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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Messaggio originale) Inviato: 30/11/2023 21:12

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 03/12/2023 02:42

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 07/12/2023 03:51
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Iglesia de Santa María de la Victoria

Fachada de Santa María de la Victoria.

La Iglesia de Santa María de la Victoria (en italianoSanta María della Vittoria) es una pequeña basílica en Roma (Italia), en la Via XX Settembre.

Los Carmelitas descalzos obtuvieron un Breve apostólico de Paulo V para edificar conventos de su Orden en cualquier parte de la Cristiandad; fue este el primero que fundaron en la última parte del Monte Quirinal el año de 1606.


La iglesia se fundó en 1605 como una capilla dedicada a san Pablo para los carmelitas descalzos. La propia orden dotó de fondos a la obra del edificio hasta el descubrimiento en las excavaciones de la escultura conocida como el Hermafrodita BorgheseScipione Borghese se apropió de ella, pero a cambio, y quizá para compensar su pérdida de influencia debido a la muerte de su tío y patrón, financió el resto de la obra de la fachada y prestó a la orden a su arquitecto, Giovanni Battista Soria. Estas concesiones, sin embargo, sólo se llevaron a efecto en 1624, aunque la obra se acabó dos años más tarde.

Después de la victoria católica en la batalla de la Montaña Blanca en 1620, que hizo retroceder la Reforma en Bohemia, la iglesia fue consagrada de nuevo a la Virgen María. Una imagen maltrecha había sido recuperada del ámbito de aquella batalla por Fray Domingo de Jesús María, de dicha Orden, de las ruinas de la casa de campo de un noble cristiano bohemio, a la cual se le atribuyó la victoria, llamándola Santa María de la Victoria. La imagen fue llevada a Roma por Fray Domingo, depositándose en Santa María la Mayor en presencia de Gregorio XV.

El nombre de Santa María de la Victoria, se dio ulteriormente, en conmemoración por haber reconquistado el emperador Fernando I la ciudad de Praga en 1671. Estandartes turcos capturados en el Sitio de Viena de 1683 cuelgan en la iglesia, como parte de este tema victorioso.

Vista general[editar]


La capilla Cornaro, con el Éxtasis de santa Teresa de Bernini presidiendo el altar, representada en una pintura de Guido Ubaldo Abbatini, 1652 (Staatliche Museum, Schwerin).

La iglesia es la única estructura diseñada y completada por el arquitecto del Barroco temprano, Carlo Maderno, aunque el interior padeció un fuego en 1833 y requirió una restauración. Su fachada, sin embargo, fue erigida por Soria en vida de Maderno (1624-1626), mostrando la inconfundible influencia de la cercana Santa Susanna de Maderno.

Su interior tiene una sola nave, amplia, bajo una bóveda segmentada baja, con tres capillas laterales interconectadas detrás de arcos separados por colosales pilastras corintias con capiteles dorados que apoyan un rico entablamento. Revestimientos de mármol que contrastan entre sí están enriquecidos con ángeles y putti de estuco blanco y dorado en bulto redondo. El interior fue enriquecido progresivamente después de la muerte de Maderno; su bóveda fue pintada al fresco en 1663 con temas triunfales dentro de compartimentos con marcos ficticios: La Virgen María triunfa sobre la Herejía y Caída de los ángeles rebeldes ejecutados por Giovanni Domenico Cerrini.


Sin duda, parte de la fama de este templo se debe a albergar una de las obras maestras del Barroco, la capilla Cornaro, espectacular y teatral espacio presidido por el grupo escultórico que representa el Éxtasis de Santa Teresa, de Gian Lorenzo Bernini, quizá la obra más conocida de este autor en el campo de la escultura. En la capilla situada frente a esta, dedicada a San José, se encuentra un grupo escultórico que representa el tema del Sueño de San José, obra del escultor Domenico Guidi, que se inspira en la obra de Bernini delante de la cual se halla.1


Santa María de la Victoria es una iglesia titular. El cardenal presbítero del Titulus S. Mariae de Victoria era el cardenal Giuseppe Caprio hasta su muerte en octubre de 2005. El 24 de marzo de 2006, el papa Benedicto XVI elevó a Seán Patrick O'Malley al titulus.

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 03/05/2024 10:48
Letra V Del Alfabeto De Oro (símbolo De La Victoria) Ilustraciones Svg,  Vectoriales, Clip Art Vectorizado Libre De Derechos. Image 32994690.
Resultado de imagen para MEZQUITA HIPERCUBO
Resultado de imagen para MEZQUITA HIPERCUBO
Inanna & Ishtar: History, Mystery, and Mythology

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/05/2024 07:41
Muslim Landmarks Explored on X: "Did you know? When the Crusaders took over  Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock was re-named Templum Domini and had a cross  placed on top of the

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 19/10/2024 03:17
Buy Vatican #673-6 - Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Architect (1980) 80l, 170l,  250l, 350l | Arpin Philately

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 19/10/2024 03:18
Cité du Vatican - VERS 1980 : timbres en Vatican montre Gian Lorenzo Bernini,  vers 1980 Photo Stock - Alamy

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 19/10/2024 03:23
• Situada en la Ciudad del Vaticano, y precede, a
  modo de gran sala períptera, a la Basílica de San
  Pedro, el magno templo de la cristiandad.
• Fue enteramente proyectada por Gian Lorenzo
  Bernini entre 1656 y 1667, encargada por el papa
  Sixto V, y auspiciado de la mano de Alejandro VII

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 19/10/2024 03:26

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 19/10/2024 03:32
Urban Networks: La composición de la fachada de San Pedro del Vaticano:  geometría y simbología trascendente (sobre el nombre y naturaleza de Dios)

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 03/11/2024 03:56
SunCalc applied for the analysis of Bernini's oval, using the obelisk at the center of Bernini's oval as a pivot. Yellow and orange lines correspond to sunrise and sunset azimuths on solstices. The angle between sunrise azimuths corresponds to the entry end of the colonnade. 

SunCalc applied for the analysis of Bernini's oval, using the obelisk at the center of Bernini's oval as a pivot. Yellow and orange lines correspond to sunrise and sunset azimuths on solstices. The angle between sunrise azimuths corresponds to the entry end of the colonnade. 

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 03/11/2024 03:58
The "ovato tondo" and its geometry. The obelisk acts as a pivot. Note that obelisk and fountains are halving the bases of equilateral triangles. To evidence the geometry of this ovato, black and red numbers are the lengths (in pixels) of the corresponding lines. 

The "ovato tondo" and its geometry. The obelisk acts as a pivot. Note that obelisk and fountains are halving the bases of equilateral triangles. To evidence the geometry of this ovato, black and red numbers are the lengths (in pixels) of the corresponding lines. 

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 03/11/2024 04:06
During the winter, at noon, the obelisk is casting its shadow on Maderno's fountain, whereas the shadows of colonnade statues move near the southern fountain of the oval (Courtesy Google Earth). 

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 03/11/2024 04:07
Gian Lorenzo Bernini planned Saint Peter's Square with an oval part surrounded by a colonnade that was imagined as 'the maternal arms of Mother Church' embracing the crowd. The pivot of this masterpiece is an obelisk, which is also the gnomon of a huge sundial. With vertex at the obelisk, the azimuth spanned by sunrise throughout the year correspon...

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 03/11/2024 04:14

ローマの日の出と日の入り – 最高の鑑賞スポットと時間

Rome, renowned for its rich history, also offers an enchanting celestial display as the sun charts its daily journey across the sky. The Eternal City’s location at a latitude of 41.9028° N and a longitude of 12.4964° E gifts it with distinctive sunrise and sunset times that vary throughout the year.

Understanding these patterns interests astronomers and photographers and holds practical value for tourists and residents planning their daily activities.

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While the sun’s rising and setting are daily constants, the specific times at which they Rome can leave onlookers in awe. Tracking the exact times of these events helps to appreciate the sun’s profound impact on the city’s atmosphere.

Throughout the year, special events, such as the summer and winter solstices, garner additional attention and cultural significance, with the sun gracing the Roman horizons with the longest and shortest days of the year.

Sunrise And Sunset In Rome – Key Takeaways

  • Rome’s latitude and longitude uniquely shape its sunrise and sunset times.
  • Daily sun timings are both a spectacle and a practical aspect of Roman life.
  • Annual solar events enhance the cultural and personal experience of the city.

Understanding Sun Movements In Rome

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The Eternal City and its eternal dance with the sun – a tale as old as time. Rome’s position at 41.9028° N and 12.4964° E greatly influences its sun movements. Visitors and photographers seeking the perfect light would do well to understand how these celestial movements manifest in the Roman sky.

Critical Elements Of Rome’s Sun Movements:

  1. Sun Direction: The sun rises from the east and sets in the west. Seasonal variations shift the sunrise and sunset towards the northeast or northwest.
  2. Sun Altitude: The angle of the sun’s arc changes with the seasons, higher during summer and lower in winter.

Seasonal Impact On Sun Movements:

  • Spring/Summer: Longer days, higher zenith with the sun taking a more extended, elevated path.
  • Autumn/Winter: Shorter days, lower zenith, and a shorter, lower arc in the sky.

The midday point, Solar Noon, is when the sun reaches its highest altitude in the day. On this hour, shadows are at their shortest because the sun is closest to the zenith.

Distance Matters:

  • Perihelion: Around January, the sun is closest to Rome, at the minimum Sun Distance, affecting the intensity and warmth of sunlight.
  • Aphelion: The sun is farthest in July, leading to a milder sun even on long summer days.

By acknowledging the patterns of the sun’s movements, one can anticipate the behaviour of light throughout the year in Rome, aiding in planning activities that rely on natural light, such as photography or sightseeing.

Daily Sun Timings In Rome

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The Eternal City’s skies offer a daily spectacle as the city wakes. Here are the precise times and details related to the sunrise and sunset in Rome.

Sunrise And Sunset Details

The beginning and end of the day are marked by 日の出 そして 日没, pivotal moments for the rhythm of life in Rome. Sunrise is when the sun’s top edge first appears above the horizon in the east, while sunset corresponds to the last glimpse of the sun as it dips below the western horizon.

These moments are affected by Rome’s geographical positiontime zone (Central European Time), and daylight saving time adjustments when applicable.

Calculating Day And Night

の length of day and night can be calculated by the time difference between sunrise and sunset for day length and from sunset to sunrise for night length. Twilight—civilnautical、 そして  astronomical—plays a crucial role. It signifies the time before sunrise (dawn) and after sunset (dusk) when there is still light outside, influencing the actual perception of day and night duration.

Specific Sun Timings For January 2024

In January 2024, Roman residents and visitors will witness varied day lengths. On Tuesday, January 9, sunrise is expected at approximately 7:35 am, with sunset around 4:48 pm. By the following day, Wednesday, January 10, sunrise is projected to be a minute earlier and sunset a minute later, subtly extending the day.

Below is a table with information on the sunrise and sunset times for these two days in January, not accounting for shifts due to daylight saving time as it isn’t in effect until later in the year.

DateSunriseSunsetDay Length
2024 年 1 月 9 日 7:35 am (Local Time) 4:48 pm (Local Time) 9 hours, 13 minutes
2024 年 1 月 10 日 7:34 am (Local Time) 4:49 pm (Local Time) 9 hours, 15 minutes

For comprehensive details for the entire month, interested individuals can consult timetables from trusted online resources such as, which provide accurate astronomical data.

Annual Solar Events And Their Observance In Rome

A cityscape with many buildingsDescription automatically generated

Rome’s geographic position in Italy has made it a prime location for astronomers and enthusiasts to enjoy the contrast of time between the longest and shortest days of the year, marked by the Winter and Summer Solstices, as well as the balance of day and night during the Equinoxes. Observance of these events has ancient roots in Roman culture, with their impact celebrated in the city’s rich history.

Solstices And Equinoxes

Winter solstice in Rome typically occurs on December 21st or 22nd, signalling the astronomical winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the shortest day of the year in terms of daylight; from this point, the days start to lengthen gradually.

 Solstice brings the longest day and marks the beginning of summer in Rome, usually around June 21. The Equinoxes, occurring approximately on March 20 and September 23 in Rome, are celebrated for heralding equanimity in day and night durations.

  • Dates to Remember:
    • Winter Solstice: December 21st/22nd
    • Summer Solstice: June 21
    • Spring Equinox: March 20
    • Autumn Equinox: September 23

Phases Of The Moon And Their Impact

の phases of the Moon exeMoon have a fascinating influence on Rome’s night sky and cultural events. The progression from a new moon to a full moon and back—a cycle that typically lasts about 29.5 days—is keenly observed by both residents and visitors.

Especially clear during the astronomical night, when the sun is between 12 and 18 degrees below the horizon, the moon is integral to the character of night-time Rome, with the city’s iconic sights often bathed in the soft light of a full moon.

  • Moon Calendar Highlights:
    • New Moon: Symbolizing new beginnings, often less visible.
    • Full Moon: Casting Rome’s landmarks in luminous splendour.

In Rome, particularly within the region of Lazio, these celestial phenomena do not merely represent an  astronomical interest but also hold cultural and historical significance, echoing the city’s ancient past.

Practical Information For Residents And Visitors

A sunset over a cityDescription automatically generated

Embarking on a journey to witness Rome’s celestial tapestry, knowing the best times and places to experience the natural beauty of sunrise and sunset is crucial for locals and visitors alike.

Best Times To Experience Sunrise And Sunset

In Rome, the golden hour — that magical time just after sunrise or before sunset — casts a warm glow, ideal for photographers and romantics. Specific times vary throughout the year; it’s essential to consult a local calendar to plan accordingly. During January, for instance, sunrise typically unfolds around 7:30 am and sunset near 5:00 pm local time.

  • Sunrise: For early risers, first light and sunrise offer a peaceful beginning to the day.
  • Sunset: As dusk nears, the last light lingers, perfect for capturing photos in the soft, diffuse light.

Navigating Daylight Changes

Understanding the impact of daylight saving time, which adjusts clocks forward by one hour during warmer months, is vital. This shift can affect the timing of sunrise and sunset, altering the 間隔 of daylight residents and visitors will experience. Rome operates on Central European Time (CET) and observes daylight saving, typically transitioning in late March and ending in late October.

Cultural And Recreational Aspects

Sunrise and sunset in Rome aren’t just times of day; they’re cultural experiences. As the sun traces its path across the sky, casting shadows and light on ancient ruins and Vatican spires, it creates moments that have inspired countless artists and lovers. Giardino degli Aranci そして Terrazza del Pincio elevate these experiences, offering unrivalled vistas during these enchanting hours.

  • 文化的意義: From St. Peter’s Basilica, seen through a keyhole, to the panoramic views of Janiculum Hill, these moments resonate deeply with Rome’s historical and aesthetic legacy.
  • Recreational Opportunities: Whether capturing the perfect photograph or enjoying a tranquil reprieve from the bustling city life, the sunrise and sunset in Rome provide many recreational activities for all to savour.

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 03/11/2024 14:58

Una de las primeras cosas que llama la atención cuando llegas a la plaza es una impresionante columnata de cuatro filas. Hay 284 columnas y 88 pilastras que flanquean la plaza. Las columnas dóricas tienen 20 metros de altura y 1.6 metros de ancho. Además, hay 140 estatuas de diferentes santos creadas en 1670 por el famoso Bernini y sus alumnos. Las estatuas representan papas, mártires, evangelistas y otras figuras religiosas importantes.
Hay dos fuentes en la plaza: una de Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1677) y otra de Carlo Maderno (1613). Para mantener la simetría de la fuente de Maderno, Bernini decidió crear una copia idéntica de la fuente en el lado izquierdo de la plaza. En consecuencia, la fuente fue creada por Carlo Fontana, según el proyecto de Bernini. - Read more at:

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 16/03/2025 07:13
First Templar Nation: How Eleven Knights Created a New Country and a Refuge  for the Grail by Freddy Silva, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

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