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In Solidarity
World Heads For 6° Rise
By Steve Connor & Michael McCarthy
The world is now firmly on course for the worst-case scenario in terms of climate change, with average global temperatures rising by up to 6C by the end of the century, leading scientists said yesterday. Such a rise – which would be much higher nearer the poles – would have cataclysmic and irreversible consequences for the Earth, making large parts of the planet uninhabitable and threatening the basis of human civilisation
Climate Change: Do Something Ourselves
By Marianne de Nazareth
While the politicians of the world play politics with taking hard nosed decisions about caps and GHG emissions of their respective countries, let each one of us decide to do something to help our planet which is in trouble. It’s about time we made initiatives on our own, instead of waiting for the men at the top to stop playing around with our lives
Up And Down, Down And Up
By Case Wagenvoord
Initially, technology contributed to civilization, making life easier and more comfortable, conquering disease and lifting us out of the morass of superstition. But as with all other historical phenomena, technology peaked. Once this happened, technological innovation became destructive with the costs far outweighing the benefits. One could argue that we passed over the apogee with the splitting of the atom
Australians Face Reality On Sea-Level Rise
By John James
Australia is the first country in the world to undertake a national assessment of the consequences of sea-level rise. The headlines on Saturday were silly , but the report was not. With a sea-level rise of 1.1 meters about two million Australians would become refugees and have to leave their homes and the places they love
Hungering For A True Thanksgiving
By Amy Goodman
Consider pausing this Thanksgiving, which for many in the U.S. is a major feast, to reflect on the 10 children who die of hunger every minute, and how your elected officials are spending hundreds of billions in public funds on war
Denial Of Breast Cancer Screenings
Will Have Deadly Consequences
By Joanne Laurier
A US government panel’s recommendation that women under the age of 50 not undergo annual mammogram screenings has provoked outrage from oncologists and other health care professionals, as well as breast cancer patients and survivors
Universal Single Payer Health Care Coverage:
An Economic Stimulus Plan
By Stephen Lendman
If Obamacare is enacted, it will cost more, deliver less, leave millions uninsured, millions more underinsured and leave a broken system in place. It will enrich the insurance, drug and large hospital chain cartels at the expense of universal coverage. It will solidify a class-based system delivering the best care money can buy. Others will get sub-standard treatment, and for millions none at all. The solution is everybody in, nobody out under a universal, single-payer system. No one should accept less or politicians who won't provide it
Globalization Unchecked: How Alien Media Is
Suffocating Real Culture
By Ramzy Baroud
Globalization is not a fair game, of course. Those with giant economies get the lion’s share of the ‘collective’ decision-making. Those with more money and global outlook tend to have influential media, also with global outlook. In both scenarios, small countries are lost between desperately trying to negotiate a better economic standing for themselves, while hopelessly trying to maintain their cultural identity, which defined their people, generation after generation throughout history
Hawkish Hillary Pro-Surge And
Anti-Savvy Majority, Again
By Robert S. Becker
I predict when Afghan ante mounts, and hundreds, or thousands, of American soldiers return in body bags, whatever good President Obama achieves will be undercut, as Vietnam did LBJ, by an endlessly drawn-out Asian land war against a divided, indigenous population
Disputed Kashmir Serves China’s Interests
By Ghulam Nabi
The author argues that it's in China's interest to keep Kashmir as a conflict zone
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