chat with those who wanted to. Some posed for selfies with the pope. Several rose from their wheelchairs to embrace him.

Francis also played doctor, giving a little boy some medicine from a dropper.

The pope makes a point of stopping at children’s hospitals during his foreign trips, both to visit with the kids and to thank the staff for caring for them. While parts of the encounters are televised, Francis also visits bedridden patients in private for more personal encounters.


5:20 p.m.

Pope Francis has passed by adoring crowds at Mexico City’s iconic Angel of Independence on his way to visit a pediatric hospital.

As his motorcade rounded the monument on Paseo de la Reforma boulevard, several dozen nuns rushed to the metal barricades to salute the pontiff.

A group of young lay missionaries from the northern state of Durango were on hand to sing the traditional Mexican folk song “Cielito Lindo” as Francis went by in the popemobile.

Group leader Jose Cruz Moron Alba strummed his guitar and led the mostly teenagers through a rousing rendition of the tune. Moron Alba said he liked the pope’s message earlier in the day condemning Mexico’s “dealers of death,” a reference to the drug trade.

Durango is part of Mexico’s so-called golden triangle, where opium poppies and marijuana are harvested to feed drug trafficking.


4:25 p.m.

Pope Francis is urging Mexican seminarians to be true pastors devoted to God instead of “clerics of the state,” an implicit but stinging criticism of the country’s Roman Catholic hierarchy.

Francis’ jab comes in an inscription he left in the guestbook at the Ecatepec seminary after celebrating Mass. It admonishes priests-in-training to always keep Jesus at front in their minds and to “prepare to be pastors of the faithful people of God and not ‘clerics of the state.’”

While there are exceptions, the Mexican church hierarchy tends to be staunchly conservative and known for its close ties to the wealthy and powerful governing elite.

Even members of the Mexican clergy have faulted church leaders for prizing relations with the government over the pastoral needs of ordinary faithful. They cite as a recent example the tepid response by bishops to the 2014 disappearances of 43 students at the hands of police in Guerrero state.

The bishops’ frosty relations with Francis were on display Saturday when the pope criticized what he called gossiping, career-minded and aloof clerics who should instead stand by their flock and offer “prophetic courage” in facing down the drug trade. His comments got only mild applause.


3:25 p.m.

The leader of an advocacy coalition against the killings of women in Mexico is giving tepid reviews to Pope Francis’ homily at a Mass on Sunday.

Maria de la Luz Estrada is coordinator of the National Observatory on Femicide, an alliance of 49 rights groups. She says she’s disappointed that the pope did not discuss discrimination against women or deliver a stronger “message of solidarity with the families of the victims of femicide and disappearances.”

However, De la Luz Estrada says she is satisfied with Francis’ admonishment to bishops on Saturday that they should pursue unity and avoid corruption.

The pope’s Sunday Mass took place before several hundred thousand people in the Mexico City suburb of Ecatepec.

Activists say Ecatepec is the “center of the problem” of women disappearing in Mexico state, which abuts the capital on three sides. At least 1,554 women have vanished in the state since 2005, according to the coalition.


1:10 p.m.

Pope Francis is urging Mexicans to make the country into a land of opportunity, not a place of emigration where young people are “destroyed at the hands of the dealers of death.”

In a final prayer at the end of Mass on Sunday, Francis urged the hundreds of thousands of people who gathered in the gritty suburb of Ecatepec to be on the “front lines” in forging Mexico’s future.

He urged them to make their country “a land of opportunities, where there will be no need to emigrate in order to dream, no need to be exploited in order to work, no need to make the despair and poverty of many the opportunism of a few, a land that will not have to mourn men and women, young people and children who are destroyed at the hands of the dealers of death.”



Pope Francis is telling Mexicans at a huge outdoor Mass that there can be “no dialogue with the devil.”

The pontiff says that’s because “he will always defeat us, (and) only the power of the word of God can defeat him.”

Speaking out against the drug trade and associated violence is a central theme of the pope’s five-day visit.

Francis’ comment came as he briefly departed from prepared remarks during his homily in Ecatepec, a hardscrabble city of 1.6 million outside the Mexican capital.

Ecatepec has been afflicted by murders, kidnappings and extortion by criminal gangs.


12:10 p.m.

Pope Francis is urging Mexicans to resist the devil and the temptations of wealth and corruption as he celebrates his largest Mass in Mexico in the crime-riddled suburb of Ecatepec.

After spending his first full day in the grandeur of Mexico City’s historic center, Francis headed to the capital’s periphery Sunday. Ecatepec is a sprawling northern suburb of 1.6 million where drug cartels hold sway and the murder rate, especially for women, is so high the government issued a special alert last year.

In his homily, Francis warned the faithful that the devil, “the father of lies,” tries to divide society and that Mexicans must resist the temptations of wealth, vanity and pride.

He said people who take things for their own use that are destined for all are taking the “bread based on the toil of others, or even at the expense of their very lives.” He said: “This is the bread that a corrupt family or society gives its own children.”


12:00 p.m.

Javier Rivera is a 29-year-old art teacher who figured he could make a few extra bucks selling Pope Francis T-shirts ahead of the pontiff’s Mass in the Mexico City suburb of Ecatepec.

But so far business has been anything but brisk. Of the 200 garments he printed up, he’s only managed to sell 80. Rivera started out selling them for 100 pesos (about $5.30), but is now discounting them at 30 pesos ($1.60).

The problem is competition from a horde of other people hawking everything from Francis keychains and rosaries to coffee mugs and calendars.

Rivera says Ecatepec residents are very resourceful and accustomed to doing whatever is necessary to get by.

He laments that “it seems everyone had the same idea as me.”


11:00 a.m.

A thick haze is hanging over the Valley of Mexico, which is home to the Mexican capital and the suburb of Ecatepec where Pope Francis is set to hold a huge outdoor Mass.

There’s a notable smell of smoke in the air and skyscrapers in a central business district were obscured by the haze.

The Mexico City government says via Twitter that there was a grassland fire in San Salvador Atenco about 6 miles (10 kilometers) from the site of the papal Mass.

The government is reporting an overall air quality of “bad” and recommends that people suffering from asthma or other respiratory problems restrict their outdoor activities.

That’s not unusual for the famously smoggy capital and falls short of its “very bad” and “extremely bad” ratings.


10:30 a.m.

Pope Francis has arrived at the sprawling, gritty suburb of Ecatapec where he’s due to say Mass for more than 300,000 people on a vast field at the edge of the Mexico City metropolis.

During the motorcade through Mexico City to catch his helicopter, the pontiff stopped his popemobile briefly to greet and hug a group of nuns.


9:50 a.m.

Pope Francis is starting his second full day in Mexico with a healthy dose of the country’s hospitality. There are songs, cheers and chants as he starts his journey to the gritty suburb of Ecatepec, where he’ll preside over the largest Mass of his visit.

Some of the chants echo those that greeted his predecessor John Paul II, who was especially beloved in Mexico. Among them are calls of “Francis, brother, now you are Mexican,” a phrase that rhymes in Spanish.

The pope walked out of the nuncio’s residence to bless and kiss people waiting there: families with children, people in wheelchairs.

He’s beaming and animated as he heads out on his motorcade in an open popemobile — seemingly revived after appearing worn out during Mass Saturday afternoon at the Basilica of Guadalupe.

And shortly after leaving, he’s stopped to plunge into the excited crowd along the street.


8:10 a.m.

Mexicans bundled against the cold are arriving at a huge field in a crime-ridden suburb of Mexico City for what is expected to be the biggest Mass of Pope Francis’ five-day trip.

After spending his first full day in the grandeur of Mexico City’s historic center, Francis is heading to the capital’s periphery for a Mass on Sunday in Ecatepec, a sprawling suburb of 1.6 million where drug cartels hold sway and the murder rate, especially for women, is particularly high.

Pilgrims sporting white baseball caps wrapped themselves in blankets to guard against temperatures that dipped in to the 30s Fahrenheit (about 3 celsius) as they trudged along the roads leading to the Mass site, a sprawling field that has a capacity of 400,000 people.


Francis is expected to offer a message of hope and encouragement for a part of Mexico where extortion and disappearances are a near-daily part of life.


Respuesta  Mensaje 233 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/03/2025 03:33

Mexico raids building project next to Teotihuacán pyramids

                                Construction of a private building project is seen on the outskirts of Teotihuacan, just north of Mexico City, Wednesday.


Construction of a private building project is seen on the outskirts of Teotihuacan, just north of Mexico City, Wednesday.

MEXICO CITY >> Mexico sent in 250 National Guard troops and 60 police officers today to seize land next to the pre-Hispanic ruins of Teotihuacán where authorities have said bulldozers were destroying outlying parts of the archeological site.

Mexican archaeological officials reported last week that they had been trying since March to halt the private construction project, but work continued on what local media says were plans to build some sort of amusement park.

The National Institute of History and Anthropology said the National Guard helped authorities put up seizure notices on the property just north of Mexico City. The seizure allows prosecutors to take control of the plot while those responsible for the work are investigated for criminal charges of “irreparably damaging” the national heritage.

The delay in stopping the project underlined how Mexico’s unwieldy, antiquated legal system makes it hard to enforce building codes and zoning laws or stop illegal construction, even on protected historical sites.

The Culture Department said last week it had repeatedly issued stop-work orders since March but the building crews had ignored them. The department estimated at least 25 ancient structures on the site were threatened, and said it has filed a criminal complaint against those responsible.

Apparently, owners of farm plots are trying to turn the land into a recreation area. The area is just outside and across a road from the site’s famous boulevard and pyramid complex.


The U.N. international council on monuments and sites said bulldozers threatened to raze as many as 15 acres (7 hectares) at the site, which is a protected area. The council also said looting of artifacts had been detected.

“Teotihuacán is an emblematic site declared as World Heritage by the UNESCO, that represents the highest expression of the identity of the people of Mexico,” the U.N. council said in a statement last week.

The destruction so close to the capital raised questions about Mexico’s ability to protect its ancient heritage sites. Teotihuacan is the country’s most visited archaeological site, with over 2.6 million visitors per year, and Mexico has hundreds of smaller, more remote and often unexplored sites.

Teotihuacan is best known for its twin Temples of the Sun and Moon, but it was actually a large city that housed over 100,000 inhabitants and covered around 8 square miles (20 sq. kilometers).

The still mysterious city was one of the largest in the world at its apex between 100 B.C. and A.D. 750. But it was abandoned before the rise of the Aztecs in the 14th century.

Even its true name remains unclear. Its current name was given to it by the Aztecs. But the Aztecs may have actually called the city “Teohuacan” — literally “the city of the sun” — rather than Teotihuacan, which means “city of the gods” or “place where men become gods.”

The Pyramids of the Sun or Moon drew tens of thousands of visitors for the spring and fall equinoxes each year, before the coronavirus pandemic hit.


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