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Message 20 de 28 de ce thème |
“’Out Of The Past' was the name of the store, and its products consisted of memories: what was prosaic and even vulgar to one generation had been transmuted by the mere passing of years to a status at once magical and also camp.”
This wonderful time-travel film, written and directed by Woody Allen was a virtual who’s who. Not only in the actors, but also in the artistic characters of the past. Gil Pender (Owen Wilson) is engaged to Inez (Rachel McAdams). This is the third time-travel story I have blogged about staring Rachel McAdams, but the first time this adorable actress was not a likable character
Gil was a failed Hollywood scriptwriter who was working on his novel. He was a dreamer and found inspiration in Paris, especially in the rain. Inez did not relate to this and would never let herself get wet or live in the French city. Gil believed in soulmates. Inez thought it was a ridiculous notion. She did not respect anything Gil liked. In fact, she was more taken with her friend, Paul (Michael Sheen), who is also visiting along with his wife Carol (Nina Arianda). Paul is a pretentious snob, know-it-all. One night, Gil decides he’s had enough of hanging around with Inez’s friends and decides to walk back to his hotel. He gets lost on the streets of Paris and sits down on some steps. The bells of a clock ring out midnight. Suddenly a vintage 1920’s Peugeot taxi pulls up and the people inside beckon him to go with them to a party.
He ends up at a party in 1920’s Paris where he meets notable American novelists, Zelda (Alison Pill) and F. Scott Fitzgerald (Tom Hiddleston). The Fitzgeralds are friendly and partiers, especially Zelda.
Gil is also taken by the piano player/singer who he comes to find out is none other than Cole Porter (Yves Heck) doing his famous song, Let’s Do it.
“Birds do it, bees do it Even educated fleas do it Let's do it, let's fall in love” “Romantic sponges, they say, do it Oysters, down in oyster bay, do it Let's do it, let's fall in love”
To make a long, great story short, Gil ends up meeting many famous people who found it vogue to hone their crafts in the Parisian city in the Roaring Twenties. He asks Ernest Hemingway (Corey Stoll) to review his book, which is refused, so Hemingway offers to bring it to Gertrude Stein (Kathy Bates) who reads it and likes it. There, Gil meets Pablo Picasso (Marcial Di Fonzo Bo) and his mistress, Adriana (Marion Cotillard). Gil starts to fall for Adriana and continues to travel back to the ‘20s to date her.
Meanwhile, Gil is still engaged to Inez in the present day, who is more and more infatuated with Paul. In one scene she shushes Gil so that Paul can speak. Hemingway makes Gil wonder why he is even still engaged to Inez. Another aspect of Gil’s life Inez could not relate to was his love of antiques and nostalgia. On one trip with Inez and her friends, Gil walks over to a French female vendor playing Cole Porter on an antique Gramophone. Her name was Gabrielle (Léa Seydoux) He was impressed with her knowledge of things and music of the past.
Gil continues his Midnight strolls to the 1920s and dating Adriana. Gil believes this is the Golden Era, but Adriana, who lives in it believes the 1890s was the Golden Era. This film has time-travel within time-travel as a horse-drawn buggy comes along and transports them to the Gay Nineties. They go to the Moulin Rouge where they meet Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Paul Gauguin, and Edgar Degas. (Vincent Menjou Cortes, Olivier Rabourdin, and François Rostain) However, these three believe the Renaissance era was the Golden Age. Gil ends up having an epiphany and realizes that despite the allure of nostalgia, any time can eventually become a dull "present", so it's best to embrace your actual present. Adriana however, elects to stay in the 1890s, and they part ways. Other notable people Gil meets: Josephine Baker (Sonia Rolland) Salvador Dalí (Adrien Brody) T. S. Eliot (David Lowe) Henri Matisse (Yves-Antoine Spoto) Leo Stein (Laurent Claret)
Back in the present day, Inez admits to Gil that she slept with Paul, but dismisses it as meaningless. Gil leaves her and stays in Paris.
One night as Gil is walking around, he runs into Gabrielle, the antique vendor. She tells Gil she was thinking about him when a new set of Cole Porter records came in. It starts to rain and Gil acts concerned for her. But she tells him, it’s ok, she likes the rain. He asks to walk her home. It appeared Gabrielle was Gil’s true soulmate.
This is a wonderful film for those who love time-travel, France, classic literary figures, and artists. The casting was brilliant, especially of the historical figures.
Salvador Dalí (Adrien Brody)
https://www.timepilgrims.com/blog/midnight-in-paris-time-travel-film |
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Message 21 de 28 de ce thème |
 Welcome | Time Rivers | Book | The Nile Decoded | Etemenanki
Welcome to the Realm of the Time Rivers
By Goro Adachi

What Is the ‘Time River Theory’?
It’s about the discovery of an astounding system of literal ‘rivers of time’, which may even be described as the ‘fingerprints of the gods’. It is a planetary ‘Rosetta Stone’ for decoding history or even ‘reality’ itself. Sounds overly grandiose? Yes, but it’s not necessarily an exaggeration given the nature of the discovery.
Proving the existence of the ‘Time Rivers’ has explosive implications. And the claim here is that this has indeed been done. But that’s just the beginning of the story. What the ‘Time Rivers’ tell us - about who we are and everything else - is equally, if not more, profound.
The Time River Theory (TRT) is ultimately about the discovery and decoding of the ‘blueprint’ of reality - a blueprint that was literally carved on this planet by an unknown high intelligence. This is a brand new field just activated in 2003 via the publication of The Time Rivers. It’s about time we opened up the Gateway... to a new dimension.
To get a little more specific, here is an abbreviated list of what the Time River Theory is about and what it reveals (at least in the book The Time Rivers):
A grand system of literal ‘rivers of time’ flowing on our planet, created by some mysterious, higher intelligence.
- The intricate ‘Time River scheme’ produced by the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Mississippi, etc. showing us the entire timeline of human civilization, both past and future.
- Solutions to deep ancient mysteries of Egypt, Sumer, and even Mars.
- Encoded ‘messages’ revealing extraterrestrial and/or extra-temporal origins of human civilization.
- The 21st century being specifically pinpointed as the edge of time, when a ‘timegate’ opens up to bring mankind back to the realm of ‘Genesis’.
- Tangible and unique solutions to the biblical events of Genesis such as Creation, the fallen angels, the Great Flood, the Ark, etc.
- An encoded timeline of the United States anticipating ‘9/11’, an event suggested to mark the ‘end’ of the United States.
Please note that the the theory is extensive and still rapidly evolving, thus the above should be viewed as only the tip of the iceberg.
To learn more about the TRT, please see The Nile Decode - a paper posted online revealing the basic components of the thesis.
Current Status
A lot of very positive feedback has been received from those who have read The Time Rivers and/or The Nile Decoded. Some samples are posted here.
What about the reaction of the 'alternative history' crowd? How are they responding to the 'quantum leap' that the TRT would represent to their field? The answer to this question is not yet clear since the theory was revealed only recently and is not yet widely known. But the anticipation here is that the reaction would be more or less mixed. Because the Time River Theory is something that radically shifts the whole paradigm, there will probably be those in the field who are perhaps just too 'old' (at least mentally) to keep up with the sudden and rapid movement forward. And this is fine; the Time River system is a discovery for a new generation of truth seekers who maintain a fresh mind capable of clear and creative thinking.
There is actually so much more to the Time River scheme than made available so far (including the book), which is undoubtedly contributing to the tone of confidence expressed here. Hopefully there are many of you who can intuitively sense this 'energy' lurking just beneath the surface... It's all getting ready to come out now. If not already, please study the available material, understand the implications, and... well, join the revolution!
Available Material:
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Message 22 de 28 de ce thème |
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Message 25 de 28 de ce thème |
First, NYC/Long Island can be associated with 'knowledge' through the symbolisms of 'apple' ("Big Apple"), 'rose' (state flower), 'fire' (Statue of Liberty, its connection to Paris/'torch'), etc. and as we've seen in foregoing sections it's part of the 'ark' complex via VI-97. Furthermore from the 'apple' connection follows the notion of the 'serpent'. Now, all those 'knowledge'/Sirius connections of NYC can be transferred to Mars because, as illustrated in 'Babylon Matrix', NYC is also related to Mars, especially the Cydonia region with all the potentially artificial structures. Mars being red and circular is associatable with the 'apple', the red and round 'Big Apple' (NYC). Now, some might argue that the fruit Eve ate was not necessarily an 'apple', but we generally thought of it as an apple today and that has to count in symbolism. But there is a much more precise connection - the latitudes of NYC and Cydonia are exactly the same, 40.5~41N.
The events closely associated earlier with X-72 and more or less with the ark, the two random shootings in a library and school ('Resonance' #7 and 8), appear to back up the Mars-Sirius connection also. Those two similar events, only five days apart, occurred one on the Cydonian latitude and the other on the Sirius 'angle' latitude. The Mormon library shooting took place at ~40.5N, and the Colorado school shooting at ~39.5N. The name 'Salt Lake City', where the library shooting occurred, may be relevant also since mythologically the 'salt water' is of female - and Sirius is filled with female associations ('goddess', 'star of Women', etc.).
Moreover, Temple mentions in his book that "when making rhetorical allusion to the Dog Days, the Latins would often speak of Sirius being red at the time..." Now, this is quite significant for not only is Sirius described as 'red' like Mars, but the "Dog Days" would refer to a period in or around July - the exact time-frame indicated by Quatrain X-72.
The Sirius-correlated Argo also turns out to be very relevant here. Because the main mission of Jason, the leader of the Argonauts who has been identified as the "appeasing King"/"King of terror" of X-72 earlier, was to obtain the 'golden fleece', and in Temple's words, "Aries was definitely identified with the golden fleece". In case you don't know, Aries is the Greek Mars. Aries is also a sign of the zodiac, "ruled" by Mars, and it is classified as a 'fire sign' - correlating with the fire-knowledge symbolism. I should also point out that Mars is called 'fire star' in Japanese.
Moreover, Sirius/Isis' son Horus provides intriguing correlations. First, the Great Sphinx associated earlier with 'ark' was called by Egyptians "Horus of Horizon" which also happens to be a name given to Mars. And the word 'Cairo', where the Sphinx is (actually slightly west of Cairo), is derived from 'Mars'. Mars was also called 'Horus the Red'. And the word 'Heru' (Egyptian name for Horus) also has the meaning of 'face' - seemingly a reference to the infamous 'Face on Mars' at Cydonia! (So, as you can see, the Mars-Horus connection is quite obvious.) Next, Sirius/ark comes into the web of associations, as the Argo also relates to Horus (thus to Mars too) as the Greek derivation of Horus, 'Circe', plays a prominent role in the story of Argo. Also, as Temple hypothesizes, the names of the original captain of Argo, Herakles, and his protectress Hera may be derived from 'Heru' - the Egyptian name for Horus. Furthermore, we're told that Herakles/Hera is related to the word 'Seirios' from which we have the word 'Sirius' - strengthening the Mars-ark-Sirius connection. But as if it wasn't enough, Temple goes on to point out that 'Seirios' also has the meaning of 'fiery/scorching', that can easily be a reference to Mars.
And finally, Mars and Sirius are linked by the 'tetrahedral angle' of 19.5 degrees. '19.5 degrees' is one of the most significant notions derived from the supposed artificial structures of Cydonia that suggests their artificiality, according to investigators like Richard Hoagland ('The Monuments of Mars'). It is viewed as a definite 'signal in the noise' - some kind of a 'message' left there by some intelligence. This number, '19.5', is called t, the 'tetrahedral constant', because of its significance in tetrahedral geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron's apexes touching the south (or north) pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees north latitude. So it is interesting that the Egyptian symbol for Sirius is a triangle which can be viewed as a 2-dimensional representation of a tetrahedron.
https://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/1999-sirius.htm |
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Message 26 de 28 de ce thème |
Episode 134
n 1854 a slab of marble donated by Pope Pius IX arrived in Washington, D.C. He had it engraved “A Roma Americae,” or “From Rome to America,” as a sign of goodwill. He had sent it over to be included in the Washington Monument, which was then under construction. Many foreign governments had sent similar contributions to honor America’s first president. The Know Nothings, however, had no intention of allowing a gift from the Pope to be included in the Washington Monument. They were certain the stone was a sign of darker intentions by the Pope. So on March 9, 1854, under cover of darkness, a group of these anti-Catholics broke into the yard, stole the stone, and after damaging it with hammers they dropped it in the Potomac River. No one was ever credibly accused of the crime, despite reward offers and a public outcry. Many years later, however, after a tip, the stone was discovered… only to disappear again. But today, there is a stone from the Pope in the Washington Monument, this one was provided by Pope John Paul II in 1982.
Episodes Referenced
https://americancatholichistory.org/the-popes-stone-and-the-washington-monument/ |
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Message 27 de 28 de ce thème |

The letter S is the 19th letter of the Latin alphabet and the English alphabet. It is also used in other Western European languages and other Latin alphabets.

266 DAYS=19*2*7 DAYS (SATURDAY)=WOMAN IN PREGNANT=LUNAR PHASE (36=4*9) (1+2+3+4+...36=666)
10/3-30/11 (JANUKAH=JOHN 10 22=24/9-KISLEV HAGGAI 2 10 )=266 DAYS
10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, 11 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Ask the priests about the law: 12 ‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or oil or any kind of food, does it become holy?’” The priests answered and said, “No.” 13 Then Haggai said, “If someone who is unclean by contact with a dead body touches any of these, does it become unclean?” The priests answered and said, “It does become unclean.” 14 Then Haggai answered and said, “So is it with this people, and with this nation before me, declares the Lord, and so with every work of their hands. And what they offer there is unclean. 15 Now then, consider from this day onward. Before stone was placed upon stone in the temple of the Lord, 16 how did you fare? When one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were but twenty. 17 I struck you and all the products of your toil with blight and with mildew and with hail, yet you did not turn to me, declares the Lord. 18 Consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month. Since the day that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid, consider: 19 Is the seed yet in the barn? Indeed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have yielded nothing. But from this day on I will bless you.”

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Message 28 de 28 de ce thème |
La historia de la moneda de los EE. UU.
Al rastrear el origen de nuestra moneda hasta la época colonial, podemos explorar cómo la historia estadounidense ha ayudado a dar forma a la manera en que diseñamos, emitimos y procesamos los modernos billetes de los EE. UU.
https://www.uscurrency.gov/es/historia |
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