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General: ( ◕‿◕。 ) ☆ Buenas Noches..☆.(。◕‿◕。)
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Reply  Message 1 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA  (Original message) Sent: 30/05/2024 17:32
KARMELA has deleted this message

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Reply  Message 12 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 28/06/2024 16:55

Reply  Message 13 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 03/07/2024 17:09









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Reply  Message 14 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 04/07/2024 17:54

Reply  Message 15 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 09/07/2024 17:53


En esta noche Padre Celestial
abriganos en tus brazos que tu paz nos inunde,
nos conceda un tranquilo reparador descanso
y un hermoso amanecer en MartesPin de Claris Martinez en PAZ Y BIEN! Buenas noches | Buenas noches ...


Reply  Message 16 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 11/07/2024 18:01

Reply  Message 17 of 26 on the subject 
From: Alicia30 Sent: 12/07/2024 06:55

Reply  Message 18 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 12/07/2024 18:48

Familia y amig@s que Dios los acompañe en su descanso. Hasta Mañana! Buenas Noches!

Reply  Message 19 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 07/08/2024 18:36

Pin de Claris Martinez en PAZ Y BIEN! Buenas noches | Buenas noches ...


Reply  Message 20 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 19/08/2024 17:33

Reply  Message 21 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 28/08/2024 17:55

Reply  Message 22 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 29/08/2024 18:35

Reply  Message 23 of 26 on the subject 
From: fantasia2 Sent: 29/08/2024 21:15

Reply  Message 24 of 26 on the subject 
From: Rosy7193 Sent: 29/08/2024 21:36

Reply  Message 25 of 26 on the subject 
From: TriniBenitez Sent: 10/09/2024 19:51

Reply  Message 26 of 26 on the subject 
From: KARMELA Sent: 18/09/2024 17:14

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