Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of extraterrestrial influence with man (where the people of the Ancient Near East believed angels first came to Earth to interact with mankind), lies precisely at 33.33° north 33.33° east … 2,012 miles from the equator and 2,012 miles from the prime meridian.
To be completely accurate, the number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the earth is 2012 “.9″ This corresponds to the year and date that the ancient Mayans of middle America believed their calendar will end, December 21st, 2012. This is also the year their serpent god and founder of civilization, Quetzalcoatl, will return from heaven.
The impact area near Roswell lays 33° north latitude, at a distance 2,012 miles from the equator.
When the latitude of the impact site 33° north, is multiplied by the universal mathematical constant PI, (3.1415926572…) the result is 104°, the longitude of the impact site. The value of PI is one of the most important numbers of geometry. Without an understanding of this number, the science of building, architecture and navigation is not possible. Historians actually base one of the classifications of a true civilization on its achievement of PI.
The only place on earth where 33° latitude and 104° longitude exist without lying in an ocean, as it does south of the equator, or an uninhabited mountain plateau as it does in the eastern hemisphere…is a few miles north west of Roswell, New Mexico, USA. The sacred number 33 multiplied by PI, just happens to produce the location where a flying saucer crashed landed in 1947.
19.47° or “19.5″ is a universal number signifying the meeting of a tetrahedron with a sphere. 19.47° is the latitude where 3 points of the 4 sided tetrahedron touch north or south the equator if the 4th point is anchored at the pole of a rotating sphere. If the number 19.47 was discovered in an extraterrestrial radio signal, SETI scientists would have proof that the broadcasters understood advanced Platonic geometry. The Roswell message numerologically interconnects 19.47 with the date, latitude, longitude and distance from the equator of the impact event itself.
The earth is 21,600 nautical miles around. This measurement is based on the ratio of 360 x 60 first used by the Phoenicians and still in use by modern ocean and flight navigators.
The number 6,480 is exactly 1/4th of the total 25,920 years it takes earth to complete one circuit through the signs of the zodiac. 6,480 years is unique because it marks the duration between a series of global cataclysms left in earth’s historic and geologic record.
At Roswell, 19.47 appears in relationship between 21,600, 6,480 and 33.33
When the earth’s circumference, 21,600 is divided by 33.33 the number 6,480 appears in a variation:
21,600 / 33.33 = 648.06480648064…
648.06480648064..divided by 19.47, the number suggested by the year of the Roswell crash itself (1947)…produces a modification of 33.33:
648.064806480 / 19.47 = 33.28
…Latitude 33.28°
This latitude, 33.28° multiplied by PI (3.141592653589…) results in a longitude 104.56° … pinpointing the exact coordinates of the disc impact site near Roswell NM.