St. Peter's Square beside the Anasazi Kiva circa 500 A.D.St. Peter's Square's architecture was given credit to WHO? WHO really controls the world?
WHO exactly!
Would 'WHO' (world health organization) be interested in your DNA, the tribe of DAN and the primal number 137?
...eh DanIEL or is it DNA137...should we ask EzekIEL or RazIEL (who gave the book of law to Adam and Eve) why all their names end with an iel or IEL?
English means I read left >>> right...but IF somebody sitting
OPPOSITE me who reads right >>> left saw me write
IEL in the sand, they might say hey, what does
I37 mean?
St. Peter's Square BEFORE the renovations
The Piazza as it was in 1630, painted by Viviano Codazzi
The open space which lies before the basilica was redesigned by Gian Lorenzo Bernini from 1656 to 1667, under the direction of Pope Alexander VII, as an appropriate forecourt, designed "so that the greatest number of people could see the Pope give his blessing, either from the middle of the façade of the church or from a window in the Vatican Palace" (Norwich 1975 p 175). Bernini had been working on the interior of St. Peter's for decades; now he gave order to the space with his renowned colonnades, using the Tuscan form of Doric, the simplest order in the classical vocabulary, not to compete with the palace-like façade by Carlo Maderno, but he employed it on an unprecedented colossal scale to suit the space and
evoke emotions of awe.
AWE that is too bad....
Because the VATICAN and its BS mixed message of LOVE is CLEARLY BUSTED.
It is TIME we turn the VATICAN into a spiritual/mystical/religious/sacred geoMEtry museum, and Christianity will be just ONE of the beliefs on display.
St. Peter's Square AFTER
the conquest of the Americas starting in 1492....and the renovations which took '11' years starting in 1656.HEY wake UP.
The spiritual THIEVES always put their stolen treasures on display, as a kind of bait to attract more followers.... Who has the MOST stolen Egyptian obelisks on display?
ROME is the answer, because they have a history of roaming around in your heARTS and MiNds, looking to make more lebensraum...
Holy-worlds, Holywood and Hollywood .... all are about
market share and ratings.
Imagine the same folks (Vatican) who WIPED out millions of native north, central, and south 'amerindians' claiming that these lost souls were heathens needing to be saved, and then WOW this group of
'we the chosen', (judeao/christians) would later adopt the basic shape/form re: architecture of a sacred temple that the Anasazi had utilized,
not to mention we can find the same shape in Peru in 3200 B.C.E.Imagine ... much of what you see ... the plaza ... etc. took shape after the Vatican WIPED out the New World Inhabitants....I found a couple more
KEYHOLE DNA temples we can enter to heal ourselves.
Found in the Americas, among the two oldest archeological sites in the Americas.
Maybe the two oldest,
at this time they are.

left: Caral 2900 B.C.E. and on the right: Bandurria 3200 B.C.E.
We see the same
KEYHOLE image in this 'Apparition of the Holy Graal'
Note the 9 saints,
4 on the right and
5 on the left of the fella sitting on the Red Throne.

Funeral for Pope John Paul II beside an image of the
Nazca Monkey geoglyphWe can find the same arrangement when they bury the Popes in St. Peter Square.
Note the Nazca Monkey (Peru) has 9 fingers, 4 on the right and 5 on the left.
Note the
4 boys seated on one side vs.
5 boys seated on the other.....
The casket containing the Pope is on a
PERSIAN rug...WHY is the Pope's casket on a magic carpet?
Is it a magic flying carpet?
Is he going somewhere?
Dark side of the Moon perhaps?
Actually I think the next step from the Persian Rug is onto the
'Lily white Lilith WHITE SHEET', and then onto the moon.